diff --git a/src/events/RESS/scrubbing.js b/src/events/RESS/scrubbing.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..616d2b84a4190ed1bf17d330bb24ef67b49ce43b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/events/RESS/scrubbing.js
@@ -0,0 +1,396 @@
+App.Events.RESSScrubbing = class RESSScrubbing extends App.Events.BaseEvent {
+	eventPrerequisites() {
+		return []; // always valid if sufficient actors can be cast successfully
+	}
+	actorPrerequisites() {
+		return [
+			[ // single event slave
+				s => s.fetish !== "mindbroken",
+				s => (s.assignment === Job.QUARTER || s.assignment === Job.HOUSE),
+				s => s.devotion <= 50,
+				hasAnyArms, // added this condition in conversion
+				hasAnyLegs// added this condition in conversion
+			]
+		];
+	}
+	execute(node) {
+		/** @type {Array<App.Entity.SlaveState>} */
+		let [eventSlave] = this.actors.map(a => getSlave(a));
+		const {His, He, he, his, him} = getPronouns(eventSlave);
+		const {title: Master, say} = getEnunciation(eventSlave);
+		const belly = bellyAdjective(eventSlave);
+		V.nextLink = "Next Week";
+		let artDiv = document.createElement("div"); // named container so we can replace it later
+		App.Events.drawEventArt(artDiv, eventSlave, "an apron"); // changed to an apron in conversion
+		node.appendChild(artDiv);
+		let r = [];
+		r.push(`${V.arcologies[0].name} is well fitted with automated cleaning systems. However,`);
+		r.push(contextualIntro(V.PC, eventSlave, "DOM"));
+		r.push(`is acting as a servant to your other slaves, so whenever ${he} has nothing else to do the cleaners are deactivated and ${he} is made to clean by hand. After all, there is no sense in leaving ${him} idle, when ${he} could be scrubbing floors.`);
+		App.Events.addParagraph(node, r);
+		r = [];
+		r.push(`Which, incidentally, is what ${he}'s doing now. ${He} has standing orders to change into a sturdy apron when doing such work, which ${he} is not pleased to follow, since the apron has no back at`);
+		if (eventSlave.belly >= 100000) {
+			r.push(`all, and with ${his} ${belly}`);
+			if (eventSlave.bellyPreg > 0) {
+				r.push(`pregnancy,`);
+			} else {
+				r.push(`belly,`);
+			}
+			r.push(`absolutely no side coverage either.`);
+		} else if (eventSlave.weight > 190) {
+			r.push(`all, and with ${his} hanging gut, no side coverage either.`);
+		} else if (eventSlave.belly >= 10000) {
+			r.push(`all, and with ${his}`);
+			if (eventSlave.bellyPreg >= 8000) {
+				r.push(`advanced pregnancy`);
+			} else if (eventSlave.bellyImplant >= 8000) {
+				r.push(`${belly} belly`);
+			}
+			r.push(r.pop() + ",");
+			r.push(`no side coverage either.`);
+		} else if (eventSlave.weight > 130) {
+			r.push(`all, and with ${his} gut, no side coverage either.`);
+		} else if (eventSlave.weight > 95) {
+			r.push(`all, and with ${his} fat belly, no side coverage either.`);
+		} else if (eventSlave.belly >= 5000) {
+			r.push(`all, and with ${his}`);
+			if (eventSlave.bellyPreg >= 3000) {
+				r.push(`growing pregnancy`);
+			} else if (eventSlave.bellyImplant >= 3000) {
+				r.push(`bulging belly`);
+			}
+			r.push(r.pop() + ",");
+			r.push(`no side coverage either.`);
+		} else {
+			r.push(`all.`);
+		}
+		r.push(`${He}'s working diligently on the floor, though, down on`);
+		if (hasAllLimbs(eventSlave)) {
+			r.push(`all fours,`);
+		} else {
+			r.push(`the ground,`);
+		}
+		if (eventSlave.belly >= 150000) {
+			r.push(`struggling to work with ${his}`);
+			if (eventSlave.bellyPreg >= 8000) {
+				r.push(`pregnancy`);
+			} else if (eventSlave.bellyImplant >= 8000) {
+				r.push(`middle`);
+			}
+			r.push(`forcing ${him} off the ground, desperately trying to reach the floor with ${his} scrub brush.`);
+		} else if (eventSlave.belly >= 100000) {
+			r.push(`${his}`);
+			if (eventSlave.bellyPreg >= 8000) {
+				r.push(`pregnancy`);
+			} else if (eventSlave.bellyImplant >= 8000) {
+				r.push(`middle`);
+			}
+			r.push(`pushing uncomfortably into the floor, trying to use`);
+			if (hasBothArms(eventSlave)) {
+				r.push(`both hands`);
+			} else {
+				r.push(`${his} whole arm`);
+			}
+			r.push(`to work a scrub-brush back and forth.`);
+		} else if (eventSlave.weight > 190) {
+			r.push(`${his} gut dragging along under ${him}, using`);
+			if (hasBothArms(eventSlave)) {
+				r.push(`both hands`);
+			} else {
+				r.push(`${his} whole arm`);
+			}
+			r.push(`to work a scrub-brush back and forth.`);
+		} else if (eventSlave.belly >= 10000) {
+			r.push(`${his}`);
+			if (eventSlave.bellyPreg >= 8000) {
+				r.push(`pregnancy`);
+			} else if (eventSlave.bellyImplant >= 8000) {
+				r.push(`distended middle`);
+			}
+			r.push(`barely off the ground, using both hands to work a scrub-brush back and forth.`);
+		} else if (eventSlave.weight > 130) {
+			r.push(`fours, ${his} gut barely off the ground, using`);
+			if (hasBothArms(eventSlave)) {
+				r.push(`both hands`);
+			} else {
+				r.push(`${his} whole arm`);
+			}
+			r.push(`to work a scrub-brush back and forth.`);
+		} else if (eventSlave.weight > 95) {
+			r.push(`${his} fat belly nearly sagging to the ground, using`);
+			if (hasBothArms(eventSlave)) {
+				r.push(`both hands`);
+			} else {
+				r.push(`${his} whole arm`);
+			}
+			r.push(`to work a scrub-brush back and forth.`);
+		} else {
+			r.push(`using`);
+			if (hasBothArms(eventSlave)) {
+				r.push(`both hands`);
+			} else {
+				r.push(`${his} whole arm`);
+			}
+			r.push(`to work a scrub-brush back and forth.`);
+		}
+		r.push(`${His} bare ass bobs back and forth as though ${he} were doing it doggy style with an invisible man.`);
+		App.Events.addParagraph(node, r);
+		App.Events.addResponses(node, [
+			canDoAnal(eventSlave)
+				? new App.Events.Result(`Use ${his} butt to help ${him} scrub`, scrub, eventSlave.anus  === 0 ? `This option will take ${his} anal virginity` : null)
+				: new App.Events.Result(),
+			canDoVaginal(eventSlave)
+				? new App.Events.Result(`Avail yourself to ${his} pussy`, pussy, eventSlave.vagina  === 0 ? `This option will take ${his} virginity` : null)
+				: new App.Events.Result(),
+			canDoAnal(eventSlave) || canDoVaginal(eventSlave)
+				? new App.Events.Result(`Give ${him} a bigger mess to deal with`, mess, virginityWarning())
+				: new App.Events.Result(),
+			new App.Events.Result(`Enjoy the view`, view),
+		]);
+		function responseIntro(){
+			r = [];
+			r.push(`In accordance with the rules, ${he}`);
+			if (eventSlave.weight > 190 || eventSlave.belly >= 100000) {
+				r.push(`struggles`);
+			} else {
+				r.push(`scrambles hurriedly`);
+			}
+			r.push(`to ${his} feet when you enter and asks`);
+			if (!canTalk(eventSlave)) {
+				r.push(`in gestures how ${he} can serve you.`);
+			} else {
+				if (eventSlave.lips > 70) {
+					r.push(`meekly through ${his} massive dick-sucking lips,`);
+				} else if ((eventSlave.lipsPiercing+eventSlave.tonguePiercing > 2)) {
+					r.push(`meekly through ${his} inconvenient oral piercings,`);
+				} else {
+					r.push(`meekly,`);
+				}
+				r.push(Spoken(eventSlave, `"${Master}, how may I serve you?"`));
+			}
+			return r;
+		}
+		function scrub() {
+			r = [];
+			r.push(...responseIntro());
+			r.push(`You instruct ${him} to go back to what ${he} was doing.`);
+			if (eventSlave.belly >= 150000) {
+				r.push(`${He} leans back over ${his} ${belly} stomach,`);
+			} else {
+				r.push(`${He} gets back to ${his} ${eventSlave.skin} knees,`);
+			}
+			r.push(`puzzled, and then gasps when ${he} finds`);
+			if (V.PC.dick === 0) {
+				r.push(`your fingers`);
+			} else {
+				r.push(`your cockhead`);
+			}
+			r.push(`pressing against ${his} rosebud. You instruct ${his} imperiously to get on with it, and ${he} soon understands your intent. ${He} scrubs back and forth, panting and moaning, as you buttfuck ${him} in time with ${his}`);
+			if (V.PC.dick === 0) {
+				r.push(`labors, using your other hand to look after yourself`);
+			} else if (V.PC.vagina !== -1) {
+				r.push(`labors, using your other hand to schlick your pussy while you pound ${him}`);
+			} else {
+				r.push("labors.");
+			}
+			r.push(`You even carefully scoot along with ${him} when ${he} needs to reach new spots. By the time ${he}'s done ${his}`);
+			if (hasBothArms(eventSlave)) {
+				r.push(`arms`);
+			} else {
+				r.push(`arm`);
+			}
+			r.push(`and ${his} anus are very tired. ${His} submission to you <span class="devotion inc">has increased.</span>`);
+			r.push(VCheck.Anal(eventSlave, 1));
+			eventSlave.devotion += 4;
+			return r;
+		}
+		function pussy() {
+			r = [];
+			r.push(...responseIntro());
+			r.push(`You instruct ${him} to go back to what ${he} was doing.`);
+			if (eventSlave.belly >= 150000) {
+				r.push(`${He} leans back over ${his} ${belly} stomach,`);
+			} else {
+				r.push(`${He} gets back to ${his} ${eventSlave.skin} knees,`);
+			}
+			r.push(`puzzled, and then gasps when ${he} finds`);
+			if (V.PC.dick === 0) {
+				r.push(`your fingers`);
+			} else {
+				r.push(`your cockhead`);
+			}
+			r.push(`tracing ${his} pussy lips. You instruct ${him} imperiously to get on with it, and ${he} soon understands your intent. ${He} scrubs back and forth, panting and moaning, as you fuck ${him} in time with ${his}`);
+			if (V.PC.dick === 0) {
+				r.push(`labors, using your other hand to look after yourself`);
+			} else if (V.PC.vagina !== -1) {
+				r.push(`labors, using your other hand to schlick your pussy while you pound ${him}`);
+			} else {
+				r.push(`labors.`);
+			}
+			r.push(`You even carefully scoot along with ${him} when ${he} needs to reach new spots. By the time ${he}'s done ${his}`);
+			if (hasBothArms(eventSlave)) {
+				r.push(`arms are`);
+			} else {
+				r.push(`arm is`);
+			}
+			r.push(`very tired and ${his}`);
+			if (hasBothLegs(eventSlave)) {
+				r.push(`legs are`);
+			} else {
+				r.push(`leg is`);
+			}
+			r.push(`struggling to hold ${him}. ${His} submission to you <span class="devotion inc">has increased.</span>`);
+			r.push(VCheck.Vaginal(eventSlave, 1));
+			eventSlave.devotion += 4;
+			return r;
+		}
+		function mess() {
+			// replace slave art
+			$(artDiv).empty();
+			App.Events.drawEventArt(artDiv, eventSlave, "body oil");
+			r = [];
+			r.push(...responseIntro());
+			r.push(`You instruct ${him} to strip off ${his} apron and lay ${his} ${eventSlave.skin} back against the ground. ${He} does, and you empty a bottle of lubricant across ${his} entire body. ${He} gasps from the cold fluid. You slide around on the floor with ${him}, playfully scrubbing ${his}`);
+			if (V.seeRace === 1) {
+				r.push(`${eventSlave.race}`);
+			}
+			r.push(`body around in the pool of lube, playing with ${his} wet breasts`);
+			if (eventSlave.belly >= 5000) {
+				r.push(r.pop() + ",");
+				r.push(`${his} rounded`);
+				if (eventSlave.bellyPreg >= 3000) {
+					r.push(`pregnancy,`);
+				} else {
+					r.push(`stomach,`);
+				}
+			}
+			r.push(`and ${his} lubricated thighs before`);
+			if (V.PC.dick === 0) {
+				r.push(`wrestling the slick slave onto ${his} back so you can ride ${his} face while reaching down to`);
+				if (hasBothLegs(eventSlave)) {
+					r.push(`spread ${his} legs and`);
+				}
+				r.push(`molest ${his}`);
+				if (canDoVaginal(eventSlave) && canDoAnal(eventSlave)) {
+					r.push(`pussy and ass.`);
+				} else if (canDoVaginal(eventSlave)) {
+					r.push(`pussy.`);
+				} else {
+					r.push(`ass.`);
+				}
+			} else {
+				r.push(`sinking your cock into ${his}`);
+				if (!canDoVaginal(eventSlave)) {
+					r.push(`now-slick butthole`);
+				} else {
+					r.push(`now-slick pussy`);
+					if (canDoAnal(eventSlave)) {
+						r.push(`and then ${his} relaxing butthole`);
+					}
+				}
+				if (V.PC.vagina !== -1) {
+					r.push(r.pop() + ",");
+					r.push(`followed by some grinding to coat ${his} face in your pussyjuice`);
+				}
+				r.push(r.pop() + ".");
+			}
+			r.push(`${He} had fun, though, and ${his} <span class="trust inc">trust in you has increased.</span>`);
+			r.push(VCheck.Both(eventSlave, 1));
+			eventSlave.trust += 4;
+			return r;
+		}
+		function virginityWarning() {
+			if (eventSlave.vagina === 0 && canDoVaginal(eventSlave) && eventSlave.anus === 0 && canDoAnal(eventSlave)) {
+				return `This option will take both ${his} virginities`;
+			} else if (eventSlave.vagina === 0 && canDoVaginal(eventSlave)) {
+				return `This option will take ${his} virginity`;
+			} else if (eventSlave.anus === 0 && canDoAnal(eventSlave)) {
+				return `This option will take ${his} anal virginity`;
+			}
+			return null;
+		}
+		function view() {
+			r = [];
+			r.push(...responseIntro());
+			r.push(`You instruct ${him} to return to work as you pull up a seat to enjoy the view of ${his}`);
+			if (eventSlave.butt > 6) {
+				r.push(`ridiculous`);
+			} else if (eventSlave.butt > 5) {
+				r.push(`gigantic`);
+			} else if (eventSlave.butt > 4) {
+				r.push(`enormous`);
+			} else if (eventSlave.butt > 3) {
+				r.push(`huge`);
+			} else if (eventSlave.butt > 2) {
+				r.push(`big`);
+			} else if (eventSlave.butt > 1) {
+				r.push(`plump`);
+			} else if (eventSlave.butt > 0) {
+				r.push(`small`);
+			} else {
+				r.push(`flat`);
+			}
+			r.push(`ass wiggling as ${he} cleans. It doesn't take long for the sight to leave you eager for some sexual attention, so you call the uncomfortable slave over to service you.`);
+			if (!canTalk(eventSlave)) {
+				r.push(`${He} begins to sign but is cut short by you`);
+			} else {
+				r.push(Spoken(eventSlave, `"${Master}, what would you —"`), `${he} begins to ${say} but is cut short by you gesturing to`);
+			}
+			if (V.PC.belly >= 10000) {
+				r.push(`your swollen belly and commenting on how its ever growing surface could use a good polishing.`);
+				if (eventSlave.fetish === "pregnancy") {
+					if (eventSlave.fetishKnown === 1) {
+						r.push(`${He} wastes no time in rushing over to your firm dome and bringing ${his} tongue to your navel. ${He} happily massages your middle with surprising gusto, becoming intensely aroused as your child`);
+						if (V.PC.pregType > 1) {
+							r.push(`ren begin`);
+						} else {
+							r.push(`begins`);
+						}
+						r.push(`to kick with excitement and even reaching orgasm just by being allowed to touch your belly. ${He} <span class="trust inc">feels closer</span> to ${his} lovely, gravid, owner after being permitted to shower attention on the thing ${he} loves most.`);
+						eventSlave.trust += 5;
+					} else {
+						r.push(`${He} wastes no time in rushing over to your firm dome and bringing ${his} tongue to your navel. ${He} happily massages your middle with surprising gusto, becoming visibly aroused as your child`);
+						if (V.PC.pregType > 1) {
+							r.push(`ren begin`);
+						} else {
+							r.push(`begins`);
+						}
+						r.push(`to kick with excitement. Once ${he} finishes ${his} first lap and returns to your belly button, ${he} spasms with an intense orgasm. <span class="lightcoral">${He} clearly adores pregnant women.</span>`);
+						eventSlave.fetishKnown = 1;
+					}
+				} else {
+					r.push(`${He} does so diligently, making sure to not miss`);
+					if (V.showInches === 2) {
+						r.push(`an inch`);
+					} else {
+						r.push(`a centimeter`);
+					}
+					r.push(`while keeping your enjoyment above all else.`);
+				}
+			} else if (V.PC.dick !== 0) {
+				r.push(`your erect dick and commenting on how it could use a good cleaning. ${He} carefully takes your cock into ${his} mouth, doing ${his} best to bring you to a quick orgasm so ${he} can escape your gaze. After downing your cum, ${he} attempts to pull back, but you hold ${him} down, clearly ${he} has more work to do here.`);
+			} else if (V.PC.vagina !== -1) {
+				r.push(`your soaked pussy and commenting on how someone needs to clean up after it, preferably with their tongue. ${He} carefully ${his} tongue to your clit, doing ${his} best to bring you to a quick orgasm so ${he} can escape your gaze. After bring you to a rather unsatisfying climax, ${he} attempts to pull back, but you grab ${him} and force ${him} to lick the depths of your pussy.`);
+			}
+			r.push(`By the time you are satisfied with ${his} efforts, ${he} <span class="devotion inc">has become more submissive to you.</span>`);
+			eventSlave.devotion += 4;
+			seX(eventSlave, "oral", V.PC, "penetrative");
+			return r;
+		}
+	}
diff --git a/src/events/randomEvent.js b/src/events/randomEvent.js
index bd7934c05e98a89027537d3ad93ff481eaf69d77..ee87c59f2b7c85b5fa7feeda537256e2f0bd1368 100644
--- a/src/events/randomEvent.js
+++ b/src/events/randomEvent.js
@@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ App.Events.getIndividualEvents = function() {
 		new App.Events.RESSRestrictedSmart(),
 		new App.Events.RESSPenitent(),
 		new App.Events.RESSRetchingCum(),
+		new App.Events.RESSScrubbing(),
 		new App.Events.RESSServeThePublicDevoted(),
 		new App.Events.RESSSlaveOnSlaveClit(),
 		new App.Events.RESSSlaveOnSlaveDick(),
diff --git a/src/js/eventSelectionJS.js b/src/js/eventSelectionJS.js
index dd59324060ea104f992e48b37a167858f21aa301..2bcdce3d8a72160aa6c939d4f0ab44f92d412a0c 100644
--- a/src/js/eventSelectionJS.js
+++ b/src/js/eventSelectionJS.js
@@ -948,10 +948,6 @@ if(eventSlave.drugs === "breast injections") {
 		if (eventSlave.assignment === Job.QUARTER || eventSlave.assignment === Job.HOUSE) {
-			if (eventSlave.devotion <= 50) {
-				V.RESSevent.push("scrubbing");
-			}
 			if (eventSlave.devotion <= 20) {
 				if (eventSlave.clothes === "a slutty maid outfit" || eventSlave.clothes === "a nice maid outfit") {
 					V.RESSevent.push("servant maid");
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/RESS.tw b/src/uncategorized/RESS.tw
index 7a2b635cd1d479b3f741cde09914177b6954f626..85f6b1cc5fccae686393582b5acb3bfb35cf2999 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/RESS.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/RESS.tw
@@ -977,49 +977,6 @@ As you pass by $his cell on other business, there is a faint stirring within.
 There's a small port for meals to be inserted into the cell, and $he shouts at it, clearly with $his mouth right against it, "Plea<<s>>e don't go! I'll do anything if you ju<<s>>t <<s>>tay a bit, whoever you are! I ju<<s>>t need <<s>>ome time with <<s>>omeone! Plea<<s>>e!"
-<<case "scrubbing">>
-$arcologies[0].name is well fitted with automated cleaning systems. However, <<= App.UI.slaveDescriptionDialog($activeSlave)>> is acting as a servant to your other slaves, so whenever $he has nothing else to do the cleaners are deactivated and $he is made to clean by hand. After all, there is no sense in leaving $him idle, when $he could be scrubbing floors.
-Which, incidentally, is what $he's doing now. $He has standing orders to change into a sturdy apron when doing such work, which $he is not pleased to follow, since the apron has no back at
-<<if $activeSlave.belly >= 100000>>
-	all, and with $his _belly <<if $activeSlave.bellyPreg > 0>>pregnancy<<else>>belly<</if>>, absolutely no side coverage either.
-<<elseif $activeSlave.weight > 190>>
-	all, and with $his hanging gut, no side coverage either.
-<<elseif $activeSlave.belly >= 10000>>
-	all, and with $his <<if $activeSlave.bellyPreg >= 8000>>advanced pregnancy<<elseif $activeSlave.bellyImplant >= 8000>>_belly belly<</if>>, no side coverage either.
-<<elseif $activeSlave.weight > 130>>
-	all, and with $his gut, no side coverage either.
-<<elseif $activeSlave.weight > 95>>
-	all, and with $his fat belly, no side coverage either.
-<<elseif $activeSlave.belly >= 5000>>
-	all, and with $his <<if $activeSlave.bellyPreg >= 3000>>growing pregnancy<<elseif $activeSlave.bellyImplant >= 3000>>bulging belly<</if>>, no side coverage either.
-	all.
-$He's working diligently on the floor, though, down on
-<<if hasAllLimbs($activeSlave)>>
-	all fours,
-	the ground,
-<<if $activeSlave.belly >= 150000>>
-	struggling to work with $his <<if $activeSlave.bellyPreg >= 8000>>pregnancy<<elseif $activeSlave.bellyImplant >= 8000>>middle<</if>> forcing $him off the ground, desperately trying to reach the floor with $his scrub brush.
-<<elseif $activeSlave.belly >= 100000>>
-	$his <<if $activeSlave.bellyPreg >= 8000>>pregnancy<<elseif $activeSlave.bellyImplant >= 8000>>middle<</if>> pushing uncomfortably into the floor, trying to use <<if hasBothArms($activeSlave)>>both hands<<else>>$his whole arm<</if>> to work a scrub-brush back and forth.
-<<elseif $activeSlave.weight > 190>>
-	$his gut dragging along under $him, using <<if hasBothArms($activeSlave)>>both hands<<else>>$his whole arm<</if>> to work a scrub-brush back and forth.
-<<elseif $activeSlave.belly >= 10000>>
-	$his <<if $activeSlave.bellyPreg >= 8000>>pregnancy<<elseif $activeSlave.bellyImplant >= 8000>>distended middle<</if>> barely off the ground, using both hands to work a scrub-brush back and forth.
-<<elseif $activeSlave.weight > 130>>
-	fours, $his gut barely off the ground, using <<if hasBothArms($activeSlave)>>both hands<<else>>$his whole arm<</if>> to work a scrub-brush back and forth.
-<<elseif $activeSlave.weight > 95>>
-	$his fat belly nearly sagging to the ground, using <<if hasBothArms($activeSlave)>>both hands<<else>>$his whole arm<</if>> to work a scrub-brush back and forth.
-	using <<if hasBothArms($activeSlave)>>both hands<<else>>$his whole arm<</if>> to work a scrub-brush back and forth.
-$His bare ass bobs back and forth as though $he were doing it doggy style with an invisible man.
 <<case "hormone dysfunction">>
 <<= App.UI.slaveDescriptionDialog($activeSlave)>> comes to see you. You're busy with other things, so $he waits patiently even though $he's clearly very unhappy. Told to explain $himself, $he gestures at $his totally flaccid
@@ -6727,187 +6684,6 @@ $He cranes $his neck, glancing over $his shoulder to give you a pleading look.
-<<case "scrubbing">>
-<<if canDoAnal($activeSlave)>>
-	<<link "Use $his butt to help $him scrub">>
-		<<replace "#result">>
-			In accordance with the rules, $he
-			<<if $activeSlave.weight > 190 || $activeSlave.belly >= 100000>>
-				struggles
-			<<else>>
-				scrambles hurriedly
-			<</if>>
-			to $his feet when you enter and asks
-			<<if !canTalk($activeSlave)>>
-				in gestures how $he can serve you.
-			<<else>>
-				<<if ($activeSlave.lips > 70)>>
-					meekly through $his massive dick-sucking lips,
-				<<elseif ($activeSlave.lipsPiercing+$activeSlave.tonguePiercing > 2)>>
-					meekly through $his inconvenient oral piercings,
-				<<else>>
-					meekly,
-				<</if>>
-				"<<Master>>, how may I <<s>>erve you?"
-			<</if>>
-			You instruct $him to go back to what $he was doing.
-			<<if $activeSlave.belly >= 150000>>
-				$He leans back over $his _belly stomach,
-			<<else>>
-				$He gets back to $his $activeSlave.skin knees,
-			<</if>>
-			puzzled, and then gasps when $he finds <<if $PC.dick == 0>>your fingers<<else>>your cockhead<</if>> pressing against $his rosebud. You instruct $his imperiously to get on with it, and $he soon understands your intent. $He scrubs back and forth, panting and moaning, as you buttfuck $him in time with $his labors<<if $PC.dick == 0>>, using your other hand to look after yourself<<elseif $PC.vagina != -1>>, using your other hand to schlick your pussy while you pound $him<</if>>. You even carefully scoot along with $him when $he needs to reach new spots. By the time $he's done $his arm<<if hasBothArms($activeSlave)>>s<</if>> and $his anus are very tired. $His submission to you @@.hotpink;has increased.@@
-			<<= VCheck.Anal($activeSlave, 1)>>
-			<<set $activeSlave.devotion += 4>>
-		<</replace>>
-	<</link>><<if ($activeSlave.anus == 0)>> //This option will take $his anal virginity//<</if>>
-<<if canDoVaginal($activeSlave)>>
-	<br><<link "Avail yourself to $his pussy">>
-		<<replace "#result">>
-			In accordance with the rules, $he
-			<<if $activeSlave.weight > 190 || $activeSlave.belly >= 100000>>
-				struggles
-			<<else>>
-				scrambles hurriedly
-			<</if>>
-			to $his feet when you enter and asks
-			<<if !canTalk($activeSlave)>>
-				in gestures how $he can serve you.
-			<<else>>
-				<<if ($activeSlave.lips > 70)>>
-					meekly through $his massive dick-sucking lips,
-				<<elseif ($activeSlave.lipsPiercing+$activeSlave.tonguePiercing > 2)>>
-					meekly through $his inconvenient oral piercings,
-				<<else>>
-					meekly,
-				<</if>>
-				"<<Master>>, how may I <<s>>erve you?"
-			<</if>>
-			You instruct $him to go back to what $he was doing.
-			<<if $activeSlave.belly >= 150000>>
-				$He leans back over $his _belly stomach,
-			<<else>>
-				$He gets back to $his $activeSlave.skin knees,
-			<</if>>
-			puzzled, and then gasps when $he finds <<if $PC.dick == 0>>your fingers<<else>>your cockhead<</if>> tracing $his pussy lips. You instruct $him imperiously to get on with it, and $he soon understands your intent. $He scrubs back and forth, panting and moaning, as you fuck $him in time with $his labors<<if $PC.dick == 0>>, using your other hand to look after yourself<<elseif $PC.vagina != -1>>, using your other hand to schlick your pussy while you pound $him<</if>>. You even carefully scoot along with $him when $he needs to reach new spots. By the time $he's done $his arm<<if hasBothArms($activeSlave)>>s<</if>> <<if hasBothArms($activeSlave)>>are<<else>>is<</if>> very tired and $his leg<<if hasBothLegs($activeSlave)>>s<</if>> <<if hasBothLegs($activeSlave)>>are<<else>>is<</if>> struggling to hold $him. $His submission to you @@.hotpink;has increased.@@
-			<<= VCheck.Vaginal($activeSlave, 1)>>
-			<<set $activeSlave.devotion += 4>>
-		<</replace>>
-	<</link>><<if ($activeSlave.vagina == 0)>> //This option will take $his virginity//<</if>>
-<<if canDoAnal($activeSlave) || canDoVaginal($activeSlave)>>
-	<br><<link "Give $him a bigger mess to deal with">>
-		<<replace "#result">>
-			In accordance with the rules, $he
-			<<if $activeSlave.weight > 190 || $activeSlave.belly >= 100000>>
-				struggles
-			<<else>>
-				scrambles hurriedly
-			<</if>>
-			to $his feet when you enter and asks
-			<<if !canTalk($activeSlave)>>
-				in gestures how $he can serve you.
-			<<else>>
-				<<if ($activeSlave.lips > 70)>>
-					meekly through $his massive dick-sucking lips,
-				<<elseif ($activeSlave.lipsPiercing+$activeSlave.tonguePiercing > 2)>>
-					meekly through $his inconvenient oral piercings,
-				<<else>>
-					meekly,
-				<</if>>
-				"<<Master>>, how may I <<s>>erve you?"
-			<</if>>
-			You instruct $him to strip off $his apron and lay $his $activeSlave.skin back against the ground. $He does, and you empty a bottle of lubricant across $his entire body. $He gasps from the cold fluid. You slide around on the floor with $him, playfully scrubbing $his <<if $seeRace == 1>>$activeSlave.race <</if>>body around in the pool of lube, playing with $his wet breasts<<if ($activeSlave.belly >= 5000)>>, $his rounded <<if $activeSlave.bellyPreg >= 3000>>pregnancy<<else>>stomach<</if>>,<</if>> and $his lubricated thighs before
-			<<if $PC.dick == 0>>
-				wrestling the slick slave onto $his back so you can ride $his face while reaching down to <<if hasBothLegs($activeSlave)>>spread $his legs and <</if>>molest $his
-				<<if canDoVaginal($activeSlave) && canDoAnal($activeSlave)>>
-					pussy and ass.
-				<<elseif canDoVaginal($activeSlave)>>
-					pussy.
-				<<else>>
-					ass.
-				<</if>>
-			<<else>>
-				sinking your cock into $his
-				<<if !canDoVaginal($activeSlave)>>now-slick butthole<<else>>now-slick pussy<<if canDoAnal($activeSlave)>> and then $his relaxing butthole<</if>><</if>><<if $PC.vagina != -1>>, followed by some grinding to coat $his face in your pussyjuice<</if>>.
-			<</if>>
-			$He had fun, though, and $his @@.hotpink;trust in you has increased.@@
-			<<= VCheck.Both($activeSlave, 1)>>
-			<<set $activeSlave.trust += 4>>
-		<</replace>>
-	<</link>>//<<if canDoVaginal($activeSlave) && $activeSlave.vagina == 0 && canDoAnal($activeSlave) && $activeSlave.anus == 0>>This option will take both $his virginities<<elseif canDoVaginal($activeSlave) && $activeSlave.vagina == 0>>This option will take $his virginity<<elseif canDoAnal($activeSlave) && $activeSlave.anus == 0>>This option will take $his anal virginity<</if>>//
-<br><<link "Enjoy the view">>
-	<<replace "#result">>
-		In accordance with the rules, $he
-		<<if $activeSlave.weight > 190 || $activeSlave.belly >= 100000>>
-			struggles
-		<<else>>
-			scrambles hurriedly
-		<</if>>
-		to $his feet when you enter and asks
-		<<if !canTalk($activeSlave)>>
-			in gestures how $he can serve you.
-		<<else>>
-			<<if ($activeSlave.lips > 70)>>
-				meekly through $his massive dick-sucking lips,
-			<<elseif ($activeSlave.lipsPiercing+$activeSlave.tonguePiercing > 2)>>
-				meekly through $his inconvenient oral piercings,
-			<<else>>
-				meekly,
-			<</if>>
-			"<<Master>>, how may I <<s>>erve you?"
-		<</if>>
-		You instruct $him to return to work as you pull up a seat to enjoy the view of $his
-		<<if $activeSlave.butt > 6>>
-			ridiculous
-		<<elseif $activeSlave.butt > 5>>
-			gigantic
-		<<elseif $activeSlave.butt > 4>>
-			enormous
-		<<elseif $activeSlave.butt > 3>>
-			huge
-		<<elseif $activeSlave.butt > 2>>
-			big
-		<<elseif $activeSlave.butt > 1>>
-			plump
-		<<elseif $activeSlave.butt > 0>>
-			small
-		<<else>>
-			flat
-		<</if>>
-		ass wiggling as $he cleans. It doesn't take long for the sight to leave you eager for some sexual attention, so you call the uncomfortable slave over to service you.
-		<<if !canTalk($activeSlave)>>
-			$He begins to sign but is cut short by you
-		<<else>>
-			"<<Master>>, what would you —" $he begins to <<say>> but is cut short by you gesturing to
-		<</if>>
-		<<if $PC.belly >= 10000>>
-			your swollen belly and commenting on how its ever growing surface could use a good polishing.
-			<<if $activeSlave.fetish == "pregnancy">>
-				<<if $activeSlave.fetishKnown == 1>>
-					$He wastes no time in rushing over to your firm dome and bringing $his tongue to your navel. $He happily massages your middle with surprising gusto, becoming intensely aroused as your child<<if $PC.pregType > 1>>ren begin<<else>> begins<</if>> to kick with excitement and even reaching orgasm just by being allowed to touch your belly. $He @@.mediumaquamarine;feels closer@@ to $his lovely, gravid, owner after being permitted to shower attention on the thing $he loves most.
-					<<set $activeSlave.trust += 5>>
-				<<else>>
-					$He wastes no time in rushing over to your firm dome and bringing $his tongue to your navel. $He happily massages your middle with surprising gusto, becoming visibly aroused as your child<<if $PC.pregType > 1>>ren begin<<else>> begins<</if>> to kick with excitement. Once $he finishes $his first lap and returns to your belly button, $he spasms with an intense orgasm. @@.lightcoral;$He clearly adores pregnant women.@@
-					<<set $activeSlave.fetishKnown = 1>>
-				<</if>>
-			<<else>>
-				$He does so diligently, making sure to not miss <<if $showInches == 2>>an inch<<else>>a centimeter<</if>> while keeping your enjoyment above all else.
-			<</if>>
-		<<elseif $PC.dick != 0>>
-			your erect dick and commenting on how it could use a good cleaning. $He carefully takes your cock into $his mouth, doing $his best to bring you to a quick orgasm so $he can escape your gaze. After downing your cum, $he attempts to pull back, but you hold $him down, clearly $he has more work to do here.
-		<<elseif $PC.vagina != -1>>
-			your soaked pussy and commenting on how someone needs to clean up after it, preferably with their tongue. $He carefully $his tongue to your clit, doing $his best to bring you to a quick orgasm so $he can escape your gaze. After bring you to a rather unsatisfying climax, $he attempts to pull back, but you grab $him and force $him to lick the depths of your pussy.
-		<</if>>
-		By the time you are satisfied with $his efforts, $he @@.hotpink;has become more submissive to you.@@
-		<<set $activeSlave.devotion += 4>>
-		<<run seX($activeSlave, "oral", $PC, "penetrative")>>
-	<</replace>>
 <<case "hormone dysfunction">>
 <<link "Give $him some vasodilators so $he can get relief">>