diff --git a/src/events/RE/reBusyClub.js b/src/events/RE/reBusyClub.js
index 375e3df30e1dc925ed1a6d1f84c72dd5436db3e7..c7d06bd74600695e6e493e4168e8d1130d16a868 100644
--- a/src/events/RE/reBusyClub.js
+++ b/src/events/RE/reBusyClub.js
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ App.Events.REBusyClub = class REBusyClub extends App.Events.BaseEvent {
 		V.nextButton = "Continue";
 		V.nextLink = "RIE Eligibility Check";
 		App.Events.addParagraph(node, [`The original designers of the modern arcology did not realize how inseparable from slavery their work would become. The club at the social heart of ${V.arcologies[0].name} was not meant as a center of the more friendly kind of sexual slavery, but that is what it has become. Free whores of the highest quality work there, and they are accompanied by a flock of your slaves who have simple orders to dance, add cheer, and perform sexual favors wherever they can.`]);
-		App.Events.addParagraph(node, [`Offering slaves for free sex would become unmanageable if the club where your public servants work was open to the unwashed masses, but it is not. The arcology is already selective, and only good citizens can party, dance, and fuck the night away in $clubName. The upper classes <span class="reputation inc">recognize your contributions</span> to arcology culture, which you could probably parlay into an even greater benefit.`]);
+		App.Events.addParagraph(node, [`Offering slaves for free sex would become unmanageable if the club where your public servants work was open to the unwashed masses, but it is not. The arcology is already selective, and only good citizens can party, dance, and fuck the night away in ${V.clubName}. The upper classes <span class="reputation inc">recognize your contributions</span> to arcology culture, which you could probably parlay into an even greater benefit.`]);
 		repX(500, "event");
diff --git a/src/events/REFI/reCumslut.js b/src/events/REFI/reCumslut.js
index 363be4a7a1b1271619fbcbb4f5de810940fa0c9c..2eab6a4b0a44a6d966bba0eb55ad8de7bafa9c62 100644
--- a/src/events/REFI/reCumslut.js
+++ b/src/events/REFI/reCumslut.js
@@ -88,8 +88,9 @@ App.Events.REFICumslut = class REFICumslut extends App.Events.BaseEvent {
 			t.push(`there is a clear scent of lust around ${him}.`);
+		t.push(`It seems ${he} passed by while`, contextualIntro(eventSlave, subSlave), `was`);
 		if (V.PC.dick === 0) {
-			t.push(`It seems ${he} passed by while`, contextualIntro(eventSlave, subSlave), `was in the midst of ${his2} little oral party.`);
+			t.push(`in the midst of ${his2} little oral party.`);
 		} else {
 			t.push(`blowing you.`);
diff --git a/src/events/reRecruit/starvingMigrant.js b/src/events/reRecruit/starvingMigrant.js
index a2f5360e3de23f7e341260cf367e92b468361c17..52e7bc4028a022a9ad89abfbaa11ef3641f52554 100644
--- a/src/events/reRecruit/starvingMigrant.js
+++ b/src/events/reRecruit/starvingMigrant.js
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ App.Events.recStarvingMigrant = class recStarvingMigrant extends App.Events.Base
 		r.push(`Famines have become common as the old world collapses; you surmise ${he} came from a recently stricken region near your arcology.`);
 		App.Events.addParagraph(node, r);
 		r = [];
-		r.push(`You look over the prospective slave. While bone-thin, obviously unhealthy, and barely strong enough to stand, ${he} was resourceful enough to make it to your arcology with very limited resources, and ${his} emaciated face would be`);
+		r.push(`You look over the prospective slave. While bone-thin, obviously unhealthy, and barely strong enough to stand, ${he} was resourceful enough to make it to your arcology despite ${his} dire circumstances, and ${his} emaciated face would be`);
 		if (slave.face > 80) {
 			r.push(`drop-dead gorgeous`);
 		} else if (slave.face > 50) {
diff --git a/src/pregmod/FCTV/FCTVshows.js b/src/pregmod/FCTV/FCTVshows.js
index d940d1625afb1a6d6e6f77dc3f4a6be66e063e30..ae13a5d8f099f1167023f3cddbb779d27b7c2497 100644
--- a/src/pregmod/FCTV/FCTVshows.js
+++ b/src/pregmod/FCTV/FCTVshows.js
@@ -2145,9 +2145,9 @@ App.Data.FCTV.channels = {
 					r.push(`<p>"You fucking whore!" the first one, a blonde, screams.</p>`);
 					r.push(`<p>"Tell her, Annie!" the second one chimes in.</p>`);
-					r.push(`<p>"I am sick and tired of you. Thieves!" She jabs a trapped breast with her finger to punctuate her words, "stealing our husbands with your harlotry."</p>`);
+					r.push(`<p>"I am sick and tired of you. Thieves!" She jabs a trapped breast with her finger to punctuate her words, "Stealing our husbands with your harlotry."</p>`);
 					r.push(`<p>"I beg you," the Indian girl replies, "it's very urgent. We are all in great danger! The great Bird..."</p>`);
-					r.push(`<p>"Listen to this bitch, Dakota." Annie turns to the second woman. "We are all in great danger" she mimics. She turns back to slap the Indian. "Little Cloud, was it? I don't give a SHIT about the coming of your bird god. The greatest danger my husband has right now is ME. And right now, YOU are in danger for stealing him, bitch."</p>`);
+					r.push(`<p>"Listen to this bitch, Dakota." Annie turns to the second woman. "We are all in great danger," she mimics. She turns back to slap the Indian. "Little Cloud, was it? I don't give a SHIT about the coming of your bird god. The greatest danger my husband has right now is ME. And right now, YOU are in danger for stealing him, bitch."</p>`);
 					r.push(`<p>Frantically the girl twists to face the third woman, with a crown of red hair and freckles. "You are Kate, yes? Please, tell them I have done nothing." Kate looks up for a moment, saying nothing. "Your men, they don't even look at us. When they come to the village, they only have eyes for..."</p>`);
 					r.push(`<p>In a flash, Kate is choking her. "How DARE you. How DARE you insinuate that my husband is some PERVERT. He is a doctor, and can heal man or beast. I trust you can at least respect a 'medicine man'?"</p>`);
 					r.push(`<p>Annie punches one breast, while Dakota slowly twists the nipple on the other one. Cloud shrinks into silence under the assault.</p>`);
@@ -2162,7 +2162,7 @@ App.Data.FCTV.channels = {
 					r.push(`<p>"I can help with that," Dakota smiles.</p>`);
 					r.push(`<p>"You've got boots?"</p>`);
 					r.push(`<p>"Nope, but I can get her some big red ones." She returns quickly, holding up a large bucket. "You see, my husband has left me to fix the barn all by myself. Waterproofing with pitch, fixing boards, and painting the wood!"</p>`);
-					r.push(`<p>The girl squirms, but Dakota and Annie dive in with big sweeping strokes and large brushes. "Leave her bush and asshole clean for customers" giggles Dakota. "As clean as a whore's holes can be," corrects Annie.</p>`);
+					r.push(`<p>The girl squirms, but Dakota and Annie dive in with big sweeping strokes and large brushes. "Leave her bush and asshole clean for customers," giggles Dakota. "As clean as a whore's holes can be," corrects Annie.</p>`);
 					r.push(`<p>They step back to inspect their work. "Looks like a whore to me," Kate says.</p>`);
 					r.push(`<p>The girl is clearly exhausted and struggling to stay on her feet. Sweat is rolling down her face, and her makeup is already beginning to run around her eyes. Her legs are barn red from her hips to the tip of her toes, and a small puddle of paint is forming under her feet and between her toes. Sweat is pouring off her naked body.</p>`);