From 991cb1ff807ee981f8f9447404c74aeb922485fa Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Skriv <>
Date: Fri, 9 Jul 2021 17:58:18 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] misc lint

 .../Catmod/events/reRecruit/punkSissycat.js   |   2 +-
 src/Mods/SecExp/events/attackReport.js        |   1 -
 src/Mods/SecExp/js/Unit.js                    |  26 +-
 .../SecExp/js/reportingRelatedFunctions.js    |   2 +-
 src/Mods/SpecialForce/SpecialForce.js         | 341 +++++++++---------
 src/endWeek/reports/incubatorReport.js        |   2 +-
 src/events/RE/reMaleCitizenHookup.js          |   2 +-
 src/events/intro/pcBodyIntro.js               |   1 -
 src/events/reRecruit/homelessBreakIn.js       |   2 +-
 src/events/recFS/recfsAssetExpansionist.js    |   2 +-
 src/events/scheduled/murderAttempt.js         |   3 +-
 src/events/scheduled/sePlayerBirth.js         |   4 +-
 src/gui/options/options.js                    |   2 +-
 src/interaction/main/walkPast.js              |   2 +-
 src/interaction/policies/changeLanguage.js    |   2 +-
 src/npc/descriptions/womb/pregnancy.js        |   4 +-
 src/npc/generate/generateRelatedSlave.js      |   6 +-
 src/npc/startingGirls/startingGirls.js        |   2 +-
 src/player/desc/playerDescription.js          |   2 +-
 19 files changed, 204 insertions(+), 204 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/Mods/Catmod/events/reRecruit/punkSissycat.js b/src/Mods/Catmod/events/reRecruit/punkSissycat.js
index 1c11accf8ac..be2f278af0e 100644
--- a/src/Mods/Catmod/events/reRecruit/punkSissycat.js
+++ b/src/Mods/Catmod/events/reRecruit/punkSissycat.js
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ App.Events.recPunkSissycat = class recPunkSissycat extends App.Events.BaseEvent
 			r.push(`You quickly fill out the paperwork to transfer the low-status cat${girl}'s legal ownership to yourself, before anyone else can notice how easy it'd be to snatch the unfortunate cat${girl} up for themselves. Making your way to the local guard station where ${he} is being kept, you tell the young ${woman} you're taking ${him} out of jail. Obviously not buying it, ${he} glowers at you as you take ${his} readings and calls you a`);
 			r.push(Spoken(slave, `"monkey fucker",`));
 			r.push(`blabbering on something about systemic cat oppression and plutocracy before you have the mouthy cat gagged. Sinking ${his} fangs into the ballgag you've had one of the officers shove into ${his} mouth and tightly cuffed, you tell the guards to keep ${him} tightly bound up until the slave trader you've sold ${him} to arrives. One of them smiles and says it'll be a pleasure, glancing over at the bound-up catslave.`);
-			r.push(App.UI.newSlaveIntro(slave)); 
+			r.push(App.UI.newSlaveIntro(slave));
 			App.Events.addNode(el, r);
 			return el;
diff --git a/src/Mods/SecExp/events/attackReport.js b/src/Mods/SecExp/events/attackReport.js
index 659aa823efe..3b7cd8806c5 100644
--- a/src/Mods/SecExp/events/attackReport.js
+++ b/src/Mods/SecExp/events/attackReport.js
@@ -1033,7 +1033,6 @@ App.Events.attackReport = function() {
 					V.SF.ArmySize -= loss;
 				App.UI.DOM.appendNewElement("div", el, `${num(V.SF.ArmySize)} soldiers from ${V.SF.Lower} joined the battle: casualtiesReport(type, loss)`);
 			for (const unitClass of App.SecExp.unit.list()) {
 				if (App.SecExp.battle.deployedUnits(unitClass) >= 1) {
diff --git a/src/Mods/SecExp/js/Unit.js b/src/Mods/SecExp/js/Unit.js
index c62e0891b0f..14a38b0d2d3 100644
--- a/src/Mods/SecExp/js/Unit.js
+++ b/src/Mods/SecExp/js/Unit.js
@@ -307,7 +307,7 @@ App.SecExp.unit = (function() {
 		if (unitType !== "bots") {
-			App.UI.DOM.appendNewElement("span", el,`${input.platoonName}`, "bold");
+			App.UI.DOM.appendNewElement("span", el, `${input.platoonName}`, "bold");
 			App.UI.DOM.appendNewElement("span", el, `${!brief ? ``:`. `} `);
 			if (brief === 0) {
 				if (input.battlesFought > 1) {
@@ -488,8 +488,8 @@ App.SecExp.unit = (function() {
 	/** Replenishes a unit if needed
-     * @param {FC.SecExp.PlayerHumanUnitData} squad
-     * @param {FC.SecExp.PlayerHumanUnitType} type
+	 * @param {FC.SecExp.PlayerHumanUnitData} squad
+	 * @param {FC.SecExp.PlayerHumanUnitType} type
 	function replenish(squad, type) {
 		const oldTroops = squad.troops;
@@ -541,10 +541,10 @@ App.SecExp.unit = (function() {
-       /**
-	    * @param {number} value
-	    * @returns {void}
-	    */
+		/**
+		 * @param {number} value
+		 * @returns {void}
+		 */
 		function add(value) {
 			switch(type) {
 				case "slaves": V.menials += value; break;
@@ -555,9 +555,9 @@ App.SecExp.unit = (function() {
-	    * @param {number} value
-	    * @returns {void}
-	    */
+		 * @param {number} value
+		 * @returns {void}
+		 */
 		function remove(value) {
 			switch(type) {
 				case "slaves": V.menials -= value; break;
@@ -568,9 +568,9 @@ App.SecExp.unit = (function() {
-	    * @param {number} value
-	    * @returns {void}
-	    */
+		 * @param {number} value
+		 * @returns {void}
+		 */
 		function set(value) {
 			switch(type) {
 				case "slaves": V.menials = value; break;
diff --git a/src/Mods/SecExp/js/reportingRelatedFunctions.js b/src/Mods/SecExp/js/reportingRelatedFunctions.js
index d6007158bf3..f61edb795e4 100644
--- a/src/Mods/SecExp/js/reportingRelatedFunctions.js
+++ b/src/Mods/SecExp/js/reportingRelatedFunctions.js
@@ -560,7 +560,7 @@ App.SecExp.commanderEffectiveness = function(passage) {
 					enemyMod += 0.2;
 				// 60% chance of getting combat skill if not already have it
-				if (slave.skill.combat === 0 && random(1,100) <= 60) {
+				if (slave.skill.combat === 0 && random(1, 100) <= 60) {
 					V.SecExp.war.gainedCombat = 1;
 					slave.skill.combat = 1;
diff --git a/src/Mods/SpecialForce/SpecialForce.js b/src/Mods/SpecialForce/SpecialForce.js
index e14b116def2..694020bc30c 100644
--- a/src/Mods/SpecialForce/SpecialForce.js
+++ b/src/Mods/SpecialForce/SpecialForce.js
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
 // T=SugarCube.State.temporary;
 App.SF.weeklyGift = function(input) {
 	V.SF.Gift = input;
-	let value,
-		EnvProsp;
-	const env = App.SF.env(),
-		size =;
+	let value;
+	let EnvProsp;
+	const env = App.SF.env();
+	const size =;
 	switch(input) {
 		case 1: // Request cash
@@ -832,12 +832,12 @@ App.SF.fsIntegration = (function() {
 	function createLink(selectedFS, fsIncrease = 5) {
 		const confictingFSs = validityTester();
-		let linkText = ``,
-			InputText1 = ``,
-			InputText0 = ``,
-			tension = 15,
-			cost = 150000,
-			gift = 0;
+		let linkText = ``;
+		let InputText1 = ``;
+		let InputText0 = ``;
+		let tension = 15;
+		let cost = 150000;
+		let gift = 0;
 		if (fsIncrease > 0) {
 			if (V.SF.FS[selectedFS].lv === 0) {
@@ -1038,8 +1038,8 @@ App.SF.fsIntegration = (function() {
 	function badOutcome() {
 		V.arcologies[0].prosperity -= 50;
 		cashX( * 0.25, "specialForces");
-		let r = ``,
-			BadOutcome = '';
+		let r = ``;
+		let BadOutcome = '';
 		V.rep = Math.clamp(V.rep, 0, 17500);
 		switch (V.SF.Colonel.Core) {
 			case "kind":
@@ -1161,12 +1161,12 @@ App.SF.AAR = function(endWeekCall = 1) {
 			unit: 1,
 			depravity: 1
-		let FNG = 10 + (V.SF.ArmySize / 10),
-			unitCap = 2500,
-			Trade = 0.025;
-		let cost = {a: 10, b: 10},
-			N0 = 1 + (0.01 * (size / 6)),
-			N1 = 1 + (0.01 * (size / 3));
+		let FNG = 10 + (V.SF.ArmySize / 10);
+		let unitCap = 2500;
+		let Trade = 0.025;
+		let cost = {a: 10, b: 10};
+		let N0 = 1 + (0.01 * (size / 6));
+		let N1 = 1 + (0.01 * (size / 3));
 		let SFD = V.SF.Depravity;
 		V.SF.ArmySize = Math.clamp(V.SF.ArmySize, 0, unitCap);
@@ -1534,8 +1534,9 @@ App.SF.UpgradeCost = function(cost, unit) {
 App.SF.progress = function(x, max) {
 	"use strict";
-	let out = `⏐`,
-		z, i;
+	let out = `⏐`;
+	let z;
+	let i;
 	if (max === undefined) {
 		Math.clamp(x, 0, 10);
 		if (App.SF.unlocked.secondTier() === false) {
@@ -1624,195 +1625,195 @@ App.SF.UnitText = function(input) {
 	let barracks = `Soldiers' cots are mixed in with weapons crates and ammunition.`;
 	let slave = `Cages for processing slaves lie off to one side,`;
 	let common = `and in the center is a common area with tables for soldiers to gather around for meals or rowdy conversations.`;
-	let garage = ``,
-		drone = ``,
-		hangar = ``,
-		launch = ``,
-		artillery = ``;
-	let comms = ``,
-		training = ``;
+	let garage = ``;
+	let drone = ``;
+	let hangar = ``;
+	let launch = ``;
+	let artillery = ``;
+	let comms = ``;
+	let training = ``;
 	const Quantity = `the ${num(V.SF.ArmySize)} members of ${V.SF.Lower}`;
 	let weapons = `The weapons are mostly worn rifles that have already seen years of service before ${V.SF.Lower} acquired them.`;
 	let armor1 = `The body armor is enough to stop smaller calibers, but nothing serious.`;
-	let radio = ``,
-		helmets = ``,
-		ammo0 = ``,
-		uniforms = ``,
-		special = ``;
+	let radio = ``;
+	let helmets = ``;
+	let ammo0 = ``;
+	let uniforms = ``;
+	let special = ``;
 	let exo = ``;
-	let amphet = ``,
-		phen = ``,
-		steroid = ``,
-		downer = ``,
-		concen = ``;
-	let stimpack = ``,
-		stabilizer = ``;
-	let a = `have been recommissioned for use by ${V.SF.Lower}`,
-		b = `.`,
-		c = ``;
-	let d = ``,
-		e = ``,
-		f = ``,
-		g = ``,
-		h = ``,
-		i = ``,
-		j = ``,
-		k = ``;
+	let amphet = ``;
+	let phen = ``;
+	let steroid = ``;
+	let downer = ``;
+	let concen = ``;
+	let stimpack = ``;
+	let stabilizer = ``;
+	let a = `have been recommissioned for use by ${V.SF.Lower}`;
+	let b = `.`;
+	let c = ``;
+	let d = ``;
+	let e = ``;
+	let f = ``;
+	let g = ``;
+	let h = ``;
+	let i = ``;
+	let j = ``;
+	let k = ``;
 	let activate = `has been recommissioned for use by ${V.SF.Lower}. They`;
 	let mechanics = `, and mechanics are methodically checking the recent purchases for battle-readiness`;
 	let MG = `120 mm main gun is enough to handle the majority of opponents around the Free Cities.`;
-	let engine1 = ``,
-		armor2 = ``,
-		armor22 = ``,
-		ammo1 = ``,
-		mg = ``;
-	let fireC0 = ``,
-		fireC1 = ``,
-		fireC2 = ``,
-		fireC3 = ``,
-		turret = ``;
+	let engine1 = ``;
+	let armor2 = ``;
+	let armor22 = ``;
+	let ammo1 = ``;
+	let mg = ``;
+	let fireC0 = ``;
+	let fireC1 = ``;
+	let fireC2 = ``;
+	let fireC3 = ``;
+	let turret = ``;
 	let B = `has been recommissioned for use by ${V.SF.Lower}. They`;
 	let C = `, mechanics are giving the new purchases a final tune-up`;
-	let squad = `a squad`,
-		G1 = `20`,
-		G2 = `in a firefight`;
-	let e0 = `The engine has been`,
-		engine3 = ``,
-		armor3 = ``,
-		tires = ``;
-	let m1 = ``,
-		m2 = ``,
-		pod1 = ``,
-		pod2 = ``;
+	let squad = `a squad`;
+	let G1 = `20`;
+	let G2 = `in a firefight`;
+	let e0 = `The engine has been`;
+	let engine3 = ``;
+	let armor3 = ``;
+	let tires = ``;
+	let m1 = ``;
+	let m2 = ``;
+	let pod1 = ``;
+	let pod2 = ``;
 	let b1 = `has been sold to ${V.SF.Lower} through back channels to support a failing old world nation. The tank is so large it cannot fit inside the garage, and has`;
-	let c1 = ``,
-		engines4 = `. Two engines power the left and right sides of the tank separately, leaving it underpowered and slow`;
-	let gun0 = ``,
-		gun1 = ``,
-		gun2 = `an undersized main gun and makeshift firing system from a standard battle tank`;
-	let armor5 = ``,
-		armor6 = ``,
-		cannon = ``,
-		laser = ``,
-		PGTframe = ``;
-	let W1 = `only armed`,
-		W2 = `;`,
-		W3 = `a poor weapon against flying targets, but enough to handle ground forces`;
+	let c1 = ``;
+	let engines4 = `. Two engines power the left and right sides of the tank separately, leaving it underpowered and slow`;
+	let gun0 = ``;
+	let gun1 = ``;
+	let gun2 = `an undersized main gun and makeshift firing system from a standard battle tank`;
+	let armor5 = ``;
+	let armor6 = ``;
+	let cannon = ``;
+	let laser = ``;
+	let PGTframe = ``;
+	let W1 = `only armed`;
+	let W2 = `;`;
+	let W3 = `a poor weapon against flying targets, but enough to handle ground forces`;
 	let group = `A small group of attack VTOL have been recommissioned for use by ${V.SF.Lower}, enough to make up a squadron`;
-	let engines = ``,
-		TAI = ``,
-		lock = ``,
-		support = ``,
-		stealth = ``;
-	let scramble = ``,
-		PAI = ``;
-	let Num = `number`,
-		type = `tiltrotor`,
-		capacity = `small platoon or 15`;
-	let engines0 = ``,
-		engines01 = ``,
-		Radar = ``,
-		Armor = ``,
-		landing = ``;
-	let miniguns = ``,
-		counter = ``;
+	let engines = ``;
+	let TAI = ``;
+	let lock = ``;
+	let support = ``;
+	let stealth = ``;
+	let scramble = ``;
+	let PAI = ``;
+	let Num = `number`;
+	let type = `tiltrotor`;
+	let capacity = `small platoon or 15`;
+	let engines0 = ``;
+	let engines01 = ``;
+	let Radar = ``;
+	let Armor = ``;
+	let landing = ``;
+	let miniguns = ``;
+	let counter = ``;
 	let engine20 = `ramjet engines in the atmosphere that can reach Mach 10`;
 	let b5 = `has been purchased from an insolvent old world nation. It `;
-	let shield = ``,
-		camera = ``,
-		efficiency = ``,
-		camera2 = ``,
-		drag = ``;
-	let crew = ``,
-		engine2 = ``,
-		skin = ``;
+	let shield = ``;
+	let camera = ``;
+	let efficiency = ``;
+	let camera2 = ``;
+	let drag = ``;
+	let crew = ``;
+	let engine2 = ``;
+	let skin = ``;
 	let activate2 = `has been recommissioned for use by ${V.SF.Lower}. Currently, it `;
-	let barrels = `Miniguns and Gatling cannons line`,
-		distance = `, though the distance to ground targets renders the smaller calibers somewhat less useful`;
-	let b4 = ``,
-		c2 = ``,
-		fuel = ``,
-		gsSpeed = ``,
-		countermeasures = ``,
-		ammunition = ``,
-		DFA = ``,
-		autocannon = ``;
+	let barrels = `Miniguns and Gatling cannons line`;
+	let distance = `, though the distance to ground targets renders the smaller calibers somewhat less useful`;
+	let b4 = ``;
+	let c2 = ``;
+	let fuel = ``;
+	let gsSpeed = ``;
+	let countermeasures = ``;
+	let ammunition = ``;
+	let DFA = ``;
+	let autocannon = ``;
 	let loc1 = `An unused science satellite has been purchased from an old world nation. While currently useless, it holds potential to be a powerful tool.`;
-	let gyro = ``,
-		telemetry = ``,
-		thrusters = ``,
-		solar = ``,
-		surviv = ``;
-	let laser1 = ``,
-		heat = ``,
-		reactor = ``,
-		lens = ``,
-		kin = ``;
+	let gyro = ``;
+	let telemetry = ``;
+	let thrusters = ``;
+	let solar = ``;
+	let surviv = ``;
+	let laser1 = ``;
+	let heat = ``;
+	let reactor = ``;
+	let lens = ``;
+	let kin = ``;
 	let loc = `has been purchased from a crumbling old world nation. It`;
 	let power = `Large batteries mounted in oversized shoulders power the robot for up to ten minutes of use, though they make for large targets.`;
 	let knife = `simply a 8.5 meter long knife, though additional weapons are under development.`;
-	let armor8 = ``,
-		actuator = ``,
-		cannon1 = ``,
-		heatsink = ``,
-		ammo2 = ``;
+	let armor8 = ``;
+	let actuator = ``;
+	let cannon1 = ``;
+	let heatsink = ``;
+	let ammo2 = ``;
 	let missile = ``;
 	let a4 = `A cruise missile launch site has been constructed near the base of`;
 	let b2 = `outdated, something quickly rigged together to give the launch site something to fire in the case of an attack`;
-	let c8 = ``,
-		d1 = ``,
-		e1 = ``,
-		f1 = ``,
-		g1 = ``,
-		h1 = ``;
+	let c8 = ``;
+	let d1 = ``;
+	let e1 = ``;
+	let f1 = ``;
+	let g1 = ``;
+	let h1 = ``;
 	let recom1 = `has been recommissioned from the old world for ${V.SF.Lower}. It`;
-	let jets = `Formerly mothballed strike jets`,
-		radar = ``,
-		AAG = ``;
-	let prop = ``,
-		torp = ``,
-		armor9 = ``,
-		power1 = ``,
-		scramble1 = ``;
+	let jets = `Formerly mothballed strike jets`;
+	let radar = ``;
+	let AAG = ``;
+	let prop = ``;
+	let torp = ``;
+	let armor9 = ``;
+	let power1 = ``;
+	let scramble1 = ``;
 	let recom = `has been recommissioned from the old world, and`;
 	let reactor0 = `Because diesel engines provide power and breathing oxygen is kept in pressurized canisters, the sub must frequently surface.`;
-	let reactor1 = ``,
-		cal = ``,
-		hull = ``,
-		tubes = ``,
-		torpedoes = ``,
-		sonar = ``;
-	let control = ``,
-		missiles = ``;
+	let reactor1 = ``;
+	let cal = ``;
+	let hull = ``;
+	let tubes = ``;
+	let torpedoes = ``;
+	let sonar = ``;
+	let control = ``;
+	let missiles = ``;
 	let recom2 = `has been recommissioned for use by ${V.SF.Lower}. It `;
-	let tons = `200`,
-		skirt = ``,
-		guns = ``,
-		guns2 = ``,
-		fans = ``,
-		speed = ``;
-	let turbines = ``,
-		armor10 = ``,
-		ramps = ``,
-		HATframe = ``,
-		loadout = ``;
+	let tons = `200`;
+	let skirt = ``;
+	let guns = ``;
+	let guns2 = ``;
+	let fans = ``;
+	let speed = ``;
+	let turbines = ``;
+	let armor10 = ``;
+	let ramps = ``;
+	let HATframe = ``;
+	let loadout = ``;
 	let loc2 = ``;
 	if (V.week % 6 === 0) {
diff --git a/src/endWeek/reports/incubatorReport.js b/src/endWeek/reports/incubatorReport.js
index 821c8ab60bf..821f7135705 100644
--- a/src/endWeek/reports/incubatorReport.js
+++ b/src/endWeek/reports/incubatorReport.js
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 App.EndWeek.incubatorReport = function() {
 	const frag = document.createDocumentFragment();
 	if (V.incubator.capacity === 0) {
 		return frag;
diff --git a/src/events/RE/reMaleCitizenHookup.js b/src/events/RE/reMaleCitizenHookup.js
index 6170de2581d..1dd730f6e1b 100644
--- a/src/events/RE/reMaleCitizenHookup.js
+++ b/src/events/RE/reMaleCitizenHookup.js
@@ -579,7 +579,7 @@ App.Events.REMaleCitizenHookup = class REMaleCitizenHookup extends App.Events.Ba
 					} else if (V.PC.boobs >= 300) {
 						r.push(`You push your cute breasts against his toned abs,`);
 					} else {
-						r.push(`You,`); //TODO created fallback for conversion, case was not handled in tw
+						r.push(`You,`); // TODO created fallback for conversion, case was not handled in tw
 					r.push(`before he really takes advantage of your size difference. With a hard, firm thrust, he cums deep into your pussy. You follow shortly after, feeling the heat of his seed in your depths as you clamp down around his dick. Thankfully, he isn't spent yet and begins anew, quickly carrying your climax to a second orgasm and drawing an adorable moan out of you.`);
diff --git a/src/events/intro/pcBodyIntro.js b/src/events/intro/pcBodyIntro.js
index f0c0685e1d5..406b0c25496 100644
--- a/src/events/intro/pcBodyIntro.js
+++ b/src/events/intro/pcBodyIntro.js
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
 App.Intro.PCBodyIntro = function() {
 	V.PC.actualAge = Math.clamp(V.PC.actualAge, 10, 80);
 	const el = new DocumentFragment();
diff --git a/src/events/reRecruit/homelessBreakIn.js b/src/events/reRecruit/homelessBreakIn.js
index 625e189f4bf..6ff4318ec25 100644
--- a/src/events/reRecruit/homelessBreakIn.js
+++ b/src/events/reRecruit/homelessBreakIn.js
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ App.Events.recHomelessBreakIn = class recHomelessBreakIn extends App.Events.Base
 			slave.weight = -40;
 			slave.muscles = random(-40, 20);
 			slave.intelligence = random(0, 100);
-			slave.behavioralFlaw = "gluttonous"
+			slave.behavioralFlaw = "gluttonous";
 			slave.face = random(20, 100);
 			slave.boobs = Math.min(slave.boobs, 300);
 			slave.butt = Math.min(slave.butt, 2);
diff --git a/src/events/recFS/recfsAssetExpansionist.js b/src/events/recFS/recfsAssetExpansionist.js
index a0889ee6f7e..dbe57adaaf5 100644
--- a/src/events/recFS/recfsAssetExpansionist.js
+++ b/src/events/recFS/recfsAssetExpansionist.js
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ App.Events.recFSAssetExpansionist = class recFSAssetExpansionist extends App.Eve
 		let r = [];
 		V.nextLink = "RIE Eligibility Check";
 		const slave = GenerateNewSlave(null, {minAge: 16, maxAge: 19, disableDisability: 1});
-		slave.birthWeek = random(1,8);
+		slave.birthWeek = random(1, 8);
 		slave.origin = "$He offered $himself to you for enslavement after following a dangerous, illegal growth hormone regimen.";
 		slave.boobs += random(10, 20)*200;
diff --git a/src/events/scheduled/murderAttempt.js b/src/events/scheduled/murderAttempt.js
index 748ff2ba97f..b00842c7800 100644
--- a/src/events/scheduled/murderAttempt.js
+++ b/src/events/scheduled/murderAttempt.js
@@ -84,7 +84,8 @@ App.Events.MurderAttempt = class MurderAttempt extends App.Events.BaseEvent {
 			r.push("and slavery sectors. Some of them are known for dealing in less than legal business regularly, so the lack of information may just be either an attempt to distance themselves from seedy dealings or something truly lucrative, if slightly dirty.");
 			App.Events.addParagraph(fragment, r);
-			let yesText, noText;
+			let yesText;
+			let noText;
 			switch (variation) {
 				case "trade":
 					yesText = "New business is always good";
diff --git a/src/events/scheduled/sePlayerBirth.js b/src/events/scheduled/sePlayerBirth.js
index e187274d335..07183058c3a 100644
--- a/src/events/scheduled/sePlayerBirth.js
+++ b/src/events/scheduled/sePlayerBirth.js
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-App.Events.SEPlayerBirth = class SEPlayerBirth extends App.Events.BaseEvent {
+App.Events.SEPlayerBirth = class SEPlayerBirth extends App.Events.BaseEvent {
 	eventPrerequisites() {
 		return [
 			() => V.PC.labor === 1
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
 		let _concubinePresent;
 		let _seed;
-		let _identicalChildGen; //TODO: remove me
+		let _identicalChildGen; // TODO: remove me
 		/* expand me with new variables to behave like slave birth */
 		let _badBirth;
diff --git a/src/gui/options/options.js b/src/gui/options/options.js
index d171e8d615c..d35bea0cc92 100644
--- a/src/gui/options/options.js
+++ b/src/gui/options/options.js
@@ -1033,7 +1033,7 @@ App.Intro.contentAndFlavor = function(isIntro) {
 		.addValue("Enabled", 1).on().addValue("Disabled", 0).off()
 		.addComment("Diet will still affect asset size.");
-	options.addOption("Chem damage from drugs is", "curativeSideEffects") //Yes, this variable controls all chem damage. The vestigial "curatives" name isn't worth changing.
+	options.addOption("Chem damage from drugs is", "curativeSideEffects") // Yes, this variable controls all chem damage. The vestigial "curatives" name isn't worth changing.
 		.addValue("Enabled", 1).on().addValue("Disabled", 0).off()
 		.addComment("If enabled, many drugs will cause harmful, though curable, carcinogen buildup and genomic damage over time.");
diff --git a/src/interaction/main/walkPast.js b/src/interaction/main/walkPast.js
index d69c1a22a1e..dbf46941adc 100644
--- a/src/interaction/main/walkPast.js
+++ b/src/interaction/main/walkPast.js
@@ -2461,7 +2461,7 @@ globalThis.walkPast = (function() {
 			case "a biyelgee costume":
 				t += `${His} costume could be removed with barely any effort.`;
-			// ends needs work block
+				// ends needs work block
 			case "no clothing":
 				if (slave.chastityAnus === 1 || slave.chastityVagina === 1 || slave.chastityPenis === 1) {
diff --git a/src/interaction/policies/changeLanguage.js b/src/interaction/policies/changeLanguage.js
index 22e1dcea899..902f314ee04 100644
--- a/src/interaction/policies/changeLanguage.js
+++ b/src/interaction/policies/changeLanguage.js
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ App.Arcology.changeLanguage = function() {
 	const options = new App.UI.OptionsGroup();
 	const languageList = new Set(["English", "Spanish", "Arabic", "Chinese", "Japanese", V.seed]);
 	if (["Australia", "North America", "Western Europe"].includes(V.continent)) {
 	} else if (V.continent === "South America") {
diff --git a/src/npc/descriptions/womb/pregnancy.js b/src/npc/descriptions/womb/pregnancy.js
index 27f49d94eb1..82bda99e020 100644
--- a/src/npc/descriptions/womb/pregnancy.js
+++ b/src/npc/descriptions/womb/pregnancy.js
@@ -355,9 +355,9 @@ App.Desc.pregnancy = function(slave, {market, eventDescription} = {}) {
 		r.push(`Despite being pregnant for ${slave.pregWeek} weeks,`);
 		if (slave.broodmother > 0) {
 			if (slave.broodmotherOnHold > 0) {
-				r.push(`${he} will be pregnant for another ${slave.broodmotherCountDown} weeks while ${his} remaining implant-induced pregnancies come to term.`)
+				r.push(`${he} will be pregnant for another ${slave.broodmotherCountDown} weeks while ${his} remaining implant-induced pregnancies come to term.`);
 			} else {
-				r.push(`${he} will remain pregnant until ${his} broodmother implant is disabled.`)
+				r.push(`${he} will remain pregnant until ${his} broodmother implant is disabled.`);
 		} else if (slave.preg > slave.pregData.minLiveBirth && slave.preg + 10 <= slave.pregWeek) {
 			r.push(`${his} pregnancy is finally nearing its end.`);
diff --git a/src/npc/generate/generateRelatedSlave.js b/src/npc/generate/generateRelatedSlave.js
index 304d2481bef..27fd28c12c6 100644
--- a/src/npc/generate/generateRelatedSlave.js
+++ b/src/npc/generate/generateRelatedSlave.js
@@ -304,8 +304,8 @@ globalThis.generateRelatedSlave = (function() {
 			slave.teeth = either("crooked", "normal", "normal");
-		//reset pregAdaptation (copied from generateNewSlaveJS's generateXX/XYPregAdaptation functions)
-		if (slave.genes == "XX") { //female
+		// reset pregAdaptation (copied from generateNewSlaveJS's generateXX/XYPregAdaptation functions)
+		if (slave.genes == "XX") { // female
 			if (slave.physicalAge <= 6) {
 				slave.pregAdaptation = 5;
 			} else if (slave.physicalAge <= 11) {
@@ -321,7 +321,7 @@ globalThis.generateRelatedSlave = (function() {
 			} else {
 				slave.pregAdaptation = 50;
-		} else { //male
+		} else { // male
 			if (slave.physicalAge <= 6) {
 				slave.pregAdaptation = 5;
 			} else if (slave.physicalAge <= 11) {
diff --git a/src/npc/startingGirls/startingGirls.js b/src/npc/startingGirls/startingGirls.js
index 58aa07f0d2d..b64aa59b962 100644
--- a/src/npc/startingGirls/startingGirls.js
+++ b/src/npc/startingGirls/startingGirls.js
@@ -1373,7 +1373,7 @@ App.StartingGirls.lower = function(slave, cheat = false) {
 				options.addOption("Births", "birthsTotal", slave.counter).showTextBox().addComment(`How many times ${he} has already given birth, not necessarily while owned by you.`);
 				if (cheat) {
 					options.addOption("Number of babies", "pregType", slave).showTextBox();
diff --git a/src/player/desc/playerDescription.js b/src/player/desc/playerDescription.js
index 1ae56f2444c..628a4f6d060 100644
--- a/src/player/desc/playerDescription.js
+++ b/src/player/desc/playerDescription.js
@@ -71,4 +71,4 @@ App.Desc.Player.longDescription = function(PC = V.PC) {
 	return r.join(" ");
\ No newline at end of file