Pregmod 10/08/2018 3 -fixes -several new sets of clothing from deepmurk 10/07/2018 2 -fixes -tweaks to intelligence distribution in slavegen 10/04/2018 1 -overhauled intelligence and education -buffed intelligence based FS beauty calcs -more vector work from Deepmurk -fixes 9/30/2018 6 -removed redundant and questionably functional PCTitle() function -renamed the working properTitle() function to PCTitle() 5 -fixes 9/29/2018 4 -fixes 3 -fixes -moved a number of clothes to special orders from the wardrobe 9/28/2018 2 -fixes -devotion/trust check corrections 1 -Security Force Mod overhaul -fixes -pronoun work 9/26/2018 2 -fixes 9/25/2018 1 -fixes 0 -nursery facility added (beta) 9/25/2018 43 -fixes -added more options to the RA -added nipple fuck interaction 42 -fixes -more deepmurk tinkerings 9/24/2018 41 -fixes -more deepmurk tinkerings -klan robes 9/23/2018 40 -fixes -more deepmurk tinkerings -pantsu 9/22/2018 39 -fixes -more face tweaks from deepmurk -various other new vectors from deepmurk 9/20/2018 38 -fixes -more face tweaks from deepmurk 37 -fixes -non max inflation no longer blocks conception 9/19/2018 36 -fixes 35 -more vector work from Deepmurk -tweaks to special slave prices and how the catalogue works 9/18/2018 34 -fixed filter by race -young slaves now generate with baby teeth and lose them as they age -fixes 9/17/2018 33 -fixed issues with RA enemas (maybe?) -fixed issues with NG+ slaves and null pointer relatives/relations/pregSources -other fixes 9/16/2018 32 -enema control added to the RA -Deepmurk's faces and fatties vector art -fixes 9/15/2018 31 -fixes 30 -added solid slave food and hole preference options to the RA -fixes 9/14/2018 29 -fixes 28 -expanded canImpreg() to be able to handle the player 27 -fixes -anon's farmyard tweaks 9/12/2018 26 -fixes 25 -fixes -code entry added to cheat edit menus to allow for advanced control 9/10/2018 24 -fixes -added a new aid event possibility 9/09/2018 23 -fixes 9/08/2018 22 -fixes 9/07/2018 21 -fixes -more widget to Js conversion 20 -fixes -increased costs for hyper pregnant slaves 9/06/2018 19 -more vignettes for more assignments -fixes 9/05/2018 18 -fixes -tweaked underage pregnancy immobility thresholds -reworked preg malus block -pregAdaptation activated 9/02/2018 17 -fixes 16 -fixed player pregnancy not properly transferring across NG+ 15 -added chemical castration -newly grown testicles and ovaries may now replace existing ones (currently only used to replace sterilized balls) -fixes 9/01/2018 14 -fixes to nationality related issues 13 -split fillable implants into three tiers each with its own cap -lowered the price of the implant manufacturer -implant manufacturer now gives access to advanced fillable implants -raised the price of implant related research to compensate -fixes 12 -fixes -more pronoun implementation 8/31/2018 11 -fixes 10 -eyebrows of various shapes, sizes and colors added -AddSlave widget deprecated in favor of newSlave() -fixes 8/30/2018 9 -nursing handjob interaction added -fixes 8/29/2018 8 -fixes 8/28/2018 7 -fixes and code cleanup 6 -fixes 5 -fixes -option to allow male slaves to gen with male names -tweaked body purism's views on bush 8/27/2018 4 -fixes 8/25/2018 3 -fixes 2 -fixes 8/24/2018 1 -applied MB checks to surgery degradation -fixes -race system overhaul 8/22/2018 10 -fixes -lactation adaption and hormone levels added to cheat edit slave 8/21/2018 9 -fixes 8 -slightly adjusted pregnancy breast growth rates -larynx implant for cybermod voice control -expanded vocal surgery to allow deepening -porn feed control added to the RA -fixes 8/20/2018 7 -sugarcube updated to 2.27.0 -various fixes -tweaks to disability slavegen 8/19/2018 6 -added pupil shape and schlera color -fixes 8/18/2018 5 -removed deaf chance from standard slavegen -restricted blindness to grateful careers in slavegen -fixes 4 -areolea shape split from size -player b-cups -fixes 8/17/2018 3 -new supremacist and subjugationist PA FS appearances -hearing and deafness added -fixes 8/14/2018 33 -SFanon's security force overhaul (reverted) -fixes -added fox tail buttplug attachment (no desc yet) -new justice event 8/12/2018 32 -fixes 31 -more outcomes for saChoosesOwnClothes -fixes 8/11/2018 30 -fixes -new malefactor -added kitty lingerie 8/10/2018 29 -added body hair controls to startingGirls more customization options -fixed issues with the new slave markets -slaves should no longer experience rivalry whiplash -slaves that would have gained flaws from stress, but are receiving your careful attention, now gain minor devotion instead. -Ex-escorts getting back into the game now have less sexual energy to spend on slaves 28 -bulk ordering from the prison sales now works -fixed, hopefully, an issue where executed traitors were not properly being removed from the unit pool (secEx) 27 -critical fix to missing parents in childgen (now only done once instead for each child) 26 -skin color tweaking -fixes -typo and grammar corrections -quartet of prison markets added on rotation 8/08/2018 25 -fixes -vector art color tweaking -retirement clamps expanded -cum milking retirement goal 8/07/2018 24 -fixed RA ear/nose piercing issue 23 -Spelling and grammar fixes -Pronoun conversions -Formatting 8/05/2018 22 -more little fixes 21 -added height comparison to the RA 20 -fixed an unlikely occurance where labor could be preepmpted causing oddities with birth -fixes 19 -fixes 18 -fixes 8/04/2018 17 -fixes and corrections -new buyers for slaves with porn prestige -ex-escort PCs can use old connections for a discounted porn fame spending at the price of their body -expansions to nationality and race selection in custom slaves 8/03/2018 16 -fixes -added "a niqab and abaya", "a hijab and blouse", "a burqa", and "a burkini" outfits -anon's hpreg clothing descriptions 8/02/2018 15 -fixes and typo corrections -tweaked cyber-economic warfare to hinge more on the target's prosperity 8/01/2018 14 -fixes -JS tinkering -tweaks to porn fame face gains 7/30/2018 13 -sugarcube updated to 2.26.0 -fixed DJ/Madam vignette issues 12 -fixed bugs and typos 11 -more widget to JS conversions -gingering now works as intended -converted saStayConfined to JS (make sure you do not have a lingering version in src/uncategorized) 7/29/2018 10 -fixes -vignettes now JS'd 7/28/2018 9 -fixing mindbreak now brings back original intelligence-1 -more arcology names -more nicknames -cheat mode starting slaves now respect $seeDicks 8 -fixes -more widget to JS conversion 7/27/2018 7 -fixes -more widget to JS conversion -lots more implementation of pronouns -anon's hpreg event 7/26/2018 6 -fixes -broken societal elite now bitch less about your actions 7/25/2018 5 -fixes -marked breeders are now only special in Eugenics societies that have embraced them -tweaked beauty prestige multipliers 4 -more porn balance tweaks -fixes and edits 3 -tweaked gain rates for pornPrestige 0 and 1 2 -lowered requirement for pornFocus -pornFocus is no longer disabled once .pornPrestige is earned (allows undermining) -fixed bugs 7/24/2018 1 -porn system overhaul -added ability to track true virgins 22 -fixes -slaveSummary JS conversion -startingGirls slaves can now be relatives in NG+, bu only with each other -more widget to JS conversion -imperial measurement is now an option -RA haircuts controls 7/08/2018 21 -fixes -more widget to JS conversion -fixed milk/cum pastoralist decoration cascade 7/07/2018 20 -fixes -more widget to JS conversion 19 -various little fixes and tweaks -incubator slaves take longer to learn languages now 7/05/2018 18 -added anon's TFS path -added a new choice to the TFS organ farm request event -fixes 7/04/2018 17 -fixes, grammer and typo corrections -added anon's FCNN blurbs 7/03/2018 16 -fixes -more widget to JS conversions -nipple vectors 15 -fixes and typo corrections -Deepmurk's Battlearmor, Biyelgee Costume, Dirndl, Lederhosen, Long Qipao/Qipao (Nice), and Mounty Outfit 7/02/2018 14 -fixes and typos -applied lisping to new slave intro, among other technical things 7/01/2018 13 -fixes -cleaned up brother/sister text -prestigious slave overhaul 12 -fixes and updates to the RA -The rival is more likely to take a hostage now -fixed bugs and typos -made slave rivals a little less rapey if slaves aren't allowed to rape each other 6/30/2018 11 -fixes -rivals are now more rapey and lovers more sexual 6/29/2018 10 -fixed forceFeeding -SFanon's facility naming UI support 9 -you can now change your refreshment choice at the black market -fixed pronoun problems in clothing selection 8 -fixes -physical idealist SMR now better suits your muscle preference 7 -more fixes to the RA -other fixes and typos -several widgets replaced with JS -anon's Mediterranean market slave preset 6/27/2018 6 -widgeted slave interact drug setting to better handle the intensify option 5 -more fixes to reported RA bugs -minor text corrections 6/26/2018 4 -a whole bunch of fixes, mostly major RA fixes -fixed a bunch of minor things -placed stronger safeguards on rival gen to prevent null races -tweaked spacing in club/brothel ads 6/24/2018 3 -fixes (not RA related) 6/22/2018 2 -various fixes to the RA -various additions to the RA -other fixes 1 -vas's total RA overhaul -various little fixes and tweaks 6/20/2018 26 -fixed saServant's object literal issues 25 -more little fixes -old RA should be a little more accepting of "" 6/19/2018 24 -few little fixes 6/17/2018 23 -typos fixed -careless enactment of certain Subjugationist laws may now have consequences -added Elite breeder auction -unfucked set race slavegen -fixes 6/16/2018 22 -fixes -tweaked Repop's likes block to allow preg biometrics more pull, especially in fat slaves -slave summary smart piercing will now describe itself as "monitoring" if it has satisfied its previous task 6/15/2018 21 -fixes -test round of JS'd end week passages (report oddities with servants, please) 6/13/2018 20 -expanded eugenics bad end to cover all player states 6/12/2018 19.1 -fixed pRaidResult lingering $i 19 -secEx's $mercLoyalty now functions -added a couple new recruit events 18 -fixes 6/11/2018 17 -yet more various fixes and corrections 16 -more various fixes and corrections 6/10/2018 15 -several bugs fixed -bunch of typos and grammar quirks sorted out -SFanon's whoring, entertainment and serving career skills 6/08/2018 14 -added anon's wetware cpu market -fixes 6/07/2018 13 -fixes to NCS, mostly respect to implants and not removing balls -fixes to hero slave pregnancies (Not backwards compatible) -fixes 12 -more little fixes 6/06/2018 11 -various little fixes 6/05/2018 10 -fixes to cheat edit player pregnancy -fixes to various cheat edit datatype cleanups -event fixes -overhauled JFC to allow for more freedom in slave role purchases -overhauled "injections please" to be more random and expanded potential drug picks -aphrodisiacs now override sexual need energy loss with devotion/trust loss 9 -added more catches to hostage gen to prevent strange slave generation -backwards compatibility now accepts that 0 is a number and will not be helpful and set $seedicks to 25 when you want none. -arcade sadist now requires an actual slave to be in the arcade instead of just the arcade -other minor fixes 8 -removed duplicate text in nonLethalPit -fixed problems and formatting in generic plot events 6/03/2018 7 -tweaks to .weekAcquired -fixes -adjusted did x every y hours text to not be so analcentric 6/01/2018 6 -added artificial insemination -various SF related fixes from SFanon -possible fixes to cheat edit slave pregnancy issues -fixes to braces to age interaction -the flesh heap no longer uses old face values 5 -various minor text corrections -catches to advertisements not getting cleared upon facility decommision -corp fixed race setting should now apply to XY genned slaves 5/31/2018 4 -fixes -fixes to crazy devotion gains from bodyswapping, hopefully -colored slave summary to make it more obvious if something is on a slave 3 -remove all slaves facility option -BC now properly applies pronouns to hero slaves -fixes 5/30/2018 2 -fixes 1 -prosthetic limb rework (mutually exclusive with cybermod - backwards compatibility will allow switching between them) -various fixes 5/29/2018 10 -fixes and text corrections -attempted to fix fMarry pronoun issue 9 -minor fixes (wardeness not buyable from JFC, backwards compat error) 8 -induced NCS fixes (you can now actually buy it) -fixes to surname stripping having trouble lowercasing a number and losing its shit 7 -added anon's induced NCS -tweaks to arm/leg tattoos and how they are managed when slaves lack arms and legs -minor fixes and tweaks 5/28/2018 6 -bodyswapping moved out of cheatmode -prettied up former Elites -tweaked breeding standard for fit focused physical idealist societies -various minor text fixes -fixes 5/26/2018 5 -various fixes to issues created with v4 4 -more tweaks to bodyswapping -fPat cleaning -tweaks to face shapes and beauty -fixes 5/23/2018 3 -slave slave bodyswapping added (WIP) -fixes -many text corrections -couple new nationalities -ability to manually retire more than one slave per week 5/21/2018 2 -fixes -more names -various text corrections 5/17/2018 1 -added bodyswapping -begining of pronoun rework -fixes 5/14/2018 97 -couple of bug fixes (broodmother slave summary now properly appears and an extra closing if was removed from generateChild) -number of text corrections 5/14/2018 96 -bug and text fixes 5/13/2018 95 -fixes and text corrections -strengthened ID setting in identical twins to hopefully not result in duplicate IDs -FS clothing price hike -you can now obtain FS clothing from sufficiently developed neighbors 5/12/2018 94 -slaves may now birth identical twins -anon's quick find slave index ui now works on tabbed penthouse and supports sort boxes -fixes 5/10/2018 93 -fixes to vector art and potential custom image issues in RESS -fixes 91 - 92 -more tweaks to anon's quick find slave index ui 5/08/2018 90 -anon's quick find slave index ui 89 -fixes and code optimizations -some extra fuckable nipples content in RESS 88 -anon's continued corporation tweaks -fuckable nipples support for RESS -couple little fixes 5/06/2018 87 -anon's corp tweaks -added fuckable nipples 5/05/2018 86.1 -added a catch to prevent possible failed rival gen under unknown circumstances 86 -overhauled saPleaseYou -fixed .pregWeek quirks with cheat edit pregnancy (hopefully) -removed PC's ability to impregnate fucktoys in reFullBed regardless of if they can become pregnant and whether or not you actually have a dick 5/04/2018 85 -fixes 84 -fixed FResult undefined bug 5/03/2018 83 -fixed BGs still trying their hardest to kill themselves in the pit -fixed reservations not being freed after birth 82 -fix for broken FS progress -better handling for getSlave() returning undefined -fix for some obscure BS that led to slave duplication 81 -fixed player cheat edit pregnancy weirdness -fixed various little issues -work towards fuckable nipples 5/02/2018 80 -more fixes 79 -various fixes -work towards fuckable nipples -you can now drop Hedonistic Decadence's slave food research if you don't have the FS 4/30/2018 78 -Deepmurks vector art pack update -Deepmurks slutty schutzstaffel outfit and porcelain mask accessory -various fixes 4/29/2018 77 -fixed some text issues -fixed all cheat edit pregnancies 76 -multiple fixed bugs -tweak to oversized breast decrease rate (it's no longer instant) -better feedback for oversized butts and facility devotion caps 4/28/2018 75 -groundwork for pronoun rework -various minor corrections -vector name standardization 4/26/2018 74 -fixed an obnoxious bug that worked its way back into walkPast -added clothing-fetish interactions for monokini and naked apron 73 -bodyguard once again told to stop fighting herself in the pit -spire apartments now work -fixes 4/25/2018 72 -pit now readds living slaves to its roster -bellyDesc work 4/24/2018 71 -various fixes and typo corrections -couple new nicknames 4/23/2018 70 -fixes -attempted to clean up seCoursing (it slimmed down a little) -added an override variable to block maturity pref's max age increase in cases where a slave is expected to strictly be between x and y age. 69 -various fixes, the most notable being slaves that die during childbirth now actually die (again) -more code optimizations -more belly vector content from Deepmurk -increased the max age for ovary renewal by 10 years (includes player) -Hedonistic Decadence research now works outside of Hedonistic Decadence -Weight gain removal formula is available to all societies if Hedonistic Decadence is not taken 4/22/2018 68 -added servant career class (they make better servants) -SFanon's pit virginity respect -various fixes and optimizations 4/21/2018 67 -fixes -more code optimization and cleanup 66 -various fixes, cleanups and optimizations 4/20/2018 65 -finished REFI cleaning -red army uniform and schutzstaffel uniform from Deepmurk -more vectors from Deepmurk too 64 -added options to allow/deny DJ and Madam fixing flaws -added anon's pirate themed FCTV channel 63 -fixes and code improvements, the usual 4/19/2018 62 -tons of fixes -more code optimizations 61 -fixes -code optimizations -channel13's FCTV channel addition 4/18/2018 60 -fixes and more code optimizations 59.1 -accidentally made HGs even more likely to become doms, that has been fixed now 59 -added naked apron -various fixes and optimizations -more REFI work 4/17/2018 58 -crooked teeth generation changes -several minor tweaks 57 -fixes -more REFI work 4/16/2018 56 -fixes -added Deepmurk's cybersuit -comes with vectors 55 -fixes -more code optimizations -more REFI work 54 -fixed bugs and other minor text issues -Deepmurks' monokini vectors 53 -fixes -more code improvements -more REFI work 4/15/2018 52 -fixes -Deepmurks skin color rework 51 -added monokini -various fixes, code cleanup, etc -the nicknames never end 4/14/2018 50 -fixes -more code cleanup 49 -fixes and typos -split socks from shoes -even more nicknames 48 -Kopareigns found the HGsuite doubling pop counts bug and fixed it -seriously, it's gone now 4/13/2018 47 -fixes to reFullBed -more code improvement -Nox/Deepmurk areolea and pre-pube vectors 46 -fixes to walkPast -code cleaning 45 -several fixes, most notable being NationalityToName not recognizing Revivalist slaves -fSlaveSlaveDick overhaul -code improvements 44 -bunch of new shoes and stockings by Deepmurk -code cleanup -partial REFI work (merge conflict forced push) 4/12/2018 43 -readded fixed reverted content -mulitple typos fixed -better RA contols for diet and muscle 4/11/2018 42 -reverted "new means to add, remove, and locate slaves via index map" 41 -various fixes -encyclopedia prodding from SFanon -new means to add, remove, and locate slaves via index map 40 -added fuckdoll impregnation -preglocke's fSlaveSlaveVagConsumate cleanup and content addition 4/10/2018 39 -various fixes and typos -fixed an issue where personal training could attempt to soften paraphilias 38 -various typos and minor fixes -fixed tabbed main's link issues 37 -added ability to give slaves your surname during marriage -unbound slaveInteract impreg block from fuckdoll suit (it now checks .fuckdoll instead) -more fixess and typo corrections -Stuffedanon's tweaks now only apply to refreshed passages and not first visits -fixed engineering start not giving secExp proper drone counts 36 -code cleanup -many more cases caught for supremacist's law -defiant slaves get excess trust converted into negative rep 4/09/2018 35 -fixes -background color flipper (WIP) -more Nox/Deepmurk vector work -stuffedanon's sugarcube tweaks 34 -fixes to slaveSummary name flipping -fixed bad array in bellyDesc 33 -fixes -typo corrections -small additions to footwear and chastity descriptions to a couple outfits that previously lacked them 4/08/2018 32 -more typo corrections -more nicknames -various code improvements 31 -fixes -expanded fDick a bit -typo corrections 4/07/2018 30 -several typo corrections -large vector art update from Deepmurk involving boobs and sleaves 29 -hopefully have finished fixing that rival hacking victory -various typo corrections -messy bun added to hairstyles 4/06/2018 28 -typo corrections -some code improvements -still more names and nicknames 27 -typo corrections -some code improvements -even more names -more careers 4/05/2018 27 -fixed a bad $i in nextWeek -added a basic overpower roll for slave vs player 26 -added anon's aphrodisiac demonstration to FCTV -fuckdoll conversion now unsets inflation 4/04/2018 25 -added the black market pt 1 (FS research buying) -various fixes and typo corrections -most, if not all, of the old sugarcube operators 4/03/2018 24 -various fixes including issues pertaining to incubator reservations not clearing after birth -tweaked maturity pref age effects to hopefully be less overwhelming 23 -lots more new nicknames -various text and bug fixes 4/02/2018 22 -fixes, typos and code improvements -even more (git) vector art 21 -more nicknames -more names then you'll ever want -added neighber hacking options -fixes -typo corrections -code cleanup 4/01/2018 20 -various little fixes -fixed slimming diet not lowering muscle -many typo corrections 3/31/2018 19 -fixes -more nicknames 18 -bunch of bug fixes, typo corrections and scene oddity fixes -also more nicknames 3/30/2018 17 -major update to original embedded vector art -shifted loli growth hormone check into saHormoneEffects to not supress feedback -various little fixes -added surname order control to description options 16 -various corrections to enslaved citizens not being the right race when the supremacist law is in play -a certain policy is now properly enforced 3/29/2018 15 -fixed issue causing a slave's player children fathered to not properly track 14 -you can now implant a belly implant post csec (non-seBirth only) -added more hacking skill effects -fixed bad syntax in seBirth -various typos fixed -some code cleanup 3/28/2018 13 -PC cheat edit improvements -twincest options for new voluntarily enslaved twins during recruitment -various typos fixed -more bugs squashed, most notably virgins claiming to have given birth before 3/27/2018 12 -fixed issues with eugenics and the rival conflict -fixed various little bugs 11 -added many new git submitted nationalities -fixed needless space between knock yourself up and its link -revised saLiveWithHG's diet block to better stick to dietary targets 3/26/2018 10 -added breeder's diet (boosts conception rates) 3/26/2018 9 -git resync, mostly typos on this end -fixes to issues in facilities on the git end 3/25/2018 8 -fixes and tweaks, nothing major 3/24/2018 7 -fixed a couple minor annoyances -if any slave has a .reservedChildren value, the incubator global tracking resetter will be usable 6 -new voluntarily enslaved pairs can show their incestual love during recruitment -minor tweaks to muscle building and steroids -added fertility diet 5 -fixed improper usage of jsEither() 3/23/2018 4 -fixes to setPregType() -slimming diet can now be reassigned after muscles are completely gone to trim assets 3.1 -little fix to broodmother initiation in wombJS 3 -finished implementing setPregType(), now to find it outputs multiples too readily -incubator now adjusts .hormoneBalance when the hormone settings are on -various spelling corrections and a minor bugfix 2.1 -minor fixes -fixed boomerang slave relation null pointer exception 2 -fixed boomerang slaves null pointer excetions regarding rivalries and relationships 1.1 -reverted change to traitor slave origin concatenation 1 -many spelling corrections -fixes to decreasing custom nationality weighting -fixes to bad versionID setting -partial implementaion of setPregType() 0.1 -minor fix to generateXYslave 0 -fixes severe issues with customized slave trade *Requires backwards compatibility - no exceptions v1022 ( 3/22/2018 407 -spelling fixes -decreased memory usage, apparently signifigantly -added setPregType(), but not implemented it yet *Severe issues with customized slave trade. If you are not using it, DO NOT USE THIS VERSION. 406 -minor fixes -major fixes and overhauling to autosurgery and to the RA -backwards compatibility should no longer unset all your rules -FResult JSification 3/21/2018 405 -various text fixes -fixes to csec bug 404 -numerous reported bugs fixed -also a few typos 3/20/2018 403.1 -fixed all reported bugs and typos 403 -XX, XY, and XXY diets now properly handle boobs -minor fixes -pregmodder can not spell "receive" thus necessitating a sanityCheck entry 402 -SFanon's new trio of recruits -Pregmodfan's continued fixing and tweaking of his preg tracking system -lower back brand location -fixes 3/19/2018 401 -tweaked saLongTermEffects pregnancy setting -various little fixes -fixed missed closing '>' in neighborsFSAdoption 3/18/2018 400 -added neighbor FS Incest Festishist -new JS functions (areRelated()) -more fixes 3/17/2018 399.2 -added missing impregnation checks to slave-slave impreg 399.1 -policy now sets properly 399 -added incest focus policy (pre-EgyptianRevivalist bonus) -SFanon's fixes and tweaks -pregmodfan's fixes to the autosurgery -pregmodfan's belly implant implantation and filling to the RA -pregmodfan's broodmother implant tweaks (implant stays in after shutdown; must be removed surgically, but can be restarted) -various little text fixes 3/16/2018 398 -fixed HG, BG, and HG's slave not showing up in endweek if you have no other slaves in the penthouse -various text fixes 3/15/2018 397 -fixed broken nice nurse outfit belly description -game start player pregnancies should be initialized properly now 396 -fixes to PC cheat menu -continued work on belly descriptions -minor text fixes 3/14/2018 395.1 -fixes hostage inheriting starting girls wombs 395 -unbroke fake belly clothing descriptions -fixed starting girls sometimes having piercings 3/12/2018 394 -more fixes to pregnancy clearing 3/11/2018 393 -Incursion specialist background -little fixes 392 -SFanon's PC cheat menu -fixes to sellSlave and slaveSold 3/10/2018 391 -finished saChoosesOwnClothes rework -fixes 3/09/2018 390 -sugarcube updated to 2.24.0 -little text fixes -tweaks to personal attention "sex" to make use of available tits and dicks where appropriate and to not use virgin holes 389 -various git fixes (brothel implant ads, custom slave voice, SF tweaks) -stripped JS of all "Sugarcube.State"s leaving it as "State" 3/08/2018 388 -fixed a very very unlikely case in sister indentification -fixed some improper pregnancy sets in the dairy -fixed more improper preg sets in saLongTermEffects -barred random impreg in dairies with preg settings on 387 -tweaked saGuardsYou to actually count facility heads the BG has trained when it comes to counting successors -your BG nows considers servants and your harem in her count -a race now no longer can be both superior and inferior -slaves can now die of age as young as 50 should they be in bad condition, conversely, healthy slaves live longer -reordered full royal court enslavement to circumvent a possible ghost in the machine situation -partial revert to scheduledEvent to handle sugarcube BS 386 -tweaked childgen to only random face and int for playerXmarked if the child is below the minimum value -migrated mindbroken kicker cases from slaveAssignmentsReport to saTakeClasses and saStayConfined -hyperpreg and overwhelmingly female hormone balances now prevent oversized breasts from shrinking -slaves below 10 are now more resistant to developing fetishes -fixed bad initialization -various little text corrections 385 -fixed itt noted errors -lowercasedonkey's tabed slave overview (find it in options) -tweaks for potential issues in scheduled events 3/07/18 384 -various git merges -devoted virgin event 3/04/18 383 -Revamped vector art content -Edit neighbor cheats -various submitted fixes -various reported bugs ???? 382 -overhauled saChoosesOwnClothes (currently trapped on a powerless computer) 3/02/18 381 -ocular implants now get consumed on use -fixed minor text bugs 3/01/18 380 -addition gui support for jquery (git only for now) -crimeanon's secEx replenish all option and fixes 2/28/18 379 -more fixes to player birth 378 -fixed issues with mindbreak/fuckdolls and corsets/heels -masochists now get off from extreme corsets and heels -fixes to trade show 2/27/18 377 -major fix to youth and maturity pref failing not clearing SMR, law and PA appearance 376 -pregmodfan's fixes to player pregnancy 375 -Sfanon's fixes and tweaks -some more robust catchers for NaN'd rep -pregmodfan's tweaking to saAgent -cleaned out all the new sanityCheck complaints 374 -fixed pregnancy desync in startingGirls 2/26/18 373 -raWidgets now will not complain about "please you" -fixed policies and PA tabs requiring cybermod -some code cleanup in RETS -removed a mysterious <<break>> in the neighbors FS selection 372 -more prodding to seBirthWidgets -sidebar reorganization 2/25/18 371 -cleaned up seBirthWidgets some more to bring in back in line with original intent -various little fixes 370 -various bug fixes -more stuff from SFanon Agent pregnancy bug still in play. 2/24/18 369 -fixes for pregmodfan's pregnancy tracking -SFanon's continued SF work 368 -added missing dairy broodmother birth -hacking skill allows you to pose as a medical expert to gain access to some of surgeon's starting bonuses -reduced hacking bonus to be in line with other bonuses -tons of logic fixes in scenes -updated RA to use itemAccessibility JS 2/23/18 367 -filled another braces exploit -SFanon's SF work 366 -more support from pregmodfan to his new system -fixes to the facility decoration bug -other fixes -added a new hpreg recruit (in cheatmode only as preg counts that high aren't handled yet) 365 -SFanon's player hacking skill (basic implementation) Still more to come with it. 2/22/18 364 -sidebar notification when you can start a new FS -pregmodfan's new pregnancy tracking system -fixes to players being unable to manage HG, BG, rec 2/21/18 363 -added labor suppressant feedback to BellyDescription -tweaked Mercenary Romeo to avoid mastersuite slaves and your wives if given the option. -further tweaked Mercenary Romeo to only fire off if you have a public slave or a slave that has seen lots of public duty. MB, FD and NG+ exclusions. 2/20/18 362 -added .pregWeek to the advanced cheat edit slave -added slow gestation feedback to PregnancyDescription -added labor suppressant feedback to PregnancyDescription -added speed gestation feedback to PregnancyDescription BellyDescription may need additions as well for the trio. 2/19/18 361 -revised fertility goddess nicknames to favor nationality based ones before others 360 -added fertility goddess nickname type (needs more nicknames) -added head girl tastes for Repop focus 2/18/18 359 -neighbors can now have the same potential number of FS as you instead of a hardset 4 -this also caps the rival 358 -attempted to plug braces exploit 357 -submitted fixes -use another slave to impregnate her now respects chastity properly 2/17/18 356 -minor fixes -minor fixes submitted via git -more additions and fixes to the revamped vector art (I also now know what it is called.) -added option to c-section a slave should you feel like it 355 -minor fixes and a major fix to personal attention -additional new vectors for the new embedded vector art 2/16/18 354 -preg biometrics collar now reports new mother status -preg biometrics collar reporting early pregnancy now pleases repopulationists -submited text improvements 2/15/18 353 -slaves now experience a postpartum state post pregnancy It takes four weeks normally to end and during which they suffer a percentage reduction to FResult that deminishes each week until their normal cycle begins anew. 2/14/18 352 -unbroken slaves' deovtion loss due to knocking you up now increases in severity the more times it happens -fixed minor text issues -spellchecked the patch notes this time 351 -minor text fixes -slaver background now starts with discounted starting girls 350 -player pregnancy postpartum state active 349 -minor text fixes 2/13/18 348.1 -added missing "tails" vector 348 -anon's new unembedded hair vectors -some code condensing from fcanon 347 -untangled dispensery text -fixed some spelling issues and duplicate words -backend work for postpartum players -isPlayerFertile($PC) JS 2/12/18 346 -fixed new fertile ovaries organ -fixed bad <<FSChange>> 345 -now menopause reversal won't clear pregnancies 344 -fixed several text issues -added menopause reversal 343 -fixed missed closing ifs in seBirth -fixed mishandled rude title in fearful balls event 342 -FCanon's big ass patch -numerous bug fixes and optimizations 2/11/18 341 -broodmother shutdown added 340 -implemented broodmother shutdown variable -fixed HG + slave display on the arcology layout -fixed issues with the old-style UI -various little fixes 339 -FCanon's fixes -fixed some display issues involving $PC.customTitle 2/10/18 338 -various little text fixes -sugarcube updated to 2.23.5 337 -fcanon's RA assignment fixes 336 -finished cleaning birthWidgets and making sure clothing birth accommodates broodmothers 2/09/18 335 -fixed attackReport. Not going to ask how it ended up like that in the first place. -fixed dairy assigning ignoring facility caps 2/08/18 334 -fixed potential bad ages in two slave recruit events -various minor tweaks -birthWidgets cleaning 2/06/18 333.1 -removing the broodmother implant now actually does what it is supposed to 333 -phase 6 completed (broodmother type 1) -typo corrections 332 -minor sanityCheck fixes 2/05/18 331 -phase 6 work (all broodmother births completed) -various little submitted fixes and tweaks -FCanon's ra fixes 2/04/18 330 -fixed reappearing peacekeepers -phase 6 work 2/02/18 329 -fixed degrading names 328 -fixed reNickname and slaveSold 327 -various code cleanup -tweaks to agents -fixed grammatical issues involving luxurious hair -pregmodfan's nickname fixes and other fixes -phase 6 work 326 -sugarcube updated to 2.23.4 325 -reduced concentration of string implant malus -fixes to saAgent's fake belly removal -fixed permanent makeup text duplication -various minor text corrections -phase 6 work 324 -added saAgent Some physical Agent stats are now tracked week to week. 323 -fixed hidden headgirls 2/01/18 322 -fixed missed rep increase in strip club closing -removed excess "the"s -fcanon's agent work -various little fixes -phase 6 work 1/31/18 321 -added Faraen's vector art 320 -fix to assignWidgets not porperly handling facility head assignment 319 -anon's master slaver multislave personal training -fixes 1/30/18 318.1 -critical fix to PMODinit bug 318 -fixed errant ".lightyellow;" -fixed non lethal pit bug 317 -fixed virginty ignoring in saRules -fixed lack of virginty taking warning in RESS -fixed the barracks getting really confused about the number of mercs fucking slaves in it -anon's corp tweaks -re-initialized phase 6 316.2 -fixed bad string in FS acquisition 316.1 -better fix to race issue in sup FS acquisition 316 -partial fix to race issue in sup FS acquisition 315 -fixes to assayWidgets (beauty) 314 -fixed bad cashFormat() arguement in costReport -fixed missed ) in saRecruitGirls -initialized phase 6 1/29/18 313 -fixed bad cashFormat() 312 -phase 5 completed (hyperpregnancy) -minor fixes -anon's $ tweaks to the corp -fixed the possibility of use counts going negative in glory holes 311 -anon's labReport fix 310 -crimeanon's fixes -anon's continued tweaking -fixed hostages sometimes showing up when they weren't supposed to be -fixed various little typos and errors 309 -various small fixes 308 -Sugarcube updated to 2.23.1 1/28/18 307 -various submitted text corrections 306 -fixed missed && in SpecialForceUpgradeOptions 305 -fixed issues with orphanage recruits -small text fixes -fixed mistargeted spans in custom slave -fixed infinite JFC looping -fixed childgen getting confused when the player fathered a slave -limited height surgeries to +- 15cm from expected average -anon's economy tweaks -crimeanon's fixes 304 -anon's tweaks -removed leftover code from RESS 303 -anon's corp tweaks 302 -fixed missing span in JFC 301 -anon's corp tweaks 1/27/18 300 -anon's corp tweaks -fixed the upgraded dispensary giving 50% off the reduced value instead of the original 299.2 -and now they are nuns and priests 299.1 -clergy capture slaves are now virgins 299 -converted anon's submitted clergy capture event into the second Chattel Religionist FS acquisition event -SFanon's fixes and tweaks -phase 4 work -fixed the dispensary giving 75% off instead of 25% off 298 -fixed the flesh heap only giving amps if $seeExtreme was off 297 -fixed minor bug in JFC 1/26/18 296 -SFanon's job fullfilment center slave market -anon's various fixes and tweaks 295 -starting girls can now be set to mindbroken -fixed some age bugs in reRecruit 1/25/18 294 -consolidated player asset descriptions -femPC can now officially be flat 293 -added a see pregnancy toggle to game options -crimeanon's secEx fixes 1/24/18 292 -conitnued implementation of $seePreg 291 -partial implementation of $seePreg 1/23/18 290 -small tweaks to FResult -fixed minor bugs -initialized .nipplesAccessory and $seePreg 1/22/18 289 -anon's continued tweaking 288 -SFanon's fixes to SFMBarracks -phase 4 work -XY ads now check for a dick instead of the lack of a vagina -tweaked combat arms deadliness to actually add deadliness -starting girls now properly tells you their genes 1/21/18 287 -anon's continued tweaks -fixed reversed degradationist check in new slave intro -cleaned up chattel religionist's clothing choices in saLongTermEvents 286 -minor fixes -anon's income tweaks -anon's vignettes 1/19/18 285 -SFanon's fixes 284 -fixed advertising issues regarding implants -fixed minor text issues 283 -fixed reversed futanari sisters career effects -minor text fixes 282 -Crimeanon's tweaks -SFanon's tweaks and SF cheat edit -minor fixes -tweaked eugenics breeding proposal to reflect post SE rebellion -refiled chains under harsh clothing 1/18/18 281 -fixed introSummary breast setting -fixed an oversight in authorityReport 1/17/18 280 -fixed multitude of problems brought in with v278 279 -fixed severe issue with "work as a servant" 278 -variety of contributed fixes and corrections 1/16/18 277 -fixed minor display issues -fixed potential $rep cause in involving SF's Colonel (or fucked up the check and made it worse) -added .ovaryAge to the cheat edit slaves 1/15/18 276 -fixed improper belly size unsetting in saInflation -slave on slave feeding now properly clears its variable -increased cost reduction of servant's quarters -added more mindbroken checks to cull inappropriate emotion 275 -various overlooked mindbreak checks added -phase 4 work 01/14/18 274 -fixed broken saWhore vignette -tweaked how sex counts work in the schoolroom 273 -fixed minor display bugs -warded against odd .burst hostage inheritance 01/13/18 272 -fixes to saRecruitGirls 271 -many new incest two slave recruit combinations -small fixes 01/12/18 270 -fixed bad RESS choice -tweaked puberty events 269 -servants can now qualify for a reduced selection of random events They are always around, after all. 268 -fixes to policies and master suite 267 -fixed age ads getting set to 0 when they shouldn't be 266 -Gutted random event selection and recoded it as JS -Crimeanon's fixes -SFanon's fixes -minor fixes and typos corrections 01/10/18 265 -fVagina fixes -SFanon's cleaning 264 -allowed master suite slaves into RESS eligibility 263 -The rest of SFanon's fixes -minor corrections -fixed a number of ".SlaveName"s 262 -SFanon's fixes and policy cleanup 261 -small fixes -secEx fixes 01/09/18 260 -fixes to advertising 259.2 -fixed fVagina, again 259.1 -fixed fVagina 259 -fixes -phase 4 work -anons FCTV channel and story 01/06/18 258 -fixes -phase 4 work -backwards compatibility fixes for vanilla to pregmod saves 01/06/18 257 -fixes -phase 4 work -personal attention now respects chastity better 256 -Fully established eugenics is now abandonable after you've dealt with the uppity SE. -Corncobman's brothel/club advertisement and code tweaks -SFanon's fixes 01/04/18 255 -fixed reBoomerang bad variables 254 -minor typo corrections 253 -more minor fixes 252 -SFanon's cleaned up introSummary -fixed numerous zero'd stats in export slave -gave most ddDatabase slaves scrotums 251 -tweaked milking arcades to delay slave rotations somewhat (they'll stay healthier longer, but still will eventually require a recovery period) -minor fixes 01/03/18 250 -SFanon's stuff -minor fixes 01/02/18 249 -Sugarcube updated to 2.22.0 -fixed lip implants vs natural lips TF check being wrong -other small fixes 01/01/18 248 -minor fixes 247 -fixed vaginal use incrementing the anal total in the arcade 12/31/17 246 -fixes Fixes include $failedElite not clearing on ng+, excessive oral use and issues with serve you other slaves. 12/30/17 245 -finished .need fixing -saServeYouOtherSlaves work -minor fixes 244 -added stamina pills for player consumption 12/29/17 243 -fixed subordinate slave setting 242 -anon's new family tree display (not yet implemented in startingGirls, so don't freak out) -various little tweaks 241 -fixed bad variable in costs JS -fixed unclosed set in endWeek 240 -living rules cost optimization -code cleanup -fixed minor bugs involving the BG's room 12/28/17 239 -fixed reputation bug -fixed secBarracks bugs 238 -fixed slave summary bug 237 -fixes to eugenics bad end -SFanons tweaks fixes and content -at least one slave in subordinate targeting must have limbs 12/27/17 236 -fixes RA XXY diets, scalemail bikini errors, bad engineering training and straps/latex showing up inappropriately in the vector art. 235 -saRules now applies to the HG's slave -HG and BG no longer consume dormitory capacity if they have their own room -SFanon's fixes 12/26/17 234 -SFanon's fixes and numbers commaing 233 -fixes 232 -saRules now applies to the master suite -various little text fixes 12/25/17 231 -saRules now applies fully to the dairy 230.2 -minor elseif if catch in saPleaseYou 12/24/17 230.1 -quick revert to lastEyeSurgery() 230 -fixed eyes autosurgery? 229 -fixes -QoL changes to unit management in secEx Fixes include the swan song followup never happening, RA getting too controlling about fertility drugs and incorrectly displayed training costs. 228 -code improvements -SFanon's player skill stuff 12/23/17 227 -various text fixes 226 -fix for removeActiveSlave incubator quirks 225 -SFanon's fixes -Milkmaid saRules 224 -SFanon's fixes -a bunch of lisping tweaks 12/22/17 223 -SFanon's stuff (mostly comma'd numbers) 222 -SFanon's stuff 221 -fixed servants quarters bugs 12/21/17 220 -saRules now applies to the servants quarters -fixes Fixed an issue with reMalefactor displaying the wrong text block. 219 -fixes More cache clearing, fixes to reBoomerang preg setters and a typo in raWidgets causing trouble. 12/20/17 218 -SFanon's tweaks 217 -fixed sex count NaN in saRules-schoolroom -tweaked childgen to use current father name 12/19/17 216 -saRules now applies to the schoolroom -fixes 12/18/17 215 -fixed brothel devotion oddities -adjusted arcology sector demand -optional comma'd numbers Every purchase and selling of an arcology sector will now make the nexst more expensive. Selling one increases it more than buying one, so while it may bring in quick money will make it more difficult to reaquire. 214 -saRules now applies to the spa Also fixed luxury rules being retained when removed from certain facilities. Those will now default to "normal". 12/17/17 213 -lots of spelling corrections -fixes 212 -fixes -new outcome for reRebels 12/16/17 211 -fixes 210 -fixed "psychosupresants" 209 -minor fixes 12/15/17 208 -saRules now applies to the cellblock -new cellblock setting to forbid your wardeness from cumming inside your prisoners -git contributed fixes -Inflation settings are also now restricted for the cellblock, similar to the dairy and arcade. 12/13/17 207 -git contributed code simplification and fixes 206 -git contributed fixes 12/12/17 205 -git contributed fixes and muscle range expansion to custom slave/starting girls 204 -saRules now applies to the clinic 203 -fxied bad if in saRules 202 -fixes 12/11/17 201 -SFanons stuff 200 -saRules now applies to the club 199 -fixes 198 -fixes -saRules now applies to the brothel 12/10/17 197 -anon's tweaks Mostly little cheat edit tweaks to secEx. 196 -fixes -saRules tinkering 12/09/17 195.1 Should fix >>149556 195 -fixes -saRules tinkering 194.1 -same fix as >>149491 (Broken pharmaceutical fabricuator purchase option) 194 -SFanon's passive PC skill gaining -anon's various additions and corrections -fixes 12/08/17 193 -fixes 192 -anon's leadership slave skills -fixes 12/06/17 191 -SFanon's fixes -Crimeanon's fixes 190 -SFanon's fixes 189 -fixes and tweaks 188 -fixes -SFanon's fixes -secEx tweaks 12/05/17 187 -fixes -SFanon's fixes 186 -fixes -SFanon's stuff 185 -fixed <<m>> 184 -tweaks to pregnancy breast growth -pregnancy overhaul phase 3 (belly implants) completed 183 -sugarcube 2.21.0 -continued bellyImplant work 12/04/17 182 -fixes 181 -fixes -reduced value of milk and cum -continued bellyImplant work 180 -fixes 179 -fixes -FSanon's custom slave voice options -continued bellyImplant work 12/03/17 178 -fixes 12/02/17 177 -fixes 176 -fixed bugs 175 -added anon's siren song part 2 -fixes -added tracking to ng+ slaves to keep them from stealing the spotlight in certain current game events 174 -added SFanon's eye and hair autosurgery settings 173 -The Hippolyta Acedemy added -fixes 12/01/17 172 -SFanon's stuff -anon's slave self impregnation -fixes 171 -fixed .pregSource not handling ng+ -tweaked childgen 11/30/17 170 -added vector art anon's bushy pits -tweaked childgen 169 -SFanon's fixes -Doubled non size related bonuses in GR's big butt policy for slimness societies to offset the negative of big butts 11/29/17 168 -disabled broken vector -escorts now have a slight edge when it comes to teaching slaves sex skills 167 -SecEx battle prestige 166 -fixes -some minor tweaks 165 -fixes -dairy entry tweaks -color tweaking 11/28/17 164 -fixes -continued color wars 163 -minor fixes -color standardization/what the fuck does this color even mean? 162 -fixes -SFanon's fixes -Crimeanon's fixes 11/27/17 161 -fixed custom slaves making all slaves their race 160 -fixed reRecruit 159 -fixed bugs -added a policy for open slave dick use 11/26/17 158 -fixed lactation implant dairy setting bug 157 -added rumor reduction to reputation policies SecEx: -discounts for applicable PC experience -cyber upgrade for units 11/25/17 156 -SFanon's fixes and tweaks 155 -fixed princes 154 -fixed FCTV channels 12 and 13 not showing reruns should they run out of content 153 -Security Expansion mod officially added -finished phase 2 of the pregnancy overhaul (inflation overhaul) -added the option to not implant cattle for lactation implants to the dairy -fixes 11/23/17 152 -fixes -changes to whoring/slutting/hole need -continued inflation work 151 -fixes -tweaks to BP and TF in regards to extreme facial surgery and race alteration -continued inflation changes -SFanon's stuff 11/21/17 150 -tweaks 149 -custom slave overhaul 11/20/17 148 -added settings to enable/disable lactation implants in flat slaves 147 -fix 146 -fixes -dairy now only increases breasts in lactating slaves and the stimulators increase cum output 145 -fixes -new SJW recruit -dairy slaves will only receive lactation implants if they have no dick, have breasts larger than flat, or are already lactating naturally. -nationality reweighting 11/19/17 144 -The daughters of liberty now require combatants to pass a physical before deployment (the captures will be in a more reasonable fighting shape) 143 -SFanon's stuff 142 -fixes 141 -completed new vanilla country additions -fixes 11/18/17 140 -fixes -SFanon's stuff 139 -fixes 138 -fixes -SFanon's stuff 11/17/17 137 -fixes -began inflation rework stage of pregnancy overhaul (phase 2) 11/16/17 136 -fixes -RESSTR cleaning completed 135 -fix to RA drug reduction targets not subtracting implants 134 -major revisions to how temporarily removed slaves are handled 11/15/17 133 -major fixes to temporarily removed slaves -fixes -removed restrictions on hormone blockes -RESSTR event cleaning 11/14/17 132 -fix 131 -fixes -Completed RESS cleanup 130 -fixed the free range dairy assignment scene -SFanon's stuff 11/13/17 129.1 -more fixes 129 -fixes 128 -anon's scalemail bikini -fixes 127 -fixed fFeet 126 -fixes -major oversight corrections -added short stories to FCTV -alterations to 11/12/17 125 -fixes -RESS work 124 -fixes -dairy diet changes 123 -some fixes -more RESS work 11/11/17 122 -fixes -very bushy pubes 121 -fixed >>140790 (<> in the DefaultRules widget is missing a $) 120 -fixed bugs -removed deprecated "be your recruiter" -more RESS stuff 11/09/17 119 -fixes 118 -fixes 11/08/17 117 -fixes 116 -tweaked supremacist and subjugationist beauty and FResults -fixes -more RESS work 115 -fixes -more RESS work 11/07/17 114.1 -fixed >>139762 114 -fixed bugs -capped devotion gained from max trust to prevent unruly slaves from suddenly loving you -more RESS work 11/06/17 113 -fixes -added isItemAccessible() to handle those obnoxious checks for FS and purchased items 11/05/17 112 -fixed bugs -tweaked choosing own clothes a little 11/04/17 111 -fixes 11/03/17 110 --fixes -vanilla cleanings -continued RESS work 11/01/17 109 -fixed >>137381 (mutinery attempt - Cannot read property 'nationality of undefined) 108 -fixed self pregnancy confusing childgen 107 -fixed reported bugs and family quirks 10/31/17 106 -RESS work -hormone blockers now block erections 105 -converted the applicable .hormone calls to use .hormoneBalance -added hormone blockers to restrict hormone effects and speed normalization while used 10/30/17 104 -fixes 103 -hormones rework -fixes 10/28/17 102 -fixes 101 -fixes -Milkanon's channel is live in FCTV 100 -fixes -fFeet overhaul -fFeet moved out of cheatmode 10/27/17 99 -fixed various bugs 98 -fixes 10/26/17 97 -fixes 96 -stuffedanon's fixes 10/25/17 95 -added masturbation only release rule -fixes 10/24/17 94 -fixes -vanilla tweaks -nationality presets now use weighted arrays (except the big one, haven't gotten it done yet) -eugenics bad end rework 93 -fixes 10/23/17 92 -bunch of vanilla stuff since I raided the waiting vanilla pull requests -fixes 91 -fixes -user submitted QoL improvements 10/22/17 90 -added >>135219 (Economy widget/spreadsheet fix for case when variables are somehow not initialized but the sheet is being displayed anyway) 89 -fixed reAWOL 88 -SFanon's work 87 -minor fixes 86 -minor fixes 85 -SFanon's stuff 10/21/17 84 -number of bugfixes 10/20/17 83 -fixed bugs 10/19/17 82 -anon's economy reports -continued RESS work 81 -SFanon's fix -minor fixes 10/17/17 80 -fixed "desperate birth" more 79.1 -more grammer fixes to reRecruit that failed to slip into v79 79 -fixes (sans multi organ implant quirks) -SFanon's stuff -attempted to extend custom tattoos 78 -fixes -anon's multiple organ growth and implantation 10/16/17 77 -fixed reported bugs 10/15/17 76 -fixed puberty setting with implanted organs 75 -SFanon's stuff -anon's organ farm support for the incubation facility -more RESS work -fixes 10/14/17 74 -fixes 10/13/17 73 -SFanon's stuff 72 -fixes 10/10/17 71 -fixes -more RESS work -added oversized sex toys to the list of accessories the RA can manage 70 -fixed reported bugs 69 -SFanon's fixes 68 -fixed the giant robot upgrade prmpt occuring prematurely 67 -fixed reported bugs 66 -fixes -dispensary prettying by SecurityExpansion anon -Massively cleaned up SFMBarracks 10/09/17 65 -fixed my passage fuckup 64 -fixed bug? 63 -fixed bugs? 62 -fixed reported bugs -SFanon's continued work -more RESS work 10/08/17 61 -added "anti-aging cream", "growth stimulants", "sag-B-gone", "male hormone injections", and "female hormone injections" to drugs the RA can manage 60 -SFanon's SF stuff 10/07/17 59 -fixes 10/06/17 58 -fixed >>131078 10/05/17 57 -fixed >>130781 >>130783 56 -tweaked childgen intelligence loss and facial beauty loss due to inbreeding (lessened chances for both, degree for beauty) -SFanon's corporation fixes 55 -SFanon's BC fixes 10/04/17 54 -SFanon's stuff 10/02/17 53 -assorted fixes -continued RESS work 10/01/17 52 -fixed reported problems -arcade will no longer convert slaves sentenced to it into fuckdolls 51 -added SFanon's merge request 09/30/17 50 -fixed creating SF event 49 -fixed, Milf tourist event and decline politely. -pregmodfan's continued RA tweaking 09/29/17 48 -fixed, has two extra closing ifs, Lines 328 and 374. 47 -fixed bugs -SFanon's continued SF work 09/28/17 46 -pregmodfan's RA tweaking 45 -fixes -RESS work 44 -fixes 43 -fixes -pregmodfan's continued RA tweaking 09/27/17 42 -various fixes 09/26/17 41 -small fixes 40 -fixes for everything but the RA quirks 39 -fixed reported bugs 09/25/17 38 -Pregmodfan's RA tweaks -Removed maximum rules counter (replaced with warning if more then 10 rules used). -Rules now can be selected randomly from list, not only chain go to for next/previous -belly size condition (for .belly ). -Groups of links controls for growth drugs now working without page reload after any click - so it's much more comfortable to use now. 37 -catches for (a slave been born mindbroken if their mother is) and (anal virgin enjoying anal) 36 -fixes the pussy option during the cellbock's sleep deprevation event. 09/24/17 35 -fixes -all RESS intros cleaned up and added to 34 -fixed bugs -added spats to the RA -enabled "frightening dick" event 09/23/17 33 -fixes -typos corrections 32 -fixed bugs 31 -fixes 30 -fixes -SFanon's stuff 29 -fixes -slaves can now lisp the word "access" 09/22/17 28 -SFanon's stuff -fixes 27 -minor fixes -tweaks to bed reporting 26 -fixed price not showing up in the airlift in slavery option 09/21/17 25 -SFanon's stuff -minor fixes 24 -fixed bellyAdjective() -fixed some typos 22/23 -SFanon's stuff 21 -user submitted stuff 09/20/17 20 -fixes 19 -fixed bugs 09/19/17 18 -fixed >>125249 17 -fixed the slave shelter bug 16 -fixes -cleanup and added clit rape into fSlaveSlavedick 09/18/17 15 -added a catch to prevent >>124979 -added custom lenses to add custom description 09/17/17 14 -fixed bugs 13 -fixed SFBarracks -the second half of anon's spats 12 -fixes -SFanon's SFBarracks stuff -vanilla title changes 09/16/17 11 -fixes -anon's spats and t-shirt clothing 10 -fixes 09/15/17 9 -fixed >>124399 -added anon's option to buy both the princess and queen 09/14/17 8 -minor fixes 7 -fixed >>124177 6 -fixes 5 -RETS overhaul 4 -vanilla fixes -bug fixes 09/13/17 3 -added details for some of the new vanilla nationalities -tweaked .need generation 2 -fixed >>123773 -vanilla stuff -bugfixes 09/12/17 118 -fixed reported bugs 117 -fixed >>123580 116 -backwards compatibility now properly sets .birthWeek 115 -pregmodfan's RA fixes 114 -vanilla update To sum it up: You can now influence neighbors with your recruiter and your slaves now have sexual needs that must be handled or they'll get moody. Also changes to starting girls prices to smack those who try to stack good things by offsetting them with bad things. 113 -fixes -anon's height focused growth drugs and other related things 09/11/17 112 -various bug fixes 09/09/17 111 -bugfixes 110 -possible backwards compat fix -fixed weight stuff in artWidgets 109 -heavy conversion of the flesh descriptions to the new pregnancy system -bugfixes -clean up of remnant "GenderRadicalistLaw" 09/07/17 108 -fixed >>122211 (119980) 09/05/17 107 -fixed >>122158 again 106 -fixed >>122158 ? 105 -hopefully fixed the bodymod studio 104 -hpefully fixed drgus not working in MS 103 -vanilla content Mostly stuff related to piercings, HGs getting to pierce slaves, some new rivalry causes and a nerf to attraction gain.Also FCdev failed to realize he had 'SlaveFullName' and didn't need to make 'FullName', so I set it up to yell at you to yell at me to remove it. 102 -bug fixes -now in .7z 09/04/17 101 -fixed bugs 100 -fixed bugs 99 -fixes -anon's starting girl quirks -continued overhauling 09/02/17 98 -fixed bugs -added an override to 'KnockMeUp' to supress text 97 -fixes 96 -bugfixes 95 -fixes 09/01/17 94 -fixed >>120653 93 -fixes 92.1 $injectionUpgrade changed for testicles 92 -tweaked intensive drugs more as directed -added "mongolian" to the name flipper 91 -fixed >>120436 maybe? -tweaked breast based beauty to accommodate the size increase -altered dairy breast growth 90 -fixed bugs -messed with rival-hostage events 08/31/17 89 -fixed reRoyalBlood -fixed other bugs 88 -fixed hedonism's shops 87 -fixes -anon's RA stuff -anon's ability to buy the entire royal court 86 -fixed >>120006 Turned out to be oversized breasts having one too many 'if's. 08/29/17 83 -more overhauling All slavegen should be accounted for under the new system now. 82/81 -bug fixes It helps to run the sanityCheck before posting the patch. 80 -tried to handle >>119556 08/30/17 85 -vanilla changes -fixes Biggest thing to report is definitely the breast size cap being raised to 50kcc. A slightly smaller thing to say; balls now go to 10. Still working on getting the RA changes in. 84 -fixed bugs 08/28/17 79 -maybe fixed >>119513 Keep in mind the slave must have arms and legs. 78 -core pregnancy system swapped -fixed some bugs Run backwards compatibility. No exceptions. I think everything is in place that needs to be in place. Very little beyond behind the scenes type code. If everything went right, there should be nothing really noticeable yet. The most obvious change will be the alterations to menopause. It is no longer hard set at 47, instead it drifts slightly year by year. This means that over a slave's lifetime, you will see a variance of when they go through menopause. 08/27/17 77 -fixed >>119185 A prime example of a temp variable running rogue. 76 -removeActiveSlave should now dump their growing organs -typo fixes Some other minor things here and there too. 08/26/17 75 -fixed >>119084 -a submitted addition of the cleansing diet to the RA 74 -fixed bugs 73 -fixes 72 -fixed bugs I may have broken slave facility assignment. Or maybe I fixed >>118907 I don't know. Also if your rules are broken, run either backwards compatibility or the rules resetter under options. Both should fix it. 71 -rest of the vanilla RA changes It honestly looks like it didn't break anything. Do run backwards compatibility though. 70 -vanilla stuff Mostly intense growth drugs. Due to our RA changes, I couldn't hook them into it so it will remove them for now. Still have to handle the massive RA changes, which will likely break everything. 08/25/17 69 -fixed bugs, including a mislink to the slavegirl school Beginning vanilla update merge now. 68 -quick addition of something I overlooked 67 -fixed bugs 66 -fixed reAwol harder 65 -fixed bugs 08/24/17 64 -fixed a bunch of bugs -added a new slave school that seeks to breed the perfect cowgirl It's slaves still need a little work, as they currently lack certain intended reactions to things like milking, etc. 63 -bug fixes -some of anon's submissions 08/22/17 62 -fixes 61 -fixed bugs Except for the PC breast feeding report, that is based off of a player choice at game start linked to advanced pregnancy and thus working as intended. 60 -anon's expanded smuggling personal attention 59 -fixed backwards compatibility -bug fixes Backwards compatibility should actualy work now. It was mispelled. 08/21/17 58 57 -fixed a couple bugs 56 -fixed the HG not properly handling flaws -fixed other bugs -fixed typos 55 -fixed self-impreg 54 -fixed >>117021 53 -fixed >>117003 52 -readded lost artWidgets code -fixed your rude PA 51 -fixed >>116926 -you can now seed a freshly implanted broodmother to have her bear your children. You need a penis to do this. 08/20/17 50 -fixed bugs -hopefully fixed the hole in walk past -added a clear condition for contraceptives if the slave lacks ovaries 49.1 -added a fix to the gender FS laws contributed to the git 49 -fixed bugs -added hair length maitenance to the salon 48 -vanilla part 2 08/19/17 47.1 Fixed [SetupVars] <<set>> bad evaluation Unexpected string 47 -vanilla content part 1 46 -anon's gang leader personal attention option -bug fixes 08/18/17 45 -fixes 44 -possible fix for slaves getting denied by every slave they seek a relationship with 43 -fixes -tweaks to $enduringRep and whoring/devastating rumors 08/17/17 42 -fixes -age penalties off now applie to HG like it should 41 -fixed bugs -added some paraphillia vignettes -added in anon's mutiny attempt 40 -fixed >>115783 39 -minor fixes 38 -anon's spelling corrections 37 -fixed >>115701 08/16/17 36 -now with less broken newSlaveIntro 35 -fixed reported bugs -HG will now try to break her assigned girl if she is unbroken before dressing her up nicely 34 -fixes 33 -vanilla stuff Mostly bugfixes, a new recruiter target and some changes to vector breasts. 08/15/17 32 -fixed bugs Fixed the counter for the number of a slave's children you've had and hopefully added clears to the remote surgery to prevent chastity devices getting stuck on in the first place. 31 -added catches to clear chastity devices from slaves that can't wear them. 30 -fixed bugs. 29 -fixed >>115265 28 -fixes 27 -fixes 26 -fixed physical development 08/14/17 25 -small tweaks to saLiveWithHG HG will fatten up her slave if hedonistic decadence is in play and will make use of hyper drugs if you have them researched. Also cumsluts will now expand their slave's balls to get more cum. 24 -fixed a critical bug with the menopause reversal It helps to actually link player age with it at game start, you know? 23 -added player surgeries to rid yourself of a postpartum belly without the wait and a second to temporarily restore your fertility post-menopause. -fixed bugs 08/13/17 22 -player pregnancy overhauled -some typos fixed 21 -fixed butts getting too big for their descriptions 20 -fixes and description corrections 19 -little fixes 08/12/17 18 -fixed elective surgery bugs 17 -I don't remember if I did anything. 16 -fixed >>114360 15 -fixed facial quirks -maybe fixed vector art troubles? 14 -fixed sePlayerBirth 13 -fixed bugs 12 -fixed bugs -player abortion should be working right again 08/11/17 11 -fixed bugs 10 Does backwards compatibility work now? 9 -hopefully fixed backwards compatibility 8 -ra fixes -partial conversion to the new pregnancy system for the player 08/8/17 7 -unfucked sales descriptions, maybe -fixed some bugs 6 -added vasectomies -anon's RA fixings 5.1 Still poking at the RA. 5 Trying something here. I commented out the offending drug removal code in the RA, tell me if anything changed. I expect you will have to manually unset the drugs once all growth targets are hit though, but we'll be on the right track. 4 -anon's gender rad law has been added -the vector art is now on the git 3 -vanilla updating -bugfixes 2 -fixed reported bugs 1 -now with passages in the right place 08/7/17 84 -fixed bugs -food stuffing is now available 83 -fixed bugs 82 -fixed a possible costs report bug 81 -bugfixes -some oversight corrections 08/6/17 80 -fixed a $$ 79 -fixed bugs 78 -nobr'd a bunch of passages -fixed some bugs -corrected some oddities 08/5/17 77 -fixed bugs 76 -placeholders removed -food stuffing now has effects 08/4/17 75 -fixed bugs -corrected some oversights 74 -lowercase-donkey fuckery 73 -Fixed some bugs 08/3/17 72 -fixed bugs 71 -fixed >>111042 70 -minor fixes -pointless changes to the encyclopedia 69 -bug fixes 08/2/17 68 -fixed >>110899 67 -added beauty policies for physical idealist and hedonistic decadence for strongfat slaves. These are mutually exclusive with the other beauty standard for them, but not with those outside of it. -fixed bugs and oversights -hit the sanityCheck more to remove false positives, though I still can not get rid of the ones it still shows 66 -fixed bugs 65 -vanilla changes -bugfixes 08/1/17 64 -bugs fixed 63 -fixed misplaced 'enunciate' in reRelativeRecruiter 62 -various reported things fixed 61 -surgically removing dicks and vaginas will now remove accessories that require them. 60 -fixed bugs 59 -fixed reported bugs, sans the mystery NaN 07/31/17 58 -fixed bad 'PoliteRudeTitle arguement 57 -fixed >>110176 -added a catch to prevent hostages from inheriting amputation or clipped heels from starting girls. 56 -tossed in a catch to correct amps having clipped tendo 55 -vagina removal surgery no longer requires a penis 54 -just a catcher for a potential ndef foreskin bug 53 -fixes 52 -cellblock will kick out mindbroken slaves 51 -added fat grafting surgery 07/30/17 50 -fixed the rest of the bugs -also fixed some quirks involving vanilla changes to slave naming overriding your chidlrens' surnames 49 -fixed bugs and oversight 48 -fixed bugs 07/29/17 47 -fixed bugs 46 -added universal rule to strip all slaves of their surnames and auto strip any future slaves while it is active. You can still give back particular slaves their surnames, should you so choose. 07/28/17 45 -added in the missing belly implant resetting passage -minor tweaks 44 -vanilla patches 43 -fixed bugs -altered that bonus for 18 year old slaves to apply to minimum slave age instead -likely broke the RA more 42 -fixed bugs 07/27/17 41 -altered core belly implant rules -changed how weight affects assets in slavegen 40 -FCGudder's span fixing and other cleaning -altered how nipple color is set 39 -fixed hg suite issues 38 -fixed bugs. 07/26/17 37.1 -now with NaN checks that actually check for NaNs 37 -fixed pregnancy inconsistancies -added a NaN catch for the slave sex counts 35 -fixed >>108923 34 -fixed bad costs cases 33 -fixed missed $policyCost 32 -fixed some oversights in costs -costs now runs entirely in JS 31 -bugfixes 30 -fixed >>108865 29 -bugfixes -vanilla stuff 07/25/17 28 -bugfixes 27 -FCGudder's improved slaveSummary 26 -anon's ra fixes -minor tweaks 25 -bug fixes 07/24/17 24 -vanilla stuff 23 -fixes -code improvements 22 -added anon's tiered brothel aphrodisiacs 21 -fixed >>108360 20 -anon's facility filter functions -couple fixes here and there 07/23/17 19 -fixed slave summary 18 -anon's assignment filter stuff 17 -various fixes and optimizations 07/22/17 16 -bugfixes -oversight corrections 15 -fixed bugs 14 -fixed many bugs 07/21/17 13 -bugfixes 12 -fixes -vanilla patches 07/20/17 11 -bugfixes -added FCGudder's new shelter slaves 10 -typo fixes -minor bugfixes -oversight corrections 9 -vanilla fixes 8 -fixed seBirth 07/19/17 7 -fixed phantom dicks in fVagina -added FCGudder's vector stuff 6 -fixed bugs and oversights 5 -fixes 4 -fixed >>107062 3 -maybe fixed seRaiding 2 -fixed bugs 1 -vanilla bugfixes 41 -vanilla fixes -RA fixes, thanks to anon 07/18/17 40 -initialized new variables -further extended family mode optimizations 39 -vanilla updates -FCGudder's guddering 07/17/17 38 -fixed >>106706 37 -FCGudder's image corrections to salon/remote surgery/etc -fixed >>106562 36 -remote surgery and salon less wordy -further optimizations to extended family mode 07/16/17 35 -fixed bad descWidgets paste 34 -fixed bugs 33 -fixes -continued optimizing 32 -fixed bugs -further extended family mode optimization 07/15/17 31 -vanilla bug fixes -pointless vanilla code moving -FCGudder's better than vanilla slave summary caching -bugfixes, including seRaiding -extended family mode optimizations 07/14/17 30 -fixed bugs 29 -fixed bugs 07/13/17 28 -fixed "0 is not her original surname;"? 27 -fixed bugs -FCGudder's fix 26 -fixed fake belly bugs 25 -fixed the policy stuff 24 -vanilla patches -bug fixes 07/12/17 23 -vanilla content -bugfixes 22 -vanilla patching -fixed some bugs -you can now stop carrying children for the SE after you've carried at least one 07/11/17 21 -hopefully fixed seDeath -finished vanilla's lisping wave 20 -lots of little vanilla things -anon's Physical Idealist beauty standard -pregmodfan's ra additions -bugfixes 19 -fixed seBirth -anon's physical idealist law is functional, but lacks the beauty component for the moment 18 -fixed names correctly this time -started adding anon's physical idealist law 17 -fixed name nonsense 07/10/17 16 -this >>104926 -added another pair of height SMRs to limit heights 15 -resynced matchmaking -little bug fixes 07/09/17 14 -altered policies into a single policy -anon's better RA fixes 13 -fixed RA applying drugs to slaves it shouldn't -fixed DJs and Madams fixing paraphillias -added a pair of basic height related SMRs -fixed this >>104691 12 -added player skin tone changing -Societal Elite no longer accept children of the wrong race in sup and sub societies for marking 07/08/17 11 -changed dye naming scheme 10 -fixed bugs -added fairyanon's descriptions 9 -fixed extra <</if>> in, line 726 and extra periods 8 -finished vanilla update 7 -vanilla patches -new fathered variables now report their contents -.origSkin added 07/07/17 6 -fixed barracks? (It's showing up, at least) -added FCGudder's anaphrodisiacs -added a number of father tracking -added some canWalk() and canTalk() checks to sePlayerBirth 5 -now with proper functionaility -also you can now use strings in custom RA rules 4 -vanilla patches 07/06/17 3 -your headgirl now has a very low chance of accidentally knocking up her slave -your headgirl can now abort her slave's early pregnancy if she is permitted to use drugs on her -fixed bugs -accidentally pushed the WIP to the git 2 -maybe fixed lips resetting to 35 in ng+ 07/05/17 1 -seRaiding is now hooked up and good to go 1018a?-0 -preventatives now combat some of the negatives of obesity -added the ability to set .birthTotal in more customization options in starting girls -tons of vanilla stuff 53 -End of week report for the penthouse fixed. 07/04/17 52 -fixed some stuff -cleaned up saLiveWithHG to respect chastity and countless other things 51 -fixed bugs -slaves can now be too fat to wear an empathy belly 07/03/17 50 -neighbors will now not develop conflicitng FS 49 -fixed FCTV never airing my infomercial 48 -added a weight control SMR -restricted weights for generated coursing slaves -more fat belly descriptions 47 -fixed bugs -split .bellySag into the current version and a pregnant version for descriptions to use -liposuction on extremely fat slaves will result in a lot of excess skin -added basic fatter belly descriptions 07/02/17 46 -cleaned out the complaints with salon and body mod studio. 45 -fixed bugged nationality setting in childgen 44 -fixed >>103129 43 -fixed reported bugs 42 -fixed >>103082 41 -added a missing "Shoes" 07/01/17 40 -more of new RA anon's RA tweaking 39 -bug fixes and oversight corrections -some new encyclopedia entries -children that would be "Stateless" will now take up revivalist nationalities if you have one. -redid the alpha version of bodyswapping. It should now not break your slaves 38 -fixed conception widget. 37 -finished respecting chastity in slave on slave force feeding -more improvements to new conception widget 06/30/17 36 -enabled Hodenistic Decadence's research -fixed some anal chastity oversights -fixed some slave count related incosistancies (still lots to do with saRules) -shifted conception to a widget for future pregnancy related content 06/29/17 35 -FCGudder's gudder height gen -removed innocence buff 34 -added a totally legit antisag cream infomercial to FCTV -more beauty tweaking (buffs to edo revivalist, chinese revivalist, body purist, youth/mature preferentialist) -bugfixes 06/28/17 33 -added an RA rule resetter to game options 32 -fixed pit decommision into "market" instead of "markets" 31 -anon's RA tweaks -FCGudder's basic sacrifices -hairlessness due to age now acts like shaved and the like for beauty calcs 06/27/17 30 -fix for vanilla dairy bug 29 -vanilla content -player freckles -inheritable freckles -various little fixes 06/26/17 28 -couple .pregMood new child intros -bit of cleanup on the supportive mesh -clothing should now affect slaves in facilities -corrected some oversights involving sex counts in the slave intros 27 -fixed >>101675 26 -new breast shape preserving implant, comes from impant manufactury upgraded dispensary. See encyclopedia for more details -couple new slave intros involving $PC.pregMood -bug fixes, hopefully including >>101672 06/25/17 25 -fixed >>101533 24 -hedonistic neighbors now always sell slaves with fetishes and occasionally paraphillias -nerfed broodmother's beauty in repop societies (a constant raw 100 is too high) -fixed bugs and oversights -added some more feedback if the societal elite are being asses -added anon's head pat interact into cheat mode for testing 06/23/17 23 -bugfixes -more beauty tampering. (more nerfs to physical idealist, rework of hedonism's weight based beauty, buffs to most beauty standards, buffs to body purist) 22 -fixed reported bugs 21 -bugfixes Fixed the wardrobe bug and the sweatshop bug. 06/22/17 20 -fixed and added more age sorting options 19 -completed hedonistic decadence's clothing -added anon's cheatmode overhaul -bugfixes 06/21/17 18 -Activated Hedonistic Decadence FS -fixed bugs 06/20/17 17 -extended weight range from -100-100 to -100-200 -added some more mental effects on slaves to the non-lethal pit, thanks to anon -added a new title set up for slaves to use when being rude to you but aren't being adamant. -fixed bugs 06/19/17 16 -fixes matchmaking bug 06/18/17 15 -fixes 14 -fixes -reduced costs for arcade and industrial dairy compnents 13 -pregmodfan's RA reworks -fixes and tweaks 06/17/17 12 -bug fixes 11 -vanilla fixes 10 -fixes 9 -added liposuction to the remote surgery to make slaves not fat -fixed bugs -disabled nationality restricing in corporate slavegen due to an inability to fix it 06/16/17 8 -fixes 7 -fixes 06/15/17 6 -bugfixes 5 -fixes -moved FCTV options to manage personal affairs -fixed issue with name flipping and your title -cleaned up player surgery some 4 -quick fix for the occasional error flash during end week events 3 -fixed bugs -cleaned up some of the FCTV intro code. 2 -bugfixes -FCTV can now slowly influence FS gain rates -bugfixes 06/14/17 116 -fixes -less scotts 115 -fixed bugs -spread new name flipper widget around some -added more Scotts 114 -first deployment of FCTV -altered how name flipping is handled 113 -fixes misplaced passages 112 -more vanilla surname stuff -bugfixes? 111 -attempted to handle >>99083 110 -fixes missing head girl,concubine and bodyguard 109 -quick fix to keep the princess and prince sharing a surname 108 -vanilla content (including surnames) -bugfixes 06/13/17 107 -vanilla content (not surnames) -fixes 06/12/17 106 -fixed bugs 06/11/17 105 -more beauty tweaking (buffs to repop/eugenics, nerf to tranformation+bellyimplant) -bugfixes (not clinic oversight) -added frailty dependence 104 -fixes 103 -added a universal rule to keep immobile slaves from losing muscles -fixed some bugs 102 -tweaked with muscle/slimming diets -added muscular atrophy if slaves can not move 06/10/17 101 -vanilla patches 100 -more fixes 99 -fixed bugged FS values 98 -fixed bugs 97 -fixed bugs 96 -readded repeat hip and shoulder surgery. 06/09/17 95 -fixes 94 -Beware the White Scare -added Hedonistic Decadence's assay code, bugs might show up, you'll know if they do. 93 -fixed a bug, not sure if it was the right one. 92 -bugfixes -neighbors may start using the new FS 06/08/17 91 -fixes 90 -fixed bugs -some prettying up by fcgudder 89 -now with more schoolroomReport 88 -fixes -slaves with huge clits can now use them to rape in the pit 87 -vanilla updates -bugfixes 86 -minor fixes 06/07/17 85 -fcanon's fixes and safeguards 84 -fixes that I forget I should be posting 83 -you can no longer fuck a slave's ass pregnant through her fake vagina 82 -fcanon's changes to arrays and bugfixes, optimizations and tweaks -altered breeder paraphilia satisfication via vaginal/anal sex to only occur if she has a chance of getting pregnant from the action 81 -more vanilla patches -new slave intro text unfuckery 06/05/17 80 -bug fixes 79 -vanilla patches -bug fixes -possible new bugs 78 -comments in comments break everything. 77 -reverted seRetirement, it's better for the retired slave to leave than her lover -fixed some bugs 76 -sanityChecker fixes 74 -might have fixed >>96580 73 -fixed >>96563 72 -fixed bugs 71 -fixed some bugs -likely added bugs -fixed reported bugs -incubated slaves will no longer face devotion caps and trust caps -updated backwards compatiblity 06/04/17 70 -fixed bugs 69 Fixed >>96323 . 68 -fixed bugs -likely added bugs 06/03/17 67 -added a panic button under options to reset all extended family mode limiters 66 -fixed reported bugs 65 -you can now replace ocular implants with freshly cloned eyes -clumped cheat edit skills together 64 -resynced the incubator seBirth fork with the regular version -finished tweaking RESS 63 -bug fixes 62 -vanilla patches -tweaks, mostly to seBirth and frailty 06/02/17 61 -fixed bugs -fixed typos and culled redundant text -tweaked PC pregnancy to not stray so far past the average due date. 60 -bugfixes -salon and body modification got sorted, because -FCdev nuked .gitattributes 06/01/17 59 -fixed bad canSee($eventSlave) 58 -fixes and tweaks 57 -bugfixes -some tweaks to RESS 56 -tweaked shops to allow you to change them -added a bunch of important $PC vairables to backwards compatibility 55 -standardizations of .pregType 54 -fixes -extended some of the new slave intros to work with extended family mode 53 -vanilla fixes 52 -pregmodfan's fixes 05/31/17 51 -anon's bigger player balls and self-impregnation mod -bugfixes 50 -added a new diet to combat genome damage -fixed some inconsistancies -fixed bugs 05/30/17 49 -fixes for reported problems -vanilla updates 48 -fixed custom slave race 47 -fixes -more chastity checks 46 -fixes 45.2 -readded saLongTermEffects (how did no one notice this?) 45.1 -quick removal of lingering .lrgImg 45 -lots of vanilla fixes 44.1 -should fix >>94669 44 -vanilla things -bug fixes 43 -fcanon's changes 05/29/17 42 -fixed lolimode slave gen 41 -you may now force slaves to marry you -couple bug fixes 40 -fixed reFullBed -gagged pointless error reports 39 -fixes and tweaks -attached milf tourist event 05/28/17 38 -tons of fixes and a few tweaks 37 -added gags -fixed bugs 05/27/17 36 -fixed bugs 35 -fixes -traitor might now not clear daughters and sons. 34 -fixed bugs 05/26/17 33 -fixes, mostly spelling -vanilla fixes -vanilla AWOL merc event -forced marriage is beginning to seep into active content, it may affect certain marriage related content now. 32 -vanilla tweaks and fixes. 31 -added some color to personal training -fcanon's master suite fix. 30 -fixed backwards compatibility 05/25/17 29 -spelling corrections -fixed >>93327 28 -lots of fixes from fcanon and pregmodfan 27.1 -slight revisement to the bug fixed in >>93184 27 -fixed >>93182 26.2 -fixed >>93142 26.1 -fixed >>93122 26 -more fixes 25 -vanilla bugfixes and tweaks. 05/24/17 24 -fixed some bugs -optimized and corrected some errors in new child intro 23 -added a new drug research to the dispensary to remove physical side effects from aphrodisiacs. 22 -bug fixes 05/22/17 20/21 -tossed in a compatibility catch for >>92203 19 -fixes 05/21/17 18 -maybe added/reactivated some more conditions for the RA? 17 -heavily altered how physical development works when active. Now balances hormones over the year to decide which bonus to give. -fixed bugs, maybe 05/20/17 16 -fixed bugs (mindbroken HG slaves and research lab BS) 15 -fixed minor bugs 14 -fixed, hopefully, slaves sneaking off into non-existant master suites 13 -fixed missing slaves in certain starting arcologies 12 -readded lost dairy pipelines, milk and cum should flow through the pipeline properly again 11 -fixed root issue with now shop system and my FS -FSdevelopments shops setting should now function? -fixed a bug involving slaves not ceasing calling you names when they are no longer fearful 05/19/17 10 -various bugfixes -more rude names -you can now successfully buy the prince and princess and they will definatly be different people 9 -several bugfixes -hateful slaves may now voice their opinions of you more clearly 8 -bugfixes 7 -fixed lost incubator report, fcanon! 6 -fixed bugs -added anon's recruit event -likely broke ng+ extended family mode harder 05/18/17 5 -fixed shops? 3 -resynced with vanilla after missing a certain gingering related commit 05/17/17 2 -disabled FS related shop content until it gets completed. Seeting it from shops may still be safe, but won't have any notable effects. -fixed saChoosesOwnJob error 1 -now working? 05/16/17 Pregmod 05/15/17 32 -fixed bugs -added large and small chest sizes to PC set up -added an option to buy both the prince and princess from the royalty event 31 -bugfixes 30 -added a new purchasable PA pack -ra tweaks 05/14/17 29 -fixes and spelling fixes 05/13/17 28 -pregmodfan's pc renaming -fixes -backwards compatibility additions 27 -bugfixes -tweaks 26 -fixed miscopied passages 25 -vanilla bulk slave purchasing -fixed bugs 24 -partial vanilla update 05/12/17 23 -fixed bad breasts and bad curatives events 22 -fix for >>87869 21 -fixed bugs 20 -vanilla fixes and tweaks 05/11/17 19 -vanilla bugfixes and tweaks 18 -fixed JS -added a new event from vanilla 17 -all the RA work from the git 16 -added some backwards compatiblity for pregmod variables -fixed >>87285 15 -more RA fixes from fcanon 14 -fcanon and stuffedanon's fixes 13 -fcanon's fixes and tweaks -stuffedanon's fixes -vanilla fixes 12 -fixes 11 -added more feedback for transformation fetishists and if implanted assets are suitably implanted -lessened thresholds for % implant bonus and malus 10 -fixded bugs -added a percent implant report to longSlaveDescription for transformation fetishist societies -added lips to lip impants beauty calcs for transformation fetishist 9 -vanilla fixes 05/10/17 8 -lots of fixes and spell checking 7 -spelling corrections 6 -massive beauty overhaul 5 -ra is likely more broken than ever -fixed some bugs -vanilla code cleanup 4 -vanilla fixes 05/09/17 3 -bugfixes 1 -now with more content Pregmod v0. 05/08/17 30 -fixed >>85316 05/07/17 29 -put a check on dick immobilization so that a slave must have a dick for it 28 -fixed a number of bugs 27 -possible JS fix 26 -fixes bad puberty age setting on new reproductive organs 25 -bugfixes 05/06/17 24 -bugfixes from stuffedanon 23 -added custom titles for slaves to call you -family members refering to you with a family title now optional 22 -fixed PA appearances not appearing 21 -fixed pHackerSupport </nobr> error 20 -lots of sanityCheck fixes 05/05/17 19 -fcanon's fixes 18 -added fcanon's pending assignwidgets changes from vanilla 17 -fcanon's fixes 16 -cleaned up the new hood surgery to read a little better -fixed a bug with setting hood size on a newly grafted hood 15 -bugfixes -vanilla fixes -vanilla added clit hoods -tweaked foreskin surgery to allow for the addition of said hoods since completeness doesn't seem to be a concern for cybermodder 05/04/17 14 -tons of bug fixes from everyone 05/03/17 13 -massive changes to sister and daughter setting 12 -fixed bugs -reverted changes to breeding proposal -continuing without making a choice will likely result in your proposal being rejected, so make a choice 11 -fixed apartments issue 10 -fixed JS 9 -vanilla changes to penthouse UI -revised incubator pregnant slave listing -added family trees to slave interact and manage personal affairs 8 -fixed bugs 7 -fixed new ui 6 -fixed bugs 5 -fixed up slave-slave dick and vag scenes 4 -lots of vanilla changes, most notably to the ui -4 new vanilla potential recruits 05/02/17 3 -removed restriction on slave on slave scenes -removed lingering $cum and $milk from the forcefeeding workaround 2 -tons of bugfixes, dairy inflation still under review -forgot to remove the cheatmode restriction on anon's slave interact scenes, will get on next pass 1 -actually outputted from twine this time 1010a-1 -fixed bugs -added anon's new refreshment types Pregmod updated to alpha -good luck 05/01/17 110 -fixed bugs that aren't related to the RA 109 -the [$] that caused it all has been fixed 108 -fixes from stuffedanon 107 -lots of submitted changes and fixes 106 -removed some leftover debug scripts -fixed poorly reported custom slave balls 04/30/17 105 -intergrated >>82360 -fixed >>82371 104 -fixes >>82338 103 -minor bug fixes 102 -added >>82004 04/29/17 101 -fixed mispelled variable names. 100 -vanilla fixes 99 -lots of bugfixes -fcanon's content changes from last night 98 -fcanon's changes -bugfixes -revised ascension to arcology owner career (1 year of owning the arcology or all player skills maxed) 97 -vanilla stuff 04/28/17 96 -fixed bugs -added an old footjob scene I found to cheatmode for some testing 95 -tweaked slave passive impregnation -fixed bugs -that inculdes artWidgets 94 -added >>81072 -added another bandaid to this version's CSS 93 -more vanilla fixes -family tree now works in this version 92 -fcanon's changes -vanilla changes 04/27/17 91 -vanilla fixes 90 -even more fcanon fixes -changes to slave on slave dickriding 89 -random very minor vanilla stuff 88 -lots of little fixes by fcanon -git version will have the initial family tree system working when it gets accepted 04/26/17 87 fixed misc widgets .FSSSubjugationist bug 86 -possibly fixed pUndergroundRailroad 85 -lots of vanilla additions -fcanon's additions -stuffedgame's additions 04/25/17 84 -fcanon's fixes -tweaked family widgets to report accuratly 83 -fixed bugs -tweaked relative reporting to not report a slave as both a twin and a sibling. 82 -fixed bugs -added ability to view pregnant slave descriptions in the incubator screen 81 -bug fixes 80 -vanilla content 04/24/17 79 -fixed bugs -altered chooses own clothes for mindbroken slaves 78 -fixed bugs 77 -bugfixes -got that code block working so now you know everything that is immobilizing a slave 76 -massive vanilla color css changes 75 -fixed starting girls applying things it shouldn't be. 74 -fixed the aforementioned phantom dick bug -slaves with ages of 0 now count age in weeks -fixed bugs 04/23/17 73 -bug fixes 72 -integrated extended-extended family mod widgets fixes and cleanup 71 -whole lot of fixes 70 -fixed >>79119 -fixed some wonky $possessives in saLongTermEffects 04/22/17 69.1 -Fixed version. Accidentally copied longSlaveDescription into descWidgets. 69 -vanilla pulls -bug fixes 68 -altered accent deminishing (not reflected in slave summary) -fixed bugs 67.1 -fixed the .html version only bug >>78902 67 -fixed bugs -sided with the old vanilla code and added canTalk() to the DJ assignment check. 66 -fixed bellies sagging that shouldn't be sagging, hopefully once and for all 65 -overhauled extended-extended family mode widgets 64 -bugfixes 63 -fixes HG alt formatting bug 62 -fixed everything in >>78748 61 -fixed RESS issues -possibly fixed >>78736 (it looks vanilla) -normal corsets no longer reduce waists on inflated slaves or slaves with large belly implants 04/21/17 60 -reworked birthday event to account for chastity -schoolroom can now raise anal and vaginal skill to 30 with the skills upgrade -take classes can teach anal and vaginal skills to virgins -fixed some revealed oversights 59 -fixed wip fuck scene >>78525 -possibly fixed the slave is own niece thing 58 -incestual relationships extended to player's mother, father and sisters 57 -bugfixes 04/20/17 56 -altered hormone face change calcs to reflect .face changes 55 -more vanilla fixes 54 - Fixed >>78168 53 -vanilla fixes -nulls can now maybe be made in starting girls? -bugfixes 52 -vanilla fixes 04/19/17 51 -fixed bugs 50 -very minor fixes -changed how rival victory into initiation works 04/18/17 49 -possibly fixed undefined error in removeJob 48 -tons of vanilla changes -hopefully few vanilla bugs 04/17/17 47 -fixed bugged childgen for players carrying a slave's child 46 -couple bug fixes, mostly the rival setting bug 45 -fixed and limited madam and dj involvement in facility sex 44 -seDeath should no longer get stuck on 04/16/17 43 -integrated pregmodfan's RA work 42 -tweaked rate of arcade slave decay 41 -altered slave death -fixed bugs -added vanilla bug fixes 40 -fixed bugs -altered beauty standard laws to better mesh with other FS -added a "bald" hair description -laid foundation for slave death 04/15/17 39 -bugfixes 38 -now functional -lot of vanilla additions, hope they work right -completely forgot what I did last night, hope that I didn't break anything 04/14/17 37 -breaking raWidgets even more. 36 -fixed first error reported in raWidgets. 35 -fixes 34 -fixed bugs -added some extra nicknames 33 -fixed longSlaveDescription (<div class="imageRef lrgImg"<div class="mask"> </div>> to <div class="imageRef lrgImg"><div class="mask"> </div>) 32 -added a trio of medicinal enemas (curative, tightening, and aphrodisiac) -contain's vanilla alpha changes 31 -vanilla changes, mostly to RA -added anon's image css stuff -bugfixes? 04/13/17 30 -lots of little bug fixes, nothing major -bodyswapping moved to testing but currently untested, suggesting not touching it 04/12/17 29 -fixed opening error (Absentmindedly closing widgets with <</if>> will do that.) 28 -hammered FS unsetting, it should properly unset everything now when abandoned or failed out of 04/11/17 27 -fixed enemas and forcefeeding -hairless is now an inheritable trait 26 -unfucked walkpast 25 Emergency fix. Accidentally deleted misc widgets. 24 -completed citizen hookup event variant -introduced baldness to males over 50 in slavegen -hooked up hair removal surgery -bugfixes (not slave cloning) 04/10/17 23 -reworked saChoosesOwnJob to not be potentially broken -limited saChoosesOwnJob to prevent slaves from locking themselves in industrial dairies and overfull facilities -added a new universal rule to permit or deny slaves choosing their own jobs from joining facilities, off by default -recalced underarm and pubih hair in slavegen, you should see things other than waxed consistantly now 04/09/17 22 Smart piercing improvements Removed the default smart piercing function, which was nonfunctional for almost all settings of the current implementation of the rules assistant. The existing rules for smart piercings have been broken down into four new rules, for fetishes, sexual appetite, and XY and XX attraction. The all sex smart piercing setting no longer automatically targets XY and XX attraction in addition to libido, as these can be done individually. Gave smart piercings new settings to suppress XY and XX attraction, which will have minor secondary libido suppressing effects. Heavily buffed smart piercing efficiency when improving XY and XX attraction and added minor secondary libido enhancing effects to these settings. WIP descriptions for nulls. 21 -fixes 20 -now with less forgotten passage copies 19 -fixed starting girls attraction cotrols 18 -fixed bugs -added prostates to starting girls 04/08/17 17 -hooked up body hair removal surgery 16 -fixes? -handled code duplication in salon 15 -fixed superfluous <</if>> in L40 in (likely) 14 -fixed >>74516 13 -fixes 12 -applied fixes to lab report, hopefully it works now 11 -minor descriptive tweaks -bugfixes -added new JS calls hugeBelly(), hugeBellyPreg(), hyperBellyOne(), hyperPregBellyOne(), hyperBellyTwo(), and hyperPregBellyTwo() for easier size checks 04/07/17 10 -fixes 9 -fixes -neighboring slimness enthusiast arcologies now have access to its research 8 -bugfixes, not including array issues 7 -added hair dyes and contact lenses to manage personal affairs -small fixes 6 -mostly fixes 5 -added prostates and genes to male hero slaves where appropriate. -possibly enabled selfcest twins -fixed cybermod bugs -having no prostate devastates cum volume. 04/06/17 4 -fixed player surgery widget 3 -enabled prosthetics 2 -fixed age reduction surgery for the pc v1. -fixes 03/31/17 42 -fixed bugs 03/30/17 Pregmod updated to proto- -spa bug fixed 40 -updated to array based facilities 03/29/17 38.1 -compatibility catch for the new law (Slimness Enthusiast (Flat is beauty)) to work. 38 -added Slimness Enthusiast Research (asset shrinking drugs) -added Slimness Enthusiast Law (Flat is beauty) -fixed custom slave skin nonsense -fixed bugs 37 -fixed bugs 36 -fixed bugs -tweaked descWidgets to flow a little better 03/28/17 35 -updated corp overhaul mod -tracked down missing accordian mod pulls and added them -fixed bugs and other issues -added slave on slave wips to cheatmode 03/27/17 34 -tweaked personal training -tweaked concubine rules; she may now be blind or immobile, but must have limbs. Events involving her had their conditions adjusted in accordance. -fixed bugs 03/26/17 33 -integrated filter by assignment fixes -added more flat -bugfixes 32 -disabled sort by assignment until it can be fixed -fixed a couple bugs 31 -fixed servants' quarters -fixed bugs and typos -added preg biometrics collar to RA 03/25/17 30 -added anon's filter by assignment option -added paternity information to long slave description -redid assigning children to the incubator, see the incubator for more details -fixed lots of little bugs from both here and vanilla -hopefully fixed the dairypiping having its variables swiped out from under it 03/24/17 29 -applied economy mod fixes 28 -fixed? saChoosesOwnJob -assigned a default eyeWear to custom slaves 27 -applies incubtor bugfix 26 -added economic report mod 03/23/17 25 -fixed starting fs issues, hopefully 24 -bugfixes -added smaller breast sizes to PC surgery 03/22/17 23 -bugfixes -some tweaks to things changed from single instance to week long isntances -minor FS reactions to certain player appearances 22 -fixed bugs -added nurmerous vanilla optimizations 03/21/17 21 -various bugfixes accumulated today 20 -couple fixes and tweaks 03/20/17 19 -fixed surgery cooldown 18 -fixed player surgery trapping you in manage personal affairs 17 -added player surgeries (incomplete) -updated anon's nationality weighting mod -added pregmodfan's fixes and RA improvements 03/19/17 16 -fixed bugs -added a catch to arcology acquisition that will hopefully prevent the extra FS bug 15 -fixed clinic issues 03/18/17 14 -bugfixes 13 -added anon's corp overhaul -upped max incubator age to 42 -updated accordian mod 03/17/17 Pregmod updated to -Restricted nationalities got fixed, nationality percentage anon, please look into the changes, though most of them where just indenting. 03/16/17 7 -bugfixes -initalization of player surgery variables 6 -added metallic makeup options -fixed bugs 4 -fixed RESS, "<if" got me again Tweaked 4 with some fixes 1. Tweak: can change slave drugs and other settings while they are on assignment 2. Tweak: when devotion/trust are maxed for a slave, some of the weekly report summary text showing devotion/trust gains will be hidden. 3. Tweak: when the arcology has been fully decorated for a future society, weekly summary text showing society approval related to that future society will be suppressed. 4. Bug fix: when assigning an ID to a new slave, make sure it isn't already in use 5. Bug fix: egyptian preferentialist slave twins acquisition used incorrect relationship ID offset for second slave (-1000) … because it is coded differently from all other multi-slave acquisition events 6. Bug fix: Several $pronounCap tokens changed to $possessiveCap where appropriate. 7. Bug fix (?): When buying arcology ownership with reputation, increase value of ownership share same as when buying with cash 8. Misc. smaller fixes (typos, missing $'s) Pregmod updated to -fixed reported bugs and typos 03/15/17 4 -many more vanilla updates -possibly broke clinic report 3 -fixed bugs -merged anon's brazil mod -lowered min player age to 14 2 -fixed .html version's accordian mod, thanks twine Updated to 03/14/17 3 -some new event tweaks pushed out for testing 2 - >>67338, >>67339 Fixed, though two of the policy bugs are more of just a guess at how they might be handled. Unfinished content and all that. 1 - >>67334 This should fix it. 03/13/17 38 -merged pregmodfan's pregnancy speed mod -merged anon's swapable prosthetics and face mod 03/12/17 37 -added descriptive elements reflecting player age -fixed $PC.birthWeek -bugfixes 36 -tweaked $PC variable compatibility 35 -revamped player age and aging -fixed some bugs 34 -fixed bugs and typos -added an upgrade to the clinic to quickly cleanse slaves of genome damage at the cost of health for the duration 33 -some little tweaks to incubator content -hopefully fixed frailty rendering some slaves immobilized by their imaginary penises 03/11/17 32 -fixed starting girls bug -tossed in some vanilla bugfixes 31 -fixed bugs -added a, hopefully functional, override to handle starting girls custom origins -added gender settings constrants to enteded family mode family recruiting 30 -fixed bugs -incubator slaves now start with lower language skills 29 -touched genetics more and possibly rebroke everything -added more naming options, though the PA will still select FS names if available with that naming option -fixed custom starting slave descriptions and the add custom descriptions -added a toggle for inbreeding 28 -fixed >>66378 27 -fixed saRelationships -lost temper at saRelationships 26 -bugfixes -more vanilla changes to saRelationships, hope family mode takes it well 03/10/17 25 -fixed childgen -vanilla bug fixes -repop law can now apply to player 24 -completed new child intro -spread frailty around -fixed bugs -added vanilla bug fixes 03/09/17 22 -fixed a number of bugs and oversights 20 -child naming looks fully functional -small tweaks from vanilla 03/08/17 18 -incubator bug fixes -naming closer to finalization 17 -fixed saRelationships harder 16 -unrolled back saRelationships 15 -rolled back saRelationships 13 -quick fix for slave careers, will only affect children generated after this patch. Mostly just effects and descriptions, nothing huge. 03/07/17 12 -incubator moved to beta, no longer restricted by cheatmode 03/06/17 11 -many bug fixes and tweaks -added ability to buy additional transfer slots for ng+ 03/05/17 10 -slight improvements to assistant events, nothing major and fully compatible with saves 03/04/17 9 -fixed bugs -tweaked some RESS events 03/03/17 -added some more options for a slave to choose from when selecting her own clothes -made a toggle for eugenics society devoted slaves to choose their own level of chastity, since that did need work. Also removed it from normal clothes selection. -fixed bugs -updated some slavegen -fixed >>64439 7 6 -fixed >>64194 5 -small improvements 03/02/17 4 -fixed, extended families 3 -fixed >>63968 -many changes to ng+ and how the pc is handled -adjusted 6 & 7 FS unlock values 02/26/17 27 -fixed many bugs -however >>63027 and >>63096 are still at large 02/25/17 26 -fixed, "DairyRestraintsSetting(2)" should not be visible in front of the description of my dairy. 25 -experimental fix for >>62727 02/24/17 24 -fixed @@ -620,6 +620,7 @@ Contraception: <span id="fertility"><strong><<if $activeSlave.preg is -1>><< <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> +<</if>> </span> <<if $propOutcome == 1>> -fixed, all my slaves. it says "She is not fertile with Error: cannot find a closing tag for macro <<if>> in <<if $incubator > 0 >> 23 -fixed reported bugs except for >>62509 02/20/17 19 -commenting is hard 18 -temporarily disabled brother checks to prevent duplication 17 -fixed introduced extended-extended family mode bugs -moved said descriptions from long slave description to pregmod widgets to prevent issues with vanilla updates. 02/19/17 16 -fixes parental id's 15 -added some compatibility hooks -fixed some bugs -added extended-extended family mod -added vanilla bug fixes 14 -fixed bugs, but need to look at relative recruiters still 13 -fixed, can't impregnate a slave with another. Just a wall of Red text "Error: <<if>>: bad conditional expression in <<if>> clause: slave is not defined" 12 -fixed erroneous $familyTest fixing slave interact issues and enabling two dSlaveDatabase additions -felt stupid -fixed new bug in fRelation 11 -bugfixes -implemented new javascript to hopefully fix existing issues 02/18/17 10 -tweaked saRecruitGirls more 02/17/17 9 -fixed recruiting harder 8 -fixed bugs -implemented genetics tracking system 7 -fixed contraceptive bug 6 -various bugfixes 02/16/17 5 -fixed some bugs -more compatability for vanilla to pregmod ng+ 02/15/17 4 -possibly fixed $rep bug 3 -fixed >>60110 -preliminary integration of anon's animal pregnancy mod, not funcitonal yet 02/14/17 02/13/14 9 -added incubation facility -integrated anon's HG impregnation exclusion toggle -fixed bugs inclding >>59683 and >>59598 02/12/17 8 -fixed many reported bugs, save for the walkpast bug that is still eluding me -added several vanilla bugfixes -added >>59368 02/11/17 7 -fixed relative recruits cloning over their recruiter -fixed that futa starting girls bug again, and this time it's synced I swear 4 -added >>59138 6 -Fixed >>59174 ( missing a $ when setting headgirl to soften). 02/10/17 6 -updated to vanilla github -fixed more bugs 2 -fixed bugs -fuckdolls can now use pregmod added diets 1 -fixed >>58858 -vanilla content only 02/09/17 5 -updated with vanilla bugfixes 4 -fixed bugs -did extra fixing to fAbuse 3 -added new two slave recruitment events -fixed bugs 2 -fixed randomize attraction widget bug 1 -updated to vanilla github -fixed bugs 02/07/17 13 -completed and enabled relative recruiter events for extended family mode -made extended family mode ng+ compatible -bugfixes 02/06/17 12 -fixed bugs -included starting herm fertility fix 02/05/17 11 -added organ farm upgrades to decrease time it takes to grow organs 10 -tweaked butt beauty values -hopefully fixed egyptian revivalist issues 02/04/17 9 02/03/17 8 -couple bugfixes -added the new pube style to the RA 02/02/17 7 -fixed bugs 6 -fixed typos and bugs -reenabled self impregnation 02/01/17 5 -waged war against starting girls and managed to make a button to resync height with age -added origins for all careers if the slave is your child -and had to bar players from being both their father and mother -added lolimode toggle to game start summary -fixed a bunch of improper slave name calls in the recruiter content -added a pair of hero slaves under extended family mode that I found tucked away in a passage. Odds are they were never implemented due to an inability to make sibling hero slaves. -completey forgot to make lolimode a start menu toggle 01/31/17 9 -extended family mode now allows for full control of starting slaves mother ID and father ID. -bug fixes 3 -added a bushy in the front, clean in the back pubic hair style -fixed bugs -updated matchmaking to pregmod's content 01/30/17 8 - family test -beta version of the new family system 01/28/17 7 -bugfixes, including anon's fixes -integrated >>56001 -more work on relations, not ready for play yet 01/27/17 -fixes $rep issues, -added, able to play matchmaker and take two emotionally bonded slaves to you and put them in a relationship with each other. 01/26/17 4 -updated milk quantity calcs -nerfed flesh heap -kidnappers market now requires 500 rep to access 3 -fixed reported bugs 01/25/17 2 -most new changes are now accounted for -20% chance of white girls coming out of zimbabwe -integrated anon's japan start mod 01/23/17 17 -fixed bugs 16 -fixed missing RA defaults 15 -fixed bugs -applied youth pref research to neighbor youth pref societies 01/19/17 14 -fixed age related issues in some hero slaves -autosurgery now correctly lowers visual age when applying an age lift -reduced visual on event slaves that have age lifts, all two of them. 01/18/17 13 -restricted minimum reitrement age at game start to 25 01/17/17 12 -quick bugfixes 11 -implanted reproductive organs now work immediatly if precocious puberty is off, otherwise the slave will go through the appropriate puberty within a year if relevant. 10 -tweaked libidos and nymphomania 01/16/17 9 -added starting option to set initial retirement age 01/15/17 8 -added a new slave market -removed age limiters on other slave markets -added a new partially subterranean arcology location 01/14/17 7 -more event/desc tweaks -various little tweaks and fixes 01/13/17 4 -fixed SE Birth and slavemarkets -fixed $cash bug 01/12/17 -integrated >>53201 -added first half of the youth pref research (anti-aging cream) 01/09/17 14 -bugfixes 01/07/17 13 -finished new age descriptions -added a new physical age retirement -increased upper bounds on age/birth retirements -age surgery now lowers .visualAge 01/06/17 12 -various age bugfixes 01/05/17 Pregmod beta 2 -fixed hero slaves 01/02/17 10 -fixed bad condtinal expression in <<if>> clause Unpexted token with a slave who has P-Limbs/ 01/01/17 9 -fixed bugs, oversights and typos 12/31/16 8 -fixed, which anal addicts wont be satisfied with long, huge butt plugs, only huge plugs. -fixed, Error: <<CorsetPiercingDescription>>: errors within widget contents (Error: cannot find a closing tag for macro <<if>>; Error: child tag <<else>> was found outside of a call to its parent macro <<if>>) 7 -some event tweaks 12/30/16 6 -fixed bugs -more efforts to wrangle "Long Slave Description" 12/29/16 -added prostate implant to increase load size -implemented phase one of cleaning "Long Slave Description" 12/28/16 4 -tweaks to some slave intro scenes to accommodate amp slaves -bugfixes 3 -fixed bugs 12/27/16 2 -connected new corp changes with Repop and Eugenics neighbors 12/26/16 17 -added more player customization for future additions -fixed bugs and typos -corrected amp armpit hair descriptions 16 -fixed eugenics bugs and oversights -added underarm hair 12/25/16 15 -bugfixes 14 -added a couple more slave acquisition event loli variants -fixed bugs 13 -small tweaks -fixed the RA diets that got lost between updates 12/24/16 12 -added puberty controls to starting girls -expanded refreshments -fixed oversights, bugs, etc 12/23/16 11 -fixed, >>49934 10 -fixed reported bugs 9 -completed Eugenics Breeding Proposal -added femPC involvement in eugenics -fixed some bugs and typos 12/22/16 8 -fixed >>49650 12/21/16 7 -integrated bugfix patch into main branch -fixed some more bugs 5 -added basic scar framework -added some of Qotsafan's improvements 4 -fixed bugs -added anon's gang leader start 12/20/16 2 -finished adding missing content 12/18/16 11 -fixed market assisntant event 10 -integrated supplied changes -tweaked hips surgery 12/19/16 13 -fixed, increased the costs when the policy is implemented, but kept the original costs in the reductions. That means that in the event that someone cancels one of these policies, they'll end up with a permanent increase in prices. e.g. Activating Quality Beaty increases costs by 10,000, but cancelling it drops the cost by only 2,000. 12 -integrated new policies -added seven new accessories of rather long sizes -tweaked several things 12/16/16 8 -fixed some bugs, including twins purchasing bug -completed player birth 12/15/16 6 -intergrated >>48519 -tweaked pregmod related $seeDicks calls to be in line with new system 5 -added additional security to prevent $traitor.slaveName from getting you (fixed the bug) -fixed >>48449 4 -fxied, >>48436 and >>48438 - Both should be fixed now. Though snatch and grab needs to be updated a bit. 3 -bugfixes 12/14/16 -added player pregnancy -merged >>48171 -merged the FAbuse bodygaurd changes provided earlier -bunch of typos fixed 12/11/16 20 -possibly fixed >>47447 -added >>47416 >>47417 's flavor text with some tweaking. 12/10/16 19 -fixed the horribly broken glossary -fixed a bug with transformation fetishist FS that has been around since the teeth changes -fixed a few grammer things and missing descriptions. 18 -added abdominal implants -refactored belly sag gain/loss -optimized "Surgery Degradation" -added in more calls in scenes for inflated slaves -tossed in my old custom title lisp input that works -fixed bugs and things 12/07/16 17 -added breast lifts for fixing saggy tits -added breast reconstructiion for making them more attractive 16 -added new belly descriptions for fatties -added XX, XY, and XXY diets to RA -fixed bugs 12/01/16 4 -fixed >>45601 3 -fixed bugs -finished recruiter FS things -added slave puberty -added several new rival types 11/25/16 33 -integrated >>44195 -fixed bugs 11/24/16 32 -fixed some bugs -fxied >>44069 31 -fixed a potentially dire bug with baby number generation 30 -fixed advertisements 29 -added conception condition for your concubine, she will only randomly cenceive your children, if appropriate -fixed bugs 11/23/16 28 -hopefully fixed overaged slaves once and for all -forgot to mention that several patches ago added hyper drug compatability to dairy growth if they are available 27 -added compatabilty for saves from versions below v24, should default the your FS max to 4. 26 -fixed reported bugs -fixed multiple issues with dairy cum inflation 24 -added dairy resrictions for slaves with pregnancy blocking/causing implants -added starting option to choose between a final count of 4-7 future societies 11/22/16 23 -added hyper drug support to industrial dairy -fixed bugs 22 -added hyperpreg settings for industrial dairy -added to the options menu the ability to change your custom title -fixed many little bugs 11/20/16 21 -added spa options to forbid an Attendant from trying to fix mindbroken and/or flaws -fixed bugs 20 -fixed more reported bugs and oddities -fixed some of the "hero slaves" -found more places to implement new birth counting variable 19 -fixed reported bugs 18 -reworked slave births tracking, though it might not work with starting slaves. -fixed some minor bugs 11/18/16 17 -slaves no longer give birth to the end of days -also fixed male lactation bugs that have been a thing for who knows how long 16 -fixes -now doesn't require a new save 15 -more inflation catches -fixed loli advertising bug -added pregnancy advertisement options to the club/brothel, I think they work -re-readded SE coursing blind calls because they disappeared again 11/16/16 14 -tweaked some breast descriptions and belly descriptions for consistancy -patched oversights and other things with the inflation framework 11/15/16 13 -fixed more bugs 12 -fixed inflation oversights -expanded age ranges for club/brothel advertisements -added player aging 11/14/16 11 -fixed inconsitant recruitment events >>42249 -replaced all overlooked calls for the removed "Clothing Birth" -several other small fixes 11/13/16 10 -fixed bugs -forcefeeding scene is half done, only works for milk right now 11/12/16 9 -bugfixes - >>42010 Integrated this. 7 -overhauled fertility checks (major change) -added more variety to slave careers, especially younger -changed how $agePenalty works, instead of just removing the age check from headgirls, it now allows educated careers to generate at slightly lower ages as opposed to 24+ only. -more clothing descriptions for larger busts, also fixed inconsistancies with some pregnancy descriptions -slaves can now become recognized for starring in porn while pregnant 11/11/16 -expanded potential gifts from that gift event as well as altered how it selects shape -RESS preg + blind work completed -breeders now get pissy about wearing fake bellies 11/10/16 -fixed bugs and more typos -made sure to cover slave graves in cement to prevent slaves that died in chldbirth from roaming your penthouse -just bugfixes 11/09/16 3 -recalculated cum quantities needed for slave on slave inflation -fixed more bugs and typos 2 -paraphilias hooked up to pregmod content -servant background's upkeep reduction now functional -fixed some bugs and typos -framework for using another slave as the inflation source implemented, scene is still WIP 11/07/16 7 -added some flavor text to concubines in the end week report if they won a legendary slave event. -attached the recently added custom title lisping feature to the starting options because what is the point of having it scattered throughout the entire game without hooking it up? 11/06/16 6 -added forcefeeding scene in place of WIP -began laying foundation for using another slave as inflation source -made induce clear that is doing something. 10/28/16 6 -Integrated anon's new nationalities and nicknames -repop law now does something other than cost you money -eugenics now increases prosperity gains -implented a brothel assignment scene that I found in the code -fixed bugs 10/27/16 4 -fixed aging bug, also fixed a short blurb about it being her birthday that never procs. -fixed rogue slave interact $slaves[$i] that were causing trouble. -fixed bugs and got annoyed by the sheer lack of custom title support. 10/26/16 2 -fixed prosthetics and hostage event. -extended FS research to neighboring arcologies, they can now develop said reearch and begin selling slaves using it. -added another new PC career choice -added other things that I completely forgot about after losing roughly 15 passages in the update and having to sort out the desync that caused. 10/23/16 12 -fixed >>37626 . 11 -fixed overlooked slave interact conditions for testicle enhancement and impregnation 10 -you should now be able to preemptively craft artificial limbs -your nurse can now prevent pregnancy generator removal from breaking pregnancy fetishists -testicle and hyper testicle enhancement can now be left on to enhance cum production 10/22/16 9 -integrated anon's clit surgeries -completed and allowed gender radicalist research (implantable anal womb) 8 -fixes >>37147 . -added anon's fairy assistant 10/20/16 5 -readded semi-aging option from old options mod; if your slaves experience multiple birthdays in a row, it's a vanilla bug I think. -seperated male and female fertility -SE birth is broken in vanilla so expect tomorrow. -may have added some femdom scenes for femPCs 10/19/16 3.1 -less testing labels. 3 -SE birth doesn't need to loop back into scheduled events anymore since it is now combining all the births into a single event, thus I can just attach AS Dump to $nextLink and pretend SE birth hasn't become something beyond understanding. -Though that still doesn't explain how $activeSlave can hold more than one slave, but hey, at least random events shouldn't possibly be able to interfere with its changes maybe. 10/18/16 -biggest change will be a rough draft of the loli aging code 10/16/16 11 -fixed reported bugs 10 -Fixed broodmother bug and removed impregnation devotion exploit. -Fixing the limbs is going to be a peice of work, for what ever their weeks to completion won't move so I'm going to have to track what isn't updating right. 9 -fixed >>35509 (bowties and Egyptian necklaces too). 8 -SE Birth v4 10/15/16 7 -yet more bug fixes including >>35400 and >>35291 -A lot of rollbacks in and as such some of the content added with got lost. Also tons of conditional expressions changed back that I have a feeling are going to get swapped right back. -Almost feels like all the content modders aren't on the same page. 10/14/16 5 -mostly just bug fixes again, though good work finding them -also updated the documentation I use for slaves 4 -more bug fixes 3 -added some more birth scenes -spellchecked things, boy they needed it -added physical/mental birth/pregnancy effects -bug fixes 2 -Mostly just bug fixes. 10/13/16 -added new nicknames -cleaned up SE birth some more -changed around 20000 conditional expressions when I could have just left them as is. 10/10/16 Pregmod WIP. -reenabled immobilization after getting it working right -SE birth v2, note there are now birth complications -added a new player origin, currently undergoing balancing as the rep loss may be too high 10/07/16 5 -Added more to hostage corruption -rebalanced the war again (more favorable to you) -fixed retirement collars -fixed dispensary bugs -fixed spa, clinic, and cellblock not swapping to bought in manage arcology 4 -Hopefully this one fixes things, though it can not undo the age issue. -Also learned that I should never use variables in random(), ever. 10/06/16 3 -Hostage corruption should now work correctly. 2 -Fixed forgotten age description code. -You know it's a slow week when your biggest patch note is XY slaves now have scrotum generation. 10/03/16 Pregmod WIP -Reworked rival-hostage event to center around corruption, the hostage will become more degenerate/broken as the war drags on. -fixed eugenics ball bug -fixed doubled surgery 09/30/16 -hopefully fixed rival age bug 09/28/16 -added hyper butt drugs -added additional immobile conditions, which may cause trouble for now -added more content to "Eugenics" FS 09/25/16 9 -Fixed dairy and an infinite loop in slave impregnation. 7 -fixed "new slave intro", removed accidentally added canSee(), and added summary exceptions for slaves younger than fertility age. 09/24/16 6 -fixed, selling a slave causes every event to trigger. 5 -birth should now, hopefully, work right. -Biggest change is most likely just birth tinkering so immobile slaves don't pop the amp birth scenes. 09/23/16 -added a new FS focused on eugenics and society's top citizens. -added the random father impregnation code, your slaves will now randomly impregnate each other when appropriate. 09/19/16 Pregmod + lolimod WIP -support for blind slaves -support for larger tits in fondle boobs and fuck boobs 09/17/16 4 -fixed more bugs 09/15/16 3 -fixed shit 09/14/16 -added full broodmother support to the new birth system, complete with their own variants -added missing PA appearances in some events -other things I forgot after the update failed last weel 09/03/16 2 -fixed missing <</nobr>> in new birth code -fixed potential conflicts with dairy births 08/28/16 6 -All forms of impregnation now adhere to fertility effects. 08/27/16 5 -Birth count tattoo and FS recuitement event fixed. 4 -now with less PA appearance being replaced with events. 08/25/16 -a new type of breast implant. -disabled the penitent nun's habit in the walk past code as it refused to not throw errors, traced it to <<case>> not tolerating '. 08/21/16 -rules assistant should be able to handle any degree of fertility -layed framework for pregnancy accessability 2 -fixed pregnancy libido spam -added pregnancy accessibility improvement akin to the huge breast accessibility 08/11/16 -Personal assistant will now take after a supremacist FS's choosen race. -Added libido gain/loss during pregnancy. 3 -fixed pregnancy libido. 08/04/16 -FS assistant appearances now selectable via assistant appearance options -implemented provided rules assistant fix -fixed concubine not receiveing master suite drug settings -made sure everything adheres to indenture restrictions 07/30/16 Experimental build -Fixed penis enhancement bug -Fixed slaves wearing fake bellies and then bitching about said belly. -Deployed experimental "choose which FS your assistant takes after" feature. 07/28/16 07/21/16 -Added interactions between facility heads and relatives/relations/rivals/legendary slaves -fixed several bugs and more typos 07/20/16 -fixed some bugs and typos while updating Slave Documentation: -added new hair and eye colors from 07/18/16 Pregmod first release! -pregnancy clothing descriptions -hyperpregnancy (avoidable)(extreme content) -future society focused on pregnancy -2 new clothing options -1 new accessory -3 new assistant appearences -2 new brothel upgrades for expansionist societies -new slave descriptions (optional) -reworked master suite to report on your harem (optional) -Added a means to buy FS exclusive clothes and accessories -fixed some bugs -added my own bugs -Fixed master suite -Fixed a bug where a vaginaless slave would wear a fake belly leaving you with no way to remove it. Security Expansion (Officaly intergated into Pregmod since v153) PregmodBase v139 11/20/17 14.2 -fixes -balance -very satisfying version number. 11/18/17 14.1 -fixes 14 -fixes -spell checked attack report. My god was is bad. PregmodBase v137 13.9 -fixes (couple of) 13.8 -(maybe) fixed >>142732 13.7 -balance -(maybe) fix for battle terrain not showing up. 11/17/17 PregmodBase v136 13.6 -fixes PregmodBase v135 13.4 -fixes -balance -difficulty settings 11/16/17 13.4 -fixed >>142293 (Attack value NaN during major battle) 13.3 -fixes 13.1 -fixes -balance 11/15/17 13 -fixes -balance 11/14/17 PregmodBase v132 12.9 -fixes 12.8 -fixes -balance 12.6 -fixes -anon's stuff PregmodBase v130 12.5 -fixes -SFanon stuff -balance 11/13/17 PregmodBase v126 12.4 PregmodBase v125 12.3 -fixes -SFanon additions -balance 11/12/17 12 -fixes -transport hub and trade -balance PregmodBase v124 11.6 -fixed reported issues -balance 11.5 -fixes -balance 11/11/17 PregmodBase v122 11.2 -fixes -extra options 11.1 11 -fixes -proclamations -balance PregmodBase v121 10.2 -fixes 11/10/17 10 -fixes -weapons manufacturing -balance 11/09/17 PregmodBase v119 9.6 -small fixes 11/07/17 PregmodBase v115 9.6 -fixes -loyalty work PregmodBase v114/Pregmod v114.1 9.2 -small fixes -new edicts -new units upgrade -new barracks upgrade 8.8 -fixes 11/06/17 PregmodBase v113 8.7 -fixed reported issue maybe pretty please? 8.6 -fixes 11/05/17 8.5 -fixes -rebellions 11/03/17 8 -various fixes -balance -rebellions 11/01/17 7.7 7.6 -fixed reported issue -balance adjustments (run backward compatibility to apply them) 7.5 10/29/17 7.1 -fixes -couple of balance adjustments. 10/28/17 7 -SFanon additions -fixes -balance 10/24/17 6 -balance adjustments -fixed improper name assignment -added renaming of units -reworked casualties logic -added statistics to arcology management screen -various other fixes 10/22/17 5 10/18/17 3 1 Lolimod (may have some pregmod and optionsmod stuff mixed with it) New Lolimod - not incorporated 10/06/16 10/03/16 In this update, loli nicknames are back, retirement age can be set lower in policies, and you can now pursue up to 6 FS directions! 09/21/16 2 With the 2 bugfixes applied 09/18/16 last known lolimod merge - 08/30/16 08/23/16 08/19/16 08/16/16 - The "disable age penalties for jobs" submod now has a mechanical effect rather than just changing messages. - The long-standing change that allows slaves without balls but with artificial male hormone injections to experience erections has been added in some places where it was missing. In the process a vanilla bug in "SA serve your other slaves" where the wrong slave's attributes were being checked was corrected. - Fixed the "flaws her mouth" silliness that somehow snuck back in from the base game. (It should be "quirks her mouth" so it was probably the victim of Replace All.) - Incorporates a fix posted on halfchan for the "force her to rape herself" option for new slaves not appearing. - Fixed one place in the game where a slave could refer to young slave as a "teenager" although she might be preteen. -Fix for a variable name in "ask her about her feelings." 08/09/16 -with correct high adjustments. 08/03/16 07/28/16 -Also includes a temporary fix for a bug that I expect will be corrected in the next hot fix 07/27/16 -Redisigned buying other FS clothing, it is now found under a new subsection of Manage Arcology. -fixed bugs and typos - >>20506, >>20508 Okay, this bug should finally be fixed. Also tweaked loli nicknames a bit. -making the new recruitment events use the age settings. 07/21/16 07/19/16 07/13/16 07/12/16 07/07/16 07/05/16 07/04/16 06/28/16 06/22/16 06/14/16 06/09/16 06/07/16 05/24/16 05/11/16 05/18/16 04/28/16 04/19/16 04/17/16 04/12/16 03/31/16 03/30/16 03/18/16 03/17/16 03/12/16 02/20/16