@ECHO off :: Free Cities Settings Menu - Windows :: run dependencyCheck.bat CALL .\devTools\scripts\dependencyCheck.bat SET CODE=%ERRORLEVEL% IF %CODE% EQU 69 ( :: if exit code is 69, then we don't have all the dependencies we need ECHO. ECHO Dependencies not met. ECHO If the only thing you need is to simply compile FC, then you can use 'simple-compiler.bat' instead. ECHO. EXIT /b 0 ) ELSE IF %CODE% EQU 0 ( :: if exit code is 0, run setup.js CALL node devTools\scripts\setup.js EXIT /b 0 ) ELSE ( :: if exit code is not 0, print error message ECHO. ECHO dependencyCheck.bat exited with code: %CODE% ECHO Dependency check failed unexpectedly. ECHO If the only thing you need is to simply compile FC, then you can use 'simple-compiler.bat' instead. ECHO. EXIT /b 0 )