/* eslint-disable no-undef */ /* intended to condense the clothing/toy/etc availability checks into something less asinine */ window.isItemAccessible = function(string) { const V = State.variables; if (V.cheatMode === 1) { return true; } switch (string) { /* no breaks needed because we always return */ case "attractive lingerie for a pregnant woman": return (V.arcologies[0].FSRepopulationFocus > 0 || V.clothesBoughtMaternityLingerie === 1); case "a bunny outfit": return (V.arcologies[0].FSGenderFundamentalist > 0 || V.clothesBoughtBunny === 1); case "body oil": return (V.arcologies[0].FSPhysicalIdealist > 0 || V.clothesBoughtOil === 1); case "chains": return (V.arcologies[0].FSDegradationist > 0 || V.clothesBoughtChains === 1); case "a chattel habit": return (V.arcologies[0].FSChattelReligionist > 0 || V.clothesBoughtHabit === 1); case "conservative clothing": return (V.arcologies[0].FSPaternalist > 0 || V.clothesBoughtConservative === 1); case "harem gauze": return (V.arcologies[0].FSArabianRevivalist > 0 || V.clothesBoughtHarem === 1); case "a huipil": return (V.arcologies[0].FSAztecRevivalist > 0 || V.clothesBoughtHuipil === 1); case "a kimono": return (V.arcologies[0].FSEdoRevivalist > 0 || V.clothesBoughtKimono === 1 || V.continent === "Japan"); case "a maternity dress": return (V.arcologies[0].FSRepopulationFocus > 0 || V.clothesBoughtMaternityDress === 1); case "a slutty qipao": return (V.arcologies[0].FSChineseRevivalist > 0 || V.clothesBoughtQipao === 1); case "a long qipao": return (V.arcologies[0].FSChineseRevivalist > 0 || V.clothesBoughtCultural === 1); case "stretch pants and a crop-top": return (V.arcologies[0].FSHedonisticDecadence > 0 || V.clothesBoughtLazyClothes === 1); case "a toga": return (V.arcologies[0].FSRomanRevivalist > 0 || V.clothesBoughtToga === 1); case "Western clothing": return (V.arcologies[0].FSPastoralist > 0 || V.clothesBoughtWestern === 1); case "battlearmor": case "a military uniform": case "a red army uniform": case "battledress": return (V.clothesBoughtMilitary === 1); case "a biyelgee costume": case "a dirndl": case "lederhosen": case "a mounty outfit": case "a hanbok": return (V.clothesBoughtCultural === 1); case "a burqa": case "a niqab and abaya": return (V.clothesBoughtMiddleEastern === 1 || V.continent === "the Middle East"); case "a hijab and blouse": return (V.clothesBoughtMiddleEastern === 1 || V.clothesBoughtConservative === 1 || V.continent === "the Middle East"); case "a burkini": return (V.clothesBoughtMiddleEastern === 1 && V.clothesBoughtSwimwear === 1 || V.continent === "the Middle East"); case "a Santa dress": return (V.clothesBoughtCostume === 1); case "a klan robe": case "a slutty klan robe": case "a schutzstaffel uniform": case "a slutty schutzstaffel uniform": return (V.clothesBoughtPol === 1); case "nice business attire": case "a nice nurse outfit": case "a police uniform": return (V.clothesBoughtCareer === 1); case "a nice maid outfit": return (V.clothesBoughtCareer === 1 || V.PC.career === "servant"); case "a ball gown": case "a gothic lolita dress": //case 'a halter top dress': //case 'a mini dress': //case 'a slave gown': return (V.clothesBoughtDresses === 1); case "a cybersuit": case "a latex catsuit": return (V.clothesBoughtBodysuits === 1); case "a button-up shirt and panties": case "a button-up shirt": case "cutoffs": case "jeans": case "leather pants and a tube top": case "leather pants": case "an oversized t-shirt": case "a sweater and cutoffs": case "a sweater and panties": case "a sweater": case "a t-shirt and jeans": case "a t-shirt and panties": case "a t-shirt": case "a tank-top and panties": case "a tank-top": case "a tube top": return (V.clothesBoughtCasual === 1); case "boyshorts": case "a bra": case "kitty lingerie": case "panties and pasties": case "a skimpy loincloth": case "a thong": return (V.clothesBoughtUnderwear === 1); case "leather pants and pasties": case "a t-shirt and thong": case "a tube top and thong": case "an oversized t-shirt and boyshorts": return (V.clothesBoughtUnderwear === 1 && V.clothesBoughtCasual === 1); case "sport shorts and a sports bra": case "sport shorts": case "a sports bra": return (V.clothesBoughtSports === 1); case "sport shorts and a t-shirt": return (V.clothesBoughtSports === 1 && V.clothesBoughtCasual === 1); case "a nice pony outfit": case "a slutty pony outfit": return (V.clothesBoughtPony === 1); case "a monokini": case "a one-piece swimsuit": return (V.clothesBoughtSwimwear === 1); case "shimapan panties": case "a striped bra": case "striped panties": case "striped underwear": return (V.clothesBoughtPantsu === 1 || V.continent === "Japan"); case "bowtie": return (V.arcologies[0].FSGenderFundamentalist > 0 || V.clothesBoughtBunny === 1); case "ancient Egyptian": return (V.arcologies[0].FSEgyptianRevivalist > 0 || V.clothesBoughtEgypt === 1); case "pasties": /* an option in saChoosesOwnClothes.tw, but everything else (e.g. descriptions, artwork, option in wardrobeUse.tw) is missing or not hooked up correctly */ return false; case "massive dildo gag": return (V.toysBoughtGags === 1); case "a small empathy belly": case "a medium empathy belly": case "a large empathy belly": case "a huge empathy belly": return (V.arcologies[0].FSRepopulationFocus > 0 || V.clothesBoughtBelly === 1); case "bullet vibrator": case "smart bullet vibrator": case "long dildo": case "long, large dildo": case "long, huge dildo": return (V.toysBoughtDildos === 1); case "vibrator": return (V.toysBoughtVaginalAttachments === 1); case "long plug": case "long, large plug": case "long, huge plug": return (V.toysBoughtButtPlugs === 1); case "tail": case "cat tail": case "fox tail": return (V.toysBoughtButtPlugTails === 1); default: return true; } };