@echo off :: Free Cities Basic Compiler - Windows :: Set working directory pushd %~dp0 SETLOCAL :: If compile is invoked with "extramemory", set SORT_MEM (used by concatFiles.bat) SET CMD_OPTION=%~1 IF DEFINED CMD_OPTION IF /I [%CMD_OPTION%]==[EXTRAMEMORY] SET CMD_OPTION=EXTRAMEM IF DEFINED CMD_OPTION IF /I [%CMD_OPTION%]==[EMEMORY] SET CMD_OPTION=EXTRAMEM IF DEFINED CMD_OPTION IF /I [%CMD_OPTION%]==[EXTRAMEM] SET SORT_MEM=65535 :: See if we can find a git installation set GITFOUND=no for %%k in (HKCU HKLM) do ( for %%w in (\ \Wow6432Node\) do ( for /f "skip=2 delims=: tokens=1*" %%a in ('reg query "%%k\SOFTWARE%%wMicrosoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Git_is1" /v InstallLocation 2^> nul') do ( for /f "tokens=3" %%z in ("%%a") do ( set GIT=%%z:%%b set GITFOUND=yes goto FOUND ) ) ) ) :FOUND if %GITFOUND% == yes ( set "PATH=%GIT%bin;%PATH%" echo|set /p out="App.Version.commitHash = " > "%~dp0src\002-config\fc-version.js.commitHash.js" git rev-parse --sq --short HEAD >> "%~dp0src\002-config\fc-version.js.commitHash.js" 2>NUL if errorlevel 1 echo|set /p out="null" >> "%~dp0src\002-config\fc-version.js.commitHash.js" echo|set /p out=";" >> "%~dp0src\002-config\fc-version.js.commitHash.js" ) if not exist "bin\resources" mkdir bin\resources CALL devTools/concatFiles.bat js\ "*.js" bin\fc.js CALL devTools/concatFiles.bat css\ "*.css" bin\fc.css SET TWEEGO_PATH=%~dp0devTools\tweeGo\storyFormats :: Run the appropriate compiler for the user's CPU architecture. if %PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE% == AMD64 ( CALL "%~dp0devTools\tweeGo\tweego_win64.exe" -o "%~dp0bin/FC_pregmod.html" --module=bin/fc.js --module=bin/fc.css --head resources/raster/favicon/arcologyVector.html "%~dp0src" ) else ( CALL "%~dp0devTools\tweeGo\tweego_win86.exe" -o "%~dp0bin/FC_pregmod.html" --module=bin/fc.js --module=bin/fc.css --head resources/raster/favicon/arcologyVector.html "%~dp0src" ) DEL bin\fc.js DEL bin\fc.css IF EXIST "%~dp0src\002-config\fc-version.js.commitHash.js" DEL "%~dp0src\002-config\fc-version.js.commitHash.js" ENDLOCAL popd ECHO Done