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  • Patrickisdom's avatar
    Lotte update · 030e638b
    Patrickisdom authored
    -Linecount 1001 -> 1188
    -Targets to Futaba, Streaming-Chan, Cammy, Mulan, Elizabeth.
    -General line fixes and additions.
    -Entire pose overhaul to fix inconsistency in her eyes.
    -And add in titty freckles!
    Lotte update
    Patrickisdom authored
    -Linecount 1001 -> 1188
    -Targets to Futaba, Streaming-Chan, Cammy, Mulan, Elizabeth.
    -General line fixes and additions.
    -Entire pose overhaul to fix inconsistency in her eyes.
    -And add in titty freckles!