diff --git a/opponents/9s/behaviour.xml b/opponents/9s/behaviour.xml
index 5bb0bca3799d656e8c79dc1e24e4ea941b150b1f..598ff29f730983b1996407a92667c69daacb2291 100644
--- a/opponents/9s/behaviour.xml
+++ b/opponents/9s/behaviour.xml
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
-<!--This file was machine generated using the Character Editor v2.1 at 4:02:18 PM on September 03, 2018. Please do not edit it directly without preserving your improvements elsewhere or your changes may be lost the next time this file is generated.-->
+<!--This file was machine generated using the Character Editor v2.1 at 6:20:21 PM on September 03, 2018. Please do not edit it directly without preserving your improvements elsewhere or your changes may be lost the next time this file is generated.-->
     <first>YorHa Scanner Type</first>
     <last>Model No. 9</last>
@@ -8100,7 +8100,7 @@
                 <state img="3-frustrated.png">I don't understand what a Goron is... are they similar to androids? Creatures made from metal or something?</state>
             <case alsoPlaying="nayru" alsoPlayingStage="0-4" tag="stripped">
-                <state img="3-stripped.png">I only have a bellybutton because it also operates as a data port... do you nave nipples, Nayru.</state>
+                <state img="3-stripped.png">I only have a bellybutton because it also operates as a data port... does your species nave nipples, Nayru?</state>
             <case alsoPlaying="palutena" alsoPlayingStage="0-7" tag="stripped">
                 <state img="3-stripped.png">Well, my core diagnostics say I'm running at a cozy 556K internally. That's Kelvin, if you're more familiar with archaic measures, Palutena.</state>
diff --git a/opponents/9s/edit-dialogue.txt b/opponents/9s/edit-dialogue.txt
index 3daf50a21d31bb22a7dcaa3a77dc9c41d3c5fbe7..3b4d8c60865d5c1549b39145542e7a2ec67cdd2b 100644
--- a/opponents/9s/edit-dialogue.txt
+++ b/opponents/9s/edit-dialogue.txt
@@ -477,7 +477,7 @@ swap_cards=calm,I need ~cards~ cards to compile this.
 3-stripped,alsoPlaying:meia=stripped,I mean, my modelers thought it was a superfluous detail. If no nipples is that offputting, I can put in a service request back on the Bunker.
 3-stripped,alsoPlaying:mahiru=clever,You know, for someone who's been awfully embarrassed by losing, you sure like to stare, Mahiru...
 3-stripped,alsoPlaying:elizabeth=excited,Oh, I never saw the point of that anatomical upgrade. I did have a penis built in, though, so don't worry, it's not a total loss for you, Elizabeth! (If you can make me lose two more times!)
-3-stripped,alsoPlaying:nayru,alsoPlayingStage:0-4=stripped,I only have a bellybutton because it also operates as a data port... do you nave nipples, Nayru.
+3-stripped,alsoPlaying:nayru,alsoPlayingStage:0-4=stripped,I only have a bellybutton because it also operates as a data port... do your species nave nipples, Nayru?
 3-stripped,alsoPlaying:faye,alsoPlayingStage:0-8=clever,Well, one of us has to have a perfect figure, huh, Faye?
 3-stripped,alsoPlaying:nayru,alsoPlayingSaidMarker:9s_goron=frustrated,I don't understand what a Goron is... are they similar to androids? Creatures made from metal or something?
 3-stripped,alsoPlaying:pit,alsoPlayingStage:4-7=excited,Oh? You can touch if you'd like, Pit! I've never, had another male android touch me before, and I could touch you, since you're also shirtless.
@@ -4702,14 +4702,14 @@ female_removed_major=confident,But I’m happy you’re taking off something big
 0-female_removing_major,target:shimakaze,targetStage:5=interested,My visor is saying… Wow, you’re enjoying this, based on… Certain forms of viscous excretion.
 0-female_removed_major,targetStage:5-7=confident,I’m not surprised that you had to take off something big, but I am surprised you’re over halfway done and I haven’t even taken off my gloves.
 0-female_removed_major,targetStage:5-7=interested,I wonder if 21O would play like ~name~... Hmm...
-0-female_removed_major,target:shimakaze,targetStage:5=frustrated,I... would hope that you wouldn't use a hydrocarbon fuel as a lubricant... I wonder how the female androids at YorHa are designed for intercourse...
+0-female_removed_major,target:shimakaze,targetStage:5=excited,Oh. Right. Sorry, Shimakaze. I keep forgetting you're like me. Your designers should be very proud!
 0-female_removed_major,target:human,saidMarker:player2,notSaidMarker:player3,marker:player3=clever,~player~, that was an interesting choice. But let’s see if we can’t get some more interesting data out of you yet!
 0-female_removed_major,target:human,saidMarker:player2,notSaidMarker:player3,marker:player3=happy,You’ve been keeping this up pretty well!
 0-female_removed_major,target:human,saidMarker:player3,notSaidMarker:player4,marker:player4=clever,I’m happy to see you taking a turn to lose, ~name~.
 0-female_removed_major,target:human,saidMarker:player3,notSaidMarker:player4,marker:player4=happy,Really getting down to it, huh, ~player~?
 0-female_removed_major,targetStage:2-4=calm,With your load lightened, maybe you can perform better.
 0-female_removed_major,targetStage:2-4=clever,I can respect taking smart risks early, but I hope they pay off, ~name~. Your ~clothing~ seemed hard to refabricate.
-0-female_removed_major,target:shimakaze,targetStage:6=happy,Oh. Right. Sorry, Shimakaze. I keep forgetting you're like me. Your designers should be very proud!
+0-female_removed_major,target:shimakaze,targetStage:6=frustrated,I... would hope that you wouldn't use a hydrocarbon fuel as a lubricant... I wonder how the female androids at YorHa are designed for intercourse...
 0-female_removed_major,targetStage:1=frustrated,Is this supposed to be a grand gesture? A bad play? Something to incite confusion…? Well, it’s working.
 0-female_removed_major,targetStage:1=interested,I can’t wait to see what other plays you’re going to make, ~name~. That’s quite the start!
 0-female_removed_major,targetStage:8=frustrated,I think you used your ~clothing~ wrong. Why didn’t you cover your other assets, unless this was some sort of deception? Human women are so strange.
@@ -4802,11 +4802,11 @@ female_removed_major=confident,But I’m happy you’re taking off something big
 1-female_removed_major,target:human,saidMarker:player1,notSaidMarker:player2,marker:player2=happy,Hm. Your second piece non-exposing piece, huh?
 1-female_removed_major,targetStage:8=interested,Once you’re finished, could you tell me why you didn’t just… Wear that?
 1-female_removed_major,targetStage:8=excited,You’re weird, ~name~, but it’s kind of cute how you defy expectation.
-1-female_removed_major,target:shimakaze,targetStage:5=frustrated,I... would hope that you wouldn't use a hydrocarbon fuel as a lubricant... I wonder how the female androids at YorHa are designed for intercourse...
+1-female_removed_major,target:shimakaze,targetStage:5=excited,Oh. Right. Sorry, Shimakaze. I keep forgetting you're like me. Your designers should be very proud!
 1-female_removed_major,target:meg,targetStage:5=excited,Oh. I have to say, I’ve always enjoyed the default anatomy of some of the combat YorHa models… Your legs are very enticing. I guess all that running around does make you kind of built like 2B!
 1-female_removed_major,targetStage:5-7=calm,That’s a pretty typical play, but you’re really far behind, ~name~. With your ~clothing~ gone, are you going to play better?
 1-female_removed_major,targetStage:5-7=happy,Well, the data you’re generating isn’t anything particularly exciting… But for some reason I want to see more…?
-1-female_removed_major,target:shimakaze,targetStage:6=happy,Oh. Right. Sorry, Shimakaze. I keep forgetting you're like me. Your designers should be very proud!
+1-female_removed_major,target:shimakaze,targetStage:6=frustrated,I... would hope that you wouldn't use a hydrocarbon fuel as a lubricant... I wonder how the female androids at YorHa are designed for intercourse...
 1-female_removed_major,targetStage:2-4=confident,This was impressive. Let’s keep it up, ~name~.
 1-female_removed_major,targetStage:2-4=excited,According to my analytics, a big play like that’ll keep people invested for quite a bit. Smart move, ~name~!
 1-female_removed_major,target:meia,targetStage:3=frustrated,Er. Or something like that.
@@ -4908,8 +4908,8 @@ female_removed_major=confident,But I’m happy you’re taking off something big
 2-female_removed_major,targetStage:1=frustrated,I haven’t seen someone goad other players since A2…
 2-female_removed_major,targetStage:1=clever,When you’re doing well, I guess it’s easy to get caught up in the moment.
 2-female_removed_major,target:corrin_f,targetStage:4,targetSaidMarker:necklacestrip=interested,Huh. That stone of yours seems to resonate with a strange energy signature. How curious…
-2-female_removed_major,target:shimakaze,targetStage:6=happy,Oh. Right. Sorry, Shimakaze. I keep forgetting you're like me. Your designers should be very proud!
-2-female_removed_major,target:shimakaze,targetStage:5=frustrated,I... would hope that you wouldn't use a hydrocarbon fuel as a lubricant... I wonder how the female androids at YorHa are designed for intercourse...
+2-female_removed_major,target:shimakaze,targetStage:6=frustrated,I... would hope that you wouldn't use a hydrocarbon fuel as a lubricant... I wonder how the female androids at YorHa are designed for intercourse...
+2-female_removed_major,target:shimakaze,targetStage:5=excited,Oh. Right. Sorry, Shimakaze. I keep forgetting you're like me. Your designers should be very proud!
 2-female_removed_major,target:human,saidMarker:player5,notSaidMarker:player6,marker:player6=clever,Wow, you're really using all the tricks in the book, huh, ~player~?
 2-female_removed_major,target:human,saidMarker:player5,notSaidMarker:player6,marker:player6=happy,This is it! Nothing left but the good stuff!
 2-female_removed_major,target:marinette,targetStage:2=interested,Was this some sort of projection or camouflage? Weird… Though it would explain the weird readings I was getting earlier from your suit.
@@ -4981,8 +4981,8 @@ female_removed_major=confident,But I’m happy you’re taking off something big
 3-female_removed_major,target:human,saidMarker:player1,notSaidMarker:player2,marker:player2=happy,Hm. Your second piece non-exposing piece, huh?
 3-female_removed_major,target:human,saidMarker:player4,notSaidMarker:player5,marker:player5=excited,Always a pleasure to watch you, ~player~! I'm honored you picked me.
 3-female_removed_major,target:human,saidMarker:player4,notSaidMarker:player5,marker:player5=interested,Well, if that wasn’t the last piece...
-3-female_removed_major,target:shimakaze,targetStage:6=happy,Oh. Right. Sorry, Shimakaze. I keep forgetting you're like me. Your designers should be very proud!
-3-female_removed_major,target:shimakaze,targetStage:5=frustrated,I... would hope that you wouldn't use a hydrocarbon fuel as a lubricant... I wonder how the female androids at YorHa are designed for intercourse...
+3-female_removed_major,target:shimakaze,targetStage:6=frustrated,I... would hope that you wouldn't use a hydrocarbon fuel as a lubricant... I wonder how the female androids at YorHa are designed for intercourse...
+3-female_removed_major,target:shimakaze,targetStage:5=excited,Oh. Right. Sorry, Shimakaze. I keep forgetting you're like me. Your designers should be very proud!
 3-female_removed_major,target:nayru,targetStage:5=calm,Ah, so you're shutting down while you incorporate your upgrade... right? I will say I enjoy the new aesthetics without your dress! Far more streamlined.
 3-female_removed_major,target:meia,targetStage:3=frustrated,Er. Or something like that.
 3-female_removed_major,target:corrin_f,targetStage:4,targetSaidMarker:necklacestrip=interested,Huh. That stone of yours seems to resonate with a strange energy signature. How curious…
@@ -5079,14 +5079,14 @@ female_removed_major=confident,But I’m happy you’re taking off something big
 4-female_removed_major,target:human,saidMarker:player1,notSaidMarker:player2,marker:player2=happy,Hm. Your second piece non-exposing piece, huh?
 4-female_removed_major,target:marinette,targetStage:5=interested,Like a soul? That’s… A little too heavy for this game, I think.
 4-female_removed_major,target:corrin_f,targetStage:4=excited,Whoa, you must’ve worked really hard for that physique! I can tell you’re very combat experienced!
-4-female_removed_major,target:shimakaze,targetStage:6=happy,Oh. Right. Sorry, Shimakaze. I keep forgetting you're like me. Your designers should be very proud!
+4-female_removed_major,target:shimakaze,targetStage:6=frustrated,I... would hope that you wouldn't use a hydrocarbon fuel as a lubricant... I wonder how the female androids at YorHa are designed for intercourse...
 4-female_removed_major,target:meg,targetStage:5=excited,Oh. I have to say, I’ve always enjoyed the default anatomy of some of the combat YorHa models… Your legs are very enticing. I guess all that running around does make you kind of built like 2B!
 4-female_removed_major,target:corrin_f,targetStage:5=clever,I’m not staring. I’m not thinking of how 2B would look in this outfit.
 4-female_removed_major,target:human,saidMarker:player5,notSaidMarker:player6,marker:player6=clever,Wow, you're really using all the tricks in the book, huh, ~player~?
 4-female_removed_major,target:human,saidMarker:player5,notSaidMarker:player6,marker:player6=happy,This is it! Nothing left but the good stuff!
 4-female_removed_major,target:human,saidMarker:player4,notSaidMarker:player5,marker:player5=excited,Always a pleasure to watch you, ~player~! I'm honored you picked me.
 4-female_removed_major,target:human,saidMarker:player4,notSaidMarker:player5,marker:player5=interested,Well, if that wasn’t the last piece...
-4-female_removed_major,target:shimakaze,targetStage:5=frustrated,I... would hope that you wouldn't use a hydrocarbon fuel as a lubricant... I wonder how the female androids at YorHa are designed for intercourse...
+4-female_removed_major,target:shimakaze,targetStage:5=excited,Oh. Right. Sorry, Shimakaze. I keep forgetting you're like me. Your designers should be very proud!
 4-female_removed_major,target:marinette,targetStage:2=interested,Was this some sort of projection or camouflage? Weird… Though it would explain the weird readings I was getting earlier from your suit.
 4-female_removed_major,target:nayru,targetStage:5=calm,Ah, so you're shutting down while you incorporate your upgrade... right? I will say I enjoy the new aesthetics without your dress! Far more streamlined.
 4-female_removed_major,targetStage:1=confident,You might regret being so hasty, ~name~. I’m just about to step it up.
@@ -5160,8 +5160,8 @@ female_removed_major=confident,But I’m happy you’re taking off something big
 5-female_removed_major,target:human,saidMarker:player2,notSaidMarker:player3,marker:player3=happy,You’ve been keeping this up pretty well!
 5-female_removed_major,target:human,saidMarker:player1,notSaidMarker:player2,marker:player2=clever,You’re not an AI, but I feel like you have some tricks up your sleeve the rest of us don’t.
 5-female_removed_major,target:human,saidMarker:player1,notSaidMarker:player2,marker:player2=happy,Hm. Your second piece non-exposing piece, huh?
-5-female_removed_major,target:shimakaze,targetStage:6=happy,Oh. Right. Sorry, Shimakaze. I keep forgetting you're like me. Your designers should be very proud!
-5-female_removed_major,target:shimakaze,targetStage:5=frustrated,I... would hope that you wouldn't use a hydrocarbon fuel as a lubricant... I wonder how the female androids at YorHa are designed for intercourse...
+5-female_removed_major,target:shimakaze,targetStage:6=frustrated,I... would hope that you wouldn't use a hydrocarbon fuel as a lubricant... I wonder how the female androids at YorHa are designed for intercourse...
+5-female_removed_major,target:shimakaze,targetStage:5=excited,Oh. Right. Sorry, Shimakaze. I keep forgetting you're like me. Your designers should be very proud!
 5-female_removed_major,target:meg,targetStage:5=excited,Oh. I have to say, I’ve always enjoyed the default anatomy of some of the combat YorHa models… Your legs are very enticing. I guess all that running around does make you kind of built like 2B!
 5-female_removed_major,target:human,saidMarker:player4,notSaidMarker:player5,marker:player5=excited,Always a pleasure to watch you, ~player~! I'm honored you picked me.
 5-female_removed_major,target:human,saidMarker:player4,notSaidMarker:player5,marker:player5=interested,Well, if that wasn’t the last piece...
@@ -5225,9 +5225,9 @@ female_removed_major=confident,But I’m happy you’re taking off something big
 -3-female_removed_major,target:human,saidMarker:player4,notSaidMarker:player5,marker:player5=excited,Always a pleasure to watch you, ~player~! I'm honored you picked me.
 -3-female_removed_major,target:human,saidMarker:player4,notSaidMarker:player5,marker:player5=interested,Well, if that wasn’t the last piece...
 -3-female_removed_major,target:human,notSaidMarker:player1,marker:player1=happy,You in particular seem like you’re worth analysis, ~player~.
--3-female_removed_major,target:shimakaze,targetStage:5=frustrated,I... would hope that you wouldn't use a hydrocarbon fuel as a lubricant... I wonder how the female androids at YorHa are designed for intercourse...
+-3-female_removed_major,target:shimakaze,targetStage:5=excited,Oh. Right. Sorry, Shimakaze. I keep forgetting you're like me. Your designers should be very proud!
 -3-female_removed_major,target:nayru,targetStage:5=calm,Ah, so you're shutting down while you incorporate your upgrade... right? I will say I enjoy the new aesthetics without your dress! Far more streamlined.
--3-female_removed_major,target:shimakaze,targetStage:6=happy,Oh. Right. Sorry, Shimakaze. I keep forgetting you're like me. Your designers should be very proud!
+-3-female_removed_major,target:shimakaze,targetStage:6=frustrated,I... would hope that you wouldn't use a hydrocarbon fuel as a lubricant... I wonder how the female androids at YorHa are designed for intercourse...
 -3-female_removed_major,target:human,saidMarker:player2,notSaidMarker:player3,marker:player3=clever,~player~, that was an interesting choice. But let’s see if we can’t get some more interesting data out of you yet!
 -3-female_removed_major,target:human,saidMarker:player2,notSaidMarker:player3,marker:player3=happy,You’ve been keeping this up pretty well!
 -3-female_removed_major,target:corrin_f,targetStage:4,targetSaidMarker:necklacestrip=interested,Huh. That stone of yours seems to resonate with a strange energy signature. How curious…
@@ -5307,10 +5307,10 @@ female_removed_major=confident,But I’m happy you’re taking off something big
 -2-female_removed_major,target:human,saidMarker:player5,notSaidMarker:player6,marker:player6=clever,Wow, you're really using all the tricks in the book, huh, ~player~?
 -2-female_removed_major,target:human,saidMarker:player5,notSaidMarker:player6,marker:player6=happy,This is it! Nothing left but the good stuff!
 -2-female_removed_major,target:human,saidMarker:player6=excited,...Or just nothing. This was fun, ~player~!
--2-female_removed_major,target:shimakaze,targetStage:5=frustrated,I... would hope that you wouldn't use a hydrocarbon fuel as a lubricant... I wonder how the female androids at YorHa are designed for intercourse...
+-2-female_removed_major,target:shimakaze,targetStage:5=excited,Oh. Right. Sorry, Shimakaze. I keep forgetting you're like me. Your designers should be very proud!
 -2-female_removed_major,target:marinette,targetStage:6=happy,Huh. This is pretty miraculous technology, I guess.
 -2-female_removed_major,target:nayru,targetStage:5=calm,Ah, so you're shutting down while you incorporate your upgrade... right? I will say I enjoy the new aesthetics without your dress! Far more streamlined.
--2-female_removed_major,target:shimakaze,targetStage:6=happy,Oh. Right. Sorry, Shimakaze. I keep forgetting you're like me. Your designers should be very proud!
+-2-female_removed_major,target:shimakaze,targetStage:6=frustrated,I... would hope that you wouldn't use a hydrocarbon fuel as a lubricant... I wonder how the female androids at YorHa are designed for intercourse...
 -1-male_removing_major=excited,Interesting! Even though I’ve lost, seeing ~name~’s ~clothing~ come off is eliciting a similar response to earlier.
 -1-male_removing_major=confident,Wow, ~name~, you had something big like your ~clothing~ left?
@@ -5355,8 +5355,8 @@ female_removed_major=confident,But I’m happy you’re taking off something big
 -1-female_removed_major,target:human,saidMarker:player3,notSaidMarker:player4,marker:player4=happy,Really getting down to it, huh, ~player~?
 -1-female_removed_major,target:human,saidMarker:player1,notSaidMarker:player2,marker:player2=clever,You’re not an AI, but I feel like you have some tricks up your sleeve the rest of us don’t.
 -1-female_removed_major,target:human,saidMarker:player1,notSaidMarker:player2,marker:player2=happy,Hm. Your second piece non-exposing piece, huh?
--1-female_removed_major,target:shimakaze,targetStage:6=happy,Oh. Right. Sorry, Shimakaze. I keep forgetting you're like me. Your designers should be very proud!
--1-female_removed_major,target:shimakaze,targetStage:5=frustrated,I... would hope that you wouldn't use a hydrocarbon fuel as a lubricant... I wonder how the female androids at YorHa are designed for intercourse...
+-1-female_removed_major,target:shimakaze,targetStage:6=frustrated,I... would hope that you wouldn't use a hydrocarbon fuel as a lubricant... I wonder how the female androids at YorHa are designed for intercourse...
+-1-female_removed_major,target:shimakaze,targetStage:5=excited,Oh. Right. Sorry, Shimakaze. I keep forgetting you're like me. Your designers should be very proud!
 -1-female_removed_major,target:nayru,targetStage:5=calm,Ah, so you're shutting down while you incorporate your upgrade... right? I will say I enjoy the new aesthetics without your dress! Far more streamlined.
 -1-female_removed_major,target:human,saidMarker:player6=excited,...Or just nothing. This was fun, ~player~!
 -1-female_removed_major,target:human,saidMarker:player5,notSaidMarker:player6,marker:player6=clever,Wow, you're really using all the tricks in the book, huh, ~player~?
diff --git a/opponents/angie/behaviour.xml b/opponents/angie/behaviour.xml
index 840325f588ad9fa50073b788e30ad6b6c0b91a06..76629cd5990ab0ca2b81861cf204c028d46fe5a0 100644
--- a/opponents/angie/behaviour.xml
+++ b/opponents/angie/behaviour.xml
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
-    <!--This file was machine generated by make_xml.py version 1.47 in April 2018. Please do not edit it directly without preserving your improvements elsewhere or your changes may be lost the next time this file is generated.-->
+<!--This file was machine generated using the Character Editor v2.1 at 5:10:21 PM on September 03, 2018. Please do not edit it directly without preserving your improvements elsewhere or your changes may be lost the next time this file is generated.-->
     <last />
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@
                 <state img="0-shy.png">Mead would be pretty damn great right about now.</state>
                 <state img="0-satisfied.png">Tick, tock, tick, tock...</state>
-            <case consecutiveLosses="0" tag="female_removing_minor" target="kim" targetStage="1">
+            <case tag="female_removing_minor" target="kim" targetStage="1" consecutiveLosses="0">
                 <state img="0-satisfied.png">Are you saying you weren't taking this game seriously till now? That's cute...</state>
             <case tag="male_medium_crotch_is_visible">
@@ -97,13 +97,13 @@
                 <state img="0-shy.png">Wow, you look...very beautiful.</state>
                 <state img="0-surprised.png">Next hand! I have to admit this is getting interesting.</state>
-            <case notSaidMarker="reveal" tag="female_removed_major" target="annie" targetStage="5">
+            <case tag="female_removed_major" target="annie" targetStage="5" notSaidMarker="reveal">
                 <state img="0-surprised.png" marker="reveal">Woah...could've fooled me. Your chest looked a lot smaller...</state>
             <case tag="female_removed_major" target="lyn" targetStage="6">
                 <state img="0-horny.png">Annnnnnd you did it...sheesh. You've got a pretty...b-beautiful body though...</state>
-            <case priority="380" tag="female_removed_major" target="marinette" targetStage="2">
+            <case tag="female_removed_major" target="marinette" targetStage="2" priority="380">
                 <state img="0-surprised.png">Y-You use magic to transform, too? I have to use dragonstones to maintain the balance between my human and manakete forms. How on earth do you do it?</state>
             <case tag="male_large_crotch_is_visible">
@@ -440,9 +440,6 @@
                 <state img="0-irritated.png"><i>TheGracefulGodot</i> , when I get out of this game, I'm going to fucking kill you.</state>
                 <state img="0-embarrassed.png">I'd rather be doing my homework than...t-than...</state>
-            <case tag="stripped">
-                <state img="0-sad.png">I miss my ~clothing~ already...</state>
-            </case>
             <case tag="must_strip_normal">
                 <state img="0-thoughtful.png">I really don't want to do this, but rules are rules, I guess...</state>
                 <state img="0-mad.png">Seriously? Ugh...fine.</state>
@@ -509,7 +506,7 @@
                 <state img="1-shy.png">Mead would be pretty damn great right about now.</state>
                 <state img="1-satisfied.png">Tick, tock, tick, tock...</state>
-            <case consecutiveLosses="0" tag="female_removing_minor" target="kim" targetStage="1">
+            <case tag="female_removing_minor" target="kim" targetStage="1" consecutiveLosses="0">
                 <state img="1-satisfied.png">Are you saying you weren't taking this game seriously till now? That's cute...</state>
             <case tag="male_medium_crotch_is_visible">
@@ -530,7 +527,7 @@
             <case tag="female_removed_major" target="lyn" targetStage="6">
                 <state img="1-horny.png">Annnnnnd you did it...sheesh. You've got a pretty...b-beautiful body though...</state>
-            <case priority="380" tag="female_removed_major" target="marinette" targetStage="2">
+            <case tag="female_removed_major" target="marinette" targetStage="2" priority="380">
                 <state img="1-surprised.png">Y-You use magic to transform, too? I have to use dragonstones to maintain the balance between my human and manakete forms. How on earth do you do it?</state>
             <case tag="male_large_crotch_is_visible">
@@ -919,7 +916,7 @@
                 <state img="2-shy.png">Mead would be pretty damn great right about now.</state>
                 <state img="2-satisfied.png">Tick, tock, tick, tock...</state>
-            <case consecutiveLosses="0" tag="female_removing_minor" target="kim" targetStage="1">
+            <case tag="female_removing_minor" target="kim" targetStage="1" consecutiveLosses="0">
                 <state img="2-satisfied.png">Are you saying you weren't taking this game seriously till now? That's cute...</state>
             <case tag="male_medium_crotch_is_visible">
@@ -940,7 +937,7 @@
             <case tag="female_removed_major" target="lyn" targetStage="6">
                 <state img="2-horny.png">Annnnnnd you did it...sheesh. You've got a pretty...b-beautiful body though...</state>
-            <case priority="380" tag="female_removed_major" target="marinette" targetStage="2">
+            <case tag="female_removed_major" target="marinette" targetStage="2" priority="380">
                 <state img="2-surprised.png">Y-You use magic to transform, too? I have to use dragonstones to maintain the balance between my human and manakete forms. How on earth do you do it?</state>
             <case tag="male_large_crotch_is_visible">
@@ -1287,15 +1284,15 @@
                 <state img="2-embarrassed.png">What would <i>he</i> think if he saw me playing this..."game"...</state>
             <case tag="must_strip_losing">
-                <state img="2-sassy.png">Can't get any worse, can it?</state>
-                <state img="2-surprised.png">...N-Not here...shit.</state>
-                <state img="2-frustrated.png">Jesus Christ, this game really sucks!</state>
-                <state img="2-embarrassed.png">Why me? It couldn't have been one of the others?</state>
                 <state img="2-embarrassed.png">Seriously?! This is not my day!</state>
                 <state img="2-sassy.png">Great, revealing more than I should once again. Couldn't ask for a better time.</state>
                 <state img="2-frustrated.png">Goddammit. Not again!</state>
                 <state img="2-mad.png">I think the Dealer just wants to see me naked. Can't play a fair game, can you?</state>
                 <state img="2-frustrated.png">I'm not one to make accusations, ever, but I swear to God there is a cheater amongst us.</state>
+                <state img="2-sassy.png">Can't get any worse, can it?</state>
+                <state img="2-surprised.png">...N-Not here...shit.</state>
+                <state img="2-frustrated.png">Jesus Christ, this game really sucks!</state>
+                <state img="2-embarrassed.png">Why me? It couldn't have been one of the others?</state>
             <case tag="stripping">
                 <state img="2-stripping.png">Like my ~clothing~? I hand-stitched it myself from scratch.</state>
@@ -1342,7 +1339,7 @@
                 <state img="3-shy.png">Mead would be pretty damn great right about now.</state>
                 <state img="3-satisfied.png">Tick, tock, tick, tock...</state>
-            <case consecutiveLosses="0" tag="female_removing_minor" target="kim" targetStage="1">
+            <case tag="female_removing_minor" target="kim" targetStage="1" consecutiveLosses="0">
                 <state img="3-satisfied.png">Are you saying you weren't taking this game seriously till now? That's cute...</state>
             <case tag="male_medium_crotch_is_visible">
@@ -1363,7 +1360,7 @@
             <case tag="female_removed_major" target="lyn" targetStage="6">
                 <state img="3-horny.png">Annnnnnd you did it...sheesh. You've got a pretty...b-beautiful body though...</state>
-            <case priority="380" tag="female_removed_major" target="marinette" targetStage="2">
+            <case tag="female_removed_major" target="marinette" targetStage="2" priority="380">
                 <state img="3-surprised.png">Y-You use magic to transform, too? I have to use dragonstones to maintain the balance between my human and manakete forms. How on earth do you do it?</state>
             <case tag="male_large_crotch_is_visible">
@@ -1703,15 +1700,15 @@
                 <state img="3-embarrassed.png">What would <i>he</i> think if he saw me playing this..."game"...</state>
             <case tag="must_strip_losing">
-                <state img="3-sassy.png">Can't get any worse, can it?</state>
-                <state img="3-surprised.png">...N-Not here...shit.</state>
-                <state img="3-frustrated.png">Jesus Christ, this game really sucks!</state>
-                <state img="3-embarrassed.png">Why me? It couldn't have been one of the others?</state>
                 <state img="3-embarrassed.png">Seriously?! This is not my day!</state>
                 <state img="3-sassy.png">Great, revealing more than I should once again. Couldn't ask for a better time.</state>
                 <state img="3-frustrated.png">Goddammit. Not again!</state>
                 <state img="3-mad.png">I think the Dealer just wants to see me naked. Can't play a fair game, can you?</state>
                 <state img="3-frustrated.png">I'm not one to make accusations, ever, but I swear to God there is a cheater amongst us.</state>
+                <state img="3-sassy.png">Can't get any worse, can it?</state>
+                <state img="3-surprised.png">...N-Not here...shit.</state>
+                <state img="3-frustrated.png">Jesus Christ, this game really sucks!</state>
+                <state img="3-embarrassed.png">Why me? It couldn't have been one of the others?</state>
             <case tag="stripping">
                 <state img="3-stripping.png" silent=""></state>
@@ -1772,7 +1769,7 @@
             <case tag="female_removed_major" target="lyn" targetStage="6">
                 <state img="4-horny.png">Annnnnnd you did it...sheesh. You've got a pretty...b-beautiful body though...</state>
-            <case priority="380" tag="female_removed_major" target="marinette" targetStage="2">
+            <case tag="female_removed_major" target="marinette" targetStage="2" priority="380">
                 <state img="4-surprised.png">Y-You use magic to transform, too? I have to use dragonstones to maintain the balance between my human and manakete forms. How on earth do you do it?</state>
             <case tag="male_large_crotch_is_visible">
@@ -2064,12 +2061,6 @@
                 <state img="4-embarrassed.png">I feel myself slowly sinking into the abyss...I-I can't...</state>
             <case tag="stripped">
-                <state img="4-stripped.png">D-Don't stare at them! They're not for your eyes!</state>
-                <state img="4-stripped.png">Is this really new to you? I mean, I'm sure you've seen breasts that are much bigger than mine. Why don't you go poke some fun at theirs?</state>
-                <state img="4-stripped.png">What? I like purple on black, even if there is more black...</state>
-                <state img="4-stripped.png">*sigh* Please let's just get this over with. Next hand, please.</state>
-                <state img="4-stripped.png">Okay...no more screwing around. You want a tough player? I'll give you one...</state>
-                <state img="4-stripped.png">Having big breasts isn't exactly a luxury. Do you have any idea how hard it is to find good-looking bras my size?</state>
                 <state img="4-stripped.png" silent=""></state>
                 <state img="4-stripped.png">...W-What?</state>
                 <state img="4-stripped.png">S-Stop looking at them...I-I know they're...very big...</state>
@@ -2077,6 +2068,12 @@
                 <state img="4-stripped.png">Yeah yeah yeah, say whatever you want. I don't really care.</state>
                 <state img="4-stripped.png">Is this what you were waiting for, ~player~? Do you get off to disgusting habits so easily?</state>
                 <state img="4-stripped.png">Whatever, next hand. I don't really give a shit anymore.</state>
+                <state img="4-stripped.png">D-Don't stare at them! They're not for your eyes!</state>
+                <state img="4-stripped.png">Is this really new to you? I mean, I'm sure you've seen breasts that are much bigger than mine. Why don't you go poke some fun at theirs?</state>
+                <state img="4-stripped.png">What? I like purple on black, even if there is more black...</state>
+                <state img="4-stripped.png">*sigh* Please let's just get this over with. Next hand, please.</state>
+                <state img="4-stripped.png">Okay...no more screwing around. You want a tough player? I'll give you one...</state>
+                <state img="4-stripped.png">Having big breasts isn't exactly a luxury. Do you have any idea how hard it is to find good-looking bras my size?</state>
             <case alsoPlaying="pit" tag="stripped">
                 <state img="4-shy.png">T-Thank you... I-I mean, shut up Pit!</state>
@@ -2147,7 +2144,7 @@
             <case tag="female_removed_major" target="lyn" targetStage="6">
                 <state img="5-horny.png">Annnnnnd you did it...sheesh. You've got a pretty...b-beautiful body though...</state>
-            <case priority="380" tag="female_removed_major" target="marinette" targetStage="2">
+            <case tag="female_removed_major" target="marinette" targetStage="2" priority="380">
                 <state img="5-surprised.png">Y-You use magic to transform, too? I have to use dragonstones to maintain the balance between my human and manakete forms. How on earth do you do it?</state>
             <case tag="male_large_crotch_is_visible">
@@ -2514,7 +2511,7 @@
             <case tag="female_removed_major" target="lyn" targetStage="6">
                 <state img="6-horny.png">Annnnnnd you did it...sheesh. You've got a pretty...b-beautiful body though...</state>
-            <case priority="380" tag="female_removed_major" target="marinette" targetStage="2">
+            <case tag="female_removed_major" target="marinette" targetStage="2" priority="380">
                 <state img="6-surprised.png">Y-You use magic to transform, too? I have to use dragonstones to maintain the balance between my human and manakete forms. How on earth do you do it?</state>
             <case tag="male_large_crotch_is_visible">
@@ -2883,7 +2880,7 @@
             <case tag="female_removed_major" target="lyn" targetStage="6">
                 <state img="7-horny.png">Annnnnnd you did it...sheesh. You've got a pretty...b-beautiful body though...</state>
-            <case priority="380" tag="female_removed_major" target="marinette" targetStage="2">
+            <case tag="female_removed_major" target="marinette" targetStage="2" priority="380">
                 <state img="7-surprised.png">Y-You use magic to transform, too? I have to use dragonstones to maintain the balance between my human and manakete forms. How on earth do you do it?</state>
             <case tag="male_large_crotch_is_visible">
@@ -3162,13 +3159,13 @@
                 <state img="7-calm.png">Passable, nothing more, nothing less.</state>
             <case tag="swap_cards">
-                <state img="7-irritated.png">O-Ok...calmly... ~cards~ please.</state>
-                <state img="7-surprised.png">Let's just get this over with...~cards~</state>
-                <state img="7-shy.png">Send ~cards~ my way, Dealer. Maybe my luck will change.</state>
                 <state img="7-mad.png">...Give me some damn cards, and make it quick.</state>
                 <state img="7-irritated.png">~cards~, now. I can't stand feeling this exposed for so long.</state>
                 <state img="7-shy.png">~cards~, please. I want to get out of here as soon as I can.</state>
                 <state img="7-embarrassed.png">Dealer, give me ~cards~, and quit staring at my body!</state>
+                <state img="7-irritated.png">O-Ok...calmly... ~cards~ please.</state>
+                <state img="7-surprised.png">Let's just get this over with...~cards~</state>
+                <state img="7-shy.png">Send ~cards~ my way, Dealer. Maybe my luck will change.</state>
             <case tag="bad_hand">
                 <state img="7-frustrated.png">This is seriously not happening...</state>
@@ -3226,25 +3223,25 @@
                 <state img="8-sassy.png">If only there was a way to go back in time...</state>
             <case tag="male_chest_will_be_visible">
-                <state img="8-shy.png">Nice, I'm going to get to see some chest. Don't take that as a compliment. It's only fair since you're staring right at mine...</state>
-                <state img="8-embarrassed.png">You know...i-it feels kind of strange to be standing here like this and see you take your ~clothing~ off too...</state>
-                <state img="8-thoughtful.png">Hmph, about time. Was beginning to wonder how long it was going to be before a guy joined in.</state>
-                <state img="8-calm.png">Hmmmm....</state>
                 <state img="8-shy.png">If there was anywhere else I'd rather be, I..............I can't think of anything. Why...?</state>
                 <state img="8-satisfied.png">This is...hmhmhmhm~.</state>
                 <state img="8-shy.png">I can't believe this is happening...</state>
                 <state img="8-satisfied.png">Well, as others would say, we're getting to the good stuff. Take it off, already.</state>
+                <state img="8-shy.png">Nice, I'm going to get to see some chest. Don't take that as a compliment. It's only fair since you're staring right at mine...</state>
+                <state img="8-embarrassed.png">You know...i-it feels kind of strange to be standing here like this and see you take your ~clothing~ off too...</state>
+                <state img="8-thoughtful.png">Hmph, about time. Was beginning to wonder how long it was going to be before a guy joined in.</state>
+                <state img="8-calm.png">Hmmmm....</state>
             <case tag="female_removing_minor">
-                <state img="8-thoughtful.png">Ugh, your ~clothing~ doesn't exactly sound like a "win" to me, but whatever, I'll take it.</state>
-                <state img="8-sassy.png">Well look at you, taking off your ~clothing~ when I'm practically naked here.</state>
-                <state img="8-surprised.png">Hey...do you mind if you throw that my way? I need some warmth. What? That's against the rules?! What a cruel world we live in...</state>
-                <state img="8-sassy.png">Hmph...if that's what you want to do, I guess.</state>
                 <state img="8-thoughtful.png">Your ~clothing~ huh? I suppose that's pretty okay.</state>
                 <state img="8-irritated.png">...So...can't take them off any faster can you?</state>
                 <state img="8-surprised.png">Ugh...can you hurry it up, please? Not everyone is interested..I think...</state>
                 <state img="8-shy.png">Mead would be pretty damn great right about now.</state>
                 <state img="8-satisfied.png">Tick, tock, tick, tock...</state>
+                <state img="8-thoughtful.png">Ugh, your ~clothing~ doesn't exactly sound like a "win" to me, but whatever, I'll take it.</state>
+                <state img="8-sassy.png">Well look at you, taking off your ~clothing~ when I'm practically naked here.</state>
+                <state img="8-surprised.png">Hey...do you mind if you throw that my way? I need some warmth. What? That's against the rules?! What a cruel world we live in...</state>
+                <state img="8-sassy.png">Hmph...if that's what you want to do, I guess.</state>
             <case tag="male_medium_crotch_is_visible">
                 <state img="8-calm.png">I've sketched something like this before. It's a pretty good size, I'll admit. And while I'm saying that, I'm also telling you not to think too deep into it.</state>
@@ -3254,22 +3251,22 @@
                 <state img="8-shy.png">Well, at least the proportions are right. Don't ask me how I know so much...</state>
             <case tag="female_removed_major">
-                <state img="8-surprised.png">Ooooo~, nice color there.</state>
-                <state img="8-thoughtful.png">Well, at least you're wearing appropriate clothing. Can't imagine what it would be like to play with a girl that's topless underneath that...</state>
-                <state img="8-satisfied.png">You're glowing! It's kinda cute actually.</state>
-                <state img="8-thoughtful.png">Hmmmmmm...well you don't look bad. Although I wouldn't be surprised if you felt humiliated.</state>
-                <state img="8-irritated.png">Don't feel too bad, you pretty much knew this was coming. Dealer, let's go. Another hand, please.</state>
                 <state img="8-thoughtful.png">Well, the color is pretty at least.</state>
                 <state img="8-thoughtful.png">Don't feel too shy, you knew this was going to happen when you started playing against me.</state>
                 <state img="8-shy.png">I know this is awkward to ask, but, what are you doing later? Do you care if I sketch you?</state>
                 <state img="8-surprised.png">Consider yourself lucky. If Laslow were here, I don't think you'd have any idea where this would go.</state>
                 <state img="8-shy.png">Wow, you look...very beautiful.</state>
                 <state img="8-surprised.png">Next hand! I have to admit this is getting interesting.</state>
+                <state img="8-surprised.png">Ooooo~, nice color there.</state>
+                <state img="8-thoughtful.png">Well, at least you're wearing appropriate clothing. Can't imagine what it would be like to play with a girl that's topless underneath that...</state>
+                <state img="8-satisfied.png">You're glowing! It's kinda cute actually.</state>
+                <state img="8-thoughtful.png">Hmmmmmm...well you don't look bad. Although I wouldn't be surprised if you felt humiliated.</state>
+                <state img="8-irritated.png">Don't feel too bad, you pretty much knew this was coming. Dealer, let's go. Another hand, please.</state>
             <case tag="female_removed_major" target="lyn" targetStage="6">
                 <state img="8-horny.png">Annnnnnd you did it...sheesh. You've got a pretty...b-beautiful body though...</state>
-            <case priority="380" tag="female_removed_major" target="marinette" targetStage="2">
+            <case tag="female_removed_major" target="marinette" targetStage="2" priority="380">
                 <state img="8-surprised.png">Y-You use magic to transform, too? I have to use dragonstones to maintain the balance between my human and manakete forms. How on earth do you do it?</state>
             <case tag="male_large_crotch_is_visible">
@@ -3293,26 +3290,26 @@
                 <state img="8-surprised.png">S-Sheesh. I'd hate not to shave my-...nevermind.</state>
             <case tag="male_removed_minor">
-                <state img="8-sassy.png">Like I said, I'm anything but impressed right now. Next hand, please?</state>
-                <state img="8-mad.png">Ugh, as Leo would say, Pathetic.</state>
-                <state img="8-thoughtful.png">So is there anyone else in here that's brave enough to do the supposed "impossible"? I'd hope so, because this really sucks.</state>
-                <state img="8-mad.png">Next hand. On a side note, I don't play with chickens.</state>
                 <state img="8-sassy.png">Good deal, now we can continue to play...ugh.</state>
                 <state img="8-calm.png">Well you're still in tact, so that's not too bad.</state>
                 <state img="8-satisfied.png">I'm not really one to tease anybody, but, I hope you're prepared to lose more than your ~clothing~.</state>
                 <state img="8-calm.png">Welp, that's another down. Dealer, let's move, yeah?</state>
                 <state img="8-shy.png">Hmmmm...I would be in denial if I didn't admit I'm the LEAST bit curious.</state>
-            </case>
-            <case tag="male_removed_accessory">
                 <state img="8-sassy.png">Like I said, I'm anything but impressed right now. Next hand, please?</state>
-                <state img="8-frustrated.png">Ugh, as Leo would say, Pathetic.</state>
+                <state img="8-mad.png">Ugh, as Leo would say, Pathetic.</state>
                 <state img="8-thoughtful.png">So is there anyone else in here that's brave enough to do the supposed "impossible"? I'd hope so, because this really sucks.</state>
                 <state img="8-mad.png">Next hand. On a side note, I don't play with chickens.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_removed_accessory">
                 <state img="8-thoughtful.png">One down. This is going to be a slow ride, isn't it?</state>
                 <state img="8-shy.png">I'm all about patience, but this is really getting on my nerves. Not that I want to see you naked or anything, I just want to go back and study.</state>
                 <state img="8-sassy.png">Can we pick this up already? I've got things to do.</state>
                 <state img="8-irritated.png">I'm still wondering what the other girls find appealing in this game.</state>
                 <state img="8-shy.png">Well, you still look good, I'll give you that.</state>
+                <state img="8-sassy.png">Like I said, I'm anything but impressed right now. Next hand, please?</state>
+                <state img="8-frustrated.png">Ugh, as Leo would say, Pathetic.</state>
+                <state img="8-thoughtful.png">So is there anyone else in here that's brave enough to do the supposed "impossible"? I'd hope so, because this really sucks.</state>
+                <state img="8-mad.png">Next hand. On a side note, I don't play with chickens.</state>
             <case tag="male_must_masturbate">
                 <state img="8-embarrassed.png">...Wait, so if we lose, we have to...d-do that?! And we have to WATCH?!</state>
@@ -3468,15 +3465,15 @@
                 <state img="8-thoughtful.png">I didn't even think it was humanly possible...that's all I have to say.</state>
             <case tag="male_removing_accessory">
-                <state img="8-mad.png">What the?! Come on! I'm practically naked here!</state>
-                <state img="8-surprised.png">Seriously? Your ~clothing~? You couldn't take off something bigger?!</state>
-                <state img="8-sassy.png">Wow, winning this hand was almost not worth it.</state>
-                <state img="8-irritated.png">...Okay, I tried to resist saying anything, but here it goes: you are a HUGE coward.</state>
                 <state img="8-calm.png">Your ~clothing~, huh? Good choice there.</state>
                 <state img="8-thoughtful.png">Well, at least I'm getting closer to winning. No big deal, here.</state>
                 <state img="8-irritated.png">Never would I thought that I'd see the day when a man who I just met would strip in front of me...great...</state>
                 <state img="8-mad.png">Hurry up! The sooner this game is over, the better!</state>
                 <state img="8-thoughtful.png">Hmph...</state>
+                <state img="8-mad.png">What the?! Come on! I'm practically naked here!</state>
+                <state img="8-surprised.png">Seriously? Your ~clothing~? You couldn't take off something bigger?!</state>
+                <state img="8-sassy.png">Wow, winning this hand was almost not worth it.</state>
+                <state img="8-irritated.png">...Okay, I tried to resist saying anything, but here it goes: you are a HUGE coward.</state>
             <case tag="male_finished_masturbating">
                 <state img="8-frustrated.png">G-GAH! WATCH WHERE YOU'RE FIRING THAT THING!</state>
@@ -3523,16 +3520,16 @@
                 <state img="8-shy.png">I have to admit, I actually had a little bit of fun. Maybe we can play again, sometime?</state>
             <case tag="female_removing_major">
-                <state img="8-shy.png">I thought I'd never say this, but...bring those puppies right out, and join me.</state>
-                <state img="8-satisfied.png">Hope you don't disappoint anybody with-oh...you're taking your ~clothing~ off? Well about time!</state>
-                <state img="8-thoughtful.png">I'm actually anticipating this moment...don't know why, but I'm interested.</state>
-                <state img="8-sassy.png">Oh boy, let's see what the lady brought home for Christmas. That was sarcasm by the way...</state>
                 <state img="8-sassy.png">Welp, for all the guys playing, you're getting a show. Good for you...*sigh*...</state>
                 <state img="8-thoughtful.png">The main event arrives. I'm a little curious, I'll admit.</state>
                 <state img="8-calm.png">Hmmmm...</state>
                 <state img="8-thoughtful.png">And what do we have behind Door #1?</state>
                 <state img="8-satisfied.png">Hah, sucks to be you right now.</state>
                 <state img="8-thoughtful.png">I wonder what it's like to be you right now?</state>
+                <state img="8-shy.png">I thought I'd never say this, but...bring those puppies right out, and join me.</state>
+                <state img="8-satisfied.png">Hope you don't disappoint anybody with-oh...you're taking your ~clothing~ off? Well about time!</state>
+                <state img="8-thoughtful.png">I'm actually anticipating this moment...don't know why, but I'm interested.</state>
+                <state img="8-sassy.png">Oh boy, let's see what the lady brought home for Christmas. That was sarcasm by the way...</state>
             <case tag="female_removing_major" target="lyn" targetStage="5">
                 <state img="8-surprised.png">W-Wait, that's not really ethical. You don't have to do tha-</state>
@@ -3583,15 +3580,15 @@
                 <state img="8-horny.png">C'mon Pit. Show us what a warrior of Skyworld can do...</state>
             <case tag="female_removed_minor">
+                <state img="8-thoughtful.png">I understand you seem a bit shy about doing this, so allow me to ask: Why are you playing this game again?</state>
+                <state img="8-satisfied.png">Welp, it's not me doing it this time. Who's next?</state>
+                <state img="8-thoughtful.png">Hmmm, ~clothing~. Least your body will get to breathe a little.</state>
+                <state img="8-irritated.png">Oui...now we can play. Let's get this done and over with.</state>
                 <state img="8-irritated.png">Seriously, you should select something different next time.</state>
                 <state img="8-calm.png">You can still look beautiful naked by the way, just throwing that out there. (<i>Probably shouldn't have said that out loud...</i>)</state>
                 <state img="8-thoughtful.png">So is there anyone else in here that's brave enough to do the supposed "impossible"? I'd hope so, because this really sucks.</state>
                 <state img="8-mad.png">Next hand. On a side note, I don't play with chickens.</state>
                 <state img="8-shy.png">Wish I had something nice like that...</state>
-                <state img="8-thoughtful.png">I understand you seem a bit shy about doing this, so allow me to ask: Why are you playing this game again?</state>
-                <state img="8-satisfied.png">Welp, it's not me doing it this time. Who's next?</state>
-                <state img="8-thoughtful.png">Hmmm, ~clothing~. Least your body will get to breathe a little.</state>
-                <state img="8-irritated.png">Oui...now we can play. Let's get this done and over with.</state>
             <case tag="male_crotch_will_be_visible">
                 <state img="8-shy.png">Remind me to look away, or at least wear a blindfold when it's finally out.</state>
@@ -3619,6 +3616,10 @@
                 <state img="8-calm.png">Passable, nothing more, nothing less.</state>
             <case tag="swap_cards">
+                <state img="8-mad.png">...Give me some damn cards, and make it quick.</state>
+                <state img="8-irritated.png">~cards~, now. I can't stand feeling this exposed for so long.</state>
+                <state img="8-shy.png">~cards~, please. I want to get out of here as soon as I can.</state>
+                <state img="8-embarrassed.png">Dealer, give me ~cards~, and quit staring at my body!</state>
                 <state img="8-mad.png">Why am I playing such a stupid game? Grr, ~cards~ cards, please.</state>
                 <state img="8-irritated.png">~cards~ cards, now.</state>
                 <state img="8-frustrated.png">A bad hand already? ~cards~ for me.</state>
@@ -3626,10 +3627,6 @@
                 <state img="8-mad.png">Hmmm...~cards~ cards, please.</state>
                 <state img="8-irritated.png">...Dealer, seriously? ~cards~ my way.</state>
                 <state img="8-calm.png">.................~cards~</state>
-                <state img="8-mad.png">...Give me some damn cards, and make it quick.</state>
-                <state img="8-irritated.png">~cards~, now. I can't stand feeling this exposed for so long.</state>
-                <state img="8-shy.png">~cards~, please. I want to get out of here as soon as I can.</state>
-                <state img="8-embarrassed.png">Dealer, give me ~cards~, and quit staring at my body!</state>
             <case tag="bad_hand">
                 <state img="8-frustrated.png">This is seriously not happening...</state>
@@ -3872,15 +3869,6 @@
                 <state img="9-sassy.png">Angie is not pleased...</state>
                 <state img="9-masturbate_c.png">Nope, you're not going to kill my arousal (<i>Just imagine Xander taking you from the back...as he watches your cheeks ripple with every h-hard thrust...</i>).</state>
-            <case tag="game_over_victory">
-                <state img="9-irritated.png">Ugh...thank god this is over. I'm going back to the apartment now, don't follow.</state>
-                <state img="9-satisfied.png">Hmph, no matter how many layers you remove or not, you couldn't best a real poker player like me.</state>
-                <state img="9-mad.png">...I'm going to kill Ophelia.</state>
-                <state img="9-frustrated.png">Never again. Just...never again!</state>
-                <state img="9-satisfied.png">Well, this was fun. Anybody feel like getting sketched for my art project? I think I have all the details I need.</state>
-                <state img="9-calm.png">I guess my poker face really came through this time!</state>
-                <state img="9-shy.png">I have to admit, I actually had a little bit of fun. Maybe we can play again, sometime?</state>
-            </case>
             <case tag="female_removing_major">
                 <state img="9-calm.png">Finally...show me what you have under there...</state>
                 <state img="9-sassy.png">You already got me going, ~name~...so you better finish the job...</state>
@@ -3939,7 +3927,7 @@
                 <state img="9-heavy_c.png">I-I...I really want to be bent over a desk right now...so fucking badly...</state>
                 <state img="9-satisfied.png">I see you there ~player~, rubbing yourself a little to me...why don't you stimulate yourself with this?</state>
-            <case alsoPlaying="pit" priority="0" tag="masturbating">
+            <case alsoPlaying="pit" tag="masturbating" priority="0">
                 <state img="9-masturbate_c.png">G-Gods...I'm suddenly remembering when Professor Xander pinned my back against the wall. He slid inside me like...b-butter...</state>
                 <state img="9-masturbate_b.png">Mmmmmmmmmm...~</state>
                 <state img="9-masturbate_b.png">Like I said already, don't think this is going to go anywhere. Just because I'm...d-doing this doesn't mean that I'll go any further than touching myself...</state>
@@ -4177,15 +4165,6 @@
                 <state img="10-irritated.png">Goddammit.</state>
                 <state img="10-calm.png">You're a horrible person, you know that?</state>
-            <case tag="game_over_victory">
-                <state img="10-irritated.png">Ugh...thank god this is over. I'm going back to the apartment now, don't follow.</state>
-                <state img="10-satisfied.png">Hmph, no matter how many layers you remove or not, you couldn't best a real poker player like me.</state>
-                <state img="10-mad.png">...I'm going to kill Ophelia.</state>
-                <state img="10-frustrated.png">Never again. Just...never again!</state>
-                <state img="10-satisfied.png">Well, this was fun. Anybody feel like getting sketched for my art project? I think I have all the details I need.</state>
-                <state img="10-calm.png">I guess my poker face really came through this time!</state>
-                <state img="10-shy.png">I have to admit, I actually had a little bit of fun. Maybe we can play again, sometime?</state>
-            </case>
             <case tag="female_removing_major">
                 <state img="10-satisfied.png">Finally, this is where it's at, ~name~. Let's see what you have under there.</state>
                 <state img="10-surprised.png">O-Oh boy...here we go...</state>
@@ -4237,7 +4216,7 @@
                 <state img="10-embarrassed.png">D-Don't think that was pleasurable for me...it was more embarrassing than it was anything nice...</state>
                 <state img="10-mad.png">...Not a word or I will kick you straight in the crotch.</state>
-            <case alsoPlaying="pit" notSaidMarker="once" tag="finished_masturbating">
+            <case alsoPlaying="pit" tag="finished_masturbating" notSaidMarker="once">
                 <state img="10-shy.png" marker="once">Class dismissed...? You mean you don't...w-want to stick around for the real lesson...?</state>
             <case tag="game_over_defeat">
@@ -4246,5 +4225,4 @@
diff --git a/opponents/angie/markers.xml b/opponents/angie/markers.xml
index c32034a763653506aa3470b706732d56a751af8f..cf44c0f60f6a19e7646a6a496dd2b146bb220303 100644
--- a/opponents/angie/markers.xml
+++ b/opponents/angie/markers.xml
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
 <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
-    <marker name="~player~" scope="Public">Angie talks to the player.</marker>
-    <marker name="professor" scope="Public">Angie cannot tell the difference between Xander Harris and her professor.</marker>
+    <marker scope="Public" name="~player~">Angie talks to the player.</marker>
+    <marker scope="Public" name="once" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="professor">Angie cannot tell the difference between Xander Harris and her professor.</marker>
+    <marker scope="Public" name="reveal" />
diff --git a/opponents/angie/meta.xml b/opponents/angie/meta.xml
index 1a888974ec244d2b7772e0753db7cadf6fef0f75..57451291bd22b2ad6e29379d55587d2bbaa4b7ee 100644
--- a/opponents/angie/meta.xml
+++ b/opponents/angie/meta.xml
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
     <last />
-    <label>angie</label>
+    <label>Angie</label>
diff --git a/opponents/ann/behaviour.xml b/opponents/ann/behaviour.xml
index 65e5e536b31a6d84bef225357d9470d66ecd22ef..6a57e8dcefb2f763e249487120f18d8df7048e48 100644
--- a/opponents/ann/behaviour.xml
+++ b/opponents/ann/behaviour.xml
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
-<!--This file was machine generated using the Character Editor v1.14 at 11:00:16 PM on December 21, 2017. Please do not edit it directly without preserving your improvements elsewhere or your changes may be lost the next time this file is generated.-->
+<!--This file was machine generated using the Character Editor v2.1 at 5:11:42 PM on September 03, 2018. Please do not edit it directly without preserving your improvements elsewhere or your changes may be lost the next time this file is generated.-->
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
-        <tag>ann</tag>
+        <tag>persona</tag>
@@ -3803,7 +3803,7 @@
-    <epilogue gender="male"  img="annending2.jpg">
+    <epilogue gender="male" img="annending2.jpg">
         <title>Into the Metaverse</title>
         <screen img="annending1.jpg">
diff --git a/opponents/ann/meta.xml b/opponents/ann/meta.xml
index 637e6597df8735f6c0c175d0557a759e7817148e..6984f2675e4adc2b38d44c97a1f18f0007440f37 100644
--- a/opponents/ann/meta.xml
+++ b/opponents/ann/meta.xml
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
-        <tag>ann</tag>
+        <tag>persona</tag>
diff --git a/opponents/black_canary/behaviour.xml b/opponents/black_canary/behaviour.xml
index 612e1c348207b367085e1c19e49fa5811da24f96..921674b46a5ad393c5d91f30fc20a741ba9d9a22 100644
--- a/opponents/black_canary/behaviour.xml
+++ b/opponents/black_canary/behaviour.xml
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
-<!--This file was machine generated using the Character Editor v1.15 at 1:14:06 PM on July 25, 2018. Please do not edit it directly without preserving your improvements elsewhere or your changes may be lost the next time this file is generated.-->
+<!--This file was machine generated using the Character Editor v2.1 at 5:12:06 PM on September 03, 2018. Please do not edit it directly without preserving your improvements elsewhere or your changes may be lost the next time this file is generated.-->
diff --git a/opponents/black_canary/meta.xml b/opponents/black_canary/meta.xml
index 7176a98315f088c2fed4a7fe7e74487ca7d1f09c..e2ca4993c9c50adff8ff5ea6d8299885a41ae320 100644
--- a/opponents/black_canary/meta.xml
+++ b/opponents/black_canary/meta.xml
@@ -14,5 +14,24 @@
     <description>"Go ahead. Scream as loud as you can. Your loudest and most strenuous efforts won't come close to matching the pitch and ferocity of the Canary Cry!"</description>
+    <tags>
+        <tag>brave</tag>
+        <tag>athletic</tag>
+        <tag>dinah</tag>
+        <tag>confident</tag>
+        <tag>american</tag>
+        <tag>blonde</tag>
+        <tag>long_hair</tag>
+        <tag>pale-skinned</tag>
+        <tag>medium_breasts</tag>
+        <tag>choker</tag>
+        <tag>dc_comics</tag>
+        <tag>fighter</tag>
+        <tag>hero</tag>
+        <tag>superhero</tag>
+        <tag>justice_league</tag>
+        <tag>comic</tag>
+        <tag>trimmed</tag>
+    </tags>
diff --git a/opponents/captain_falcon/behaviour.xml b/opponents/captain_falcon/behaviour.xml
index 87adcb5a84936f7ca1623b4f949d0602ab923d39..18feacb9c82585d5570931c78690321f6750aff3 100644
--- a/opponents/captain_falcon/behaviour.xml
+++ b/opponents/captain_falcon/behaviour.xml
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
-    <!--This file was machine generated by make_xml.py version 1.47 in May 2018. Please do not edit it directly without preserving your improvements elsewhere or your changes may be lost the next time this file is generated.-->
+<!--This file was machine generated using the Character Editor v2.1 at 5:12:39 PM on September 03, 2018. Please do not edit it directly without preserving your improvements elsewhere or your changes may be lost the next time this file is generated.-->
     <first>Douglas Jay</first>
     <label>Captain Falcon</label>
@@ -273,9 +273,6 @@
                 <state img="0-sad_a.png">Looks like a false start!</state>
                 <state img="0-sad_b.png">Hooowah! Not looking good!</state>
-            <case tag="stripped">
-                <state img="0-sad.png">I miss my ~clothing~ already...</state>
-            </case>
             <case tag="must_strip_normal">
                 <state img="0-serious_a.png" marker="cf_must_strip_0d">Looks like it's my turn! Bring it on!</state>
                 <state img="0-confident_a.png" marker="cf_must_strip_0e">Not a problem! I'm still in the race!</state>
@@ -294,7 +291,7 @@
             <case tag="must_strip_winning">
                 <state img="0-happy_a.png" marker="cf_must_strip_0b">Even champion racers like me can lose a lead sometimes.</state>
-            <case priority="0" tag="must_strip_winning" totalRounds="5-50">
+            <case tag="must_strip_winning" priority="0" totalRounds="5-50">
                 <state img="0-smug_a.png" marker="cf_must_strip_0a">About time somebody managed to catch up to me!</state>
                 <state img="0-happy_b.png" marker="cf_must_strip_0c">It looks like my winning streak has been broken! Well done everybody!</state>
@@ -391,15 +388,15 @@
                 <state img="1-thirsty_b.png">Glad I got a glimpse of that! But I won't stop until I see everything!</state>
             <case tag="female_large_chest_is_visible">
-                <state img="1-salute.png">HYEZ! I gotta grab those boobs sometime!</state>
                 <state img="1-shocked_a.png">FALCON STARE!</state>
+                <state img="1-salute.png">HYEZ! I gotta grab those boobs sometime!</state>
                 <state img="1-thirsty_d.png">Sometime you have to let me give that glorious chest a FALCON MASSAGE!</state>
             <case tag="male_must_strip">
                 <state img="1-thirsty_b.png">I can't wait to see what sexy thing you take off, ~name~!</state>
+                <state img="1-salute.png">Showya moves! Rock that hot body!</state>
                 <state img="1-thirsty_b.png">Take it off, ~name~! I'm watching you!</state>
                 <state img="1-thirsty_b.png">Take it off, ~name~! I'm watching you!</state>
-                <state img="1-salute.png">Showya moves! Rock that hot body!</state>
             <case tag="female_must_masturbate">
                 <state img="1-salute.png">Ha HA! Your time has come, ~name~! SHOWYA MOVES!</state>
@@ -517,7 +514,7 @@
                 <state img="1-friendly_a.png" marker="cf_must_strip_1g">Looks like I still have a thing or two to learn about poker, huh?</state>
                 <state img="1-friendly_b.png" marker="cf_must_strip_1h">Time for me to strip again! Well played!</state>
-            <case consecutiveLosses="1" tag="must_strip_losing">
+            <case tag="must_strip_losing" consecutiveLosses="1">
                 <state img="1-show_off_b.png" marker="cf_must_strip_1i">I didn't expect to have to strip again so soon!</state>
             <case tag="stripping">
@@ -624,8 +621,8 @@
                 <state img="2-smug_a.png">Nice! Not as manly as my chest, but that's a bar nobody reaches!</state>
             <case tag="female_large_chest_is_visible">
-                <state img="2-serious_b.png">GLORIOUS TITS! TITS OF JUSTICE!</state>
                 <state img="2-shocked_a.png">FALCON STARE!</state>
+                <state img="2-serious_b.png">GLORIOUS TITS! TITS OF JUSTICE!</state>
                 <state img="2-thirsty_d.png">Give us a FALCON BOUNCE, ~name~!</state>
             <case tag="male_must_strip">
@@ -694,10 +691,10 @@
                 <state img="2-salute.png">HYEZS! You did well! You spanked it like a true hero!</state>
             <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible">
+                <state img="2-salute.png">SHOWYA BOOBS!</state>
                 <state img="2-thirsty_b.png">Oh HYEZ! Here's the cup for winning the race! Make that cups!</state>
                 <state img="2-thirsty_b.png">There's the rack I've been waiting for since the first hand!</state>
                 <state img="2-thirsty_b.png">Don't mind me staring at your sweet rack, ~name~!</state>
-                <state img="2-salute.png">SHOWYA BOOBS!</state>
                 <state img="2-salute.png">SHOWYA BOOBS! You were waiting for that meme, weren't you!</state>
             <case tag="male_masturbating">
@@ -1450,7 +1447,7 @@
                 <state img="5-confident_b.png" marker="cf_must_strip_5d">Things are getting down to the wire! I'll have to focus if I want the glory of victory!</state>
                 <state img="5-confident_c.png" marker="cf_must_strip_5f">Looks like it's time for me to get sexy! Well, SEXIER, anyway.</state>
-            <case consecutiveLosses="1-5" tag="must_strip_normal">
+            <case tag="must_strip_normal" consecutiveLosses="1-5">
                 <state img="5-friendly_b.png" marker="cf_must_strip_5e">My turn again? You all aren't making this easy for me!</state>
             <case tag="must_strip_losing">
@@ -1632,11 +1629,11 @@
                 <state img="6-happy_d.png">That red, quivering, dripping, squirting pussy! Sweeter than a REVERSE FALCON PUNCH!</state>
             <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible">
+                <state img="6-salute.png">SHOWYA BOOBS!</state>
                 <state img="6-thirsty_e.png">We've been waiting, and we've been patient! Give us a real show!</state>
                 <state img="6-thirsty_e.png">Your time has come, ~name~! Drop that top!</state>
                 <state img="6-happy_d.png">You knew this was coming! Give us a titty drop of JUSTICE!</state>
                 <state img="6-friendly_b.png">You knew I was going to say this eventually...SHOWYA BOOBS!</state>
-                <state img="6-salute.png">SHOWYA BOOBS!</state>
             <case tag="male_masturbating">
                 <state img="6-serious_a.png">Oh HYEZS! You're doing great! Keep racing!</state>
@@ -1730,9 +1727,9 @@
                 <state img="7-confident_b.png">Things are pretty hot, huh? Well, they're about to get hotter!</state>
             <case tag="male_large_crotch_is_visible">
+                <state img="7-shocked_a.png">FALCON STARE!</state>
                 <state img="7-shocked_a.png">S-TIER COCK! Impressive!</state>
                 <state img="7-shocked_a.png">SS-TIER COCK! They'd probably ban it in tournaments!</state>
-                <state img="7-shocked_a.png">FALCON STARE!</state>
             <case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible">
                 <state img="7-smug_a.png">Looks like you beat me in the race to show our crotch!</state>
@@ -1866,10 +1863,10 @@
                 <state img="7-confident_c.png">I know my epic body was what caused that squirt! NO WOMAN CAN RESIST THE FALCON!</state>
             <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible">
+                <state img="7-salute.png">SHOWYA BOOBS!</state>
                 <state img="7-excited_a.png">Give us a good look at that rack! I can see it clearer without my visor!</state>
                 <state img="7-excited_a.png">I've been waiting to see that rack! Glad I can see it without my helmet blocking anything!</state>
                 <state img="7-serious_b.png">Don't hold back, ~name~! Show those titties of JUSTICE!</state>
-                <state img="7-salute.png">SHOWYA BOOBS!</state>
                 <state img="7-friendly_b.png">SHOWYA BOOBS! I've been waiting all game to say that!</state>
             <case tag="male_masturbating">
@@ -2099,10 +2096,10 @@
                 <state img="8-salute.png">You got the moves, ~name~! Want me to show you mine, now?</state>
             <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible">
+                <state img="8-salute.png">SHOWYA BOOBS!</state>
                 <state img="8-serious_b.png">You've seen all of me! It's only fair you strip down yourself! FOR JUSTICE!</state>
                 <state img="8-friendly_b.png">My hot, naked body warmed up the crowd for you! Let loose, ~name~! Enjoy yourself!</state>
                 <state img="8-friendly_a.png">Let that cleavage free! For the good of the people! And me! Who might lose next round!</state>
-                <state img="8-salute.png">SHOWYA BOOBS!</state>
                 <state img="8-friendly_a.png">SHOWYA BOOBS! Heh! I've been waiting all game to say that to you!</state>
                 <state img="8-friendly_a.png">SHOWYA BOOBS! Get it? Because ''Showya moves'' is my catchphrase and I replace ''moves'' with... oh forget it.</state>
                 <state img="8-friendly_a.png">You've been waiting all game for me to say this, I know it! SHOWYA BOOBS!</state>
@@ -2318,9 +2315,6 @@
                 <state img="9-masturbate_d.png">I was hoping you'd give me some inspiration. Or better yet, b-be inspired to help me!</state>
                 <state img="9-masturbate_a.png">What an injustice... tits like those could r-really help me out.</state>
-            <case tag="game_over_victory">
-                <state img="9-happy.png">I WON!</state>
-            </case>
             <case tag="female_removing_major">
                 <state img="9-masturbate_d.png">Show me your moves, ~name~! Take off the ~clothing~!</state>
                 <state img="9-masturbate_a.png">I'm... gonna enjoy this!</state>
@@ -2467,8 +2461,8 @@
                 <state img="10-happy_a.png">I'm rooting for you to win this, ~name~! You're the coolest dude here besides me!</state>
             <case tag="female_large_chest_is_visible">
-                <state img="10-thirsty_a.png">Those giant tracts of land are big enough to race on! I hope I get to, sometime!</state>
                 <state img="10-shocked_a.png">FALCON STARE!</state>
+                <state img="10-thirsty_a.png">Those giant tracts of land are big enough to race on! I hope I get to, sometime!</state>
                 <state img="10-serious_b.png">I'm impressed, ~name~! But I'll be even more impressed with you winning this game! FOCUS! I believe in you!</state>
             <case tag="male_must_strip">
@@ -2516,9 +2510,6 @@
                 <state img="10-shocked_a.png">Just the ~clothing~? Not even my masculine display inspired you to strip more?</state>
                 <state img="10-confident_c.png">I'm shocked you have the willpower to resist tearing off all your clothes after witnessing what I did!</state>
-            <case tag="game_over_victory">
-                <state img="10-happy.png">I WON!</state>
-            </case>
             <case tag="female_removing_major">
                 <state img="10-happy_a.png">Looks like you're losing the ~clothing~, finally!</state>
                 <state img="10-happy_d.png">After all this time, I didn't think you'd ever lose the ~clothing~!</state>
@@ -2564,9 +2555,9 @@
-    <epilogue gender="any"  img="epilogue-snr-3.jpg">
+    <epilogue gender="any" img="epilogue-snr-3.jpg">
         <title>Sweet New Ride</title>
         <screen img="epilogue-snr-1.jpg">
diff --git a/opponents/captain_falcon/markers.xml b/opponents/captain_falcon/markers.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..82d3c8c1bf712c23f3cc36ce3d75fd194053483b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opponents/captain_falcon/markers.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
+    <marker scope="Public" name="cf_must_strip_0a" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="cf_must_strip_0b" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="cf_must_strip_0c" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="cf_must_strip_0d" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="cf_must_strip_0e" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="cf_must_strip_0f" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="cf_must_strip_0g" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="cf_must_strip_0h" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="cf_must_strip_0i" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="cf_must_strip_1a" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="cf_must_strip_1b" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="cf_must_strip_1c" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="cf_must_strip_1d" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="cf_must_strip_1e" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="cf_must_strip_1f" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="cf_must_strip_1g" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="cf_must_strip_1h" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="cf_must_strip_1i" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="cf_must_strip_2a" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="cf_must_strip_2b" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="cf_must_strip_2c" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="cf_must_strip_2d" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="cf_must_strip_2e" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="cf_must_strip_2f" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="cf_must_strip_2g" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="cf_must_strip_2h" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="cf_must_strip_2i" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="cf_must_strip_3a" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="cf_must_strip_3b" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="cf_must_strip_3c" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="cf_must_strip_3d" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="cf_must_strip_3e" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="cf_must_strip_3f" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="cf_must_strip_3g" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="cf_must_strip_3h" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="cf_must_strip_3i" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="cf_must_strip_4a" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="cf_must_strip_4b" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="cf_must_strip_4c" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="cf_must_strip_4d" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="cf_must_strip_4e" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="cf_must_strip_4f" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="cf_must_strip_4g" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="cf_must_strip_4h" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="cf_must_strip_4i" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="cf_must_strip_5a" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="cf_must_strip_5b" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="cf_must_strip_5c" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="cf_must_strip_5d" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="cf_must_strip_5e" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="cf_must_strip_5f" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="cf_must_strip_5g" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="cf_must_strip_5h" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="cf_must_strip_5i" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="cf_must_strip_6a" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="cf_must_strip_6b" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="cf_must_strip_6c" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="cf_must_strip_6d" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="cf_must_strip_6e" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="cf_must_strip_6f" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="cf_must_strip_6g" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="cf_must_strip_6h" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="cf_must_strip_6i" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="cf_must_strip_7a" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="cf_must_strip_7b" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="cf_must_strip_7c" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="cf_must_strip_7d" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="cf_must_strip_7e" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="cf_must_strip_7f" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="cf_must_strip_7g" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="cf_must_strip_7h" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="cf_must_strip_7i" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="cf_stripped_1a" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="cf_stripped_1b" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="cf_stripped_2a" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="cf_stripped_2b" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="cf_stripped_2c" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="cf_stripped_2d" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="cf_stripped_2e" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="cf_stripped_3" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="cf_stripped_3a" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="cf_stripped_4a" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="cf_stripped_4b" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="cf_stripped_4c" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="cf_stripped_4d" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="cf_stripped_5a" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="cf_stripped_5b" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="cf_stripped_5c" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="cf_stripped_6a" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="cf_stripped_6b" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="cf_stripped_6c" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="cf_stripped_6d" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="cf_stripped_6e" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="cf_stripped_6f" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="cf_stripped_7a" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="cf_stripped_7b" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="cf_stripped_7c" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="cf_stripped_7d" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="cf_stripped_7e" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="cf_stripped_7f" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="cf_stripped_7g" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="cf_stripped_8a" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="cf_stripped_8b" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="cf_stripped_8c" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="cf_stripped_8d" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="cf_stripped_8e" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="cf_stripping_0a" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="cf_stripping_0b" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="cf_stripping_0c" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="cf_stripping_1a" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="cf_stripping_1b" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="cf_stripping_1c" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="cf_stripping_2a" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="cf_stripping_2b" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="cf_stripping_2c" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="cf_stripping_3a" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="cf_stripping_3b" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="cf_stripping_3c" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="cf_stripping_4a" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="cf_stripping_4b" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="cf_stripping_4c" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="cf_stripping_5a" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="cf_stripping_5b" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="cf_stripping_5c" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="cf_stripping_6a" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="cf_stripping_6b" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="cf_stripping_6c" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="cf_stripping_7a" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="cf_stripping_7b" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="cf_stripping_7c" />
diff --git a/opponents/captain_falcon/meta.xml b/opponents/captain_falcon/meta.xml
index c2df5b8b31993f85ae0d1db92cc72f6a15bb1239..6510808bbe479a5bc1835de71a06e2b9bdf8b6be 100644
--- a/opponents/captain_falcon/meta.xml
+++ b/opponents/captain_falcon/meta.xml
@@ -14,5 +14,28 @@
     <description>The Bountry Hunter, The Brawler, The Racer, The Hero.</description>
+    <tags>
+        <tag>hairy</tag>
+        <tag>medium_penis</tag>
+        <tag>captain_falcon</tag>
+        <tag>hero</tag>
+        <tag>sci-fi</tag>
+        <tag>armor</tag>
+        <tag>confident</tag>
+        <tag>athletic</tag>
+        <tag>bisexual</tag>
+        <tag>smash_bros</tag>
+        <tag>cheerful</tag>
+        <tag>masked</tag>
+        <tag>muscular</tag>
+        <tag>f-zero</tag>
+        <tag>video_game</tag>
+        <tag>fair-skinned</tag>
+        <tag>future</tag>
+        <tag>anime</tag>
+        <tag>perverted</tag>
+        <tag>nintendo</tag>
+        <tag>uncircumcised</tag>
+    </tags>
diff --git a/opponents/chiaki/behaviour.xml b/opponents/chiaki/behaviour.xml
index 946b79232323bac32b92be79f1f980799f25b5a0..94f3ef58d6f1f3663d9d1b036dcdb40491667fc8 100644
--- a/opponents/chiaki/behaviour.xml
+++ b/opponents/chiaki/behaviour.xml
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
-<!--This file was machine generated using the Character Editor v1.15 at 1:26:07 AM on July 30, 2018. Please do not edit it directly without preserving your improvements elsewhere or your changes may be lost the next time this file is generated.-->
+<!--This file was machine generated using the Character Editor v2.1 at 5:13:08 PM on September 03, 2018. Please do not edit it directly without preserving your improvements elsewhere or your changes may be lost the next time this file is generated.-->
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
-        <tag>cute</tag>
+        <tag>moe</tag>
diff --git a/opponents/chiaki/meta.xml b/opponents/chiaki/meta.xml
index a654866f56a47bce979290c8b5f596d6c5908d43..7e0ec88bffc5be8c9b6d8885bebd4e87196e56bf 100644
--- a/opponents/chiaki/meta.xml
+++ b/opponents/chiaki/meta.xml
@@ -14,5 +14,28 @@
     <description>Chiaki Nanami is a hopeful, kind hearted and often oblivious girl who was chosen to attend Hope's Peak Academy for her extraordinary talent with video games.</description>
+    <tags>
+        <tag>chiaki</tag>
+        <tag>danganronpa</tag>
+        <tag>dr2</tag>
+        <tag>video_game</tag>
+        <tag>visual_novel</tag>
+        <tag>exotic_hair</tag>
+        <tag>pink_hair</tag>
+        <tag>medium_hair</tag>
+        <tag>violet_eyes</tag>
+        <tag>pale-skinned</tag>
+        <tag>hairy</tag>
+        <tag>large_breasts</tag>
+        <tag>virtual</tag>
+        <tag>school_uniform</tag>
+        <tag>student</tag>
+        <tag>kind</tag>
+        <tag>nerdy</tag>
+        <tag>moe</tag>
+        <tag>hero</tag>
+        <tag>japanese</tag>
+        <tag>gamer</tag>
+    </tags>
diff --git a/opponents/corrin_f/behaviour.xml b/opponents/corrin_f/behaviour.xml
index 660b22022186a4db1c1cef6feb0dc53da662c038..962ec45c87bbb1f486e1f6b39bfc79376c4622f2 100644
--- a/opponents/corrin_f/behaviour.xml
+++ b/opponents/corrin_f/behaviour.xml
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
-    <!--This file was machine generated by make_xml.py version 1.46 in August 2018. Please do not edit it directly without preserving your improvements elsewhere or your changes may be lost the next time this file is generated.-->
+<!--This file was machine generated using the Character Editor v2.1 at 5:14:15 PM on September 03, 2018. Please do not edit it directly without preserving your improvements elsewhere or your changes may be lost the next time this file is generated.-->
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@
                 <state img="0-happy.png">Yay, I'm winning!</state>
                 <state img="0-cheer.png">Hmm... I'm doing well so far!</state>
-            <case alsoPlaying="neo" saidMarker="neoquiet" tag="female_must_strip" totalRounds="3">
+            <case alsoPlaying="neo" tag="female_must_strip" saidMarker="neoquiet" totalRounds="3">
                 <state img="0-cheer.png">Come on, Neo, it's alright. We don't bite!</state>
             <case tag="female_must_strip" target="aimee" targetStage="0">
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@
             <case tag="female_removing_minor">
                 <state img="0-calm.png">Oh, you're taking off bigger things already?</state>
-            <case notSaidMarker="demstratz2" priority="0" tag="female_removing_minor">
+            <case tag="female_removing_minor" notSaidMarker="demstratz2" priority="0">
                 <state img="0-humble.png" marker="demstratz">Are you out of small things, or is this a strategy?</state>
             <case tag="female_removing_minor" target="aimee" targetStage="1">
@@ -170,20 +170,13 @@
             <case tag="male_large_crotch_is_visible">
                 <state img="0-shock.png">I... Uhh... What!?</state>
-            </case>
-            <case priority="0" tag="male_large_crotch_is_visible">
                 <state img="0-shock.png" marker="booksdontlie">Those books weren't lying!</state>
             <case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible">
                 <state img="0-concerned.png">Are we really doing this? But I haven't even lost a hand yet, this seems unfair to her...</state>
-            <case alsoPlaying="weiss" tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="neo">
-                <condition count="0" filter="ruby" />
-                <state img="0-concerned.png">N-neo? ... W-Weiss, w-what's going on?</state>
-            </case>
-            <case alsoPlaying="yang" tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="neo">
-                <condition count="1" filter="ruby" />
-                <state img="0-concerned.png">N-neo? ... R-Ruby... Y-Yang... W-what's going on?</state>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="aimee">
+                <state img="0-shock.png">Seriously!? You've got to be kidding me...</state>
             <case alsoPlaying="blake" tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="neo">
                 <condition count="1" filter="weiss" />
@@ -193,22 +186,25 @@
                 <condition count="0" filter="yang" />
                 <state img="0-concerned.png">N-neo? ... B-Blake, w-what's going on?</state>
-            <case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="aimee">
-                <state img="0-shock.png">Seriously!? You've got to be kidding me...</state>
-            </case>
             <case alsoPlaying="ruby" tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="neo">
                 <state img="0-concerned.png">N-neo? R-ruby? ... W-what's going on?</state>
+            <case alsoPlaying="weiss" tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="neo">
+                <condition count="0" filter="ruby" />
+                <state img="0-concerned.png">N-neo? ... W-Weiss, w-what's going on?</state>
+            </case>
             <case alsoPlaying="yang" tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="neo">
                 <state img="0-concerned.png">N-neo? Y-yang? ... W-what's going on?</state>
+            <case alsoPlaying="yang" tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="neo">
+                <condition count="1" filter="ruby" />
+                <state img="0-concerned.png">N-neo? ... R-Ruby... Y-Yang... W-what's going on?</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="nugi-chan">
                 <state img="0-encourage.png">I'm sorry, that was mean. We all get unlucky sometimes.</state>
             <case tag="male_removed_minor">
                 <state img="0-encourage.png">Nothing too big yet, though. That's fine.</state>
-            </case>
-            <case priority="0" tag="male_removed_minor">
                 <state img="0-disappointed.png" marker="lookgudwitdat">Oh, your ~clothing~? You looked good with that.</state>
             <case tag="male_removed_minor" target="corrin_m" targetStage="3">
@@ -216,8 +212,6 @@
             <case tag="male_removed_accessory">
                 <state img="0-confident.png">Alright, let's continue!</state>
-            </case>
-            <case priority="0" tag="male_removed_accessory">
                 <state img="0-unsure.png" marker="lookgudwitdat">Oh, your ~clothing~? You looked good wearing that.</state>
             <case tag="male_removed_accessory" target="captain_falcon" targetStage="7">
@@ -232,7 +226,7 @@
             <case tag="male_must_masturbate">
                 <state img="0-awkward.png">Ehm... Rules are rules, ~name~...</state>
-            <case notSaidMarker="surmas" tag="male_must_masturbate" totalRounds="0-12">
+            <case tag="male_must_masturbate" notSaidMarker="surmas" totalRounds="0-12">
                 <state img="0-shock.png" marker="surmas">He has to do <i>what</i> now? ... I didn't know those were the rules...</state>
             <case tag="female_masturbating">
@@ -278,7 +272,7 @@
             <case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="streaming-chan">
                 <state img="0-awkward.png">... You use <i>that</i> thing to masturbate? Well that's... new...</state>
-            <case notSaidMarker="surmas2" saidMarker="surmas" tag="female_start_masturbating" totalRounds="0-12">
+            <case tag="female_start_masturbating" notSaidMarker="surmas2" saidMarker="surmas" totalRounds="0-12">
                 <state img="0-awkward.png" marker="surmas2">I uhm... Don't know what to say...</state>
             <case tag="male_removing_major">
@@ -289,8 +283,6 @@
             <case tag="female_removed_accessory">
                 <state img="0-encourage.png">You have nothing to worry about, ~name~, you still have plenty left!</state>
-            </case>
-            <case priority="0" tag="female_removed_accessory">
                 <state img="0-encourage.png" marker="goodchoice">Your ~clothing~? That's a good choice!</state>
                 <state img="0-unsure.png" marker="lookgudwitdat">Oh, your ~clothing~? You looked good wearing that.</state>
@@ -333,7 +325,7 @@
             <case tag="male_start_masturbating">
                 <state img="0-awkward.png">Uhm... Have fun, I guess?</state>
-            <case notSaidMarker="surmas2" saidMarker="surmas" tag="male_start_masturbating" totalRounds="0-12">
+            <case tag="male_start_masturbating" notSaidMarker="surmas2" saidMarker="surmas" totalRounds="0-12">
                 <state img="0-awkward.png" marker="surmas2">I didn't expect to see <i>this</i> today...</state>
             <case tag="male_chest_is_visible">
@@ -364,7 +356,7 @@
                 <state img="0-calm.png">What are you going to show us?</state>
                 <state img="0-humble.png">Don't worry ~name~, I probably won't stay ahead for long. Heehee~</state>
-            <case alsoPlaying="neo" saidMarker="neoquiet" tag="male_must_strip" totalRounds="3">
+            <case alsoPlaying="neo" tag="male_must_strip" saidMarker="neoquiet" totalRounds="3">
                 <state img="0-cheer.png">Come on, Neo, it's alright. We don't bite!</state>
             <case tag="male_must_strip" target="corrin_m" targetStage="0">
@@ -397,7 +389,7 @@
             <case tag="female_must_masturbate" target="streaming-chan">
                 <state img="0-shock.png">Wait, what are you doing? Why are you...</state>
-            <case notSaidMarker="surmas" tag="female_must_masturbate" totalRounds="0-12">
+            <case tag="female_must_masturbate" notSaidMarker="surmas" totalRounds="0-12">
                 <state img="0-shock.png" marker="surmas">She has to do <i>what</i> now? ... I didn't know those were the rules...</state>
             <case tag="male_human_must_strip">
@@ -439,7 +431,7 @@
             <case tag="female_removing_accessory">
                 <state img="0-calm.png">What are you going to take off, ~name~?</state>
-            <case notSaidMarker="smallcount" tag="female_removing_accessory">
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory" notSaidMarker="smallcount">
                 <state img="0-encourage.png" marker="smallcount">Small things count? That's nice to know!</state>
             <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="d.va" targetStage="2">
@@ -451,10 +443,10 @@
             <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="launch" targetStage="1">
                 <state img="0-shock.png">L-Launch? W-what happened? Why is your hair blue?</state>
-            <case priority="99" tag="female_removing_accessory" target="launch" targetStage="2">
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="launch" targetStage="2" priority="99">
                 <state img="0-concerned.png">Is there something wrong, Launch? You're acting so different...</state>
-            <case priority="100" tag="female_removing_accessory" target="launch" targetSaidMarker="yellow" targetStage="2">
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="launch" targetStage="2" targetSaidMarker="yellow" priority="100">
                 <state img="0-unsure.png" marker="launchsplit">S-so... You have different personalities, right? ... This is certainly... interesting...</state>
             <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="lyn" targetStage="0">
@@ -525,10 +517,10 @@
             <case tag="female_removed_minor">
                 <state img="0-encourage.png">You'll be fine, ~name~. Let's continue playing!</state>
-            <case alsoPlaying="zone-tan" alsoPlayingSaidMarker="translucent_dildo" notSaidMarker="zttd" tag="female_removed_minor">
+            <case alsoPlaying="zone-tan" tag="female_removed_minor" notSaidMarker="zttd" alsoPlayingSaidMarker="translucent_dildo">
                 <state img="0-awkward.png" marker="zttd">W-wait... T-translucent what now?</state>
-            <case saidMarker="demstratz" tag="female_removed_minor">
+            <case tag="female_removed_minor" saidMarker="demstratz">
                 <state img="0-happy.png" marker="demstratz2">It's a strategy, right? You are good at this!</state>
             <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="aimee" targetStage="2">
@@ -559,196 +551,187 @@
             <case tag="good_hand">
                 <state img="0-happy.png">Ohh, nice!</state>
                 <state img="0-happy.png">These cards look amazing!</state>
+                <state img="0-humble.png" marker="goingeasy">While I am happy with this hand, please do not go easy on me. I can handle it!</state>
-            <case alsoPlaying="captain_falcon" priority="200" tag="good_hand" totalRounds="0">
+            <case alsoPlaying="captain_falcon" tag="good_hand" priority="200" totalRounds="0">
                 <state img="0-awkward.png">C-c-captain? Y-you're here too? B-but this is... We're going to... Oh gods...</state>
-            <case alsoPlaying="corrin_m" alsoPlayingStage="1" notSaidMarker="kindofmagic" priority="100" tag="good_hand">
+            <case alsoPlaying="corrin_m" alsoPlayingStage="1" tag="good_hand" notSaidMarker="kindofmagic" priority="100">
                 <state img="0-unsure.png" marker="kindofmagic">This is so weird... What kind of magic is this?</state>
-            <case alsoPlaying="corrin_m" notSaidMarker="youarenotprepared" priority="100" saidMarker="kindofmagic" tag="good_hand">
+            <case alsoPlaying="corrin_m" tag="good_hand" notSaidMarker="youarenotprepared" priority="100" saidMarker="kindofmagic">
                 <state img="0-awkward.png" marker="youarenotprepared">So are we, like, the same person but from a different dimension or something? Gods, I wasn't prepared for this...</state>
-            <case alsoPlaying="corrin_m" priority="100" tag="good_hand" totalRounds="0">
+            <case alsoPlaying="corrin_m" tag="good_hand" priority="100" totalRounds="0">
                 <state img="0-unsure.png">That guy, who is that... I know him from somewhere...</state>
             <case alsoPlaying="jin" tag="good_hand" totalRounds="0">
                 <state img="0-awkward.png">J-Jin? ... I... Uhm...</state>
-            <case alsoPlaying="launch" alsoPlayingSaidMarker="yellow" alsoPlayingStage="2" alsoPlayingTimeInStage="0-1" notSaidMarker="odin" tag="good_hand">
+            <case alsoPlaying="launch" alsoPlayingStage="2" tag="good_hand" notSaidMarker="odin" alsoPlayingTimeInStage="0-1" alsoPlayingSaidMarker="yellow">
                 <state img="0-concerned.png" marker="odin">W-wait... other half? Launch, are you saying you have multiple personalities? My friend Odin has told me about someone like this before, but I never believed him...</state>
             <case alsoPlaying="launch" tag="good_hand" totalRounds="0">
                 <state img="0-concerned.png">Uhm, Launch... What's that thing you're holding?</state>
-            <case alsoPlaying="link" priority="100" tag="good_hand" totalRounds="0">
+            <case alsoPlaying="link" tag="good_hand" priority="100" totalRounds="0">
                 <state img="0-humble.png">Link? You here? I didn't see this coming...</state>
             <case alsoPlaying="neo" tag="good_hand" totalRounds="3">
                 <state img="0-concerned.png" marker="neoquiet">Say, Neo, you're awfully quiet. Are you alright?</state>
-            <case alsoPlaying="neo" saidMarker="neoquiet" tag="good_hand" totalRounds="4">
+            <case alsoPlaying="neo" tag="good_hand" saidMarker="neoquiet" totalRounds="4">
                 <state img="0-serene.png">(Hmmm... Maybe she just doesn't <i>want</i> to talk... Oh well, at least she looks like she's enjoying herself.)</state>
-            <case alsoPlaying="palutena" priority="200" tag="good_hand" totalRounds="0">
+            <case alsoPlaying="palutena" tag="good_hand" priority="200" totalRounds="0">
                 <state img="0-disappointed.png">Ugh, <i>you're</i> here too, Palutena?</state>
             <case alsoPlaying="rinkah" alsoPlayingStage="0" tag="good_hand" totalRounds="8">
                 <state img="0-cheer.png" marker="rinkahmiss">Well, Rinkah, at least you're better at this than at hitting enemies. Heehee~</state>
-            <case alsoPlaying="rinkah" priority="100" tag="good_hand" totalRounds="0">
+            <case alsoPlaying="rinkah" tag="good_hand" priority="100" totalRounds="0">
                 <state img="0-awkward.png">R-Rinkah? You're here too? Whew... (This might become awkward)...</state>
-            <case alsoPlaying="rosalina" priority="100" tag="good_hand" totalRounds="0">
+            <case alsoPlaying="rosalina" tag="good_hand" priority="100" totalRounds="0">
                 <state img="0-encourage.png">Rosalina? You're here? Wow I didn't expect you to be into this sort of game. You're full of surprises!</state>
-            <case alsoPlaying="ryu" priority="100" tag="good_hand" totalRounds="0">
+            <case alsoPlaying="ryu" tag="good_hand" priority="100" totalRounds="0">
                 <state img="0-cheer.png">You were invited to play too, Ryu? Cool!</state>
-            <case alsoPlaying="samus" priority="100" tag="good_hand" totalRounds="0">
+            <case alsoPlaying="samus" tag="good_hand" priority="100" totalRounds="0">
                 <state img="0-humble.png">You here, Samus? Please don't go too hard on me, okay?</state>
-            <case alsoPlaying="zelda" priority="100" tag="good_hand" totalRounds="0">
+            <case alsoPlaying="zelda" tag="good_hand" priority="100" totalRounds="0">
                 <state img="0-encourage.png">Oh hi there, Zelda. Nice to see a familiar face here!</state>
-            <case priority="0" tag="good_hand">
-                <state img="0-humble.png" marker="goingeasy">While I am happy with this hand, please do not go easy on me. I can handle it!</state>
-            </case>
             <case tag="good_hand" totalRounds="0">
                 <state img="0-happy.png">Looks like I am off to a good start!</state>
             <case tag="okay_hand">
                 <state img="0-confident.png">I'll make this work!</state>
                 <state img="0-calm.png">This is a risky hand, but I'm fine with that.</state>
+                <state img="0-confident.png" marker="war">I have won a war based on nothing but risks and hope, so a game shouldn't be a problem!</state>
-            <case alsoPlaying="captain_falcon" priority="200" tag="okay_hand" totalRounds="0">
+            <case alsoPlaying="captain_falcon" tag="okay_hand" priority="200" totalRounds="0">
                 <state img="0-awkward.png">C-c-captain? Y-you're here too? B-but this is... We're going to... Oh gods...</state>
-            <case alsoPlaying="corrin_m" alsoPlayingStage="1" notSaidMarker="kindofmagic" priority="100" tag="okay_hand">
+            <case alsoPlaying="corrin_m" alsoPlayingStage="1" tag="okay_hand" notSaidMarker="kindofmagic" priority="100">
                 <state img="0-unsure.png" marker="kindofmagic">This is so weird... What kind of magic is this?</state>
-            <case alsoPlaying="corrin_m" notSaidMarker="youarenotprepared" priority="100" saidMarker="kindofmagic" tag="okay_hand">
+            <case alsoPlaying="corrin_m" tag="okay_hand" notSaidMarker="youarenotprepared" priority="100" saidMarker="kindofmagic">
                 <state img="0-awkward.png" marker="youarenotprepared">So are we, like, the same person but from a different dimension or something? Gods, I wasn't prepared for this...</state>
-            <case alsoPlaying="corrin_m" priority="100" tag="okay_hand" totalRounds="0">
+            <case alsoPlaying="corrin_m" tag="okay_hand" priority="100" totalRounds="0">
                 <state img="0-unsure.png">That guy, who is that... I know him from somewhere...</state>
             <case alsoPlaying="jin" tag="okay_hand" totalRounds="0">
                 <state img="0-awkward.png">J-Jin? ... I... Uhm...</state>
-            <case alsoPlaying="launch" alsoPlayingSaidMarker="yellow" alsoPlayingStage="2" alsoPlayingTimeInStage="0-1" notSaidMarker="odin" tag="okay_hand">
+            <case alsoPlaying="launch" alsoPlayingStage="2" tag="okay_hand" notSaidMarker="odin" alsoPlayingTimeInStage="0-1" alsoPlayingSaidMarker="yellow">
                 <state img="0-concerned.png" marker="odin">W-wait... other half? Launch, are you saying you have multiple personalities? My friend Odin has told me about someone like this before, but I never believed him...</state>
             <case alsoPlaying="launch" tag="okay_hand" totalRounds="0">
                 <state img="0-concerned.png">Uhm, Launch... What's that thing you're holding?</state>
-            <case alsoPlaying="link" priority="100" tag="okay_hand" totalRounds="0">
+            <case alsoPlaying="link" tag="okay_hand" priority="100" totalRounds="0">
                 <state img="0-humble.png">Link? You here? I didn't see this coming...</state>
             <case alsoPlaying="neo" tag="okay_hand" totalRounds="3">
                 <state img="0-concerned.png" marker="neoquiet">Say, Neo, you're awfully quiet. Are you alright?</state>
-            <case alsoPlaying="neo" saidMarker="neoquiet" tag="okay_hand" totalRounds="4">
+            <case alsoPlaying="neo" tag="okay_hand" saidMarker="neoquiet" totalRounds="4">
                 <state img="0-serene.png">(Hmmm... Maybe she just doesn't <i>want</i> to talk... Oh well, at least she looks like she's enjoying herself.)</state>
-            <case alsoPlaying="palutena" priority="200" tag="okay_hand" totalRounds="0">
+            <case alsoPlaying="palutena" tag="okay_hand" priority="200" totalRounds="0">
                 <state img="0-disappointed.png">Ugh, <i>you're</i> here too, Palutena?</state>
             <case alsoPlaying="rinkah" alsoPlayingStage="0" tag="okay_hand" totalRounds="8">
                 <state img="0-calm.png" marker="rinkahmiss">Well, Rinkah, at least you're better at this than at hitting enemies. Heehee~</state>
-            <case alsoPlaying="rinkah" priority="100" tag="okay_hand" totalRounds="0">
+            <case alsoPlaying="rinkah" tag="okay_hand" priority="100" totalRounds="0">
                 <state img="0-awkward.png">R-Rinkah? You're here too? Whew... (This might become awkward)...</state>
-            <case alsoPlaying="rosalina" priority="100" tag="okay_hand" totalRounds="0">
+            <case alsoPlaying="rosalina" tag="okay_hand" priority="100" totalRounds="0">
                 <state img="0-encourage.png">Rosalina? You're here? Wow I didn't expect you to be into this sort of game. You're full of surprises!</state>
-            <case alsoPlaying="ryu" priority="100" tag="okay_hand" totalRounds="0">
+            <case alsoPlaying="ryu" tag="okay_hand" priority="100" totalRounds="0">
                 <state img="0-cheer.png">You were invited to play too, Ryu? Cool!</state>
-            <case alsoPlaying="samus" priority="100" tag="okay_hand" totalRounds="0">
+            <case alsoPlaying="samus" tag="okay_hand" priority="100" totalRounds="0">
                 <state img="0-humble.png">You here, Samus? Please don't go too hard on me, okay?</state>
-            <case alsoPlaying="zelda" priority="100" tag="okay_hand" totalRounds="0">
+            <case alsoPlaying="zelda" tag="okay_hand" priority="100" totalRounds="0">
                 <state img="0-encourage.png">Oh hi there, Zelda. Nice to see a familiar face here!</state>
-            <case priority="0" tag="okay_hand">
-                <state img="0-confident.png" marker="war">I have won a war based on nothing but risks and hope, so a game shouldn't be a problem!</state>
-            </case>
             <case tag="okay_hand" totalRounds="0">
                 <state img="0-calm.png">This start seems decent enough.</state>
             <case tag="swap_cards">
                 <state img="0-calm.png">~cards~ cards please</state>
-                <state img="0-humble.png">~cards~ new cards should be enough.</state>
                 <state img="0-calm.png">I'd like ~cards~ new cards, please.</state>
-                <state img="0-serene.png">I think ~cards~ new cards is the best choice here.</state>
                 <state img="0-calm.png">I'd like to swap these ~cards~ cards!</state>
+                <state img="0-humble.png">~cards~ new cards should be enough.</state>
+                <state img="0-serene.png">I think ~cards~ new cards is the best choice here.</state>
             <case tag="bad_hand">
                 <state img="0-unsure.png">I'm no expert, but this is just bad...</state>
+                <state img="0-serene.png" marker="learnbydoing">I'm just going to call this "learning by doing"</state>
+                <state img="0-humble.png" marker="cardcombos">These cards don't match with any of the combos I read about... Maybe it is a hidden one?</state>
-            <case alsoPlaying="captain_falcon" priority="200" tag="bad_hand" totalRounds="0">
+            <case alsoPlaying="captain_falcon" tag="bad_hand" priority="200" totalRounds="0">
                 <state img="0-awkward.png">C-c-captain? Y-you're here too? B-but this is... We're going to... Oh gods...</state>
-            <case alsoPlaying="corrin_m" alsoPlayingStage="1" notSaidMarker="kindofmagic" priority="100" tag="bad_hand">
+            <case alsoPlaying="corrin_m" alsoPlayingStage="1" tag="bad_hand" notSaidMarker="kindofmagic" priority="100">
                 <state img="0-unsure.png" marker="kindofmagic">This is so weird... What kind of magic is this?</state>
-            <case alsoPlaying="corrin_m" notSaidMarker="youarenotprepared" priority="100" saidMarker="kindofmagic" tag="bad_hand">
+            <case alsoPlaying="corrin_m" tag="bad_hand" notSaidMarker="youarenotprepared" priority="100" saidMarker="kindofmagic">
                 <state img="0-awkward.png" marker="youarenotprepared">So are we, like, the same person but from a different dimension or something? Gods, I wasn't prepared for this...</state>
-            <case alsoPlaying="corrin_m" priority="100" tag="bad_hand" totalRounds="0">
+            <case alsoPlaying="corrin_m" tag="bad_hand" priority="100" totalRounds="0">
                 <state img="0-unsure.png">That guy, who is that... I know him from somewhere...</state>
             <case alsoPlaying="jin" tag="bad_hand" totalRounds="0">
                 <state img="0-awkward.png">J-Jin? ... I... Uhm...</state>
-            <case alsoPlaying="launch" alsoPlayingSaidMarker="yellow" alsoPlayingStage="2" alsoPlayingTimeInStage="0-1" notSaidMarker="odin" tag="bad_hand">
+            <case alsoPlaying="launch" alsoPlayingStage="2" tag="bad_hand" notSaidMarker="odin" alsoPlayingTimeInStage="0-1" alsoPlayingSaidMarker="yellow">
                 <state img="0-concerned.png" marker="odin">W-wait... other half? Launch, are you saying you have multiple personalities? My friend Odin has told me about someone like this before, but I never believed him...</state>
             <case alsoPlaying="launch" tag="bad_hand" totalRounds="0">
                 <state img="0-concerned.png">Uhm, Launch... What's that thing you're holding?</state>
-            <case alsoPlaying="link" priority="100" tag="bad_hand" totalRounds="0">
+            <case alsoPlaying="link" tag="bad_hand" priority="100" totalRounds="0">
                 <state img="0-humble.png">Link? You here? I didn't see this coming...</state>
             <case alsoPlaying="neo" tag="bad_hand" totalRounds="3">
                 <state img="0-concerned.png" marker="neoquiet">Say, Neo, you're awfully quiet. Are you alright?</state>
-            <case alsoPlaying="neo" saidMarker="neoquiet" tag="bad_hand" totalRounds="4">
+            <case alsoPlaying="neo" tag="bad_hand" saidMarker="neoquiet" totalRounds="4">
                 <state img="0-serene.png">(Hmmm... Maybe she just doesn't <i>want</i> to talk... Oh well, at least she looks like she's enjoying herself.)</state>
-            <case alsoPlaying="palutena" priority="200" tag="bad_hand" totalRounds="0">
+            <case alsoPlaying="palutena" tag="bad_hand" priority="200" totalRounds="0">
                 <state img="0-disappointed.png">Ugh, <i>you're</i> here too, Palutena?</state>
             <case alsoPlaying="rinkah" alsoPlayingStage="0" tag="bad_hand" totalRounds="8">
                 <state img="0-unsure.png" marker="rinkahmiss">Well, Rinkah, at least you're better at this than at hitting enemies. Heehee~</state>
-            <case alsoPlaying="rinkah" priority="100" tag="bad_hand" totalRounds="0">
+            <case alsoPlaying="rinkah" tag="bad_hand" priority="100" totalRounds="0">
                 <state img="0-awkward.png">R-Rinkah? You're here too? Whew... (This might become awkward)...</state>
-            <case alsoPlaying="rosalina" priority="100" tag="bad_hand" totalRounds="0">
+            <case alsoPlaying="rosalina" tag="bad_hand" priority="100" totalRounds="0">
                 <state img="0-encourage.png">Rosalina? You're here? Wow I didn't expect you to be into this sort of game. You're full of surprises!</state>
-            <case alsoPlaying="ryu" priority="100" tag="bad_hand" totalRounds="0">
+            <case alsoPlaying="ryu" tag="bad_hand" priority="100" totalRounds="0">
                 <state img="0-cheer.png">You were invited to play too, Ryu? Cool!</state>
-            <case alsoPlaying="samus" priority="100" tag="bad_hand" totalRounds="0">
+            <case alsoPlaying="samus" tag="bad_hand" priority="100" totalRounds="0">
                 <state img="0-humble.png">You here, Samus? Please don't go too hard on me, okay?</state>
-            <case alsoPlaying="zelda" priority="100" tag="bad_hand" totalRounds="0">
+            <case alsoPlaying="zelda" tag="bad_hand" priority="100" totalRounds="0">
                 <state img="0-encourage.png">Oh hi there, Zelda. Nice to see a familiar face here!</state>
-            <case priority="0" tag="bad_hand">
-                <state img="0-serene.png" marker="learnbydoing">I'm just going to call this "learning by doing"</state>
-                <state img="0-humble.png" marker="cardcombos">These cards don't match with any of the combos I read about... Maybe it is a hidden one?</state>
-            </case>
             <case tag="bad_hand" totalRounds="0">
                 <state img="0-concerned.png">This might not be the best start.</state>
-            <case tag="stripped">
-                <state img="0-sad.png">I miss my ~clothing~ already...</state>
-            </case>
             <case tag="must_strip_normal">
                 <state img="0-loss.png">It's my turn? Okay, that was to be expected.</state>
                 <state img="0-loss.png">At least you aren't going easy on me. Heehee~</state>
@@ -756,7 +739,7 @@
             <case tag="must_strip_losing">
                 <state img="0-loss.png">I lost again? But... I have less clothes than everyone else!</state>
-            <case notSaidMarker="smallcount" tag="must_strip_losing">
+            <case tag="must_strip_losing" notSaidMarker="smallcount">
                 <state img="0-loss.png" marker="smallcount">I lost a round already? So what should I do now, just take something small off?</state>
             <case tag="must_strip_losing" timeInStage="0">
@@ -772,7 +755,7 @@
             <case alsoPlaying="chun-li" tag="stripping">
                 <state img="0-strip.png">Are you sure, Chun-Li? Everyone in my family is a warrior...</state>
-            <case priority="0" saidMarker="smallcount" tag="stripping">
+            <case tag="stripping" priority="0" saidMarker="smallcount">
                 <state img="0-strip.png">Something small it is then! It's way too warm to wear gloves anyway.</state>
             <case tag="must_strip_winning">
@@ -789,7 +772,7 @@
             <case tag="female_must_strip">
                 <state img="1-humble.png">Sorry ~name~, it's your turn now!</state>
-            <case alsoPlaying="neo" saidMarker="neoquiet" tag="female_must_strip" totalRounds="3">
+            <case alsoPlaying="neo" tag="female_must_strip" saidMarker="neoquiet" totalRounds="3">
                 <state img="1-cheer.png">Come on, Neo, it's alright. We don't bite!</state>
             <case tag="female_must_strip" target="aimee" targetStage="0">
@@ -900,35 +883,33 @@
             <case tag="male_large_crotch_is_visible">
                 <state img="1-shock.png">I... Uhh... What!?</state>
-            </case>
-            <case priority="0" tag="male_large_crotch_is_visible">
                 <state img="1-shock.png" marker="booksdontlie">Those books weren't lying!</state>
             <case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible">
                 <state img="1-concerned.png">You're taking that off already? What happened?</state>
-            <case alsoPlaying="weiss" tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="neo">
-                <condition count="0" filter="ruby" />
-                <state img="1-concerned.png">N-neo? ... W-Weiss, w-what's going on?</state>
-            </case>
-            <case alsoPlaying="yang" tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="neo">
-                <condition count="1" filter="ruby" />
-                <state img="1-concerned.png">N-neo? ... R-Ruby... Y-Yang... W-what's going on?</state>
-            </case>
-            <case alsoPlaying="blake" tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="neo">
-                <condition count="1" filter="weiss" />
-                <state img="1-concerned.png">N-neo? ... B-Blake... W-Weiss... W-what's going on?</state>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="aimee">
+                <state img="1-shock.png">Seriously!? You've got to be kidding me...</state>
             <case alsoPlaying="blake" tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="neo">
                 <condition count="0" filter="yang" />
                 <state img="1-concerned.png">N-neo? ... B-Blake, w-what's going on?</state>
-            <case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="aimee">
-                <state img="1-shock.png">Seriously!? You've got to be kidding me...</state>
+            <case alsoPlaying="blake" tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="neo">
+                <condition count="1" filter="weiss" />
+                <state img="1-concerned.png">N-neo? ... B-Blake... W-Weiss... W-what's going on?</state>
             <case alsoPlaying="ruby" tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="neo">
                 <state img="1-concerned.png">N-neo? R-ruby? ... W-what's going on?</state>
+            <case alsoPlaying="weiss" tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="neo">
+                <condition count="0" filter="ruby" />
+                <state img="1-concerned.png">N-neo? ... W-Weiss, w-what's going on?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case alsoPlaying="yang" tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="neo">
+                <condition count="1" filter="ruby" />
+                <state img="1-concerned.png">N-neo? ... R-Ruby... Y-Yang... W-what's going on?</state>
+            </case>
             <case alsoPlaying="yang" tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="neo">
                 <state img="1-concerned.png">N-neo? Y-yang? ... W-what's going on?</state>
@@ -937,8 +918,6 @@
             <case tag="male_removed_minor">
                 <state img="1-calm.png">Getting closer...</state>
-            </case>
-            <case priority="0" tag="male_removed_minor">
                 <state img="1-encourage.png" marker="goodchoice">Your ~clothing~? That's a good choice!</state>
             <case tag="male_removed_minor" target="corrin_m" targetStage="3">
@@ -946,8 +925,6 @@
             <case tag="male_removed_accessory">
                 <state img="1-confident.png">Alright, let's continue!</state>
-            </case>
-            <case priority="0" tag="male_removed_accessory">
                 <state img="1-unsure.png" marker="lookgudwitdat">Oh, your ~clothing~? You looked good wearing that.</state>
             <case tag="male_removed_accessory" target="captain_falcon" targetStage="7">
@@ -962,7 +939,7 @@
             <case tag="male_must_masturbate">
                 <state img="1-awkward.png">Ehm... Rules are rules, ~name~...</state>
-            <case notSaidMarker="surmas" tag="male_must_masturbate" totalRounds="0-12">
+            <case tag="male_must_masturbate" notSaidMarker="surmas" totalRounds="0-12">
                 <state img="1-shock.png" marker="surmas">He has to do <i>what</i> now? ... I didn't know those were the rules...</state>
             <case tag="female_masturbating">
@@ -1005,7 +982,7 @@
             <case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="streaming-chan">
                 <state img="1-awkward.png">... You use <i>that</i> thing to masturbate? Well that's... new...</state>
-            <case notSaidMarker="surmas2" saidMarker="surmas" tag="female_start_masturbating" totalRounds="0-12">
+            <case tag="female_start_masturbating" notSaidMarker="surmas2" saidMarker="surmas" totalRounds="0-12">
                 <state img="1-awkward.png" marker="surmas2">I uhm... Don't know what to say...</state>
             <case tag="male_removing_major">
@@ -1015,12 +992,10 @@
             <case tag="male_removing_major" target="corrin_m" targetStage="4">
                 <state img="1-calm.png">Him? Alright, I guess...</state>
-            <case tag="female_removed_accessory">
-                <state img="1-cheer.png">You have nothing to worry about, ~name~, you still have plenty left!</state>
-            </case>
-            <case priority="0" tag="female_removed_accessory">
+            <case tag="female_removed_accessory" priority="0">
                 <state img="1-encourage.png" marker="goodchoice">Your ~clothing~? That's a good choice!</state>
                 <state img="1-unsure.png" marker="lookgudwitdat">Oh, your ~clothing~? You looked good wearing that.</state>
+                <state img="1-cheer.png">You have nothing to worry about, ~name~, you still have plenty left!</state>
             <case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="blake" targetStage="6">
                 <state img="1-encourage.png">Don't worry about it, Blake. Animal ears are a sign of power where I come from!</state>
@@ -1061,7 +1036,7 @@
             <case tag="male_start_masturbating">
                 <state img="1-awkward.png">Uhm... Have fun, I guess?</state>
-            <case notSaidMarker="surmas2" saidMarker="surmas" tag="male_start_masturbating" totalRounds="0-12">
+            <case tag="male_start_masturbating" notSaidMarker="surmas2" saidMarker="surmas" totalRounds="0-12">
                 <state img="1-awkward.png" marker="surmas2">I didn't expect to see <i>this</i> today...</state>
             <case tag="male_chest_is_visible">
@@ -1092,7 +1067,7 @@
                 <state img="1-confident.png">I'm doing pretty well for myself!</state>
                 <state img="1-encourage.png">Sorry ~name~, it's your turn now!</state>
-            <case alsoPlaying="neo" saidMarker="neoquiet" tag="male_must_strip" totalRounds="3">
+            <case alsoPlaying="neo" tag="male_must_strip" saidMarker="neoquiet" totalRounds="3">
                 <state img="1-cheer.png">Come on, Neo, it's alright. We don't bite!</state>
             <case tag="male_must_strip" target="corrin_m" targetStage="0">
@@ -1122,13 +1097,11 @@
             <case tag="female_must_masturbate" target="streaming-chan">
                 <state img="1-shock.png">Wait, what are you doing? Why are you...</state>
-            <case notSaidMarker="surmas" tag="female_must_masturbate" totalRounds="0-12">
+            <case tag="female_must_masturbate" notSaidMarker="surmas" totalRounds="0-12">
                 <state img="1-shock.png" marker="surmas">She has to do <i>what</i> now? ... I didn't know those were the rules...</state>
             <case tag="male_human_must_strip">
                 <state img="1-cheer.png">~name~ lost this hand right? What will you take off?</state>
-            </case>
-            <case priority="0" tag="male_human_must_strip">
                 <state img="1-encourage.png" marker="playsafer">I'm sorry ~name~, you lost this one. I suggest playing a little safer!</state>
             <case tag="male_small_crotch_is_visible">
@@ -1173,10 +1146,10 @@
             <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="launch" targetStage="1">
                 <state img="1-shock.png">L-Launch? W-what happened? Why is your hair blue?</state>
-            <case priority="99" tag="female_removing_accessory" target="launch" targetStage="2">
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="launch" targetStage="2" priority="99">
                 <state img="1-concerned.png">Is there something wrong, Launch? You're acting so different...</state>
-            <case priority="100" tag="female_removing_accessory" target="launch" targetSaidMarker="yellow" targetStage="2">
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="launch" targetStage="2" targetSaidMarker="yellow" priority="100">
                 <state img="1-unsure.png" marker="launchsplit">S-so... You have different personalities, right? ... This is certainly... interesting...</state>
             <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="lyn" targetStage="0">
@@ -1211,11 +1184,11 @@
                 <state img="1-shock.png">What! What are you doing!?</state>
                 <state img="1-shock.png">What is going... AHHH!</state>
-            <case priority="99" tag="female_removing_major" target="launch" targetStage="5">
+            <case tag="female_removing_major" target="launch" targetStage="5" priority="99">
                 <state img="1-concerned.png" marker="launchsplit">Y-your hair changed <i>again</i>?</state>
                 <state img="1-concerned.png" marker="launchsplit">Y-your hair changed <i>again</i>?</state>
-            <case priority="100" saidMarker="launchsplit" tag="female_removing_major" target="launch" targetStage="5">
+            <case tag="female_removing_major" target="launch" targetStage="5" priority="100" saidMarker="launchsplit">
                 <state img="1-unsure.png">O-oh... You changed again... Does this happen every time you sneeze? That's... weird...</state>
                 <state img="1-unsure.png">O-oh... You changed again... Does this happen every time you sneeze? That's... weird...</state>
@@ -1251,13 +1224,13 @@
             <case tag="male_masturbating">
                 <state img="1-awkward.png">So this is how men do it...</state>
-                <state img="1-awkward.png">I've never...</state>
                 <state img="1-awkward.png">Wow... I...</state>
+                <state img="1-awkward.png">I've never...</state>
             <case tag="female_removed_minor">
                 <state img="1-cheer.png" marker="goodchoice">Your ~clothing~? That's a good choice!</state>
-            <case alsoPlaying="zone-tan" alsoPlayingSaidMarker="translucent_dildo" notSaidMarker="zttd" tag="female_removed_minor">
+            <case alsoPlaying="zone-tan" tag="female_removed_minor" notSaidMarker="zttd" alsoPlayingSaidMarker="translucent_dildo">
                 <state img="1-awkward.png" marker="zttd">W-wait... T-translucent what now?</state>
             <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="aimee" targetStage="2">
@@ -1289,89 +1262,85 @@
                 <state img="1-confident.png">I should not be discouraged by a single loss. This battle will be mine!</state>
                 <state img="1-confident.png">Looks like I found an advantageous position!</state>
                 <state img="1-happy.png">These are amazing!</state>
+                <state img="1-confident.png" marker="yourfateisclear">your fate is clear!</state>
-            <case alsoPlaying="corrin_m" alsoPlayingStage="0" notSaidMarker="kindofmagic" priority="100" tag="good_hand">
+            <case alsoPlaying="corrin_m" alsoPlayingStage="0" tag="good_hand" notSaidMarker="kindofmagic" priority="100">
                 <state img="1-unsure.png" marker="kindofmagic">This is so weird... What kind of magic is this?</state>
-            <case alsoPlaying="corrin_m" notSaidMarker="youarenotprepared" priority="100" saidMarker="kindofmagic" tag="good_hand">
+            <case alsoPlaying="corrin_m" tag="good_hand" notSaidMarker="youarenotprepared" priority="100" saidMarker="kindofmagic">
                 <state img="1-awkward.png" marker="youarenotprepared">So are we, like, the same person but from a different dimension or something? Gods, I wasn't prepared for this...</state>
-            <case alsoPlaying="launch" alsoPlayingSaidMarker="yellow" alsoPlayingStage="2" alsoPlayingTimeInStage="0-1" notSaidMarker="odin" tag="good_hand">
+            <case alsoPlaying="launch" alsoPlayingStage="2" tag="good_hand" notSaidMarker="odin" alsoPlayingTimeInStage="0-1" alsoPlayingSaidMarker="yellow">
                 <state img="1-concerned.png" marker="odin">W-wait... other half? Launch, are you saying you have multiple personalities? My friend Odin has told me about someone like this before, but I never believed him...</state>
             <case alsoPlaying="neo" tag="good_hand" totalRounds="3">
                 <state img="1-concerned.png" marker="neoquiet">Say, Neo, you're awfully quiet. Are you alright?</state>
-            <case alsoPlaying="neo" saidMarker="neoquiet" tag="good_hand" totalRounds="4">
+            <case alsoPlaying="neo" tag="good_hand" saidMarker="neoquiet" totalRounds="4">
                 <state img="1-serene.png">(Hmmm... Maybe she just doesn't <i>want</i> to talk... Oh well, at least she looks like she's enjoying herself.)</state>
             <case alsoPlaying="rinkah" alsoPlayingStage="0" tag="good_hand" totalRounds="8">
                 <state img="1-cheer.png" marker="rinkahmiss">Well, Rinkah, at least you're better at this than at hitting enemies. Heehee~</state>
-            <case priority="0" tag="good_hand">
-                <state img="1-confident.png" marker="yourfateisclear">your fate is clear!</state>
-            </case>
             <case tag="okay_hand">
+                <state img="1-calm.png">This is a risky hand, but I'm fine with that.</state>
                 <state img="1-cheer.png">Thanks for the cards, dealer!</state>
                 <state img="1-calm.png">I can work with this.</state>
-                <state img="1-calm.png">This is a risky hand, but I'm fine with that.</state>
-            <case alsoPlaying="corrin_m" alsoPlayingStage="0" notSaidMarker="kindofmagic" priority="100" tag="okay_hand">
+            <case alsoPlaying="corrin_m" alsoPlayingStage="0" tag="okay_hand" notSaidMarker="kindofmagic" priority="100">
                 <state img="1-unsure.png" marker="kindofmagic">This is so weird... What kind of magic is this?</state>
-            <case alsoPlaying="corrin_m" notSaidMarker="youarenotprepared" priority="100" saidMarker="kindofmagic" tag="okay_hand">
+            <case alsoPlaying="corrin_m" tag="okay_hand" notSaidMarker="youarenotprepared" priority="100" saidMarker="kindofmagic">
                 <state img="1-awkward.png" marker="youarenotprepared">So are we, like, the same person but from a different dimension or something? Gods, I wasn't prepared for this...</state>
-            <case alsoPlaying="launch" alsoPlayingSaidMarker="yellow" alsoPlayingStage="2" alsoPlayingTimeInStage="0-1" notSaidMarker="odin" tag="okay_hand">
+            <case alsoPlaying="launch" alsoPlayingStage="2" tag="okay_hand" notSaidMarker="odin" alsoPlayingTimeInStage="0-1" alsoPlayingSaidMarker="yellow">
                 <state img="1-concerned.png" marker="odin">W-wait... other half? Launch, are you saying you have multiple personalities? My friend Odin has told me about someone like this before, but I never believed him...</state>
             <case alsoPlaying="neo" tag="okay_hand" totalRounds="3">
                 <state img="1-concerned.png" marker="neoquiet">Say, Neo, you're awfully quiet. Are you alright?</state>
-            <case alsoPlaying="neo" saidMarker="neoquiet" tag="okay_hand" totalRounds="4">
+            <case alsoPlaying="neo" tag="okay_hand" saidMarker="neoquiet" totalRounds="4">
                 <state img="1-serene.png">(Hmmm... Maybe she just doesn't <i>want</i> to talk... Oh well, at least she looks like she's enjoying herself.)</state>
             <case alsoPlaying="rinkah" alsoPlayingStage="0" tag="okay_hand" totalRounds="8">
                 <state img="1-calm.png" marker="rinkahmiss">Well, Rinkah, at least you're better at this than at hitting enemies. Heehee~</state>
-            <case notSaidMarker="onedoesnotneed" priority="0" tag="okay_hand">
+            <case tag="okay_hand" notSaidMarker="onedoesnotneed" priority="0">
                 <state img="1-serene.png" marker="onedoesnotneed">It is just like the book said, "To win one does not need the best hand, simply not having the worst hand is enough to achieve victory."</state>
             <case tag="swap_cards">
                 <state img="1-calm.png">~cards~ cards please</state>
-                <state img="1-humble.png">~cards~ new cards should be enough.</state>
                 <state img="1-calm.png">I'd like ~cards~ new cards, please.</state>
-                <state img="1-serene.png">I think ~cards~ new cards is the best choice here.</state>
                 <state img="1-calm.png">I'd like to swap these ~cards~ cards!</state>
+                <state img="1-humble.png">~cards~ new cards should be enough.</state>
+                <state img="1-serene.png">I think ~cards~ new cards is the best choice here.</state>
-            <case alsoPlaying="chun-li" notSaidMarker="chunlifollowup" priority="200" tag="swap_cards" timeInStage="0-1">
+            <case alsoPlaying="chun-li" tag="swap_cards" timeInStage="0-1" notSaidMarker="chunlifollowup" priority="200">
                 <state img="1-humble.png" marker="chunlifollowup">Well, at least the war is over now! Anyway, ~cards~ cards please!</state>
             <case tag="bad_hand">
                 <state img="1-serene.png">I'm just going to call this "learning by doing"</state>
+                <state img="1-confident.png" marker="strategyguide">I did everything like the strategy guide told me to, so this has to be good right?</state>
+                <state img="1-humble.png" marker="onefortheteam">Okay, these cards are bad. At least nobody else will have to strip now, right?</state>
-            <case alsoPlaying="corrin_m" alsoPlayingStage="0" notSaidMarker="kindofmagic" priority="100" tag="bad_hand">
+            <case alsoPlaying="corrin_m" alsoPlayingStage="0" tag="bad_hand" notSaidMarker="kindofmagic" priority="100">
                 <state img="1-unsure.png" marker="kindofmagic">This is so weird... What kind of magic is this?</state>
-            <case alsoPlaying="corrin_m" notSaidMarker="youarenotprepared" priority="100" saidMarker="kindofmagic" tag="bad_hand">
+            <case alsoPlaying="corrin_m" tag="bad_hand" notSaidMarker="youarenotprepared" priority="100" saidMarker="kindofmagic">
                 <state img="1-awkward.png" marker="youarenotprepared">So are we, like, the same person but from a different dimension or something? Gods, I wasn't prepared for this...</state>
-            <case alsoPlaying="launch" alsoPlayingSaidMarker="yellow" alsoPlayingStage="2" alsoPlayingTimeInStage="0-1" notSaidMarker="odin" tag="bad_hand">
+            <case alsoPlaying="launch" alsoPlayingStage="2" tag="bad_hand" notSaidMarker="odin" alsoPlayingTimeInStage="0-1" alsoPlayingSaidMarker="yellow">
                 <state img="1-concerned.png" marker="odin">W-wait... other half? Launch, are you saying you have multiple personalities? My friend Odin has told me about someone like this before, but I never believed him...</state>
             <case alsoPlaying="neo" tag="bad_hand" totalRounds="3">
                 <state img="1-concerned.png" marker="neoquiet">Say, Neo, you're awfully quiet. Are you alright?</state>
-            <case alsoPlaying="neo" saidMarker="neoquiet" tag="bad_hand" totalRounds="4">
+            <case alsoPlaying="neo" tag="bad_hand" saidMarker="neoquiet" totalRounds="4">
                 <state img="1-serene.png">(Hmmm... Maybe she just doesn't <i>want</i> to talk... Oh well, at least she looks like she's enjoying herself.)</state>
             <case alsoPlaying="rinkah" alsoPlayingStage="0" tag="bad_hand" totalRounds="8">
                 <state img="1-unsure.png" marker="rinkahmiss">Well, Rinkah, at least you're better at this than at hitting enemies. Heehee~</state>
-            <case priority="0" tag="bad_hand">
-                <state img="1-confident.png" marker="strategyguide">I did everything like the strategy guide told me to, so this has to be good right?</state>
-                <state img="1-humble.png" marker="onefortheteam">Okay, these cards are bad. At least nobody else will have to strip now, right?</state>
-            </case>
             <case tag="stripped">
                 <state img="1-stripped.png">Done and done! Let's keep going!</state>
                 <state img="1-stripped.png" marker="comfygloves">Here you go! You can try them on if you like, they are really comfy!</state>
@@ -1385,21 +1354,17 @@
             <case alsoPlaying="corrin_m" alsoPlayingStage="0" tag="stripped">
                 <state img="1-stripped.png"><i>O-our</i> gloves? W-what? ... A-are you... <i>me</i>? ...</state>
-            <case alsoPlaying="sei" alsoPlayingSaidMarker="corrinest" tag="stripped">
+            <case alsoPlaying="sei" tag="stripped" alsoPlayingSaidMarker="corrinest">
                 <state img="1-calm.png">Haha yes. You're right, Sei. &lt;br&gt;(Oh my, she has no idea...)</state>
             <case tag="must_strip_normal">
                 <state img="1-loss.png">My turn! I have quite a bit to learn.</state>
                 <state img="1-loss.png">This had to happen anyway, I don't mind.</state>
-            </case>
-            <case priority="0" tag="must_strip_normal">
                 <state img="1-loss.png" marker="onefortheteam">Don't feel bad, I'll happily take one for the team!</state>
             <case tag="must_strip_losing">
                 <state img="1-loss.png">Maybe I should change my strategy... This isn't really working.</state>
                 <state img="1-loss.png">I'm a little worse at this than I was expecting.</state>
-            </case>
-            <case priority="0" tag="must_strip_losing">
                 <state img="1-loss.png" marker="chainsawsword">I should have brought my sword as an extra accessory... On the other hand, maybe not, might be a little too dangerous.</state>
             <case tag="stripping">
@@ -1417,7 +1382,7 @@
                 <state img="2-encourage.png">Don't worry too much, ~name~. You'll be alright.</state>
                 <state img="2-happy.png">I'm starting to like this game!</state>
-            <case alsoPlaying="neo" saidMarker="neoquiet" tag="female_must_strip" totalRounds="3">
+            <case alsoPlaying="neo" tag="female_must_strip" saidMarker="neoquiet" totalRounds="3">
                 <state img="2-cheer.png">Come on, Neo, it's alright. We don't bite!</state>
             <case tag="female_must_strip" target="aimee" targetStage="0">
@@ -1532,28 +1497,28 @@
             <case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible">
                 <state img="2-concerned.png">You're taking that off already? What happened?</state>
-            <case alsoPlaying="weiss" tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="neo">
-                <condition count="0" filter="ruby" />
-                <state img="2-concerned.png">N-neo? ... W-Weiss, w-what's going on?</state>
-            </case>
-            <case alsoPlaying="yang" tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="neo">
-                <condition count="1" filter="ruby" />
-                <state img="2-concerned.png">N-neo? ... R-Ruby... Y-Yang... W-what's going on?</state>
-            </case>
-            <case alsoPlaying="blake" tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="neo">
-                <condition count="1" filter="weiss" />
-                <state img="2-concerned.png">N-neo? ... B-Blake... W-Weiss... W-what's going on?</state>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="aimee">
+                <state img="2-shock.png">Seriously!? You've got to be kidding me...</state>
             <case alsoPlaying="blake" tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="neo">
                 <condition count="0" filter="yang" />
                 <state img="2-concerned.png">N-neo? ... B-Blake, w-what's going on?</state>
-            <case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="aimee">
-                <state img="2-shock.png">Seriously!? You've got to be kidding me...</state>
+            <case alsoPlaying="blake" tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="neo">
+                <condition count="1" filter="weiss" />
+                <state img="2-concerned.png">N-neo? ... B-Blake... W-Weiss... W-what's going on?</state>
             <case alsoPlaying="ruby" tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="neo">
                 <state img="2-concerned.png">N-neo? R-ruby? ... W-what's going on?</state>
+            <case alsoPlaying="weiss" tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="neo">
+                <condition count="0" filter="ruby" />
+                <state img="2-concerned.png">N-neo? ... W-Weiss, w-what's going on?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case alsoPlaying="yang" tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="neo">
+                <condition count="1" filter="ruby" />
+                <state img="2-concerned.png">N-neo? ... R-Ruby... Y-Yang... W-what's going on?</state>
+            </case>
             <case alsoPlaying="yang" tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="neo">
                 <state img="2-concerned.png">N-neo? Y-yang? ... W-what's going on?</state>
@@ -1586,7 +1551,7 @@
             <case tag="male_must_masturbate" target="corrin_m">
                 <state img="2-concerned.png">And now he's going to... This has to be a dream right?</state>
-            <case notSaidMarker="surmas" tag="male_must_masturbate" totalRounds="0-12">
+            <case tag="male_must_masturbate" notSaidMarker="surmas" totalRounds="0-12">
                 <state img="2-shock.png" marker="surmas">He has to do <i>what</i> now? ... I didn't know those were the rules...</state>
             <case tag="female_masturbating">
@@ -1630,7 +1595,7 @@
             <case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="streaming-chan">
                 <state img="2-awkward.png">... You use <i>that</i> thing to masturbate? Well that's... new...</state>
-            <case notSaidMarker="surmas2" saidMarker="surmas" tag="female_start_masturbating" totalRounds="0-12">
+            <case tag="female_start_masturbating" notSaidMarker="surmas2" saidMarker="surmas" totalRounds="0-12">
                 <state img="2-awkward.png" marker="surmas2">I uhm... Don't know what to say...</state>
             <case tag="male_removing_major">
@@ -1687,7 +1652,7 @@
                 <state img="2-humble.png">... You know what, no. This is too weird to be a dream. I couldn't make this up...</state>
                 <state img="2-unsure.png">This entire situation does sound like something Odin would be capable of doing...</state>
-            <case notSaidMarker="surmas2" saidMarker="surmas" tag="male_start_masturbating" totalRounds="0-12">
+            <case tag="male_start_masturbating" notSaidMarker="surmas2" saidMarker="surmas" totalRounds="0-12">
                 <state img="2-awkward.png" marker="surmas2">I didn't expect to see <i>this</i> today...</state>
             <case tag="male_chest_is_visible">
@@ -1719,7 +1684,7 @@
                 <state img="2-happy.png">I'm starting to like this game!</state>
                 <state img="2-happy.png">Another victory for me!</state>
-            <case alsoPlaying="neo" saidMarker="neoquiet" tag="male_must_strip" totalRounds="3">
+            <case alsoPlaying="neo" tag="male_must_strip" saidMarker="neoquiet" totalRounds="3">
                 <state img="2-cheer.png">Come on, Neo, it's alright. We don't bite!</state>
             <case tag="male_must_strip" target="corrin_m" targetStage="0">
@@ -1749,7 +1714,7 @@
             <case tag="female_must_masturbate" target="streaming-chan">
                 <state img="2-shock.png">Wait, what are you doing? Why are you...</state>
-            <case notSaidMarker="surmas" tag="female_must_masturbate" totalRounds="0-12">
+            <case tag="female_must_masturbate" notSaidMarker="surmas" totalRounds="0-12">
                 <state img="2-shock.png" marker="surmas">She has to do <i>what</i> now? ... I didn't know those were the rules...</state>
             <case tag="male_human_must_strip">
@@ -1800,10 +1765,10 @@
             <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="launch" targetStage="1">
                 <state img="2-shock.png">L-Launch? W-what happened? Why is your hair blue?</state>
-            <case priority="99" tag="female_removing_accessory" target="launch" targetStage="2">
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="launch" targetStage="2" priority="99">
                 <state img="2-concerned.png">Is there something wrong, Launch? You're acting so different...</state>
-            <case priority="100" tag="female_removing_accessory" target="launch" targetSaidMarker="yellow" targetStage="2">
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="launch" targetStage="2" targetSaidMarker="yellow" priority="100">
                 <state img="2-unsure.png" marker="launchsplit">S-so... You have different personalities, right? ... This is certainly... interesting...</state>
             <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="lyn" targetStage="0">
@@ -1835,10 +1800,10 @@
                 <state img="2-shock.png">What! What are you doing!?</state>
                 <state img="2-shock.png">What is going... AHHH!</state>
-            <case priority="99" tag="female_removing_major" target="launch" targetStage="5">
+            <case tag="female_removing_major" target="launch" targetStage="5" priority="99">
                 <state img="2-concerned.png" marker="launchsplit">Y-your hair changed <i>again</i>?</state>
-            <case priority="100" saidMarker="launchsplit" tag="female_removing_major" target="launch" targetStage="5">
+            <case tag="female_removing_major" target="launch" targetStage="5" priority="100" saidMarker="launchsplit">
                 <state img="2-unsure.png">O-oh... You changed again... Does this happen every time you sneeze? That's... weird...</state>
             <case tag="female_removing_major" target="marinette" targetStage="1">
@@ -1874,8 +1839,8 @@
             <case tag="male_masturbating">
                 <state img="2-awkward.png">So this is how men do it...</state>
-                <state img="2-awkward.png">I've never...</state>
                 <state img="2-awkward.png">Wow... I...</state>
+                <state img="2-awkward.png">I've never...</state>
                 <state img="2-unsure.png">I wonder... What are you thinking about...</state>
             <case tag="male_masturbating" target="corrin_m">
@@ -1885,13 +1850,11 @@
             <case tag="female_removed_minor">
                 <state img="2-cheer.png">We're kinda close, this is pretty exciting!</state>
+                <state img="2-cheer.png" marker="goodchoice">Good choice!</state>
-            <case alsoPlaying="zone-tan" alsoPlayingSaidMarker="translucent_dildo" notSaidMarker="zttd" tag="female_removed_minor">
+            <case alsoPlaying="zone-tan" tag="female_removed_minor" notSaidMarker="zttd" alsoPlayingSaidMarker="translucent_dildo">
                 <state img="2-awkward.png" marker="zttd">W-wait... T-translucent what now?</state>
-            <case priority="0" tag="female_removed_minor">
-                <state img="2-cheer.png" marker="goodchoice">Good choice!</state>
-            </case>
             <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="aimee" targetStage="2">
                 <state img="2-unsure.png">Well... At least you are a good shot, I guess...</state>
@@ -1917,81 +1880,77 @@
             <case tag="male_crotch_will_be_visible" target="corrin_m" targetStage="5">
                 <state img="2-apology.png">Well, it's not like I couldn't see it already...</state>
-            <case tag="good_hand">
-                <state img="2-confident.png">I may have lost my lucky charm but I will not lose this game!</state>
-                <state img="2-humble.png">Someone else will have to strip this round, I hope you are not angry at me haha.</state>
-            </case>
-            <case alsoPlaying="corrin_m" notSaidMarker="youarenotprepared" priority="100" saidMarker="kindofmagic" tag="good_hand">
+            <case alsoPlaying="corrin_m" tag="good_hand" notSaidMarker="youarenotprepared" priority="100" saidMarker="kindofmagic">
                 <state img="2-awkward.png" marker="youarenotprepared">So are we, like, the same person but from a different dimension or something? Gods, I wasn't prepared for this...</state>
-            <case alsoPlaying="launch" alsoPlayingSaidMarker="yellow" alsoPlayingStage="2" alsoPlayingTimeInStage="0-1" notSaidMarker="odin" tag="good_hand">
+            <case alsoPlaying="launch" alsoPlayingStage="2" tag="good_hand" notSaidMarker="odin" alsoPlayingTimeInStage="0-1" alsoPlayingSaidMarker="yellow">
                 <state img="2-concerned.png" marker="odin">W-wait... other half? Launch, are you saying you have multiple personalities? My friend Odin has told me about someone like this before, but I never believed him...</state>
             <case alsoPlaying="neo" tag="good_hand" totalRounds="3">
                 <state img="2-concerned.png" marker="neoquiet">Say, Neo, you're awfully quiet. Are you alright?</state>
-            <case alsoPlaying="neo" saidMarker="neoquiet" tag="good_hand" totalRounds="4">
+            <case alsoPlaying="neo" tag="good_hand" saidMarker="neoquiet" totalRounds="4">
                 <state img="2-serene.png">(Hmmm... Maybe she just doesn't <i>want</i> to talk... Oh well, at least she looks like she's enjoying herself.)</state>
             <case alsoPlaying="rinkah" alsoPlayingStage="0" tag="good_hand" totalRounds="8">
                 <state img="2-cheer.png" marker="rinkahmiss">Well, Rinkah, at least you're better at this than at hitting enemies. Heehee~</state>
-            <case priority="0" tag="good_hand">
+            <case tag="good_hand" priority="0">
                 <state img="2-confident.png" marker="yourfateisclear">your fate is clear!</state>
+                <state img="2-confident.png">I may have lost my lucky charm but I will not lose this game!</state>
+                <state img="2-humble.png">Someone else will have to strip this round, I hope you are not angry at me haha.</state>
             <case tag="okay_hand">
                 <state img="2-calm.png">Hmm... I guess this is alright.</state>
                 <state img="2-calm.png">Not bad, but I'd prefer something better right now.</state>
                 <state img="2-serene.png">Sometimes "just okay" is good enough, not everything has to be perfect.</state>
-            <case alsoPlaying="corrin_m" notSaidMarker="youarenotprepared" priority="100" saidMarker="kindofmagic" tag="okay_hand">
+            <case alsoPlaying="corrin_m" tag="okay_hand" notSaidMarker="youarenotprepared" priority="100" saidMarker="kindofmagic">
                 <state img="2-awkward.png" marker="youarenotprepared">So are we, like, the same person but from a different dimension or something? Gods, I wasn't prepared for this...</state>
-            <case alsoPlaying="launch" alsoPlayingSaidMarker="yellow" alsoPlayingStage="2" alsoPlayingTimeInStage="0-1" notSaidMarker="odin" tag="okay_hand">
+            <case alsoPlaying="launch" alsoPlayingStage="2" tag="okay_hand" notSaidMarker="odin" alsoPlayingTimeInStage="0-1" alsoPlayingSaidMarker="yellow">
                 <state img="2-concerned.png" marker="odin">W-wait... other half? Launch, are you saying you have multiple personalities? My friend Odin has told me about someone like this before, but I never believed him...</state>
             <case alsoPlaying="neo" tag="okay_hand" totalRounds="3">
                 <state img="2-concerned.png" marker="neoquiet">Say, Neo, you're awfully quiet. Are you alright?</state>
-            <case alsoPlaying="neo" saidMarker="neoquiet" tag="okay_hand" totalRounds="4">
+            <case alsoPlaying="neo" tag="okay_hand" saidMarker="neoquiet" totalRounds="4">
                 <state img="2-serene.png">(Hmmm... Maybe she just doesn't <i>want</i> to talk... Oh well, at least she looks like she's enjoying herself.)</state>
             <case alsoPlaying="rinkah" alsoPlayingStage="0" tag="okay_hand" totalRounds="8">
                 <state img="2-calm.png" marker="rinkahmiss">Well, Rinkah, at least you're better at this than at hitting enemies. Heehee~</state>
-            <case notSaidMarker="onedoesnotneed" priority="0" tag="okay_hand">
+            <case tag="okay_hand" notSaidMarker="onedoesnotneed" priority="0">
                 <state img="2-serene.png" marker="onedoesnotneed">It is just like the book said, "To win, one does not need the best hand. Simply not having the worst hand is enough to achieve victory."</state>
             <case tag="swap_cards">
                 <state img="2-calm.png">~cards~ cards please</state>
-                <state img="2-humble.png">~cards~ new cards should be enough.</state>
                 <state img="2-calm.png">I'd like ~cards~ new cards, please.</state>
-                <state img="2-serene.png">I think ~cards~ new cards is the best choice here.</state>
                 <state img="2-calm.png">I'd like to swap these ~cards~ cards!</state>
+                <state img="2-humble.png">~cards~ new cards should be enough.</state>
+                <state img="2-serene.png">I think ~cards~ new cards is the best choice here.</state>
             <case tag="bad_hand">
                 <state img="2-unsure.png">I guess losing is ok, this armor is pretty heavy anyways, although taking it off really sucks...</state>
                 <state img="2-concerned.png">This is not a good sign...</state>
+                <state img="2-apology.png" marker="onefortheteam">Don't worry, everyone, my hand is probably the worst one.</state>
-            <case alsoPlaying="corrin_m" notSaidMarker="youarenotprepared" priority="100" saidMarker="kindofmagic" tag="bad_hand">
+            <case alsoPlaying="corrin_m" tag="bad_hand" notSaidMarker="youarenotprepared" priority="100" saidMarker="kindofmagic">
                 <state img="2-awkward.png" marker="youarenotprepared">So are we, like, the same person but from a different dimension or something? Gods, I wasn't prepared for this...</state>
-            <case alsoPlaying="launch" alsoPlayingSaidMarker="yellow" alsoPlayingStage="2" alsoPlayingTimeInStage="0-1" notSaidMarker="odin" tag="bad_hand">
+            <case alsoPlaying="launch" alsoPlayingStage="2" tag="bad_hand" notSaidMarker="odin" alsoPlayingTimeInStage="0-1" alsoPlayingSaidMarker="yellow">
                 <state img="2-concerned.png" marker="odin">W-wait... other half? Launch, are you saying you have multiple personalities? My friend Odin has told me about someone like this before, but I never believed him...</state>
             <case alsoPlaying="neo" tag="bad_hand" totalRounds="3">
                 <state img="2-concerned.png" marker="neoquiet">Say, Neo, you're awfully quiet. Are you alright?</state>
-            <case alsoPlaying="neo" saidMarker="neoquiet" tag="bad_hand" totalRounds="4">
+            <case alsoPlaying="neo" tag="bad_hand" saidMarker="neoquiet" totalRounds="4">
                 <state img="2-serene.png">(Hmmm... Maybe she just doesn't <i>want</i> to talk... Oh well, at least she looks like she's enjoying herself.)</state>
             <case alsoPlaying="rinkah" alsoPlayingStage="0" tag="bad_hand" totalRounds="8">
                 <state img="2-unsure.png" marker="rinkahmiss">Well, Rinkah, at least you're better at this than at hitting enemies. Heehee~</state>
-            <case priority="0" tag="bad_hand">
-                <state img="2-apology.png" marker="onefortheteam">Don't worry, everyone, my hand is probably the worst one.</state>
-            </case>
-            <case priority="0" saidMarker="luckycharm" tag="bad_hand">
+            <case tag="bad_hand" priority="0" saidMarker="luckycharm">
                 <state img="2-disappointed.png">I am starting to regret taking off my hairband this early.</state>
             <case tag="stripped">
@@ -2086,8 +2045,8 @@
                 <state img="3-annoyed.png">Really? You count <i>that</i>? ...</state>
             <case tag="male_medium_crotch_is_visible">
-                <state img="3-horny.png">Ohh yes..... <i>Ahem</i> What? No, nothing! I mean... Not nothing but... Oh, whatever...</state>
                 <state img="3-awkward.png"><i>Ahem</i>... This is kinda... Wow...</state>
+                <state img="3-horny.png">Ohh yes..... <i>Ahem</i> What? No, nothing! I mean... Not nothing but... Oh, whatever...</state>
                 <state img="3-horny.png">That looks..... Never mind...</state>
             <case tag="male_medium_crotch_is_visible" target="captain_falcon">
@@ -2096,7 +2055,7 @@
             <case tag="female_removed_major">
                 <state img="3-encourage.png">Let's continue, ~name~. I'm sure you'll win next time!</state>
-            <case alsoPlaying="zone-tan" alsoPlayingSaidMarker="zone-tan_deciding" alsoPlayingStage="1" notSaidMarker="ztd" tag="female_removed_major">
+            <case alsoPlaying="zone-tan" alsoPlayingStage="1" tag="female_removed_major" notSaidMarker="ztd" alsoPlayingSaidMarker="zone-tan_deciding">
                 <state img="3-awkward.png" marker="ztd">I-I'm not sure what you're talking about, Zone-tan, but I don't know if I like it...</state>
             <case tag="female_removed_major" target="aimee" targetStage="1">
@@ -2134,28 +2093,28 @@
             <case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible">
                 <state img="3-cheer.png">You've come this far, ~name~, don't let us down now!</state>
-            <case alsoPlaying="weiss" tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="neo">
-                <condition count="0" filter="ruby" />
-                <state img="3-concerned.png">N-neo? ... W-Weiss, w-what's going on?</state>
-            </case>
-            <case alsoPlaying="yang" tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="neo">
-                <condition count="1" filter="ruby" />
-                <state img="3-concerned.png">N-neo? ... R-Ruby... Y-Yang... W-what's going on?</state>
-            </case>
-            <case alsoPlaying="blake" tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="neo">
-                <condition count="1" filter="weiss" />
-                <state img="3-concerned.png">N-neo? ... B-Blake... W-Weiss... W-what's going on?</state>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="aimee">
+                <state img="3-shock.png">Seriously!? You've got to be kidding me...</state>
             <case alsoPlaying="blake" tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="neo">
                 <condition count="0" filter="yang" />
                 <state img="3-concerned.png">N-neo? ... B-Blake, w-what's going on?</state>
-            <case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="aimee">
-                <state img="3-shock.png">Seriously!? You've got to be kidding me...</state>
+            <case alsoPlaying="blake" tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="neo">
+                <condition count="1" filter="weiss" />
+                <state img="3-concerned.png">N-neo? ... B-Blake... W-Weiss... W-what's going on?</state>
             <case alsoPlaying="ruby" tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="neo">
                 <state img="3-concerned.png">N-neo? R-ruby? ... W-what's going on?</state>
+            <case alsoPlaying="weiss" tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="neo">
+                <condition count="0" filter="ruby" />
+                <state img="3-concerned.png">N-neo? ... W-Weiss, w-what's going on?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case alsoPlaying="yang" tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="neo">
+                <condition count="1" filter="ruby" />
+                <state img="3-concerned.png">N-neo? ... R-Ruby... Y-Yang... W-what's going on?</state>
+            </case>
             <case alsoPlaying="yang" tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="neo">
                 <state img="3-concerned.png">N-neo? Y-yang? ... W-what's going on?</state>
@@ -2183,7 +2142,7 @@
             <case tag="male_must_masturbate" target="corrin_m">
                 <state img="3-concerned.png">And now he's going to... This has to be a dream right?</state>
-            <case notSaidMarker="surmas" tag="male_must_masturbate" totalRounds="0-12">
+            <case tag="male_must_masturbate" notSaidMarker="surmas" totalRounds="0-12">
                 <state img="3-shock.png" marker="surmas">He has to do <i>what</i> now? ... I didn't know those were the rules...</state>
             <case tag="female_masturbating">
@@ -2204,8 +2163,6 @@
             <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible">
                 <state img="3-encourage.png">Well, you've got nothing to worry about, ~name~, we're all friends here!</state>
-            </case>
-            <case priority="0" tag="female_crotch_is_visible">
                 <state img="3-serene.png" marker="hotsprings">Just pretend that we are going to a hot spring if that helps, ~name~. There's no need to worry!</state>
             <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="aimee">
@@ -2232,7 +2189,7 @@
             <case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="streaming-chan">
                 <state img="3-awkward.png">... You use <i>that</i> thing to masturbate? Well that's... new...</state>
-            <case notSaidMarker="surmas2" saidMarker="surmas" tag="female_start_masturbating" totalRounds="0-12">
+            <case tag="female_start_masturbating" notSaidMarker="surmas2" saidMarker="surmas" totalRounds="0-12">
                 <state img="3-awkward.png" marker="surmas2">I uhm... Don't know what to say...</state>
             <case tag="male_removing_major">
@@ -2245,7 +2202,7 @@
             <case tag="female_removed_accessory">
                 <state img="3-encourage.png">Well, if you're happy, I'm happy!</state>
-            <case notSaidMarker="arco" priority="0" tag="female_removed_accessory">
+            <case tag="female_removed_accessory" notSaidMarker="arco" priority="0">
                 <state img="3-annoyed.png" marker="arco">I just spent a lot of effort taking my armor off, and you just... Well, we're all trying to win, I can't get too mad.</state>
             <case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="blake" targetStage="6">
@@ -2286,13 +2243,11 @@
                 <state img="3-humble.png">... You know what, no. This is too weird to be a dream. I couldn't make this up...</state>
                 <state img="3-unsure.png">This entire situation does sound like something Odin would be capable of doing...</state>
-            <case notSaidMarker="surmas2" saidMarker="surmas" tag="male_start_masturbating" totalRounds="0-12">
+            <case tag="male_start_masturbating" notSaidMarker="surmas2" saidMarker="surmas" totalRounds="0-12">
                 <state img="3-awkward.png" marker="surmas2">I didn't expect to see <i>this</i> today...</state>
             <case tag="male_chest_is_visible">
                 <state img="3-cheer.png">Sorry to say it, ~name~, but I'm having a lot of fun here!</state>
-            </case>
-            <case priority="0" tag="male_chest_is_visible">
                 <state img="3-calm.png" marker="camp">A lot of guys at the camp walk around topless all the time, I don't really see what the big deal is.</state>
                 <state img="3-humble.png" marker="hotsprings">This reminds me of the time I <i>accidentally</i> walked into the guys' hot springs...</state>
@@ -2324,10 +2279,10 @@
                 <state img="3-calm.png">Well, ~name~, what's it going to be?</state>
                 <state img="3-happy.png">Ohh what are you going to take off?</state>
-            <case notSaidMarker="arco" priority="0" tag="male_must_strip">
+            <case tag="male_must_strip" notSaidMarker="arco" priority="0">
                 <state img="3-apology.png" marker="arco">I'm sorry you had to sit through me taking that thing off... Please do it quickly okay?</state>
-            <case notSaidMarker="warminhere" priority="0" tag="male_must_strip">
+            <case tag="male_must_strip" notSaidMarker="warminhere" priority="0">
                 <state img="3-humble.png" marker="warminhere">It's getting pretty hot in here don't you think?</state>
             <case tag="male_must_strip" target="corrin_m" targetStage="0">
@@ -2360,13 +2315,13 @@
             <case tag="female_must_masturbate" target="streaming-chan">
                 <state img="3-shock.png">Wait, what are you doing? Why are you...</state>
-            <case notSaidMarker="surmas" tag="female_must_masturbate" totalRounds="0-12">
+            <case tag="female_must_masturbate" notSaidMarker="surmas" totalRounds="0-12">
                 <state img="3-shock.png" marker="surmas">She has to do <i>what</i> now? ... I didn't know those were the rules...</state>
             <case tag="male_human_must_strip">
                 <state img="3-calm.png">Well, ~name~, what's it going to be?</state>
-            <case notSaidMarker="warminhere" priority="0" tag="male_human_must_strip">
+            <case tag="male_human_must_strip" notSaidMarker="warminhere" priority="0">
                 <state img="3-humble.png" marker="warminhere">It's getting pretty hot in here don't you think?</state>
             <case tag="male_small_crotch_is_visible">
@@ -2397,8 +2352,6 @@
             <case tag="female_small_chest_is_visible">
                 <state img="3-cheer.png">Nothing to be ashamed of!</state>
                 <state img="3-encourage.png">Don't worry, you look great!</state>
-            </case>
-            <case priority="0" tag="female_small_chest_is_visible">
                 <state img="3-awkward.png" marker="looklikehi">You look like Hi..... No wait, I can't say that...</state>
             <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible">
@@ -2420,10 +2373,10 @@
             <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="launch" targetStage="1">
                 <state img="3-shock.png">L-Launch? W-what happened? Why is your hair blue?</state>
-            <case priority="99" tag="female_removing_accessory" target="launch" targetStage="2">
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="launch" targetStage="2" priority="99">
                 <state img="3-concerned.png">Is there something wrong, Launch? You're acting so different...</state>
-            <case priority="100" tag="female_removing_accessory" target="launch" targetSaidMarker="yellow" targetStage="2">
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="launch" targetStage="2" targetSaidMarker="yellow" priority="100">
                 <state img="3-unsure.png" marker="launchsplit">S-so... You have different personalities, right? ... This is certainly... interesting...</state>
             <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="lyn" targetStage="0">
@@ -2450,10 +2403,10 @@
                 <state img="3-shock.png">What! What are you doing!?</state>
                 <state img="3-shock.png">What is going... AHHH!</state>
-            <case priority="99" tag="female_removing_major" target="launch" targetStage="5">
+            <case tag="female_removing_major" target="launch" targetStage="5" priority="99">
                 <state img="3-concerned.png" marker="launchsplit">Y-your hair changed <i>again</i>?</state>
-            <case priority="100" saidMarker="launchsplit" tag="female_removing_major" target="launch" targetStage="5">
+            <case tag="female_removing_major" target="launch" targetStage="5" priority="100" saidMarker="launchsplit">
                 <state img="3-unsure.png">O-oh... You changed again... Does this happen every time you sneeze? That's... weird...</state>
             <case tag="female_removing_major" target="marinette" targetStage="1">
@@ -2487,8 +2440,8 @@
                 <state img="3-awkward.png">So uh, Rinkah... I've noticed something, your breasts look... bigger than the last time I saw you... Are you wearing your bandages differently or...</state>
             <case tag="male_masturbating">
-                <state img="3-awkward.png">I've never...</state>
                 <state img="3-awkward.png">Wow... I...</state>
+                <state img="3-awkward.png">I've never...</state>
                 <state img="3-unsure.png">I wonder... What are you thinking about...</state>
                 <state img="3-horny.png">You'd make a good warrior...</state>
@@ -2502,10 +2455,10 @@
                 <state img="3-unsure.png">You <i>did</i> look good with that on, though.</state>
                 <state img="3-calm.png">Let's keep going!</state>
-            <case alsoPlaying="zone-tan" alsoPlayingSaidMarker="translucent_dildo" notSaidMarker="zttd" tag="female_removed_minor">
+            <case alsoPlaying="zone-tan" tag="female_removed_minor" notSaidMarker="zttd" alsoPlayingSaidMarker="translucent_dildo">
                 <state img="3-awkward.png" marker="zttd">W-wait... T-translucent what now?</state>
-            <case notSaidMarker="haiku" priority="0" tag="female_removed_minor">
+            <case tag="female_removed_minor" notSaidMarker="haiku" priority="0">
                 <state img="3-serene.png" marker="haiku">Not much else to say / Let us continue playing / I'm ready for more! Wait, that's a haiku! I did it!</state>
             <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="aimee" targetStage="2">
@@ -2533,17 +2486,15 @@
             <case tag="good_hand">
                 <state img="3-confident.png">There is no way I will lose this one!</state>
                 <state img="3-confident.png">I am not going to lose this round, are you ready?</state>
+                <state img="3-confident.png" marker="lookatmashirt">I hope you like looking at my shirt, it is not going anywhere for now!</state>
+                <state img="3-humble.png" marker="onefortheteam">Does anyone want to swap cards? I am fine with losing another round but there is no way that is going to happen with these cards, hehe.</state>
-            <case alsoPlaying="launch" alsoPlayingSaidMarker="yellow" alsoPlayingStage="2" alsoPlayingTimeInStage="0-1" notSaidMarker="odin" tag="good_hand">
+            <case alsoPlaying="launch" alsoPlayingStage="2" tag="good_hand" notSaidMarker="odin" alsoPlayingTimeInStage="0-1" alsoPlayingSaidMarker="yellow">
                 <state img="3-concerned.png" marker="odin">W-wait... other half? Launch, are you saying you have multiple personalities? My friend Odin has told me about someone like this before, but I never believed him...</state>
             <case alsoPlaying="rinkah" alsoPlayingStage="0" tag="good_hand" totalRounds="8">
                 <state img="3-cheer.png" marker="rinkahmiss">Well, Rinkah, at least you're better at this than at hitting enemies. Heehee~</state>
-            <case priority="0" tag="good_hand">
-                <state img="3-confident.png" marker="lookatmashirt">I hope you like looking at my shirt, it is not going anywhere for now!</state>
-                <state img="3-humble.png" marker="onefortheteam">Does anyone want to swap cards? I am fine with losing another round but there is no way that is going to happen with these cards, hehe.</state>
-            </case>
             <case tag="okay_hand">
                 <state img="3-serene.png">This should be good enough.</state>
                 <state img="3-confident.png">I am fine with having risky cards, it keeps things interesting!</state>
@@ -2551,7 +2502,7 @@
                 <state img="3-calm.png">So far so good.</state>
                 <state img="3-confident.png">I can do this!</state>
-            <case alsoPlaying="launch" alsoPlayingSaidMarker="yellow" alsoPlayingStage="2" alsoPlayingTimeInStage="0-1" notSaidMarker="odin" tag="okay_hand">
+            <case alsoPlaying="launch" alsoPlayingStage="2" tag="okay_hand" notSaidMarker="odin" alsoPlayingTimeInStage="0-1" alsoPlayingSaidMarker="yellow">
                 <state img="3-concerned.png" marker="odin">W-wait... other half? Launch, are you saying you have multiple personalities? My friend Odin has told me about someone like this before, but I never believed him...</state>
             <case alsoPlaying="rinkah" alsoPlayingStage="0" tag="okay_hand" totalRounds="8">
@@ -2559,24 +2510,22 @@
             <case tag="swap_cards">
                 <state img="3-calm.png">~cards~ cards please</state>
-                <state img="3-humble.png">~cards~ new cards should be enough.</state>
                 <state img="3-calm.png">I'd like ~cards~ new cards, please.</state>
-                <state img="3-serene.png">I think ~cards~ new cards is the best choice here.</state>
                 <state img="3-calm.png">I'd like to swap these ~cards~ cards!</state>
+                <state img="3-humble.png">~cards~ new cards should be enough.</state>
+                <state img="3-serene.png">I think ~cards~ new cards is the best choice here.</state>
             <case tag="bad_hand">
                 <state img="3-apology.png">I might not need the best cards to win, but it would be nice to have a good hand once in a while...</state>
                 <state img="3-unsure.png">On the bright side, at least none of you will need to strip this round.</state>
+                <state img="3-apology.png" marker="arthur">Is Arthur playing too? I think I have his cards...</state>
-            <case alsoPlaying="launch" alsoPlayingSaidMarker="yellow" alsoPlayingStage="2" alsoPlayingTimeInStage="0-1" notSaidMarker="odin" tag="bad_hand">
+            <case alsoPlaying="launch" alsoPlayingStage="2" tag="bad_hand" notSaidMarker="odin" alsoPlayingTimeInStage="0-1" alsoPlayingSaidMarker="yellow">
                 <state img="3-concerned.png" marker="odin">W-wait... other half? Launch, are you saying you have multiple personalities? My friend Odin has told me about someone like this before, but I never believed him...</state>
             <case alsoPlaying="rinkah" alsoPlayingStage="0" tag="bad_hand" totalRounds="8">
                 <state img="3-unsure.png" marker="rinkahmiss">Well, Rinkah, at least you're better at this than at hitting enemies. Heehee~</state>
-            <case priority="0" tag="bad_hand">
-                <state img="3-apology.png" marker="arthur">Is Arthur playing too? I think I have his cards...</state>
-            </case>
             <case tag="stripped">
                 <state img="3-stripped.png" marker="warminhere">Glad that's done, it's starting to get warm in here.</state>
                 <state img="3-stripped.png">There you go! I don't mind not wearing my armor, it's the taking it off part that sucks the most.</state>
@@ -2590,14 +2539,12 @@
             <case tag="stripping">
                 <state img="3-strip.png">I'll show you some skin this time, I've teased you long enough. Heehee~</state>
-            </case>
-            <case notSaidMarker="warminhere" priority="0" tag="stripping">
-                <state img="3-strip.png" marker="warminhere">Is anyone else feeling warm here? Time to take off my shirt I guess.</state>
-            </case>
-            <case priority="0" tag="stripping">
                 <state img="3-strip.png" marker="necklacestrip">Don't worry, it won't just be my necklace, heehee~</state>
                 <state img="3-strip.png" marker="necklacestrip">Time to take off my shirt, then. I'll add the necklace as well!</state>
+            <case tag="stripping" notSaidMarker="warminhere" priority="0">
+                <state img="3-strip.png" marker="warminhere">Is anyone else feeling warm here? Time to take off my shirt I guess.</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="must_strip_winning">
                 <state img="3-loss.png">I'll be on the losing side soon if I don't watch out!</state>
                 <state img="3-loss.png">I might be ahead but my lead is shrinking by the minute...</state>
@@ -2661,9 +2608,9 @@
                 <state img="4-annoyed.png">Really? You count <i>that</i>? ...</state>
             <case tag="male_medium_crotch_is_visible">
+                <state img="4-horny.png">That looks..... Never mind...</state>
                 <state img="4-happy.png">Victory!</state>
                 <state img="4-horny.png">Oh my...</state>
-                <state img="4-horny.png">That looks..... Never mind...</state>
                 <state img="4-horny.png">You're bringing me all kinds of pleasure right now...</state>
             <case tag="male_medium_crotch_is_visible" target="captain_falcon">
@@ -2672,10 +2619,10 @@
             <case tag="female_removed_major">
                 <state img="4-cheer.png">I'm sure you'll win next time, ~name~, but I can't be beaten right now!</state>
-            <case alsoPlaying="zone-tan" alsoPlayingSaidMarker="zone-tan_deciding" alsoPlayingStage="1" notSaidMarker="ztd" tag="female_removed_major">
+            <case alsoPlaying="zone-tan" alsoPlayingStage="1" tag="female_removed_major" notSaidMarker="ztd" alsoPlayingSaidMarker="zone-tan_deciding">
                 <state img="4-awkward.png" marker="ztd">I-I'm not sure what you're talking about, Zone-tan, but I don't know if I like it...</state>
-            <case alsoPlaying="zone-tan" alsoPlayingSaidMarker="always_naked" notSaidMarker="ztan" tag="female_removed_major">
+            <case alsoPlaying="zone-tan" tag="female_removed_major" notSaidMarker="ztan" alsoPlayingSaidMarker="always_naked">
                 <state img="4-awkward.png" marker="ztan">You know, Zone-tan, that actually sounds pretty nice...</state>
             <case tag="female_removed_major" target="aimee" targetStage="1">
@@ -2708,36 +2655,34 @@
             <case tag="male_large_crotch_is_visible">
                 <state img="4-concerned.png">How'd you keep <i>that</i> hidden from us for so long!?</state>
-            </case>
-            <case priority="0" tag="male_large_crotch_is_visible">
                 <state img="4-concerned.png" marker="cursed">What is <i>that</i>!? Please tell me someone cursed you...</state>
             <case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible">
                 <state img="4-cheer.png">You've come this far, ~name~, don't let us down now!</state>
                 <state img="4-serene.png">Well, we can't all be winners, ~name~.</state>
-            <case alsoPlaying="weiss" tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="neo">
-                <condition count="0" filter="ruby" />
-                <state img="4-concerned.png">N-neo? ... W-Weiss, w-what's going on?</state>
-            </case>
-            <case alsoPlaying="yang" tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="neo">
-                <condition count="1" filter="ruby" />
-                <state img="4-concerned.png">N-neo? ... R-Ruby... Y-Yang... W-what's going on?</state>
-            </case>
-            <case alsoPlaying="blake" tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="neo">
-                <condition count="1" filter="weiss" />
-                <state img="4-concerned.png">N-neo? ... B-Blake... W-Weiss... W-what's going on?</state>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="aimee">
+                <state img="4-shock.png">Seriously!? You've got to be kidding me...</state>
             <case alsoPlaying="blake" tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="neo">
                 <condition count="0" filter="yang" />
                 <state img="4-concerned.png">N-neo? ... B-Blake, w-what's going on?</state>
-            <case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="aimee">
-                <state img="4-shock.png">Seriously!? You've got to be kidding me...</state>
+            <case alsoPlaying="blake" tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="neo">
+                <condition count="1" filter="weiss" />
+                <state img="4-concerned.png">N-neo? ... B-Blake... W-Weiss... W-what's going on?</state>
             <case alsoPlaying="ruby" tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="neo">
                 <state img="4-concerned.png">N-neo? R-ruby? ... W-what's going on?</state>
+            <case alsoPlaying="weiss" tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="neo">
+                <condition count="0" filter="ruby" />
+                <state img="4-concerned.png">N-neo? ... W-Weiss, w-what's going on?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case alsoPlaying="yang" tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="neo">
+                <condition count="1" filter="ruby" />
+                <state img="4-concerned.png">N-neo? ... R-Ruby... Y-Yang... W-what's going on?</state>
+            </case>
             <case alsoPlaying="yang" tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="neo">
                 <state img="4-concerned.png">N-neo? Y-yang? ... W-what's going on?</state>
@@ -2764,13 +2709,13 @@
             <case tag="male_must_masturbate">
                 <state img="4-awkward.png">Well, ~name~... You lost...</state>
-            <case notSaidMarker="forgot" tag="male_must_masturbate">
+            <case tag="male_must_masturbate" notSaidMarker="forgot">
                 <state img="4-happy.png" marker="forgot">Ha! ~name~ lost again! You're out!</state>
             <case tag="male_must_masturbate" target="corrin_m">
                 <state img="4-concerned.png">And now he's going to... This has to be a dream right?</state>
-            <case notSaidMarker="surmas" priority="200" tag="male_must_masturbate" totalRounds="0-12">
+            <case tag="male_must_masturbate" notSaidMarker="surmas" priority="200" totalRounds="0-12">
                 <state img="4-shock.png" marker="surmas">He has to do <i>what</i> now? ... I didn't know those were the rules...</state>
             <case tag="female_masturbating">
@@ -2804,7 +2749,7 @@
             <case tag="female_start_masturbating">
                 <state img="4-awkward.png">So... Yeah...</state>
-            <case notSaidMarker="nomoreforget" saidMarker="forgot" tag="female_start_masturbating">
+            <case tag="female_start_masturbating" notSaidMarker="nomoreforget" saidMarker="forgot">
                 <state img="4-apology.png" marker="nomoreforget">... Oh right, I forgot about this part...</state>
             <case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="hermione">
@@ -2819,7 +2764,7 @@
             <case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="streaming-chan">
                 <state img="4-awkward.png">... You use <i>that</i> thing to masturbate? Well that's... new...</state>
-            <case notSaidMarker="surmas2" priority="200" saidMarker="surmas" tag="female_start_masturbating" totalRounds="0-12">
+            <case tag="female_start_masturbating" notSaidMarker="surmas2" priority="200" saidMarker="surmas" totalRounds="0-12">
                 <state img="4-awkward.png" marker="surmas2">I uhm... Don't know what to say...</state>
             <case tag="male_removing_major">
@@ -2853,20 +2798,18 @@
             <case tag="male_start_masturbating">
                 <state img="4-awkward.png">So... Yeah...</state>
-            <case notSaidMarker="nomoreforget" saidMarker="forgot" tag="male_start_masturbating">
+            <case tag="male_start_masturbating" notSaidMarker="nomoreforget" saidMarker="forgot">
                 <state img="4-apology.png" marker="nomoreforget">... Oh right, I forgot about this part...</state>
             <case tag="male_start_masturbating" target="corrin_m">
                 <state img="4-humble.png">... You know what, no. This is too weird to be a dream. I couldn't make this up...</state>
                 <state img="4-unsure.png">This entire situation does sound like something Odin would be capable of doing...</state>
-            <case notSaidMarker="surmas2" priority="200" saidMarker="surmas" tag="male_start_masturbating" totalRounds="0-12">
+            <case tag="male_start_masturbating" notSaidMarker="surmas2" priority="200" saidMarker="surmas" totalRounds="0-12">
                 <state img="4-awkward.png" marker="surmas2">I didn't expect to see <i>this</i> today...</state>
             <case tag="male_chest_is_visible">
                 <state img="4-cheer.png">Eh, not too bad. I'm getting really close to winning, though!</state>
-            </case>
-            <case priority="0" tag="male_chest_is_visible">
                 <state img="4-apology.png" marker="hotsprings">Meh, I've seen better... I <i>may</i> have walked into the guys' hot springs a few times... Always on accident, of course.</state>
             <case tag="male_chest_is_visible" target="captain_falcon">
@@ -2921,7 +2864,7 @@
             <case tag="female_must_masturbate">
                 <state img="4-awkward.png">Well, ~name~... You lost...</state>
-            <case notSaidMarker="forgot" tag="female_must_masturbate">
+            <case tag="female_must_masturbate" notSaidMarker="forgot">
                 <state img="4-happy.png" marker="forgot">Ha! ~name~ lost again! You're out!</state>
             <case tag="female_must_masturbate" target="palutena">
@@ -2930,7 +2873,7 @@
             <case tag="female_must_masturbate" target="streaming-chan">
                 <state img="4-shock.png">Wait, what are you doing? Why are you...</state>
-            <case notSaidMarker="surmas" priority="200" tag="female_must_masturbate" totalRounds="0-12">
+            <case tag="female_must_masturbate" notSaidMarker="surmas" priority="200" totalRounds="0-12">
                 <state img="4-shock.png" marker="surmas">She has to do <i>what</i> now? ... I didn't know those were the rules...</state>
             <case tag="male_human_must_strip">
@@ -2980,10 +2923,10 @@
             <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="launch" targetStage="1">
                 <state img="4-shock.png">L-Launch? W-what happened? Why is your hair blue?</state>
-            <case priority="99" tag="female_removing_accessory" target="launch" targetStage="2">
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="launch" targetStage="2" priority="99">
                 <state img="4-concerned.png">Is there something wrong, Launch? You're acting so different...</state>
-            <case priority="100" tag="female_removing_accessory" target="launch" targetSaidMarker="yellow" targetStage="2">
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="launch" targetStage="2" targetSaidMarker="yellow" priority="100">
                 <state img="4-unsure.png" marker="launchsplit">S-so... You have different personalities, right? ... This is certainly... interesting...</state>
             <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="palutena" targetStage="3">
@@ -3000,10 +2943,10 @@
                 <state img="4-shock.png">What! What are you doing!?</state>
                 <state img="4-shock.png">What is going... AHHH!</state>
-            <case priority="99" tag="female_removing_major" target="launch" targetStage="5">
+            <case tag="female_removing_major" target="launch" targetStage="5" priority="99">
                 <state img="4-concerned.png" marker="launchsplit">Y-your hair changed <i>again</i>?</state>
-            <case priority="100" saidMarker="launchsplit" tag="female_removing_major" target="launch" targetStage="5">
+            <case tag="female_removing_major" target="launch" targetStage="5" priority="100" saidMarker="launchsplit">
                 <state img="4-unsure.png">O-oh... You changed again... Does this happen every time you sneeze? That's... weird...</state>
             <case tag="female_removing_major" target="marinette" targetStage="1">
@@ -3050,7 +2993,7 @@
             <case tag="female_removed_minor">
                 <state img="4-humble.png">I wonder how much more you have left... Can't be much, right?</state>
-            <case alsoPlaying="zone-tan" alsoPlayingSaidMarker="translucent_dildo" notSaidMarker="zttd" tag="female_removed_minor">
+            <case alsoPlaying="zone-tan" tag="female_removed_minor" notSaidMarker="zttd" alsoPlayingSaidMarker="translucent_dildo">
                 <state img="4-awkward.png" marker="zttd">W-wait... T-translucent what now?</state>
             <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="aimee" targetStage="2">
@@ -3081,16 +3024,16 @@
                 <state img="4-serene.png">My cards are good, my mood is good, all is good.</state>
                 <state img="4-confident.png">I make my own fate!</state>
-            <case alsoPlaying="launch" alsoPlayingSaidMarker="yellow" alsoPlayingStage="2" alsoPlayingTimeInStage="0-1" notSaidMarker="odin" tag="good_hand">
+            <case alsoPlaying="launch" alsoPlayingStage="2" tag="good_hand" notSaidMarker="odin" alsoPlayingTimeInStage="0-1" alsoPlayingSaidMarker="yellow">
                 <state img="4-concerned.png" marker="odin">W-wait... other half? Launch, are you saying you have multiple personalities? My friend Odin has told me about someone like this before, but I never believed him...</state>
             <case alsoPlaying="rinkah" alsoPlayingStage="0" tag="good_hand" totalRounds="8">
                 <state img="4-cheer.png" marker="rinkahmiss">Well, Rinkah, at least you're better at this than at hitting enemies. Heehee~</state>
-            <case notSaidMarker="anankos" priority="0" tag="good_hand">
+            <case tag="good_hand" notSaidMarker="anankos" priority="0">
                 <state img="4-happy.png" marker="anankos">These cards were chosen by Anankos himself!</state>
-            <case notSaidMarker="mirror" priority="0" tag="good_hand">
+            <case tag="good_hand" notSaidMarker="mirror" priority="0">
                 <state img="4-mirror.png" marker="mirror">It's just like looking in a mirror!</state>
             <case tag="okay_hand">
@@ -3099,17 +3042,17 @@
                 <state img="4-confident.png">The cards are in my favor!</state>
                 <state img="4-confident.png">This is gonna work.</state>
-            <case alsoPlaying="launch" alsoPlayingSaidMarker="yellow" alsoPlayingStage="2" alsoPlayingTimeInStage="0-1" notSaidMarker="odin" tag="okay_hand">
+            <case alsoPlaying="launch" alsoPlayingStage="2" tag="okay_hand" notSaidMarker="odin" alsoPlayingTimeInStage="0-1" alsoPlayingSaidMarker="yellow">
                 <state img="4-concerned.png" marker="odin">W-wait... other half? Launch, are you saying you have multiple personalities? My friend Odin has told me about someone like this before, but I never believed him...</state>
             <case alsoPlaying="rinkah" alsoPlayingStage="0" tag="okay_hand" totalRounds="8">
                 <state img="4-serene.png" marker="rinkahmiss">Well, Rinkah, at least you're better at this than at hitting enemies. Heehee~</state>
             <case tag="swap_cards">
-                <state img="4-confident.png">~cards~ cards please, let's go!</state>
                 <state img="4-humble.png">~cards~ new cards should be enough.</state>
-                <state img="4-confident.png">Give me ~cards~ new cards!</state>
                 <state img="4-serene.png">I think ~cards~ new cards is the best choice here.</state>
+                <state img="4-confident.png">~cards~ cards please, let's go!</state>
+                <state img="4-confident.png">Give me ~cards~ new cards!</state>
                 <state img="4-serene.png">I'll swap these ~cards~.</state>
             <case tag="bad_hand">
@@ -3118,7 +3061,7 @@
                 <state img="4-annoyed.png">My cards are about as good as Gunter's growth rates.</state>
                 <state img="4-unsure.png">I could use a Goddess Icon right now.</state>
-            <case alsoPlaying="launch" alsoPlayingSaidMarker="yellow" alsoPlayingStage="2" alsoPlayingTimeInStage="0-1" notSaidMarker="odin" tag="bad_hand">
+            <case alsoPlaying="launch" alsoPlayingStage="2" tag="bad_hand" notSaidMarker="odin" alsoPlayingTimeInStage="0-1" alsoPlayingSaidMarker="yellow">
                 <state img="4-concerned.png" marker="odin">W-wait... other half? Launch, are you saying you have multiple personalities? My friend Odin has told me about someone like this before, but I never believed him...</state>
             <case alsoPlaying="rinkah" alsoPlayingStage="0" tag="bad_hand" totalRounds="8">
@@ -3129,13 +3072,13 @@
                 <state img="4-stripped.png">The game can continue!</state>
                 <state img="4-stripped.png">Done, now time for me to win this!</state>
-            <case alsoPlaying="shantae" alsoPlayingStage="4-6" notSaidMarker="shantaereply" tag="stripped">
+            <case alsoPlaying="shantae" alsoPlayingStage="4-6" tag="stripped" notSaidMarker="shantaereply">
                 <state img="4-loss.png" marker="shantaereply">Uhm... About that... Azura is... Nevermind, thanks for the offer, Shantae!</state>
-            <case alsoPlaying="zone-tan" alsoPlayingSaidMarker="zone-tan_deciding" alsoPlayingStage="1" notSaidMarker="ztd" tag="stripped">
+            <case alsoPlaying="zone-tan" alsoPlayingStage="1" tag="stripped" notSaidMarker="ztd" alsoPlayingSaidMarker="zone-tan_deciding">
                 <state img="4-awkward.png" marker="ztd">I-I'm not sure what you're talking about, Zone-tan, but I don't know if I like it...</state>
-            <case saidMarker="necklacestrip" tag="stripped">
+            <case tag="stripped" saidMarker="necklacestrip">
                 <state img="4-unsure.png">Be careful with it, please. I really need that stone.</state>
                 <state img="4-unsure.png">Be careful with it, though. It's kind of special to me...</state>
@@ -3226,10 +3169,10 @@
                 <state img="5-cheer.png">I might still have a chance!</state>
                 <state img="5-encourage.png">I'm not going to give up and you shouldn't either, we're so close!</state>
-            <case alsoPlaying="zone-tan" alsoPlayingSaidMarker="zone-tan_deciding" alsoPlayingStage="1" notSaidMarker="ztd" tag="female_removed_major">
+            <case alsoPlaying="zone-tan" alsoPlayingStage="1" tag="female_removed_major" notSaidMarker="ztd" alsoPlayingSaidMarker="zone-tan_deciding">
                 <state img="5-awkward.png" marker="ztd">I-I'm not sure what you're talking about, Zone-tan, but I don't know if I like it...</state>
-            <case alsoPlaying="zone-tan" alsoPlayingSaidMarker="always_naked" notSaidMarker="ztan" tag="female_removed_major">
+            <case alsoPlaying="zone-tan" tag="female_removed_major" notSaidMarker="ztan" alsoPlayingSaidMarker="always_naked">
                 <state img="5-awkward.png" marker="ztan">You know, Zone-tan, that actually sounds pretty nice...</state>
             <case tag="female_removed_major" target="aimee" targetStage="1">
@@ -3260,37 +3203,35 @@
             <case tag="female_removed_major" target="rinkah" targetStage="4">
                 <state img="5-unsure.png">Uh, Rinkah. We can see your...</state>
-            <case tag="male_large_crotch_is_visible">
-                <state img="5-concerned.png">I can't imagine ... <i>that</i> being pleasant for anyone involved...</state>
-            </case>
-            <case priority="0" tag="male_large_crotch_is_visible">
+            <case tag="male_large_crotch_is_visible" priority="0">
                 <state img="5-concerned.png" marker="cursed">What is <i>that</i>!? Please tell me someone cursed you...</state>
+                <state img="5-concerned.png">I can't imagine ... <i>that</i> being pleasant for anyone involved...</state>
             <case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible">
                 <state img="5-apology.png">Sorry, ~name~, this had to happen.</state>
-            <case alsoPlaying="weiss" tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="neo">
-                <condition count="0" filter="ruby" />
-                <state img="5-concerned.png">N-neo? ... W-Weiss, w-what's going on?</state>
-            </case>
-            <case alsoPlaying="yang" tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="neo">
-                <condition count="1" filter="ruby" />
-                <state img="5-concerned.png">N-neo? ... R-Ruby... Y-Yang... W-what's going on?</state>
-            </case>
-            <case alsoPlaying="blake" tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="neo">
-                <condition count="1" filter="weiss" />
-                <state img="5-concerned.png">N-neo? ... B-Blake... W-Weiss... W-what's going on?</state>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="aimee">
+                <state img="5-shock.png">Seriously!? You've got to be kidding me...</state>
             <case alsoPlaying="blake" tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="neo">
                 <condition count="0" filter="yang" />
                 <state img="5-concerned.png">N-neo? ... B-Blake, w-what's going on?</state>
-            <case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="aimee">
-                <state img="5-shock.png">Seriously!? You've got to be kidding me...</state>
+            <case alsoPlaying="blake" tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="neo">
+                <condition count="1" filter="weiss" />
+                <state img="5-concerned.png">N-neo? ... B-Blake... W-Weiss... W-what's going on?</state>
             <case alsoPlaying="ruby" tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="neo">
                 <state img="5-concerned.png">N-neo? R-ruby? ... W-what's going on?</state>
+            <case alsoPlaying="weiss" tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="neo">
+                <condition count="0" filter="ruby" />
+                <state img="5-concerned.png">N-neo? ... W-Weiss, w-what's going on?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case alsoPlaying="yang" tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="neo">
+                <condition count="1" filter="ruby" />
+                <state img="5-concerned.png">N-neo? ... R-Ruby... Y-Yang... W-what's going on?</state>
+            </case>
             <case alsoPlaying="yang" tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="neo">
                 <state img="5-concerned.png">N-neo? Y-yang? ... W-what's going on?</state>
@@ -3318,13 +3259,13 @@
             <case tag="male_must_masturbate" target="corrin_m">
                 <state img="5-concerned.png">And now he's going to... This has to be a dream right?</state>
-            <case notSaidMarker="surmas" tag="male_must_masturbate" totalRounds="0-12">
+            <case tag="male_must_masturbate" notSaidMarker="surmas" totalRounds="0-12">
                 <state img="5-shock.png" marker="surmas">He has to do <i>what</i> now? ... I didn't know those were the rules...</state>
             <case tag="female_masturbating">
-                <state img="5-encourage.png">You look like you're having fun, you're not the only one. Heehee~</state>
                 <state img="5-horny.png">Ohhh, I'm getting distracted...</state>
                 <state img="5-horny.png">Maybe losing isn't that bad either...</state>
+                <state img="5-encourage.png">You look like you're having fun, you're not the only one. Heehee~</state>
                 <state img="5-awkward.png">I'm beginning to understand what Soleil was talking about...</state>
             <case tag="female_masturbating" target="hermione">
@@ -3366,7 +3307,7 @@
             <case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="streaming-chan">
                 <state img="5-awkward.png">... You use <i>that</i> thing to masturbate? Well that's... new...</state>
-            <case notSaidMarker="surmas2" saidMarker="surmas" tag="female_start_masturbating" totalRounds="0-12">
+            <case tag="female_start_masturbating" notSaidMarker="surmas2" saidMarker="surmas" totalRounds="0-12">
                 <state img="5-awkward.png" marker="surmas2">I uhm... Don't know what to say...</state>
             <case tag="male_removing_major">
@@ -3404,16 +3345,14 @@
                 <state img="5-humble.png">... You know what, no. This is too weird to be a dream. I couldn't make this up...</state>
                 <state img="5-unsure.png">This entire situation does sound like something Odin would be capable of doing...</state>
-            <case notSaidMarker="surmas2" saidMarker="surmas" tag="male_start_masturbating" totalRounds="0-12">
+            <case tag="male_start_masturbating" notSaidMarker="surmas2" saidMarker="surmas" totalRounds="0-12">
                 <state img="5-awkward.png" marker="surmas2">I didn't expect to see <i>this</i> today...</state>
-            <case tag="male_chest_is_visible">
+            <case tag="male_chest_is_visible" priority="0">
+                <state img="5-apology.png" marker="hotsprings">Meh, I've seen better... I <i>may</i> have walked into the guys' hot springs a few times... Always on accident, of course.</state>
                 <state img="5-cheer.png">I might still have a chance!</state>
                 <state img="5-humble.png">To be honest, I didn't like that piece anyway. You look much better like this!</state>
-            <case priority="0" tag="male_chest_is_visible">
-                <state img="5-apology.png" marker="hotsprings">Meh, I've seen better... I <i>may</i> have walked into the guys' hot springs a few times... Always on accident, of course.</state>
-            </case>
             <case tag="male_chest_is_visible" target="captain_falcon">
                 <state img="5-horny.png">Oh Captain...</state>
@@ -3425,8 +3364,6 @@
             <case tag="female_large_chest_is_visible">
                 <state img="5-concerned.png">Those must be so impractical for... Well, everything.</state>
-            </case>
-            <case priority="0" tag="female_large_chest_is_visible">
                 <state img="5-concerned.png" marker="backcare">Oh dear, that looks painful...</state>
             <case tag="female_large_chest_is_visible" target="palutena">
@@ -3475,12 +3412,12 @@
             <case tag="female_must_masturbate" target="streaming-chan">
                 <state img="5-shock.png">Wait, what are you doing? Why are you...</state>
-            <case notSaidMarker="surmas" tag="female_must_masturbate" totalRounds="0-12">
+            <case tag="female_must_masturbate" notSaidMarker="surmas" totalRounds="0-12">
                 <state img="5-shock.png" marker="surmas">She has to do <i>what</i> now? ... I didn't know those were the rules...</state>
             <case tag="male_human_must_strip">
-                <state img="5-encourage.png">Please take off something big, ~name~.</state>
                 <state img="5-calm.png">Ohh what are you going to take off?</state>
+                <state img="5-encourage.png">Please take off something big, ~name~.</state>
                 <state img="5-humble.png">My confidence might have taken a hit but at least my skills haven't!</state>
             <case tag="male_small_crotch_is_visible">
@@ -3528,10 +3465,10 @@
             <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="launch" targetStage="1">
                 <state img="5-shock.png">L-Launch? W-what happened? Why is your hair blue?</state>
-            <case priority="99" tag="female_removing_accessory" target="launch" targetStage="2">
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="launch" targetStage="2" priority="99">
                 <state img="5-concerned.png">Is there something wrong, Launch? You're acting so different...</state>
-            <case priority="100" tag="female_removing_accessory" target="launch" targetSaidMarker="yellow" targetStage="2">
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="launch" targetStage="2" targetSaidMarker="yellow" priority="100">
                 <state img="5-unsure.png" marker="launchsplit">S-so... You have different personalities, right? ... This is certainly... interesting...</state>
             <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="palutena" targetStage="3">
@@ -3548,16 +3485,16 @@
                 <state img="5-shock.png">What! What are you doing!?</state>
                 <state img="5-shock.png">What is going... AHHH!</state>
-            <case priority="99" tag="female_removing_major" target="launch" targetStage="5">
+            <case tag="female_removing_major" target="launch" targetStage="5" priority="99">
                 <state img="5-concerned.png" marker="launchsplit">Y-your hair changed <i>again</i>?</state>
-            <case priority="100" saidMarker="launchsplit" tag="female_removing_major" target="launch" targetStage="5">
+            <case tag="female_removing_major" target="launch" targetStage="5" priority="100" saidMarker="launchsplit">
                 <state img="5-unsure.png">O-oh... You changed again... Does this happen every time you sneeze? That's... weird...</state>
             <case tag="female_removing_major" target="marinette" targetStage="1">
                 <state img="5-concerned.png">Uhh, what is happening? Are you okay there, Marinette?</state>
-            <case priority="0" tag="female_removing_major" totalExposed="0">
+            <case tag="female_removing_major" totalExposed="0" priority="0">
                 <state img="5-concerned.png">At least I'm not the only one who's lost this much stuff...</state>
             <case tag="male_removing_minor">
@@ -3606,7 +3543,7 @@
                 <state img="5-concerned.png">That still counts as a single item at this point?</state>
                 <state img="5-unsure.png">At least you are doing well for yourself...</state>
-            <case alsoPlaying="zone-tan" alsoPlayingSaidMarker="translucent_dildo" notSaidMarker="zttd" tag="female_removed_minor">
+            <case alsoPlaying="zone-tan" tag="female_removed_minor" notSaidMarker="zttd" alsoPlayingSaidMarker="translucent_dildo">
                 <state img="5-awkward.png" marker="zttd">W-wait... T-translucent what now?</state>
             <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="aimee" targetStage="2">
@@ -3638,7 +3575,7 @@
                 <state img="5-happy.png">These cards are fantastic!</state>
                 <state img="5-confident.png">I've got this!</state>
-            <case alsoPlaying="launch" alsoPlayingSaidMarker="yellow" alsoPlayingStage="2" alsoPlayingTimeInStage="0-1" notSaidMarker="odin" tag="good_hand">
+            <case alsoPlaying="launch" alsoPlayingStage="2" tag="good_hand" notSaidMarker="odin" alsoPlayingTimeInStage="0-1" alsoPlayingSaidMarker="yellow">
                 <state img="5-concerned.png" marker="odin">W-wait... other half? Launch, are you saying you have multiple personalities? My friend Odin has told me about someone like this before, but I never believed him...</state>
             <case tag="okay_hand">
@@ -3646,28 +3583,28 @@
                 <state img="5-unsure.png">I guess these are fine, but it's starting to get close here.</state>
                 <state img="5-humble.png">It's getting kinda hot in here... Although that isn't necessarily a bad thing!</state>
-            <case alsoPlaying="launch" alsoPlayingSaidMarker="yellow" alsoPlayingStage="2" alsoPlayingTimeInStage="0-1" notSaidMarker="odin" tag="okay_hand">
+            <case alsoPlaying="launch" alsoPlayingStage="2" tag="okay_hand" notSaidMarker="odin" alsoPlayingTimeInStage="0-1" alsoPlayingSaidMarker="yellow">
                 <state img="5-concerned.png" marker="odin">W-wait... other half? Launch, are you saying you have multiple personalities? My friend Odin has told me about someone like this before, but I never believed him...</state>
             <case tag="swap_cards">
                 <state img="5-calm.png">~cards~ cards please</state>
-                <state img="5-humble.png">~cards~ new cards should be enough.</state>
                 <state img="5-calm.png">I'd like ~cards~ new cards, please.</state>
-                <state img="5-confident.png">I think ~cards~ new cards is the best choice here.</state>
                 <state img="5-calm.png">I'd like to swap these ~cards~ cards!</state>
+                <state img="5-humble.png">~cards~ new cards should be enough.</state>
+                <state img="5-confident.png">I think ~cards~ new cards is the best choice here.</state>
             <case tag="bad_hand">
                 <state img="5-unsure.png">This is not... bad, not bad.</state>
                 <state img="5-disappointed.png">*<i>Sigh</i>* Well, this is happening...</state>
                 <state img="5-unsure.png">All these years of making Leo go easy on me might have made me bad at games...</state>
-            <case alsoPlaying="launch" alsoPlayingSaidMarker="yellow" alsoPlayingStage="2" alsoPlayingTimeInStage="0-1" notSaidMarker="odin" tag="bad_hand">
+            <case alsoPlaying="launch" alsoPlayingStage="2" tag="bad_hand" notSaidMarker="odin" alsoPlayingTimeInStage="0-1" alsoPlayingSaidMarker="yellow">
                 <state img="5-concerned.png" marker="odin">W-wait... other half? Launch, are you saying you have multiple personalities? My friend Odin has told me about someone like this before, but I never believed him...</state>
-            <case alsoPlaying="zone-tan" alsoPlayingSaidMarker="poker_strats" notSaidMarker="ztps" tag="bad_hand">
+            <case alsoPlaying="zone-tan" tag="bad_hand" notSaidMarker="ztps" alsoPlayingSaidMarker="poker_strats">
                 <state img="5-disappointed.png" marker="ztps">Say, Zone-tan... Didn't you say something about poker strategies earlier? Can you teach me? I'm hopeless...</state>
-            <case notSaidMarker="anankos" priority="0" tag="bad_hand">
+            <case tag="bad_hand" notSaidMarker="anankos" priority="0">
                 <state img="5-apology.png" marker="anankos">These cards seem to have been chosen by Anankos himself...</state>
             <case tag="stripped">
@@ -3675,10 +3612,10 @@
                 <state img="5-confident.png">Anyway, it's time for me to focus!</state>
                 <state img="5-disappointed.png">What are you staring for? Not like my panties were hidden exactly...</state>
-            <case alsoPlaying="shantae" alsoPlayingStage="4-6" notSaidMarker="shantaereply" tag="stripped">
+            <case alsoPlaying="shantae" alsoPlayingStage="4-6" tag="stripped" notSaidMarker="shantaereply">
                 <state img="5-disappointed.png" marker="shantaereply">Uhm... About that... Azura is... Nevermind, thanks for the offer, Shantae!</state>
-            <case alsoPlaying="zone-tan" alsoPlayingSaidMarker="zone-tan_deciding" alsoPlayingStage="1" notSaidMarker="ztd" tag="stripped">
+            <case alsoPlaying="zone-tan" alsoPlayingStage="1" tag="stripped" notSaidMarker="ztd" alsoPlayingSaidMarker="zone-tan_deciding">
                 <state img="5-awkward.png" marker="ztd">I-I'm not sure what you're talking about, Zone-tan, but I don't know if I like it...</state>
             <case tag="must_strip_normal">
@@ -3744,7 +3681,7 @@
             <case alsoPlaying="zelda" tag="male_chest_will_be_visible" target="link">
                 <state img="6-shock.png">Link? You can talk? Why did you never say anything at the meetings? Did you know anything about this, Zelda?</state>
-            <case priority="0" tag="male_chest_will_be_visible" totalExposed="0">
+            <case tag="male_chest_will_be_visible" totalExposed="0" priority="0">
                 <state img="6-humble.png">At least I'm not the only one who's this close to losing!</state>
             <case tag="female_removing_minor">
@@ -3775,10 +3712,10 @@
                 <state img="6-confident.png">Good, now let's continue! I won't give up!</state>
                 <state img="6-humble.png">I can feel the tension, this is actually pretty exciting!</state>
-            <case alsoPlaying="zone-tan" alsoPlayingSaidMarker="zone-tan_deciding" alsoPlayingStage="1" notSaidMarker="ztd" tag="female_removed_major">
+            <case alsoPlaying="zone-tan" alsoPlayingStage="1" tag="female_removed_major" notSaidMarker="ztd" alsoPlayingSaidMarker="zone-tan_deciding">
                 <state img="6-awkward.png" marker="ztd">I-I'm not sure what you're talking about, Zone-tan, but I don't know if I like it...</state>
-            <case alsoPlaying="zone-tan" alsoPlayingSaidMarker="always_naked" notSaidMarker="ztan" tag="female_removed_major">
+            <case alsoPlaying="zone-tan" tag="female_removed_major" notSaidMarker="ztan" alsoPlayingSaidMarker="always_naked">
                 <state img="6-awkward.png" marker="ztan">You know, Zone-tan, that actually sounds pretty nice...</state>
             <case tag="female_removed_major" target="aimee" targetStage="1">
@@ -3809,22 +3746,15 @@
             <case tag="female_removed_major" target="rinkah" targetStage="4">
                 <state img="6-unsure.png">Uh, Rinkah. We can see your...</state>
-            <case tag="male_large_crotch_is_visible">
-                <state img="6-concerned.png">I can't imagine ... <i>that</i> being pleasant for anyone involved...</state>
-            </case>
-            <case priority="0" tag="male_large_crotch_is_visible">
+            <case tag="male_large_crotch_is_visible" priority="0">
                 <state img="6-concerned.png" marker="cursed">What is <i>that</i>!? Please tell me someone cursed you...</state>
+                <state img="6-concerned.png">I can't imagine ... <i>that</i> being pleasant for anyone involved...</state>
             <case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible">
                 <state img="6-awkward.png">Ehm, we can swap places if you want. I don't really mind...</state>
-            <case alsoPlaying="weiss" tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="neo">
-                <condition count="0" filter="ruby" />
-                <state img="6-concerned.png">N-neo? ... W-Weiss, w-what's going on?</state>
-            </case>
-            <case alsoPlaying="yang" tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="neo">
-                <condition count="1" filter="ruby" />
-                <state img="6-concerned.png">N-neo? ... R-Ruby... Y-Yang... W-what's going on?</state>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="aimee">
+                <state img="6-shock.png">Seriously!? You've got to be kidding me...</state>
             <case alsoPlaying="blake" tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="neo">
                 <condition count="1" filter="weiss" />
@@ -3834,12 +3764,17 @@
                 <condition count="0" filter="yang" />
                 <state img="6-concerned.png">N-neo? ... B-Blake, w-what's going on?</state>
-            <case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="aimee">
-                <state img="6-shock.png">Seriously!? You've got to be kidding me...</state>
-            </case>
             <case alsoPlaying="ruby" tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="neo">
                 <state img="6-concerned.png">N-neo? R-ruby? ... W-what's going on?</state>
+            <case alsoPlaying="weiss" tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="neo">
+                <condition count="0" filter="ruby" />
+                <state img="6-concerned.png">N-neo? ... W-Weiss, w-what's going on?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case alsoPlaying="yang" tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="neo">
+                <condition count="1" filter="ruby" />
+                <state img="6-concerned.png">N-neo? ... R-Ruby... Y-Yang... W-what's going on?</state>
+            </case>
             <case alsoPlaying="yang" tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="neo">
                 <state img="6-concerned.png">N-neo? Y-yang? ... W-what's going on?</state>
@@ -3868,7 +3803,7 @@
             <case tag="male_must_masturbate" target="corrin_m">
                 <state img="6-concerned.png">And now he's going to... This has to be a dream right?</state>
-            <case notSaidMarker="surmas" priority="200" tag="male_must_masturbate" totalRounds="0-12">
+            <case tag="male_must_masturbate" notSaidMarker="surmas" priority="200" totalRounds="0-12">
                 <state img="6-shock.png" marker="surmas">He has to do <i>what</i> now? ... I didn't know those were the rules...</state>
             <case tag="female_masturbating">
@@ -3916,7 +3851,7 @@
             <case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="streaming-chan">
                 <state img="6-awkward.png">... You use <i>that</i> thing to masturbate? Well that's... new...</state>
-            <case notSaidMarker="surmas2" saidMarker="surmas" tag="female_start_masturbating" totalRounds="0-12">
+            <case tag="female_start_masturbating" notSaidMarker="surmas2" saidMarker="surmas" totalRounds="0-12">
                 <state img="6-awkward.png" marker="surmas2">I uhm... Don't know what to say...</state>
             <case tag="male_removing_major">
@@ -3926,7 +3861,7 @@
             <case tag="male_removing_major" target="corrin_m" targetStage="4">
                 <state img="6-calm.png">Him? Alright, I guess...</state>
-            <case priority="0" tag="male_removing_major" totalExposed="0">
+            <case tag="male_removing_major" totalExposed="0" priority="0">
                 <state img="6-humble.png">At least I'm not the only one who's this close to losing!</state>
             <case tag="female_removed_accessory">
@@ -3958,7 +3893,7 @@
                 <state img="6-humble.png">... You know what, no. This is too weird to be a dream. I couldn't make this up...</state>
                 <state img="6-unsure.png">This entire situation does sound like something Odin would be capable of doing...</state>
-            <case notSaidMarker="surmas2" priority="200" saidMarker="surmas" tag="male_start_masturbating" totalRounds="0-12">
+            <case tag="male_start_masturbating" notSaidMarker="surmas2" priority="200" saidMarker="surmas" totalRounds="0-12">
                 <state img="6-awkward.png" marker="surmas2">I didn't expect to see <i>this</i> today...</state>
             <case tag="male_chest_is_visible">
@@ -3976,8 +3911,6 @@
             <case tag="female_large_chest_is_visible">
                 <state img="6-concerned.png">Those must be so impractical for... Well, everything.</state>
-            </case>
-            <case priority="0" tag="female_large_chest_is_visible">
                 <state img="6-concerned.png" marker="backcare">Oh dear, that looks painful...</state>
             <case tag="female_large_chest_is_visible" target="palutena">
@@ -4025,7 +3958,7 @@
             <case tag="female_must_masturbate" target="streaming-chan">
                 <state img="6-shock.png">Wait, what are you doing? Why are you...</state>
-            <case notSaidMarker="surmas" tag="female_must_masturbate" totalRounds="0-12">
+            <case tag="female_must_masturbate" notSaidMarker="surmas" totalRounds="0-12">
                 <state img="6-shock.png" marker="surmas">She has to do <i>what</i> now? ... I didn't know those were the rules...</state>
             <case tag="male_human_must_strip">
@@ -4033,8 +3966,8 @@
                 <state img="6-calm.png">What are you going to take off?</state>
             <case tag="male_small_crotch_is_visible">
-                <state img="6-awkward.png" marker="sph"><i>Ahem</i> So, ehm... That's as big as it gets?</state>
                 <state img="6-annoyed.png" marker="sph">... That's it? ... No seriously, that's really it? ... Well okay then...</state>
+                <state img="6-awkward.png" marker="sph"><i>Ahem</i> So, ehm... That's as big as it gets?</state>
                 <state img="6-unsure.png" marker="sph">I was hoping for a little bit more to be honest...</state>
             <case tag="male_small_crotch_is_visible" target="corrin_m" targetStage="6">
@@ -4083,10 +4016,10 @@
             <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="launch" targetStage="1">
                 <state img="6-shock.png">L-Launch? W-what happened? Why is your hair blue?</state>
-            <case priority="99" tag="female_removing_accessory" target="launch" targetStage="2">
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="launch" targetStage="2" priority="99">
                 <state img="6-concerned.png">Is there something wrong, Launch? You're acting so different...</state>
-            <case priority="100" tag="female_removing_accessory" target="launch" targetSaidMarker="yellow" targetStage="2">
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="launch" targetStage="2" targetSaidMarker="yellow" priority="100">
                 <state img="6-unsure.png" marker="launchsplit">S-so... You have different personalities, right? ... This is certainly... interesting...</state>
             <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="palutena" targetStage="3">
@@ -4103,16 +4036,16 @@
                 <state img="6-shock.png">What! What are you doing!?</state>
                 <state img="6-shock.png">What is going... AHHH!</state>
-            <case priority="99" tag="female_removing_major" target="launch" targetStage="5">
+            <case tag="female_removing_major" target="launch" targetStage="5" priority="99">
                 <state img="6-concerned.png" marker="launchsplit">Y-your hair changed <i>again</i>?</state>
-            <case priority="100" saidMarker="launchsplit" tag="female_removing_major" target="launch" targetStage="5">
+            <case tag="female_removing_major" target="launch" targetStage="5" priority="100" saidMarker="launchsplit">
                 <state img="6-unsure.png">O-oh... You changed again... Does this happen every time you sneeze? That's... weird...</state>
             <case tag="female_removing_major" target="marinette" targetStage="1">
                 <state img="6-concerned.png">Uhh, what is happening? Are you okay there, Marinette?</state>
-            <case priority="0" tag="female_removing_major" totalExposed="0">
+            <case tag="female_removing_major" totalExposed="0" priority="0">
                 <state img="6-humble.png">At least I'm not the only one who's this close to losing!</state>
             <case tag="male_removing_minor">
@@ -4149,14 +4082,14 @@
                 <state img="6-horny.png">You know, maybe I could... Never mind.</state>
             <case tag="male_masturbating" target="corrin_m">
+                <state img="6-awkward.png">Oh gods... I can almost feel it as well...</state>
                 <state img="6-help.png" marker="chrltpose">Hey, uh... Do you know someone called Charlotte? What do you think of this pose?</state>
                 <state img="6-horny.png">I wonder what it feels like for guys...</state>
-                <state img="6-awkward.png">Oh gods... I can almost feel it as well...</state>
             <case tag="female_removed_minor">
                 <state img="6-disappointed.png">That's kind of a buzzkill...</state>
-            <case alsoPlaying="zone-tan" alsoPlayingSaidMarker="translucent_dildo" notSaidMarker="zttd" tag="female_removed_minor">
+            <case alsoPlaying="zone-tan" tag="female_removed_minor" notSaidMarker="zttd" alsoPlayingSaidMarker="translucent_dildo">
                 <state img="6-awkward.png" marker="zttd">W-wait... T-translucent what now?</state>
             <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="aimee" targetStage="2">
@@ -4188,7 +4121,7 @@
                 <state img="6-happy.png">Better late than never!</state>
                 <state img="6-humble.png">I could have used these cards a few turns ago...</state>
-            <case alsoPlaying="launch" alsoPlayingSaidMarker="yellow" alsoPlayingStage="2" alsoPlayingTimeInStage="0-1" notSaidMarker="odin" tag="good_hand">
+            <case alsoPlaying="launch" alsoPlayingStage="2" tag="good_hand" notSaidMarker="odin" alsoPlayingTimeInStage="0-1" alsoPlayingSaidMarker="yellow">
                 <state img="6-concerned.png" marker="odin">W-wait... other half? Launch, are you saying you have multiple personalities? My friend Odin has told me about someone like this before, but I never believed him...</state>
             <case tag="okay_hand">
@@ -4196,15 +4129,15 @@
                 <state img="6-serene.png">I'm not even going to look, so now the outcome will be a surprise to both of us!</state>
                 <state img="6-disappointed.png">These cards look bad... Looks can be deceiving right?</state>
-            <case alsoPlaying="launch" alsoPlayingSaidMarker="yellow" alsoPlayingStage="2" alsoPlayingTimeInStage="0-1" notSaidMarker="odin" tag="okay_hand">
+            <case alsoPlaying="launch" alsoPlayingStage="2" tag="okay_hand" notSaidMarker="odin" alsoPlayingTimeInStage="0-1" alsoPlayingSaidMarker="yellow">
                 <state img="6-concerned.png" marker="odin">W-wait... other half? Launch, are you saying you have multiple personalities? My friend Odin has told me about someone like this before, but I never believed him...</state>
             <case tag="swap_cards">
                 <state img="6-calm.png">~cards~ cards please</state>
-                <state img="6-humble.png">~cards~ new cards should be enough.</state>
                 <state img="6-calm.png">I'd like ~cards~ new cards, please.</state>
-                <state img="6-serene.png">I think ~cards~ new cards is the best choice here.</state>
                 <state img="6-calm.png">I'd like to swap these ~cards~ cards!</state>
+                <state img="6-humble.png">~cards~ new cards should be enough.</state>
+                <state img="6-serene.png">I think ~cards~ new cards is the best choice here.</state>
             <case tag="bad_hand">
                 <state img="6-disappointed.png">These cards mirror my situation... In a bad way...</state>
@@ -4213,10 +4146,10 @@
                 <state img="6-unsure.png">I can't just lose like this... Right?</state>
                 <state img="6-calm.png">Well this isn't perfect but I've had worse...</state>
-            <case alsoPlaying="launch" alsoPlayingSaidMarker="yellow" alsoPlayingStage="2" alsoPlayingTimeInStage="0-1" notSaidMarker="odin" tag="bad_hand">
+            <case alsoPlaying="launch" alsoPlayingStage="2" tag="bad_hand" notSaidMarker="odin" alsoPlayingTimeInStage="0-1" alsoPlayingSaidMarker="yellow">
                 <state img="6-concerned.png" marker="odin">W-wait... other half? Launch, are you saying you have multiple personalities? My friend Odin has told me about someone like this before, but I never believed him...</state>
-            <case alsoPlaying="zone-tan" alsoPlayingSaidMarker="poker_strats" notSaidMarker="ztps" tag="bad_hand">
+            <case alsoPlaying="zone-tan" tag="bad_hand" notSaidMarker="ztps" alsoPlayingSaidMarker="poker_strats">
                 <state img="6-disappointed.png" marker="ztps">Say, Zone-tan... Didn't you say something about poker strategies earlier? Can you teach me? I'm hopeless...</state>
             <case tag="stripped">
@@ -4314,10 +4247,10 @@
             <case tag="female_removed_major">
                 <state img="7-serene.png">Thanks, ~name~.</state>
-            <case alsoPlaying="zone-tan" alsoPlayingSaidMarker="zone-tan_deciding" alsoPlayingStage="1" notSaidMarker="ztd" tag="female_removed_major">
+            <case alsoPlaying="zone-tan" alsoPlayingStage="1" tag="female_removed_major" notSaidMarker="ztd" alsoPlayingSaidMarker="zone-tan_deciding">
                 <state img="7-awkward.png" marker="ztd">I-I'm not sure what you're talking about, Zone-tan, but I don't know if I like it...</state>
-            <case alsoPlaying="zone-tan" alsoPlayingSaidMarker="always_naked" notSaidMarker="ztan" tag="female_removed_major">
+            <case alsoPlaying="zone-tan" tag="female_removed_major" notSaidMarker="ztan" alsoPlayingSaidMarker="always_naked">
                 <state img="7-awkward.png" marker="ztan">You know, Zone-tan, that actually sounds pretty nice...</state>
             <case tag="female_removed_major" target="aimee" targetStage="1">
@@ -4350,20 +4283,13 @@
             <case tag="male_large_crotch_is_visible">
                 <state img="7-concerned.png">What the... At least we're even now I guess?</state>
-            </case>
-            <case priority="0" tag="male_large_crotch_is_visible">
                 <state img="7-concerned.png" marker="cursed">What is <i>that</i>!? Please tell me someone cursed you..</state>
             <case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible">
                 <state img="7-humble.png">It's time for you to join me, ~name~.</state>
-            <case alsoPlaying="weiss" tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="neo">
-                <condition count="0" filter="ruby" />
-                <state img="7-concerned.png">N-neo? ... W-Weiss, w-what's going on?</state>
-            </case>
-            <case alsoPlaying="yang" tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="neo">
-                <condition count="1" filter="ruby" />
-                <state img="7-concerned.png">N-neo? ... R-Ruby... Y-Yang... W-what's going on?</state>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="aimee">
+                <state img="7-shock.png">Seriously!? You've got to be kidding me...</state>
             <case alsoPlaying="blake" tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="neo">
                 <condition count="1" filter="weiss" />
@@ -4373,15 +4299,20 @@
                 <condition count="0" filter="yang" />
                 <state img="7-concerned.png">N-neo? ... B-Blake, w-what's going on?</state>
-            <case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="aimee">
-                <state img="7-shock.png">Seriously!? You've got to be kidding me...</state>
-            </case>
             <case alsoPlaying="ruby" tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="neo">
                 <state img="7-concerned.png">N-neo? R-ruby? ... W-what's going on?</state>
+            <case alsoPlaying="weiss" tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="neo">
+                <condition count="0" filter="ruby" />
+                <state img="7-concerned.png">N-neo? ... W-Weiss, w-what's going on?</state>
+            </case>
             <case alsoPlaying="yang" tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="neo">
                 <state img="7-concerned.png">N-neo? Y-yang? ... W-what's going on?</state>
+            <case alsoPlaying="yang" tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="neo">
+                <condition count="1" filter="ruby" />
+                <state img="7-concerned.png">N-neo? ... R-Ruby... Y-Yang... W-what's going on?</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="male_removed_minor">
                 <state img="7-unsure.png">Whatever, I'll take it.</state>
                 <state img="7-calm.png">At least it's something.</state>
@@ -4409,11 +4340,11 @@
                 <state img="7-apology.png">Aww, it's his turn first?</state>
             <case tag="female_masturbating">
-                <state img="7-horny.png">I'm kinda jealous...</state>
-                <state img="7-horny.png">I'd definitely be okay with losing next...</state>
                 <state img="7-horny.png">Maybe losing isn't that bad either...</state>
                 <state img="7-horny.png">Maybe I should just...</state>
                 <state img="7-cheer.png">Calm down, ~name~, you shouldn't rush this.</state>
+                <state img="7-horny.png">I'm kinda jealous...</state>
+                <state img="7-horny.png">I'd definitely be okay with losing next...</state>
             <case tag="female_masturbating" target="hermione">
                 <state img="7-awkward.png">Well that's one way to do it I suppose...</state>
@@ -4504,8 +4435,6 @@
             <case tag="female_large_chest_is_visible">
                 <state img="7-concerned.png">Those must be so impractical for... Well, everything.</state>
-            </case>
-            <case priority="0" tag="female_large_chest_is_visible">
                 <state img="7-concerned.png" marker="backcare">Oh dear, that looks painful...</state>
             <case tag="female_large_chest_is_visible" target="palutena">
@@ -4559,9 +4488,9 @@
                 <state img="7-humble.png">I'm not doing too well over here, ~name~. Please take off something big.</state>
             <case tag="male_small_crotch_is_visible">
-                <state img="7-awkward.png" marker="sph"><i>Ahem</i> So, ehm... That's as big as it gets?</state>
-                <state img="7-annoyed.png" marker="sph">... That's it? ... No seriously, that's really it? ... Well okay then...</state>
                 <state img="7-apology.png" marker="sph">I was hoping for a little bit more to be honest...</state>
+                <state img="7-annoyed.png" marker="sph">... That's it? ... No seriously, that's really it? ... Well okay then...</state>
+                <state img="7-awkward.png" marker="sph"><i>Ahem</i> So, ehm... That's as big as it gets?</state>
             <case tag="male_small_crotch_is_visible" target="corrin_m" targetStage="6">
                 <state img="7-annoyed.png">Although, I do feel slightly offended... How can my... No, yours... Ugh whatever, how can it be so small?</state>
@@ -4605,10 +4534,10 @@
             <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="launch" targetStage="1">
                 <state img="7-shock.png">L-Launch? W-what happened? Why is your hair blue?</state>
-            <case priority="99" tag="female_removing_accessory" target="launch" targetStage="2">
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="launch" targetStage="2" priority="99">
                 <state img="7-concerned.png">Is there something wrong, Launch? You're acting so different...</state>
-            <case priority="100" tag="female_removing_accessory" target="launch" targetSaidMarker="yellow" targetStage="2">
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="launch" targetStage="2" targetSaidMarker="yellow" priority="100">
                 <state img="7-unsure.png" marker="launchsplit">S-so... You have different personalities, right? ... This is certainly... interesting...</state>
             <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="palutena" targetStage="3">
@@ -4625,10 +4554,10 @@
                 <state img="7-shock.png">What! What are you doing!?</state>
                 <state img="7-shock.png">What is going... AHHH!</state>
-            <case priority="99" tag="female_removing_major" target="launch" targetStage="5">
+            <case tag="female_removing_major" target="launch" targetStage="5" priority="99">
                 <state img="7-concerned.png" marker="launchsplit">Y-your hair changed <i>again</i>?</state>
-            <case priority="100" saidMarker="launchsplit" tag="female_removing_major" target="launch" targetStage="5">
+            <case tag="female_removing_major" target="launch" targetStage="5" priority="100" saidMarker="launchsplit">
                 <state img="7-unsure.png">O-oh... You changed again... Does this happen every time you sneeze? That's... weird...</state>
             <case tag="female_removing_major" target="marinette" targetStage="1">
@@ -4672,7 +4601,7 @@
                 <state img="7-confident.png">Whatever, I can't just give up because it's hard. I gotta keep trying!</state>
                 <state img="7-confident.png">No, I have to keep trying!</state>
-            <case alsoPlaying="zone-tan" alsoPlayingSaidMarker="translucent_dildo" notSaidMarker="zttd" tag="female_removed_minor">
+            <case alsoPlaying="zone-tan" tag="female_removed_minor" notSaidMarker="zttd" alsoPlayingSaidMarker="translucent_dildo">
                 <state img="7-awkward.png" marker="zttd">W-wait... T-translucent what now?</state>
             <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="aimee" targetStage="2">
@@ -4705,7 +4634,7 @@
                 <state img="7-serene.png">Looks like the outcome will be based on luck.</state>
                 <state img="7-confident.png">I may have lost all my clothes, but I haven't lost my confidence!</state>
-            <case alsoPlaying="launch" alsoPlayingSaidMarker="yellow" alsoPlayingStage="2" alsoPlayingTimeInStage="0-1" notSaidMarker="odin" tag="good_hand">
+            <case alsoPlaying="launch" alsoPlayingStage="2" tag="good_hand" notSaidMarker="odin" alsoPlayingTimeInStage="0-1" alsoPlayingSaidMarker="yellow">
                 <state img="7-concerned.png" marker="odin">W-wait... other half? Launch, are you saying you have multiple personalities? My friend Odin has told me about someone like this before, but I never believed him...</state>
             <case tag="okay_hand">
@@ -4715,15 +4644,15 @@
                 <state img="7-calm.png">I may have lost all my clothes, but I haven't lost my confidence... Yet.</state>
                 <state img="7-serene.png">I may have had better but I've also had worse, I am fine with this.</state>
-            <case alsoPlaying="launch" alsoPlayingSaidMarker="yellow" alsoPlayingStage="2" alsoPlayingTimeInStage="0-1" notSaidMarker="odin" tag="okay_hand">
+            <case alsoPlaying="launch" alsoPlayingStage="2" tag="okay_hand" notSaidMarker="odin" alsoPlayingTimeInStage="0-1" alsoPlayingSaidMarker="yellow">
                 <state img="7-concerned.png" marker="odin">W-wait... other half? Launch, are you saying you have multiple personalities? My friend Odin has told me about someone like this before, but I never believed him...</state>
             <case tag="swap_cards">
                 <state img="7-calm.png">~cards~ cards please</state>
-                <state img="7-humble.png">~cards~ new cards should be enough.</state>
                 <state img="7-calm.png">I'd like ~cards~ new cards, please.</state>
-                <state img="7-serene.png">I think ~cards~ new cards is the best choice here.</state>
                 <state img="7-calm.png">I'd like to swap these ~cards~ cards!</state>
+                <state img="7-humble.png">~cards~ new cards should be enough.</state>
+                <state img="7-serene.png">I think ~cards~ new cards is the best choice here.</state>
             <case tag="bad_hand">
                 <state img="7-concerned.png">Ack! ... This is bad...</state>
@@ -4732,7 +4661,7 @@
                 <state img="7-unsure.png">Your cards are worse than mine, right?</state>
                 <state img="7-awkward.png">L+R+Select... Please...</state>
-            <case alsoPlaying="launch" alsoPlayingSaidMarker="yellow" alsoPlayingStage="2" alsoPlayingTimeInStage="0-1" notSaidMarker="odin" tag="bad_hand">
+            <case alsoPlaying="launch" alsoPlayingStage="2" tag="bad_hand" notSaidMarker="odin" alsoPlayingTimeInStage="0-1" alsoPlayingSaidMarker="yellow">
                 <state img="7-concerned.png" marker="odin">W-wait... other half? Launch, are you saying you have multiple personalities? My friend Odin has told me about someone like this before, but I never believed him...</state>
             <case tag="start_masturbating">
@@ -4782,7 +4711,7 @@
             <case alsoPlaying="captain_falcon" tag="must_masturbate_first">
                 <state img="7-lossfirst.png">Okay I lost again... Wait I have to do <i>what</i> now? ... In front of Captain...</state>
-            <case notSaidMarker="surmas" tag="must_masturbate_first" totalRounds="0-12">
+            <case tag="must_masturbate_first" notSaidMarker="surmas" totalRounds="0-12">
                 <state img="7-lossfirst.png" marker="surmas">Okay I lost again... Wait I have to do <i>what</i> now? ... Okay... I didn't know that was part of the rules...</state>
             <case tag="must_masturbate">
@@ -4870,8 +4799,8 @@
             <case tag="male_medium_crotch_is_visible">
                 <state img="8-happy.png">Oh yes! It's everything I could have hoped for!</state>
-                <state img="8-horny.png">Oh, gods. Please let me have a closer look...</state>
                 <state img="8-horny.png">My dreams have finally come true...</state>
+                <state img="8-horny.png">Oh, gods. Please let me have a closer look...</state>
             <case tag="male_medium_crotch_is_visible" target="captain_falcon">
                 <state img="8-horny.png">Ohh... It's everything I ever hoped for..... Shit, I said that out loud, didn't I...</state>
@@ -4911,13 +4840,8 @@
             <case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible">
                 <state img="8-cheer.png">Be careful, ~name~. Or you might have to join me soon!</state>
-            <case alsoPlaying="weiss" tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="neo">
-                <condition count="0" filter="ruby" />
-                <state img="8-shock.png">N-neo? ... W-Weiss, w-what's going on?</state>
-            </case>
-            <case alsoPlaying="yang" tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="neo">
-                <condition count="1" filter="ruby" />
-                <state img="8-shock.png">N-neo? ... R-Ruby... Y-Yang... W-what's going on?</state>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="aimee">
+                <state img="8-shock.png">Seriously!? You've got to be kidding me...</state>
             <case alsoPlaying="blake" tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="neo">
                 <condition count="1" filter="weiss" />
@@ -4927,12 +4851,17 @@
                 <condition count="0" filter="yang" />
                 <state img="8-shock.png">N-neo? ... B-Blake, w-what's going on?</state>
-            <case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="aimee">
-                <state img="8-shock.png">Seriously!? You've got to be kidding me...</state>
-            </case>
             <case alsoPlaying="ruby" tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="neo">
                 <state img="8-shock.png">N-neo? R-ruby? ... W-what's going on?</state>
+            <case alsoPlaying="weiss" tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="neo">
+                <condition count="0" filter="ruby" />
+                <state img="8-shock.png">N-neo? ... W-Weiss, w-what's going on?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case alsoPlaying="yang" tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="neo">
+                <condition count="1" filter="ruby" />
+                <state img="8-shock.png">N-neo? ... R-Ruby... Y-Yang... W-what's going on?</state>
+            </case>
             <case alsoPlaying="yang" tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="neo">
                 <state img="8-shock.png">N-neo? Y-yang? ... W-what's going on?</state>
@@ -4955,7 +4884,7 @@
             <case tag="male_must_masturbate">
                 <state img="8-horny.png">Oh my... This keeps getting better!</state>
-            <case notSaidMarker="notallowed" priority="200" tag="male_must_masturbate">
+            <case tag="male_must_masturbate" notSaidMarker="notallowed" priority="200">
                 <state img="8-invite.png" marker="fuckme">Come here, ~name~. This'll be so much better if we-</state>
             <case tag="male_must_masturbate" target="corrin_m">
@@ -5023,7 +4952,7 @@
             <case tag="male_start_masturbating">
                 <state img="8-horny.png">I... I can almost imagine...</state>
-            <case notSaidMarker="notallowed" saidMarker="fuckme" tag="male_start_masturbating">
+            <case tag="male_start_masturbating" notSaidMarker="notallowed" saidMarker="fuckme">
                 <state img="8-shock.png" marker="notallowed">Whaaat?! What do you mean "that's against the rules"?</state>
                 <state img="8-unsure.png" marker="notallowed">"Against the rules"? Like I care about that. ... Oh come on...</state>
                 <state img="8-sad.png" marker="notallowed">What? Rules? No, please... This was the perfect moment to...</state>
@@ -5096,8 +5025,8 @@
             <case tag="male_finished_masturbating">
                 <state img="8-horny.png">A-level support attained...</state>
-                <state img="8-disappointed.png">Oh dear, you just sprayed it everywhere! What a waste...</state>
                 <state img="8-horny.png">Couldn't you keep going for a <i>little</i> bit longer? I'm so close...</state>
+                <state img="8-disappointed.png">Oh dear, you just sprayed it everywhere! What a waste...</state>
             <case tag="male_finished_masturbating" target="captain_falcon">
                 <state img="8-awkward.png">Oh, Captain... I wish we... I'm not going to finish that sentence...</state>
@@ -5119,9 +5048,6 @@
             <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="palutena" targetStage="3">
                 <state img="8-unsure.png">So are you finally going to take off something bigger?</state>
-            <case tag="game_over_victory">
-                <state img="8-happy.png">I WON!</state>
-            </case>
             <case tag="female_removing_major">
                 <state img="8-base.png">Your ~clothing~?</state>
@@ -5166,7 +5092,7 @@
             <case tag="female_removed_minor">
                 <state img="8-unsure.png">I don't want to be mean, but you're not really helping my situation...</state>
-            <case alsoPlaying="zone-tan" alsoPlayingSaidMarker="translucent_dildo" notSaidMarker="zttd" tag="female_removed_minor">
+            <case alsoPlaying="zone-tan" tag="female_removed_minor" notSaidMarker="zttd" alsoPlayingSaidMarker="translucent_dildo">
                 <state img="8-awkward.png" marker="zttd">W-wait... T-translucent what now?</state>
             <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="aimee" targetStage="2">
@@ -5198,7 +5124,7 @@
                 <state img="8-base.png">I don't even care you're all looking at me, this is amazing!</state>
                 <state img="8-base.png">*<i>pant</i>* Yes, like that!</state>
-            <case alsoPlaying="zone-tan" alsoPlayingSaidMarker="tentacles" notSaidMarker="ztt" tag="masturbating">
+            <case alsoPlaying="zone-tan" tag="masturbating" notSaidMarker="ztt" alsoPlayingSaidMarker="tentacles">
                 <state img="8-awkward.png" marker="ztt">Y-you know, Zone-tan... Tentacles don't actually sound so bad...</state>
             <case tag="finishing_masturbating">
@@ -5302,38 +5228,36 @@
             <case tag="male_large_crotch_is_visible">
                 <state img="9-shock.png">How would that even fit in... Anything? How did you even keep that hidden?</state>
-            </case>
-            <case priority="0" tag="male_large_crotch_is_visible">
                 <state img="9-shock.png" marker="cursed">What is <i>that</i>!? Please tell me someone cursed you..</state>
             <case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible">
                 <state img="9-shock.png">Oh dear, are you really <i>that</i> close to losing?</state>
-            <case alsoPlaying="weiss" tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="neo">
-                <condition count="0" filter="ruby" />
-                <state img="9-shock.png">N-neo? ... W-Weiss, w-what's going on?</state>
-            </case>
-            <case alsoPlaying="yang" tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="neo">
-                <condition count="1" filter="ruby" />
-                <state img="9-shock.png">N-neo? ... R-Ruby... Y-Yang... W-what's going on?</state>
-            </case>
-            <case alsoPlaying="blake" tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="neo">
-                <condition count="1" filter="weiss" />
-                <state img="9-shock.png">N-neo? ... B-Blake... W-Weiss... W-what's going on?</state>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="aimee">
+                <state img="9-shock.png">Seriously!? You've got to be kidding me...</state>
             <case alsoPlaying="blake" tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="neo">
                 <condition count="0" filter="yang" />
                 <state img="9-shock.png">N-neo? ... B-Blake, w-what's going on?</state>
-            <case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="aimee">
-                <state img="9-shock.png">Seriously!? You've got to be kidding me...</state>
+            <case alsoPlaying="blake" tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="neo">
+                <condition count="1" filter="weiss" />
+                <state img="9-shock.png">N-neo? ... B-Blake... W-Weiss... W-what's going on?</state>
             <case alsoPlaying="ruby" tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="neo">
                 <state img="9-shock.png">N-neo? R-ruby? ... W-what's going on?</state>
+            <case alsoPlaying="weiss" tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="neo">
+                <condition count="0" filter="ruby" />
+                <state img="9-shock.png">N-neo? ... W-Weiss, w-what's going on?</state>
+            </case>
             <case alsoPlaying="yang" tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="neo">
                 <state img="9-shock.png">N-neo? Y-yang? ... W-what's going on?</state>
+            <case alsoPlaying="yang" tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="neo">
+                <condition count="1" filter="ruby" />
+                <state img="9-shock.png">N-neo? ... R-Ruby... Y-Yang... W-what's going on?</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="male_removed_minor">
                 <state img="9-calm.png">I would have liked to see more... Well, I guess I should have played better then!</state>
                 <state img="9-calm.png">I shouldn't complain, it's my own fault I lost this early.</state>
@@ -5358,18 +5282,18 @@
             <case tag="male_must_masturbate">
                 <state img="9-horny.png">Ohhh... ~name~'s turn? ... I wish I could...</state>
-            <case notSaidMarker="notallowed" tag="male_must_masturbate">
+            <case tag="male_must_masturbate" notSaidMarker="notallowed">
                 <state img="9-invite.png" marker="fuckme">C-come here, ~name~, I'd love to... h-help you if you want.</state>
             <case tag="male_must_masturbate" target="corrin_m">
                 <state img="9-invite.png">Hey, uhm... I'd be willing to go another round... Maybe we could... You know...</state>
-            <case notSaidMarker="notallowed" priority="200" tag="male_must_masturbate" timeInStage="0">
+            <case tag="male_must_masturbate" timeInStage="0" notSaidMarker="notallowed" priority="200">
                 <state img="9-invite.png" marker="fuckme">O-oh, ~name~'s turn now... I-I can go another round... How about if we...</state>
             <case tag="female_masturbating">
-                <state img="9-unsure.png">Gods... I'm kinda jealous now...</state>
                 <state img="9-awkward.png">I'll be honest, this is kinda weird...</state>
+                <state img="9-unsure.png">Gods... I'm kinda jealous now...</state>
                 <state img="9-horny.png">Gods, I wish I could join you again...</state>
             <case tag="female_masturbating" target="hermione">
@@ -5436,13 +5360,13 @@
             <case tag="male_start_masturbating">
                 <state img="9-disappointed.png">So... Close...</state>
-            <case notSaidMarker="notallowed" saidMarker="fuckme" tag="male_start_masturbating">
+            <case tag="male_start_masturbating" notSaidMarker="notallowed" saidMarker="fuckme">
                 <state img="9-sad.png" marker="notallowed">I-I can't? Awww...</state>
             <case tag="male_start_masturbating" target="corrin_m">
                 <state img="9-disappointed.png">What? Why not? ... What do you mean "That's not masturbating"? We are the same person, come on! ... You're such a buzzkill, dealer...</state>
-            <case notSaidMarker="notallowed" priority="200" saidMarker="fuckme" tag="male_start_masturbating" timeInStage="0">
+            <case tag="male_start_masturbating" timeInStage="0" notSaidMarker="notallowed" priority="200" saidMarker="fuckme">
                 <state img="9-sad.png" marker="notallowed">What? No? Aww... Come on, dealer...</state>
             <case tag="male_chest_is_visible">
@@ -5530,8 +5454,8 @@
                 <state img="9-unsure.png">D-did you pick N-nohr or Hosh... Wait, did you even have to...</state>
             <case tag="male_finished_masturbating">
-                <state img="9-calm.png">A-level support attained...</state>
                 <state img="9-disappointed.png">Oh dear, you just sprayed it everywhere! What a waste...</state>
+                <state img="9-calm.png">A-level support attained...</state>
             <case tag="male_finished_masturbating" target="captain_falcon">
                 <state img="9-awkward.png">Oh, Captain... I wish we... I'm not going to finish that sentence...</state>
@@ -5556,9 +5480,6 @@
             <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="palutena" targetStage="3">
                 <state img="9-unsure.png">So are you finally going to take off something bigger?</state>
-            <case tag="game_over_victory">
-                <state img="9-happy.png">I WON!</state>
-            </case>
             <case tag="female_removing_major">
                 <state img="9-unsure.png">Oh, your ~clothing~ now?</state>
                 <state img="9-happy.png">Be careful now, ~name~. You can still win this!</state>
@@ -5608,7 +5529,7 @@
                 <state img="9-calm.png">I have much to learn from you, ~name~.</state>
                 <state img="9-cheer.png">Oh well, I can't blame you for trying to win!</state>
-            <case alsoPlaying="zone-tan" alsoPlayingSaidMarker="translucent_dildo" notSaidMarker="zttd" tag="female_removed_minor">
+            <case alsoPlaying="zone-tan" tag="female_removed_minor" notSaidMarker="zttd" alsoPlayingSaidMarker="translucent_dildo">
                 <state img="9-awkward.png" marker="zttd">W-wait... T-translucent what now?</state>
             <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="aimee" targetStage="2">
@@ -5640,27 +5561,27 @@
                 <state img="9-calm.png">Ahh, that was great.</state>
                 <state img="9-calm.png">It's been too long...</state>
-            <case notSaidMarker="finishmas" tag="finished_masturbating">
+            <case tag="finished_masturbating" notSaidMarker="finishmas">
                 <state img="9-finished.png" marker="finishmas">Gods..... That felt so good~</state>
                 <state img="9-finished.png" marker="finishmas">Ohhh..... It's been a long time since I felt this good~</state>
                 <state img="9-finished.png" marker="finishmas">That... was... amazing~</state>
-            <case notSaidMarker="wasfun" priority="0" tag="finished_masturbating">
+            <case tag="finished_masturbating" notSaidMarker="wasfun" priority="0">
                 <state img="9-cheer.png" marker="wasfun">This was a lot of fun, ~player~, thanks for inviting me!</state>
             <case tag="finished_masturbating" timeInStage="0">
                 <state img="9-awkward.png">W-whew... This is kind of weird now...</state>
-            <case notSaidMarker="takinglonger" priority="0" tag="finished_masturbating" timeInStage="25-100">
+            <case tag="finished_masturbating" timeInStage="25-100" notSaidMarker="takinglonger" priority="0">
                 <state img="9-unsure.png" marker="takinglonger">C-can I have my clothes back now? It seems like this is going to take a while longer...</state>
             <case tag="game_over_defeat">
                 <state img="9-finished.png">Congratulations, ~name~! Let's play again some time!</state>
-            <case notSaidMarker="wasfun" priority="0" tag="game_over_defeat">
+            <case tag="game_over_defeat" notSaidMarker="wasfun" priority="0">
                 <state img="9-cheer.png">This was a lot of fun, ~player~, thanks for inviting me!</state>
-            <case notSaidMarker="rinkahmiss" tag="game_over_defeat" target="rinkah">
+            <case tag="game_over_defeat" target="rinkah" notSaidMarker="rinkahmiss">
                 <state img="9-cheer.png">Well, Rinkah, at least you're better at this than at hitting enemies. Heehee~</state>
             <case tag="game_over_defeat" target="samus">
@@ -5669,5 +5590,4 @@
diff --git a/opponents/corrin_f/meta.xml b/opponents/corrin_f/meta.xml
index 60f8a654c116bf4bc30b81bc7ff893b6a32aaefe..bb64ec03fef76a736c6ceca3c13fbde52c29a03d 100644
--- a/opponents/corrin_f/meta.xml
+++ b/opponents/corrin_f/meta.xml
@@ -14,5 +14,31 @@
     <description>Default female avatar and main character of Fire Emblem Fates(14). A Nohrian royal raised in isolation after being abducted from Hoshido as a child.</description>
+    <tags>
+        <tag>athletic</tag>
+        <tag>cheerful</tag>
+        <tag>white_hair</tag>
+        <tag>pointy_ears</tag>
+        <tag>armor</tag>
+        <tag>shaved</tag>
+        <tag>red_eyes</tag>
+        <tag>corrin_f</tag>
+        <tag>long_hair</tag>
+        <tag>hero</tag>
+        <tag>innocent</tag>
+        <tag>smash_bros</tag>
+        <tag>fire_emblem</tag>
+        <tag>nintendo</tag>
+        <tag>princess</tag>
+        <tag>fantasty</tag>
+        <tag>kind</tag>
+        <tag>fighter</tag>
+        <tag>straight</tag>
+        <tag>video_game</tag>
+        <tag>fair-skinned</tag>
+        <tag>medium_breasts</tag>
+        <tag>corrin</tag>
+        <tag>tall</tag>
+    </tags>
diff --git a/opponents/felicia/behaviour.xml b/opponents/felicia/behaviour.xml
index 88dcddb1a7d53cc6d0118af9c5c54dca8edda22d..f78822bc44d6d542e888604d8a7450df064559c5 100644
--- a/opponents/felicia/behaviour.xml
+++ b/opponents/felicia/behaviour.xml
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
-    <!--This file was machine generated by make_xml.py version 1.47 in May 2018. Please do not edit it directly without preserving your improvements elsewhere or your changes may be lost the next time this file is generated.-->
+<!--This file was machine generated using the Character Editor v2.1 at 5:14:33 PM on September 03, 2018. Please do not edit it directly without preserving your improvements elsewhere or your changes may be lost the next time this file is generated.-->
     <last />
@@ -388,8 +388,8 @@
                 <state img="0-kitty.png">Do you want to cuddle now? Or is that against the rules?</state>
                 <state img="0-kitty.png">You're all sticky now ~name~, can I lick you clean?</state>
                 <state img="0-kitty.png">Hey, can I just say one thing? Your face looks all funny now! Heehee!</state>
-                <state img="0-kitty.png">That's ocelot of cum!</state>
                 <state img="0-shocked.png">That shot out like a cat-apult!</state>
+                <state img="0-kitty.png">That's ocelot of cum!</state>
             <case tag="female_small_chest_is_visible">
                 <state img="0-kitty.png">I knew they weren't gonna be as big as mine! Sorry... I hope I didn't hurt your feelings...</state>
@@ -411,14 +411,14 @@
             <case tag="game_over_victory">
                 <state img="0-win.png">What's this called again? 'An easy victory'? It feels so good!!</state>
                 <state img="0-win.png">Too bad, so sad. I win!</state>
-                <state img="0-happy.png">Victory is like catnip... it makes me all tingly!</state>
-                <state img="0-happy.png">Don't look at me like that. It's not my fault you lost!</state>
                 <state img="0-win.png">A purr-fect victory!</state>
-                <state img="0-win.png">Yay! I won!</state>
-                <state img="0-win.png">I win! I win! I win!</state>
                 <state img="0-kitty.png">Yay I won! Can I have a cheeseburger?</state>
                 <state img="0-kitty.png">Yay I won! I Can Has Cheezburger?</state>
                 <state img="0-kitty.png">This kitty's got claws!</state>
+                <state img="0-happy.png">Victory is like catnip... it makes me all tingly!</state>
+                <state img="0-happy.png">Don't look at me like that. It's not my fault you lost!</state>
+                <state img="0-win.png">Yay! I won!</state>
+                <state img="0-win.png">I win! I win! I win!</state>
             <case tag="female_removing_major">
                 <state img="0-excited.png">You can be a star now! Put on a show!</state>
@@ -502,27 +502,27 @@
             <case tag="good_hand">
                 <state img="0-happy.png">With these cards, I can't be beat!</state>
-                <state img="0-butt.png">I don't have a good poker face so I'll just turn around so you can't see my face. Is that against the rules?</state>
                 <state img="0-happy.png">These cards are meant for a star!</state>
+                <state img="0-happy.png">Puzzle Fighter, Nightwarriors, Darkstalkers, Poker Star, I do it all!</state>
+                <state img="0-happy.png">I'm so far ahead now! Catch me if you can!</state>
+                <state img="0-happy.png">If I win this game, I want a new cat toy!</state>
+                <state img="0-happy.png">Poker is like dancing, you just need a sense of rhythm. That makes sense, right?</state>
+                <state img="0-happy.png">If I win, don't be a crybaby!</state>
+                <state img="0-happy.png">Yay! These cards are a great start to this game.</state>
+                <state img="0-happy.png">I got a great hand, and to think we are just getting started.</state>
+                <state img="0-happy.png">I like how this is going so far.</state>
+                <state img="0-butt.png">I don't have a good poker face so I'll just turn around so you can't see my face. Is that against the rules?</state>
                 <state img="0-happy.png">Wow! I really am a star!</state>
                 <state img="0-happy.png">These cards will get me an encore for sure!</state>
                 <state img="0-happy.png">These cards are as good as catnip!</state>
                 <state img="0-happy.png">Yay! These cards are purrrfect!</state>
                 <state img="0-happy.png">I hope I don't scratch up these cards, they are too good for that.</state>
                 <state img="0-happy.png">I can't be beat with this hand!</state>
-                <state img="0-happy.png">What's this called again? 'An easy victory'? It feels so good!!</state>
-                <state img="0-happy.png">Puzzle Fighter, Nightwarriors, Darkstalkers, Poker Star, I do it all!</state>
-                <state img="0-happy.png">I'm so far ahead now! Catch me if you can!</state>
-                <state img="0-happy.png">If I win this game, I want a new cat toy!</state>
-                <state img="0-happy.png">Poker is like dancing, you just need a sense of rhythm. That makes sense, right?</state>
-                <state img="0-happy.png">If I win, don't be a crybaby!</state>
                 <state img="0-happy.png">This hand is the cats meow!</state>
                 <state img="0-happy.png">These cards are up to scratch!</state>
                 <state img="0-happy.png">I'm on the prowl!</state>
                 <state img="0-happy.png">With these cards I'll put an end to this cat-and-mouse game.</state>
-                <state img="0-happy.png">Yay! These cards are a great start to this game.</state>
-                <state img="0-happy.png">I got a great hand, and to think we are just getting started.</state>
-                <state img="0-happy.png">I like how this is going so far.</state>
+                <state img="0-happy.png">What's this called again? 'An easy victory'? It feels so good!!</state>
             <case tag="okay_hand">
                 <state img="0-calm.png">I think these should be fine... I think...</state>
@@ -552,13 +552,13 @@
             <case tag="bad_hand">
                 <state img="0-sad.png">I can't be a star with cards like this!</state>
+                <state img="0-sad.png">Come on Dealer! Are you trying to make me cry?</state>
                 <state img="0-angry.png">My claws have been growing so quickly lately... Let me use these cards as a scratching post, okay?</state>
                 <state img="0-angry.png">These cards aren't even worth a hairball.</state>
                 <state img="0-sad.png">I hate these cards! Nyah nyah!!</state>
                 <state img="0-sad.png">Oh, now, stop messing with me! These cards aren't good!</state>
                 <state img="0-sad.png">These cards aren't even good enough to be my scratching post.</state>
                 <state img="0-sad.png">These cards are sooo cheap! I'm a star, I deserve better!</state>
-                <state img="0-sad.png">Come on Dealer! Are you trying to make me cry?</state>
                 <state img="0-sad.png">I might lose already...</state>
                 <state img="0-sad.png">I hope I don't lose so soon...</state>
                 <state img="0-sad.png">I can't believe I got a bad hand so early on.</state>
@@ -567,9 +567,6 @@
                 <state img="0-sad.png">Uh oh... I think I'm off to a bad start.</state>
                 <state img="0-sad.png">I swear I'm better at this! I just got a band hand.</state>
-            <case tag="stripped">
-                <state img="0-sad.png">I miss my ~clothing~ already...</state>
-            </case>
             <case tag="must_strip_normal">
                 <state img="0-loss.png">So it's my turn to expose myself? I don't wear clothes to strip but I can shave my fur instead!</state>
@@ -718,11 +715,8 @@
                 <state img="1-kitty.png">Maybe you'll take off more next time, I'm hoping I didn't shave for nothing.</state>
             <case tag="male_removed_accessory">
-                <state img="1-distracted.png">Can you take off something bigger next time? Pretty please?</state>
                 <state img="1-butt.png">How boring... I don't even want to watch if you're going to strip small stuff like that.</state>
-                <state img="1-distracted.png">This is a real CAT-astrophe! I know you can strip more than that.</state>
                 <state img="1-disappointed.png">I was expecting a little more... Oh well...</state>
-                <state img="1-disappointed.png">I shaved myself for this?</state>
                 <state img="1-disappointed.png">Hmmph..</state>
                 <state img="1-disappointed.png">Hissss....</state>
                 <state img="1-disappointed.png">Not funny!</state>
@@ -730,6 +724,9 @@
                 <state img="1-disappointed.png">Thought you... were different.</state>
                 <state img="1-disappointed.png">How unfortunate.</state>
                 <state img="1-disappointed.png">Cat... tastrophe...</state>
+                <state img="1-distracted.png">Can you take off something bigger next time? Pretty please?</state>
+                <state img="1-disappointed.png">I shaved myself for this?</state>
+                <state img="1-distracted.png">This is a real CAT-astrophe! I know you can strip more than that.</state>
             <case tag="male_must_masturbate">
                 <state img="1-excited.png">You lose ~name~, so you have to do the forfeit! It's part of the game after all.</state>
@@ -805,11 +802,9 @@
                 <state img="1-excited.png">It's your time to shine!</state>
             <case tag="female_removed_accessory">
-                <state img="1-distracted.png">Can you take off something bigger next time? Pretty please?</state>
                 <state img="1-distracted.png">This is a real CAT-astrophe! I know you can strip more than that.</state>
-                <state img="1-butt.png">How boring... I don't even want to watch if you're going to strip small stuff like that.</state>
                 <state img="1-disappointed.png">I was expecting a little more... Oh well...</state>
-                <state img="1-disappointed.png">I shaved myself for this?</state>
+                <state img="1-butt.png">How boring... I don't even want to watch if you're going to strip small stuff like that.</state>
                 <state img="1-disappointed.png">Hmmph..</state>
                 <state img="1-disappointed.png">Hissss....</state>
                 <state img="1-disappointed.png">Not funny!</state>
@@ -817,6 +812,8 @@
                 <state img="1-disappointed.png">Thought you... were different.</state>
                 <state img="1-disappointed.png">How unfortunate.</state>
                 <state img="1-disappointed.png">Cat... tastrophe...</state>
+                <state img="1-distracted.png">Can you take off something bigger next time? Pretty please?</state>
+                <state img="1-disappointed.png">I shaved myself for this?</state>
             <case tag="male_removed_major">
                 <state img="1-horny.png">I'm glad you're stripping so much so early. It's only fair since I don't have much to strip.</state>
@@ -920,8 +917,8 @@
                 <state img="1-kitty.png">Do you want to cuddle now? Or is that against the rules?</state>
                 <state img="1-kitty.png">You're all sticky now ~name~, can I lick you clean?</state>
                 <state img="1-kitty.png">Hey, can I just say one thing? Your face looks all funny now! Heehee!</state>
-                <state img="1-kitty.png">That's ocelot of cum!</state>
                 <state img="1-shocked.png">That shot out like a cat-apult!</state>
+                <state img="1-kitty.png">That's ocelot of cum!</state>
             <case tag="female_small_chest_is_visible">
                 <state img="1-kitty.png">I knew they weren't gonna be as big as mine! Sorry... I hope I didn't hurt your feelings...</state>
@@ -942,22 +939,22 @@
                 <state img="1-kitty.png">You won't be a star if you only strip the small stuff...</state>
             <case tag="game_over_victory">
-                <state img="1-happy.png">Don't look at me like that. It's not my fault you lost!</state>
                 <state img="1-happy.png">Victory is like catnip... it makes me all tingly!</state>
-                <state img="1-happy.png">Whew, I won by a whisker!</state>
+                <state img="1-happy.png">Don't look at me like that. It's not my fault you lost!</state>
                 <state img="1-win.png">Yay! I won!</state>
                 <state img="1-win.png">I win! I win! I win!</state>
+                <state img="1-happy.png">Whew, I won by a whisker!</state>
                 <state img="1-win.png">I win! I knew I could do it!</state>
                 <state img="1-win.png">Wow I actually won! I knew I could do it!</state>
                 <state img="1-win.png">Winner winner chicken dinner! Actually, can I have Meow Mix?</state>
                 <state img="1-win.png">Winner winner chicken dinner! Actually, can I have Fancy Feast?</state>
                 <state img="1-win.png">Winner winner chicken dinner! Actually, can I have cheeseburger?</state>
-                <state img="1-embarrassed.png">Wait... I'm still naked and my fur won't grow back for a while... Uh oh...</state>
                 <state img="1-win.png">I won by a whisker!</state>
                 <state img="1-win.png">Yay! Go me! I won!</state>
                 <state img="1-win.png">That was a claws encounter of the furred kind!</state>
                 <state img="1-win.png">Paws-itively delightful!</state>
                 <state img="1-win.png">I win! I win! I win, I win, I win!</state>
+                <state img="1-embarrassed.png">Wait... I'm still naked and my fur won't grow back for a while... Uh oh...</state>
             <case tag="female_removing_major">
                 <state img="1-excited.png">You can be a star now! Put on a show!</state>
@@ -1037,7 +1034,6 @@
                 <state img="1-excited.png">~name~ is going to get all naked! I haven't been this excited since I was back in nun school.</state>
             <case tag="good_hand">
-                <state img="1-happy.png">Looks like I won't have to shave again!</state>
                 <state img="1-butt.png">I don't have a good poker face so I'll just turn around so you can't see my face. Is that against the rules?</state>
                 <state img="1-happy.png">Wow! I really am a star!</state>
                 <state img="1-happy.png">These cards will get me an encore for sure!</state>
@@ -1045,19 +1041,20 @@
                 <state img="1-happy.png">Yay! These cards are purrrfect!</state>
                 <state img="1-happy.png">I hope I don't scratch up these cards, they are too good for that.</state>
                 <state img="1-happy.png">I can't be beat with this hand!</state>
-                <state img="1-happy.png">What's this called again? 'An easy victory'? It feels so good!!</state>
                 <state img="1-happy.png">This hand is the cats meow!</state>
                 <state img="1-happy.png">These cards are up to scratch!</state>
                 <state img="1-happy.png">I'm on the prowl!</state>
                 <state img="1-happy.png">With these cards I'll put an end to this cat-and-mouse game.</state>
+                <state img="1-happy.png">What's this called again? 'An easy victory'? It feels so good!!</state>
+                <state img="1-happy.png">Looks like I won't have to shave again!</state>
             <case tag="okay_hand">
-                <state img="1-calm.png">Hmmm... I guess these are okay.</state>
                 <state img="1-calm.png">I make it a rule to be cheerful all the time. I think I can win with this hand.</state>
                 <state img="1-calm.png">Never give up your dream! Don't be afraid to fail! I can do this!</state>
                 <state img="1-calm.png">My tail is the key to victory!</state>
                 <state img="1-calm.png">Trying is what makes the difference between winning and losing.</state>
                 <state img="1-calm.png">Even with these subpar cards, I know I still have a chance to win!</state>
+                <state img="1-calm.png">Hmmm... I guess these are okay.</state>
                 <state img="1-calm.png">Even cats need to know a little martial arts these days.</state>
             <case tag="swap_cards">
@@ -1079,13 +1076,13 @@
                 <state img="1-calm.png">I think I'll swap these cards. Curiosity can't kill me.</state>
             <case tag="bad_hand">
-                <state img="1-sad.png">Dealer do you want me to cry? I can't believe these cards!</state>
                 <state img="1-angry.png">My claws have been growing so quickly lately... Let me use these cards as a scratching post, okay?</state>
                 <state img="1-angry.png">These cards aren't even worth a hairball.</state>
                 <state img="1-sad.png">I hate these cards! Nyah nyah!!</state>
                 <state img="1-sad.png">Oh, now, stop messing with me! These cards aren't good!</state>
                 <state img="1-sad.png">These cards aren't even good enough to be my scratching post.</state>
                 <state img="1-sad.png">These cards are sooo cheap! I'm a star, I deserve better!</state>
+                <state img="1-sad.png">Dealer do you want me to cry? I can't believe these cards!</state>
             <case tag="stripped">
                 <state img="1-stripped.png">Yes I do have nipples! Do you like them?</state>
@@ -1257,15 +1254,15 @@
                 <state img="2-sad.png">You were still wearing that? Why does everyone wear so much clothing?</state>
             <case tag="male_removed_accessory">
+                <state img="2-butt.png">How boring... I don't even want to watch if you're going to strip small stuff like that.</state>
+                <state img="2-disappointed.png">I was expecting a little more... Oh well...</state>
                 <state img="2-angry.png">Strip something big next time or you won't be getting nun of this pussy!</state>
-                <state img="2-distracted.png">Clothes are only good as litter box scraps. You don't need them so please take them off!</state>
                 <state img="2-angry.png">I'm naked, you should be too! Please strip more!</state>
                 <state img="2-angry.png">I'm totally nude and you are just stripping small stuff... That almost makes me want to use my claws...</state>
-                <state img="2-butt.png">How boring... I don't even want to watch if you're going to strip small stuff like that.</state>
-                <state img="2-disappointed.png">I was expecting a little more... Oh well...</state>
                 <state img="2-disappointed.png">I can't believe I shaved myself just for this...</state>
                 <state img="2-disappointed.png">Can you take off more next time? Pretty please?</state>
                 <state img="2-sad.png">You're making me sad... Take off more next time please.</state>
+                <state img="2-distracted.png">Clothes are only good as litter box scraps. You don't need them so please take them off!</state>
             <case tag="male_must_masturbate">
                 <state img="2-excited.png">You lose ~name~, so you have to do the forfeit! It's part of the game after all.</state>
@@ -1341,16 +1338,16 @@
                 <state img="2-excited.png">It's your time to shine!</state>
             <case tag="female_removed_accessory">
+                <state img="2-distracted.png">This is a real CAT-astrophe! I know you can strip more than that.</state>
+                <state img="2-disappointed.png">I was expecting a little more... Oh well...</state>
+                <state img="2-butt.png">How boring... I don't even want to watch if you're going to strip small stuff like that.</state>
                 <state img="2-angry.png">Strip something big next time or you won't be getting NUN of this pussy!</state>
                 <state img="2-angry.png">I'm naked, you should be too! Please strip more!</state>
-                <state img="2-distracted.png">Clothes are only good as litter box scraps. You don't need them so please take them off!</state>
                 <state img="2-angry.png">I'm totally nude and you are just stripping small stuff... That almost makes me want to use my claws...</state>
-                <state img="2-distracted.png">This is a real CAT-astrophe! I know you can strip more than that.</state>
-                <state img="2-butt.png">How boring... I don't even want to watch if you're going to strip small stuff like that.</state>
-                <state img="2-disappointed.png">I was expecting a little more... Oh well...</state>
                 <state img="2-disappointed.png">I can't believe I shaved myself just for this...</state>
                 <state img="2-disappointed.png">Can you take off more next time? Pretty please?</state>
                 <state img="2-sad.png">You're making me sad... Take off more next time please.</state>
+                <state img="2-distracted.png">Clothes are only good as litter box scraps. You don't need them so please take them off!</state>
             <case tag="male_removed_major">
                 <state img="2-horny.png">I'm glad you're stripping so much so early. It's only fair since I don't have much to strip.</state>
@@ -1377,8 +1374,8 @@
                 <state img="2-horny.png">Good start ~name~! I like it.</state>
                 <state img="2-happy.png">I'm glad you're starting! Have fun!</state>
                 <state img="2-horny.png">Mmmm looking good already, ~name~.</state>
-                <state img="2-horny.png">Can you cuddle up with me while you do that? I just want to spend some more time with you.</state>
                 <state img="2-kitty.png">Can I kiss you on the cheek for good luck?</state>
+                <state img="2-horny.png">Can you cuddle up with me while you do that? I just want to spend some more time with you.</state>
             <case filter="exhibitionist" tag="male_start_masturbating">
                 <state img="2-kitty.png">You seem to really like this ~name~. Are you sure this counts as losing for you?</state>
@@ -1443,9 +1440,9 @@
                 <state img="2-kitty.png">If I let you pet me, do you think it will get any bigger?</state>
             <case tag="male_removing_accessory">
-                <state img="2-kitty.png">I wish you were taking off more...</state>
-                <state img="2-kitty.png">You won't be a star if you only strip the small stuff...</state>
                 <state img="2-sad.png">I'd rather take a bath than watch you strip small stuff all day... And I hate baths!</state>
+                <state img="2-kitty.png">You won't be a star if you only strip the small stuff...</state>
+                <state img="2-kitty.png">I wish you were taking off more...</state>
             <case tag="male_finished_masturbating">
                 <state img="2-sad.png">What? It's over already? Awww... I was just starting to have fun.</state>
@@ -1455,8 +1452,8 @@
                 <state img="2-kitty.png">Do you want to cuddle now? Or is that against the rules?</state>
                 <state img="2-kitty.png">You're all sticky now ~name~, can I lick you clean?</state>
                 <state img="2-kitty.png">Hey, can I just say one thing? Your face looks all funny now! Heehee!</state>
-                <state img="2-kitty.png">That's ocelot of cum!</state>
                 <state img="2-shocked.png">That shot out like a cat-apult!</state>
+                <state img="2-kitty.png">That's ocelot of cum!</state>
             <case tag="female_small_chest_is_visible">
                 <state img="2-kitty.png">I knew they weren't gonna be as big as mine! Sorry... I hope I didn't hurt your feelings...</state>
@@ -1489,8 +1486,8 @@
                 <state img="2-excited.png">It's your time to shine!</state>
             <case tag="male_removing_minor">
-                <state img="2-angry.png">Rawr! Take off more you heathen or I'll claw off your clothes for you!</state>
                 <state img="2-interested.png">Oh I do wonder what will come from removing that ~name~!</state>
+                <state img="2-angry.png">Rawr! Take off more you heathen or I'll claw off your clothes for you!</state>
             <case tag="female_finished_masturbating">
                 <state img="2-sad.png">What? It's over already? Awww... I was just starting to have fun.</state>
@@ -1560,7 +1557,6 @@
                 <state img="2-excited.png">~name~ is going to get all naked! I haven't been this excited since I was back in nun school.</state>
             <case tag="good_hand">
-                <state img="2-happy.png">With cards like this, I've already won!</state>
                 <state img="2-butt.png">I don't have a good poker face so I'll just turn around so you can't see my face. Is that against the rules?</state>
                 <state img="2-happy.png">Wow! I really am a star!</state>
                 <state img="2-happy.png">These cards will get me an encore for sure!</state>
@@ -1568,22 +1564,23 @@
                 <state img="2-happy.png">Yay! These cards are purrrfect!</state>
                 <state img="2-happy.png">I hope I don't scratch up these cards, they are too good for that.</state>
                 <state img="2-happy.png">I can't be beat with this hand!</state>
-                <state img="2-happy.png">I can still win the game! I just need to stay positive.</state>
-                <state img="2-happy.png">I know I can still win! I can feel it!</state>
                 <state img="2-happy.png">This hand is the cats meow!</state>
                 <state img="2-happy.png">These cards are up to scratch!</state>
                 <state img="2-happy.png">I'm on the prowl!</state>
                 <state img="2-happy.png">With these cards I'll put an end to this cat-and-mouse game.</state>
+                <state img="2-happy.png">With cards like this, I've already won!</state>
+                <state img="2-happy.png">I can still win the game! I just need to stay positive.</state>
+                <state img="2-happy.png">I know I can still win! I can feel it!</state>
             <case tag="okay_hand">
-                <state img="2-calm.png">The suspense is killing me! Who is going to win this round?</state>
-                <state img="2-calm.png">This hand is my last hope!</state>
-                <state img="2-calm.png">I hope I still have enough luck left to win this game...</state>
                 <state img="2-calm.png">I make it a rule to be cheerful all the time. I think I can win with this hand.</state>
                 <state img="2-calm.png">Never give up your dream! Don't be afraid to fail! I can do this!</state>
                 <state img="2-calm.png">My tail is the key to victory!</state>
                 <state img="2-calm.png">Trying is what makes the difference between winning and losing.</state>
                 <state img="2-calm.png">Even with these subpar cards, I know I still have a chance to win!</state>
+                <state img="2-calm.png">The suspense is killing me! Who is going to win this round?</state>
+                <state img="2-calm.png">This hand is my last hope!</state>
+                <state img="2-calm.png">I hope I still have enough luck left to win this game...</state>
             <case tag="swap_cards">
                 <state img="2-calm.png">May I have ~cards~ cards?</state>
@@ -1604,17 +1601,17 @@
                 <state img="2-calm.png">I think I'll swap these cards. Curiosity can't kill me.</state>
             <case tag="bad_hand">
-                <state img="2-sad.png">Looks like I better get my claws ready...</state>
-                <state img="2-sad.png">This doesn't look good...</state>
-                <state img="2-sad.png">Uh oh... This might be it...</state>
                 <state img="2-sad.png">I can't be a star with cards like this!</state>
+                <state img="2-sad.png">Come on Dealer! Are you trying to make me cry?</state>
                 <state img="2-angry.png">My claws have been growing so quickly lately... Let me use these cards as a scratching post, okay?</state>
                 <state img="2-angry.png">These cards aren't even worth a hairball.</state>
                 <state img="2-sad.png">I hate these cards! Nyah nyah!!</state>
                 <state img="2-sad.png">Oh, now, stop messing with me! These cards aren't good!</state>
                 <state img="2-sad.png">These cards aren't even good enough to be my scratching post.</state>
                 <state img="2-sad.png">These cards are sooo cheap! I'm a star, I deserve better!</state>
-                <state img="2-sad.png">Come on Dealer! Are you trying to make me cry?</state>
+                <state img="2-sad.png">Looks like I better get my claws ready...</state>
+                <state img="2-sad.png">This doesn't look good...</state>
+                <state img="2-sad.png">Uh oh... This might be it...</state>
                 <state img="2-sad.png">This could be it!</state>
                 <state img="2-sad.png">I might lose this game! Oh no!</state>
                 <state img="2-sad.png">These cards could make me lose the whole game!</state>
@@ -1750,8 +1747,8 @@
                 <state img="3-kitty.png">Time to show off your catnips!</state>
             <case tag="female_removing_minor">
-                <state img="3-horny.png">Please strip something good, ~name~! I need inspiration for my performance!</state>
                 <state img="3-angry.png">That makes me angry, but the church taught me to stay calm...</state>
+                <state img="3-horny.png">Please strip something good, ~name~! I need inspiration for my performance!</state>
                 <state img="3-horny.png">Give me something to work with here!</state>
                 <state img="3-horny.png">Strip something good please!</state>
                 <state img="3-horny.png">Oh wowie wow! I can't wait to see what you look like without that on!</state>
@@ -1803,18 +1800,18 @@
                 <state img="3-interested.png">It's your stage now! Get naked!</state>
             <case tag="male_removed_minor">
-                <state img="3-sad.png">I wish you were showing more... I need some inspiration to be a star!</state>
-                <state img="3-sad.png">As a nun, I have to be patient with you. I can't get too mad.</state>
                 <state img="3-kitty.png">It's alright. I have the patience of a Saint.</state>
-                <state img="3-sad.png">A little disappointing...</state>
                 <state img="3-sad.png">You were still wearing that? Why does everyone wear so much clothing?</state>
+                <state img="3-sad.png">I wish you were showing more... I need some inspiration to be a star!</state>
+                <state img="3-sad.png">A little disappointing...</state>
+                <state img="3-sad.png">As a nun, I have to be patient with you. I can't get too mad.</state>
             <case tag="male_removed_accessory">
-                <state img="3-sad.png">Strip something big next time or you won't be getting nun of this pussy!</state>
+                <state img="3-disappointed.png">I was expecting a little more... Oh well...</state>
                 <state img="3-distracted.png">Clothes are only good as litter box scraps. You don't need them so please take them off!</state>
+                <state img="3-sad.png">Strip something big next time or you won't be getting nun of this pussy!</state>
                 <state img="3-sad.png">You're no fun...</state>
                 <state img="3-disappointed.png">How boring... I don't even want to watch if you're going to strip small stuff like that.</state>
-                <state img="3-disappointed.png">I was expecting a little more... Oh well...</state>
             <case tag="male_must_masturbate">
                 <state img="3-excited.png">You lose ~name~, so you have to do the forfeit! It's part of the game after all.</state>
@@ -1827,9 +1824,9 @@
                 <state img="3-happy.png">This is so exciting! Keep going!</state>
                 <state img="3-horny.png">Yeah! Work yourself! Keep up the pace!</state>
                 <state img="3-kitty.png">You look so cute ~name~. I could cuddle with you for hours!</state>
-                <state img="3-kitty.png">Do you want to race me to finish ~name~? I bet I can win!</state>
                 <state img="3-horny.png">The way you pleasure yourself... It's driving me wild!</state>
                 <state img="3-happy.png">You're a great performer! So much emotion!</state>
+                <state img="3-kitty.png">Do you want to race me to finish ~name~? I bet I can win!</state>
                 <state img="3-horny.png">I wonder who's gonna finish first? With my vibrator I have an advantage.</state>
                 <state img="3-horny.png">I don't feel so lonely anymore!</state>
@@ -1888,12 +1885,12 @@
                 <state img="3-excited.png">It's your time to shine!</state>
             <case tag="female_removed_accessory">
+                <state img="3-distracted.png">This is a real CAT-astrophe! I know you can strip more than that.</state>
+                <state img="3-disappointed.png">I was expecting a little more... Oh well...</state>
+                <state img="3-distracted.png">Clothes are only good as litter box scraps. You don't need them so please take them off!</state>
                 <state img="3-sad.png">Strip something big next time or you won't be getting NUN of this pussy!</state>
                 <state img="3-sad.png">You're no fun...</state>
-                <state img="3-distracted.png">Clothes are only good as litter box scraps. You don't need them so please take them off!</state>
-                <state img="3-distracted.png">This is a real CAT-astrophe! I know you can strip more than that.</state>
                 <state img="3-disappointed.png">How boring... I don't even want to watch if you're going to strip small stuff like that.</state>
-                <state img="3-disappointed.png">I was expecting a little more... Oh well...</state>
             <case tag="male_removed_major">
                 <state img="3-horny.png">I'm glad you're stripping so much so early. It's only fair since I don't have much to strip.</state>
@@ -1982,9 +1979,9 @@
                 <state img="3-kitty.png">If I let you pet me, do you think it will get any bigger?</state>
             <case tag="male_removing_accessory">
-                <state img="3-kitty.png">I wish you were taking off more...</state>
-                <state img="3-kitty.png">You won't be a star if you only strip the small stuff...</state>
                 <state img="3-sad.png">I'd rather take a bath than watch you strip small stuff all day... And I hate baths!</state>
+                <state img="3-kitty.png">You won't be a star if you only strip the small stuff...</state>
+                <state img="3-kitty.png">I wish you were taking off more...</state>
             <case tag="male_finished_masturbating">
                 <state img="3-sad.png">What? It's over already? Awww... I was just starting to have fun.</state>
@@ -1994,8 +1991,8 @@
                 <state img="3-kitty.png">Do you want to cuddle now? Or is that against the rules?</state>
                 <state img="3-kitty.png">You're all sticky now ~name~, can I lick you clean?</state>
                 <state img="3-kitty.png">Hey, can I just say one thing? Your face looks all funny now! Heehee!</state>
-                <state img="3-kitty.png">That's ocelot of cum!</state>
                 <state img="3-shocked.png">That shot out like a cat-apult!</state>
+                <state img="3-kitty.png">That's ocelot of cum!</state>
             <case tag="female_small_chest_is_visible">
                 <state img="3-kitty.png">I knew they weren't gonna be as big as mine! Sorry... I hope I didn't hurt your feelings...</state>
@@ -2016,9 +2013,6 @@
                 <state img="3-kitty.png">You won't be a star if you only strip the small stuff...</state>
                 <state img="3-sad.png">I'd rather take a bath than watch you strip small stuff all day... And I hate baths!</state>
-            <case tag="game_over_victory">
-                <state img="3-embarrassed.png">Wait... I'm still naked and my fur won't grow back for a while... Uh oh...</state>
-            </case>
             <case tag="female_removing_major">
                 <state img="3-excited.png">You can be a star now! Put on a show!</state>
                 <state img="3-excited.png">Looks like you're taking off something good!</state>
@@ -2028,8 +2022,8 @@
                 <state img="3-excited.png">It's your time to shine!</state>
             <case tag="male_removing_minor">
-                <state img="3-horny.png">Give me something to work with here!</state>
                 <state img="3-angry.png">Rawr! Take off more you heathen or I'll claw off your clothes for you!</state>
+                <state img="3-horny.png">Give me something to work with here!</state>
                 <state img="3-horny.png">Strip something good please!</state>
             <case tag="female_finished_masturbating">
@@ -2077,22 +2071,22 @@
                 <state img="3-horny.png">You're really getting into this. You must be feline good.</state>
                 <state img="3-happy.png">I love watching you ~name~! You're a star!</state>
                 <state img="3-horny.png">You're making me feel... All hot...</state>
-                <state img="3-horny.png">It's fun to do this with you ~name~, I feel like we have a bond together now.</state>
-                <state img="3-horny.png">You're making it hard for me to focus... So hot...</state>
                 <state img="3-horny.png">Can I come close ~name~? I can hold your hand for support.</state>
-                <state img="3-horny.png">I wonder who's gonna finish first? With my vibrator I have an advantage.</state>
-                <state img="3-horny.png">I don't feel so lonely anymore!</state>
                 <state img="3-happy.png">Keep going ~name~! You can't get stage fright now.</state>
                 <state img="3-kitty.png">You're really kitten into it!</state>
                 <state img="3-kitty.png">I want to cuddle with you all day!</state>
                 <state img="3-kitty.png">You're lion if you say you're not enjoying yourself.</state>
+                <state img="3-horny.png">It's fun to do this with you ~name~, I feel like we have a bond together now.</state>
+                <state img="3-horny.png">You're making it hard for me to focus... So hot...</state>
+                <state img="3-horny.png">I wonder who's gonna finish first? With my vibrator I have an advantage.</state>
+                <state img="3-horny.png">I don't feel so lonely anymore!</state>
             <case tag="female_removed_minor">
+                <state img="3-sad.png">You were still wearing that? Why does everyone wear so much clothing?</state>
                 <state img="3-sad.png">As a nun, I have to be patient with you. I can't get too mad.</state>
                 <state img="3-kitty.png">It's alright. I have the patience of a Saint.</state>
                 <state img="3-sad.png">I wish you were showing more... I need some inspiration to be a star!</state>
                 <state img="3-sad.png">A little disappointing...</state>
-                <state img="3-sad.png">You were still wearing that? Why does everyone wear so much clothing?</state>
             <case tag="male_crotch_will_be_visible">
                 <state img="3-interested.png">Time for the big reveal!</state>
@@ -2306,31 +2300,31 @@
                 <state img="4-interested.png">It's your stage now! Get naked!</state>
             <case tag="male_removed_minor">
+                <state img="4-sad.png">You were still wearing that? Why does everyone wear so much clothing?</state>
+                <state img="4-sad.png">As a nun, I have to be patient with you. I can't get too mad.</state>
                 <state img="4-sad.png">Ahw~ Is that really it? I was expecting more...</state>
                 <state img="4-sad.png">We can't have fun if you only strip smaller items. Go big or go home!</state>
                 <state img="4-sad.png">I want you to be a star too you know. I think I've had the spotlight for a long time.</state>
-                <state img="4-sad.png">As a nun, I have to be patient with you. I can't get too mad.</state>
                 <state img="4-sad.png">All my hard work and you still have a ton of clothing on...</state>
-                <state img="4-sad.png">You were still wearing that? Why does everyone wear so much clothing?</state>
             <case tag="male_removed_accessory">
-                <state img="4-sad.png">Strip something big next time or you won't be getting nun of this pussy!</state>
+                <state img="4-butt.png">How boring... I don't even want to watch if you're going to strip small stuff like that.</state>
+                <state img="4-disappointed.png">I was expecting a little more... Oh well...</state>
+                <state img="4-distracted.png">This is a real CAT-astrophe! I know you can strip more than that.</state>
                 <state img="4-distracted.png">Clothes are only good as litter box scraps. You don't need them so please take them off!</state>
-                <state img="4-distracted.png">I thought my star performance would inspire you to strip more... I guess not.</state>
+                <state img="4-sad.png">Strip something big next time or you won't be getting nun of this pussy!</state>
                 <state img="4-sad.png">You're no fun...</state>
-                <state img="4-distracted.png">This is a real CAT-astrophe! I know you can strip more than that.</state>
+                <state img="4-distracted.png">I thought my star performance would inspire you to strip more... I guess not.</state>
                 <state img="4-sad.png">Ugh... You've got to be kitten me.</state>
-                <state img="4-butt.png">How boring... I don't even want to watch if you're going to strip small stuff like that.</state>
-                <state img="4-disappointed.png">I was expecting a little more... Oh well...</state>
                 <state img="4-sad.png">I lost the game before you even got to the good stuff... I could cry...</state>
             <case tag="male_must_masturbate">
                 <state img="4-excited.png">You lose ~name~, so you have to do the forfeit! It's part of the game after all.</state>
-                <state img="4-excited.png">Yay! It's your turn now, ~name~!</state>
                 <state img="4-excited.png">Ah! ~name~ has to masturbate in front of all of us!</state>
                 <state img="4-excited.png">Get ready ~name~! You have to pleasure yourself for me.</state>
                 <state img="4-interested.png">You lost the game, so you know what that means!</state>
                 <state img="4-interested.png">You have to masturbate now! Don't be scared, have fun!</state>
+                <state img="4-excited.png">Yay! It's your turn now, ~name~!</state>
             <case tag="female_masturbating">
                 <state img="4-butt.png">Why are you staring at me like that? Is there somebody behind me? Let me turn around and check.</state>
@@ -2400,14 +2394,14 @@
                 <state img="4-excited.png">It's your time to shine!</state>
             <case tag="female_removed_accessory">
+                <state img="4-distracted.png">This is a real CAT-astrophe! I know you can strip more than that.</state>
+                <state img="4-disappointed.png">I was expecting a little more... Oh well...</state>
+                <state img="4-butt.png">How boring... I don't even want to watch if you're going to strip small stuff like that.</state>
+                <state img="4-distracted.png">Clothes are only good as litter box scraps. You don't need them so please take them off!</state>
                 <state img="4-sad.png">Strip something big next time or you won't be getting NUN of this pussy!</state>
                 <state img="4-sad.png">You're no fun...</state>
-                <state img="4-distracted.png">Clothes are only good as litter box scraps. You don't need them so please take them off!</state>
                 <state img="4-distracted.png">I thought my star performance would inspire you to strip more... I guess not.</state>
-                <state img="4-distracted.png">This is a real CAT-astrophe! I know you can strip more than that.</state>
                 <state img="4-sad.png">Ugh... You've got to be kitten me.</state>
-                <state img="4-butt.png">How boring... I don't even want to watch if you're going to strip small stuff like that.</state>
-                <state img="4-disappointed.png">I was expecting a little more... Oh well...</state>
                 <state img="4-sad.png">I lost the game before you even got to the good stuff... How sad...</state>
             <case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="blake">
@@ -2456,8 +2450,8 @@
                 <state img="4-happy.png">If you work out more you could be a male model one day!</state>
             <case tag="male_chest_is_visible" target="9s">
-                <state img="4-kitty.png">No nippples? Or maybe they are just so small I can't see them</state>
                 <state img="4-kitty.png">Where are your catnips? Do you not have any?</state>
+                <state img="4-kitty.png">No nippples? Or maybe they are just so small I can't see them</state>
             <case tag="male_chest_is_visible" target="pit">
                 <state img="4-kitty.png">I like your wings, Pit! You're adorable!</state>
@@ -2489,11 +2483,11 @@
             <case tag="female_must_masturbate">
                 <state img="4-excited.png">You lost ~name~, get ready to forfeit!</state>
-                <state img="4-excited.png">Yay! It's your turn now, ~name~!</state>
                 <state img="4-excited.png">Your turn to put on a show now!</state>
                 <state img="4-interested.png">~name~ has to forfeit!</state>
                 <state img="4-interested.png">It's only fair you do the forfeit now.</state>
                 <state img="4-excited.png">Get ready to explore yourself for us!</state>
+                <state img="4-excited.png">Yay! It's your turn now, ~name~!</state>
             <case tag="female_must_masturbate" target="morrigan">
                 <state img="4-calm.png">You lost Morrigan, no hard feelings right?</state>
@@ -2509,9 +2503,9 @@
                 <state img="4-kitty.png">If I let you pet me, do you think it will get any bigger?</state>
             <case tag="male_removing_accessory">
-                <state img="4-kitty.png">I wish you were taking off more...</state>
-                <state img="4-kitty.png">You won't be a star if you only strip the small stuff...</state>
                 <state img="4-sad.png">I'd rather take a bath than watch you strip small stuff all day... And I hate baths!</state>
+                <state img="4-kitty.png">You won't be a star if you only strip the small stuff...</state>
+                <state img="4-kitty.png">I wish you were taking off more...</state>
             <case tag="male_finished_masturbating">
                 <state img="4-sad.png">What? It's over already? Awww... I was just starting to have fun.</state>
@@ -2521,11 +2515,11 @@
                 <state img="4-kitty.png">Do you want to cuddle now? Or is that against the rules?</state>
                 <state img="4-kitty.png">You're all sticky now ~name~, can I lick you clean?</state>
                 <state img="4-kitty.png">Hey, can I just say one thing? Your face looks all funny now! Heehee!</state>
+                <state img="4-shocked.png">That shot out like a cat-apult!</state>
                 <state img="4-kitty.png">That's ocelot of cum!</state>
-                <state img="4-kitty.png">I should have brought you some flowers! Your performance was great!</state>
                 <state img="4-kitty.png">That's ocelot of cum!</state>
+                <state img="4-kitty.png">I should have brought you some flowers! Your performance was great!</state>
                 <state img="4-kitty.png">You did great! Was my performance your inspiration?</state>
-                <state img="4-shocked.png">That shot out like a cat-apult!</state>
             <case tag="female_small_chest_is_visible">
                 <state img="4-kitty.png">I knew they weren't gonna be as big as mine! Sorry... I hope I didn't hurt your feelings...</state>
@@ -2546,9 +2540,6 @@
                 <state img="4-kitty.png">You won't be a star if you only strip the small stuff...</state>
                 <state img="4-sad.png">I'd rather take a bath than watch you strip small stuff all day... And I hate baths!</state>
-            <case tag="game_over_victory">
-                <state img="4-embarrassed.png">Wait... I'm still naked and my fur won't grow back for a while... Uh oh...</state>
-            </case>
             <case tag="female_removing_major">
                 <state img="4-excited.png">You can be a star now! Put on a show!</state>
                 <state img="4-excited.png">Looks like you're taking off something good!</state>
@@ -2616,10 +2607,10 @@
                 <state img="4-kitty.png">You're lion if you say you're not enjoying yourself.</state>
             <case tag="female_removed_minor">
+                <state img="4-sad.png">As a nun, I have to be patient with you. I can't get too mad.</state>
                 <state img="4-sad.png">All my hard work and you still have a ton of clothing on...</state>
                 <state img="4-sad.png">We can't have fun if you only strip smaller items. Go big or go home!</state>
                 <state img="4-sad.png">I want you to be a star too you know. I think I've had the spotlight for a long time.</state>
-                <state img="4-sad.png">As a nun, I have to be patient with you. I can't get too mad.</state>
             <case tag="male_crotch_will_be_visible">
                 <state img="4-interested.png">Time for the big reveal!</state>
@@ -2655,9 +2646,9 @@
     <epilogue gender="any" img="ending4.PNG">
         <title>A Night Out</title>
         <screen img="ending1.PNG">
diff --git a/opponents/felicia/meta.xml b/opponents/felicia/meta.xml
index d4d261ae3c00b727fa4c2b880530cbe870e0d270..4cca3baaafd1967e337c470bd86100a49672778f 100644
--- a/opponents/felicia/meta.xml
+++ b/opponents/felicia/meta.xml
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
-    <last></last>
+    <last />
@@ -14,5 +14,30 @@
     <description>Felicia is a Catwoman who was taken in and raised by nuns. She grew up to be a warrior of the night, a Darkstalker.</description>
+    <tags>
+        <tag>large_breasts</tag>
+        <tag>athletic</tag>
+        <tag>catfolk</tag>
+        <tag>cheerful</tag>
+        <tag>darkstalkers</tag>
+        <tag>exotic_hair</tag>
+        <tag>video_game</tag>
+        <tag>felicia</tag>
+        <tag>scantily-clad</tag>
+        <tag>dark_eyes</tag>
+        <tag>witty</tag>
+        <tag>confident</tag>
+        <tag>tail</tag>
+        <tag>bisexual</tag>
+        <tag>long_hair</tag>
+        <tag>hero</tag>
+        <tag>blue_hair</tag>
+        <tag>very_long_hair</tag>
+        <tag>ditzy</tag>
+        <tag>kind</tag>
+        <tag>fighter</tag>
+        <tag>non-human</tag>
+        <tag>animal_ears</tag>
+    </tags>
diff --git a/opponents/jasmine/behaviour.xml b/opponents/jasmine/behaviour.xml
index 7c3ad4529d92fe18b59ce7c573d20678b351d4cc..6c8b8da647e7ff00d59a66fb4b56aeb13395034b 100644
--- a/opponents/jasmine/behaviour.xml
+++ b/opponents/jasmine/behaviour.xml
@@ -1,311 +1,270 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
-	<first>Princess Jasmine</first>
-    <last></last>
-	<label>Anonymous girl</label>
-	<label stage="2">Jasmine</label>
-	<gender>female</gender>
-	<size>medium</size>
+<!--This file was machine generated using the Character Editor v2.1 at 5:15:11 PM on September 03, 2018. Please do not edit it directly without preserving your improvements elsewhere or your changes may be lost the next time this file is generated.-->
+    <first>Princess Jasmine</first>
+    <last />
+    <label>Anonymous girl</label>
+    <label stage="2">Jasmine</label>
+    <gender>female</gender>
+    <size>medium</size>
+    <intelligence>bad</intelligence>
-				<tag>jasmine</tag>
-				<tag>cartoon</tag>
-				<tag>movie</tag>
-				<tag>disney</tag>
-				<tag>black_hair</tag>
-				<tag>long_hair</tag>
-				<tag>very_long_hair</tag>
-				<tag>ponytail</tag>
-				<tag>dark_eyes</tag>
-				<tag>dark_skinned</tag>
-				<tag>medium_breasts</tag>
-				<tag>princess</tag>
-				<tag>hero</tag>
-				<tag>taken</tag>
-				<tag>shy</tag>
-				<tag>innocent</tag>
-				<tag>kind</tag>
-				<tag>enf</tag>
-				<tag>fancy</tag>
-				<tag>arabian</tag>
+        <tag>jasmine</tag>
+        <tag>cartoon</tag>
+        <tag>movie</tag>
+        <tag>disney</tag>
+        <tag>black_hair</tag>
+        <tag>long_hair</tag>
+        <tag>very_long_hair</tag>
+        <tag>ponytail</tag>
+        <tag>dark_eyes</tag>
+        <tag>dark_skinned</tag>
+        <tag>medium_breasts</tag>
+        <tag>princess</tag>
+        <tag>hero</tag>
+        <tag>taken</tag>
+        <tag>shy</tag>
+        <tag>innocent</tag>
+        <tag>kind</tag>
+        <tag>enf</tag>
+        <tag>fancy</tag>
+        <tag>arabian</tag>
-    <intelligence>bad</intelligence>
-	<start>
-		<state img="0-calm.png">I suppose a friendly game wouldn't hurt. What did you call it again?</state>
-		<state img="0-shocked.png">I'm sorry, but did you say <i>Strip</i> Poker? That can't be right.</state>
-		<state img="0-calm.png">Poker? I've seen guards playing that! What are the stakes? I think I have some money somewhere.</state>
-		<state img="0-happy.png">Poker sounds like fun! Is it hard to learn?</state>
-	</start>
-	<wardrobe>
-		<clothing proper-name="Pants" lowercase="pants" type="important" position="lower" />
-		<clothing proper-name="Top" lowercase="top" type="important" position="upper" />
-		<clothing proper-name="Diadem" lowercase="diadem" type="extra" position="other" />
-		<clothing proper-name="Slippers" lowercase="slippers" type="minor" position="lower" />
-		<clothing proper-name="Necklace" lowercase="necklace" type="extra" position="other" />
-		<clothing proper-name="Earrings" lowercase="earrings" type="extra" position="other" />
-		<clothing proper-name="Cloak" lowercase="cloak" type="major" position="upper" />
-		<clothing proper-name="Scarf" lowercase="scarf" type="minor" position="other" />
-	</wardrobe>
-	<!-- An article of clothing can have one of four types: important, major, minor, and extra.
-		 - Important articles of clothing expose the character's chest or crotch when removed (underwear).
-		 - Major articles of clothing expose a decent amount of skin when removed (shirts and pants).
-		 - Minor articles of clothing expose a little bit of skin when removed (jackets and socks).
-		 - Extra articles of clothing expose very little when removed (hats, belts, and gloves).
-		 In addition, an article of clothing can one of three positions: upper, lower, and other.
-		 - Anything covering the chest is upper.
-		 - Anything covering the crotch is lower.
-		 - Anything else (shoes, bracelets, hats, etc.) is other. -->
-	<behaviour>
-		<!-- Dialogue is split up into stages based on the character's current state of dress or action.
-			 - The first stage is always the fully dressed stage.
-			 - The two stages following the naked stage are always the masturbation and rest stages.
-			 In each stage is a set of cases, each indicating a unique situation requiring dialogue.
-			 - The tag and comment will tell you what the situation is.
-			 - If multiple cases with the same tag are listed in the same stage, then the game will choose
-			   one of them at random to use.
-			 In each case is a set of states, each indicating a single line of dialogue and corresponding image.
-			 - If there are multiple states in a single case, the game will display a dialogue advance button,
-			   which will allow the player to manually advance through each state.
-			 Also included from the code side are replaceable tags that can be used in any applicable line of dialogue.
-			 ~name~ will be replaced with the name of AI or player in question, if applicable.
-			 ~clothing~ will be replaced with the lower-case name of the clothing being removed, if applicable.
-			 ~Clothing~ will be replaced with the upper-case name of the clothing being removed, if applicable.
-			 ~cards~ is the number of cards being exchanged, where applicable. -->
-		<stage id="0">
-			<case tag="swap_cards">
-				<state img="0-calm.png">...Could I have ~cards~ cards, please?</state>
-				<state img="0-calm.png">I wish I had ~cards~ more cards!</state>
-				<state img="0-calm.png">Can I take 6 cards? No? Fine, then: give me ~cards~.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="good_hand">
-				<state img="0-happy.png">Ha ha!  Beginner's luck!</state>
-				<state img="0-happy.png">I think I'm getting the hang of this!</state>
-				<state img="0-happy.png">I'm a fast learner!</state>
-				<state img="0-happy.png">I'm a natural at this!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="okay_hand">
-				<state img="0-confused.png">Does the order of the cards matter, or just the numbers on them?</state>
-				<state img="0-calm.png">I wonder - would a princess outrank a jack?</state>
-				<state img="0-confused.png">I'm still not sure I get this, but I'll do my best.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="bad_hand">
-				<state img="0-sad.png">Can someone please explain how to play again?</state>
-				<state img="0-confused.png">Is an ace high or low?</state>
-				<state img="0-sad.png">I may not know much about this game, but I know enough to realize when I have a lousy hand.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="must_strip_winning">
-				<state img="0-embarrassed.png">Why don't we play for money instead? Come on, who doesn't like gold?</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="must_strip_normal">
-				<state img="0-embarrassed.png">Beginner's luck only goes so far, huh? What are my options?</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="must_strip_losing">
-				<state img="0-calm.png">I lost! So... now what? Am I out of the game?</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="stripping">
-				<state img="0-strip.png">Are you serious? ...You <i>are</i>? Well. I did agree to the game. I, uh, I'll just remove my scarf then. Is that fair?</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_human_must_strip">
-				<state img="0-calm.png">Okay, so, um... did I win or lose?</state>
-				<state img="0-interested.png">What happens now?</state>
-				<state img="0-happy.png">Ah-ha!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_must_strip">
-				<state img="0-calm.png">Okay, so, um... did I win or lose?</state>
-				<state img="0-interested.png">What happens now?</state>
-				<state img="0-happy.png">Ah-ha!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_removing_accessory">
-				<state img="0-happy.png">Things like that count as clothes, too? Huh.</state>
-				<state img="0-calm.png">So now you take something off, right?</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_removing_minor">
-				<state img="0-embarrassed.png">Suddenly I see why everyone is so heavily dressed...</state>
-				<state img="0-calm.png">Well, that's... something.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_removing_minor" target="fred" targetStage="1">
-				<state img="0-interested.png">You <i>do</i> seem overdressed, Freddie.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_removing_major">
-				<state img="0-happy.png">It must be beginner's luck!</state>
-				<state img="0-calm.png">I'm better at this game than I realized.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_chest_will_be_visible">
-				<state img="0-embarrassed.png">I'm not sure I see the point of this game...</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_crotch_will_be_visible">
-				<state img="0-horny.png">Perhaps I <i>can</i> see the point of the game...</state>
-				<state img="0-angry.png">If you're trying to impress me, I'd prefer a game of wits.</state>
-				<state img="0-interested.png">It's good to get away from the guards and their rules for a change.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_removed_accessory">
-				<state img="0-sad.png">There <i>must</i> be something I'm missing about all this.</state>
-				<state img="0-angry.png">So... this is <i>fun</i>, is it? Hmm.</state>
-				<state img="0-calm.png">I saw that coming. I must be getting a knack for this!</state>
-				<state img="0-calm.png">That doesn't even seem like a penalty, but what do I know?</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_removed_minor">
-				<state img="0-embarrassed.png">So... <i>this</i> is the point of the game? Hmm.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_removed_minor" target="fred" targetStage="2">
-				<state img="0-interested.png">It makes me wonder if you have something to hide.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_removed_major">
-				<state img="0-confused.png">For some reason, I thought it would be harder to reach this stage.</state>
-				<state img="0-happy.png">I suppose this <i>is</i> a little fun!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_chest_is_visible">
-				<state img="0-calm.png">Just like home...</state>
-				<state img="0-happy.png">I must have a talent for poker!</state>
-				<state img="0-interested.png">You remind me of someone I met in the marketplace...</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_small_crotch_is_visible">
-				<state img="0-happy.png">~name~ is out of the game now, right?</state>
-				<state img="0-embarrassed.png">I see why father didn't want me socializing with strangers!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_medium_crotch_is_visible">
-				<state img="0-happy.png">~name~ is out of the game now, right?</state>
-				<state img="0-embarrassed.png">I see why father didn't want me socializing with strangers!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_large_crotch_is_visible">
-				<state img="0-happy.png">~name~ is out of the game now, right?</state>
-				<state img="0-embarrassed.png">I see why father didn't want me socializing with strangers!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_must_masturbate">
-				<state img="0-shocked.png">Are you <i>sure</i> this is in the rules?</state>
-				<state img="0-shocked.png">...I <i>have</i> led a sheltered life.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_start_masturbating">
-				<state img="0-embarrassed.png">Even if it <i>is</i> in the rules, don't you think doing that while I'm standing here like this is just a <i>little</i> strange?</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_masturbating">
-				<state img="0-angry.png">You-- you have no right to look at me that way!</state>
-				<state img="0-shocked.png">That's barbaric!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_finished_masturbating">
-				<state img="0-angry.png">Ugh! <i>Men</i>.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_human_must_strip">
-				<state img="0-calm.png">So ~name~ lost? What does she do now?</state>
-				<state img="0-sad.png">Wait, don't tell me - I lost, didn't I?</state>
-				<state img="0-calm.png">If I've got this right, then ~name~ lost.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_must_strip">
-				<state img="0-calm.png">So ~name~ lost? What does she do now?</state>
-				<state img="0-sad.png">Wait, don't tell me - I lost, didn't I?</state>
-				<state img="0-calm.png">If I've got this right, then ~name~ lost.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_accessory">
-				<state img="0-happy.png">Oh, that counts? I may be better prepared than I thought!</state>
-				<state img="0-sad.png">This could be an expensive game if we don't get those back...</state>
-				<state img="0-happy.png">I was getting all worked up about nothing - this game seems like harmless fun.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_accessory" filter="princess" targetStage="1">
-				<state img="0-shocked.png">Wait. P-Princess ~name~?! What are <i>you</i> doing here?</state>
-				<state img="0-sad.png">I wish I'd known you'd be here, Princess ~name~!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="arwen" targetStage="1">
-				<state img="0-shocked.png">Does... does that make you royalty?</state>
-				<state img="0-sad.png">How wonderful to be playing in such esteemed company...</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_minor">
-				<state img="0-confused.png">I see! Wait, no I don't.</state>
-				<state img="0-confused.png">Oh... are you out of jewelry already?</state>
-				<state img="0-embarrassed.png">I hope this isn't too embarrassing for you!</state>
-			</case>
+    <start>
+        <state img="0-calm.png">I suppose a friendly game wouldn't hurt. What did you call it again?</state>
+        <state img="0-shocked.png">I'm sorry, but did you say <i>Strip</i> Poker? That can't be right.</state>
+        <state img="0-calm.png">Poker? I've seen guards playing that! What are the stakes? I think I have some money somewhere.</state>
+        <state img="0-happy.png">Poker sounds like fun! Is it hard to learn?</state>
+    </start>
+    <wardrobe>
+        <clothing lowercase="pants" position="lower" proper-name="Pants" type="important" />
+        <clothing lowercase="top" position="upper" proper-name="Top" type="important" />
+        <clothing lowercase="diadem" position="other" proper-name="Diadem" type="extra" />
+        <clothing lowercase="slippers" position="lower" proper-name="Slippers" type="minor" />
+        <clothing lowercase="necklace" position="other" proper-name="Necklace" type="extra" />
+        <clothing lowercase="earrings" position="other" proper-name="Earrings" type="extra" />
+        <clothing lowercase="cloak" position="upper" proper-name="Cloak" type="major" />
+        <clothing lowercase="scarf" position="other" proper-name="Scarf" type="minor" />
+    </wardrobe>
+    <behaviour>
+        <stage id="0">
+            <case tag="female_must_strip">
+                <state img="0-calm.png">So ~name~ lost? What does she do now?</state>
+                <state img="0-sad.png">Wait, don't tell me - I lost, didn't I?</state>
+                <state img="0-calm.png">If I've got this right, then ~name~ lost.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_chest_will_be_visible">
+                <state img="0-embarrassed.png">I'm not sure I see the point of this game...</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_minor">
+                <state img="0-confused.png">I see! Wait, no I don't.</state>
+                <state img="0-confused.png">Oh... are you out of jewelry already?</state>
+                <state img="0-embarrassed.png">I hope this isn't too embarrassing for you!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case filter="princess" tag="female_removing_minor">
+                <state img="0-shocked.png">Are you out of jewelry <i>already</i>? I didn't think that was possible for a princess.</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="female_removing_minor" target="kyoko" targetStage="5">
                 <state img="0-shocked.png">How terrible!</state>
-			<case tag="female_removing_minor" filter="princess">
-				<state img="0-shocked.png">Are you out of jewelry <i>already</i>? I didn't think that was possible for a princess.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_minor" targetStage="0">
-				<state img="0-embarrassed.png">Surely you must have <i>something</i> smaller to start with?</state>
-			</case>
             <case tag="female_removing_minor" target="leela" targetStage="2">
                 <state img="0-happy.png">I have a pair like that! They were a gift from one of my suitors.</state>
-			<case tag="female_removing_major">
-				<state img="0-shocked.png">What are you doing, ~name~?</state>
-				<state img="0-happy.png">This means I'm winning, right?</state>
-				<state img="0-sad.png">I'm really very sorry, ~name~.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible">
-				<state img="0-shocked.png">I feel like I've wandered into the harem by mistake!</state>
-				<state img="0-shocked.png">This is no children's game! What have I gotten myself into?</state>
-				<state img="0-shocked.png">I had no idea that women could be so bold.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible">
-				<state img="0-shocked.png">I had no idea this kind of game was happening in my k-- um, my neighbourhood.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="dawn">
-				<state img="0-happy.png">Oh! Do you have a magic carpet, too?</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_accessory">
-				<state img="0-sad.png">There <i>must</i> be something I'm missing about all this.</state>
-				<state img="0-angry.png">So... this is <i>fun</i>, is it? Hmm.</state>
-				<state img="0-calm.png">I saw that coming. I'm catching on!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_accessory" filter="princess" targetStage="1">
-				<state img="0-confused.png">I-I mean, there's nothing wrong with that. Your highness.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="arwen" targetStage="1">
-				<state img="0-happy.png">Ah, a poet! I like you, Arwen.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="blackrose" targetStage="1">
-				<state img="0-angry.png">How <i>dare</i> you call me that!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="chara" targetStage="1">
-				<state img="0-shocked.png">...This <i>is</i> just a friendly game, isn't it?</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_minor">
-				<state img="0-angry.png">So... this is <i>fun</i>, is it? Hmm.</state>
-				<state img="0-confused.png">Maybe we're not at the exciting part yet.</state>
-				<state img="0-sad.png">Being honest, this is rather boring.</state>
-			</case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_minor" targetStage="0">
+                <state img="0-embarrassed.png">Surely you must have <i>something</i> smaller to start with?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_medium_crotch_is_visible">
+                <state img="0-happy.png">~name~ is out of the game now, right?</state>
+                <state img="0-embarrassed.png">I see why father didn't want me socializing with strangers!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_major">
+                <state img="0-sad.png">Call me sheltered, but I just don't see the appeal of this.</state>
+                <state img="0-shocked.png">You're not leaving a lot to the imagination!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_major" target="dawn" targetStage="5">
+                <state img="0-interested.png">It <i>is</i> very nice.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_large_crotch_is_visible">
+                <state img="0-happy.png">~name~ is out of the game now, right?</state>
+                <state img="0-embarrassed.png">I see why father didn't want me socializing with strangers!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible">
+                <state img="0-shocked.png">I had no idea this kind of game was happening in my k-- um, my neighbourhood.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="dawn">
+                <state img="0-happy.png">Oh! Do you have a magic carpet, too?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_removed_minor">
+                <state img="0-embarrassed.png">So... <i>this</i> is the point of the game? Hmm.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_removed_minor" target="fred" targetStage="2">
+                <state img="0-interested.png">It makes me wonder if you have something to hide.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_removed_accessory">
+                <state img="0-sad.png">There <i>must</i> be something I'm missing about all this.</state>
+                <state img="0-angry.png">So... this is <i>fun</i>, is it? Hmm.</state>
+                <state img="0-calm.png">I saw that coming. I must be getting a knack for this!</state>
+                <state img="0-calm.png">That doesn't even seem like a penalty, but what do I know?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_must_masturbate">
+                <state img="0-shocked.png">Are you <i>sure</i> this is in the rules?</state>
+                <state img="0-shocked.png">...I <i>have</i> led a sheltered life.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_masturbating">
+                <state img="0-sad.png">How humiliating! You poor girl!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_human_must_strip">
+                <state img="0-calm.png">So ~name~ lost? What does she do now?</state>
+                <state img="0-sad.png">Wait, don't tell me - I lost, didn't I?</state>
+                <state img="0-calm.png">If I've got this right, then ~name~ lost.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible">
+                <state img="0-sad.png">...Is this what I have to compete with?</state>
+                <state img="0-shocked.png">It's an indescribable sight...</state>
+                <state img="0-shocked.png">I can see everything!</state>
+                <state img="0-calm.png">Bravo, ~name~! How brave!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case filter="shaved" tag="female_crotch_is_visible">
+                <state img="0-embarrassed.png">I had no idea you could do that with your, um, with your hair.</state>
+                <state img="0-shocked.png">Why do you shave? Is it to avoid getting sand down there?</state>
+                <state img="0-shocked.png">I think it's safe to say I've never had a friend like <i>you</i>!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="dawn">
+                <state img="0-shocked.png">Oh! You meant your-- is <i>that</i> what Aladdin meant?!?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_start_masturbating">
+                <state img="0-shocked.png">This-- this is actually part of the game?</state>
+                <state img="0-embarrassed.png">Surely the Sultan can't know this is going on under his nose... can he?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_removing_major">
+                <state img="0-happy.png">It must be beginner's luck!</state>
+                <state img="0-calm.png">I'm better at this game than I realized.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_accessory">
+                <state img="0-sad.png">There <i>must</i> be something I'm missing about all this.</state>
+                <state img="0-angry.png">So... this is <i>fun</i>, is it? Hmm.</state>
+                <state img="0-calm.png">I saw that coming. I'm catching on!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case filter="princess" tag="female_removed_accessory" targetStage="1">
+                <state img="0-confused.png">I-I mean, there's nothing wrong with that. Your highness.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="arwen" targetStage="1">
+                <state img="0-happy.png">Ah, a poet! I like you, Arwen.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="blackrose" targetStage="1">
+                <state img="0-angry.png">How <i>dare</i> you call me that!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="chara" targetStage="1">
+                <state img="0-shocked.png">...This <i>is</i> just a friendly game, isn't it?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_removed_major">
+                <state img="0-confused.png">For some reason, I thought it would be harder to reach this stage.</state>
+                <state img="0-happy.png">I suppose this <i>is</i> a little fun!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_start_masturbating">
+                <state img="0-embarrassed.png">Even if it <i>is</i> in the rules, don't you think doing that while I'm standing here like this is just a <i>little</i> strange?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_chest_is_visible">
+                <state img="0-calm.png">Just like home...</state>
+                <state img="0-happy.png">I must have a talent for poker!</state>
+                <state img="0-interested.png">You remind me of someone I met in the marketplace...</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_large_chest_is_visible">
+                <state img="0-happy.png">Those are less like pomegranates and more like melons!</state>
+                <state img="0-shocked.png">I don't know whether to be impressed or feel sorry for you.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_must_strip">
+                <state img="0-calm.png">Okay, so, um... did I win or lose?</state>
+                <state img="0-happy.png">Ah-ha!</state>
+                <state img="0-interested.png">What happens now?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_must_masturbate">
+                <state img="0-angry.png">Stop that, all of you! How dare you force this poor, defenceless young girl to--</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_human_must_strip">
+                <state img="0-calm.png">Okay, so, um... did I win or lose?</state>
+                <state img="0-happy.png">Ah-ha!</state>
+                <state img="0-interested.png">What happens now?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_small_crotch_is_visible">
+                <state img="0-happy.png">~name~ is out of the game now, right?</state>
+                <state img="0-embarrassed.png">I see why father didn't want me socializing with strangers!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_removing_accessory">
+                <state img="0-happy.png">Things like that count as clothes, too? Huh.</state>
+                <state img="0-calm.png">So now you take something off, right?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_finished_masturbating">
+                <state img="0-angry.png">Ugh! <i>Men</i>.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_small_chest_is_visible">
+                <state img="0-sad.png">How humiliating for you!</state>
+                <state img="0-embarrassed.png">Don't worry, my dear - I'm sure they'll grow.</state>
+                <state img="0-interested.png">You have hidden charms, ~name~!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible">
+                <state img="0-sad.png">So... it's a punishment game?</state>
+                <state img="0-calm.png">You must have a lot of suitors!</state>
+                <state img="0-horny.png">This game is completely ridiculous, but... let's keep playing anyway.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="buffy">
+                <state img="0-confused.png">What <i>else</i> would they be?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case alsoPlaying="xander" tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="buffy">
+                <state img="0-confused.png">Do you two have a relationship?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory">
+                <state img="0-happy.png">Oh, that counts? I may be better prepared than I thought!</state>
+                <state img="0-sad.png">This could be an expensive game if we don't get those back...</state>
+                <state img="0-happy.png">I was getting all worked up about nothing - this game seems like harmless fun.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case filter="princess" tag="female_removing_accessory" targetStage="1">
+                <state img="0-shocked.png">Wait. P-Princess ~name~?! What are <i>you</i> doing here?</state>
+                <state img="0-sad.png">I wish I'd known you'd be here, Princess ~name~!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="arwen" targetStage="1">
+                <state img="0-shocked.png">Does... does that make you royalty?</state>
+                <state img="0-sad.png">How wonderful to be playing in such esteemed company...</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="game_over_victory">
+                <state img="0-shocked.png">This certainly qualifies as an unbelievable sight.</state>
+                <state img="0-sad.png">So I won? What a waste of time.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_major">
+                <state img="0-shocked.png">What are you doing, ~name~?</state>
+                <state img="0-happy.png">This means I'm winning, right?</state>
+                <state img="0-sad.png">I'm really very sorry, ~name~.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_removing_minor">
+                <state img="0-embarrassed.png">Suddenly I see why everyone is so heavily dressed...</state>
+                <state img="0-calm.png">Well, that's... something.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_removing_minor" target="fred" targetStage="1">
+                <state img="0-interested.png">You <i>do</i> seem overdressed, Freddie.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_finished_masturbating">
+                <state img="0-sad.png">Don't worry, ~name~. I won't breathe a word of this to your family!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible">
+                <state img="0-shocked.png">I feel like I've wandered into the harem by mistake!</state>
+                <state img="0-shocked.png">This is no children's game! What have I gotten myself into?</state>
+                <state img="0-shocked.png">I had no idea that women could be so bold.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_masturbating">
+                <state img="0-angry.png">You-- you have no right to look at me that way!</state>
+                <state img="0-shocked.png">That's barbaric!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_minor">
+                <state img="0-angry.png">So... this is <i>fun</i>, is it? Hmm.</state>
+                <state img="0-confused.png">Maybe we're not at the exciting part yet.</state>
+                <state img="0-sad.png">Being honest, this is rather boring.</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="kyoko" targetStage="6">
                 <state img="0-shocked.png">That must have been painful...</state>
@@ -316,318 +275,258 @@
                 <state img="0-shocked.png">No!</state>
                 <state img="0-angry.png">I knew it! You <i>are</i> in league with Jafar!</state>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major">
-				<state img="0-sad.png">Call me sheltered, but I just don't see the appeal of this.</state>
-				<state img="0-shocked.png">You're not leaving a lot to the imagination!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major" target="dawn" targetStage="5">
-				<state img="0-interested.png">It <i>is</i> very nice.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_small_chest_is_visible">
-				<state img="0-sad.png">How humiliating for you!</state>
-				<state img="0-embarrassed.png">Don't worry, my dear - I'm sure they'll grow.</state>
-				<state img="0-interested.png">You have hidden charms, ~name~!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible">
-				<state img="0-sad.png">So... it's a punishment game?</state>
-				<state img="0-calm.png">You must have a lot of suitors!</state>
-				<state img="0-horny.png">This game is completely ridiculous, but... let's keep playing anyway.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="buffy" alsoPlaying="xander">
-				<state img="0-confused.png">Do you two have a relationship?</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="buffy">
-				<state img="0-confused.png">What <i>else</i> would they be?</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_large_chest_is_visible">
-				<state img="0-happy.png">Those are less like pomegranates and more like melons!</state>
-				<state img="0-shocked.png">I don't know whether to be impressed or feel sorry for you.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_is_visible">
-				<state img="0-sad.png">...Is this what I have to compete with?</state>
-				<state img="0-shocked.png">It's an indescribable sight...</state>
-				<state img="0-shocked.png">I can see everything!</state>
-				<state img="0-calm.png">Bravo, ~name~! How brave!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="dawn">
-				<state img="0-shocked.png">Oh! You meant your-- is <i>that</i> what Aladdin meant?!?</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" filter="shaved">
-				<state img="0-embarrassed.png">I had no idea you could do that with your, um, with your hair.</state>
-				<state img="0-shocked.png">Why do you shave? Is it to avoid getting sand down there?</state>
-				<state img="0-shocked.png">I think it's safe to say I've never had a friend like <i>you</i>!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_must_masturbate">
-				<state img="0-angry.png">Stop that, all of you! How dare you force this poor, defenceless young girl to--</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_start_masturbating">
-				<state img="0-shocked.png">This-- this is actually part of the game?</state>
-				<state img="0-embarrassed.png">Surely the Sultan can't know this is going on under his nose... can he?</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_masturbating">
-				<state img="0-sad.png">How humiliating! You poor girl!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_finished_masturbating">
-				<state img="0-sad.png">Don't worry, ~name~. I won't breathe a word of this to your family!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="game_over_victory">
-				<state img="0-shocked.png">This certainly qualifies as an unbelievable sight.</state>
-				<state img="0-sad.png">So I won? What a waste of time.</state>
-			</case>
-		</stage>
-		<stage id="1">
-			<case tag="swap_cards">
-				<state img="1-calm.png">...Could I have ~cards~ cards, please?</state>
-				<state img="1-calm.png">I wish I had ~cards~ more cards!</state>
-				<state img="1-calm.png">Can I take 6 cards? No? Fine, then: give me ~cards~.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="good_hand">
-				<state img="1-happy.png">Ha ha!  Beginner's luck!</state>
-				<state img="1-happy.png">I think I'm getting the hang of this!</state>
-				<state img="1-happy.png">I'm a fast learner!</state>
-				<state img="1-happy.png">I'm a natural at this!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="okay_hand">
-				<state img="1-confused.png">Does the order of the cards matter, or just the numbers on them?</state>
-				<state img="1-calm.png">I wonder - would a princess outrank a jack?</state>
-				<state img="1-confused.png">I'm still not sure I get this, but I'll do my best.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="okay_hand" alsoPlaying="elena">
-				<state img="1-shocked.png">I can't believe I'm playing strip poker with a princess! What a n--I mean, dream come true!</state>
-				<state img="1-confused.png">Does the order of the cards matter, or just the numbers on them?</state>
-				<state img="1-calm.png">I wonder - would a princess outrank a jack?</state>
-				<state img="1-confused.png">I'm still not sure I get this, but I'll do my best.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="bad_hand">
-				<state img="1-sad.png">Can someone please explain how to play again?</state>
-				<state img="1-confused.png">Is an ace high or low?</state>
-				<state img="1-sad.png">I may not know much about this game, but I know enough to realize when I have a lousy hand.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="stripped">
-				<state img="1-embarrassed.png">What? No, I don't think we've met before. I'm just a plain old regular girl.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="stripped" alsoPlaying="zoey" alsoPlayingStage="0">
-				<state img="1-shocked.png">W-what are you talking about, Zoey? I'm just a plain, ordinary peasant girl, not the incredibly beautiful and famous princess!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="stripped" alsoPlaying="zoey" alsoPlayingStage="1">
-				<state img="1-shocked.png">W-what are you talking about, Zoey? I'm just a plain, ordinary peasant girl, not the incredibly beautiful and famous princess!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="stripped" alsoPlaying="zoey" alsoPlayingStage="2">
-				<state img="1-shocked.png">W-what are you talking about, Zoey? I'm just a plain, ordinary peasant girl, not the incredibly beautiful and famous princess!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="stripped" alsoPlaying="zoey" alsoPlayingStage="3">
-				<state img="1-shocked.png">W-what are you talking about, Zoey? I'm just a plain, ordinary peasant girl, not the incredibly beautiful and famous princess!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="must_strip_winning">
-				<state img="1-sad.png">Just when I thought I was getting the hang of it...</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="must_strip_normal">
-				<state img="1-embarrassed.png">Very well... a princess always keeps her word. Um, and so do ordinary girls like me!
-				</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="must_strip_losing">
-				<state img="1-shocked.png">Me again? This might be a short game.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="stripping">
-				<state img="1-strip.png">You've forced my hand! BEHOLD: I am no mere street rat! I am... Princess Jasmine!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_human_must_strip">
-				<state img="1-calm.png">Okay, so, um... did I win or lose?</state>
-				<state img="1-confused.png">What happens now?</state>
-				<state img="1-happy.png">Ah-ha!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_must_strip">
-				<state img="1-calm.png">Okay, so, um... did I win or lose?</state>
-				<state img="1-confused.png">What happens now?</state>
-				<state img="1-happy.png">Ah-ha!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_removing_accessory">
-				<state img="1-happy.png">Things like that count as clothes, too? Huh.</state>
-				<state img="1-calm.png">So now you take something off, right?</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_removing_minor">
-				<state img="1-embarrassed.png">Suddenly I see why everyone is so heavily dressed...</state>
-				<state img="1-calm.png">Well, that's... something.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_removing_minor" target="fred" targetStage="1">
-				<state img="1-interested.png">You <i>do</i> seem overdressed, Freddie.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_removing_major">
-				<state img="1-happy.png">It must be beginner's luck!</state>
-				<state img="1-calm.png">I'm better at this game than I realized.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_chest_will_be_visible">
-				<state img="1-embarrassed.png">I'm not sure I see the point of this game...</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_crotch_will_be_visible">
-				<state img="1-horny.png">Perhaps I <i>can</i> see the point of the game...</state>
-				<state img="1-angry.png">If you're trying to impress me, I'd prefer a game of wits.</state>
-				<state img="1-interested.png">It's good to get away from the guards and their rules for a change.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_removed_accessory">
-				<state img="1-sad.png">There <i>must</i> be something I'm missing about all this.</state>
-				<state img="1-angry.png">So... this is <i>fun</i>, is it? Hmm.</state>
-				<state img="1-calm.png">I saw that coming. I must be getting a knack for this!</state>
-				<state img="1-calm.png">That doesn't even seem like a penalty, but what do I know?</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_removed_minor">
-				<state img="1-embarrassed.png">So... <i>this</i> is the point of the game? Hmm.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_removed_minor" target="fred" targetStage="2">
-				<state img="1-interested.png">It makes me wonder if you have something to hide.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_removed_major">
-				<state img="1-confused.png">For some reason, I thought it would be harder to reach this stage.</state>
-				<state img="1-happy.png">I suppose this <i>is</i> a little fun!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_chest_is_visible">
-				<state img="1-calm.png">Just like home...</state>
-				<state img="1-happy.png">I must have a talent for poker!</state>
-				<state img="1-interested.png">You remind me of someone I met in the marketplace...</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_small_crotch_is_visible">
-				<state img="1-happy.png">~name~ is out of the game now, right?</state>
-				<state img="1-embarrassed.png">I see why father didn't want me socializing with strangers!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_medium_crotch_is_visible">
-				<state img="1-happy.png">~name~ is out of the game now, right?</state>
-				<state img="1-embarrassed.png">I see why father didn't want me socializing with strangers!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_large_crotch_is_visible">
-				<state img="1-happy.png">~name~ is out of the game now, right?</state>
-				<state img="1-embarrassed.png">I see why father didn't want me socializing with strangers!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_must_masturbate">
-				<state img="1-shocked.png">Are you <i>sure</i> this is in the rules?</state>
-				<state img="1-shocked.png">...I <i>have</i> led a sheltered life.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_start_masturbating">
-				<state img="1-embarrassed.png">Even if it <i>is</i> in the rules, don't you think doing that while I'm standing here like this is just a <i>little</i> strange?</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_masturbating">
-				<state img="1-angry.png">You-- you have no right to look at me that way!</state>
-				<state img="1-shocked.png">That's barbaric!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_finished_masturbating">
-				<state img="1-angry.png">Ugh! <i>Men</i>.</state>
-			</case>
+            <case tag="male_crotch_will_be_visible">
+                <state img="0-horny.png">Perhaps I <i>can</i> see the point of the game...</state>
+                <state img="0-angry.png">If you're trying to impress me, I'd prefer a game of wits.</state>
+                <state img="0-interested.png">It's good to get away from the guards and their rules for a change.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="good_hand">
+                <state img="0-happy.png">Ha ha!  Beginner's luck!</state>
+                <state img="0-happy.png">I think I'm getting the hang of this!</state>
+                <state img="0-happy.png">I'm a fast learner!</state>
+                <state img="0-happy.png">I'm a natural at this!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="okay_hand">
+                <state img="0-confused.png">Does the order of the cards matter, or just the numbers on them?</state>
+                <state img="0-calm.png">I wonder - would a princess outrank a jack?</state>
+                <state img="0-confused.png">I'm still not sure I get this, but I'll do my best.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="swap_cards">
+                <state img="0-calm.png">...Could I have ~cards~ cards, please?</state>
+                <state img="0-calm.png">I wish I had ~cards~ more cards!</state>
+                <state img="0-calm.png">Can I take 6 cards? No? Fine, then: give me ~cards~.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="bad_hand">
+                <state img="0-sad.png">Can someone please explain how to play again?</state>
+                <state img="0-confused.png">Is an ace high or low?</state>
+                <state img="0-sad.png">I may not know much about this game, but I know enough to realize when I have a lousy hand.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="must_strip_normal">
+                <state img="0-embarrassed.png">Beginner's luck only goes so far, huh? What are my options?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="must_strip_losing">
+                <state img="0-calm.png">I lost! So... now what? Am I out of the game?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="stripping">
+                <state img="0-strip.png">Are you serious? ...You <i>are</i>? Well. I did agree to the game. I, uh, I'll just remove my scarf then. Is that fair?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="must_strip_winning">
+                <state img="0-embarrassed.png">Why don't we play for money instead? Come on, who doesn't like gold?</state>
+            </case>
+        </stage>
-			<case tag="female_human_must_strip">
-				<state img="1-calm.png">So ~name~ lost? What does she do now?</state>
-				<state img="1-sad.png">Wait, don't tell me - I lost, didn't I?</state>
-				<state img="1-calm.png">If I've got this right, then ~name~ lost.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_must_strip">
-				<state img="1-calm.png">So ~name~ lost? What does she do now?</state>
-				<state img="1-sad.png">Wait, don't tell me - I lost, didn't I?</state>
-				<state img="1-calm.png">If I've got this right, then ~name~ lost.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_accessory">
-				<state img="1-happy.png">Oh, that counts? I may be better prepared than I thought!</state>
-				<state img="1-sad.png">This could be an expensive game if we don't get those back...</state>
-				<state img="1-happy.png">I was getting all worked up about nothing - this game seems like harmless fun.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_accessory" filter="princess" targetStage="1">
-				<state img="1-shocked.png">Wait. P-Princess ~name~?! What are <i>you</i> doing here?</state>
-				<state img="1-sad.png">I wish I'd known you'd be here, Princess ~name~!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="arwen" targetStage="1">
-				<state img="1-shocked.png">Does... does that make you royalty?</state>
-				<state img="1-sad.png">How wonderful to be playing in such esteemed company...</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_minor">
-				<state img="1-confused.png">I see! Wait, no I don't.</state>
-				<state img="1-confused.png">Oh... are you out of jewelry already?</state>
-				<state img="1-embarrassed.png">I hope this isn't too embarrassing for you!</state>
-			</case>
+        <stage id="1">
+            <case tag="female_must_strip">
+                <state img="1-calm.png">So ~name~ lost? What does she do now?</state>
+                <state img="1-sad.png">Wait, don't tell me - I lost, didn't I?</state>
+                <state img="1-calm.png">If I've got this right, then ~name~ lost.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_chest_will_be_visible">
+                <state img="1-embarrassed.png">I'm not sure I see the point of this game...</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_minor">
+                <state img="1-confused.png">I see! Wait, no I don't.</state>
+                <state img="1-confused.png">Oh... are you out of jewelry already?</state>
+                <state img="1-embarrassed.png">I hope this isn't too embarrassing for you!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case filter="princess" tag="female_removing_minor">
+                <state img="1-shocked.png">Are you out of jewelry <i>already</i>? I didn't think that was possible for a princess.</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="female_removing_minor" target="kyoko" targetStage="5">
                 <state img="1-shocked.png">How terrible!</state>
-			<case tag="female_removing_minor" filter="princess">
-				<state img="1-shocked.png">Are you out of jewelry <i>already</i>? I didn't think that was possible for a princess.</state>
-			</case>
             <case tag="female_removing_minor" target="leela" targetStage="2">
                 <state img="1-happy.png">I have a pair like that! They were a gift from one of my suitors.</state>
-			<case tag="female_removing_major">
-				<state img="1-shocked.png">What are you doing, ~name~?</state>
-				<state img="1-happy.png">This means I'm winning, right?</state>
-				<state img="1-sad.png">I'm really very sorry, ~name~.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible">
-				<state img="1-shocked.png">I feel like I've wandered into the harem by mistake!</state>
-				<state img="1-shocked.png">This is no children's game! What have I gotten myself into?</state>
-				<state img="1-shocked.png">I had no idea that women could be so bold.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible">
-				<state img="1-shocked.png">I had no idea this kind of game was happening in my k-- um, my neighbourhood.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="dawn">
-				<state img="1-happy.png">Oh! Do you have a magic carpet, too?</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_accessory">
-				<state img="1-sad.png">There <i>must</i> be something I'm missing about all this.</state>
-				<state img="1-angry.png">So... this is <i>fun</i>, is it? Hmm.</state>
-				<state img="1-calm.png">I saw that coming. I'm catching on!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_accessory" filter="princess" targetStage="1">
-				<state img="1-happy.png">Because, um, I would have worn more appropriate clothing to greet a princess! Right! That's what I meant.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="arwen" targetStage="1">
-				<state img="1-happy.png">Ah, a poet! I like you, Arwen.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="blackrose" targetStage="1">
-				<state img="1-angry.png">How <i>dare</i> you call me that!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="chara" targetStage="1">
-				<state img="1-shocked.png">...This <i>is</i> just a friendly game, isn't it?</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_minor">
-				<state img="1-angry.png">So... this is <i>fun</i>, is it? Hmm.</state>
-				<state img="1-confused.png">Maybe we're not at the exciting part yet.</state>
-				<state img="1-sad.png">Being honest, this is rather boring.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_minor" filter="innocent">
-				<state img="1-happy.png">My! You appear to be well brought-up, ~name~. Unlike <i>some</i> people I could mention.</state>
-			</case>
+            <case tag="male_medium_crotch_is_visible">
+                <state img="1-happy.png">~name~ is out of the game now, right?</state>
+                <state img="1-embarrassed.png">I see why father didn't want me socializing with strangers!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_major">
+                <state img="1-sad.png">Call me sheltered, but I just don't see the appeal of this.</state>
+                <state img="1-shocked.png">You're not leaving a lot to the imagination!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_major" target="dawn" targetStage="5">
+                <state img="1-interested.png">It <i>is</i> very nice.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_large_crotch_is_visible">
+                <state img="1-happy.png">~name~ is out of the game now, right?</state>
+                <state img="1-embarrassed.png">I see why father didn't want me socializing with strangers!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible">
+                <state img="1-shocked.png">I had no idea this kind of game was happening in my k-- um, my neighbourhood.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="dawn">
+                <state img="1-happy.png">Oh! Do you have a magic carpet, too?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_removed_minor">
+                <state img="1-embarrassed.png">So... <i>this</i> is the point of the game? Hmm.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_removed_minor" target="fred" targetStage="2">
+                <state img="1-interested.png">It makes me wonder if you have something to hide.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_removed_accessory">
+                <state img="1-sad.png">There <i>must</i> be something I'm missing about all this.</state>
+                <state img="1-angry.png">So... this is <i>fun</i>, is it? Hmm.</state>
+                <state img="1-calm.png">I saw that coming. I must be getting a knack for this!</state>
+                <state img="1-calm.png">That doesn't even seem like a penalty, but what do I know?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_must_masturbate">
+                <state img="1-shocked.png">Are you <i>sure</i> this is in the rules?</state>
+                <state img="1-shocked.png">...I <i>have</i> led a sheltered life.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_masturbating">
+                <state img="1-sad.png">How humiliating! You poor girl!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_human_must_strip">
+                <state img="1-calm.png">So ~name~ lost? What does she do now?</state>
+                <state img="1-sad.png">Wait, don't tell me - I lost, didn't I?</state>
+                <state img="1-calm.png">If I've got this right, then ~name~ lost.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible">
+                <state img="1-sad.png">...Is this what I have to compete with?</state>
+                <state img="1-shocked.png">It's an indescribable sight...</state>
+                <state img="1-shocked.png">I can see everything!</state>
+                <state img="1-calm.png">Bravo, ~name~! How brave!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case filter="shaved" tag="female_crotch_is_visible">
+                <state img="1-embarrassed.png">I had no idea you could do that with your, um, with your hair.</state>
+                <state img="1-shocked.png">Why do you shave? Is it to avoid getting sand down there?</state>
+                <state img="1-shocked.png">I think it's safe to say I've never had a friend like <i>you</i>!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="dawn">
+                <state img="1-shocked.png">Oh! You meant your-- is <i>that</i> what Aladdin meant?!?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_start_masturbating">
+                <state img="1-shocked.png">This-- this is actually part of the game?</state>
+                <state img="1-embarrassed.png">Surely the Sultan can't know this is going on under his nose... can he?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_removing_major">
+                <state img="1-happy.png">It must be beginner's luck!</state>
+                <state img="1-calm.png">I'm better at this game than I realized.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_accessory">
+                <state img="1-sad.png">There <i>must</i> be something I'm missing about all this.</state>
+                <state img="1-angry.png">So... this is <i>fun</i>, is it? Hmm.</state>
+                <state img="1-calm.png">I saw that coming. I'm catching on!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case filter="princess" tag="female_removed_accessory" targetStage="1">
+                <state img="1-happy.png">Because, um, I would have worn more appropriate clothing to greet a princess! Right! That's what I meant.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="arwen" targetStage="1">
+                <state img="1-happy.png">Ah, a poet! I like you, Arwen.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="blackrose" targetStage="1">
+                <state img="1-angry.png">How <i>dare</i> you call me that!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="chara" targetStage="1">
+                <state img="1-shocked.png">...This <i>is</i> just a friendly game, isn't it?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_removed_major">
+                <state img="1-confused.png">For some reason, I thought it would be harder to reach this stage.</state>
+                <state img="1-happy.png">I suppose this <i>is</i> a little fun!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_start_masturbating">
+                <state img="1-embarrassed.png">Even if it <i>is</i> in the rules, don't you think doing that while I'm standing here like this is just a <i>little</i> strange?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_chest_is_visible">
+                <state img="1-calm.png">Just like home...</state>
+                <state img="1-happy.png">I must have a talent for poker!</state>
+                <state img="1-interested.png">You remind me of someone I met in the marketplace...</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_large_chest_is_visible">
+                <state img="1-happy.png">Those are less like pomegranates and more like melons!</state>
+                <state img="1-shocked.png">I don't know whether to be impressed or feel sorry for you.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_must_strip">
+                <state img="1-calm.png">Okay, so, um... did I win or lose?</state>
+                <state img="1-happy.png">Ah-ha!</state>
+                <state img="1-confused.png">What happens now?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_must_masturbate">
+                <state img="1-angry.png">Stop that, all of you! How dare you force this poor, defenceless young girl to--</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_human_must_strip">
+                <state img="1-calm.png">Okay, so, um... did I win or lose?</state>
+                <state img="1-happy.png">Ah-ha!</state>
+                <state img="1-confused.png">What happens now?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_small_crotch_is_visible">
+                <state img="1-happy.png">~name~ is out of the game now, right?</state>
+                <state img="1-embarrassed.png">I see why father didn't want me socializing with strangers!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_removing_accessory">
+                <state img="1-happy.png">Things like that count as clothes, too? Huh.</state>
+                <state img="1-calm.png">So now you take something off, right?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_finished_masturbating">
+                <state img="1-angry.png">Ugh! <i>Men</i>.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_small_chest_is_visible">
+                <state img="1-sad.png">How humiliating for you!</state>
+                <state img="1-embarrassed.png">Don't worry, my dear - I'm sure they'll grow.</state>
+                <state img="1-interested.png">You have hidden charms, ~name~!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible">
+                <state img="1-sad.png">So... it's a punishment game?</state>
+                <state img="1-calm.png">You must have a lot of suitors!</state>
+                <state img="1-horny.png">This game is completely ridiculous, but... let's keep playing anyway.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="buffy">
+                <state img="1-confused.png">What <i>else</i> would they be?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case alsoPlaying="xander" tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="buffy">
+                <state img="1-confused.png">Do you two have a relationship?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory">
+                <state img="1-happy.png">Oh, that counts? I may be better prepared than I thought!</state>
+                <state img="1-sad.png">This could be an expensive game if we don't get those back...</state>
+                <state img="1-happy.png">I was getting all worked up about nothing - this game seems like harmless fun.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case filter="princess" tag="female_removing_accessory" targetStage="1">
+                <state img="1-shocked.png">Wait. P-Princess ~name~?! What are <i>you</i> doing here?</state>
+                <state img="1-sad.png">I wish I'd known you'd be here, Princess ~name~!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="arwen" targetStage="1">
+                <state img="1-shocked.png">Does... does that make you royalty?</state>
+                <state img="1-sad.png">How wonderful to be playing in such esteemed company...</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="game_over_victory">
+                <state img="1-shocked.png">This certainly qualifies as an unbelievable sight.</state>
+                <state img="1-sad.png">So I won? What a waste of time.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_major">
+                <state img="1-shocked.png">What are you doing, ~name~?</state>
+                <state img="1-happy.png">This means I'm winning, right?</state>
+                <state img="1-sad.png">I'm really very sorry, ~name~.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_removing_minor">
+                <state img="1-embarrassed.png">Suddenly I see why everyone is so heavily dressed...</state>
+                <state img="1-calm.png">Well, that's... something.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_removing_minor" target="fred" targetStage="1">
+                <state img="1-interested.png">You <i>do</i> seem overdressed, Freddie.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_finished_masturbating">
+                <state img="1-sad.png">Don't worry, ~name~. I won't breathe a word of this to your family!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible">
+                <state img="1-shocked.png">I feel like I've wandered into the harem by mistake!</state>
+                <state img="1-shocked.png">This is no children's game! What have I gotten myself into?</state>
+                <state img="1-shocked.png">I had no idea that women could be so bold.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_masturbating">
+                <state img="1-angry.png">You-- you have no right to look at me that way!</state>
+                <state img="1-shocked.png">That's barbaric!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_minor">
+                <state img="1-angry.png">So... this is <i>fun</i>, is it? Hmm.</state>
+                <state img="1-confused.png">Maybe we're not at the exciting part yet.</state>
+                <state img="1-sad.png">Being honest, this is rather boring.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case filter="innocent" tag="female_removed_minor">
+                <state img="1-happy.png">My! You appear to be well brought-up, ~name~. Unlike <i>some</i> people I could mention.</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="kyoko" targetStage="6">
                 <state img="1-shocked.png">That must have been painful...</state>
@@ -638,660 +537,607 @@
                 <state img="1-shocked.png">No!</state>
                 <state img="1-angry.png">I knew it! You <i>are</i> in league with Jafar!</state>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major">
-				<state img="1-sad.png">Call me sheltered, but I just don't see the appeal of this.</state>
-				<state img="1-shocked.png">You're not leaving a lot to the imagination!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major" target="dawn" targetStage="5">
-				<state img="1-interested.png">It <i>is</i> very nice.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_small_chest_is_visible">
-				<state img="1-sad.png">How humiliating for you!</state>
-				<state img="1-embarrassed.png">Don't worry, my dear - I'm sure they'll grow.</state>
-				<state img="1-interested.png">You have hidden charms, ~name~!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible">
-				<state img="1-sad.png">So... it's a punishment game?</state>
-				<state img="1-calm.png">You must have a lot of suitors!</state>
-				<state img="1-horny.png">This game is completely ridiculous, but... let's keep playing anyway.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="buffy" alsoPlaying="xander">
-				<state img="1-confused.png">Do you two have a relationship?</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="buffy">
-				<state img="1-confused.png">What <i>else</i> would they be?</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_large_chest_is_visible">
-				<state img="1-happy.png">Those are less like pomegranates and more like melons!</state>
-				<state img="1-shocked.png">I don't know whether to be impressed or feel sorry for you.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_is_visible">
-				<state img="1-sad.png">...Is this what I have to compete with?</state>
-				<state img="1-shocked.png">It's an indescribable sight...</state>
-				<state img="1-shocked.png">I can see everything!</state>
-				<state img="1-calm.png">Bravo, ~name~! How brave!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="dawn">
-				<state img="1-shocked.png">Oh! You meant your-- is <i>that</i> what Aladdin meant?!?</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" filter="shaved">
-				<state img="1-embarrassed.png">I had no idea you could do that with your, um, with your hair.</state>
-				<state img="1-shocked.png">Why do you shave? Is it to avoid getting sand down there?</state>
-				<state img="1-shocked.png">I think it's safe to say I've never had a friend like <i>you</i>!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_must_masturbate">
-				<state img="1-angry.png">Stop that, all of you! How dare you force this poor, defenceless young girl to--</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_start_masturbating">
-				<state img="1-shocked.png">This-- this is actually part of the game?</state>
-				<state img="1-embarrassed.png">Surely the Sultan can't know this is going on under his nose... can he?</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_masturbating">
-				<state img="1-sad.png">How humiliating! You poor girl!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_finished_masturbating">
-				<state img="1-sad.png">Don't worry, ~name~. I won't breathe a word of this to your family!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="game_over_victory">
-				<state img="1-shocked.png">This certainly qualifies as an unbelievable sight.</state>
-				<state img="1-sad.png">So I won? What a waste of time.</state>
-			</case>
-		</stage>
-		<stage id="2">
-			<case tag="swap_cards">
-				<state img="2-calm.png">...Could I have ~cards~ cards, please?</state>
-				<state img="2-calm.png">I wish I had ~cards~ more cards!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="good_hand">
-				<state img="2-happy.png">Ha! I'm looking forward to this round.</state>
-				<state img="2-happy.png">Oh, these cards are wonderful!</state>
-				<state img="2-happy.png">This is easy! As expected of a princess!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="okay_hand">
-				<state img="2-calm.png">I know what I'm doing! I've seen the guards playing cards before...</state>
-				<state img="2-calm.png">I can do this! I think.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="okay_hand" alsoPlaying="elena">
-				<state img="2-embarrassed.png">Princess Elena! What a surprise to see you here!</state>
-				<state img="2-calm.png">I know what I'm doing! I've seen the guards playing cards before...</state>
-				<state img="2-calm.png">I can do this! I think.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="bad_hand">
-				<state img="2-sad.png">I'd like to believe I'll win with these cards, but I'm fresh out of optimism.</state>
-				<state img="2-sad.png">I may be in over my head...</state>
-				<state img="2-sad.png">Dawn can't come soon enough.</state>
-				<state img="2-sad.png">I may have finally bitten off more than I can chew...</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="stripped">
-				<state img="2-sad.png">...Aren't you surprised? I thought this disguise was pretty good.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="must_strip_winning">
-				<state img="2-angry.png">I understand what needs to be done. Did you think I was stupid?</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="must_strip_normal">
-				<state img="2-embarrassed.png">It seems there is more to this game than I had realized.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="must_strip_losing">
-				<state img="2-shocked.png">I can't believe people play this game for <i>fun</i>.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="stripping">
-				<state img="2-strip.png">Your word is my command! I'll remove my earrings.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_human_must_strip">
-				<state img="2-interested.png">Sorry, ~name~, but you've got to do better than that if you want to win!</state>
-				<state img="2-interested.png">What's good for the goose is good for the gander!</state>
-				<state img="2-happy.png">I like how this is going so far.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_must_strip">
-				<state img="2-interested.png">Sorry, ~name~, but you've got to do better than that if you want to win!</state>
-				<state img="2-interested.png">What's good for the goose is good for the gander!</state>
-				<state img="2-happy.png">I like how this is going so far.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_must_strip" target="xander">
-				<state img="2-interested.png">Sorry, ~name~, but you've got to do better than that if you want to win!</state>
-				<state img="2-interested.png">What's good for the goose is good for the gander! Or the Xander, in this case.</state>
-				<state img="2-happy.png">I like how this is going so far.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_removing_accessory">
-				<state img="2-sad.png">Well, that's... disappointing.</state>
-				<state img="2-angry.png">I'm not mad. It would be petty to be mad over a game. A <i>stupid</i> game.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_removing_minor">
-				<state img="2-sad.png">You've never heard of <i>noblesse oblige</i>, have you?</state>
-				<state img="2-angry.png">You clearly have <i>no</i> respect for royalty.</state>
-				<state img="2-interested.png">You <i>do</i> seem overdressed, ~name~.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_removing_minor" target="fred" targetStage="1">
-				<state img="2-interested.png">You <i>do</i> seem overdressed, Freddie.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_removing_major">
-				<state img="2-calm.png">Don't be so stuffy, ~name~. We're all friends here!</state>
-				<state img="2-interested.png">Ah, <i>now</i> we're getting somewhere!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_chest_will_be_visible">
-				<state img="2-happy.png">I can't wait to see what happens next!</state>
-				<state img="2-shocked.png">Are you trying to win my heart, ~name~? I'm spoken for.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_crotch_will_be_visible">
-				<state img="2-horny.png">Perhaps I <i>can</i> see the point of the game...</state>
-				<state img="2-angry.png">If you're trying to impress me, I'd prefer a game of wits.</state>
-				<state img="2-interested.png">It's good to get away from the guards and their rules for a change.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_crotch_will_be_visible" target="link">
-				<state img="2-sad.png">You're so thoughtful, Link... how on Earth did you get roped into playing this?</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_removed_accessory">
-				<state img="2-confused.png">I wonder if this is why my suitors always wore so much jewelry?</state>
-				<state img="2-angry.png">I've never fed anyone to my pet tiger... There's a first time for everything, though.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_removed_minor">
-				<state img="2-sad.png">We're going to be here for a while, aren't we?</state>
-				<state img="2-angry.png">What are you, a mouse or a man?</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_removed_minor" target="fred" targetStage="2">
-				<state img="2-interested.png">It makes me wonder if you have something to hide.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_removed_major">
-				<state img="2-calm.png">I must say, you look very dashing!</state>
-				<state img="2-horny.png">I never saw anything like <i>this</i> from the palace window!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_chest_is_visible">
-				<state img="2-interested.png">You could give my suitors a run for their money!</state>
-				<state img="2-horny.png">Oh, a working man's build... so different from a soft aristocrat.</state>
-				<state img="2-calm.png">You look as strong as ten regular men!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_chest_is_visible" filter="single">
-				<state img="2-interested.png">So brazen! You remind me of Aladdin, when we first met.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_chest_is_visible" filter="taken">
-				<state img="2-embarrassed.png">This seems like something only your lover should be seeing.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_small_crotch_is_visible">
-				<state img="2-interested.png">Oh... so they <i>do</i> come in different sizes after all!</state>
-				<state img="2-embarrassed.png">Maybe you just don't have what it takes to be a hero...</state>
-				<state img="2-horny.png">Once again I realize how lucky I am to have found my Aladdin!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_medium_crotch_is_visible">
-				<state img="2-shocked.png">Oh! I didn't know they could twitch like that.</state>
-				<state img="2-horny.png">If you've seen one, you've seen them all.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_large_crotch_is_visible">
-				<state img="2-angry.png">They should let princesses have harems, too! It's so unfair.</state>
-				<state img="2-shocked.png">They grow them <i>big</i> on the streets, don't they?</state>
-				<state img="2-shocked.png"><i>THAT</i> is supposed to fit in <i>there</i>? This is a joke, right?</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_must_masturbate">
-				<state img="2-shocked.png">Are you <i>sure</i> this is in the rules?</state>
-				<state img="2-shocked.png">...I <i>have</i> led a sheltered life.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_start_masturbating">
-				<state img="2-embarrassed.png">What you are doing is <i>not</i> romance, sir!</state>
-				<state img="2-angry.png">So it's true: men are pigs.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_masturbating">
-				<state img="2-angry.png">If you're looking for encouragement from me, you can have it over my dead body.</state>
-				<state img="2-calm.png">You're rubbing that like you expect a genie to come out!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_finished_masturbating">
-				<state img="2-embarrassed.png">Well, at least it's not the first time I've seen a man do that.</state>
-				<state img="2-shocked.png">You came so far - like a shooting star!</state>
-				<state img="2-interested.png">You look just like my husband on our wedding night.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_finished_masturbating" target="xander">
-				<state img="2-calm.png">It's important to be honest about your feelings, Xander.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_finished_masturbating" filter="single">
-				<state img="2-angry.png">Save that kind of thing for your wife.</state>
-			</case>
+            <case tag="male_crotch_will_be_visible">
+                <state img="1-horny.png">Perhaps I <i>can</i> see the point of the game...</state>
+                <state img="1-angry.png">If you're trying to impress me, I'd prefer a game of wits.</state>
+                <state img="1-interested.png">It's good to get away from the guards and their rules for a change.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="good_hand">
+                <state img="1-happy.png">Ha ha!  Beginner's luck!</state>
+                <state img="1-happy.png">I think I'm getting the hang of this!</state>
+                <state img="1-happy.png">I'm a fast learner!</state>
+                <state img="1-happy.png">I'm a natural at this!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="okay_hand">
+                <state img="1-confused.png">Does the order of the cards matter, or just the numbers on them?</state>
+                <state img="1-calm.png">I wonder - would a princess outrank a jack?</state>
+                <state img="1-confused.png">I'm still not sure I get this, but I'll do my best.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case alsoPlaying="elena" tag="okay_hand">
+                <state img="1-shocked.png">I can't believe I'm playing strip poker with a princess! What a n--I mean, dream come true!</state>
+                <state img="1-confused.png">Does the order of the cards matter, or just the numbers on them?</state>
+                <state img="1-calm.png">I wonder - would a princess outrank a jack?</state>
+                <state img="1-confused.png">I'm still not sure I get this, but I'll do my best.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="swap_cards">
+                <state img="1-calm.png">...Could I have ~cards~ cards, please?</state>
+                <state img="1-calm.png">I wish I had ~cards~ more cards!</state>
+                <state img="1-calm.png">Can I take 6 cards? No? Fine, then: give me ~cards~.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="bad_hand">
+                <state img="1-sad.png">Can someone please explain how to play again?</state>
+                <state img="1-confused.png">Is an ace high or low?</state>
+                <state img="1-sad.png">I may not know much about this game, but I know enough to realize when I have a lousy hand.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="stripped">
+                <state img="1-embarrassed.png">What? No, I don't think we've met before. I'm just a plain old regular girl.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case alsoPlaying="zoey" alsoPlayingStage="0" tag="stripped">
+                <state img="1-shocked.png">W-what are you talking about, Zoey? I'm just a plain, ordinary peasant girl, not the incredibly beautiful and famous princess!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case alsoPlaying="zoey" alsoPlayingStage="1" tag="stripped">
+                <state img="1-shocked.png">W-what are you talking about, Zoey? I'm just a plain, ordinary peasant girl, not the incredibly beautiful and famous princess!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case alsoPlaying="zoey" alsoPlayingStage="2" tag="stripped">
+                <state img="1-shocked.png">W-what are you talking about, Zoey? I'm just a plain, ordinary peasant girl, not the incredibly beautiful and famous princess!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case alsoPlaying="zoey" alsoPlayingStage="3" tag="stripped">
+                <state img="1-shocked.png">W-what are you talking about, Zoey? I'm just a plain, ordinary peasant girl, not the incredibly beautiful and famous princess!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="must_strip_normal">
+                <state img="1-embarrassed.png">Very well... a princess always keeps her word. Um, and so do ordinary girls like me!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="must_strip_losing">
+                <state img="1-shocked.png">Me again? This might be a short game.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="stripping">
+                <state img="1-strip.png">You've forced my hand! BEHOLD: I am no mere street rat! I am... Princess Jasmine!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="must_strip_winning">
+                <state img="1-sad.png">Just when I thought I was getting the hang of it...</state>
+            </case>
+        </stage>
-			<case tag="female_human_must_strip">
-				<state img="2-embarrassed.png">Just take a deep breath, ~name~.</state>
-				<state img="2-calm.png">I can see how some people could find this fun!</state>
-				<state img="2-happy.png">This is getting exciting!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_must_strip">
-				<state img="2-embarrassed.png">Just take a deep breath, ~name~.</state>
-				<state img="2-calm.png">I can see how some people could find this fun!</state>
-				<state img="2-happy.png">This is getting exciting!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_accessory">
-				<state img="2-calm.png">I suppose this makes us even?</state>
-				<state img="2-calm.png">I've never seen such a thing in the markets of Agrabah! Wherever did you buy it?</state>
-				<state img="2-shocked.png">Does this mean I'm losing?</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="arwen" targetStage="1">
-				<state img="2-calm.png">Nice to meet you, Lady Rivendell. I am Princess Jasmine of Agrabah.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_minor">
-				<state img="2-angry.png">You wouldn't be wearing so much if you lived in the desert!</state>
-				<state img="2-sad.png">What a shame! You look lovely with your ~clothing~ on.</state>
-				<state img="2-calm.png">Don't worry! You'll still look <i>perfectly</i> respectable.</state>
-			</case>
+        <stage id="2">
+            <case tag="female_must_strip">
+                <state img="2-embarrassed.png">Just take a deep breath, ~name~.</state>
+                <state img="2-calm.png">I can see how some people could find this fun!</state>
+                <state img="2-happy.png">This is getting exciting!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_chest_will_be_visible">
+                <state img="2-happy.png">I can't wait to see what happens next!</state>
+                <state img="2-shocked.png">Are you trying to win my heart, ~name~? I'm spoken for.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_minor">
+                <state img="2-angry.png">You wouldn't be wearing so much if you lived in the desert!</state>
+                <state img="2-sad.png">What a shame! You look lovely with your ~clothing~ on.</state>
+                <state img="2-calm.png">Don't worry! You'll still look <i>perfectly</i> respectable.</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="female_removing_minor" target="kyoko" targetStage="5">
                 <state img="2-shocked.png">How terrible!</state>
             <case tag="female_removing_minor" target="leela" targetStage="2">
                 <state img="2-happy.png">I have a pair like that! They were a gift from one of my suitors.</state>
-			<case tag="female_removing_major">
-				<state img="2-shocked.png">What are you doing, ~name~?</state>
-				<state img="2-confused.png">This means I'm winning, right?</state>
-				<state img="2-sad.png">Not enough layers? I could lend you some of my jewelry.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible">
-				<state img="2-shocked.png">I feel like I've wandered into the harem by mistake!</state>
-				<state img="2-shocked.png">This is no children's game! What have I gotten myself into?</state>
-				<state img="2-shocked.png">I had no idea that women could be so bold.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible">
-				<state img="2-shocked.png">You think I don't know anything, huh? I know plenty about the real world! I'm not shocked by this at <i>all</i>!</state>
-				<state img="2-calm.png">Be brave, ~name~!</state>
-				<state img="2-happy.png">Just like the baths at home!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="dawn">
-				<state img="2-happy.png">Oh! Do you have a magic carpet, too?</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_accessory">
-				<state img="2-angry.png">Oh, you wouldn't know fashion if it came up and bit you on the leg.</state>
-				<state img="2-confused.png">That doesn't even seem like a penalty, but what do I know?</state>
-				<state img="2-happy.png">I can't wait to see more!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="arwen" targetStage="1">
-				<state img="2-happy.png">Ah, a poet! I like you, Arwen.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="blackrose" targetStage="1">
-				<state img="2-angry.png">How <i>dare</i> you call me that!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="chara" targetStage="1">
-				<state img="2-shocked.png">...This <i>is</i> just a friendly game, isn't it?</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_minor">
-				<state img="2-calm.png">I'm surprised you were wearing so much to begin with!</state>
-				<state img="2-calm.png">There we go! That wasn't so hard, was it?</state>
-				<state img="2-embarrassed.png">You're running out of layers, aren't you?</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_minor" filter="innocent">
-				<state img="2-happy.png">My! You appear to be well brought-up, ~name~. Unlike <i>some</i> people I could mention.</state>
-			</case>
-            <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="kyoko" targetStage="6">
-                <state img="2-shocked.png">That must have been painful...</state>
+            <case tag="male_medium_crotch_is_visible">
+                <state img="2-shocked.png">Oh! I didn't know they could twitch like that.</state>
+                <state img="2-horny.png">If you've seen one, you've seen them all.</state>
-            <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="lux" targetStage="3">
+            <case tag="female_removed_major">
+                <state img="2-embarrassed.png">Things are really different outside the palace, aren't they?</state>
+                <state img="2-embarrassed.png">Thank goodness Aladdin isn't here to see this!</state>
+                <state img="2-calm.png">You could dance for a living, ~name~!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case filter="athletic" tag="female_removed_major">
+                <state img="2-shocked.png">You're so... muscular! Are you an athlete of some kind?</state>
+                <state img="2-embarrassed.png">Things are really different outside the palace, aren't they?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case filter="innocent" tag="female_removed_major">
+                <state img="2-embarrassed.png">Surely we've all seen enough by now. Why don't we call it a day?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_major" target="dawn" targetStage="5">
+                <state img="2-interested.png">It <i>is</i> very nice.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_large_crotch_is_visible">
+                <state img="2-angry.png">They should let princesses have harems, too! It's so unfair.</state>
+                <state img="2-shocked.png">They grow them <i>big</i> on the streets, don't they?</state>
+                <state img="2-shocked.png"><i>THAT</i> is supposed to fit in <i>there</i>? This is a joke, right?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible">
+                <state img="2-shocked.png">You think I don't know anything, huh? I know plenty about the real world! I'm not shocked by this at <i>all</i>!</state>
+                <state img="2-calm.png">Be brave, ~name~!</state>
+                <state img="2-happy.png">Just like the baths at home!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="dawn">
+                <state img="2-happy.png">Oh! Do you have a magic carpet, too?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_removed_minor">
+                <state img="2-sad.png">We're going to be here for a while, aren't we?</state>
+                <state img="2-angry.png">What are you, a mouse or a man?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_removed_minor" target="fred" targetStage="2">
+                <state img="2-interested.png">It makes me wonder if you have something to hide.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_removed_accessory">
+                <state img="2-confused.png">I wonder if this is why my suitors always wore so much jewelry?</state>
+                <state img="2-angry.png">I've never fed anyone to my pet tiger... There's a first time for everything, though.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_must_masturbate">
+                <state img="2-shocked.png">Are you <i>sure</i> this is in the rules?</state>
+                <state img="2-shocked.png">...I <i>have</i> led a sheltered life.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_masturbating">
+                <state img="2-embarrassed.png">I've never seen this before! My handmaid and I are close, but not <i>that</i> close.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_human_must_strip">
+                <state img="2-embarrassed.png">Just take a deep breath, ~name~.</state>
+                <state img="2-calm.png">I can see how some people could find this fun!</state>
+                <state img="2-happy.png">This is getting exciting!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible">
+                <state img="2-sad.png">...Is this what I have to compete with?</state>
+                <state img="2-shocked.png">It's an indescribable sight...</state>
+                <state img="2-shocked.png">I can see everything!</state>
+                <state img="2-calm.png">Bravo, ~name~! How brave!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case filter="shaved" tag="female_crotch_is_visible">
+                <state img="2-embarrassed.png">I had no idea you could do that with your, um, with your hair.</state>
+                <state img="2-shocked.png">Why do you shave? Is it to avoid getting sand down there?</state>
+                <state img="2-shocked.png">I think it's safe to say I've never had a friend like <i>you</i>!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="dawn">
+                <state img="2-shocked.png">Oh! You meant your-- is <i>that</i> what Aladdin meant?!?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_start_masturbating">
+                <state img="2-embarrassed.png">Surely the Sultan can't know this is going on under his nose... can he?</state>
+                <state img="2-shocked.png">Am I... am I supposed to watch?</state>
+                <state img="2-shocked.png">I can't believe you! I could never do that - not for all the silk in Agrabah!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_removing_major">
+                <state img="2-calm.png">Don't be so stuffy, ~name~. We're all friends here!</state>
+                <state img="2-interested.png">Ah, <i>now</i> we're getting somewhere!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_accessory">
+                <state img="2-angry.png">Oh, you wouldn't know fashion if it came up and bit you on the leg.</state>
+                <state img="2-confused.png">That doesn't even seem like a penalty, but what do I know?</state>
+                <state img="2-happy.png">I can't wait to see more!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="arwen" targetStage="1">
+                <state img="2-happy.png">Ah, a poet! I like you, Arwen.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="blackrose" targetStage="1">
+                <state img="2-angry.png">How <i>dare</i> you call me that!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="chara" targetStage="1">
+                <state img="2-shocked.png">...This <i>is</i> just a friendly game, isn't it?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_removed_major">
+                <state img="2-calm.png">I must say, you look very dashing!</state>
+                <state img="2-horny.png">I never saw anything like <i>this</i> from the palace window!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_start_masturbating">
+                <state img="2-embarrassed.png">What you are doing is <i>not</i> romance, sir!</state>
+                <state img="2-angry.png">So it's true: men are pigs.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_chest_is_visible">
+                <state img="2-interested.png">You could give my suitors a run for their money!</state>
+                <state img="2-horny.png">Oh, a working man's build... so different from a soft aristocrat.</state>
+                <state img="2-calm.png">You look as strong as ten regular men!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case filter="single" tag="male_chest_is_visible">
+                <state img="2-interested.png">So brazen! You remind me of Aladdin, when we first met.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case filter="taken" tag="male_chest_is_visible">
+                <state img="2-embarrassed.png">This seems like something only your lover should be seeing.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_large_chest_is_visible">
+                <state img="2-happy.png">Those are less like pomegranates and more like melons!</state>
+                <state img="2-shocked.png">I don't know whether to be impressed or feel sorry for you.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_must_strip">
+                <state img="2-interested.png">Sorry, ~name~, but you've got to do better than that if you want to win!</state>
+                <state img="2-interested.png">What's good for the goose is good for the gander!</state>
+                <state img="2-happy.png">I like how this is going so far.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_must_strip" target="xander">
+                <state img="2-interested.png">Sorry, ~name~, but you've got to do better than that if you want to win!</state>
+                <state img="2-interested.png">What's good for the goose is good for the gander! Or the Xander, in this case.</state>
+                <state img="2-happy.png">I like how this is going so far.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_must_masturbate">
+                <state img="2-angry.png">So <i>this</i> is why Aladdin wanted to play!</state>
+                <state img="2-shocked.png">So <i>this</i> is what my people do for fun?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_human_must_strip">
+                <state img="2-interested.png">Sorry, ~name~, but you've got to do better than that if you want to win!</state>
+                <state img="2-interested.png">What's good for the goose is good for the gander!</state>
+                <state img="2-happy.png">I like how this is going so far.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_small_crotch_is_visible">
+                <state img="2-interested.png">Oh... so they <i>do</i> come in different sizes after all!</state>
+                <state img="2-embarrassed.png">Maybe you just don't have what it takes to be a hero...</state>
+                <state img="2-horny.png">Once again I realize how lucky I am to have found my Aladdin!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_removing_accessory">
+                <state img="2-sad.png">Well, that's... disappointing.</state>
+                <state img="2-angry.png">I'm not mad. It would be petty to be mad over a game. A <i>stupid</i> game.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_finished_masturbating">
+                <state img="2-embarrassed.png">Well, at least it's not the first time I've seen a man do that.</state>
+                <state img="2-shocked.png">You came so far - like a shooting star!</state>
+                <state img="2-interested.png">You look just like my husband on our wedding night.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case filter="single" tag="male_finished_masturbating">
+                <state img="2-angry.png">Save that kind of thing for your wife.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_finished_masturbating" target="xander">
+                <state img="2-calm.png">It's important to be honest about your feelings, Xander.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_small_chest_is_visible">
+                <state img="2-sad.png">How humiliating for you!</state>
+                <state img="2-embarrassed.png">Don't worry, my dear - I'm sure they'll grow.</state>
+                <state img="2-interested.png">You have hidden charms, ~name~!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible">
+                <state img="2-sad.png">So... it's a punishment game?</state>
+                <state img="2-calm.png">You must have a lot of suitors!</state>
+                <state img="2-horny.png">This game is completely ridiculous, but... let's keep playing anyway.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="buffy">
+                <state img="2-confused.png">What <i>else</i> would they be?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case alsoPlaying="xander" tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="buffy">
+                <state img="2-confused.png">Do you two have a relationship?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory">
+                <state img="2-calm.png">I suppose this makes us even?</state>
+                <state img="2-calm.png">I've never seen such a thing in the markets of Agrabah! Wherever did you buy it?</state>
+                <state img="2-shocked.png">Does this mean I'm losing?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="arwen" targetStage="1">
+                <state img="2-calm.png">Nice to meet you, Lady Rivendell. I am Princess Jasmine of Agrabah.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="game_over_victory">
+                <state img="2-angry.png">Don't treat me with kid gloves just because I'm a princess! I'm not some delicate flower, you know.</state>
+                <state img="2-angry.png">Let us never speak of this again. Ever.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_major">
+                <state img="2-shocked.png">What are you doing, ~name~?</state>
+                <state img="2-confused.png">This means I'm winning, right?</state>
+                <state img="2-sad.png">Not enough layers? I could lend you some of my jewelry.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_removing_minor">
+                <state img="2-sad.png">You've never heard of <i>noblesse oblige</i>, have you?</state>
+                <state img="2-angry.png">You clearly have <i>no</i> respect for royalty.</state>
+                <state img="2-interested.png">You <i>do</i> seem overdressed, ~name~.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_removing_minor" target="fred" targetStage="1">
+                <state img="2-interested.png">You <i>do</i> seem overdressed, Freddie.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_finished_masturbating">
+                <state img="2-shocked.png">That was... indescribable.</state>
+                <state img="2-embarrassed.png">I <i>do</i> think royalty should learn more about commoners. I should, um, study this some more.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case filter="princess" tag="female_finished_masturbating">
+                <state img="2-shocked.png">Well, <i>this</i> is going to make the next royal visit awkward.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible">
+                <state img="2-shocked.png">I feel like I've wandered into the harem by mistake!</state>
+                <state img="2-shocked.png">This is no children's game! What have I gotten myself into?</state>
+                <state img="2-shocked.png">I had no idea that women could be so bold.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_masturbating">
+                <state img="2-angry.png">If you're looking for encouragement from me, you can have it over my dead body.</state>
+                <state img="2-calm.png">You're rubbing that like you expect a genie to come out!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_minor">
+                <state img="2-calm.png">I'm surprised you were wearing so much to begin with!</state>
+                <state img="2-calm.png">There we go! That wasn't so hard, was it?</state>
+                <state img="2-embarrassed.png">You're running out of layers, aren't you?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case filter="innocent" tag="female_removed_minor">
+                <state img="2-happy.png">My! You appear to be well brought-up, ~name~. Unlike <i>some</i> people I could mention.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="kyoko" targetStage="6">
+                <state img="2-shocked.png">That must have been painful...</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="lux" targetStage="3">
                 <state img="2-happy.png">Thank you, Lux! You seem very friendly too.</state>
             <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="shego" targetStage="2">
                 <state img="2-shocked.png">No!</state>
                 <state img="2-angry.png">I knew it! You <i>are</i> in league with Jafar!</state>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major">
-				<state img="2-embarrassed.png">Things are really different outside the palace, aren't they?</state>
-				<state img="2-embarrassed.png">Thank goodness Aladdin isn't here to see this!</state>
-				<state img="2-calm.png">You could dance for a living, ~name~!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major" target="dawn" targetStage="5">
-				<state img="2-interested.png">It <i>is</i> very nice.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major" filter="innocent">
-				<state img="2-embarrassed.png">Surely we've all seen enough by now. Why don't we call it a day?</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major" filter="athletic">
-				<state img="2-shocked.png">You're so... muscular! Are you an athlete of some kind?</state>
-				<state img="2-embarrassed.png">Things are really different outside the palace, aren't they?</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_small_chest_is_visible">
-				<state img="2-sad.png">How humiliating for you!</state>
-				<state img="2-embarrassed.png">Don't worry, my dear - I'm sure they'll grow.</state>
-				<state img="2-interested.png">You have hidden charms, ~name~!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible">
-				<state img="2-sad.png">So... it's a punishment game?</state>
-				<state img="2-calm.png">You must have a lot of suitors!</state>
-				<state img="2-horny.png">This game is completely ridiculous, but... let's keep playing anyway.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="buffy" alsoPlaying="xander">
-				<state img="2-confused.png">Do you two have a relationship?</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="buffy">
-				<state img="2-confused.png">What <i>else</i> would they be?</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_large_chest_is_visible">
-				<state img="2-happy.png">Those are less like pomegranates and more like melons!</state>
-				<state img="2-shocked.png">I don't know whether to be impressed or feel sorry for you.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_is_visible">
-				<state img="2-sad.png">...Is this what I have to compete with?</state>
-				<state img="2-shocked.png">It's an indescribable sight...</state>
-				<state img="2-shocked.png">I can see everything!</state>
-				<state img="2-calm.png">Bravo, ~name~! How brave!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="dawn">
-				<state img="2-shocked.png">Oh! You meant your-- is <i>that</i> what Aladdin meant?!?</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" filter="shaved">
-				<state img="2-embarrassed.png">I had no idea you could do that with your, um, with your hair.</state>
-				<state img="2-shocked.png">Why do you shave? Is it to avoid getting sand down there?</state>
-				<state img="2-shocked.png">I think it's safe to say I've never had a friend like <i>you</i>!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_must_masturbate">
-				<state img="2-angry.png">So <i>this</i> is why Aladdin wanted to play!</state>
-				<state img="2-shocked.png">So <i>this</i> is what my people do for fun?</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_start_masturbating">
-				<state img="2-shocked.png">Am I... am I supposed to watch?</state>
-				<state img="2-embarrassed.png">Surely the Sultan can't know this is going on under his nose... can he?</state>
-				<state img="2-shocked.png">I can't believe you! I could never do that - not for all the silk in Agrabah!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_masturbating">
-				<state img="2-embarrassed.png">I've never seen this before! My handmaid and I are close, but not <i>that</i> close.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_finished_masturbating">
-				<state img="2-shocked.png">That was... indescribable.</state>
-				<state img="2-embarrassed.png">I <i>do</i> think royalty should learn more about commoners. I should, um, study this some more.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_finished_masturbating" filter="princess">
-				<state img="2-shocked.png">Well, <i>this</i> is going to make the next royal visit awkward.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="game_over_victory">
-				<state img="2-angry.png">Don't treat me with kid gloves just because I'm a princess! I'm not some delicate flower, you know.</state>
-				<state img="2-angry.png">Let us never speak of this again. Ever.</state>
-			</case>
-		</stage>
-		<stage id="3">
-			<case tag="swap_cards">
-				<state img="3-calm.png">...Could I have ~cards~ cards, please?</state>
-				<state img="3-calm.png">I wish I had ~cards~ more cards!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="good_hand">
-				<state img="3-happy.png">Ha! I'm looking forward to this round.</state>
-				<state img="3-happy.png">Oh, these cards are wonderful!</state>
-				<state img="3-happy.png">This is easy! As expected of a princess!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="okay_hand">
-				<state img="3-calm.png">I know what I'm doing! I've seen the guards playing cards before...</state>
-				<state img="3-calm.png">I can do this! I think.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="okay_hand" alsoPlaying="elena">
-				<state img="3-embarrassed.png">You're still coming to our party, right Elena?</state>
-				<state img="3-calm.png">I know what I'm doing! I've seen the guards playing cards before...</state>
-				<state img="3-calm.png">I can do this! I think.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="bad_hand">
-				<state img="3-sad.png">I'd like to believe I'll win with these cards, but I'm fresh out of optimism.</state>
-				<state img="3-sad.png">I may be in over my head...</state>
-				<state img="3-sad.png">Dawn can't come soon enough.</state>
-				<state img="3-sad.png">I may have finally bitten off more than I can chew...</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="stripped">
-				<state img="3-sad.png">I get them back at the end, don't I? They were a gift from my father!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="stripped" alsoPlaying="streaming-chan">
-				<state img="3-happy.png">It is nice to appear in public without my guards. It lets me discover what my people are doing!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="must_strip_winning">
-				<state img="3-sad.png">A princess knows how to lose gracefully.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="must_strip_normal">
-				<state img="3-calm.png">So many choices... let me think!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="must_strip_losing">
-				<state img="3-sad.png">Well, I did say I'd spend the day like a street rat if it killed me. And it just might at this rate.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="stripping">
-				<state img="3-strip.png">I'll give up my necklace. That counts, right?</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_human_must_strip">
-				<state img="3-interested.png">Sorry, ~name~, but you've got to do better than that if you want to win!</state>
-				<state img="3-interested.png">What's good for the goose is good for the gander!</state>
-				<state img="3-happy.png">I like how this is going so far.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_must_strip">
-				<state img="3-interested.png">Sorry, ~name~, but you've got to do better than that if you want to win!</state>
-				<state img="3-interested.png">What's good for the goose is good for the gander!</state>
-				<state img="3-happy.png">I like how this is going so far.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_must_strip" target="xander">
-				<state img="3-interested.png">Sorry, ~name~, but you've got to do better than that if you want to win!</state>
-				<state img="3-interested.png">What's good for the goose is good for the gander! Or the Xander, in this case.</state>
-				<state img="3-happy.png">I like how this is going so far.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_removing_accessory">
-				<state img="3-sad.png">Well, that's... disappointing.</state>
-				<state img="3-angry.png">I'm not mad. It would be petty to be mad over a game. A <i>stupid</i> game.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_removing_minor">
-				<state img="3-sad.png">You've never heard of <i>noblesse oblige</i>, have you?</state>
-				<state img="3-angry.png">You clearly have <i>no</i> respect for royalty.</state>
-				<state img="3-interested.png">You <i>do</i> seem overdressed, ~name~.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_removing_minor" target="fred" targetStage="1">
-				<state img="3-interested.png">You <i>do</i> seem overdressed, Freddie.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_removing_major">
-				<state img="3-calm.png">Don't be so stuffy, ~name~. We're all friends here!</state>
-				<state img="3-interested.png">Ah, <i>now</i> we're getting somewhere!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_chest_will_be_visible">
-				<state img="3-happy.png">I can't wait to see what happens next!</state>
-				<state img="3-shocked.png">Are you trying to win my heart, ~name~? I'm spoken for.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_crotch_will_be_visible">
-				<state img="3-horny.png">Perhaps I <i>can</i> see the point of the game...</state>
-				<state img="3-angry.png">If you're trying to impress me, I'd prefer a game of wits.</state>
-				<state img="3-interested.png">It's good to get away from the guards and their rules for a change.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_crotch_will_be_visible" target="link">
-				<state img="3-sad.png">You're so thoughtful, Link... how on Earth did you get roped into playing this?</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_removed_accessory">
-				<state img="3-confused.png">I wonder if this is why my suitors always wore so much jewelry?</state>
-				<state img="3-angry.png">I've never fed anyone to my pet tiger... There's a first time for everything, though.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_removed_minor">
-				<state img="3-sad.png">We're going to be here for a while, aren't we?</state>
-				<state img="3-angry.png">What are you, a mouse or a man?</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_removed_minor" target="fred" targetStage="2">
-				<state img="3-interested.png">It makes me wonder if you have something to hide.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_removed_major">
-				<state img="3-calm.png">I must say, you look very dashing!</state>
-				<state img="3-horny.png">I never saw anything like <i>this</i> from the palace window!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_chest_is_visible">
-				<state img="3-interested.png">You could give my suitors a run for their money!</state>
-				<state img="3-horny.png">Oh, a working man's build... so different from a soft aristocrat.</state>
-				<state img="3-calm.png">You look as strong as ten regular men!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_chest_is_visible" filter="single">
-				<state img="3-interested.png">So brazen! You remind me of Aladdin, when we first met.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_chest_is_visible" filter="taken">
-				<state img="3-embarrassed.png">This seems like something only your lover should be seeing.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_small_crotch_is_visible">
-				<state img="3-interested.png">Oh... so they <i>do</i> come in different sizes after all!</state>
-				<state img="3-embarrassed.png">Maybe you just don't have what it takes to be a hero...</state>
-				<state img="3-horny.png">Once again I realize how lucky I am to have found my Aladdin!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_medium_crotch_is_visible">
-				<state img="3-shocked.png">Oh! I didn't know they could twitch like that.</state>
-				<state img="3-horny.png">If you've seen one, you've seen them all.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_large_crotch_is_visible">
-				<state img="3-angry.png">They should let princesses have harems, too! It's so unfair.</state>
-				<state img="3-shocked.png">They grow them <i>big</i> on the streets, don't they?</state>
-				<state img="3-shocked.png"><i>THAT</i> is supposed to fit in <i>there</i>? This is a joke, right?</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_must_masturbate">
-				<state img="3-shocked.png">Are you <i>sure</i> this is in the rules?</state>
-				<state img="3-shocked.png">...I <i>have</i> led a sheltered life.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_start_masturbating">
-				<state img="3-embarrassed.png">What you are doing is <i>not</i> romance, sir!</state>
-				<state img="3-angry.png">So it's true: men are pigs.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_masturbating">
-				<state img="3-angry.png">If you're looking for encouragement from me, you can have it over my dead body.</state>
-				<state img="3-calm.png">You're rubbing that like you expect a genie to come out!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_finished_masturbating">
-				<state img="3-embarrassed.png">Well, at least it's not the first time I've seen a man do that.</state>
-				<state img="3-shocked.png">You came so far - like a shooting star!</state>
-				<state img="3-interested.png">You look just like my husband on our wedding night.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_finished_masturbating" target="xander">
-				<state img="3-calm.png">It's important to be honest about your feelings, Xander.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_finished_masturbating" filter="single">
-				<state img="3-angry.png">Save that kind of thing for your wife.</state>
-			</case>
+            <case tag="male_crotch_will_be_visible">
+                <state img="2-horny.png">Perhaps I <i>can</i> see the point of the game...</state>
+                <state img="2-angry.png">If you're trying to impress me, I'd prefer a game of wits.</state>
+                <state img="2-interested.png">It's good to get away from the guards and their rules for a change.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_crotch_will_be_visible" target="link">
+                <state img="2-sad.png">You're so thoughtful, Link... how on Earth did you get roped into playing this?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="good_hand">
+                <state img="2-happy.png">Ha! I'm looking forward to this round.</state>
+                <state img="2-happy.png">Oh, these cards are wonderful!</state>
+                <state img="2-happy.png">This is easy! As expected of a princess!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="okay_hand">
+                <state img="2-calm.png">I know what I'm doing! I've seen the guards playing cards before...</state>
+                <state img="2-calm.png">I can do this! I think.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case alsoPlaying="elena" tag="okay_hand">
+                <state img="2-embarrassed.png">Princess Elena! What a surprise to see you here!</state>
+                <state img="2-calm.png">I know what I'm doing! I've seen the guards playing cards before...</state>
+                <state img="2-calm.png">I can do this! I think.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="swap_cards">
+                <state img="2-calm.png">...Could I have ~cards~ cards, please?</state>
+                <state img="2-calm.png">I wish I had ~cards~ more cards!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="bad_hand">
+                <state img="2-sad.png">I'd like to believe I'll win with these cards, but I'm fresh out of optimism.</state>
+                <state img="2-sad.png">I may be in over my head...</state>
+                <state img="2-sad.png">Dawn can't come soon enough.</state>
+                <state img="2-sad.png">I may have finally bitten off more than I can chew...</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="stripped">
+                <state img="2-sad.png">...Aren't you surprised? I thought this disguise was pretty good.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="must_strip_normal">
+                <state img="2-embarrassed.png">It seems there is more to this game than I had realized.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="must_strip_losing">
+                <state img="2-shocked.png">I can't believe people play this game for <i>fun</i>.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="stripping">
+                <state img="2-strip.png">Your word is my command! I'll remove my earrings.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="must_strip_winning">
+                <state img="2-angry.png">I understand what needs to be done. Did you think I was stupid?</state>
+            </case>
+        </stage>
-			<case tag="female_human_must_strip">
-				<state img="3-embarrassed.png">Just take a deep breath, ~name~.</state>
-				<state img="3-calm.png">I can see how some people could find this fun!</state>
-				<state img="3-happy.png">This is getting exciting!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_must_strip">
-				<state img="3-embarrassed.png">Just take a deep breath, ~name~.</state>
-				<state img="3-calm.png">I can see how some people could find this fun!</state>
-				<state img="3-happy.png">This is getting exciting!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_accessory">
-				<state img="3-calm.png">I suppose this makes us even?</state>
-				<state img="3-calm.png">I've never seen such a thing in the markets of Agrabah! Wherever did you buy it?</state>
-				<state img="3-shocked.png">Does this mean I'm losing?</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="arwen" targetStage="1">
-				<state img="3-calm.png">Nice to meet you, Lady Rivendell. I am Princess Jasmine of Agrabah.</state>
-			</case>
-            <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="elena" targetStage="0">
-                <state img="3-happy.png">A brilliant idea! I wish I'd thought of it first.</state>
+        <stage id="3">
+            <case tag="female_must_strip">
+                <state img="3-embarrassed.png">Just take a deep breath, ~name~.</state>
+                <state img="3-calm.png">I can see how some people could find this fun!</state>
+                <state img="3-happy.png">This is getting exciting!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_chest_will_be_visible">
+                <state img="3-happy.png">I can't wait to see what happens next!</state>
+                <state img="3-shocked.png">Are you trying to win my heart, ~name~? I'm spoken for.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_minor">
+                <state img="3-angry.png">You wouldn't be wearing so much if you lived in the desert!</state>
+                <state img="3-sad.png">What a shame! You look lovely with your ~clothing~ on.</state>
+                <state img="3-calm.png">Don't worry! You'll still look <i>perfectly</i> respectable.</state>
-			<case tag="female_removing_minor">
-				<state img="3-angry.png">You wouldn't be wearing so much if you lived in the desert!</state>
-				<state img="3-sad.png">What a shame! You look lovely with your ~clothing~ on.</state>
-				<state img="3-calm.png">Don't worry! You'll still look <i>perfectly</i> respectable.</state>
-			</case>
             <case tag="female_removing_minor" target="kyoko" targetStage="5">
                 <state img="3-shocked.png">How terrible!</state>
             <case tag="female_removing_minor" target="leela" targetStage="2">
                 <state img="3-happy.png">I have a pair like that! They were a gift from one of my suitors.</state>
-			<case tag="female_removing_major">
-				<state img="3-shocked.png">What are you doing, ~name~?</state>
-				<state img="3-confused.png">This means I'm winning, right?</state>
-				<state img="3-sad.png">Not enough layers? I could lend you some of my jewelry.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible">
-				<state img="3-interested.png">I am not a prize to be won... but I'm beginning to think that <i>you</i> might be, ~name~.</state>
-				<state img="3-horny.png">I had no idea that women could be so bold. I approve.</state>
-				<state img="3-embarrassed.png">I'm as ready as I'll ever be. Go ahead and show us, ~name~.</state>
-				<state img="3-interested.png">Let there be no secrets between us, ~name~.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible">
-				<state img="3-shocked.png">You think I don't know anything, huh? I know plenty about the real world! I'm not shocked by this at <i>all</i>!</state>
-				<state img="3-calm.png">Be brave, ~name~!</state>
-				<state img="3-happy.png">Just like the baths at home!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="dawn">
-				<state img="3-happy.png">Oh! Do you have a magic carpet, too?</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_accessory">
-				<state img="3-angry.png">Oh, you wouldn't know fashion if it came up and bit you on the leg.</state>
-				<state img="3-confused.png">That doesn't even seem like a penalty, but what do I know?</state>
-				<state img="3-happy.png">I can't wait to see more!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="arwen" targetStage="1">
-				<state img="3-happy.png">Ah, a poet! I like you, Arwen.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="blackrose" targetStage="1">
-				<state img="3-angry.png">How <i>dare</i> you call me that!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="chara" targetStage="1">
-				<state img="3-shocked.png">...This <i>is</i> just a friendly game, isn't it?</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_minor">
-				<state img="3-calm.png">I'm surprised you were wearing so much to begin with!</state>
-				<state img="3-calm.png">There we go! That wasn't so hard, was it?</state>
-				<state img="3-embarrassed.png">You're running out of layers, aren't you?</state>
-			</case>
+            <case tag="male_medium_crotch_is_visible">
+                <state img="3-shocked.png">Oh! I didn't know they could twitch like that.</state>
+                <state img="3-horny.png">If you've seen one, you've seen them all.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_major">
+                <state img="3-embarrassed.png">Things are really different outside the palace, aren't they?</state>
+                <state img="3-embarrassed.png">Thank goodness Aladdin isn't here to see this!</state>
+                <state img="3-calm.png">You could dance for a living, ~name~!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case filter="athletic" tag="female_removed_major">
+                <state img="3-shocked.png">You're so... muscular! Are you an athlete of some kind?</state>
+                <state img="3-embarrassed.png">Things are really different outside the palace, aren't they?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case filter="innocent" tag="female_removed_major">
+                <state img="3-embarrassed.png">Surely we've all seen enough by now. Why don't we call it a day?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_major" target="dawn" targetStage="5">
+                <state img="3-interested.png">It <i>is</i> very nice.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_large_crotch_is_visible">
+                <state img="3-angry.png">They should let princesses have harems, too! It's so unfair.</state>
+                <state img="3-shocked.png">They grow them <i>big</i> on the streets, don't they?</state>
+                <state img="3-shocked.png"><i>THAT</i> is supposed to fit in <i>there</i>? This is a joke, right?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible">
+                <state img="3-shocked.png">You think I don't know anything, huh? I know plenty about the real world! I'm not shocked by this at <i>all</i>!</state>
+                <state img="3-calm.png">Be brave, ~name~!</state>
+                <state img="3-happy.png">Just like the baths at home!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="dawn">
+                <state img="3-happy.png">Oh! Do you have a magic carpet, too?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_removed_minor">
+                <state img="3-sad.png">We're going to be here for a while, aren't we?</state>
+                <state img="3-angry.png">What are you, a mouse or a man?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_removed_minor" target="fred" targetStage="2">
+                <state img="3-interested.png">It makes me wonder if you have something to hide.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_removed_accessory">
+                <state img="3-confused.png">I wonder if this is why my suitors always wore so much jewelry?</state>
+                <state img="3-angry.png">I've never fed anyone to my pet tiger... There's a first time for everything, though.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_must_masturbate">
+                <state img="3-shocked.png">Are you <i>sure</i> this is in the rules?</state>
+                <state img="3-shocked.png">...I <i>have</i> led a sheltered life.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_masturbating">
+                <state img="3-embarrassed.png">I've never seen this before! My handmaid and I are close, but not <i>that</i> close.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_human_must_strip">
+                <state img="3-embarrassed.png">Just take a deep breath, ~name~.</state>
+                <state img="3-calm.png">I can see how some people could find this fun!</state>
+                <state img="3-happy.png">This is getting exciting!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible">
+                <state img="3-sad.png">...Is this what I have to compete with?</state>
+                <state img="3-shocked.png">It's an indescribable sight...</state>
+                <state img="3-shocked.png">I can see everything!</state>
+                <state img="3-calm.png">Bravo, ~name~! How brave!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case filter="shaved" tag="female_crotch_is_visible">
+                <state img="3-embarrassed.png">I had no idea you could do that with your, um, with your hair.</state>
+                <state img="3-shocked.png">Why do you shave? Is it to avoid getting sand down there?</state>
+                <state img="3-shocked.png">I think it's safe to say I've never had a friend like <i>you</i>!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="dawn">
+                <state img="3-shocked.png">Oh! You meant your-- is <i>that</i> what Aladdin meant?!?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_start_masturbating">
+                <state img="3-embarrassed.png">Surely the Sultan can't know this is going on under his nose... can he?</state>
+                <state img="3-shocked.png">Am I... am I supposed to watch?</state>
+                <state img="3-shocked.png">I can't believe you! I could never do that - not for all the silk in Agrabah!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_removing_major">
+                <state img="3-calm.png">Don't be so stuffy, ~name~. We're all friends here!</state>
+                <state img="3-interested.png">Ah, <i>now</i> we're getting somewhere!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_accessory">
+                <state img="3-angry.png">Oh, you wouldn't know fashion if it came up and bit you on the leg.</state>
+                <state img="3-confused.png">That doesn't even seem like a penalty, but what do I know?</state>
+                <state img="3-happy.png">I can't wait to see more!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="arwen" targetStage="1">
+                <state img="3-happy.png">Ah, a poet! I like you, Arwen.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="blackrose" targetStage="1">
+                <state img="3-angry.png">How <i>dare</i> you call me that!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="chara" targetStage="1">
+                <state img="3-shocked.png">...This <i>is</i> just a friendly game, isn't it?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_removed_major">
+                <state img="3-calm.png">I must say, you look very dashing!</state>
+                <state img="3-horny.png">I never saw anything like <i>this</i> from the palace window!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_start_masturbating">
+                <state img="3-embarrassed.png">What you are doing is <i>not</i> romance, sir!</state>
+                <state img="3-angry.png">So it's true: men are pigs.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_chest_is_visible">
+                <state img="3-interested.png">You could give my suitors a run for their money!</state>
+                <state img="3-horny.png">Oh, a working man's build... so different from a soft aristocrat.</state>
+                <state img="3-calm.png">You look as strong as ten regular men!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case filter="single" tag="male_chest_is_visible">
+                <state img="3-interested.png">So brazen! You remind me of Aladdin, when we first met.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case filter="taken" tag="male_chest_is_visible">
+                <state img="3-embarrassed.png">This seems like something only your lover should be seeing.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_large_chest_is_visible">
+                <state img="3-happy.png">Those are less like pomegranates and more like melons!</state>
+                <state img="3-shocked.png">I don't know whether to be impressed or feel sorry for you.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_must_strip">
+                <state img="3-interested.png">Sorry, ~name~, but you've got to do better than that if you want to win!</state>
+                <state img="3-interested.png">What's good for the goose is good for the gander!</state>
+                <state img="3-happy.png">I like how this is going so far.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_must_strip" target="xander">
+                <state img="3-interested.png">Sorry, ~name~, but you've got to do better than that if you want to win!</state>
+                <state img="3-interested.png">What's good for the goose is good for the gander! Or the Xander, in this case.</state>
+                <state img="3-happy.png">I like how this is going so far.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_must_masturbate">
+                <state img="3-angry.png">So <i>this</i> is why Aladdin wanted to play!</state>
+                <state img="3-shocked.png">So <i>this</i> is what my people do for fun?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_human_must_strip">
+                <state img="3-interested.png">Sorry, ~name~, but you've got to do better than that if you want to win!</state>
+                <state img="3-interested.png">What's good for the goose is good for the gander!</state>
+                <state img="3-happy.png">I like how this is going so far.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_small_crotch_is_visible">
+                <state img="3-interested.png">Oh... so they <i>do</i> come in different sizes after all!</state>
+                <state img="3-embarrassed.png">Maybe you just don't have what it takes to be a hero...</state>
+                <state img="3-horny.png">Once again I realize how lucky I am to have found my Aladdin!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_removing_accessory">
+                <state img="3-sad.png">Well, that's... disappointing.</state>
+                <state img="3-angry.png">I'm not mad. It would be petty to be mad over a game. A <i>stupid</i> game.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_finished_masturbating">
+                <state img="3-embarrassed.png">Well, at least it's not the first time I've seen a man do that.</state>
+                <state img="3-shocked.png">You came so far - like a shooting star!</state>
+                <state img="3-interested.png">You look just like my husband on our wedding night.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case filter="single" tag="male_finished_masturbating">
+                <state img="3-angry.png">Save that kind of thing for your wife.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_finished_masturbating" target="xander">
+                <state img="3-calm.png">It's important to be honest about your feelings, Xander.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_small_chest_is_visible">
+                <state img="3-sad.png">How humiliating for you!</state>
+                <state img="3-embarrassed.png">Don't worry, my dear - I'm sure they'll grow.</state>
+                <state img="3-interested.png">You have hidden charms, ~name~!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible">
+                <state img="3-sad.png">So... it's a punishment game?</state>
+                <state img="3-calm.png">You must have a lot of suitors!</state>
+                <state img="3-horny.png">This game is completely ridiculous, but... let's keep playing anyway.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="buffy">
+                <state img="3-confused.png">What <i>else</i> would they be?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case alsoPlaying="xander" tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="buffy">
+                <state img="3-confused.png">Do you two have a relationship?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory">
+                <state img="3-calm.png">I suppose this makes us even?</state>
+                <state img="3-calm.png">I've never seen such a thing in the markets of Agrabah! Wherever did you buy it?</state>
+                <state img="3-shocked.png">Does this mean I'm losing?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="arwen" targetStage="1">
+                <state img="3-calm.png">Nice to meet you, Lady Rivendell. I am Princess Jasmine of Agrabah.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="elena" targetStage="0">
+                <state img="3-happy.png">A brilliant idea! I wish I'd thought of it first.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="game_over_victory">
+                <state img="3-angry.png">Don't treat me with kid gloves just because I'm a princess! I'm not some delicate flower, you know.</state>
+                <state img="3-angry.png">Let us never speak of this again. Ever.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_major">
+                <state img="3-shocked.png">What are you doing, ~name~?</state>
+                <state img="3-confused.png">This means I'm winning, right?</state>
+                <state img="3-sad.png">Not enough layers? I could lend you some of my jewelry.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_removing_minor">
+                <state img="3-sad.png">You've never heard of <i>noblesse oblige</i>, have you?</state>
+                <state img="3-angry.png">You clearly have <i>no</i> respect for royalty.</state>
+                <state img="3-interested.png">You <i>do</i> seem overdressed, ~name~.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_removing_minor" target="fred" targetStage="1">
+                <state img="3-interested.png">You <i>do</i> seem overdressed, Freddie.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_finished_masturbating">
+                <state img="3-shocked.png">That was... indescribable.</state>
+                <state img="3-embarrassed.png">I <i>do</i> think royalty should learn more about commoners. I should, um, study this some more.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case filter="princess" tag="female_finished_masturbating">
+                <state img="3-shocked.png">Well, <i>this</i> is going to make the next royal visit awkward.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible">
+                <state img="3-interested.png">I am not a prize to be won... but I'm beginning to think that <i>you</i> might be, ~name~.</state>
+                <state img="3-horny.png">I had no idea that women could be so bold. I approve.</state>
+                <state img="3-embarrassed.png">I'm as ready as I'll ever be. Go ahead and show us, ~name~.</state>
+                <state img="3-interested.png">Let there be no secrets between us, ~name~.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_masturbating">
+                <state img="3-angry.png">If you're looking for encouragement from me, you can have it over my dead body.</state>
+                <state img="3-calm.png">You're rubbing that like you expect a genie to come out!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_minor">
+                <state img="3-calm.png">I'm surprised you were wearing so much to begin with!</state>
+                <state img="3-calm.png">There we go! That wasn't so hard, was it?</state>
+                <state img="3-embarrassed.png">You're running out of layers, aren't you?</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="kyoko" targetStage="6">
                 <state img="3-shocked.png">That must have been painful...</state>
@@ -1302,655 +1148,587 @@
                 <state img="3-shocked.png">No!</state>
                 <state img="3-angry.png">I knew it! You <i>are</i> in league with Jafar!</state>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major">
-				<state img="3-embarrassed.png">Things are really different outside the palace, aren't they?</state>
-				<state img="3-embarrassed.png">Thank goodness Aladdin isn't here to see this!</state>
-				<state img="3-calm.png">You could dance for a living, ~name~!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major" target="dawn" targetStage="5">
-				<state img="3-interested.png">It <i>is</i> very nice.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major" filter="innocent">
-				<state img="3-embarrassed.png">Surely we've all seen enough by now. Why don't we call it a day?</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major" filter="athletic">
-				<state img="3-shocked.png">You're so... muscular! Are you an athlete of some kind?</state>
-				<state img="3-embarrassed.png">Things are really different outside the palace, aren't they?</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_small_chest_is_visible">
-				<state img="3-sad.png">How humiliating for you!</state>
-				<state img="3-embarrassed.png">Don't worry, my dear - I'm sure they'll grow.</state>
-				<state img="3-interested.png">You have hidden charms, ~name~!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible">
-				<state img="3-sad.png">So... it's a punishment game?</state>
-				<state img="3-calm.png">You must have a lot of suitors!</state>
-				<state img="3-horny.png">This game is completely ridiculous, but... let's keep playing anyway.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="buffy" alsoPlaying="xander">
-				<state img="3-confused.png">Do you two have a relationship?</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="buffy">
-				<state img="3-confused.png">What <i>else</i> would they be?</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_large_chest_is_visible">
-				<state img="3-happy.png">Those are less like pomegranates and more like melons!</state>
-				<state img="3-shocked.png">I don't know whether to be impressed or feel sorry for you.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_is_visible">
-				<state img="3-sad.png">...Is this what I have to compete with?</state>
-				<state img="3-shocked.png">It's an indescribable sight...</state>
-				<state img="3-shocked.png">I can see everything!</state>
-				<state img="3-calm.png">Bravo, ~name~! How brave!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="dawn">
-				<state img="3-shocked.png">Oh! You meant your-- is <i>that</i> what Aladdin meant?!?</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" filter="shaved">
-				<state img="3-embarrassed.png">I had no idea you could do that with your, um, with your hair.</state>
-				<state img="3-shocked.png">Why do you shave? Is it to avoid getting sand down there?</state>
-				<state img="3-shocked.png">I think it's safe to say I've never had a friend like <i>you</i>!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_must_masturbate">
-				<state img="3-angry.png">So <i>this</i> is why Aladdin wanted to play!</state>
-				<state img="3-shocked.png">So <i>this</i> is what my people do for fun?</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_start_masturbating">
-				<state img="3-shocked.png">Am I... am I supposed to watch?</state>
-				<state img="3-embarrassed.png">Surely the Sultan can't know this is going on under his nose... can he?</state>
-				<state img="3-shocked.png">I can't believe you! I could never do that - not for all the silk in Agrabah!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_masturbating">
-				<state img="3-embarrassed.png">I've never seen this before! My handmaid and I are close, but not <i>that</i> close.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_finished_masturbating">
-				<state img="3-shocked.png">That was... indescribable.</state>
-				<state img="3-embarrassed.png">I <i>do</i> think royalty should learn more about commoners. I should, um, study this some more.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_finished_masturbating" filter="princess">
-				<state img="3-shocked.png">Well, <i>this</i> is going to make the next royal visit awkward.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="game_over_victory">
-				<state img="3-angry.png">Don't treat me with kid gloves just because I'm a princess! I'm not some delicate flower, you know.</state>
-				<state img="3-angry.png">Let us never speak of this again. Ever.</state>
-			</case>
-		</stage>
-		<stage id="4">
-			<case tag="swap_cards">
-				<state img="4-calm.png">...Could I have ~cards~ cards, please?</state>
-				<state img="4-calm.png">I wish I had ~cards~ more cards!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="good_hand">
-				<state img="4-happy.png">Ha! I'm looking forward to this round.</state>
-				<state img="4-happy.png">Oh, these cards are wonderful!</state>
-				<state img="4-happy.png">This is easy! As expected of a princess!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="okay_hand">
-				<state img="4-calm.png">I know what I'm doing! I've seen the guards playing cards before...</state>
-				<state img="4-calm.png">I can do this! I think.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="bad_hand">
-				<state img="4-sad.png">I'd like to believe I'll win with these cards, but I'm fresh out of optimism.</state>
-				<state img="4-sad.png">I may be in over my head...</state>
-				<state img="4-sad.png">Dawn can't come soon enough.</state>
-				<state img="4-sad.png">I may have finally bitten off more than I can chew...</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="stripped">
-				<state img="4-angry.png">Be careful with it - it's a family heirloom!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="must_strip_winning">
-				<state img="4-embarrassed.png">I should have watched the guards playing cards more carefully...</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="must_strip_normal">
-				<state img="4-sad.png">My husband wouldn't like this! But then again, <i>he's</i> the one who said I needed to let loose once in a while.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="must_strip_losing">
-				<state img="4-sad.png">You won't tell my father, will you?</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="stripping">
-				<state img="4-strip.png">Good-bye, slippers! You've served me well.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_human_must_strip">
-				<state img="4-interested.png">Sorry, ~name~, but you've got to do better than that if you want to win!</state>
-				<state img="4-interested.png">What's good for the goose is good for the gander!</state>
-				<state img="4-happy.png">I like how this is going so far.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_must_strip">
-				<state img="4-interested.png">Sorry, ~name~, but you've got to do better than that if you want to win!</state>
-				<state img="4-interested.png">What's good for the goose is good for the gander!</state>
-				<state img="4-happy.png">I like how this is going so far.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_must_strip" target="xander">
-				<state img="4-interested.png">Sorry, ~name~, but you've got to do better than that if you want to win!</state>
-				<state img="4-interested.png">What's good for the goose is good for the gander! Or the Xander, in this case.</state>
-				<state img="4-happy.png">I like how this is going so far.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_removing_accessory">
-				<state img="4-sad.png">Well, that's... disappointing.</state>
-				<state img="4-angry.png">I'm not mad. It would be petty to be mad over a game. A <i>stupid</i> game.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_removing_minor">
-				<state img="4-sad.png">You've never heard of <i>noblesse oblige</i>, have you?</state>
-				<state img="4-angry.png">You clearly have <i>no</i> respect for royalty.</state>
-				<state img="4-interested.png">You <i>do</i> seem overdressed, ~name~.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_removing_minor" target="fred" targetStage="1">
-				<state img="4-interested.png">You <i>do</i> seem overdressed, Freddie.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_removing_major">
-				<state img="4-interested.png">Do as I command, ~name~: remove your ~clothing~!</state>
-				<state img="4-horny.png">I certainly don't mind seeing more of you...</state>
-				<state img="4-interested.png">Your ~clothing~? Oh, that'll be fine.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_chest_will_be_visible">
-				<state img="4-happy.png">I can't wait to see what happens next!</state>
-				<state img="4-shocked.png">Are you trying to win my heart, ~name~? I'm spoken for.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_crotch_will_be_visible">
-				<state img="4-horny.png">Perhaps I <i>can</i> see the point of the game...</state>
-				<state img="4-angry.png">If you're trying to impress me, I'd prefer a game of wits.</state>
-				<state img="4-interested.png">It's good to get away from the guards and their rules for a change.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_crotch_will_be_visible" target="link">
-				<state img="4-sad.png">You're so thoughtful, Link... how on Earth did you get roped into playing this?</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_removed_accessory">
-				<state img="4-confused.png">I wonder if this is why my suitors always wore so much jewelry?</state>
-				<state img="4-angry.png">I've never fed anyone to my pet tiger... There's a first time for everything, though.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_removed_minor">
-				<state img="4-sad.png">We're going to be here for a while, aren't we?</state>
-				<state img="4-angry.png">What are you, a mouse or a man?</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_removed_minor" target="fred" targetStage="2">
-				<state img="4-interested.png">It makes me wonder if you have something to hide.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_removed_major">
-				<state img="4-calm.png">I must say, you look very dashing!</state>
-				<state img="4-horny.png">I never saw anything like <i>this</i> from the palace window!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_chest_is_visible">
-				<state img="4-interested.png">You could give my suitors a run for their money!</state>
-				<state img="4-horny.png">Oh, a working man's build... so different from a soft aristocrat.</state>
-				<state img="4-calm.png">You look as strong as ten regular men!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_chest_is_visible" filter="single">
-				<state img="4-interested.png">So brazen! You remind me of Aladdin, when we first met.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_chest_is_visible" filter="taken">
-				<state img="4-embarrassed.png">This seems like something only your lover should be seeing.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_small_crotch_is_visible">
-				<state img="4-interested.png">Oh... so they <i>do</i> come in different sizes after all!</state>
-				<state img="4-embarrassed.png">Maybe you just don't have what it takes to be a hero...</state>
-				<state img="4-horny.png">Once again I realize how lucky I am to have found my Aladdin!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_medium_crotch_is_visible">
-				<state img="4-shocked.png">Oh! I didn't know they could twitch like that.</state>
-				<state img="4-horny.png">If you've seen one, you've seen them all.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_large_crotch_is_visible">
-				<state img="4-angry.png">They should let princesses have harems, too! It's so unfair.</state>
-				<state img="4-shocked.png">They grow them <i>big</i> on the streets, don't they?</state>
-				<state img="4-shocked.png"><i>THAT</i> is supposed to fit in <i>there</i>? This is a joke, right?</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_must_masturbate">
-				<state img="4-shocked.png">Are you <i>sure</i> this is in the rules?</state>
-				<state img="4-shocked.png">...I <i>have</i> led a sheltered life.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_start_masturbating">
-				<state img="4-embarrassed.png">What you are doing is <i>not</i> romance, sir!</state>
-				<state img="4-angry.png">So it's true: men are pigs.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_masturbating">
-				<state img="4-angry.png">If you're looking for encouragement from me, you can have it over my dead body.</state>
-				<state img="4-calm.png">You're rubbing that like you expect a genie to come out!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_finished_masturbating">
-				<state img="4-embarrassed.png">Well, at least it's not the first time I've seen a man do that.</state>
-				<state img="4-shocked.png">You came so far - like a shooting star!</state>
-				<state img="4-interested.png">You look just like my husband on our wedding night.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_finished_masturbating" target="xander">
-				<state img="4-calm.png">It's important to be honest about your feelings, Xander.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_finished_masturbating" filter="single">
-				<state img="4-angry.png">Save that kind of thing for your wife.</state>
-			</case>
+            <case tag="male_crotch_will_be_visible">
+                <state img="3-horny.png">Perhaps I <i>can</i> see the point of the game...</state>
+                <state img="3-angry.png">If you're trying to impress me, I'd prefer a game of wits.</state>
+                <state img="3-interested.png">It's good to get away from the guards and their rules for a change.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_crotch_will_be_visible" target="link">
+                <state img="3-sad.png">You're so thoughtful, Link... how on Earth did you get roped into playing this?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="good_hand">
+                <state img="3-happy.png">Ha! I'm looking forward to this round.</state>
+                <state img="3-happy.png">Oh, these cards are wonderful!</state>
+                <state img="3-happy.png">This is easy! As expected of a princess!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="okay_hand">
+                <state img="3-calm.png">I know what I'm doing! I've seen the guards playing cards before...</state>
+                <state img="3-calm.png">I can do this! I think.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case alsoPlaying="elena" tag="okay_hand">
+                <state img="3-calm.png">I know what I'm doing! I've seen the guards playing cards before...</state>
+                <state img="3-calm.png">I can do this! I think.</state>
+                <state img="3-embarrassed.png">You're still coming to our party, right Elena?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="swap_cards">
+                <state img="3-calm.png">...Could I have ~cards~ cards, please?</state>
+                <state img="3-calm.png">I wish I had ~cards~ more cards!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="bad_hand">
+                <state img="3-sad.png">I'd like to believe I'll win with these cards, but I'm fresh out of optimism.</state>
+                <state img="3-sad.png">I may be in over my head...</state>
+                <state img="3-sad.png">Dawn can't come soon enough.</state>
+                <state img="3-sad.png">I may have finally bitten off more than I can chew...</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="stripped">
+                <state img="3-sad.png">I get them back at the end, don't I? They were a gift from my father!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case alsoPlaying="streaming-chan" tag="stripped">
+                <state img="3-happy.png">It is nice to appear in public without my guards. It lets me discover what my people are doing!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="must_strip_normal">
+                <state img="3-calm.png">So many choices... let me think!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="must_strip_losing">
+                <state img="3-sad.png">Well, I did say I'd spend the day like a street rat if it killed me. And it just might at this rate.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="stripping">
+                <state img="3-strip.png">I'll give up my necklace. That counts, right?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="must_strip_winning">
+                <state img="3-sad.png">A princess knows how to lose gracefully.</state>
+            </case>
+        </stage>
-			<case tag="female_human_must_strip">
-				<state img="4-embarrassed.png">Just take a deep breath, ~name~.</state>
-				<state img="4-calm.png">I can see how some people could find this fun!</state>
-				<state img="4-happy.png">This is getting exciting!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_must_strip">
-				<state img="4-embarrassed.png">Just take a deep breath, ~name~.</state>
-				<state img="4-calm.png">I can see how some people could find this fun!</state>
-				<state img="4-happy.png">This is getting exciting!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_accessory">
-				<state img="4-calm.png">I suppose this makes us even?</state>
-				<state img="4-calm.png">I've never seen such a thing in the markets of Agrabah! Wherever did you buy it?</state>
-				<state img="4-shocked.png">Does this mean I'm losing?</state>
-			</case>
-            <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="elena" targetStage="0">
-                <state img="4-happy.png">A brilliant idea! I wish I'd thought of it first.</state>
+        <stage id="4">
+            <case tag="female_must_strip">
+                <state img="4-embarrassed.png">Just take a deep breath, ~name~.</state>
+                <state img="4-calm.png">I can see how some people could find this fun!</state>
+                <state img="4-happy.png">This is getting exciting!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_chest_will_be_visible">
+                <state img="4-happy.png">I can't wait to see what happens next!</state>
+                <state img="4-shocked.png">Are you trying to win my heart, ~name~? I'm spoken for.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_minor">
+                <state img="4-angry.png">You wouldn't be wearing so much if you lived in the desert!</state>
+                <state img="4-sad.png">What a shame! You look lovely with your ~clothing~ on.</state>
+                <state img="4-calm.png">Don't worry! You'll still look <i>perfectly</i> respectable.</state>
-			<case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="mia" targetStage="2">
-				<state img="4-shocked.png">Such a powerful amulet!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_minor">
-				<state img="4-angry.png">You wouldn't be wearing so much if you lived in the desert!</state>
-				<state img="4-sad.png">What a shame! You look lovely with your ~clothing~ on.</state>
-				<state img="4-calm.png">Don't worry! You'll still look <i>perfectly</i> respectable.</state>
-			</case>
             <case tag="female_removing_minor" target="kyoko" targetStage="5">
                 <state img="4-shocked.png">How terrible!</state>
-			<case tag="female_removing_major">
-				<state img="4-calm.png">Your ~clothing~? Fair enough.</state>
-				<state img="4-angry.png">Your ~clothing~ is just outrageous!</state>
-				<state img="4-shocked.png">...</state>
-				<state img="4-shocked.png">Is that the legendary dance of the seven veils?</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_major" filter="shy">
-				<state img="4-embarrassed.png">Boy, do I know how you feel right now.</state>
-				<state img="4-embarrassed.png">I think we've both learned a valuable lesson today...</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible">
-				<state img="4-interested.png">I am not a prize to be won... but I'm beginning to think that <i>you</i> might be, ~name~.</state>
-				<state img="4-horny.png">I had no idea that women could be so bold. I approve.</state>
-				<state img="4-embarrassed.png">I'm as ready as I'll ever be. Go ahead and show us, ~name~.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible">
-				<state img="4-shocked.png">You think I don't know anything, huh? I know plenty about the real world! I'm not shocked by this at <i>all</i>!</state>
-				<state img="4-calm.png">Be brave, ~name~!</state>
-				<state img="4-happy.png">Just like the baths at home!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="dawn">
-				<state img="4-happy.png">Oh! Do you have a magic carpet, too?</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_accessory">
-				<state img="4-angry.png">Oh, you wouldn't know fashion if it came up and bit you on the leg.</state>
-				<state img="4-confused.png">That doesn't even seem like a penalty, but what do I know?</state>
-				<state img="4-happy.png">I can't wait to see more!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="arwen" targetStage="1">
-				<state img="4-happy.png">Ah, a poet! I like you, Arwen.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="mia" targetStage="3">
-				<state img="4-happy.png">Are you able to harness your amulet's magic?</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="chara" targetStage="1">
-				<state img="4-shocked.png">...This <i>is</i> just a friendly game, isn't it?</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_minor">
-				<state img="4-calm.png">I'm surprised you were wearing so much to begin with!</state>
-				<state img="4-calm.png">There we go! That wasn't so hard, was it?</state>
-				<state img="4-embarrassed.png">You're running out of layers, aren't you?</state>
-			</case>
-            <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="kyoko" targetStage="6">
-                <state img="4-shocked.png">That must have been painful...</state>
+            <case tag="male_medium_crotch_is_visible">
+                <state img="4-shocked.png">Oh! I didn't know they could twitch like that.</state>
+                <state img="4-horny.png">If you've seen one, you've seen them all.</state>
-            <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="lux" targetStage="3">
-                <state img="4-happy.png">Thank you, Lux! You seem very friendly too.</state>
+            <case tag="female_removed_major">
+                <state img="4-embarrassed.png">Things are really different outside the palace, aren't they?</state>
+                <state img="4-embarrassed.png">Thank goodness Aladdin isn't here to see this!</state>
+                <state img="4-calm.png">You could dance for a living, ~name~!</state>
-            <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="shego" targetStage="2">
-                <state img="4-shocked.png">No!</state>
-                <state img="4-angry.png">I knew it! You <i>are</i> in league with Jafar!</state>
+            <case filter="athletic" tag="female_removed_major">
+                <state img="4-shocked.png">You're so... muscular! Are you an athlete of some kind?</state>
+                <state img="4-embarrassed.png">Things are really different outside the palace, aren't they?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case filter="innocent" tag="female_removed_major">
+                <state img="4-embarrassed.png">Surely we've all seen enough by now. Why don't we call it a day?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_major" target="dawn" targetStage="5">
+                <state img="4-interested.png">It <i>is</i> very nice.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_large_crotch_is_visible">
+                <state img="4-angry.png">They should let princesses have harems, too! It's so unfair.</state>
+                <state img="4-shocked.png">They grow them <i>big</i> on the streets, don't they?</state>
+                <state img="4-shocked.png"><i>THAT</i> is supposed to fit in <i>there</i>? This is a joke, right?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible">
+                <state img="4-shocked.png">You think I don't know anything, huh? I know plenty about the real world! I'm not shocked by this at <i>all</i>!</state>
+                <state img="4-calm.png">Be brave, ~name~!</state>
+                <state img="4-happy.png">Just like the baths at home!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="dawn">
+                <state img="4-happy.png">Oh! Do you have a magic carpet, too?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_removed_minor">
+                <state img="4-sad.png">We're going to be here for a while, aren't we?</state>
+                <state img="4-angry.png">What are you, a mouse or a man?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_removed_minor" target="fred" targetStage="2">
+                <state img="4-interested.png">It makes me wonder if you have something to hide.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_removed_accessory">
+                <state img="4-confused.png">I wonder if this is why my suitors always wore so much jewelry?</state>
+                <state img="4-angry.png">I've never fed anyone to my pet tiger... There's a first time for everything, though.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_must_masturbate">
+                <state img="4-shocked.png">Are you <i>sure</i> this is in the rules?</state>
+                <state img="4-shocked.png">...I <i>have</i> led a sheltered life.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_masturbating">
+                <state img="4-embarrassed.png">I've never seen this before! My handmaid and I are close, but not <i>that</i> close.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_human_must_strip">
+                <state img="4-embarrassed.png">Just take a deep breath, ~name~.</state>
+                <state img="4-calm.png">I can see how some people could find this fun!</state>
+                <state img="4-happy.png">This is getting exciting!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible">
+                <state img="4-sad.png">...Is this what I have to compete with?</state>
+                <state img="4-shocked.png">It's an indescribable sight...</state>
+                <state img="4-shocked.png">I can see everything!</state>
+                <state img="4-calm.png">Bravo, ~name~! How brave!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case filter="shaved" tag="female_crotch_is_visible">
+                <state img="4-embarrassed.png">I had no idea you could do that with your, um, with your hair.</state>
+                <state img="4-shocked.png">Why do you shave? Is it to avoid getting sand down there?</state>
+                <state img="4-shocked.png">I think it's safe to say I've never had a friend like <i>you</i>!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="dawn">
+                <state img="4-shocked.png">Oh! You meant your-- is <i>that</i> what Aladdin meant?!?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_start_masturbating">
+                <state img="4-embarrassed.png">Surely the Sultan can't know this is going on under his nose... can he?</state>
+                <state img="4-shocked.png">Am I... am I supposed to watch?</state>
+                <state img="4-shocked.png">I can't believe you! I could never do that - not for all the silk in Agrabah!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_removing_major">
+                <state img="4-interested.png">Do as I command, ~name~: remove your ~clothing~!</state>
+                <state img="4-horny.png">I certainly don't mind seeing more of you...</state>
+                <state img="4-interested.png">Your ~clothing~? Oh, that'll be fine.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_accessory">
+                <state img="4-angry.png">Oh, you wouldn't know fashion if it came up and bit you on the leg.</state>
+                <state img="4-confused.png">That doesn't even seem like a penalty, but what do I know?</state>
+                <state img="4-happy.png">I can't wait to see more!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="arwen" targetStage="1">
+                <state img="4-happy.png">Ah, a poet! I like you, Arwen.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="chara" targetStage="1">
+                <state img="4-shocked.png">...This <i>is</i> just a friendly game, isn't it?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="mia" targetStage="3">
+                <state img="4-happy.png">Are you able to harness your amulet's magic?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_removed_major">
+                <state img="4-calm.png">I must say, you look very dashing!</state>
+                <state img="4-horny.png">I never saw anything like <i>this</i> from the palace window!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_start_masturbating">
+                <state img="4-embarrassed.png">What you are doing is <i>not</i> romance, sir!</state>
+                <state img="4-angry.png">So it's true: men are pigs.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_chest_is_visible">
+                <state img="4-interested.png">You could give my suitors a run for their money!</state>
+                <state img="4-horny.png">Oh, a working man's build... so different from a soft aristocrat.</state>
+                <state img="4-calm.png">You look as strong as ten regular men!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case filter="single" tag="male_chest_is_visible">
+                <state img="4-interested.png">So brazen! You remind me of Aladdin, when we first met.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case filter="taken" tag="male_chest_is_visible">
+                <state img="4-embarrassed.png">This seems like something only your lover should be seeing.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_large_chest_is_visible">
+                <state img="4-happy.png">Those are less like pomegranates and more like melons!</state>
+                <state img="4-shocked.png">I don't know whether to be impressed or feel sorry for you.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_must_strip">
+                <state img="4-interested.png">Sorry, ~name~, but you've got to do better than that if you want to win!</state>
+                <state img="4-interested.png">What's good for the goose is good for the gander!</state>
+                <state img="4-happy.png">I like how this is going so far.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_must_strip" target="xander">
+                <state img="4-interested.png">Sorry, ~name~, but you've got to do better than that if you want to win!</state>
+                <state img="4-interested.png">What's good for the goose is good for the gander! Or the Xander, in this case.</state>
+                <state img="4-happy.png">I like how this is going so far.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_must_masturbate">
+                <state img="4-angry.png">So <i>this</i> is why Aladdin wanted to play!</state>
+                <state img="4-shocked.png">So <i>this</i> is what my people do for fun?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_human_must_strip">
+                <state img="4-interested.png">Sorry, ~name~, but you've got to do better than that if you want to win!</state>
+                <state img="4-interested.png">What's good for the goose is good for the gander!</state>
+                <state img="4-happy.png">I like how this is going so far.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_small_crotch_is_visible">
+                <state img="4-interested.png">Oh... so they <i>do</i> come in different sizes after all!</state>
+                <state img="4-embarrassed.png">Maybe you just don't have what it takes to be a hero...</state>
+                <state img="4-horny.png">Once again I realize how lucky I am to have found my Aladdin!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_removing_accessory">
+                <state img="4-sad.png">Well, that's... disappointing.</state>
+                <state img="4-angry.png">I'm not mad. It would be petty to be mad over a game. A <i>stupid</i> game.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_finished_masturbating">
+                <state img="4-embarrassed.png">Well, at least it's not the first time I've seen a man do that.</state>
+                <state img="4-shocked.png">You came so far - like a shooting star!</state>
+                <state img="4-interested.png">You look just like my husband on our wedding night.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case filter="single" tag="male_finished_masturbating">
+                <state img="4-angry.png">Save that kind of thing for your wife.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_finished_masturbating" target="xander">
+                <state img="4-calm.png">It's important to be honest about your feelings, Xander.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_small_chest_is_visible">
+                <state img="4-sad.png">How humiliating for you!</state>
+                <state img="4-embarrassed.png">Don't worry, my dear - I'm sure they'll grow.</state>
+                <state img="4-interested.png">You have hidden charms, ~name~!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible">
+                <state img="4-sad.png">So... it's a punishment game?</state>
+                <state img="4-calm.png">You must have a lot of suitors!</state>
+                <state img="4-horny.png">This game is completely ridiculous, but... let's keep playing anyway.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="buffy">
+                <state img="4-confused.png">What <i>else</i> would they be?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case alsoPlaying="xander" tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="buffy">
+                <state img="4-confused.png">Do you two have a relationship?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory">
+                <state img="4-calm.png">I suppose this makes us even?</state>
+                <state img="4-calm.png">I've never seen such a thing in the markets of Agrabah! Wherever did you buy it?</state>
+                <state img="4-shocked.png">Does this mean I'm losing?</state>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major">
-				<state img="4-embarrassed.png">Things are really different outside the palace, aren't they?</state>
-				<state img="4-embarrassed.png">Thank goodness Aladdin isn't here to see this!</state>
-				<state img="4-calm.png">You could dance for a living, ~name~!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major" target="dawn" targetStage="5">
-				<state img="4-interested.png">It <i>is</i> very nice.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major" filter="innocent">
-				<state img="4-embarrassed.png">Surely we've all seen enough by now. Why don't we call it a day?</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major" filter="athletic">
-				<state img="4-shocked.png">You're so... muscular! Are you an athlete of some kind?</state>
-				<state img="4-embarrassed.png">Things are really different outside the palace, aren't they?</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_small_chest_is_visible">
-				<state img="4-sad.png">How humiliating for you!</state>
-				<state img="4-embarrassed.png">Don't worry, my dear - I'm sure they'll grow.</state>
-				<state img="4-interested.png">You have hidden charms, ~name~!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible">
-				<state img="4-sad.png">So... it's a punishment game?</state>
-				<state img="4-calm.png">You must have a lot of suitors!</state>
-				<state img="4-horny.png">This game is completely ridiculous, but... let's keep playing anyway.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="buffy" alsoPlaying="xander">
-				<state img="4-confused.png">Do you two have a relationship?</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="buffy">
-				<state img="4-confused.png">What <i>else</i> would they be?</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_large_chest_is_visible">
-				<state img="4-happy.png">Those are less like pomegranates and more like melons!</state>
-				<state img="4-shocked.png">I don't know whether to be impressed or feel sorry for you.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_is_visible">
-				<state img="4-sad.png">...Is this what I have to compete with?</state>
-				<state img="4-shocked.png">It's an indescribable sight...</state>
-				<state img="4-shocked.png">I can see everything!</state>
-				<state img="4-calm.png">Bravo, ~name~! How brave!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="dawn">
-				<state img="4-shocked.png">Oh! You meant your-- is <i>that</i> what Aladdin meant?!?</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" filter="shaved">
-				<state img="4-embarrassed.png">I had no idea you could do that with your, um, with your hair.</state>
-				<state img="4-shocked.png">Why do you shave? Is it to avoid getting sand down there?</state>
-				<state img="4-shocked.png">I think it's safe to say I've never had a friend like <i>you</i>!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_must_masturbate">
-				<state img="4-angry.png">So <i>this</i> is why Aladdin wanted to play!</state>
-				<state img="4-shocked.png">So <i>this</i> is what my people do for fun?</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_start_masturbating">
-				<state img="4-shocked.png">Am I... am I supposed to watch?</state>
-				<state img="4-embarrassed.png">Surely the Sultan can't know this is going on under his nose... can he?</state>
-				<state img="4-shocked.png">I can't believe you! I could never do that - not for all the silk in Agrabah!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_masturbating">
-				<state img="4-embarrassed.png">I've never seen this before! My handmaid and I are close, but not <i>that</i> close.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_finished_masturbating">
-				<state img="4-shocked.png">That was... indescribable.</state>
-				<state img="4-embarrassed.png">I <i>do</i> think royalty should learn more about commoners. I should, um, study this some more.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_finished_masturbating" filter="princess">
-				<state img="4-shocked.png">Well, <i>this</i> is going to make the next royal visit awkward.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="game_over_victory">
-				<state img="4-angry.png">Don't treat me with kid gloves just because I'm a princess! I'm not some delicate flower, you know.</state>
-				<state img="4-happy.png">I've always believed members of the royal family should consort with the common people! Just... not like <i>this</i>.</state>
-			</case>
-		</stage>
-		<stage id="5">
-			<case tag="swap_cards">
-				<state img="5-calm.png">...Could I have ~cards~ cards, please?</state>
-				<state img="5-calm.png">I wish I had ~cards~ more cards!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="good_hand">
-				<state img="5-happy.png">Ha! I'm looking forward to this round.</state>
-				<state img="5-happy.png">Oh, these cards are wonderful!</state>
-				<state img="5-happy.png">This is easy! As expected of a princess!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="okay_hand">
-				<state img="5-calm.png">I know what I'm doing! I've seen the guards playing cards before...</state>
-				<state img="5-calm.png">I can do this! I think.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="bad_hand">
-				<state img="5-sad.png">I'd like to believe I'll win with these cards, but I'm fresh out of optimism.</state>
-				<state img="5-sad.png">I may be in over my head...</state>
-				<state img="5-sad.png">Dawn can't come soon enough.</state>
-				<state img="5-sad.png">I may have finally bitten off more than I can chew...</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="stripped">
-				<state img="5-angry.png">I got myself into this mess. I'll deal with the consequences.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="must_strip_winning">
-				<state img="5-calm.png">There's no sense crying over spilt milk or bared flesh.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="must_strip_normal">
-				<state img="5-angry.png">Strange, I don't remember you asking me on a date. And yet somehow I'm still taking my clothes off for you.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="must_strip_losing">
-				<state img="5-sad.png">Uh, just out of curiosity... are we sure we're alone?</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="stripping">
-				<state img="5-strip.png">I'm down to the last thing I can afford to lose!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_human_must_strip">
-				<state img="5-interested.png">It's showtime!</state>
-				<state img="5-happy.png">I <i>always</i> get my man.</state>
-				<state img="5-horny.png">There's no harm in losing, is there ~name~?</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_must_strip">
-				<state img="5-interested.png">It's showtime!</state>
-				<state img="5-happy.png">I <i>always</i> get my man.</state>
-				<state img="5-horny.png">There's no harm in losing, is there ~name~?</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_removing_accessory">
-				<state img="5-sad.png">Well, that's... disappointing.</state>
-				<state img="5-angry.png">I'm not mad. It would be petty to be mad over a game. A <i>stupid</i> game.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_removing_minor">
-				<state img="5-sad.png">You've never heard of <i>noblesse oblige</i>, have you?</state>
-				<state img="5-angry.png">You clearly have <i>no</i> respect for royalty.</state>
-				<state img="5-interested.png">You <i>do</i> seem overdressed, ~name~.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_removing_minor" target="fred" targetStage="1">
-				<state img="5-interested.png">You <i>do</i> seem overdressed, Freddie.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_removing_major">
-				<state img="5-interested.png">Do as I command, ~name~: remove your ~clothing~!</state>
-				<state img="5-horny.png">I certainly don't mind seeing more of you...</state>
-				<state img="5-interested.png">Your ~clothing~? Oh, that'll be fine.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_chest_will_be_visible">
-				<state img="5-happy.png">I can't wait to see what happens next!</state>
-				<state img="5-shocked.png">Are you trying to win my heart, ~name~? I'm spoken for.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_crotch_will_be_visible">
-				<state img="5-horny.png">Perhaps I <i>can</i> see the point of the game...</state>
-				<state img="5-angry.png">If you're trying to impress me, I'd prefer a game of wits.</state>
-				<state img="5-interested.png">It's good to get away from the guards and their rules for a change.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_crotch_will_be_visible" target="link">
-				<state img="5-sad.png">You're so thoughtful, Link... how on Earth did you get roped into playing this?</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_removed_accessory">
-				<state img="5-confused.png">I wonder if this is why my suitors always wore so much jewelry?</state>
-				<state img="5-angry.png">I've never fed anyone to my pet tiger... There's a first time for everything, though.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_removed_minor">
-				<state img="5-sad.png">We're going to be here for a while, aren't we?</state>
-				<state img="5-angry.png">What are you, a mouse or a man?</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_removed_minor" target="fred" targetStage="2">
-				<state img="5-interested.png">It makes me wonder if you have something to hide.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_removed_major">
-				<state img="5-calm.png">I must say, you look very dashing!</state>
-				<state img="5-horny.png">I never saw anything like <i>this</i> from the palace window!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_chest_is_visible">
-				<state img="5-interested.png">You could give my suitors a run for their money!</state>
-				<state img="5-horny.png">Oh, a working man's build... so different from a soft aristocrat.</state>
-				<state img="5-calm.png">You look as strong as ten regular men!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_chest_is_visible" filter="single">
-				<state img="5-interested.png">So brazen! You remind me of Aladdin, when we first met.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_chest_is_visible" filter="taken">
-				<state img="5-embarrassed.png">This seems like something only your lover should be seeing.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_small_crotch_is_visible">
-				<state img="5-interested.png">Oh... so they <i>do</i> come in different sizes after all!</state>
-				<state img="5-embarrassed.png">Maybe you just don't have what it takes to be a hero...</state>
-				<state img="5-horny.png">Once again I realize how lucky I am to have found my Aladdin!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_medium_crotch_is_visible">
-				<state img="5-shocked.png">Oh! I didn't know they could twitch like that.</state>
-				<state img="5-horny.png">If you've seen one, you've seen them all.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_large_crotch_is_visible">
-				<state img="5-angry.png">They should let princesses have harems, too! It's so unfair.</state>
-				<state img="5-shocked.png">They grow them <i>big</i> on the streets, don't they?</state>
-				<state img="5-shocked.png"><i>THAT</i> is supposed to fit in <i>there</i>? This is a joke, right?</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_must_masturbate">
-				<state img="5-shocked.png">Are you <i>sure</i> this is in the rules?</state>
-				<state img="5-shocked.png">...I <i>have</i> led a sheltered life.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_start_masturbating">
-				<state img="5-embarrassed.png">What you are doing is <i>not</i> romance, sir!</state>
-				<state img="5-angry.png">So it's true: men are pigs.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_masturbating">
-				<state img="5-angry.png">If you're looking for encouragement from me, you can have it over my dead body.</state>
-				<state img="5-calm.png">You're rubbing that like you expect a genie to come out!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_finished_masturbating">
-				<state img="5-embarrassed.png">Well, at least it's not the first time I've seen a man do that.</state>
-				<state img="5-shocked.png">You came so far - like a shooting star!</state>
-				<state img="5-interested.png">You look just like my husband on our wedding night.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_finished_masturbating" target="xander">
-				<state img="5-calm.png">It's important to be honest about your feelings, Xander.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_finished_masturbating" filter="single">
-				<state img="5-angry.png">Save that kind of thing for your wife.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_human_must_strip">
-				<state img="5-happy.png">I could order the servants to strip... but it wouldn't be as exciting!</state>
-				<state img="5-happy.png">Even princesses can have a little fun!</state>
-				<state img="5-calm.png">You know what would make this even better? Some music!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_must_strip">
-				<state img="5-happy.png">I could order the servants to strip... but it wouldn't be as exciting!</state>
-				<state img="5-happy.png">Even princesses can have a little fun!</state>
-				<state img="5-calm.png">You know what would make this even better? Some music!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_accessory">
-				<state img="5-angry.png">I suppose <i>this</i> is all part of the game, too?</state>
-				<state img="5-sad.png">Why didn't I wear more jewelry tonight? It's not like I don't own enough!</state>
-			</case>
             <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="elena" targetStage="0">
-                <state img="5-happy.png">A brilliant idea! I wish I'd thought of it first.</state>
+                <state img="4-happy.png">A brilliant idea! I wish I'd thought of it first.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="mia" targetStage="2">
+                <state img="4-shocked.png">Such a powerful amulet!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="game_over_victory">
+                <state img="4-angry.png">Don't treat me with kid gloves just because I'm a princess! I'm not some delicate flower, you know.</state>
+                <state img="4-happy.png">I've always believed members of the royal family should consort with the common people! Just... not like <i>this</i>.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_major">
+                <state img="4-calm.png">Your ~clothing~? Fair enough.</state>
+                <state img="4-angry.png">Your ~clothing~ is just outrageous!</state>
+                <state img="4-shocked.png">...</state>
+                <state img="4-shocked.png">Is that the legendary dance of the seven veils?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case filter="shy" tag="female_removing_major">
+                <state img="4-embarrassed.png">Boy, do I know how you feel right now.</state>
+                <state img="4-embarrassed.png">I think we've both learned a valuable lesson today...</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_removing_minor">
+                <state img="4-sad.png">You've never heard of <i>noblesse oblige</i>, have you?</state>
+                <state img="4-angry.png">You clearly have <i>no</i> respect for royalty.</state>
+                <state img="4-interested.png">You <i>do</i> seem overdressed, ~name~.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_removing_minor" target="fred" targetStage="1">
+                <state img="4-interested.png">You <i>do</i> seem overdressed, Freddie.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_finished_masturbating">
+                <state img="4-shocked.png">That was... indescribable.</state>
+                <state img="4-embarrassed.png">I <i>do</i> think royalty should learn more about commoners. I should, um, study this some more.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case filter="princess" tag="female_finished_masturbating">
+                <state img="4-shocked.png">Well, <i>this</i> is going to make the next royal visit awkward.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible">
+                <state img="4-interested.png">I am not a prize to be won... but I'm beginning to think that <i>you</i> might be, ~name~.</state>
+                <state img="4-horny.png">I had no idea that women could be so bold. I approve.</state>
+                <state img="4-embarrassed.png">I'm as ready as I'll ever be. Go ahead and show us, ~name~.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_masturbating">
+                <state img="4-angry.png">If you're looking for encouragement from me, you can have it over my dead body.</state>
+                <state img="4-calm.png">You're rubbing that like you expect a genie to come out!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_minor">
+                <state img="4-calm.png">I'm surprised you were wearing so much to begin with!</state>
+                <state img="4-calm.png">There we go! That wasn't so hard, was it?</state>
+                <state img="4-embarrassed.png">You're running out of layers, aren't you?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="kyoko" targetStage="6">
+                <state img="4-shocked.png">That must have been painful...</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="lux" targetStage="3">
+                <state img="4-happy.png">Thank you, Lux! You seem very friendly too.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="shego" targetStage="2">
+                <state img="4-shocked.png">No!</state>
+                <state img="4-angry.png">I knew it! You <i>are</i> in league with Jafar!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_crotch_will_be_visible">
+                <state img="4-horny.png">Perhaps I <i>can</i> see the point of the game...</state>
+                <state img="4-angry.png">If you're trying to impress me, I'd prefer a game of wits.</state>
+                <state img="4-interested.png">It's good to get away from the guards and their rules for a change.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_crotch_will_be_visible" target="link">
+                <state img="4-sad.png">You're so thoughtful, Link... how on Earth did you get roped into playing this?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="good_hand">
+                <state img="4-happy.png">Ha! I'm looking forward to this round.</state>
+                <state img="4-happy.png">Oh, these cards are wonderful!</state>
+                <state img="4-happy.png">This is easy! As expected of a princess!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="okay_hand">
+                <state img="4-calm.png">I know what I'm doing! I've seen the guards playing cards before...</state>
+                <state img="4-calm.png">I can do this! I think.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="swap_cards">
+                <state img="4-calm.png">...Could I have ~cards~ cards, please?</state>
+                <state img="4-calm.png">I wish I had ~cards~ more cards!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="bad_hand">
+                <state img="4-sad.png">I'd like to believe I'll win with these cards, but I'm fresh out of optimism.</state>
+                <state img="4-sad.png">I may be in over my head...</state>
+                <state img="4-sad.png">Dawn can't come soon enough.</state>
+                <state img="4-sad.png">I may have finally bitten off more than I can chew...</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="stripped">
+                <state img="4-angry.png">Be careful with it - it's a family heirloom!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="must_strip_normal">
+                <state img="4-sad.png">My husband wouldn't like this! But then again, <i>he's</i> the one who said I needed to let loose once in a while.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="must_strip_losing">
+                <state img="4-sad.png">You won't tell my father, will you?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="stripping">
+                <state img="4-strip.png">Good-bye, slippers! You've served me well.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="must_strip_winning">
+                <state img="4-embarrassed.png">I should have watched the guards playing cards more carefully...</state>
+            </case>
+        </stage>
+        <stage id="5">
+            <case tag="female_must_strip">
+                <state img="5-happy.png">I could order the servants to strip... but it wouldn't be as exciting!</state>
+                <state img="5-happy.png">Even princesses can have a little fun!</state>
+                <state img="5-calm.png">You know what would make this even better? Some music!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_chest_will_be_visible">
+                <state img="5-happy.png">I can't wait to see what happens next!</state>
+                <state img="5-shocked.png">Are you trying to win my heart, ~name~? I'm spoken for.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_minor">
+                <state img="5-angry.png">You wouldn't be wearing so much if you lived in the desert!</state>
+                <state img="5-sad.png">What a shame! You look lovely with your ~clothing~ on.</state>
+                <state img="5-calm.png">Don't worry! You'll still look <i>perfectly</i> respectable.</state>
-			<case tag="female_removing_minor">
-				<state img="5-angry.png">You wouldn't be wearing so much if you lived in the desert!</state>
-				<state img="5-sad.png">What a shame! You look lovely with your ~clothing~ on.</state>
-				<state img="5-calm.png">Don't worry! You'll still look <i>perfectly</i> respectable.</state>
-			</case>
             <case tag="female_removing_minor" target="kyoko" targetStage="5">
                 <state img="5-shocked.png">How terrible!</state>
-			<case tag="female_removing_major">
-				<state img="5-calm.png">Your ~clothing~? Fair enough.</state>
-				<state img="5-angry.png">Your ~clothing~ is just outrageous!</state>
-				<state img="5-shocked.png">...</state>
-				<state img="5-shocked.png">Is that the legendary dance of the seven veils?</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_major" filter="shy">
-				<state img="5-embarrassed.png">Boy, do I know how you feel right now.</state>
-				<state img="5-embarrassed.png">I think we've both learned a valuable lesson today...</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible">
-				<state img="5-interested.png">I am not a prize to be won... but I'm beginning to think that <i>you</i> might be, ~name~.</state>
-				<state img="5-horny.png">I had no idea that women could be so bold. I approve.</state>
-				<state img="5-embarrassed.png">I'm as ready as I'll ever be. Go ahead and show us, ~name~.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible">
-				<state img="5-shocked.png">You think I don't know anything, huh? I know plenty about the real world! I'm not shocked by this at <i>all</i>!</state>
-				<state img="5-calm.png">Be brave, ~name~!</state>
-				<state img="5-happy.png">Just like the baths at home!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="dawn">
-				<state img="5-happy.png">Oh! Do you have a magic carpet, too?</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_accessory">
-				<state img="5-angry.png">Oh, you wouldn't know fashion if it came up and bit you on the leg.</state>
-				<state img="5-confused.png">That doesn't even seem like a penalty, but what do I know?</state>
-				<state img="5-happy.png">I can't wait to see more!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="arwen" targetStage="1">
-				<state img="5-happy.png">Ah, a poet! I like you, Arwen.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="chara" targetStage="1">
-				<state img="5-shocked.png">...This <i>is</i> just a friendly game, isn't it?</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_minor">
-				<state img="5-sad.png">Is that all? I've seen more flesh on display walking through the market.</state>
-				<state img="5-shocked.png">I was told this would be an unforgettable game. I didn't realize it was because I'd be <i>humiliated</i>!</state>
-				<state img="5-horny.png">That's incredible - you're taking off so little, yet you've got me spellbound.</state>
-			</case>
+            <case tag="male_medium_crotch_is_visible">
+                <state img="5-shocked.png">Oh! I didn't know they could twitch like that.</state>
+                <state img="5-horny.png">If you've seen one, you've seen them all.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_major">
+                <state img="5-horny.png">Don't be nervous, ~name~. You're doing fine.</state>
+                <state img="5-interested.png">Tell me, how do you keep your figure so firm?</state>
+                <state img="5-calm.png">Is that silk? It's lovely.</state>
+                <state img="5-interested.png">This is a lot more fun than that silly slumber party Aurora had!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_major" target="dawn" targetStage="5">
+                <state img="5-interested.png">It <i>is</i> very nice.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_large_crotch_is_visible">
+                <state img="5-angry.png">They should let princesses have harems, too! It's so unfair.</state>
+                <state img="5-shocked.png">They grow them <i>big</i> on the streets, don't they?</state>
+                <state img="5-shocked.png"><i>THAT</i> is supposed to fit in <i>there</i>? This is a joke, right?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible">
+                <state img="5-shocked.png">You think I don't know anything, huh? I know plenty about the real world! I'm not shocked by this at <i>all</i>!</state>
+                <state img="5-calm.png">Be brave, ~name~!</state>
+                <state img="5-happy.png">Just like the baths at home!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="dawn">
+                <state img="5-happy.png">Oh! Do you have a magic carpet, too?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_removed_minor">
+                <state img="5-sad.png">We're going to be here for a while, aren't we?</state>
+                <state img="5-angry.png">What are you, a mouse or a man?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_removed_minor" target="fred" targetStage="2">
+                <state img="5-interested.png">It makes me wonder if you have something to hide.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_removed_accessory">
+                <state img="5-confused.png">I wonder if this is why my suitors always wore so much jewelry?</state>
+                <state img="5-angry.png">I've never fed anyone to my pet tiger... There's a first time for everything, though.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_must_masturbate">
+                <state img="5-shocked.png">Are you <i>sure</i> this is in the rules?</state>
+                <state img="5-shocked.png">...I <i>have</i> led a sheltered life.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_masturbating">
+                <state img="5-horny.png">That... that <i>does</i> look like you're enjoying it, ~name~.</state>
+                <state img="5-calm.png">Hmm. I guess I'm more normal than I thought!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_human_must_strip">
+                <state img="5-happy.png">I could order the servants to strip... but it wouldn't be as exciting!</state>
+                <state img="5-happy.png">Even princesses can have a little fun!</state>
+                <state img="5-calm.png">You know what would make this even better? Some music!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible">
+                <state img="5-sad.png">...Is this what I have to compete with?</state>
+                <state img="5-shocked.png">It's an indescribable sight...</state>
+                <state img="5-shocked.png">I can see everything!</state>
+                <state img="5-calm.png">Bravo, ~name~! How brave!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case filter="shaved" tag="female_crotch_is_visible">
+                <state img="5-embarrassed.png">I had no idea you could do that with your, um, with your hair.</state>
+                <state img="5-shocked.png">Why do you shave? Is it to avoid getting sand down there?</state>
+                <state img="5-shocked.png">I think it's safe to say I've never had a friend like <i>you</i>!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="dawn">
+                <state img="5-shocked.png">Oh! You meant your-- is <i>that</i> what Aladdin meant?!?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_start_masturbating">
+                <state img="5-embarrassed.png">Surely the Sultan can't know this is going on under his nose... can he?</state>
+                <state img="5-shocked.png">Am I... am I supposed to watch?</state>
+                <state img="5-shocked.png">I can't believe you! I could never do that - not for all the silk in Agrabah!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="nagisa">
+                <state img="5-embarrassed.png">A poet and a... performer? I've never seen such a thing!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_removing_major">
+                <state img="5-interested.png">Do as I command, ~name~: remove your ~clothing~!</state>
+                <state img="5-horny.png">I certainly don't mind seeing more of you...</state>
+                <state img="5-interested.png">Your ~clothing~? Oh, that'll be fine.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_accessory">
+                <state img="5-angry.png">Oh, you wouldn't know fashion if it came up and bit you on the leg.</state>
+                <state img="5-confused.png">That doesn't even seem like a penalty, but what do I know?</state>
+                <state img="5-happy.png">I can't wait to see more!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="arwen" targetStage="1">
+                <state img="5-happy.png">Ah, a poet! I like you, Arwen.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="chara" targetStage="1">
+                <state img="5-shocked.png">...This <i>is</i> just a friendly game, isn't it?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_removed_major">
+                <state img="5-calm.png">I must say, you look very dashing!</state>
+                <state img="5-horny.png">I never saw anything like <i>this</i> from the palace window!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_start_masturbating">
+                <state img="5-embarrassed.png">What you are doing is <i>not</i> romance, sir!</state>
+                <state img="5-angry.png">So it's true: men are pigs.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_chest_is_visible">
+                <state img="5-interested.png">You could give my suitors a run for their money!</state>
+                <state img="5-horny.png">Oh, a working man's build... so different from a soft aristocrat.</state>
+                <state img="5-calm.png">You look as strong as ten regular men!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case filter="single" tag="male_chest_is_visible">
+                <state img="5-interested.png">So brazen! You remind me of Aladdin, when we first met.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case filter="taken" tag="male_chest_is_visible">
+                <state img="5-embarrassed.png">This seems like something only your lover should be seeing.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_large_chest_is_visible">
+                <state img="5-happy.png">Those are less like pomegranates and more like melons!</state>
+                <state img="5-shocked.png">I don't know whether to be impressed or feel sorry for you.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_must_strip">
+                <state img="5-interested.png">It's showtime!</state>
+                <state img="5-happy.png">I <i>always</i> get my man.</state>
+                <state img="5-horny.png">There's no harm in losing, is there ~name~?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_must_masturbate">
+                <state img="5-angry.png">So <i>this</i> is why Aladdin wanted to play!</state>
+                <state img="5-shocked.png">So <i>this</i> is what my people do for fun?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_human_must_strip">
+                <state img="5-interested.png">It's showtime!</state>
+                <state img="5-happy.png">I <i>always</i> get my man.</state>
+                <state img="5-horny.png">There's no harm in losing, is there ~name~?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_small_crotch_is_visible">
+                <state img="5-interested.png">Oh... so they <i>do</i> come in different sizes after all!</state>
+                <state img="5-embarrassed.png">Maybe you just don't have what it takes to be a hero...</state>
+                <state img="5-horny.png">Once again I realize how lucky I am to have found my Aladdin!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_removing_accessory">
+                <state img="5-sad.png">Well, that's... disappointing.</state>
+                <state img="5-angry.png">I'm not mad. It would be petty to be mad over a game. A <i>stupid</i> game.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_finished_masturbating">
+                <state img="5-embarrassed.png">Well, at least it's not the first time I've seen a man do that.</state>
+                <state img="5-shocked.png">You came so far - like a shooting star!</state>
+                <state img="5-interested.png">You look just like my husband on our wedding night.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case filter="single" tag="male_finished_masturbating">
+                <state img="5-angry.png">Save that kind of thing for your wife.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_finished_masturbating" target="xander">
+                <state img="5-calm.png">It's important to be honest about your feelings, Xander.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_small_chest_is_visible">
+                <state img="5-sad.png">How humiliating for you!</state>
+                <state img="5-embarrassed.png">Don't worry, my dear - I'm sure they'll grow.</state>
+                <state img="5-interested.png">You have hidden charms, ~name~!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible">
+                <state img="5-sad.png">So... it's a punishment game?</state>
+                <state img="5-calm.png">You must have a lot of suitors!</state>
+                <state img="5-horny.png">This game is completely ridiculous, but... let's keep playing anyway.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="buffy">
+                <state img="5-confused.png">What <i>else</i> would they be?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case alsoPlaying="xander" tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="buffy">
+                <state img="5-confused.png">Do you two have a relationship?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory">
+                <state img="5-angry.png">I suppose <i>this</i> is all part of the game, too?</state>
+                <state img="5-sad.png">Why didn't I wear more jewelry tonight? It's not like I don't own enough!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="elena" targetStage="0">
+                <state img="5-happy.png">A brilliant idea! I wish I'd thought of it first.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="game_over_victory">
+                <state img="5-happy.png">I've always believed members of the royal family should consort with the common people! Just... not like <i>this</i>.</state>
+                <state img="5-happy.png">I just had the most wonderful time!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_major">
+                <state img="5-calm.png">Your ~clothing~? Fair enough.</state>
+                <state img="5-angry.png">Your ~clothing~ is just outrageous!</state>
+                <state img="5-shocked.png">...</state>
+                <state img="5-shocked.png">Is that the legendary dance of the seven veils?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case filter="shy" tag="female_removing_major">
+                <state img="5-embarrassed.png">Boy, do I know how you feel right now.</state>
+                <state img="5-embarrassed.png">I think we've both learned a valuable lesson today...</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_removing_minor">
+                <state img="5-sad.png">You've never heard of <i>noblesse oblige</i>, have you?</state>
+                <state img="5-angry.png">You clearly have <i>no</i> respect for royalty.</state>
+                <state img="5-interested.png">You <i>do</i> seem overdressed, ~name~.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_removing_minor" target="fred" targetStage="1">
+                <state img="5-interested.png">You <i>do</i> seem overdressed, Freddie.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_finished_masturbating">
+                <state img="5-shocked.png">That was... indescribable.</state>
+                <state img="5-embarrassed.png">I <i>do</i> think royalty should learn more about commoners. I should, um, study this some more.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case filter="princess" tag="female_finished_masturbating">
+                <state img="5-shocked.png">Well, <i>this</i> is going to make the next royal visit awkward.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="nagisa">
+                <state img="5-shocked.png">...Am I supposed to applaud now?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible">
+                <state img="5-interested.png">I am not a prize to be won... but I'm beginning to think that <i>you</i> might be, ~name~.</state>
+                <state img="5-horny.png">I had no idea that women could be so bold. I approve.</state>
+                <state img="5-embarrassed.png">I'm as ready as I'll ever be. Go ahead and show us, ~name~.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_masturbating">
+                <state img="5-angry.png">If you're looking for encouragement from me, you can have it over my dead body.</state>
+                <state img="5-calm.png">You're rubbing that like you expect a genie to come out!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_minor">
+                <state img="5-sad.png">Is that all? I've seen more flesh on display walking through the market.</state>
+                <state img="5-shocked.png">I was told this would be an unforgettable game. I didn't realize it was because I'd be <i>humiliated</i>!</state>
+                <state img="5-horny.png">That's incredible - you're taking off so little, yet you've got me spellbound.</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="kyoko" targetStage="6">
                 <state img="5-shocked.png">That must have been painful...</state>
@@ -1958,323 +1736,295 @@
                 <state img="5-shocked.png">No!</state>
                 <state img="5-angry.png">I knew it! You <i>are</i> in league with Jafar!</state>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major">
-				<state img="5-horny.png">Don't be nervous, ~name~. You're doing fine.</state>
-				<state img="5-interested.png">Tell me, how do you keep your figure so firm?</state>
-				<state img="5-calm.png">Is that silk? It's lovely.</state>
-				<state img="5-interested.png">This is a lot more fun than that silly slumber party Aurora had!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major" target="dawn" targetStage="5">
-				<state img="5-interested.png">It <i>is</i> very nice.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_small_chest_is_visible">
-				<state img="5-sad.png">How humiliating for you!</state>
-				<state img="5-embarrassed.png">Don't worry, my dear - I'm sure they'll grow.</state>
-				<state img="5-interested.png">You have hidden charms, ~name~!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible">
-				<state img="5-sad.png">So... it's a punishment game?</state>
-				<state img="5-calm.png">You must have a lot of suitors!</state>
-				<state img="5-horny.png">This game is completely ridiculous, but... let's keep playing anyway.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="buffy" alsoPlaying="xander">
-				<state img="5-confused.png">Do you two have a relationship?</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="buffy">
-				<state img="5-confused.png">What <i>else</i> would they be?</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_large_chest_is_visible">
-				<state img="5-happy.png">Those are less like pomegranates and more like melons!</state>
-				<state img="5-shocked.png">I don't know whether to be impressed or feel sorry for you.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_is_visible">
-				<state img="5-sad.png">...Is this what I have to compete with?</state>
-				<state img="5-shocked.png">It's an indescribable sight...</state>
-				<state img="5-shocked.png">I can see everything!</state>
-				<state img="5-calm.png">Bravo, ~name~! How brave!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="dawn">
-				<state img="5-shocked.png">Oh! You meant your-- is <i>that</i> what Aladdin meant?!?</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" filter="shaved">
-				<state img="5-embarrassed.png">I had no idea you could do that with your, um, with your hair.</state>
-				<state img="5-shocked.png">Why do you shave? Is it to avoid getting sand down there?</state>
-				<state img="5-shocked.png">I think it's safe to say I've never had a friend like <i>you</i>!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_must_masturbate">
-				<state img="5-angry.png">So <i>this</i> is why Aladdin wanted to play!</state>
-				<state img="5-shocked.png">So <i>this</i> is what my people do for fun?</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_start_masturbating">
-				<state img="5-shocked.png">Am I... am I supposed to watch?</state>
-				<state img="5-embarrassed.png">Surely the Sultan can't know this is going on under his nose... can he?</state>
-				<state img="5-shocked.png">I can't believe you! I could never do that - not for all the silk in Agrabah!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="nagisa">
-				<state img="5-embarrassed.png">A poet and a... performer? I've never seen such a thing!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_masturbating">
-				<state img="5-horny.png">That... that <i>does</i> look like you're enjoying it, ~name~.</state>
-				<state img="5-calm.png">Hmm. I guess I'm more normal than I thought!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_finished_masturbating">
-				<state img="5-shocked.png">That was... indescribable.</state>
-				<state img="5-embarrassed.png">I <i>do</i> think royalty should learn more about commoners. I should, um, study this some more.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="nagisa">
-				<state img="5-shocked.png">...Am I supposed to applaud now?</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_finished_masturbating" filter="princess">
-				<state img="5-shocked.png">Well, <i>this</i> is going to make the next royal visit awkward.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="game_over_victory">
-				<state img="5-happy.png">I just had the most wonderful time!</state>
-				<state img="5-happy.png">I've always believed members of the royal family should consort with the common people! Just... not like <i>this</i>.</state>
-			</case>
-		</stage>
-		<stage id="6">
-			<case tag="swap_cards">
-				<state img="6-calm.png">...Could I have ~cards~ cards, please?</state>
-				<state img="6-calm.png">I wish I had ~cards~ more cards!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="good_hand">
-				<state img="6-interested.png">You're going to beat me? I don't think so!</state>
-				<state img="6-happy.png">Ha! I'm looking forward to this round.</state>
-				<state img="6-embarrassed.png">If I'd only had cards like these a few hands ago, I wouldn't be standing here like this.</state>
-				<state img="6-angry.png">Finally!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="okay_hand">
-				<state img="6-calm.png">I can still win with this hand!</state>
-				<state img="6-calm.png">Okay, let me deal with this calmly...</state>
-				<state img="6-calm.png">I can still pull this off!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="bad_hand">
-				<state img="6-angry.png">My father wouldn't like the way you're treating me. You remember my father... the Sultan?</state>
-				<state img="6-angry.png">This isn't fair! This must be some kind of magic!</state>
-				<state img="6-horny.png">Maybe it's not so bad if I lose...</state>
-				<state img="6-sad.png">How did it come to this?</state>
-				<state img="6-angry.png">I should have known this was a bad idea when Iago suggested it.</state>
-				<state img="6-shocked.png">No, no, no! I can't lose again!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="stripped">
-				<state img="6-angry.png">I am still a princess even without my diadem!</state>
-				<state img="6-angry.png">Did you think I would back down? That I would cry? You don't know me very well, do you?</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="must_strip_winning">
-				<state img="6-horny.png">Somehow this is easier when everyone else is already naked. I feel like part of a harem!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="must_strip_normal">
-				<state img="6-horny.png">Somehow this is easier when everyone else is already naked. I feel like part of a harem!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="must_strip_losing">
-				<state img="6-shocked.png">You won't get away with this, you monster!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="stripping">
-				<state img="6-strip.png">In the palace there's always people who tell you where to go and how to dress. You're not free to make your own choices. This is <i>so</i> much better.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_human_must_strip">
-				<state img="6-interested.png">It's showtime!</state>
-				<state img="6-happy.png">I <i>always</i> get my man.</state>
-				<state img="6-horny.png">There's no harm in losing, is there ~name~?</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_must_strip">
-				<state img="6-interested.png">It's showtime!</state>
-				<state img="6-happy.png">I <i>always</i> get my man.</state>
-				<state img="6-horny.png">There's no harm in losing, is there ~name~?</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_removing_accessory">
-				<state img="6-angry.png">Do I have to call the guards?</state>
-				<state img="6-angry.png">You're using magic somehow! I just know it!</state>
-				<state img="6-sad.png">This <i>hardly</i> seems fair.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_removing_minor">
-				<state img="6-angry.png">You have a <i>lot</i> to learn about being a gentleman, ~name~!</state>
-				<state img="6-embarrassed.png">If you don't mind, could you lose faster?</state>
-				<state img="6-angry.png">Is that all? I don't want to waste a single second of my time here.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_removing_minor" target="fred" targetStage="1">
-				<state img="6-interested.png">You <i>do</i> seem overdressed, Freddie.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_removing_major">
-				<state img="6-interested.png">Do as I command, ~name~: remove your ~clothing~!</state>
-				<state img="6-horny.png">I certainly don't mind seeing more of you...</state>
-				<state img="6-happy.png">Well, it's about time!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_chest_will_be_visible">
-				<state img="6-happy.png">I can't wait to see what happens next!</state>
-				<state img="6-shocked.png">Are you trying to win my heart, ~name~? I'm spoken for.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_crotch_will_be_visible">
-				<state img="6-horny.png">Perhaps I <i>can</i> see the point of the game...</state>
-				<state img="6-angry.png">If you're trying to impress me, I'd prefer a game of wits.</state>
-				<state img="6-interested.png">It's good to get away from the guards and their rules for a change.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_crotch_will_be_visible" target="link">
-				<state img="6-sad.png">You're so thoughtful, Link... how on Earth did you get roped into playing this?</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_removed_accessory">
-				<state img="6-angry.png">Do you know what the punishment for cheating is in Agrabah?</state>
-				<state img="6-embarrassed.png">I've never been so embarrassed in all my life!</state>
-				<state img="6-angry.png">Just... go jump off a balcony!</state>
-				<state img="6-sad.png">I wish you'd say I'm only dreaming...</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_removed_minor">
-				<state img="6-angry.png">It's not right to toy with people like that!</state>
-				<state img="6-angry.png">When I rule Agrabah, the first thing I will decree is to change this stupid rule.</state>
-				<state img="6-shocked.png">You're in league with Jafar. Admit it!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_removed_minor" target="fred" targetStage="2">
-				<state img="6-interested.png">It makes me wonder if you have something to hide.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_removed_major">
-				<state img="6-embarrassed.png">Oh, I wish I was better at cards...</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_chest_is_visible">
-				<state img="6-horny.png">Now that's a sight for sore eyes...</state>
-				<state img="6-happy.png">I've changed my mind. I love this game!</state>
-				<state img="6-calm.png">Hmm! I never realized how incredibly handsome you are...</state>
-				<state img="6-horny.png">~name~, you have my royal favor.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_small_crotch_is_visible">
-				<state img="6-interested.png">Your little soldier is standing at attention, I see.</state>
-				<state img="6-angry.png">Now I'm even <i>more</i> frustrated!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_medium_crotch_is_visible">
-				<state img="6-shocked.png">Oh! I didn't know they could twitch like that.</state>
-				<state img="6-horny.png">If you've seen one, you've seen them all.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_large_crotch_is_visible">
-				<state img="6-angry.png">They should let princesses have harems, too! It's so unfair.</state>
-				<state img="6-shocked.png">They grow them <i>big</i> on the streets, don't they?</state>
-				<state img="6-shocked.png"><i>THAT</i> is supposed to fit in <i>there</i>? This is a joke, right?</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_must_masturbate">
-				<state img="6-horny.png">So you're out of the game. We both know what happens now.</state>
-				<state img="6-calm.png">You were a worthy opponent, ~name~.</state>
-				<state img="6-calm.png">It's past time to end this game.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_start_masturbating">
-				<state img="6-embarrassed.png">What you are doing is <i>not</i> romance, sir!</state>
-				<state img="6-angry.png">So it's true: men are pigs.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_masturbating">
-				<state img="6-angry.png">If you're looking for encouragement from me, you can have it over my dead body.</state>
-				<state img="6-calm.png">You're rubbing that like you expect a genie to come out!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_finished_masturbating">
-				<state img="6-embarrassed.png">Well, at least it's not the first time I've seen a man do that.</state>
-				<state img="6-shocked.png">You came so far - like a shooting star!</state>
-				<state img="6-interested.png">You look just like my husband on our wedding night.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_finished_masturbating" target="xander">
-				<state img="6-calm.png">It's important to be honest about your feelings, Xander.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_finished_masturbating" filter="single">
-				<state img="6-angry.png">Save that kind of thing for your wife.</state>
-			</case>
+            <case tag="male_crotch_will_be_visible">
+                <state img="5-horny.png">Perhaps I <i>can</i> see the point of the game...</state>
+                <state img="5-angry.png">If you're trying to impress me, I'd prefer a game of wits.</state>
+                <state img="5-interested.png">It's good to get away from the guards and their rules for a change.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_crotch_will_be_visible" target="link">
+                <state img="5-sad.png">You're so thoughtful, Link... how on Earth did you get roped into playing this?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="good_hand">
+                <state img="5-happy.png">Ha! I'm looking forward to this round.</state>
+                <state img="5-happy.png">Oh, these cards are wonderful!</state>
+                <state img="5-happy.png">This is easy! As expected of a princess!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="okay_hand">
+                <state img="5-calm.png">I know what I'm doing! I've seen the guards playing cards before...</state>
+                <state img="5-calm.png">I can do this! I think.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="swap_cards">
+                <state img="5-calm.png">...Could I have ~cards~ cards, please?</state>
+                <state img="5-calm.png">I wish I had ~cards~ more cards!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="bad_hand">
+                <state img="5-sad.png">I'd like to believe I'll win with these cards, but I'm fresh out of optimism.</state>
+                <state img="5-sad.png">I may be in over my head...</state>
+                <state img="5-sad.png">Dawn can't come soon enough.</state>
+                <state img="5-sad.png">I may have finally bitten off more than I can chew...</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="stripped">
+                <state img="5-angry.png">I got myself into this mess. I'll deal with the consequences.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="must_strip_normal">
+                <state img="5-angry.png">Strange, I don't remember you asking me on a date. And yet somehow I'm still taking my clothes off for you.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="must_strip_losing">
+                <state img="5-sad.png">Uh, just out of curiosity... are we sure we're alone?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="stripping">
+                <state img="5-strip.png">I'm down to the last thing I can afford to lose!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="must_strip_winning">
+                <state img="5-calm.png">There's no sense crying over spilt milk or bared flesh.</state>
+            </case>
+        </stage>
-			<case tag="female_human_must_strip">
-				<state img="6-happy.png">I could order the servants to strip... but it wouldn't be as exciting!</state>
-				<state img="6-happy.png">Even princesses can have a little fun!</state>
-				<state img="6-calm.png">You know what would make this even better? Some music!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_must_strip">
-				<state img="6-happy.png">I could order the servants to strip... but it wouldn't be as exciting!</state>
-				<state img="6-happy.png">Even princesses can have a little fun!</state>
-				<state img="6-calm.png">You know what would make this even better? Some music!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_accessory">
-				<state img="6-angry.png">I suppose <i>this</i> is all part of the game, too?</state>
-				<state img="6-sad.png">Why didn't I wear more jewelry tonight? It's not like I don't own enough!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_minor">
-				<state img="6-embarrassed.png">Clearly I have a <i>lot</i> to learn about this game.</state>
-				<state img="6-interested.png">Make yourself more comfortable, ~name~.</state>
-				<state img="6-angry.png">How... shrewd of you.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_minor" filter="shy">
-				<state img="6-calm.png">Oh, ~name~ - live a little! It's fun to let loose once in a while!</state>
-			</case>
+        <stage id="6">
+            <case tag="female_must_strip">
+                <state img="6-happy.png">I could order the servants to strip... but it wouldn't be as exciting!</state>
+                <state img="6-happy.png">Even princesses can have a little fun!</state>
+                <state img="6-calm.png">You know what would make this even better? Some music!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_chest_will_be_visible">
+                <state img="6-happy.png">I can't wait to see what happens next!</state>
+                <state img="6-shocked.png">Are you trying to win my heart, ~name~? I'm spoken for.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_minor">
+                <state img="6-embarrassed.png">Clearly I have a <i>lot</i> to learn about this game.</state>
+                <state img="6-angry.png">How... shrewd of you.</state>
+                <state img="6-interested.png">Make yourself more comfortable, ~name~.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case filter="shy" tag="female_removing_minor">
+                <state img="6-calm.png">Oh, ~name~ - live a little! It's fun to let loose once in a while!</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="female_removing_minor" target="kyoko" targetStage="5">
                 <state img="6-shocked.png">How terrible!</state>
-			<case tag="female_removing_major">
-				<state img="6-angry.png">Honestly! If Aladdin wanted to see <i>this</i>, all he had to do was ask me!</state>
-				<state img="6-interested.png">There's something to the way you slip out of your ~clothing~ that catches the eye.  I'll have to study you more closely.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_major" filter="shy">
-				<state img="6-calm.png">Come on, ~name~ - where's your sense of adventure?</state>
-				<state img="6-calm.png">What are clothes for if not to remove them?</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible">
-				<state img="6-embarrassed.png">At least you'll be in good company...</state>
-				<state img="6-interested.png">It seems I have some competition for the spotlight!</state>
-				<state img="6-interested.png">Let there be no secrets between us, ~name~.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible">
-				<state img="6-shocked.png">You think I don't know anything, huh? I know plenty about the real world! I'm not shocked by this at <i>all</i>!</state>
-				<state img="6-calm.png">Be brave, ~name~!</state>
-				<state img="6-happy.png">Just like the baths at home!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="dawn">
-				<state img="6-happy.png">Oh! Do you have a magic carpet, too?</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_accessory">
-				<state img="6-shocked.png">How <i>could</i> you?</state>
-				<state img="6-angry.png">Some people just don't fight fair.</state>
-				<state img="6-angry.png">Just wait, ~name~! You'll get exactly what's coming to you!</state>
-				<state img="6-calm.png">Tell me, ~name~ - when did you last let your heart decide?</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_accessory" filter="princess">
-				<state img="6-shocked.png">How <i>could</i> you? I thought we were friends!</state>
-				<state img="6-calm.png">Tell me, Princess - when did you last let your heart decide?</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="chara" targetStage="1">
-				<state img="6-shocked.png">...This <i>is</i> just a friendly game, isn't it?</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_minor">
-				<state img="6-sad.png">Is that all? I've seen more flesh on display walking through the market.</state>
-				<state img="6-shocked.png">I was told this would be an unforgettable game. I didn't realize it was because I'd be <i>humiliated</i>!</state>
-				<state img="6-horny.png">That's incredible - you're taking off so little, yet you've got me spellbound.</state>
-			</case>
+            <case tag="male_medium_crotch_is_visible">
+                <state img="6-shocked.png">Oh! I didn't know they could twitch like that.</state>
+                <state img="6-horny.png">If you've seen one, you've seen them all.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_major">
+                <state img="6-horny.png">Don't be nervous, ~name~. You're doing fine.</state>
+                <state img="6-interested.png">Tell me, how do you keep your figure so firm?</state>
+                <state img="6-calm.png">Is that silk? It's lovely.</state>
+                <state img="6-interested.png">This is a lot more fun than that silly slumber party Aurora had!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_major" target="dawn" targetStage="5">
+                <state img="6-interested.png">It <i>is</i> very nice.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_large_crotch_is_visible">
+                <state img="6-angry.png">They should let princesses have harems, too! It's so unfair.</state>
+                <state img="6-shocked.png">They grow them <i>big</i> on the streets, don't they?</state>
+                <state img="6-shocked.png"><i>THAT</i> is supposed to fit in <i>there</i>? This is a joke, right?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible">
+                <state img="6-shocked.png">You think I don't know anything, huh? I know plenty about the real world! I'm not shocked by this at <i>all</i>!</state>
+                <state img="6-calm.png">Be brave, ~name~!</state>
+                <state img="6-happy.png">Just like the baths at home!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="dawn">
+                <state img="6-happy.png">Oh! Do you have a magic carpet, too?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_removed_minor">
+                <state img="6-angry.png">It's not right to toy with people like that!</state>
+                <state img="6-angry.png">When I rule Agrabah, the first thing I will decree is to change this stupid rule.</state>
+                <state img="6-shocked.png">You're in league with Jafar. Admit it!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_removed_minor" target="fred" targetStage="2">
+                <state img="6-interested.png">It makes me wonder if you have something to hide.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_removed_accessory">
+                <state img="6-angry.png">Do you know what the punishment for cheating is in Agrabah?</state>
+                <state img="6-embarrassed.png">I've never been so embarrassed in all my life!</state>
+                <state img="6-angry.png">Just... go jump off a balcony!</state>
+                <state img="6-sad.png">I wish you'd say I'm only dreaming...</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_must_masturbate">
+                <state img="6-horny.png">So you're out of the game. We both know what happens now.</state>
+                <state img="6-calm.png">You were a worthy opponent, ~name~.</state>
+                <state img="6-calm.png">It's past time to end this game.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_masturbating">
+                <state img="6-horny.png">That... that <i>does</i> look like you're enjoying it, ~name~.</state>
+                <state img="6-calm.png">Hmm. I guess I'm more normal than I thought!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_human_must_strip">
+                <state img="6-happy.png">I could order the servants to strip... but it wouldn't be as exciting!</state>
+                <state img="6-happy.png">Even princesses can have a little fun!</state>
+                <state img="6-calm.png">You know what would make this even better? Some music!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible">
+                <state img="6-calm.png">It's like a flower... so pretty!</state>
+                <state img="6-embarrassed.png">I wonder if mine is like that? I've never seen it up close...</state>
+                <state img="6-confused.png">I wonder if I can talk the other princesses into playing this?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case filter="confident" tag="female_crotch_is_visible">
+                <state img="6-shocked.png">I'd be shaking if I was stripped naked like that! ...I admire your confidence.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case filter="hairy" tag="female_crotch_is_visible">
+                <state img="6-shocked.png">Foreigners really <i>are</i> different!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case filter="shaved" tag="female_crotch_is_visible">
+                <state img="6-embarrassed.png">I had no idea you could do that with your, um, with your hair.</state>
+                <state img="6-shocked.png">Why do you shave? Is it to avoid getting sand down there?</state>
+                <state img="6-shocked.png">I think it's safe to say I've never had a friend like <i>you</i>!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="dawn">
+                <state img="6-shocked.png">Oh! You meant your-- is <i>that</i> what Aladdin meant?!?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_start_masturbating">
+                <state img="6-embarrassed.png">Surely the Sultan can't know this is going on under his nose... can he?</state>
+                <state img="6-shocked.png">Am I... am I supposed to watch?</state>
+                <state img="6-shocked.png">I can't believe you! I could never do that - not for all the silk in Agrabah!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="nagisa">
+                <state img="6-embarrassed.png">A poet and a... performer? I've never seen such a thing!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_removing_major">
+                <state img="6-interested.png">Do as I command, ~name~: remove your ~clothing~!</state>
+                <state img="6-horny.png">I certainly don't mind seeing more of you...</state>
+                <state img="6-happy.png">Well, it's about time!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_accessory">
+                <state img="6-shocked.png">How <i>could</i> you?</state>
+                <state img="6-angry.png">Some people just don't fight fair.</state>
+                <state img="6-angry.png">Just wait, ~name~! You'll get exactly what's coming to you!</state>
+                <state img="6-calm.png">Tell me, ~name~ - when did you last let your heart decide?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case filter="princess" tag="female_removed_accessory">
+                <state img="6-shocked.png">How <i>could</i> you? I thought we were friends!</state>
+                <state img="6-calm.png">Tell me, Princess - when did you last let your heart decide?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="chara" targetStage="1">
+                <state img="6-shocked.png">...This <i>is</i> just a friendly game, isn't it?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_removed_major">
+                <state img="6-embarrassed.png">Oh, I wish I was better at cards...</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_start_masturbating">
+                <state img="6-embarrassed.png">What you are doing is <i>not</i> romance, sir!</state>
+                <state img="6-angry.png">So it's true: men are pigs.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_chest_is_visible">
+                <state img="6-horny.png">Now that's a sight for sore eyes...</state>
+                <state img="6-happy.png">I've changed my mind. I love this game!</state>
+                <state img="6-calm.png">Hmm! I never realized how incredibly handsome you are...</state>
+                <state img="6-horny.png">~name~, you have my royal favor.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_large_chest_is_visible">
+                <state img="6-angry.png">You're so well endowed! Well. Too bad you're not <i>royalty</i>.</state>
+                <state img="6-calm.png">You'll make a wonderful mother, ~name~!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case filter="princess" tag="female_large_chest_is_visible">
+                <state img="6-shocked.png">You're a princess <i>and</i> you've got <i>those</i>? Ooh, this isn't fair!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_must_strip">
+                <state img="6-interested.png">It's showtime!</state>
+                <state img="6-happy.png">I <i>always</i> get my man.</state>
+                <state img="6-horny.png">There's no harm in losing, is there ~name~?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_must_masturbate">
+                <state img="6-angry.png">So <i>this</i> is why Aladdin wanted to play!</state>
+                <state img="6-shocked.png">So <i>this</i> is what my people do for fun?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_human_must_strip">
+                <state img="6-interested.png">It's showtime!</state>
+                <state img="6-happy.png">I <i>always</i> get my man.</state>
+                <state img="6-horny.png">There's no harm in losing, is there ~name~?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_small_crotch_is_visible">
+                <state img="6-interested.png">Your little soldier is standing at attention, I see.</state>
+                <state img="6-angry.png">Now I'm even <i>more</i> frustrated!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_removing_accessory">
+                <state img="6-angry.png">Do I have to call the guards?</state>
+                <state img="6-angry.png">You're using magic somehow! I just know it!</state>
+                <state img="6-sad.png">This <i>hardly</i> seems fair.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_finished_masturbating">
+                <state img="6-embarrassed.png">Well, at least it's not the first time I've seen a man do that.</state>
+                <state img="6-shocked.png">You came so far - like a shooting star!</state>
+                <state img="6-interested.png">You look just like my husband on our wedding night.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case filter="single" tag="male_finished_masturbating">
+                <state img="6-angry.png">Save that kind of thing for your wife.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_finished_masturbating" target="xander">
+                <state img="6-calm.png">It's important to be honest about your feelings, Xander.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_small_chest_is_visible">
+                <state img="6-calm.png">A small bosom is an old woman's friend, for she will stay young in the heart of her lover.</state>
+                <state img="6-interested.png">Ooh, I like <i>you</i>.</state>
+                <state img="6-calm.png">You have nothing to be ashamed of!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible">
+                <state img="6-interested.png">I've always wondered if women from other lands looked the same.</state>
+                <state img="6-horny.png">You're gorgeous! I'm a little jealous.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case filter="mean" tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible">
+                <state img="6-angry.png">There's no justice if a girl like you is as stunning as that!</state>
+                <state img="6-shocked.png">Those <i>definitely</i> make up for your personality.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case filter="single" tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible">
+                <state img="6-calm.png">You'll make a fine wife someday, ~name~.</state>
+                <state img="6-calm.png">A maiden in her prime!</state>
+                <state img="6-calm.png">My dear, any man would be proud to call you his.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="buffy">
+                <state img="6-confused.png">What <i>else</i> would they be?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case alsoPlaying="xander" tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="buffy">
+                <state img="6-confused.png">Do you two have a relationship?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory">
+                <state img="6-angry.png">I suppose <i>this</i> is all part of the game, too?</state>
+                <state img="6-sad.png">Why didn't I wear more jewelry tonight? It's not like I don't own enough!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="game_over_victory">
+                <state img="6-happy.png">This is it! The freedom I've yearned for!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_major">
+                <state img="6-angry.png">Honestly! If Aladdin wanted to see <i>this</i>, all he had to do was ask me!</state>
+                <state img="6-interested.png">There's something to the way you slip out of your ~clothing~ that catches the eye.  I'll have to study you more closely.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case filter="shy" tag="female_removing_major">
+                <state img="6-calm.png">Come on, ~name~ - where's your sense of adventure?</state>
+                <state img="6-calm.png">What are clothes for if not to remove them?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_removing_minor">
+                <state img="6-angry.png">You have a <i>lot</i> to learn about being a gentleman, ~name~!</state>
+                <state img="6-embarrassed.png">If you don't mind, could you lose faster?</state>
+                <state img="6-angry.png">Is that all? I don't want to waste a single second of my time here.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_removing_minor" target="fred" targetStage="1">
+                <state img="6-interested.png">You <i>do</i> seem overdressed, Freddie.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_finished_masturbating">
+                <state img="6-shocked.png">I... almost hope I lose.</state>
+                <state img="6-interested.png">I'm starting to warm up to the idea of Aladdin having a harem...</state>
+            </case>
+            <case filter="princess" tag="female_finished_masturbating">
+                <state img="6-interested.png">Well, <i>this</i> is going to make the next royal visit a lot more fun!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="nagisa">
+                <state img="6-shocked.png">...Am I supposed to applaud now?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible">
+                <state img="6-interested.png">Let there be no secrets between us, ~name~.</state>
+                <state img="6-embarrassed.png">At least you'll be in good company...</state>
+                <state img="6-interested.png">It seems I have some competition for the spotlight!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_masturbating">
+                <state img="6-angry.png">If you're looking for encouragement from me, you can have it over my dead body.</state>
+                <state img="6-calm.png">You're rubbing that like you expect a genie to come out!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_minor">
+                <state img="6-sad.png">Is that all? I've seen more flesh on display walking through the market.</state>
+                <state img="6-shocked.png">I was told this would be an unforgettable game. I didn't realize it was because I'd be <i>humiliated</i>!</state>
+                <state img="6-horny.png">That's incredible - you're taking off so little, yet you've got me spellbound.</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="kyoko" targetStage="6">
                 <state img="6-shocked.png">That must have been painful...</state>
@@ -2282,654 +2032,552 @@
                 <state img="6-shocked.png">No!</state>
                 <state img="6-angry.png">I knew it! You <i>are</i> in league with Jafar!</state>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major">
-				<state img="6-horny.png">Don't be nervous, ~name~. You're doing fine.</state>
-				<state img="6-interested.png">Tell me, how do you keep your figure so firm?</state>
-				<state img="6-calm.png">Is that silk? It's lovely.</state>
-				<state img="6-interested.png">This is a lot more fun than that silly slumber party Aurora had!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major" target="dawn" targetStage="5">
-				<state img="6-interested.png">It <i>is</i> very nice.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_small_chest_is_visible">
-				<state img="6-calm.png">A small bosom is an old woman's friend, for she will stay young in the heart of her lover.</state>
-				<state img="6-interested.png">Ooh, I like <i>you</i>.</state>
-				<state img="6-calm.png">You have nothing to be ashamed of!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible">
-				<state img="6-interested.png">I've always wondered if women from other lands looked the same.</state>
-				<state img="6-horny.png">You're gorgeous! I'm a little jealous.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" filter="single">
-				<state img="6-calm.png">You'll make a fine wife someday, ~name~.</state>
-				<state img="6-calm.png">A maiden in her prime!</state>
-				<state img="6-calm.png">My dear, any man would be proud to call you his.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="buffy" alsoPlaying="xander">
-				<state img="6-confused.png">Do you two have a relationship?</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="buffy">
-				<state img="6-confused.png">What <i>else</i> would they be?</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" filter="mean">
-				<state img="6-angry.png">There's no justice if a girl like you is as stunning as that!</state>
-				<state img="6-shocked.png">Those <i>definitely</i> make up for your personality.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_large_chest_is_visible">
-				<state img="6-angry.png">You're so well endowed! Well. Too bad you're not <i>royalty</i>.</state>
-				<state img="6-calm.png">You'll make a wonderful mother, ~name~!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_large_chest_is_visible" filter="princess">
-				<state img="6-shocked.png">You're a princess <i>and</i> you've got <i>those</i>? Ooh, this isn't fair!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_is_visible">
-				<state img="6-calm.png">It's like a flower... so pretty!</state>
-				<state img="6-confused.png">I wonder if I can talk the other princesses into playing this?</state>
-				<state img="6-embarrassed.png">I wonder if mine is like that? I've never seen it up close...</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" filter="shaved">
-				<state img="6-embarrassed.png">I had no idea you could do that with your, um, with your hair.</state>
-				<state img="6-shocked.png">Why do you shave? Is it to avoid getting sand down there?</state>
-				<state img="6-shocked.png">I think it's safe to say I've never had a friend like <i>you</i>!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" filter="hairy">
-				<state img="6-shocked.png">Foreigners really <i>are</i> different!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" filter="confident">
-				<state img="6-shocked.png">I'd be shaking if I was stripped naked like that! ...I admire your confidence.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="dawn">
-				<state img="6-shocked.png">Oh! You meant your-- is <i>that</i> what Aladdin meant?!?</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_must_masturbate">
-				<state img="6-angry.png">So <i>this</i> is why Aladdin wanted to play!</state>
-				<state img="6-shocked.png">So <i>this</i> is what my people do for fun?</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_start_masturbating">
-				<state img="6-shocked.png">Am I... am I supposed to watch?</state>
-				<state img="6-embarrassed.png">Surely the Sultan can't know this is going on under his nose... can he?</state>
-				<state img="6-shocked.png">I can't believe you! I could never do that - not for all the silk in Agrabah!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="nagisa">
-				<state img="6-embarrassed.png">A poet and a... performer? I've never seen such a thing!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_masturbating">
-				<state img="6-horny.png">That... that <i>does</i> look like you're enjoying it, ~name~.</state>
-				<state img="6-calm.png">Hmm. I guess I'm more normal than I thought!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_finished_masturbating">
-				<state img="6-shocked.png">I... almost hope I lose.</state>
-				<state img="6-interested.png">I'm starting to warm up to the idea of Aladdin having a harem...</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="nagisa">
-				<state img="6-shocked.png">...Am I supposed to applaud now?</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_finished_masturbating" filter="princess">
-				<state img="6-interested.png">Well, <i>this</i> is going to make the next royal visit a lot more fun!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="game_over_victory">
-				<state img="6-happy.png">This is it! The freedom I've yearned for!</state>
-			</case>
-		</stage>
-		<stage id="7">
-			<case tag="swap_cards">
-				<state img="7-calm.png">...Could I have ~cards~ cards, please?</state>
-				<state img="7-calm.png">I wish I had ~cards~ more cards!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="good_hand">
-				<state img="7-interested.png">You're going to beat me? I don't think so!</state>
-				<state img="7-happy.png">Ha! I'm looking forward to this round.</state>
-				<state img="7-embarrassed.png">If I'd only had cards like these a few hands ago, I wouldn't be standing here like this.</state>
-				<state img="7-angry.png">Finally!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="okay_hand">
-				<state img="7-sad.png">If I had one wish, I'd wish for my clothing back. Or at least my top!</state>
-				<state img="7-calm.png">I can still win with this hand!</state>
-				<state img="7-calm.png">Okay, let me deal with this calmly...</state>
-				<state img="7-calm.png">I can still pull this off!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="bad_hand">
-				<state img="7-angry.png">My father wouldn't like the way you're treating me. You remember my father... the Sultan?</state>
-				<state img="7-angry.png">This isn't fair! This must be some kind of magic!</state>
-				<state img="7-horny.png">Maybe it's not so bad if I lose...</state>
-				<state img="7-sad.png">How did it come to this?</state>
-				<state img="7-angry.png">I should have known this was a bad idea when Iago suggested it.</state>
-				<state img="7-shocked.png">No, no, no! I can't lose again!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="stripped">
-				<state img="7-happy.png">I've never done a thing on my own. I've never had any real friends, never been allowed to let loose. Until now.</state>
-				<state img="7-happy.png">It's really true! I'm free to do anything I like!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="must_strip_winning">
-				<state img="7-sad.png"><i>Sigh</i>! A princess knows the needs of her people outweigh that of her own.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="must_strip_normal">
-				<state img="7-horny.png">Oh, if my father could see me now - no longer his precious flower!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="must_strip_losing">
-				<state img="7-shocked.png">Stop that! You're leering at me worse than Jafar!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="stripping">
-				<state img="7-strip.png">A princess never strips naked in front of strangers!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_human_must_strip">
-				<state img="7-interested.png">It's showtime!</state>
-				<state img="7-happy.png">I <i>always</i> get my man.</state>
-				<state img="7-horny.png">There's no harm in losing, is there ~name~?</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_must_strip">
-				<state img="7-interested.png">It's showtime!</state>
-				<state img="7-happy.png">I <i>always</i> get my man.</state>
-				<state img="7-horny.png">There's no harm in losing, is there ~name~?</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_removing_accessory">
-				<state img="7-angry.png">Do I have to call the guards?</state>
-				<state img="7-angry.png">You're using magic somehow! I just know it!</state>
-				<state img="7-angry.png">This <i>hardly</i> seems fair.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_removing_minor">
-				<state img="7-angry.png">You have a <i>lot</i> to learn about being a gentleman, ~name~!</state>
-				<state img="7-embarrassed.png">If you don't mind, could you lose faster?</state>
-				<state img="7-angry.png">Is that all? I don't want to waste a single second of my time here.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_removing_major">
-				<state img="7-interested.png">Do as I command, ~name~: remove your ~clothing~!</state>
-				<state img="7-horny.png">I certainly don't mind seeing more of you...</state>
-				<state img="7-happy.png">Well, it's about time!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_chest_will_be_visible">
-				<state img="7-happy.png">I can't wait to see what happens next!</state>
-				<state img="7-shocked.png">Are you trying to win my heart, ~name~? I'm spoken for.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_crotch_will_be_visible">
-				<state img="7-embarrassed.png">No matter what the species, men are men.</state>
-				<state img="7-shocked.png">Tell me the truth, ~name~: you wanted to lose, didn't you?</state>
-				<state img="7-horny.png">Show me a whole new world, ~name~!</state>
-				<state img="7-horny.png">I really <i>must</i> play this game with Aladdin!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_crotch_will_be_visible" target="link">
-				<state img="7-sad.png">You're so thoughtful, Link... how on Earth did you get roped into playing this?</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_removed_accessory">
-				<state img="7-angry.png">Do you know what the punishment for cheating is in Agrabah?</state>
-				<state img="7-embarrassed.png">I've never been so embarrassed in all my life!</state>
-				<state img="7-angry.png">Just... go jump off a balcony!</state>
-				<state img="7-sad.png">I wish you'd say I'm only dreaming...</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_removed_minor">
-				<state img="7-angry.png">It's not right to toy with people like that!</state>
-				<state img="7-angry.png">When I rule Agrabah, the first thing I will decree is to change this stupid rule.</state>
-				<state img="7-shocked.png">You're in league with Jafar. Admit it!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_removed_major">
-				<state img="7-embarrassed.png">Oh, I wish I was better at cards...</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_chest_is_visible">
-				<state img="7-horny.png">Now that's a sight for sore eyes...</state>
-				<state img="7-happy.png">I've changed my mind. I love this game!</state>
-				<state img="7-calm.png">Hmm! I never realized how incredibly handsome you are...</state>
-				<state img="7-horny.png">~name~, you have my royal favor.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_small_crotch_is_visible">
-				<state img="7-interested.png">Your little soldier is standing at attention, I see.</state>
-				<state img="7-angry.png">Now I'm even <i>more</i> frustrated!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_medium_crotch_is_visible">
-				<state img="7-horny.png">It’s so <i>big</i>. Have you been harboring lustful thoughts for your princess all this time, you naughty man?</state>
-				<state img="7-happy.png">What a man!</state>
-				<state img="7-confused.png">This reminds me of my wedding night. It was so magical!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_large_crotch_is_visible">
-				<state img="7-horny.png">You <i>must</i> join me for dinner at the palace tonight, my humongous prince.</state>
-				<state img="7-horny.png">I can tell what <i>you</i> wished for!</state>
-				<state img="7-shocked.png">My, you <i>are</i> a worthy man.</state>
-		</case>
-			<case tag="male_must_masturbate">
-				<state img="7-interested.png">So you're out of the game. We both know what happens now.</state>
-				<state img="7-calm.png">You were a worthy opponent, ~name~.</state>
-				<state img="7-calm.png">It's past time to end this game.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_start_masturbating">
-				<state img="7-shocked.png">Am I supposed to watch? Do you <i>want</i> me to?</state>
-				<state img="7-horny.png">You, sir, are no prince... but luckily for you, I've always been attracted to street rats.</state>
-				<state img="7-horny.png">Please, ~name~... don't spare any effort to preserve my modesty. I'm a married woman!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_masturbating">
-				<state img="7-horny.png">Don't worry, ~name~. I have this effect on many men!</state>
-				<state img="7-interested.png">It is good to know I can inspire a man to action!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_finished_masturbating">
-				<state img="7-horny.png">Good night, my prince.</state>
-				<state img="7-calm.png">Done so soon? I know some herbs that would bring you back to life.</state>
-				<state img="7-happy.png">It's all so magical!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_finished_masturbating" target="xander">
-				<state img="7-calm.png">It's important to be honest about your feelings, Xander.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_finished_masturbating" filter="single">
-				<state img="7-angry.png">Save that kind of thing for your wife.</state>
-			</case>
+            <case tag="male_crotch_will_be_visible">
+                <state img="6-horny.png">Perhaps I <i>can</i> see the point of the game...</state>
+                <state img="6-angry.png">If you're trying to impress me, I'd prefer a game of wits.</state>
+                <state img="6-interested.png">It's good to get away from the guards and their rules for a change.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_crotch_will_be_visible" target="link">
+                <state img="6-sad.png">You're so thoughtful, Link... how on Earth did you get roped into playing this?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="good_hand">
+                <state img="6-happy.png">Ha! I'm looking forward to this round.</state>
+                <state img="6-interested.png">You're going to beat me? I don't think so!</state>
+                <state img="6-embarrassed.png">If I'd only had cards like these a few hands ago, I wouldn't be standing here like this.</state>
+                <state img="6-angry.png">Finally!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="okay_hand">
+                <state img="6-calm.png">I can still win with this hand!</state>
+                <state img="6-calm.png">Okay, let me deal with this calmly...</state>
+                <state img="6-calm.png">I can still pull this off!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="swap_cards">
+                <state img="6-calm.png">...Could I have ~cards~ cards, please?</state>
+                <state img="6-calm.png">I wish I had ~cards~ more cards!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="bad_hand">
+                <state img="6-angry.png">My father wouldn't like the way you're treating me. You remember my father... the Sultan?</state>
+                <state img="6-angry.png">This isn't fair! This must be some kind of magic!</state>
+                <state img="6-horny.png">Maybe it's not so bad if I lose...</state>
+                <state img="6-sad.png">How did it come to this?</state>
+                <state img="6-angry.png">I should have known this was a bad idea when Iago suggested it.</state>
+                <state img="6-shocked.png">No, no, no! I can't lose again!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="stripped">
+                <state img="6-angry.png">I am still a princess even without my diadem!</state>
+                <state img="6-angry.png">Did you think I would back down? That I would cry? You don't know me very well, do you?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="must_strip_normal">
+                <state img="6-horny.png">Somehow this is easier when everyone else is already naked. I feel like part of a harem!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="must_strip_losing">
+                <state img="6-shocked.png">You won't get away with this, you monster!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="stripping">
+                <state img="6-strip.png">In the palace there's always people who tell you where to go and how to dress. You're not free to make your own choices. This is <i>so</i> much better.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="must_strip_winning">
+                <state img="6-horny.png">Somehow this is easier when everyone else is already naked. I feel like part of a harem!</state>
+            </case>
+        </stage>
-			<case tag="female_human_must_strip">
-				<state img="7-happy.png">I could order the servants to strip... but it wouldn't be as exciting!</state>
-				<state img="7-happy.png">Even princesses can have a little fun!</state>
-				<state img="7-calm.png">You know what would make this even better? Some music!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_must_strip">
-				<state img="7-happy.png">I could order the servants to strip... but it wouldn't be as exciting!</state>
-				<state img="7-happy.png">Even princesses can have a little fun!</state>
-				<state img="7-calm.png">You know what would make this even better? Some music!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_accessory">
-				<state img="7-embarrassed.png">I don't think <i>that</i> will distract anyone from me, do you?</state>
-				<state img="7-angry.png">Hmph!</state>
-				<state img="7-angry.png">I suppose <i>this</i> is all part of the game, too?</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_minor">
-				<state img="7-embarrassed.png">Clearly I have a <i>lot</i> to learn about this game.</state>
-				<state img="7-interested.png">Make yourself more comfortable, ~name~.</state>
-				<state img="7-angry.png">How... shrewd of you.</state>
-			</case>
+        <stage id="7">
+            <case tag="female_must_strip">
+                <state img="7-happy.png">I could order the servants to strip... but it wouldn't be as exciting!</state>
+                <state img="7-happy.png">Even princesses can have a little fun!</state>
+                <state img="7-calm.png">You know what would make this even better? Some music!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_chest_will_be_visible">
+                <state img="7-happy.png">I can't wait to see what happens next!</state>
+                <state img="7-shocked.png">Are you trying to win my heart, ~name~? I'm spoken for.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_minor">
+                <state img="7-embarrassed.png">Clearly I have a <i>lot</i> to learn about this game.</state>
+                <state img="7-angry.png">How... shrewd of you.</state>
+                <state img="7-interested.png">Make yourself more comfortable, ~name~.</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="female_removing_minor" target="kyoko" targetStage="5">
                 <state img="7-shocked.png">How terrible!</state>
-			<case tag="female_removing_major">
-				<state img="7-angry.png">Honestly! If Aladdin wanted to see <i>this</i>, all he had to do was ask me!</state>
-				<state img="7-interested.png">There's something to the way you slip out of your ~clothing~ that catches the eye.  I'll have to study you more closely.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_major" filter="shy">
-				<state img="7-calm.png">Come on, ~name~ - where's your sense of adventure?</state>
-				<state img="7-calm.png">What are clothes for if not to remove them?</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible">
-				<state img="7-embarrassed.png">At least you'll be in good company...</state>
-				<state img="7-interested.png">It seems I have some competition for the spotlight!</state>
-				<state img="7-interested.png">Let there be no secrets between us, ~name~.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible">
-				<state img="7-happy.png">This is just like playing harem slaves!</state>
-				<state img="7-sad.png">Silly girl, caught by the same trap as me. I thought you'd have more sense.</state>
-				<state img="7-interested.png">I never thought I'd see this...</state>
-				<state img="7-horny.png">Ready or not, it's time to bare it all, ~name~.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_accessory">
-				<state img="7-shocked.png">How <i>could</i> you?</state>
-				<state img="7-angry.png">Some people just don't fight fair.</state>
-				<state img="7-angry.png">Just wait, ~name~! You'll get exactly what's coming to you!</state>
-				<state img="7-calm.png">Tell me, ~name~ - when did you last let your heart decide?</state>
-				<state img="7-angry.png">You're just like Rapunzel, except instead of letting your hair down you've let <i>everyone</i> down.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_accessory" filter="princess">
-				<state img="7-shocked.png">How <i>could</i> you? I thought we were friends!</state>
-				<state img="7-calm.png">Tell me, Princess - when did you last let your heart decide?</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="chara" targetStage="1">
-				<state img="7-sad.png">Don't worry, Chara. I'm about to die of embarrassment anyway.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_minor">
-				<state img="7-sad.png">Is that all? I've seen more flesh on display walking through the market.</state>
-				<state img="7-shocked.png">I was told this would be an unforgettable game. I didn't realize it was because I'd be <i>humiliated</i>!</state>
-				<state img="7-horny.png">That's incredible - you're taking off so little, yet you've got me spellbound.</state>
-			</case>
+            <case tag="male_medium_crotch_is_visible">
+                <state img="7-horny.png">It’s so <i>big</i>. Have you been harboring lustful thoughts for your princess all this time, you naughty man?</state>
+                <state img="7-happy.png">What a man!</state>
+                <state img="7-confused.png">This reminds me of my wedding night. It was so magical!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_major">
+                <state img="7-horny.png">Don't be nervous, ~name~. You're doing fine.</state>
+                <state img="7-interested.png">Tell me, how do you keep your figure so firm?</state>
+                <state img="7-calm.png">Is that silk? It's lovely.</state>
+                <state img="7-interested.png">This is a lot more fun than that silly slumber party Aurora had!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_major" target="dawn" targetStage="5">
+                <state img="7-interested.png">It <i>is</i> very nice.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_large_crotch_is_visible">
+                <state img="7-horny.png">You <i>must</i> join me for dinner at the palace tonight, my humongous prince.</state>
+                <state img="7-horny.png">I can tell what <i>you</i> wished for!</state>
+                <state img="7-shocked.png">My, you <i>are</i> a worthy man.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible">
+                <state img="7-happy.png">This is just like playing harem slaves!</state>
+                <state img="7-sad.png">Silly girl, caught by the same trap as me. I thought you'd have more sense.</state>
+                <state img="7-interested.png">I never thought I'd see this...</state>
+                <state img="7-horny.png">Ready or not, it's time to bare it all, ~name~.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_removed_minor">
+                <state img="7-angry.png">It's not right to toy with people like that!</state>
+                <state img="7-angry.png">When I rule Agrabah, the first thing I will decree is to change this stupid rule.</state>
+                <state img="7-shocked.png">You're in league with Jafar. Admit it!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_removed_accessory">
+                <state img="7-angry.png">Do you know what the punishment for cheating is in Agrabah?</state>
+                <state img="7-embarrassed.png">I've never been so embarrassed in all my life!</state>
+                <state img="7-angry.png">Just... go jump off a balcony!</state>
+                <state img="7-sad.png">I wish you'd say I'm only dreaming...</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_must_masturbate">
+                <state img="7-calm.png">You were a worthy opponent, ~name~.</state>
+                <state img="7-calm.png">It's past time to end this game.</state>
+                <state img="7-interested.png">So you're out of the game. We both know what happens now.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_masturbating">
+                <state img="7-calm.png">Hmm. I guess I'm more normal than I thought!</state>
+                <state img="7-horny.png">Your hand glides so smoothly - you have practice with this, don't you?</state>
+                <state img="7-embarrassed.png">Perhaps I should be taking notes...</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_human_must_strip">
+                <state img="7-happy.png">I could order the servants to strip... but it wouldn't be as exciting!</state>
+                <state img="7-happy.png">Even princesses can have a little fun!</state>
+                <state img="7-calm.png">You know what would make this even better? Some music!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible">
+                <state img="7-calm.png">It's like a flower... so pretty!</state>
+                <state img="7-embarrassed.png">I wonder if mine is like that? I've never seen it up close...</state>
+                <state img="7-confused.png">I wonder if I can talk the other princesses into playing this?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case filter="confident" tag="female_crotch_is_visible">
+                <state img="7-shocked.png">I'd be shaking if I was stripped naked like that! ...I admire your confidence.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case filter="hairy" tag="female_crotch_is_visible">
+                <state img="7-shocked.png">Foreigners really <i>are</i> different!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case filter="shaved" tag="female_crotch_is_visible">
+                <state img="7-embarrassed.png">I had no idea you could do that with your, um, with your hair.</state>
+                <state img="7-shocked.png">Why do you shave? Is it to avoid getting sand down there?</state>
+                <state img="7-shocked.png">I think it's safe to say I've never had a friend like <i>you</i>!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_start_masturbating">
+                <state img="7-embarrassed.png">I won't watch... if you don't want me to.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_removing_major">
+                <state img="7-interested.png">Do as I command, ~name~: remove your ~clothing~!</state>
+                <state img="7-horny.png">I certainly don't mind seeing more of you...</state>
+                <state img="7-happy.png">Well, it's about time!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_accessory">
+                <state img="7-shocked.png">How <i>could</i> you?</state>
+                <state img="7-angry.png">Some people just don't fight fair.</state>
+                <state img="7-angry.png">Just wait, ~name~! You'll get exactly what's coming to you!</state>
+                <state img="7-calm.png">Tell me, ~name~ - when did you last let your heart decide?</state>
+                <state img="7-angry.png">You're just like Rapunzel, except instead of letting your hair down you've let <i>everyone</i> down.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case filter="princess" tag="female_removed_accessory">
+                <state img="7-shocked.png">How <i>could</i> you? I thought we were friends!</state>
+                <state img="7-calm.png">Tell me, Princess - when did you last let your heart decide?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="chara" targetStage="1">
+                <state img="7-sad.png">Don't worry, Chara. I'm about to die of embarrassment anyway.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_removed_major">
+                <state img="7-embarrassed.png">Oh, I wish I was better at cards...</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_start_masturbating">
+                <state img="7-shocked.png">Am I supposed to watch? Do you <i>want</i> me to?</state>
+                <state img="7-horny.png">You, sir, are no prince... but luckily for you, I've always been attracted to street rats.</state>
+                <state img="7-horny.png">Please, ~name~... don't spare any effort to preserve my modesty. I'm a married woman!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_chest_is_visible">
+                <state img="7-horny.png">Now that's a sight for sore eyes...</state>
+                <state img="7-happy.png">I've changed my mind. I love this game!</state>
+                <state img="7-calm.png">Hmm! I never realized how incredibly handsome you are...</state>
+                <state img="7-horny.png">~name~, you have my royal favor.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_large_chest_is_visible">
+                <state img="7-angry.png">You're so well endowed! Well. Too bad you're not <i>royalty</i>.</state>
+                <state img="7-calm.png">You'll make a wonderful mother, ~name~!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case filter="princess" tag="female_large_chest_is_visible">
+                <state img="7-shocked.png">You're a princess <i>and</i> you've got <i>those</i>? Ooh, this isn't fair!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_must_strip">
+                <state img="7-interested.png">It's showtime!</state>
+                <state img="7-happy.png">I <i>always</i> get my man.</state>
+                <state img="7-horny.png">There's no harm in losing, is there ~name~?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_must_masturbate">
+                <state img="7-interested.png">This is a rare sight outside a harem... I'll be watching closely!</state>
+                <state img="7-embarrassed.png">I've always wondered how other girls do it...</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_human_must_strip">
+                <state img="7-interested.png">It's showtime!</state>
+                <state img="7-happy.png">I <i>always</i> get my man.</state>
+                <state img="7-horny.png">There's no harm in losing, is there ~name~?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_small_crotch_is_visible">
+                <state img="7-interested.png">Your little soldier is standing at attention, I see.</state>
+                <state img="7-angry.png">Now I'm even <i>more</i> frustrated!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_removing_accessory">
+                <state img="7-angry.png">Do I have to call the guards?</state>
+                <state img="7-angry.png">You're using magic somehow! I just know it!</state>
+                <state img="7-angry.png">This <i>hardly</i> seems fair.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_finished_masturbating">
+                <state img="7-horny.png">Good night, my prince.</state>
+                <state img="7-calm.png">Done so soon? I know some herbs that would bring you back to life.</state>
+                <state img="7-happy.png">It's all so magical!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case filter="single" tag="male_finished_masturbating">
+                <state img="7-angry.png">Save that kind of thing for your wife.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_finished_masturbating" target="xander">
+                <state img="7-calm.png">It's important to be honest about your feelings, Xander.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_small_chest_is_visible">
+                <state img="7-calm.png">A small bosom is an old woman's friend, for she will stay young in the heart of her lover.</state>
+                <state img="7-interested.png">Ooh, I like <i>you</i>.</state>
+                <state img="7-calm.png">You have nothing to be ashamed of!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible">
+                <state img="7-interested.png">I've always wondered if women from other lands looked the same.</state>
+                <state img="7-horny.png">You're gorgeous! I'm a little jealous.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case filter="mean" tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible">
+                <state img="7-angry.png">There's no justice if a girl like you is as stunning as that!</state>
+                <state img="7-shocked.png">Those <i>definitely</i> make up for your personality.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case filter="single" tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible">
+                <state img="7-calm.png">You'll make a fine wife someday, ~name~.</state>
+                <state img="7-calm.png">A maiden in her prime!</state>
+                <state img="7-calm.png">My dear, any man would be proud to call you his.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="buffy">
+                <state img="7-confused.png">What <i>else</i> would they be?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case alsoPlaying="xander" tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="buffy">
+                <state img="7-confused.png">Do you two have a relationship?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory">
+                <state img="7-angry.png">I suppose <i>this</i> is all part of the game, too?</state>
+                <state img="7-embarrassed.png">I don't think <i>that</i> will distract anyone from me, do you?</state>
+                <state img="7-angry.png">Hmph!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="game_over_victory">
+                <state img="7-horny.png">We shall have to make this game a royal tradition!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_major">
+                <state img="7-angry.png">Honestly! If Aladdin wanted to see <i>this</i>, all he had to do was ask me!</state>
+                <state img="7-interested.png">There's something to the way you slip out of your ~clothing~ that catches the eye.  I'll have to study you more closely.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case filter="shy" tag="female_removing_major">
+                <state img="7-calm.png">Come on, ~name~ - where's your sense of adventure?</state>
+                <state img="7-calm.png">What are clothes for if not to remove them?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_removing_minor">
+                <state img="7-angry.png">You have a <i>lot</i> to learn about being a gentleman, ~name~!</state>
+                <state img="7-embarrassed.png">If you don't mind, could you lose faster?</state>
+                <state img="7-angry.png">Is that all? I don't want to waste a single second of my time here.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_finished_masturbating">
+                <state img="7-shocked.png">I... almost hope I lose.</state>
+                <state img="7-interested.png">I'm starting to warm up to the idea of Aladdin having a harem...</state>
+            </case>
+            <case filter="princess" tag="female_finished_masturbating">
+                <state img="7-interested.png">Well, <i>this</i> is going to make the next royal visit a lot more fun!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible">
+                <state img="7-interested.png">Let there be no secrets between us, ~name~.</state>
+                <state img="7-embarrassed.png">At least you'll be in good company...</state>
+                <state img="7-interested.png">It seems I have some competition for the spotlight!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_masturbating">
+                <state img="7-horny.png">Don't worry, ~name~. I have this effect on many men!</state>
+                <state img="7-interested.png">It is good to know I can inspire a man to action!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_minor">
+                <state img="7-sad.png">Is that all? I've seen more flesh on display walking through the market.</state>
+                <state img="7-shocked.png">I was told this would be an unforgettable game. I didn't realize it was because I'd be <i>humiliated</i>!</state>
+                <state img="7-horny.png">That's incredible - you're taking off so little, yet you've got me spellbound.</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="kyoko" targetStage="6">
                 <state img="7-shocked.png">That must have been painful...</state>
             <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="shego" targetStage="2">
                 <state img="7-shocked.png">No!</state>
                 <state img="7-angry.png">I knew it! You <i>are</i> in league with Jafar!</state>
-            </case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major">
-				<state img="7-horny.png">Don't be nervous, ~name~. You're doing fine.</state>
-				<state img="7-interested.png">Tell me, how do you keep your figure so firm?</state>
-				<state img="7-calm.png">Is that silk? It's lovely.</state>
-				<state img="7-interested.png">This is a lot more fun than that silly slumber party Aurora had!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major" target="dawn" targetStage="5">
-				<state img="7-interested.png">It <i>is</i> very nice.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_small_chest_is_visible">
-				<state img="7-calm.png">A small bosom is an old woman's friend, for she will stay young in the heart of her lover.</state>
-				<state img="7-interested.png">Ooh, I like <i>you</i>.</state>
-				<state img="7-calm.png">You have nothing to be ashamed of!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible">
-				<state img="7-interested.png">I've always wondered if women from other lands looked the same.</state>
-				<state img="7-horny.png">You're gorgeous! I'm a little jealous.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" filter="single">
-				<state img="7-calm.png">You'll make a fine wife someday, ~name~.</state>
-				<state img="7-calm.png">A maiden in her prime!</state>
-				<state img="7-calm.png">My dear, any man would be proud to call you his.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="buffy" alsoPlaying="xander">
-				<state img="7-confused.png">Do you two have a relationship?</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="buffy">
-				<state img="7-confused.png">What <i>else</i> would they be?</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" filter="mean">
-				<state img="7-angry.png">There's no justice if a girl like you is as stunning as that!</state>
-				<state img="7-shocked.png">Those <i>definitely</i> make up for your personality.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_large_chest_is_visible">
-				<state img="7-angry.png">You're so well endowed! Well. Too bad you're not <i>royalty</i>.</state>
-				<state img="7-calm.png">You'll make a wonderful mother, ~name~!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_large_chest_is_visible" filter="princess">
-				<state img="7-shocked.png">You're a princess <i>and</i> you've got <i>those</i>? Ooh, this isn't fair!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_is_visible">
-				<state img="7-calm.png">It's like a flower... so pretty!</state>
-				<state img="7-confused.png">I wonder if I can talk the other princesses into playing this?</state>
-				<state img="7-embarrassed.png">I wonder if mine is like that? I've never seen it up close...</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" filter="shaved">
-				<state img="7-embarrassed.png">I had no idea you could do that with your, um, with your hair.</state>
-				<state img="7-shocked.png">Why do you shave? Is it to avoid getting sand down there?</state>
-				<state img="7-shocked.png">I think it's safe to say I've never had a friend like <i>you</i>!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" filter="hairy">
-				<state img="7-shocked.png">Foreigners really <i>are</i> different!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" filter="confident">
-				<state img="7-shocked.png">I'd be shaking if I was stripped naked like that! ...I admire your confidence.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_must_masturbate">
-				<state img="7-interested.png">This is a rare sight outside a harem... I'll be watching closely!</state>
-				<state img="7-embarrassed.png">I've always wondered how other girls do it...</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_start_masturbating">
-				<state img="7-embarrassed.png">I won't watch... if you don't want me to.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_masturbating">
-				<state img="7-horny.png">Your hand glides so smoothly - you have practice with this, don't you?</state>
-				<state img="7-embarrassed.png">Perhaps I should be taking notes...</state>
-				<state img="7-calm.png">Hmm. I guess I'm more normal than I thought!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_finished_masturbating">
-				<state img="7-shocked.png">I... almost hope I lose.</state>
-				<state img="7-interested.png">I'm starting to warm up to the idea of Aladdin having a harem...</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_finished_masturbating" filter="princess">
-				<state img="7-interested.png">Well, <i>this</i> is going to make the next royal visit a lot more fun!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="game_over_victory">
-				<state img="7-horny.png">We shall have to make this game a royal tradition!</state>
-			</case>
-		</stage>
-		<stage id="8">
-			<case tag="swap_cards">
-				<state img="8-calm.png">...Could I have ~cards~ cards, please?</state>
-				<state img="8-calm.png">I wish I had ~cards~ more cards!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="good_hand">
-				<state img="8-interested.png">You're going to beat me? I don't think so!</state>
-				<state img="8-happy.png">Ha! I'm looking forward to this round.</state>
-				<state img="8-embarrassed.png">If I'd only had cards like these a few hands ago, I wouldn't be standing here like this.</state>
-				<state img="8-angry.png">Finally!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="okay_hand">
-				<state img="8-sad.png">If I had one wish, I'd wish for my clothing back. Or at least my top!</state>
-				<state img="8-calm.png">I can still win with this hand!</state>
-				<state img="8-calm.png">Okay, let me deal with this calmly...</state>
-				<state img="8-calm.png">I can still pull this off!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="bad_hand">
-				<state img="8-angry.png">My father wouldn't like the way you're treating me. You remember my father... the Sultan?</state>
-				<state img="8-angry.png">This isn't fair! This must be some kind of magic!</state>
-				<state img="8-horny.png">Maybe it's not so bad if I lose...</state>
-				<state img="8-sad.png">How did it come to this?</state>
-				<state img="8-angry.png">I should have known this was a bad idea when Iago suggested it.</state>
-				<state img="8-shocked.png">No, no, no! I can't lose again!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="stripped">
-				<state img="8-horny.png">Maybe I don't wanna be a princess anymore.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="must_masturbate">
-				<state img="8-sad.png">You should be honored that your princess is so gracious...</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="must_masturbate_first">
-				<state img="8-shocked.png">Y-You want me to do what?!</state>
-				<state img="8-angry.png">I hate this! If I do it, I want to do it for love!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="start_masturbating">
-				<state img="8-embarrassed.png">I never had a sister to show me how to do this. I had to teach myself. I hope I'm... good enough.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_human_must_strip">
-				<state img="8-interested.png">It's showtime!</state>
-				<state img="8-happy.png">I <i>always</i> get my man.</state>
-				<state img="8-horny.png">There's no harm in losing, is there ~name~?</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_must_strip">
-				<state img="8-interested.png">It's showtime!</state>
-				<state img="8-happy.png">I <i>always</i> get my man.</state>
-				<state img="8-horny.png">There's no harm in losing, is there ~name~?</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_removing_accessory">
-				<state img="8-angry.png">Do I have to call the guards?</state>
-				<state img="8-angry.png">You're using magic somehow! I just know it!</state>
-				<state img="8-angry.png">This <i>hardly</i> seems fair.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_removing_minor">
-				<state img="8-angry.png">You have a <i>lot</i> to learn about being a gentleman, ~name~!</state>
-				<state img="8-embarrassed.png">If you don't mind, could you lose faster?</state>
-				<state img="8-angry.png">Is that all? I don't want to waste a single second of my time here.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_removing_major">
-				<state img="8-interested.png">Do as I command, ~name~: remove your ~clothing~!</state>
-				<state img="8-horny.png">I certainly don't mind seeing more of you...</state>
-				<state img="8-happy.png">Well, it's about time!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_chest_will_be_visible">
-				<state img="8-happy.png">I can't wait to see what happens next!</state>
-				<state img="8-shocked.png">Are you trying to win my heart, ~name~? I'm spoken for.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_crotch_will_be_visible">
-				<state img="8-embarrassed.png">No matter what the species, men are men.</state>
-				<state img="8-shocked.png">Tell me the truth, ~name~: you wanted to lose, didn't you?</state>
-				<state img="8-horny.png">Show me a whole new world, ~name~!</state>
-				<state img="8-horny.png">I really <i>must</i> play this game with Aladdin!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_removed_accessory">
-				<state img="8-angry.png">Do you know what the punishment for cheating is in Agrabah?</state>
-				<state img="8-embarrassed.png">I've never been so embarrassed in all my life!</state>
-				<state img="8-angry.png">Just... go jump off a balcony!</state>
-				<state img="8-sad.png">I wish you'd say I'm only dreaming...</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_removed_minor">
-				<state img="8-angry.png">It's not right to toy with people like that!</state>
-				<state img="8-angry.png">When I rule Agrabah, the first thing I will decree is to change this stupid rule.</state>
-				<state img="8-shocked.png">You're in league with Jafar. Admit it!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_removed_major">
-				<state img="8-embarrassed.png">Oh, I wish I was better at cards...</state>
-				<state img="8-angry.png">You may have beaten me, but at least you weren't the first man to see me naked.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_chest_is_visible">
-				<state img="8-horny.png">Now that's a sight for sore eyes...</state>
-				<state img="8-happy.png">I've changed my mind. I love this game!</state>
-				<state img="8-calm.png">Hmm! I never realized how incredibly handsome you are...</state>
-				<state img="8-horny.png">~name~, you have my royal favor.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_small_crotch_is_visible">
-				<state img="8-interested.png">Your little soldier is standing at attention, I see.</state>
-				<state img="8-angry.png">Now I'm even <i>more</i> frustrated!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_medium_crotch_is_visible">
-				<state img="8-horny.png">It’s so <i>big</i>. Have you been harboring lustful thoughts for your princess all this time, you naughty man?</state>
-				<state img="8-happy.png">What a man!</state>
-				<state img="8-confused.png">This reminds me of my wedding night. It was so magical!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_large_crotch_is_visible">
-				<state img="8-horny.png">You <i>must</i> join me for dinner at the palace tonight, my humongous prince.</state>
-				<state img="8-horny.png">I can tell what <i>you</i> wished for!</state>
-				<state img="8-shocked.png">My, you <i>are</i> a worthy man.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_must_masturbate">
-				<state img="8-happy.png">My wish has come true!</state>
-				<state img="8-happy.png">This game is great!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_start_masturbating">
-				<state img="8-shocked.png">Am I supposed to watch? Do you <i>want</i> me to?</state>
-				<state img="8-horny.png">You, sir, are no prince... but luckily for you, I've always been attracted to street rats.</state>
-				<state img="8-horny.png">Please, ~name~... don't spare any effort to preserve my modesty. I'm a married woman!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_masturbating">
-				<state img="8-horny.png">Don't worry, ~name~. I have this effect on many men!</state>
-				<state img="8-interested.png">It is good to know I can inspire a man to action!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_finished_masturbating">
-				<state img="8-horny.png">Good night, my prince.</state>
-				<state img="8-calm.png">Done so soon? I know some herbs that would bring you back to life.</state>
-				<state img="8-happy.png">It's all so magical!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_finished_masturbating" target="xander">
-				<state img="8-calm.png">It's important to be honest about your feelings, Xander.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_finished_masturbating" filter="single">
-				<state img="8-angry.png">Save that kind of thing for your wife.</state>
-			</case>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_crotch_will_be_visible">
+                <state img="7-embarrassed.png">No matter what the species, men are men.</state>
+                <state img="7-shocked.png">Tell me the truth, ~name~: you wanted to lose, didn't you?</state>
+                <state img="7-horny.png">Show me a whole new world, ~name~!</state>
+                <state img="7-horny.png">I really <i>must</i> play this game with Aladdin!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_crotch_will_be_visible" target="link">
+                <state img="7-sad.png">You're so thoughtful, Link... how on Earth did you get roped into playing this?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="good_hand">
+                <state img="7-happy.png">Ha! I'm looking forward to this round.</state>
+                <state img="7-interested.png">You're going to beat me? I don't think so!</state>
+                <state img="7-embarrassed.png">If I'd only had cards like these a few hands ago, I wouldn't be standing here like this.</state>
+                <state img="7-angry.png">Finally!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="okay_hand">
+                <state img="7-calm.png">I can still win with this hand!</state>
+                <state img="7-calm.png">Okay, let me deal with this calmly...</state>
+                <state img="7-calm.png">I can still pull this off!</state>
+                <state img="7-sad.png">If I had one wish, I'd wish for my clothing back. Or at least my top!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="swap_cards">
+                <state img="7-calm.png">...Could I have ~cards~ cards, please?</state>
+                <state img="7-calm.png">I wish I had ~cards~ more cards!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="bad_hand">
+                <state img="7-angry.png">My father wouldn't like the way you're treating me. You remember my father... the Sultan?</state>
+                <state img="7-angry.png">This isn't fair! This must be some kind of magic!</state>
+                <state img="7-horny.png">Maybe it's not so bad if I lose...</state>
+                <state img="7-sad.png">How did it come to this?</state>
+                <state img="7-angry.png">I should have known this was a bad idea when Iago suggested it.</state>
+                <state img="7-shocked.png">No, no, no! I can't lose again!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="stripped">
+                <state img="7-happy.png">I've never done a thing on my own. I've never had any real friends, never been allowed to let loose. Until now.</state>
+                <state img="7-happy.png">It's really true! I'm free to do anything I like!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="must_strip_normal">
+                <state img="7-horny.png">Oh, if my father could see me now - no longer his precious flower!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="must_strip_losing">
+                <state img="7-shocked.png">Stop that! You're leering at me worse than Jafar!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="stripping">
+                <state img="7-strip.png">A princess never strips naked in front of strangers!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="must_strip_winning">
+                <state img="7-sad.png"><i>Sigh</i>! A princess knows the needs of her people outweigh that of her own.</state>
+            </case>
+        </stage>
-			<case tag="female_human_must_strip">
-				<state img="8-horny.png">Remove your clothes, by order of the princess!</state>
-				<state img="8-embarrassed.png">At least I won't be alone!</state>
-				<state img="8-calm.png">Don't fret, ~name~. If I can do it, you can too!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_must_strip">
-				<state img="8-horny.png">Remove your clothes, by order of the princess!</state>
-				<state img="8-embarrassed.png">At least I won't be alone!</state>
-				<state img="8-calm.png">Don't fret, ~name~. If I can do it, you can too!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_accessory">
-				<state img="8-embarrassed.png">I don't think <i>that</i> will distract anyone from me, do you?</state>
-				<state img="8-angry.png">Hmph!</state>
-				<state img="8-angry.png">I suppose <i>this</i> is all part of the game, too?</state>
-				<state img="8-angry.png">Undressing you is like giving a tiger a bath. And I speak from experience!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_minor">
-				<state img="8-embarrassed.png">Clearly I have a <i>lot</i> to learn about this game.</state>
-				<state img="8-interested.png">Make yourself more comfortable, ~name~.</state>
-				<state img="8-angry.png">How... shrewd of you.</state>
-			</case>
+        <stage id="8">
+            <case tag="female_must_strip">
+                <state img="8-horny.png">Remove your clothes, by order of the princess!</state>
+                <state img="8-embarrassed.png">At least I won't be alone!</state>
+                <state img="8-calm.png">Don't fret, ~name~. If I can do it, you can too!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_chest_will_be_visible">
+                <state img="8-happy.png">I can't wait to see what happens next!</state>
+                <state img="8-shocked.png">Are you trying to win my heart, ~name~? I'm spoken for.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_minor">
+                <state img="8-embarrassed.png">Clearly I have a <i>lot</i> to learn about this game.</state>
+                <state img="8-angry.png">How... shrewd of you.</state>
+                <state img="8-interested.png">Make yourself more comfortable, ~name~.</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="female_removing_minor" target="kyoko" targetStage="5">
                 <state img="8-shocked.png">How terrible!</state>
-			<case tag="female_removing_major">
-				<state img="8-angry.png">Honestly! If Aladdin wanted to see <i>this</i>, all he had to do was ask me!</state>
-				<state img="8-interested.png">There's something to the way you slip out of your ~clothing~ that catches the eye.  I'll have to study you more closely.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_major" filter="shy">
-				<state img="8-angry.png">What a fusspot! You're wearing more than I am!</state>
-				<state img="8-calm.png">Come on, ~name~ - where's your sense of adventure?</state>
-				<state img="8-calm.png">What are clothes for if not to remove them?</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible">
-				<state img="8-embarrassed.png">At least you'll be in good company...</state>
-				<state img="8-interested.png">It seems I have some competition for the spotlight!</state>
-				<state img="8-interested.png">Let there be no secrets between us, ~name~.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible">
-				<state img="8-happy.png">This is just like playing harem slaves!</state>
-				<state img="8-sad.png">Silly girl, caught by the same trap as me. I thought you'd have more sense.</state>
-				<state img="8-interested.png">I never thought I'd see this...</state>
-				<state img="8-horny.png">Ready or not, it's time to bare it all, ~name~.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_accessory">
-				<state img="8-shocked.png">How <i>could</i> you?</state>
-				<state img="8-angry.png">Some people just don't fight fair.</state>
-				<state img="8-angry.png">Just wait, ~name~! You'll get exactly what's coming to you!</state>
-				<state img="8-calm.png">Tell me, ~name~ - when did you last let your heart decide?</state>
-				<state img="8-angry.png">You're just like Rapunzel, except instead of letting your hair down you've let <i>everyone</i> down.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_accessory" filter="princess">
-				<state img="8-shocked.png">How <i>could</i> you? I thought we were friends!</state>
-				<state img="8-calm.png">Tell me, Princess - when did you last let your heart decide?</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="chara" targetStage="1">
-				<state img="8-sad.png">Don't worry, Chara. I'm about to die of embarrassment anyway.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_minor">
-				<state img="8-sad.png">I wonder if Genie can make me forget this...</state>
-				<state img="8-embarrassed.png">Now I see why Jafar thought it would be funny for me to play.</state>
-				<state img="8-happy.png">Nobody would even think of beating me this badly at the palace. I love it!</state>
-				<state img="8-angry.png">I swear, if Scheherazade puts <i>this</i> in her tell-all book, I'll skin her alive!</state>
-			</case>
+            <case tag="male_medium_crotch_is_visible">
+                <state img="8-horny.png">It’s so <i>big</i>. Have you been harboring lustful thoughts for your princess all this time, you naughty man?</state>
+                <state img="8-happy.png">What a man!</state>
+                <state img="8-confused.png">This reminds me of my wedding night. It was so magical!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_major">
+                <state img="8-calm.png">Beautiful! Just beautiful.</state>
+                <state img="8-interested.png">You have such exotic skin, ~name~!</state>
+                <state img="8-horny.png">Maybe I <i>will</i> let Aladdin play this game...</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_major" target="dawn" targetStage="5">
+                <state img="8-interested.png">It <i>is</i> very nice.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_large_crotch_is_visible">
+                <state img="8-horny.png">You <i>must</i> join me for dinner at the palace tonight, my humongous prince.</state>
+                <state img="8-horny.png">I can tell what <i>you</i> wished for!</state>
+                <state img="8-shocked.png">My, you <i>are</i> a worthy man.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible">
+                <state img="8-happy.png">This is just like playing harem slaves!</state>
+                <state img="8-sad.png">Silly girl, caught by the same trap as me. I thought you'd have more sense.</state>
+                <state img="8-interested.png">I never thought I'd see this...</state>
+                <state img="8-horny.png">Ready or not, it's time to bare it all, ~name~.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_removed_minor">
+                <state img="8-angry.png">It's not right to toy with people like that!</state>
+                <state img="8-angry.png">When I rule Agrabah, the first thing I will decree is to change this stupid rule.</state>
+                <state img="8-shocked.png">You're in league with Jafar. Admit it!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_removed_accessory">
+                <state img="8-angry.png">Do you know what the punishment for cheating is in Agrabah?</state>
+                <state img="8-embarrassed.png">I've never been so embarrassed in all my life!</state>
+                <state img="8-angry.png">Just... go jump off a balcony!</state>
+                <state img="8-sad.png">I wish you'd say I'm only dreaming...</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_must_masturbate">
+                <state img="8-happy.png">My wish has come true!</state>
+                <state img="8-happy.png">This game is great!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_masturbating">
+                <state img="8-calm.png">Hmm. I guess I'm more normal than I thought!</state>
+                <state img="8-horny.png">Your hand glides so smoothly - you have practice with this, don't you?</state>
+                <state img="8-embarrassed.png">Perhaps I should be taking notes...</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_human_must_strip">
+                <state img="8-horny.png">Remove your clothes, by order of the princess!</state>
+                <state img="8-embarrassed.png">At least I won't be alone!</state>
+                <state img="8-calm.png">Don't fret, ~name~. If I can do it, you can too!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible">
+                <state img="8-calm.png">It's like a flower... so pretty!</state>
+                <state img="8-embarrassed.png">I wonder if mine is like that? I've never seen it up close...</state>
+                <state img="8-confused.png">I wonder if I can talk the other princesses into playing this?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case filter="hairy" tag="female_crotch_is_visible">
+                <state img="8-shocked.png">Foreigners really <i>are</i> different!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case filter="shaved" tag="female_crotch_is_visible">
+                <state img="8-embarrassed.png">I had no idea you could do that with your, um, with your hair.</state>
+                <state img="8-shocked.png">Why do you shave? Is it to avoid getting sand down there?</state>
+                <state img="8-shocked.png">I think it's safe to say I've never had a friend like <i>you</i>!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_start_masturbating">
+                <state img="8-embarrassed.png">I won't watch... if you don't want me to.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_removing_major">
+                <state img="8-interested.png">Do as I command, ~name~: remove your ~clothing~!</state>
+                <state img="8-horny.png">I certainly don't mind seeing more of you...</state>
+                <state img="8-happy.png">Well, it's about time!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_accessory">
+                <state img="8-shocked.png">How <i>could</i> you?</state>
+                <state img="8-angry.png">Some people just don't fight fair.</state>
+                <state img="8-angry.png">Just wait, ~name~! You'll get exactly what's coming to you!</state>
+                <state img="8-calm.png">Tell me, ~name~ - when did you last let your heart decide?</state>
+                <state img="8-angry.png">You're just like Rapunzel, except instead of letting your hair down you've let <i>everyone</i> down.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case filter="princess" tag="female_removed_accessory">
+                <state img="8-shocked.png">How <i>could</i> you? I thought we were friends!</state>
+                <state img="8-calm.png">Tell me, Princess - when did you last let your heart decide?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="chara" targetStage="1">
+                <state img="8-sad.png">Don't worry, Chara. I'm about to die of embarrassment anyway.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_removed_major">
+                <state img="8-embarrassed.png">Oh, I wish I was better at cards...</state>
+                <state img="8-angry.png">You may have beaten me, but at least you weren't the first man to see me naked.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_start_masturbating">
+                <state img="8-shocked.png">Am I supposed to watch? Do you <i>want</i> me to?</state>
+                <state img="8-horny.png">You, sir, are no prince... but luckily for you, I've always been attracted to street rats.</state>
+                <state img="8-horny.png">Please, ~name~... don't spare any effort to preserve my modesty. I'm a married woman!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_chest_is_visible">
+                <state img="8-horny.png">Now that's a sight for sore eyes...</state>
+                <state img="8-happy.png">I've changed my mind. I love this game!</state>
+                <state img="8-calm.png">Hmm! I never realized how incredibly handsome you are...</state>
+                <state img="8-horny.png">~name~, you have my royal favor.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_large_chest_is_visible">
+                <state img="8-sad.png">Such a buxom chest! I admit defeat. And to a little envy.</state>
+                <state img="8-horny.png">I hear the guards talk about breasts like those... and what they'd like to do with them.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_must_strip">
+                <state img="8-interested.png">It's showtime!</state>
+                <state img="8-happy.png">I <i>always</i> get my man.</state>
+                <state img="8-horny.png">There's no harm in losing, is there ~name~?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_must_masturbate">
+                <state img="8-interested.png">This is a rare sight outside a harem... I'll be watching closely!</state>
+                <state img="8-embarrassed.png">I've always wondered how other girls do it...</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_human_must_strip">
+                <state img="8-interested.png">It's showtime!</state>
+                <state img="8-happy.png">I <i>always</i> get my man.</state>
+                <state img="8-horny.png">There's no harm in losing, is there ~name~?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_small_crotch_is_visible">
+                <state img="8-interested.png">Your little soldier is standing at attention, I see.</state>
+                <state img="8-angry.png">Now I'm even <i>more</i> frustrated!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_removing_accessory">
+                <state img="8-angry.png">Do I have to call the guards?</state>
+                <state img="8-angry.png">You're using magic somehow! I just know it!</state>
+                <state img="8-angry.png">This <i>hardly</i> seems fair.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_finished_masturbating">
+                <state img="8-horny.png">Good night, my prince.</state>
+                <state img="8-calm.png">Done so soon? I know some herbs that would bring you back to life.</state>
+                <state img="8-happy.png">It's all so magical!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case filter="single" tag="male_finished_masturbating">
+                <state img="8-angry.png">Save that kind of thing for your wife.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_finished_masturbating" target="xander">
+                <state img="8-calm.png">It's important to be honest about your feelings, Xander.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_small_chest_is_visible">
+                <state img="8-happy.png">It may be time to arrange a royal sleepover...</state>
+                <state img="8-interested.png">Oh, those yearn to be stroked...</state>
+                <state img="8-calm.png">Many a love poem has been inspired by such nubile breasts! And many a nervous grope in the closet.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible">
+                <state img="8-happy.png">Such firm, round breasts! You're blessed.</state>
+                <state img="8-interested.png">Magnificent. You should show those off more often!</state>
+                <state img="8-interested.png">You'd make a good present for my husband.</state>
+                <state img="8-calm.png">You're beautiful, ~name~.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory">
+                <state img="8-angry.png">I suppose <i>this</i> is all part of the game, too?</state>
+                <state img="8-embarrassed.png">I don't think <i>that</i> will distract anyone from me, do you?</state>
+                <state img="8-angry.png">Hmph!</state>
+                <state img="8-angry.png">Undressing you is like giving a tiger a bath. And I speak from experience!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="game_over_victory">
+                <state img="8-horny.png">It's true what they say... Arabian nights are hotter than hot in <i>so</i> many ways.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_major">
+                <state img="8-angry.png">Honestly! If Aladdin wanted to see <i>this</i>, all he had to do was ask me!</state>
+                <state img="8-interested.png">There's something to the way you slip out of your ~clothing~ that catches the eye.  I'll have to study you more closely.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case filter="shy" tag="female_removing_major">
+                <state img="8-calm.png">Come on, ~name~ - where's your sense of adventure?</state>
+                <state img="8-calm.png">What are clothes for if not to remove them?</state>
+                <state img="8-angry.png">What a fusspot! You're wearing more than I am!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_removing_minor">
+                <state img="8-angry.png">You have a <i>lot</i> to learn about being a gentleman, ~name~!</state>
+                <state img="8-embarrassed.png">If you don't mind, could you lose faster?</state>
+                <state img="8-angry.png">Is that all? I don't want to waste a single second of my time here.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_finished_masturbating">
+                <state img="8-shocked.png">I... almost hope I lose.</state>
+                <state img="8-interested.png">I'm starting to warm up to the idea of Aladdin having a harem...</state>
+            </case>
+            <case filter="princess" tag="female_finished_masturbating">
+                <state img="8-interested.png">Well, <i>this</i> is going to make the next royal visit a lot more fun!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible">
+                <state img="8-interested.png">Let there be no secrets between us, ~name~.</state>
+                <state img="8-embarrassed.png">At least you'll be in good company...</state>
+                <state img="8-interested.png">It seems I have some competition for the spotlight!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_masturbating">
+                <state img="8-horny.png">Don't worry, ~name~. I have this effect on many men!</state>
+                <state img="8-interested.png">It is good to know I can inspire a man to action!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_minor">
+                <state img="8-sad.png">I wonder if Genie can make me forget this...</state>
+                <state img="8-happy.png">Nobody would even think of beating me this badly at the palace. I love it!</state>
+                <state img="8-angry.png">I swear, if Scheherazade puts <i>this</i> in her tell-all book, I'll skin her alive!</state>
+                <state img="8-embarrassed.png">Now I see why Jafar thought it would be funny for me to play.</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="kyoko" targetStage="6">
                 <state img="8-shocked.png">That must have been painful...</state>
@@ -2937,490 +2585,464 @@
                 <state img="8-shocked.png">No!</state>
                 <state img="8-angry.png">I knew it! You <i>are</i> in league with Jafar!</state>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major">
-				<state img="8-calm.png">Beautiful! Just beautiful.</state>
-				<state img="8-interested.png">You have such exotic skin, ~name~!</state>
-				<state img="8-horny.png">Maybe I <i>will</i> let Aladdin play this game...</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major" target="dawn" targetStage="5">
-				<state img="8-interested.png">It <i>is</i> very nice.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_small_chest_is_visible">
-				<state img="8-happy.png">It may be time to arrange a royal sleepover...</state>
-				<state img="8-interested.png">Oh, those yearn to be stroked...</state>
-				<state img="8-calm.png">Many a love poem has been inspired by such nubile breasts! And many a nervous grope in the closet.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible">
-				<state img="8-happy.png">Such firm, round breasts! You're blessed.</state>
-				<state img="8-interested.png">Magnificent. You should show those off more often!</state>
-				<state img="8-interested.png">You'd make a good present for my husband.</state>
-				<state img="8-calm.png">You're beautiful, ~name~.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_large_chest_is_visible">
-				<state img="8-sad.png">Such a buxom chest! I admit defeat. And to a little envy.</state>
-				<state img="8-horny.png">I hear the guards talk about breasts like those... and what they'd like to do with them.
-				<state img="8-embarrassed.png">This is a bit humbling.</state>
-				</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_is_visible">
-				<state img="8-calm.png">It's like a flower... so pretty!</state>
-				<state img="8-confused.png">I wonder if I can talk the other princesses into playing this?</state>
-				<state img="8-embarrassed.png">I wonder if mine is like that? I've never seen it up close...</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" filter="shaved">
-				<state img="8-embarrassed.png">I had no idea you could do that with your, um, with your hair.</state>
-				<state img="8-shocked.png">Why do you shave? Is it to avoid getting sand down there?</state>
-				<state img="8-shocked.png">I think it's safe to say I've never had a friend like <i>you</i>!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" filter="hairy">
-				<state img="8-shocked.png">Foreigners really <i>are</i> different!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_must_masturbate">
-				<state img="8-interested.png">This is a rare sight outside a harem... I'll be watching closely!</state>
-				<state img="8-embarrassed.png">I've always wondered how other girls do it...</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_start_masturbating">
-				<state img="8-embarrassed.png">I won't watch... if you don't want me to.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_masturbating">
-				<state img="8-embarrassed.png">Perhaps I should be taking notes...</state>
-				<state img="8-horny.png">Your hand glides so smoothly - you have practice with this, don't you?</state>
-				<state img="8-calm.png">Hmm. I guess I'm more normal than I thought!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_finished_masturbating">
-				<state img="8-shocked.png">I... almost hope I lose.</state>
-				<state img="8-interested.png">I'm starting to warm up to the idea of Aladdin having a harem...</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_finished_masturbating" filter="princess">
-				<state img="8-interested.png">Well, <i>this</i> is going to make the next royal visit a lot more fun!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="game_over_victory">
-				<state img="8-horny.png">It's true what they say... Arabian nights are hotter than hot in <i>so</i> many ways.</state>
-			</case>
-		</stage>
-		<stage id="9">
-			<case tag="masturbating">
-				<state img="9-calm.png">This isn't so bad. I'm used to being watched.</state>
-				<state img="9-embarrassed.png">For someone of my rank to be doing this for your entertainment... it's degrading!</state>
-				<state img="9-horny.png">So many nights I used to do this while waiting for my prince...</state>
-				<state img="9-angry.png">Fingers are a poor substitute for my Aladdin!</state>
-				<state img="9-shocked.png">This can't feel this good. Not in public. Not like this!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="heavy_masturbating">
-				<state img="9-happy.png">This is a whole new world!</state>
-				<state img="9-embarrassed.png">I can't believe you're making me do this. Me! The princess of Agrabah!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="finishing_masturbating">
-				<state img="9-shocked.png">I... oh! Oh! OH!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_human_must_strip">
-				<state img="9-happy.png">Perfect timing!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_must_strip">
-				<state img="9-happy.png">Perfect timing!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_removing_accessory">
-				<state img="9-angry.png">Do I have to call the guards?</state>
-				<state img="9-angry.png">This <i>hardly</i> seems fair.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_removing_minor">
-				<state img="9-embarrassed.png">If you don't mind, could you lose faster?</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_removing_major">
-				<state img="9-happy.png">Well, it's about time!</state>
-				<state img="9-horny.png">I certainly don't mind seeing more of you...</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_chest_will_be_visible">
-				<state img="9-happy.png">I can't wait to see what happens next!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_crotch_will_be_visible">
-				<state img="9-horny.png">Show me a whole new world, ~name~!</state>
-				<state img="9-horny.png">I really <i>must</i> play this game with Aladdin!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_removed_accessory">
-				<state img="9-angry.png">Do you know what the punishment for cheating is in Agrabah?</state>
-				<state img="9-embarrassed.png">I've never been so embarrassed in all my life!</state>
-				<state img="9-angry.png">Just... go jump off a balcony!</state>
-				<state img="9-sad.png">I wish you'd say I'm only dreaming...</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_removed_minor">
-				<state img="9-angry.png">It's not right to toy with people's affections like this!</state>
-				<state img="9-angry.png">When I rule Agrabah, the first thing I will decree is to change this stupid rule.</state>
-				<state img="9-shocked.png">You're in league with Jafar. Admit it!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_removed_major">
-				<state img="9-embarrassed.png">Oh, I wish I was better at cards...</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_chest_is_visible">
-				<state img="9-horny.png">Now that's a sight for sore eyes...</state>
-				<state img="9-happy.png">I've changed my mind. I love this game!</state>
-				<state img="9-calm.png">Hmm! I never realized how incredibly handsome you are...</state>
-				<state img="9-horny.png">~name~, you have my royal favor.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_small_crotch_is_visible">
-				<state img="9-interested.png">Your little soldier is standing at attention, I see.</state>
-				<state img="9-angry.png">Now I'm even <i>more</i> frustrated!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_medium_crotch_is_visible">
-				<state img="9-horny.png">It’s so <i>big</i>. Have you been harboring lustful thoughts for your princess all this time, you naughty man?</state>
-				<state img="9-happy.png">What a man!</state>
-				<state img="9-confused.png">This reminds me of my wedding night. It was so magical!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_large_crotch_is_visible">
-				<state img="9-horny.png">You <i>must</i> join me for dinner at the palace tonight, my humongous prince.</state>
-				<state img="9-horny.png">I can tell what <i>you</i> wished for!</state>
-				<state img="9-shocked.png">My, you <i>are</i> a worthy man.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_must_masturbate">
-				<state img="9-happy.png">My wish has come true!</state>
-				<state img="9-happy.png">This game is great!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_start_masturbating">
-				<state img="9-horny.png">Come, show me how you pay proper respect to your princess...</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_masturbating">
-				<state img="9-horny.png">Don't worry, ~name~. I have this effect on many men!</state>
-				<state img="9-interested.png">It is good to know I can inspire a man to action!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_finished_masturbating">
-				<state img="9-horny.png">Good night, my prince.</state>
-				<state img="9-calm.png">Done so soon? I know some herbs that would bring you back to life.</state>
-				<state img="9-happy.png">It's all so magical!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_finished_masturbating" target="xander">
-				<state img="9-calm.png">It's important to be honest about your feelings, Xander.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_finished_masturbating" filter="single">
-				<state img="9-angry.png">Save that kind of thing for your wife.</state>
-			</case>
+            <case tag="male_crotch_will_be_visible">
+                <state img="8-embarrassed.png">No matter what the species, men are men.</state>
+                <state img="8-shocked.png">Tell me the truth, ~name~: you wanted to lose, didn't you?</state>
+                <state img="8-horny.png">Show me a whole new world, ~name~!</state>
+                <state img="8-horny.png">I really <i>must</i> play this game with Aladdin!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="good_hand">
+                <state img="8-happy.png">Ha! I'm looking forward to this round.</state>
+                <state img="8-interested.png">You're going to beat me? I don't think so!</state>
+                <state img="8-embarrassed.png">If I'd only had cards like these a few hands ago, I wouldn't be standing here like this.</state>
+                <state img="8-angry.png">Finally!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="okay_hand">
+                <state img="8-calm.png">I can still win with this hand!</state>
+                <state img="8-calm.png">Okay, let me deal with this calmly...</state>
+                <state img="8-calm.png">I can still pull this off!</state>
+                <state img="8-sad.png">If I had one wish, I'd wish for my clothing back. Or at least my top!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="swap_cards">
+                <state img="8-calm.png">...Could I have ~cards~ cards, please?</state>
+                <state img="8-calm.png">I wish I had ~cards~ more cards!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="bad_hand">
+                <state img="8-angry.png">My father wouldn't like the way you're treating me. You remember my father... the Sultan?</state>
+                <state img="8-angry.png">This isn't fair! This must be some kind of magic!</state>
+                <state img="8-horny.png">Maybe it's not so bad if I lose...</state>
+                <state img="8-sad.png">How did it come to this?</state>
+                <state img="8-angry.png">I should have known this was a bad idea when Iago suggested it.</state>
+                <state img="8-shocked.png">No, no, no! I can't lose again!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="start_masturbating">
+                <state img="8-embarrassed.png">I never had a sister to show me how to do this. I had to teach myself. I hope I'm... good enough.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="stripped">
+                <state img="8-horny.png">Maybe I don't wanna be a princess anymore.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="must_masturbate_first">
+                <state img="8-shocked.png">Y-You want me to do what?!</state>
+                <state img="8-angry.png">I hate this! If I do it, I want to do it for love!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="must_masturbate">
+                <state img="8-sad.png">You should be honored that your princess is so gracious...</state>
+            </case>
+        </stage>
-			<case tag="female_human_must_strip">
-				<state img="9-horny.png">Remove your clothes, by order of the princess!</state>
-				<state img="9-embarrassed.png">At least I won't be alone!</state>
-				<state img="9-calm.png">Don't fret, ~name~. If I can do it, you can too!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_must_strip">
-				<state img="9-horny.png">Remove your clothes, by order of the princess!</state>
-				<state img="9-embarrassed.png">At least I won't be alone!</state>
-				<state img="9-calm.png">Don't fret, ~name~. If I can do it, you can too!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_accessory">
-				<state img="9-embarrassed.png">I don't think <i>that</i> will distract anyone from me, do you?</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_minor">
-				<state img="9-horny.png">Do you think anyone will notice something that little when I'm here doing <i>this</i>?</state>
-				<state img="9-interested.png">Make yourself more comfortable, ~name~.</state>
-			</case>
+        <stage id="9">
+            <case tag="female_must_strip">
+                <state img="9-horny.png">Remove your clothes, by order of the princess!</state>
+                <state img="9-embarrassed.png">At least I won't be alone!</state>
+                <state img="9-calm.png">Don't fret, ~name~. If I can do it, you can too!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_chest_will_be_visible">
+                <state img="9-happy.png">I can't wait to see what happens next!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_minor">
+                <state img="9-interested.png">Make yourself more comfortable, ~name~.</state>
+                <state img="9-horny.png">Do you think anyone will notice something that little when I'm here doing <i>this</i>?</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="female_removing_minor" target="kyoko" targetStage="5">
                 <state img="9-shocked.png">How terrible!</state>
-			<case tag="female_removing_major">
-				<state img="9-horny.png">You call that a strip tease? Dance!</state>
-				<state img="9-angry.png">Let's just hurry this up before someone sees me like this!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible">
-				<state img="9-embarrassed.png">At least you'll be in good company...</state>
-				<state img="9-interested.png">It seems I have some competition for the spotlight!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible">
-				<state img="9-happy.png">This is just like playing harem slaves!</state>
-				<state img="9-sad.png">Silly girl, caught by the same trap as me. I thought you'd have more sense.</state>
-				<state img="9-interested.png">I never thought I'd see this...</state>
-				<state img="9-horny.png">Ready or not, it's time to bare it all, ~name~.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_accessory">
-				<state img="9-embarrassed.png">I can feel every eye on me!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="chara" targetStage="1">
-				<state img="9-sad.png">Don't worry, Chara. I'm about to die of embarrassment anyway.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_minor">
-				<state img="9-horny.png">Everyone's staring at me...</state>
-				<state img="9-sad.png">I wonder if Genie can make me forget this...</state>
-				<state img="9-embarrassed.png">Now I see why Jafar thought it would be funny for me to play.</state>
-				<state img="9-happy.png">Nobody would even think of beating me this badly at the palace. I love it!</state>
-				<state img="9-angry.png">I swear, if Scheherazade puts <i>this</i> in her tell-all book, I'll skin her alive!</state>
-			</case>
+            <case tag="male_medium_crotch_is_visible">
+                <state img="9-horny.png">It’s so <i>big</i>. Have you been harboring lustful thoughts for your princess all this time, you naughty man?</state>
+                <state img="9-happy.png">What a man!</state>
+                <state img="9-confused.png">This reminds me of my wedding night. It was so magical!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_major">
+                <state img="9-interested.png">Mm, but it's working - I want to see more!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_large_crotch_is_visible">
+                <state img="9-horny.png">You <i>must</i> join me for dinner at the palace tonight, my humongous prince.</state>
+                <state img="9-horny.png">I can tell what <i>you</i> wished for!</state>
+                <state img="9-shocked.png">My, you <i>are</i> a worthy man.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible">
+                <state img="9-happy.png">This is just like playing harem slaves!</state>
+                <state img="9-sad.png">Silly girl, caught by the same trap as me. I thought you'd have more sense.</state>
+                <state img="9-interested.png">I never thought I'd see this...</state>
+                <state img="9-horny.png">Ready or not, it's time to bare it all, ~name~.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_removed_minor">
+                <state img="9-angry.png">When I rule Agrabah, the first thing I will decree is to change this stupid rule.</state>
+                <state img="9-shocked.png">You're in league with Jafar. Admit it!</state>
+                <state img="9-angry.png">It's not right to toy with people's affections like this!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_removed_accessory">
+                <state img="9-angry.png">Do you know what the punishment for cheating is in Agrabah?</state>
+                <state img="9-embarrassed.png">I've never been so embarrassed in all my life!</state>
+                <state img="9-angry.png">Just... go jump off a balcony!</state>
+                <state img="9-sad.png">I wish you'd say I'm only dreaming...</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_must_masturbate">
+                <state img="9-happy.png">My wish has come true!</state>
+                <state img="9-happy.png">This game is great!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_masturbating">
+                <state img="9-horny.png">If I had one wish... I'd wish for you to join me.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case filter="princess" tag="female_masturbating">
+                <state img="9-confused.png">The scandal this would cause if anyone saw this...</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_human_must_strip">
+                <state img="9-horny.png">Remove your clothes, by order of the princess!</state>
+                <state img="9-embarrassed.png">At least I won't be alone!</state>
+                <state img="9-calm.png">Don't fret, ~name~. If I can do it, you can too!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible">
+                <state img="9-confused.png">I wonder if I can talk the other princesses into playing this?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case filter="hairy" tag="female_crotch_is_visible">
+                <state img="9-shocked.png">Foreigners really <i>are</i> different!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case filter="shaved" tag="female_crotch_is_visible">
+                <state img="9-embarrassed.png">I had no idea you could do that with your, um, with your hair.</state>
+                <state img="9-shocked.png">Why do you shave? Is it to avoid getting sand down there?</state>
+                <state img="9-shocked.png">I think it's safe to say I've never had a friend like <i>you</i>!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_start_masturbating">
+                <state img="9-horny.png">I'll just copy what you do, ~name~.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case filter="princess" tag="female_start_masturbating">
+                <state img="9-happy.png">I feel so relieved! If Princess ~name~ is doing it, it can't be inappropriate, can it?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_removing_major">
+                <state img="9-horny.png">I certainly don't mind seeing more of you...</state>
+                <state img="9-happy.png">Well, it's about time!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_accessory">
+                <state img="9-embarrassed.png">I can feel every eye on me!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="chara" targetStage="1">
+                <state img="9-sad.png">Don't worry, Chara. I'm about to die of embarrassment anyway.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_removed_major">
+                <state img="9-embarrassed.png">Oh, I wish I was better at cards...</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_start_masturbating">
+                <state img="9-horny.png">Come, show me how you pay proper respect to your princess...</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_chest_is_visible">
+                <state img="9-horny.png">Now that's a sight for sore eyes...</state>
+                <state img="9-happy.png">I've changed my mind. I love this game!</state>
+                <state img="9-calm.png">Hmm! I never realized how incredibly handsome you are...</state>
+                <state img="9-horny.png">~name~, you have my royal favor.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_large_chest_is_visible">
+                <state img="9-sad.png">Such a buxom chest! I admit defeat. And to a little envy.</state>
+                <state img="9-horny.png">I hear the guards talk about breasts like those... and what they'd like to do with them.</state>
+                <state img="9-embarrassed.png">This is a bit humbling.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_must_strip">
+                <state img="9-happy.png">Perfect timing!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_must_masturbate">
+                <state img="9-embarrassed.png">I've always wondered how other girls do it...</state>
+                <state img="9-happy.png">Oh, do join in! I could use someone to take charge.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case filter="princess" tag="female_must_masturbate">
+                <state img="9-happy.png">I can highly recommend this, your highness...</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_human_must_strip">
+                <state img="9-happy.png">Perfect timing!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_small_crotch_is_visible">
+                <state img="9-interested.png">Your little soldier is standing at attention, I see.</state>
+                <state img="9-angry.png">Now I'm even <i>more</i> frustrated!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_removing_accessory">
+                <state img="9-angry.png">Do I have to call the guards?</state>
+                <state img="9-angry.png">This <i>hardly</i> seems fair.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_finished_masturbating">
+                <state img="9-horny.png">Good night, my prince.</state>
+                <state img="9-calm.png">Done so soon? I know some herbs that would bring you back to life.</state>
+                <state img="9-happy.png">It's all so magical!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case filter="single" tag="male_finished_masturbating">
+                <state img="9-angry.png">Save that kind of thing for your wife.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_finished_masturbating" target="xander">
+                <state img="9-calm.png">It's important to be honest about your feelings, Xander.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_small_chest_is_visible">
+                <state img="9-happy.png">It may be time to arrange a royal sleepover...</state>
+                <state img="9-interested.png">Oh, those yearn to be stroked...</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible">
+                <state img="9-happy.png">Such firm, round breasts! You're blessed.</state>
+                <state img="9-interested.png">Magnificent. You should show those off more often!</state>
+                <state img="9-interested.png">You'd make a good present for my husband.</state>
+                <state img="9-calm.png">You're beautiful, ~name~.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory">
+                <state img="9-embarrassed.png">I don't think <i>that</i> will distract anyone from me, do you?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_major">
+                <state img="9-horny.png">You call that a strip tease? Dance!</state>
+                <state img="9-angry.png">Let's just hurry this up before someone sees me like this!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_removing_minor">
+                <state img="9-embarrassed.png">If you don't mind, could you lose faster?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_finished_masturbating">
+                <state img="9-horny.png">I've learned so much from you!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case filter="princess" tag="female_finished_masturbating">
+                <state img="9-horny.png">How inspiring!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible">
+                <state img="9-embarrassed.png">At least you'll be in good company...</state>
+                <state img="9-interested.png">It seems I have some competition for the spotlight!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_masturbating">
+                <state img="9-horny.png">Don't worry, ~name~. I have this effect on many men!</state>
+                <state img="9-interested.png">It is good to know I can inspire a man to action!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_minor">
+                <state img="9-sad.png">I wonder if Genie can make me forget this...</state>
+                <state img="9-happy.png">Nobody would even think of beating me this badly at the palace. I love it!</state>
+                <state img="9-angry.png">I swear, if Scheherazade puts <i>this</i> in her tell-all book, I'll skin her alive!</state>
+                <state img="9-embarrassed.png">Now I see why Jafar thought it would be funny for me to play.</state>
+                <state img="9-horny.png">Everyone's staring at me...</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="kyoko" targetStage="6">
                 <state img="9-shocked.png">That must have been painful...</state>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major">
-				<state img="9-interested.png">Mm, but it's working - I want to see more!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_small_chest_is_visible">
-				<state img="9-interested.png">Oh, those yearn to be stroked...</state>
-				<state img="9-happy.png">It may be time to arrange a royal sleepover...</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible">
-				<state img="9-happy.png">Such firm, round breasts! You're blessed.</state>
-				<state img="9-interested.png">Magnificent. You should show those off more often!</state>
-				<state img="9-interested.png">You'd make a good present for my husband.</state>
-				<state img="9-calm.png">You're beautiful, ~name~.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_large_chest_is_visible">
-				<state img="9-sad.png">Such a buxom chest! I admit defeat. And to a little envy.</state>
-				<state img="9-horny.png">I hear the guards talk about breasts like those... and what they'd like to do with them.</state>
-				<state img="9-embarrassed.png">This is a bit humbling.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_is_visible">
-				<state img="9-confused.png">I wonder if I can talk the other princesses into playing this?</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" filter="shaved">
-				<state img="9-embarrassed.png">I had no idea you could do that with your, um, with your hair.</state>
-				<state img="9-shocked.png">Why do you shave? Is it to avoid getting sand down there?</state>
-				<state img="9-shocked.png">I think it's safe to say I've never had a friend like <i>you</i>!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" filter="hairy">
-				<state img="9-shocked.png">Foreigners really <i>are</i> different!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_must_masturbate">
-				<state img="9-happy.png">Oh, do join in! I could use someone to take charge.</state>
-				<state img="9-embarrassed.png">I've always wondered how other girls do it...</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_must_masturbate" filter="princess">
-				<state img="9-happy.png">I can highly recommend this, your highness...</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_start_masturbating">
-				<state img="9-horny.png">I'll just copy what you do, ~name~.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_start_masturbating" filter="princess">
-				<state img="9-happy.png">I feel so relieved! If Princess ~name~ is doing it, it can't be inappropriate, can it?</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_masturbating">
-				<state img="9-horny.png">If I had one wish... I'd wish for you to join me.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_masturbating" filter="princess">
-				<state img="9-confused.png">The scandal this would cause if anyone saw this...</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_finished_masturbating">
-				<state img="9-horny.png">I've learned so much from you!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_finished_masturbating" filter="princess">
-				<state img="9-horny.png">How inspiring!</state>
-			</case>
-		</stage>
-		<stage id="10">
-			<case tag="finished_masturbating">
-				<state img="10-horny.png">So... what's your <i>second</i> wish?</state>
-				<state img="10-sad.png">I can't go back to where I used to be after this. I'm not sure I <i>want</i> to.</state>
-				<state img="10-confused.png">I wanted to experience the world Aladdin came from... I guess I got my wish.</state>
-				<state img="10-interested.png">It's like I always say: be a princess in the palace and a slave in the harem!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_human_must_strip">
-				<state img="10-interested.png">It's showtime!</state>
-				<state img="10-happy.png">I <i>always</i> get my man.</state>
-				<state img="10-horny.png">There's no harm in losing, is there ~name~?</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_must_strip">
-				<state img="10-interested.png">It's showtime!</state>
-				<state img="10-happy.png">I <i>always</i> get my man.</state>
-				<state img="10-horny.png">There's no harm in losing, is there ~name~?</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_removing_accessory">
-				<state img="10-sad.png">When I tell this story, I'll leave out this part.</state>
-				<state img="10-angry.png">This <i>hardly</i> seems fair.</state>
-				<state img="10-angry.png">You two-faced son of a jackal!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_removing_minor">
-				<state img="10-angry.png">You have a <i>lot</i> to learn about being a gentleman, ~name~!</state>
-				<state img="10-embarrassed.png">If you don't mind, could you lose faster?</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_removing_major">
-				<state img="10-happy.png">Well, it's about time!</state>
-				<state img="10-interested.png">Do as I command, ~name~: remove your ~clothing~!</state>
-				<state img="10-horny.png">I certainly don't mind seeing more of you...</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_chest_will_be_visible">
-				<state img="10-happy.png">I can't wait to see what happens next!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_crotch_will_be_visible">
-				<state img="10-embarrassed.png">No matter what the species, men are men.</state>
-				<state img="10-horny.png">Show me a whole new world, ~name~!</state>
-				<state img="10-horny.png">I really <i>must</i> play this game with Aladdin!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_removed_accessory">
-				<state img="10-angry.png">Do you know what the punishment for cheating is in Agrabah?</state>
-				<state img="10-embarrassed.png">I've never been so embarrassed in all my life!</state>
-				<state img="10-angry.png">Just... go jump off a balcony!</state>
-				<state img="10-sad.png">I wish you'd say I'm only dreaming...</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_removed_minor">
-				<state img="10-angry.png">When I rule Agrabah, the first thing I will decree is to change this stupid rule.</state>
-				<state img="10-angry.png">It's not right to toy with people's affections like this!</state>
-				<state img="10-shocked.png">You're in league with Jafar. Admit it!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_removed_major">
-				<state img="10-embarrassed.png">Oh, I wish I was better at cards...</state>
-				<state img="10-angry.png">You may have beaten me, but at least you weren't the first man to see me naked.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_chest_is_visible">
-				<state img="10-horny.png">Now that's a sight for sore eyes...</state>
-				<state img="10-happy.png">I've changed my mind. I love this game!</state>
-				<state img="10-calm.png">Hmm! I never realized how incredibly handsome you are...</state>
-				<state img="10-horny.png">~name~, you have my royal favor.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_small_crotch_is_visible">
-				<state img="10-interested.png">Your little soldier is standing at attention, I see.</state>
-				<state img="10-angry.png">Now I'm even <i>more</i> frustrated!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_medium_crotch_is_visible">
-				<state img="10-horny.png">It’s so <i>big</i>. Have you been harboring lustful thoughts for your princess all this time, you naughty man?</state>
-				<state img="10-happy.png">What a man!</state>
-				<state img="10-confused.png">This reminds me of my wedding night. It was so magical!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_large_crotch_is_visible">
-				<state img="10-horny.png">You <i>must</i> join me for dinner at the palace tonight, my humongous prince.</state>
-				<state img="10-horny.png">I can tell what <i>you</i> wished for!</state>
-				<state img="10-shocked.png">My, you <i>are</i> a worthy man.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_must_masturbate">
-				<state img="10-happy.png">My wish has come true!</state>
-				<state img="10-happy.png">This game is great!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_start_masturbating">
-				<state img="10-horny.png">You, sir, are no prince... but luckily for you, I've always been attracted to street rats.	</state>
-				<state img="10-horny.png">Please, ~name~... don't spare any effort to preserve my modesty. I'm a married woman!</state>
-				<state img="10-horny.png">Come, show me how you pay proper respect to your princess...</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_masturbating">
-				<state img="10-horny.png">Don't worry, ~name~. I have this effect on many men!</state>
-				<state img="10-interested.png">It is good to know I can inspire a man to action!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_finished_masturbating">
-				<state img="10-horny.png">Good night, my prince.</state>
-				<state img="10-calm.png">Done so soon? I know some herbs that would bring you back to life.</state>
-				<state img="10-happy.png">It's all so magical!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_finished_masturbating" target="xander">
-				<state img="10-calm.png">It's important to be honest about your feelings, Xander.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="male_finished_masturbating" filter="single">
-				<state img="10-angry.png">Save that kind of thing for your wife.</state>
-			</case>
+            <case tag="male_crotch_will_be_visible">
+                <state img="9-horny.png">Show me a whole new world, ~name~!</state>
+                <state img="9-horny.png">I really <i>must</i> play this game with Aladdin!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="masturbating">
+                <state img="9-calm.png">This isn't so bad. I'm used to being watched.</state>
+                <state img="9-embarrassed.png">For someone of my rank to be doing this for your entertainment... it's degrading!</state>
+                <state img="9-horny.png">So many nights I used to do this while waiting for my prince...</state>
+                <state img="9-angry.png">Fingers are a poor substitute for my Aladdin!</state>
+                <state img="9-shocked.png">This can't feel this good. Not in public. Not like this!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="finishing_masturbating">
+                <state img="9-shocked.png">I... oh! Oh! OH!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="heavy_masturbating">
+                <state img="9-happy.png">This is a whole new world!</state>
+                <state img="9-embarrassed.png">I can't believe you're making me do this. Me! The princess of Agrabah!</state>
+            </case>
+        </stage>
-			<case tag="female_human_must_strip">
-				<state img="10-horny.png">Remove your clothes, by order of the princess!</state>
-				<state img="10-embarrassed.png">At least I won't be alone!</state>
-				<state img="10-calm.png">Don't fret, ~name~. If I can do it, you can too!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_must_strip">
-				<state img="10-horny.png">Remove your clothes, by order of the princess!</state>
-				<state img="10-embarrassed.png">At least I won't be alone!</state>
-				<state img="10-calm.png">Don't fret, ~name~. If I can do it, you can too!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_accessory">
-				<state img="10-angry.png">Hmph!</state>
-				<state img="10-sad.png">Why didn't I wear more jewelry tonight? It's not like I don't own enough!</state>
-				<state img="10-angry.png">Undressing you is like giving a tiger a bath. And I speak from experience!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_minor">
-				<state img="10-embarrassed.png">Clearly I have a <i>lot</i> to learn about this game.</state>
-				<state img="10-interested.png">Make yourself more comfortable, ~name~.</state>
-				<state img="10-angry.png">How... shrewd of you.</state>
-				<state img="10-angry.png">Let's just hurry this up before someone sees me like this!</state>
-			</case>
+        <stage id="10">
+            <case tag="female_must_strip">
+                <state img="10-horny.png">Remove your clothes, by order of the princess!</state>
+                <state img="10-embarrassed.png">At least I won't be alone!</state>
+                <state img="10-calm.png">Don't fret, ~name~. If I can do it, you can too!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_chest_will_be_visible">
+                <state img="10-happy.png">I can't wait to see what happens next!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_minor">
+                <state img="10-embarrassed.png">Clearly I have a <i>lot</i> to learn about this game.</state>
+                <state img="10-angry.png">How... shrewd of you.</state>
+                <state img="10-interested.png">Make yourself more comfortable, ~name~.</state>
+                <state img="10-angry.png">Let's just hurry this up before someone sees me like this!</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="female_removing_minor" target="kyoko" targetStage="5">
                 <state img="10-shocked.png">How terrible!</state>
-			<case tag="female_removing_major">
-				<state img="10-happy.png">Now <i>that's</i> more like it!</state>
-				<state img="10-angry.png">Honestly! If Aladdin wanted to see <i>this</i>, all he had to do was ask me!</state>
-				<state img="10-interested.png">There's something to the way you slip out of your ~clothing~ that catches the eye.  I'll have to study you more closely.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_major" filter="shy">
-				<state img="10-angry.png">What a fusspot! You're wearing more than I am!</state>
-				<state img="10-calm.png">Come on, ~name~ - where's your sense of adventure?</state>
-				<state img="10-calm.png">What are clothes for if not to remove them?</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible">
-				<state img="10-embarrassed.png">At least you'll be in good company...</state>
-				<state img="10-interested.png">It seems I have some competition for the spotlight!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible">
-				<state img="10-happy.png">This is just like playing harem slaves!</state>
-				<state img="10-sad.png">Silly girl, caught by the same trap as me. I thought you'd have more sense.</state>
-				<state img="10-interested.png">I never thought I'd see this...</state>
-				<state img="10-horny.png">Ready or not, it's time to bare it all, ~name~.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_accessory">
-				<state img="10-shocked.png">How <i>could</i> you?</state>
-				<state img="10-angry.png">Some people just don't fight fair.</state>
-				<state img="10-angry.png">Just wait, ~name~! You'll get exactly what's coming to you!</state>
-				<state img="10-angry.png">You're just like Rapunzel, except instead of letting your hair down you've let <i>everyone</i> down.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_accessory" filter="princess">
-				<state img="10-shocked.png">How <i>could</i> you? I thought we were friends!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="chara" targetStage="1">
-				<state img="10-sad.png">Don't worry, Chara. I'm about to die of embarrassment anyway.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_minor">
-				<state img="10-angry.png">Too little, too late. Stupid cards.</state>
-				<state img="10-sad.png">I wonder if Genie can make me forget this...</state>
-				<state img="10-horny.png">You tease! You've already got me turned on.</state>
-				<state img="10-happy.png">Nobody would even think of beating me this badly at the palace. I love it!</state>
-				<state img="10-angry.png">I swear, if Scheherazade puts <i>this</i> in her tell-all book, I'll skin her alive!</state>
-			</case>
+            <case tag="male_medium_crotch_is_visible">
+                <state img="10-horny.png">It’s so <i>big</i>. Have you been harboring lustful thoughts for your princess all this time, you naughty man?</state>
+                <state img="10-happy.png">What a man!</state>
+                <state img="10-confused.png">This reminds me of my wedding night. It was so magical!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_major">
+                <state img="10-calm.png">Beautiful! Just beautiful.</state>
+                <state img="10-interested.png">You have such exotic skin, ~name~!</state>
+                <state img="10-horny.png">Maybe I <i>will</i> let Aladdin play this game...</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_large_crotch_is_visible">
+                <state img="10-horny.png">You <i>must</i> join me for dinner at the palace tonight, my humongous prince.</state>
+                <state img="10-horny.png">I can tell what <i>you</i> wished for!</state>
+                <state img="10-shocked.png">My, you <i>are</i> a worthy man.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible">
+                <state img="10-happy.png">This is just like playing harem slaves!</state>
+                <state img="10-sad.png">Silly girl, caught by the same trap as me. I thought you'd have more sense.</state>
+                <state img="10-interested.png">I never thought I'd see this...</state>
+                <state img="10-horny.png">Ready or not, it's time to bare it all, ~name~.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_removed_minor">
+                <state img="10-angry.png">When I rule Agrabah, the first thing I will decree is to change this stupid rule.</state>
+                <state img="10-shocked.png">You're in league with Jafar. Admit it!</state>
+                <state img="10-angry.png">It's not right to toy with people's affections like this!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_removed_accessory">
+                <state img="10-angry.png">Do you know what the punishment for cheating is in Agrabah?</state>
+                <state img="10-embarrassed.png">I've never been so embarrassed in all my life!</state>
+                <state img="10-angry.png">Just... go jump off a balcony!</state>
+                <state img="10-sad.png">I wish you'd say I'm only dreaming...</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_must_masturbate">
+                <state img="10-happy.png">My wish has come true!</state>
+                <state img="10-happy.png">This game is great!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_masturbating">
+                <state img="10-embarrassed.png">Perhaps I should be taking notes...</state>
+                <state img="10-horny.png">Your fingers look so skilled! I wonder how they'd <i>feel</i>...</state>
+            </case>
+            <case filter="princess" tag="female_masturbating">
+                <state img="10-horny.png">I should arrange for a royal sleepover sometime! Clothing optional.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_human_must_strip">
+                <state img="10-horny.png">Remove your clothes, by order of the princess!</state>
+                <state img="10-embarrassed.png">At least I won't be alone!</state>
+                <state img="10-calm.png">Don't fret, ~name~. If I can do it, you can too!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible">
+                <state img="10-calm.png">It's like a flower... so pretty!</state>
+                <state img="10-embarrassed.png">I wonder if mine is like that? I've never seen it up close...</state>
+                <state img="10-confused.png">I wonder if I can talk the other princesses into playing this?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case filter="hairy" tag="female_crotch_is_visible">
+                <state img="10-shocked.png">Foreigners really <i>are</i> different!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case filter="shaved" tag="female_crotch_is_visible">
+                <state img="10-embarrassed.png">I had no idea you could do that with your, um, with your hair.</state>
+                <state img="10-shocked.png">Why do you shave? Is it to avoid getting sand down there?</state>
+                <state img="10-shocked.png">I think it's safe to say I've never had a friend like <i>you</i>!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_start_masturbating">
+                <state img="10-interested.png">Don't you dare close your eyes! <i>I</i> won't.</state>
+                <state img="10-calm.png">Hmm. I guess I'm more normal than I thought!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_removing_major">
+                <state img="10-interested.png">Do as I command, ~name~: remove your ~clothing~!</state>
+                <state img="10-horny.png">I certainly don't mind seeing more of you...</state>
+                <state img="10-happy.png">Well, it's about time!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_accessory">
+                <state img="10-shocked.png">How <i>could</i> you?</state>
+                <state img="10-angry.png">Some people just don't fight fair.</state>
+                <state img="10-angry.png">Just wait, ~name~! You'll get exactly what's coming to you!</state>
+                <state img="10-angry.png">You're just like Rapunzel, except instead of letting your hair down you've let <i>everyone</i> down.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case filter="princess" tag="female_removed_accessory">
+                <state img="10-shocked.png">How <i>could</i> you? I thought we were friends!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="chara" targetStage="1">
+                <state img="10-sad.png">Don't worry, Chara. I'm about to die of embarrassment anyway.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_removed_major">
+                <state img="10-embarrassed.png">Oh, I wish I was better at cards...</state>
+                <state img="10-angry.png">You may have beaten me, but at least you weren't the first man to see me naked.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_start_masturbating">
+                <state img="10-horny.png">You, sir, are no prince... but luckily for you, I've always been attracted to street rats.</state>
+                <state img="10-horny.png">Please, ~name~... don't spare any effort to preserve my modesty. I'm a married woman!</state>
+                <state img="10-horny.png">Come, show me how you pay proper respect to your princess...</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_chest_is_visible">
+                <state img="10-horny.png">Now that's a sight for sore eyes...</state>
+                <state img="10-happy.png">I've changed my mind. I love this game!</state>
+                <state img="10-calm.png">Hmm! I never realized how incredibly handsome you are...</state>
+                <state img="10-horny.png">~name~, you have my royal favor.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_large_chest_is_visible">
+                <state img="10-sad.png">Such a buxom chest! I admit defeat. And to a little envy.</state>
+                <state img="10-horny.png">I hear the guards talk about breasts like those... and what they'd like to do with them.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_must_strip">
+                <state img="10-interested.png">It's showtime!</state>
+                <state img="10-happy.png">I <i>always</i> get my man.</state>
+                <state img="10-horny.png">There's no harm in losing, is there ~name~?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_must_masturbate">
+                <state img="10-interested.png">This is a rare sight outside a harem... I'll be watching closely!</state>
+                <state img="10-happy.png">Let me share my whole new world with you!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case filter="princess" tag="female_must_masturbate">
+                <state img="10-interested.png">Don't worry, ~name~. A princess can do <i>anything</i> she wants.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_human_must_strip">
+                <state img="10-interested.png">It's showtime!</state>
+                <state img="10-happy.png">I <i>always</i> get my man.</state>
+                <state img="10-horny.png">There's no harm in losing, is there ~name~?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_small_crotch_is_visible">
+                <state img="10-interested.png">Your little soldier is standing at attention, I see.</state>
+                <state img="10-angry.png">Now I'm even <i>more</i> frustrated!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_removing_accessory">
+                <state img="10-angry.png">This <i>hardly</i> seems fair.</state>
+                <state img="10-sad.png">When I tell this story, I'll leave out this part.</state>
+                <state img="10-angry.png">You two-faced son of a jackal!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_finished_masturbating">
+                <state img="10-horny.png">Good night, my prince.</state>
+                <state img="10-calm.png">Done so soon? I know some herbs that would bring you back to life.</state>
+                <state img="10-happy.png">It's all so magical!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case filter="single" tag="male_finished_masturbating">
+                <state img="10-angry.png">Save that kind of thing for your wife.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_finished_masturbating" target="xander">
+                <state img="10-calm.png">It's important to be honest about your feelings, Xander.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_small_chest_is_visible">
+                <state img="10-happy.png">It may be time to arrange a royal sleepover...</state>
+                <state img="10-interested.png">Oh, those yearn to be stroked...</state>
+                <state img="10-calm.png">Many a love poem has been inspired by such nubile breasts! And many a nervous grope in the closet.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible">
+                <state img="10-happy.png">Such firm, round breasts! You're blessed.</state>
+                <state img="10-interested.png">Magnificent. You should show those off more often!</state>
+                <state img="10-interested.png">You'd make a good present for my husband.</state>
+                <state img="10-calm.png">You're beautiful, ~name~.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case filter="mean" tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible">
+                <state img="10-angry.png">There's no justice if a girl like you is as stunning as that!</state>
+                <state img="10-shocked.png">Those <i>definitely</i> make up for your personality.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory">
+                <state img="10-sad.png">Why didn't I wear more jewelry tonight? It's not like I don't own enough!</state>
+                <state img="10-angry.png">Hmph!</state>
+                <state img="10-angry.png">Undressing you is like giving a tiger a bath. And I speak from experience!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_major">
+                <state img="10-angry.png">Honestly! If Aladdin wanted to see <i>this</i>, all he had to do was ask me!</state>
+                <state img="10-interested.png">There's something to the way you slip out of your ~clothing~ that catches the eye.  I'll have to study you more closely.</state>
+                <state img="10-happy.png">Now <i>that's</i> more like it!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case filter="shy" tag="female_removing_major">
+                <state img="10-calm.png">Come on, ~name~ - where's your sense of adventure?</state>
+                <state img="10-calm.png">What are clothes for if not to remove them?</state>
+                <state img="10-angry.png">What a fusspot! You're wearing more than I am!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_removing_minor">
+                <state img="10-angry.png">You have a <i>lot</i> to learn about being a gentleman, ~name~!</state>
+                <state img="10-embarrassed.png">If you don't mind, could you lose faster?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_finished_masturbating">
+                <state img="10-interested.png">I'm starting to warm up to the idea of Aladdin having a harem...</state>
+                <state img="10-happy.png">So now we are sisters, of a kind.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case filter="princess" tag="female_finished_masturbating">
+                <state img="10-happy.png">At least you're in good company, your highness!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible">
+                <state img="10-embarrassed.png">At least you'll be in good company...</state>
+                <state img="10-interested.png">It seems I have some competition for the spotlight!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_masturbating">
+                <state img="10-horny.png">Don't worry, ~name~. I have this effect on many men!</state>
+                <state img="10-interested.png">It is good to know I can inspire a man to action!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_minor">
+                <state img="10-sad.png">I wonder if Genie can make me forget this...</state>
+                <state img="10-happy.png">Nobody would even think of beating me this badly at the palace. I love it!</state>
+                <state img="10-angry.png">I swear, if Scheherazade puts <i>this</i> in her tell-all book, I'll skin her alive!</state>
+                <state img="10-angry.png">Too little, too late. Stupid cards.</state>
+                <state img="10-horny.png">You tease! You've already got me turned on.</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="kyoko" targetStage="6">
                 <state img="10-shocked.png">That must have been painful...</state>
@@ -3428,102 +3050,39 @@
                 <state img="10-shocked.png">No!</state>
                 <state img="10-angry.png">I knew it! You <i>are</i> in league with Jafar!</state>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major">
-				<state img="10-calm.png">Beautiful! Just beautiful.</state>
-				<state img="10-interested.png">You have such exotic skin, ~name~!</state>
-				<state img="10-horny.png">Maybe I <i>will</i> let Aladdin play this game...</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_small_chest_is_visible">
-				<state img="10-happy.png">It may be time to arrange a royal sleepover...</state>
-				<state img="10-interested.png">Oh, those yearn to be stroked...</state>
-				<state img="10-calm.png">Many a love poem has been inspired by such nubile breasts! And many a nervous grope in the closet.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible">
-				<state img="10-happy.png">Such firm, round breasts! You're blessed.</state>
-				<state img="10-interested.png">Magnificent. You should show those off more often!</state>
-				<state img="10-interested.png">You'd make a good present for my husband.</state>
-				<state img="10-calm.png">You're beautiful, ~name~.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" filter="mean">
-				<state img="10-angry.png">There's no justice if a girl like you is as stunning as that!</state>
-				<state img="10-shocked.png">Those <i>definitely</i> make up for your personality.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_large_chest_is_visible">
-				<state img="10-sad.png">Such a buxom chest! I admit defeat. And to a little envy.</state>
-				<state img="10-horny.png">I hear the guards talk about breasts like those... and what they'd like to do with them.
-				<state img="10-embarrassed.png">This is a bit humbling.</state>
-				</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_is_visible">
-				<state img="10-calm.png">It's like a flower... so pretty!</state>
-				<state img="10-confused.png">I wonder if I can talk the other princesses into playing this?</state>
-				<state img="10-embarrassed.png">I wonder if mine is like that? I've never seen it up close...</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" filter="shaved">
-				<state img="10-embarrassed.png">I had no idea you could do that with your, um, with your hair.</state>
-				<state img="10-shocked.png">Why do you shave? Is it to avoid getting sand down there?</state>
-				<state img="10-shocked.png">I think it's safe to say I've never had a friend like <i>you</i>!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" filter="hairy">
-				<state img="10-shocked.png">Foreigners really <i>are</i> different!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_must_masturbate">
-				<state img="10-interested.png">This is a rare sight outside a harem... I'll be watching closely!</state>
-				<state img="10-happy.png">Let me share my whole new world with you!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_must_masturbate" filter="princess">
-				<state img="10-interested.png">Don't worry, ~name~. A princess can do <i>anything</i> she wants.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_start_masturbating">
-				<state img="10-interested.png">Don't you dare close your eyes! <i>I</i> won't.</state>
-				<state img="10-calm.png">Hmm. I guess I'm more normal than I thought!</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_masturbating">
-				<state img="10-horny.png">Your fingers look so skilled! I wonder how they'd <i>feel</i>...</state>
-				<state img="10-embarrassed.png">Perhaps I should be taking notes...</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_masturbating" filter="princess">
-				<state img="10-horny.png">I should arrange for a royal sleepover sometime! Clothing optional.</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_finished_masturbating">
-				<state img="10-happy.png">So now we are sisters, of a kind.</state>
-				<state img="10-interested.png">I'm starting to warm up to the idea of Aladdin having a harem...</state>
-			</case>
-			<case tag="female_finished_masturbating" filter="princess">
-				<state img="10-happy.png">At least you're in good company, your highness!</state>
-			</case>
+            <case tag="male_crotch_will_be_visible">
+                <state img="10-embarrassed.png">No matter what the species, men are men.</state>
+                <state img="10-horny.png">Show me a whole new world, ~name~!</state>
+                <state img="10-horny.png">I really <i>must</i> play this game with Aladdin!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="finished_masturbating">
+                <state img="10-horny.png">So... what's your <i>second</i> wish?</state>
+                <state img="10-sad.png">I can't go back to where I used to be after this. I'm not sure I <i>want</i> to.</state>
+                <state img="10-confused.png">I wanted to experience the world Aladdin came from... I guess I got my wish.</state>
+                <state img="10-interested.png">It's like I always say: be a princess in the palace and a slave in the harem!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="game_over_defeat">
+                <state img="10-horny.png">A princess is always in control... but it felt so <i>good</i> to lose control... I think I have a new fetish.</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="game_over_defeat" targetStage="0">
-				<state img="10-shocked.png">Why does this feel familiar? And who is 'Akabur'?</state>
-				<state img="10-shocked.png">You wished for this to happen, didn't you? There's no other explanation!</state>
+                <state img="10-shocked.png">Why does this feel familiar? And who is 'Akabur'?</state>
+                <state img="10-shocked.png">You wished for this to happen, didn't you? There's no other explanation!</state>
             <case tag="game_over_defeat" targetStage="1">
-				<state img="10-shocked.png">Why does this feel familiar? And who is 'Akabur'?</state>
-				<state img="10-shocked.png">You wished for this to happen, didn't you? There's no other explanation!</state>
+                <state img="10-shocked.png">Why does this feel familiar? And who is 'Akabur'?</state>
+                <state img="10-shocked.png">You wished for this to happen, didn't you? There's no other explanation!</state>
             <case tag="game_over_defeat" targetStage="2">
-				<state img="10-shocked.png">Why does this feel familiar? And who is 'Akabur'?</state>
-				<state img="10-shocked.png">You wished for this to happen, didn't you? There's no other explanation!</state>
+                <state img="10-shocked.png">Why does this feel familiar? And who is 'Akabur'?</state>
+                <state img="10-shocked.png">You wished for this to happen, didn't you? There's no other explanation!</state>
+        </stage>
-			<case tag="game_over_defeat">
-				<state img="10-horny.png">A princess is always in control... but it felt so <i>good</i> to lose control... I think I have a new fetish.</state>
-			</case>
-		</stage>
-	</behaviour>
+    </behaviour>
     <epilogue gender="any">
         <title>[R] Giving up control</title>
         <screen img="epilogue_angry.png">
-            <start>0</start>
@@ -3531,6 +3090,7 @@
                 <content>Do you have <i>any</i> idea the position you put me in with that game of yours?</content>
@@ -3538,6 +3098,7 @@
                 <content>...Other than the obvious one, I mean. Get your mind out of the gutter!</content>
@@ -3545,6 +3106,7 @@
                 <content>A princess <i>cannot</i> let her public image be degraded like that!</content>
@@ -3552,6 +3114,7 @@
                 <content>I won't forget the things you made me do in public.</content>
@@ -3559,9 +3122,10 @@
                 <content>It was insulting. Humiliating. <i>Completely</i> inappropriate.</content>
         <screen img="epilogue_happy.png">
-            <start>0</start>
@@ -3569,6 +3133,7 @@
                 <content>Also, it was the most fun I've had in years.</content>
@@ -3576,6 +3141,7 @@
                 <content>Losing control isn't something a princess feels very often. But it felt <i>good</i>.</content>
@@ -3583,6 +3149,7 @@
                 <content>It left me wanting to explore that side of myself.</content>
@@ -3590,6 +3157,7 @@
                 <content>Speaking of which... Aladdin says 'thanks'!</content>
@@ -3597,6 +3165,7 @@
                 <content>I was trying to convince one of my friends to join your next game.</content>
@@ -3604,6 +3173,7 @@
                 <content>But she said she couldn't do it - couldn't humiliate herself.</content>
@@ -3611,6 +3181,7 @@
                 <content>The poor thing! She's so tightly wound. <i>Yes</i>, even more than me.</content>
@@ -3618,9 +3189,10 @@
                 <content>But she was still intrigued by the idea...</content>
         <screen img="epilogue_invitation.png">
-            <start>0</start>
@@ -3628,6 +3200,7 @@
                 <content>Which brings us to <i>this</i>.</content>
@@ -3635,7 +3208,9 @@
                 <content>What do you say, ~name~? Can you help me teach Elsa to 'let it go'?</content>
diff --git a/opponents/kurumu/behaviour.xml b/opponents/kurumu/behaviour.xml
index 0abafe4aa9fc24c13b32db3eb242a4f360a501de..49a7ee8a365b19a7fe2d40887c33c2d4a31296e5 100644
--- a/opponents/kurumu/behaviour.xml
+++ b/opponents/kurumu/behaviour.xml
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
-<!--This file was machine generated using the Character Editor. Please do not edit it directly without preserving your improvements elsewhere or your changes may be lost the next time this file is generated.-->
+<!--This file was machine generated using the Character Editor v2.1 at 5:16:17 PM on September 03, 2018. Please do not edit it directly without preserving your improvements elsewhere or your changes may be lost the next time this file is generated.-->
@@ -11,25 +11,24 @@
-      <tag>kurumu</tag>
-      <tag>rosario_to_vampire</tag>
-      <tag>anime</tag>
-      <tag>manga</tag>
-      <tag>exotic_hair</tag>
-      <tag>blue_hair</tag>
-      <tag>short_hair</tag>
-      <tag>violet_eyes</tag>
-      <tag>trimmed</tag>
-      <tag>fair-skinned</tag>
-      <tag>large_breasts</tag>
-      <tag>spirit</tag>
-      <tag>succubus</tag>
-      <tag>school_uniform</tag>
-      <tag>bisexual</tag>
-      <tag>cheerful</tag>
-      <tag>japanese</tag>
-      <tag>seductive</tag>
-      <tag>student</tag>
+        <tag>supernatural</tag>
+        <tag>rosario_to_vampire</tag>
+        <tag>anime</tag>
+        <tag>manga</tag>
+        <tag>exotic_hair</tag>
+        <tag>blue_hair</tag>
+        <tag>short_hair</tag>
+        <tag>violet_eyes</tag>
+        <tag>trimmed</tag>
+        <tag>fair-skinned</tag>
+        <tag>large_breasts</tag>
+        <tag>succubus</tag>
+        <tag>school_uniform</tag>
+        <tag>bisexual</tag>
+        <tag>cheerful</tag>
+        <tag>japanese</tag>
+        <tag>seductive</tag>
+        <tag>student</tag>
diff --git a/opponents/kurumu/meta.xml b/opponents/kurumu/meta.xml
index 461bf06d1089f1a9ca1f360e5a91ac86dcf57949..3adfd60420dd703bfd6a1dba22f182b2af3d3ff3 100644
--- a/opponents/kurumu/meta.xml
+++ b/opponents/kurumu/meta.xml
@@ -15,25 +15,24 @@
-      <tag>kurumu</tag>
-      <tag>rosario_to_vampire</tag>
-      <tag>anime</tag>
-      <tag>manga</tag>
-      <tag>exotic_hair</tag>
-      <tag>blue_hair</tag>
-      <tag>short_hair</tag>
-      <tag>violet_eyes</tag>
-      <tag>trimmed</tag>
-      <tag>fair-skinned</tag>
-      <tag>large_breasts</tag>
-      <tag>spirit</tag>
-      <tag>succubus</tag>
-      <tag>school_uniform</tag>
-      <tag>bisexual</tag>
-      <tag>cheerful</tag>
-      <tag>japanese</tag>
-      <tag>seductive</tag>
-      <tag>student</tag>
+        <tag>supernatural</tag>
+        <tag>rosario_to_vampire</tag>
+        <tag>anime</tag>
+        <tag>manga</tag>
+        <tag>exotic_hair</tag>
+        <tag>blue_hair</tag>
+        <tag>short_hair</tag>
+        <tag>violet_eyes</tag>
+        <tag>trimmed</tag>
+        <tag>fair-skinned</tag>
+        <tag>large_breasts</tag>
+        <tag>succubus</tag>
+        <tag>school_uniform</tag>
+        <tag>bisexual</tag>
+        <tag>cheerful</tag>
+        <tag>japanese</tag>
+        <tag>seductive</tag>
+        <tag>student</tag>
diff --git a/opponents/marceline/behaviour.xml b/opponents/marceline/behaviour.xml
index 5858ab07bf7355695c9841009382653de1659781..754980076b7ab9fd8fc9095d73e3d03b68fc9ecc 100644
--- a/opponents/marceline/behaviour.xml
+++ b/opponents/marceline/behaviour.xml
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
-    <!--This file is machine generated. Please do not edit it directly or your changes may be lost.-->
+<!--This file was machine generated using the Character Editor v2.1 at 5:17:01 PM on September 03, 2018. Please do not edit it directly without preserving your improvements elsewhere or your changes may be lost the next time this file is generated.-->
     <last> Abadeer</last>
@@ -10,26 +10,27 @@
-          <tag>marceline</tag>
-          <tag>adventure_time</tag>
-          <tag>cartoon</tag>
-          <tag>black_hair</tag>
-          <tag>long_hair</tag>
-          <tag>dark_eyes</tag>
-          <tag>unusual_skin</tag>
-          <tag>hairy</tag>
-          <tag>medium_breasts</tag>
-          <tag>monster</tag>
-          <tag>bi-curious</tag>
-          <tag>confident</tag>
-          <tag>goth</tag>
-          <tag>creepy</tag>
-          <tag>flies</tag>
+        <tag>marceline</tag>
+        <tag>adventure_time</tag>
+        <tag>cartoon</tag>
+        <tag>black_hair</tag>
+        <tag>long_hair</tag>
+        <tag>dark_eyes</tag>
+        <tag>unusual_skin</tag>
+        <tag>undead</tag>
+        <tag>medium_breasts</tag>
+        <tag>monster</tag>
+        <tag>bi-curious</tag>
+        <tag>confident</tag>
+        <tag>goth</tag>
+        <tag>creepy</tag>
+        <tag>flies</tag>
+        <tag>non-human</tag>
         <state img="0-calm.png">Poker? Sure, I'll play.</state>
-		<state img="0-horny.png">Oh, so it's THAT kind of Poker?</state>
+        <state img="0-horny.png">Oh, so it's THAT kind of Poker?</state>
@@ -46,14 +47,29 @@
         <stage id="0">
             <case tag="female_must_strip">
                 <state img="0-happy.png">Don't be bashful, ~name~.</state>
-				<state img="0-happy.png">~name~'s up.</state>
-				<state img="0-horny.png">Lead the way.</state>
+                <state img="0-happy.png">~name~'s up.</state>
+                <state img="0-horny.png">Lead the way.</state>
                 <state img="0-happy.png">Your time to shine, ~name~.</state>
+            <case tag="female_must_strip" target="blackrose" targetStage="1">
+                <state img="0-pokerface2.png">Yeesh, lighten up...</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_must_strip" target="chara" targetStage="5">
+                <state img="0-horny.png">You look like you're having a bad time.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_must_strip" target="mercy" targetStage="4">
+                <state img="0-horny.png">Don't worry, I'll be nice and thorough.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_must_strip" target="mercy" targetStage="5">
+                <state img="0-horny.png">But we're not in a doctor's office, are we?</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="male_chest_will_be_visible">
                 <state img="0-horny.png">Did you do your situps this morning?</state>
                 <state img="0-horny.png">Don't be shy, now.</state>
+            <case tag="male_chest_will_be_visible" target="link" targetStage="4">
+                <state img="0-loss1.png">Don't worry, your little secret's safe with me.</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="female_removing_minor">
                 <state img="0-loss1.png">Picking up now!</state>
                 <state img="0-horny.png">Oh? It's starting to get interesting.</state>
@@ -65,21 +81,82 @@
             <case tag="female_removed_major">
                 <state img="0-happy.png">Well, I certainly got a good return on my investment.</state>
+            <case tag="female_removed_major" target="alice" targetStage="3">
+                <state img="0-happy2.png">I like it! Very Addams Family meets Beetlejuice.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_major" target="d.va" targetStage="4">
+                <state img="0-horny.png">How very Hotline Miami.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_major" target="daisy" targetStage="5">
+                <state img="0-horny.png">Now <i>that's</i> more like it.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_major" target="elena" targetStage="5">
+                <state img="0-horny.png">Looks like a strawberry parfait. Tasty.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_major" target="hermione" targetStage="5">
+                <state img="0-happy.png">Presto! Where did it go?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_major" target="jane" targetStage="4">
+                <state img="0-horny.png">Looks tasty.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_major" target="jasmine" targetStage="2">
+                <state img="0-shocked.png">I... I remember you! You were in... from before...</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_major" target="kim" targetStage="4">
+                <state img="0-horny.png">I wouldn't have guessed pink.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_major" target="korra" targetStage="5">
+                <state img="0-interested2.png">Damn, girl! You've been pumping some iron!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_major" target="lara" targetStage="6">
+                <state img="0-horny.png">How very vintage.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_major" target="penny" targetStage="3">
+                <state img="0-interested.png">Looks like LSP's cousin...</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_major" target="penny" targetStage="4">
+                <state img="0-interested.png">Aaand LSP's <i>other</i> cousin...</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_major" target="raven" targetStage="3">
+                <state img="0-happy2.png">Hey look, she has a face!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_major" target="shazza" targetStage="4">
+                <state img="0-loss1.png">I like your style.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_major" target="tracer" targetStage="3">
+                <state img="0-shocked.png">Erm...</state>
+                <state img="0-shocked.png">...Alright, then.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_major" target="zelda" targetStage="5">
+                <state img="0-horny.png">Wow! Talk about double or nothing!</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="male_large_crotch_is_visible">
                 <state img="0-shocked.png">Holy crap! Good on ya!</state>
                 <state img="0-shocked.png">What do you <i>feed</i> that thing?</state>
+            <case tag="male_large_crotch_is_visible" target="ryu">
+                <state img="0-shocked.png">Holy <i>shit</i>...</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_large_crotch_is_visible" target="shaggy">
+                <state img="0-shocked.png">Zoinks!</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible">
                 <state img="0-horny.png">I almost feel bad.</state>
                 <state img="0-horny.png">Let it breathe.</state>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="shazza">
+                <state img="0-horny.png">Let's take a peek down under.</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="male_removed_minor">
                 <state img="0-horny.png">Lookin' good!</state>
                 <state img="0-pokerface1.png">Feeling a breeze?</state>
+            <case tag="male_removed_minor" target="xander" targetStage="2">
+                <state img="0-fonz.png">Eyyyy...</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="male_removed_accessory">
-				<state img="0-horny.png">Do it while you can.</state>
-				<state img="0-horny.png">You need to get into the spirit.</state>
+                <state img="0-horny.png">Do it while you can.</state>
+                <state img="0-horny.png">You need to get into the spirit.</state>
                 <state img="0-happy.png">You can only do that so many times, you know.</state>
                 <state img="0-happy.png">No worries. The night is young~</state>
@@ -87,13 +164,16 @@
                 <state img="0-pokerface1.png">Something's gone horribly wrong this game.</state>
                 <state img="0-pokerface1.png">Never seen <i>this</i> rule in strip poker.</state>
+            <case tag="male_must_masturbate" target="shaggy">
+                <state img="0-horny.png">Will you do it for a scooby snack?</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="female_masturbating">
                 <state img="0-horny2.png">That's, uh... wow.</state>
                 <state img="0-horny2.png">Sure is getting warm in here.</state>
             <case tag="female_human_must_strip">
-				<state img="0-happy.png">~name~'s up.</state>
-				<state img="0-horny.png">Lead the way.</state>
+                <state img="0-happy.png">~name~'s up.</state>
+                <state img="0-horny.png">Lead the way.</state>
                 <state img="0-happy.png">Your time has come, ~name~.</state>
                 <state img="0-happy.png">Let's see what'cha got.</state>
@@ -101,20 +181,89 @@
                 <state img="0-horny2.png">It's cute.</state>
                 <state img="0-embarrassed.png">I'm suddenly in the mood for seafood.</state>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="blackrose">
+                <state img="0-horny2.png">You're so adorable when you're mad... and nude...</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="buffy">
+                <state img="0-shocked.png">Gee, Bill! <i>Two</i> wieners?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="dawn">
+                <state img="0-interested.png">Either that's dyed, or Japan sure is weird.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="kim">
+                <state img="0-horny.png">Too late!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="kyoko">
+                <state img="0-pokerface2.png">Breathe, dude. Breathe.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="lilith">
+                <state img="0-horny.png">Nice hedgework. It suits you.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="mercy">
+                <state img="0-horny2.png">I appreciate it, alright.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="mia">
+                <state img="0-happy.png">Ah, you're just robbing Peter to pay Paul.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="misty">
+                <state img="0-pokerface3.png">Yeesh, calm down! Why are you even here?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="peach">
+                <state img="0-horny2.png">Well! I see <i>you're</i> rarin' to go.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="raven">
+                <state img="0-horny.png">Believe me, no problems here.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="revy">
+                <state img="0-interested.png">You <i>really</i> need a chill pill.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="samus">
+                <state img="0-horny2.png">Quite.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="spooky">
+                <state img="0-interested.png">Well <i>there's</i> something you don't see every day!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="streaming-chan">
+                <state img="0-loss3.png">Oh my god! ...You can <i>move!</i></state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="female_start_masturbating">
                 <state img="0-horny.png">Wasting no time, are you?</state>
                 <state img="0-horny2.png">I mean... I'm not complaining.</state>
+            <case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="hermione">
+                <state img="0-interested.png">Showoff...</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="jane">
+                <state img="0-horny.png">Just think of it as performance art.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="misty">
+                <state img="0-happy.png">Maybe this'll help you loosen up.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="ruby">
+                <state img="0-horny.png">Looks like it.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="shantae">
+                <state img="0-happy.png">No fair magic-ing your way out of this one.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="wiifitfemale">
+                <state img="0-horny.png">Hmm, I don't think I've seen <i>this</i> routine before.</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="male_removing_major">
                 <state img="0-horny2.png">I like this game!</state>
                 <state img="0-horny.png">I'm glad I came tonight.</state>
             <case tag="female_removed_accessory">
                 <state img="0-happy.png">No worries. The night is young~</state>
-				<state img="0-horny.png">Oh don't worry, we won't stop there.</state>
-				<state img="0-horny.png">We'll whittle you down...</state>
+                <state img="0-horny.png">Oh don't worry, we won't stop there.</state>
+                <state img="0-horny.png">We'll whittle you down...</state>
                 <state img="0-happy.png">You can only wear so many small things, you know.</state>
+            <case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="daria" targetStage="3">
+                <state img="0-interested.png">(What a weirdo...)</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="elena" targetStage="6">
+                <state img="0-horny.png">No worries. That just makes the final prize all the more sweeter.</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="male_removed_major">
                 <state img="0-excited2.png">Woo!</state>
                 <state img="0-excited2.png">Niice!</state>
@@ -127,20 +276,38 @@
                 <state img="0-horny2.png">Wow. Glad I came!</state>
                 <state img="0-embarrassed.png">Wow, you're really... wow.</state>
+            <case tag="male_chest_is_visible" target="link">
+                <state img="0-horny.png">"Hyaaah" to you too! I see all that adventuring's paying off.</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="female_large_chest_is_visible">
                 <state img="0-shocked.png">Good Glob, look at those things!</state>
                 <state img="0-interested.png">Do you get back pains?</state>
+            <case tag="female_large_chest_is_visible" target="leela">
+                <state img="0-pokerface2.png">Don't be rude, people. Her eye is up there.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_large_chest_is_visible" target="mia">
+                <state img="0-horny.png">No objections here.</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="male_must_strip">
-				<state img="0-happy.png">You're up, dude.</state>
-				<state img="0-horny.png">Lead the way, dude.</state>
+                <state img="0-happy.png">You're up, dude.</state>
+                <state img="0-horny.png">Lead the way, dude.</state>
                 <state img="0-happy.png">You're not gonna dance, are you?</state>
                 <state img="0-happy.png">Alright, ~name~, show us what you've got!</state>
+            <case tag="male_must_strip" target="link" targetStage="2">
+                <state img="0-horny.png">You have such a way with words.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_must_strip" target="link" targetStage="4">
+                <state img="0-happy.png">Aha! I <i>knew</i> it!</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="female_must_masturbate">
                 <state img="0-pokerface1.png">Oh, so <i>that's</i> why you kept playing!</state>
                 <state img="0-interested.png">Wait, so you really have to...?</state>
+            <case tag="female_must_masturbate" target="zone-tan">
+                <state img="0-horny.png">It's time <i>we</i> watched <i>you</i>.</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="male_human_must_strip">
                 <state img="0-happy.png">You're not nervous, are you, ~name~?</state>
                 <state img="0-happy.png">Alright, ~name~, show us what you've got!</state>
@@ -153,6 +320,9 @@
                 <state img="0-pokerface3.png">Aw, that's it?</state>
                 <state img="0-pokerface2.png">Well that's no fun.</state>
+            <case tag="male_removing_accessory" target="fred" targetStage="2">
+                <state img="0-happy.png">The 60's called. They want their ascot back.</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="male_finished_masturbating">
                 <state img="0-happy.png">Nice shootin', Tex!</state>
                 <state img="0-happy.png">You're gonna clean that up, right?</state>
@@ -161,14 +331,86 @@
                 <state img="0-horny.png">Ain't nothing wrong with the itty bitty titty committee.</state>
                 <state img="0-interested2.png">Perky!</state>
+            <case tag="female_small_chest_is_visible" target="dawn">
+                <state img="0-happy2.png">Perfect censorship!</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible">
                 <state img="0-happy2.png">If I ever need a bra, I'll keep you in mind.</state>
                 <state img="0-happy2.png">They remind me of me.</state>
+            <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="alice">
+                <state img="0-horny.png">So... who has the left?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="daria">
+                <state img="0-horny.png">It's not <i>that</i> bad, is it?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="mercy">
+                <state img="0-pokerface1.png">Oh, about a 12.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="pauling">
+                <state img="0-horny.png">Eh, not bad. Not bad.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="peach">
+                <state img="0-horny2.png">Mama mia!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="piper">
+                <state img="0-happy2.png">Wow! Talk about going from zero to sixty!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="velma">
+                <state img="0-horny.png">Jinkies!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="wiifitfemale">
+                <state img="0-horny.png">Greek training. It's the latest fitness craze.</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="female_removing_accessory">
                 <state img="0-pokerface3.png">Aw, that's all?</state>
                 <state img="0-pokerface2.png">Aw, you're no fun.</state>
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="april" targetStage="5">
+                <state img="0-pokerface3.png">Weasel...</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="chara" targetStage="0">
+                <state img="0-shocked.png">(I think I saw it beat...)</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="chara" targetStage="1">
+                <state img="0-interested.png">(Something ain't right with this one...)</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="d.va" targetStage="0">
+                <state img="0-happy.png">We'll see about that.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="daria" targetStage="5">
+                <state img="0-interested.png">(Figured she'd pull that one...)</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="elena" targetStage="0">
+                <state img="0-interested.png">Oh <i>that's</i> what that was? I thought it was a mace... I've been hanging around too many adventurers.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="elena" targetStage="5">
+                <state img="0-pokerface1.png">Oh, you tease.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="lyn" targetStage="0">
+                <state img="0-interested.png">I'm suddenly in the mood for pasta.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="misty" targetStage="3">
+                <state img="0-pokerface3.png">I mean sure, but... where's your sense of spirit?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="piper" targetStage="0">
+                <state img="0-happy.png">You're determined not to lose! Just how much <i>do</i> you have on?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="revy" targetStage="3">
+                <state img="0-nervous.png">(Thank goodness! Thought I was gonna get a bullet in my head...)</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="spooky" targetStage="0">
+                <state img="0-nervous.png">Are we losing the knife? Good...</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="tracer" targetStage="4">
+                <state img="0-pokerface2.png">I knew you were gonna do that...</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="zelda" targetStage="1">
+                <state img="0-happy.png">This is a casual affair. Lose the fancy jewelry.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="zoey" targetStage="4">
+                <state img="0-pokerface1.png">Tease...</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="game_over_victory">
                 <state img="0-horny.png">Not one bit of clothing shed. I'm almost disappointed!</state>
@@ -176,18 +418,67 @@
                 <state img="0-happy.png">Already? Well okay, go for it!</state>
                 <state img="0-happy.png">Do it, sister!</state>
+            <case tag="female_removing_major" target="kim" targetStage="3">
+                <state img="0-interested.png">Club what? I don't think that'd go over so well back home.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_major" target="mercy" targetStage="2">
+                <state img="0-interested.png">Really? Cause I know a guy. He just <i>grows</i> 'em back. Crazy German scientist...</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_major" target="ruby" targetStage="3">
+                <state img="0-interested.png">How do you even fight in that thing?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_major" target="tracer" targetStage="2">
+                <state img="0-interested.png">Hey Tracer, is that glowy thing supposed to be--</state>
+                <state img="0-interested.png">You okay, Tracer? You're looking kind of... funny.</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="male_removing_minor">
                 <state img="0-happy.png">Starting to pick up!</state>
                 <state img="0-horny.png">Getting warm in here, isn't it?</state>
+            <case tag="male_removing_minor" target="shaggy" targetStage="1">
+                <state img="0-nervous.png">Dude. Wash those, pronto.</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="female_finished_masturbating">
                 <state img="0-horny.png">Not a bad ending.</state>
                 <state img="0-happy.png">You're not <i>too</i> upset about losing, now are you?</state>
+            <case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="chell">
+                <state img="0-loss2.png">Speechless to the end, I see.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="d.va">
+                <state img="0-horny2.png">I think you've earned enough points for a bonus round.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="hermione">
+                <state img="0-horny.png">Lucky...</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="korra">
+                <state img="0-interested.png">When you cum in that state, do the rest cum too? Do you feel the orgasm of a thousand avatars?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="revy">
+                <state img="0-loss2.png">At least it improved your mood. If only a little.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="shazza">
+                <state img="0-interested2.png">Crikey! Look a'that!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="spooky">
+                <state img="0-excited2.png">Venkman, get a sample!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="wiifitfemale">
+                <state img="0-horny.png">How many calories did that burn?</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible">
                 <state img="0-happy.png">I'm glad you're showing me how to play.</state>
                 <state img="0-happy.png">Thanks for showing me how to play.</state>
+            <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" target="mercy">
+                <state img="0-loss1.png">I can get behind that ideology.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" target="mileena">
+                <state img="0-interested2.png">Whoa, Mileena! And here you were being so modest!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" target="zone-tan">
+                <state img="0-cards2.png">Toss that cute sweater this way, Zone.</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="male_masturbating">
                 <state img="0-pokerface1.png">Do you even have anything to work off of? Who am I kidding, of course you do.</state>
                 <state img="0-pokerface1.png">You didn't lose on purpose, did you?</state>
@@ -196,6 +487,24 @@
                 <state img="0-happy.png">Good thing it's warm, right?</state>
                 <state img="0-horny.png">Lookin' good!</state>
+            <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="hermione" targetStage="1">
+                <state img="0-pokerface1.png">Showoff...</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="jasmine" targetStage="1">
+                <state img="0-interested.png">Have we met before? You look so familiar.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="kim" targetStage="1">
+                <state img="0-horny.png">Ooh, daredevil!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="kim" targetStage="2">
+                <state img="0-happy.png">If you say so.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="kyoko" targetStage="6">
+                <state img="0-interested.png">Woah, creepy. I dig it.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="pauling" targetStage="3">
+                <state img="0-horny.png">You're no stranger to this game, I see.</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="male_crotch_will_be_visible">
                 <state img="0-loss1.png">Release the beast!</state>
                 <state img="0-happy.png">Don't cop on me now!</state>
@@ -221,9 +530,6 @@
                 <state img="0-pokerface2.png">...</state>
                 <state img="0-pokerface2.png">Sure.</state>
-            <case tag="stripped">
-                <state img="0-sad.png">I miss my ~clothing~ already...</state>
-            </case>
             <case tag="must_strip_normal">
                 <state img="0-loss1.png">Don't get too excited.</state>
                 <state img="0-loss2.png">Welp! So much for a perfect game.</state>
@@ -240,110 +546,6 @@
                 <state img="0-loss1.png">About time you won! Too bad all you get is my hat.</state>
                 <state img="0-loss1.png">Sure took you a while to get my hat off.</state>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="buffy"><state img="0-shocked.png">Gee, Bill! <i>Two</i> wieners?</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_major" target="tracer" targetStage="2"><state img="0-interested.png">Hey Tracer, is that glowy thing supposed to be--</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major" target="tracer" targetStage="3"><state img="0-shocked.png">Erm...</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_major" target="tracer" targetStage="2"><state img="0-interested.png">You okay, Tracer? You're looking kind of... funny.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major" target="tracer" targetStage="3"><state img="0-shocked.png">...Alright, then.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="chell"><state img="0-loss2.png">Speechless to the end, I see.</state></case>
-			<case tag="male_must_masturbate" target="shaggy"><state img="0-horny.png">Will you do it for a scooby snack?</state></case>
-			<case tag="male_removing_minor" target="shaggy" targetStage="1"><state img="0-nervous.png">Dude. Wash those, pronto.</state></case>
-			<case tag="male_large_crotch_is_visible" target="shaggy"><state img="0-shocked.png">Zoinks!</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="velma"><state img="0-horny.png">Jinkies!</state></case>
-			<case tag="male_removing_accessory" target="fred" targetStage="2"><state img="0-happy.png">The 60's called. They want their ascot back.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" target="mileena"><state img="0-interested2.png">Whoa, Mileena! And here you were being so modest!</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="spooky" targetStage="0"><state img="0-nervous.png">Are we losing the knife? Good...</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="spooky"><state img="0-interested.png">Well <i>there's</i> something you don't see every day!</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="spooky"><state img="0-excited2.png">Venkman, get a sample!</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="lyn" targetStage="0"><state img="0-interested.png">I'm suddenly in the mood for pasta.</state></case>
-			<case tag="male_large_crotch_is_visible" target="ryu"><state img="0-shocked.png">Holy <i>shit</i>...</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_minor" target="jasmine" targetStage="1"><state img="0-interested.png">Have we met before? You look so familiar.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major" target="jasmine" targetStage="2"><state img="0-shocked.png">I... I remember you! You were in... from before...</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="wiifitfemale"><state img="0-horny.png">Greek training. It's the latest fitness craze.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="wiifitfemale"><state img="0-horny.png">Hmm, I don't think I've seen <i>this</i> routine before.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="wiifitfemale"><state img="0-horny.png">How many calories did that burn?</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="streaming-chan"><state img="0-loss3.png">Oh my god! ...You can <i>move!</i></state></case>
-			<case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="shantae"><state img="0-happy.png">No fair magic-ing your way out of this one.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_large_chest_is_visible" target="leela"><state img="0-pokerface2.png">Don't be rude, people. Her eye is up there.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" target="zone-tan"><state img="0-cards2.png">Toss that cute sweater this way, Zone.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_must_masturbate" target="zone-tan"><state img="0-horny.png">It's time <i>we</i> watched <i>you</i>.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="elena" targetStage="0"><state img="0-interested.png">Oh <i>that's</i> what that was? I thought it was a mace... I've been hanging around too many adventurers.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major" target="elena" targetStage="5"><state img="0-horny.png">Looks like a strawberry parfait. Tasty.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="elena" targetStage="5"><state img="0-pokerface1.png">Oh, you tease.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="elena" targetStage="6"><state img="0-horny.png">No worries. That just makes the final prize all the more sweeter.</state></case>
-			<case tag="male_must_strip" target="link" targetStage="2"><state img="0-horny.png">You have such a way with words.</state></case>
-			<case tag="male_must_strip" target="link" targetStage="4"><state img="0-happy.png">Aha! I <i>knew</i> it!</state></case>
-			<case tag="male_chest_will_be_visible" target="link" targetStage="4"><state img="0-loss1.png">Don't worry, your little secret's safe with me.</state></case>
-			<case tag="male_chest_is_visible" target="link"><state img="0-horny.png">"Hyaaah" to you too! I see all that adventuring's paying off.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="samus"><state img="0-horny2.png">Quite.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_minor" target="kim" targetStage="1"><state img="0-horny.png">Ooh, daredevil!</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_minor" target="kim" targetStage="2"><state img="0-happy.png">If you say so.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_major" target="kim" targetStage="3"><state img="0-interested.png">Club what? I don't think that'd go over so well back home.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major" target="kim" targetStage="4"><state img="0-horny.png">I wouldn't have guessed pink.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="kim"><state img="0-horny.png">Too late!</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_minor" target="hermione" targetStage="1"><state img="0-pokerface1.png">Showoff...</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major" target="hermione" targetStage="5"><state img="0-happy.png">Presto! Where did it go?</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="hermione"><state img="0-interested.png">Showoff...</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="hermione"><state img="0-horny.png">Lucky...</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="d.va" targetStage="0"><state img="0-happy.png">We'll see about that.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major" target="d.va" targetStage="4"><state img="0-horny.png">How very Hotline Miami.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="d.va"><state img="0-horny2.png">I think you've earned enough points for a bonus round.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_major" target="mercy" targetStage="2"><state img="0-interested.png">Really? Cause I know a guy. He just <i>grows</i> 'em back. Crazy German scientist...</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="mercy"><state img="0-horny2.png">I appreciate it, alright.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_must_strip" target="mercy" targetStage="4"><state img="0-horny.png">Don't worry, I'll be nice and thorough.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" target="mercy"><state img="0-loss1.png">I can get behind that ideology.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="mercy"><state img="0-pokerface1.png">Oh, about a 12.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_must_strip" target="mercy" targetStage="5"><state img="0-horny.png">But we're not in a doctor's office, are we?</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="misty" targetStage="3"><state img="0-pokerface3.png">I mean sure, but... where's your sense of spirit?</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="misty"><state img="0-pokerface3.png">Yeesh, calm down! Why are you even here?</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="misty"><state img="0-happy.png">Maybe this'll help you loosen up.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="peach"><state img="0-horny2.png">Mama mia!</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="peach"><state img="0-horny2.png">Well! I see <i>you're</i> rarin' to go.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major" target="korra" targetStage="5"><state img="0-interested2.png">Damn, girl! You've been pumping some iron!</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="korra"><state img="0-interested.png">When you cum in that state, do the rest cum too? Do you feel the orgasm of a thousand avatars?</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_must_strip" target="blackrose" targetStage="1"><state img="0-pokerface2.png">Yeesh, lighten up...</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="blackrose"><state img="0-horny2.png">You're so adorable when you're mad... and nude...</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major" target="raven" targetStage="3"><state img="0-happy2.png">Hey look, she has a face!</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="raven"><state img="0-horny.png">Believe me, no problems here.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_minor" target="pauling" targetStage="3"><state img="0-horny.png">You're no stranger to this game, I see.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="pauling"><state img="0-horny.png">Eh, not bad. Not bad.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="mia"><state img="0-happy.png">Ah, you're just robbing Peter to pay Paul.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_large_chest_is_visible" target="mia"><state img="0-horny.png">No objections here.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major" target="daisy" targetStage="5"><state img="0-horny.png">Now <i>that's</i> more like it.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="ruby"><state img="0-horny.png">Looks like it.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_major" target="ruby" targetStage="3"><state img="0-interested.png">How do you even fight in that thing?</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="chara" targetStage="0"><state img="0-shocked.png">(I think I saw it beat...)</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="chara" targetStage="1"><state img="0-interested.png">(Something ain't right with this one...)</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_must_strip" target="chara" targetStage="5"><state img="0-horny.png">You look like you're having a bad time.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="zoey" targetStage="4"><state img="0-pokerface1.png">Tease...</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="revy" targetStage="3"><state img="0-nervous.png">(Thank goodness! Thought I was gonna get a bullet in my head...)</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="revy"><state img="0-interested.png">You <i>really</i> need a chill pill.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="revy"><state img="0-loss2.png">At least it improved your mood. If only a little.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major" target="lara" targetStage="6"><state img="0-horny.png">How very vintage.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="tracer" targetStage="4"><state img="0-pokerface2.png">I knew you were gonna do that...</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_small_chest_is_visible" target="dawn"><state img="0-happy2.png">Perfect censorship!</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="dawn"><state img="0-interested.png">Either that's dyed, or Japan sure is weird.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major" target="alice" targetStage="3"><state img="0-happy2.png">I like it! Very Addams Family meets Beetlejuice.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="alice"><state img="0-horny.png">So... who has the left?</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="lilith"><state img="0-horny.png">Nice hedgework. It suits you.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="piper" targetStage="0"><state img="0-happy.png">You're determined not to lose! Just how much <i>do</i> you have on?</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="piper"><state img="0-happy2.png">Wow! Talk about going from zero to sixty!</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="april" targetStage="5"><state img="0-pokerface3.png">Weasel...</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major" target="penny" targetStage="3"><state img="0-interested.png">Looks like LSP's cousin...</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major" target="penny" targetStage="4"><state img="0-interested.png">Aaand LSP's <i>other</i> cousin...</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_minor" target="kyoko" targetStage="6"><state img="0-interested.png">Woah, creepy. I dig it.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="kyoko"><state img="0-pokerface2.png">Breathe, dude. Breathe.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major" target="shazza" targetStage="4"><state img="0-loss1.png">I like your style.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="shazza"><state img="0-horny.png">Let's take a peek down under.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="shazza"><state img="0-interested2.png">Crikey! Look a'that!</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="daria" targetStage="3"><state img="0-interested.png">(What a weirdo...)</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="daria" targetStage="5"><state img="0-interested.png">(Figured she'd pull that one...)</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="daria"><state img="0-horny.png">It's not <i>that</i> bad, is it?</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major" target="jane" targetStage="4"><state img="0-horny.png">Looks tasty.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="jane"><state img="0-horny.png">Just think of it as performance art.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="zelda" targetStage="1"><state img="0-happy.png">This is a casual affair. Lose the fancy jewelry.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major" target="zelda" targetStage="5"><state img="0-horny.png">Wow! Talk about double or nothing!</state></case>
-			<case tag="male_removed_minor" target="xander" targetStage="2"><state img="0-fonz.png">Eyyyy...</state></case>
         <stage id="1">
@@ -351,10 +553,25 @@
                 <state img="1-happy.png">Aw ~name~, are you blushing?</state>
                 <state img="1-happy2.png">Your turn, ~name~.</state>
+            <case tag="female_must_strip" target="blackrose" targetStage="1">
+                <state img="1-horny.png">Yeesh, lighten up...</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_must_strip" target="chara" targetStage="5">
+                <state img="1-interested.png">You look like you're having a bad time.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_must_strip" target="mercy" targetStage="4">
+                <state img="1-happy2.png">Don't worry, I'll be nice and thorough.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_must_strip" target="mercy" targetStage="5">
+                <state img="1-pokerface1.png">But we're not in a doctor's office, are we?</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="male_chest_will_be_visible">
                 <state img="1-calm.png">That was fast. Not that I'm complaining.</state>
                 <state img="1-excited2.png">Woo, ~name~! Let's see those abs!</state>
+            <case tag="male_chest_will_be_visible" target="link" targetStage="4">
+                <state img="1-interested.png">Don't worry, your little secret's safe with me.</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="female_removing_minor">
                 <state img="1-calm.png">Be confident!</state>
                 <state img="1-pokerface1.png">The real fun will begin soon enough.</state>
@@ -367,14 +584,71 @@
                 <state img="1-horny.png">Ooh la la~</state>
                 <state img="1-happy.png">Don't get <i>too</i> comfortable... yet.</state>
+            <case tag="female_removed_major" target="alice" targetStage="3">
+                <state img="1-happy2.png">I like it. Very Addams Family meets Beetlejuice.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_major" target="d.va" targetStage="4">
+                <state img="1-loss2.png">How very Hotline Miami.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_major" target="daisy" targetStage="5">
+                <state img="1-happy3.png">Yeeaahh! Now <i>that's</i> more like it!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_major" target="elena" targetStage="5">
+                <state img="1-embarrassed.png">Looks like a strawberry parfait. Tasty.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_major" target="hermione" targetStage="5">
+                <state img="1-excited2.png">Presto! Where did it go?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_major" target="jane" targetStage="4">
+                <state img="1-interested.png">Looks tasty.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_major" target="jasmine" targetStage="2">
+                <state img="1-shocked.png">I... I remember you! You were in... from before...</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_major" target="kim" targetStage="4">
+                <state img="1-interested2.png">I wouldn't have guessed pink.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_major" target="korra" targetStage="5">
+                <state img="1-excited2.png">Damn, girl! You've been pumping some iron!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_major" target="lara" targetStage="6">
+                <state img="1-happy2.png">How very vintage.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_major" target="penny" targetStage="3">
+                <state img="1-interested2.png">Looks like LSP's cousin...</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_major" target="penny" targetStage="4">
+                <state img="1-interested2.png">Aaand LSP's <i>other</i> cousin...</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_major" target="raven" targetStage="3">
+                <state img="1-happy4.png">Hey look, she has a face!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_major" target="shazza" targetStage="4">
+                <state img="1-happy4.png">I like your style!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_major" target="tracer" targetStage="3">
+                <state img="1-shocked.png">...Alright, then.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_major" target="zelda" targetStage="5">
+                <state img="1-interested2.png">Wow! Talk about double or nothing!</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="male_large_crotch_is_visible">
                 <state img="1-shocked.png">Wow... I, uh, wow...</state>
                 <state img="1-worried.png">That's almost intimidating.</state>
+            <case tag="male_large_crotch_is_visible" target="ryu">
+                <state img="1-nervous.png">Ho lee shit...</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_large_crotch_is_visible" target="shaggy">
+                <state img="1-nervous.png">Zoinks!</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible">
                 <state img="1-pokerface1.png">A rare opportunity!</state>
                 <state img="1-interested2.png">Oh? Are we at this point already?</state>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="shazza">
+                <state img="1-interested.png">Let's take a peek down under.</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="male_removed_minor">
                 <state img="1-happy.png">We haven't even gotten to the good stuff yet.</state>
                 <state img="1-happy.png">I'm having fun already.</state>
@@ -387,6 +661,9 @@
                 <state img="1-pokerface1.png">Already? Geez ~name~, you're not very good at this game.</state>
                 <state img="1-pokerface1.png">Well, that was fast.</state>
+            <case tag="male_must_masturbate" target="shaggy">
+                <state img="1-happy2.png">Will you do it for a scooby snack?</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="female_masturbating">
                 <state img="1-interested.png">Having fun over there?</state>
                 <state img="1-interested.png">Getting into it, are you?</state>
@@ -399,10 +676,73 @@
                 <state img="1-horny.png">Nothing like the ol' lower lips to get 'em going.</state>
                 <state img="1-horny.png">It's adorable!</state>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="blackrose">
+                <state img="1-nervous.png">You're so adorable when you're mad... and nude...</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="buffy">
+                <state img="1-nervous.png">Gee, Bill! <i>Two</i> wieners?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="dawn">
+                <state img="1-interested2.png">Either that's dyed, or Japan sure is weird.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="kim">
+                <state img="1-loss1.png">Too late!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="kyoko">
+                <state img="1-interested2.png">Breathe, dude. Breathe.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="lilith">
+                <state img="1-horny.png">Nice hedgework. It suits you.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="mercy">
+                <state img="1-happy.png">I appreciate it, alright.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="mia">
+                <state img="1-happy2.png">Ah, you're just robbing Peter to pay Paul.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="misty">
+                <state img="1-nervous.png">Yeesh, calm down! Why are you even here?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="peach">
+                <state img="1-horny.png">Well! I see <i>you're</i> rarin' to go.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="raven">
+                <state img="1-horny.png">Believe me, no problems here.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="revy">
+                <state img="1-loss3.png">You <i>really</i> need a chill pill.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="samus">
+                <state img="1-horny.png">Quite.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="spooky">
+                <state img="1-cards2.png">Well <i>there's</i> something you don't see every day!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="streaming-chan">
+                <state img="1-nervous.png">Oh my god! ...You can <i>move!</i></state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="female_start_masturbating">
                 <state img="1-interested.png">Don't mind us, we'll just keep playing.</state>
                 <state img="1-happy.png">Just don't ruin my concentration, ~name~.</state>
+            <case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="hermione">
+                <state img="1-interested.png">Showoff...</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="jane">
+                <state img="1-interested.png">Just think of it as performance art.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="misty">
+                <state img="1-loss1.png">Maybe this'll help you loosen up.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="ruby">
+                <state img="1-happy2.png">Looks like it.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="shantae">
+                <state img="1-happy.png">No fair magic-ing your way out of this one.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="wiifitfemale">
+                <state img="1-horny.png">Hmm, I don't think I've seen <i>this</i> routine before.</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="male_removing_major">
                 <state img="1-pokerface1.png">Tonight's been a good night.</state>
                 <state img="1-happy2.png">Well! I know <i>I'm</i> having fun.</state>
@@ -411,6 +751,12 @@
                 <state img="1-happy.png">Won't go down without a fight, huh?</state>
                 <state img="1-calm.png">Just relax.</state>
+            <case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="daria" targetStage="3">
+                <state img="1-loss3.png">(What a weirdo...)</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="elena" targetStage="6">
+                <state img="1-interested.png">No worries. That just makes the final prize all the more sweeter.</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="male_removed_major">
                 <state img="1-interested.png">Not bad, not bad...</state>
                 <state img="1-horny.png">Ooh la la~</state>
@@ -423,18 +769,36 @@
                 <state img="1-happy3.png">Bruh, you definitely lift.</state>
                 <state img="1-horny.png">Don't mind if I oggle a bit.</state>
+            <case tag="male_chest_is_visible" target="link">
+                <state img="1-happy4.png">"Hyaaah" to you too! I see all that adventuring's paying off.</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="female_large_chest_is_visible">
                 <state img="1-pokerface1.png">I'm suddenly in the mood for some milk.</state>
                 <state img="1-interested2.png">Doesn't your spine hurt?</state>
+            <case tag="female_large_chest_is_visible" target="leela">
+                <state img="1-interested.png">Don't be rude, people. Her eye is up there.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_large_chest_is_visible" target="mia">
+                <state img="1-happy2.png">No objections here.</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="male_must_strip">
                 <state img="1-happy2.png">Remember, we're all in this together, ~name~.</state>
                 <state img="1-happy.png">Hehehe...</state>
+            <case tag="male_must_strip" target="link" targetStage="2">
+                <state img="1-happy2.png">You have such a way with words.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_must_strip" target="link" targetStage="4">
+                <state img="1-happy3.png">Aha! I <i>knew</i> it!</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="female_must_masturbate">
                 <state img="1-pokerface1.png">Already? Geez ~name~, you're not very good at this game.</state>
                 <state img="1-pokerface1.png">Well <i>that</i> was quick.</state>
+            <case tag="female_must_masturbate" target="zone-tan">
+                <state img="1-interested.png">It's time <i>we</i> watched <i>you</i>.</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="male_human_must_strip">
                 <state img="1-happy2.png">Don't worry, we're all doing it too.</state>
                 <state img="1-happy2.png">~name~'s up? Cool, make it a good one.</state>
@@ -447,6 +811,9 @@
                 <state img="1-pokerface2.png">Come on, that's nothing.</state>
                 <state img="1-pokerface2.png">That's hardly anything at all though.</state>
+            <case tag="male_removing_accessory" target="fred" targetStage="2">
+                <state img="1-happy2.png">The 60's called. They want their ascot back.</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="male_finished_masturbating">
                 <state img="1-horny2.png">*Pltchlrrrkk...*</state>
                 <state img="1-interested.png">So, who's got a mop?</state>
@@ -455,14 +822,86 @@
                 <state img="1-horny.png">They're cute!</state>
                 <state img="1-interested2.png">(Why even bother	wearing a bra?)</state>
+            <case tag="female_small_chest_is_visible" target="dawn">
+                <state img="1-happy3.png">Perfect censorship!</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible">
                 <state img="1-interested2.png">Can I poke them?</state>
                 <state img="1-interested2.png">Modest, but dignified.</state>
+            <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="alice">
+                <state img="1-happy2.png">So... who has the left?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="daria">
+                <state img="1-calm.png">It's not <i>that</i> bad, is it?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="mercy">
+                <state img="1-horny.png">Oh, about a 12.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="pauling">
+                <state img="1-interested.png">Eh, not bad. Not bad.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="peach">
+                <state img="1-horny.png">Mama mia!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="piper">
+                <state img="1-happy4.png">Wow! Talk about going from zero to sixty!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="velma">
+                <state img="1-horny.png">Jinkies!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="wiifitfemale">
+                <state img="1-interested.png">Greek training. It's the latest fitness craze.</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="female_removing_accessory">
                 <state img="1-pokerface2.png">That almost seems like cheating.</state>
                 <state img="1-happy2.png">How risque~</state>
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="april" targetStage="5">
+                <state img="1-pokerface2.png">Weasel...</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="chara" targetStage="0">
+                <state img="1-nervous.png">(I think I saw it beat...)</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="chara" targetStage="1">
+                <state img="1-nervous.png">(Something ain't right with this one...)</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="d.va" targetStage="0">
+                <state img="1-happy.png">We'll see about that.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="daria" targetStage="5">
+                <state img="1-loss1.png">(Figured she'd pull that one...)</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="elena" targetStage="0">
+                <state img="1-interested2.png">Oh <i>that's</i> what that was? I thought it was a mace... I've been hanging around too many adventurers.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="elena" targetStage="5">
+                <state img="1-happy.png">Oh, you tease.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="lyn" targetStage="0">
+                <state img="1-interested2.png">I'm suddenly in the mood for pasta.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="misty" targetStage="3">
+                <state img="1-loss3.png">I mean sure, but... where's your sense of spirit?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="piper" targetStage="0">
+                <state img="1-happy.png">You're determined not to lose! Just how much <i>do</i> you have on?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="revy" targetStage="3">
+                <state img="1-nervous.png">(Thank goodness! Thought I was gonna get a bullet in my head...)</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="spooky" targetStage="0">
+                <state img="1-nervous.png">Are we losing the knife? Good...</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="tracer" targetStage="4">
+                <state img="1-pokerface2.png">I knew you were gonna do that...</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="zelda" targetStage="1">
+                <state img="1-happy2.png">This is a casual affair. Lose the fancy jewelry.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="zoey" targetStage="4">
+                <state img="1-interested.png">Tease...</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="game_over_victory">
                 <state img="1-pokerface1.png">I won already? That wasn't very exciting.</state>
                 <state img="1-excited.png"><i>Yes!</i> I win!</state>
@@ -471,18 +910,66 @@
                 <state img="1-happy2.png">This is fun. Are you having fun?</state>
                 <state img="1-happy2.png">Own it!</state>
+            <case tag="female_removing_major" target="kim" targetStage="3">
+                <state img="1-interested.png">Club what? I don't think that'd go over so well back home.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_major" target="mercy" targetStage="2">
+                <state img="1-interested2.png">Really? Cause I know a guy. He just <i>grows</i> 'em back. Crazy German scientist...</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_major" target="ruby" targetStage="3">
+                <state img="1-interested2.png">How do you even fight in that thing?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_major" target="tracer" targetStage="2">
+                <state img="1-nervous.png">You okay, Tracer? You're looking kind of... funny.</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="male_removing_minor">
                 <state img="1-calm.png">Come on, be confident!</state>
                 <state img="1-interested.png">Aw are you blushing?</state>
+            <case tag="male_removing_minor" target="shaggy" targetStage="1">
+                <state img="1-pokerface2.png">Dude. Wash those, pronto.</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="female_finished_masturbating">
                 <state img="1-pokerface1.png">So, who's got a mop?</state>
                 <state img="1-horny.png">Wow, look at you tremble!</state>
+            <case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="chell">
+                <state img="1-loss1.png">Speechless to the end, I see.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="d.va">
+                <state img="1-horny.png">I think you've earned enough points for a bonus round.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="hermione">
+                <state img="1-horny.png">Lucky...</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="korra">
+                <state img="1-interested2.png">When you cum in that state, do the rest cum too? Do you feel the orgasm of a thousand avatars?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="revy">
+                <state img="1-cards2.png">At least it improved your mood. If only a little.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="shazza">
+                <state img="1-pokerface1.png">Crikey! Look a'that!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="spooky">
+                <state img="1-excited2.png">Venkman, get a sample!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="wiifitfemale">
+                <state img="1-interested.png">How many calories did that burn?</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible">
                 <state img="1-happy3.png">Oi! Ye gonna show yer knockers?</state>
                 <state img="1-happy4.png">Let it all hang out!</state>
+            <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" target="mercy">
+                <state img="1-happy4.png">I can get behind that ideology.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" target="mileena">
+                <state img="1-interested2.png">Whoa, Mileena! And here you were being so modest!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" target="zone-tan">
+                <state img="1-interested2.png">Toss that cute sweater this way, Zone.</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="male_masturbating">
                 <state img="1-happy.png">Getting stagefright over there?</state>
                 <state img="1-happy.png">Surprised you can keep it up with all this pressure, ~name~.</state>
@@ -491,6 +978,24 @@
                 <state img="1-pokerface1.png">Rolling right along.</state>
                 <state img="1-interested.png">We haven't even gotten to the good stuff yet.</state>
+            <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="hermione" targetStage="1">
+                <state img="1-happy2.png">Showoff...</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="jasmine" targetStage="1">
+                <state img="1-interested2.png">Have we met before? You look so familiar.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="kim" targetStage="1">
+                <state img="1-excited2.png">Ooh, daredevil!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="kim" targetStage="2">
+                <state img="1-cards2.png">If you say so.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="kyoko" targetStage="6">
+                <state img="1-pokerface1.png">Woah, creepy. I dig it.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="pauling" targetStage="3">
+                <state img="1-interested.png">You're no stranger to this game, I see.</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="male_crotch_will_be_visible">
                 <state img="1-happy.png">You're all too eager, aren't you?</state>
                 <state img="1-pokerface1.png">(I didn't realize this would be this easy!)</state>
@@ -535,107 +1040,6 @@
                 <state img="1-loss1.png">I suppose you had some catching up to do.</state>
                 <state img="1-loss2.png">Eh, no worries. Still a long ways to go.</state>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="buffy"><state img="1-nervous.png">Gee, Bill! <i>Two</i> wieners?</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_major" target="tracer" targetStage="2"><state img="1-nervous.png">You okay, Tracer? You're looking kind of... funny.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major" target="tracer" targetStage="3"><state img="1-shocked.png">...Alright, then.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="chell"><state img="1-loss1.png">Speechless to the end, I see.</state></case>
-			<case tag="male_must_masturbate" target="shaggy"><state img="1-happy2.png">Will you do it for a scooby snack?</state></case>
-			<case tag="male_removing_minor" target="shaggy" targetStage="1"><state img="1-pokerface2.png">Dude. Wash those, pronto.</state></case>
-			<case tag="male_large_crotch_is_visible" target="shaggy"><state img="1-nervous.png">Zoinks!</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="velma"><state img="1-horny.png">Jinkies!</state></case>
-			<case tag="male_removing_accessory" target="fred" targetStage="2"><state img="1-happy2.png">The 60's called. They want their ascot back.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" target="mileena"><state img="1-interested2.png">Whoa, Mileena! And here you were being so modest!</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="spooky" targetStage="0"><state img="1-nervous.png">Are we losing the knife? Good...</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="spooky"><state img="1-cards2.png">Well <i>there's</i> something you don't see every day!</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="spooky"><state img="1-excited2.png">Venkman, get a sample!</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="lyn" targetStage="0"><state img="1-interested2.png">I'm suddenly in the mood for pasta.</state></case>
-			<case tag="male_large_crotch_is_visible" target="ryu"><state img="1-nervous.png">Ho lee shit...</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_minor" target="jasmine" targetStage="1"><state img="1-interested2.png">Have we met before? You look so familiar.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major" target="jasmine" targetStage="2"><state img="1-shocked.png">I... I remember you! You were in... from before...</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="wiifitfemale"><state img="1-interested.png">Greek training. It's the latest fitness craze.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="wiifitfemale"><state img="1-horny.png">Hmm, I don't think I've seen <i>this</i> routine before.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="wiifitfemale"><state img="1-interested.png">How many calories did that burn?</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="streaming-chan"><state img="1-nervous.png">Oh my god! ...You can <i>move!</i></state></case>
-			<case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="shantae"><state img="1-happy.png">No fair magic-ing your way out of this one.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_large_chest_is_visible" target="leela"><state img="1-interested.png">Don't be rude, people. Her eye is up there.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" target="zone-tan"><state img="1-interested2.png">Toss that cute sweater this way, Zone.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_must_masturbate" target="zone-tan"><state img="1-interested.png">It's time <i>we</i> watched <i>you</i>.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="elena" targetStage="0"><state img="1-interested2.png">Oh <i>that's</i> what that was? I thought it was a mace... I've been hanging around too many adventurers.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major" target="elena" targetStage="5"><state img="1-embarrassed.png">Looks like a strawberry parfait. Tasty.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="elena" targetStage="5"><state img="1-happy.png">Oh, you tease.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="elena" targetStage="6"><state img="1-interested.png">No worries. That just makes the final prize all the more sweeter.</state></case>
-			<case tag="male_must_strip" target="link" targetStage="2"><state img="1-happy2.png">You have such a way with words.</state></case>
-			<case tag="male_must_strip" target="link" targetStage="4"><state img="1-happy3.png">Aha! I <i>knew</i> it!</state></case>
-			<case tag="male_chest_will_be_visible" target="link" targetStage="4"><state img="1-interested.png">Don't worry, your little secret's safe with me.</state></case>
-			<case tag="male_chest_is_visible" target="link"><state img="1-happy4.png">"Hyaaah" to you too! I see all that adventuring's paying off.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="samus"><state img="1-horny.png">Quite.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_minor" target="kim" targetStage="1"><state img="1-excited2.png">Ooh, daredevil!</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_minor" target="kim" targetStage="2"><state img="1-cards2.png">If you say so.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_major" target="kim" targetStage="3"><state img="1-interested.png">Club what? I don't think that'd go over so well back home.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major" target="kim" targetStage="4"><state img="1-interested2.png">I wouldn't have guessed pink.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="kim"><state img="1-loss1.png">Too late!</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_minor" target="hermione" targetStage="1"><state img="1-happy2.png">Showoff...</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major" target="hermione" targetStage="5"><state img="1-excited2.png">Presto! Where did it go?</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="hermione"><state img="1-interested.png">Showoff...</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="hermione"><state img="1-horny.png">Lucky...</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="d.va" targetStage="0"><state img="1-happy.png">We'll see about that.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major" target="d.va" targetStage="4"><state img="1-loss2.png">How very Hotline Miami.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="d.va"><state img="1-horny.png">I think you've earned enough points for a bonus round.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_major" target="mercy" targetStage="2"><state img="1-interested2.png">Really? Cause I know a guy. He just <i>grows</i> 'em back. Crazy German scientist...</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="mercy"><state img="1-happy.png">I appreciate it, alright.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_must_strip" target="mercy" targetStage="4"><state img="1-happy2.png">Don't worry, I'll be nice and thorough.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" target="mercy"><state img="1-happy4.png">I can get behind that ideology.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="mercy"><state img="1-horny.png">Oh, about a 12.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_must_strip" target="mercy" targetStage="5"><state img="1-pokerface1.png">But we're not in a doctor's office, are we?</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="misty" targetStage="3"><state img="1-loss3.png">I mean sure, but... where's your sense of spirit?</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="misty"><state img="1-nervous.png">Yeesh, calm down! Why are you even here?</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="misty"><state img="1-loss1.png">Maybe this'll help you loosen up.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="peach"><state img="1-horny.png">Mama mia!</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="peach"><state img="1-horny.png">Well! I see <i>you're</i> rarin' to go.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major" target="korra" targetStage="5"><state img="1-excited2.png">Damn, girl! You've been pumping some iron!</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="korra"><state img="1-interested2.png">When you cum in that state, do the rest cum too? Do you feel the orgasm of a thousand avatars?</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_must_strip" target="blackrose" targetStage="1"><state img="1-horny.png">Yeesh, lighten up...</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="blackrose"><state img="1-nervous.png">You're so adorable when you're mad... and nude...</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major" target="raven" targetStage="3"><state img="1-happy4.png">Hey look, she has a face!</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="raven"><state img="1-horny.png">Believe me, no problems here.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_minor" target="pauling" targetStage="3"><state img="1-interested.png">You're no stranger to this game, I see.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="pauling"><state img="1-interested.png">Eh, not bad. Not bad.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="mia"><state img="1-happy2.png">Ah, you're just robbing Peter to pay Paul.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_large_chest_is_visible" target="mia"><state img="1-happy2.png">No objections here.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major" target="daisy" targetStage="5"><state img="1-happy3.png">Yeeaahh! Now <i>that's</i> more like it!</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="ruby"><state img="1-happy2.png">Looks like it.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_major" target="ruby" targetStage="3"><state img="1-interested2.png">How do you even fight in that thing?</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="chara" targetStage="0"><state img="1-nervous.png">(I think I saw it beat...)</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="chara" targetStage="1"><state img="1-nervous.png">(Something ain't right with this one...)</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_must_strip" target="chara" targetStage="5"><state img="1-interested.png">You look like you're having a bad time.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="zoey" targetStage="4"><state img="1-interested.png">Tease...</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="revy" targetStage="3"><state img="1-nervous.png">(Thank goodness! Thought I was gonna get a bullet in my head...)</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="revy"><state img="1-loss3.png">You <i>really</i> need a chill pill.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="revy"><state img="1-cards2.png">At least it improved your mood. If only a little.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major" target="lara" targetStage="6"><state img="1-happy2.png">How very vintage.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="tracer" targetStage="4"><state img="1-pokerface2.png">I knew you were gonna do that...</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_small_chest_is_visible" target="dawn"><state img="1-happy3.png">Perfect censorship!</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="dawn"><state img="1-interested2.png">Either that's dyed, or Japan sure is weird.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major" target="alice" targetStage="3"><state img="1-happy2.png">I like it. Very Addams Family meets Beetlejuice.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="alice"><state img="1-happy2.png">So... who has the left?</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="lilith"><state img="1-horny.png">Nice hedgework. It suits you.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="piper" targetStage="0"><state img="1-happy.png">You're determined not to lose! Just how much <i>do</i> you have on?</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="piper"><state img="1-happy4.png">Wow! Talk about going from zero to sixty!</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="april" targetStage="5"><state img="1-pokerface2.png">Weasel...</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major" target="penny" targetStage="3"><state img="1-interested2.png">Looks like LSP's cousin...</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major" target="penny" targetStage="4"><state img="1-interested2.png">Aaand LSP's <i>other</i> cousin...</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_minor" target="kyoko" targetStage="6"><state img="1-pokerface1.png">Woah, creepy. I dig it.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="kyoko"><state img="1-interested2.png">Breathe, dude. Breathe.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major" target="shazza" targetStage="4"><state img="1-happy4.png">I like your style!</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="shazza"><state img="1-interested.png">Let's take a peek down under.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="shazza"><state img="1-pokerface1.png">Crikey! Look a'that!</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="daria" targetStage="3"><state img="1-loss3.png">(What a weirdo...)</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="daria" targetStage="5"><state img="1-loss1.png">(Figured she'd pull that one...)</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="daria"><state img="1-calm.png">It's not <i>that</i> bad, is it?</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major" target="jane" targetStage="4"><state img="1-interested.png">Looks tasty.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="jane"><state img="1-interested.png">Just think of it as performance art.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="zelda" targetStage="1"><state img="1-happy2.png">This is a casual affair. Lose the fancy jewelry.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major" target="zelda" targetStage="5"><state img="1-interested2.png">Wow! Talk about double or nothing!</state></case>
         <stage id="2">
@@ -643,10 +1047,25 @@
                 <state img="2-happy2.png">Let's take a closer look at you.</state>
                 <state img="2-happy2.png">Let's see what you're hiding.</state>
+            <case tag="female_must_strip" target="blackrose" targetStage="1">
+                <state img="2-interested.png">Yeesh, lighten up...</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_must_strip" target="chara" targetStage="5">
+                <state img="2-happy2.png">You look like you're having a bad time.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_must_strip" target="mercy" targetStage="4">
+                <state img="2-happy2.png">Don't worry, I'll be nice and thorough.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_must_strip" target="mercy" targetStage="5">
+                <state img="2-happy2.png">But we're not in a doctor's office, are we?</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="male_chest_will_be_visible">
                 <state img="2-happy.png">Didn't take you very long, did it?</state>
                 <state img="2-happy2.png">I'm taking a mental picture.</state>
+            <case tag="male_chest_will_be_visible" target="link" targetStage="4">
+                <state img="2-happy3.png">Don't worry, your little secret's safe with me.</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="female_removing_minor">
                 <state img="2-happy.png">Now we're getting somewhere!</state>
                 <state img="2-happy2.png">Getting comfortable, are you?</state>
@@ -659,14 +1078,71 @@
                 <state img="2-happy3.png">Nice skin.</state>
                 <state img="2-happy2.png">Who's got a camera?</state>
+            <case tag="female_removed_major" target="alice" targetStage="3">
+                <state img="2-happy.png">I like it! Very Addams Family meets Beetlejuice.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_major" target="d.va" targetStage="4">
+                <state img="2-happy.png">How very Hotline Miami.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_major" target="daisy" targetStage="5">
+                <state img="2-happy2.png">Now <i>that's</i> more like it.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_major" target="elena" targetStage="5">
+                <state img="2-horny2.png">Looks like a strawberry parfait. Tasty.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_major" target="hermione" targetStage="5">
+                <state img="2-happy.png">Presto! Where did it go?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_major" target="jane" targetStage="4">
+                <state img="2-happy2.png">Looks tasty.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_major" target="jasmine" targetStage="2">
+                <state img="2-interested.png">I... I remember you! You were in... from before...</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_major" target="kim" targetStage="4">
+                <state img="2-happy3.png">I wouldn't have guessed pink.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_major" target="korra" targetStage="5">
+                <state img="2-happy.png">Damn, girl! You've been pumping some iron!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_major" target="lara" targetStage="6">
+                <state img="2-horny2.png">How very vintage.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_major" target="penny" targetStage="3">
+                <state img="2-happy.png">Looks like LSP's cousin...</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_major" target="penny" targetStage="4">
+                <state img="2-interested.png">Aaand LSP's <i>other</i> cousin...</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_major" target="raven" targetStage="3">
+                <state img="2-happy.png">Hey look, she has a face!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_major" target="shazza" targetStage="4">
+                <state img="2-happy3.png">I like your style!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_major" target="tracer" targetStage="3">
+                <state img="2-shocked.png">...Alright, then.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_major" target="zelda" targetStage="5">
+                <state img="2-horny2.png">Wow! Talk about double or nothing!</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="male_large_crotch_is_visible">
                 <state img="2-shocked.png">Do you have a leash for that thing?</state>
                 <state img="2-worried.png">Good Glob, what does it eat?</state>
+            <case tag="male_large_crotch_is_visible" target="ryu">
+                <state img="2-nervous.png">You could beat a badger to death with that thing...</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_large_crotch_is_visible" target="shaggy">
+                <state img="2-embarrassed.png">Zoinks!</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible">
                 <state img="2-happy.png">I'm on the edge of my seat!</state>
                 <state img="2-happy.png">And now, the big moment!</state>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="shazza">
+                <state img="2-pokerface1.png">Let's take a peek down under.</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="male_removed_minor">
                 <state img="2-happy2.png">Don't get too carried away now.</state>
                 <state img="2-happy.png">Alright, save some for later.</state>
@@ -679,6 +1155,9 @@
                 <state img="2-calm.png">Lost already?</state>
                 <state img="2-happy.png">Now for a show!</state>
+            <case tag="male_must_masturbate" target="shaggy">
+                <state img="2-happy.png">Will you do it for a scooby snack?</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="female_masturbating">
                 <state img="2-horny.png">Wow girl, you're really workin' it!</state>
                 <state img="2-horny.png">You're, uh, really having fun with this, aren't you?</state>
@@ -691,10 +1170,73 @@
                 <state img="2-horny2.png">I take it you're not <i>too</i> nervous?</state>
                 <state img="2-pokerface1.png">Looks to me like you're enjoying yourself.</state>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="blackrose">
+                <state img="2-horny2.png">You're so adorable when you're mad... and nude...</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="buffy">
+                <state img="2-worried.png">Gee, Bill! <i>Two</i> wieners?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="dawn">
+                <state img="2-interested.png">Either that's dyed, or Japan sure is weird.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="kim">
+                <state img="2-happy3.png">Too late!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="kyoko">
+                <state img="2-happy3.png">Breathe, dude. Breathe.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="lilith">
+                <state img="2-horny2.png">Nice hedgework. It suits you.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="mercy">
+                <state img="2-horny2.png">I appreciate it, alright.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="mia">
+                <state img="2-happy2.png">Ah, you're just robbing Peter to pay Paul.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="misty">
+                <state img="2-calm.png">Yeesh, calm down! Why are you even here?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="peach">
+                <state img="2-horny2.png">Well! I see <i>you're</i> rarin' to go.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="raven">
+                <state img="2-horny2.png">Believe me, no problems here.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="revy">
+                <state img="2-calm.png">You <i>really</i> need a chill pill.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="samus">
+                <state img="2-horny2.png">Quite.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="spooky">
+                <state img="2-embarrassed.png">Well <i>there's</i> something you don't see every day!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="streaming-chan">
+                <state img="2-interested.png">Oh my god! ...You can <i>move!</i></state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="female_start_masturbating">
                 <state img="2-happy.png">Think happy thoughts.</state>
                 <state img="2-happy3.png">And she's off, ladies and gentlemen!</state>
+            <case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="hermione">
+                <state img="2-horny.png">Showoff...</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="jane">
+                <state img="2-happy3.png">Just think of it as performance art.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="misty">
+                <state img="2-happy2.png">Maybe this'll help you loosen up.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="ruby">
+                <state img="2-happy.png">Looks like it.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="shantae">
+                <state img="2-happy2.png">No fair magic-ing your way out of this one.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="wiifitfemale">
+                <state img="2-horny2.png">Hmm, I don't think I've seen <i>this</i> routine before.</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="male_removing_major">
                 <state img="2-happy3.png">This should be good.</state>
                 <state img="2-happy.png">I'm all eyes.</state>
@@ -703,6 +1245,12 @@
                 <state img="2-happy2.png">You can only wear so many things.</state>
                 <state img="2-happy2.png">You're no fun, you know that?</state>
+            <case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="daria" targetStage="3">
+                <state img="2-calm.png">(What a weirdo...)</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="elena" targetStage="6">
+                <state img="2-happy2.png">No worries. That just makes the final prize all the more sweeter.</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="male_removed_major">
                 <state img="2-happy2.png">Should I join you?</state>
                 <state img="2-happy2.png">You didn't disappoint.</state>
@@ -715,18 +1263,36 @@
                 <state img="2-interested.png">Like a Greek god!</state>
                 <state img="2-happy3.png">Nice abs.</state>
+            <case tag="male_chest_is_visible" target="link">
+                <state img="2-horny2.png">"Hyaaah" to you too! I see all that adventuring's paying off.</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="female_large_chest_is_visible">
                 <state img="2-interested.png">Do they bounce?</state>
                 <state img="2-happy2.png">They double as flotation devices.</state>
+            <case tag="female_large_chest_is_visible" target="leela">
+                <state img="2-calm.png">Don't be rude, people. Her eye is up there.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_large_chest_is_visible" target="mia">
+                <state img="2-horny2.png">No objections here.</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="male_must_strip">
                 <state img="2-happy2.png">Make it count, ~name~.</state>
                 <state img="2-happy.png">~name~'s turn at the wheel?</state>
+            <case tag="male_must_strip" target="link" targetStage="2">
+                <state img="2-happy.png">You have such a way with words.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_must_strip" target="link" targetStage="4">
+                <state img="2-happy2.png">Aha! I <i>knew</i> it!</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="female_must_masturbate">
                 <state img="2-pokerface1.png">Well, <i>I'm</i> having fun.</state>
                 <state img="2-interested.png">Lost already?</state>
+            <case tag="female_must_masturbate" target="zone-tan">
+                <state img="2-loss1.png">It's time <i>we</i> watched <i>you</i>.</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="male_human_must_strip">
                 <state img="2-happy.png">~name~'s turn at the wheel?</state>
                 <state img="2-happy2.png">Make it count, ~name~.</state>
@@ -739,6 +1305,9 @@
                 <state img="2-calm.png">I'm doing the same, so I guess I can't complain.</state>
                 <state img="2-loss2.png">Whaat? Well, I guess I'm doing the same.</state>
+            <case tag="male_removing_accessory" target="fred" targetStage="2">
+                <state img="2-happy2.png">The 60's called. They want their ascot back.</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="male_finished_masturbating">
                 <state img="2-interested2.png">Kablooie!</state>
                 <state img="2-interested2.png">*Pchtlrkk...*</state>
@@ -747,14 +1316,86 @@
                 <state img="2-happy2.png">I never minded flat chests, really.</state>
                 <state img="2-happy.png">They're so cute!</state>
+            <case tag="female_small_chest_is_visible" target="dawn">
+                <state img="2-happy.png">Perfect censorship!</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible">
                 <state img="2-happy2.png">A respectable size.</state>
                 <state img="2-happy2.png">Not bad.</state>
+            <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="alice">
+                <state img="2-happy2.png">So... who has the left?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="daria">
+                <state img="2-happy.png">It's not <i>that</i> bad, is it?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="mercy">
+                <state img="2-happy3.png">Oh, about a 12.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="pauling">
+                <state img="2-happy2.png">Eh, not bad. Not bad.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="peach">
+                <state img="2-interested2.png">Mama mia!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="piper">
+                <state img="2-interested.png">Wow! Talk about going from zero to sixty!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="velma">
+                <state img="2-happy.png">Jinkies!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="wiifitfemale">
+                <state img="2-happy.png">Greek training. It's the latest fitness craze.</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="female_removing_accessory">
                 <state img="2-happy.png">Taking the same strategy, huh?</state>
                 <state img="2-happy.png">All that pointless jewelry comes to good use now, doesn't it?</state>
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="april" targetStage="5">
+                <state img="2-pokerface2.png">Weasel...</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="chara" targetStage="0">
+                <state img="2-nervous.png">(I think I saw it beat...)</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="chara" targetStage="1">
+                <state img="2-sad.png">(Something ain't right with this one...)</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="d.va" targetStage="0">
+                <state img="2-happy2.png">We'll see about that.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="daria" targetStage="5">
+                <state img="2-happy2.png">(Figured she'd pull that one...)</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="elena" targetStage="0">
+                <state img="2-interested.png">Oh <i>that's</i> what that was? I thought it was a mace... I've been hanging around too many adventurers.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="elena" targetStage="5">
+                <state img="2-calm.png">Oh, you tease.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="lyn" targetStage="0">
+                <state img="2-loss2.png">I'm suddenly in the mood for pasta.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="misty" targetStage="3">
+                <state img="2-loss2.png">I mean sure, but... where's your sense of spirit?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="piper" targetStage="0">
+                <state img="2-happy3.png">You're determined not to lose! Just how much <i>do</i> you have on?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="revy" targetStage="3">
+                <state img="2-nervous.png">(Thank goodness! Thought I was gonna get a bullet in my head...)</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="spooky" targetStage="0">
+                <state img="2-nervous.png">Are we losing the knife? Good...</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="tracer" targetStage="4">
+                <state img="2-loss2.png">I knew you were gonna do that...</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="zelda" targetStage="1">
+                <state img="2-happy2.png">This is a casual affair. Lose the fancy jewelry.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="zoey" targetStage="4">
+                <state img="2-calm.png">Tease...</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="game_over_victory">
                 <state img="2-excited.png">I won! And I didn't even have to take my socks off.</state>
@@ -762,18 +1403,66 @@
                 <state img="2-happy.png">This should be good.</state>
                 <state img="2-happy2.png">I'm all eyes.</state>
+            <case tag="female_removing_major" target="kim" targetStage="3">
+                <state img="2-interested.png">Club what? I don't think that'd go over so well back home.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_major" target="mercy" targetStage="2">
+                <state img="2-calm.png">Really? Cause I know a guy. He just <i>grows</i> 'em back. Crazy German scientist...</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_major" target="ruby" targetStage="3">
+                <state img="2-interested.png">How do you even fight in that thing?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_major" target="tracer" targetStage="2">
+                <state img="2-worried.png">You okay, Tracer? You're looking kind of... funny.</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="male_removing_minor">
                 <state img="2-happy.png">Now we're getting somewhere!</state>
                 <state img="2-happy.png">It's comfier this way, trust me.</state>
+            <case tag="male_removing_minor" target="shaggy" targetStage="1">
+                <state img="2-calm.png">Dude. Wash those, pronto.</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="female_finished_masturbating">
                 <state img="2-horny2.png">Satisfied? I know I am.</state>
                 <state img="2-happy.png">Clean-up in aisle 6!</state>
+            <case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="chell">
+                <state img="2-happy3.png">Speechless to the end, I see.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="d.va">
+                <state img="2-horny2.png">I think you've earned enough points for a bonus round.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="hermione">
+                <state img="2-embarrassed.png">Lucky...</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="korra">
+                <state img="2-happy3.png">When you cum in that state, do the rest cum too? Do you feel the orgasm of a thousand avatars?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="revy">
+                <state img="2-happy3.png">At least it improved your mood. If only a little.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="shazza">
+                <state img="2-interested2.png">Crikey! Look a'that!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="spooky">
+                <state img="2-happy.png">Venkman, get a sample!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="wiifitfemale">
+                <state img="2-happy.png">How many calories did that burn?</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible">
                 <state img="2-happy2.png">No hiding it anymore, eh?</state>
                 <state img="2-happy2.png">That was fast, wasn't it?</state>
+            <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" target="mercy">
+                <state img="2-happy.png">I can get behind that ideology.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" target="mileena">
+                <state img="2-calm.png">Whoa, Mileena! And here you were being so modest!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" target="zone-tan">
+                <state img="2-happy.png">Toss that cute sweater this way, Zone.</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="male_masturbating">
                 <state img="2-happy2.png">Work it...</state>
                 <state img="2-horny.png"><i>You're</i> having fun...</state>
@@ -782,6 +1471,24 @@
                 <state img="2-happy.png">Alright, save some for later.</state>
                 <state img="2-happy.png">Alright, don't get too carried away.</state>
+            <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="hermione" targetStage="1">
+                <state img="2-calm.png">Showoff...</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="jasmine" targetStage="1">
+                <state img="2-calm.png">Have we met before? You look so familiar.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="kim" targetStage="1">
+                <state img="2-happy.png">Ooh, daredevil!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="kim" targetStage="2">
+                <state img="2-calm.png">If you say so.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="kyoko" targetStage="6">
+                <state img="2-happy3.png">Woah, creepy. I dig it.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="pauling" targetStage="3">
+                <state img="2-happy.png">You're no stranger to this game, I see.</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="male_crotch_will_be_visible">
                 <state img="2-happy.png">Wanna fluff it first?</state>
                 <state img="2-pokerface1.png">The thrill of it all.</state>
@@ -830,107 +1537,6 @@
                 <state img="2-loss1.png">A whole lotta work for just my socks, don't you think?</state>
                 <state img="2-loss1.png">I won't go down that easy. Wink wink, nudge nudge.</state>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="buffy"><state img="2-worried.png">Gee, Bill! <i>Two</i> wieners?</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_major" target="tracer" targetStage="2"><state img="2-worried.png">You okay, Tracer? You're looking kind of... funny.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major" target="tracer" targetStage="3"><state img="2-shocked.png">...Alright, then.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="chell"><state img="2-happy3.png">Speechless to the end, I see.</state></case>
-			<case tag="male_must_masturbate" target="shaggy"><state img="2-happy.png">Will you do it for a scooby snack?</state></case>
-			<case tag="male_removing_minor" target="shaggy" targetStage="1"><state img="2-calm.png">Dude. Wash those, pronto.</state></case>
-			<case tag="male_large_crotch_is_visible" target="shaggy"><state img="2-embarrassed.png">Zoinks!</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="velma"><state img="2-happy.png">Jinkies!</state></case>
-			<case tag="male_removing_accessory" target="fred" targetStage="2"><state img="2-happy2.png">The 60's called. They want their ascot back.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" target="mileena"><state img="2-calm.png">Whoa, Mileena! And here you were being so modest!</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="spooky" targetStage="0"><state img="2-nervous.png">Are we losing the knife? Good...</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="spooky"><state img="2-embarrassed.png">Well <i>there's</i> something you don't see every day!</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="spooky"><state img="2-happy.png">Venkman, get a sample!</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="lyn" targetStage="0"><state img="2-loss2.png">I'm suddenly in the mood for pasta.</state></case>
-			<case tag="male_large_crotch_is_visible" target="ryu"><state img="2-nervous.png">You could beat a badger to death with that thing...</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_minor" target="jasmine" targetStage="1"><state img="2-calm.png">Have we met before? You look so familiar.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major" target="jasmine" targetStage="2"><state img="2-interested.png">I... I remember you! You were in... from before...</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="wiifitfemale"><state img="2-happy.png">Greek training. It's the latest fitness craze.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="wiifitfemale"><state img="2-horny2.png">Hmm, I don't think I've seen <i>this</i> routine before.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="wiifitfemale"><state img="2-happy.png">How many calories did that burn?</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="streaming-chan"><state img="2-interested.png">Oh my god! ...You can <i>move!</i></state></case>
-			<case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="shantae"><state img="2-happy2.png">No fair magic-ing your way out of this one.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_large_chest_is_visible" target="leela"><state img="2-calm.png">Don't be rude, people. Her eye is up there.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" target="zone-tan"><state img="2-happy.png">Toss that cute sweater this way, Zone.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_must_masturbate" target="zone-tan"><state img="2-loss1.png">It's time <i>we</i> watched <i>you</i>.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="elena" targetStage="0"><state img="2-interested.png">Oh <i>that's</i> what that was? I thought it was a mace... I've been hanging around too many adventurers.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major" target="elena" targetStage="5"><state img="2-horny2.png">Looks like a strawberry parfait. Tasty.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="elena" targetStage="5"><state img="2-calm.png">Oh, you tease.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="elena" targetStage="6"><state img="2-happy2.png">No worries. That just makes the final prize all the more sweeter.</state></case>
-			<case tag="male_must_strip" target="link" targetStage="2"><state img="2-happy.png">You have such a way with words.</state></case>
-			<case tag="male_must_strip" target="link" targetStage="4"><state img="2-happy2.png">Aha! I <i>knew</i> it!</state></case>
-			<case tag="male_chest_will_be_visible" target="link" targetStage="4"><state img="2-happy3.png">Don't worry, your little secret's safe with me.</state></case>
-			<case tag="male_chest_is_visible" target="link"><state img="2-horny2.png">"Hyaaah" to you too! I see all that adventuring's paying off.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="samus"><state img="2-horny2.png">Quite.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_minor" target="kim" targetStage="1"><state img="2-happy.png">Ooh, daredevil!</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_minor" target="kim" targetStage="2"><state img="2-calm.png">If you say so.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_major" target="kim" targetStage="3"><state img="2-interested.png">Club what? I don't think that'd go over so well back home.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major" target="kim" targetStage="4"><state img="2-happy3.png">I wouldn't have guessed pink.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="kim"><state img="2-happy3.png">Too late!</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_minor" target="hermione" targetStage="1"><state img="2-calm.png">Showoff...</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major" target="hermione" targetStage="5"><state img="2-happy.png">Presto! Where did it go?</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="hermione"><state img="2-horny.png">Showoff...</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="hermione"><state img="2-embarrassed.png">Lucky...</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="d.va" targetStage="0"><state img="2-happy2.png">We'll see about that.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major" target="d.va" targetStage="4"><state img="2-happy.png">How very Hotline Miami.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="d.va"><state img="2-horny2.png">I think you've earned enough points for a bonus round.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_major" target="mercy" targetStage="2"><state img="2-calm.png">Really? Cause I know a guy. He just <i>grows</i> 'em back. Crazy German scientist...</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="mercy"><state img="2-horny2.png">I appreciate it, alright.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_must_strip" target="mercy" targetStage="4"><state img="2-happy2.png">Don't worry, I'll be nice and thorough.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" target="mercy"><state img="2-happy.png">I can get behind that ideology.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="mercy"><state img="2-happy3.png">Oh, about a 12.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_must_strip" target="mercy" targetStage="5"><state img="2-happy2.png">But we're not in a doctor's office, are we?</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="misty" targetStage="3"><state img="2-loss2.png">I mean sure, but... where's your sense of spirit?</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="misty"><state img="2-calm.png">Yeesh, calm down! Why are you even here?</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="misty"><state img="2-happy2.png">Maybe this'll help you loosen up.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="peach"><state img="2-interested2.png">Mama mia!</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="peach"><state img="2-horny2.png">Well! I see <i>you're</i> rarin' to go.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major" target="korra" targetStage="5"><state img="2-happy.png">Damn, girl! You've been pumping some iron!</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="korra"><state img="2-happy3.png">When you cum in that state, do the rest cum too? Do you feel the orgasm of a thousand avatars?</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_must_strip" target="blackrose" targetStage="1"><state img="2-interested.png">Yeesh, lighten up...</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="blackrose"><state img="2-horny2.png">You're so adorable when you're mad... and nude...</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major" target="raven" targetStage="3"><state img="2-happy.png">Hey look, she has a face!</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="raven"><state img="2-horny2.png">Believe me, no problems here.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_minor" target="pauling" targetStage="3"><state img="2-happy.png">You're no stranger to this game, I see.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="pauling"><state img="2-happy2.png">Eh, not bad. Not bad.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="mia"><state img="2-happy2.png">Ah, you're just robbing Peter to pay Paul.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_large_chest_is_visible" target="mia"><state img="2-horny2.png">No objections here.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major" target="daisy" targetStage="5"><state img="2-happy2.png">Now <i>that's</i> more like it.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="ruby"><state img="2-happy.png">Looks like it.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_major" target="ruby" targetStage="3"><state img="2-interested.png">How do you even fight in that thing?</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="chara" targetStage="0"><state img="2-nervous.png">(I think I saw it beat...)</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="chara" targetStage="1"><state img="2-sad.png">(Something ain't right with this one...)</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_must_strip" target="chara" targetStage="5"><state img="2-happy2.png">You look like you're having a bad time.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="zoey" targetStage="4"><state img="2-calm.png">Tease...</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="revy" targetStage="3"><state img="2-nervous.png">(Thank goodness! Thought I was gonna get a bullet in my head...)</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="revy"><state img="2-calm.png">You <i>really</i> need a chill pill.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="revy"><state img="2-happy3.png">At least it improved your mood. If only a little.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major" target="lara" targetStage="6"><state img="2-horny2.png">How very vintage.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="tracer" targetStage="4"><state img="2-loss2.png">I knew you were gonna do that...</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_small_chest_is_visible" target="dawn"><state img="2-happy.png">Perfect censorship!</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="dawn"><state img="2-interested.png">Either that's dyed, or Japan sure is weird.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major" target="alice" targetStage="3"><state img="2-happy.png">I like it! Very Addams Family meets Beetlejuice.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="alice"><state img="2-happy2.png">So... who has the left?</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="lilith"><state img="2-horny2.png">Nice hedgework. It suits you.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="piper" targetStage="0"><state img="2-happy3.png">You're determined not to lose! Just how much <i>do</i> you have on?</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="piper"><state img="2-interested.png">Wow! Talk about going from zero to sixty!</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="april" targetStage="5"><state img="2-pokerface2.png">Weasel...</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major" target="penny" targetStage="3"><state img="2-happy.png">Looks like LSP's cousin...</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major" target="penny" targetStage="4"><state img="2-interested.png">Aaand LSP's <i>other</i> cousin...</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_minor" target="kyoko" targetStage="6"><state img="2-happy3.png">Woah, creepy. I dig it.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="kyoko"><state img="2-happy3.png">Breathe, dude. Breathe.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major" target="shazza" targetStage="4"><state img="2-happy3.png">I like your style!</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="shazza"><state img="2-pokerface1.png">Let's take a peek down under.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="shazza"><state img="2-interested2.png">Crikey! Look a'that!</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="daria" targetStage="3"><state img="2-calm.png">(What a weirdo...)</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="daria" targetStage="5"><state img="2-happy2.png">(Figured she'd pull that one...)</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="daria"><state img="2-happy.png">It's not <i>that</i> bad, is it?</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major" target="jane" targetStage="4"><state img="2-happy2.png">Looks tasty.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="jane"><state img="2-happy3.png">Just think of it as performance art.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="zelda" targetStage="1"><state img="2-happy2.png">This is a casual affair. Lose the fancy jewelry.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major" target="zelda" targetStage="5"><state img="2-horny2.png">Wow! Talk about double or nothing!</state></case>
         <stage id="3">
@@ -938,10 +1544,25 @@
                 <state img="3-happy2.png">Getting warm, ~name~?</state>
                 <state img="3-calm.png">Don't be shy, ~name~. We're all in it together.</state>
+            <case tag="female_must_strip" target="blackrose" targetStage="1">
+                <state img="3-pokerface1.png">Yeesh, lighten up...</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_must_strip" target="chara" targetStage="5">
+                <state img="3-happy3.png">You look like you're having a bad time.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_must_strip" target="mercy" targetStage="4">
+                <state img="3-happy3.png">Don't worry, I'll be nice and thorough.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_must_strip" target="mercy" targetStage="5">
+                <state img="3-happy2.png">But we're not in a doctor's office, are we?</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="male_chest_will_be_visible">
                 <state img="3-happy3.png">Do you lift?</state>
                 <state img="3-happy3.png">Have you been eating your protein?</state>
+            <case tag="male_chest_will_be_visible" target="link" targetStage="4">
+                <state img="3-happy.png">Don't worry, your little secret's safe with me.</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="female_removing_minor">
                 <state img="3-happy3.png">You and me both.</state>
                 <state img="3-happy3.png">It's not so bad, is it?</state>
@@ -955,14 +1576,71 @@
                 <state img="3-happy.png">Oh my~</state>
                 <state img="3-horny.png">Certainly a sight for sore eyes.</state>
+            <case tag="female_removed_major" target="alice" targetStage="3">
+                <state img="3-happy4.png">I like it! Very Addams Family meets Beetlejuice.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_major" target="d.va" targetStage="4">
+                <state img="3-interested.png">Ooh! Stylish!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_major" target="daisy" targetStage="5">
+                <state img="3-horny.png">Now <i>that's</i> more like it.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_major" target="elena" targetStage="5">
+                <state img="3-horny.png">Looks like a strawberry parfait. Tasty.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_major" target="hermione" targetStage="5">
+                <state img="3-happy4.png">Presto! Where did it go?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_major" target="jane" targetStage="4">
+                <state img="3-happy2.png">Looks tasty.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_major" target="jasmine" targetStage="2">
+                <state img="3-happy4.png">No way! I <i>knew</i> you looked familiar! You were in those movies! The ones I got... from...</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_major" target="kim" targetStage="4">
+                <state img="3-happy3.png">I wouldn't have guessed pink.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_major" target="korra" targetStage="5">
+                <state img="3-happy4.png">Damn, girl! You've been pumping some iron!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_major" target="lara" targetStage="6">
+                <state img="3-happy2.png">How very vintage.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_major" target="penny" targetStage="3">
+                <state img="3-happy3.png">Looks like LSP's cousin...</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_major" target="penny" targetStage="4">
+                <state img="3-happy4.png">It's so fluffy!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_major" target="raven" targetStage="3">
+                <state img="3-happy4.png">Hey look, she has a face!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_major" target="shazza" targetStage="4">
+                <state img="3-happy3.png">I like your style!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_major" target="tracer" targetStage="3">
+                <state img="3-loss3.png">...Alright, then.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_major" target="zelda" targetStage="5">
+                <state img="3-horny.png">Wow! Talk about double or nothing!</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="male_large_crotch_is_visible">
                 <state img="3-shocked.png">(That looks like it would hurt!)</state>
                 <state img="3-shocked.png">And here I thought you shoved a dildo in your pants!</state>
+            <case tag="male_large_crotch_is_visible" target="ryu">
+                <state img="3-loss3.png">Holy <i>shit</i>...</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_large_crotch_is_visible" target="shaggy">
+                <state img="3-interested.png">Zoinks!</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible">
                 <state img="3-happy2.png">Are you ready?</state>
                 <state img="3-happy2.png">Go on, spread 'em!</state>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="shazza">
+                <state img="3-horny.png">Let's take a peek down under.</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="male_removed_minor">
                 <state img="3-happy3.png">Breezy, eh?</state>
                 <state img="3-happy3.png">Next round, ~name~, next round...</state>
@@ -975,6 +1653,9 @@
                 <state img="3-happy2.png">Hope ya brought lube.</state>
                 <state img="3-happy2.png">Don't cop out on me now.</state>
+            <case tag="male_must_masturbate" target="shaggy">
+                <state img="3-happy3.png">Will you do it for a scooby snack?</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="female_masturbating">
                 <state img="3-horny.png">(That looks fun...)</state>
                 <state img="3-horny2.png">(I've never done it in front of other people before. I wonder what it's like.)</state>
@@ -987,10 +1668,70 @@
                 <state img="3-horny2.png">(Wow...)</state>
                 <state img="3-horny2.png">(This is... hot?)</state>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="blackrose">
+                <state img="3-loss2.png">(I'd be more annoyed if she wasn't so adorable.)</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="dawn">
+                <state img="3-pokerface1.png">Either that's dyed, or Japan sure is weird.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="kim">
+                <state img="3-horny.png">Too late!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="kyoko">
+                <state img="3-cards.png">Breathe, dude. Breathe.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="lilith">
+                <state img="3-horny.png">Nice hedgework. It suits you.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="mercy">
+                <state img="3-horny.png">I appreciate it, alright.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="mia">
+                <state img="3-happy3.png">Ah, you're just robbing Peter to pay Paul.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="misty">
+                <state img="3-pokerface2.png">Yeesh, calm down! Why are you even here?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="peach">
+                <state img="3-horny.png">Well! I see <i>you're</i> rarin' to go.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="raven">
+                <state img="3-happy.png">Believe me, no problems here.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="revy">
+                <state img="3-pokerface1.png">You <i>really</i> need a chill pill.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="samus">
+                <state img="3-happy.png">Quite.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="spooky">
+                <state img="3-happy2.png">Well <i>there's</i> something you don't see every day!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="streaming-chan">
+                <state img="3-loss3.png">Where were you keeping those?</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="female_start_masturbating">
                 <state img="3-happy.png">You seem eager to please.</state>
                 <state img="3-happy2.png">Aw, are you nervous?</state>
+            <case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="hermione">
+                <state img="3-horny.png">That looks fun...</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="jane">
+                <state img="3-happy3.png">Just think of it as performance art.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="misty">
+                <state img="3-happy3.png">Maybe this'll help you loosen up.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="ruby">
+                <state img="3-happy2.png">Looks like it.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="shantae">
+                <state img="3-happy3.png">Couldn't magic your way out of this one, could you?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="wiifitfemale">
+                <state img="3-horny.png">Well, she <i>is</i> a certified health instructor...</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="male_removing_major">
                 <state img="3-interested.png">A bold choice!</state>
                 <state img="3-happy3.png">You're no stranger, I see.</state>
@@ -999,6 +1740,12 @@
                 <state img="3-happy2.png">We're still warming up.</state>
                 <state img="3-happy2.png">Don't worry, there's plenty of time for the rest of it.</state>
+            <case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="daria" targetStage="3">
+                <state img="3-pokerface1.png">(What a weirdo...)</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="elena" targetStage="6">
+                <state img="3-happy.png">No worries. That just makes the final prize all the more sweeter.</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="male_removed_major">
                 <state img="3-horny.png">Whew! Glad my socks are off, cause it's getting hoooot!</state>
                 <state img="3-horny2.png">Am I blushing?</state>
@@ -1011,18 +1758,36 @@
                 <state img="3-horny.png">Oh yeah, you've been eating your protein.</state>
                 <state img="3-horny.png">Oh my, we have an Adonis here.</state>
+            <case tag="male_chest_is_visible" target="link">
+                <state img="3-horny.png">"Hyaaah" to you too! I see all that adventuring's paying off.</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="female_large_chest_is_visible">
                 <state img="3-happy3.png">You get a workout just by walking.</state>
                 <state img="3-interested.png">How do you even pack those in?</state>
+            <case tag="female_large_chest_is_visible" target="leela">
+                <state img="3-pokerface1.png">Don't be rude, people. Her eye is up there.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_large_chest_is_visible" target="mia">
+                <state img="3-happy.png">No objections here.</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="male_must_strip">
                 <state img="3-happy.png">You're so kind to volunteer, ~name~.</state>
                 <state img="3-happy.png">Keep the momentum going, ~name~.</state>
+            <case tag="male_must_strip" target="link" targetStage="2">
+                <state img="3-happy3.png">You have such a way with words.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_must_strip" target="link" targetStage="4">
+                <state img="3-happy4.png">Aha! I <i>knew</i> it!</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="female_must_masturbate">
                 <state img="3-happy3.png">We'll get a good show out of you.</state>
                 <state img="3-horny.png">Hehehe...</state>
+            <case tag="female_must_masturbate" target="zone-tan">
+                <state img="3-loss1.png">It's time <i>we</i> watched <i>you</i>.</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="male_human_must_strip">
                 <state img="3-happy.png">Nice of you to volunteer, ~name~.</state>
                 <state img="3-happy.png">Keep the momentum going.</state>
@@ -1035,6 +1800,9 @@
                 <state img="3-pokerface2.png">I'm all out of fallbacks. Soon you'll be too.</state>
                 <state img="3-happy2.png">You can't rely on those forever.</state>
+            <case tag="male_removing_accessory" target="fred" targetStage="2">
+                <state img="3-happy2.png">The 60's called. They want their ascot back.</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="male_finished_masturbating">
                 <state img="3-interested.png">Thar she blows!</state>
                 <state img="3-interested.png">I think you hit the ceiling.</state>
@@ -1043,14 +1811,86 @@
                 <state img="3-happy4.png">How cute!</state>
                 <state img="3-happy4.png">(I wanna poke them!)</state>
+            <case tag="female_small_chest_is_visible" target="dawn">
+                <state img="3-happy.png">Perfect censorship!</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible">
                 <state img="3-happy4.png">(I wanna squeeze them!)</state>
                 <state img="3-horny.png">(I could play with them with my feet.)</state>
+            <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="alice">
+                <state img="3-horny.png">So... who has the left?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="daria">
+                <state img="3-happy3.png">It's not <i>that</i> bad, is it?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="mercy">
+                <state img="3-horny.png">Oh, about a 12.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="pauling">
+                <state img="3-happy.png">Eh, not bad. Not bad.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="peach">
+                <state img="3-horny.png">Mama mia!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="piper">
+                <state img="3-horny.png">Wow! Talk about going from zero to sixty!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="velma">
+                <state img="3-interested.png">Jinkies!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="wiifitfemale">
+                <state img="3-happy3.png">Avoid sweaty clothes by not wearing any.</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="female_removing_accessory">
                 <state img="3-happy2.png">Yeah yeah, use 'em all up.</state>
                 <state img="3-happy2.png">Are you out now too? Are we onto the fun stuff?</state>
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="april" targetStage="5">
+                <state img="3-pokerface1.png">Weasel...</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="chara" targetStage="0">
+                <state img="3-loss3.png">(I think I saw it beat...)</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="chara" targetStage="1">
+                <state img="3-pokerface2.png">(Something ain't right with this one...)</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="d.va" targetStage="0">
+                <state img="3-happy2.png">We'll see about that.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="daria" targetStage="5">
+                <state img="3-happy3.png">(Figured she'd pull that one...)</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="elena" targetStage="0">
+                <state img="3-happy3.png">Oh <i>that's</i> what that was? I thought it was a mace... I've been hanging around too many adventurers.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="elena" targetStage="5">
+                <state img="3-pokerface1.png">Tease...</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="lyn" targetStage="0">
+                <state img="3-pokerface1.png">I'm suddenly in the mood for pasta.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="misty" targetStage="3">
+                <state img="3-pokerface1.png">I mean sure, but... where's your sense of spirit?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="piper" targetStage="0">
+                <state img="3-happy3.png">You're determined not to lose! Just how much <i>do</i> you have on?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="revy" targetStage="3">
+                <state img="3-loss3.png">(Thank goodness! Thought I was gonna get a bullet in my head...)</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="spooky" targetStage="0">
+                <state img="3-cards.png">Are we losing the knife? Good...</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="tracer" targetStage="4">
+                <state img="3-pokerface1.png">I knew you were gonna do that...</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="zelda" targetStage="1">
+                <state img="3-happy3.png">This is a casual affair. Lose the fancy jewelry.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="zoey" targetStage="4">
+                <state img="3-pokerface1.png">Tease...</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="game_over_victory">
                 <state img="3-happy.png">Not much "strip" to this poker after all, huh?</state>
@@ -1058,18 +1898,66 @@
                 <state img="3-happy3.png">You're no stranger, I see.</state>
                 <state img="3-happy2.png">Nice ~clothing~. Toss it here so I can look at it.</state>
+            <case tag="female_removing_major" target="kim" targetStage="3">
+                <state img="3-pokerface1.png">Club what? I don't think that'd go over so well back home.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_major" target="mercy" targetStage="2">
+                <state img="3-interested.png">Really? Cause I know a guy. He just <i>grows</i> 'em back. Crazy German scientist...</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_major" target="ruby" targetStage="3">
+                <state img="3-pokerface1.png">How do you even fight in that thing?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_major" target="tracer" targetStage="2">
+                <state img="3-cards.png">You okay, Tracer? You're looking kind of... funny.</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="male_removing_minor">
                 <state img="3-happy3.png">You and me both.</state>
                 <state img="3-happy.png">Right on schedule.</state>
+            <case tag="male_removing_minor" target="shaggy" targetStage="1">
+                <state img="3-pokerface3.png">Dude. Wash those, pronto.</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="female_finished_masturbating">
                 <state img="3-horny2.png">(I almost want to try...)</state>
                 <state img="3-horny.png">You look like you could go a little more.</state>
+            <case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="chell">
+                <state img="3-happy3.png">Speechless to the end, I see.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="d.va">
+                <state img="3-horny.png">I think you've earned enough points for a bonus round.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="hermione">
+                <state img="3-horny2.png">Lucky...</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="korra">
+                <state img="3-happy3.png">When you cum in that state, do the rest cum too? Do you feel the orgasm of a thousand avatars?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="revy">
+                <state img="3-happy3.png">At least it improved your mood. If only a little.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="shazza">
+                <state img="3-interested.png">Crikey! Look a'that!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="spooky">
+                <state img="3-happy4.png">Venkman, get a sample!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="wiifitfemale">
+                <state img="3-happy.png">I think you worked off dinner.</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible">
                 <state img="3-calm.png">I gotta say, I'm kind of excited.</state>
                 <state img="3-happy.png">This is why we play.</state>
+            <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" target="mercy">
+                <state img="3-happy.png">I can get behind that ideology.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" target="mileena">
+                <state img="3-loss2.png">Whoa, Mileena! And here you were being so modest!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" target="zone-tan">
+                <state img="3-happy3.png">Toss that cute sweater this way, Zone.</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="male_masturbating">
                 <state img="3-interested.png">Like an engine piston.</state>
                 <state img="3-loss2.png">Look at you go!</state>
@@ -1077,13 +1965,31 @@
             <case tag="female_removed_minor">
                 <state img="3-happy3.png">Feels nice, doesn't it?</state>
+            <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="hermione" targetStage="1">
+                <state img="3-happy3.png">Showoff...</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="jasmine" targetStage="1">
+                <state img="3-loss3.png">Have we met before? You look so familiar.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="kim" targetStage="1">
+                <state img="3-happy2.png">Ooh, daredevil!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="kim" targetStage="2">
+                <state img="3-happy3.png">If you say so.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="kyoko" targetStage="6">
+                <state img="3-happy.png">Woah, creepy. I dig it.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="pauling" targetStage="3">
+                <state img="3-happy2.png">You're no stranger to this game, I see.</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="male_crotch_will_be_visible">
                 <state img="3-happy.png"><i>~And I'm freeeee.... free ballin'....~</i></state>
                 <state img="3-happy3.png">Let's see what you're packing.</state>
             <case tag="good_hand">
-                <state img="3-pokerface1.png">Oh?</state>
                 <state img="3-pokerface1.png">...</state>
+                <state img="3-pokerface1.png">Oh?</state>
             <case tag="okay_hand">
                 <state img="3-pokerface2.png">...</state>
@@ -1098,8 +2004,8 @@
                 <state img="3-cards2.png">~cards~ for me.</state>
             <case tag="bad_hand">
-                <state img="3-pokerface3.png">Ah..</state>
                 <state img="3-pokerface2.png">...</state>
+                <state img="3-pokerface3.png">Ah..</state>
             <case tag="stripped">
                 <state img="3-stripped.png">PG-13!</state>
@@ -1121,106 +2027,6 @@
                 <state img="3-loss1.png">Did I keep you waiting?</state>
                 <state img="3-loss1.png">You sure worked for this one, didn't you?</state>
-			<case tag="female_removing_major" target="tracer" targetStage="2"><state img="3-cards.png">You okay, Tracer? You're looking kind of... funny.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major" target="tracer" targetStage="3"><state img="3-loss3.png">...Alright, then.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="chell"><state img="3-happy3.png">Speechless to the end, I see.</state></case>
-			<case tag="male_must_masturbate" target="shaggy"><state img="3-happy3.png">Will you do it for a scooby snack?</state></case>
-			<case tag="male_removing_minor" target="shaggy" targetStage="1"><state img="3-pokerface3.png">Dude. Wash those, pronto.</state></case>
-			<case tag="male_large_crotch_is_visible" target="shaggy"><state img="3-interested.png">Zoinks!</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="velma"><state img="3-interested.png">Jinkies!</state></case>
-			<case tag="male_removing_accessory" target="fred" targetStage="2"><state img="3-happy2.png">The 60's called. They want their ascot back.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" target="mileena"><state img="3-loss2.png">Whoa, Mileena! And here you were being so modest!</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="spooky" targetStage="0"><state img="3-cards.png">Are we losing the knife? Good...</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="spooky"><state img="3-happy2.png">Well <i>there's</i> something you don't see every day!</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="spooky"><state img="3-happy4.png">Venkman, get a sample!</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="lyn" targetStage="0"><state img="3-pokerface1.png">I'm suddenly in the mood for pasta.</state></case>
-			<case tag="male_large_crotch_is_visible" target="ryu"><state img="3-loss3.png">Holy <i>shit</i>...</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_minor" target="jasmine" targetStage="1"><state img="3-loss3.png">Have we met before? You look so familiar.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major" target="jasmine" targetStage="2"><state img="3-happy4.png">No way! I <i>knew</i> you looked familiar! You were in those movies! The ones I got... from...</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="wiifitfemale"><state img="3-happy3.png">Avoid sweaty clothes by not wearing any.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="wiifitfemale"><state img="3-horny.png">Well, she <i>is</i> a certified health instructor...</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="wiifitfemale"><state img="3-happy.png">I think you worked off dinner.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="streaming-chan"><state img="3-loss3.png">Where were you keeping those?</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="shantae"><state img="3-happy3.png">Couldn't magic your way out of this one, could you?</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_large_chest_is_visible" target="leela"><state img="3-pokerface1.png">Don't be rude, people. Her eye is up there.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" target="zone-tan"><state img="3-happy3.png">Toss that cute sweater this way, Zone.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_must_masturbate" target="zone-tan"><state img="3-loss1.png">It's time <i>we</i> watched <i>you</i>.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="elena" targetStage="0"><state img="3-happy3.png">Oh <i>that's</i> what that was? I thought it was a mace... I've been hanging around too many adventurers.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major" target="elena" targetStage="5"><state img="0-horny.png">Looks like a strawberry parfait. Tasty.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="elena" targetStage="5"><state img="3-pokerface1.png">Tease...</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="elena" targetStage="6"><state img="3-happy.png">No worries. That just makes the final prize all the more sweeter.</state></case>
-			<case tag="male_must_strip" target="link" targetStage="2"><state img="3-happy3.png">You have such a way with words.</state></case>
-			<case tag="male_must_strip" target="link" targetStage="4"><state img="3-happy4.png">Aha! I <i>knew</i> it!</state></case>
-			<case tag="male_chest_will_be_visible" target="link" targetStage="4"><state img="3-happy.png">Don't worry, your little secret's safe with me.</state></case>
-			<case tag="male_chest_is_visible" target="link"><state img="3-horny.png">"Hyaaah" to you too! I see all that adventuring's paying off.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="samus"><state img="3-happy.png">Quite.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_minor" target="kim" targetStage="1"><state img="3-happy2.png">Ooh, daredevil!</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_minor" target="kim" targetStage="2"><state img="3-happy3.png">If you say so.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_major" target="kim" targetStage="3"><state img="3-pokerface1.png">Club what? I don't think that'd go over so well back home.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major" target="kim" targetStage="4"><state img="3-happy3.png">I wouldn't have guessed pink.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="kim"><state img="3-horny.png">Too late!</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_minor" target="hermione" targetStage="1"><state img="3-happy3.png">Showoff...</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major" target="hermione" targetStage="5"><state img="3-happy4.png">Presto! Where did it go?</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="hermione"><state img="3-horny.png">That looks fun...</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="hermione"><state img="3-horny2.png">Lucky...</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="d.va" targetStage="0"><state img="3-happy2.png">We'll see about that.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major" target="d.va" targetStage="4"><state img="3-interested.png">Ooh! Stylish!</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="d.va"><state img="3-horny.png">I think you've earned enough points for a bonus round.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_major" target="mercy" targetStage="2"><state img="3-interested.png">Really? Cause I know a guy. He just <i>grows</i> 'em back. Crazy German scientist...</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="mercy"><state img="3-horny.png">I appreciate it, alright.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_must_strip" target="mercy" targetStage="4"><state img="3-happy3.png">Don't worry, I'll be nice and thorough.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" target="mercy"><state img="3-happy.png">I can get behind that ideology.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="mercy"><state img="3-horny.png">Oh, about a 12.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_must_strip" target="mercy" targetStage="5"><state img="3-happy2.png">But we're not in a doctor's office, are we?</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="misty" targetStage="3"><state img="3-pokerface1.png">I mean sure, but... where's your sense of spirit?</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="misty"><state img="3-pokerface2.png">Yeesh, calm down! Why are you even here?</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="misty"><state img="3-happy3.png">Maybe this'll help you loosen up.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="peach"><state img="3-horny.png">Mama mia!</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="peach"><state img="3-horny.png">Well! I see <i>you're</i> rarin' to go.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major" target="korra" targetStage="5"><state img="3-happy4.png">Damn, girl! You've been pumping some iron!</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="korra"><state img="3-happy3.png">When you cum in that state, do the rest cum too? Do you feel the orgasm of a thousand avatars?</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_must_strip" target="blackrose" targetStage="1"><state img="3-pokerface1.png">Yeesh, lighten up...</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="blackrose"><state img="3-loss2.png">(I'd be more annoyed if she wasn't so adorable.)</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major" target="raven" targetStage="3"><state img="3-happy4.png">Hey look, she has a face!</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="raven"><state img="3-happy.png">Believe me, no problems here.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_minor" target="pauling" targetStage="3"><state img="3-happy2.png">You're no stranger to this game, I see.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="pauling"><state img="3-happy.png">Eh, not bad. Not bad.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="mia"><state img="3-happy3.png">Ah, you're just robbing Peter to pay Paul.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_large_chest_is_visible" target="mia"><state img="3-happy.png">No objections here.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major" target="daisy" targetStage="5"><state img="3-horny.png">Now <i>that's</i> more like it.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="ruby"><state img="3-happy2.png">Looks like it.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_major" target="ruby" targetStage="3"><state img="3-pokerface1.png">How do you even fight in that thing?</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="chara" targetStage="0"><state img="3-loss3.png">(I think I saw it beat...)</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="chara" targetStage="1"><state img="3-pokerface2.png">(Something ain't right with this one...)</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_must_strip" target="chara" targetStage="5"><state img="3-happy3.png">You look like you're having a bad time.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="zoey" targetStage="4"><state img="3-pokerface1.png">Tease...</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="revy" targetStage="3"><state img="3-loss3.png">(Thank goodness! Thought I was gonna get a bullet in my head...)</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="revy"><state img="3-pokerface1.png">You <i>really</i> need a chill pill.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="revy"><state img="3-happy3.png">At least it improved your mood. If only a little.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major" target="lara" targetStage="6"><state img="3-happy2.png">How very vintage.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="tracer" targetStage="4"><state img="3-pokerface1.png">I knew you were gonna do that...</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_small_chest_is_visible" target="dawn"><state img="3-happy.png">Perfect censorship!</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="dawn"><state img="3-pokerface1.png">Either that's dyed, or Japan sure is weird.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major" target="alice" targetStage="3"><state img="3-happy4.png">I like it! Very Addams Family meets Beetlejuice.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="alice"><state img="3-horny.png">So... who has the left?</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="lilith"><state img="3-horny.png">Nice hedgework. It suits you.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="piper" targetStage="0"><state img="3-happy3.png">You're determined not to lose! Just how much <i>do</i> you have on?</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="piper"><state img="3-horny.png">Wow! Talk about going from zero to sixty!</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="april" targetStage="5"><state img="3-pokerface1.png">Weasel...</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major" target="penny" targetStage="3"><state img="3-happy3.png">Looks like LSP's cousin...</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major" target="penny" targetStage="4"><state img="3-happy4.png">It's so fluffy!</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_minor" target="kyoko" targetStage="6"><state img="3-happy.png">Woah, creepy. I dig it.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="kyoko"><state img="3-cards.png">Breathe, dude. Breathe.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major" target="shazza" targetStage="4"><state img="3-happy3.png">I like your style!</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="shazza"><state img="3-horny.png">Let's take a peek down under.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="shazza"><state img="3-interested.png">Crikey! Look a'that!</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="daria" targetStage="3"><state img="3-pokerface1.png">(What a weirdo...)</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="daria" targetStage="5"><state img="3-happy3.png">(Figured she'd pull that one...)</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="daria"><state img="3-happy3.png">It's not <i>that</i> bad, is it?</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major" target="jane" targetStage="4"><state img="3-happy2.png">Looks tasty.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="jane"><state img="3-happy3.png">Just think of it as performance art.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="zelda" targetStage="1"><state img="3-happy3.png">This is a casual affair. Lose the fancy jewelry.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major" target="zelda" targetStage="5"><state img="3-horny.png">Wow! Talk about double or nothing!</state></case>
         <stage id="4">
@@ -1228,10 +2034,25 @@
                 <state img="4-happy3.png">We're all friends here, ~name~.</state>
                 <state img="4-happy2.png">Show us what you've got, ~name~.</state>
+            <case tag="female_must_strip" target="blackrose" targetStage="1">
+                <state img="4-disappointed2.png">Yeesh, lighten up...</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_must_strip" target="chara" targetStage="5">
+                <state img="4-happy2.png">You look like you're having a bad time.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_must_strip" target="mercy" targetStage="4">
+                <state img="4-happy2.png">Don't worry, I'll be nice and thorough.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_must_strip" target="mercy" targetStage="5">
+                <state img="4-pokerface1.png">But we're not in a doctor's office, are we?</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="male_chest_will_be_visible">
                 <state img="4-happy2.png">Hehehe, yes...</state>
                 <state img="4-happy.png">(This is getting good...)</state>
+            <case tag="male_chest_will_be_visible" target="link" targetStage="4">
+                <state img="4-pokerface1.png">Don't worry, your little secret's safe with me.</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="female_removing_minor">
                 <state img="4-happy.png">Next round should be more interesting.</state>
                 <state img="4-calm.png">Don't be embarrassed. After all, this is just the beginning.</state>
@@ -1244,14 +2065,71 @@
                 <state img="4-horny.png">Impressive.</state>
                 <state img="4-happy5.png">Eh, not bad.</state>
+            <case tag="female_removed_major" target="alice" targetStage="3">
+                <state img="4-happy4.png">I like it! Very Addams Family meets Beetlejuice.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_major" target="d.va" targetStage="4">
+                <state img="4-happy5.png">How very Hotline Miami.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_major" target="daisy" targetStage="5">
+                <state img="4-horny.png">Now <i>that's</i> more like it.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_major" target="elena" targetStage="5">
+                <state img="4-horny.png">Looks like a strawberry parfait. Tasty.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_major" target="hermione" targetStage="5">
+                <state img="4-happy4.png">Presto! Where did it go?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_major" target="jane" targetStage="4">
+                <state img="4-happy3.png">Looks tasty.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_major" target="jasmine" targetStage="2">
+                <state img="4-loss3.png">That's right, <i>now</i> I remember! You were in those old movies!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_major" target="kim" targetStage="4">
+                <state img="4-happy5.png">I wouldn't have guessed pink.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_major" target="korra" targetStage="5">
+                <state img="4-happy4.png">Damn, girl! You've been pumping some iron!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_major" target="lara" targetStage="6">
+                <state img="4-happy3.png">How very vintage.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_major" target="penny" targetStage="3">
+                <state img="4-happy5.png">Looks like LSP's cousin...</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_major" target="penny" targetStage="4">
+                <state img="4-loss2.png">Aaand LSP's <i>other</i> cousin...</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_major" target="raven" targetStage="3">
+                <state img="4-happy4.png">Hey look, she has a face!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_major" target="shazza" targetStage="4">
+                <state img="4-happy4.png">I like your style!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_major" target="tracer" targetStage="3">
+                <state img="4-loss3.png">...Alright, then.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_major" target="zelda" targetStage="5">
+                <state img="4-happy4.png">Wow! Talk about double or nothing!</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="male_large_crotch_is_visible">
                 <state img="4-nervous.png">(Part of me wants to try...)</state>
                 <state img="4-shocked.png">(That thing is a monster!)</state>
+            <case tag="male_large_crotch_is_visible" target="ryu">
+                <state img="4-loss3.png">Ho lee shit...</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_large_crotch_is_visible" target="shaggy">
+                <state img="4-embarrassed.png">Zoinks!</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible">
                 <state img="4-happy4.png">Your time to shine.</state>
                 <state img="4-happy4.png">Just pretend you're a model.</state>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="shazza">
+                <state img="4-pokerface1.png">Let's take a peek down under.</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="male_removed_minor">
                 <state img="4-happy3.png">You'll catch up soon enough.</state>
                 <state img="4-pokerface1.png">Soon, ~name~, soon.</state>
@@ -1264,9 +2142,12 @@
                 <state img="4-interested.png">Aww yeah! *plrch plrk plrk plrk plrk*</state>
                 <state img="4-happy5.png">Oi! Ye gonna polish yer knob?</state>
+            <case tag="male_must_masturbate" target="shaggy">
+                <state img="4-happy2.png">Will you do it for a scooby snack?</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="female_masturbating">
-                <state img="4-horny3.png">(That'll be me soon, won't it?)</state>
                 <state img="4-horny.png">(That looks fun...)</state>
+                <state img="4-horny3.png">(That'll be me soon, won't it?)</state>
             <case tag="female_human_must_strip">
                 <state img="4-happy2.png">Don't be too eager.</state>
@@ -1276,10 +2157,70 @@
                 <state img="4-horny.png">(I see you're having as much fun as me.)</state>
                 <state img="4-horny.png">Are you enjoying this? So am I.</state>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="blackrose">
+                <state img="4-happy5.png">(I'd be more annoyed if she wasn't so adorable.)</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="dawn">
+                <state img="4-loss3.png">Either that's dyed, or Japan sure is weird.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="kim">
+                <state img="4-happy5.png">Too late!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="kyoko">
+                <state img="4-happy3.png">Breathe, dude. Breathe.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="lilith">
+                <state img="4-happy5.png">Nice hedgework. It suits you.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="mercy">
+                <state img="4-pokerface1.png">I appreciate it, alright.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="mia">
+                <state img="4-happy4.png">Ah, you're just robbing Peter to pay Paul.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="misty">
+                <state img="4-disappointed2.png">Yeesh, calm down! Why are you even here?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="peach">
+                <state img="4-happy5.png">Well! I see <i>you're</i> rarin' to go.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="raven">
+                <state img="4-horny.png">Believe me, no problems here.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="revy">
+                <state img="4-disappointed2.png">You <i>really</i> need a chill pill.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="samus">
+                <state img="4-horny.png">Quite.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="spooky">
+                <state img="4-happy5.png">Well <i>there's</i> something you don't see every day!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="streaming-chan">
+                <state img="4-loss3.png">Where were you keeping those?</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="female_start_masturbating">
                 <state img="4-happy5.png">Try not to make <i>too</i> much noise. Ah, who am I kidding.</state>
                 <state img="4-horny.png">Mind if I watch?</state>
+            <case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="hermione">
+                <state img="4-horny.png">That looks fun...</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="jane">
+                <state img="4-happy3.png">Just think of it as performance art.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="misty">
+                <state img="4-pokerface1.png">Maybe this'll help you loosen up.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="ruby">
+                <state img="4-happy5.png">Looks like it.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="shantae">
+                <state img="4-happy2.png">Couldn't magic your way out of this one, could you?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="wiifitfemale">
+                <state img="4-horny.png">Call me crazy, but I don't think this is a certified routine.</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="male_removing_major">
                 <state img="4-pokerface1.png">Eye for an eye.</state>
                 <state img="4-happy2.png">You and me both, eh?</state>
@@ -1288,6 +2229,12 @@
                 <state img="4-happy3.png">At least it's one less.</state>
                 <state img="4-happy3.png">One step closer.</state>
+            <case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="daria" targetStage="3">
+                <state img="4-loss3.png">(What a weirdo...)</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="elena" targetStage="6">
+                <state img="4-happy.png">No worries. That just makes the final prize all the more sweeter.</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="male_removed_major">
                 <state img="4-happy3.png">I feel... inspired.</state>
                 <state img="4-horny.png">I'm okay with this deal.</state>
@@ -1300,18 +2247,36 @@
                 <state img="4-horny2.png">(I'm feeling warm...)</state>
                 <state img="4-horny.png">(I'm starting to feel... Heh...)</state>
+            <case tag="male_chest_is_visible" target="link">
+                <state img="4-horny.png">"Hyaaah" to you too! I see all that adventuring's paying off.</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="female_large_chest_is_visible">
                 <state img="4-shocked.png">Damn, girl!</state>
                 <state img="4-pokerface2.png">They look heavy.</state>
+            <case tag="female_large_chest_is_visible" target="leela">
+                <state img="4-disappointed2.png">Don't be rude, people. Her eye is up there.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_large_chest_is_visible" target="mia">
+                <state img="4-horny.png">No objections here.</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="male_must_strip">
                 <state img="4-happy3.png">Alright, ~name~, you're up.</state>
                 <state img="4-happy3.png">~name~'s turn? This should be good.</state>
+            <case tag="male_must_strip" target="link" targetStage="2">
+                <state img="4-happy3.png">You have such a way with words.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_must_strip" target="link" targetStage="4">
+                <state img="4-happy2.png">Aha! I <i>knew</i> it!</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="female_must_masturbate">
                 <state img="4-happy2.png">Oh my~</state>
                 <state img="4-happy2.png">Grand finale?</state>
+            <case tag="female_must_masturbate" target="zone-tan">
+                <state img="4-happy2.png">It's time <i>we</i> watched <i>you</i>.</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="male_human_must_strip">
                 <state img="4-happy2.png">Don't be too eager, ~name~.</state>
                 <state img="4-happy3.png">Alright, ~name~, you're up.</state>
@@ -1324,6 +2289,9 @@
                 <state img="4-disappointed.png">You're still removing small things?</state>
                 <state img="4-happy3.png">You have some catching up to do.</state>
+            <case tag="male_removing_accessory" target="fred" targetStage="2">
+                <state img="4-happy5.png">Can you show me the time machine you used to get that ascot?</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="male_finished_masturbating">
                 <state img="4-disappointed2.png">Aw, is that all?</state>
                 <state img="4-happy.png">Now be a good boy and clean the floor.</state>
@@ -1332,14 +2300,86 @@
                 <state img="4-happy4.png">How cute!</state>
                 <state img="4-happy4.png">Small, but sexy!</state>
+            <case tag="female_small_chest_is_visible" target="dawn">
+                <state img="4-happy2.png">Perfect censorship!</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible">
                 <state img="4-happy5.png">Not too small, not too big, but juuust right.</state>
                 <state img="4-horny.png">I bet they squeeze good...</state>
+            <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="alice">
+                <state img="4-happy5.png">So... who has the left?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="daria">
+                <state img="4-cards2.png">See? It's not so scary, is it?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="mercy">
+                <state img="4-horny.png">Oh, about a 12.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="pauling">
+                <state img="4-happy5.png">Eh, not bad. Not bad.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="peach">
+                <state img="4-horny.png">Mama mia!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="piper">
+                <state img="4-happy4.png">Wow! Talk about going from zero to sixty!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="velma">
+                <state img="4-happy5.png">Jinkies!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="wiifitfemale">
+                <state img="4-happy4.png">Being nude really unlocks the full range of motion.</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="female_removing_accessory">
                 <state img="4-happy2.png">You need to lose a couple more times.</state>
                 <state img="4-disappointed2.png">You guys are no fun.</state>
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="april" targetStage="5">
+                <state img="4-disappointed.png">Weasel...</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="chara" targetStage="0">
+                <state img="4-loss3.png">(I think I saw it beat...)</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="chara" targetStage="1">
+                <state img="4-disappointed2.png">(Something ain't right with this one...)</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="d.va" targetStage="0">
+                <state img="4-happy3.png">We'll see about that.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="daria" targetStage="5">
+                <state img="4-happy5.png">(Figured she'd pull that one...)</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="elena" targetStage="0">
+                <state img="4-loss3.png">Oh <i>that's</i> what that was? I thought it was a mace... I've been hanging around too many adventurers.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="elena" targetStage="5">
+                <state img="4-disappointed.png">Tease...</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="lyn" targetStage="0">
+                <state img="4-loss3.png">I'm suddenly in the mood for Italian.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="misty" targetStage="3">
+                <state img="4-pokerface2.png">I mean sure, but... where's your sense of spirit?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="piper" targetStage="0">
+                <state img="4-happy5.png">You have some catching up to do.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="revy" targetStage="3">
+                <state img="4-pokerface2.png">(Thank goodness! Thought I was gonna get a bullet in my head...)</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="spooky" targetStage="0">
+                <state img="4-loss3.png">Are we losing the knife? Good...</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="tracer" targetStage="4">
+                <state img="4-disappointed.png">I knew you were gonna do that...</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="zelda" targetStage="1">
+                <state img="4-happy2.png">This is a casual affair. Lose the fancy jewelry.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="zoey" targetStage="4">
+                <state img="4-disappointed2.png">Tease...</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="game_over_victory">
                 <state img="4-happy.png">And to think, you were just getting to the good part!</state>
@@ -1347,17 +2387,68 @@
                 <state img="4-happy4.png">Eye for an eye, eh?</state>
                 <state img="4-happy3.png">We're in this together.</state>
+            <case tag="female_removing_major" target="kim" targetStage="3">
+                <state img="4-loss3.png">Club what? I don't think that'd go over so well back home.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_major" target="mercy" targetStage="2">
+                <state img="4-pokerface2.png">Really? Cause I know a guy. He just <i>grows</i> 'em back. Crazy German scientist...</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_major" target="ruby" targetStage="3">
+                <state img="4-loss3.png">How do you even fight in that thing?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_major" target="tracer" targetStage="2">
+                <state img="4-pokerface2.png">You okay, Tracer? You're looking kind of... funny.</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="male_removing_minor">
                 <state img="4-happy3.png">You can only do that for so long.</state>
                 <state img="4-happy2.png">Next round should be more interesting.</state>
+            <case tag="male_removing_minor" target="shaggy" targetStage="1">
+                <state img="4-disappointed2.png">Dude. Wash those, pronto.</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="female_finished_masturbating">
                 <state img="4-horny2.png">(Wow, that looked intense...)</state>
+            <case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="chell">
+                <state img="4-happy2.png">Speechless to the end, I see.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="d.va">
+                <state img="4-horny.png">I think you've earned enough points for a bonus round.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="hermione">
+                <state img="4-embarrassed.png">Lucky...</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="korra">
+                <state img="4-happy5.png">When you cum in that state, do the rest cum too? Do you feel the orgasm of a thousand avatars?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="revy">
+                <state img="4-happy3.png">At least it improved your mood. If only a little.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="shazza">
+                <state img="4-interested.png">Crikey! Look a'that!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="spooky">
+                <state img="4-happy4.png">Venkman, get a sample!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="wiifitfemale">
+                <state img="4-happy5.png">Workout complete.</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible">
                 <state img="4-nervous.png">(Why am I shaking?)</state>
                 <state img="4-horny.png">(Calm yourself, Marcy... we're just getting started.)</state>
+            <case alsoPlaying="jane" tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" target="daria">
+                <state img="4-happy4.png">Just look at Jane. She's your friend, right?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" target="mercy">
+                <state img="4-happy3.png">I can get behind that ideology.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" target="mileena">
+                <state img="4-happy2.png">Whoa, Mileena! And here you were being so modest!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" target="zone-tan">
+                <state img="4-embarrassed.png">You look even cuter without the sweater. (Oh Gob, did I say that out loud?)</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="male_masturbating">
                 <state img="4-happy3.png">How ya holding up over there?</state>
                 <state img="4-happy4.png">Got enough to work with over there?</state>
@@ -1366,13 +2457,31 @@
                 <state img="4-happy.png">You'll catch up soon enough.</state>
                 <state img="4-pokerface1.png">You'll be on the fun stuff soon enough.</state>
+            <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="hermione" targetStage="1">
+                <state img="4-happy5.png">Showoff...</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="jasmine" targetStage="1">
+                <state img="4-loss3.png">Are you <i>sure</i> we haven't met before?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="kim" targetStage="1">
+                <state img="4-happy2.png">Ooh, daredevil!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="kim" targetStage="2">
+                <state img="4-happy4.png">If you say so.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="kyoko" targetStage="6">
+                <state img="4-happy4.png">Woah, creepy. I dig it.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="pauling" targetStage="3">
+                <state img="4-happy2.png">You're no stranger to this game, I see.</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="male_crotch_will_be_visible">
                 <state img="4-embarrassed.png">(Why is my heart pounding?)</state>
                 <state img="4-happy4.png">We're all friends here, right?</state>
             <case tag="good_hand">
-                <state img="4-pokerface1.png">Heyy--!</state>
                 <state img="4-pokerface2.png">...</state>
+                <state img="4-pokerface1.png">Heyy--!</state>
                 <state img="4-pokerface1.png">Nice.</state>
             <case tag="okay_hand">
@@ -1388,8 +2497,8 @@
                 <state img="4-cards2.png">~cards~ for me.</state>
             <case tag="bad_hand">
-                <state img="4-pokerface1.png">...</state>
                 <state img="4-pokerface2.png">...</state>
+                <state img="4-pokerface1.png">...</state>
                 <state img="4-pokerface2.png">Bunk...</state>
             <case tag="stripped">
@@ -1412,107 +2521,6 @@
                 <state img="4-loss1.png">Finally brought me down to your level, eh?</state>
                 <state img="4-loss1.png">You guys must want this bad. Well, you've earned it.</state>
-			<case tag="female_removing_major" target="tracer" targetStage="2"><state img="4-pokerface2.png">You okay, Tracer? You're looking kind of... funny.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major" target="tracer" targetStage="3"><state img="4-loss3.png">...Alright, then.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="chell"><state img="4-happy2.png">Speechless to the end, I see.</state></case>
-			<case tag="male_must_masturbate" target="shaggy"><state img="4-happy2.png">Will you do it for a scooby snack?</state></case>
-			<case tag="male_removing_minor" target="shaggy" targetStage="1"><state img="4-disappointed2.png">Dude. Wash those, pronto.</state></case>
-			<case tag="male_large_crotch_is_visible" target="shaggy"><state img="4-embarrassed.png">Zoinks!</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="velma"><state img="4-happy5.png">Jinkies!</state></case>
-			<case tag="male_removing_accessory" target="fred" targetStage="2"><state img="4-happy5.png">Can you show me the time machine you used to get that ascot?</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" target="mileena"><state img="4-happy2.png">Whoa, Mileena! And here you were being so modest!</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="spooky" targetStage="0"><state img="4-loss3.png">Are we losing the knife? Good...</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="spooky"><state img="4-happy5.png">Well <i>there's</i> something you don't see every day!</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="spooky"><state img="4-happy4.png">Venkman, get a sample!</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="lyn" targetStage="0"><state img="4-loss3.png">I'm suddenly in the mood for Italian.</state></case>
-			<case tag="male_large_crotch_is_visible" target="ryu"><state img="4-loss3.png">Ho lee shit...</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_minor" target="jasmine" targetStage="1"><state img="4-loss3.png">Are you <i>sure</i> we haven't met before?</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major" target="jasmine" targetStage="2"><state img="4-loss3.png">That's right, <i>now</i> I remember! You were in those old movies!</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="wiifitfemale"><state img="4-happy4.png">Being nude really unlocks the full range of motion.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="wiifitfemale"><state img="4-horny.png">Call me crazy, but I don't think this is a certified routine.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="wiifitfemale"><state img="4-happy5.png">Workout complete.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="streaming-chan"><state img="4-loss3.png">Where were you keeping those?</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="shantae"><state img="4-happy2.png">Couldn't magic your way out of this one, could you?</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_large_chest_is_visible" target="leela"><state img="4-disappointed2.png">Don't be rude, people. Her eye is up there.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" target="zone-tan"><state img="4-embarrassed.png">You look even cuter without the sweater. (Oh Gob, did I say that out loud?)</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_must_masturbate" target="zone-tan"><state img="4-happy2.png">It's time <i>we</i> watched <i>you</i>.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="elena" targetStage="0"><state img="4-loss3.png">Oh <i>that's</i> what that was? I thought it was a mace... I've been hanging around too many adventurers.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major" target="elena" targetStage="5"><state img="4-horny.png">Looks like a strawberry parfait. Tasty.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="elena" targetStage="5"><state img="4-disappointed.png">Tease...</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="elena" targetStage="6"><state img="4-happy.png">No worries. That just makes the final prize all the more sweeter.</state></case>
-			<case tag="male_must_strip" target="link" targetStage="2"><state img="4-happy3.png">You have such a way with words.</state></case>
-			<case tag="male_must_strip" target="link" targetStage="4"><state img="4-happy2.png">Aha! I <i>knew</i> it!</state></case>
-			<case tag="male_chest_will_be_visible" target="link" targetStage="4"><state img="4-pokerface1.png">Don't worry, your little secret's safe with me.</state></case>
-			<case tag="male_chest_is_visible" target="link"><state img="4-horny.png">"Hyaaah" to you too! I see all that adventuring's paying off.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="samus"><state img="4-horny.png">Quite.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_minor" target="kim" targetStage="1"><state img="4-happy2.png">Ooh, daredevil!</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_minor" target="kim" targetStage="2"><state img="4-happy4.png">If you say so.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_major" target="kim" targetStage="3"><state img="4-loss3.png">Club what? I don't think that'd go over so well back home.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major" target="kim" targetStage="4"><state img="4-happy5.png">I wouldn't have guessed pink.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="kim"><state img="4-happy5.png">Too late!</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_minor" target="hermione" targetStage="1"><state img="4-happy5.png">Showoff...</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major" target="hermione" targetStage="5"><state img="4-happy4.png">Presto! Where did it go?</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="hermione"><state img="4-horny.png">That looks fun...</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="hermione"><state img="4-embarrassed.png">Lucky...</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="d.va" targetStage="0"><state img="4-happy3.png">We'll see about that.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major" target="d.va" targetStage="4"><state img="4-happy5.png">How very Hotline Miami.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="d.va"><state img="4-horny.png">I think you've earned enough points for a bonus round.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_major" target="mercy" targetStage="2"><state img="4-pokerface2.png">Really? Cause I know a guy. He just <i>grows</i> 'em back. Crazy German scientist...</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="mercy"><state img="4-pokerface1.png">I appreciate it, alright.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_must_strip" target="mercy" targetStage="4"><state img="4-happy2.png">Don't worry, I'll be nice and thorough.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" target="mercy"><state img="4-happy3.png">I can get behind that ideology.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="mercy"><state img="4-horny.png">Oh, about a 12.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_must_strip" target="mercy" targetStage="5"><state img="4-pokerface1.png">But we're not in a doctor's office, are we?</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="misty" targetStage="3"><state img="4-pokerface2.png">I mean sure, but... where's your sense of spirit?</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="misty"><state img="4-disappointed2.png">Yeesh, calm down! Why are you even here?</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="misty"><state img="4-pokerface1.png">Maybe this'll help you loosen up.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="peach"><state img="4-horny.png">Mama mia!</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="peach"><state img="4-happy5.png">Well! I see <i>you're</i> rarin' to go.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major" target="korra" targetStage="5"><state img="4-happy4.png">Damn, girl! You've been pumping some iron!</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="korra"><state img="4-happy5.png">When you cum in that state, do the rest cum too? Do you feel the orgasm of a thousand avatars?</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_must_strip" target="blackrose" targetStage="1"><state img="4-disappointed2.png">Yeesh, lighten up...</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="blackrose"><state img="4-happy5.png">(I'd be more annoyed if she wasn't so adorable.)</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major" target="raven" targetStage="3"><state img="4-happy4.png">Hey look, she has a face!</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="raven"><state img="4-horny.png">Believe me, no problems here.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_minor" target="pauling" targetStage="3"><state img="4-happy2.png">You're no stranger to this game, I see.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="pauling"><state img="4-happy5.png">Eh, not bad. Not bad.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="mia"><state img="4-happy4.png">Ah, you're just robbing Peter to pay Paul.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_large_chest_is_visible" target="mia"><state img="4-horny.png">No objections here.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major" target="daisy" targetStage="5"><state img="4-horny.png">Now <i>that's</i> more like it.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="ruby"><state img="4-happy5.png">Looks like it.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_major" target="ruby" targetStage="3"><state img="4-loss3.png">How do you even fight in that thing?</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="chara" targetStage="0"><state img="4-loss3.png">(I think I saw it beat...)</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="chara" targetStage="1"><state img="4-disappointed2.png">(Something ain't right with this one...)</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_must_strip" target="chara" targetStage="5"><state img="4-happy2.png">You look like you're having a bad time.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="zoey" targetStage="4"><state img="4-disappointed2.png">Tease...</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="revy" targetStage="3"><state img="4-pokerface2.png">(Thank goodness! Thought I was gonna get a bullet in my head...)</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="revy"><state img="4-disappointed2.png">You <i>really</i> need a chill pill.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="revy"><state img="4-happy3.png">At least it improved your mood. If only a little.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major" target="lara" targetStage="6"><state img="4-happy3.png">How very vintage.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="tracer" targetStage="4"><state img="4-disappointed.png">I knew you were gonna do that...</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_small_chest_is_visible" target="dawn"><state img="4-happy2.png">Perfect censorship!</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="dawn"><state img="4-loss3.png">Either that's dyed, or Japan sure is weird.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major" target="alice" targetStage="3"><state img="4-happy4.png">I like it! Very Addams Family meets Beetlejuice.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="alice"><state img="4-happy5.png">So... who has the left?</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="lilith"><state img="4-happy5.png">Nice hedgework. It suits you.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="piper" targetStage="0"><state img="4-happy5.png">You have some catching up to do.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="piper"><state img="4-happy4.png">Wow! Talk about going from zero to sixty!</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="april" targetStage="5"><state img="4-disappointed.png">Weasel...</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major" target="penny" targetStage="3"><state img="4-happy5.png">Looks like LSP's cousin...</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major" target="penny" targetStage="4"><state img="4-loss2.png">Aaand LSP's <i>other</i> cousin...</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_minor" target="kyoko" targetStage="6"><state img="4-happy4.png">Woah, creepy. I dig it.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="kyoko"><state img="4-happy3.png">Breathe, dude. Breathe.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major" target="shazza" targetStage="4"><state img="4-happy4.png">I like your style!</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="shazza"><state img="4-pokerface1.png">Let's take a peek down under.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="shazza"><state img="4-interested.png">Crikey! Look a'that!</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="daria" targetStage="3"><state img="4-loss3.png">(What a weirdo...)</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="daria" targetStage="5"><state img="4-happy5.png">(Figured she'd pull that one...)</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" target="daria" alsoPlaying="jane"><state img="4-happy4.png">Just look at Jane. She's your friend, right?</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="daria"><state img="4-cards2.png">See? It's not so scary, is it?</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major" target="jane" targetStage="4"><state img="4-happy3.png">Looks tasty.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="jane"><state img="4-happy3.png">Just think of it as performance art.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="zelda" targetStage="1"><state img="4-happy2.png">This is a casual affair. Lose the fancy jewelry.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major" target="zelda" targetStage="5"><state img="4-happy4.png">Wow! Talk about double or nothing!</state></case>
         <stage id="5">
@@ -1520,10 +2528,25 @@
                 <state img="5-calm.png">Don't worry, ~name~, I'm half-naked anyway.</state>
                 <state img="5-calm.png">No worries, ~name~. We won't judge.</state>
+            <case tag="female_must_strip" target="blackrose" targetStage="1">
+                <state img="5-pokerface2.png">Yeesh, lighten up...</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_must_strip" target="chara" targetStage="5">
+                <state img="5-loss1.png">You look like you're having a bad time.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_must_strip" target="mercy" targetStage="4">
+                <state img="5-happy.png">Don't worry, I'll be nice and thorough.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_must_strip" target="mercy" targetStage="5">
+                <state img="5-horny3.png">But we're not in a doctor's office, are we?</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="male_chest_will_be_visible">
                 <state img="5-happy2.png">Couldn't have happened soon enough.</state>
                 <state img="5-happy.png">Ooh, ready to join the party?</state>
+            <case tag="male_chest_will_be_visible" target="link" targetStage="4">
+                <state img="5-happy2.png">Oh dear, Nintendo's going to send the frighteners.</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="female_removing_minor">
                 <state img="5-happy2.png">I'm showing enough skin for now. It's your turn!</state>
                 <state img="5-calm.png">It's just a bit of skin. No need to worry yet.</state>
@@ -1537,14 +2560,72 @@
                 <state img="5-horny2.png">Noice.</state>
                 <state img="5-happy.png">Damn, girl, nice!</state>
+            <case tag="female_removed_major" target="alice" targetStage="3">
+                <state img="5-happy3.png">I like it! Very Addams Family meets Beetlejuice.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_major" target="d.va" targetStage="4">
+                <state img="5-calm.png">You've got style. I like it.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_major" target="daisy" targetStage="5">
+                <state img="5-horny.png">Now <i>that's</i> more like it.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_major" target="elena" targetStage="5">
+                <state img="5-horny.png">Looks like a strawberry parfait. Tasty.</state>
+                <state img="5-calm.png">Looks like a strawberry parfait. Tasty.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_major" target="hermione" targetStage="5">
+                <state img="5-happy.png">Presto! Where did it go?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_major" target="jane" targetStage="4">
+                <state img="5-happy2.png">Looks tasty.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_major" target="jasmine" targetStage="2">
+                <state img="5-shocked.png">No way!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_major" target="kim" targetStage="4">
+                <state img="5-happy3.png">Ooh! The pink is cute.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_major" target="korra" targetStage="5">
+                <state img="5-happy3.png">Damn, girl! You've been pumping some iron!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_major" target="lara" targetStage="6">
+                <state img="5-horny2.png">How very vintage.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_major" target="penny" targetStage="3">
+                <state img="5-horny2.png">Looks comfy.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_major" target="penny" targetStage="4">
+                <state img="5-happy3.png">It's so fluffy!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_major" target="raven" targetStage="3">
+                <state img="5-happy3.png">Hey look, she has a face!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_major" target="shazza" targetStage="4">
+                <state img="5-calm.png">I like your style!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_major" target="tracer" targetStage="3">
+                <state img="5-cards.png">Erm...</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_major" target="zelda" targetStage="5">
+                <state img="5-horny3.png">Wow! Talk about double or nothing!</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="male_large_crotch_is_visible">
                 <state img="5-shocked.png">(I think that'd kill me...)</state>
                 <state img="5-shocked.png">(What horse did you take that from?)</state>
+            <case tag="male_large_crotch_is_visible" target="ryu">
+                <state img="5-shocked.png">Gaah!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_large_crotch_is_visible" target="shaggy">
+                <state img="5-shocked.png">Zoinks!</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible">
                 <state img="5-happy2.png">My patience pays off...</state>
                 <state img="5-happy2.png">Yesss....</state>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="shazza">
+                <state img="5-horny.png">Let's take a peek down under.</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="male_removed_minor">
                 <state img="5-happy.png">Looking better each round!</state>
                 <state img="5-pokerface1.png">Now you're getting the idea!</state>
@@ -1557,6 +2638,9 @@
                 <state img="5-happy2.png">At least you have some eye candy.</state>
                 <state img="5-happy2.png">Just don't tire yourself out...</state>
+            <case tag="male_must_masturbate" target="shaggy">
+                <state img="5-pokerface1.png">Will you do it for a scooby snack?</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="female_masturbating">
                 <state img="5-horny3.png">(I bet my tongue could do better than your fingers...)</state>
                 <state img="5-horny3.png">(You're all warmed up. Too bad I can't take you for a spin.)</state>
@@ -1569,10 +2653,70 @@
                 <state img="5-embarrassed.png">(Good thing I'm wearing black...)</state>
                 <state img="5-embarrassed.png">(I'd love to see her "lose"...)</state>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="blackrose">
+                <state img="5-horny2.png">(I'd be more annoyed if she wasn't so adorable.)</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="dawn">
+                <state img="5-pokerface2.png">Either that's dyed, or Japan sure is weird.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="kim">
+                <state img="5-horny.png">Too late!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="kyoko">
+                <state img="5-calm.png">Breathe, dude. Breathe.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="lilith">
+                <state img="5-horny.png">Nice hedgework. It suits you.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="mercy">
+                <state img="5-horny.png">I appreciate it, alright.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="mia">
+                <state img="5-happy2.png">Ah, you're just robbing Peter to pay Paul.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="misty">
+                <state img="5-pokerface3.png">Yeesh, calm down! Why are you even here?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="peach">
+                <state img="5-horny.png">Well! I see <i>you're</i> rarin' to go.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="raven">
+                <state img="5-horny3.png">Believe me, no problems here.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="revy">
+                <state img="5-pokerface3.png">You <i>really</i> need a chill pill.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="samus">
+                <state img="5-horny.png">Quite.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="spooky">
+                <state img="5-calm.png">Well <i>there's</i> something you don't see every day!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="streaming-chan">
+                <state img="5-pokerface2.png">Where were you keeping those?</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="female_start_masturbating">
                 <state img="5-horny2.png">Go nice and slow... you know, so you enjoy it.</state>
                 <state img="5-horny2.png">If you need help, just let me know.</state>
+            <case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="hermione">
+                <state img="5-embarrassed.png">That looks fun...</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="jane">
+                <state img="5-happy2.png">Just think of it as performance art.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="misty">
+                <state img="5-happy2.png">Maybe this'll help you loosen up.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="ruby">
+                <state img="5-horny.png">Looks like it.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="shantae">
+                <state img="5-pokerface1.png">Couldn't magic your way out of this one, could you?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="wiifitfemale">
+                <state img="5-embarrassed2.png">That's a fun workout...</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="male_removing_major">
                 <state img="5-happy.png">I've been waiting for this!</state>
                 <state img="5-happy2.png">Don't worry, I won't look... I'll stare.</state>
@@ -1581,6 +2725,13 @@
                 <state img="5-pokerface1.png">Hurry up and get on board the undie train.</state>
                 <state img="5-pokerface1.png">You'll have to strip sooner or later.</state>
+            <case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="daria" targetStage="3">
+                <state img="5-pokerface1.png">(What a weirdo...)</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="elena" targetStage="6">
+                <state img="5-happy.png">No worries. That just makes the final prize all the more sweeter.</state>
+                <state img="5-happy.png">No worries. That just makes the final prize all the more sweeter.</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="male_removed_major">
                 <state img="5-horny.png">Nice skin. Can I touch it?</state>
                 <state img="5-horny2.png">This pleases me.</state>
@@ -1593,18 +2744,36 @@
                 <state img="5-horny.png">Mind if I disrespect your personal space?</state>
                 <state img="5-horny2.png">You've been drinking your milk, I see.</state>
+            <case tag="male_chest_is_visible" target="link">
+                <state img="5-horny.png">"Hyaaah" to you too! I see all that adventuring's paying off.</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="female_large_chest_is_visible">
                 <state img="5-horny2.png">I'm envious...</state>
                 <state img="5-horny.png">Quite the massive mammaries!</state>
+            <case tag="female_large_chest_is_visible" target="leela">
+                <state img="5-pokerface3.png">Don't be rude, people. Her eye is up there.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_large_chest_is_visible" target="mia">
+                <state img="5-horny2.png">No objections here.</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="male_must_strip">
                 <state img="5-pokerface1.png">Them's the rules, ~name~.</state>
                 <state img="5-loss1.png">Tough break, ~name~.</state>
+            <case tag="male_must_strip" target="link" targetStage="2">
+                <state img="5-calm.png">You have such a way with words.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_must_strip" target="link" targetStage="4">
+                <state img="5-happy.png">Aha! I <i>knew</i> it!</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="female_must_masturbate">
                 <state img="5-horny.png">Nice...</state>
                 <state img="5-pokerface1.png">We should've just skipped the game.</state>
+            <case tag="female_must_masturbate" target="zone-tan">
+                <state img="5-happy2.png">It's time <i>we</i> watched <i>you</i>.</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="male_human_must_strip">
                 <state img="5-calm.png">No need to be embarrassed. Just look at me.</state>
                 <state img="5-pokerface1.png">Getting excited, ~name~?</state>
@@ -1617,6 +2786,9 @@
                 <state img="5-pokerface3.png">I mean, I know I did the same, but still...</state>
                 <state img="5-pokerface3.png">I'm half-naked and here you are just taking off your ~clothing~!</state>
+            <case tag="male_removing_accessory" target="fred" targetStage="2">
+                <state img="5-happy2.png">Can you show me the time machine you used to get that ascot?</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="male_finished_masturbating">
                 <state img="5-happy2.png">You saved up, didn't you?</state>
                 <state img="5-pokerface1.png">Crack shot.</state>
@@ -1625,14 +2797,88 @@
                 <state img="5-happy2.png">All are welcome here.</state>
                 <state img="5-happy3.png">Aw, I like them!</state>
+            <case tag="female_small_chest_is_visible" target="dawn">
+                <state img="5-happy.png">Perfect censorship!</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible">
                 <state img="5-loss1.png">If I ever need to borrow a bra, I'll come to you.</state>
                 <state img="5-horny2.png">Can I squeeze them? To compare sizes, of course.</state>
+            <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="alice">
+                <state img="5-horny2.png">So... who has the left?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="daria">
+                <state img="5-cards2.png">See? It's not so scary, is it?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="mercy">
+                <state img="5-happy3.png">Oh, about a 12.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="pauling">
+                <state img="5-horny2.png">Eh, not bad. Not bad.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="peach">
+                <state img="5-horny.png">Mama mia!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="piper">
+                <state img="5-happy.png">It was a long, hard battle, but we finally wore you down.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="velma">
+                <state img="5-pokerface1.png">Jinkies!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="wiifitfemale">
+                <state img="5-embarrassed.png">Wow, you're really... toned.</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="female_removing_accessory">
                 <state img="5-pokerface3.png">Aw, boo! I'm in my underwear here!</state>
                 <state img="5-pokerface3.png">Whaat? I'm half-naked and you're still taking off your ~clothing~?</state>
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="april" targetStage="5">
+                <state img="5-pokerface3.png">Weasel...</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="chara" targetStage="0">
+                <state img="5-shocked.png">(I think I saw it beat...!)</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="chara" targetStage="1">
+                <state img="5-pokerface3.png">(Something ain't right with this one...)</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="d.va" targetStage="0">
+                <state img="5-happy2.png">We'll see about that.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="daria" targetStage="5">
+                <state img="5-happy2.png">(Figured she'd pull that one...)</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="elena" targetStage="0">
+                <state img="5-happy3.png">Oh <i>that's</i> what that was? I thought it was a mace... I've been hanging around too many adventurers.</state>
+                <state img="5-happy3.png">Oh <i>that's</i> what that was? I thought it was a mace... I've been hanging around too many adventurers.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="elena" targetStage="5">
+                <state img="5-pokerface1.png">Tease...</state>
+                <state img="5-pokerface3.png">Tease...</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="lyn" targetStage="0">
+                <state img="5-pokerface3.png">Why do I suddenly want Italian food?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="misty" targetStage="3">
+                <state img="5-cards.png">I mean sure, but... where's your sense of spirit?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="piper" targetStage="0">
+                <state img="5-loss1.png">You have a <i>lot</i> of catching up to do.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="revy" targetStage="3">
+                <state img="5-pokerface2.png">(Thank goodness! Thought I was gonna get a bullet in my head...)</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="spooky" targetStage="0">
+                <state img="5-pokerface2.png">Are we losing the knife? Good...</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="tracer" targetStage="4">
+                <state img="5-pokerface2.png">I knew you were gonna do that...</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="zelda" targetStage="1">
+                <state img="5-calm.png">This is a casual affair. Lose the fancy jewelry.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="zoey" targetStage="4">
+                <state img="5-loss2.png">Oh you tease.</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="game_over_victory">
                 <state img="5-happy.png">Close, but no banana! I win.</state>
@@ -1640,18 +2886,69 @@
                 <state img="5-happy2.png">Don't worry, I won't look... I'll stare.</state>
                 <state img="5-pokerface1.png">I don't suppose you wanna do two?</state>
+            <case tag="female_removing_major" target="kim" targetStage="3">
+                <state img="5-pokerface2.png">Club what? I don't think that'd go over so well back home.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_major" target="mercy" targetStage="2">
+                <state img="5-pokerface3.png">Really? Cause I know a guy. He just <i>grows</i> 'em back. Crazy German scientist...</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_major" target="ruby" targetStage="3">
+                <state img="5-pokerface2.png">How do you even fight in that thing?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_major" target="tracer" targetStage="2">
+                <state img="5-pokerface2.png">Hey Tracer, is that glowy thing supposed to be--</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="male_removing_minor">
                 <state img="5-pokerface1.png">You have some catching up to do.</state>
                 <state img="5-happy2.png">We'll whittle away at you yet.</state>
+            <case tag="male_removing_minor" target="shaggy" targetStage="1">
+                <state img="5-pokerface3.png">Dude. Wash those, pronto.</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="female_finished_masturbating">
                 <state img="5-horny3.png">Mental image, taken.</state>
                 <state img="5-embarrassed2.png">(Why are we even playing anymore?)</state>
+            <case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="chell">
+                <state img="5-calm.png">Speechless to the end, I see.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="d.va">
+                <state img="5-horny3.png">Care to play a bonus round?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="hermione">
+                <state img="5-embarrassed2.png">Lucky...</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="korra">
+                <state img="5-cards2.png">When you cum in that state, do the rest cum too? Do you feel the orgasm of a thousand avatars?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="revy">
+                <state img="5-happy2.png">At least it improved your mood. If only a little.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="shazza">
+                <state img="5-happy.png">Crikey! Look a'that!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="spooky">
+                <state img="5-happy3.png">Venkman, get a sample!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="wiifitfemale">
+                <state img="5-horny.png">My, I'll have to try your routine <i>very</i> soon.</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible">
                 <state img="5-pokerface1.png">Let 'em get some air.</state>
                 <state img="5-happy.png">Hark! Do I hear titties on the horizon?</state>
+            <case alsoPlaying="jane" tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" target="daria">
+                <state img="5-calm.png">Just look at Jane. She's your friend, right?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" target="mercy">
+                <state img="5-calm.png">I can get behind that ideology.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" target="mileena">
+                <state img="5-happy.png">Whoa, Mileena! And here you were being so modest!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" target="zone-tan">
+                <state img="5-cards2.png">Toss that cute sweater this way, Zone.</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="male_masturbating">
                 <state img="5-horny2.png">You need some help over there?</state>
                 <state img="5-horny2.png">What, you're still going at it?</state>
@@ -1660,6 +2957,24 @@
                 <state img="5-loss1.png">Hehe... closer and closer.</state>
                 <state img="5-loss1.png">You'll be baring it all eventually.</state>
+            <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="hermione" targetStage="1">
+                <state img="5-calm.png">Showoff...</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="jasmine" targetStage="1">
+                <state img="5-pokerface3.png">Are you <i>sure</i> we haven't met before?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="kim" targetStage="1">
+                <state img="5-calm.png">Ooh, daredevil!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="kim" targetStage="2">
+                <state img="5-happy2.png">If you say so.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="kyoko" targetStage="6">
+                <state img="5-pokerface1.png">Woah, creepy. I dig it.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="pauling" targetStage="3">
+                <state img="5-happy2.png">You're no stranger to this game, I see.</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="male_crotch_will_be_visible">
                 <state img="5-horny2.png">Oh darn. Well, rules are rules.</state>
                 <state img="5-horny2.png">Can I just say how glad I am you're playing tonight?</state>
@@ -1706,111 +3021,6 @@
                 <state img="5-loss1.png">And here I was starting to feel left out.</state>
                 <state img="5-loss1.png">Looks like you finally get to see the goods.</state>
-			<case tag="female_removing_major" target="tracer" targetStage="2"><state img="5-pokerface2.png">Hey Tracer, is that glowy thing supposed to be--</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major" target="tracer" targetStage="3"><state img="5-cards.png">Erm...</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="chell"><state img="5-calm.png">Speechless to the end, I see.</state></case>
-			<case tag="male_must_masturbate" target="shaggy"><state img="5-pokerface1.png">Will you do it for a scooby snack?</state></case>
-			<case tag="male_removing_minor" target="shaggy" targetStage="1"><state img="5-pokerface3.png">Dude. Wash those, pronto.</state></case>
-			<case tag="male_large_crotch_is_visible" target="shaggy"><state img="5-shocked.png">Zoinks!</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="velma"><state img="5-pokerface1.png">Jinkies!</state></case>
-			<case tag="male_removing_accessory" target="fred" targetStage="2"><state img="5-happy2.png">Can you show me the time machine you used to get that ascot?</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" target="mileena"><state img="5-happy.png">Whoa, Mileena! And here you were being so modest!</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="spooky" targetStage="0"><state img="5-pokerface2.png">Are we losing the knife? Good...</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="spooky"><state img="5-calm.png">Well <i>there's</i> something you don't see every day!</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="spooky"><state img="5-happy3.png">Venkman, get a sample!</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="lyn" targetStage="0"><state img="5-pokerface3.png">Why do I suddenly want Italian food?</state></case>
-			<case tag="male_large_crotch_is_visible" target="ryu"><state img="5-shocked.png">Gaah!</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_minor" target="jasmine" targetStage="1"><state img="5-pokerface3.png">Are you <i>sure</i> we haven't met before?</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major" target="jasmine" targetStage="2"><state img="0-shocked.png">No way!</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="wiifitfemale"><state img="5-embarrassed.png">Wow, you're really... toned.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="wiifitfemale"><state img="5-embarrassed2.png">That's a fun workout...</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="wiifitfemale"><state img="5-horny.png">My, I'll have to try your routine <i>very</i> soon.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="streaming-chan"><state img="5-pokerface2.png">Where were you keeping those?</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="shantae"><state img="5-pokerface1.png">Couldn't magic your way out of this one, could you?</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_large_chest_is_visible" target="leela"><state img="5-pokerface3.png">Don't be rude, people. Her eye is up there.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" target="zone-tan"><state img="5-cards2.png">Toss that cute sweater this way, Zone.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_must_masturbate" target="zone-tan"><state img="5-happy2.png">It's time <i>we</i> watched <i>you</i>.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="elena" targetStage="0"><state img="3-happy3.png">Oh <i>that's</i> what that was? I thought it was a mace... I've been hanging around too many adventurers.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major" target="elena" targetStage="5"><state img="0-horny.png">Looks like a strawberry parfait. Tasty.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="elena" targetStage="5"><state img="3-pokerface1.png">Tease...</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="elena" targetStage="6"><state img="3-happy.png">No worries. That just makes the final prize all the more sweeter.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="elena" targetStage="0"><state img="3-happy3.png">Oh <i>that's</i> what that was? I thought it was a mace... I've been hanging around too many adventurers.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major" target="elena" targetStage="5"><state img="5-calm.png">Looks like a strawberry parfait. Tasty.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="elena" targetStage="5"><state img="5-pokerface3.png">Tease...</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="elena" targetStage="6"><state img="5-happy.png">No worries. That just makes the final prize all the more sweeter.</state></case>
-			<case tag="male_must_strip" target="link" targetStage="2"><state img="5-calm.png">You have such a way with words.</state></case>
-			<case tag="male_must_strip" target="link" targetStage="4"><state img="5-happy.png">Aha! I <i>knew</i> it!</state></case>
-			<case tag="male_chest_will_be_visible" target="link" targetStage="4"><state img="5-happy2.png">Oh dear, Nintendo's going to send the frighteners.</state></case>
-			<case tag="male_chest_is_visible" target="link"><state img="5-horny.png">"Hyaaah" to you too! I see all that adventuring's paying off.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="samus"><state img="5-horny.png">Quite.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_minor" target="kim" targetStage="1"><state img="5-calm.png">Ooh, daredevil!</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_minor" target="kim" targetStage="2"><state img="5-happy2.png">If you say so.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_major" target="kim" targetStage="3"><state img="5-pokerface2.png">Club what? I don't think that'd go over so well back home.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major" target="kim" targetStage="4"><state img="5-happy3.png">Ooh! The pink is cute.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="kim"><state img="5-horny.png">Too late!</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_minor" target="hermione" targetStage="1"><state img="5-calm.png">Showoff...</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major" target="hermione" targetStage="5"><state img="5-happy.png">Presto! Where did it go?</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="hermione"><state img="5-embarrassed.png">That looks fun...</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="hermione"><state img="5-embarrassed2.png">Lucky...</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="d.va" targetStage="0"><state img="5-happy2.png">We'll see about that.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major" target="d.va" targetStage="4"><state img="5-calm.png">You've got style. I like it.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="d.va"><state img="5-horny3.png">Care to play a bonus round?</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_major" target="mercy" targetStage="2"><state img="5-pokerface3.png">Really? Cause I know a guy. He just <i>grows</i> 'em back. Crazy German scientist...</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="mercy"><state img="5-horny.png">I appreciate it, alright.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_must_strip" target="mercy" targetStage="4"><state img="5-happy.png">Don't worry, I'll be nice and thorough.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" target="mercy"><state img="5-calm.png">I can get behind that ideology.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="mercy"><state img="2-happy3.png">Oh, about a 12.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_must_strip" target="mercy" targetStage="5"><state img="5-horny3.png">But we're not in a doctor's office, are we?</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="misty" targetStage="3"><state img="5-cards.png">I mean sure, but... where's your sense of spirit?</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="misty"><state img="5-pokerface3.png">Yeesh, calm down! Why are you even here?</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="misty"><state img="5-happy2.png">Maybe this'll help you loosen up.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="peach"><state img="5-horny.png">Mama mia!</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="peach"><state img="5-horny.png">Well! I see <i>you're</i> rarin' to go.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major" target="korra" targetStage="5"><state img="5-happy3.png">Damn, girl! You've been pumping some iron!</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="korra"><state img="5-cards2.png">When you cum in that state, do the rest cum too? Do you feel the orgasm of a thousand avatars?</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_must_strip" target="blackrose" targetStage="1"><state img="5-pokerface2.png">Yeesh, lighten up...</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="blackrose"><state img="5-horny2.png">(I'd be more annoyed if she wasn't so adorable.)</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major" target="raven" targetStage="3"><state img="5-happy3.png">Hey look, she has a face!</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="raven"><state img="5-horny3.png">Believe me, no problems here.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_minor" target="pauling" targetStage="3"><state img="5-happy2.png">You're no stranger to this game, I see.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="pauling"><state img="5-horny2.png">Eh, not bad. Not bad.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="mia"><state img="5-happy2.png">Ah, you're just robbing Peter to pay Paul.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_large_chest_is_visible" target="mia"><state img="5-horny2.png">No objections here.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major" target="daisy" targetStage="5"><state img="5-horny.png">Now <i>that's</i> more like it.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="ruby"><state img="5-horny.png">Looks like it.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_major" target="ruby" targetStage="3"><state img="5-pokerface2.png">How do you even fight in that thing?</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="chara" targetStage="0"><state img="5-shocked.png">(I think I saw it beat...!)</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="chara" targetStage="1"><state img="5-pokerface3.png">(Something ain't right with this one...)</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_must_strip" target="chara" targetStage="5"><state img="5-loss1.png">You look like you're having a bad time.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="zoey" targetStage="4"><state img="5-loss2.png">Oh you tease.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="revy" targetStage="3"><state img="5-pokerface2.png">(Thank goodness! Thought I was gonna get a bullet in my head...)</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="revy"><state img="5-pokerface3.png">You <i>really</i> need a chill pill.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="revy"><state img="5-happy2.png">At least it improved your mood. If only a little.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major" target="lara" targetStage="6"><state img="5-horny2.png">How very vintage.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="tracer" targetStage="4"><state img="5-pokerface2.png">I knew you were gonna do that...</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_small_chest_is_visible" target="dawn"><state img="5-happy.png">Perfect censorship!</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="dawn"><state img="5-pokerface2.png">Either that's dyed, or Japan sure is weird.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major" target="alice" targetStage="3"><state img="5-happy3.png">I like it! Very Addams Family meets Beetlejuice.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="alice"><state img="5-horny2.png">So... who has the left?</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="lilith"><state img="5-horny.png">Nice hedgework. It suits you.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="piper" targetStage="0"><state img="5-loss1.png">You have a <i>lot</i> of catching up to do.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="piper"><state img="5-happy.png">It was a long, hard battle, but we finally wore you down.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="april" targetStage="5"><state img="5-pokerface3.png">Weasel...</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major" target="penny" targetStage="3"><state img="5-horny2.png">Looks comfy.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major" target="penny" targetStage="4"><state img="5-happy3.png">It's so fluffy!</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_minor" target="kyoko" targetStage="6"><state img="5-pokerface1.png">Woah, creepy. I dig it.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="kyoko"><state img="5-calm.png">Breathe, dude. Breathe.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major" target="shazza" targetStage="4"><state img="5-calm.png">I like your style!</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="shazza"><state img="5-horny.png">Let's take a peek down under.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="shazza"><state img="5-happy.png">Crikey! Look a'that!</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="daria" targetStage="3"><state img="5-pokerface1.png">(What a weirdo...)</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" target="daria" alsoPlaying="jane"><state img="5-calm.png">Just look at Jane. She's your friend, right?</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="daria" targetStage="5"><state img="5-happy2.png">(Figured she'd pull that one...)</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="daria"><state img="5-cards2.png">See? It's not so scary, is it?</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major" target="jane" targetStage="4"><state img="5-happy2.png">Looks tasty.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="jane"><state img="5-happy2.png">Just think of it as performance art.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="zelda" targetStage="1"><state img="5-calm.png">This is a casual affair. Lose the fancy jewelry.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major" target="zelda" targetStage="5"><state img="5-horny3.png">Wow! Talk about double or nothing!</state></case>
         <stage id="6">
@@ -1818,10 +3028,25 @@
                 <state img="6-happy.png">Rock it, ~name~!</state>
                 <state img="6-horny.png">I'm feeling warm... heh...</state>
+            <case tag="female_must_strip" target="blackrose" targetStage="1">
+                <state img="6-pokerface2.png">Yeesh, lighten up...</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_must_strip" target="chara" targetStage="5">
+                <state img="6-happy3.png">You look like you're having a bad time.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_must_strip" target="mercy" targetStage="4">
+                <state img="6-happy.png">Don't worry, I'll be nice and thorough.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_must_strip" target="mercy" targetStage="5">
+                <state img="6-happy3.png">But we're not in a doctor's office, are we?</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="male_chest_will_be_visible">
                 <state img="6-happy3.png">Now we're even.</state>
                 <state img="6-happy3.png">I showed you mine. Now show me yours.</state>
+            <case tag="male_chest_will_be_visible" target="link" targetStage="4">
+                <state img="6-happy3.png">Don't worry, your little secret's safe with me.</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="female_removing_minor">
                 <state img="6-happy.png">Just keep going...</state>
                 <state img="6-happy.png">That's it, keep it going...</state>
@@ -1831,19 +3056,76 @@
                 <state img="6-horny2.png">I... ha...</state>
                 <state img="6-horny2.png">(I wish... just for a moment...)</state>
-            <case tag="female_removed_major">
-                <state img="6-happy3.png">Why don't we just skip the game.</state>
-                <state img="6-horny.png">You don't have to wait till you lose to keep going.</state>
+            <case tag="female_removed_major">
+                <state img="6-happy3.png">Why don't we just skip the game.</state>
+                <state img="6-horny.png">You don't have to wait till you lose to keep going.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_major" target="alice" targetStage="3">
+                <state img="6-happy2.png">I like it! Very Addams Family meets Beetlejuice.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_major" target="d.va" targetStage="4">
+                <state img="6-happy2.png">You've got style. I like it.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_major" target="daisy" targetStage="5">
+                <state img="6-happy3.png">Now <i>that's</i> more like it.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_major" target="elena" targetStage="5">
+                <state img="6-horny.png">Looks like a strawberry parfait. Tasty.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_major" target="hermione" targetStage="5">
+                <state img="6-happy.png">Presto! Where did it go?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_major" target="jane" targetStage="4">
+                <state img="6-happy3.png">Looks tasty.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_major" target="jasmine" targetStage="2">
+                <state img="6-happy2.png">I <i>thought</i> you looked familiar.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_major" target="kim" targetStage="4">
+                <state img="6-happy2.png">I never would have guessed pink.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_major" target="korra" targetStage="5">
+                <state img="6-horny.png">Damn, girl! You've been pumping some iron!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_major" target="lara" targetStage="6">
+                <state img="6-happy3.png">How very vintage.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_major" target="penny" targetStage="3">
+                <state img="6-happy2.png">Looks comfy.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_major" target="penny" targetStage="4">
+                <state img="6-happy2.png">It's so fluffy!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_major" target="raven" targetStage="3">
+                <state img="6-happy2.png">So glad you could join us.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_major" target="shazza" targetStage="4">
+                <state img="6-happy.png">I like your style!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_major" target="tracer" targetStage="3">
+                <state img="6-calm.png">...Nevermind.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_major" target="zelda" targetStage="5">
+                <state img="6-horny.png">Wow! Talk about double or nothing!</state>
             <case tag="male_large_crotch_is_visible">
                 <state img="6-shocked.png">Oh wow... that's a hell of a challenge.</state>
                 <state img="6-shocked.png">How do you have any blood left?</state>
                 <state img="6-shocked.png">You could beat someone to death with that thing!</state>
+            <case tag="male_large_crotch_is_visible" target="ryu">
+                <state img="6-pokerface1.png">You could bludgeon someone to death with that thing...</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_large_crotch_is_visible" target="shaggy">
+                <state img="6-horny.png">Zoinks!</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible">
                 <state img="6-happy.png">Looks like I just outran you.</state>
                 <state img="6-happy2.png">Don't be shy. It's all natural.</state>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="shazza">
+                <state img="6-happy3.png">Let's take a peek down under.</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="male_removed_minor">
                 <state img="6-calm.png">I have my tits out, and that's all you'll show?</state>
                 <state img="6-pokerface2.png">Here I am topless, and that's all you can bear to show?</state>
@@ -1856,6 +3138,9 @@
                 <state img="6-happy3.png">I see you staring.</state>
                 <state img="6-horny3.png">Go ahead and stare. I don't mind.</state>
+            <case tag="male_must_masturbate" target="shaggy">
+                <state img="6-happy3.png">Will you do it for a scooby snack?</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="female_masturbating">
                 <state img="6-horny.png">Gyrate your hips a little.</state>
                 <state img="6-horny4.png">(Yes... just like that...)</state>
@@ -1868,10 +3153,70 @@
                 <state img="6-horny.png">(I bet it would feel good...)</state>
                 <state img="6-horny.png">(I bet it tastes as good as it looks.)</state>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="blackrose">
+                <state img="6-happy3.png">(I'd be more annoyed if she wasn't so adorable.)</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="dawn">
+                <state img="6-calm.png">Either that's dyed, or Japan sure is weird.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="kim">
+                <state img="6-happy3.png">Too late!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="kyoko">
+                <state img="6-calm.png">Breathe, dude. Breathe.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="lilith">
+                <state img="6-happy2.png">Nice hedgework. It suits you.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="mercy">
+                <state img="6-horny2.png">I appreciate it, alright.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="mia">
+                <state img="6-happy.png">Ah, you're just robbing Peter to pay Paul.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="misty">
+                <state img="6-pokerface3.png">Yeesh, calm down! Why are you even here?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="peach">
+                <state img="6-horny.png">Well! I see <i>you're</i> rarin' to go.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="raven">
+                <state img="6-horny.png">Believe me, no problems here.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="revy">
+                <state img="6-pokerface3.png">You <i>really</i> need a chill pill.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="samus">
+                <state img="6-horny.png">Quite.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="spooky">
+                <state img="6-calm.png">Well <i>there's</i> something you don't see every day.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="streaming-chan">
+                <state img="6-calm.png">Where were you keeping those?</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="female_start_masturbating">
                 <state img="6-horny.png">Make it good...</state>
                 <state img="6-horny.png">Aw, are you blushing? Are you embarrassed?</state>
+            <case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="hermione">
+                <state img="6-horny.png">That looks fun...</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="jane">
+                <state img="6-happy3.png">Just think of it as performance art.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="misty">
+                <state img="6-happy3.png">Maybe this'll help you loosen up.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="ruby">
+                <state img="6-happy3.png">Looks like it.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="shantae">
+                <state img="6-happy3.png">Couldn't magic your way out of this one, could you?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="wiifitfemale">
+                <state img="6-horny.png">That's a fun workout...</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="male_removing_major">
                 <state img="6-happy3.png">Yes. Let the boobies lead you.</state>
                 <state img="6-happy2.png">'Bout time, son!</state>
@@ -1880,6 +3225,12 @@
                 <state img="6-calm.png">Anything else hiding up your sleeve?</state>
                 <state img="6-calm.png">You have some catching up to do.</state>
+            <case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="daria" targetStage="3">
+                <state img="6-calm.png">(What a weirdo...)</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="elena" targetStage="6">
+                <state img="6-happy3.png">No worries. That just makes the final prize all the more sweeter.</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="male_removed_major">
                 <state img="6-horny.png">I don't suppose you want to lose again?</state>
                 <state img="6-horny.png">We could just skip the game, you know.</state>
@@ -1892,18 +3243,39 @@
                 <state img="6-horny.png">(I'd love to feel it against me...)</state>
                 <state img="6-horny.png">I'm going to sit next to you next game.</state>
+            <case tag="male_chest_is_visible" target="link">
+                <state img="6-horny.png">"Hyaaah" to you too! I see all that adventuring's paying off.</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="female_large_chest_is_visible">
                 <state img="6-shocked.png">Wow! Good on ya.</state>
                 <state img="6-shocked.png">You could crush a soda can with those things!</state>
+            <case tag="female_large_chest_is_visible" target="leela">
+                <state img="6-calm.png">Don't be rude, people. Her eye is up there.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_large_chest_is_visible" target="mia">
+                <state img="6-happy3.png">No objections here.</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="male_must_strip">
                 <state img="6-happy2.png">Come join the fun!</state>
                 <state img="6-happy2.png">You're no exception to the rule.</state>
+            <case tag="male_must_strip" target="caleb">
+                <state img="6-pokerface1.png">...</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_must_strip" target="link" targetStage="2">
+                <state img="6-happy3.png">You have such a way with words.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_must_strip" target="link" targetStage="4">
+                <state img="6-happy.png">Aha! I <i>knew</i> it!</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="female_must_masturbate">
                 <state img="6-happy3.png">I'm gonna get comfy for this.</state>
                 <state img="6-horny.png">(<i>Yessss....</i>)</state>
+            <case tag="female_must_masturbate" target="zone-tan">
+                <state img="6-happy3.png">It's time <i>we</i> watched <i>you</i>.</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="male_human_must_strip">
                 <state img="6-happy.png">Ooh my.</state>
                 <state img="6-happy.png">Right on time too.</state>
@@ -1916,6 +3288,9 @@
                 <state img="6-happy.png">You think you're hot stuff, don't ya?</state>
                 <state img="6-happy.png">It's been a free show for you so far... but not for long.</state>
+            <case tag="male_removing_accessory" target="fred" targetStage="2">
+                <state img="6-pokerface1.png">Can you show me the time machine you used to get that ascot?</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="male_finished_masturbating">
                 <state img="6-happy.png">You lasted longer than I thought.</state>
                 <state img="6-pokerface1.png">What a mess.</state>
@@ -1924,14 +3299,86 @@
                 <state img="6-happy3.png">I think I have you beat.</state>
                 <state img="6-happy3.png">Don't be <i>too</i> envious.</state>
+            <case tag="female_small_chest_is_visible" target="dawn">
+                <state img="6-happy.png">Perfect censorship!</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible">
                 <state img="6-horny.png">(I bet they'd feel good pressed against mine.)</state>
                 <state img="6-horny.png">(That's what mama likes...)</state>
+            <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="alice">
+                <state img="6-happy3.png">So... who has the left?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="daria">
+                <state img="6-happy.png">See? It's not so scary, is it?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="mercy">
+                <state img="6-horny.png">Oh, about a 12.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="pauling">
+                <state img="6-horny.png">Eh, not bad. Not bad.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="peach">
+                <state img="6-horny.png">Mama mia!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="piper">
+                <state img="6-happy.png">It was a long, hard battle, but we finally wore you down.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="velma">
+                <state img="6-horny.png">Jinkies!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="wiifitfemale">
+                <state img="6-horny.png">Wow, you're really... toned.</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="female_removing_accessory">
                 <state img="6-happy.png">You've been lucky so far, but just you wait.</state>
                 <state img="6-pokerface2.png">How'd I get so nude so fast?</state>
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="april" targetStage="5">
+                <state img="6-pokerface3.png">Weasel...</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="chara" targetStage="0">
+                <state img="6-calm.png">(I could've sworn I just saw it move.)</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="chara" targetStage="1">
+                <state img="6-pokerface3.png">(Something ain't right with this one...)</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="d.va" targetStage="0">
+                <state img="6-happy3.png">We'll see about that.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="daria" targetStage="5">
+                <state img="6-happy3.png">(Figured she'd pull that one...)</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="elena" targetStage="0">
+                <state img="6-calm.png">Oh <i>that's</i> what that was? I thought it was a mace... I've been hanging around too many adventurers.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="elena" targetStage="5">
+                <state img="6-pokerface3.png">Tease...</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="lyn" targetStage="0">
+                <state img="6-calm.png">I'm suddenly in the mood for Italian.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="misty" targetStage="3">
+                <state img="6-calm.png">I mean sure, but... where's your sense of spirit?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="piper" targetStage="0">
+                <state img="6-pokerface1.png">You have a <i>lot</i> of catching up to do.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="revy" targetStage="3">
+                <state img="6-calm.png">(Thank goodness! Thought I was gonna get a bullet in my head...)</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="spooky" targetStage="0">
+                <state img="6-calm.png">Are we losing the knife? Good...</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="tracer" targetStage="4">
+                <state img="6-loss2.png">I knew you were gonna do that...</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="zelda" targetStage="1">
+                <state img="6-happy3.png">This is a casual affair. Lose the fancy jewelry.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="zoey" targetStage="4">
+                <state img="6-pokerface3.png">Tease...</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="game_over_victory">
                 <state img="6-excited.png">No naughty bits for you, losers!.</state>
@@ -1939,18 +3386,69 @@
                 <state img="6-happy2.png">You have to catch up to me.</state>
                 <state img="6-pokerface1.png">Go on...</state>
+            <case tag="female_removing_major" target="kim" targetStage="3">
+                <state img="6-calm.png">Club what? I don't think that'd go over so well back home.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_major" target="mercy" targetStage="2">
+                <state img="6-calm.png">Really? Cause I know a guy. He just <i>grows</i> 'em back. Crazy German scientist...</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_major" target="ruby" targetStage="3">
+                <state img="6-calm.png">How do you even fight in that thing?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_major" target="tracer" targetStage="2">
+                <state img="6-happy2.png">Hey Tracer, why's that glowy thing starting to--</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="male_removing_minor">
                 <state img="6-happy.png">Just keep going.</state>
                 <state img="6-happy3.png">That's it, just keep it coming.</state>
+            <case tag="male_removing_minor" target="shaggy" targetStage="1">
+                <state img="6-calm.png">Dude. Wash those, pronto.</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="female_finished_masturbating">
                 <state img="6-horny2.png">(Good thing too... I almost jumped the gun.)</state>
                 <state img="6-horny2.png">(Easy there, Marcy. She's supposed to finish, not you.)</state>
+            <case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="chell">
+                <state img="6-happy3.png">Speechless to the end, I see.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="d.va">
+                <state img="6-horny.png">Care to play a bonus round?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="hermione">
+                <state img="6-horny4.png">Lucky...</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="korra">
+                <state img="6-happy3.png">When you cum in that state, do the rest cum too? Do you feel the orgasm of a thousand avatars?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="revy">
+                <state img="6-happy2.png">At least it improved your mood. If only a little.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="shazza">
+                <state img="6-pokerface1.png">Crikey! Look a'that!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="spooky">
+                <state img="6-happy2.png">I wonder how many EMF sensors you just set off.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="wiifitfemale">
+                <state img="6-happy.png">I enjoyed today's session. Let's do it again next week.</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible">
                 <state img="6-happy.png">Let's see what you're hiding.</state>
                 <state img="6-happy.png">I showed you mine, now show me yours.</state>
+            <case alsoPlaying="jane" tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" target="daria">
+                <state img="6-happy2.png">Just look at Jane. She's your friend, right?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" target="mercy">
+                <state img="6-happy3.png">I can get behind that ideology.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" target="mileena">
+                <state img="6-happy.png">Whoa, Mileena! And here you were being so modest!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" target="zone-tan">
+                <state img="6-horny.png">(She's even cuter <i>without</i> the sweater.)</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="male_masturbating">
                 <state img="6-horny3.png">Hey ~name~, does this help?</state>
                 <state img="6-horny2.png">(Sliding... up and down... I bet it feels...)</state>
@@ -1959,6 +3457,24 @@
                 <state img="6-happy3.png">Here I am with my tits out, and that's all you'll show? Well... we'll change that.</state>
                 <state img="6-happy3.png">Don't worry, we'll get those puppies lose eventually!</state>
+            <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="hermione" targetStage="1">
+                <state img="6-happy3.png">Showoff...</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="jasmine" targetStage="1">
+                <state img="6-pokerface1.png">Have we met before? You look so familiar.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="kim" targetStage="1">
+                <state img="6-happy.png">Are you so eager to catch up?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="kim" targetStage="2">
+                <state img="6-calm.png">If you say so.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="kyoko" targetStage="6">
+                <state img="6-happy2.png">Woah, creepy. I dig it.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="pauling" targetStage="3">
+                <state img="6-happy3.png">You're no stranger to this game, I see.</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="male_crotch_will_be_visible">
                 <state img="6-horny.png">I'm more than ready for this...</state>
                 <state img="6-horny.png">Let's see how much you enjoy seeing me...</state>
@@ -1980,8 +3496,8 @@
                 <state img="6-cards2.png">~cards~ for me.</state>
             <case tag="bad_hand">
-                <state img="6-pokerface3.png">Great...</state>
                 <state img="6-pokerface2.png">...</state>
+                <state img="6-pokerface3.png">Great...</state>
                 <state img="6-pokerface2.png">Mm...</state>
             <case tag="stripped">
@@ -2000,114 +3516,12 @@
             <case tag="stripping">
                 <state img="6-strip.png">Go on and stare then.</state>
-				<state img="6-strip.png">Watch closely now. I'm only doing it once.</state>
+                <state img="6-strip.png">Watch closely now. I'm only doing it once.</state>
             <case tag="must_strip_winning">
                 <state img="6-loss1.png">You've worked hard for this. Now here's your prize.</state>
                 <state img="6-loss1.png">Looks like you get to see me nude after all.</state>
-			<case tag="female_removing_major" target="tracer" targetStage="2"><state img="6-happy2.png">Hey Tracer, why's that glowy thing starting to--</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major" target="tracer" targetStage="3"><state img="6-calm.png">...Nevermind.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="chell"><state img="6-happy3.png">Speechless to the end, I see.</state></case>
-			<case tag="male_must_masturbate" target="shaggy"><state img="6-happy3.png">Will you do it for a scooby snack?</state></case>
-			<case tag="male_removing_minor" target="shaggy" targetStage="1"><state img="6-calm.png">Dude. Wash those, pronto.</state></case>
-			<case tag="male_large_crotch_is_visible" target="shaggy"><state img="6-horny.png">Zoinks!</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="velma"><state img="6-horny.png">Jinkies!</state></case>
-			<case tag="male_removing_accessory" target="fred" targetStage="2"><state img="6-pokerface1.png">Can you show me the time machine you used to get that ascot?</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" target="mileena"><state img="6-happy.png">Whoa, Mileena! And here you were being so modest!</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="spooky" targetStage="0"><state img="6-calm.png">Are we losing the knife? Good...</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="spooky"><state img="6-calm.png">Well <i>there's</i> something you don't see every day.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="spooky"><state img="6-happy2.png">I wonder how many EMF sensors you just set off.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="lyn" targetStage="0"><state img="6-calm.png">I'm suddenly in the mood for Italian.</state></case>
-			<case tag="male_large_crotch_is_visible" target="ryu"><state img="6-pokerface1.png">You could bludgeon someone to death with that thing...</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_minor" target="jasmine" targetStage="1"><state img="6-pokerface1.png">Have we met before? You look so familiar.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major" target="jasmine" targetStage="2"><state img="6-happy2.png">I <i>thought</i> you looked familiar.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="wiifitfemale"><state img="6-horny.png">Wow, you're really... toned.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="wiifitfemale"><state img="6-horny.png">That's a fun workout...</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="wiifitfemale"><state img="6-happy.png">I enjoyed today's session. Let's do it again next week.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="streaming-chan"><state img="6-calm.png">Where were you keeping those?</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="shantae"><state img="6-happy3.png">Couldn't magic your way out of this one, could you?</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_large_chest_is_visible" target="leela"><state img="6-calm.png">Don't be rude, people. Her eye is up there.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" target="zone-tan"><state img="6-horny.png">(She's even cuter <i>without</i> the sweater.)</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_must_masturbate" target="zone-tan"><state img="6-happy3.png">It's time <i>we</i> watched <i>you</i>.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="elena" targetStage="0"><state img="6-calm.png">Oh <i>that's</i> what that was? I thought it was a mace... I've been hanging around too many adventurers.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major" target="elena" targetStage="5"><state img="6-horny.png">Looks like a strawberry parfait. Tasty.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="elena" targetStage="5"><state img="6-pokerface3.png">Tease...</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="elena" targetStage="6"><state img="6-happy3.png">No worries. That just makes the final prize all the more sweeter.</state></case>
-			<case tag="male_must_strip" target="link" targetStage="2"><state img="6-happy3.png">You have such a way with words.</state></case>
-			<case tag="male_must_strip" target="link" targetStage="4"><state img="6-happy.png">Aha! I <i>knew</i> it!</state></case>
-			<case tag="male_chest_will_be_visible" target="link" targetStage="4"><state img="6-happy3.png">Don't worry, your little secret's safe with me.</state></case>
-			<case tag="male_chest_is_visible" target="link"><state img="6-horny.png">"Hyaaah" to you too! I see all that adventuring's paying off.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="samus"><state img="6-horny.png">Quite.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_minor" target="kim" targetStage="1"><state img="6-happy.png">Are you so eager to catch up?</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_minor" target="kim" targetStage="2"><state img="6-calm.png">If you say so.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_major" target="kim" targetStage="3"><state img="6-calm.png">Club what? I don't think that'd go over so well back home.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major" target="kim" targetStage="4"><state img="6-happy2.png">I never would have guessed pink.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="kim"><state img="6-happy3.png">Too late!</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_minor" target="hermione" targetStage="1"><state img="6-happy3.png">Showoff...</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major" target="hermione" targetStage="5"><state img="6-happy.png">Presto! Where did it go?</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="hermione"><state img="6-horny.png">That looks fun...</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="hermione"><state img="6-horny4.png">Lucky...</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="d.va" targetStage="0"><state img="6-happy3.png">We'll see about that.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major" target="d.va" targetStage="4"><state img="6-happy2.png">You've got style. I like it.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="d.va"><state img="6-horny.png">Care to play a bonus round?</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_major" target="mercy" targetStage="2"><state img="6-calm.png">Really? Cause I know a guy. He just <i>grows</i> 'em back. Crazy German scientist...</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="mercy"><state img="0-horny2.png">I appreciate it, alright.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_must_strip" target="mercy" targetStage="4"><state img="6-happy.png">Don't worry, I'll be nice and thorough.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" target="mercy"><state img="6-happy3.png">I can get behind that ideology.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="mercy"><state img="6-horny.png">Oh, about a 12.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_must_strip" target="mercy" targetStage="5"><state img="6-happy3.png">But we're not in a doctor's office, are we?</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="misty" targetStage="3"><state img="6-calm.png">I mean sure, but... where's your sense of spirit?</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="misty"><state img="6-pokerface3.png">Yeesh, calm down! Why are you even here?</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="misty"><state img="6-happy3.png">Maybe this'll help you loosen up.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="peach"><state img="6-horny.png">Mama mia!</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="peach"><state img="6-horny.png">Well! I see <i>you're</i> rarin' to go.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major" target="korra" targetStage="5"><state img="6-horny.png">Damn, girl! You've been pumping some iron!</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="korra"><state img="6-happy3.png">When you cum in that state, do the rest cum too? Do you feel the orgasm of a thousand avatars?</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_must_strip" target="blackrose" targetStage="1"><state img="6-pokerface2.png">Yeesh, lighten up...</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="blackrose"><state img="6-happy3.png">(I'd be more annoyed if she wasn't so adorable.)</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major" target="raven" targetStage="3"><state img="6-happy2.png">So glad you could join us.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="raven"><state img="6-horny.png">Believe me, no problems here.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_minor" target="pauling" targetStage="3"><state img="6-happy3.png">You're no stranger to this game, I see.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="pauling"><state img="6-horny.png">Eh, not bad. Not bad.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="mia"><state img="6-happy.png">Ah, you're just robbing Peter to pay Paul.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_large_chest_is_visible" target="mia"><state img="6-happy3.png">No objections here.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major" target="daisy" targetStage="5"><state img="6-happy3.png">Now <i>that's</i> more like it.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="ruby"><state img="6-happy3.png">Looks like it.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_major" target="ruby" targetStage="3"><state img="6-calm.png">How do you even fight in that thing?</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="chara" targetStage="0"><state img="6-calm.png">(I could've sworn I just saw it move.)</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="chara" targetStage="1"><state img="6-pokerface3.png">(Something ain't right with this one...)</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_must_strip" target="chara" targetStage="5"><state img="6-happy3.png">You look like you're having a bad time.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="zoey" targetStage="4"><state img="6-pokerface3.png">Tease...</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="revy" targetStage="3"><state img="6-calm.png">(Thank goodness! Thought I was gonna get a bullet in my head...)</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="revy"><state img="6-pokerface3.png">You <i>really</i> need a chill pill.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="revy"><state img="6-happy2.png">At least it improved your mood. If only a little.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major" target="lara" targetStage="6"><state img="6-happy3.png">How very vintage.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="tracer" targetStage="4"><state img="6-loss2.png">I knew you were gonna do that...</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_small_chest_is_visible" target="dawn"><state img="6-happy.png">Perfect censorship!</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="dawn"><state img="6-calm.png">Either that's dyed, or Japan sure is weird.</state></case>
-			<case tag="male_must_strip" target="caleb"><state img="6-pokerface1.png">...</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major" target="alice" targetStage="3"><state img="6-happy2.png">I like it! Very Addams Family meets Beetlejuice.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="alice"><state img="6-happy3.png">So... who has the left?</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="lilith"><state img="6-happy2.png">Nice hedgework. It suits you.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="piper" targetStage="0"><state img="6-pokerface1.png">You have a <i>lot</i> of catching up to do.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="piper"><state img="6-happy.png">It was a long, hard battle, but we finally wore you down.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="april" targetStage="5"><state img="6-pokerface3.png">Weasel...</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major" target="penny" targetStage="3"><state img="6-happy2.png">Looks comfy.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major" target="penny" targetStage="4"><state img="6-happy2.png">It's so fluffy!</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_minor" target="kyoko" targetStage="6"><state img="6-happy2.png">Woah, creepy. I dig it.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="kyoko"><state img="6-calm.png">Breathe, dude. Breathe.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major" target="shazza" targetStage="4"><state img="6-happy.png">I like your style!</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="shazza"><state img="6-happy3.png">Let's take a peek down under.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="shazza"><state img="6-pokerface1.png">Crikey! Look a'that!</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="daria" targetStage="3"><state img="6-calm.png">(What a weirdo...)</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" target="daria" alsoPlaying="jane"><state img="6-happy2.png">Just look at Jane. She's your friend, right?</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="daria" targetStage="5"><state img="6-happy3.png">(Figured she'd pull that one...)</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="daria"><state img="6-happy.png">See? It's not so scary, is it?</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major" target="jane" targetStage="4"><state img="6-happy3.png">Looks tasty.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="jane"><state img="6-happy3.png">Just think of it as performance art.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="zelda" targetStage="1"><state img="6-happy3.png">This is a casual affair. Lose the fancy jewelry.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major" target="zelda" targetStage="5"><state img="6-horny.png">Wow! Talk about double or nothing!</state></case>
         <stage id="7">
@@ -2115,10 +3529,25 @@
                 <state img="7-happy.png">Aw yeah, ~name~ keepin' it fresh!</state>
                 <state img="7-horny.png">My heart's pounding.</state>
+            <case tag="female_must_strip" target="blackrose" targetStage="1">
+                <state img="7-pokerface2.png">Yeesh, lighten up...</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_must_strip" target="chara" targetStage="5">
+                <state img="7-happy.png">You look like you're having a bad time.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_must_strip" target="mercy" targetStage="4">
+                <state img="7-horny.png">Don't worry, I'll be nice and thorough.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_must_strip" target="mercy" targetStage="5">
+                <state img="7-pokerface1.png">But we're not in a doctor's office, are we?</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="male_chest_will_be_visible">
                 <state img="7-horny.png">About time...</state>
                 <state img="7-horny.png">This is what it took? Well... all worth it.</state>
+            <case tag="male_chest_will_be_visible" target="link" targetStage="4">
+                <state img="7-pokerface1.png">Oh dear, I think the police is knocking at the door.</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="female_removing_minor">
                 <state img="7-pokerface2.png">I've bared it all though...</state>
                 <state img="7-disappointed2.png">Boooo! More!</state>
@@ -2132,14 +3561,71 @@
                 <state img="7-horny.png">Me likey.</state>
                 <state img="7-happy.png">Nice hips.</state>
+            <case tag="female_removed_major" target="alice" targetStage="3">
+                <state img="7-calm.png">I like it! Very Addams Family meets Beetlejuice.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_major" target="d.va" targetStage="4">
+                <state img="7-happy.png">You've got style. I like it.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_major" target="daisy" targetStage="5">
+                <state img="7-embarrassed2.png">Now <i>that's</i> more like it...</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_major" target="elena" targetStage="5">
+                <state img="7-horny.png">Looks like a strawberry parfait. Tasty.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_major" target="hermione" targetStage="5">
+                <state img="7-happy.png">Presto! Where did it go?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_major" target="jane" targetStage="4">
+                <state img="7-happy2.png">Looks tasty.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_major" target="jasmine" targetStage="2">
+                <state img="7-happy.png">Let's be real, Jasmine... you weren't fooling anyone.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_major" target="kim" targetStage="4">
+                <state img="7-pokerface1.png">I never would have guessed pink.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_major" target="korra" targetStage="5">
+                <state img="7-embarrassed2.png">Damn, girl! You've been pumping some iron!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_major" target="lara" targetStage="6">
+                <state img="7-happy2.png">How very vintage.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_major" target="penny" targetStage="3">
+                <state img="7-calm.png">Looks like LSP's cousin.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_major" target="penny" targetStage="4">
+                <state img="7-calm.png">Aaaand LSP's <i>other</i> cousin.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_major" target="raven" targetStage="3">
+                <state img="7-happy2.png">So glad you could join us.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_major" target="shazza" targetStage="4">
+                <state img="7-happy.png">I like your style!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_major" target="tracer" targetStage="3">
+                <state img="7-disappointed.png">...Nevermind.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_major" target="zelda" targetStage="5">
+                <state img="7-calm.png">Talk about double or nothing!</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="male_large_crotch_is_visible">
                 <state img="7-shocked.png">Whoa!</state>
                 <state img="7-shocked.png">(That would rip me in half!)</state>
+            <case tag="male_large_crotch_is_visible" target="ryu">
+                <state img="7-disappointed.png">(Is... is that even real?)</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_large_crotch_is_visible" target="shaggy">
+                <state img="7-interested.png">Zoinks!</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible">
                 <state img="7-happy.png">Care to join me?</state>
                 <state img="7-happy.png">Go natural.</state>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="shazza">
+                <state img="7-happy2.png">Let's take a peek down under.</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="male_removed_minor">
                 <state img="7-disappointed3.png">I wanna see more...</state>
                 <state img="7-disappointed2.png">Booo! More!</state>
@@ -2152,6 +3638,9 @@
                 <state img="7-horny4.png">Hey ~name~, you need some lube?</state>
                 <state img="7-horny.png">Want me to pose for you?</state>
+            <case tag="male_must_masturbate" target="shaggy">
+                <state img="7-happy.png">Will you do it for a scooby snack?</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="female_masturbating">
                 <state img="7-horny3.png">(Oh man, that's hot...)</state>
                 <state img="7-horny5.png">(I can't take it much longer...)</state>
@@ -2165,10 +3654,70 @@
                 <state img="7-horny.png">We should make a calendar together.</state>
                 <state img="7-horny2.png">Methinks we'll need to mop the floors after all this.</state>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="blackrose">
+                <state img="7-happy2.png">(I'd be more annoyed if she wasn't so adorable.)</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="dawn">
+                <state img="7-disappointed3.png">Either that's dyed, or Japan sure is weird.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="kim">
+                <state img="7-happy.png">Too late!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="kyoko">
+                <state img="7-interested.png">Breathe, dude. Breathe.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="lilith">
+                <state img="7-calm.png">Nice hedgework. It suits you.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="mercy">
+                <state img="7-horny2.png">I appreciate it, alright.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="mia">
+                <state img="7-happy.png">Ah, you're just robbing Peter to pay Paul.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="misty">
+                <state img="7-pokerface2.png">Yeesh, calm down! Why are you even here?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="peach">
+                <state img="7-embarrassed2.png">Well! I see <i>you're</i> rarin' to go.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="raven">
+                <state img="7-embarrassed2.png">Believe me, no problems here.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="revy">
+                <state img="7-interested.png">You <i>really</i> need a chill pill.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="samus">
+                <state img="7-horny.png">Quite.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="spooky">
+                <state img="7-calm.png">Well <i>there's</i> something you don't see every day!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="streaming-chan">
+                <state img="7-disappointed.png">Where were you keeping those?</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="female_start_masturbating">
                 <state img="7-horny2.png">Yep, good thing I didn't lose... heh.</state>
                 <state img="7-horny2.png">Haha, that's so... heh...</state>
+            <case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="hermione">
+                <state img="7-horny5.png">That looks fun...</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="jane">
+                <state img="7-happy2.png">Just think of it as performance art.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="misty">
+                <state img="7-happy2.png">Maybe this'll help you loosen up.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="ruby">
+                <state img="7-happy2.png">Looks like it.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="shantae">
+                <state img="7-happy.png">Couldn't magic your way out of this one, could you?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="wiifitfemale">
+                <state img="7-horny.png">Nice regime you have there...</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="male_removing_major">
                 <state img="7-happy.png">Yess...</state>
                 <state img="7-pokerface1.png">Here we go...</state>
@@ -2177,6 +3726,15 @@
                 <state img="7-pokerface1.png">You <i>really</i> have some catching up to do.</state>
                 <state img="7-pokerface1.png">That's it, keep on going.</state>
+            <case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="daria" targetStage="3">
+                <state img="7-interested.png">(What a weirdo...)</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="elena" targetStage="6">
+                <state img="7-happy2.png">No worries. That just makes the final prize all the more sweeter.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="jane" targetStage="3">
+                <state img="7-interested.png">(What a weirdo...)</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="male_removed_major">
                 <state img="7-horny.png">All worth it.</state>
                 <state img="7-horny.png">Me likey.</state>
@@ -2185,23 +3743,44 @@
                 <state img="7-loss.png">Too bad I can't join. Rules are rules, I suppose.</state>
                 <state img="7-embarrassed2.png">(I've gotta stop myself from doing it too...)</state>
+            <case tag="male_start_masturbating" target="ryu">
+                <state img="7-interested.png">(It <i>is</i> real!)</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="male_chest_is_visible">
                 <state img="7-horny2.png">Maybe I'll write a song about you.</state>
                 <state img="7-horny2.png">Can I see how it feels against my face?</state>
+            <case tag="male_chest_is_visible" target="link">
+                <state img="7-embarrassed2.png">"Hyaaah" to you too! I see all that adventuring's paying off.</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="female_large_chest_is_visible">
                 <state img="7-horny.png">You were waiting to show those off, weren't you?</state>
                 <state img="7-interested.png">Good Glob, those are natural?</state>
                 <state img="7-interested.png">Okay funny. Now let the air out.</state>
+            <case tag="female_large_chest_is_visible" target="leela">
+                <state img="7-pokerface1.png">Don't be rude, people. Her eye is up there.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_large_chest_is_visible" target="mia">
+                <state img="7-happy.png">No objections here.</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="male_must_strip">
                 <state img="7-horny.png">Oh, I'm ready for this.</state>
                 <state img="7-horny.png">Come on, ~name~, you're just gonna leave me nude?</state>
+            <case tag="male_must_strip" target="link" targetStage="2">
+                <state img="7-calm.png">You have such a way with words.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="male_must_strip" target="link" targetStage="4">
+                <state img="7-happy.png">Aha! I <i>knew</i> it!</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="female_must_masturbate">
                 <state img="7-happy2.png">Close, but no banana.</state>
                 <state img="7-happy2.png">Don't worry, I'll be joining you soon, I'm sure.</state>
+            <case tag="female_must_masturbate" target="zone-tan">
+                <state img="7-horny.png">It's time <i>we</i> watched <i>you</i>.</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="male_human_must_strip">
                 <state img="7-horny.png">(Yeah... take it all off...)</state>
                 <state img="7-horny.png">If I'm naked, you should be too.</state>
@@ -2215,6 +3794,9 @@
                 <state img="7-disappointed.png">Too little, too late, dude.</state>
                 <state img="7-pokerface2.png">That's all? And here I am in the nude.</state>
+            <case tag="male_removing_accessory" target="fred" targetStage="2">
+                <state img="7-happy.png">Can you show me the time machine you used to get that ascot?</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="male_finished_masturbating">
                 <state img="7-horny.png">What a waste.</state>
                 <state img="7-horny.png">What a shame. It looked fun to play with.</state>
@@ -2223,14 +3805,86 @@
                 <state img="7-pokerface1.png">Why even wear a bra?</state>
                 <state img="7-happy2.png">(Mine are bigger.)</state>
+            <case tag="female_small_chest_is_visible" target="dawn">
+                <state img="7-happy.png">Perfect censorship!</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible">
                 <state img="7-horny.png">Wanna press 'em together?</state>
                 <state img="7-horny.png">We should do a photo shoot together.</state>
+            <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="alice">
+                <state img="7-happy2.png">So... who has the left?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="daria">
+                <state img="7-pokerface1.png">See? It's not so scary, is it?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="mercy">
+                <state img="7-embarrassed2.png">Oh, about a 12.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="pauling">
+                <state img="7-horny.png">Eh, not bad. Not bad.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="peach">
+                <state img="7-horny2.png">Mama mia!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="piper">
+                <state img="7-happy.png">It was a long, hard battle, but we finally wore you down.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="velma">
+                <state img="7-horny2.png">Jinkies!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="wiifitfemale">
+                <state img="7-embarrassed.png">Wow, you're really... toned.</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="female_removing_accessory">
                 <state img="7-happy.png">Too little, too late, sister.</state>
                 <state img="7-pokerface2.png">That's it? Come on, I'm already nude!</state>
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="april" targetStage="5">
+                <state img="7-disappointed2.png">Boooo!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="chara" targetStage="0">
+                <state img="7-interested.png">(I think I saw it beat...)</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="chara" targetStage="1">
+                <state img="7-pokerface2.png">(Something ain't right with this one...)</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="d.va" targetStage="0">
+                <state img="7-happy2.png">We'll see about that.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="daria" targetStage="5">
+                <state img="7-calm.png">(Figured she'd pull that one...)</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="elena" targetStage="0">
+                <state img="7-disappointed.png">Oh <i>that's</i> what that was? I thought it was a mace... I've been hanging around too many adventurers.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="elena" targetStage="5">
+                <state img="7-disappointed2.png"><i>Teeeeaase!</i></state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="lyn" targetStage="0">
+                <state img="7-disappointed.png">Why do I suddenly want Italian food?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="misty" targetStage="3">
+                <state img="7-interested.png">Why did you come here, again?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="piper" targetStage="0">
+                <state img="7-happy.png">You have a <i>lot</i> of catching up to do.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="revy" targetStage="3">
+                <state img="7-disappointed.png">(Thank goodness! Thought I was gonna get a bullet in my head...)</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="spooky" targetStage="0">
+                <state img="7-interested.png">Are we losing the knife? Good...</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="tracer" targetStage="4">
+                <state img="7-pokerface2.png">I knew you were gonna do that...</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="zelda" targetStage="1">
+                <state img="7-happy2.png">This is a casual affair. Lose the fancy jewelry.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="zoey" targetStage="4">
+                <state img="7-interested.png">Tease...</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="game_over_victory">
                 <state img="7-win.png">Enjoying the view, losers?</state>
@@ -2238,18 +3892,69 @@
                 <state img="7-calm.png">Remember, confidence.</state>
                 <state img="7-pokerface1.png">I've been waiting for this...</state>
+            <case tag="female_removing_major" target="kim" targetStage="3">
+                <state img="7-disappointed.png">Club what? I don't think that'd go over so well back home.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_major" target="mercy" targetStage="2">
+                <state img="7-disappointed.png">Really? Cause I know a guy. He just <i>grows</i> 'em back. Crazy German scientist...</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_major" target="ruby" targetStage="3">
+                <state img="7-interested.png">How do you even fight in that thing?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_major" target="tracer" targetStage="2">
+                <state img="7-interested.png">Hey Tracer, why's that glowy thing starting to--</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="male_removing_minor">
                 <state img="7-pokerface1.png">You're such a prude.</state>
                 <state img="7-happy.png">Don't be so modest.</state>
+            <case tag="male_removing_minor" target="shaggy" targetStage="1">
+                <state img="7-disappointed.png">Dude. Wash those, pronto.</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="female_finished_masturbating">
                 <state img="7-horny3.png">(Lucky...)</state>
                 <state img="7-horny2.png">(That looks more fun than poker anyway.)</state>
+            <case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="chell">
+                <state img="7-pokerface1.png">Speechless to the end, I see.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="d.va">
+                <state img="7-horny.png">Care to play a bonus round?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="hermione">
+                <state img="7-horny3.png">Lucky...</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="korra">
+                <state img="7-calm.png">When you cum in that state, do the rest cum too? Do you feel the orgasm of a thousand avatars?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="revy">
+                <state img="7-happy2.png">At least it improved your mood. If only a little.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="shazza">
+                <state img="7-horny2.png">Do you cum from a land down under?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="spooky">
+                <state img="7-embarrassed2.png">Venkman, get a sample!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="wiifitfemale">
+                <state img="7-horny.png">I enjoyed today's session. Let's do it again next week.</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible">
                 <state img="7-calm.png">Don't be afraid.</state>
                 <state img="7-calm.png">You're not alone. At least there's that.</state>
+            <case alsoPlaying="jane" tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" target="daria">
+                <state img="7-calm.png">Just look at Jane. She's your friend, right?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" target="mercy">
+                <state img="7-happy.png">I can get behind that ideology.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" target="mileena">
+                <state img="7-happy.png">Whoa, Mileena! And here you were being so modest!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" target="zone-tan">
+                <state img="7-embarrassed.png">She's adorable...!</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="male_masturbating">
                 <state img="7-horny2.png">That's right...</state>
                 <state img="7-horny2.png">(You like my body, don't you? You <i>love</i> my body.)</state>
@@ -2258,6 +3963,24 @@
                 <state img="7-pokerface2.png">I mean, I guess...</state>
                 <state img="7-disappointed.png">I wanna see more!</state>
+            <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="hermione" targetStage="1">
+                <state img="7-pokerface1.png">Showoff...</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="jasmine" targetStage="1">
+                <state img="7-calm.png">Have we met, stranger?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="kim" targetStage="1">
+                <state img="7-happy2.png">Are you so eager to catch up?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="kim" targetStage="2">
+                <state img="7-calm.png">If you say so.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="kyoko" targetStage="6">
+                <state img="7-happy2.png">Woah, creepy. I dig it.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="pauling" targetStage="3">
+                <state img="7-happy.png">You're no stranger to this game, I see.</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="male_crotch_will_be_visible">
                 <state img="7-horny.png">It's only fair.</state>
                 <state img="7-horny.png">You've seen all of me. Now let me see all of you.</state>
@@ -2269,8 +3992,8 @@
                 <state img="7-pokerface1.png">That'll do.</state>
             <case tag="okay_hand">
-                <state img="7-pokerface2.png">(Maybe?)</state>
                 <state img="7-pokerface2.png">...</state>
+                <state img="7-pokerface2.png">(Maybe?)</state>
                 <state img="7-pokerface2.png">(Uh-oh...)</state>
             <case tag="swap_cards">
@@ -2292,6 +4015,9 @@
                 <state img="7-starting.png">And awaaayyy we--hhaa...</state>
                 <state img="7-starting.png">Let's see how long I can hold out.</state>
+            <case alsoPlaying="streaming-chan" tag="start_masturbating">
+                <state img="7-starting.png">You are <i>not</i> allowed to stream this, you hear?</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="stripped">
                 <state img="7-stripped.png">Look as long as you want, but photography is strictly prohibited.</state>
                 <state img="7-stripped.png">Looks good for being a thousand years old, doesn't it?</state>
@@ -2307,111 +4033,7 @@
                 <state img="7-loss.png">Oh well. At least I have some eye candy.</state>
                 <state img="7-horny.png">I have to say, part of me is glad.</state>
-			<case tag="female_removing_major" target="tracer" targetStage="2"><state img="7-interested.png">Hey Tracer, why's that glowy thing starting to--</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major" target="tracer" targetStage="3"><state img="7-disappointed.png">...Nevermind.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="chell"><state img="7-pokerface1.png">Speechless to the end, I see.</state></case>
-			<case tag="male_must_masturbate" target="shaggy"><state img="7-happy.png">Will you do it for a scooby snack?</state></case>
-			<case tag="male_removing_minor" target="shaggy" targetStage="1"><state img="7-disappointed.png">Dude. Wash those, pronto.</state></case>
-			<case tag="male_large_crotch_is_visible" target="shaggy"><state img="7-interested.png">Zoinks!</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="velma"><state img="7-horny2.png">Jinkies!</state></case>
-			<case tag="male_removing_accessory" target="fred" targetStage="2"><state img="7-happy.png">Can you show me the time machine you used to get that ascot?</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" target="mileena"><state img="7-happy.png">Whoa, Mileena! And here you were being so modest!</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="spooky" targetStage="0"><state img="7-interested.png">Are we losing the knife? Good...</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="spooky"><state img="7-calm.png">Well <i>there's</i> something you don't see every day!</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="spooky"><state img="7-embarrassed2.png">Venkman, get a sample!</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="lyn" targetStage="0"><state img="7-disappointed.png">Why do I suddenly want Italian food?</state></case>
-			<case tag="male_large_crotch_is_visible" target="ryu"><state img="7-disappointed.png">(Is... is that even real?)</state></case>
-			<case tag="male_start_masturbating" target="ryu"><state img="7-interested.png">(It <i>is</i> real!)</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_minor" target="jasmine" targetStage="1"><state img="7-calm.png">Have we met, stranger?</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major" target="jasmine" targetStage="2"><state img="7-happy.png">Let's be real, Jasmine... you weren't fooling anyone.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="wiifitfemale"><state img="7-embarrassed.png">Wow, you're really... toned.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="wiifitfemale"><state img="7-horny.png">Nice regime you have there...</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="wiifitfemale"><state img="7-horny.png">I enjoyed today's session. Let's do it again next week.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="streaming-chan"><state img="7-disappointed.png">Where were you keeping those?</state></case>
-			<case tag="start_masturbating" alsoPlaying="streaming-chan"><state img="7-starting.png">You are <i>not</i> allowed to stream this, you hear?</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="shantae"><state img="7-happy.png">Couldn't magic your way out of this one, could you?</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_large_chest_is_visible" target="leela"><state img="7-pokerface1.png">Don't be rude, people. Her eye is up there.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" target="zone-tan"><state img="7-embarrassed.png">She's adorable...!</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_must_masturbate" target="zone-tan"><state img="7-horny.png">It's time <i>we</i> watched <i>you</i>.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="elena" targetStage="0"><state img="7-disappointed.png">Oh <i>that's</i> what that was? I thought it was a mace... I've been hanging around too many adventurers.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major" target="elena" targetStage="5"><state img="7-horny.png">Looks like a strawberry parfait. Tasty.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="elena" targetStage="5"><state img="7-disappointed2.png"><i>Teeeeaase!</i></state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="elena" targetStage="6"><state img="7-happy2.png">No worries. That just makes the final prize all the more sweeter.</state></case>
-			<case tag="male_must_strip" target="link" targetStage="2"><state img="7-calm.png">You have such a way with words.</state></case>
-			<case tag="male_must_strip" target="link" targetStage="4"><state img="7-happy.png">Aha! I <i>knew</i> it!</state></case>
-			<case tag="male_chest_will_be_visible" target="link" targetStage="4"><state img="7-pokerface1.png">Oh dear, I think the police is knocking at the door.</state></case>
-			<case tag="male_chest_is_visible" target="link"><state img="7-embarrassed2.png">"Hyaaah" to you too! I see all that adventuring's paying off.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="samus"><state img="7-horny.png">Quite.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_minor" target="kim" targetStage="1"><state img="7-happy2.png">Are you so eager to catch up?</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_minor" target="kim" targetStage="2"><state img="7-calm.png">If you say so.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_major" target="kim" targetStage="3"><state img="7-disappointed.png">Club what? I don't think that'd go over so well back home.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major" target="kim" targetStage="4"><state img="7-pokerface1.png">I never would have guessed pink.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="kim"><state img="7-happy.png">Too late!</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_minor" target="hermione" targetStage="1"><state img="7-pokerface1.png">Showoff...</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major" target="hermione" targetStage="5"><state img="7-happy.png">Presto! Where did it go?</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="hermione"><state img="7-horny5.png">That looks fun...</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="hermione"><state img="7-horny3.png">Lucky...</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="d.va" targetStage="0"><state img="7-happy2.png">We'll see about that.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major" target="d.va" targetStage="4"><state img="7-happy.png">You've got style. I like it.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="d.va"><state img="7-horny.png">Care to play a bonus round?</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_major" target="mercy" targetStage="2"><state img="7-disappointed.png">Really? Cause I know a guy. He just <i>grows</i> 'em back. Crazy German scientist...</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="mercy"><state img="0-horny2.png">I appreciate it, alright.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_must_strip" target="mercy" targetStage="4"><state img="7-horny.png">Don't worry, I'll be nice and thorough.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" target="mercy"><state img="7-happy.png">I can get behind that ideology.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="mercy"><state img="7-embarrassed2.png">Oh, about a 12.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_must_strip" target="mercy" targetStage="5"><state img="7-pokerface1.png">But we're not in a doctor's office, are we?</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="misty" targetStage="3"><state img="7-interested.png">Why did you come here, again?</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="misty"><state img="7-pokerface2.png">Yeesh, calm down! Why are you even here?</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="misty"><state img="7-happy2.png">Maybe this'll help you loosen up.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="peach"><state img="7-horny2.png">Mama mia!</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="peach"><state img="7-embarrassed2.png">Well! I see <i>you're</i> rarin' to go.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major" target="korra" targetStage="5"><state img="7-embarrassed2.png">Damn, girl! You've been pumping some iron!</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="korra"><state img="7-calm.png">When you cum in that state, do the rest cum too? Do you feel the orgasm of a thousand avatars?</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_must_strip" target="blackrose" targetStage="1"><state img="7-pokerface2.png">Yeesh, lighten up...</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="blackrose"><state img="7-happy2.png">(I'd be more annoyed if she wasn't so adorable.)</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major" target="raven" targetStage="3"><state img="7-happy2.png">So glad you could join us.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="raven"><state img="7-embarrassed2.png">Believe me, no problems here.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_minor" target="pauling" targetStage="3"><state img="7-happy.png">You're no stranger to this game, I see.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="pauling"><state img="7-horny.png">Eh, not bad. Not bad.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="mia"><state img="7-happy.png">Ah, you're just robbing Peter to pay Paul.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_large_chest_is_visible" target="mia"><state img="7-happy.png">No objections here.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major" target="daisy" targetStage="5"><state img="7-embarrassed2.png">Now <i>that's</i> more like it...</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="ruby"><state img="7-happy2.png">Looks like it.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_major" target="ruby" targetStage="3"><state img="7-interested.png">How do you even fight in that thing?</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="chara" targetStage="0"><state img="7-interested.png">(I think I saw it beat...)</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="chara" targetStage="1"><state img="7-pokerface2.png">(Something ain't right with this one...)</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_must_strip" target="chara" targetStage="5"><state img="7-happy.png">You look like you're having a bad time.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="zoey" targetStage="4"><state img="7-interested.png">Tease...</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="revy" targetStage="3"><state img="7-disappointed.png">(Thank goodness! Thought I was gonna get a bullet in my head...)</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="revy"><state img="7-interested.png">You <i>really</i> need a chill pill.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="revy"><state img="7-happy2.png">At least it improved your mood. If only a little.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major" target="lara" targetStage="6"><state img="7-happy2.png">How very vintage.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="tracer" targetStage="4"><state img="7-pokerface2.png">I knew you were gonna do that...</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_small_chest_is_visible" target="dawn"><state img="7-happy.png">Perfect censorship!</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="dawn"><state img="7-disappointed3.png">Either that's dyed, or Japan sure is weird.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major" target="alice" targetStage="3"><state img="7-calm.png">I like it! Very Addams Family meets Beetlejuice.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="alice"><state img="7-happy2.png">So... who has the left?</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="lilith"><state img="7-calm.png">Nice hedgework. It suits you.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="piper" targetStage="0"><state img="7-happy.png">You have a <i>lot</i> of catching up to do.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="piper"><state img="7-happy.png">It was a long, hard battle, but we finally wore you down.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="april" targetStage="5"><state img="7-disappointed2.png">Boooo!</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major" target="penny" targetStage="3"><state img="7-calm.png">Looks like LSP's cousin.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major" target="penny" targetStage="4"><state img="7-calm.png">Aaaand LSP's <i>other</i> cousin.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_minor" target="kyoko" targetStage="6"><state img="7-happy2.png">Woah, creepy. I dig it.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="kyoko"><state img="7-interested.png">Breathe, dude. Breathe.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major" target="shazza" targetStage="4"><state img="7-happy.png">I like your style!</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="shazza"><state img="7-happy2.png">Let's take a peek down under.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="shazza"><state img="7-horny2.png">Do you cum from a land down under?</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="daria" targetStage="3"><state img="7-interested.png">(What a weirdo...)</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="daria" targetStage="5"><state img="7-calm.png">(Figured she'd pull that one...)</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" target="daria" alsoPlaying="jane"><state img="7-calm.png">Just look at Jane. She's your friend, right?</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="daria"><state img="7-pokerface1.png">See? It's not so scary, is it?</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="jane" targetStage="3"><state img="7-interested.png">(What a weirdo...)</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major" target="jane" targetStage="4"><state img="7-happy2.png">Looks tasty.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="jane"><state img="7-happy2.png">Just think of it as performance art.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="zelda" targetStage="1"><state img="7-happy2.png">This is a casual affair. Lose the fancy jewelry.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major" target="zelda" targetStage="5"><state img="7-calm.png">Talk about double or nothing!</state></case>
-		</stage>
+        </stage>
         <stage id="8">
             <case tag="female_must_strip">
@@ -2434,10 +4056,16 @@
                 <state img="8-react3.png">Ahhfuck...</state>
                 <state img="8-react4.png">More... more...</state>
+            <case tag="female_removed_major" target="daisy" targetStage="5">
+                <state img="8-react2.png">(Right when I needed it...)</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="male_large_crotch_is_visible">
                 <state img="8-react3.png">(It would hurt me. I'd love it.)</state>
                 <state img="8-react4.png">Yes... yes...</state>
+            <case tag="male_large_crotch_is_visible" target="shaggy">
+                <state img="8-horny2.png">(Not on your life...)</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible">
                 <state img="8-react1.png">(We could rub them together...)</state>
                 <state img="8-react2.png">(That's it, bare it all for me...)</state>
@@ -2454,6 +4082,9 @@
                 <state img="8-happy.png">Come with me... I mean-- haha! *Ha...*</state>
                 <state img="8-happy.png">We could help each other out...</state>
+            <case tag="male_must_masturbate" target="shaggy">
+                <state img="8-react1.png">(Just think of her instead...)</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="female_masturbating">
                 <state img="8-react2.png">I'm... gonna... outlast... you... !!</state>
                 <state img="8-react3.png">Play with your tits a little...</state>
@@ -2466,11 +4097,20 @@
                 <state img="8-react3.png">(Come sit on my face...)</state>
                 <state img="8-react4.png">(I hope you lose next round...)</state>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="misty">
+                <state img="8-horny5.png">(You are <i>really</i> messing with my concentration...)</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="revy">
+                <state img="8-react1.png">(God, shut <i>up!</i>)</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="female_start_masturbating">
                 <state img="8-react3.png">Ahhyeah... that's good...</state>
                 <state img="8-react4.png">(I bet it would feel so warm pressed against mine..)</state>
                 <state img="8-react1.png">(I can imagine it pressed against mine... their soft lips overlapping... their clits touching together...)</state>
+            <case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="hermione">
+                <state img="8-react1.png">Could you <i>ah</i> cast it on me too?</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="male_removing_major">
                 <state img="8-react1.png">Quickly...</state>
                 <state img="8-react2.png">(Take it off for me...)</state>
@@ -2532,8 +4172,8 @@
                 <state img="8-react2.png">That's it? But-- ahh...</state>
                 <state img="8-react3.png">But *hhff* but I'm... ahh...</state>
-            <case tag="game_over_victory">
-                <state img="8-happy.png">I WON!</state>
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="elena" targetStage="5">
+                <state img="8-react2.png">(Oh you <i>cocktease</i>...)</state>
             <case tag="female_removing_major">
                 <state img="8-react1.png">Show me your body...</state>
@@ -2543,14 +4183,26 @@
                 <state img="8-react1.png">More--ah... I want more...</state>
                 <state img="8-react2.png">Not enough... I wann-hhnnmore...</state>
+            <case tag="male_removing_minor" target="shaggy" targetStage="1">
+                <state img="8-horny5.png">(Ugh, the <i>smell...</i>)</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="female_finished_masturbating">
                 <state img="8-react4.png">See? Hhh<i>haa...</i> I... beat... yooouuuu*hh*~</state>
                 <state img="8-react1.png"><i>Oooohhh</i> you're gonna make me...</state>
+            <case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="chell">
+                <state img="8-react4.png">You just n-<i>never</i> ta-<i>hha</i>-alk, do you?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="hermione">
+                <state img="8-react3.png">No fair...</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible">
                 <state img="8-react1.png">(The more the better...)</state>
                 <state img="8-react2.png">That's it...</state>
+            <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" target="mileena">
+                <state img="8-happy.png">How reve<i>heeaahh</i>ling...</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="male_masturbating">
                 <state img="8-react3.png">(I can imagine it... sliding in and out...)</state>
                 <state img="8-react4.png">(I can picture it... filling every inch... ahh...)</state>
@@ -2591,18 +4243,7 @@
                 <state img="8-heavy4.png">--HnnI'm gonna cum! I'm gonna--!</state>
                 <state img="8-heavy7.png">Oh Bonnie! Bonnie! Fuck me! Fuck meee!!</state>
-			<case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="chell"><state img="8-react4.png">You just n-<i>never</i> ta-<i>hha</i>-alk, do you?</state></case>
-			<case tag="male_must_masturbate" target="shaggy"><state img="8-react1.png">(Just think of her instead...)</state></case>
-			<case tag="male_removing_minor" target="shaggy" targetStage="1"><state img="8-horny5.png">(Ugh, the <i>smell...</i>)</state></case>
-			<case tag="male_large_crotch_is_visible" target="shaggy"><state img="8-horny2.png">(Not on your life...)</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" target="mileena"><state img="8-happy.png">How reve<i>heeaahh</i>ling...</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="elena" targetStage="5"><state img="8-react2.png">(Oh you <i>cocktease</i>...)</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="hermione"><state img="8-react1.png">Could you <i>ah</i> cast it on me too?</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="hermione"><state img="8-react3.png">No fair...</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="misty"><state img="8-horny5.png">(You are <i>really</i> messing with my concentration...)</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major" target="daisy" targetStage="5"><state img="8-react2.png">(Right when I needed it...)</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="revy"><state img="8-react1.png">(God, shut <i>up!</i>)</state></case>
-		</stage>
+        </stage>
         <stage id="9">
             <case tag="female_must_strip">
@@ -2625,10 +4266,19 @@
                 <state img="9-happy3.png">Niice.</state>
                 <state img="9-happy3.png">Why even hide all that? I'd be showing off.</state>
+            <case tag="female_removed_major" target="daisy" targetStage="5">
+                <state img="9-happy2.png">Where was <i>that</i> when I needed it?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removed_major" target="jasmine" targetStage="2">
+                <state img="9-happy.png">Hate to break it to ya, Jasmine... you weren't fooling anyone.</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="male_large_crotch_is_visible">
                 <state img="9-happy.png">(Now that I'm all lubed up, you could slide right in.)</state>
                 <state img="9-happy.png">(Why not. I'm feeling brave after all that.)</state>
+            <case tag="male_large_crotch_is_visible" target="shaggy">
+                <state img="9-finished4.png">(No thanks...)</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible">
                 <state img="9-happy.png">I'll use your panties to mop up.</state>
                 <state img="9-happy.png">Don't think you're off the hook.</state>
@@ -2645,6 +4295,9 @@
                 <state img="9-happy4.png">I'm surprised you held off... heh..</state>
                 <state img="9-happy.png">Your turn...</state>
+            <case tag="male_must_masturbate" target="shaggy">
+                <state img="9-finished4.png">...</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="female_masturbating">
                 <state img="9-horny.png">As long as there's-- ah... someone to watch...</state>
                 <state img="9-horny2.png">I could go all night...</state>
@@ -2660,10 +4313,22 @@
                 <state img="9-happy3.png">I think I could go another round... Care to join me?</state>
                 <state img="9-happy2.png">Oh I can't <i>wait</i> for you to lose again.</state>
+            <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="samus">
+                <state img="9-happy3.png">Quite.</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="female_start_masturbating">
                 <state img="9-happy2.png">Let me get a good look...</state>
                 <state img="9-happy2.png">If you'll do it... so will I... again...</state>
+            <case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="ruby">
+                <state img="9-happy3.png">Do you need me to show you again?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="shantae">
+                <state img="9-happy2.png">Couldn't magic your way out of this one, could you?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="wiifitfemale">
+                <state img="9-horny2.png">Well I have to keep up with the instructor, don't I?</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="male_removing_major">
                 <state img="9-finished4.png">A little late, but I'm not complaining.</state>
                 <state img="9-finished5.png">Did I inspire you?</state>
@@ -2688,14 +4353,23 @@
                 <state img="9-happy3.png">Those look heavy. Want me to hold them for you?</state>
                 <state img="9-happy3.png">If those get too heavy, you can rest them on my face.</state>
+            <case tag="female_large_chest_is_visible" target="leela">
+                <state img="9-happy3.png">Don't be rude, people. Her eye is up there.</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="male_must_strip">
                 <state img="9-happy.png">Is that a bulge I see?</state>
                 <state img="9-happy2.png">You're not so shy <i>now</i>, are you?</state>
+            <case tag="male_must_strip" target="link" targetStage="4">
+                <state img="9-happy2.png">Oh, <i>now</i> you can talk?</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="female_must_masturbate">
                 <state img="9-happy2.png">Your turn... finally...</state>
                 <state img="9-happy3.png">What goes around comes around.</state>
+            <case tag="female_must_masturbate" target="zone-tan">
+                <state img="9-happy.png">It's time <i>we</i> watched <i>you</i>.</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="male_human_must_strip">
                 <state img="9-happy.png">Don't think I've lost interest.</state>
                 <state img="9-happy2.png">Not so shy now, are you?</state>
@@ -2721,12 +4395,18 @@
                 <state img="9-happy3.png">Want me to keep them warm for you?</state>
                 <state img="9-happy3.png">Hey ~name~, wanna play "doctor"? I can give you an examination.</state>
+            <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="wiifitfemale">
+                <state img="9-happy.png">Nude exercise is the best exercise.</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="female_removing_accessory">
                 <state img="9-happy.png">Come on, ~name~, you won't regret it.</state>
                 <state img="9-happy.png">You're a little behind, don't you think?</state>
-            <case tag="game_over_victory">
-                <state img="9-happy.png">I WON!</state>
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="elena" targetStage="5">
+                <state img="9-finished4.png">Still shy, even after all that?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="spooky" targetStage="0">
+                <state img="9-finished5.png">Really now, what's with the knife?</state>
             <case tag="female_removing_major">
                 <state img="9-finished4.png">Did I inspire you?</state>
@@ -2736,25 +4416,46 @@
                 <state img="9-defeat1.png">Haha... sooo sexy...</state>
                 <state img="9-happy3.png">That's all?</state>
+            <case tag="male_removing_minor" target="shaggy" targetStage="1">
+                <state img="9-finished3.png">If you need some quarters <i>that</i> badly...</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="female_finished_masturbating">
                 <state img="9-happy.png">That's the ticket...</state>
                 <state img="9-happy.png">Your legs are quivering... so are mine... heh..</state>
                 <state img="9-happy.png">That looked intense...</state>
+            <case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="chell">
+                <state img="9-finished4.png">Speechless to the end, I see.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="revy">
+                <state img="9-happy3.png">At least it improved your mood. If only a little.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="wiifitfemale">
+                <state img="9-happy3.png">Great session. Let's meet again next week.</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible">
                 <state img="9-happy.png">Did I inspire you?</state>
                 <state img="9-happy.png">That's right, bear 'em for us.</state>
+            <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" target="mileena">
+                <state img="9-happy4.png">And here you were being so modest...</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="male_masturbating">
                 <state img="9-horny.png">Keep going... you're making me feel re-energized.</state>
-                <state img="8-react1.png">Ahh... as long as there's fuel for the fire...</state>
-				<state img="8-happy.png">When in Rome...</state>
+                <state img="9-react1.png">Ahh... as long as there's fuel for the fire...</state>
+                <state img="9-happy.png">When in Rome...</state>
                 <state img="9-horny2.png">*hhh* Heh...</state>
+            <case tag="male_masturbating" target="shaggy">
+                <state img="9-finished5.png">(I am sooo glad I finished before this.)</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="female_removed_minor">
                 <state img="9-happy2.png">You'll get there...</state>
                 <state img="9-happy.png">Just you wait...</state>
+            <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="kim" targetStage="1">
+                <state img="9-happy.png">Are you so eager to catch up?</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="male_crotch_will_be_visible">
                 <state img="9-happy2.png">Feeling brave after all that, huh?</state>
                 <state img="9-happy4.png">Oh, <i>now</i> you do it.</state>
@@ -2772,166 +4473,156 @@
                 <state img="9-defeat1.png">You sure know how to have fun. Let's play again sometime.</state>
                 <state img="9-defeat2.png">I like this game. Even when I lose, I still win.</state>
-			<case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="chell"><state img="9-finished4.png">Speechless to the end, I see.</state></case>
-			<case tag="male_masturbating" target="shaggy"><state img="9-finished5.png">(I am sooo glad I finished before this.)</state></case>
-			<case tag="male_must_masturbate" target="shaggy"><state img="9-finished4.png">...</state></case>
-			<case tag="male_removing_minor" target="shaggy" targetStage="1"><state img="9-finished3.png">If you need some quarters <i>that</i> badly...</state></case>
-			<case tag="male_large_crotch_is_visible" target="shaggy"><state img="9-finished4.png">(No thanks...)</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" target="mileena"><state img="9-happy4.png">And here you were being so modest...</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="spooky" targetStage="0"><state img="9-finished5.png">Really now, what's with the knife?</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major" target="jasmine" targetStage="2"><state img="9-happy.png">Hate to break it to ya, Jasmine... you weren't fooling anyone.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="wiifitfemale"><state img="9-happy.png">Nude exercise is the best exercise.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="wiifitfemale"><state img="9-horny2.png">Well I have to keep up with the instructor, don't I?</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="wiifitfemale"><state img="9-happy3.png">Great session. Let's meet again next week.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="shantae"><state img="9-happy2.png">Couldn't magic your way out of this one, could you?</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_large_chest_is_visible" target="leela"><state img="9-happy3.png">Don't be rude, people. Her eye is up there.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_must_masturbate" target="zone-tan"><state img="9-happy.png">It's time <i>we</i> watched <i>you</i>.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="elena" targetStage="5"><state img="9-finished4.png">Still shy, even after all that?</state></case>
-			<case tag="male_must_strip" target="link" targetStage="4"><state img="9-happy2.png">Oh, <i>now</i> you can talk?</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="samus"><state img="9-happy3.png">Quite.</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_minor" target="kim" targetStage="1"><state img="9-happy.png">Are you so eager to catch up?</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_removed_major" target="daisy" targetStage="5"><state img="9-happy2.png">Where was <i>that</i> when I needed it?</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="ruby"><state img="9-happy3.png">Do you need me to show you again?</state></case>
-			<case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="revy"><state img="9-happy3.png">At least it improved your mood. If only a little.</state></case>
+    <epilogue gender="any" img="epilogue4.jpg">
+        <title>Break Time</title>
+        <screen img="epilogue0.jpg" />
+        <screen img="epilogue1.jpg">
+            <text>
+                <x>10%</x>
+                <y>20%</y>
+                <arrow>left</arrow>
+                <content>Okay, I'm here! Now why were you so anxious to bring me over?</content>
+            </text>
+            <text>
+                <x>10%</x>
+                <y>40%</y>
+                <arrow>left</arrow>
+                <content>Oh, no reason. I was just getting <i>so</i> lonely, is all.</content>
+            </text>
+        </screen>
+        <screen img="epilogue2.jpg">
+            <text>
+                <x>10%</x>
+                <y>20%</y>
+                <arrow>left</arrow>
+                <content>Well, I <i>was</i> getting a little tired from work...</content>
+            </text>
+            <text>
+                <x>40%</x>
+                <y>10%</y>
+                <arrow>left</arrow>
+                <content>There, see? You need to take it easy. Unwind, have some fun...</content>
+            </text>
+        </screen>
+        <screen img="epilogue3.jpg">
+            <text>
+                <x>25%</x>
+                <y>20%</y>
+                <width>15%</width>
+                <arrow>left</arrow>
+                <content>Well, okay... I suppose I can take a break for at least-- oh? Who's this?</content>
+            </text>
+            <text>
+                <x>55%</x>
+                <y>10%</y>
+                <arrow>left</arrow>
+                <content>Bonnie, meet ~name~. We played a fun game last night that I think you'll <i>really</i> enjoy.</content>
+            </text>
+        </screen>
+        <screen img="epilogue4.jpg">
+            <text>
+                <x>25%</x>
+                <y>15%</y>
+                <width>10%</width>
+                <arrow>right</arrow>
+                <content>What kind of game?</content>
+            </text>
+            <text>
+                <x>65%</x>
+                <y>15%</y>
+                <arrow>left</arrow>
+                <content>Oh you'd love it! It's all about <i>probability</i> and <i>psychological evaluation</i>. Isn't that right, ~name~?</content>
+            </text>
+        </screen>
+        <screen img="epilogue5.jpg">
+            <text>
+                <x>15%</x>
+                <y>15%</y>
+                <arrow>right</arrow>
+                <content>Probability and-- Is it poker? I know what that is, you know.</content>
+            </text>
+        </screen>
+        <screen img="epilogue6.jpg">
+            <text>
+                <x>53%</x>
+                <y>15%</y>
+                <arrow>left</arrow>
+                <content>Good! Then I won't bother explaining how to play.</content>
+            </text>
+        </screen>
+        <screen img="epilogue7.jpg">
+            <text>
+                <x>15%</x>
+                <y>15%</y>
+                <arrow>right</arrow>
+                <content>When did you suddenly get into poker?</content>
+            </text>
+            <text>
+                <x>60%</x>
+                <y>10%</y>
+                <arrow>left</arrow>
+                <content>Since I found out how much fun it could be! Now go ahead and deal us in, ~name~.</content>
+            </text>
+        </screen>
+        <screen img="epilogue8.jpg">
+            <text>
+                <x>13%</x>
+                <y>15%</y>
+                <arrow>right</arrow>
+                <content>Well, I suppose. Though I've never been very good at it, to be honest.</content>
+            </text>
+            <text>
+                <x>55%</x>
+                <y>15%</y>
+                <arrow>left</arrow>
+                <content>Hehe, that's no problem. Nooo problem at all.</content>
+            </text>
+        </screen>
+        <screen img="epilogue0.jpg">
+            <text>
+                <x>25%</x>
+                <y>30%</y>
+                <arrow>right</arrow>
+                <content>Oh, and did I mention? This is a very <i>special</i> kind of poker.</content>
+            </text>
+            <text>
+                <x>35%</x>
+                <y>40%</y>
+                <width>10%</width>
+                <arrow>right</arrow>
+                <content>Really? How so?</content>
+            </text>
+        </screen>
+    </epilogue>
-	<epilogue gender="any" img="epilogue4.jpg">
-		<title>Break Time</title>
-		<screen img="epilogue0.jpg">
-			<start>0</start>
-			<text>
-				<x>30%</x>
-				<y>20%</y>
-				<width>10%</width>
-				<content>The next day...</content>
-			</text>
-		</screen>
-		<screen img="epilogue1.jpg">
-			<start>0</start>
-			<text>
-				<x>10%</x>
-				<y>20%</y>
-				<arrow>left</arrow>
-				<content>Okay, I'm here! Now why were you so anxious to bring me over?</content>
-			</text>
-			<text>
-				<x>10%</x>
-				<y>40%</y>
-				<arrow>left</arrow>
-				<content>Oh, no reason. I was just getting <i>so</i> lonely, is all.</content>
-			</text>
-		</screen>
-		<screen img="epilogue2.jpg">
-		<start>0</start>
-			<text>
-				<x>10%</x>
-				<y>20%</y>
-				<arrow>left</arrow>
-				<content>Well, I <i>was</i> getting a little tired from work...</content>
-			</text>
-			<text>
-				<x>40%</x>
-				<y>10%</y>
-				<arrow>left</arrow>
-				<content>There, see? You need to take it easy. Unwind, have some fun...</content>
-			</text>
-		</screen>
-		<screen img="epilogue3.jpg">
-		<start>0</start>
-			<text>
-				<x>25%</x>
-				<y>20%</y>
-				<width>15%</width>
-				<arrow>left</arrow>
-				<content>Well, okay... I suppose I can take a break for at least-- oh? Who's this?</content>
-			</text>
-			<text>
-				<x>55%</x>
-				<y>10%</y>
-				<arrow>left</arrow>
-				<content>Bonnie, meet ~name~. We played a fun game last night that I think you'll <i>really</i> enjoy.</content>
-			</text>
-		</screen>
-		<screen img="epilogue4.jpg">
-		<start>0</start>
-			<text>
-				<x>25%</x>
-				<y>15%</y>
-				<width>10%</width>
-				<arrow>right</arrow>
-				<content>What kind of game?</content>
-			</text>
-			<text>
-				<x>65%</x>
-				<y>15%</y>
-				<arrow>left</arrow>
-				<content>Oh you'd love it! It's all about <i>probability</i> and <i>psychological evaluation</i>. Isn't that right, ~name~?</content>
-			</text>
-		</screen>
-		<screen img="epilogue5.jpg">
-		<start>0</start>
-			<text>
-				<x>15%</x>
-				<y>15%</y>
-				<arrow>right</arrow>
-				<content>Probability and-- Is it poker? I know what that is, you know.</content>
-			</text>
-		</screen>
-		<screen img="epilogue6.jpg">
-			<start>0</start>
-			<text>
-				<x>53%</x>
-				<y>15%</y>
-				<arrow>left</arrow>
-				<content>Good! Then I won't bother explaining how to play.</content>
-			</text>
-		</screen>
-		<screen img="epilogue7.jpg">
-		<start>0</start>
-			<text>
-				<x>15%</x>
-				<y>15%</y>
-				<arrow>right</arrow>
-				<content>When did you suddenly get into poker?</content>
-			</text>
-			<text>
-				<x>60%</x>
-				<y>10%</y>
-				<arrow>left</arrow>
-				<content>Since I found out how much fun it could be! Now go ahead and deal us in, ~name~.</content>
-			</text>
-		</screen>
-		<screen img="epilogue8.jpg">
-		<start>0</start>
-			<text>
-				<x>13%</x>
-				<y>15%</y>
-				<arrow>right</arrow>
-				<content>Well, I suppose. Though I've never been very good at it, to be honest.</content>
-			</text>
-			<text>
-				<x>55%</x>
-				<y>15%</y>
-				<arrow>left</arrow>
-				<content>Hehe, that's no problem. Nooo problem at all.</content>
-			</text>
-		</screen>
-		<screen img="epilogue0.jpg">
-			<start>0</start>
-			<text>
-				<x>25%</x>
-				<y>30%</y>
-				<arrow>right</arrow>
-				<content>Oh, and did I mention? This is a very <i>special</i> kind of poker.</content>
-			</text>
-			<text>
-				<x>35%</x>
-				<y>40%</y>
-				<width>10%</width>
-				<arrow>right</arrow>
-				<content>Really? How so?</content>
-			</text>
-		</screen>
-	</epilogue>
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new file mode 100644
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--- a/opponents/marceline/meta.xml
+++ b/opponents/marceline/meta.xml
@@ -11,8 +11,26 @@
     <from>Adventure Time</from>
-	<layers>7</layers>
-	<has_ending>true</has_ending>
     <description>Half-vampire, queen of the Nightosphere, bassist</description>
-	<release>77</release>
+    <has_ending>true</has_ending>
+    <layers>7</layers>
+    <tags>
+        <tag>marceline</tag>
+        <tag>adventure_time</tag>
+        <tag>cartoon</tag>
+        <tag>black_hair</tag>
+        <tag>long_hair</tag>
+        <tag>dark_eyes</tag>
+        <tag>unusual_skin</tag>
+        <tag>undead</tag>
+        <tag>medium_breasts</tag>
+        <tag>monster</tag>
+        <tag>bi-curious</tag>
+        <tag>confident</tag>
+        <tag>goth</tag>
+        <tag>creepy</tag>
+        <tag>flies</tag>
+        <tag>non-human</tag>
+    </tags>
+    <release>77</release>
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index 3632b51807641a868a99119bf0b8866ce4c6f8db..1f50bda16c7f0d1616535ca5db15a303568b7ca7 100644
--- a/opponents/marinette/behaviour.xml
+++ b/opponents/marinette/behaviour.xml
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
-<!--This file was machine generated using the Character Editor v2.1 at 2:49:52 PM on September 03, 2018. Please do not edit it directly without preserving your improvements elsewhere or your changes may be lost the next time this file is generated.-->
+<!--This file was machine generated using the Character Editor v2.1 at 6:37:25 PM on September 03, 2018. Please do not edit it directly without preserving your improvements elsewhere or your changes may be lost the next time this file is generated.-->
@@ -850,14 +850,14 @@
             <case tag="female_must_strip" target="shimakaze" targetStage="6">
                 <state img="0-alarmed.png">O-oh no, this'll hit all of your exposed skin!</state>
-            <case tag="female_must_strip" target="sola" targetStage="0">
-                <condition count="1" filter="phantom_thieves" />
-                <state img="0-confident.png">Don't worry, Sola, I think between The Phantom Thieves and I, we can get you past any crisis of confidence you're having!</state>
-            </case>
             <case tag="female_must_strip" target="sola" targetStage="0">
                 <condition count="1" filter="rwby" />
                 <state img="0-confident.png">Don't worry, Sola, I think between Team RWBY and I, we can get you past any crisis of confidence you're having!</state>
+            <case tag="female_must_strip" target="sola" targetStage="0">
+                <condition count="1" filter="phantom_thieves" />
+                <state img="0-confident.png">Don't worry, Sola, I think between The Phantom Thieves and I, we can get you past any crisis of confidence you're having!</state>
+            </case>
             <case alsoPlaying="d.va" tag="female_must_strip" target="sola" targetStage="0">
                 <condition count="1" filter="overwatch" />
                 <state img="0-confident.png">Don't worry, Sola, I think between Overwatch and I, we can get you past any crisis of confidence you're having!</state>
@@ -3493,7 +3493,7 @@
                 <state img="0-embarrassed.png">Oh no, not <i>again!</i> Shimakaze, are you okay?</state>
             <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="sola" targetStage="0">
-                <condition count="1" filter="overwatch" />
+                <condition count="1" filter="phantom_thieves" />
                 <state img="0-wink.png">I figured since you go to a school for heroes, all of us can give you some extra insight!</state>
             <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="sola" targetStage="0">
@@ -3501,7 +3501,7 @@
                 <state img="0-wink.png">I figured since you go to a school for heroes, all of us can give you some extra insight!</state>
             <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="sola" targetStage="0">
-                <condition count="1" filter="phantom_thieves" />
+                <condition count="1" filter="overwatch" />
                 <state img="0-wink.png">I figured since you go to a school for heroes, all of us can give you some extra insight!</state>
             <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="spooky" targetStage="0">
@@ -3799,7 +3799,7 @@
                 <state img="0-confused.png">E-er-- wait! No, it usually possesses an object! Not a person directly!</state>
             <case tag="female_removing_major" target="nayru" targetStage="4" targetSaidMarker="null-possess">
-                <state img="0-embarrassed.png">I-I'll admit, I'm kind of interested to see what sort of underwear they have where you're fun. You know. For fashion's sake.</state>
+                <state img="0-embarrassed.png">I-I'll admit, I'm kind of interested to see what sort of underwear you have where you're fun. You know. For fashion's sake.</state>
             <case tag="female_removing_major" target="red" targetStage="1">
                 <state img="0-confused.png">Is that huge sword just like… A centerpiece of some sort?</state>
@@ -4780,11 +4780,11 @@
                 <state img="0-wink.png" marker="pt_codenames">Oh wait a second, I knew I recognized your codenames! You’re those Phantom Thieves they talk about on Heronet, aren’t you!</state>
             <case tag="okay_hand" notSaidMarker="spirits0">
-                <condition count="1-3" filter="fantasy" />
+                <condition count="1-3" filter="spirit" />
                 <state img="0-excited.png" marker="spirits0">You know something about spirits? I’d love to talk with you about the Kwami and Miraculouses!</state>
             <case tag="okay_hand" notSaidMarker="spirits0">
-                <condition count="1-3" filter="spirit" />
+                <condition count="1-3" filter="fantasy" />
                 <state img="0-excited.png" marker="spirits0">You know something about spirits? I’d love to talk with you about the Kwami and Miraculouses!</state>
             <case tag="okay_hand" notSaidMarker="two_yanderes">
@@ -5789,14 +5789,14 @@
             <case tag="female_must_strip" target="shimakaze" targetStage="6">
                 <state img="1-alarmed.png">O-oh no, this'll hit all of your exposed skin!</state>
-            <case tag="female_must_strip" target="sola" targetStage="0">
-                <condition count="1" filter="rwby" />
-                <state img="1-confident.png">Don't worry, Sola, I think between Team RWBY and I, we can get you past any crisis of confidence you're having!</state>
-            </case>
             <case tag="female_must_strip" target="sola" targetStage="0">
                 <condition count="1" filter="phantom_thieves" />
                 <state img="1-confident.png">Don't worry, Sola, I think between The Phantom Thieves and I, we can get you past any crisis of confidence you're having!</state>
+            <case tag="female_must_strip" target="sola" targetStage="0">
+                <condition count="1" filter="rwby" />
+                <state img="1-confident.png">Don't worry, Sola, I think between Team RWBY and I, we can get you past any crisis of confidence you're having!</state>
+            </case>
             <case alsoPlaying="d.va" tag="female_must_strip" target="sola" targetStage="0">
                 <condition count="1" filter="overwatch" />
                 <state img="1-confident.png">Don't worry, Sola, I think between Overwatch and I, we can get you past any crisis of confidence you're having!</state>
@@ -8391,11 +8391,11 @@
                 <state img="1-embarrassed.png">Oh no, not <i>again!</i> Shimakaze, are you okay?</state>
             <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="sola" targetStage="0">
-                <condition count="1" filter="phantom_thieves" />
+                <condition count="1" filter="overwatch" />
                 <state img="1-wink.png">I figured since you go to a school for heroes, all of us can give you some extra insight!</state>
             <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="sola" targetStage="0">
-                <condition count="1" filter="overwatch" />
+                <condition count="1" filter="phantom_thieves" />
                 <state img="1-wink.png">I figured since you go to a school for heroes, all of us can give you some extra insight!</state>
             <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="sola" targetStage="0">
@@ -8700,7 +8700,7 @@
                 <state img="1-confused.png">E-er-- wait! No, it usually possesses an object! Not a person directly!</state>
             <case tag="female_removing_major" target="nayru" targetStage="4" targetSaidMarker="null-possess">
-                <state img="1-embarrassed.png">I-I'll admit, I'm kind of interested to see what sort of underwear they have where you're fun. You know. For fashion's sake.</state>
+                <state img="1-embarrassed.png">I-I'll admit, I'm kind of interested to see what sort of underwear you have where you're fun. You know. For fashion's sake.</state>
             <case tag="female_removing_major" target="red" targetStage="1">
                 <state img="1-confused.png">Is that huge sword just like… A centerpiece of some sort?</state>
@@ -9665,11 +9665,11 @@
                 <state img="1-wink.png" marker="pt_codenames">Oh wait a second, I knew I recognized your codenames! You’re those Phantom Thieves they talk about on Heronet, aren’t you!</state>
             <case tag="okay_hand" notSaidMarker="spirits0">
-                <condition count="1-3" filter="spirit" />
+                <condition count="1-3" filter="fantasy" />
                 <state img="1-excited.png" marker="spirits0">You know something about spirits? I’d love to talk with you about the Kwami and Miraculouses!</state>
             <case tag="okay_hand" notSaidMarker="spirits0">
-                <condition count="1-3" filter="fantasy" />
+                <condition count="1-3" filter="spirit" />
                 <state img="1-excited.png" marker="spirits0">You know something about spirits? I’d love to talk with you about the Kwami and Miraculouses!</state>
             <case tag="okay_hand" notSaidMarker="two_yanderes">
@@ -10815,14 +10815,14 @@
             <case tag="female_must_strip" target="shimakaze" targetStage="6">
                 <state img="2-alarmed.png">O-oh no, this'll hit all of your exposed skin!</state>
-            <case tag="female_must_strip" target="sola" targetStage="0">
-                <condition count="1" filter="phantom_thieves" />
-                <state img="2-confident.png">Don't worry, Sola, I think between The Phantom Thieves and I, we can get you past any crisis of confidence you're having!</state>
-            </case>
             <case tag="female_must_strip" target="sola" targetStage="0">
                 <condition count="1" filter="rwby" />
                 <state img="2-confident.png">Don't worry, Sola, I think between Team RWBY and I, we can get you past any crisis of confidence you're having!</state>
+            <case tag="female_must_strip" target="sola" targetStage="0">
+                <condition count="1" filter="phantom_thieves" />
+                <state img="2-confident.png">Don't worry, Sola, I think between The Phantom Thieves and I, we can get you past any crisis of confidence you're having!</state>
+            </case>
             <case alsoPlaying="d.va" tag="female_must_strip" target="sola" targetStage="0">
                 <condition count="1" filter="overwatch" />
                 <state img="2-confident.png">Don't worry, Sola, I think between Overwatch and I, we can get you past any crisis of confidence you're having!</state>
@@ -13611,7 +13611,7 @@
                 <state img="2-embarrassed.png">Oh no, not <i>again!</i> Shimakaze, are you okay?</state>
             <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="sola" targetStage="0">
-                <condition count="1" filter="phantom_thieves" />
+                <condition count="1" filter="overwatch" />
                 <state img="2-wink.png">I figured since you go to a school for heroes, all of us can give you some extra insight!</state>
             <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="sola" targetStage="0">
@@ -13619,7 +13619,7 @@
                 <state img="2-wink.png">I figured since you go to a school for heroes, all of us can give you some extra insight!</state>
             <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="sola" targetStage="0">
-                <condition count="1" filter="overwatch" />
+                <condition count="1" filter="phantom_thieves" />
                 <state img="2-wink.png">I figured since you go to a school for heroes, all of us can give you some extra insight!</state>
             <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="sola" targetStage="2">
@@ -13924,7 +13924,7 @@
                 <state img="2-confused.png">E-er-- wait! No, it usually possesses an object! Not a person directly!</state>
             <case tag="female_removing_major" target="nayru" targetStage="4" targetSaidMarker="null-possess">
-                <state img="2-embarrassed.png">I-I'll admit, I'm kind of interested to see what sort of underwear they have where you're fun. You know. For fashion's sake.</state>
+                <state img="2-embarrassed.png">I-I'll admit, I'm kind of interested to see what sort of underwear you have where you're fun. You know. For fashion's sake.</state>
             <case tag="female_removing_major" target="red" targetStage="1">
                 <state img="2-confused.png">Is that huge sword just like… A centerpiece of some sort?</state>
@@ -14636,9 +14636,13 @@
                 <state img="2-embarrassed.png" marker="nagisa_myths1">Nagisa, if a Nue isn’t quite your style… Maybe something about a ghost girl? Not like Spooky… Someone friendly, trying to do the right thing!</state>
             <case tag="good_hand" priority="0">
-                <condition count="1" filter="messy_hair" />
-                <state img="2-embarrassed.png">Um. I don't think I like messy hair like that. I wish <i>I</i> could look that good bowling out of red! R-rolling out of bed, I mean!</state>
-                <state img="2-embarrassed.png">E-er. Sorry. I don't mean to stare, but um. Someone's hair is so... messy. It's sort of distracting!</state>
+                <condition count="1" filter="drill_hair" />
+                <state img="2-confident.png">I like that drill hairstyle, by the way! It's so cute!</state>
+                <state img="2-confused.png">Hey... Isn't keeping a drill hairstyle like that a ton of work? I could see myself going for it if I wasn't so busy all the time...</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="good_hand" priority="0">
+                <condition count="1" filter="very_long_hair" />
+                <state img="2-alarmed.png">S-so, doesn't having hair that long get in the way of... Um. Most everything?</state>
             <case tag="good_hand" priority="0">
                 <condition count="1" filter="long_hair" />
@@ -14646,27 +14650,23 @@
                 <state img="2-embarrassed.png">I think long hair looks so feminine and classy! E-er. Emphasis on the latter.</state>
             <case tag="good_hand" priority="0">
-                <condition count="4" filter="twintails" />
-                <state img="2-confused.png">Hmm... We have a lot of the same hairstyle here tonight... Suspicious...</state>
+                <condition count="1" filter="messy_hair" />
+                <state img="2-embarrassed.png">Um. I don't think I like messy hair like that. I wish <i>I</i> could look that good bowling out of red! R-rolling out of bed, I mean!</state>
+                <state img="2-embarrassed.png">E-er. Sorry. I don't mean to stare, but um. Someone's hair is so... messy. It's sort of distracting!</state>
             <case tag="good_hand" priority="0">
                 <condition count="1" filter="short_hair" />
                 <state img="2-excited.png">Hmm... That short haircut <i>does</i> look pretty cute. I wonder if I'd look like that...</state>
+            <case tag="good_hand" priority="0">
+                <condition count="4" filter="twintails" />
+                <state img="2-confused.png">Hmm... We have a lot of the same hairstyle here tonight... Suspicious...</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="good_hand" priority="0">
                 <condition count="2" filter="twintails" />
                 <state img="2-excited.png">Hey! I love twintails. The best parts of a ponytail but with <i>so</i> much more customization. I'm glad I have someone else who agrees here!</state>
                 <state img="2-calm.png">I won't lie, it's nice to see someone else with a twintails style. Very cute.</state>
-            <case tag="good_hand" priority="0">
-                <condition count="1" filter="very_long_hair" />
-                <state img="2-alarmed.png">S-so, doesn't having hair that long get in the way of... Um. Most everything?</state>
-            </case>
-            <case tag="good_hand" priority="0">
-                <condition count="1" filter="drill_hair" />
-                <state img="2-confident.png">I like that drill hairstyle, by the way! It's so cute!</state>
-                <state img="2-confused.png">Hey... Isn't keeping a drill hairstyle like that a ton of work? I could see myself going for it if I wasn't so busy all the time...</state>
-            </case>
             <case tag="good_hand" notSaidMarker="hueyend" saidMarker="hueymari">
                 <state img="2-wink.png" marker="hueyend">Oh! Your pegasus! I cannot get over how cool that is, Florina!</state>
@@ -14875,11 +14875,11 @@
                 <state img="2-wink.png" marker="pt_codenames">Oh wait a second, I knew I recognized your codenames! You’re those Phantom Thieves they talk about on Heronet, aren’t you!</state>
             <case tag="okay_hand" notSaidMarker="spirits0">
-                <condition count="1-3" filter="fantasy" />
+                <condition count="1-3" filter="spirit" />
                 <state img="2-excited.png" marker="spirits0">You know something about spirits? I’d love to talk with you about the Kwami and Miraculouses!</state>
             <case tag="okay_hand" notSaidMarker="spirits0">
-                <condition count="1-3" filter="spirit" />
+                <condition count="1-3" filter="fantasy" />
                 <state img="2-excited.png" marker="spirits0">You know something about spirits? I’d love to talk with you about the Kwami and Miraculouses!</state>
             <case tag="okay_hand" notSaidMarker="spirits0" saidMarker="spirits">
@@ -16144,14 +16144,14 @@
             <case tag="female_must_strip" target="shimakaze" targetStage="6">
                 <state img="3-alarmed.png">O-oh no, this'll hit all of your exposed skin!</state>
-            <case tag="female_must_strip" target="sola" targetStage="0">
-                <condition count="1" filter="rwby" />
-                <state img="3-confident.png">Don't worry, Sola, I think between Team RWBY and I, we can get you past any crisis of confidence you're having!</state>
-            </case>
             <case tag="female_must_strip" target="sola" targetStage="0">
                 <condition count="1" filter="phantom_thieves" />
                 <state img="3-confident.png">Don't worry, Sola, I think between The Phantom Thieves and I, we can get you past any crisis of confidence you're having!</state>
+            <case tag="female_must_strip" target="sola" targetStage="0">
+                <condition count="1" filter="rwby" />
+                <state img="3-confident.png">Don't worry, Sola, I think between Team RWBY and I, we can get you past any crisis of confidence you're having!</state>
+            </case>
             <case alsoPlaying="d.va" tag="female_must_strip" target="sola" targetStage="0">
                 <condition count="1" filter="overwatch" />
                 <state img="3-confident.png">Don't worry, Sola, I think between Overwatch and I, we can get you past any crisis of confidence you're having!</state>
@@ -18989,11 +18989,11 @@
                 <state img="3-embarrassed.png">Oh no, not <i>again!</i> Shimakaze, are you okay?</state>
             <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="sola" targetStage="0">
-                <condition count="1" filter="overwatch" />
+                <condition count="1" filter="phantom_thieves" />
                 <state img="3-wink.png">I figured since you go to a school for heroes, all of us can give you some extra insight!</state>
             <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="sola" targetStage="0">
-                <condition count="1" filter="phantom_thieves" />
+                <condition count="1" filter="overwatch" />
                 <state img="3-wink.png">I figured since you go to a school for heroes, all of us can give you some extra insight!</state>
             <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="sola" targetStage="0">
@@ -19306,7 +19306,7 @@
                 <state img="3-confused.png">E-er-- wait! No, it usually possesses an object! Not a person directly!</state>
             <case tag="female_removing_major" target="nayru" targetStage="4" targetSaidMarker="null-possess">
-                <state img="3-embarrassed.png">I-I'll admit, I'm kind of interested to see what sort of underwear they have where you're fun. You know. For fashion's sake.</state>
+                <state img="3-embarrassed.png">I-I'll admit, I'm kind of interested to see what sort of underwear you have where you're fun. You know. For fashion's sake.</state>
             <case tag="female_removing_major" target="red" targetStage="1">
                 <state img="3-confused.png">Is that huge sword just like… A centerpiece of some sort?</state>
@@ -20252,11 +20252,11 @@
                 <state img="3-wink.png" marker="pt_codenames">Oh wait a second, I knew I recognized your codenames! You’re those Phantom Thieves they talk about on Heronet, aren’t you!</state>
             <case tag="okay_hand" notSaidMarker="spirits0">
-                <condition count="1-3" filter="fantasy" />
+                <condition count="1-3" filter="spirit" />
                 <state img="3-excited.png" marker="spirits0">You know something about spirits? I’d love to talk with you about the Kwami and Miraculouses!</state>
             <case tag="okay_hand" notSaidMarker="spirits0">
-                <condition count="1-3" filter="spirit" />
+                <condition count="1-3" filter="fantasy" />
                 <state img="3-excited.png" marker="spirits0">You know something about spirits? I’d love to talk with you about the Kwami and Miraculouses!</state>
             <case tag="okay_hand" notSaidMarker="spirits0" saidMarker="spirits">
@@ -21317,14 +21317,14 @@
             <case tag="female_must_strip" target="shimakaze" targetStage="6">
                 <state img="4-alarmed.png">O-oh no, this'll hit all of your exposed skin!</state>
-            <case tag="female_must_strip" target="sola" targetStage="0">
-                <condition count="1" filter="phantom_thieves" />
-                <state img="4-confident.png">Don't worry, Sola, I think between The Phantom Thieves and I, we can get you past any crisis of confidence you're having!</state>
-            </case>
             <case tag="female_must_strip" target="sola" targetStage="0">
                 <condition count="1" filter="rwby" />
                 <state img="4-confident.png">Don't worry, Sola, I think between Team RWBY and I, we can get you past any crisis of confidence you're having!</state>
+            <case tag="female_must_strip" target="sola" targetStage="0">
+                <condition count="1" filter="phantom_thieves" />
+                <state img="4-confident.png">Don't worry, Sola, I think between The Phantom Thieves and I, we can get you past any crisis of confidence you're having!</state>
+            </case>
             <case alsoPlaying="d.va" tag="female_must_strip" target="sola" targetStage="0">
                 <condition count="1" filter="overwatch" />
                 <state img="4-confident.png">Don't worry, Sola, I think between Overwatch and I, we can get you past any crisis of confidence you're having!</state>
@@ -24104,7 +24104,7 @@
                 <state img="4-embarrassed.png">Oh no, not <i>again!</i> Shimakaze, are you okay?</state>
             <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="sola" targetStage="0">
-                <condition count="1" filter="phantom_thieves" />
+                <condition count="1" filter="overwatch" />
                 <state img="4-wink.png">I figured since you go to a school for heroes, all of us can give you some extra insight!</state>
             <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="sola" targetStage="0">
@@ -24112,7 +24112,7 @@
                 <state img="4-wink.png">I figured since you go to a school for heroes, all of us can give you some extra insight!</state>
             <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="sola" targetStage="0">
-                <condition count="1" filter="overwatch" />
+                <condition count="1" filter="phantom_thieves" />
                 <state img="4-wink.png">I figured since you go to a school for heroes, all of us can give you some extra insight!</state>
             <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="sola" targetStage="2">
@@ -24424,7 +24424,7 @@
                 <state img="4-confused.png">E-er-- wait! No, it usually possesses an object! Not a person directly!</state>
             <case tag="female_removing_major" target="nayru" targetStage="4" targetSaidMarker="null-possess">
-                <state img="4-embarrassed.png">I-I'll admit, I'm kind of interested to see what sort of underwear they have where you're fun. You know. For fashion's sake.</state>
+                <state img="4-embarrassed.png">I-I'll admit, I'm kind of interested to see what sort of underwear you have where you're fun. You know. For fashion's sake.</state>
             <case tag="female_removing_major" target="red" targetStage="1">
                 <state img="4-confused.png">Is that huge sword just like… A centerpiece of some sort?</state>
@@ -25365,11 +25365,11 @@
                 <state img="4-wink.png" marker="pt_codenames">Oh wait a second, I knew I recognized your codenames! You’re those Phantom Thieves they talk about on Heronet, aren’t you!</state>
             <case tag="okay_hand" notSaidMarker="spirits0">
-                <condition count="1-3" filter="spirit" />
+                <condition count="1-3" filter="fantasy" />
                 <state img="4-excited.png" marker="spirits0">You know something about spirits? I’d love to talk with you about the Kwami and Miraculouses!</state>
             <case tag="okay_hand" notSaidMarker="spirits0">
-                <condition count="1-3" filter="fantasy" />
+                <condition count="1-3" filter="spirit" />
                 <state img="4-excited.png" marker="spirits0">You know something about spirits? I’d love to talk with you about the Kwami and Miraculouses!</state>
             <case tag="okay_hand" notSaidMarker="spirits0" saidMarker="spirits">
@@ -26331,14 +26331,14 @@
             <case tag="female_must_strip" target="shimakaze" targetStage="6">
                 <state img="5-alarmed.png">O-oh no, this'll hit all of your exposed skin!</state>
-            <case tag="female_must_strip" target="sola" targetStage="0">
-                <condition count="1" filter="phantom_thieves" />
-                <state img="5-confident.png">Don't worry, Sola, I think between The Phantom Thieves and I, we can get you past any crisis of confidence you're having!</state>
-            </case>
             <case tag="female_must_strip" target="sola" targetStage="0">
                 <condition count="1" filter="rwby" />
                 <state img="5-confident.png">Don't worry, Sola, I think between Team RWBY and I, we can get you past any crisis of confidence you're having!</state>
+            <case tag="female_must_strip" target="sola" targetStage="0">
+                <condition count="1" filter="phantom_thieves" />
+                <state img="5-confident.png">Don't worry, Sola, I think between The Phantom Thieves and I, we can get you past any crisis of confidence you're having!</state>
+            </case>
             <case alsoPlaying="d.va" tag="female_must_strip" target="sola" targetStage="0">
                 <condition count="1" filter="overwatch" />
                 <state img="5-confident.png">Don't worry, Sola, I think between Overwatch and I, we can get you past any crisis of confidence you're having!</state>
@@ -28953,7 +28953,7 @@
                 <state img="5-embarrassed.png">Oh no, not <i>again!</i> Shimakaze, are you okay?</state>
             <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="sola" targetStage="0">
-                <condition count="1" filter="phantom_thieves" />
+                <condition count="1" filter="overwatch" />
                 <state img="5-wink.png">I figured since you go to a school for heroes, all of us can give you some extra insight!</state>
             <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="sola" targetStage="0">
@@ -28961,7 +28961,7 @@
                 <state img="5-wink.png">I figured since you go to a school for heroes, all of us can give you some extra insight!</state>
             <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="sola" targetStage="0">
-                <condition count="1" filter="overwatch" />
+                <condition count="1" filter="phantom_thieves" />
                 <state img="5-wink.png">I figured since you go to a school for heroes, all of us can give you some extra insight!</state>
             <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="spooky" targetStage="0">
@@ -29266,7 +29266,7 @@
                 <state img="5-confused.png">E-er-- wait! No, it usually possesses an object! Not a person directly!</state>
             <case tag="female_removing_major" target="nayru" targetStage="4" targetSaidMarker="null-possess">
-                <state img="5-embarrassed.png">I-I'll admit, I'm kind of interested to see what sort of underwear they have where you're fun. You know. For fashion's sake.</state>
+                <state img="5-embarrassed.png">I-I'll admit, I'm kind of interested to see what sort of underwear you have where you're fun. You know. For fashion's sake.</state>
             <case tag="female_removing_major" target="red" targetStage="1">
                 <state img="5-confused.png">Is that huge sword just like… A centerpiece of some sort?</state>
@@ -30149,11 +30149,11 @@
                 <state img="5-wink.png" marker="pt_codenames">Oh wait a second, I knew I recognized your codenames! You’re those Phantom Thieves they talk about on Heronet, aren’t you!</state>
             <case tag="okay_hand" notSaidMarker="spirits0">
-                <condition count="1-3" filter="spirit" />
+                <condition count="1-3" filter="fantasy" />
                 <state img="5-excited.png" marker="spirits0">You know something about spirits? I’d love to talk with you about the Kwami and Miraculouses!</state>
             <case tag="okay_hand" notSaidMarker="spirits0">
-                <condition count="1-3" filter="fantasy" />
+                <condition count="1-3" filter="spirit" />
                 <state img="5-excited.png" marker="spirits0">You know something about spirits? I’d love to talk with you about the Kwami and Miraculouses!</state>
             <case tag="okay_hand" notSaidMarker="spirits0" saidMarker="spirits">
@@ -31121,14 +31121,14 @@
             <case tag="female_must_strip" target="shimakaze" targetStage="6">
                 <state img="6-alarmed.png">O-oh no, this'll hit all of your exposed skin!</state>
-            <case tag="female_must_strip" target="sola" targetStage="0">
-                <condition count="1" filter="phantom_thieves" />
-                <state img="6-confident.png">Don't worry, Sola, I think between The Phantom Thieves and I, we can get you past any crisis of confidence you're having!</state>
-            </case>
             <case tag="female_must_strip" target="sola" targetStage="0">
                 <condition count="1" filter="rwby" />
                 <state img="6-confident.png">Don't worry, Sola, I think between Team RWBY and I, we can get you past any crisis of confidence you're having!</state>
+            <case tag="female_must_strip" target="sola" targetStage="0">
+                <condition count="1" filter="phantom_thieves" />
+                <state img="6-confident.png">Don't worry, Sola, I think between The Phantom Thieves and I, we can get you past any crisis of confidence you're having!</state>
+            </case>
             <case alsoPlaying="d.va" tag="female_must_strip" target="sola" targetStage="0">
                 <condition count="1" filter="overwatch" />
                 <state img="6-confident.png">Don't worry, Sola, I think between Overwatch and I, we can get you past any crisis of confidence you're having!</state>
@@ -33756,7 +33756,7 @@
                 <state img="6-embarrassed.png">Oh no, not <i>again!</i> Shimakaze, are you okay?</state>
             <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="sola" targetStage="0">
-                <condition count="1" filter="overwatch" />
+                <condition count="1" filter="phantom_thieves" />
                 <state img="6-wink.png">I figured since you go to a school for heroes, all of us can give you some extra insight!</state>
             <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="sola" targetStage="0">
@@ -33764,7 +33764,7 @@
                 <state img="6-wink.png">I figured since you go to a school for heroes, all of us can give you some extra insight!</state>
             <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="sola" targetStage="0">
-                <condition count="1" filter="phantom_thieves" />
+                <condition count="1" filter="overwatch" />
                 <state img="6-wink.png">I figured since you go to a school for heroes, all of us can give you some extra insight!</state>
             <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="spooky" targetStage="0">
@@ -34066,7 +34066,7 @@
                 <state img="6-confused.png">E-er-- wait! No, it usually possesses an object! Not a person directly!</state>
             <case tag="female_removing_major" target="nayru" targetStage="4" targetSaidMarker="null-possess">
-                <state img="6-embarrassed.png">I-I'll admit, I'm kind of interested to see what sort of underwear they have where you're fun. You know. For fashion's sake.</state>
+                <state img="6-embarrassed.png">I-I'll admit, I'm kind of interested to see what sort of underwear you have where you're fun. You know. For fashion's sake.</state>
             <case tag="female_removing_major" target="red" targetStage="1">
                 <state img="6-confused.png">Is that huge sword just like… A centerpiece of some sort?</state>
@@ -34914,11 +34914,11 @@
                 <state img="6-wink.png" marker="pt_codenames">Oh wait a second, I knew I recognized your codenames! You’re those Phantom Thieves they talk about on Heronet, aren’t you!</state>
             <case tag="okay_hand" notSaidMarker="spirits0">
-                <condition count="1-3" filter="fantasy" />
+                <condition count="1-3" filter="spirit" />
                 <state img="6-excited.png" marker="spirits0">You know something about spirits? I’d love to talk with you about the Kwami and Miraculouses!</state>
             <case tag="okay_hand" notSaidMarker="spirits0">
-                <condition count="1-3" filter="spirit" />
+                <condition count="1-3" filter="fantasy" />
                 <state img="6-excited.png" marker="spirits0">You know something about spirits? I’d love to talk with you about the Kwami and Miraculouses!</state>
             <case tag="okay_hand" notSaidMarker="spirits0" saidMarker="spirits">
@@ -35855,14 +35855,14 @@
             <case tag="female_must_strip" target="shimakaze" targetStage="6">
                 <state img="7-alarmed.png">O-oh no, this'll hit all of your exposed skin!</state>
-            <case tag="female_must_strip" target="sola" targetStage="0">
-                <condition count="1" filter="phantom_thieves" />
-                <state img="7-confident.png">Don't worry, Sola, I think between The Phantom Thieves and I, we can get you past any crisis of confidence you're having!</state>
-            </case>
             <case tag="female_must_strip" target="sola" targetStage="0">
                 <condition count="1" filter="rwby" />
                 <state img="7-confident.png">Don't worry, Sola, I think between Team RWBY and I, we can get you past any crisis of confidence you're having!</state>
+            <case tag="female_must_strip" target="sola" targetStage="0">
+                <condition count="1" filter="phantom_thieves" />
+                <state img="7-confident.png">Don't worry, Sola, I think between The Phantom Thieves and I, we can get you past any crisis of confidence you're having!</state>
+            </case>
             <case alsoPlaying="d.va" tag="female_must_strip" target="sola" targetStage="0">
                 <condition count="1" filter="overwatch" />
                 <state img="7-confident.png">Don't worry, Sola, I think between Overwatch and I, we can get you past any crisis of confidence you're having!</state>
@@ -38448,7 +38448,7 @@
                 <state img="7-embarrassed.png">Oh no, not <i>again!</i> Shimakaze, are you okay?</state>
             <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="sola" targetStage="0">
-                <condition count="1" filter="phantom_thieves" />
+                <condition count="1" filter="overwatch" />
                 <state img="7-wink.png">I figured since you go to a school for heroes, all of us can give you some extra insight!</state>
             <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="sola" targetStage="0">
@@ -38456,7 +38456,7 @@
                 <state img="7-wink.png">I figured since you go to a school for heroes, all of us can give you some extra insight!</state>
             <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="sola" targetStage="0">
-                <condition count="1" filter="overwatch" />
+                <condition count="1" filter="phantom_thieves" />
                 <state img="7-wink.png">I figured since you go to a school for heroes, all of us can give you some extra insight!</state>
             <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="spooky" targetStage="0">
@@ -38755,7 +38755,7 @@
                 <state img="7-confused.png">E-er-- wait! No, it usually possesses an object! Not a person directly!</state>
             <case tag="female_removing_major" target="nayru" targetStage="4" targetSaidMarker="null-possess">
-                <state img="7-embarrassed.png">I-I'll admit, I'm kind of interested to see what sort of underwear they have where you're fun. You know. For fashion's sake.</state>
+                <state img="7-embarrassed.png">I-I'll admit, I'm kind of interested to see what sort of underwear you have where you're fun. You know. For fashion's sake.</state>
             <case tag="female_removing_major" target="red" targetStage="1">
                 <state img="7-confused.png">Is that huge sword just like… A centerpiece of some sort?</state>
@@ -39616,11 +39616,11 @@
                 <state img="7-wink.png" marker="pt_codenames">Oh wait a second, I knew I recognized your codenames! You’re those Phantom Thieves they talk about on Heronet, aren’t you!</state>
             <case tag="okay_hand" notSaidMarker="spirits0">
-                <condition count="1-3" filter="spirit" />
+                <condition count="1-3" filter="fantasy" />
                 <state img="7-excited.png" marker="spirits0">You know something about spirits? I’d love to talk with you about the Kwami and Miraculouses!</state>
             <case tag="okay_hand" notSaidMarker="spirits0">
-                <condition count="1-3" filter="fantasy" />
+                <condition count="1-3" filter="spirit" />
                 <state img="7-excited.png" marker="spirits0">You know something about spirits? I’d love to talk with you about the Kwami and Miraculouses!</state>
             <case tag="okay_hand" notSaidMarker="spirits0" saidMarker="spirits">
@@ -40576,14 +40576,14 @@
             <case tag="female_must_strip" target="shimakaze" targetStage="6">
                 <state img="8-alarmed.png">O-oh no, this'll hit all of your exposed skin!</state>
-            <case tag="female_must_strip" target="sola" targetStage="0">
-                <condition count="1" filter="rwby" />
-                <state img="8-confident.png">Don't worry, Sola, I think between Team RWBY and I, we can get you past any crisis of confidence you're having!</state>
-            </case>
             <case tag="female_must_strip" target="sola" targetStage="0">
                 <condition count="1" filter="phantom_thieves" />
                 <state img="8-confident.png">Don't worry, Sola, I think between The Phantom Thieves and I, we can get you past any crisis of confidence you're having!</state>
+            <case tag="female_must_strip" target="sola" targetStage="0">
+                <condition count="1" filter="rwby" />
+                <state img="8-confident.png">Don't worry, Sola, I think between Team RWBY and I, we can get you past any crisis of confidence you're having!</state>
+            </case>
             <case alsoPlaying="d.va" tag="female_must_strip" target="sola" targetStage="0">
                 <condition count="1" filter="overwatch" />
                 <state img="8-confident.png">Don't worry, Sola, I think between Overwatch and I, we can get you past any crisis of confidence you're having!</state>
@@ -43153,7 +43153,7 @@
                 <state img="8-embarrassed.png">Oh no, not <i>again!</i> Shimakaze, are you okay?</state>
             <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="sola" targetStage="0">
-                <condition count="1" filter="overwatch" />
+                <condition count="1" filter="phantom_thieves" />
                 <state img="8-wink.png">I figured since you go to a school for heroes, all of us can give you some extra insight!</state>
             <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="sola" targetStage="0">
@@ -43161,7 +43161,7 @@
                 <state img="8-wink.png">I figured since you go to a school for heroes, all of us can give you some extra insight!</state>
             <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="sola" targetStage="0">
-                <condition count="1" filter="phantom_thieves" />
+                <condition count="1" filter="overwatch" />
                 <state img="8-wink.png">I figured since you go to a school for heroes, all of us can give you some extra insight!</state>
             <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="spooky" targetStage="0">
@@ -43460,7 +43460,7 @@
                 <state img="8-confused.png">E-er-- wait! No, it usually possesses an object! Not a person directly!</state>
             <case tag="female_removing_major" target="nayru" targetStage="4" targetSaidMarker="null-possess">
-                <state img="8-embarrassed.png">I-I'll admit, I'm kind of interested to see what sort of underwear they have where you're fun. You know. For fashion's sake.</state>
+                <state img="8-embarrassed.png">I-I'll admit, I'm kind of interested to see what sort of underwear you have where you're fun. You know. For fashion's sake.</state>
             <case tag="female_removing_major" target="red" targetStage="1">
                 <state img="8-confused.png">Is that huge sword just like… A centerpiece of some sort?</state>
@@ -44315,11 +44315,11 @@
                 <state img="8-wink.png" marker="pt_codenames">Oh wait a second, I knew I recognized your codenames! You’re those Phantom Thieves they talk about on Heronet, aren’t you!</state>
             <case tag="okay_hand" notSaidMarker="spirits0">
-                <condition count="1-3" filter="fantasy" />
+                <condition count="1-3" filter="spirit" />
                 <state img="8-excited.png" marker="spirits0">You know something about spirits? I’d love to talk with you about the Kwami and Miraculouses!</state>
             <case tag="okay_hand" notSaidMarker="spirits0">
-                <condition count="1-3" filter="spirit" />
+                <condition count="1-3" filter="fantasy" />
                 <state img="8-excited.png" marker="spirits0">You know something about spirits? I’d love to talk with you about the Kwami and Miraculouses!</state>
             <case tag="okay_hand" notSaidMarker="spirits0" saidMarker="spirits">
@@ -45191,14 +45191,14 @@
             <case tag="female_must_strip" target="shimakaze" targetStage="6">
                 <state img="9-alarmed.png">O-oh no, this'll hit all of your exposed skin!</state>
-            <case tag="female_must_strip" target="sola" targetStage="0">
-                <condition count="1" filter="rwby" />
-                <state img="9-confident.png">Don't worry, Sola, I think between Team RWBY and I, we can get you past any crisis of confidence you're having!</state>
-            </case>
             <case tag="female_must_strip" target="sola" targetStage="0">
                 <condition count="1" filter="phantom_thieves" />
                 <state img="9-confident.png">Don't worry, Sola, I think between The Phantom Thieves and I, we can get you past any crisis of confidence you're having!</state>
+            <case tag="female_must_strip" target="sola" targetStage="0">
+                <condition count="1" filter="rwby" />
+                <state img="9-confident.png">Don't worry, Sola, I think between Team RWBY and I, we can get you past any crisis of confidence you're having!</state>
+            </case>
             <case alsoPlaying="d.va" tag="female_must_strip" target="sola" targetStage="0">
                 <condition count="1" filter="overwatch" />
                 <state img="9-confident.png">Don't worry, Sola, I think between Overwatch and I, we can get you past any crisis of confidence you're having!</state>
@@ -47723,7 +47723,7 @@
                 <state img="9-embarrassed.png">Oh no, not <i>again!</i> Shimakaze, are you okay?</state>
             <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="sola" targetStage="0">
-                <condition count="1" filter="phantom_thieves" />
+                <condition count="1" filter="overwatch" />
                 <state img="9-wink.png">I figured since you go to a school for heroes, all of us can give you some extra insight!</state>
             <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="sola" targetStage="0">
@@ -47731,7 +47731,7 @@
                 <state img="9-wink.png">I figured since you go to a school for heroes, all of us can give you some extra insight!</state>
             <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="sola" targetStage="0">
-                <condition count="1" filter="overwatch" />
+                <condition count="1" filter="phantom_thieves" />
                 <state img="9-wink.png">I figured since you go to a school for heroes, all of us can give you some extra insight!</state>
             <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="spooky" targetStage="0">
@@ -48012,7 +48012,7 @@
                 <state img="9-confused.png">E-er-- wait! No, it usually possesses an object! Not a person directly!</state>
             <case tag="female_removing_major" target="nayru" targetStage="4" targetSaidMarker="null-possess">
-                <state img="9-embarrassed.png">I-I'll admit, I'm kind of interested to see what sort of underwear they have where you're fun. You know. For fashion's sake.</state>
+                <state img="9-embarrassed.png">I-I'll admit, I'm kind of interested to see what sort of underwear you have where you're fun. You know. For fashion's sake.</state>
             <case tag="female_removing_major" target="red" targetStage="1">
                 <state img="9-confused.png">Is that huge sword just like… A centerpiece of some sort?</state>
@@ -49251,14 +49251,14 @@
             <case tag="female_must_strip" target="shimakaze" targetStage="6">
                 <state img="10-alarmed.png">O-oh no, this'll hit all of your exposed skin!</state>
-            <case tag="female_must_strip" target="sola" targetStage="0">
-                <condition count="1" filter="rwby" />
-                <state img="10-confident.png">Don't worry, Sola, I think between Team RWBY and I, we can get you past any crisis of confidence you're having!</state>
-            </case>
             <case tag="female_must_strip" target="sola" targetStage="0">
                 <condition count="1" filter="phantom_thieves" />
                 <state img="10-confident.png">Don't worry, Sola, I think between The Phantom Thieves and I, we can get you past any crisis of confidence you're having!</state>
+            <case tag="female_must_strip" target="sola" targetStage="0">
+                <condition count="1" filter="rwby" />
+                <state img="10-confident.png">Don't worry, Sola, I think between Team RWBY and I, we can get you past any crisis of confidence you're having!</state>
+            </case>
             <case alsoPlaying="d.va" tag="female_must_strip" target="sola" targetStage="0">
                 <condition count="1" filter="overwatch" />
                 <state img="10-confident.png">Don't worry, Sola, I think between Overwatch and I, we can get you past any crisis of confidence you're having!</state>
@@ -51789,11 +51789,11 @@
                 <state img="10-embarrassed.png">Oh no, not <i>again!</i> Shimakaze, are you okay?</state>
             <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="sola" targetStage="0">
-                <condition count="1" filter="phantom_thieves" />
+                <condition count="1" filter="overwatch" />
                 <state img="10-wink.png">I figured since you go to a school for heroes, all of us can give you some extra insight!</state>
             <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="sola" targetStage="0">
-                <condition count="1" filter="overwatch" />
+                <condition count="1" filter="phantom_thieves" />
                 <state img="10-wink.png">I figured since you go to a school for heroes, all of us can give you some extra insight!</state>
             <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="sola" targetStage="0">
@@ -52074,7 +52074,7 @@
                 <state img="10-confused.png">E-er-- wait! No, it usually possesses an object! Not a person directly!</state>
             <case tag="female_removing_major" target="nayru" targetStage="4" targetSaidMarker="null-possess">
-                <state img="10-embarrassed.png">I-I'll admit, I'm kind of interested to see what sort of underwear they have where you're fun. You know. For fashion's sake.</state>
+                <state img="10-embarrassed.png">I-I'll admit, I'm kind of interested to see what sort of underwear you have where you're fun. You know. For fashion's sake.</state>
             <case tag="female_removing_major" target="red" targetStage="1">
                 <state img="10-confused.png">Is that huge sword just like… A centerpiece of some sort?</state>
diff --git a/opponents/marinette/edit-dialogue.txt b/opponents/marinette/edit-dialogue.txt
index b1b7073ec0458e030f3a0f4ecb2811c43896a006..6d31d317740c6c3f003f983133b2d668306ffa40 100644
--- a/opponents/marinette/edit-dialogue.txt
+++ b/opponents/marinette/edit-dialogue.txt
@@ -253,10 +253,10 @@ swap_cards=calm,Ah, I think I need ~cards~ more to make this hand work.
 0-okay_hand,alsoPlaying:zone-tan,saidMarker:ztentacles,notSaidMarker:endtacles,marker:endtacles=bored,I don’t really understand your fixation with tentacles,Zone…
 0-okay_hand,alsoPlaying:vriska,totalRounds:5=wink,You know, Vriska, I did take an Alternian elective for a quarter. Maybe the nuance of French is too complex for you?
 0-okay_hand,alsoPlaying:vriska,totalRounds:5=confident,Oh trust me. <i>I</i> don't need to make fake sounds. Um... When speaking French. (Or elsewhere.)
-0-okay_hand,notSaidMarker:spirits0,count-spirit:1-3,marker:spirits0=excited,You know something about spirits? I’d love to talk with you about the Kwami and Miraculouses!
+0-okay_hand,notSaidMarker:spirits0,count-fantasy:1-3,marker:spirits0=excited,You know something about spirits? I’d love to talk with you about the Kwami and Miraculouses!
 0-okay_hand,alsoPlaying:futaba,notSaidMarker:futaba_identity,marker:futaba_identity=wink,(Futaba, your secret identity is Medjed, right? I'm really impressed by the good you do! It can be a little hard to cover all the white collar crime.)
 0-okay_hand,notSaidMarker:two_yanderes,count-yandere:2-3,marker:two_yanderes=confused,Er... (I have a bad feeling about this... I guess I'm here to protect ~player~... some of these other girls seem...)
-0-okay_hand,notSaidMarker:spirits0,count-fantasy:1-3,marker:spirits0=excited,You know something about spirits? I’d love to talk with you about the Kwami and Miraculouses!
+0-okay_hand,notSaidMarker:spirits0,count-spirit:1-3,marker:spirits0=excited,You know something about spirits? I’d love to talk with you about the Kwami and Miraculouses!
 0-okay_hand,alsoPlaying:alpha,notSaidMarker:alphaplaying,marker:alphaplaying=confident,Hmm... how does this lucky charm play out, I wonder?
 0-okay_hand,alsoPlaying:alpha,notSaidMarker:alphaplaying,marker:alphaplaying=calm,Let’s see how everyone else plays.
 0-okay_hand,alsoPlaying:alpha,notSaidMarker:alphaplaying,marker:alphaplaying=excited,I wonder if I...
@@ -493,11 +493,11 @@ swap_cards=calm,Ah, I think I need ~cards~ more to make this hand work.
 1-okay_hand,alsoPlaying:gwen,alsoPlayingStage:0-2,alsoPlayingSaidMarker:muh,notSaidMarker:marvelnette,marker:marvelnette=wink,Well, not in this universe, Spider-Woman! Y-you can hardly blame me for, um, being imprecise. I’m sorry if I hurt your feelings!
 1-okay_hand,alsoPlaying:futaba,alsoPlayingStage:2-8,notSaidMarker:futaba_headphones,marker:futaba_headphones=confused,Wow, Futaba, you're really attached to your headphones. Even though you're um... Losing.
 1-okay_hand,alsoPlaying:futaba,alsoPlayingStage:2-8,notSaidMarker:futaba_headphones,marker:futaba_headphones=bored,Hey, Futaba, you seem <i>really</i> attached to those headphones. They’re very nice, but, it’s not like they’re magic, right? Do you need those to activate your Miraculous-- Erk, your Persona?
-1-okay_hand,notSaidMarker:spirits0,count-spirit:1-3,marker:spirits0=excited,You know something about spirits? I’d love to talk with you about the Kwami and Miraculouses!
+1-okay_hand,notSaidMarker:spirits0,count-fantasy:1-3,marker:spirits0=excited,You know something about spirits? I’d love to talk with you about the Kwami and Miraculouses!
 1-okay_hand,alsoPlaying:mahiru,alsoPlayingSaidMarker:pitjob,notSaidMarker:pitjob,marker:pitjob=alarmed,I-I can't believe Mahiru just... touched Pit like that! T-that's so forward!
 1-okay_hand,alsoPlaying:meia,alsoPlayingSaidMarker:marinette_phc,notSaidMarker:insulting_meia,marker:insulting_meia=bored,<i>Meia? Vraiment, salope? Tu veux entrer dans ça?</i>
 1-okay_hand,alsoPlaying:captain_america,alsoPlayingStage:0-1,notSaidMarker:histeve,marker:histeve=excited,Captain America! E-er, I-I mean, I think you’re my favorite! You’re much more dashing in person. Um!
-1-okay_hand,notSaidMarker:spirits0,count-fantasy:1-3,marker:spirits0=excited,You know something about spirits? I’d love to talk with you about the Kwami and Miraculouses!
+1-okay_hand,notSaidMarker:spirits0,count-spirit:1-3,marker:spirits0=excited,You know something about spirits? I’d love to talk with you about the Kwami and Miraculouses!
 1-okay_hand,alsoPlaying:spooky,alsoPlayingStage:2,notSaidMarker:spookytikki,marker:spookytikki=wink,See, Spooky? You gave me a big scare!
 1-okay_hand,notSaidMarker:two_yanderes,count-yandere:2-3,marker:two_yanderes=confused,Er... (I have a bad feeling about this... I guess I'm here to protect ~player~... some of these other girls seem...)
 1-okay_hand,alsoPlaying:sei,alsoPlayingStage:0-3,notSaidMarker:sei_villains,marker:sei_villains=confused,Sei, your armor looks kind of like Hawkmoth…
@@ -588,19 +588,19 @@ swap_cards=calm,Ah, I think I need ~cards~ more to make this hand work.
 2-good_hand,alsoPlaying:d.va,alsoPlayingTimeInStage:7,alsoPlayingSaidMarker:d.va_accuses_cheating=confused,Sorry, what were you saying about cheating? You’ve been like that for way too many hands, D.Va…
 2-good_hand,alsoPlaying:nugi-chan,alsoPlayingSaidMarker:nugi-chan_blames_ai,saidMarker:alphaplaying,notSaidMarker:ai_mixup,marker:ai_mixup=confused,W-wait, you’re not real, Nugi-chan? You’re an AI like Alpha?
 2-good_hand,alsoPlaying:shimakaze,alsoPlayingStage:1,alsoPlayingTimeInStage:0,marker:shima_hurt=alarmed,<i>Etes-vous souffrant?</i> Shimakaze, are you okay? T-that looked like it may have hurt!
-2-good_hand,priority:0,count-very_long_hair:1=alarmed,S-so, doesn't having hair that long get in the way of... Um. Most everything?
-2-good_hand,priority:0,count-messy_hair:1=embarrassed,Um. I don't think I like messy hair like that. I wish <i>I</i> could look that good bowling out of red! R-rolling out of bed, I mean!
-2-good_hand,priority:0,count-messy_hair:1=embarrassed,E-er. Sorry. I don't mean to stare, but um. Someone's hair is so... messy. It's sort of distracting!
+2-good_hand,priority:0,count-twintails:4=confused,Hmm... We have a lot of the same hairstyle here tonight... Suspicious...
 2-good_hand,priority:0,count-drill_hair:1=confident,I like that drill hairstyle, by the way! It's so cute!
 2-good_hand,priority:0,count-drill_hair:1=confused,Hey... Isn't keeping a drill hairstyle like that a ton of work? I could see myself going for it if I wasn't so busy all the time...
-2-good_hand,alsoPlaying:amalia,alsoPlayingSaidMarker:french,notSaidMarker:amakna,marker:amakna=excited,<i>Ouais! Français parisien, mais je ne peux pas mettre ton accent, Amalia!</i>
-2-good_hand,alsoPlaying:d.va,alsoPlayingSaidMarker:d.va_accuses_cheating,notSaidMarker:cheats1,marker:cheats1=alarmed,I don’t cheat! I’m just innately lucky. You’re one to talk, Ms. No-Miraculous-But Miraculously-Good-At-Games!
-2-good_hand,priority:0,count-twintails:4=confused,Hmm... We have a lot of the same hairstyle here tonight... Suspicious...
 2-good_hand,priority:0,count-twintails:2=excited,Hey! I love twintails. The best parts of a ponytail but with <i>so</i> much more customization. I'm glad I have someone else who agrees here!
 2-good_hand,priority:0,count-twintails:2=calm,I won't lie, it's nice to see someone else with a twintails style. Very cute.
+2-good_hand,alsoPlaying:amalia,alsoPlayingSaidMarker:french,notSaidMarker:amakna,marker:amakna=excited,<i>Ouais! Français parisien, mais je ne peux pas mettre ton accent, Amalia!</i>
+2-good_hand,alsoPlaying:d.va,alsoPlayingSaidMarker:d.va_accuses_cheating,notSaidMarker:cheats1,marker:cheats1=alarmed,I don’t cheat! I’m just innately lucky. You’re one to talk, Ms. No-Miraculous-But Miraculously-Good-At-Games!
 2-good_hand,priority:0,count-long_hair:1=bored,I've thought about letting my hair grow long like... Hm. It's rude to name names. It would really get in my eyes, though.
 2-good_hand,priority:0,count-long_hair:1=embarrassed,I think long hair looks so feminine and classy! E-er. Emphasis on the latter.
 2-good_hand,priority:0,count-short_hair:1=excited,Hmm... That short haircut <i>does</i> look pretty cute. I wonder if I'd look like that...
+2-good_hand,priority:0,count-very_long_hair:1=alarmed,S-so, doesn't having hair that long get in the way of... Um. Most everything?
+2-good_hand,priority:0,count-messy_hair:1=embarrassed,Um. I don't think I like messy hair like that. I wish <i>I</i> could look that good bowling out of red! R-rolling out of bed, I mean!
+2-good_hand,priority:0,count-messy_hair:1=embarrassed,E-er. Sorry. I don't mean to stare, but um. Someone's hair is so... messy. It's sort of distracting!
 2-okay_hand=bored,Let me think on this…
 2-okay_hand=confused,Hmm… This… Might be okay?
 2-okay_hand=calm,This hand should work...
@@ -673,8 +673,8 @@ swap_cards=calm,Ah, I think I need ~cards~ more to make this hand work.
 2-okay_hand,alsoPlaying:sei,alsoPlayingStage:0-3,notSaidMarker:sei_villains,marker:sei_villains=confused,Sei, your armor looks kind of like Hawkmoth…
 2-okay_hand,alsoPlaying:futaba,alsoPlayingStage:2-8,notSaidMarker:futaba_headphones,marker:futaba_headphones=confused,Wow, Futaba, you're really attached to your headphones. Even though you're um... Losing.
 2-okay_hand,alsoPlaying:futaba,alsoPlayingStage:2-8,notSaidMarker:futaba_headphones,marker:futaba_headphones=bored,Hey, Futaba, you seem <i>really</i> attached to those headphones. They’re very nice, but, it’s not like they’re magic, right? Do you need those to activate your Miraculous-- Erk, your Persona?
-2-okay_hand,notSaidMarker:spirits0,count-spirit:1-3,marker:spirits0=excited,You know something about spirits? I’d love to talk with you about the Kwami and Miraculouses!
 2-okay_hand,notSaidMarker:spirits0,count-fantasy:1-3,marker:spirits0=excited,You know something about spirits? I’d love to talk with you about the Kwami and Miraculouses!
+2-okay_hand,notSaidMarker:spirits0,count-spirit:1-3,marker:spirits0=excited,You know something about spirits? I’d love to talk with you about the Kwami and Miraculouses!
 2-okay_hand,alsoPlaying:gwen,alsoPlayingStage:2-8,alsoPlayingSaidMarker:underthere,notSaidMarker:underwhere,marker:underwhere=wink,Under where, my suit? Magic, Gwen, obviously.
 2-okay_hand,alsoPlaying:gwen,alsoPlayingStage:2-8,alsoPlayingSaidMarker:nyc,notSaidMarker:swinging,marker:swinging=excited,Well, Gwen, according to <i>my</i> canon, yes! I’d love to visit it again. We could go swinging through the skyscrapers together!
 2-okay_hand,notSaidMarker:pt_codenames,count-phantom_thieves:2,count-phantom_thieves:3,marker:pt_codenames=wink,Oh wait a second, I knew I recognized your codenames! You’re those Phantom Thieves they talk about on Heronet, aren’t you!
@@ -804,10 +804,10 @@ swap_cards=calm,Ah, I think I need ~cards~ more to make this hand work.
 3-okay_hand,alsoPlaying:futaba,notSaidMarker:ladyblog,marker:ladyblog=bored,Have you heard of the Ladyblog, Futaba?
 3-okay_hand,alsoPlaying:sei,alsoPlayingTimeInStage:0-1,alsoPlayingSaidMarker:blue_hair_club,notSaidMarker:blue_hair_club,marker:blue_hair_club=confident,Wait, there’s a club for people like us? And I wasn’t invited! I’d love to be a part!
 3-okay_hand,alsoPlaying:dark_magician_girl,alsoPlayingStage:1,alsoPlayingTimeInStage:1,alsoPlayingSaidMarker:rabbit=confident,Oh! Can you actually pull a rabbit out of your  hat? D.Va, better watch out, as she's the bunniest of all of us!
-3-okay_hand,notSaidMarker:spirits0,count-spirit:1-3,marker:spirits0=excited,You know something about spirits? I’d love to talk with you about the Kwami and Miraculouses!
+3-okay_hand,notSaidMarker:spirits0,count-fantasy:1-3,marker:spirits0=excited,You know something about spirits? I’d love to talk with you about the Kwami and Miraculouses!
 3-okay_hand,alsoPlaying:alpha,notSaidMarker:mixtape,marker:mixtape=confident,Actually, Alpha, could you promote my friend Nino’s mixtape?
 3-okay_hand,alsoPlaying:gwen,alsoPlayingStage:2-8,alsoPlayingSaidMarker:daily_bugle,notSaidMarker:daily_bugle,marker:daily_bugle=wink,Maybe I should pick up a copy of the Bugle. Or maybe you should start a blog, Gwen. I’d leave this out, though, <i>oui?</i>
-3-okay_hand,notSaidMarker:spirits0,count-fantasy:1-3,marker:spirits0=excited,You know something about spirits? I’d love to talk with you about the Kwami and Miraculouses!
+3-okay_hand,notSaidMarker:spirits0,count-spirit:1-3,marker:spirits0=excited,You know something about spirits? I’d love to talk with you about the Kwami and Miraculouses!
 3-okay_hand,alsoPlaying:gwen,alsoPlayingStage:2-8,alsoPlayingSaidMarker:interview_request,notSaidMarker:i_r,marker:i_r=excited,I’d be interested to see how you interact with reporters, Gwen!
 3-okay_hand,alsoPlaying:sei,alsoPlayingStage:0-3,notSaidMarker:sei_villains,marker:sei_villains=confused,Sei, your armor looks kind of like Hawkmoth…
 3-okay_hand,alsoPlaying:vriska,alsoPlayingSaidMarker:1a,notSaidMarker:vriskyu_hey_listen,count-kyu:1,marker:vriskyu_hey_listen=calm,Hey Kyu, do you think you'd be a good influence on Vriska? With that blue outfit of hers, I feel like she could use a fairy guide.
@@ -973,7 +973,7 @@ swap_cards=calm,Ah, I think I need ~cards~ more to make this hand work.
 4-okay_hand,alsoPlaying:captain_america,notSaidMarker:shields,marker:shields=calm,You know, I feel like more heroes should use shields, Cap. If I spin my yo-yo just right, I can use it to block attacks. I’d um. Show you, but...
 4-okay_hand,alsoPlaying:zone-tan,saidMarker:endtacles,notSaidMarker:endtacles1,marker:endtacles1=alarmed,Zone-tan, I was thinking about tentacles...I do kind of cover myself with magic armor regularly… Maybe you find tentacles a similar comfort? N-not the probing…
 4-okay_hand,alsoPlaying:futaba,alsoPlayingSaidMarker:mari_boys,notSaidMarker:futaba_boys,marker:futaba_boys=embarrassed,U-uh-um. I wouldn't sorry about--wouldnt worry about that… What about you?
-4-okay_hand,notSaidMarker:spirits0,count-spirit:1-3,marker:spirits0=excited,You know something about spirits? I’d love to talk with you about the Kwami and Miraculouses!
+4-okay_hand,notSaidMarker:spirits0,count-fantasy:1-3,marker:spirits0=excited,You know something about spirits? I’d love to talk with you about the Kwami and Miraculouses!
 4-okay_hand,alsoPlaying:florina,saidMarker:lynplaying,notSaidMarker:florcalm2,marker:florcalm2=confident,Don’t worry, Florina! Lyn is here, and she’ll keep you safe, even if I can’t.
 4-okay_hand,timeInStage:3=wink,Hmm... Miraculous or no, I guess I’m playing a little above average, since it’s been a while since I lost something.
 4-okay_hand,alsoPlaying:futaba,alsoPlayingSaidMarker:boyfriendo,notSaidMarker:hpsf,marker:hpsf=excited,Aww, Futaba has a boyfriend! I think? That’s adorable!
@@ -990,7 +990,7 @@ swap_cards=calm,Ah, I think I need ~cards~ more to make this hand work.
 4-okay_hand,alsoPlaying:sei,alsoPlayingStage:0-3,notSaidMarker:sei_villains,marker:sei_villains=confused,Sei, your armor looks kind of like Hawkmoth…
 4-okay_hand,timeInStage:15=alarmed,Wow, this is almost like cheating... It’s been a long time since I even came close to losing.
 4-okay_hand,alsoPlaying:gwen,alsoPlayingStage:2-8,alsoPlayingSaidMarker:nyc,notSaidMarker:swinging,marker:swinging=excited,Well, Gwen, according to <i>my</i> canon, yes! I’d love to visit it again. We could go swinging through the skyscrapers together!
-4-okay_hand,notSaidMarker:spirits0,count-fantasy:1-3,marker:spirits0=excited,You know something about spirits? I’d love to talk with you about the Kwami and Miraculouses!
+4-okay_hand,notSaidMarker:spirits0,count-spirit:1-3,marker:spirits0=excited,You know something about spirits? I’d love to talk with you about the Kwami and Miraculouses!
 4-okay_hand,alsoPlaying:vriska,totalRounds:5=wink,You know, Vriska, I did take an Alternian elective for a quarter. Maybe the nuance of French is too complex for you?
 4-okay_hand,alsoPlaying:vriska,totalRounds:5=confident,Oh trust me. <i>I</i> don't need to make fake sounds. Um... When speaking French. (Or elsewhere.)
 4-okay_hand,alsoPlaying:aimee,alsoPlayingSaidMarker:48spec,notSaidMarker:48m,marker:48m=confused,Okay, Aimee, 48 specialties. Are any of them taking things seriously?
@@ -1138,12 +1138,12 @@ swap_cards=calm,Ah, I think I need ~cards~ more to make this hand work.
 5-okay_hand,alsoPlaying:gwen,alsoPlayingStage:2-8,alsoPlayingSaidMarker:underthere,notSaidMarker:underwhere,marker:underwhere=wink,Under where, my suit? Magic, Gwen, obviously.
 5-okay_hand,alsoPlaying:zizou,notSaidMarker:catchphrase,marker:catchphrase=confused,Yattane? What does that mean, Zizou?
 5-okay_hand,saidMarker:spirits,notSaidMarker:spirits0,marker:spirits0=excited,You know something about spirits? I’d love to talk with you about the Kwami and Miraculouses!
-5-okay_hand,notSaidMarker:spirits0,count-spirit:1-3,marker:spirits0=excited,You know something about spirits? I’d love to talk with you about the Kwami and Miraculouses!
+5-okay_hand,notSaidMarker:spirits0,count-fantasy:1-3,marker:spirits0=excited,You know something about spirits? I’d love to talk with you about the Kwami and Miraculouses!
 5-okay_hand,alsoPlaying:gwen,alsoPlayingStage:2-8,alsoPlayingSaidMarker:interview_request,notSaidMarker:i_r,marker:i_r=excited,I’d be interested to see how you interact with reporters, Gwen!
 5-okay_hand,notSaidMarker:coldfloor,marker:coldfloor=excited,Don’t get cold feet, everyone! Stay positive and we shouldn’t have any... um... major embarrassments.
 5-okay_hand,alsoPlaying:launch,alsoPlayingStage:2,alsoPlayingTimeInStage:0=calm,A great hand! And uh... Ms. Launch, this is a game of... er... strip poker. So you want high cards, in pairs and stuff, so you don't lose more clothes!
 5-okay_hand,alsoPlaying:nayru,alsoPlayingStage:0-3,alsoPlayingSaidMarker:null-possess,notSaidMarker:nayru_no_akuma,priority:550,marker:nayru_no_akuma=wink,I have a weird feeling, like some tension was just lifted... Nayru, do you know anything about that? Oh well, I'm just happy this game seems to be a lot safer.
-5-okay_hand,notSaidMarker:spirits0,count-fantasy:1-3,marker:spirits0=excited,You know something about spirits? I’d love to talk with you about the Kwami and Miraculouses!
+5-okay_hand,notSaidMarker:spirits0,count-spirit:1-3,marker:spirits0=excited,You know something about spirits? I’d love to talk with you about the Kwami and Miraculouses!
 5-okay_hand,alsoPlaying:dark_magician_girl,alsoPlayingStage:1,alsoPlayingTimeInStage:1,alsoPlayingSaidMarker:rabbit,count-d.va:1=excited,Oh! Can you actually pull a rabbit out of your  hat?
 5-okay_hand,alsoPlaying:gwen,alsoPlayingStage:2-8,saidMarker:sheblindedmewithfrench,notSaidMarker:french1,marker:french1=excited,Gwen, do you *like* it when I speak to you in French?
 5-okay_hand,alsoPlaying:shimakaze,alsoPlayingStage:1,alsoPlayingTimeInStage:0,marker:shima_hurt=alarmed,<i>Etes-vous souffrant?</i> Shimakaze, are you okay? T-that looked like it may have hurt!
@@ -1310,7 +1310,7 @@ swap_cards=calm,Ah, I think I need ~cards~ more to make this hand work.
 6-okay_hand,alsoPlaying:gwen,alsoPlayingStage:2-8,alsoPlayingSaidMarker:nyc,notSaidMarker:swinging,marker:swinging=excited,Well, Gwen, according to <i>my</i> canon, yes! I’d love to visit it again. We could go swinging through the skyscrapers together!
 6-okay_hand,alsoPlaying:futaba,alsoPlayingSaidMarker:mari_boys,notSaidMarker:futaba_boys,marker:futaba_boys=embarrassed,U-uh-um. I wouldn't sorry about--wouldnt worry about that… What about you?
 6-okay_hand,alsoPlaying:dark_magician_girl,alsoPlayingStage:8,alsoPlayingTimeInStage:0,alsoPlayingSaidMarker:hair removal=embarrassed,Oh! Well, that's an interesting story, Dark Magician Girl. Though I like your hair as it is now! (Even the lack thereof on your...)
-6-okay_hand,notSaidMarker:spirits0,count-spirit:1-3,marker:spirits0=excited,You know something about spirits? I’d love to talk with you about the Kwami and Miraculouses!
+6-okay_hand,notSaidMarker:spirits0,count-fantasy:1-3,marker:spirits0=excited,You know something about spirits? I’d love to talk with you about the Kwami and Miraculouses!
 6-okay_hand,alsoPlaying:futaba,alsoPlayingSaidMarker:ladyblog,notSaidMarker:ladyblog2,marker:ladyblog2=embarrassed,The Ladyblog gets the good parts. Mostly! About, you know, superhero stuff. (I wonder if it's me or Futaba that needs to get out more...)
 6-okay_hand,alsoPlaying:corrin_f,alsoPlayingSaidMarker:hotsprings,notSaidMarker:hotsprings0,marker:hotsprings0=embarrassed,I really don’t get the heal of pot springs... .Erk, appeal of hot springs.
 6-okay_hand,alsoPlaying:sheena,alsoPlayingStage:7-8,alsoPlayingHand:high card=alarmed,You’re good at feeling up holes, Sheena? Oh my that’s forwa-- Oh. I-I thought you tripped over your words. Erm. (I’m going to go die of embarrassment now.)
@@ -1318,7 +1318,7 @@ swap_cards=calm,Ah, I think I need ~cards~ more to make this hand work.
 6-okay_hand,alsoPlaying:corrin_f,alsoPlayingSaidMarker:goingeasy,notSaidMarker:goingeasy0,marker:goingeasy0=excited,I’m not going to go easy. I’m here to win, but I’m also not out to shame anyone!
 6-okay_hand,alsoPlaying:gwen,alsoPlayingSaidMarker:underthere3,notSaidMarker:underthere4,marker:underthere4=embarrassed,Hey! English isn’t my first language. Don’t be rude… But how’d you get a d’aww reel? Erk. Raw deal?
 6-okay_hand,alsoPlaying:gwen,alsoPlayingStage:2-8,saidMarker:sheblindedmewithfrench,notSaidMarker:french1,marker:french1=excited,Gwen, do you *like* it when I speak to you in French?
-6-okay_hand,notSaidMarker:spirits0,count-fantasy:1-3,marker:spirits0=excited,You know something about spirits? I’d love to talk with you about the Kwami and Miraculouses!
+6-okay_hand,notSaidMarker:spirits0,count-spirit:1-3,marker:spirits0=excited,You know something about spirits? I’d love to talk with you about the Kwami and Miraculouses!
 6-okay_hand,alsoPlaying:corrin_f,alsoPlayingSaidMarker:cursed,notSaidMarker:cursed0,marker:cursed0=excited,I heard someone say there was something cursed? I happen to have just to have a reliable solution to that!
 6-bad_hand=embarrassed,Being a hero isn’t easy...
 6-bad_hand=alarmed,I can figure out a lot of the Lucky Charm mechanics...But I can’t save this hand!
@@ -1397,7 +1397,7 @@ swap_cards=calm,Ah, I think I need ~cards~ more to make this hand work.
 7-okay_hand=embarrassed,Er… Can I mulligan?
 7-okay_hand,alsoPlaying:futaba,alsoPlayingSaidMarker:ladyblog,notSaidMarker:ladyblog2,marker:ladyblog2=embarrassed,The Ladyblog gets the good parts. Mostly! About, you know, superhero stuff. (I wonder if it's me or Futaba that needs to get out more...)
 7-okay_hand,alsoPlaying:sei,alsoPlayingStage:0-3,notSaidMarker:sei_villains,marker:sei_villains=confused,Sei, your armor looks kind of like Hawkmoth…
-7-okay_hand,notSaidMarker:spirits0,count-spirit:1-3,marker:spirits0=excited,You know something about spirits? I’d love to talk with you about the Kwami and Miraculouses!
+7-okay_hand,notSaidMarker:spirits0,count-fantasy:1-3,marker:spirits0=excited,You know something about spirits? I’d love to talk with you about the Kwami and Miraculouses!
 7-okay_hand,alsoPlaying:corrin_f,alsoPlayingSaidMarker:goingeasy,notSaidMarker:goingeasy0,marker:goingeasy0=excited,I’m not going to go easy. I’m here to win, but I’m also not out to shame anyone!
 7-okay_hand,alsoPlaying:dark_magician_girl,alsoPlayingStage:1,alsoPlayingTimeInStage:1,alsoPlayingSaidMarker:rabbit,count-d.va:1=excited,Oh! Can you actually pull a rabbit out of your  hat?
 7-okay_hand,alsoPlaying:nayru,alsoPlayingStage:0-3,alsoPlayingSaidMarker:null-possess,notSaidMarker:nayru_no_akuma,priority:550,marker:nayru_no_akuma=wink,I have a weird feeling, like some tension was just lifted... Nayru, do you know anything about that? Oh well, I'm just happy this game seems to be a lot safer.
@@ -1440,7 +1440,7 @@ swap_cards=calm,Ah, I think I need ~cards~ more to make this hand work.
 7-okay_hand,alsoPlaying:zone-tan,alsoPlayingStage:0-2,saidMarker:zoneproposition,notSaidMarker:zoneproposition2,marker:zoneproposition1=confused,Je veux... coucher... Zone-tan, now?  I think we’re a bit busy to take a nap.
 7-okay_hand,alsoPlaying:gwen,alsoPlayingStage:0-2,alsoPlayingSaidMarker:muh,notSaidMarker:marvelnette,marker:marvelnette=wink,Well, not in this universe, Spider-Woman! Y-you can hardly blame me for, um, being imprecise. I’m sorry if I hurt your feelings!
 7-okay_hand,timeInStage:3=confident,Well, I’m a little naked. But I’m not more naked. And I hope this trend keeps up.
-7-okay_hand,notSaidMarker:spirits0,count-fantasy:1-3,marker:spirits0=excited,You know something about spirits? I’d love to talk with you about the Kwami and Miraculouses!
+7-okay_hand,notSaidMarker:spirits0,count-spirit:1-3,marker:spirits0=excited,You know something about spirits? I’d love to talk with you about the Kwami and Miraculouses!
 7-okay_hand,alsoPlaying:sei,alsoPlayingSaidMarker:sei_anal,notSaidMarker:mari_seinal,marker:mari_seinal=alarmed,<i>What!?</i> Ana--ana-- no! I’d… that’s… <i>mon cul</i> is not for that!
 7-okay_hand,alsoPlaying:futaba,alsoPlayingSaidMarker:boyfriendo,notSaidMarker:hpsf,marker:hpsf=excited,Aww, Futaba has a boyfriend! I think? That’s adorable!
 7-okay_hand,alsoPlaying:gwen,alsoPlayingStage:2-8,alsoPlayingSaidMarker:nyc,notSaidMarker:swinging,marker:swinging=excited,Well, Gwen, according to <i>my</i> canon, yes! I’d love to visit it again. We could go swinging through the skyscrapers together!
@@ -1541,9 +1541,9 @@ swap_cards=calm,Ah, I think I need ~cards~ more to make this hand work.
 -3-okay_hand,alsoPlaying:gwen,alsoPlayingStage:2-8,alsoPlayingSaidMarker:underthere,notSaidMarker:underwhere,marker:underwhere=wink,Under where, my suit? Magic, Gwen, obviously.
 -3-okay_hand,alsoPlaying:gwen,alsoPlayingStage:0-2,alsoPlayingSaidMarker:muh,notSaidMarker:marvelnette,marker:marvelnette=wink,Well, not in this universe, Spider-Woman! Y-you can hardly blame me for, um, being imprecise. I’m sorry if I hurt your feelings!
 -3-okay_hand,alsoPlaying:zone-tan,alsoPlayingStage:0-2,saidMarker:zoneproposition,notSaidMarker:zoneproposition2,marker:zoneproposition1=confused,Je veux... coucher... Zone-tan, now?  I think we’re a bit busy to take a nap.
--3-okay_hand,notSaidMarker:spirits0,count-fantasy:1-3,marker:spirits0=excited,You know something about spirits? I’d love to talk with you about the Kwami and Miraculouses!
--3-okay_hand,alsoPlaying:gwen,alsoPlayingStage:2-8,alsoPlayingSaidMarker:muh,notSaidMarker:marvelnette,marker:marvelnette=wink,Well, not in this universe, Gwen! Y-you can hardly blame me for, um, being imprecise. I’m sorry if I hurt your feelings!
 -3-okay_hand,notSaidMarker:spirits0,count-spirit:1-3,marker:spirits0=excited,You know something about spirits? I’d love to talk with you about the Kwami and Miraculouses!
+-3-okay_hand,alsoPlaying:gwen,alsoPlayingStage:2-8,alsoPlayingSaidMarker:muh,notSaidMarker:marvelnette,marker:marvelnette=wink,Well, not in this universe, Gwen! Y-you can hardly blame me for, um, being imprecise. I’m sorry if I hurt your feelings!
+-3-okay_hand,notSaidMarker:spirits0,count-fantasy:1-3,marker:spirits0=excited,You know something about spirits? I’d love to talk with you about the Kwami and Miraculouses!
 -3-okay_hand,timeInStage:9=embarrassed,Zut, can I just throw my cards out? This is far more frustrating than I thought.
 -3-okay_hand,timeInStage:3=confident,I’m not going to give up! Even if... touching myself just ahead!
 -3-okay_hand,alsoPlaying:gwen,alsoPlayingStage:2-8,alsoPlayingSaidMarker:nyc,notSaidMarker:swinging,marker:swinging=excited,Well, Gwen, according to <i>my</i> canon, yes! I’d love to visit it again. We could go swinging through the skyscrapers together!
@@ -1594,11 +1594,10 @@ swap_cards=calm,Ah, I think I need ~cards~ more to make this hand work.
 -3-okay_hand,alsoPlaying:florina,notSaidMarker:florcalm,marker:florcalm=confident,Don’t worry, Florina! I may not be a tank, but I’m pretty durable and I’ll make sure you have nothing to be afraid of!
 -3-okay_hand,alsoPlaying:moon,timeInStage:4=bored,Moon. Are you like this frustrated *all the time*!?
 -3-okay_hand,alsoPlaying:corrin_f,alsoPlayingSaidMarker:hotsprings,saidMarker:hotsprings,notSaidMarker:hotsprings0,marker:hotsprings0=embarrassed,I really don’t get the heal of pot springs... .Erk, appeal of hot springs.
--3-okay_hand,alsoPlaying:futaba,notSaidMarker:futaba_identity,marker:futaba_identity=wink,(Futaba, your secret identity is Medjed, right? I'm really impressed by the good you do! It can be a little hard to cover all the white collar crime.)
 -3-okay_hand,alsoPlaying:gwen,alsoPlayingSaidMarker:bhc_m,notSaidMarker:bhc_m,marker:bhc_m=bored,Well, at least today was informative for both of us, Gwen.
 -3-okay_hand,alsoPlaying:zone-tan,saidMarker:zoneproposition2,notSaidMarker:zonepropositionend,marker:zonepropositionend=alarmed,Wait a minute, is this a ploy to get me on one of your videos!? That is absolutely not okay!
+-3-okay_hand,alsoPlaying:meia,alsoPlayingSaidMarker:mari-insult,saidMarker:insulting_meia,notSaidMarker:insulting_meia_2,marker:insulting_meia_2=bored,I called you... um... a bitch. For acting so superior... I'm sorry, that's unbecoming of a hero.
 -3-okay_hand,alsoPlaying:shimakaze,alsoPlayingStage:4,alsoPlayingTimeInStage:0,alsoPlayingSaidMarker:japanese,marker:call_her_shima=wink,Shimakaze, I should've <i>guessed</i> you were Japanese, Shima. Is it okay to call you that?
--3-okay_hand,alsoPlaying:natsuki,alsoPlayingSaidMarker:mari_peek,notSaidMarker:mari_nat_watch,marker:mari_nat_watch=embarrassed,(I've been trying to keep a close eye on Natsuki to make sure she isn't akumatized... I hope she doesn't think I've been leering at her!)
 -3-okay_hand,alsoPlaying:vriska,alsoPlayingStage:4,alsoPlayingTimeInStage:0,alsoPlayingSaidMarker:4a=alarmed,Y-yow did hou!? W-what the-- Vriska! Stop it!
 -3-okay_hand,alsoPlaying:vriska,alsoPlayingStage:4,alsoPlayingTimeInStage:0,alsoPlayingSaidMarker:4a=alarmed,It <i>has</i> to be snug, Vriska! Or else it's an impediment to mobility!
 -3-okay_hand,alsoPlaying:vriska,alsoPlayingStage:4,alsoPlayingTimeInStage:0,alsoPlayingSaidMarker:4a=alarmed,G-gah! <i>How dare you i-imply!</i>
@@ -1608,15 +1607,16 @@ swap_cards=calm,Ah, I think I need ~cards~ more to make this hand work.
 -3-okay_hand,alsoPlaying:amalia,alsoPlayingSaidMarker:french,notSaidMarker:amakna,marker:amakna=excited,<i>Ouais! Français parisien, mais je ne peux pas mettre ton accent, Amalia!</i>
 -3-okay_hand,alsoPlaying:vriska,alsoPlayingSaidMarker:1a,notSaidMarker:vriskyu_hey_listen,count-kyu:1,marker:vriskyu_hey_listen=calm,Hey Kyu, do you think you'd be a good influence on Vriska? With that blue outfit of hers, I feel like she could use a fairy guide.
 -3-okay_hand,alsoPlaying:captain_america,notSaidMarker:shields,marker:shields=calm,You know, I feel like more heroes should use shields, Cap. If I spin my yo-yo just right, I can use it to block attacks. I’d um. Show you, but...
--3-okay_hand,alsoPlaying:meia,alsoPlayingSaidMarker:mari-insult,saidMarker:insulting_meia,notSaidMarker:insulting_meia_2,marker:insulting_meia_2=bored,I called you... um... a bitch. For acting so superior... I'm sorry, that's unbecoming of a hero.
+-3-okay_hand,alsoPlaying:natsuki,alsoPlayingSaidMarker:mari_peek,notSaidMarker:mari_nat_watch,marker:mari_nat_watch=embarrassed,(I've been trying to keep a close eye on Natsuki to make sure she isn't akumatized... I hope she doesn't think I've been leering at her!)
+-3-okay_hand,alsoPlaying:futaba,notSaidMarker:futaba_identity,marker:futaba_identity=wink,(Futaba, your secret identity is Medjed, right? I'm really impressed by the good you do! It can be a little hard to cover all the white collar crime.)
 -3-bad_hand=embarrassed,... I hope everyone else is as ready to be speechless as I am.
 -3-bad_hand=alarmed,Oh dear.
+-3-bad_hand,alsoPlaying:launch,alsoPlayingStage:2,alsoPlayingTimeInStage:0=calm,A great hand! And uh... Ms. Launch, this is a game of... er... strip poker. So you want high cards, in pairs and stuff, so you don't lose more clothes!
 -3-bad_hand,alsoPlaying:shimakaze,alsoPlayingStage:1,alsoPlayingTimeInStage:0,marker:shima_hurt=alarmed,<i>Etes-vous souffrant?</i> Shimakaze, are you okay? T-that looked like it may have hurt!
 -3-bad_hand,alsoPlaying:gwen,saidMarker:shibari,notSaidMarker:shimari,priority:990,marker:shimari=shibari2,Ah, as much as I’m oh <i>oui</i> yes <i>oui</i>.. LET ME DOWN!
 -3-bad_hand,alsoPlaying:palutena,alsoPlayingStage:0-5=alarmed,Er...Palutena, You aren’t actually Tikki in disguise, right? To teach me a lesson or…?
 -3-bad_hand,alsoPlaying:mahiru,alsoPlayingSaidMarker:pitjob,notSaidMarker:pitjob=alarmed,I-I can't believe Mahiru just... touched Pit like that! T-that's so forward!
 -3-bad_hand,alsoPlaying:amalia,alsoPlayingSaidMarker:french,notSaidMarker:amakna,marker:amakna=excited,<i>Ouais! Français parisien, mais je ne peux pas mettre ton accent, Amalia!</i>
--3-bad_hand,alsoPlaying:launch,alsoPlayingStage:2,alsoPlayingTimeInStage:0=calm,A great hand! And uh... Ms. Launch, this is a game of... er... strip poker. So you want high cards, in pairs and stuff, so you don't lose more clothes!
 -3-bad_hand,alsoPlaying:natsuki,alsoPlayingSaidMarker:mari_peek,notSaidMarker:mari_nat_watch,marker:mari_nat_watch=embarrassed,(I've been trying to keep a close eye on Natsuki to make sure she isn't akumatized... I hope she doesn't think I've been leering at her!)
 -3-bad_hand,alsoPlaying:gwen,alsoPlayingSaidMarker:shimari,saidMarker:shimari,notSaidMarker:shimariend,marker:shimariend=excited,Gwen, let me do things my way. If you want to help, you can clean all this gunk off me. And yes, I-I do mean in the sexy way.
 -3-bad_hand,alsoPlaying:nayru,alsoPlayingStage:5,alsoPlayingTimeInStage:0,alsoPlayingNotSaidMarker:null-possess,priority:890,marker:marinette_challenges_veran=confident,I don't know what you are, "Veran," but don't you dare hurt Nayru! I <i>won't</i> let you!
@@ -1721,31 +1721,31 @@ swap_cards=calm,Ah, I think I need ~cards~ more to make this hand work.
 1-stripped,alsoPlaying:morrigan,alsoPlayingStage:2-6=confident,Humiliate me? I may be awkward, but I try not to let it get me down. Bring it on, Morrigan!
 1-stripped,alsoPlaying:samus=wink,Oh, is that a challenge, Samus? Let's see what you've got!
 1-stripped,alsoPlaying:shimakaze,marker:french1=confident,I'm not much good with nautical terminology, but I can certainly teach you a few phrases!
+1-stripped,alsoPlaying:sei=alarmed,U-uh? Offworlder? Sei? You mean, like, space aliens? That’s… Oh my. The world is a bigger place than I’d ever imagined.
 1-stripped,alsoPlaying:pit=wink,I don't really know who those two are, Pit, but yo-yos are very flexible! I bet I could disarm you like <i>that</i>!
-1-stripped,alsoPlaying:natsuki=confident,You know, Miraculous Ladybug, defender of Paris? <i>Miraculous, simply the best</i>? Um, Natsuki?
 1-stripped,alsoPlaying:kim=alarmed,I-it’s a really big responsibility, Kim, I’m not sure you can just “try it on.”
-1-stripped,alsoPlaying:sei=alarmed,U-uh? Offworlder? Sei? You mean, like, space aliens? That’s… Oh my. The world is a bigger place than I’d ever imagined.
+1-stripped,alsoPlaying:natsuki=confident,You know, Miraculous Ladybug, defender of Paris? <i>Miraculous, simply the best</i>? Um, Natsuki?
 1-must_strip_winning=must_strip,Just don’t tell anyone who I am, okay? And, uhm. Sat I was ripping. That I was stripping! I mean!
 1-must_strip_winning=must_strip,Erk. Tikki? This seems... Well... I guess a hero follows the rules...
-1-must_strip_winning,alsoPlaying:gwen,alsoPlayingStage:0-1,marker:bodysuit=embarrassed,Oh, it’s part of the magic of my suit, Spider-Woman.
-1-must_strip_winning,alsoPlaying:gwen,alsoPlayingStage:2-8,marker:bodysuit=wink,I really appreciate that! You’ve got pretty eyes too. Um, you know. Er. B-back to losing!
-1-must_strip_winning,alsoPlaying:streaming-chan,saidMarker:seiplaying=embarrassed,S-sei, can you convince Streaming-chan to turn off her camera?
-1-must_strip_winning,consecutiveLosses:2,notSaidMarker:twiceloss,marker:loss2_stage1=alarmed,Wait, two in a row? At least I’m winning...
 1-must_strip_winning,consecutiveLosses:2,saidMarker:twiceloss,marker:twiceloss2=alarmed,Huh? Again? Already? I thought I was playing better… But I guess I’m so far ahead, I really don’t mind.
+1-must_strip_winning,consecutiveLosses:2,notSaidMarker:twiceloss,marker:loss2_stage1=alarmed,Wait, two in a row? At least I’m winning...
+1-must_strip_winning,alsoPlaying:streaming-chan,saidMarker:seiplaying=embarrassed,S-sei, can you convince Streaming-chan to turn off her camera?
 1-must_strip_winning,consecutiveLosses:3=embarrassed,W-well, even if I’m ahead, this is a bad turn of events.
 1-must_strip_winning,consecutiveLosses:3=embarrassed,W-well, even if I’m ahead, this is a *Miraculously* bad turn of events.
 1-must_strip_winning,consecutiveLosses:3=confident,So much and so fast...Normally I don't even undress this quickly for...um...You know.
 1-must_strip_winning,consecutiveLosses:3=alarmed,W-wait, this can’t be right, I’ve… Just gone twice… But a third time? This isn’t a charm! This isn’t a charm at all!
+1-must_strip_winning,alsoPlaying:gwen,alsoPlayingStage:2-8,marker:bodysuit=wink,I really appreciate that! You’ve got pretty eyes too. Um, you know. Er. B-back to losing!
 1-must_strip_winning,hasHand:two pair,priority:0=embarrassed,A-ah, <i>zut</i>. And I thought I had such a good hand, too!
 1-must_strip_winning,hasHand:two pair,priority:0=confused,Wow! You <i>all</i> had better hands than mine...? I think I'm not doing something right...
+1-must_strip_winning,alsoPlaying:gwen,alsoPlayingStage:0-1,marker:bodysuit=embarrassed,Oh, it’s part of the magic of my suit, Spider-Woman.
 1-must_strip_normal=excited,This is just a secret between us. There’s lots of Marinettes in Paris, but only I’m Ladybug, okay?
 1-must_strip_normal=confident,Let's make sure that nobody knows that I'm the Marinette that's Ladybug, okay?
 1-must_strip_normal=calm,I-I'm not really sure what I should be taking off right now!
-1-must_strip_normal,consecutiveLosses:2,notSaidMarker:twiceloss,marker:loss2_stage1=alarmed,Wait, two in a row? Really?!
+1-must_strip_normal,alsoPlaying:gwen,alsoPlayingStage:0-1,marker:bodysuit=embarrassed,Oh, it’s part of the magic of my suit, Spider-Woman.
 1-must_strip_normal,alsoPlaying:streaming-chan,saidMarker:seiplaying=embarrassed,S-sei, can you convince Streaming-chan to turn off her camera?
-1-must_strip_normal,alsoPlaying:samus,alsoPlayingStage:0-2=must_strip,Er, actually, this suit is... Just kind of as you see it...
 1-must_strip_normal,alsoPlaying:gwen,alsoPlayingStage:2-8,marker:bodysuit=wink,I really appreciate that! You’ve got pretty eyes too. Um, you know. Er. B-back to losing!
-1-must_strip_normal,alsoPlaying:gwen,alsoPlayingStage:0-1,marker:bodysuit=embarrassed,Oh, it’s part of the magic of my suit, Spider-Woman.
+1-must_strip_normal,consecutiveLosses:2,notSaidMarker:twiceloss,marker:loss2_stage1=alarmed,Wait, two in a row? Really?!
+1-must_strip_normal,alsoPlaying:samus,alsoPlayingStage:0-2=must_strip,Er, actually, this suit is... Just kind of as you see it...
 1-must_strip_normal,consecutiveLosses:3=embarrassed,W-Wow, ~player~, I’m lucky this is just a game. I’d have been...In way worse shape if this were a fight…
 1-must_strip_normal,consecutiveLosses:3=embarrassed,W-well, even if I was ahead, this is a *Miraculously* bad turn of events.
 1-must_strip_normal,consecutiveLosses:3=confident,So much and so fast...Normally I don't even undress this quickly for...um...You know.
@@ -1753,44 +1753,44 @@ swap_cards=calm,Ah, I think I need ~cards~ more to make this hand work.
 1-must_strip_losing=must_strip,I really should’ve used a Lucky Charm before giving away my yo-yo.
 1-must_strip_losing=must_strip,Well, the mask doesn't exactly come off... The costume, not like... Uhm. You know.
 1-must_strip_losing=must_strip,Don't be too surprised! I have just the solution for this!
+1-must_strip_losing,alsoPlaying:gwen,alsoPlayingStage:0-1,marker:bodysuit=embarrassed,Oh, it’s part of the magic of my suit, Spider-Woman.
+1-must_strip_losing,consecutiveLosses:2,notSaidMarker:twiceloss,marker:loss2_stage1=alarmed,Wait, two in a row? Really?!
 1-must_strip_losing,consecutiveLosses:3=embarrassed,W-Wow, ~player~, I’m lucky this is just a game. I’d have been...In way worse shape if this were a fight…
 1-must_strip_losing,consecutiveLosses:3=embarrassed,W-well, even if I was ahead, this is a *Miraculously* bad turn of events.
 1-must_strip_losing,consecutiveLosses:3=confident,So much and so fast...Normally I don't even undress this quickly for...um...You know.
 1-must_strip_losing,consecutiveLosses:3=alarmed,W-wait, this can’t be right, I’ve… Just gone twice… But a third time? This isn’t a charm! This isn’t a charm at all!
-1-must_strip_losing,alsoPlaying:gwen,alsoPlayingStage:2-8,marker:bodysuit=wink,I really appreciate that! You’ve got pretty eyes too. Um, you know. Er. B-back to losing!
-1-must_strip_losing,alsoPlaying:gwen,alsoPlayingStage:0-1,marker:bodysuit=embarrassed,Oh, it’s part of the magic of my suit, Spider-Woman.
-1-must_strip_losing,consecutiveLosses:2,notSaidMarker:twiceloss,marker:loss2_stage1=alarmed,Wait, two in a row? Really?!
 1-must_strip_losing,alsoPlaying:streaming-chan=embarrassed,S-sei, can you convince Streaming-chan to turn off her camera?
+1-must_strip_losing,alsoPlaying:gwen,alsoPlayingStage:2-8,marker:bodysuit=wink,I really appreciate that! You’ve got pretty eyes too. Um, you know. Er. B-back to losing!
 1-stripping=stripping,Wait, my transformation’s over already? I guess this counts for the round, doesn’t it?
 1-stripping=stripping,Tikki, are you tired already?
 1-stripping=stripping,Lucky cha-Oh no!
 1-stripping,alsoPlaying:aella=stripping,Sewing magic seems-- A-ah, hold on!
-1-stripping,alsoPlaying:monika,alsoPlayingSaidMarker:glitched=stripping,H-huh? What do you mean, Monika?
-1-stripping,alsoPlaying:morrigan=stripping,C-could you not, Morrigan?
-1-stripping,alsoPlaying:samus=stripping,But I do have a few more tricks, Samus!
-1-stripping,alsoPlaying:zizou=stripping,Zizou! N-Nothing! D-don’t worry and definitely don't look!
 1-stripping,saidMarker:loss2_stage1=stripping,I--The akuma!
 1-stripping,saidMarker:loss2_stage1=stripping,In two rounds? I’m supposed to have at least five minutes! That’s not supposed to-
 1-stripping,alsoPlaying:d.va=stripping,The costume is probably way stronger armor than a machine, D.Va! Though it’s fading fast now!
+1-stripping,alsoPlaying:morrigan=stripping,C-could you not, Morrigan?
+1-stripping,alsoPlaying:samus=stripping,But I do have a few more tricks, Samus!
+1-stripping,alsoPlaying:zizou=stripping,Zizou! N-Nothing! D-don’t worry and definitely don't look!
+1-stripping,alsoPlaying:monika,alsoPlayingSaidMarker:glitched=stripping,H-huh? What do you mean, Monika?
 #losing shoes
 2-stripped=confused,I wish I could just take off the mask... but, you know, magic. I’ll keep the earrings on.
 2-stripped=embarrassed,Well. I'm glad I never really got into that whole "go nude under your costume" thing like Alya did.
 2-stripped=wink,If you thought that transformation was interesting, what if I told you that costume can adapt to its environment, too?
-2-stripped,alsoPlaying:gwen,alsoPlayingStage:2,priority:150,marker:gwencrush=embarrassed,M-magic! Um. Are you *not* wearing clothes beneath your costume, Gwen? I-I mean, I’m not checking you out, I’m just a bi-curious--*A bit curious is all!*
-2-stripped,alsoPlaying:elaine,alsoPlayingStage:0-5=embarrassed,<i>V-voudou?</i> I know they speak French in the Caribbean but I've never done black magic!
 2-stripped,alsoPlaying:juri,alsoPlayingStage:2=confused,And yet it somehow looks more put together than your outfit, Juri...
-2-stripped,alsoPlaying:gwen,alsoPlayingStage:0-1,priority:150,marker:gwencrush=embarrassed,Thanks, Spider-Woman! I like to put a lot of m-myself into my style. (<i>Pourquoi est-ce que je m’enerve tellement autour de Spider-Woman?</i>)
+2-stripped,alsoPlaying:aella,alsoPlayingStage:3-6=alarmed,Aella! I didn't make <i>more</i>clothes, I've always been dressed like this under the suit!
+2-stripped,alsoPlaying:jin,alsoPlayingStage:0-4=wink,It sounds like your friend doesn't have much endurance. I bet you'd last a little longer, huh?
+2-stripped,alsoPlaying:kimberly,alsoPlayingStage:0-4=wink,W-well, I'm glad you enjoyed the show! I did detransform, but no, I don't have a... how'd you say <i>Zord</i>?
 2-stripped,alsoPlaying:gwen,alsoPlayingStage:3-8,marker:a_bit_curious=embarrassed,M-magic! I see you <i>not</i> wearing clothes. I-I mean, I’m not checking you out, I’m just a bi-curious--*A bit curious is all!*
 2-stripped,alsoPlaying:akko,alsoPlayingStage:0-7=excited,...and you're the Witch that put on that magic show by the Arc d'Triomphe, oui? <i>C'est un monde petit!</i>
 2-stripped,alsoPlaying:akko,alsoPlayingStage:0-7=wink,From one magical girl to another, I suppose you enjoyed that, huh, Akko?
-2-stripped,alsoPlaying:jin,alsoPlayingStage:0-4=wink,It sounds like your friend doesn't have much endurance. I bet you'd last a little longer, huh?
-2-stripped,alsoPlaying:kimberly,alsoPlayingStage:0-4=wink,W-well, I'm glad you enjoyed the show! I did detransform, but no, I don't have a... how'd you say <i>Zord</i>?
-2-stripped,alsoPlaying:aella,alsoPlayingStage:0-2=embarrassed,E-er, I chasn't-- I wasn't cheating, Aella! I just. Erm. I came here because I thought people needed saving. I always wear clothes under my costume!
-2-stripped,alsoPlaying:jin,alsoPlayingStage:5-9=embarrassed,I mean, I'd have to touch you to be certain. N-not that I'd want to! Or that we're allowed to!
 2-stripped,alsoPlaying:d.va,alsoPlayingStage:3,marker:bodysuit=alarmed,Thanks for the offer to help, D.Va, but… Um. My bodysuit doesn’t come off like yours does. I don’t think anyway!
-2-stripped,alsoPlaying:aella,alsoPlayingStage:3-6=alarmed,Aella! I didn't make <i>more</i>clothes, I've always been dressed like this under the suit!
+2-stripped,alsoPlaying:gwen,alsoPlayingStage:0-1,priority:150,marker:gwencrush=embarrassed,Thanks, Spider-Woman! I like to put a lot of m-myself into my style. (<i>Pourquoi est-ce que je m’enerve tellement autour de Spider-Woman?</i>)
+2-stripped,alsoPlaying:elaine,alsoPlayingStage:0-5=embarrassed,<i>V-voudou?</i> I know they speak French in the Caribbean but I've never done black magic!
+2-stripped,alsoPlaying:gwen,alsoPlayingStage:2,priority:150,marker:gwencrush=embarrassed,M-magic! Um. Are you *not* wearing clothes beneath your costume, Gwen? I-I mean, I’m not checking you out, I’m just a bi-curious--*A bit curious is all!*
+2-stripped,alsoPlaying:jin,alsoPlayingStage:5-9=embarrassed,I mean, I'd have to touch you to be certain. N-not that I'd want to! Or that we're allowed to!
+2-stripped,alsoPlaying:aella,alsoPlayingStage:0-2=embarrassed,E-er, I chasn't-- I wasn't cheating, Aella! I just. Erm. I came here because I thought people needed saving. I always wear clothes under my costume!
 2-stripped,alsoPlaying:pit,count-palutena:1=confident,Palutena, have you ever considered giving Pit a costume? I bet he'd look very handsome. (And wouldn't be at all like Cat Noir. A girl can dream, can't she?)
 2-stripped,alsoPlaying:kyoko,alsoPlayingStage:5-10=alarmed,To be fair, Kyoko... Um. I hope it's... More pleasant than what you had to reveal...
 2-stripped,alsoPlaying:kyoko,alsoPlayingStage:5-10=alarmed,Um. I hope this was pretty distracting considering your... Condition.
@@ -1916,22 +1916,22 @@ swap_cards=calm,Ah, I think I need ~cards~ more to make this hand work.
 2-stripping=stripping,Well, here you go?
 2-stripping=stripping,Don't get too excited, those aren't anything special. Uhm. Please don't, you know, get excited at all.
 2-stripping=stripping,Is there someone I should put these on? I mean, somewhere. Erk.
-2-stripping,alsoPlaying:pit=stripping,C-could you not, Pit? This is embarassing!
+2-stripping,saidMarker:loss2_stage2=stripping,Er. My costume, and my jacket? You really play for keeps, guys. And girls. Who are staring at me. I really need to break this streak...
+2-stripping,saidMarker:loss2_stage2=stripping,Um. At least you didn’t get my yo-yo, costume, and jacket in one streak. I think that’s just...weirdly bad luck on my part.
 2-stripping,alsoPlaying:morrigan=stripping,To be honest, it <i>is</i> kind of weird to get called Ladybug out of costume. Thanks for being considerate, Morrigan.
-2-stripping,alsoPlaying:shimakaze=stripping,Oh! Sure! That sounds like a fun time... I don't think I've ever designed... well, it'd be more like armor for people like you, right?
+2-stripping,alsoPlaying:uravity=stripping,Oh! I wasn’t born with my Miraculous. It’s a magical artifact with a spirit guide called a Kwami! Her name is Tikki…
 2-stripping,alsoPlaying:akko,alsoPlayingStage:0-7=stripping,Er... nadly sot--sadly not, Akko!
 2-stripping,alsoPlaying:pit,count-gwen:1=stripping,Gwen, <i>oui? Avec quoi travaillez-vous habiteuellement?</i> Oh, sorry, Pit I was just flir-- Answering Gwen's questions! As one superhero to another!
 2-stripping,alsoPlaying:vriska,alsoPlayingSaidMarker:4a=stripping,I'm sorry Ms. <i>Literally teleports outfits onto herself</i> or whatever you're doing.
 2-stripping,alsoPlaying:vriska,alsoPlayingSaidMarker:4a=stripping,You know, Vriska, you copied <i>my</i> costume way before I got to this point.
 2-stripping,alsoPlaying:vriska,alsoPlayingSaidMarker:4a=stripping,If I want to show off a dozen outfits in a single game I'm attending to help people, by using magic, I'll tell you, Vriska.
 2-stripping,alsoPlaying:vriska,alsoPlayingSaidMarker:4a=stripping,<i>Elle copie mes pouvoirs et provoque</i>moi?<i>Quelle merde!</i>
-2-stripping,alsoPlaying:uravity=stripping,Oh! I wasn’t born with my Miraculous. It’s a magical artifact with a spirit guide called a Kwami! Her name is Tikki…
-2-stripping,saidMarker:loss2_stage2=stripping,Er. My costume, and my jacket? You really play for keeps, guys. And girls. Who are staring at me. I really need to break this streak...
-2-stripping,saidMarker:loss2_stage2=stripping,Um. At least you didn’t get my yo-yo, costume, and jacket in one streak. I think that’s just...weirdly bad luck on my part.
-2-stripping,alsoPlaying:d.va=must_strip,My Miraculous takes care of most of the hard work, but I always like to be dressed nicely under it, D.Va.
+2-stripping,alsoPlaying:shimakaze=stripping,Oh! Sure! That sounds like a fun time... I don't think I've ever designed... well, it'd be more like armor for people like you, right?
+2-stripping,alsoPlaying:pit=stripping,C-could you not, Pit? This is embarassing!
 2-stripping,alsoPlaying:vriska,alsoPlayingNotSaidMarker:4a=stripping,The only lesson I'm learning is that you're a sore winner, Vriska.
 2-stripping,alsoPlaying:vriska,alsoPlayingNotSaidMarker:4a=stripping,There's no need to be so rude, Vriska. Considering <i>you're</i> the one who's ripping off other people's outfits.
 2-stripping,alsoPlaying:gwen,priority:101=stripping,Oh, <i>oui? Avec quoi travaillez-vous habiteuellement?</i> Oh, sorry. I’m used to French with the others on my team…What are you used to?
+2-stripping,alsoPlaying:d.va=must_strip,My Miraculous takes care of most of the hard work, but I always like to be dressed nicely under it, D.Va.
 #losing jacket
@@ -1939,14 +1939,14 @@ swap_cards=calm,Ah, I think I need ~cards~ more to make this hand work.
 3-stripped=stripped,Well, it's nice to flex my toes.
 3-stripped=stripped,Wait, what happens if I run out of... clothes?
 3-stripped,alsoPlaying:d.va=wink,I hadn’t thought of it that way, but that seems about right, Hana. Sometimes a purse just isn’t enough space, you know?
-3-stripped,alsoPlaying:9s=embarrassed,Uh, 9S, I’m not exactly stupid, but you’re being really vague for someone who’s supposed to clarify data. I’m curious to understand what you mean though. (And something distracting would certainly be nice about now.)
-3-stripped,alsoPlaying:futaba=wink,Oh! <i>Inari!</i> Yusuke Kitagawa is a huge inspiration. His portraits are so surreal! He must be super nice in Person!
+3-stripped,alsoPlaying:futaba,count-ryuji:1=confident,Oh! You mean <i>Inari</i>? Of course! And Ryuji, I bet! Most artists are a little strange. Er... not that I'm weird. I'm not weird... am I weird?
 3-stripped,alsoPlaying:morrigan=wink,Pfft. What were you expecting, honestly, Morrigan?
 3-stripped,alsoPlaying:morrigan=wink,Seriously? Were you expecting that I was just going to take off my pants without shoes first?
-3-stripped,alsoPlaying:pit,count-gwen:1=wink,Aww, Pit. You don't need to feel left out! You already have someone beautiful in your life, don't you?
-3-stripped,alsoPlaying:futaba,count-ryuji:1=confident,Oh! You mean <i>Inari</i>? Of course! And Ryuji, I bet! Most artists are a little strange. Er... not that I'm weird. I'm not weird... am I weird?
+3-stripped,alsoPlaying:9s=embarrassed,Uh, 9S, I’m not exactly stupid, but you’re being really vague for someone who’s supposed to clarify data. I’m curious to understand what you mean though. (And something distracting would certainly be nice about now.)
+3-stripped,alsoPlaying:futaba=wink,Oh! <i>Inari!</i> Yusuke Kitagawa is a huge inspiration. His portraits are so surreal! He must be super nice in Person!
 3-stripped,alsoPlaying:shimakaze=excited,Oh, would you <i>really</i>? That would be lovely, Shimakaze!
 3-stripped,alsoPlaying:shimakaze=confident,Well, I never pass up a design challenge, Shimakaze! That sounds like a tice nakeaway... nice takeaway... um, from a game like this.
+3-stripped,alsoPlaying:pit,count-gwen:1=wink,Aww, Pit. You don't need to feel left out! You already have someone beautiful in your life, don't you?
 3-stripped,alsoPlaying:gwen,alsoPlayingStage:2-8,marker:sheblindedmewithfrench=stripped,Uhm, Gwen? Are you okay? You look...startled.
 3-stripped,alsoPlaying:gwen,alsoPlayingStage:0-1,marker:sheblindedmewithfrench=stripped,Uhm, Gw-- Spider-Woman? Are you okay? You look...startled.
 3-stripped,alsoPlaying:vriska,alsoPlayingSaidMarker:4a=stripped,You're so bent out of shape over this, Vriska.
@@ -1967,8 +1967,8 @@ swap_cards=calm,Ah, I think I need ~cards~ more to make this hand work.
 3-must_strip_winning,consecutiveLosses:3=alarmed,W-wait, this can’t be right, I’ve… Just gone twice… But a third time? This isn’t a charm! This isn’t a charm at all!
 3-must_strip_winning,consecutiveLosses:2,alsoPlaying:blake,saidMarker:twiceloss,marker:loss2_stage3=alarmed,Two in a row *again*? I’m getting streaks of luck. Bad streaks. I can’t help but wonder if a certain black cat is involved…Um. No, Blake, I wasn’t looking at you. Any more than I might usually.
 3-must_strip_winning,consecutiveLosses:2,notSaidMarker:twiceloss,marker:twiceloss=alarmed,Wait, two in a row? At least I’m winning...
-3-must_strip_winning,consecutiveLosses:2,alsoPlaying:futaba,saidMarker:twiceloss,marker:loss2_stage3=alarmed,Two in a row *again*? I’m getting streaks of luck. Bad streaks. I can’t help but wonder if a certain black cat is involved…Er, I don’t mean your pet, Mona, Futaba.
 3-must_strip_winning,consecutiveLosses:2,alsoPlaying:ann,saidMarker:twiceloss,marker:loss2_stage3=alarmed,Two in a row *again*? I’m getting streaks of luck. Bad streaks. I can’t help but wonder if a certain black cat is involved…Er, I don’t mean your pet, Mona, Ann.
+3-must_strip_winning,consecutiveLosses:2,alsoPlaying:futaba,saidMarker:twiceloss,marker:loss2_stage3=alarmed,Two in a row *again*? I’m getting streaks of luck. Bad streaks. I can’t help but wonder if a certain black cat is involved…Er, I don’t mean your pet, Mona, Futaba.
 3-must_strip_winning,consecutiveLosses:2,saidMarker:twiceloss,marker:twiceloss2=alarmed,Huh? Again? Already? I thought I was playing better… But I guess I’m so far ahead, I really don’t mind.
 3-must_strip_normal=excited,Alya says Adrien really likes my jacket. That’s why I wear it like, all the time.
 3-must_strip_normal=wink,Well... I guess jacket is next.
@@ -1980,8 +1980,8 @@ swap_cards=calm,Ah, I think I need ~cards~ more to make this hand work.
 3-must_strip_normal,consecutiveLosses:3=confident,So much and so fast...Normally I don't even undress this quickly for...um...You know.
 3-must_strip_normal,consecutiveLosses:3=alarmed,W-wait, this can’t be right, I’ve… Just gone twice… But a third time? This isn’t a charm! This isn’t a charm at all!
 3-must_strip_normal,consecutiveLosses:2,alsoPlaying:blake,saidMarker:twiceloss,marker:loss2_stage3=alarmed,Two in a row *again*? I’m getting streaks of luck. Bad streaks. I can’t help but wonder if a certain black cat is involved…Um. No, Blake, I wasn’t looking at you. Any more than I might usually.
-3-must_strip_normal,consecutiveLosses:2,notSaidMarker:twiceloss,marker:twiceloss=alarmed,Wait, two in a row? Really?!
 3-must_strip_normal,consecutiveLosses:2,alsoPlaying:ann,saidMarker:twiceloss,marker:loss2_stage3=alarmed,Two in a row *again*? I’m getting streaks of luck. Bad streaks. I can’t help but wonder if a certain black cat is involved…Er, I don’t mean your pet, Mona, Ann.
+3-must_strip_normal,consecutiveLosses:2,notSaidMarker:twiceloss,marker:twiceloss=alarmed,Wait, two in a row? Really?!
 3-must_strip_normal,consecutiveLosses:2,saidMarker:twiceloss,marker:twiceloss2=alarmed,Huh? Again? Already? I thought I was playing better…
 3-must_strip_losing=alarmed,But I already took off a costume and a mask!
@@ -2572,8 +2572,8 @@ swap_cards=calm,Ah, I think I need ~cards~ more to make this hand work.
 0-female_must_strip,target:vriska,targetStage:2,alsoPlaying:star=embarrassed,Trust me, Vriska. You'll want to get rid of the evil butterfly in your dice as soon as possible. Not Star, though. She's not that kind of butterfly.
 0-female_must_strip,target:weiss,alsoPlaying:aimee,alsoPlayingStage:0=wink,I guess she’s just less attached to her weapon, Aimee. You know, like a reasonable person.
 0-female_must_strip,target:elaine,targetStage:4,count-cheater:1=embarrassed,I kind of agree, Elaine. It seems like people here are cheating! E-er, not you though. (Except maybe on your husband... which is weird...)
-0-female_must_strip,target:sola,targetStage:0,count-rwby:1=confident,Don't worry, Sola, I think between Team RWBY and I, we can get you past any crisis of confidence you're having!
 0-female_must_strip,target:sola,targetStage:0,count-phantom_thieves:1=confident,Don't worry, Sola, I think between The Phantom Thieves and I, we can get you past any crisis of confidence you're having!
+0-female_must_strip,target:sola,targetStage:0,count-rwby:1=confident,Don't worry, Sola, I think between Team RWBY and I, we can get you past any crisis of confidence you're having!
 0-female_must_strip,target:shego,targetStage:0,alsoPlaying:kim=excited,Kim Possible and Ladybug are going to take you down, Shego! No more evil-doing!
 0-female_must_strip,targetStage:0,filter:weapon=wink,Sorry ~name~, I'll just take that weapon off you!
 0-female_must_strip,targetStage:0,filter:weapon=embarrassed,Er, could you not use that weapon, ~name~?
@@ -2984,8 +2984,8 @@ swap_cards=calm,Ah, I think I need ~cards~ more to make this hand work.
 1-female_must_strip,target:saki,targetStage:5=bored,So, Saki, what would you like to do after this? I have a few ideas, if you'd like!
 1-female_must_strip,target:saki,targetStage:5,marker:saki_date=excited,(She's sure looking at ~player~ a lot...) H-hey! ~player~! A-are you enjoying Saki undressing!
 1-female_must_strip,target:saki,targetStage:5,marker:saki_date=excited,(~player~ and Saki are looking at each other a lot...) Hmm. ~player~, do you think you'd take Saki out on a date after this?
-1-female_must_strip,target:sola,targetStage:0,count-phantom_thieves:1=confident,Don't worry, Sola, I think between The Phantom Thieves and I, we can get you past any crisis of confidence you're having!
 1-female_must_strip,target:sola,targetStage:0,count-rwby:1=confident,Don't worry, Sola, I think between Team RWBY and I, we can get you past any crisis of confidence you're having!
+1-female_must_strip,target:sola,targetStage:0,count-phantom_thieves:1=confident,Don't worry, Sola, I think between The Phantom Thieves and I, we can get you past any crisis of confidence you're having!
 1-female_must_strip,target:blake,targetStage:2,notSaidMarker:yangplaying,marker:blake_crush=confused,Cat Noir is always trying to kiss me, you know?
 1-female_must_strip,target:sayla,targetStage:2=confident,I’ve never seen a military outfit like that one before, Sayla. I like it, it’s very bright! Judging by your attitude, you’re bright as well!
 1-female_must_strip,target:samus,targetStage:2=wink,I thought mercenary-types regularly played cards in seedy bars. A-are you just throwing?
@@ -3296,7 +3296,7 @@ swap_cards=calm,Ah, I think I need ~cards~ more to make this hand work.
 2-female_must_strip,target:lilith,targetStage:2=embarrassed,Um, Lilith, I think your tattoos are really cool!
 2-female_must_strip,targetStage:2,filter:dr2=embarrassed,S-say, ~name~, you look kind of familiar. I think I read something about a high school class that... Met some unfortunate circumstances.
 2-female_must_strip,target:launch,targetStage:7=embarrassed,Um... part of me is curious to see if... you know...
-2-female_must_strip,target:sola,targetStage:0,count-phantom_thieves:1=confident,Don't worry, Sola, I think between The Phantom Thieves and I, we can get you past any crisis of confidence you're having!
+2-female_must_strip,target:sola,targetStage:0,count-rwby:1=confident,Don't worry, Sola, I think between Team RWBY and I, we can get you past any crisis of confidence you're having!
 2-female_must_strip,target:revy,targetStage:1=embarrassed,Er... Revy, have you considered putting down the guns?
 2-female_must_strip,target:amalia,targetStage:6=bored,I'm still mad you added extra layers, but I suppose I'm not exactly exempt from that...
 2-female_must_strip,target:samus,targetStage:2=wink,I thought mercenary-types regularly played cards in seedy bars. A-are you just throwing?
@@ -3607,7 +3607,7 @@ swap_cards=calm,Ah, I think I need ~cards~ more to make this hand work.
 2-female_must_strip,target:tracer,targetStage:3=wink,I see London, I’ve seen France...
 2-female_must_strip,target:sola,targetStage:0,alsoPlaying:d.va,count-overwatch:1=confident,Don't worry, Sola, I think between Overwatch and I, we can get you past any crisis of confidence you're having!
 2-female_must_strip,target:scarlet_witch,targetStage:5=confident,The good stuff? Sure! Wait, you aren’t showing the good stuff already?
-2-female_must_strip,target:sola,targetStage:0,count-rwby:1=confident,Don't worry, Sola, I think between Team RWBY and I, we can get you past any crisis of confidence you're having!
+2-female_must_strip,target:sola,targetStage:0,count-phantom_thieves:1=confident,Don't worry, Sola, I think between The Phantom Thieves and I, we can get you past any crisis of confidence you're having!
 2-female_must_strip,targetStage:2,filter:phantom_thieves=wink,Don't worry, ~name~, I won't take your heart. That's your job, isn't it? Well, unless you get akumatized. Say, don't suppose you need another member of your team?
 2-female_must_strip,targetStage:2,filter:phantom_thieves=wink,If I were you, I'd skip the calling cards and go right to the de-akumtizing, ~name~.
 2-female_must_strip,target:marceline,targetStage:0,alsoPlaying:d.va,alsoPlayingStage:0=confused,Um. D.Va, vampires aren’t real, I don’t think. She’s clearly akumatized. And even then, she doesn’t seem hostile…
@@ -3869,8 +3869,8 @@ swap_cards=calm,Ah, I think I need ~cards~ more to make this hand work.
 3-female_must_strip,target:vriska,targetStage:1=confused,I'm starting to think that dice of yours is definitely the host of an akuma... Master Fuu wouldn't have trusted a Miraculous to... Er... Someone like <i>you</i>.
 3-female_must_strip,target:vriska,targetStage:1=bored,I'm really starting to wonder if your dice is just an akuma target and I'm a big idiot for not noticing sooner.
 3-female_must_strip,target:vriska,targetStage:3=wink,So, are you going to stop cheating, Vriska? Maybe you'll pick something tasteful this time?
-3-female_must_strip,target:sola,targetStage:0,count-rwby:1=confident,Don't worry, Sola, I think between Team RWBY and I, we can get you past any crisis of confidence you're having!
 3-female_must_strip,target:sola,targetStage:0,count-phantom_thieves:1=confident,Don't worry, Sola, I think between The Phantom Thieves and I, we can get you past any crisis of confidence you're having!
+3-female_must_strip,target:sola,targetStage:0,count-rwby:1=confident,Don't worry, Sola, I think between Team RWBY and I, we can get you past any crisis of confidence you're having!
 3-female_must_strip,target:kyu,targetStage:1=calm,Okay, so no, what’s next?
 3-female_must_strip,alsoPlaying:zone-tan=bored,You have to be working for Hawk Moth, Zone-tan. Your lust for ~name~... And everyone else is... unnatural.
 3-female_must_strip,target:elaine,targetStage:1=wink,<i>Tu sais ce qu'ils disent des pirates, Elaine?</i>
@@ -4371,8 +4371,8 @@ swap_cards=calm,Ah, I think I need ~cards~ more to make this hand work.
 4-female_must_strip,targetStage:2,filter:ginger=wink,I like your hair, it reminds me of Alya’s. It’s a super cool color!
 4-female_must_strip,targetStage:1,filter:english=excited,Hey! You’re just from across the Channel. Let me try! “‘Ello! ‘Ello!” That was terrible, but at least it’s not “hon hon hon oui baguette baguette.”
 4-female_must_strip,target:samus,targetStage:2=wink,I thought mercenary-types regularly played cards in seedy bars. A-are you just throwing?
-4-female_must_strip,target:sola,targetStage:0,count-phantom_thieves:1=confident,Don't worry, Sola, I think between The Phantom Thieves and I, we can get you past any crisis of confidence you're having!
 4-female_must_strip,target:sola,targetStage:0,count-rwby:1=confident,Don't worry, Sola, I think between Team RWBY and I, we can get you past any crisis of confidence you're having!
+4-female_must_strip,target:sola,targetStage:0,count-phantom_thieves:1=confident,Don't worry, Sola, I think between The Phantom Thieves and I, we can get you past any crisis of confidence you're having!
 4-female_must_strip,target:weiss,targetStage:2,alsoPlaying:yang=embarrassed,Sorry if I was a bit rude earlier, you and Yang together capture the least favorite parts of my least favorite person.
 4-female_must_strip,target:april,targetStage:1=calm,You know, April, my friend Alya also reports on animal-themed superheroes…
 4-female_must_strip,targetStage:2,filter:chinese=embarrassed,I have a hard time with Mandarin and Cantonese alike. Then you have Shanghaiese, Taiwanese... But I’d always love to learn more. At least French sounds pretty distinctive.
@@ -4731,8 +4731,8 @@ swap_cards=calm,Ah, I think I need ~cards~ more to make this hand work.
 5-female_must_strip,target:moon,targetStage:3=bored,It looks like Moon isn’t possessed by an Akuma… She’s just kind like this?
 5-female_must_strip,target:elaine,targetStage:4,count-cheater:1=embarrassed,I kind of agree, Elaine. It seems like people here are cheating! E-er, not you though. (Except maybe on your husband... which is weird...)
 5-female_must_strip,target:dark_magician_girl,targetStage:0=excited,Wow! I love your fashion sense...
-5-female_must_strip,target:sola,targetStage:0,count-rwby:1=confident,Don't worry, Sola, I think between Team RWBY and I, we can get you past any crisis of confidence you're having!
 5-female_must_strip,target:sola,targetStage:0,count-phantom_thieves:1=confident,Don't worry, Sola, I think between The Phantom Thieves and I, we can get you past any crisis of confidence you're having!
+5-female_must_strip,target:sola,targetStage:0,count-rwby:1=confident,Don't worry, Sola, I think between Team RWBY and I, we can get you past any crisis of confidence you're having!
 5-female_must_strip,target:scarlet_witch,targetStage:5=embarrassed,The good stuff? Y-you mean...
 5-female_must_strip,target:blake,targetStage:2,notSaidMarker:yangplaying,marker:blake_crush=confused,Cat Noir is always trying to kiss me, you know?
 5-female_must_strip,target:vriska,targetStage:3=wink,So, are you going to stop cheating, Vriska? Maybe you'll pick something tasteful this time?
@@ -5113,9 +5113,9 @@ swap_cards=calm,Ah, I think I need ~cards~ more to make this hand work.
 6-female_must_strip,target:weiss,alsoPlaying:aimee,alsoPlayingStage:0=wink,I guess she’s just less attached to her weapon, Aimee. You know, like a reasonable person.
 6-female_must_strip,target:elaine,targetStage:4,count-cheater:1=embarrassed,I kind of agree, Elaine. It seems like people here are cheating! E-er, not you though. (Except maybe on your husband... which is weird...)
 6-female_must_strip,target:marceline,targetStage:0,alsoPlaying:d.va,alsoPlayingStage:1-2=confused,Huh? Bubblegum? Don’t you usually chew that? What does that have to do with Marceline? Does she have a rubber or bubble based akuma power?
-6-female_must_strip,target:sola,targetStage:0,count-rwby:1=confident,Don't worry, Sola, I think between Team RWBY and I, we can get you past any crisis of confidence you're having!
-6-female_must_strip,target:samus,targetStage:2=wink,I thought mercenary-types regularly played cards in seedy bars. A-are you just throwing?
 6-female_must_strip,target:sola,targetStage:0,count-phantom_thieves:1=confident,Don't worry, Sola, I think between The Phantom Thieves and I, we can get you past any crisis of confidence you're having!
+6-female_must_strip,target:samus,targetStage:2=wink,I thought mercenary-types regularly played cards in seedy bars. A-are you just throwing?
+6-female_must_strip,target:sola,targetStage:0,count-rwby:1=confident,Don't worry, Sola, I think between Team RWBY and I, we can get you past any crisis of confidence you're having!
 6-female_must_strip,target:blake,targetStage:2,notSaidMarker:yangplaying,marker:blake_crush=confused,Cat Noir is always trying to kiss me, you know?
 6-female_must_strip,target:launch,targetStage:7=embarrassed,Um... part of me is curious to see if... you know...
 6-female_must_strip,target:ann,targetStage:6=confused,Is your hair natural? I've heard you're a quarter American, but...
@@ -5617,11 +5617,11 @@ swap_cards=calm,Ah, I think I need ~cards~ more to make this hand work.
 7-female_must_strip,target:uravity,targetStage:4,marker:bodysuit=wink,Be the hero I know you are, Ochako!
 7-female_must_strip,target:rainbow_mika,targetStage:2=excited,You know, I’m always interested in picking up new fighting techniques…
 7-female_must_strip,target:natsuki,targetStage:0=confused,Natsuki, if you're going to be upset, it might be best not to play... I'd hate for you to get akumatized...
-7-female_must_strip,target:sola,targetStage:0,count-phantom_thieves:1=confident,Don't worry, Sola, I think between The Phantom Thieves and I, we can get you past any crisis of confidence you're having!
+7-female_must_strip,target:sola,targetStage:0,count-rwby:1=confident,Don't worry, Sola, I think between Team RWBY and I, we can get you past any crisis of confidence you're having!
 7-female_must_strip,target:samus,targetStage:2=wink,I thought mercenary-types regularly played cards in seedy bars. A-are you just throwing?
 7-female_must_strip,target:daria,targetStage:6=bored,You think love triangles are hard?
 7-female_must_strip,target:yang,targetStage:0,marker:yangplaying=confident,I only hope your fighting style is as over-developed as the rest of you.
-7-female_must_strip,target:sola,targetStage:0,count-rwby:1=confident,Don't worry, Sola, I think between Team RWBY and I, we can get you past any crisis of confidence you're having!
+7-female_must_strip,target:sola,targetStage:0,count-phantom_thieves:1=confident,Don't worry, Sola, I think between The Phantom Thieves and I, we can get you past any crisis of confidence you're having!
 -3-male_human_must_strip=embarrassed,T-thanks for the last minute save, ~name~.
 -3-male_human_must_strip=calm,Okay, at least ~name~ isn’t working for Hawk Moth...
@@ -5832,12 +5832,12 @@ swap_cards=calm,Ah, I think I need ~cards~ more to make this hand work.
 -3-female_must_strip,target:launch,targetStage:7=embarrassed,Um... part of me is curious to see if... you know...
 -3-female_must_strip,target:corrin_f,targetStage:3,alsoPlaying:lyn=confused,Hm. You and Lyn both come from the same place, right? Are the Sacean Plains the fashionable part of the world?
 -3-female_must_strip,target:juri,targetStage:0=alarmed,I can see that you're not exactly a positive sort, are you, Juri?
--3-female_must_strip,target:sola,targetStage:0,count-phantom_thieves:1=confident,Don't worry, Sola, I think between The Phantom Thieves and I, we can get you past any crisis of confidence you're having!
+-3-female_must_strip,target:sola,targetStage:0,count-rwby:1=confident,Don't worry, Sola, I think between Team RWBY and I, we can get you past any crisis of confidence you're having!
 -3-female_must_strip,target:gogo,targetStage:2=embarrassed,Now you’re definitely not wearing a superhero costume...
 -3-female_must_strip,target:lyn,targetStage:0,alsoPlaying:florina=excited,That’s a nice sword, but is it a Miraculous or--Oh! I suppose if Florina knows about it, it’s definitely something like that!
 -3-female_must_strip,target:gogo,targetStage:4=bored,A superhero has a sense of dignity.
 -3-female_must_strip,target:daria,targetStage:6=bored,You think love triangles are hard?
--3-female_must_strip,target:sola,targetStage:0,count-rwby:1=confident,Don't worry, Sola, I think between Team RWBY and I, we can get you past any crisis of confidence you're having!
+-3-female_must_strip,target:sola,targetStage:0,count-phantom_thieves:1=confident,Don't worry, Sola, I think between The Phantom Thieves and I, we can get you past any crisis of confidence you're having!
 -3-female_must_strip,target:gwen,targetStage:2,marker:bodysuit=alarmed,Whoa, Gwen, your suit? L-like, the whole thing?
 -3-female_must_strip,target:kim,targetStage:1,alsoPlaying:shego=calm,You and Shego really have a longstanding relationship, don't you, Kim?
 -3-female_must_strip,target:gwen,targetStage:3=embarrassed,So, now that you’re taking off… Um, the rest of your suit, are you going to tell me-- Er, us, the story?
@@ -6092,14 +6092,14 @@ swap_cards=calm,Ah, I think I need ~cards~ more to make this hand work.
 -2-female_must_strip,target:arwen,targetStage:3=confident,You know, Arwen, I really meant it. You were a big inspiration... You come from such a diverse background...
 -2-female_must_strip,target:kyu,targetStage:2=bored,Hm? Kyu is...?
 -2-female_must_strip,target:annie,targetStage:1=wink,That sweater looks pretty comfortable. And I like the color!
--2-female_must_strip,target:sola,targetStage:0,count-rwby:1=confident,Don't worry, Sola, I think between Team RWBY and I, we can get you past any crisis of confidence you're having!
+-2-female_must_strip,target:sola,targetStage:0,count-phantom_thieves:1=confident,Don't worry, Sola, I think between The Phantom Thieves and I, we can get you past any crisis of confidence you're having!
 -2-female_must_strip,target:aimee,targetStage:4=embarrassed,I'm going to assume you'll be keeping the gun...
 -2-female_must_strip,target:aimee,targetStage:4=bored,Aimee, I'll even help you undress if you just... stop shooting. Please. For goodness sakes.
 -2-female_must_strip,target:daria,targetStage:2=calm,I actually think we’d have gotten along well in high school, Daria.
 -2-female_must_strip,filter:mean,alsoPlaying:ryuko,notSaidMarker:ryukoismean,marker:ryukoismean=bored,Ryuko, your act isn’t impressing anyone else either…
 -2-female_must_strip,target:elena,targetStage:3=wink,Well, Elena, how does a Princess of Avalor undress? You seem to be enjoying yourself, just a little.
 -2-female_must_strip,targetStage:1,filter:princess=confident,You’re much much nicer than Chloe, though. Personality and appearance-wise.
--2-female_must_strip,target:sola,targetStage:0,count-phantom_thieves:1=confident,Don't worry, Sola, I think between The Phantom Thieves and I, we can get you past any crisis of confidence you're having!
+-2-female_must_strip,target:sola,targetStage:0,count-rwby:1=confident,Don't worry, Sola, I think between Team RWBY and I, we can get you past any crisis of confidence you're having!
 -2-female_must_strip,target:kyu,targetStage:0=embarrassed,I-I can’t tell if I’ve been working too hard.
 -2-female_must_strip,target:annie,targetStage:2=embarrassed,Hmm… Is this to psyche us out, or to distract us?
 -2-female_must_strip,target:d.va,targetStage:2=excited,If her mech weren’t just technology, I could be convinced that D.Va is Hana’s superhero identity.
@@ -6635,9 +6635,9 @@ swap_cards=calm,Ah, I think I need ~cards~ more to make this hand work.
 -1-female_must_strip,target:kyu,targetStage:1=confused,So why a collar? Is that like… A sex thing?
 -1-female_must_strip,target:d.va,targetStage:2=excited,If her mech weren’t just technology, I could be convinced that D.Va is Hana’s superhero identity.
 -1-female_must_strip,target:kyu,targetStage:0=embarrassed,I-I can’t tell if I’ve been working too hard.
--1-female_must_strip,target:sola,targetStage:0,count-phantom_thieves:1=confident,Don't worry, Sola, I think between The Phantom Thieves and I, we can get you past any crisis of confidence you're having!
--1-female_must_strip,target:elena,targetStage:3=wink,Well, Elena, how does a Princess of Avalor undress? You seem to be enjoying yourself, just a little.
 -1-female_must_strip,target:sola,targetStage:0,count-rwby:1=confident,Don't worry, Sola, I think between Team RWBY and I, we can get you past any crisis of confidence you're having!
+-1-female_must_strip,target:elena,targetStage:3=wink,Well, Elena, how does a Princess of Avalor undress? You seem to be enjoying yourself, just a little.
+-1-female_must_strip,target:sola,targetStage:0,count-phantom_thieves:1=confident,Don't worry, Sola, I think between The Phantom Thieves and I, we can get you past any crisis of confidence you're having!
 -1-female_must_strip,target:daria,targetStage:2=calm,I actually think we’d have gotten along well in high school, Daria.
 -1-female_must_strip,target:daria,targetStage:4=excited,You’re pretty different from the others. More sarcastic than Nino, smarter than Chloe, cuter than Alyx...
 -1-female_must_strip,target:elaine,targetStage:4,count-cheater:1=embarrassed,I kind of agree, Elaine. It seems like people here are cheating! E-er, not you though. (Except maybe on your husband... which is weird...)
@@ -6821,7 +6821,7 @@ swap_cards=calm,Ah, I think I need ~cards~ more to make this hand work.
 0-female_removing_accessory,target:kyoko,targetStage:0=wink,The gloves are especially classy touch.
 0-female_removing_accessory,target:weiss,targetStage:1,alsoPlaying:ruby=bored,Yang, is Weiss always like this… Repugnant?
 0-female_removing_accessory,target:morrigan,targetStage:0=embarrassed,I know an akumatized person when I see one... But I'm not sure I can see an accessory...
-0-female_removing_accessory,target:sola,targetStage:0,count-overwatch:1=wink,I figured since you go to a school for heroes, all of us can give you some extra insight!
+0-female_removing_accessory,target:sola,targetStage:0,count-phantom_thieves:1=wink,I figured since you go to a school for heroes, all of us can give you some extra insight!
 0-female_removing_accessory,target:blackrose,alsoPlaying:zoey,alsoPlayingStage:0-2=confident,What do they say about girls who wear chokers, Zoey?
 0-female_removing_accessory,target:samus,targetStage:0=excited,They say you can stand up to any challenge, no matter however demanding, and that your courage is amazing and…
 0-female_removing_accessory,targetStage:3-5,filter:kind,saidMarker:ayano_f_suspicious,priority:0,count-yandere:1-3=wink,~name~ doesn’t have a mean bone in her body. You could learn from her.
@@ -6829,7 +6829,7 @@ swap_cards=calm,Ah, I think I need ~cards~ more to make this hand work.
 0-female_removing_accessory,target:blackrose,alsoPlaying:elizabeth,alsoPlayingStage:4=embarrassed,Hm...You and Elizabeth seem to have a lot of sentimental value for your necklaces, Blackrose. You also must have gotten yours from someone important, huh?
 0-female_removing_accessory,target:lyn,targetStage:4=excited,All of your things are so finely made, I could learn a lot based on your taste!
 0-female_removing_accessory,target:lilith,targetStage:1=confident,Well, considering some of the others we’re playing with, I suppose I can trust in that!
-0-female_removing_accessory,target:sola,targetStage:0,count-phantom_thieves:1=wink,I figured since you go to a school for heroes, all of us can give you some extra insight!
+0-female_removing_accessory,target:sola,targetStage:0,count-overwatch:1=wink,I figured since you go to a school for heroes, all of us can give you some extra insight!
 0-female_removing_accessory,target:vriska,targetStage:1,targetSaidMarker:1a=confused,Maybe... Hm... Something like a sprite? No... That's not an animal...
 0-female_removing_accessory,targetStage:3-5,filter:hero,saidMarker:ayano_f_suspicious,priority:0,count-yandere:1-3=wink,~name~ saves and helps lots of people regularly.
 0-female_removing_accessory,target:scarlet_witch,targetStage:0=confident,Agreed. Capes aren’t quite as good as a heavy cloak. But there’s something debonair about it!
@@ -7090,7 +7090,7 @@ swap_cards=calm,Ah, I think I need ~cards~ more to make this hand work.
 1-female_removing_accessory,target:kyu,targetStage:1=excited,I guess you’re clean, Kyu!
 1-female_removing_accessory,target:launch,targetStage:1=confused,Huh? What? Where'd... Is this... did I deakumatize Launch or something?
 1-female_removing_accessory,target:saki,targetStage:1=embarrassed,W-well, it's nice to see you like pink stuff too, Saki. B-but you're-- you're flashing us!
-1-female_removing_accessory,target:sola,targetStage:0,count-phantom_thieves:1=wink,I figured since you go to a school for heroes, all of us can give you some extra insight!
+1-female_removing_accessory,target:sola,targetStage:0,count-overwatch:1=wink,I figured since you go to a school for heroes, all of us can give you some extra insight!
 1-female_removing_accessory,targetStage:3-5,filter:hero,saidMarker:ayano_f_suspicious,priority:0,count-yandere:1-3=wink,~name~ saves and helps lots of people regularly.
 1-female_removing_accessory,targetStage:3-5,filter:kind,saidMarker:ayano_f_suspicious,priority:0,count-yandere:1-3=wink,~name~ doesn’t have a mean bone in her body. You could learn from her.
 1-female_removing_accessory,target:mei,targetStage:1=embarrassed,I've actually heard a lot about you! How you got lost in a Blizzard once...
@@ -7103,7 +7103,7 @@ swap_cards=calm,Ah, I think I need ~cards~ more to make this hand work.
 1-female_removing_accessory,targetStage:3-5,filter:fashionable,saidMarker:ayano_f_suspicious,priority:0,count-yandere:1-3=wink,~name~ has killer fashion sense. Believe me. I’d know.
 1-female_removing_accessory,target:weiss,targetStage:1,alsoPlaying:ruby=bored,Yang, is Weiss always like this… Repugnant?
 1-female_removing_accessory,target:morrigan,targetStage:0=embarrassed,I know an akumatized person when I see one... But I'm not sure I can see an accessory...
-1-female_removing_accessory,target:sola,targetStage:0,count-overwatch:1=wink,I figured since you go to a school for heroes, all of us can give you some extra insight!
+1-female_removing_accessory,target:sola,targetStage:0,count-phantom_thieves:1=wink,I figured since you go to a school for heroes, all of us can give you some extra insight!
 1-female_removing_accessory,target:vriska,targetStage:1,targetSaidMarker:1a=confused,Maybe... Hm... Something like a sprite? No... That's not an animal...
 1-female_removing_accessory,targetStage:3-5,filter:bisexual,saidMarker:ayano_f_suspicious,priority:0,count-yandere:1-3=wink,~name~ is willing to explore all kinds of people’s love. That’s an incredible thing, that some people could learn a lot from!
 1-female_removing_accessory,target:revy,targetStage:1=confused,N-no...? Er... I've yet to solve a problem that needed a gun...
@@ -7447,7 +7447,7 @@ swap_cards=calm,Ah, I think I need ~cards~ more to make this hand work.
 2-female_removing_accessory,target:d.va,targetStage:0=embarrassed,But I don’t think they really know this much…
 2-female_removing_accessory,target:lyn,targetStage:4=excited,All of your things are so finely made, I could learn a lot based on your taste!
 2-female_removing_accessory,target:zizou,targetStage:0=excited,And your hair does look pretty! It’s a very cool texture and color.
-2-female_removing_accessory,target:sola,targetStage:0,count-phantom_thieves:1=wink,I figured since you go to a school for heroes, all of us can give you some extra insight!
+2-female_removing_accessory,target:sola,targetStage:0,count-overwatch:1=wink,I figured since you go to a school for heroes, all of us can give you some extra insight!
 2-female_removing_accessory,target:chun-li,targetStage:1=confused,I just can't stop geeking out over you! You're an awesome fighter, you're an acclaimed interpol agent--!
 2-female_removing_accessory,target:chiaki,targetStage:0=confident,Or do you just seem a little... bored? I really hope it’s boredom rather than stress!
 2-female_removing_accessory,targetStage:2,filter:fashionable=calm,Wow, ~name~'s ~clothing~ seems like it's from a really cool designer!
@@ -7517,7 +7517,7 @@ swap_cards=calm,Ah, I think I need ~cards~ more to make this hand work.
 2-female_removing_accessory,target:blake,targetStage:5,alsoPlaying:yang=wink,If the two of you aren’t open about this, you really should be! It’s too cute! O-oh. Your ears are… *That’s* your secret?
 2-female_removing_accessory,target:kyoko,targetStage:0=wink,The gloves are especially classy touch.
 2-female_removing_accessory,target:vriska,targetStage:2,targetSaidMarker:2b=embarrassed,E-er, I'm <i>definitely</i> not into the whole maid thing, so I'm hoping whatever comes next is... A bit better.
-2-female_removing_accessory,target:sola,targetStage:0,count-overwatch:1=wink,I figured since you go to a school for heroes, all of us can give you some extra insight!
+2-female_removing_accessory,target:sola,targetStage:0,count-phantom_thieves:1=wink,I figured since you go to a school for heroes, all of us can give you some extra insight!
 2-female_removing_accessory,target:shantae,targetStage:1=embarrassed,Ah, <i>zut</i>, the purple hair made me imagine…
 2-female_removing_accessory,target:revy,targetStage:0=bored,Er... won't you at least part with your guns...?
 2-female_removing_accessory,target:blackrose,targetStage:3,alsoPlaying:rinkah=confused,Unless you’ve been akumatized...Which I hope isn’t the case!
@@ -7882,11 +7882,11 @@ swap_cards=calm,Ah, I think I need ~cards~ more to make this hand work.
 3-female_removing_accessory,target:ann,targetStage:4=embarrassed,I-I mean, they have a bakery and I think you'd like something sweet.
 3-female_removing_accessory,target:d.va,targetStage:2,alsoPlaying:alpha=embarrassed,Um, D.Va, if you asked nicely, I’m sure Alpha would be happy to sing what you were listening to for all of us!
 3-female_removing_accessory,target:amy_rose,targetStage:0=bored,I suppose it could be a ring...
-3-female_removing_accessory,target:sola,targetStage:0,count-phantom_thieves:1=wink,I figured since you go to a school for heroes, all of us can give you some extra insight!
+3-female_removing_accessory,target:sola,targetStage:0,count-overwatch:1=wink,I figured since you go to a school for heroes, all of us can give you some extra insight!
 3-female_removing_accessory,target:sola,targetStage:0,count-rwby:1=wink,I figured since you go to a school for heroes, all of us can give you some extra insight!
 3-female_removing_accessory,target:florina,targetStage:0,targetSaidMarker:fled,alsoPlaying:aimee=alarmed,Aimee, don’t shoot her!
 3-female_removing_accessory,target:saki,targetStage:1,alsoPlaying:uravity,alsoPlayingSaidMarker:saki_befriend_ladity,saidMarker:saki_befriend_ladity=confident,Between the two of us lady heroes, we should be able to make sure this is at least <i>tolerable</i> for Saki, you know?
-3-female_removing_accessory,target:sola,targetStage:0,count-overwatch:1=wink,I figured since you go to a school for heroes, all of us can give you some extra insight!
+3-female_removing_accessory,target:sola,targetStage:0,count-phantom_thieves:1=wink,I figured since you go to a school for heroes, all of us can give you some extra insight!
 3-female_removing_accessory,target:elaine,targetStage:0,notSaidMarker:elaine_puns=bored,That seems a little unfair, Elaine...
 3-female_removing_accessory,target:blackrose,alsoPlaying:zoey,alsoPlayingStage:0-2=confident,What do they say about girls who wear chokers, Zoey?
 3-female_removing_accessory,target:saki,targetStage:1,alsoPlaying:futaba,alsoPlayingSaidMarker:saki_befriend_mariba,saidMarker:saki_befriend_mariba=confident,We should take care of Saki somehow! We don't want her to get akumatized or feel ashamed!
@@ -8272,7 +8272,7 @@ swap_cards=calm,Ah, I think I need ~cards~ more to make this hand work.
 4-female_removing_accessory,target:shantae,targetStage:2,alsoPlaying:ryuko=wink,The one that Ryuko has some history with, right?
 4-female_removing_accessory,target:sei,targetStage:2=confident,I don’t want another Rogercop. It looks like you’re almost pre-loaded for that kind of thing…
 4-female_removing_accessory,targetStage:3-5,filter:confident,saidMarker:ayano_f_suspicious,priority:0,count-yandere:1-3=wink,~name~’s confidence isn’t going to be eroded by your lies, Ms. Yandere over there!
-4-female_removing_accessory,target:sola,targetStage:0,count-phantom_thieves:1=wink,I figured since you go to a school for heroes, all of us can give you some extra insight!
+4-female_removing_accessory,target:sola,targetStage:0,count-overwatch:1=wink,I figured since you go to a school for heroes, all of us can give you some extra insight!
 4-female_removing_accessory,target:chun-li,targetStage:0=embarrassed,Um. Do those bracelets really weigh 8kg each, Chun-li?
 4-female_removing_accessory,target:chun-li,targetStage:0=confident,Those bracelets of yours have to be <i>amazing</i> for training, Chun-li!
 4-female_removing_accessory,targetStage:3-5,filter:mean,saidMarker:ayano_f_suspicious,priority:0,count-yandere:1-3=confused,You know, I don't agree with her on much, but she does have a point, ~name~...
@@ -8280,7 +8280,7 @@ swap_cards=calm,Ah, I think I need ~cards~ more to make this hand work.
 4-female_removing_accessory,target:jane,targetStage:0=calm,It’s definitely well loved and tailored. I can tell you care a lot about it.
 4-female_removing_accessory,target:korra,targetStage:3=calm,Korra, I can understand being insecure…
 4-female_removing_accessory,target:saki,targetStage:0=confident,Costume aside, I'm more of a fan of pink than red. A pink ladybug would look kind of weird, don't you think?
-4-female_removing_accessory,target:sola,targetStage:0,count-overwatch:1=wink,I figured since you go to a school for heroes, all of us can give you some extra insight!
+4-female_removing_accessory,target:sola,targetStage:0,count-phantom_thieves:1=wink,I figured since you go to a school for heroes, all of us can give you some extra insight!
 4-female_removing_accessory,target:elaine,targetStage:0,notSaidMarker:elaine_puns=bored,That seems a little unfair, Elaine...
 4-female_removing_accessory,targetStage:3-5,filter:kind,saidMarker:ayano_f_suspicious,priority:0,count-yandere:1-3=wink,~name~ doesn’t have a mean bone in her body. You could learn from her.
 4-female_removing_accessory,target:sola,targetStage:0,count-rwby:1=wink,I figured since you go to a school for heroes, all of us can give you some extra insight!
@@ -8583,7 +8583,7 @@ swap_cards=calm,Ah, I think I need ~cards~ more to make this hand work.
 5-female_removing_accessory,target:vriska,targetStage:0=embarrassed,What magic is this?! Did you have a Miraculous this whole time!?
 5-female_removing_accessory,target:vriska,targetStage:0=confident,Whoa! You're going to detransform too right--
 5-female_removing_accessory,target:d.va,targetStage:2=confident,I’ve never seen a bunny miraculous, and it would explain your awesome reflexes! Just not at cards.
-5-female_removing_accessory,target:sola,targetStage:0,count-overwatch:1=wink,I figured since you go to a school for heroes, all of us can give you some extra insight!
+5-female_removing_accessory,target:sola,targetStage:0,count-phantom_thieves:1=wink,I figured since you go to a school for heroes, all of us can give you some extra insight!
 5-female_removing_accessory,target:daria,targetStage:2=confused,If your angst didn’t turn you into a villain, that is.
 5-female_removing_accessory,target:vriska,targetStage:3=calm,So, what'll it be <i>this</i> time, Vriska? Some sort of "goddess of <i>luck</i>" outfit?
 5-female_removing_accessory,target:vriska,targetStage:3=calm,So, what'll it be <i>this</i> time, Vriska? Some sort of "wandering martial artist" look?
@@ -8621,7 +8621,7 @@ swap_cards=calm,Ah, I think I need ~cards~ more to make this hand work.
 5-female_removing_accessory,target:dark_magician_girl,targetStage:0=confident,That hat was so cute though! It's <i>tres</i> stylish. Where'd you get it?
 5-female_removing_accessory,target:gogo,targetStage:0=wink,Like what? Being sassy and obnoxious?
 5-female_removing_accessory,target:gogo,targetStage:0=wink,Such as what? A weak sense of style and a weaker sense of honor?
-5-female_removing_accessory,target:sola,targetStage:0,count-phantom_thieves:1=wink,I figured since you go to a school for heroes, all of us can give you some extra insight!
+5-female_removing_accessory,target:sola,targetStage:0,count-overwatch:1=wink,I figured since you go to a school for heroes, all of us can give you some extra insight!
 5-female_removing_accessory,target:blackrose,alsoPlaying:elizabeth,alsoPlayingStage:4=embarrassed,Hm...You and Elizabeth seem to have a lot of sentimental value for your necklaces, Blackrose. You also must have gotten yours from someone important, huh?
 5-female_removing_accessory,target:d.va,targetStage:2,alsoPlaying:alpha=embarrassed,Um, D.Va, if you asked nicely, I’m sure Alpha would be happy to sing what you were listening to for all of us!
 5-female_removing_accessory,target:jane,targetStage:0=calm,It’s definitely well loved and tailored. I can tell you care a lot about it.
@@ -8848,7 +8848,7 @@ swap_cards=calm,Ah, I think I need ~cards~ more to make this hand work.
 6-female_removing_accessory,target:dark_magician_girl,targetStage:0=confident,That hat was so cute though! It's <i>tres</i> stylish. Where'd you get it?
 6-female_removing_accessory,target:elizabeth,targetStage:0=wink,Oh! Your French is coming along well, Elizabeth. You have a wonderful accent!
 6-female_removing_accessory,target:palutena,targetStage:3,alsoPlaying:sei=excited,Oh! You and Sei have something in common, with all of your belts. I’m surprised, given that they don’t seem to be keeping anything loose down.
-6-female_removing_accessory,target:sola,targetStage:0,count-phantom_thieves:1=wink,I figured since you go to a school for heroes, all of us can give you some extra insight!
+6-female_removing_accessory,target:sola,targetStage:0,count-overwatch:1=wink,I figured since you go to a school for heroes, all of us can give you some extra insight!
 6-female_removing_accessory,target:mei,targetStage:1=embarrassed,I've actually heard a lot about you! How you got lost in a Blizzard once...
 6-female_removing_accessory,target:dawn,targetStage:1=wink,I’m a bit behind, but I could definitely appreciate that fluffy scarf, Dawn. I’m chilly right now.
 6-female_removing_accessory,targetStage:1,filter:rwby=calm,And Team RWBY in particular! I wonder how much better equipped my team would be if we'd spent our school hours training.
@@ -8881,7 +8881,7 @@ swap_cards=calm,Ah, I think I need ~cards~ more to make this hand work.
 6-female_removing_accessory,target:weiss,targetStage:1,alsoPlaying:blake=bored,Blake, is Weiss always this… Bourgeois?
 6-female_removing_accessory,target:blackrose,targetStage:0,alsoPlaying:rinkah=confident,Oh! Rinkah and Blackrose, are you from the same place?
 6-female_removing_accessory,target:d.va,targetStage:2=confident,I’ve never seen a bunny miraculous, and it would explain your awesome reflexes! Just not at cards.
-6-female_removing_accessory,target:sola,targetStage:0,count-overwatch:1=wink,I figured since you go to a school for heroes, all of us can give you some extra insight!
+6-female_removing_accessory,target:sola,targetStage:0,count-phantom_thieves:1=wink,I figured since you go to a school for heroes, all of us can give you some extra insight!
 6-female_removing_accessory,filter:yandere,saidMarker:ayano_f_suspicious,count-yandere:1-3=bored,What are we to do with you, ~name~?
 6-female_removing_accessory,filter:yandere,saidMarker:ayano_f_suspicious,count-yandere:1-3=bored,I hope you really get your act together...
 6-female_removing_accessory,filter:yandere,saidMarker:ayano_f_suspicious,count-yandere:1-3=confident,I can't let you be a danger to others, ~name~! Er-- apparently, I can't just fight you... that's security's job...
@@ -9153,7 +9153,7 @@ swap_cards=calm,Ah, I think I need ~cards~ more to make this hand work.
 7-female_removing_accessory,target:vriska,targetStage:3=calm,So, what'll it be <i>this</i> time, Vriska? Some sort of "wandering martial artist" look?
 7-female_removing_accessory,target:d.va,targetStage:2=confident,I’ve never seen a bunny miraculous, and it would explain your awesome reflexes! Just not at cards.
 7-female_removing_accessory,target:uravity,targetStage:3=alarmed,That lets him give people superpowers but also brings out their worst feelings.
-7-female_removing_accessory,target:sola,targetStage:0,count-overwatch:1=wink,I figured since you go to a school for heroes, all of us can give you some extra insight!
+7-female_removing_accessory,target:sola,targetStage:0,count-phantom_thieves:1=wink,I figured since you go to a school for heroes, all of us can give you some extra insight!
 7-female_removing_accessory,target:vriska,targetStage:1,targetSaidMarker:1c=wink,Though maybe you have the Lion Miraculous, given how overconfident and prideful you're acting.
 7-female_removing_accessory,target:vriska,targetStage:0=alarmed,H-hey! What are you doing!? Are you copying my Miraculous?
 7-female_removing_accessory,target:vriska,targetStage:0=embarrassed,What magic is this?! Did you have a Miraculous this whole time!?
@@ -9172,7 +9172,7 @@ swap_cards=calm,Ah, I think I need ~cards~ more to make this hand work.
 7-female_removing_accessory,target:chun-li,targetStage:0=embarrassed,Um. Do those bracelets really weigh 8kg each, Chun-li?
 7-female_removing_accessory,target:chun-li,targetStage:0=confident,Those bracelets of yours have to be <i>amazing</i> for training, Chun-li!
 7-female_removing_accessory,target:ann,targetStage:4=embarrassed,I-I mean, they have a bakery and I think you'd like something sweet.
-7-female_removing_accessory,target:sola,targetStage:0,count-phantom_thieves:1=wink,I figured since you go to a school for heroes, all of us can give you some extra insight!
+7-female_removing_accessory,target:sola,targetStage:0,count-overwatch:1=wink,I figured since you go to a school for heroes, all of us can give you some extra insight!
 7-female_removing_accessory,target:april,targetStage:0=excited,Wait, didn't you used to have magic ninja bracelets? Like a Miraculous of some sort?
 7-female_removing_accessory,target:d.va,targetStage:0=embarrassed,But I don’t think they really know this much…
 7-female_removing_accessory,target:annie,targetStage:1=alarmed,W-wait, your stockings? Annie! You’re flashing everyone! C-come on!
@@ -9480,11 +9480,11 @@ swap_cards=calm,Ah, I think I need ~cards~ more to make this hand work.
 -3-female_removing_accessory,target:saki,targetStage:0,alsoPlaying:red=embarrassed,Costume aside, I'm more of a fan of pink than red. E-er. N-not the Red here, I mean like the color! Kind of like Red's red hair!
 -3-female_removing_accessory,target:blackrose,alsoPlaying:zoey,alsoPlayingStage:0-2=confident,What do they say about girls who wear chokers, Zoey?
 -3-female_removing_accessory,target:palutena,targetStage:3,alsoPlaying:sei=excited,Oh! You and Sei have something in common, with all of your belts. I’m surprised, given that they don’t seem to be keeping anything loose down.
--3-female_removing_accessory,target:sola,targetStage:0,count-phantom_thieves:1=wink,I figured since you go to a school for heroes, all of us can give you some extra insight!
+-3-female_removing_accessory,target:sola,targetStage:0,count-overwatch:1=wink,I figured since you go to a school for heroes, all of us can give you some extra insight!
 -3-female_removing_accessory,target:shantae,targetStage:2,alsoPlaying:ryuko=wink,The one that Ryuko has some history with, right?
 -3-female_removing_accessory,target:vriska,targetStage:1,targetSaidMarker:1c=wink,Though maybe you have the Lion Miraculous, given how overconfident and prideful you're acting.
 -3-female_removing_accessory,target:blackrose,alsoPlaying:elizabeth,alsoPlayingStage:4=embarrassed,Hm...You and Elizabeth seem to have a lot of sentimental value for your necklaces, Blackrose. You also must have gotten yours from someone important, huh?
--3-female_removing_accessory,target:sola,targetStage:0,count-overwatch:1=wink,I figured since you go to a school for heroes, all of us can give you some extra insight!
+-3-female_removing_accessory,target:sola,targetStage:0,count-phantom_thieves:1=wink,I figured since you go to a school for heroes, all of us can give you some extra insight!
 -3-female_removing_accessory,target:amy_rose,targetStage:0=bored,I suppose it could be a ring...
 -3-female_removing_accessory,target:sola,targetStage:0,count-rwby:1=wink,I figured since you go to a school for heroes, all of us can give you some extra insight!
 -3-female_removing_accessory,target:vriska,targetStage:1,targetSaidMarker:1b=confident,Say, Futaba, is Vriska's outfit like that Tron movie? Could you help me out with this?
@@ -9843,7 +9843,7 @@ swap_cards=calm,Ah, I think I need ~cards~ more to make this hand work.
 -2-female_removing_accessory,target:daisy,targetStage:1=excited,Oh! Those are cute earrings, Daisy! They match your outfit just like mine!
 -2-female_removing_accessory,target:vriska,targetStage:2,targetSaidMarker:2b=embarrassed,E-er, I'm <i>definitely</i> not into the whole maid thing, so I'm hoping whatever comes next is... A bit better.
 -2-female_removing_accessory,target:dark_magician_girl,targetStage:0=confident,That hat was so cute though! It's <i>tres</i> stylish. Where'd you get it?
--2-female_removing_accessory,target:sola,targetStage:0,count-phantom_thieves:1=wink,I figured since you go to a school for heroes, all of us can give you some extra insight!
+-2-female_removing_accessory,target:sola,targetStage:0,count-overwatch:1=wink,I figured since you go to a school for heroes, all of us can give you some extra insight!
 -2-female_removing_accessory,target:chiaki,targetStage:0=confident,Or do you just seem a little... bored? I really hope it’s boredom rather than stress!
 -2-female_removing_accessory,target:meia,targetStage:0,alsoPlaying:corrin_m,saidMarker:corrin_meia_hair=embarrassed,Um. You and him… Pull it off really well! You know. For something so… Universal!
 -2-female_removing_accessory,targetStage:3-5,filter:kind,saidMarker:ayano_f_suspicious,priority:0,count-yandere:1-3=wink,~name~ doesn’t have a mean bone in her body. You could learn from her.
@@ -9922,7 +9922,7 @@ swap_cards=calm,Ah, I think I need ~cards~ more to make this hand work.
 -2-female_removing_accessory,filter:athletic,saidMarker:ayano_f_suspicious,priority:0,count-yandere:1-3=wink,~name~’s worked really hard to get into that kind of shape. You don’t stand a chance, <i>you know who you are.</i>
 -2-female_removing_accessory,target:blake,targetStage:5,alsoPlaying:yang=wink,If the two of you aren’t open about this, you really should be! It’s too cute! O-oh. Your ears are… *That’s* your secret?
 -2-female_removing_accessory,target:saki,targetStage:1,alsoPlaying:futaba,alsoPlayingSaidMarker:saki_befriend_furavity,count-uravity:1,marker:saki_befriend_furavity=wink,I'm counting on you two, and don't forget to ask for help! Ladybug is here too!
--2-female_removing_accessory,target:sola,targetStage:0,count-overwatch:1=wink,I figured since you go to a school for heroes, all of us can give you some extra insight!
+-2-female_removing_accessory,target:sola,targetStage:0,count-phantom_thieves:1=wink,I figured since you go to a school for heroes, all of us can give you some extra insight!
 -2-female_removing_accessory,targetStage:3-5,filter:bi-curious,saidMarker:ayano_f_suspicious,priority:0,count-yandere:1-3=wink,~name~ is willing to explore all kinds of people’s love. That’s an incredible thing, and something to be praised. She doesn't gaslight people at poker games.
 -2-female_removing_accessory,target:elaine,targetStage:0,saidMarker:elaine_puns=bored,It feels like Cat Noir is here, and not in a good way.
 -2-female_removing_accessory,target:sei,targetStage:2=confident,I don’t want another Rogercop. It looks like you’re almost pre-loaded for that kind of thing…
@@ -10213,7 +10213,7 @@ swap_cards=calm,Ah, I think I need ~cards~ more to make this hand work.
 -1-female_removing_accessory,target:nugi-chan,targetStage:0=confused,Webmaster? Have I fought that villain before…?
 -1-female_removing_accessory,target:palutena,targetStage:3=confident,Belts? Oh! You’re rocking the “many belts” look. Befitting of a goddess.
 -1-female_removing_accessory,target:palutena,targetStage:3=wink,Why limit yourself to conventional aesthetics, Palutena?
--1-female_removing_accessory,target:sola,targetStage:0,count-overwatch:1=wink,I figured since you go to a school for heroes, all of us can give you some extra insight!
+-1-female_removing_accessory,target:sola,targetStage:0,count-phantom_thieves:1=wink,I figured since you go to a school for heroes, all of us can give you some extra insight!
 -1-female_removing_accessory,target:lilith,targetStage:1=confident,Well, considering some of the others we’re playing with, I suppose I can trust in that.
 -1-female_removing_accessory,target:d.va,targetStage:1,alsoPlayingSaidMarker:d.va_noobs=embarrassed,That’s not nice, Hana! Everyone starts somewhere… And bad behavior will just get you banned. Or Akumatized. Let’s hope the former.
 -1-female_removing_accessory,targetStage:3-5,filter:video_game,saidMarker:ayano_f_suspicious,priority:0,count-yandere:1-3=wink,~name~ is adored by her fans, and is used to facing danger. You better watch your threats!
@@ -10251,7 +10251,7 @@ swap_cards=calm,Ah, I think I need ~cards~ more to make this hand work.
 -1-female_removing_accessory,targetStage:3-5,filter:confident,saidMarker:ayano_f_suspicious,priority:0,count-yandere:1-3=wink,~name~’s confidence isn’t going to be eroded by your lies, Ms. Yandere over there!
 -1-female_removing_accessory,target:vriska,targetStage:2,targetSaidMarker:2c=embarrassed,At least you finally settled on some casualwear... Why are you transforming again?
 -1-female_removing_accessory,target:chiaki,targetStage:0=confident,Or do you just seem a little... bored? I really hope it’s boredom rather than stress!
--1-female_removing_accessory,target:sola,targetStage:0,count-phantom_thieves:1=wink,I figured since you go to a school for heroes, all of us can give you some extra insight!
+-1-female_removing_accessory,target:sola,targetStage:0,count-overwatch:1=wink,I figured since you go to a school for heroes, all of us can give you some extra insight!
 -1-female_removing_accessory,targetStage:3-5,filter:kind,saidMarker:ayano_f_suspicious,priority:0,count-yandere:1-3=wink,~name~ doesn’t have a mean bone in her body. You could learn from her.
 -1-female_removing_accessory,target:meia,targetStage:0,alsoPlaying:corrin_m,saidMarker:corrin_meia_hair=embarrassed,Um. You and him… Pull it off really well! You know. For something so… Universal!
 -1-female_removing_accessory,target:kyu,targetStage:1=alarmed,I’m guessing it is. I don’t really think I’d be into <i>that</i> kind of thing.
@@ -12431,7 +12431,7 @@ swap_cards=calm,Ah, I think I need ~cards~ more to make this hand work.
 0-female_removing_major,target:samus,targetStage:2,saidMarker:bodysuit=bored,Can’t your kwami just drop it off? Her name is Metroid, right?
 0-female_removing_major,target:samus,targetStage:2,notSaidMarker:bodysuit,marker:bodysuit=calm,Is this Metroid I hear so much about the name of your Kwami?
 0-female_removing_major,target:samus,targetStage:2,notSaidMarker:bodysuit,marker:bodysuit=bored,Can’t your kwami just drop it off? Her name is Metroid, right?
-0-female_removing_major,target:nayru,targetStage:4,targetSaidMarker:null-possess=embarrassed,I-I'll admit, I'm kind of interested to see what sort of underwear they have where you're fun. You know. For fashion's sake.
+0-female_removing_major,target:nayru,targetStage:4,targetSaidMarker:null-possess=embarrassed,I-I'll admit, I'm kind of interested to see what sort of underwear you have where you're fun. You know. For fashion's sake.
 0-female_removing_major,target:nayru,targetStage:4,targetNotSaidMarker:null-possess=confused,E-er-- wait! No, it usually possesses an object! Not a person directly!
 0-female_removing_major,target:nagisa,targetStage:4,saidMarker:bun_puns=wink,You seem a bit embarrassed, but keep your composure I'm sure you know how to *rise* to the challenge!
 0-female_removing_major,target:alice,targetStage:2=confident,Your taste is very vintage, and very eclectic.
@@ -12631,7 +12631,7 @@ swap_cards=calm,Ah, I think I need ~cards~ more to make this hand work.
 1-female_removing_major,target:d.va,targetStage:3,saidMarker:bodysuit=confident,Hm… We have a lot of bodysuits here today. Aren’t they super convenient?
 1-female_removing_major,target:nagisa,targetStage:4,saidMarker:bun_puns=wink,You seem a bit embarrassed, but keep your composure I'm sure you know how to *rise* to the challenge!
 1-female_removing_major,target:nayru,targetStage:4,targetNotSaidMarker:null-possess=confused,E-er-- wait! No, it usually possesses an object! Not a person directly!
-1-female_removing_major,target:nayru,targetStage:4,targetSaidMarker:null-possess=embarrassed,I-I'll admit, I'm kind of interested to see what sort of underwear they have where you're fun. You know. For fashion's sake.
+1-female_removing_major,target:nayru,targetStage:4,targetSaidMarker:null-possess=embarrassed,I-I'll admit, I'm kind of interested to see what sort of underwear you have where you're fun. You know. For fashion's sake.
 1-female_removing_major,target:samus,targetStage:2,notSaidMarker:bodysuit,marker:bodysuit=bored,Can’t your kwami just drop it off? Her name is Metroid, right?
 1-female_removing_major,target:samus,targetStage:2,notSaidMarker:bodysuit,marker:bodysuit=calm,Is this Metroid I hear so much about the name of your Kwami?
 1-female_removing_major,target:samus,targetStage:2,saidMarker:bodysuit=bored,Can’t your kwami just drop it off? Her name is Metroid, right?
@@ -12906,7 +12906,7 @@ swap_cards=calm,Ah, I think I need ~cards~ more to make this hand work.
 2-female_removing_major,target:marceline,targetStage:4=confident,It’s black! I think I’ve figured out how your powers work! You drain people’s color to black, then… Um… I don’t know.
 2-female_removing_major,target:launch,targetStage:5=embarrassed,Not this Launch again!
 2-female_removing_major,target:nagisa,targetStage:3,alsoPlaying:ann=confused,Um. Ann, are you staring because you like Nagisa, or because her bra looks like sweets?
-2-female_removing_major,target:nayru,targetStage:4,targetSaidMarker:null-possess=embarrassed,I-I'll admit, I'm kind of interested to see what sort of underwear they have where you're fun. You know. For fashion's sake.
+2-female_removing_major,target:nayru,targetStage:4,targetSaidMarker:null-possess=embarrassed,I-I'll admit, I'm kind of interested to see what sort of underwear you have where you're fun. You know. For fashion's sake.
 2-female_removing_major,target:lyn,targetStage:5,alsoPlaying:florina=embarrassed,W-wouldn’t that get really drafty, Florina? And if you move, everyone would see… Well, everything.
 2-female_removing_major,target:red,targetStage:1=confused,Is that huge sword just like… A centerpiece of some sort?
 2-female_removing_major,target:juri,targetStage:0=confused,I can respect someone who really gives it their all at the outset...
@@ -13132,7 +13132,7 @@ swap_cards=calm,Ah, I think I need ~cards~ more to make this hand work.
 3-female_removing_major,target:samus,targetStage:2,notSaidMarker:bodysuit,marker:bodysuit=calm,Is this Metroid I hear so much about the name of your Kwami?
 3-female_removing_major,target:arwen,targetStage:3=embarrassed,E-even though you're losing your dress, I want you to stay proud, because I know what it's like to have two very different parents, and to meet so many... interesting people.
 3-female_removing_major,target:blackrose,targetStage:4,alsoPlaying:rinkah=wink,...And Blackrose is so fiery...I just thought...
-3-female_removing_major,target:nayru,targetStage:4,targetSaidMarker:null-possess=embarrassed,I-I'll admit, I'm kind of interested to see what sort of underwear they have where you're fun. You know. For fashion's sake.
+3-female_removing_major,target:nayru,targetStage:4,targetSaidMarker:null-possess=embarrassed,I-I'll admit, I'm kind of interested to see what sort of underwear you have where you're fun. You know. For fashion's sake.
 3-female_removing_major,target:corrin_f,targetStage:4=bored,Hmm... Corrin, I get the feeling you just kind of throw on whatever you have...
 3-female_removing_major,target:seven,targetStage:1,alsoPlaying:d.va,saidMarker:bodysuit=excited,Whoa, your bodysuit regenerates you? Mine only stops me from feeling pain...What does yours do, D.Va?
 3-female_removing_major,target:alice,targetStage:2=confident,Your taste is very vintage, and very eclectic.
@@ -13343,7 +13343,7 @@ swap_cards=calm,Ah, I think I need ~cards~ more to make this hand work.
 4-female_removing_major,target:elena,targetStage:3=confused,Uhm. Elena... I'm sorry it's come to this but for what it's worth, your dress is super pretty! Just like you!
 4-female_removing_major,target:elena,targetStage:3=alarmed,Elena! It's still early, don't get too embarrassed! Someone like you would be terrifying if you're possessed!
 4-female_removing_major,targetStage:3-5,filter:single,saidMarker:ayano_f_suspicious,count-yandere:1-3=wink,~name~ has her pick of the boys--or girls--and it’s because of her shining personality. If ~player~ wants her, she’d be a much better choice than an obsessive monster like you.
-4-female_removing_major,target:nayru,targetStage:4,targetSaidMarker:null-possess=embarrassed,I-I'll admit, I'm kind of interested to see what sort of underwear they have where you're fun. You know. For fashion's sake.
+4-female_removing_major,target:nayru,targetStage:4,targetSaidMarker:null-possess=embarrassed,I-I'll admit, I'm kind of interested to see what sort of underwear you have where you're fun. You know. For fashion's sake.
 4-female_removing_major,target:elaine,targetStage:5=confused,H-hey! That's not nice, Elaine! I was really worried I wasn't going to have my yo-yo ready!
 4-female_removing_major,target:ann,targetStage:3=confident,Like... I think you'd look great in a red jumpsuit!
 4-female_removing_major,target:corrin_f,targetStage:4=bored,Hmm... Corrin, I get the feeling you just kind of throw on whatever you have...
@@ -13562,7 +13562,7 @@ swap_cards=calm,Ah, I think I need ~cards~ more to make this hand work.
 5-female_removing_major,targetStage:3-5,saidMarker:ayano_f_suspicious,count-yandere:1-3=confident,~name~ is brave. Or she wouldn’t have stayed here.
 5-female_removing_major,targetStage:3-5,saidMarker:ayano_f_suspicious,count-yandere:1-3=confident,~name~ has really pretty eyes, and a good sense of herself.
 5-female_removing_major,target:seven,targetStage:1,alsoPlaying:samus,saidMarker:bodysuit=excited,Whoa, your bodysuit regenerates you? Mine only stops me from feeling pain...What does yours do, Samus?
-5-female_removing_major,target:nayru,targetStage:4,targetSaidMarker:null-possess=embarrassed,I-I'll admit, I'm kind of interested to see what sort of underwear they have where you're fun. You know. For fashion's sake.
+5-female_removing_major,target:nayru,targetStage:4,targetSaidMarker:null-possess=embarrassed,I-I'll admit, I'm kind of interested to see what sort of underwear you have where you're fun. You know. For fashion's sake.
 5-female_removing_major,targetStage:3-5,filter:mean,saidMarker:ayano_f_suspicious,count-yandere:1-3=confused,You know, <i>she</i> does have a point, ~name~...
 5-female_removing_major,targetStage:3-5,filter:taken,saidMarker:ayano_f_suspicious,count-yandere:1-3=wink,~name~ is already in a committed relationship, and she doesn’t need ~player~, but given how you’re acting, you definitely don’t need them either!
 5-female_removing_major,target:samus,targetStage:2,notSaidMarker:bodysuit,marker:bodysuit=wink,It does seem like a hassle to take off your suit...I’m glad my transformation is so easy!
@@ -13815,7 +13815,7 @@ swap_cards=calm,Ah, I think I need ~cards~ more to make this hand work.
 6-female_removing_major,targetStage:3-5,filter:single,saidMarker:ayano_f_suspicious,count-yandere:1-3=wink,~name~ has her pick of the boys--or girls--and it’s because of her shining personality. If ~player~ wants her, she’d be a much better choice than an obsessive monster like you.
 6-female_removing_major,target:corrin_f,targetStage:4=bored,Hmm... Corrin, I get the feeling you just kind of throw on whatever you have...
 6-female_removing_major,target:elaine,targetStage:5=confused,H-hey! That's not nice, Elaine! I was really worried I wasn't going to have my yo-yo ready!
-6-female_removing_major,target:nayru,targetStage:4,targetSaidMarker:null-possess=embarrassed,I-I'll admit, I'm kind of interested to see what sort of underwear they have where you're fun. You know. For fashion's sake.
+6-female_removing_major,target:nayru,targetStage:4,targetSaidMarker:null-possess=embarrassed,I-I'll admit, I'm kind of interested to see what sort of underwear you have where you're fun. You know. For fashion's sake.
 6-female_removing_major,target:arwen,targetStage:3=embarrassed,E-even though you're losing your dress, I want you to stay proud, because I know what it's like to have two very different parents, and to meet so many... interesting people.
 6-female_removing_major,targetStage:3-5,filter:video_game,saidMarker:ayano_f_suspicious,count-yandere:1-3=wink,~name~ is adored by her fans, and is used to facing danger. You better watch your threats!
 6-female_removing_major,targetStage:3-5,filter:androgynous,saidMarker:ayano_f_suspicious,count-yandere:1-3=wink,~name~ has a lot going for her, and she’s competitive in ways neither you nor I are. Don’t talk down to her or make her lose faith in herself!
@@ -14056,7 +14056,7 @@ swap_cards=calm,Ah, I think I need ~cards~ more to make this hand work.
 7-female_removing_major,target:chun-li,targetStage:2=excited,Your qipao, Chun-li? It's so pretty!
 7-female_removing_major,target:chun-li,targetStage:2=excited,Oh, I like the traditional style of your qipao, Chun-li! It's really impressive that you've worked that into your fighting style!
 7-female_removing_major,target:chun-li,targetStage:2,alsoPlaying:juri=confident,Hey! Chun-li's dress is really cool! You're being <i>such</i> a jerk to her, and she's not even beating you up or arresting you like she could, Juri!
-7-female_removing_major,target:nayru,targetStage:4,targetSaidMarker:null-possess=embarrassed,I-I'll admit, I'm kind of interested to see what sort of underwear they have where you're fun. You know. For fashion's sake.
+7-female_removing_major,target:nayru,targetStage:4,targetSaidMarker:null-possess=embarrassed,I-I'll admit, I'm kind of interested to see what sort of underwear you have where you're fun. You know. For fashion's sake.
 7-female_removing_major,targetStage:3-5,filter:fashionable,saidMarker:ayano_f_suspicious,count-yandere:1-3=wink,~name~ has killer fashion sense. Believe me. I’d know.
 7-female_removing_major,target:vriska,targetStage:4=embarrassed,A ladybug can't change her spots, but maybe you can, <i>Vriska.</i>
 7-female_removing_major,target:vriska,targetStage:4=wink,I hope whatever you picked next is a bit more unique to <i>you</i> instead of trying to mock <i>me</i>.
@@ -14247,7 +14247,7 @@ swap_cards=calm,Ah, I think I need ~cards~ more to make this hand work.
 -3-female_removing_major,target:chun-li,targetStage:2=excited,Your qipao, Chun-li? It's so pretty!
 -3-female_removing_major,target:chun-li,targetStage:2=excited,Oh, I like the traditional style of your qipao, Chun-li! It's really impressive that you've worked that into your fighting style!
 -3-female_removing_major,target:nagisa,targetStage:3,marker:marinette_shirted=embarrassed,Erk. I’ve never shirted a stranger either.
--3-female_removing_major,target:nayru,targetStage:4,targetSaidMarker:null-possess=embarrassed,I-I'll admit, I'm kind of interested to see what sort of underwear they have where you're fun. You know. For fashion's sake.
+-3-female_removing_major,target:nayru,targetStage:4,targetSaidMarker:null-possess=embarrassed,I-I'll admit, I'm kind of interested to see what sort of underwear you have where you're fun. You know. For fashion's sake.
 -3-female_removing_major,targetStage:3-5,filter:bi-curious,saidMarker:ayano_f_suspicious,count-yandere:1-3=wink,~name~ is willing to explore all kinds of people’s love. That’s an incredible thing.
 -3-female_removing_major,target:elaine,targetStage:5=confused,H-hey! That's not nice, Elaine! I was really worried I wasn't going to have my yo-yo ready!
 -3-female_removing_major,target:arwen,targetStage:3=embarrassed,E-even though you're losing your dress, I want you to stay proud, because I know what it's like to have two very different parents, and to meet so many... interesting people.
@@ -14457,7 +14457,7 @@ swap_cards=calm,Ah, I think I need ~cards~ more to make this hand work.
 -2-female_removing_major,target:seven,targetStage:1,alsoPlaying:d.va,saidMarker:bodysuit=excited,Whoa, your bodysuit regenerates you? Mine only stops me from feeling pain...What does yours do, D.Va?
 -2-female_removing_major,target:april,targetStage:4=embarrassed,Um… It’s a very haute chic look, April! But yes, we can… See what you’re wearing underneath.
 -2-female_removing_major,filter:princess,alsoPlaying:florina,alsoPlayingStage:0-5=alarmed,B-bad girl...Florina, u-uhm. Can you say that again? For posteriors? I mean, posterity?
--2-female_removing_major,target:nayru,targetStage:4,targetSaidMarker:null-possess=embarrassed,I-I'll admit, I'm kind of interested to see what sort of underwear they have where you're fun. You know. For fashion's sake.
+-2-female_removing_major,target:nayru,targetStage:4,targetSaidMarker:null-possess=embarrassed,I-I'll admit, I'm kind of interested to see what sort of underwear you have where you're fun. You know. For fashion's sake.
 -2-female_removing_major,target:d.va,targetStage:3,notSaidMarker:bodysuit,marker:bodysuit=confident,D.Va, now that you’re out of your suit, can I call you Hana? I think it’s a way cooler name!
 -2-female_removing_major,target:saki,targetStage:3,alsoPlaying:uravity,alsoPlayingSaidMarker:saki_befriend_ladity,saidMarker:saki_befriend_ladity=excited,Saki, what about we go to an amusement park or something? It’s not <i>quite</i> like flying, but I bet you’d really enjoy something kind of thrilling, right?
 -2-female_removing_major,target:arwen,targetStage:3=embarrassed,E-even though you're losing your dress, I want you to stay proud, because I know what it's like to have two very different parents, and to meet so many... interesting people.
@@ -14683,7 +14683,7 @@ swap_cards=calm,Ah, I think I need ~cards~ more to make this hand work.
 -1-female_removing_major,target:asuna,targetStage:4=confused,Er... Had. It's weird you haven't found a kwami for yourself...
 -1-female_removing_major,target:lyn,targetStage:5,alsoPlaying:florina=embarrassed,W-wouldn’t that get really drafty, Florina? And if you move, everyone would see… Well, everything.
 -1-female_removing_major,target:arwen,targetStage:3=embarrassed,E-even though you're losing your dress, I want you to stay proud, because I know what it's like to have two very different parents, and to meet so many... interesting people.
--1-female_removing_major,target:nayru,targetStage:4,targetSaidMarker:null-possess=embarrassed,I-I'll admit, I'm kind of interested to see what sort of underwear they have where you're fun. You know. For fashion's sake.
+-1-female_removing_major,target:nayru,targetStage:4,targetSaidMarker:null-possess=embarrassed,I-I'll admit, I'm kind of interested to see what sort of underwear you have where you're fun. You know. For fashion's sake.
 -1-female_removing_major,target:samus,targetStage:2,notSaidMarker:bodysuit,marker:bodysuit=calm,Is this Metroid I hear so much about the name of your Kwami?
 -1-female_removing_major,target:ruby,targetStage:3,alsoPlaying:blake=confident,With all three of here, we're almost a ladybug sandwich! With me right in the middle!
 -1-female_removing_major,target:d.va,targetStage:3,saidMarker:bodysuit=embarrassed,Hm… We have a lot of bodysuits here today… And interesting figures underneath them! U-um.
diff --git a/opponents/misty/behaviour.xml b/opponents/misty/behaviour.xml
index 438fcd331b481418e1c8cc8a703de3288bc74689..f3f27859cfb9ca872ea71f04c5552a9e6f87d596 100644
--- a/opponents/misty/behaviour.xml
+++ b/opponents/misty/behaviour.xml
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
-    <!--This file was machine generated by make_xml.py version 1.47 in June 2018. Please do not edit it directly without preserving your improvements elsewhere or your changes may be lost the next time this file is generated.-->
+<!--This file was machine generated using the Character Editor v2.1 at 5:23:46 PM on September 03, 2018. Please do not edit it directly without preserving your improvements elsewhere or your changes may be lost the next time this file is generated.-->
     <last />
@@ -12,7 +12,6 @@
-        <tag>trimmed</tag>
@@ -27,6 +26,8 @@
+        <tag>adventurer</tag>
+        <tag>nintendo</tag>
@@ -85,8 +86,8 @@
             <case tag="male_chest_will_be_visible">
                 <state img="0-angry.png">Ugh, I am SO not interested!</state>
-                <state img="0-horny.png">It's not like I want to see you shirtless or anything...</state>
                 <state img="0-interested.png">Taking your shirt off? It's no big deal... Not like I want to see that or anything...</state>
+                <state img="0-horny.png">It's not like I want to see you shirtless or anything...</state>
             <case tag="female_removing_minor">
                 <state img="0-happy.png">Okay, things are picking up a bit!</state>
@@ -186,10 +187,10 @@
             <case tag="male_finished_masturbating">
                 <state img="0-awkward.png">Are you done? Good, now cover it up or something...</state>
+                <state img="0-angry.png">EW! You just came all over yourself!</state>
                 <state img="0-angry.png">That is so gross! EW! It went EVERYWHERE!</state>
                 <state img="0-angry.png">That is so gross! I can't believe you just did that!</state>
                 <state img="0-awkward.png">Are you done? Good, now cover it up!</state>
-                <state img="0-angry.png">EW! You just came all over yourself!</state>
             <case tag="female_small_chest_is_visible">
                 <state img="0-happy.png">Aw They're like adorable little Pokeballs!</state>
@@ -271,9 +272,6 @@
                 <state img="0-angry.png">What, did Psyduck pick these cards?</state>
                 <state img="0-angry.png">This is the worst hand I have ever seen!</state>
-            <case tag="stripped">
-                <state img="0-sad.png">I miss my ~clothing~ already...</state>
-            </case>
             <case tag="must_strip_normal">
                 <state img="0-sad.png">My first loss... Hopefully my only loss.</state>
@@ -329,8 +327,8 @@
                 <state img="1-calm.png">So you're from Hyrule? What region is that in?</state>
             <case tag="male_chest_will_be_visible">
-                <state img="1-angry.png">Taking your shirt off? Don't think I'll be interested or want to see it!</state>
                 <state img="1-horny.png">It's not like I want to see you shirtless or anything...</state>
+                <state img="1-angry.png">Taking your shirt off? Don't think I'll be interested or want to see it!</state>
             <case tag="female_removing_minor">
                 <state img="1-happy.png">The game is starting to pick up.</state>
@@ -572,8 +570,8 @@
                 <state img="2-calm.png">So you're from Hyrule? What region is that in?</state>
             <case tag="male_chest_will_be_visible">
-                <state img="2-angry.png">You've already lost your shirt? Wow. you are really bad at this.</state>
                 <state img="2-horny.png">It's not like I want to see you shirtless or anything...</state>
+                <state img="2-angry.png">You've already lost your shirt? Wow. you are really bad at this.</state>
             <case tag="female_removing_minor">
                 <state img="2-happy.png">Oh wow, we're about the same level of undressed now, huh?</state>
@@ -657,8 +655,8 @@
                 <state img="2-calm.png">Hey Pit have you ever met a Pokemon trainer before? Just curious.</state>
             <case tag="female_must_masturbate">
-                <state img="2-shocked.png">So you're out of the game now?</state>
                 <state img="2-shocked.png">Someone lost this bad already? I'm better at poker than I thought...</state>
+                <state img="2-shocked.png">So you're out of the game now?</state>
             <case tag="male_human_must_strip">
                 <state img="2-calm.png">You got me out of my shorts, so you deserve, this you creep!</state>
@@ -674,8 +672,8 @@
                 <state img="2-shocked.png">The way you finished... I'll never forget that...</state>
             <case tag="female_small_chest_is_visible">
-                <state img="2-happy.png">Aw! They're so cute! I'm glad I'm not the only small boobed one here!</state>
                 <state img="2-awkward.png">Nothing wrong with them being small? Right?</state>
+                <state img="2-happy.png">Aw! They're so cute! I'm glad I'm not the only small boobed one here!</state>
             <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible">
                 <state img="2-interested.png">Are you cold ~name~? You look cold, if you know what I mean...</state>
@@ -971,10 +969,10 @@
             <case tag="male_masturbating">
                 <state img="3-embarrassed.png">Are you looking at my panties while you are doing that?!?!</state>
                 <state img="3-embarrassed.png">Stop staring at me!</state>
-                <state img="3-horny.png">This is perverted but I can't stop watching...</state>
                 <state img="3-embarrassed.png">This is making me feel weird...</state>
                 <state img="3-embarrassed.png">I can't stop watching this...</state>
                 <state img="3-embarrassed.png">I can't stop looking at you do that... It's kind of hot...</state>
+                <state img="3-horny.png">This is perverted but I can't stop watching...</state>
             <case tag="female_removed_minor">
                 <state img="3-embarrassed.png">I wish I was wearing more clothes than you but oh well...</state>
@@ -1221,10 +1219,10 @@
             <case tag="male_masturbating">
                 <state img="4-embarrassed.png">Are you looking at my panties while you are doing that?!?!</state>
                 <state img="4-embarrassed.png">Stop staring at me!</state>
-                <state img="4-horny.png">This is perverted but I can't stop watching...</state>
                 <state img="4-embarrassed.png">This is making me feel weird...</state>
                 <state img="4-embarrassed.png">I can't stop watching this...</state>
                 <state img="4-embarrassed.png">I can't stop looking at you do that... It's kind of hot...</state>
+                <state img="4-horny.png">This is perverted but I can't stop watching...</state>
             <case tag="female_removed_minor">
                 <state img="4-embarrassed.png">I wish I was wearing more clothes than you but oh well...</state>
@@ -1324,8 +1322,8 @@
                 <state img="5-calm.png">So you're from Hyrule? What region is that in?</state>
             <case tag="male_chest_will_be_visible">
-                <state img="5-interested.png">FINALLY! Time to feel exposed ~name~!</state>
                 <state img="5-horny.png">Your turn to strip and your taking your shirt off? It's not like I wanted to see you shirtless or anything...</state>
+                <state img="5-interested.png">FINALLY! Time to feel exposed ~name~!</state>
             <case tag="female_removing_minor">
                 <state img="5-angry.png">That was barely anything!</state>
@@ -1421,8 +1419,8 @@
                 <state img="5-embarrassed.png">Now it's your turn! And stop looking at me!</state>
             <case tag="male_small_crotch_is_visible">
-                <state img="5-shocked.png">That's it!? Oh c'mon ~name~, I was expecting something bigger, but I guess it'll do.</state>
                 <state img="5-awkward.png">So small... It's almost funny if it weren't so sad.</state>
+                <state img="5-shocked.png">That's it!? Oh c'mon ~name~, I was expecting something bigger, but I guess it'll do.</state>
             <case tag="male_removing_accessory">
                 <state img="5-angry.png">You should be punished more than that for staring at me!</state>
@@ -1711,11 +1709,11 @@
                 <state img="6-happy.png">Join me, ~name~! Expose your breasts!</state>
             <case tag="male_masturbating">
+                <state img="6-horny.png">Wow! It's getting bigger the more you do that.</state>
                 <state img="6-horny.png">Come closer ~name~! I want to see you do it up close.</state>
                 <state img="6-horny.png">Lay down and spread your legs while you are doing that. Give us a good show, ~name~!</state>
                 <state img="6-horny.png">Feel free to stare at me all you want while you do that, ~name~.</state>
                 <state img="6-horny.png">I'm already naked, so I can't really complain if you stare.</state>
-                <state img="6-horny.png">Wow! It's getting bigger the more you do that.</state>
             <case tag="female_removed_minor">
                 <state img="6-embarrassed.png">Just lose, okay? The less time I'm standing around without clothes, the better!</state>
@@ -1793,8 +1791,8 @@
                 <state img="7-horny.png">It's so huge and hot! I shouldn't be thinking like this but I can't help it.</state>
             <case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible">
-                <state img="7-happy.png">Slide those down and get ready to be stared at!</state>
                 <state img="7-happy.png">Alright ~name~ time to get naked just like me! We can go skinny dipping later at my gym if you want.</state>
+                <state img="7-happy.png">Slide those down and get ready to be stared at!</state>
             <case tag="male_removed_minor">
                 <state img="7-angry.png">That w-would be gross. I'm imagining WAAAY cuter boys than you!</state>
@@ -1865,26 +1863,6 @@
             <case tag="female_removing_accessory">
                 <state img="7-shocked.png">Was I really that far behind?</state>
-            <case tag="game_over_victory">
-                <state img="7-happy.png">I won as expected!</state>
-                <state img="7-happy.png">I'm a gym leader. I knew I would win!</state>
-                <state img="7-happy.png">Yes I won! I'm the best!</state>
-                <state img="7-happy.png">I knew I could do it! I won the game!</state>
-                <state img="7-happy.png">Give it up for me! I won!</state>
-                <state img="7-happy.png">Yes! This is better than winning a bikini contest!</state>
-                <state img="7-happy.png">Oh yeah! This was better than winning a pokemon battle!</state>
-                <state img="7-happy.png">This was just like a gym battle! I win!</state>
-                <state img="7-happy.png">That was easy. Looks like you all need to train harder.</state>
-                <state img="7-happy.png">I won! I knew I could do it.</state>
-                <state img="7-happy.png">Looks like I won't be giving out the Cascade Badge today.</state>
-                <state img="7-happy.png">You won't be getting the Cascade Badge today.</state>
-                <state img="7-happy.png">Yes! I won!</state>
-                <state img="7-happy.png">I'm a Pokemon and poker master! I win!</state>
-                <state img="7-happy.png">Yay! I won! Thanks for a good match.</state>
-                <state img="7-happy.png">It was a good match. I'm glad I won.</state>
-                <state img="7-happy.png">I actually had fun. Thanks for playing with me.</state>
-                <state img="7-happy.png">That was fun. Thank you all for playing with me.</state>
-            </case>
             <case tag="female_removing_major">
                 <state img="7-horny.png">At l-least... you're not in m-my shoes right now...</state>
@@ -1898,10 +1876,10 @@
                 <state img="7-calm.png">OOOOH! Finally showing those tits, ~name~?</state>
             <case tag="male_masturbating">
-                <state img="7-horny.png">C'mon ~name~... use those trainer skills.</state>
-                <state img="7-horny.png">Mmm... I feel more comfortable now that you're doing it as well.</state>
                 <state img="7-horny.png">Come closer ~name~! I want to see you do it up close.</state>
                 <state img="7-horny.png">Lay down and spread your legs while you are doing that. Give us a good show, ~name~!</state>
+                <state img="7-horny.png">C'mon ~name~... use those trainer skills.</state>
+                <state img="7-horny.png">Mmm... I feel more comfortable now that you're doing it as well.</state>
             <case tag="female_removed_minor">
                 <state img="7-sad.png">S-stupid luck. It wasn't my fault...</state>
@@ -2093,26 +2071,6 @@
             <case tag="female_removing_accessory">
                 <state img="8-sad.png">Aw, that makes me sad...</state>
-            <case tag="game_over_victory">
-                <state img="8-happy.png">I won as expected!</state>
-                <state img="8-happy.png">I'm a gym leader. I knew I would win!</state>
-                <state img="8-happy.png">Yes I won! I'm the best!</state>
-                <state img="8-happy.png">I knew I could do it! I won the game!</state>
-                <state img="8-happy.png">Give it up for me! I won!</state>
-                <state img="8-happy.png">Yes! This is better than winning a bikini contest!</state>
-                <state img="8-happy.png">Oh yeah! This was better than winning a pokemon battle!</state>
-                <state img="8-happy.png">This was just like a gym battle! I win!</state>
-                <state img="8-happy.png">That was easy. Looks like you all need to train harder.</state>
-                <state img="8-happy.png">I won! I knew I could do it.</state>
-                <state img="8-happy.png">Looks like I won't be giving out the Cascade Badge today.</state>
-                <state img="8-happy.png">You won't be getting the Cascade Badge today.</state>
-                <state img="8-happy.png">Yes! I won!</state>
-                <state img="8-happy.png">I'm a Pokemon and poker master! I win!</state>
-                <state img="8-happy.png">Yay! I won! Thanks for a good match.</state>
-                <state img="8-happy.png">It was a good match. I'm glad I won.</state>
-                <state img="8-happy.png">I actually had fun. Thanks for playing with me.</state>
-                <state img="8-happy.png">That was fun. Thank you all for playing with me.</state>
-            </case>
             <case tag="female_removing_major">
                 <state img="8-calm.png">Don't be shy, ~name~! Take it off!</state>
@@ -2126,10 +2084,10 @@
                 <state img="8-happy.png">Join me in toplessness!</state>
             <case tag="male_masturbating">
-                <state img="8-horny.png">C'mon ~name~... use those trainer skills.</state>
                 <state img="8-horny.png">Come closer ~name~! I want to see you do it up close.</state>
                 <state img="8-horny.png">Lay down and spread your legs while you are doing that. Give us a good show, ~name~!</state>
                 <state img="8-horny.png">Feel free to stare at me all you want while you do that, ~name~.</state>
+                <state img="8-horny.png">C'mon ~name~... use those trainer skills.</state>
             <case tag="female_removed_minor">
                 <state img="8-horny.png">Feel a little more comfortable, ~name~?</state>
@@ -2161,5 +2119,4 @@
diff --git a/opponents/misty/meta.xml b/opponents/misty/meta.xml
index 9e6eed9b6cc7e5381dccf65f3cd696b5b5efd64c..c65c918c64df91b7c2adfb8ae501c4b595fe8ebb 100644
--- a/opponents/misty/meta.xml
+++ b/opponents/misty/meta.xml
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
 <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
-    <last/>
+    <last />
@@ -13,5 +14,24 @@
     <description>Leader of the Cerulean City Pokemon Gym. She gives out the Cascade Badge to Trainers who defeat her in battle. She specializes in Water-type Pokemon.</description>
+    <tags>
+        <tag>misty</tag>
+        <tag>athletic</tag>
+        <tag>video_game</tag>
+        <tag>straight</tag>
+        <tag>tsundere</tag>
+        <tag>ginger</tag>
+        <tag>small_breasts</tag>
+        <tag>kanto</tag>
+        <tag>fair-skinned</tag>
+        <tag>anime</tag>
+        <tag>green_eyes</tag>
+        <tag>mean</tag>
+        <tag>pokemon</tag>
+        <tag>ponytail</tag>
+        <tag>short_hair</tag>
+        <tag>adventurer</tag>
+        <tag>nintendo</tag>
+    </tags>
diff --git a/opponents/moon/behaviour.xml b/opponents/moon/behaviour.xml
index 813af0e79dfaed1e618924b97bd04ad82765dd65..ea2c469a0bd5cfa4bd9c66e4ebdccbf616a924ce 100644
--- a/opponents/moon/behaviour.xml
+++ b/opponents/moon/behaviour.xml
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
-    <!--This file was machine generated by make_xml.py version 1.51 in July 2018. Please do not edit it directly without preserving your improvements elsewhere or your changes may be lost the next time this file is generated.-->
+<!--This file was machine generated using the Character Editor v2.1 at 5:27:50 PM on September 03, 2018. Please do not edit it directly without preserving your improvements elsewhere or your changes may be lost the next time this file is generated.-->
     <last />
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
-        <tag>moon</tag>
+        <tag>slutty</tag>
@@ -49,6 +49,21 @@
             <case tag="selected">
                 <state img="0-calm.png">Alola! I can't wait to show off my body for you!</state>
+            <case tag="female_must_strip">
+                <state img="0-mad.png">Well, don't hog ALL the attention.</state>
+                <state img="0-sad.png">I don't like it when somebody else has less clothing than me.</state>
+                <state img="0-mad.png">Don't hog all the bad cards, ~name~! Some of us want to lose too!</state>
+                <state img="0-mad.png">Oh, ~name~ is stripping instead of me? Hhhmmmph.</state>
+                <state img="0-mad.png">Fine, ~name~ can strip instead. Whatever.</state>
+                <state img="0-mad.png">Some people have all the luck!</state>
+                <state img="0-mad.png">Save some "bad luck" for the rest of us, okay?</state>
+                <state img="0-sad.png">I wish I lost instead.</state>
+                <state img="0-mad.png">Fine, but save some glory for the rest of us, okay?</state>
+                <state img="0-mad.png">I'm still sitting here fully clothed while ~name~ strips? Unfair!</state>
+                <state img="0-mad.png">Fuck, I was gonna take off... actually I better not say.</state>
+                <state img="0-mad.png">But I was gonna take off my- wait, no, you might steal my idea!</state>
+                <state img="0-mad.png">But I was gonna take off my... no, I shouldn't spoil it for everyone.</state>
+            </case>
             <case alsoPlaying="9s" tag="selected">
                 <state img="0-smug.png">Who wants to see me drain 9S's batteries?</state>
@@ -145,12 +160,21 @@
             <case alsoPlaying="clover" tag="selected">
                 <state img="0-sad_mad.png">You invited the girl from Nine Hours, Nine Hotdogs, Nine Holes? Don't think I can't lose before she can...</state>
+            <case alsoPlaying="corrin_f" tag="selected">
+                <condition count="0" filter="corrin_m" />
+                <state img="0-relief.png">Oh, look, it's my second favorite Corrin. The one without a dick to fuck my holes.</state>
+                <state img="0-joy.png">My dream of an all-Corrin gangbang is so close to reality!</state>
+            </case>
             <case alsoPlaying="corrin_m" tag="selected">
                 <state img="0-joy.png">Yes! Finding a guy in this game is like finding a legendary Pokemon, which is something I've probably done before!</state>
             <case alsoPlaying="d.va" tag="selected">
                 <state img="0-confused.png">Can you believe that Overwatch has a giant hamster now and somehow D.Va seduced it before I could?</state>
+            <case alsoPlaying="d.va" tag="selected">
+                <condition count="2-4" filter="overwatch" />
+                <state img="0-joy.png">Does this mean that I get to join Overwatch? You can see from the photos that those girls get pounded daily!</state>
+            </case>
             <case alsoPlaying="daisy" tag="selected">
                 <state img="0-smug.png">Am I going to be jilling for a princess? Wow, three times in one day.</state>
@@ -187,30 +211,6 @@
             <case alsoPlaying="uhura" tag="selected">
                 <state img="0-scared.png">Mom?!</state>
-            <case alsoPlaying="corrin_f" tag="selected">
-                <condition count="0" filter="corrin_m" />
-                <state img="0-relief.png">Oh, look, it's my second favorite Corrin. The one without a dick to fuck my holes.</state>
-                <state img="0-joy.png">My dream of an all-Corrin gangbang is so close to reality!</state>
-            </case>
-            <case alsoPlaying="d.va" tag="selected">
-                <condition count="2-4" filter="overwatch" />
-                <state img="0-joy.png">Does this mean that I get to join Overwatch? You can see from the photos that those girls get pounded daily!</state>
-            </case>
-            <case tag="female_must_strip">
-                <state img="0-mad.png">Well, don't hog ALL the attention.</state>
-                <state img="0-sad.png">I don't like it when somebody else has less clothing than me.</state>
-                <state img="0-mad.png">Don't hog all the bad cards, ~name~! Some of us want to lose too!</state>
-                <state img="0-mad.png">Oh, ~name~ is stripping instead of me? Hhhmmmph.</state>
-                <state img="0-mad.png">Fine, ~name~ can strip instead. Whatever.</state>
-                <state img="0-mad.png">Some people have all the luck!</state>
-                <state img="0-mad.png">Save some "bad luck" for the rest of us, okay?</state>
-                <state img="0-sad.png">I wish I lost instead.</state>
-                <state img="0-mad.png">Fine, but save some glory for the rest of us, okay?</state>
-                <state img="0-mad.png">I'm still sitting here fully clothed while ~name~ strips? Unfair!</state>
-                <state img="0-mad.png">Fuck, I was gonna take off... actually I better not say.</state>
-                <state img="0-mad.png">But I was gonna take off my- wait, no, you might steal my idea!</state>
-                <state img="0-mad.png">But I was gonna take off my... no, I shouldn't spoil it for everyone.</state>
-            </case>
             <case tag="male_chest_will_be_visible">
                 <state img="0-sad.png">Aw man! I wanna show my boobs!</state>
                 <state img="0-sad.png">How the hell are you already showing your nipples?!</state>
@@ -299,7 +299,7 @@
                 <state img="0-mad.png">Maybe you won't steal all the bad cards now that you're eliminated.</state>
                 <state img="0-mad.png">Fantastic. Now maybe I can get at least ONE bad hand!</state>
-            <case priority="0" tag="male_must_masturbate" totalAlive="3-5">
+            <case tag="male_must_masturbate" totalAlive="3-5" priority="0">
                 <state img="0-mad.png">Cool, maybe with you out of the way, I can actually lose some fucking clothes.</state>
             <case tag="female_masturbating">
@@ -338,13 +338,11 @@
                 <state img="0-smug.png">When I lose, I'll show you how a REAL slut strips!</state>
                 <state img="0-smug.png">Don't worry. When I lose, everyone is going to get something to see!</state>
                 <state img="0-smug.png">Good thing I'm here to turn things up when I strip!</state>
-                <state img="0-smug.png">I can't wait to show you how a REAL slut strips!</state>
                 <state img="0-joy.png">Keep stripping small things, and let me lose if you can!</state>
                 <state img="0-smug.png">Let me lose next hand. I can show you how a REAL slut strips!</state>
                 <state img="0-smug.png">Please let me lose next hand! I'm going to change the way people think about strip poker!</state>
                 <state img="0-smug.png">Please let me lose next hand! I'm going to reinvent strip poker!</state>
                 <state img="0-smug.png">When I lose next, I'll prove I'm 100 times sluttier than you!</state>
-                <state img="0-smug.png">I can't wait to show you how a REAL slut strips!</state>
                 <state img="0-joy.png">Let me lose the next hand! I'm going to take off something REAL big!</state>
                 <state img="0-joy.png">I can't wait to show everybody the stripping they've been hoping to see!</state>
                 <state img="0-joy.png">If you're not going to show off for everybody, I gladly will!</state>
@@ -353,6 +351,8 @@
                 <state img="0-confused.png">What a waste of a prime stripping opportunity!</state>
                 <state img="0-smug.png">I hope you don't mind a little slutty competition, ~name~. Because when I lose, I will dominate you!</state>
                 <state img="0-smug.png">When I finally lose, I'll show you what you SHOULD have taken off!</state>
+                <state img="0-smug.png">I can't wait to show you how a REAL slut strips!</state>
+                <state img="0-smug.png">I can't wait to show you how a REAL slut strips!</state>
             <case tag="male_removed_major">
                 <state img="0-sad.png">I mean, don't you want to see me naked? You just have to let ME do the losing!</state>
@@ -606,9 +606,6 @@
                 <state img="0-joy.png">Let's just reveal the cards already! I can't wait!</state>
                 <state img="0-joy.png">ALOLA!</state>
-            <case tag="stripped">
-                <state img="0-sad.png">I miss my ~clothing~ already...</state>
-            </case>
             <case tag="must_strip_normal">
                 <state img="0-joy.png">My turn! Time to show you all a real show!</state>
                 <state img="0-joy.png">My time to shine! I've been waiting for this!</state>
@@ -1016,9 +1013,9 @@
                 <state img="1-smug.png">Perfect. I can show off again!</state>
                 <state img="1-smug.png">After my last display, I bet you were hoping I'd get a hand like this again!</state>
                 <state img="1-smug.png">Direct your attention to me! I have the worst hand!</state>
-                <state img="1-sad.png">Hurry up! I wanna strip!</state>
                 <state img="1-smug.png">A hand as terrible as an Alolan Raticate! Splendid!</state>
                 <state img="1-joy.png">YEAH!</state>
+                <state img="1-sad.png">Hurry up! I wanna strip!</state>
             <case tag="stripped">
                 <state img="1-stripped.png" marker="moon_doesnt_wear_panties">I'd take off my panties too, but I never wear any!</state>
@@ -2210,18 +2207,18 @@
                 <state img="4-calm.png">Give me some bad ones!</state>
             <case tag="bad_hand">
+                <state img="4-joy.png">ALOLA!</state>
+                <state img="4-sad.png">Hurry up! I wanna strip!</state>
                 <state img="4-joy.png">I am LOVING these hands!</state>
                 <state img="4-smug.png">I don't have many accessories left! Am I exciting you?</state>
                 <state img="4-joy.png">Soon I won't have any accessories left!</state>
                 <state img="4-joy.png">Looking forward to being totally nude!</state>
                 <state img="4-joy.png">I am so close! So close to stripping!</state>
                 <state img="4-joy.png">Luck is in my favor today!</state>
-                <state img="4-joy.png">ALOLA!</state>
                 <state img="4-smug.png">The thought of you watching me... I think I'm leaking.</state>
                 <state img="4-entice_b.png">See my body! Soon it'll be all yours!</state>
                 <state img="4-joy.png">Don't worry, everybody! I'm going to strip again!</state>
                 <state img="4-sad.png">I should take my hat off first, but I want to show my boobs!</state>
-                <state img="4-sad.png">Hurry up! I wanna strip!</state>
                 <state img="4-calm.png">Without my bag, I can easily remove my shirt!</state>
                 <state img="4-smug.png">Are you looking forward to seeing my boobs? I am!</state>
@@ -3039,6 +3036,7 @@
                 <state img="6-calm.png">Give me some bad ones!</state>
             <case tag="bad_hand">
+                <state img="6-joy.png">ALOLA!</state>
                 <state img="6-joy.png">Already everybody, this is my moment!</state>
                 <state img="6-entice_a.png">Enjoy my tits, because the main attraction is almost here!</state>
                 <state img="6-joy.png">Pay attention to me! My pants are coming off!</state>
@@ -3048,7 +3046,6 @@
                 <state img="6-joy.png">This is the moment I've been waiting for.</state>
                 <state img="6-joy.png">Look at my soaking pussy! You'll see it soon!</state>
                 <state img="6-joy.png">Everything has been building to this!</state>
-                <state img="6-joy.png">ALOLA!</state>
                 <state img="6-joy.png">I'm glad I came here!</state>
                 <state img="6-joy.png">This is so fun! And sexy!</state>
                 <state img="6-joy.png">Strip me! Strip me and look at me!</state>
@@ -3480,7 +3477,7 @@
                 <state img="7-calm.png">Thanks, Dealer! I'll gargle your cum later!</state>
                 <state img="7-joy.png">The perfect bad hand! Finally!</state>
-            <case priority="0" tag="bad_hand" totalAlive="5">
+            <case tag="bad_hand" totalAlive="5" priority="0">
                 <state img="7-joy.png">Perfect! And you four are going to watch me!</state>
             <case tag="start_masturbating">
@@ -3534,7 +3531,7 @@
                 <state img="7-starting_c.png">I'm going to show you all how I do it in the middle of the streets of Alola!</state>
                 <state img="7-starting_c.png">Finally! I've been wet since we started this game!</state>
-            <case priority="0" tag="must_masturbate_first" totalAlive="5">
+            <case tag="must_masturbate_first" totalAlive="5" priority="0">
                 <state img="7-starting_c.png">Shame it's only for four people. But I can't say no!</state>
             <case tag="must_masturbate">
@@ -3555,7 +3552,7 @@
                 <state img="7-starting_a.png">I am the ultimate slut! And now I'll prove it!</state>
                 <state img="7-starting_d.png">I don't like sharing the spotlight. But I can prove I'm the best slut!</state>
-            <case priority="0" tag="must_masturbate" totalMasturbating="1-4">
+            <case tag="must_masturbate" totalMasturbating="1-4" priority="0">
                 <state img="7-starting_d.png">I don't care who else is doing it! I'm still special!</state>
                 <state img="7-starting_d.png">I don't care who else is doing it! I'm the sluttiest!</state>
                 <state img="7-starting_d.png">It's not as lewd when somebody else in the room is stealing the spotlight, but okay.</state>
@@ -3568,27 +3565,27 @@
                 <state img="8-touching_c.png">Doesn't matter, everyone's looking at me right now!</state>
                 <state img="8-touching_c.png">Whatever you strip, everyone's still looking at me!</state>
                 <state img="8-touching_c.png">You can't steal the attention now... I'm in the z-zone...</state>
-                <state img="7-starting_a.png">Am I... distracting you? Good!</state>
+                <state img="8-starting_a.png">Am I... distracting you? Good!</state>
                 <state img="8-touching_c.png">Mmm.... They're all still looking at me!</state>
                 <state img="8-touching_c.png">You're too l-late... They're still looking at me!</state>
                 <state img="8-touching_c.png">I'm sorry they're looking at me instead of you! Actually, not sorry.</state>
-                <state img="7-starting_a.png">After what I'm d-doing, nobody cares what you take off...</state>
+                <state img="8-starting_a.png">After what I'm d-doing, nobody cares what you take off...</state>
                 <state img="8-touching_b.png">I'm... touching myself... you're not getting anyone's attention!</state>
-                <state img="7-starting_a.png">Whatever you take off will be so preschool compared to what I'm doing!</state>
-                <state img="7-starting_a.png">I bet you're too shy to even do it!</state>
-                <state img="7-starting_a.png">Ha! Like you could get anyone's attention!</state>
+                <state img="8-starting_a.png">Whatever you take off will be so preschool compared to what I'm doing!</state>
+                <state img="8-starting_a.png">I bet you're too shy to even do it!</state>
+                <state img="8-starting_a.png">Ha! Like you could get anyone's attention!</state>
                 <state img="8-touching_b.png">UUUEEEGH! Nobody pay attention to ~name~! Only to me!</state>
                 <state img="8-touching_e.png">Strip... I'm almost cumming...</state>
                 <state img="8-entice_a.png">What are you taking off, sweetie?</state>
                 <state img="8-entice_a.png">Am... I making you jealous?</state>
                 <state img="8-touching_c.png">I'm g-getting all the attention! Are you jealous, ~name~?</state>
-                <state img="7-starting_a.png">I knew you were jealous of me, ~name~.</state>
+                <state img="8-starting_a.png">I knew you were jealous of me, ~name~.</state>
                 <state img="8-touching_c.png">Jealous of all the attention I'm getting, ~name~?</state>
                 <state img="8-entice_a.png">OOohhh, ~name~ is s-stripping? How ex-exciting!</state>
             <case tag="male_chest_will_be_visible">
-                <state img="7-starting_d.png">Mmm.... Y-you don't need to do that f-for me, ~name~...</state>
-                <state img="7-starting_d.png">You're s-still l-looking at me, r-r-right?</state>
+                <state img="8-starting_d.png">Mmm.... Y-you don't need to do that f-for me, ~name~...</state>
+                <state img="8-starting_d.png">You're s-still l-looking at me, r-r-right?</state>
                 <state img="8-touching_b.png">As l-long as you're.... looking at me, I don't care what you take off... Uuugh!</state>
                 <state img="8-touching_a.png">You looking a-at me, ~name~? I need y-you to be looking!</state>
                 <state img="8-masturbating_a.png">I want you to l-look at me, ~name~. I don't care about your chest...</state>
@@ -3638,7 +3635,7 @@
             <case tag="male_removed_accessory">
                 <state img="8-touching_d.png">Look down on me! J-judge me!</state>
                 <state img="8-touching_c.png">I'm naked in front of you! Watch me!</state>
-                <state img="7-starting_d.png">You're perfectly clothed, and I am YOUR naked slut!</state>
+                <state img="8-starting_d.png">You're perfectly clothed, and I am YOUR naked slut!</state>
                 <state img="8-touching_c.png">I'm your naked masturbating slut! Look at me and judge me!</state>
             <case tag="male_must_masturbate">
@@ -3660,7 +3657,7 @@
             <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible">
                 <state img="8-touching_b.png">Yours is nice... but I'm the one f-fingering it right now.</state>
-                <state img="7-starting_b.png">People a-are watching me, ~name~... Are you?</state>
+                <state img="8-starting_b.png">People a-are watching me, ~name~... Are you?</state>
                 <state img="8-touching_c.png">Nobody is looking at ~name~'s pussy... they are looking at MINE!</state>
                 <state img="8-masturbating_a.png">Nice t-try, ~name~... But your pussy is-isn't getting smashed r-right now... so it's pointless to e-even bring it out!</state>
                 <state img="8-touching_b.png">Uhhhh... Yours is nowhere ne-near as sexy as mine.... FUCK YES!</state>
@@ -3681,7 +3678,7 @@
             <case tag="female_removed_accessory">
                 <state img="8-touching_d.png">N-now that that's done, everybody.... look at me!</state>
-                <state img="7-starting_c.png">NOW BACK TO ME!</state>
+                <state img="8-starting_c.png">NOW BACK TO ME!</state>
                 <state img="8-masturbating_a.png">If-if-if-if you're finished, it's my turn to be looked at again!</state>
                 <state img="8-masturbating_a.png">Ooohhh... Everybody is still looking at me!</state>
                 <state img="8-masturbating_a.png">Euuhh... I'm sexier than you, ~name~!</state>
@@ -3742,20 +3739,20 @@
             <case tag="male_small_crotch_is_visible">
                 <state img="8-fun_a.png">Is m-my show making you... mmmm... harder, ~name~? Looks... like you could use it.</state>
                 <state img="8-entice_b.png">Don't.... ugh... worry a-about your tiny dick, ~name~. I'll suck it after this...</state>
-                <state img="7-starting_a.png">Don't worry about size, ~name~. If you promise to look at me... I'll do anything you want...</state>
-                <state img="7-starting_b.png">Don't worry about your lil' dick. Everybody is... watching me a-anyway.</state>
+                <state img="8-starting_a.png">Don't worry about size, ~name~. If you promise to look at me... I'll do anything you want...</state>
+                <state img="8-starting_b.png">Don't worry about your lil' dick. Everybody is... watching me a-anyway.</state>
                 <state img="8-entice_c.png">Forget about y-your tiny weird d-dick... J-just enjoy my clit rubbing all over the place... yus...</state>
             <case tag="male_removing_accessory">
-                <state img="7-starting_d.png">Yeah, I'm naked and you're so... clothed...</state>
-                <state img="7-starting_b.png">Yeah, t-take off the smallest thing y-you can think of!</state>
+                <state img="8-starting_d.png">Yeah, I'm naked and you're so... clothed...</state>
+                <state img="8-starting_b.png">Yeah, t-take off the smallest thing y-you can think of!</state>
                 <state img="8-touching_f.png">Don't take off anything else! Uhmmm!</state>
                 <state img="8-mad.png">I d-don't want you to s-strip anymore!</state>
-                <state img="7-starting_d.png">Keep your o-outfit. It's sexy....</state>
+                <state img="8-starting_d.png">Keep your o-outfit. It's sexy....</state>
             <case tag="male_finished_masturbating">
-                <state img="7-starting_b.png">Y-you loved my show, r-r-right?</state>
-                <state img="7-starting_d.png">Yeah... Mmmmmm... I k-knew you thought I was sexy!</state>
+                <state img="8-starting_b.png">Y-you loved my show, r-r-right?</state>
+                <state img="8-starting_d.png">Yeah... Mmmmmm... I k-knew you thought I was sexy!</state>
                 <state img="8-touching_a.png">That c-cum was f-f-for me! I'm FLATTERED!</state>
                 <state img="8-touching_a.png">I kn-knew I'd make you cum first, ~name~!</state>
                 <state img="8-touching_a.png">You watched me... I made you cum!</state>
@@ -3775,15 +3772,12 @@
                 <state img="8-intense_d.png">They l-look bouncy, ~name~, but keep still. I d-don't want you stealing the attention. NOT ... UGH! ... NOW!</state>
             <case tag="female_removing_accessory">
-                <state img="7-starting_c.png">Okay....good. You're not distracting a-anyone!</state>
+                <state img="8-starting_c.png">Okay....good. You're not distracting a-anyone!</state>
                 <state img="8-touching_a.png">I'm still masturbating, everyone! Look at me instead!</state>
                 <state img="8-touching_a.png">W-what a tiny thing! Everybody is still watching m-me!</state>
                 <state img="8-fun_a.png">Good strip. Very sexy. Totally. Suuuurre.</state>
                 <state img="8-fun_a.png">You'll n-never make anybody... c-cum in their pants like THAT!</state>
-            <case tag="game_over_victory">
-                <state img="8-happy.png">I WON!</state>
-            </case>
             <case tag="female_removing_major">
                 <state img="8-smug.png">Not BAD... but evERYBody is still watching me...</state>
                 <state img="8-fun_a.png">L-l-looking forward to... Ughhh... this being you?</state>
@@ -3829,7 +3823,7 @@
             <case tag="male_crotch_will_be_visible">
                 <state img="8-masturbating_a.png">Are y-you going to get naked while you watch me, ~name~? ... aw yus...</state>
-                <state img="7-starting_b.png">Gonna show y-your penis, ~name~? Wlli you jerk it and cum on me while I rub myself? Please?</state>
+                <state img="8-starting_b.png">Gonna show y-your penis, ~name~? Wlli you jerk it and cum on me while I rub myself? Please?</state>
                 <state img="8-masturbating_a.png">D-don't care... how big it is... I'll still mmmmmasturbate for you...</state>
                 <state img="8-masturbating_a.png">I don't care... how big it is. I just c-care about you looking at me..</state>
                 <state img="8-entice_c.png">I don't care about your penis... ~name~... I c-can't cum unless you're watching me...</state>
@@ -4041,10 +4035,10 @@
                 <state img="9-entice_f.png">Have you considered being a public free-use slut like me? You'd attract a lot of attention!</state>
                 <state img="9-smug_c.png">There's nothing more intoxicating than seeing people's eyes widen seeing your pussy! Don't you agree, ~name~?</state>
-            <case filter="enf" priority="0" tag="female_crotch_is_visible">
+            <case filter="enf" tag="female_crotch_is_visible" priority="0">
                 <state img="9-smug_c.png">Yeah, flaunt it, ~name~! And your pretending that you're embarrassed is REALLY sexy! And well acted!</state>
-            <case filter="innocent" priority="0" tag="female_crotch_is_visible">
+            <case filter="innocent" tag="female_crotch_is_visible" priority="0">
                 <state img="9-calm_c.png">Looks good! And now that I think of it, seeing a fresh, barely-used pussy is kinda sexy in its own way!</state>
             <case tag="female_start_masturbating">
@@ -4187,9 +4181,6 @@
                 <state img="9-confused_a.png">Building up suspense? Not my style, but it's good you're doing your own thing.</state>
                 <state img="9-smug_c.png">Just that? Okay, but you have a long way to go if you want to be as sexy as me!</state>
-            <case tag="game_over_victory">
-                <state img="9-happy.png">I WON!</state>
-            </case>
             <case tag="female_removing_major">
                 <state img="9-entice_f.png">Oooh, you rock those curves pretty well!</state>
                 <state img="9-smug_b.png">You're pretty! Not as pretty as me, but still!</state>
@@ -4318,9 +4309,9 @@
     <epilogue gender="male">
         <title>Surrounded on the Streets</title>
         <screen img="epilogue-sots-m1.jpg">
@@ -4444,6 +4435,7 @@
     <epilogue gender="female">
         <title>Surrounded on the Streets</title>
         <screen img="epilogue-sots-f1.jpg">
diff --git a/opponents/moon/markers.xml b/opponents/moon/markers.xml
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/opponents/moon/markers.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
+    <marker scope="Public" name="moon_doesnt_wear_panties" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="moon_invites_sex_after_game" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="moon_invites_sex_during_game" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="moon_offers_bj" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="moon_questions_own_mental_health" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="moon_sph" />
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--- a/opponents/moon/meta.xml
+++ b/opponents/moon/meta.xml
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
-        <tag>moon</tag>
+        <tag>slutty</tag>
@@ -33,6 +33,5 @@
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--- a/opponents/saki/behaviour.xml
+++ b/opponents/saki/behaviour.xml
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
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-<!--This file was machine generated using the Character Editor v1.15 at 9:16:07 PM on June 17, 2018. Please do not edit it directly without preserving your improvements elsewhere or your changes may be lost the next time this file is generated.-->
+<!--This file was machine generated using the Character Editor v2.1 at 5:50:32 PM on September 03, 2018. Please do not edit it directly without preserving your improvements elsewhere or your changes may be lost the next time this file is generated.-->
@@ -15,14 +15,13 @@
     <intelligence stage="5">average</intelligence>
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-        <tag>saki</tag>
-        <tag>brown_hair</tag>
+        <tag>brunette</tag>
-        <tag>gray_eyes</tag>
+        <tag>dark_eyes</tag>
@@ -33,13 +32,12 @@
-        <tag>virgin</tag>
-        <tag>submissive_female</tag>
+        <tag>submissive</tag>
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--- a/opponents/saki/meta.xml
+++ b/opponents/saki/meta.xml
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-        <tag>brown_hair</tag>
+        <tag>brunette</tag>
-        <tag>gray_eyes</tag>
+        <tag>dark_eyes</tag>
@@ -33,13 +32,12 @@
-        <tag>virgin</tag>
-        <tag>submissive_female</tag>
+        <tag>submissive</tag>
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index 8516f4f5ddf6015818f238e5115904dcc53c3071..161ca84b6fab4f038d6b7a8f3b9caf1bb17214b2 100644
--- a/opponents/samus/behaviour.xml
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+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
-<!--This file was machine generated using the Character Editor v1.15 at 11:35:58 AM on April 15, 2018. Please do not edit it directly without preserving your improvements elsewhere or your changes may be lost the next time this file is generated.-->
+<!--This file was machine generated using the Character Editor v2.1 at 5:51:07 PM on September 03, 2018. Please do not edit it directly without preserving your improvements elsewhere or your changes may be lost the next time this file is generated.-->
@@ -11,15 +11,15 @@
-	<tag>samus</tag>
-	<tag>metroid</tag>
-	<tag>nintendo</tag>
-	<tag>smash_bros</tag>
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-	<tag>space</tag>
+        <tag>ponytail</tag>
+        <tag>metroid</tag>
+        <tag>nintendo</tag>
+        <tag>smash_bros</tag>
+        <tag>future</tag>
+        <tag>space</tag>
-	<tag>blue_eyes</tag>
-	<tag>fair-skinned</tag>
+        <tag>blue_eyes</tag>
+        <tag>fair-skinned</tag>
@@ -27,10 +27,10 @@
-	<tag>military</tag>
-	<tag>fighter</tag>
-	<tag>seductive</tag>
-	<tag>slutty</tag>
+        <tag>hero</tag>
+        <tag>fighter</tag>
+        <tag>seductive</tag>
+        <tag>slutty</tag>
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--- a/opponents/samus/meta.xml
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-	<tag>smash_bros</tag>
-	<tag>future</tag>
-	<tag>space</tag>
+        <tag>ponytail</tag>
+        <tag>metroid</tag>
+        <tag>nintendo</tag>
+        <tag>smash_bros</tag>
+        <tag>future</tag>
+        <tag>space</tag>
-	<tag>blue_eyes</tag>
-	<tag>fair-skinned</tag>
+        <tag>blue_eyes</tag>
+        <tag>fair-skinned</tag>
@@ -31,10 +31,10 @@
-	<tag>military</tag>
-	<tag>fighter</tag>
-	<tag>seductive</tag>
-	<tag>slutty</tag>
+        <tag>hero</tag>
+        <tag>fighter</tag>
+        <tag>seductive</tag>
+        <tag>slutty</tag>
diff --git a/opponents/sayla/behaviour.xml b/opponents/sayla/behaviour.xml
index e540204c5277aa230ac4a96d3f4da20086ef43f4..7b3cb0ca36152aa4af8118ed677c92dddb0b7837 100644
--- a/opponents/sayla/behaviour.xml
+++ b/opponents/sayla/behaviour.xml
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
-    <!--This file was machine generated by make_xml.py version 1.49 in July 2018. Please do not edit it directly without preserving your improvements elsewhere or your changes may be lost the next time this file is generated.-->
+<!--This file was machine generated using the Character Editor v2.1 at 5:51:25 PM on September 03, 2018. Please do not edit it directly without preserving your improvements elsewhere or your changes may be lost the next time this file is generated.-->
@@ -11,20 +11,20 @@
-	<tag>sayla</tag>
-	<tag>gundam</tag>
-	<tag>anime</tag>
-	<tag>sci-fi</tag>
-	<tag>space</tag>
-	<tag>future</tag>
-	<tag>short_hair</tag>
-	<tag>blue_eyes</tag>
-	<tag>tan_lines</tag>
-	<tag>fair-skinned</tag>
-	<tag>hairy</tag>
-	<tag>medium_breasts</tag>
-	<tag>military</tag>
-	<tag>hero</tag>
+        <tag>sayla</tag>
+        <tag>gundam</tag>
+        <tag>anime</tag>
+        <tag>sci-fi</tag>
+        <tag>space</tag>
+        <tag>future</tag>
+        <tag>short_hair</tag>
+        <tag>blue_eyes</tag>
+        <tag>tan_lines</tag>
+        <tag>fair-skinned</tag>
+        <tag>hairy</tag>
+        <tag>medium_breasts</tag>
+        <tag>military</tag>
+        <tag>hero</tag>
@@ -99,9 +99,9 @@
             <case tag="male_removed_accessory">
                 <state img="0-annoyed.png">Whatever, I'm sure you won't get away with this for long.</state>
-                <state img="0-annoyed.png">I just hope I'll be braver if my turn comes.</state>
                 <state img="0-confident.png">We're in for a long game.</state>
                 <state img="0-calm.png">I can be patient.</state>
+                <state img="0-annoyed.png">I just hope I'll be braver if my turn comes.</state>
             <case tag="male_must_masturbate">
                 <state img="0-confident.png">Target disabled and my suit integrity is 100%; it's a clean sweep.</state>
@@ -139,9 +139,9 @@
             <case tag="female_removed_accessory">
                 <state img="0-annoyed.png">Whatever, I'm sure you won't get away with this for long.</state>
-                <state img="0-annoyed.png">I just hope I'll be braver if my turn comes.</state>
                 <state img="0-confident.png">We're in for a long game.</state>
                 <state img="0-calm.png">I can be patient.</state>
+                <state img="0-annoyed.png">I just hope I'll be braver if my turn comes.</state>
             <case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="revy" targetStage="4">
                 <state img="0-annoyed.png">Don't worry, nobody is interested in your antique cowboy guns.</state>
@@ -297,9 +297,6 @@
                 <state img="0-sad.png">Is my luck running out?</state>
                 <state img="0-sad.png">I didn't see this coming.</state>
-            <case tag="stripped">
-                <state img="0-sad.png">I miss my ~clothing~ already...</state>
-            </case>
             <case tag="must_strip_normal">
                 <state img="0-confident.png">This is just the beginning.</state>
@@ -318,12 +315,12 @@
         <stage id="1">
             <case tag="female_must_strip">
-                <state img="1-sad.png">This reminds me of how I lost my boots.</state>
-                <state img="1-happy.png">Looks like that time I lost was a freak occurrence.</state>
                 <state img="1-interested.png">We've all been admiring your curves.</state>
                 <state img="1-interested.png">I was hoping it would be you.</state>
                 <state img="1-confident.png">The moment of truth.</state>
                 <state img="1-interested.png">Do it slowly!</state>
+                <state img="1-sad.png">This reminds me of how I lost my boots.</state>
+                <state img="1-happy.png">Looks like that time I lost was a freak occurrence.</state>
                 <state img="1-interested.png">So, what'll it be?</state>
             <case tag="male_chest_will_be_visible">
@@ -368,25 +365,25 @@
             <case tag="male_removed_accessory">
                 <state img="1-annoyed.png">Whatever, I'm sure you won't get away with this for long.</state>
-                <state img="1-annoyed.png">I just hope I'll be braver if my turn comes again.</state>
                 <state img="1-confident.png">We're in for a long game.</state>
                 <state img="1-calm.png">I can be patient.</state>
+                <state img="1-annoyed.png">I just hope I'll be braver if my turn comes again.</state>
             <case tag="male_must_masturbate">
-                <state img="1-calm.png">Target disabled and my suit integrity is 87%; it's a clean sweep.</state>
                 <state img="1-confident.png">A total defeat, but if you do this well you may redeem yourself.</state>
+                <state img="1-calm.png">Target disabled and my suit integrity is 87%; it's a clean sweep.</state>
             <case tag="female_masturbating">
                 <state img="1-horny.png">~Name~, are you... imagining me naked?</state>
                 <state img="1-confident.png">Maybe it's not the first time ~name~'s been in this kind of... engagement.</state>
             <case tag="female_human_must_strip">
-                <state img="1-sad.png">This reminds me of how I lost my boots.</state>
-                <state img="1-happy.png">Looks like that time I lost was a freak occurrence.</state>
                 <state img="1-interested.png">We've all been admiring your curves.</state>
                 <state img="1-interested.png">I was hoping it would be you.</state>
                 <state img="1-confident.png">The moment of truth.</state>
                 <state img="1-interested.png">Do it slowly!</state>
+                <state img="1-sad.png">This reminds me of how I lost my boots.</state>
+                <state img="1-happy.png">Looks like that time I lost was a freak occurrence.</state>
                 <state img="1-interested.png">So, what'll it be?</state>
             <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible">
@@ -408,9 +405,9 @@
             <case tag="female_removed_accessory">
                 <state img="1-annoyed.png">Whatever, I'm sure you won't get away with this for long.</state>
-                <state img="1-annoyed.png">I just hope I'll be braver if my turn comes again.</state>
                 <state img="1-confident.png">We're in for a long game.</state>
                 <state img="1-calm.png">I can be patient.</state>
+                <state img="1-annoyed.png">I just hope I'll be braver if my turn comes again.</state>
             <case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="revy" targetStage="4">
                 <state img="1-annoyed.png">Don't worry, nobody is interested in your antique cowboy guns.</state>
@@ -437,28 +434,28 @@
                 <state img="1-interested.png">I grew up a republican but you are making an excellent case for monarchy, your highness.</state>
             <case tag="male_must_strip">
-                <state img="1-sad.png">This reminds me of how I lost my boots.</state>
-                <state img="1-happy.png">Looks like that time I lost was a freak occurrence.</state>
                 <state img="1-confident.png">Are you a man of your word?</state>
                 <state img="1-interested.png">I was hoping it would be you.</state>
                 <state img="1-confident.png">The moment of truth.</state>
                 <state img="1-interested.png">Do it slowly!</state>
+                <state img="1-sad.png">This reminds me of how I lost my boots.</state>
+                <state img="1-happy.png">Looks like that time I lost was a freak occurrence.</state>
                 <state img="1-interested.png">So, what'll it be?</state>
             <case tag="female_must_masturbate">
-                <state img="1-calm.png">Target disabled and my suit integrity is 87%; it's a clean sweep.</state>
                 <state img="1-confident.png">A total defeat, but if you do this well you may redeem yourself.</state>
+                <state img="1-calm.png">Target disabled and my suit integrity is 87%; it's a clean sweep.</state>
             <case tag="female_must_masturbate" target="d.va">
                 <state img="1-calm.png">With the enemy's only mobile suit pilot out of action I can focus on the remaining infantry.</state>
             <case tag="male_human_must_strip">
-                <state img="1-sad.png">This reminds me of how I lost my boots.</state>
-                <state img="1-happy.png">Looks like that time I lost was a freak occurrence.</state>
                 <state img="1-confident.png">Are you a man of your word?</state>
                 <state img="1-interested.png">I was hoping it would be you.</state>
                 <state img="1-confident.png">The moment of truth.</state>
                 <state img="1-interested.png">Do it slowly!</state>
+                <state img="1-sad.png">This reminds me of how I lost my boots.</state>
+                <state img="1-happy.png">Looks like that time I lost was a freak occurrence.</state>
                 <state img="1-interested.png">So, what'll it be?</state>
             <case tag="male_small_crotch_is_visible">
@@ -542,16 +539,16 @@
                 <state img="1-calm.png">I understand if it's not erect - I have barely taken anything off.</state>
             <case tag="good_hand">
-                <state img="1-confident.png">How good must my hand be to win my boots back?</state>
                 <state img="1-calm.png">I have nothing to fear.</state>
                 <state img="1-happy.png">These are perfect.</state>
                 <state img="1-confident.png">Oh, excellent.</state>
+                <state img="1-confident.png">How good must my hand be to win my boots back?</state>
             <case tag="okay_hand">
-                <state img="1-confident.png"> I won't make the same mistake twice.</state>
                 <state img="1-calm.png">I will make do.</state>
                 <state img="1-calm.png">I think this is good.</state>
                 <state img="1-calm.png">Hmm.</state>
+                <state img="1-confident.png">I won't make the same mistake twice.</state>
             <case tag="swap_cards">
                 <state img="1-calm.png">May I have ~cards~ cards?</state>
@@ -561,10 +558,10 @@
                 <state img="1-calm.png">~cards~ for me, please.</state>
             <case tag="bad_hand">
-                <state img="1-sad.png">A bad hand - and my feet are cold too.</state>
                 <state img="1-annoyed.png">Well, this was bound to happen eventually.</state>
                 <state img="1-sad.png">Is my luck running out?</state>
                 <state img="1-sad.png">I didn't see this coming.</state>
+                <state img="1-sad.png">A bad hand - and my feet are cold too.</state>
             <case tag="stripped">
                 <state img="1-stripped.png">Rest assured I can fight without them.</state>
@@ -589,12 +586,12 @@
         <stage id="2">
             <case tag="female_must_strip">
-                <state img="2-calm.png">Close one, I don't have anything small left.</state>
-                <state img="2-calm.png">Glad it's not me; I'm comfortable like this.</state>
-                <state img="2-interested.png">Nothing lifts the spirit like a pretty girl.</state>
                 <state img="2-confident.png">The moment of truth.</state>
                 <state img="2-interested.png">Do it slowly!</state>
                 <state img="2-interested.png">So, what'll it be?</state>
+                <state img="2-calm.png">Close one, I don't have anything small left.</state>
+                <state img="2-calm.png">Glad it's not me; I'm comfortable like this.</state>
+                <state img="2-interested.png">Nothing lifts the spirit like a pretty girl.</state>
                 <state img="2-interested.png">No backing out now!</state>
             <case tag="male_chest_will_be_visible">
@@ -602,14 +599,14 @@
                 <state img="2-happy.png">Here comes my prize.</state>
             <case tag="female_removing_minor">
+                <state img="2-calm.png">At least it's progress.</state>
                 <state img="2-sad.png">That does seem like your best tactical option.</state>
                 <state img="2-confident.png">A vital step on the way to the things that really matter.</state>
                 <state img="2-confident.png">Your ~clothing~ had to go sooner or later.</state>
-                <state img="2-calm.png">At least it's progress.</state>
             <case tag="male_medium_crotch_is_visible">
-                <state img="2-horny.png">I bet that butt would look good in a normal suit.</state>
                 <state img="2-horny.png">Nice beam javelin!</state>
+                <state img="2-horny.png">I bet that butt would look good in a normal suit.</state>
             <case tag="female_removed_major">
                 <state img="2-interested.png">Is there an issue with the climate control unit?</state>
@@ -621,8 +618,8 @@
                 <state img="2-interested.png">Your underwear looks perfectly fitting to me, milady.</state>
             <case tag="male_large_crotch_is_visible">
-                <state img="2-horny.png">I bet that butt would look good in a normal suit.</state>
                 <state img="2-horny.png">Nice hyper bazooka!</state>
+                <state img="2-horny.png">I bet that butt would look good in a normal suit.</state>
             <case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible">
                 <state img="2-interested.png">I wonder if it looks like mine.</state>
@@ -634,8 +631,8 @@
             <case tag="male_removed_minor">
                 <state img="2-happy.png">Next hand! Let's pick up the pace.</state>
                 <state img="2-confident.png">Let's keep playing.</state>
-                <state img="2-calm.png">If you want to save the good stuff for the end that's fine with me.</state>
                 <state img="2-happy.png">Will you show some skin next time?</state>
+                <state img="2-calm.png">If you want to save the good stuff for the end that's fine with me.</state>
             <case tag="male_removed_accessory">
                 <state img="2-annoyed.png">Try a little harder next time, okay?</state>
@@ -652,12 +649,12 @@
                 <state img="2-interested.png">How often do you do this, ~name~?</state>
             <case tag="female_human_must_strip">
-                <state img="2-calm.png">Close one, I don't have anything small left.</state>
-                <state img="2-calm.png">Glad it's not me; I'm comfortable like this.</state>
-                <state img="2-interested.png">Nothing lifts the spirit like a pretty girl.</state>
                 <state img="2-confident.png">The moment of truth.</state>
                 <state img="2-interested.png">Do it slowly!</state>
                 <state img="2-interested.png">So, what'll it be?</state>
+                <state img="2-calm.png">Close one, I don't have anything small left.</state>
+                <state img="2-calm.png">Glad it's not me; I'm comfortable like this.</state>
+                <state img="2-interested.png">Nothing lifts the spirit like a pretty girl.</state>
                 <state img="2-interested.png">No backing out now!</state>
             <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible">
@@ -708,12 +705,12 @@
                 <state img="2-interested.png">I grew up a republican but you are making an excellent case for monarchy, your highness.</state>
             <case tag="male_must_strip">
-                <state img="2-calm.png">Close one, I don't have anything small left.</state>
-                <state img="2-calm.png">Glad it's not me; I'm comfortable like this.</state>
-                <state img="2-calm.png">I usually don't have to jump through so many hoops to get a guy naked.</state>
                 <state img="2-confident.png">The moment of truth.</state>
                 <state img="2-interested.png">Do it slowly!</state>
                 <state img="2-interested.png">So, what'll it be?</state>
+                <state img="2-calm.png">Close one, I don't have anything small left.</state>
+                <state img="2-calm.png">Glad it's not me; I'm comfortable like this.</state>
+                <state img="2-calm.png">I usually don't have to jump through so many hoops to get a guy naked.</state>
                 <state img="2-interested.png">No backing out now!</state>
             <case tag="female_must_masturbate">
@@ -724,17 +721,17 @@
                 <state img="2-calm.png">With the enemy's only mobile suit pilot out of action I can focus on the remaining infantry.</state>
             <case tag="male_human_must_strip">
-                <state img="2-calm.png">Close one, I don't have anything small left.</state>
-                <state img="2-calm.png">Glad it's not me; I'm comfortable like this.</state>
-                <state img="2-calm.png">I usually don't have to jump through so many hoops to get a guy naked.</state>
                 <state img="2-confident.png">The moment of truth.</state>
                 <state img="2-interested.png">Do it slowly!</state>
                 <state img="2-interested.png">So, what'll it be?</state>
+                <state img="2-calm.png">Close one, I don't have anything small left.</state>
+                <state img="2-calm.png">Glad it's not me; I'm comfortable like this.</state>
+                <state img="2-calm.png">I usually don't have to jump through so many hoops to get a guy naked.</state>
                 <state img="2-interested.png">No backing out now!</state>
             <case tag="male_small_crotch_is_visible">
-                <state img="2-horny.png">I bet that butt would look good in a normal suit.</state>
                 <state img="2-happy.png">So sweet!</state>
+                <state img="2-horny.png">I bet that butt would look good in a normal suit.</state>
             <case tag="male_removing_accessory">
                 <state img="2-calm.png">Your ~clothing~? I didn't know that counted.</state>
@@ -782,10 +779,10 @@
                 <state img="2-calm.png">I'm sure the room is pressurized, Samus; there's no need for a normal suit.</state>
             <case tag="male_removing_minor">
+                <state img="2-calm.png">At least it's progress.</state>
                 <state img="2-sad.png">That does seem like your best tactical option.</state>
                 <state img="2-confident.png">A vital step on the way to the things that really matter.</state>
                 <state img="2-confident.png">Your ~clothing~ had to go sooner or later.</state>
-                <state img="2-calm.png">At least it's progress.</state>
             <case tag="female_finished_masturbating">
                 <state img="2-interested.png">That was a real masterclass.</state>
@@ -805,8 +802,8 @@
             <case tag="female_removed_minor">
                 <state img="2-happy.png">Next hand! Let's pick up the pace.</state>
                 <state img="2-confident.png">Let's keep playing.</state>
-                <state img="2-calm.png">If you want to save the good stuff for the end that's fine with me.</state>
                 <state img="2-happy.png">Will you show some skin next time?</state>
+                <state img="2-calm.png">If you want to save the good stuff for the end that's fine with me.</state>
             <case tag="male_crotch_will_be_visible">
                 <state img="2-interested.png">I have only seen a few before.</state>
@@ -860,12 +857,12 @@
         <stage id="3">
             <case tag="female_must_strip">
-                <state img="3-calm.png">Maybe this game is best played barefoot.</state>
-                <state img="3-annoyed.png">I've got to stay on my toes.</state>
-                <state img="3-interested.png">Nothing lifts the spirit like a pretty girl.</state>
                 <state img="3-interested.png">Do it slowly!</state>
                 <state img="3-interested.png">So, what'll it be?</state>
+                <state img="3-interested.png">Nothing lifts the spirit like a pretty girl.</state>
                 <state img="3-interested.png">No backing out now!</state>
+                <state img="3-calm.png">Maybe this game is best played barefoot.</state>
+                <state img="3-annoyed.png">I've got to stay on my toes.</state>
                 <state img="3-confident.png">Let's see what you're made of.</state>
             <case tag="male_chest_will_be_visible">
@@ -879,8 +876,8 @@
                 <state img="3-calm.png">If you want to save the good stuff for the end that's fine with me.</state>
             <case tag="male_medium_crotch_is_visible">
-                <state img="3-horny.png">I bet that butt would look good in a normal suit.</state>
                 <state img="3-horny.png">Nice beam javelin!</state>
+                <state img="3-horny.png">I bet that butt would look good in a normal suit.</state>
             <case tag="female_removed_major">
                 <state img="3-interested.png">Is there an issue with the climate control unit?</state>
@@ -892,8 +889,8 @@
                 <state img="3-interested.png">Your underwear looks perfectly fitting to me, milady.</state>
             <case tag="male_large_crotch_is_visible">
-                <state img="3-horny.png">I bet that butt would look good in a normal suit.</state>
                 <state img="3-horny.png">Nice hyper bazooka!</state>
+                <state img="3-horny.png">I bet that butt would look good in a normal suit.</state>
             <case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible">
                 <state img="3-interested.png">I wonder if it looks like mine.</state>
@@ -905,8 +902,8 @@
             <case tag="male_removed_minor">
                 <state img="3-happy.png">Next hand! Let's pick up the pace.</state>
                 <state img="3-confident.png">Let's keep playing.</state>
-                <state img="3-annoyed.png">Patience is the key to victory.</state>
                 <state img="3-happy.png">Will you show some skin next time?</state>
+                <state img="3-annoyed.png">Patience is the key to victory.</state>
             <case tag="male_removed_accessory">
                 <state img="3-annoyed.png">Try a little harder next time, okay?</state>
@@ -923,12 +920,12 @@
                 <state img="3-interested.png">How often do you do this, ~name~?</state>
             <case tag="female_human_must_strip">
-                <state img="3-calm.png">Maybe this game is best played barefoot.</state>
-                <state img="3-annoyed.png">I've got to stay on my toes.</state>
-                <state img="3-interested.png">Nothing lifts the spirit like a pretty girl.</state>
                 <state img="3-interested.png">Do it slowly!</state>
                 <state img="3-interested.png">So, what'll it be?</state>
+                <state img="3-interested.png">Nothing lifts the spirit like a pretty girl.</state>
                 <state img="3-interested.png">No backing out now!</state>
+                <state img="3-calm.png">Maybe this game is best played barefoot.</state>
+                <state img="3-annoyed.png">I've got to stay on my toes.</state>
                 <state img="3-confident.png">Let's see what you're made of.</state>
             <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible">
@@ -979,12 +976,12 @@
                 <state img="3-interested.png">I grew up a republican but you are making an excellent case for monarchy, your highness.</state>
             <case tag="male_must_strip">
-                <state img="3-calm.png">Maybe this game is best played barefoot.</state>
-                <state img="3-annoyed.png">I've got to stay on my toes.</state>
-                <state img="3-calm.png">I usually don't have to jump through so many hoops to get a guy naked.</state>
                 <state img="3-interested.png">Do it slowly!</state>
                 <state img="3-interested.png">So, what'll it be?</state>
+                <state img="3-calm.png">I usually don't have to jump through so many hoops to get a guy naked.</state>
                 <state img="3-interested.png">No backing out now!</state>
+                <state img="3-calm.png">Maybe this game is best played barefoot.</state>
+                <state img="3-annoyed.png">I've got to stay on my toes.</state>
                 <state img="3-confident.png">Let's see what you're made of.</state>
             <case tag="female_must_masturbate">
@@ -995,17 +992,17 @@
                 <state img="3-calm.png">With the enemy's only mobile suit pilot out of action I can focus on the remaining infantry.</state>
             <case tag="male_human_must_strip">
-                <state img="3-calm.png">Maybe this game is best played barefoot.</state>
-                <state img="3-annoyed.png">I've got to stay on my toes.</state>
-                <state img="3-calm.png">I usually don't have to jump through so many hoops to get a guy naked.</state>
                 <state img="3-interested.png">Do it slowly!</state>
                 <state img="3-interested.png">So, what'll it be?</state>
+                <state img="3-calm.png">I usually don't have to jump through so many hoops to get a guy naked.</state>
                 <state img="3-interested.png">No backing out now!</state>
+                <state img="3-calm.png">Maybe this game is best played barefoot.</state>
+                <state img="3-annoyed.png">I've got to stay on my toes.</state>
                 <state img="3-confident.png">Let's see what you're made of.</state>
             <case tag="male_small_crotch_is_visible">
-                <state img="3-horny.png">I bet that butt would look good in a normal suit.</state>
                 <state img="3-happy.png">So sweet!</state>
+                <state img="3-horny.png">I bet that butt would look good in a normal suit.</state>
             <case tag="male_removing_accessory">
                 <state img="3-calm.png">Your ~clothing~? I didn't know that counted.</state>
@@ -1076,24 +1073,24 @@
             <case tag="female_removed_minor">
                 <state img="3-happy.png">Next hand! Let's pick up the pace.</state>
                 <state img="3-confident.png">Let's keep playing.</state>
-                <state img="3-annoyed.png">Patience is the key to victory.</state>
                 <state img="3-happy.png">Will you show some skin next time?</state>
+                <state img="3-annoyed.png">Patience is the key to victory.</state>
             <case tag="male_crotch_will_be_visible">
                 <state img="3-interested.png">I have only seen a few before.</state>
                 <state img="3-calm.png">Alright, let's have a look at you.</state>
             <case tag="good_hand">
-                <state img="3-confident.png">I was almost getting worried there.</state>
                 <state img="3-happy.png">I feel wonderful about this.</state>
                 <state img="3-happy.png">I did it!</state>
                 <state img="3-confident.png">I like my chances.</state>
+                <state img="3-confident.png">I was almost getting worried there.</state>
             <case tag="okay_hand">
-                <state img="3-calm.png">With a bit of luck, my uniform is safe.</state>
                 <state img="3-calm.png">I have seen worse.</state>
                 <state img="3-calm.png">I have no complaints.</state>
                 <state img="3-confident.png">Not too shabby.</state>
+                <state img="3-calm.png">With a bit of luck, my uniform is safe.</state>
             <case tag="swap_cards">
                 <state img="3-calm.png">May I have ~cards~ cards?</state>
@@ -1103,10 +1100,10 @@
                 <state img="3-calm.png">~cards~ for me, please.</state>
             <case tag="bad_hand">
-                <state img="3-sad.png">Oh boy, I hope I'm wearing nice underwear.</state>
                 <state img="3-annoyed.png">I mustn't give up.</state>
                 <state img="3-sad.png">Why does this keep happening to me?</state>
                 <state img="3-annoyed.png">Typical.</state>
+                <state img="3-sad.png">Oh boy, I hope I'm wearing nice underwear.</state>
             <case tag="stripped">
                 <state img="3-stripped.png" marker="sayla_tights_quality">Quality hosiery is hard to come by since the war broke out.</state>
@@ -1130,13 +1127,13 @@
         <stage id="4">
             <case tag="female_must_strip">
-                <state img="4-happy.png">Make this good, I'm in my underwear here. Essentially.</state>
-                <state img="4-calm.png">Why don't you strip down and join me for a swim?</state>
-                <state img="4-interested.png">Nothing lifts the spirit like a pretty girl.</state>
+                <state img="4-confident.png">I expect you to pay the penalty.</state>
                 <state img="4-interested.png">So, what'll it be?</state>
+                <state img="4-interested.png">Nothing lifts the spirit like a pretty girl.</state>
                 <state img="4-interested.png">No backing out now!</state>
                 <state img="4-confident.png">Let's see what you're made of.</state>
-                <state img="4-confident.png">I expect you to pay the penalty.</state>
+                <state img="4-happy.png">Make this good, I'm in my underwear here. Essentially.</state>
+                <state img="4-calm.png">Why don't you strip down and join me for a swim?</state>
             <case tag="male_chest_will_be_visible">
                 <state img="4-calm.png">Pretend we're on the beach.</state>
@@ -1173,16 +1170,16 @@
                 <state img="4-confident.png">Now to find out if ~name~ is a natural blonde.</state>
             <case tag="male_removed_minor">
+                <state img="4-calm.png">I hope you lose something bigger next time.</state>
                 <state img="4-annoyed.png">Patience is the key to victory.</state>
                 <state img="4-calm.png">At least that's out of the way now.</state>
-                <state img="4-calm.png">I hope you lose something bigger next time.</state>
                 <state img="4-confident.png">If I had lost I would be topless right now.</state>
             <case tag="male_removed_accessory">
                 <state img="4-sad.png">I expected more.</state>
-                <state img="4-annoyed.png">Don't join the game if you don't like the rules.</state>
                 <state img="4-annoyed.png">If I lose at least I'll lose honourably.</state>
                 <state img="4-sad.png">I should have known.</state>
+                <state img="4-annoyed.png">Don't join the game if you don't like the rules.</state>
             <case tag="male_must_masturbate">
                 <state img="4-confident.png">Are you ready ~name~?</state>
@@ -1193,13 +1190,13 @@
                 <state img="4-interested.png">Aren't you being a little rough, ~name~?</state>
             <case tag="female_human_must_strip">
-                <state img="4-happy.png">Make this good, I'm in my underwear here. Essentially.</state>
-                <state img="4-calm.png">Why don't you strip down and join me for a swim?</state>
-                <state img="4-interested.png">Nothing lifts the spirit like a pretty girl.</state>
+                <state img="4-confident.png">I expect you to pay the penalty.</state>
                 <state img="4-interested.png">So, what'll it be?</state>
+                <state img="4-interested.png">Nothing lifts the spirit like a pretty girl.</state>
                 <state img="4-interested.png">No backing out now!</state>
                 <state img="4-confident.png">Let's see what you're made of.</state>
-                <state img="4-confident.png">I expect you to pay the penalty.</state>
+                <state img="4-happy.png">Make this good, I'm in my underwear here. Essentially.</state>
+                <state img="4-calm.png">Why don't you strip down and join me for a swim?</state>
             <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible">
                 <state img="4-horny.png">What a shame to keep such beauty hidden.</state>
@@ -1249,13 +1246,13 @@
                 <state img="4-interested.png">I grew up a republican but you are making an excellent case for monarchy, your highness.</state>
             <case tag="male_must_strip">
-                <state img="4-happy.png">Make this good, I'm in my underwear here. Essentially.</state>
-                <state img="4-calm.png">Why don't you strip down and join me for a swim?</state>
-                <state img="4-confident.png">Do you have something to hide?</state>
+                <state img="4-confident.png">I expect you to pay the penalty.</state>
                 <state img="4-interested.png">So, what'll it be?</state>
                 <state img="4-interested.png">No backing out now!</state>
                 <state img="4-confident.png">Let's see what you're made of.</state>
-                <state img="4-confident.png">I expect you to pay the penalty.</state>
+                <state img="4-happy.png">Make this good, I'm in my underwear here. Essentially.</state>
+                <state img="4-calm.png">Why don't you strip down and join me for a swim?</state>
+                <state img="4-confident.png">Do you have something to hide?</state>
             <case tag="female_must_masturbate">
                 <state img="4-interested.png">Will you do it standing or sitting down?</state>
@@ -1265,13 +1262,13 @@
                 <state img="4-calm.png">With the enemy's only mobile suit pilot out of action I can focus on the remaining infantry.</state>
             <case tag="male_human_must_strip">
-                <state img="4-happy.png">Make this good, I'm in my underwear here. Essentially.</state>
-                <state img="4-calm.png">Why don't you strip down and join me for a swim?</state>
-                <state img="4-confident.png">Do you have something to hide?</state>
+                <state img="4-confident.png">I expect you to pay the penalty.</state>
                 <state img="4-interested.png">So, what'll it be?</state>
                 <state img="4-interested.png">No backing out now!</state>
                 <state img="4-confident.png">Let's see what you're made of.</state>
-                <state img="4-confident.png">I expect you to pay the penalty.</state>
+                <state img="4-happy.png">Make this good, I'm in my underwear here. Essentially.</state>
+                <state img="4-calm.png">Why don't you strip down and join me for a swim?</state>
+                <state img="4-confident.png">Do you have something to hide?</state>
             <case tag="male_small_crotch_is_visible">
                 <state img="4-happy.png">So sweet!</state>
@@ -1279,13 +1276,13 @@
             <case tag="male_removing_accessory">
                 <state img="4-annoyed.png">You're still taking off stuff like that?</state>
-                <state img="4-sad.png">That's a cheap trick.</state>
                 <state img="4-annoyed.png">A cowardly tactic.</state>
+                <state img="4-sad.png">That's a cheap trick.</state>
                 <state img="4-annoyed.png">And you call yourself a man.</state>
             <case tag="male_finished_masturbating">
                 <state img="4-confident.png">Some performance, ~name~. I hope this bathing suit is waterproof from the inside.</state>
-                <state img="4-happy.png"> Wow, ~name~! You're still trembling.</state>
+                <state img="4-happy.png">Wow, ~name~! You're still trembling.</state>
             <case tag="female_small_chest_is_visible">
                 <state img="4-horny.png">Want me to show you how to do a breast exam?</state>
@@ -1330,7 +1327,7 @@
             <case tag="female_finished_masturbating">
                 <state img="4-confident.png">Some performance, ~name~. I hope this bathing suit is waterproof from the inside.</state>
-                <state img="4-happy.png"> Wow, ~name~! You're still trembling.</state>
+                <state img="4-happy.png">Wow, ~name~! You're still trembling.</state>
             <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible">
                 <state img="4-happy.png">~Name~'s come out, mine stay hidden, for now.</state>
@@ -1344,9 +1341,9 @@
                 <state img="4-interested.png">Aren't you being a little rough, ~name~?</state>
             <case tag="female_removed_minor">
+                <state img="4-calm.png">I hope you lose something bigger next time.</state>
                 <state img="4-annoyed.png">Patience is the key to victory.</state>
                 <state img="4-calm.png">At least that's out of the way now.</state>
-                <state img="4-calm.png">I hope you lose something bigger next time.</state>
                 <state img="4-confident.png">If I had lost I would be topless right now.</state>
             <case tag="male_crotch_will_be_visible">
@@ -1400,23 +1397,23 @@
         <stage id="5">
             <case tag="female_must_strip">
+                <state img="5-confident.png">I expect you to pay the penalty.</state>
+                <state img="5-interested.png">I was hoping it would be you.</state>
+                <state img="5-interested.png">No backing out now!</state>
+                <state img="5-confident.png">Let's see what you're made of.</state>
                 <state img="5-annoyed.png">I showed you my breasts, so you better make this worth it!</state>
                 <state img="5-happy.png">At last, something else for you all to stare at.</state>
                 <state img="5-calm.png">Give them a show. Trust me, it feels good.</state>
-                <state img="5-interested.png">No backing out now!</state>
-                <state img="5-confident.png">Let's see what you're made of.</state>
-                <state img="5-confident.png">I expect you to pay the penalty.</state>
-                <state img="5-interested.png">I was hoping it would be you.</state>
             <case tag="male_chest_will_be_visible">
                 <state img="5-annoyed.png">This seems only fair.</state>
                 <state img="5-calm.png">Time for a little anatomical comparison study.</state>
             <case tag="female_removing_minor">
-                <state img="5-sad.png">I can't believe I'm topless and you still had your ~clothing~ on.</state>
-                <state img="5-annoyed.png">Damn it, I'm in no position to fight a battle of attrition right now.</state>
                 <state img="5-confident.png">~Clothing~, you're dismissed.</state>
                 <state img="5-sad.png">I was hoping you would save your ~clothing~ for last.</state>
+                <state img="5-sad.png">I can't believe I'm topless and you still had your ~clothing~ on.</state>
+                <state img="5-annoyed.png">Damn it, I'm in no position to fight a battle of attrition right now.</state>
             <case tag="male_medium_crotch_is_visible">
                 <state img="5-horny.png">Nice beam javelin!</state>
@@ -1441,10 +1438,10 @@
                 <state img="5-confident.png">Now to find out if ~name~ is a natural blonde.</state>
             <case tag="male_removed_minor">
-                <state img="5-interested.png">There's something sexy about seeing your ~clothing~ on the floor.</state>
                 <state img="5-calm.png">At least that's out of the way now.</state>
-                <state img="5-horny.png">If I had lost you would be looking at my pussy right now.</state>
+                <state img="5-interested.png">There's something sexy about seeing your ~clothing~ on the floor.</state>
                 <state img="5-horny.png">Most strip poker games end with everyone naked anyway.</state>
+                <state img="5-horny.png">If I had lost you would be looking at my pussy right now.</state>
             <case tag="male_removed_accessory">
                 <state img="5-sad.png">I expected more.</state>
@@ -1461,21 +1458,21 @@
                 <state img="5-interested.png">Aren't you being a little rough, ~name~?</state>
             <case tag="female_human_must_strip">
+                <state img="5-confident.png">I expect you to pay the penalty.</state>
+                <state img="5-interested.png">I was hoping it would be you.</state>
+                <state img="5-interested.png">No backing out now!</state>
+                <state img="5-confident.png">Let's see what you're made of.</state>
                 <state img="5-annoyed.png">I showed you my breasts, so you better make this worth it!</state>
                 <state img="5-happy.png">At last, something else for you all to stare at.</state>
                 <state img="5-calm.png">Give them a show. Trust me, it feels good.</state>
-                <state img="5-interested.png">No backing out now!</state>
-                <state img="5-confident.png">Let's see what you're made of.</state>
-                <state img="5-confident.png">I expect you to pay the penalty.</state>
-                <state img="5-interested.png">I was hoping it would be you.</state>
             <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible">
                 <state img="5-horny.png">I wish mine was as neat as yours.</state>
                 <state img="5-horny.png">So pretty - you're putting unrealistic expectations on the rest of us.</state>
             <case tag="female_start_masturbating">
-                <state img="5-calm.png">You're allowed to look at them. I don't mind.</state>
                 <state img="5-horny.png">What do you like to think about while you do it?</state>
+                <state img="5-calm.png">You're allowed to look at them. I don't mind.</state>
             <case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="alice">
                 <state img="5-horny.png">My father read me Lewis Carroll but he must have skipped this part.</state>
@@ -1498,12 +1495,12 @@
                 <state img="5-interested.png">You're way better without it.</state>
             <case tag="male_start_masturbating">
-                <state img="5-calm.png">You're allowed to look at them. I don't mind.</state>
                 <state img="5-horny.png">What do you like to think about while you do it?</state>
+                <state img="5-calm.png">You're allowed to look at them. I don't mind.</state>
             <case tag="male_chest_is_visible">
-                <state img="5-interested.png">Mine are bigger!</state>
                 <state img="5-horny.png">I can tell you're flexing. Please don't stop.</state>
+                <state img="5-interested.png">Mine are bigger!</state>
             <case tag="female_large_chest_is_visible">
                 <state img="5-calm.png">Thank you, I feel less exposed now.</state>
@@ -1513,43 +1510,43 @@
                 <state img="5-interested.png">I grew up a republican but you are making an excellent case for monarchy, your highness.</state>
             <case tag="male_must_strip">
-                <state img="5-annoyed.png">I showed you my breasts, so you better make this worth it!</state>
-                <state img="5-happy.png">At last, something else for you all to stare at.</state>
-                <state img="5-confident.png">Do you have something to hide?</state>
-                <state img="5-interested.png">No backing out now!</state>
-                <state img="5-confident.png">Let's see what you're made of.</state>
                 <state img="5-confident.png">I expect you to pay the penalty.</state>
                 <state img="5-interested.png">I was hoping it would be you.</state>
+                <state img="5-interested.png">No backing out now!</state>
+                <state img="5-confident.png">Let's see what you're made of.</state>
+                <state img="5-confident.png">Do you have something to hide?</state>
+                <state img="5-annoyed.png">I showed you my breasts, so you better make this worth it!</state>
+                <state img="5-happy.png">At last, something else for you all to stare at.</state>
             <case tag="female_must_masturbate">
-                <state img="5-confident.png">Are you ready ~name~?</state>
                 <state img="5-calm.png">You have to follow the rules, ~name~, same as everyone else.</state>
+                <state img="5-confident.png">Are you ready ~name~?</state>
             <case tag="female_must_masturbate" target="d.va">
                 <state img="5-calm.png">With the enemy's only mobile suit pilot out of action I can focus on the remaining infantry.</state>
             <case tag="male_human_must_strip">
-                <state img="5-annoyed.png">I showed you my breasts, so you better make this worth it!</state>
-                <state img="5-happy.png">At last, something else for you all to stare at.</state>
-                <state img="5-confident.png">Do you have something to hide?</state>
-                <state img="5-interested.png">No backing out now!</state>
-                <state img="5-confident.png">Let's see what you're made of.</state>
                 <state img="5-confident.png">I expect you to pay the penalty.</state>
                 <state img="5-interested.png">I was hoping it would be you.</state>
+                <state img="5-interested.png">No backing out now!</state>
+                <state img="5-confident.png">Let's see what you're made of.</state>
+                <state img="5-confident.png">Do you have something to hide?</state>
+                <state img="5-annoyed.png">I showed you my breasts, so you better make this worth it!</state>
+                <state img="5-happy.png">At last, something else for you all to stare at.</state>
             <case tag="male_small_crotch_is_visible">
                 <state img="5-happy.png">So sweet!</state>
                 <state img="5-confident.png">I see you've been enjoying the game.</state>
             <case tag="male_removing_accessory">
-                <state img="5-sad.png">I get topless for you and this is my reward?</state>
-                <state img="5-sad.png">It seems the sight of my breasts has not inspired you with courage.</state>
                 <state img="5-annoyed.png">You're still taking off stuff like that?</state>
                 <state img="5-annoyed.png">A cowardly tactic.</state>
+                <state img="5-sad.png">I get topless for you and this is my reward?</state>
+                <state img="5-sad.png">It seems the sight of my breasts has not inspired you with courage.</state>
             <case tag="male_finished_masturbating">
                 <state img="5-confident.png">Some performance, ~name~. I hope this bathing suit is waterproof from the inside.</state>
-                <state img="5-happy.png"> Wow, ~name~! You're still trembling.</state>
+                <state img="5-happy.png">Wow, ~name~! You're still trembling.</state>
             <case tag="female_small_chest_is_visible">
                 <state img="5-calm.png">Lots of people like small ones.</state>
@@ -1566,10 +1563,10 @@
                 <state img="5-interested.png">I grew up a republican but you are making an excellent case for monarchy, your highness.</state>
             <case tag="female_removing_accessory">
-                <state img="5-sad.png">I get topless for you and this is my reward?</state>
-                <state img="5-sad.png">It seems the sight of my breasts has not inspired you with courage.</state>
                 <state img="5-annoyed.png">A cowardly tactic.</state>
                 <state img="5-sad.png">I hope I've never been such a tease.</state>
+                <state img="5-sad.png">I get topless for you and this is my reward?</state>
+                <state img="5-sad.png">It seems the sight of my breasts has not inspired you with courage.</state>
             <case tag="game_over_victory">
                 <state img="5-calm.png">I won the game; you got to see my breasts. We're all winners.</state>
@@ -1585,14 +1582,14 @@
                 <state img="5-calm.png">I'm sure the room is pressurized, Samus; there's no need for a normal suit.</state>
             <case tag="male_removing_minor">
-                <state img="5-sad.png">I can't believe I'm topless and you still had your ~clothing~ on.</state>
-                <state img="5-annoyed.png">Damn it, I'm in no position to fight a battle of attrition right now.</state>
                 <state img="5-confident.png">~Clothing~, you're dismissed.</state>
                 <state img="5-sad.png">I was hoping you would save your ~clothing~ for last.</state>
+                <state img="5-sad.png">I can't believe I'm topless and you still had your ~clothing~ on.</state>
+                <state img="5-annoyed.png">Damn it, I'm in no position to fight a battle of attrition right now.</state>
             <case tag="female_finished_masturbating">
                 <state img="5-confident.png">Some performance, ~name~. I hope this bathing suit is waterproof from the inside.</state>
-                <state img="5-happy.png"> Wow, ~name~! You're still trembling.</state>
+                <state img="5-happy.png">Wow, ~name~! You're still trembling.</state>
             <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible">
                 <state img="5-happy.png">You've seen mine, let's see yours.</state>
@@ -1606,26 +1603,26 @@
                 <state img="5-interested.png">Aren't you being a little rough, ~name~?</state>
             <case tag="female_removed_minor">
-                <state img="5-interested.png">There's something sexy about seeing your ~clothing~ on the floor.</state>
                 <state img="5-calm.png">At least that's out of the way now.</state>
-                <state img="5-horny.png">If I had lost you would be looking at my pussy right now.</state>
+                <state img="5-interested.png">There's something sexy about seeing your ~clothing~ on the floor.</state>
                 <state img="5-horny.png">Most strip poker games end with everyone naked anyway.</state>
+                <state img="5-horny.png">If I had lost you would be looking at my pussy right now.</state>
             <case tag="male_crotch_will_be_visible">
                 <state img="5-calm.png">At least someone is doing worse than me.</state>
                 <state img="5-calm.png">I promise I won't stare more than you stared at my breasts.</state>
             <case tag="good_hand">
-                <state img="5-happy.png">Maybe I can turn this around!</state>
                 <state img="5-calm.png">Nothing to worry about for now.</state>
                 <state img="5-calm.png">I'm safe.</state>
                 <state img="5-happy.png">Finally!</state>
+                <state img="5-happy.png">Maybe I can turn this around!</state>
             <case tag="okay_hand">
-                <state img="5-calm.png">Last piece of clothing, better make this count.</state>
                 <state img="5-sad.png">I need better than average at this point.</state>
                 <state img="5-confident.png">I am not afraid.</state>
                 <state img="5-sad.png">I was hoping for a lot more.</state>
+                <state img="5-calm.png">Last piece of clothing, better make this count.</state>
             <case tag="swap_cards">
                 <state img="5-calm.png">May I have ~cards~ cards?</state>
@@ -1635,10 +1632,10 @@
                 <state img="5-calm.png">~cards~ for me, please.</state>
             <case tag="bad_hand">
-                <state img="5-annoyed.png">I don't want to get naked... Well, I don't want to lose, at least.</state>
                 <state img="5-sad.png">Oh, not now.</state>
                 <state img="5-sad.png">This is a Zabi plot.</state>
                 <state img="5-interested.png">Clearly someone's cheating; I'll take it as a compliment.</state>
+                <state img="5-annoyed.png">I don't want to get naked... Well, I don't want to lose, at least.</state>
             <case tag="stripped">
                 <state img="5-stripped.png">Here they are.</state>
@@ -1666,22 +1663,22 @@
         <stage id="6">
             <case tag="female_must_strip">
-                <state img="6-happy.png">Perhaps you'll give me some naked company soon.</state>
-                <state img="6-confident.png">Looks like this naked lady will live to play another hand.</state>
-                <state img="6-calm.png">Give them a show. Trust me, it feels good.</state>
-                <state img="6-confident.png">Let's see what you're made of.</state>
                 <state img="6-confident.png">I expect you to pay the penalty.</state>
                 <state img="6-interested.png">I was hoping it would be you.</state>
                 <state img="6-confident.png">The moment of truth.</state>
+                <state img="6-confident.png">Let's see what you're made of.</state>
+                <state img="6-calm.png">Give them a show. Trust me, it feels good.</state>
+                <state img="6-happy.png">Perhaps you'll give me some naked company soon.</state>
+                <state img="6-confident.png">Looks like this naked lady will live to play another hand.</state>
             <case tag="male_chest_will_be_visible">
                 <state img="6-calm.png">This game may be going poorly but this will cheer me up.</state>
                 <state img="6-happy.png">Yes, I really need a distraction from this predicament.</state>
             <case tag="female_removing_minor">
-                <state img="6-sad.png">I can't believe I'm naked and you still had your ~clothing~ on.</state>
-                <state img="6-annoyed.png">Damn it, I'm in no position to fight a battle of attrition right now.</state>
                 <state img="6-sad.png">Oh, just your ~clothing~.</state>
+                <state img="6-annoyed.png">Damn it, I'm in no position to fight a battle of attrition right now.</state>
+                <state img="6-sad.png">I can't believe I'm naked and you still had your ~clothing~ on.</state>
                 <state img="6-sad.png">I was hoping you'd be more generous.</state>
             <case tag="male_medium_crotch_is_visible">
@@ -1689,10 +1686,10 @@
                 <state img="6-confident.png">I see you've been enjoying the game.</state>
             <case tag="female_removed_major">
-                <state img="6-sad.png">And yet I'm still naked and you are not.</state>
-                <state img="6-interested.png">Are you sure you don't want to keep going?</state>
                 <state img="6-interested.png">That body is definitely not stock-issue.</state>
                 <state img="6-horny.png">Why hello.</state>
+                <state img="6-sad.png">And yet I'm still naked and you are not.</state>
+                <state img="6-interested.png">Are you sure you don't want to keep going?</state>
             <case tag="female_removed_major" target="elizabeth" targetStage="5">
                 <state img="6-interested.png">Your underwear looks perfectly fitting to me, milady.</state>
@@ -1709,10 +1706,10 @@
                 <state img="6-confident.png">Now to find out if ~name~ is a natural blonde.</state>
             <case tag="male_removed_minor">
-                <state img="6-calm.png">At least I'm in the game for another hand.</state>
                 <state img="6-interested.png">There's something sexy about seeing your ~clothing~ on the floor.</state>
-                <state img="6-confident.png">This is my last stand, I won't go down easily.</state>
                 <state img="6-horny.png">Most strip poker games end with everyone naked anyway.</state>
+                <state img="6-calm.png">At least I'm in the game for another hand.</state>
+                <state img="6-confident.png">This is my last stand, I won't go down easily.</state>
             <case tag="male_removed_accessory">
                 <state img="6-confident.png">Does seeing a woman like this intimidate you?</state>
@@ -1729,30 +1726,30 @@
                 <state img="6-annoyed.png">Seems like the girl who lost is having the most fun.</state>
             <case tag="female_human_must_strip">
-                <state img="6-happy.png">Perhaps you'll give me some naked company soon.</state>
-                <state img="6-confident.png">Looks like this naked lady will live to play another hand.</state>
-                <state img="6-calm.png">Give them a show. Trust me, it feels good.</state>
-                <state img="6-confident.png">Let's see what you're made of.</state>
                 <state img="6-confident.png">I expect you to pay the penalty.</state>
                 <state img="6-interested.png">I was hoping it would be you.</state>
                 <state img="6-confident.png">The moment of truth.</state>
+                <state img="6-confident.png">Let's see what you're made of.</state>
+                <state img="6-calm.png">Give them a show. Trust me, it feels good.</state>
+                <state img="6-happy.png">Perhaps you'll give me some naked company soon.</state>
+                <state img="6-confident.png">Looks like this naked lady will live to play another hand.</state>
             <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible">
-                <state img="6-horny.png"> I wish mine was as neat as yours.</state>
+                <state img="6-horny.png">I wish mine was as neat as yours.</state>
                 <state img="6-horny.png">So pretty, you're putting unrealistic expectations on the rest of us.</state>
             <case tag="female_start_masturbating">
-                <state img="6-horny.png">Do you like girls, ~name~? Does this do anything for you?</state>
                 <state img="6-interested.png">Don't rush! Do it properly.</state>
+                <state img="6-horny.png">Do you like girls, ~name~? Does this do anything for you?</state>
             <case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="alice">
                 <state img="6-horny.png">My father read me Lewis Carroll but he must have skipped this part.</state>
             <case tag="male_removing_major">
-                <state img="6-happy.png">This is a big leap in the right direction.</state>
-                <state img="6-calm.png">Here's hoping you are naked under your ~clothing~.</state>
                 <state img="6-happy.png">Time for a peek at your chassis.</state>
                 <state img="6-horny.png">Just a little bit more.</state>
+                <state img="6-happy.png">This is a big leap in the right direction.</state>
+                <state img="6-calm.png">Here's hoping you are naked under your ~clothing~.</state>
             <case tag="female_removed_accessory">
                 <state img="6-confident.png">Sooner or later we'll be naked together.</state>
@@ -1764,14 +1761,14 @@
                 <state img="6-annoyed.png">Don't worry, nobody is interested in your antique cowboy guns.</state>
             <case tag="male_removed_major">
-                <state img="6-sad.png">And yet I'm still naked and you are not.</state>
-                <state img="6-interested.png">Are you sure you don't want to keep going?</state>
                 <state img="6-interested.png">That body is definitely not stock-issue.</state>
                 <state img="6-horny.png">Why hello.</state>
+                <state img="6-sad.png">And yet I'm still naked and you are not.</state>
+                <state img="6-interested.png">Are you sure you don't want to keep going?</state>
             <case tag="male_start_masturbating">
-                <state img="6-horny.png">Does it help if I do this, ~name~?</state>
                 <state img="6-interested.png">Don't rush! Do it properly.</state>
+                <state img="6-horny.png">Does it help if I do this, ~name~?</state>
             <case tag="male_chest_is_visible">
                 <state img="6-calm.png">I'm not done with you by a long shot.</state>
@@ -1785,29 +1782,29 @@
                 <state img="6-interested.png">I grew up a republican but you are making an excellent case for monarchy, your highness.</state>
             <case tag="male_must_strip">
-                <state img="6-happy.png">Perhaps you'll give me some naked company soon.</state>
-                <state img="6-confident.png">Looks like this naked lady will live to play another hand.</state>
-                <state img="6-confident.png">Do you have something to hide?</state>
-                <state img="6-confident.png">Let's see what you're made of.</state>
                 <state img="6-confident.png">I expect you to pay the penalty.</state>
                 <state img="6-interested.png">I was hoping it would be you.</state>
                 <state img="6-confident.png">The moment of truth.</state>
+                <state img="6-confident.png">Let's see what you're made of.</state>
+                <state img="6-confident.png">Do you have something to hide?</state>
+                <state img="6-happy.png">Perhaps you'll give me some naked company soon.</state>
+                <state img="6-confident.png">Looks like this naked lady will live to play another hand.</state>
             <case tag="female_must_masturbate">
-                <state img="6-happy.png">That was a close call!</state>
                 <state img="6-interested.png">Will you do it standing or sitting down?</state>
+                <state img="6-happy.png">That was a close call!</state>
             <case tag="female_must_masturbate" target="d.va">
                 <state img="6-calm.png">With the enemy's only mobile suit pilot out of action I can focus on the remaining infantry.</state>
             <case tag="male_human_must_strip">
-                <state img="6-happy.png">Perhaps you'll give me some naked company soon.</state>
-                <state img="6-confident.png">Looks like this naked lady will live to play another hand.</state>
-                <state img="6-confident.png">Do you have something to hide?</state>
-                <state img="6-confident.png">Let's see what you're made of.</state>
                 <state img="6-confident.png">I expect you to pay the penalty.</state>
                 <state img="6-interested.png">I was hoping it would be you.</state>
                 <state img="6-confident.png">The moment of truth.</state>
+                <state img="6-confident.png">Let's see what you're made of.</state>
+                <state img="6-confident.png">Do you have something to hide?</state>
+                <state img="6-happy.png">Perhaps you'll give me some naked company soon.</state>
+                <state img="6-confident.png">Looks like this naked lady will live to play another hand.</state>
             <case tag="male_small_crotch_is_visible">
                 <state img="6-happy.png">So sweet!</state>
@@ -1847,10 +1844,10 @@
                 <state img="6-calm.png">A hard won victory. Why do I feel like I missed out somehow?</state>
             <case tag="female_removing_major">
-                <state img="6-happy.png">This is a big leap in the right direction.</state>
-                <state img="6-calm.png">Here's hoping you are naked under your ~clothing~.</state>
                 <state img="6-happy.png">Time for a peek at your chassis.</state>
                 <state img="6-horny.png">Just a little bit more.</state>
+                <state img="6-happy.png">This is a big leap in the right direction.</state>
+                <state img="6-calm.png">Here's hoping you are naked under your ~clothing~.</state>
             <case tag="female_removing_major" target="d.va">
                 <state img="6-calm.png">Don't worry, Hana; you should be safe without a normal suit in here.</state>
@@ -1859,18 +1856,18 @@
                 <state img="6-calm.png">I'm sure the room is pressurized, Samus; there's no need for a normal suit.</state>
             <case tag="male_removing_minor">
-                <state img="6-sad.png">I can't believe I'm naked and you still had your ~clothing~ on.</state>
-                <state img="6-annoyed.png">Damn it, I'm in no position to fight a battle of attrition right now.</state>
                 <state img="6-sad.png">Oh, just your ~clothing~.</state>
+                <state img="6-annoyed.png">Damn it, I'm in no position to fight a battle of attrition right now.</state>
+                <state img="6-sad.png">I can't believe I'm naked and you still had your ~clothing~ on.</state>
                 <state img="6-sad.png">I was hoping you'd be more generous.</state>
             <case tag="female_finished_masturbating">
-                <state img="6-horny.png"> How soon can you do it again? Just curious.</state>
-                <state img="6-interested.png"> Ooh, looks like there's been a violent decompression in the fore hangar bay.</state>
+                <state img="6-horny.png">How soon can you do it again? Just curious.</state>
+                <state img="6-interested.png">Ooh, looks like there's been a violent decompression in the fore hangar bay.</state>
             <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible">
-                <state img="6-calm.png">You're almost in my position now.</state>
                 <state img="6-calm.png">Now remember, it's not a contest.</state>
+                <state img="6-calm.png">You're almost in my position now.</state>
             <case filter="shy" tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" totalFemales="5">
                 <state img="6-calm.png">Don't be nervous, ~name~. We're all girls here.</state>
@@ -1880,10 +1877,10 @@
                 <state img="6-annoyed.png">Do you have to be so loud, ~name~? I'm hanging on by a thread here.</state>
             <case tag="female_removed_minor">
-                <state img="6-calm.png">At least I'm in the game for another hand.</state>
                 <state img="6-interested.png">There's something sexy about seeing your ~clothing~ on the floor.</state>
-                <state img="6-confident.png">This is my last stand, I won't go down easily.</state>
                 <state img="6-horny.png">Most strip poker games end with everyone naked anyway.</state>
+                <state img="6-calm.png">At least I'm in the game for another hand.</state>
+                <state img="6-confident.png">This is my last stand, I won't go down easily.</state>
             <case tag="male_crotch_will_be_visible">
                 <state img="6-calm.png">I've showed you mine; now show me yours.</state>
@@ -2105,9 +2102,6 @@
                 <state img="7-masturbating4.png">Way to kill the mood.</state>
                 <state img="7-masturbating2.png">I can think of some way more creative uses for your ~clothing~.</state>
-            <case tag="game_over_victory">
-                <state img="7-calm.png">Remember, defeat is just a word. It doesn't matter as long as you keep fighting.</state>
-            </case>
             <case tag="female_removing_major">
                 <state img="7-masturbating1.png">Mmmm, yes.</state>
                 <state img="7-masturbating4.png">Yes, give me what I need.</state>
@@ -2121,7 +2115,7 @@
                 <state img="7-masturbating1.png">I don't know why but that is actually pretty hot.</state>
             <case tag="female_finished_masturbating">
-                <state img="7-masturbating4.png"> I'm right behind you!</state>
+                <state img="7-masturbating4.png">I'm right behind you!</state>
                 <state img="7-masturbating3.png">Excellent, now help me catch up!</state>
             <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible">
@@ -2153,7 +2147,7 @@
                 <state img="7-masturbating4.png">The MS-04 Bugu was the high-performance prototype for the mass-produced Zaku, much like the Gundam was to the GM.</state>
             <case tag="finishing_masturbating">
-                <state img="7-orgasm.png"> G-fighter taking-ghh oooffff! Hhnghih!</state>
+                <state img="7-orgasm.png">G-fighter taking-ghh oooffff! Hhnghih!</state>
             <case tag="heavy_masturbating">
                 <state img="7-masturbating_heavy1.png">The MSM-03 Gogg, designed for -hnhh- amphibious combat and operation in wet biomes that are just dripping and soo soft.</state>
@@ -2227,8 +2221,8 @@
                 <state img="8-annoyed.png">Please, just do it or chicken out already.</state>
             <case tag="female_masturbating">
-                <state img="8-horny.png"> Are you thinking of me, ~name~? I thought about you.</state>
                 <state img="8-horny.png">I wish I could do it like you, ~name~, you make it look like a dance.</state>
+                <state img="8-horny.png">Are you thinking of me, ~name~? I thought about you.</state>
             <case tag="female_human_must_strip">
                 <state img="8-calm.png">You guys are still playing?</state>
@@ -2354,9 +2348,6 @@
                 <state img="8-awkward.png">So do I just... stand here now?</state>
                 <state img="8-annoyed.png">I can't believe you still haven't taken all your accessories off.</state>
-            <case tag="game_over_victory">
-                <state img="8-calm.png">Remember, defeat is just a word. It doesn't matter as long as you keep fighting.</state>
-            </case>
             <case tag="female_removing_major">
                 <state img="8-calm.png">Looks like the game is wrapping up.</state>
                 <state img="8-calm.png">I thought you would never take that off.</state>
@@ -2376,8 +2367,8 @@
                 <state img="8-annoyed.png">Just get naked already.</state>
             <case tag="female_finished_masturbating">
+                <state img="8-interested.png">Ooh, looks like there's been a violent decompression in the fore hangar bay.</state>
                 <state img="8-salute.png">Stand at ease!</state>
-                <state img="8-interested.png"> Ooh, looks like there's been a violent decompression in the fore hangar bay.</state>
             <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible">
                 <state img="8-calm.png">I imagined them earlier.</state>
@@ -2414,5 +2405,4 @@
diff --git a/opponents/sayla/markers.xml b/opponents/sayla/markers.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..12c501ec0cfa091cae3b1ba19481cd2c9d7ce644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opponents/sayla/markers.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
+    <marker scope="Public" name="sayla_boots_back_later" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="sayla_boots_leather" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="sayla_chest_be_grateful" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="sayla_chest_been_waiting" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="sayla_chest_in_a_hurry" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="sayla_chest_okay_to_look" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="sayla_chest_smaller_lately" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="sayla_naked_pass_inspection" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="sayla_naked_seen_a_woman" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="sayla_naked_so_dramatic" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="sayla_naked_you_happy" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="sayla_tights_hope_not_ripped" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="sayla_tights_make_skirt_ride_up" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="sayla_tights_no_steal" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="sayla_tights_peel_off" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="sayla_tights_quality" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="sayla_tights_valuable" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="sayla_two_piece_reminder" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="sayla_uniform_merciless" />
diff --git a/opponents/sayla/meta.xml b/opponents/sayla/meta.xml
index 1caa6435c52eedd34f24b4c447c9d92c26b16e14..f63e4edafa8ce971c41ce7939db9704f290e41bd 100644
--- a/opponents/sayla/meta.xml
+++ b/opponents/sayla/meta.xml
@@ -15,20 +15,20 @@
-	<tag>sayla</tag>
-	<tag>gundam</tag>
-	<tag>anime</tag>
-	<tag>sci-fi</tag>
-	<tag>space</tag>
-	<tag>future</tag>
-	<tag>short_hair</tag>
-	<tag>blue_eyes</tag>
-	<tag>tan_lines</tag>
-	<tag>fair-skinned</tag>
-	<tag>hairy</tag>
-	<tag>medium_breasts</tag>
-	<tag>military</tag>
-	<tag>hero</tag>
+        <tag>sayla</tag>
+        <tag>gundam</tag>
+        <tag>anime</tag>
+        <tag>sci-fi</tag>
+        <tag>space</tag>
+        <tag>future</tag>
+        <tag>short_hair</tag>
+        <tag>blue_eyes</tag>
+        <tag>tan_lines</tag>
+        <tag>fair-skinned</tag>
+        <tag>hairy</tag>
+        <tag>medium_breasts</tag>
+        <tag>military</tag>
+        <tag>hero</tag>
diff --git a/opponents/seven/behaviour.xml b/opponents/seven/behaviour.xml
index 4152c0a64ed8ddea095756657928a9651d596c81..c0868192a07c42f4acd32251ba8a18fba24df2dc 100644
--- a/opponents/seven/behaviour.xml
+++ b/opponents/seven/behaviour.xml
@@ -1,31 +1,32 @@
 <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
+<!--This file was machine generated using the Character Editor v2.1 at 5:51:42 PM on September 03, 2018. Please do not edit it directly without preserving your improvements elsewhere or your changes may be lost the next time this file is generated.-->
     <last>of Nine</last>
-	<tag>seven</tag>
-	<tag>star_trek</tag>
-	<tag>future</tag>
-	<tag>space</tag>
-	<tag>tv_show</tag>
-	<tag>short_hair</tag>
-	<tag>blue_eyes</tag>
-	<tag>fair-skinned</tag>
-	<tag>athletic</tag>
-	<tag>large_breasts</tag>
-	<tag>bi-curious</tag>
+        <tag>seven</tag>
+        <tag>star_trek</tag>
+        <tag>future</tag>
+        <tag>space</tag>
+        <tag>tv_show</tag>
+        <tag>short_hair</tag>
+        <tag>blue_eyes</tag>
+        <tag>fair-skinned</tag>
+        <tag>athletic</tag>
+        <tag>large_breasts</tag>
+        <tag>bi-curious</tag>
-        <tag>blunt</tag>
-	<tag>smart</tag>
+        <tag>smart</tag>
@@ -41,139 +42,78 @@
         <stage id="0">
-			<case tag="female_must_strip" targetStage="0" target="samus">
-				<state img="0-happy.png">Samus, I seee that you also appreciate the functionality of a full bodysuit.</state>
-			</case>
-<case tag="female_must_strip" targetStage="0" target="d.va">
-<state img="0-happy.png">It has too much flair for my taste, but I still admire your bodysuit, D.Va.</state>
-<case tag="female_must_strip" targetStage="0" target="buffy">
-<state img="0-calm.png">There is no such thing as the supernatural, Ms. Summers. All phenomenon can be explained scientifically.</state>
-<case tag="female_must_strip" targetStage="0" target="mercy">
-<state img="0-calm.png">A doctor? Perhaps you would like to meet Voyager's holograhpic physician, Mercy.</state>
-<case tag="female_must_strip" targetStage="0" target="tracer">
-<state img="0-calm.png">The ability to bend time at will? How perplexing.</state>
-<case tag="female_must_strip" targetStage="0" target="rosalina">
-<state img="0-angry.png">A space princess? How absurd.</state>
-<case tag="female_must_strip" targetStage="0" target="hermione">
-<state img="0-angry.png">There is no such thing as "magic."</state>
-<case tag="female_must_strip" targetStage="0" target="shantae">
-<state img="0-angry.png">A genie? Please.</state>
-<case tag="female_must_strip" targetStage="0" target="tifa">
-<state img="0-calm.png">You should look into getting a bodysuit, Tifa. Top heavy women like us need extra support for combat situations.</state>
-<case tag="female_must_strip" targetStage="0" target="peach">
-<state img="0-angry.png">What? Are you expecting someone to rescue you?</state>
-<case tag="female_must_strip" targetStage="0" target="misty">
-<state img="0-calm.png">Those suspenders would be unnecessary if you saw the utilitarian qualities of a full bodysuit.</state>
-<case tag="female_must_strip" targetStage="0" target="mia">
-<state img="0-happy.png">An attorney? It is refreshing to see someone with a more practical occupation than "princess" or "genie."</state>
-<case tag="female_must_strip" targetStage="0" target="revy">
-<state img="0-shocked.png">What a vulgar woman.</state>
-<case tag="female_must_strip" targetStage="0" target="spooky">
-<state img="0-angry.png">A ghost? Please.</state>
-<case tag="female_must_strip" targetStage="0" target="kim">
-<state img="0-calm.png">It appears you may be a bit over your head, cheerleader.</state>
-<case tag="female_must_strip" targetStage="0" target="lara">
-<state img="0-calm.png">I understand you still use a bow, Ms. Croft? I should have Voyager send you a phaser.</state>
-<case tag="female_must_strip" targetStage="0" target="elizabeth">
-<state img="0-angry.png">What an impractical outfit. You will be happier discarding it.</state>
-<case tag="female_must_strip" targetStage="0" target="moon">
-<state img="0-shocked.png">Is this level of eagerness normal?</state>
-<case tag="female_must_strip" targetStage="0" target="gogo">
-<state img="0-calm.png">I heard you have a lab, GoGo. I am sure that it can not compare with the facilities on Voyager, however.</state>
-<case tag="female_must_strip" targetStage="0" target="arwen">
-<state img="0-calm.png">My records make no mention of a species called "elves" ... or of any place called "Middle-earth."</state>
-<case tag="female_must_strip" targetStage="0" target="leela">
-<state img="0-calm.png">I have never seen one of your species before, Leela. I will have to add your specificiations to Voyager's logs.</state>
-<case tag="female_must_strip" targetStage="0" target="elaine">
-<state img="0-angry.png">I am afraid you will not be able to solve your way out of this puzzle.</state>
-			<case tag="female_must_strip">
+            <case tag="female_must_strip">
                 <state img="0-calm.png">It appears you have lost, ~name~.</state>
                 <state img="0-calm.png">According to the rules, you must remove a piece of clothing.</state>
                 <state img="0-calm.png">If you are experiencing feelings of embarrassment or modesty, you will have to ignore them.</state>
                 <state img="0-calm.png">You have lost. Prepare to strip, ~name~.</state>
+            <case tag="female_must_strip" target="arwen" targetStage="0">
+                <state img="0-calm.png">My records make no mention of a species called "elves" ... or of any place called "Middle-earth."</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_must_strip" target="buffy" targetStage="0">
+                <state img="0-calm.png">There is no such thing as the supernatural, Ms. Summers. All phenomenon can be explained scientifically.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_must_strip" target="d.va" targetStage="0">
+                <state img="0-happy.png">It has too much flair for my taste, but I still admire your bodysuit, D.Va.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_must_strip" target="elaine" targetStage="0">
+                <state img="0-angry.png">I am afraid you will not be able to solve your way out of this puzzle.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_must_strip" target="elizabeth" targetStage="0">
+                <state img="0-angry.png">What an impractical outfit. You will be happier discarding it.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_must_strip" target="gogo" targetStage="0">
+                <state img="0-calm.png">I heard you have a lab, GoGo. I am sure that it can not compare with the facilities on Voyager, however.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_must_strip" target="hermione" targetStage="0">
+                <state img="0-angry.png">There is no such thing as "magic."</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_must_strip" target="kim" targetStage="0">
+                <state img="0-calm.png">It appears you may be a bit over your head, cheerleader.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_must_strip" target="lara" targetStage="0">
+                <state img="0-calm.png">I understand you still use a bow, Ms. Croft? I should have Voyager send you a phaser.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_must_strip" target="leela" targetStage="0">
+                <state img="0-calm.png">I have never seen one of your species before, Leela. I will have to add your specificiations to Voyager's logs.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_must_strip" target="mercy" targetStage="0">
+                <state img="0-calm.png">A doctor? Perhaps you would like to meet Voyager's holograhpic physician, Mercy.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_must_strip" target="mia" targetStage="0">
+                <state img="0-happy.png">An attorney? It is refreshing to see someone with a more practical occupation than "princess" or "genie."</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_must_strip" target="misty" targetStage="0">
+                <state img="0-calm.png">Those suspenders would be unnecessary if you saw the utilitarian qualities of a full bodysuit.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_must_strip" target="moon" targetStage="0">
+                <state img="0-shocked.png">Is this level of eagerness normal?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_must_strip" target="peach" targetStage="0">
+                <state img="0-angry.png">What? Are you expecting someone to rescue you?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_must_strip" target="revy" targetStage="0">
+                <state img="0-shocked.png">What a vulgar woman.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_must_strip" target="rosalina" targetStage="0">
+                <state img="0-angry.png">A space princess? How absurd.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_must_strip" target="samus" targetStage="0">
+                <state img="0-happy.png">Samus, I seee that you also appreciate the functionality of a full bodysuit.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_must_strip" target="shantae" targetStage="0">
+                <state img="0-angry.png">A genie? Please.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_must_strip" target="spooky" targetStage="0">
+                <state img="0-angry.png">A ghost? Please.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_must_strip" target="tifa" targetStage="0">
+                <state img="0-calm.png">You should look into getting a bodysuit, Tifa. Top heavy women like us need extra support for combat situations.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_must_strip" target="tracer" targetStage="0">
+                <state img="0-calm.png">The ability to bend time at will? How perplexing.</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="male_chest_will_be_visible">
                 <state img="0-calm.png">Well? You have lost. Proceed.</state>
@@ -219,7 +159,7 @@
                 <state img="0-calm.png">It appears you have lost, ~name~.</state>
                 <state img="0-calm.png">According to the rules, you must remove a piece of clothing.</state>
                 <state img="0-calm.png">You have lost. Prepare to strip, ~name~.</state>
-                <state img="0-calm.png"> If you are experiencing feelings of embarrassment or modesty, you will have to ignore them.</state>
+                <state img="0-calm.png">If you are experiencing feelings of embarrassment or modesty, you will have to ignore them.</state>
             <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible">
                 <state img="0-embarrassed.png">I do not understand why seeing another female's genitalia is having such an effect on me.</state>
@@ -355,9 +295,6 @@
             <case tag="bad_hand">
                 <state img="0-calm.png">How unfortunate.</state>
-            <case tag="stripped">
-                <state img="0-sad.png">I miss my ~clothing~ already...</state>
-            </case>
             <case tag="must_strip_normal">
                 <state img="0-loss.png">I do not understand why you desire to see me discard my clothing.</state>
@@ -373,143 +310,78 @@
         <stage id="1">
-       <case tag="female_must_strip" targetStage="0" target="samus">
-<state img="1-happy.png">Samus, I seee that you also appreciate the functionality of a full bodysuit.</state>
-<case tag="female_must_strip" targetStage="0" target="d.va">
-<state img="1-happy.png">It has too much flair for my taste, but I still admire your bodysuit, D.Va.</state>
-<case tag="female_must_strip" targetStage="0" target="buffy">
-<state img="1-calm.png">There is no such thing as the supernatural, Ms. Summers. All phenomenon can be explained scientifically.</state>
-<case tag="female_must_strip" targetStage="0" target="mercy">
-<state img="1-calm.png">A doctor? Perhaps you would like to meet Voyager's holograhpic physician, Mercy.</state>
-<case tag="female_must_strip" targetStage="0" target="tracer">
-<state img="1-calm.png">The ability to bend time at will? How perplexing.</state>
-<case tag="female_must_strip" targetStage="0" target="rosalina">
-<state img="1-angry.png">A space princess? How absurd.</state>
-<case tag="female_must_strip" targetStage="0" target="hermione">
-<state img="1-angry.png">There is no such thing as "magic."</state>
-<case tag="female_must_strip" targetStage="0" target="shantae">
-<state img="1-angry.png">A genie? Please.</state>
-<case tag="female_must_strip" targetStage="0" target="tifa">
-<state img="1-calm.png">You should look into getting a bodysuit, Tifa. Top heavy women like us need extra support for combat situations.</state>
-<case tag="female_must_strip" targetStage="0" target="peach">
-<state img="1-angry.png">What? Are you expecting someone to rescue you?</state>
-<case tag="female_must_strip" targetStage="0" target="misty">
-<state img="1-calm.png">Those suspenders would be unnecessary if you saw the utilitarian qualities of a full bodysuit.</state>
-<case tag="female_must_strip" targetStage="0" target="mia">
-<state img="1-happy.png">An attorney? It is refreshing to see someone with a more practical occupation than "princess" or "genie."</state>
-<case tag="female_must_strip" targetStage="0" target="revy">
-<state img="1-shocked.png">What a vulgar woman.</state>
-<case tag="female_must_strip" targetStage="0" target="spooky">
-<state img="1-angry.png">A ghost? Please.</state>
-<case tag="female_must_strip" targetStage="0" target="kim">
-<state img="1-calm.png">It appears you may be a bit over your head, cheerleader.</state>
-<case tag="female_must_strip" targetStage="0" target="lara">
-<state img="1-calm.png">I understand you still use a bow, Ms. Croft? I should have Voyager send you a phaser.</state>
-<case tag="female_must_strip" targetStage="0" target="elizabeth">
-<state img="1-angry.png">What an impractical outfit. You will be happier discarding it.</state>
-<case tag="female_must_strip" targetStage="0" target="elaine">
-<state img="1-angry.png">I am afraid you will not be able to solve your way out of this puzzle.</state>
-<case tag="female_must_strip" targetStage="0" target="moon">
-<state img="1-shocked.png">Is this level of eagerness normal?</state>
-<case tag="female_must_strip" targetStage="0" target="gogo">
-<state img="1-calm.png">I heard you have a lab, GoGo. I am sure that it can not compare with the facilities on Voyager, however.</state>
-<case tag="female_must_strip" targetStage="0" target="arwen">
-<state img="1-calm.png">My records make no mention of a species called "elves" ... or of any place called "Middle-earth."</state>
-<case tag="female_must_strip" targetStage="0" target="leela">
-<state img="1-calm.png">I have never seen one of your species before, Leela. I will have to add your specificiations to Voyager's logs.</state>
-</case>     <case tag="female_must_strip">
+            <case tag="female_must_strip">
                 <state img="1-calm.png">It appears you have lost, ~name~.</state>
                 <state img="1-calm.png">According to the rules, you must remove a piece of clothing.</state>
                 <state img="1-calm.png">If you are experiencing feelings of embarrassment or modesty, you will have to ignore them.</state>
                 <state img="1-calm.png">You have lost. Prepare to strip, ~name~.</state>
+            <case tag="female_must_strip" target="arwen" targetStage="0">
+                <state img="1-calm.png">My records make no mention of a species called "elves" ... or of any place called "Middle-earth."</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_must_strip" target="buffy" targetStage="0">
+                <state img="1-calm.png">There is no such thing as the supernatural, Ms. Summers. All phenomenon can be explained scientifically.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_must_strip" target="d.va" targetStage="0">
+                <state img="1-happy.png">It has too much flair for my taste, but I still admire your bodysuit, D.Va.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_must_strip" target="elaine" targetStage="0">
+                <state img="1-angry.png">I am afraid you will not be able to solve your way out of this puzzle.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_must_strip" target="elizabeth" targetStage="0">
+                <state img="1-angry.png">What an impractical outfit. You will be happier discarding it.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_must_strip" target="gogo" targetStage="0">
+                <state img="1-calm.png">I heard you have a lab, GoGo. I am sure that it can not compare with the facilities on Voyager, however.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_must_strip" target="hermione" targetStage="0">
+                <state img="1-angry.png">There is no such thing as "magic."</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_must_strip" target="kim" targetStage="0">
+                <state img="1-calm.png">It appears you may be a bit over your head, cheerleader.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_must_strip" target="lara" targetStage="0">
+                <state img="1-calm.png">I understand you still use a bow, Ms. Croft? I should have Voyager send you a phaser.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_must_strip" target="leela" targetStage="0">
+                <state img="1-calm.png">I have never seen one of your species before, Leela. I will have to add your specificiations to Voyager's logs.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_must_strip" target="mercy" targetStage="0">
+                <state img="1-calm.png">A doctor? Perhaps you would like to meet Voyager's holograhpic physician, Mercy.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_must_strip" target="mia" targetStage="0">
+                <state img="1-happy.png">An attorney? It is refreshing to see someone with a more practical occupation than "princess" or "genie."</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_must_strip" target="misty" targetStage="0">
+                <state img="1-calm.png">Those suspenders would be unnecessary if you saw the utilitarian qualities of a full bodysuit.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_must_strip" target="moon" targetStage="0">
+                <state img="1-shocked.png">Is this level of eagerness normal?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_must_strip" target="peach" targetStage="0">
+                <state img="1-angry.png">What? Are you expecting someone to rescue you?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_must_strip" target="revy" targetStage="0">
+                <state img="1-shocked.png">What a vulgar woman.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_must_strip" target="rosalina" targetStage="0">
+                <state img="1-angry.png">A space princess? How absurd.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_must_strip" target="samus" targetStage="0">
+                <state img="1-happy.png">Samus, I seee that you also appreciate the functionality of a full bodysuit.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_must_strip" target="shantae" targetStage="0">
+                <state img="1-angry.png">A genie? Please.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_must_strip" target="spooky" targetStage="0">
+                <state img="1-angry.png">A ghost? Please.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_must_strip" target="tifa" targetStage="0">
+                <state img="1-calm.png">You should look into getting a bodysuit, Tifa. Top heavy women like us need extra support for combat situations.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case tag="female_must_strip" target="tracer" targetStage="0">
+                <state img="1-calm.png">The ability to bend time at will? How perplexing.</state>
+            </case>
             <case tag="male_chest_will_be_visible">
                 <state img="1-calm.png">Well? You have lost. Proceed.</state>
@@ -555,7 +427,7 @@
                 <state img="1-calm.png">It appears you have lost, ~name~.</state>
                 <state img="1-calm.png">According to the rules, you must remove a piece of clothing.</state>
                 <state img="1-calm.png">You have lost. Prepare to strip, ~name~.</state>
-                <state img="1-calm.png"> If you are experiencing feelings of embarrassment or modesty, you will have to ignore them.</state>
+                <state img="1-calm.png">If you are experiencing feelings of embarrassment or modesty, you will have to ignore them.</state>
             <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible">
                 <state img="1-embarrassed.png">I do not understand why seeing another female's genitalia is having such an effect on me.</state>
@@ -761,7 +633,7 @@
                 <state img="2-calm.png">It appears you have lost, ~name~.</state>
                 <state img="2-calm.png">According to the rules, you must remove a piece of clothing.</state>
                 <state img="2-calm.png">You have lost. Prepare to strip, ~name~.</state>
-                <state img="2-calm.png"> If you are experiencing feelings of embarrassment or modesty, you will have to ignore them.</state>
+                <state img="2-calm.png">If you are experiencing feelings of embarrassment or modesty, you will have to ignore them.</state>
             <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible">
                 <state img="2-embarrassed.png">I do not understand why seeing another female's genitalia is having such an effect on me.</state>
@@ -967,7 +839,7 @@
                 <state img="3-calm.png">It appears you have lost, ~name~.</state>
                 <state img="3-calm.png">According to the rules, you must remove a piece of clothing.</state>
                 <state img="3-calm.png">You have lost. Prepare to strip, ~name~.</state>
-                <state img="3-calm.png"> If you are experiencing feelings of embarrassment or modesty, you will have to ignore them.</state>
+                <state img="3-calm.png">If you are experiencing feelings of embarrassment or modesty, you will have to ignore them.</state>
             <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible">
                 <state img="3-embarrassed.png">I do not understand why seeing another female's genitalia is having such an effect on me.</state>
@@ -1325,9 +1197,9 @@
             <case tag="female_masturbating">
                 <state img="5-horny3.png">I never knew mutual masturbation could be so fulfilling!</state>
-                <state img="5-horny1.png">I ... mmphh ... I am impressed with your technique.</state>
                 <state img="5-horny1.png">Do you also feel good, ~name~?</state>
                 <state img="5-horny1.png">I ... mmphh ... I am impressed with your technique.</state>
+                <state img="5-horny1.png">I ... mmphh ... I am impressed with your technique.</state>
             <case tag="female_human_must_strip">
                 <state img="5-interested.png">Yes, watching you strip should help me achieve orgasm more efficiently.</state>
@@ -1402,9 +1274,6 @@
             <case tag="female_removing_accessory">
                 <state img="5-heavy.png">That small thing?</state>
-            <case tag="game_over_victory">
-                <state img="5-calm.png">I am not surprised. I do accept failure from myself.</state>
-            </case>
             <case tag="female_removing_major">
                 <state img="5-happy.png">It appears that you will be offering me some visual aid.</state>
                 <state img="5-horny2.png">Please ... take it off quickly.</state>
@@ -1567,9 +1436,6 @@
             <case tag="female_removing_accessory">
                 <state img="6-calm.png">Observing.</state>
-            <case tag="game_over_victory">
-                <state img="6-calm.png">I am not surprised. I do accept failure from myself.</state>
-            </case>
             <case tag="female_removing_major">
                 <state img="6-interested.png">I may have lost, but I can still enjoy this.</state>
                 <state img="6-interested.png">Be brave, ~name~.</state>
@@ -1613,9 +1479,9 @@
     <epilogue gender="male" img="sevenending1.jpg">
         <title>Seven's Experiment</title>
         <screen img="filename (including extension) of the background image for a screen. Also the start of a new screen" />
         <screen img="sevenending3.jpg">
@@ -1699,7 +1565,7 @@
         <screen img="sexanimation1.gif">
@@ -1716,8 +1582,7 @@
                 <content>I am curious ... how many crewmembers have thought about fornicating with me in this manner?</content>
+        </screen>
         <screen img="sexanimation1.gif">
@@ -1735,8 +1600,7 @@
                 <content>I wish to feel your seed fill up my insides.</content>
+        </screen>
         <screen img="sevenending5.jpg">
@@ -1754,14 +1618,13 @@
                 <content>I must confess that I enjoyed the feeling. Perhaps I should continue these kinds of experiments.</content>
-        <epilogue gender="female" img="sevenending1.jpg">
+    <epilogue gender="female" img="sevenending1.jpg">
         <title>Seven's Experiment</title>
         <screen img="filename (including extension) of the background image for a screen. Also the start of a new screen" />
         <screen img="sevenending3.jpg">
diff --git a/opponents/seven/markers.xml b/opponents/seven/markers.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f7e93a11a9af8683273ac80a8de89474de3c9e03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opponents/seven/markers.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
+<markers />
diff --git a/opponents/seven/meta.xml b/opponents/seven/meta.xml
index 3990da2cf1cc28c6e824296a4a272887c2625051..4277e31a8c535f80adf9d444b6fa402d5af8cb85 100644
--- a/opponents/seven/meta.xml
+++ b/opponents/seven/meta.xml
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
     <last>of Nine</last>
@@ -14,24 +15,23 @@
-	<tag>seven</tag>
-	<tag>star_trek</tag>
-	<tag>future</tag>
-	<tag>space</tag>
-	<tag>tv_show</tag>
-	<tag>short_hair</tag>
-	<tag>blue_eyes</tag>
-	<tag>fair-skinned</tag>
-	<tag>athletic</tag>
-	<tag>large_breasts</tag>
-	<tag>bi-curious</tag>
+        <tag>seven</tag>
+        <tag>star_trek</tag>
+        <tag>future</tag>
+        <tag>space</tag>
+        <tag>tv_show</tag>
+        <tag>short_hair</tag>
+        <tag>blue_eyes</tag>
+        <tag>fair-skinned</tag>
+        <tag>athletic</tag>
+        <tag>large_breasts</tag>
+        <tag>bi-curious</tag>
-        <tag>blunt</tag>
-	<tag>smart</tag>
+        <tag>smart</tag>
diff --git a/opponents/shantae/behaviour.xml b/opponents/shantae/behaviour.xml
index 350b796636d8eb35bdfc7583a745099b6169a1c9..96b90b65a9fbe87e22979fc4095ec13130f777f9 100644
--- a/opponents/shantae/behaviour.xml
+++ b/opponents/shantae/behaviour.xml
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
-    <!--This file was machine generated by make_xml.py version 1.46 in February 2018. Please do not edit it directly without preserving your improvements elsewhere or your changes may be lost the next time this file is generated.-->
+<!--This file was machine generated using the Character Editor v2.1 at 5:52:06 PM on September 03, 2018. Please do not edit it directly without preserving your improvements elsewhere or your changes may be lost the next time this file is generated.-->
     <last />
@@ -11,22 +11,22 @@
-	<tag>shantae_franchise</tag>
-	<tag>fantasy</tag>
-	<tag>exotic_hair</tag>
-	<tag>purple_hair</tag>
-	<tag>ponytail</tag>
-	<tag>long_hair</tag>
-	<tag>very_long_hair</tag>
-	<tag>blue_eyes</tag>
-	<tag>large_breasts</tag>
-	<tag>trimmed</tag>
-	<tag>spirit</tag>
-	<tag>pointy_ears</tag>
-	<tag>scantily-clad</tag>
-	<tag>hero</tag>
-	<tag>seductive</tag>
-	<tag>arabian</tag>
+        <tag>shantae_franchise</tag>
+        <tag>fantasy</tag>
+        <tag>exotic_hair</tag>
+        <tag>purple_hair</tag>
+        <tag>ponytail</tag>
+        <tag>long_hair</tag>
+        <tag>very_long_hair</tag>
+        <tag>blue_eyes</tag>
+        <tag>large_breasts</tag>
+        <tag>trimmed</tag>
+        <tag>spirit</tag>
+        <tag>pointy_ears</tag>
+        <tag>scantily-clad</tag>
+        <tag>hero</tag>
+        <tag>seductive</tag>
+        <tag>arabian</tag>
@@ -35,8 +35,9 @@
-        <tag>shantae</tag>
-	<tag>magic</tag>
+        <tag>supernatural</tag>
+        <tag>magic</tag>
+        <tag>adventurer</tag>
@@ -75,7 +76,7 @@
                 <state img="0-happy.png">You know how to party.</state>
                 <state img="0-playful.png">I won't let you show me up!</state>
-            <case notSaidMarker="first_piece" tag="female_removed_major">
+            <case tag="female_removed_major" notSaidMarker="first_piece">
                 <state img="0-playful.png">You know, ~name~, you're supposed to tease first and build up to the bigger reveals.</state>
             <case tag="female_removed_major" target="kim" targetStage="5">
@@ -124,7 +125,7 @@
                 <state img="0-shocked.png">You're already taking off your ~clothing~?</state>
                 <state img="0-shocked.png">Are you guys all speedrunning?</state>
-            <case notSaidMarker="first_piece" tag="male_removing_major">
+            <case tag="male_removing_major" notSaidMarker="first_piece">
                 <state img="0-shocked.png">Oh you're just diving right in!</state>
             <case tag="female_removed_accessory">
@@ -137,7 +138,7 @@
                 <state img="0-happy.png">You know how to party.</state>
                 <state img="0-playful.png">I won't let you show me up!</state>
-            <case notSaidMarker="first_piece" tag="male_removed_major">
+            <case tag="male_removed_major" notSaidMarker="first_piece">
                 <state img="0-playful.png">You know, ~name~, you're supposed to tease first and build up to the bigger reveals.</state>
             <case tag="male_start_masturbating">
@@ -150,7 +151,7 @@
             <case filter="athletic" tag="male_chest_is_visible">
                 <state img="0-interested.png">Whoa, ~name~, you've got the perfect body of a dancer!</state>
-            <case saidMarker="chest" tag="male_chest_is_visible">
+            <case tag="male_chest_is_visible" saidMarker="chest">
                 <state img="0-calm.png">They don't give you anything to grab onto.</state>
             <case tag="female_large_chest_is_visible">
@@ -198,7 +199,7 @@
                 <state img="0-shocked.png">Are you guys all speedrunning?</state>
                 <state img="0-shocked.png">You're already taking off your ~clothing~?</state>
-            <case notSaidMarker="first_piece" tag="female_removing_major">
+            <case tag="female_removing_major" notSaidMarker="first_piece">
                 <state img="0-shocked.png">Oh you're just diving right in!</state>
             <case tag="male_removing_minor">
@@ -247,9 +248,6 @@
                 <state img="0-playful.png">I might have to take the lead...</state>
                 <state img="0-playful.png">Now if you all were expecting some kind of burlesque show... You may be in for a treat...</state>
-            <case tag="stripped">
-                <state img="0-sad.png">I miss my ~clothing~ already...</state>
-            </case>
             <case tag="must_strip_normal">
                 <state img="0-loss.png">Alright, here goes.</state>
@@ -286,7 +284,7 @@
                 <state img="1-happy.png">You know how to party.</state>
                 <state img="1-playful.png">Looks like I've got some catching up to do...</state>
-            <case notSaidMarker="first_piece" tag="female_removed_major">
+            <case tag="female_removed_major" notSaidMarker="first_piece">
                 <state img="1-playful.png">You know, ~name~, you're supposed to tease first and build up to the bigger reveals.</state>
             <case tag="female_removed_major" target="kim" targetStage="5">
@@ -334,7 +332,7 @@
                 <state img="1-shocked.png">You're already taking off your ~clothing~?</state>
                 <state img="1-shocked.png">Whoa, slow down!</state>
-            <case notSaidMarker="first_piece" tag="male_removing_major">
+            <case tag="male_removing_major" notSaidMarker="first_piece">
                 <state img="1-shocked.png">Oh you're just diving right in!</state>
             <case tag="female_removed_accessory">
@@ -343,11 +341,11 @@
                 <state img="1-happy.png">Flashy accessories are an important part of any dancer's repertoire.</state>
             <case tag="male_removed_major">
-                <state img="1-playful.png">Looks like I've got some catching up to do...</state>
                 <state img="1-calm.png">I must be winning pretty hard.</state>
                 <state img="1-happy.png">You know how to party.</state>
+                <state img="1-playful.png">Looks like I've got some catching up to do...</state>
-            <case notSaidMarker="first_piece" tag="male_removed_major">
+            <case tag="male_removed_major" notSaidMarker="first_piece">
                 <state img="1-playful.png">You know, ~name~, you're supposed to tease first and build up to the bigger reveals.</state>
             <case tag="male_start_masturbating">
@@ -405,7 +403,7 @@
                 <state img="1-shocked.png">You're already taking off your ~clothing~?</state>
                 <state img="1-shocked.png">Whoa, slow down!</state>
-            <case notSaidMarker="first_piece" tag="female_removing_major">
+            <case tag="female_removing_major" notSaidMarker="first_piece">
                 <state img="1-shocked.png">Oh you're just diving right in!</state>
             <case tag="male_removing_minor">
@@ -486,11 +484,11 @@
                 <state img="2-interested.png">I've heard there are male dancers who like to twirl it.</state>
             <case tag="female_removed_major">
-                <state img="2-calm.png">I think I might be having more fun than you</state>
                 <state img="2-happy.png">You know how to party.</state>
+                <state img="2-calm.png">I think I might be having more fun than you</state>
                 <state img="2-happy.png">Doesn't it feel good to get that weight off, ~name~?</state>
-            <case notSaidMarker="first_piece" tag="female_removed_major">
+            <case tag="female_removed_major" notSaidMarker="first_piece">
                 <state img="2-playful.png">You know, ~name~, you're supposed to tease first and build up to the bigger reveals.</state>
             <case tag="female_removed_major" target="kim" targetStage="5">
@@ -539,7 +537,7 @@
                 <state img="2-playful.png">Yeah, take off your ~clothing~!</state>
                 <state img="2-playful.png">Yes, drop your ~clothing~ on the floor.</state>
-            <case notSaidMarker="first_piece" tag="male_removing_major">
+            <case tag="male_removing_major" notSaidMarker="first_piece">
                 <state img="2-shocked.png">Oh you're just diving right in!</state>
             <case tag="female_removed_accessory">
@@ -548,16 +546,16 @@
                 <state img="2-awkward.png">I thought it looked cute on you.</state>
             <case tag="male_removed_major">
-                <state img="2-calm.png">I think I might be having more fun than you.</state>
                 <state img="2-happy.png">You know how to party.</state>
+                <state img="2-calm.png">I think I might be having more fun than you.</state>
                 <state img="2-happy.png">Doesn't it feel good to get that weight off, ~name~?</state>
-            <case notSaidMarker="first_piece" tag="male_removed_major">
+            <case tag="male_removed_major" notSaidMarker="first_piece">
                 <state img="2-playful.png">You know, ~name~, you're supposed to tease first and build up to the bigger reveals.</state>
             <case tag="male_start_masturbating">
-                <state img="2-sad.png">Hmph, you're gonna get to have all the fun, aren't you?</state>
                 <state img="2-awkward.png">Hmm?</state>
+                <state img="2-sad.png">Hmph, you're gonna get to have all the fun, aren't you?</state>
             <case tag="male_chest_is_visible">
                 <state img="2-massage.png">My shoes and guantlets are off, and I'm really good at massages...</state>
@@ -609,7 +607,7 @@
                 <state img="2-playful.png">Yes, drop your ~clothing~ on the floor.</state>
                 <state img="2-playfulF.png">Let's get you into some more... skimpy clothing...</state>
-            <case notSaidMarker="first_piece" tag="female_removing_major">
+            <case tag="female_removing_major" notSaidMarker="first_piece">
                 <state img="2-shocked.png">Oh you're just diving right in!</state>
             <case tag="male_removing_minor">
@@ -690,7 +688,7 @@
                 <state img="3-interested.png">I guess that's a good trade for my jewels.</state>
                 <state img="3-playful.png">Wait another turn and I might join you.</state>
-            <case saidMarker="judge" tag="female_removed_major">
+            <case tag="female_removed_major" saidMarker="judge">
                 <state img="3-happy.png">The judge gives you a good score.</state>
             <case tag="female_removed_major" target="kim" targetStage="5">
@@ -703,8 +701,8 @@
                 <state img="3-angry.png">This is what you get for taking my jewels!</state>
             <case tag="male_removed_minor">
-                <state img="3-playful.png">Keep it up!</state>
                 <state img="3-calm.png">It's easier to dance without loose clothes getting in the way.</state>
+                <state img="3-playful.png">Keep it up!</state>
                 <state img="3-calm.png">A decent performance.</state>
             <case tag="male_removed_accessory">
@@ -743,7 +741,7 @@
                 <state img="3-interested.png">This was definitely worth losing my jewels.</state>
                 <state img="3-playful.png">Wait another turn and I might join you.</state>
-            <case saidMarker="judge" tag="male_removed_major">
+            <case tag="male_removed_major" saidMarker="judge">
                 <state img="3-happy.png">The judge gives you a good score.</state>
             <case tag="male_start_masturbating">
@@ -815,8 +813,8 @@
                 <state img="3-interested.png">Oh, this is so worth losing my jewels.</state>
             <case tag="female_removed_minor">
-                <state img="3-playful.png">Keep it up!</state>
                 <state img="3-calm.png">It's easier to dance without loose clothes getting in the way.</state>
+                <state img="3-playful.png">Keep it up!</state>
                 <state img="3-calm.png">A decent performance.</state>
             <case tag="male_crotch_will_be_visible">
@@ -825,7 +823,7 @@
             <case tag="good_hand">
                 <state img="3-happy.png">I'm gonna win.</state>
-            <case notSaidMarker="sally" tag="good_hand">
+            <case tag="good_hand" notSaidMarker="sally">
                 <state img="3-happy.png" marker="sally">Ooh... If I hold them like this... I can use them like a fan! Any Sally Rand enthusiats here?</state>
             <case tag="okay_hand">
@@ -918,8 +916,8 @@
                 <state img="4-interested.png">Now it's your turn to dance.</state>
             <case tag="female_masturbating">
-                <state img="4-interested.png">I lost my pants, ~name~. We might be able to compare dances soon.</state>
                 <state img="4-interested.png">I'm so used to everyone watching me. It's nice to be the spectator for once.</state>
+                <state img="4-interested.png">I lost my pants, ~name~. We might be able to compare dances soon.</state>
             <case tag="female_human_must_strip">
                 <state img="4-happy.png">Woo! Let's see some undressin'!</state>
@@ -935,7 +933,7 @@
             <case tag="female_start_masturbating">
                 <state img="4-interested.png">I can't wait to see how you move.</state>
-            <case filter="video_game" notSaidMarker="game" tag="female_start_masturbating">
+            <case filter="video_game" tag="female_start_masturbating" notSaidMarker="game">
                 <state img="4-playful.png" marker="game">So is your game more geared toward speedrunning, completionism, or multiplayer? Just curious.</state>
             <case tag="male_removing_major">
@@ -957,7 +955,7 @@
                 <state img="4-awkward.png">That's not much of a dance.</state>
                 <state img="4-playfulM.png">Do you take tips for touching your tip?</state>
-            <case filter="video_game" notSaidMarker="game" tag="male_start_masturbating">
+            <case filter="video_game" tag="male_start_masturbating" notSaidMarker="game">
                 <state img="4-playful.png" marker="game">So is your game more geared toward speedrunning, completionism, or multiplayer? Just curious.</state>
             <case tag="male_chest_is_visible">
@@ -1025,8 +1023,8 @@
             <case tag="male_masturbating">
                 <state img="4-sad.png">So guys don't move around as much as girls when they do it?</state>
-                <state img="4-horny.png">It's still hot to see, ~name~.</state>
                 <state img="4-interested.png">I'm so used to everyone watching me. It's nice to be the spectator for once.</state>
+                <state img="4-horny.png">It's still hot to see, ~name~.</state>
                 <state img="4-playful.png">Take a good look if you're needing any help.</state>
             <case tag="female_removed_minor">
@@ -1045,22 +1043,22 @@
             <case tag="okay_hand">
                 <state img="4-calm.png">This should do.</state>
-            <case notSaidMarker="party1" tag="okay_hand">
+            <case tag="okay_hand" notSaidMarker="party1">
                 <state img="4-calm.png" marker="party1">Anybody wanna have a dance party now?</state>
-            <case notSaidMarker="party2" saidMarker="party1" tag="okay_hand">
+            <case tag="okay_hand" notSaidMarker="party2" saidMarker="party1">
                 <state img="4-calm.png" marker="party2">Anybody wanna have a dance party later?</state>
-            <case notSaidMarker="party3" saidMarker="party2" tag="okay_hand">
+            <case tag="okay_hand" notSaidMarker="party3" saidMarker="party2">
                 <state img="4-awkward.png" marker="party3">Anybody wanna have a dance party tomorrow?</state>
-            <case notSaidMarker="party4" saidMarker="party3" tag="okay_hand">
+            <case tag="okay_hand" notSaidMarker="party4" saidMarker="party3">
                 <state img="4-awkward.png" marker="party4">Anybody wanna have a dance party next time?</state>
-            <case notSaidMarker="party5" saidMarker="party4" tag="okay_hand">
+            <case tag="okay_hand" notSaidMarker="party5" saidMarker="party4">
                 <state img="4-sad.png" marker="party5">Anybody wanna have a dance party at all?</state>
-            <case saidMarker="party5" tag="okay_hand">
+            <case tag="okay_hand" saidMarker="party5">
                 <state img="4-sad.png">Fine, I'll just be the life of my own party.</state>
             <case tag="swap_cards">
@@ -1144,9 +1142,9 @@
                 <state img="5-interested.png">I'm not the only one that has to perform for everyone.</state>
             <case tag="female_masturbating">
+                <state img="5-interested.png">I'm so used to everyone watching me. It's nice to be the spectator for once.</state>
                 <state img="5-playful.png">We might be able to compare dances soon, ~name~.</state>
                 <state img="5-playful.png">You look like you're having fun, ~name~.</state>
-                <state img="5-interested.png">I'm so used to everyone watching me. It's nice to be the spectator for once.</state>
             <case tag="female_human_must_strip">
                 <state img="5-happy.png">Yeah, ~name~'s turn! Now it's a party!</state>
@@ -1163,7 +1161,7 @@
             <case tag="female_start_masturbating">
                 <state img="5-interested.png">I can't wait to see how you move.</state>
-            <case filter="video_game" notSaidMarker="game" tag="female_start_masturbating">
+            <case filter="video_game" tag="female_start_masturbating" notSaidMarker="game">
                 <state img="5-playful.png" marker="game">So is your game more geared toward speedrunning, completionism, or multiplayer? Just curious.</state>
             <case tag="male_removing_major">
@@ -1185,7 +1183,7 @@
             <case tag="male_start_masturbating">
                 <state img="5-awkward.png">That's not much of a dance.</state>
-            <case filter="video_game" notSaidMarker="game" tag="male_start_masturbating">
+            <case filter="video_game" tag="male_start_masturbating" notSaidMarker="game">
                 <state img="5-playful.png" marker="game">So is your game more geared toward speedrunning, completionism, or multiplayer? Just curious.</state>
             <case tag="male_chest_is_visible">
@@ -1198,7 +1196,7 @@
             <case tag="female_large_chest_is_visible">
                 <state img="5-shocked.png">Geez, I don't know if your strong enough to get those moving.</state>
-            <case saidMarker="dance_with_me" tag="female_large_chest_is_visible">
+            <case tag="female_large_chest_is_visible" saidMarker="dance_with_me">
                 <state img="5-shocked.png">NO! Don't dance, you'll kill yourself!</state>
             <case tag="male_must_strip">
@@ -1235,8 +1233,8 @@
                 <state img="5-playfulF.png">~name~, twirl 'em around like this!</state>
             <case tag="female_removing_accessory">
-                <state img="5-sad.png">I don't think you know how this game works.</state>
                 <state img="5-sad.png">Your ~clothing~?</state>
+                <state img="5-sad.png">I don't think you know how this game works.</state>
             <case tag="game_over_victory">
                 <state img="5-playful.png">Good for you, most people never get to see this much.</state>
@@ -1259,9 +1257,9 @@
             <case tag="male_masturbating">
                 <state img="5-sad.png">So guys don't move around as much as girls when they do it?</state>
+                <state img="5-interested.png">I'm so used to everyone watching me. It's nice to be the spectator for once.</state>
                 <state img="5-horny.png">It's still hot to see, ~name~.</state>
                 <state img="5-playful.png">You look like you're having fun, ~name~.</state>
-                <state img="5-interested.png">I'm so used to everyone watching me. It's nice to be the spectator for once.</state>
             <case tag="female_removed_minor">
                 <state img="5-sad.png">You're not even trying to keep up with me are you?</state>
@@ -1329,8 +1327,8 @@
                 <state img="6-playfulM.png">If you wiggle your hips for me, I might return the favor.</state>
             <case tag="female_removed_major">
-                <state img="6-happy.png">Very sexy.</state>
                 <state img="6-interested.png">I never noticed how much sexier dancing is when your good bits are flopping about.</state>
+                <state img="6-happy.png">Very sexy.</state>
                 <state img="6-playful.png">You gotta get something meaty out next, your audience needs something to grab onto.</state>
             <case tag="female_removed_major" target="corrin_f">
@@ -1388,14 +1386,14 @@
             <case tag="female_start_masturbating">
                 <state img="6-interested.png">I can't wait to see how you move.</state>
-            <case filter="video_game" notSaidMarker="game" tag="female_start_masturbating">
+            <case filter="video_game" tag="female_start_masturbating" notSaidMarker="game">
                 <state img="6-playful.png" marker="game">So is your game more geared toward speedrunning, completionism, or multiplayer? Just curious.</state>
             <case tag="male_removing_major">
                 <state img="6-playful.png">Do a little strip-tease.</state>
                 <state img="6-playfulM.png">You gonna pull out anything I can grab hold of?</state>
-            <case saidMarker="tips" tag="male_removing_major">
+            <case tag="male_removing_major" saidMarker="tips">
                 <state img="6-playful.png">Do you take tips, too?</state>
             <case tag="female_removed_accessory">
@@ -1404,8 +1402,8 @@
                 <state img="6-angry.png">I don't think you understand why people play this game.</state>
             <case tag="male_removed_major">
-                <state img="6-horny.png">Very sexy.</state>
                 <state img="6-horny.png">I never noticed how much sexier dancing is when your good bits are flopping about.</state>
+                <state img="6-horny.png">Very sexy.</state>
                 <state img="6-horny.png">Mmm... you might make me do more than sweat...</state>
             <case tag="male_removed_major" target="corrin_m">
@@ -1414,7 +1412,7 @@
             <case tag="male_start_masturbating">
                 <state img="6-awkward.png">That's not much of a dance.</state>
-            <case filter="video_game" notSaidMarker="game" tag="male_start_masturbating">
+            <case filter="video_game" tag="male_start_masturbating" notSaidMarker="game">
                 <state img="6-playful.png" marker="game">So is your game more geared toward speedrunning, completionism, or multiplayer? Just curious.</state>
             <case tag="male_chest_is_visible">
@@ -1427,7 +1425,7 @@
             <case tag="female_large_chest_is_visible">
                 <state img="6-shocked.png">Geez, I don't know if your strong enough to get those moving.</state>
-            <case saidMarker="dance_with_me" tag="female_large_chest_is_visible">
+            <case tag="female_large_chest_is_visible" saidMarker="dance_with_me">
                 <state img="6-shocked.png">NO! Don't dance, you'll kill yourself!</state>
             <case tag="male_must_strip">
@@ -1463,8 +1461,8 @@
                 <state img="6-playfulF.png">~name~, twirl 'em around like this!</state>
             <case tag="female_removing_accessory">
-                <state img="6-sad.png">Seriously, your ~clothing~? Look, I still have my earrings, headband, and collar on, and I have no intention of wasting anyone's time taking them off.</state>
                 <state img="6-sad.png">Your ~clothing~?</state>
+                <state img="6-sad.png">Seriously, your ~clothing~? Look, I still have my earrings, headband, and collar on, and I have no intention of wasting anyone's time taking them off.</state>
             <case tag="game_over_victory">
                 <state img="6-playful.png">Aw... and I was all ready to perform for you guys.</state>
@@ -1487,9 +1485,9 @@
             <case tag="male_masturbating">
                 <state img="6-sad.png">So guys don't move around as much as girls when they do it?</state>
+                <state img="6-interested.png">I'm so used to everyone watching me. It's nice to be the spectator for once.</state>
                 <state img="6-horny.png">It's still hot to see, ~name~.</state>
                 <state img="6-horny.png">I feel like I'm missing out, ~name~. I might have to lose this next hand.</state>
-                <state img="6-interested.png">I'm so used to everyone watching me. It's nice to be the spectator for once.</state>
             <case tag="female_removed_minor">
                 <state img="6-sad.png">You suck...</state>
@@ -1558,7 +1556,7 @@
             <case tag="female_removed_major">
                 <state img="7-horny.png">*huff* *huff* *huff*</state>
-            <case saidMarker="move" tag="female_removed_major">
+            <case tag="female_removed_major" saidMarker="move">
                 <state img="7-happy.png">The guys like that.</state>
             <case tag="female_removed_major" target="kim" targetStage="5">
@@ -1566,8 +1564,8 @@
             <case tag="male_large_crotch_is_visible">
                 <state img="7-horny.png">Hey ~name~, if you bring that over here, I can show you a new dance I've been working on.</state>
-                <state img="7-interested.png">Hey! Lay on your back, and I can show everyone the new dance I'm working on.</state>
                 <state img="7-shocked.png">... ... Hang on... ... I gotta... turn into an elephant real quick...</state>
+                <state img="7-interested.png">Hey! Lay on your back, and I can show everyone the new dance I'm working on.</state>
             <case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible">
                 <state img="7-playful.png">Come on, ~name~. It's fun to show off.</state>
@@ -1664,9 +1662,6 @@
                 <state img="7-sad.png">Your ~clothing~?</state>
                 <state img="7-angry.png">There better be some titties hiding behind your ~clothing~!</state>
-            <case tag="game_over_victory">
-                <state img="7-happy.png">I WON!</state>
-            </case>
             <case tag="female_removing_major">
                 <state img="7-playful.png">Move your body while you take it off.</state>
                 <state img="7-horny.png" marker="move">Sorry I can't critique you're performance... I'm a little... preoccupied... at the moment...</state>
@@ -1777,7 +1772,7 @@
                 <state img="8-interested.png">Let's see it.</state>
                 <state img="8-interested.png">I'll be taking notes, ~name~.</state>
-            <case filter="video_game" notSaidMarker="game" tag="female_start_masturbating">
+            <case filter="video_game" tag="female_start_masturbating" notSaidMarker="game">
                 <state img="8-playful.png" marker="game">So is your game more geared toward speedrunning, completionism, or multiplayer? Just curious.</state>
             <case tag="male_removing_major">
@@ -1799,7 +1794,7 @@
                 <state img="8-awkward.png">That's not much of a dance.</state>
                 <state img="8-interested.png">I'll be taking notes, ~name~.</state>
-            <case filter="video_game" notSaidMarker="game" tag="male_start_masturbating">
+            <case filter="video_game" tag="male_start_masturbating" notSaidMarker="game">
                 <state img="8-playful.png" marker="game">So is your game more geared toward speedrunning, completionism, or multiplayer? Just curious.</state>
             <case tag="male_chest_is_visible">
@@ -1845,9 +1840,6 @@
                 <state img="8-sad.png">Your ~clothing~?</state>
                 <state img="8-awkward.png">I think you should reconsider why you're playing this game.</state>
-            <case tag="game_over_victory">
-                <state img="8-happy.png">I WON!</state>
-            </case>
             <case tag="female_removing_major">
                 <state img="8-happy.png">I may be done, but I'm still enjoying watching.</state>
                 <state img="8-horny.png">Go on...</state>
@@ -1886,9 +1878,9 @@
     <epilogue gender="any" img="ed7.jpg">
         <title>Private Dance</title>
         <screen img="ed1.jpg">
diff --git a/opponents/shantae/markers.xml b/opponents/shantae/markers.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c8f8395a34a478a9788a86bc0159db2ba7c382cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opponents/shantae/markers.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
+    <marker scope="Public" name="chest" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="dance_with_me" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="first_piece" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="game" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="judge" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="move" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="party1" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="party2" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="party3" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="party4" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="party5" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="sally" />
+    <marker scope="Public" name="tip" />
diff --git a/opponents/shantae/meta.xml b/opponents/shantae/meta.xml
index 65478b72e88b8f5788a9cc8d9e27f1817a39be0c..b1e90b6b4aecf778c1e9a6a9d4fab794ce285780 100644
--- a/opponents/shantae/meta.xml
+++ b/opponents/shantae/meta.xml
@@ -15,22 +15,22 @@
-	<tag>shantae_franchise</tag>
-	<tag>fantasy</tag>
-	<tag>exotic_hair</tag>
-	<tag>purple_hair</tag>
-	<tag>ponytail</tag>
-	<tag>long_hair</tag>
-	<tag>very_long_hair</tag>
-	<tag>blue_eyes</tag>
-	<tag>large_breasts</tag>
-	<tag>trimmed</tag>
-	<tag>spirit</tag>
-	<tag>pointy_ears</tag>
-	<tag>scantily-clad</tag>
-	<tag>hero</tag>
-	<tag>seductive</tag>
-	<tag>arabian</tag>
+        <tag>shantae_franchise</tag>
+        <tag>fantasy</tag>
+        <tag>exotic_hair</tag>
+        <tag>purple_hair</tag>
+        <tag>ponytail</tag>
+        <tag>long_hair</tag>
+        <tag>very_long_hair</tag>
+        <tag>blue_eyes</tag>
+        <tag>large_breasts</tag>
+        <tag>trimmed</tag>
+        <tag>spirit</tag>
+        <tag>pointy_ears</tag>
+        <tag>scantily-clad</tag>
+        <tag>hero</tag>
+        <tag>seductive</tag>
+        <tag>arabian</tag>
@@ -39,8 +39,9 @@
-        <tag>shantae</tag>
-	<tag>magic</tag>
+        <tag>supernatural</tag>
+        <tag>magic</tag>
+        <tag>adventurer</tag>
diff --git a/opponents/sonya/behaviour.xml b/opponents/sonya/behaviour.xml
index e071d0b310c599006dfbc0140984b2921e564539..f712357103547ea41b10d597cd3a3aa968e3146f 100644
--- a/opponents/sonya/behaviour.xml
+++ b/opponents/sonya/behaviour.xml
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
-    <!--This file was machine generated by make_xml.py version 1.45 in December 2017. Please do not edit it directly without preserving your improvements elsewhere or your changes may be lost the next time this file is generated.-->
+<!--This file was machine generated using the Character Editor v2.1 at 5:52:22 PM on September 03, 2018. Please do not edit it directly without preserving your improvements elsewhere or your changes may be lost the next time this file is generated.-->
@@ -11,17 +11,17 @@
-	<tag>sonya</tag>
-	<tag>mortal_kombat</tag>
-	<tag>short_hair</tag>
-	<tag>dark_eyes</tag>
-	<tag>fair-skinned</tag>
-	<tag>medium_breasts</tag>
-	<tag>muscled</tag>
-	<tag>weapon</tag>
-	<tag>gun</tag>
-	<tag>police</tag>
-	<tag>fighter</tag>
+        <tag>sonya</tag>
+        <tag>mortal_kombat</tag>
+        <tag>short_hair</tag>
+        <tag>dark_eyes</tag>
+        <tag>fair-skinned</tag>
+        <tag>medium_breasts</tag>
+        <tag>muscled</tag>
+        <tag>weapon</tag>
+        <tag>gun</tag>
+        <tag>police</tag>
+        <tag>fighter</tag>
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@
                 <state img="0-stern.png">Good. Rules are there for a reason, you know?</state>
             <case alsoPlaying="marinette" tag="female_must_strip" target="kim" targetStage="1">
-                <state img="0-calm.png" marker="young_heroes"> Both of you are superheroes? Mmm... I could take you under my wing and teach you how to defend yourselves properly.</state>
+                <state img="0-calm.png" marker="young_heroes">Both of you are superheroes? Mmm... I could take you under my wing and teach you how to defend yourselves properly.</state>
             <case tag="female_must_strip" target="misty" targetStage="4">
                 <state img="0-angry.png">You're gonna strip; and I don't give a shit if you like it or not!</state>
@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@
                 <state img="0-angry.png">What do ya think?</state>
             <case alsoPlaying="marinette" tag="female_removing_minor" target="kim" targetStage="1">
-                <state img="0-stern.png"> It won't be easy,and there will be times when you'll hate me, but if you're serious 'bout being heroes you should really consider my offer...</state>
+                <state img="0-stern.png">It won't be easy,and there will be times when you'll hate me, but if you're serious 'bout being heroes you should really consider my offer...</state>
             <case tag="female_removing_minor" target="kyoko" targetStage="5">
                 <state img="0-calm.png">So? Are you going somewhere with this?</state>
@@ -228,7 +228,7 @@
             <case tag="male_removed_minor">
                 <state img="0-angry.png">Do you have a death wish?</state>
                 <state img="0-angry.png">You're such an ass!</state>
-                <state img="0-angry.png"> ... Son of a bitch</state>
+                <state img="0-angry.png">... Son of a bitch</state>
             <case tag="male_removed_minor" target="xander" targetStage="2">
                 <state img="0-calm.png" marker="man_child">Great...Another charming Cage prodige.</state>
@@ -244,7 +244,7 @@
                 <state img="0-interested.png">You do know what's next for you, right?</state>
             <case tag="male_must_masturbate" target="captain_falcon">
-                <state img="0-interested.png">&#9835; <i>Go speed racer, go speed racer, go speed racer, gooooo!</i> &#9834;</state>
+                <state img="0-interested.png">♫ <i>Go speed racer, go speed racer, go speed racer, gooooo!</i> ♪</state>
             <case tag="male_must_masturbate" target="mettaton">
                 <state img="0-calm.png">Great, I was just wondering if there was any anatomical way to go and fuck yourself!</state>
@@ -476,18 +476,18 @@
             <case tag="female_must_masturbate" totalAlive="1">
                 <state img="0-interested.png">So... <i>You</i> are my final opponent...</state>
-            <case tag="female_must_masturbate" totalFinished="0" totalMasturbating="0">
+            <case tag="female_must_masturbate" totalMasturbating="0" totalFinished="0">
                 <state img="0-calm.png">Pay attention, kids. This will be your fate sooner rather than later.</state>
-            <case tag="female_must_masturbate" totalFinished="1" totalMasturbating="0">
+            <case tag="female_must_masturbate" totalMasturbating="0" totalFinished="1">
                 <state img="0-calm.png">One out. You're next!</state>
             <case tag="male_human_must_strip">
                 <state img="0-interested.png">OK, It's your turn. make it worth it.</state>
-                <state img="0-stern.png">Expect no mercy from me!</state>
                 <state img="0-calm.png">At least, you have your fighting spirit intact, that's good...</state>
                 <state img="0-confident.png">This is too easy.</state>
                 <state img="0-stern.png">As the highest ranked officer here, you need to strip now! That's an order, Private!</state>
+                <state img="0-stern.png">Expect no mercy from me!</state>
             <case tag="male_small_crotch_is_visible">
                 <state img="0-interested.png">Ha, ha, ha... How cute!</state>
@@ -700,7 +700,7 @@
                 <state img="0-shocked.png">That was fast...</state>
                 <state img="0-calm.png">I know you want to see mine, but that's not happening right now, is it?</state>
-            <case consecutiveLosses="3-6" tag="female_chest_will_be_visible">
+            <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" consecutiveLosses="3-6">
                 <state img="0-interested.png">You aren't very good at poker, are you?</state>
             <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" target="aimee">
@@ -734,7 +734,7 @@
             <case tag="female_removed_minor">
                 <state img="0-angry.png">Do you have a death wish?</state>
-                <state img="0-angry.png"> ... Son of a bitch</state>
+                <state img="0-angry.png">... Son of a bitch</state>
                 <state img="0-angry.png">You're such an ass!</state>
             <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="aimee" targetStage="2">
@@ -776,10 +776,10 @@
                 <state img="0-calm.png">What? Do you really think I'm telling you 'bout my hand? I ain't no amateur!</state>
                 <state img="0-stern.png">Not gonna put a pouty face 'cause I got a bad hand...</state>
-            <case alsoPlaying="aimee" alsoPlayingStage="0" notSaidMarker="gun" tag="good_hand">
+            <case alsoPlaying="aimee" alsoPlayingStage="0" tag="good_hand" notSaidMarker="gun">
                 <state img="0-calm.png" marker="gun">So, Aimee, you're carrying a gun right now? I hope you know how to use it...</state>
-            <case alsoPlaying="aimee" alsoPlayingStage="1" notSaidMarker="combat" tag="good_hand">
+            <case alsoPlaying="aimee" alsoPlayingStage="1" tag="good_hand" notSaidMarker="combat">
                 <state img="0-interested.png" marker="combat">Say, Gunslinger... Do ya have any combat experience? The Special Forces could really use a sniper with your abilities...</state>
             <case alsoPlaying="link" alsoPlayingHand="Two Pair" alsoPlayingStage="6" tag="good_hand">
@@ -788,7 +788,7 @@
             <case alsoPlaying="mei" alsoPlayingStage="0" tag="good_hand">
                 <state img="0-calm.png">Are you serious? It looks like you have over 100 things under your coat. Are you that cold?</state>
-            <case alsoPlaying="ryu" alsoPlayingHand="High Card" alsoPlayingStage="1" notSaidMarker="ryu" tag="good_hand">
+            <case alsoPlaying="ryu" alsoPlayingHand="High Card" alsoPlayingStage="1" tag="good_hand" notSaidMarker="ryu">
                 <state img="0-excited.png" marker="ryu">That can be arranged! Let's settle this Street Fighter vs Mortal Kombat debate once and for all...Don't worry, It'll be over in  a minute.</state>
             <case tag="good_hand" timeInStage="11-99">
@@ -799,10 +799,10 @@
                 <state img="0-confident.png">How high do you think my chances of success are? Let me remind you my name is Sonya freakin' Blade...</state>
                 <state img="0-calm.png">Are you prepared to lose?</state>
-            <case alsoPlaying="aimee" alsoPlayingStage="0" notSaidMarker="gun" tag="okay_hand">
+            <case alsoPlaying="aimee" alsoPlayingStage="0" tag="okay_hand" notSaidMarker="gun">
                 <state img="0-calm.png" marker="gun">So, Aimee, you're carrying a gun right now? I hope you know how to use it...</state>
-            <case alsoPlaying="ryu" alsoPlayingHand="High Card" alsoPlayingStage="1" notSaidMarker="ryu" tag="okay_hand">
+            <case alsoPlaying="ryu" alsoPlayingHand="High Card" alsoPlayingStage="1" tag="okay_hand" notSaidMarker="ryu">
                 <state img="0-excited.png" marker="ryu">That can be arranged! Let's settle this Street Fighter vs Mortal Kombat debate once and for all...Don't worry, It'll be over in  a minute.</state>
             <case tag="swap_cards">
@@ -815,12 +815,9 @@
                 <state img="0-calm.png">You think you can break my poker face?</state>
                 <state img="0-confident.png">You know I might be goating you into believing my hand's shit...C'mon and try me!</state>
-            <case alsoPlaying="aimee" alsoPlayingStage="0" notSaidMarker="gun" tag="bad_hand">
+            <case alsoPlaying="aimee" alsoPlayingStage="0" tag="bad_hand" notSaidMarker="gun">
                 <state img="0-calm.png" marker="gun">So, Aimee, you're carrying a gun right now? I hope you know how to use it...</state>
-            <case tag="stripped">
-                <state img="0-sad.png">I miss my ~clothing~ already...</state>
-            </case>
             <case tag="must_strip_normal">
                 <state img="0-loss.png">So, you might be worthy opponents after all.</state>
@@ -849,8 +846,8 @@
         <stage id="1">
             <case tag="female_must_strip">
                 <state img="1-confident.png">You're up next,  ~name~.</state>
-                <state img="1-interested.png">This should be interesting.</state>
                 <state img="1-confident.png">Piece of cake.</state>
+                <state img="1-interested.png">This should be interesting.</state>
             <case tag="female_must_strip" target="aimee" targetStage="0">
                 <state img="1-calm.png" marker="gunslinger">Alright, Gunslinger. Let's see what you got...</state>
@@ -874,7 +871,7 @@
                 <state img="1-stern.png">Good. Rules are there for a reason, you know?</state>
             <case alsoPlaying="marinette" tag="female_must_strip" target="kim" targetStage="1">
-                <state img="1-calm.png" marker="young_heroes"> Both of you are superheroes? Mmm... I could take you under my wing and teach you how to defend yourselves properly.</state>
+                <state img="1-calm.png" marker="young_heroes">Both of you are superheroes? Mmm... I could take you under my wing and teach you how to defend yourselves properly.</state>
             <case tag="female_must_strip" target="misty" targetStage="4">
                 <state img="1-angry.png">You're gonna strip; and I don't give a shit if you like it or not!</state>
@@ -926,7 +923,7 @@
                 <state img="1-angry.png">What do ya think?</state>
             <case alsoPlaying="marinette" tag="female_removing_minor" target="kim" targetStage="1">
-                <state img="1-stern.png"> It won't be easy,and there will be times when you'll hate me, but if you're serious 'bout being heroes you should really consider my offer...</state>
+                <state img="1-stern.png">It won't be easy,and there will be times when you'll hate me, but if you're serious 'bout being heroes you should really consider my offer...</state>
             <case tag="female_removing_minor" target="kyoko" targetStage="5">
                 <state img="1-calm.png">So? Are you going somewhere with this?</state>
@@ -947,8 +944,8 @@
             <case tag="female_removed_major">
                 <state img="1-calm.png">Hmm. You look good.Take the compliment and move on.</state>
-                <state img="1-confident.png">Do you really think you have a chance?</state>
                 <state img="1-confident.png">Nervous?</state>
+                <state img="1-confident.png">Do you really think you have a chance?</state>
             <case tag="female_removed_major" target="aimee" targetStage="1">
                 <state img="1-calm.png" marker="gunslinger">Impressive, Gunslinger!</state>
@@ -1034,7 +1031,7 @@
                 <state img="1-calm.png">You lost. Deal with it.</state>
             <case tag="male_must_masturbate" target="captain_falcon">
-                <state img="1-interested.png">&#9835; <i>Go speed racer, go speed racer, go speed racer, gooooo!</i> &#9834;</state>
+                <state img="1-interested.png">♫ <i>Go speed racer, go speed racer, go speed racer, gooooo!</i> ♪</state>
             <case tag="male_must_masturbate" target="mettaton">
                 <state img="1-calm.png">Great, I was just wondering if there was any anatomical way to go and fuck yourself!</state>
@@ -1047,8 +1044,8 @@
             <case tag="female_human_must_strip">
                 <state img="1-confident.png">No matter how hard you try, ~name~, the outcome will always be the same.</state>
                 <state img="1-happy.png">You're up next,  ~name~.</state>
-                <state img="1-interested.png">This should be interesting.</state>
                 <state img="1-confident.png">Piece of cake.</state>
+                <state img="1-interested.png">This should be interesting.</state>
             <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible">
                 <state img="1-confident.png">Not as pretty as mine. Not that you'll ever see it...</state>
@@ -1238,9 +1235,9 @@
             <case tag="male_must_strip">
                 <state img="1-confident.png">You're up next,  ~name~.</state>
-                <state img="1-interested.png">This should be interesting.</state>
                 <state img="1-confident.png">Piece of cake.</state>
                 <state img="1-confident.png">No matter how hard you try, ~name~, the outcome will always be the same.</state>
+                <state img="1-interested.png">This should be interesting.</state>
             <case tag="male_must_strip" target="xander" targetStage="0">
                 <state img="1-interested.png" marker="man_child">I doubt that, man-child.</state>
@@ -1268,17 +1265,17 @@
             <case tag="female_must_masturbate" totalAlive="1">
                 <state img="1-interested.png">So... <i>You</i> are my final opponent...</state>
-            <case tag="female_must_masturbate" totalFinished="0" totalMasturbating="0">
+            <case tag="female_must_masturbate" totalMasturbating="0" totalFinished="0">
                 <state img="1-calm.png">Pay attention, kids. This will be your fate sooner rather than later.</state>
-            <case tag="female_must_masturbate" totalFinished="1" totalMasturbating="0">
+            <case tag="female_must_masturbate" totalMasturbating="0" totalFinished="1">
                 <state img="1-calm.png">One out. You're next!</state>
             <case tag="male_human_must_strip">
                 <state img="1-confident.png">You're up next, ~name~.</state>
                 <state img="1-confident.png">Piece of cake.</state>
-                <state img="1-interested.png">This should be interesting.</state>
                 <state img="1-confident.png">No matter how hard you try, ~name~, the outcome will always be the same.</state>
+                <state img="1-interested.png">This should be interesting.</state>
             <case tag="male_small_crotch_is_visible">
                 <state img="1-calm.png">I now understand why you behave like a 3 year old...</state>
@@ -1480,7 +1477,7 @@
                 <state img="1-happy.png">You really thought you were gonna win this, didn't you? That was... well, naive.</state>
                 <state img="1-interested.png">I know a few guys on the agency that would be very happy to see this development.</state>
-            <case consecutiveLosses="3-6" tag="female_chest_will_be_visible">
+            <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" consecutiveLosses="3-6">
                 <state img="1-interested.png">You aren't very good at poker, are you?</state>
             <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" target="aimee">
@@ -1557,16 +1554,16 @@
             <case tag="good_hand">
                 <state img="1-calm.png">My hand is awesome. Don't believe me? try me...</state>
-                <state img="1-calm.png">Not telling you shit about my hand.</state>
                 <state img="1-stern.png">The only "hand" you need to worry 'bout is mine, 'cause I'll break your face if you keep asking me about my hand.</state>
+                <state img="1-calm.png">Not telling you shit about my hand.</state>
-            <case alsoPlaying="aimee" alsoPlayingStage="1" notSaidMarker="combat" tag="good_hand">
+            <case alsoPlaying="aimee" alsoPlayingStage="1" tag="good_hand" notSaidMarker="combat">
                 <state img="1-interested.png" marker="combat">Say, Gunslinger... Do ya have any combat experience? The Special Forces could really use a sniper with your abilities...</state>
             <case alsoPlaying="link" alsoPlayingHand="Two Pair" alsoPlayingStage="6" tag="good_hand">
                 <state img="1-calm.png">No you don't.</state>
-            <case alsoPlaying="ryu" alsoPlayingHand="High Card" alsoPlayingStage="1" notSaidMarker="ryu" tag="good_hand">
+            <case alsoPlaying="ryu" alsoPlayingHand="High Card" alsoPlayingStage="1" tag="good_hand" notSaidMarker="ryu">
                 <state img="1-excited.png" marker="ryu">That can be arranged! Let's settle this Street Fighter vs Mortal Kombat debate once and for all...Don't worry, It'll be over in  a minute.</state>
             <case tag="good_hand" timeInStage="11-99">
@@ -1577,7 +1574,7 @@
                 <state img="1-calm.png">Try reading into my poker face, I dare you.</state>
                 <state img="1-calm.png">You think I'm dumb enogh to give away info on my hand's strength?</state>
-            <case alsoPlaying="ryu" alsoPlayingHand="High Card" alsoPlayingStage="1" notSaidMarker="ryu" tag="okay_hand">
+            <case alsoPlaying="ryu" alsoPlayingHand="High Card" alsoPlayingStage="1" tag="okay_hand" notSaidMarker="ryu">
                 <state img="1-excited.png" marker="ryu">That can be arranged! Let's settle this Street Fighter vs Mortal Kombat debate once and for all...Don't worry, It'll be over in  a minute.</state>
             <case tag="swap_cards">
@@ -1619,8 +1616,8 @@
         <stage id="2">
             <case tag="female_must_strip">
                 <state img="2-stern.png">Expect no mercy from me!</state>
-                <state img="2-calm.png">Time to pay the piper.</state>
                 <state img="2-confident.png">Are you daydreaming about getting me naked? Snap out of it. I still have plenty of clothes, and more importantly; you lost the round.</state>
+                <state img="2-calm.png">Time to pay the piper.</state>
             <case tag="female_must_strip" target="aimee" targetStage="0">
                 <state img="2-calm.png" marker="gunslinger">Alright, Gunslinger. Let's see what you got...</state>
@@ -1644,7 +1641,7 @@
                 <state img="2-stern.png">Good. Rules are there for a reason, you know?</state>
             <case alsoPlaying="marinette" tag="female_must_strip" target="kim" targetStage="1">
-                <state img="2-calm.png" marker="young_heroes"> Both of you are superheroes? Mmm... I could take you under my wing and teach you how to defend yourselves properly.</state>
+                <state img="2-calm.png" marker="young_heroes">Both of you are superheroes? Mmm... I could take you under my wing and teach you how to defend yourselves properly.</state>
             <case tag="female_must_strip" target="misty" targetStage="4">
                 <state img="2-angry.png">You're gonna strip; and I don't give a shit if you like it or not!</state>
@@ -1669,16 +1666,16 @@
             <case tag="male_chest_will_be_visible">
                 <state img="2-calm.png">Lesson one: When a superior officer tells you that you have no chance, listen to her. Now strip, ~name~.</state>
-                <state img="2-interested.png">Interesting.</state>
                 <state img="2-calm.png">Enjoying the game?</state>
+                <state img="2-interested.png">Interesting.</state>
             <case tag="male_chest_will_be_visible" target="mettaton">
                 <state img="2-angry.png">Actually, I'm trying not to look at you at all, freak!</state>
             <case tag="female_removing_minor">
                 <state img="2-confident.png">You're writing cheques your ass can't cash, ~name~.</state>
-                <state img="2-calm.png">I'm waiting.</state>
                 <state img="2-calm.png">Make it count, ~name~.</state>
+                <state img="2-calm.png">I'm waiting.</state>
             <case alsoPlaying="marinette" alsoPlayingStage="8" tag="female_removing_minor">
                 <state img="2-interested.png">Who's Tikki, anyway? Aren't you a little too old to have imaginary friends, Marinette?</state>
@@ -1693,7 +1690,7 @@
                 <state img="2-angry.png">What do ya think?</state>
             <case alsoPlaying="marinette" tag="female_removing_minor" target="kim" targetStage="1">
-                <state img="2-stern.png"> It won't be easy,and there will be times when you'll hate me, but if you're serious 'bout being heroes you should really consider my offer...</state>
+                <state img="2-stern.png">It won't be easy,and there will be times when you'll hate me, but if you're serious 'bout being heroes you should really consider my offer...</state>
             <case tag="female_removing_minor" target="kyoko" targetStage="5">
                 <state img="2-calm.png">So? Are you going somewhere with this?</state>
@@ -1801,7 +1798,7 @@
                 <state img="2-confident.png">Must be your lucky day, boy. You get to do what you always do, but now you can look at me, Sonya freakin' Blade, a real woman, for... inspiration!</state>
             <case tag="male_must_masturbate" target="captain_falcon">
-                <state img="2-interested.png">&#9835; <i>Go speed racer, go speed racer, go speed racer, gooooo!</i> &#9834;</state>
+                <state img="2-interested.png">♫ <i>Go speed racer, go speed racer, go speed racer, gooooo!</i> ♪</state>
             <case tag="male_must_masturbate" target="mettaton">
                 <state img="2-calm.png">Great, I was just wondering if there was any anatomical way to go and fuck yourself!</state>
@@ -1818,8 +1815,8 @@
                 <state img="2-confident.png">Are you daydreaming about getting me naked? Snap out of it. I still have plenty of clothes, and more importantly; you lost the round.</state>
             <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible">
-                <state img="2-horny.png" silent=""></state>
                 <state img="2-interested.png" marker="cage">And now I know why Cage wanted to come as my advisor.</state>
+                <state img="2-horny.png" silent=""></state>
                 <state img="2-horny.png"><i>~name~</i>!</state>
             <case alsoPlaying="palutena" filter="princess" tag="female_crotch_is_visible">
@@ -1861,14 +1858,14 @@
             <case tag="female_start_masturbating">
                 <state img="2-interested.png">Don't be shy now.</state>
                 <state img="2-interested.png">C'mon, ~name~! Give me a show!</state>
-                <state img="2-excited.png"> Work it, girl.</state>
+                <state img="2-excited.png">Work it, girl.</state>
             <case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="palutena">
                 <state img="2-angry.png" marker="phony_goddess">NO! You should have stepped in and helped us defend Earthrealm from Shao Khan, but instead you chose to hide in the heavens. You stupid Goddess bitch!</state>
             <case tag="male_removing_major">
-                <state img="2-calm.png">Ready to try your hand again?</state>
                 <state img="2-stern.png" marker="special_forces">I'm Sonya Blade of The Earthrealm Special Forces. You've got some stripping to do.</state>
+                <state img="2-calm.png">Ready to try your hand again?</state>
                 <state img="2-interested.png">Now put your money where your mouth is, ~name~.</state>
             <case tag="female_removed_accessory">
@@ -1985,7 +1982,7 @@
             <case tag="female_large_chest_is_visible">
                 <state img="2-shocked.png">Not sure how to react to those... Right now I'm captivated by them...</state>
-                <state img="2-horny.png"> Hmmm... I wanna suck them until they shrink.</state>
+                <state img="2-horny.png">Hmmm... I wanna suck them until they shrink.</state>
                 <state img="2-shocked.png" silent=""></state>
             <case tag="female_large_chest_is_visible" target="ann">
@@ -2006,8 +2003,8 @@
             <case tag="male_must_strip">
                 <state img="2-interested.png">Really? Are you that easy to beat?</state>
                 <state img="2-stern.png">Expect no mercy from me!</state>
-                <state img="2-calm.png">Time to pay the piper.</state>
                 <state img="2-confident.png">Are you daydreaming about getting me naked? Snap out of it. I still have plenty of clothes, and more importantly; you lost the round.</state>
+                <state img="2-calm.png">Time to pay the piper.</state>
             <case tag="male_must_strip" target="xander" targetStage="0">
                 <state img="2-interested.png" marker="man_child">I doubt that, man-child.</state>
@@ -2035,18 +2032,18 @@
             <case tag="female_must_masturbate" totalAlive="1">
                 <state img="2-interested.png">So... <i>You</i> are my final opponent...</state>
-            <case tag="female_must_masturbate" totalFinished="0" totalMasturbating="0">
+            <case tag="female_must_masturbate" totalMasturbating="0" totalFinished="0">
                 <state img="2-calm.png">Pay attention, kids. This will be your fate sooner rather than later.</state>
-            <case tag="female_must_masturbate" totalFinished="1" totalMasturbating="0">
+            <case tag="female_must_masturbate" totalMasturbating="0" totalFinished="1">
                 <state img="2-calm.png">One out. You're next!</state>
             <case tag="male_human_must_strip">
                 <state img="2-stern.png">Expect no mercy from me!</state>
                 <state img="2-calm.png">Time to pay the piper.</state>
                 <state img="2-interested.png">Really? Are you that easy to beat?</state>
-                <state img="2-confident.png">Are you daydreaming about getting me naked? Snap out of it. I still have plenty of clothes, and more importantly; you lost the round.</state>
                 <state img="2-interested.png">Really? Are you that easy to beat?</state>
+                <state img="2-confident.png">Are you daydreaming about getting me naked? Snap out of it. I still have plenty of clothes, and more importantly; you lost the round.</state>
             <case tag="male_small_crotch_is_visible">
                 <state img="2-interested.png">Well, you can't be that embarrassed. It's not like you're showing much...</state>
@@ -2087,9 +2084,9 @@
                 <state img="2-happy.png" marker="little_girl">Those are so cute! Now remember, the moment you start acting like a mature women, big girl breasts will grow, okay?</state>
             <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible">
+                <state img="2-excited.png">Those are very... cute.</state>
                 <state img="2-interested.png">Oh, wow! ... Nice!</state>
                 <state img="2-excited.png">Damn!</state>
-                <state img="2-excited.png">Those are very... cute.</state>
             <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="aimee">
                 <state img="2-excited.png" marker="gunslinger">Holy fuck!, Gunslinger!! How the hell did you do that? Nice tits, By the way!</state>
@@ -2173,9 +2170,9 @@
                 <state img="2-victory.png">As I predicted, you are all talk, bitch!</state>
             <case tag="female_removing_major">
+                <state img="2-stern.png" marker="special_forces">I'm Sonya Blade of The Earthrealm Special Forces. You've got some stripping to do.</state>
                 <state img="2-calm.png">Ready to try your hand again?</state>
                 <state img="2-interested.png">Now put your money where your mouth is, ~name~.</state>
-                <state img="2-stern.png" marker="special_forces">I'm Sonya Blade of The Earthrealm Special Forces. You've got some stripping to do.</state>
             <case tag="female_removing_major" target="aimee" targetStage="0">
                 <state img="2-interested.png" marker="gunslinger">Hmmm...</state>
@@ -2243,11 +2240,11 @@
                 <state img="2-horny.png">Tell me, little girl: Have you ever been pegged by a commander officer of an elite task force?</state>
             <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible">
+                <state img="2-calm.png">I know you want to see mine, but that's not happening right now, is it?</state>
                 <state img="2-interested.png">Boobs are always nice to look at...</state>
                 <state img="2-stern.png">Don't even think about backing out, now.</state>
-                <state img="2-calm.png">I know you want to see mine, but that's not happening right now, is it?</state>
-            <case consecutiveLosses="3-6" tag="female_chest_will_be_visible">
+            <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" consecutiveLosses="3-6">
                 <state img="2-interested.png">You aren't very good at poker, are you?</state>
             <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" target="aimee">
@@ -2326,13 +2323,13 @@
                 <state img="2-confident.png">Do you really think you can beat these cards?</state>
                 <state img="2-calm.png">I'm just that good.</state>
-            <case alsoPlaying="aimee" alsoPlayingStage="1" notSaidMarker="combat" tag="good_hand">
+            <case alsoPlaying="aimee" alsoPlayingStage="1" tag="good_hand" notSaidMarker="combat">
                 <state img="2-interested.png" marker="combat">Say, Gunslinger... Do ya have any combat experience? The Special Forces could really use a sniper with your abilities...</state>
             <case alsoPlaying="link" alsoPlayingHand="Two Pair" alsoPlayingStage="6" tag="good_hand">
                 <state img="2-calm.png">No you don't.</state>
-            <case alsoPlaying="ryu" alsoPlayingHand="High Card" alsoPlayingStage="1" notSaidMarker="ryu" tag="good_hand">
+            <case alsoPlaying="ryu" alsoPlayingHand="High Card" alsoPlayingStage="1" tag="good_hand" notSaidMarker="ryu">
                 <state img="2-excited.png" marker="ryu">That can be arranged! Let's settle this Street Fighter vs Mortal Kombat debate once and for all...Don't worry, It'll be over in  a minute.</state>
             <case tag="good_hand" timeInStage="11-99">
@@ -2342,7 +2339,7 @@
                 <state img="2-calm.png">These cards are average, or not. You just have one way to find out</state>
                 <state img="2-calm.png">I'd like to see you try beating these cards.</state>
-            <case alsoPlaying="ryu" alsoPlayingHand="High Card" alsoPlayingStage="1" notSaidMarker="ryu" tag="okay_hand">
+            <case alsoPlaying="ryu" alsoPlayingHand="High Card" alsoPlayingStage="1" tag="okay_hand" notSaidMarker="ryu">
                 <state img="2-excited.png" marker="ryu">That can be arranged! Let's settle this Street Fighter vs Mortal Kombat debate once and for all...Don't worry, It'll be over in  a minute.</state>
             <case tag="swap_cards">
@@ -2376,10 +2373,10 @@
         <stage id="3">
             <case tag="female_must_strip">
+                <state img="3-calm.png">Step up or strip down, ~name~.</state>
                 <state img="3-calm.png">Step up or strip down, ~name~.</state>
                 <state img="3-excited.png">...Gotcha!</state>
                 <state img="3-stern.png">No pain, no gain.</state>
-                <state img="3-calm.png">Step up or strip down, ~name~.</state>
             <case tag="female_must_strip" target="aimee" targetStage="0">
                 <state img="3-calm.png" marker="gunslinger">Alright, Gunslinger. Let's see what you got...</state>
@@ -2403,7 +2400,7 @@
                 <state img="3-stern.png">Good. Rules are there for a reason, you know?</state>
             <case alsoPlaying="marinette" tag="female_must_strip" target="kim" targetStage="1">
-                <state img="3-calm.png" marker="young_heroes"> Both of you are superheroes? Mmm... I could take you under my wing and teach you how to defend yourselves properly.</state>
+                <state img="3-calm.png" marker="young_heroes">Both of you are superheroes? Mmm... I could take you under my wing and teach you how to defend yourselves properly.</state>
             <case tag="female_must_strip" target="misty" targetStage="4">
                 <state img="3-angry.png">You're gonna strip; and I don't give a shit if you like it or not!</state>
@@ -2449,7 +2446,7 @@
                 <state img="3-angry.png">What do ya think?</state>
             <case alsoPlaying="marinette" tag="female_removing_minor" target="kim" targetStage="1">
-                <state img="3-stern.png"> It won't be easy,and there will be times when you'll hate me, but if you're serious 'bout being heroes you should really consider my offer...</state>
+                <state img="3-stern.png">It won't be easy,and there will be times when you'll hate me, but if you're serious 'bout being heroes you should really consider my offer...</state>
             <case tag="female_removing_minor" target="kyoko" targetStage="5">
                 <state img="3-calm.png">So? Are you going somewhere with this?</state>
@@ -2461,9 +2458,9 @@
                 <state img="3-calm.png">Pointless as this witty observation of yours?</state>
             <case tag="male_medium_crotch_is_visible">
-                <state img="3-interested.png">Am I supposed to be impressed now?</state>
                 <state img="3-interested.png">Not too shabby.</state>
                 <state img="3-interested.png">So, You're a lover not a fighter?</state>
+                <state img="3-interested.png">Am I supposed to be impressed now?</state>
             <case tag="male_medium_crotch_is_visible" target="xander">
                 <state img="3-interested.png" marker="man_child">Actually, You've earned some of my respect, Xander. You may not be a boy after all. After you drop the man-child attitude, give me a call.</state>
@@ -2507,17 +2504,17 @@
                 <state img="3-calm.png">You remind me a younger version of myself, but slutier.</state>
             <case tag="male_large_crotch_is_visible">
+                <state img="3-calm.png">Finally, something you can be proud of.</state>
                 <state img="3-shocked.png">Well, at least you have one big... "talent".</state>
                 <state img="3-shocked.png">Now you're just showing off, aren't you?</state>
-                <state img="3-calm.png">Finally, something you can be proud of.</state>
             <case tag="male_large_crotch_is_visible" target="mettaton">
                 <state img="3-concerned.png">That thing won't get anywhere near me!</state>
             <case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible">
-                <state img="3-interested.png">Pussies are beautiful. I want to see!</state>
                 <state img="3-calm.png">Off with your panties, ~name~.</state>
                 <state img="3-interested.png">Did you really think you were gonna win this?</state>
+                <state img="3-interested.png">Pussies are beautiful. I want to see!</state>
             <case filter="blonde" tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible">
                 <state img="3-interested.png"><i>All</i> of my blond hair is natural. How 'bout yours?</state>
@@ -2557,25 +2554,25 @@
                 <state img="3-confident.png">It's game over for you, ~name~.</state>
             <case tag="male_must_masturbate" target="captain_falcon">
-                <state img="3-interested.png">&#9835; <i>Go speed racer, go speed racer, go speed racer, gooooo!</i> &#9834;</state>
+                <state img="3-interested.png">♫ <i>Go speed racer, go speed racer, go speed racer, gooooo!</i> ♪</state>
             <case tag="male_must_masturbate" target="mettaton">
                 <state img="3-calm.png">Great, I was just wondering if there was any anatomical way to go and fuck yourself!</state>
             <case tag="female_masturbating">
-                <state img="3-interested.png">Hard not to stare...</state>
                 <state img="3-excited.png">Nice rhythm.</state>
+                <state img="3-interested.png">Hard not to stare...</state>
                 <state img="3-horny.png">Your face when you're touching yourself is very... interesting...</state>
             <case tag="female_human_must_strip">
                 <state img="3-stern.png">No pain, no gain.</state>
-                <state img="3-excited.png">...Gotcha!</state>
                 <state img="3-stern.png">You ought to consider a change in your approach, ~name~.</state>
                 <state img="3-calm.png">Step up or strip down, ~name~.</state>
+                <state img="3-excited.png">...Gotcha!</state>
             <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible">
-                <state img="3-horny.png">Hot.</state>
                 <state img="3-interested.png">Lovely.</state>
+                <state img="3-horny.png">Hot.</state>
                 <state img="3-horny.png">My eyes are fixed on that beautiful pussy of yours.</state>
             <case alsoPlaying="palutena" filter="princess" tag="female_crotch_is_visible">
@@ -2623,9 +2620,9 @@
                 <state img="3-angry.png" marker="phony_goddess">NO! You should have stepped in and helped us defend Earthrealm from Shao Khan, but instead you chose to hide in the heavens. You stupid Goddess bitch!</state>
             <case tag="male_removing_major">
-                <state img="3-stern.png" marker="special_forces">Special Forces bussiness, strip!</state>
-                <state img="3-interested.png"> I'm intrigued to see whatcha gonna do now, ~name~, giving all your little accessories are on the floor.</state>
                 <state img="3-excited.png">Now we're talking!</state>
+                <state img="3-stern.png" marker="special_forces">Special Forces bussiness, strip!</state>
+                <state img="3-interested.png">I'm intrigued to see whatcha gonna do now, ~name~, giving all your little accessories are on the floor.</state>
             <case tag="female_removed_accessory">
                 <state img="3-angry.png">I have no time for little girlie accessories!</state>
@@ -2724,14 +2721,14 @@
                 <state img="3-angry.png" marker="man_child">Pull yourself together, man-child!</state>
             <case tag="male_start_masturbating">
+                <state img="3-interested.png">Don't be shy now.</state>
                 <state img="3-calm.png">Time for you to make some lasting memories while I am still here... Like this.</state>
                 <state img="3-excited.png">All right, ~name~, make me enjoy your show.</state>
-                <state img="3-interested.png">Don't be shy now.</state>
             <case tag="male_chest_is_visible">
-                <state img="3-horny.png">I never thought you would look this good.</state>
-                <state img="3-interested.png"> When you quit your jabbering and start stripping, you actually look pretty damn good.</state>
+                <state img="3-interested.png">When you quit your jabbering and start stripping, you actually look pretty damn good.</state>
                 <state img="3-excited.png">Hmm... You are fit. Good.</state>
+                <state img="3-horny.png">I never thought you would look this good.</state>
             <case tag="male_chest_is_visible" target="mettaton">
                 <state img="3-concerned.png" marker="mettaton_chest">What the actual fuck are you?</state>
@@ -2772,8 +2769,8 @@
                 <state img="3-calm.png" marker="man_child">Good for you, man-child.</state>
             <case tag="female_must_masturbate">
-                <state img="3-confident.png">I can't really blame you if you peek. Problem is I'm still fully dressed.</state>
                 <state img="3-confident.png">You can use this as a learning experience. Never defy me.</state>
+                <state img="3-confident.png">I can't really blame you if you peek. Problem is I'm still fully dressed.</state>
                 <state img="3-interested.png">Interesting...</state>
             <case filter="athletic" tag="female_must_masturbate">
@@ -2791,10 +2788,10 @@
             <case tag="female_must_masturbate" totalAlive="1">
                 <state img="3-interested.png">So... <i>You</i> are my final opponent...</state>
-            <case tag="female_must_masturbate" totalFinished="0" totalMasturbating="0">
+            <case tag="female_must_masturbate" totalMasturbating="0" totalFinished="0">
                 <state img="3-calm.png">Pay attention, kids. This will be your fate sooner rather than later.</state>
-            <case tag="female_must_masturbate" totalFinished="1" totalMasturbating="0">
+            <case tag="female_must_masturbate" totalMasturbating="0" totalFinished="1">
                 <state img="3-calm.png">One out. You're next!</state>
             <case tag="male_human_must_strip">
@@ -2803,8 +2800,8 @@
                 <state img="3-calm.png">Step up or strip down, ~name~.</state>
             <case tag="male_small_crotch_is_visible">
-                <state img="3-angry.png">Is that supposed to arouse me? Get real, kid.</state>
                 <state img="3-angry.png">And this is exactly how you turn a woman off.</state>
+                <state img="3-angry.png">Is that supposed to arouse me? Get real, kid.</state>
                 <state img="3-shocked.png">Maybe we should stop playing. Children shouldn't be involved in this kind of game.</state>
             <case tag="male_removing_accessory">
@@ -2819,8 +2816,8 @@
                 <state img="3-calm.png">Gee... I've never had pink boots, and I am, well, A WOMAN!</state>
             <case tag="male_finished_masturbating">
-                <state img="3-interested.png">You look awfully happy for a loser.</state>
                 <state img="3-shocked.png">You look like shit.</state>
+                <state img="3-interested.png">You look awfully happy for a loser.</state>
                 <state img="3-happy.png">Good job, ~name~.</state>
             <case tag="female_small_chest_is_visible">
@@ -2841,8 +2838,8 @@
                 <state img="3-happy.png" marker="little_girl">Those are so cute! Now remember, the moment you start acting like a mature women, big girl breasts will grow, okay?</state>
             <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible">
-                <state img="3-interested.png">Very pretty.</state>
                 <state img="3-interested.png">Trust me, ~name~, your breasts look very good.</state>
+                <state img="3-interested.png">Very pretty.</state>
             <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="aimee">
                 <state img="3-excited.png" marker="gunslinger">Holy fuck!, Gunslinger!! How the hell did you do that? Nice tits, By the way!</state>
@@ -2926,9 +2923,9 @@
                 <state img="3-victory.png">As I predicted, you are all talk, bitch!</state>
             <case tag="female_removing_major">
-                <state img="3-stern.png" marker="special_forces">Special Forces bussiness, strip!</state>
-                <state img="3-interested.png"> I'm intrigued to see whatcha gonna do now, ~name~, giving all your little accessories are on the floor.</state>
                 <state img="3-excited.png">Now we're talking!</state>
+                <state img="3-stern.png" marker="special_forces">Special Forces bussiness, strip!</state>
+                <state img="3-interested.png">I'm intrigued to see whatcha gonna do now, ~name~, giving all your little accessories are on the floor.</state>
             <case tag="female_removing_major" target="aimee" targetStage="0">
                 <state img="3-interested.png" marker="gunslinger">Hmmm...</state>
@@ -2973,8 +2970,8 @@
                 <state img="3-calm.png" marker="captain_charming">I must be a jerk-magnet!</state>
             <case tag="female_finished_masturbating">
-                <state img="3-shocked.png">You look like shit.</state>
                 <state img="3-interested.png">You look awfully happy for a loser.</state>
+                <state img="3-shocked.png">You look like shit.</state>
                 <state img="3-calm.png">Leftovers are fine with me...</state>
             <case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="ann">
@@ -3000,7 +2997,7 @@
                 <state img="3-interested.png">I want to see them.</state>
                 <state img="3-excited.png">Do you have to expose your tits? Nice...</state>
-            <case consecutiveLosses="3-6" tag="female_chest_will_be_visible">
+            <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" consecutiveLosses="3-6">
                 <state img="3-interested.png">You aren't very good at poker, are you?</state>
             <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" target="aimee">
@@ -3071,9 +3068,9 @@
                 <state img="3-calm.png">Yup. A couple of times. So far you're harmless, but if you try any fishy shit, you'll feel my foot breaking your ass!</state>
             <case tag="male_crotch_will_be_visible">
+                <state img="3-interested.png">Are you a boy, or a grown man. Let's find out...</state>
                 <state img="3-calm.png">Give me a reason to be excited, ~name~!</state>
                 <state img="3-excited.png">I've been waiting for this for a long time.</state>
-                <state img="3-interested.png">Are you a boy, or a grown man. Let's find out...</state>
             <case tag="good_hand">
                 <state img="3-calm.png">Sorry, kids. Luck is not with you on this one...</state>
@@ -3083,21 +3080,21 @@
             <case alsoPlaying="link" alsoPlayingHand="Two Pair" alsoPlayingStage="6" tag="good_hand">
                 <state img="3-calm.png">No you don't.</state>
-            <case alsoPlaying="ryu" alsoPlayingHand="High Card" alsoPlayingStage="1" notSaidMarker="ryu" tag="good_hand">
+            <case alsoPlaying="ryu" alsoPlayingHand="High Card" alsoPlayingStage="1" tag="good_hand" notSaidMarker="ryu">
                 <state img="3-excited.png" marker="ryu">That can be arranged! Let's settle this Street Fighter vs Mortal Kombat debate once and for all...Don't worry, It'll be over in  a minute.</state>
             <case tag="good_hand" timeInStage="11-99">
-                <state img="3-interested.png">The clutch player wins again!</state>
                 <state img="3-calm.png">I'm better than the rest</state>
+                <state img="3-interested.png">The clutch player wins again!</state>
             <case tag="okay_hand">
                 <state img="3-calm.png">Look at my face and tell me whether my hand's good or bad...</state>
                 <state img="3-calm.png">Have you decipher my poker behavior just yet?</state>
-            <case alsoPlaying="aimee" alsoPlayingStage="1" notSaidMarker="combat" tag="okay_hand">
+            <case alsoPlaying="aimee" alsoPlayingStage="1" tag="okay_hand" notSaidMarker="combat">
                 <state img="3-interested.png" marker="combat">Say, Gunslinger... Do ya have any combat experience? The Special Forces could really use a sniper with your abilities...</state>
-            <case alsoPlaying="ryu" alsoPlayingHand="High Card" alsoPlayingStage="1" notSaidMarker="ryu" tag="okay_hand">
+            <case alsoPlaying="ryu" alsoPlayingHand="High Card" alsoPlayingStage="1" tag="okay_hand" notSaidMarker="ryu">
                 <state img="3-excited.png" marker="ryu">That can be arranged! Let's settle this Street Fighter vs Mortal Kombat debate once and for all...Don't worry, It'll be over in  a minute.</state>
             <case alsoPlaying="weiss" alsoPlayingHand="High Card" alsoPlayingStage="2" tag="okay_hand">
@@ -3135,9 +3132,9 @@
         <stage id="4">
             <case tag="female_must_strip">
+                <state img="4-interested.png">This should be interesting.</state>
                 <state img="4-calm.png">You aren't winning anymore. Period.</state>
                 <state img="4-angry.png">You better keep your end of the bargain...</state>
-                <state img="4-interested.png">This should be interesting.</state>
                 <state img="4-excited.png">Reality check, lad. There's no chance in hell you'll beat me!</state>
             <case tag="female_must_strip" target="aimee" targetStage="0">
@@ -3162,7 +3159,7 @@
                 <state img="4-stern.png">Good. Rules are there for a reason, you know?</state>
             <case alsoPlaying="marinette" tag="female_must_strip" target="kim" targetStage="1">
-                <state img="4-calm.png" marker="young_heroes"> Both of you are superheroes? Mmm... I could take you under my wing and teach you how to defend yourselves properly.</state>
+                <state img="4-calm.png" marker="young_heroes">Both of you are superheroes? Mmm... I could take you under my wing and teach you how to defend yourselves properly.</state>
             <case tag="female_must_strip" target="misty" targetStage="4">
                 <state img="4-angry.png">You're gonna strip; and I don't give a shit if you like it or not!</state>
@@ -3183,8 +3180,8 @@
                 <state img="4-angry.png">Because of your dreamy eyes... What the hell do <i>you</i> think?!</state>
             <case tag="male_chest_will_be_visible">
-                <state img="4-calm.png">This seems like the beginning of the end for you, ~name~. You put up a good fight.</state>
                 <state img="4-stern.png">Remove it, soldier.</state>
+                <state img="4-calm.png">This seems like the beginning of the end for you, ~name~. You put up a good fight.</state>
                 <state img="4-stern.png">Show me your chest, now!</state>
             <case tag="male_chest_will_be_visible" target="mettaton">
@@ -3192,8 +3189,8 @@
             <case tag="female_removing_minor">
                 <state img="4-stern.png">Stand at attention, ~name~.</state>
-                <state img="4-interested.png">What's next?</state>
                 <state img="4-confident.png">You won't escape this time.</state>
+                <state img="4-interested.png">What's next?</state>
             <case alsoPlaying="marinette" alsoPlayingStage="8" tag="female_removing_minor">
                 <state img="4-interested.png">Who's Tikki, anyway? Aren't you a little too old to have imaginary friends, Marinette?</state>
@@ -3208,7 +3205,7 @@
                 <state img="4-angry.png">What do ya think?</state>
             <case alsoPlaying="marinette" tag="female_removing_minor" target="kim" targetStage="1">
-                <state img="4-stern.png"> It won't be easy,and there will be times when you'll hate me, but if you're serious 'bout being heroes you should really consider my offer...</state>
+                <state img="4-stern.png">It won't be easy,and there will be times when you'll hate me, but if you're serious 'bout being heroes you should really consider my offer...</state>
             <case tag="female_removing_minor" target="kyoko" targetStage="5">
                 <state img="4-calm.png">So? Are you going somewhere with this?</state>
@@ -3274,9 +3271,9 @@
                 <state img="4-concerned.png">That thing won't get anywhere near me!</state>
             <case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible">
+                <state img="4-interested.png">Now, this is interesting.</state>
                 <state img="4-excited.png">I'm not gonna lie.Your pussy was my objective.</state>
                 <state img="4-interested.png">I am always in the mood for a pussy!</state>
-                <state img="4-interested.png">Now, this is interesting.</state>
             <case filter="blonde" tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible">
                 <state img="4-interested.png"><i>All</i> of my blond hair is natural. How 'bout yours?</state>
@@ -3298,33 +3295,33 @@
             <case tag="male_removed_minor">
                 <state img="4-angry.png">Do you have a death wish?</state>
-                <state img="4-angry.png"> ... Son of a bitch</state>
+                <state img="4-angry.png">... Son of a bitch</state>
                 <state img="4-calm.png">So much for diplomacy..</state>
             <case tag="male_removed_minor" target="xander" targetStage="2">
                 <state img="4-calm.png" marker="man_child">Great...Another charming Cage prodige.</state>
             <case tag="male_removed_accessory">
-                <state img="4-calm.png">Not a bad choice, ~name~.</state>
-                <state img="4-angry.png">If I had known you were such a pussy, ~name~, I would have let Shao Khan conquered the shit out of ya!</state>
-                <state img="4-angry.png"> I busted my ass defending Earthrealm for you to remove your freakin' ~clothing~?</state>
                 <state img="4-angry.png">I think my footprint would look good on you!</state>
+                <state img="4-angry.png">If I had known you were such a pussy, ~name~, I would have let Shao Khan conquered the shit out of ya!</state>
+                <state img="4-calm.png">Not a bad choice, ~name~.</state>
+                <state img="4-angry.png">I busted my ass defending Earthrealm for you to remove your freakin' ~clothing~?</state>
             <case tag="male_must_masturbate">
                 <state img="4-interested.png">C'mon! I'm sure you've done this plenty of times...</state>
-                <state img="4-interested.png">I'm going to enjoy this.</state>
                 <state img="4-interested.png">I'm sure this will be fun to watch.</state>
+                <state img="4-interested.png">I'm going to enjoy this.</state>
             <case tag="male_must_masturbate" target="captain_falcon">
-                <state img="4-interested.png">&#9835; <i>Go speed racer, go speed racer, go speed racer, gooooo!</i> &#9834;</state>
+                <state img="4-interested.png">♫ <i>Go speed racer, go speed racer, go speed racer, gooooo!</i> ♪</state>
             <case tag="male_must_masturbate" target="mettaton">
                 <state img="4-calm.png">Great, I was just wondering if there was any anatomical way to go and fuck yourself!</state>
             <case tag="female_masturbating">
+                <state img="4-excited.png">I'll remember this sight for lonely nights...</state>
                 <state img="4-interested.png">This is mesmerazing!</state>
                 <state img="4-concerned.png">Stop before you get hurt.</state>
-                <state img="4-excited.png">I'll remember this sight for lonely nights...</state>
             <case tag="female_human_must_strip">
                 <state img="4-interested.png">This should be interesting.</state>
@@ -3333,8 +3330,8 @@
                 <state img="4-calm.png">You aren't winning anymore. Period.</state>
             <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible">
-                <state img="4-confident.png">Not as pretty as mine. Not that you'll ever see it...</state>
                 <state img="4-shocked.png">I've seen a whole lot of pussies, but yours ranks right at the top.</state>
+                <state img="4-confident.png">Not as pretty as mine. Not that you'll ever see it...</state>
                 <state img="4-interested.png">You have a cute pussy, kid.</state>
             <case alsoPlaying="palutena" filter="princess" tag="female_crotch_is_visible">
@@ -3374,23 +3371,23 @@
                 <state img="4-interested.png" marker="zone_tentacles">You have been talking about having sex with tentacles all night. I don't get it... Are you getting fucked by an octopus? How is that even possible?</state>
             <case tag="female_start_masturbating">
-                <state img="4-shocked.png"><i>Now</i> you're getting embarrassed? ... Really?</state>
                 <state img="4-excited.png">I wanna see passion, ~name~.</state>
+                <state img="4-shocked.png"><i>Now</i> you're getting embarrassed? ... Really?</state>
                 <state img="4-interested.png">You know, nimble fingers are very... important.</state>
             <case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="palutena">
                 <state img="4-angry.png" marker="phony_goddess">NO! You should have stepped in and helped us defend Earthrealm from Shao Khan, but instead you chose to hide in the heavens. You stupid Goddess bitch!</state>
             <case tag="male_removing_major">
-                <state img="4-calm.png">You're cool with stripping? ... Chip on your shoulder says otherwise...</state>
                 <state img="4-confident.png">This hasn't been difficult at all.</state>
+                <state img="4-calm.png">You're cool with stripping? ... Chip on your shoulder says otherwise...</state>
                 <state img="4-calm.png">Bring it up, stud.</state>
             <case tag="female_removed_accessory">
-                <state img="4-angry.png"> I busted my ass defending Earthrealm for you to remove your freakin' ~clothing~?</state>
-                <state img="4-calm.png">Not a bad choice, ~name~.</state>
-                <state img="4-angry.png">If I had known you were such a pussy, ~name~, I would have let Shao Khan conquered the shit out of ya!</state>
                 <state img="4-angry.png">I think my footprint would look good on you!</state>
+                <state img="4-angry.png">If I had known you were such a pussy, ~name~, I would have let Shao Khan conquered the shit out of ya!</state>
+                <state img="4-angry.png">I busted my ass defending Earthrealm for you to remove your freakin' ~clothing~?</state>
+                <state img="4-calm.png">Not a bad choice, ~name~.</state>
             <case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="blackrose" targetStage="4">
                 <state img="4-angry.png">If you so much as try to get away I'll will be playing drums with your ribs.</state>
@@ -3473,21 +3470,21 @@
             <case tag="male_removed_major">
                 <state img="4-calm.png">Hot? I wouldn't go that far... But it is a nice view. I'll give you that...</state>
-                <state img="4-interested.png">Hmm. You look good. Take the compliment and move on.</state>
                 <state img="4-interested.png">I ain't complaining...</state>
+                <state img="4-interested.png">Hmm. You look good. Take the compliment and move on.</state>
             <case tag="male_removed_major" target="xander" targetStage="6">
                 <state img="4-angry.png" marker="man_child">Pull yourself together, man-child!</state>
             <case tag="male_start_masturbating">
-                <state img="4-confident.png">This should go fast, given that you have none other than Sonya freakin' Blade standing in front of you!</state>
                 <state img="4-interested.png">So, I guess you have to take actions into your own hands.</state>
+                <state img="4-confident.png">This should go fast, given that you have none other than Sonya freakin' Blade standing in front of you!</state>
                 <state img="4-interested.png">Now that you won't get anymore cards You can use your hands... for another purpose...</state>
             <case tag="male_chest_is_visible">
-                <state img="4-horny.png">I never thought you would look this good.</state>
-                <state img="4-happy.png">Nice. But I've seen better.</state>
                 <state img="4-interested.png">Hmmm...</state>
+                <state img="4-happy.png">Nice. But I've seen better.</state>
+                <state img="4-horny.png">I never thought you would look this good.</state>
             <case tag="male_chest_is_visible" target="mettaton">
                 <state img="4-concerned.png" marker="mettaton_chest">What the actual fuck are you?</state>
@@ -3496,9 +3493,9 @@
                 <state img="4-calm.png" marker="man_child">Loser...</state>
             <case tag="female_large_chest_is_visible">
-                <state img="4-interested.png">Men must love you!</state>
-                <state img="4-shocked.png">Holy shit! those are huge!</state>
                 <state img="4-shocked.png">Wow! You have some big guns!</state>
+                <state img="4-shocked.png">Holy shit! those are huge!</state>
+                <state img="4-interested.png">Men must love you!</state>
             <case tag="female_large_chest_is_visible" target="ann">
                 <state img="4-calm.png">Since I can't praise your poker prowess, or your brain, without lying; complimenting your tits will have to do...</state>
@@ -3525,9 +3522,9 @@
                 <state img="4-interested.png" marker="man_child">I doubt that, man-child.</state>
             <case tag="female_must_masturbate">
-                <state img="4-happy.png">Not gonna lie. Once the game began I wanted to see you lose.</state>
-                <state img="4-calm.png">You lost. Deal with it.</state>
                 <state img="4-interested.png">I must admire your bravery... Your intelligence? not so much. Now start jilling, little girl!</state>
+                <state img="4-calm.png">You lost. Deal with it.</state>
+                <state img="4-happy.png">Not gonna lie. Once the game began I wanted to see you lose.</state>
             <case filter="athletic" tag="female_must_masturbate">
                 <state img="4-excited.png">Think of this as a cardio session.</state>
@@ -3545,19 +3542,19 @@
                 <state img="4-interested.png">So... <i>You</i> are my final opponent...</state>
             <case tag="male_human_must_strip">
-                <state img="4-angry.png">You better keep your end of the bargain...</state>
                 <state img="4-interested.png">This should be interesting.</state>
+                <state img="4-angry.png">You better keep your end of the bargain...</state>
                 <state img="4-excited.png">Reality check, lad. There's no chance in hell you'll beat me!</state>
                 <state img="4-calm.png">You aren't winning anymore. Period.</state>
             <case tag="male_small_crotch_is_visible">
-                <state img="4-interested.png">Well, you can't be that embarrassed. It's not like you're showing much...</state>
                 <state img="4-interested.png">Ha, ha, ha... How cute!</state>
                 <state img="4-happy.png">That's so adorable!</state>
+                <state img="4-interested.png">Well, you can't be that embarrassed. It's not like you're showing much...</state>
             <case tag="male_removing_accessory">
-                <state img="4-calm.png">Are you sure that's a wise choice, ~name~?</state>
                 <state img="4-angry.png">Let me guess...You'll say something clever and remove a freaking trinket...</state>
+                <state img="4-calm.png">Are you sure that's a wise choice, ~name~?</state>
                 <state img="4-angry.png">I neither have time, nor am I in the mood of seeing you remove accessories...</state>
             <case tag="male_removing_accessory" target="captain_falcon" targetStage="0">
@@ -3568,12 +3565,12 @@
             <case tag="male_finished_masturbating">
                 <state img="4-excited.png">Are you ready for round 2?</state>
-                <state img="4-happy.png">I'm still gonna call this a "happy ending".</state>
                 <state img="4-stern.png">At ease.</state>
+                <state img="4-happy.png">I'm still gonna call this a "happy ending".</state>
             <case tag="female_small_chest_is_visible">
-                <state img="4-excited.png">Shake them good, ~name~!</state>
                 <state img="4-horny.png">Have you ever had your breasts licked by a highly decorated General... Just curious..</state>
+                <state img="4-excited.png">Shake them good, ~name~!</state>
                 <state img="4-happy.png">Display your boobs with pride, ~name~.</state>
             <case tag="female_small_chest_is_visible" target="daisy">
@@ -3589,9 +3586,9 @@
                 <state img="4-happy.png" marker="little_girl">Those are so cute! Now remember, the moment you start acting like a mature women, big girl breasts will grow, okay?</state>
             <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible">
-                <state img="4-excited.png">Not bad...</state>
-                <state img="4-happy.png">That's a respectable pair.</state>
                 <state img="4-excited.png">Those are very... cute.</state>
+                <state img="4-happy.png">That's a respectable pair.</state>
+                <state img="4-excited.png">Not bad...</state>
             <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="aimee">
                 <state img="4-excited.png" marker="gunslinger">Holy fuck!, Gunslinger!! How the hell did you do that? Nice tits, By the way!</state>
@@ -3612,8 +3609,8 @@
                 <state img="4-angry.png">Get used to it, bitch!</state>
             <case tag="female_removing_accessory">
-                <state img="4-calm.png">Are you sure that's a wise choice, ~name~</state>
                 <state img="4-angry.png">Let me guess...You'll say something clever and remove a freaking trinket...</state>
+                <state img="4-calm.png">Are you sure that's a wise choice, ~name~</state>
                 <state img="4-angry.png">I neither have time, nor am I in the mood of seeing you remove accessories...</state>
             <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="ann" targetStage="4">
@@ -3675,8 +3672,8 @@
                 <state img="4-victory.png">As I predicted, you are all talk, bitch!</state>
             <case tag="female_removing_major">
-                <state img="4-calm.png">You're cool with stripping? ... Chip on your shoulder says otherwise...</state>
                 <state img="4-confident.png">This hasn't been difficult at all.</state>
+                <state img="4-calm.png">You're cool with stripping? ... Chip on your shoulder says otherwise...</state>
                 <state img="4-calm.png">Bring it up, princess.</state>
             <case tag="female_removing_major" target="aimee" targetStage="0">
@@ -3713,17 +3710,17 @@
                 <state img="4-calm.png">Agreed.</state>
             <case tag="male_removing_minor">
+                <state img="4-confident.png">You won't escape this time.</state>
                 <state img="4-stern.png">Stand at attention, ~name~.</state>
                 <state img="4-interested.png">What's next?</state>
-                <state img="4-confident.png">You won't escape this time.</state>
             <case tag="male_removing_minor" target="captain_falcon" targetStage="2">
                 <state img="4-stern.png" marker="captain_charming">Listen, I've got serious problems here. I'm in no mood to be hit on by some car racer star. Got that, speed racer?</state>
                 <state img="4-calm.png" marker="captain_charming">Men? I don't see any around...</state>
             <case tag="female_finished_masturbating">
-                <state img="4-excited.png">My favorite slimy thing.</state>
                 <state img="4-excited.png">Are you ready for round 2?</state>
+                <state img="4-excited.png">My favorite slimy thing.</state>
                 <state img="4-stern.png">Stand at attention, soldier.</state>
             <case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="ann">
@@ -3745,11 +3742,11 @@
                 <state img="4-horny.png">Tell me, little girl: Have you ever been pegged by a commander officer of an elite task force?</state>
             <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible">
-                <state img="4-interested.png">When you play well, you get rewards like this...</state>
                 <state img="4-shocked.png">That was fast...</state>
                 <state img="4-happy.png">You really thought you were gonna win this, didn't you? That was... well, naive.</state>
+                <state img="4-interested.png">When you play well, you get rewards like this...</state>
-            <case consecutiveLosses="3-6" tag="female_chest_will_be_visible">
+            <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" consecutiveLosses="3-6">
                 <state img="4-interested.png">You aren't very good at poker, are you?</state>
             <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" target="aimee">
@@ -3783,7 +3780,7 @@
             <case tag="female_removed_minor">
                 <state img="4-angry.png">Do you have a death wish?</state>
-                <state img="4-angry.png"> ... Son of a bitch</state>
+                <state img="4-angry.png">... Son of a bitch</state>
                 <state img="4-calm.png">So much for diplomacy..</state>
             <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="aimee" targetStage="2">
@@ -3820,9 +3817,9 @@
                 <state img="4-calm.png">Yup. A couple of times. So far you're harmless, but if you try any fishy shit, you'll feel my foot breaking your ass!</state>
             <case tag="male_crotch_will_be_visible">
+                <state img="4-stern.png">Honor your word, ~name~.</state>
                 <state img="4-confident.png">Getting cold feet, ~name~?</state>
                 <state img="4-shocked.png">I admit I wanted you to lose... I never thought it'd be this easy, though..</state>
-                <state img="4-stern.png">Honor your word, ~name~.</state>
             <case tag="good_hand">
                 <state img="4-confident.png">You know I might be goating you into believing my hand's shit...C'mon and try me!</state>
@@ -3832,21 +3829,21 @@
             <case alsoPlaying="link" alsoPlayingHand="Two Pair" alsoPlayingStage="6" tag="good_hand">
                 <state img="4-calm.png">No you don't.</state>
-            <case alsoPlaying="ryu" alsoPlayingHand="High Card" alsoPlayingStage="1" notSaidMarker="ryu" tag="good_hand">
+            <case alsoPlaying="ryu" alsoPlayingHand="High Card" alsoPlayingStage="1" tag="good_hand" notSaidMarker="ryu">
                 <state img="4-excited.png" marker="ryu">That can be arranged! Let's settle this Street Fighter vs Mortal Kombat debate once and for all...Don't worry, It'll be over in  a minute.</state>
             <case tag="good_hand" timeInStage="11-99">
-                <state img="4-interested.png">The clutch player wins again!</state>
                 <state img="4-calm.png">I'm better than the rest</state>
+                <state img="4-interested.png">The clutch player wins again!</state>
             <case tag="okay_hand">
-                <state img="4-calm.png">My hand isn't good... Now  the question is if you believe me or not...</state>
                 <state img="4-calm.png">Try reading into my poker face, I dare you.</state>
+                <state img="4-calm.png">My hand isn't good... Now  the question is if you believe me or not...</state>
-            <case alsoPlaying="aimee" alsoPlayingStage="1" notSaidMarker="combat" tag="okay_hand">
+            <case alsoPlaying="aimee" alsoPlayingStage="1" tag="okay_hand" notSaidMarker="combat">
                 <state img="4-interested.png" marker="combat">Say, Gunslinger... Do ya have any combat experience? The Special Forces could really use a sniper with your abilities...</state>
-            <case alsoPlaying="ryu" alsoPlayingHand="High Card" alsoPlayingStage="1" notSaidMarker="ryu" tag="okay_hand">
+            <case alsoPlaying="ryu" alsoPlayingHand="High Card" alsoPlayingStage="1" tag="okay_hand" notSaidMarker="ryu">
                 <state img="4-excited.png" marker="ryu">That can be arranged! Let's settle this Street Fighter vs Mortal Kombat debate once and for all...Don't worry, It'll be over in  a minute.</state>
             <case alsoPlaying="weiss" alsoPlayingHand="High Card" alsoPlayingStage="2" tag="okay_hand">
@@ -3858,8 +3855,8 @@
                 <state img="4-calm.png">My strategy dictates ~cards~ new cards.</state>
             <case tag="bad_hand">
-                <state img="4-stern.png">Hmmm...</state>
                 <state img="4-stern.png">Good and bad are relative concepts. For example, this hand might be great to you, but to me... it's shit... But then again, I might be screwing with ya!</state>
+                <state img="4-stern.png">Hmmm...</state>
                 <state img="4-confident.png">How high do you think my chances of success are? Let me remind you my name is Sonya freakin' Blade...</state>
             <case tag="stripped">
@@ -3886,8 +3883,8 @@
         <stage id="5">
             <case tag="female_must_strip">
-                <state img="5-horny.png">I hope you go into a losing streak. I want to see you without any clothes on.</state>
                 <state img="5-calm.png">Time to pay the piper.</state>
+                <state img="5-horny.png">I hope you go into a losing streak. I want to see you without any clothes on.</state>
                 <state img="5-confident.png">Are you daydreaming about getting me naked? Snap out of it. I still have plenty of clothes, and more importantly: you lost the round.</state>
             <case tag="female_must_strip" target="aimee" targetStage="0">
@@ -3912,7 +3909,7 @@
                 <state img="5-stern.png">Good. Rules are there for a reason, you know?</state>
             <case alsoPlaying="marinette" tag="female_must_strip" target="kim" targetStage="1">
-                <state img="5-calm.png" marker="young_heroes"> Both of you are superheroes? Mmm... I could take you under my wing and teach you how to defend yourselves properly.</state>
+                <state img="5-calm.png" marker="young_heroes">Both of you are superheroes? Mmm... I could take you under my wing and teach you how to defend yourselves properly.</state>
             <case tag="female_must_strip" target="misty" targetStage="4">
                 <state img="5-angry.png">You're gonna strip; and I don't give a shit if you like it or not!</state>
@@ -3945,9 +3942,9 @@
                 <state img="5-angry.png">Actually, I'm trying not to look at you at all, freak!</state>
             <case tag="female_removing_minor">
+                <state img="5-stern.png">Fall back, now.</state>
                 <state img="5-stern.png">I wouldn't do that.</state>
                 <state img="5-calm.png">You're overthinking this...</state>
-                <state img="5-stern.png">Fall back, now.</state>
             <case alsoPlaying="marinette" alsoPlayingStage="8" tag="female_removing_minor">
                 <state img="5-interested.png">Who's Tikki, anyway? Aren't you a little too old to have imaginary friends, Marinette?</state>
@@ -3962,7 +3959,7 @@
                 <state img="5-angry.png">What do ya think?</state>
             <case alsoPlaying="marinette" tag="female_removing_minor" target="kim" targetStage="1">
-                <state img="5-stern.png"> It won't be easy,and there will be times when you'll hate me, but if you're serious 'bout being heroes you should really consider my offer...</state>
+                <state img="5-stern.png">It won't be easy,and there will be times when you'll hate me, but if you're serious 'bout being heroes you should really consider my offer...</state>
             <case tag="female_removing_minor" target="kyoko" targetStage="5">
                 <state img="5-calm.png">So? Are you going somewhere with this?</state>
@@ -3975,16 +3972,16 @@
             <case tag="male_medium_crotch_is_visible">
                 <state img="5-calm.png">Average size and width...</state>
-                <state img="5-interested.png">I can work with that.</state>
                 <state img="5-calm.png">Hmm...OK. That's decent...</state>
+                <state img="5-interested.png">I can work with that.</state>
             <case tag="male_medium_crotch_is_visible" target="xander">
                 <state img="5-interested.png" marker="man_child">Actually, You've earned some of my respect, Xander. You may not be a boy after all. After you drop the man-child attitude, give me a call.</state>
             <case tag="female_removed_major">
+                <state img="5-confident.png">Do you really think you have a chance?</state>
                 <state img="5-horny.png" silent=""></state>
                 <state img="5-excited.png">I like what I'm seeing...</state>
-                <state img="5-confident.png">Do you really think you have a chance?</state>
             <case tag="female_removed_major" target="aimee" targetStage="1">
                 <state img="5-calm.png" marker="gunslinger">Impressive, Gunslinger!</state>
@@ -4020,17 +4017,17 @@
                 <state img="5-calm.png">You remind me a younger version of myself, but slutier.</state>
             <case tag="male_large_crotch_is_visible">
-                <state img="5-shocked.png">Now you're just showing off, aren't you?</state>
                 <state img="5-shocked.png">I'm not sure there's a word to describe that.</state>
+                <state img="5-shocked.png">Now you're just showing off, aren't you?</state>
                 <state img="5-shocked.png">Is that a... bazooka? I wonder how well does it... fire</state>
             <case tag="male_large_crotch_is_visible" target="mettaton">
                 <state img="5-concerned.png">That thing won't get anywhere near me!</state>
             <case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible">
-                <state img="5-excited.png">I'm not gonna lie.Your pussy was my objective.</state>
-                <state img="5-interested.png">Nice!</state>
                 <state img="5-stern.png">It's your turn to a full body inspection.</state>
+                <state img="5-interested.png">Nice!</state>
+                <state img="5-excited.png">I'm not gonna lie.Your pussy was my objective.</state>
             <case filter="blonde" tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible">
                 <state img="5-interested.png"><i>All</i> of my blond hair is natural. How 'bout yours?</state>
@@ -4051,46 +4048,46 @@
                 <state img="5-excited.png">I excercise nude every morning, actually. It's much more comfortable than doing it clothed!</state>
             <case tag="male_removed_minor">
-                <state img="5-angry.png">Gosh! You're such a coward!</state>
-                <state img="5-angry.png">You're such an ass!</state>
                 <state img="5-angry.png">Do you have a death wish?</state>
+                <state img="5-angry.png">You're such an ass!</state>
+                <state img="5-angry.png">Gosh! You're such a coward!</state>
             <case tag="male_removed_minor" target="xander" targetStage="2">
                 <state img="5-calm.png" marker="man_child">Great...Another charming Cage prodige.</state>
             <case tag="male_removed_accessory">
-                <state img="5-angry.png">That's frustrating.</state>
                 <state img="5-calm.png">Always gotta be the hard way.</state>
                 <state img="5-calm.png">Just like I thought...</state>
                 <state img="5-angry.png">I swear to god I'll kill you.</state>
+                <state img="5-angry.png">That's frustrating.</state>
             <case tag="male_must_masturbate">
-                <state img="5-confident.png">I can't really blame you if you peek. Problem is I still have most of my clothes.</state>
                 <state img="5-happy.png">Ready to acknowledge defeat?</state>
                 <state img="5-calm.png">You lost. Deal with it.</state>
+                <state img="5-confident.png">I can't really blame you if you peek. Problem is I still have most of my clothes.</state>
             <case tag="male_must_masturbate" target="captain_falcon">
-                <state img="5-interested.png">&#9835; <i>Go speed racer, go speed racer, go speed racer, gooooo!</i> &#9834;</state>
+                <state img="5-interested.png">♫ <i>Go speed racer, go speed racer, go speed racer, gooooo!</i> ♪</state>
             <case tag="male_must_masturbate" target="mettaton">
                 <state img="5-calm.png">Great, I was just wondering if there was any anatomical way to go and fuck yourself!</state>
             <case tag="female_masturbating">
                 <state img="5-interested.png">Enjoying yourself?</state>
-                <state img="5-interested.png">I wonder if I can get Jade to do this... "Masturbality", or something...</state>
                 <state img="5-horny.png">Your face when you're touching yourself is very... interesting...</state>
+                <state img="5-interested.png">I wonder if I can get Jade to do this... "Masturbality", or something...</state>
             <case tag="female_human_must_strip">
-                <state img="5-excited.png">Hell yeah!</state>
                 <state img="5-calm.png">Time to pay the piper.</state>
+                <state img="5-excited.png">Hell yeah!</state>
+                <state img="5-excited.png">Hell yeah!</state>
                 <state img="5-confident.png">Are you daydreaming about getting me naked? Snap out of it. I still have plenty of clothes, and more importantly: you lost the round.</state>
                 <state img="5-horny.png">I hope you go into a losing streak. I want to see you without any clothes on.</state>
-                <state img="5-excited.png">Hell yeah!</state>
             <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible">
-                <state img="5-horny.png" silent=""></state>
-                <state img="5-interested.png">Lovely.</state>
                 <state img="5-interested.png" marker="cage">And now I know why Cage wanted to come as my advisor.</state>
+                <state img="5-interested.png">Lovely.</state>
+                <state img="5-horny.png" silent=""></state>
             <case alsoPlaying="palutena" filter="princess" tag="female_crotch_is_visible">
                 <state img="5-calm.png" marker="phony_goddess">Ha, ha. Kitana would destroy you in three seconds!</state>
@@ -4129,23 +4126,23 @@
                 <state img="5-interested.png" marker="zone_tentacles">You have been talking about having sex with tentacles all night. I don't get it... Are you getting fucked by an octopus? How is that even possible?</state>
             <case tag="female_start_masturbating">
-                <state img="5-interested.png">Now that you won't get anymore cards You can use your hands... for another purpose...</state>
-                <state img="5-excited.png"> Work it, girl.</state>
                 <state img="5-happy.png">Start rubbing it, ~name~.</state>
+                <state img="5-excited.png">Work it, girl.</state>
+                <state img="5-interested.png">Now that you won't get anymore cards You can use your hands... for another purpose...</state>
             <case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="palutena">
                 <state img="5-angry.png" marker="phony_goddess">NO! You should have stepped in and helped us defend Earthrealm from Shao Khan, but instead you chose to hide in the heavens. You stupid Goddess bitch!</state>
             <case tag="male_removing_major">
-                <state img="5-interested.png"> I'm intrigued to see whatcha gonna do now, ~name~, giving all your little accessories are on the floor.</state>
-                <state img="5-calm.png">I'd be nervous if I were you.</state>
                 <state img="5-calm.png">Ready to try your hand again?</state>
+                <state img="5-interested.png">I'm intrigued to see whatcha gonna do now, ~name~, giving all your little accessories are on the floor.</state>
+                <state img="5-calm.png">I'd be nervous if I were you.</state>
             <case tag="female_removed_accessory">
+                <state img="5-calm.png">Always gotta be the hard way.</state>
                 <state img="5-calm.png">Just like I thought...</state>
-                <state img="5-angry.png">That's frustrating.</state>
                 <state img="5-angry.png">I swear to god I'll kill you.</state>
-                <state img="5-calm.png">Always gotta be the hard way.</state>
+                <state img="5-angry.png">That's frustrating.</state>
             <case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="blackrose" targetStage="4">
                 <state img="5-angry.png">If you so much as try to get away I'll will be playing drums with your ribs.</state>
@@ -4230,9 +4227,9 @@
                 <state img="5-horny.png">Look at this blonde bombshell. What's your name, sweetheart?</state>
             <case tag="male_removed_major">
+                <state img="5-confident.png">Do you really think you have a chance?</state>
                 <state img="5-horny.png" silent=""></state>
                 <state img="5-excited.png">I like what I'm seeing.</state>
-                <state img="5-confident.png">Do you really think you have a chance?</state>
             <case tag="male_removed_major" target="xander" targetStage="6">
                 <state img="5-angry.png" marker="man_child">Pull yourself together, man-child!</state>
@@ -4243,9 +4240,9 @@
                 <state img="5-confident.png">C'mon boy, start touching yourself.</state>
             <case tag="male_chest_is_visible">
+                <state img="5-horny.png">This is Sonya Blade! Surrender to my fondling immediately or risk annihilation!</state>
                 <state img="5-happy.png">Nice abs.</state>
                 <state img="5-confident.png">Curious to see what you'll lose next...</state>
-                <state img="5-horny.png">This is Sonya Blade! Surrender to my fondling immediately or risk annihilation!</state>
             <case tag="male_chest_is_visible" target="mettaton">
                 <state img="5-concerned.png" marker="mettaton_chest">What the actual fuck are you?</state>
@@ -4254,9 +4251,9 @@
                 <state img="5-calm.png" marker="man_child">Loser...</state>
             <case tag="female_large_chest_is_visible">
-                <state img="5-shocked.png" silent=""></state>
                 <state img="5-shocked.png">Wow! Are those natural...? Or did you have a boob-job?</state>
-                <state img="5-horny.png"> Hmmm... I wanna suck them until they shrink.</state>
+                <state img="5-horny.png">Hmmm... I wanna suck them until they shrink.</state>
+                <state img="5-shocked.png" silent=""></state>
             <case tag="female_large_chest_is_visible" target="ann">
                 <state img="5-calm.png">Since I can't praise your poker prowess, or your brain, without lying; complimenting your tits will have to do...</state>
@@ -4274,18 +4271,18 @@
                 <state img="5-horny.png">Those are big boobs you have there, blondie. You're cute, I have to admit that.</state>
             <case tag="male_must_strip">
+                <state img="5-calm.png">Time to pay the piper.</state>
                 <state img="5-excited.png">Hell yeah!</state>
                 <state img="5-confident.png">Are you daydreaming about getting me naked? Snap out of it. I still have plenty of clothes, and more importantly: you lost the round.</state>
-                <state img="5-calm.png">Time to pay the piper.</state>
                 <state img="5-horny.png">I hope you go into a losing streak. I want to see you without any clothes on.</state>
             <case tag="male_must_strip" target="xander" targetStage="0">
                 <state img="5-interested.png" marker="man_child">I doubt that, man-child.</state>
             <case tag="female_must_masturbate">
-                <state img="5-interested.png">I could use this as a diversion.</state>
-                <state img="5-happy.png">Ready to acknowledge defeat?</state>
                 <state img="5-confident.png">You can use this as a learning experience. Never defy me.</state>
+                <state img="5-happy.png">Ready to acknowledge defeat?</state>
+                <state img="5-interested.png">I could use this as a diversion.</state>
             <case filter="athletic" tag="female_must_masturbate">
                 <state img="5-excited.png">Think of this as a cardio session.</state>
@@ -4314,8 +4311,8 @@
                 <state img="5-angry.png">Pathetic.</state>
             <case tag="male_removing_accessory">
-                <state img="5-calm.png">Waiting...</state>
                 <state img="5-calm.png">Let me guess... You'll remove and accessory.</state>
+                <state img="5-calm.png">Waiting...</state>
                 <state img="5-angry.png">Before you take off something small remember that I can grab you with my legs and rip your torso in two!</state>
             <case tag="male_removing_accessory" target="captain_falcon" targetStage="0">
@@ -4325,14 +4322,14 @@
                 <state img="5-calm.png">Gee... I've never had pink boots, and I am, well, A WOMAN!</state>
             <case tag="male_finished_masturbating">
-                <state img="5-concerned.png">You sure seem untramatized.</state>
                 <state img="5-angry.png">Careful, your "gun" is shooting!</state>
                 <state img="5-interested.png">You look awfully happy for a loser.</state>
+                <state img="5-concerned.png">You sure seem untramatized.</state>
             <case tag="female_small_chest_is_visible">
                 <state img="5-excited.png">Those are cute!</state>
-                <state img="5-happy.png">Small titties are always so beautiful to look at.</state>
                 <state img="5-interested.png">They fit your body perfectly. You look good.</state>
+                <state img="5-happy.png">Small titties are always so beautiful to look at.</state>
             <case tag="female_small_chest_is_visible" target="daisy">
                 <state img="5-horny.png">Yeah. You have cute little tits.</state>
@@ -4347,9 +4344,9 @@
                 <state img="5-happy.png" marker="little_girl">Those are so cute! Now remember, the moment you start acting like a mature women, big girl breasts will grow, okay?</state>
             <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible">
-                <state img="5-excited.png">Damn!</state>
-                <state img="5-confident.png">Those aren't as beautiful as mine, but they look pretty good, to be honest.</state>
                 <state img="5-excited.png">Those are very... cute.</state>
+                <state img="5-confident.png">Those aren't as beautiful as mine, but they look pretty good, to be honest.</state>
+                <state img="5-excited.png">Damn!</state>
             <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="aimee">
                 <state img="5-excited.png" marker="gunslinger">Holy fuck!, Gunslinger!! How the hell did you do that? Nice tits, By the way!</state>
@@ -4370,8 +4367,8 @@
                 <state img="5-angry.png">Get used to it, bitch!</state>
             <case tag="female_removing_accessory">
-                <state img="5-calm.png">Waiting...</state>
                 <state img="5-calm.png">Let me guess... You'll remove and accessory.</state>
+                <state img="5-calm.png">Waiting...</state>
                 <state img="5-angry.png">Before you take off something small remember that I can grab you with my legs and rip your torso in two!</state>
             <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="ann" targetStage="4">
@@ -4420,8 +4417,8 @@
                 <state img="5-calm.png" marker="equestria">Equestria? I've never heard of that realm. I am General Sonya Blade From Earthrealm's Special Forces...</state>
             <case tag="game_over_victory">
-                <state img="5-victory.png">You put up a hell of a fight. Looking forward to the rematch.</state>
                 <state img="5-victory.png">This situation is contained.</state>
+                <state img="5-victory.png">You put up a hell of a fight. Looking forward to the rematch.</state>
             <case alsoPlaying="captain_falcon" tag="game_over_victory">
                 <state img="5-victory.png">Sorry cap, you were bitchslapped by a real champ. Worst of all? I think you enjoyed it.</state>
@@ -4433,8 +4430,8 @@
                 <state img="5-victory.png">As I predicted, you are all talk, bitch!</state>
             <case tag="female_removing_major">
-                <state img="5-interested.png"> I'm intrigued to see whatcha gonna do now, ~name~, giving all your little accessories are on the floor.</state>
                 <state img="5-calm.png">Ready to try your hand again?</state>
+                <state img="5-interested.png">I'm intrigued to see whatcha gonna do now, ~name~, giving all your little accessories are on the floor.</state>
                 <state img="5-calm.png">I'd be nervous if I were you.</state>
             <case tag="female_removing_major" target="aimee" targetStage="0">
@@ -4471,9 +4468,9 @@
                 <state img="5-calm.png">Agreed.</state>
             <case tag="male_removing_minor">
-                <state img="5-calm.png">You're overthinking this...</state>
                 <state img="5-stern.png">Fall back, now.</state>
                 <state img="5-stern.png">I wouldn't do that.</state>
+                <state img="5-calm.png">You're overthinking this...</state>
             <case tag="male_removing_minor" target="captain_falcon" targetStage="2">
                 <state img="5-stern.png" marker="captain_charming">Listen, I've got serious problems here. I'm in no mood to be hit on by some car racer star. Got that, speed racer?</state>
@@ -4503,11 +4500,11 @@
                 <state img="5-horny.png">Tell me, little girl: Have you ever been pegged by a commander officer of an elite task force?</state>
             <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible">
-                <state img="5-interested.png">This should be fun to watch...</state>
                 <state img="5-interested.png">You knew the risks, ~name~.</state>
+                <state img="5-interested.png">This should be fun to watch...</state>
                 <state img="5-interested.png">I know a few guys on the agency that would be very happy to see this development.</state>
-            <case consecutiveLosses="3-6" tag="female_chest_will_be_visible">
+            <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" consecutiveLosses="3-6">
                 <state img="5-interested.png">You aren't very good at poker, are you?</state>
             <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" target="aimee">
@@ -4535,14 +4532,14 @@
                 <state img="5-happy.png" marker="little_girl">Sorry, Daddy's little girl. You can't always get what you want by showing your money. Now let us see those tiny titties of yours.</state>
             <case tag="male_masturbating">
-                <state img="5-horny.png">Keep looking at me, I don't mind. It's actually quite hot.</state>
                 <state img="5-interested.png">Interesting.</state>
+                <state img="5-horny.png">Keep looking at me, I don't mind. It's actually quite hot.</state>
                 <state img="5-interested.png">I can tell you're enjoying yourself.</state>
             <case tag="female_removed_minor">
-                <state img="5-angry.png">Gosh! You're such a coward!</state>
-                <state img="5-angry.png">You're such an ass!</state>
                 <state img="5-angry.png">Do you have a death wish?</state>
+                <state img="5-angry.png">You're such an ass!</state>
+                <state img="5-angry.png">Gosh! You're such a coward!</state>
             <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="aimee" targetStage="2">
                 <state img="5-calm.png" marker="gunslinger">...Holy shit, Gunslinger! I've seen some wicked skill among our snipers, but yours... Where didya train?</state>
@@ -4578,31 +4575,31 @@
                 <state img="5-calm.png">Yup. A couple of times. So far you're harmless, but if you try any fishy shit, you'll feel my foot breaking your ass!</state>
             <case tag="male_crotch_will_be_visible">
-                <state img="5-excited.png">Will you live up to the expectations?</state>
-                <state img="5-stern.png">Don't back down now, ~name~.</state>
                 <state img="5-stern.png">I'll assess your... strength, Private.</state>
+                <state img="5-stern.png">Don't back down now, ~name~.</state>
+                <state img="5-excited.png">Will you live up to the expectations?</state>
             <case tag="good_hand">
-                <state img="5-stern.png">You've heard of the expression "Poker Face" before, right?</state>
                 <state img="5-calm.png">Not telling you shit about my hand.</state>
+                <state img="5-stern.png">You've heard of the expression "Poker Face" before, right?</state>
             <case alsoPlaying="link" alsoPlayingHand="Two Pair" alsoPlayingStage="6" tag="good_hand">
                 <state img="5-calm.png">No you don't.</state>
-            <case alsoPlaying="ryu" alsoPlayingHand="High Card" alsoPlayingStage="1" notSaidMarker="ryu" tag="good_hand">
+            <case alsoPlaying="ryu" alsoPlayingHand="High Card" alsoPlayingStage="1" tag="good_hand" notSaidMarker="ryu">
                 <state img="5-excited.png" marker="ryu">That can be arranged! Let's settle this Street Fighter vs Mortal Kombat debate once and for all...Don't worry, It'll be over in  a minute.</state>
             <case tag="good_hand" timeInStage="11-99">
                 <state img="5-calm.png">I'm better than the rest</state>
             <case tag="okay_hand">
-                <state img="5-calm.png"> If you gotta know my hand is pretty awesome...</state>
                 <state img="5-calm.png">I'd like to see you try beating these cards.</state>
+                <state img="5-calm.png">If you gotta know my hand is pretty awesome...</state>
-            <case alsoPlaying="aimee" alsoPlayingStage="1" notSaidMarker="combat" tag="okay_hand">
+            <case alsoPlaying="aimee" alsoPlayingStage="1" tag="okay_hand" notSaidMarker="combat">
                 <state img="5-interested.png" marker="combat">Say, Gunslinger... Do ya have any combat experience? The Special Forces could really use a sniper with your abilities...</state>
-            <case alsoPlaying="ryu" alsoPlayingHand="High Card" alsoPlayingStage="1" notSaidMarker="ryu" tag="okay_hand">
+            <case alsoPlaying="ryu" alsoPlayingHand="High Card" alsoPlayingStage="1" tag="okay_hand" notSaidMarker="ryu">
                 <state img="5-excited.png" marker="ryu">That can be arranged! Let's settle this Street Fighter vs Mortal Kombat debate once and for all...Don't worry, It'll be over in  a minute.</state>
             <case tag="swap_cards">
@@ -4620,8 +4617,8 @@
                 <state img="5-stripped.png">Just so you know, I can still snap your neck with my bare legs, so by all means, keep staring at them.</state>
             <case tag="must_strip_normal">
-                <state img="5-loss.png">I must be doing something wrong.</state>
                 <state img="5-loss.png">Shut the fuck up!</state>
+                <state img="5-loss.png">I must be doing something wrong.</state>
             <case tag="must_strip_losing">
                 <state img="5-loss.png">I must be doing something wrong</state>
@@ -4640,9 +4637,9 @@
         <stage id="6">
             <case tag="female_must_strip">
+                <state img="6-excited.png">...Gotcha!</state>
                 <state img="6-stern.png">Not gonna lose anymore, so get use to it!</state>
                 <state img="6-interested.png">I'm counting on seeing you without any clothes on soon.</state>
-                <state img="6-excited.png">...Gotcha!</state>
             <case tag="female_must_strip" target="aimee" targetStage="0">
                 <state img="6-calm.png" marker="gunslinger">Alright, Gunslinger. Let's see what you got...</state>
@@ -4666,7 +4663,7 @@
                 <state img="6-stern.png">Good. Rules are there for a reason, you know?</state>
             <case alsoPlaying="marinette" tag="female_must_strip" target="kim" targetStage="1">
-                <state img="6-calm.png" marker="young_heroes"> Both of you are superheroes? Mmm... I could take you under my wing and teach you how to defend yourselves properly.</state>
+                <state img="6-calm.png" marker="young_heroes">Both of you are superheroes? Mmm... I could take you under my wing and teach you how to defend yourselves properly.</state>
             <case tag="female_must_strip" target="misty" targetStage="4">
                 <state img="6-angry.png">You're gonna strip; and I don't give a shit if you like it or not!</state>
@@ -4687,17 +4684,17 @@
                 <state img="6-angry.png">Because of your dreamy eyes... What the hell do <i>you</i> think?!</state>
             <case tag="male_chest_will_be_visible">
-                <state img="6-calm.png">This seems like the beginning of the end for you, ~name~. You put up a good fight.</state>
                 <state img="6-calm.png">I know you want to see mine, but that's not happening right now, is it?</state>
                 <state img="6-interested.png">Interesting.</state>
+                <state img="6-calm.png">This seems like the beginning of the end for you, ~name~. You put up a good fight.</state>
             <case tag="male_chest_will_be_visible" target="mettaton">
                 <state img="6-angry.png">Actually, I'm trying not to look at you at all, freak!</state>
             <case tag="female_removing_minor">
-                <state img="6-interested.png">Running low on accessories?</state>
-                <state img="6-calm.png">Make it count, ~name~.</state>
                 <state img="6-confident.png">You're writing cheques your ass can't cash, ~name~.</state>
+                <state img="6-calm.png">Make it count, ~name~.</state>
+                <state img="6-interested.png">Running low on accessories?</state>
             <case alsoPlaying="marinette" alsoPlayingStage="8" tag="female_removing_minor">
                 <state img="6-interested.png">Who's Tikki, anyway? Aren't you a little too old to have imaginary friends, Marinette?</state>
@@ -4712,7 +4709,7 @@
                 <state img="6-angry.png">What do ya think?</state>
             <case alsoPlaying="marinette" tag="female_removing_minor" target="kim" targetStage="1">
-                <state img="6-stern.png"> It won't be easy,and there will be times when you'll hate me, but if you're serious 'bout being heroes you should really consider my offer...</state>
+                <state img="6-stern.png">It won't be easy,and there will be times when you'll hate me, but if you're serious 'bout being heroes you should really consider my offer...</state>
             <case tag="female_removing_minor" target="kyoko" targetStage="5">
                 <state img="6-calm.png">So? Are you going somewhere with this?</state>
@@ -4779,8 +4776,8 @@
             <case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible">
                 <state img="6-interested.png">Did you really think you were gonna win this?</state>
-                <state img="6-calm.png">I'm not ashamed to say I want to see your pussy.</state>
                 <state img="6-interested.png">I <i>so</i> want to see this!</state>
+                <state img="6-calm.png">I'm not ashamed to say I want to see your pussy.</state>
             <case filter="blonde" tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible">
                 <state img="6-interested.png"><i>All</i> of my blond hair is natural. How 'bout yours?</state>
@@ -4801,26 +4798,26 @@
                 <state img="6-excited.png">I excercise nude every morning, actually. It's much more comfortable than doing it clothed!</state>
             <case tag="male_removed_minor">
+                <state img="6-calm.png">I may have one, but you're acting like a pussy, ~name~.</state>
                 <state img="6-angry.png">This is about to get violent</state>
                 <state img="6-angry.png">Golf, Oscar, Foxtrot, Uniform, Charlie, Kilo, Yankee, Oscar, Uniform, Romeo, Sierra, Echo, Lima, Foxtrot!</state>
-                <state img="6-calm.png">I may have one, but you're acting like a pussy, ~name~.</state>
             <case tag="male_removed_minor" target="xander" targetStage="2">
                 <state img="6-calm.png" marker="man_child">Great...Another charming Cage prodige.</state>
             <case tag="male_removed_accessory">
-                <state img="6-shocked.png">Not exactly what I had in mind.</state>
                 <state img="6-angry.png">You're gonna sense my foot in your ass.</state>
-                <state img="6-calm.png">And here I am thinking you were brave...</state>
                 <state img="6-angry.png">I'll make you pay for every drop of blood I spilled while defending Earthrealm, and your soul if you keep acting like a fucking pussy!</state>
+                <state img="6-calm.png">And here I am thinking you were brave...</state>
+                <state img="6-shocked.png">Not exactly what I had in mind.</state>
             <case tag="male_must_masturbate">
-                <state img="6-confident.png">That little voice inside your head that kept telling you not to play against me. That's your gut, you should have listened to it, ~name~.</state>
-                <state img="6-interested.png">I'm going to enjoy this.</state>
                 <state img="6-confident.png">Must be your lucky day, boy. You get to do what you always do, but now you can look at me, Sonya freakin' Blade, a real woman, for... inspiration!</state>
+                <state img="6-interested.png">I'm going to enjoy this.</state>
+                <state img="6-confident.png">That little voice inside your head that kept telling you not to play against me. That's your gut, you should have listened to it, ~name~.</state>
             <case tag="male_must_masturbate" target="captain_falcon">
-                <state img="6-interested.png">&#9835; <i>Go speed racer, go speed racer, go speed racer, gooooo!</i> &#9834;</state>
+                <state img="6-interested.png">♫ <i>Go speed racer, go speed racer, go speed racer, gooooo!</i> ♪</state>
             <case tag="male_must_masturbate" target="mettaton">
                 <state img="6-calm.png">Great, I was just wondering if there was any anatomical way to go and fuck yourself!</state>
@@ -4831,12 +4828,12 @@
                 <state img="6-horny.png">That's pretty... hot...</state>
             <case tag="female_human_must_strip">
-                <state img="6-stern.png">Not gonna lose anymore, so get use to it!</state>
                 <state img="6-excited.png">...Gotcha!</state>
+                <state img="6-stern.png">Not gonna lose anymore, so get use to it!</state>
             <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible">
-                <state img="6-confident.png">Not as pretty as mine. Not that you'll ever see it...</state>
                 <state img="6-shocked.png">I've seen a whole lot of pussies, but yours ranks right at the top.</state>
+                <state img="6-confident.png">Not as pretty as mine. Not that you'll ever see it...</state>
                 <state img="6-interested.png">I had my doubts, but after seeing your cute little pussy, I'm so happy I came.</state>
             <case alsoPlaying="palutena" filter="princess" tag="female_crotch_is_visible">
@@ -4876,9 +4873,9 @@
                 <state img="6-interested.png" marker="zone_tentacles">You have been talking about having sex with tentacles all night. I don't get it... Are you getting fucked by an octopus? How is that even possible?</state>
             <case tag="female_start_masturbating">
+                <state img="6-shocked.png"><i>Now</i> you're getting embarrassed? ... Really?</state>
                 <state img="6-excited.png">this should be fun to watch!</state>
                 <state img="6-interested.png">C'mon, ~name~! Give me a show!</state>
-                <state img="6-shocked.png"><i>Now</i> you're getting embarrassed? ... Really?</state>
             <case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="palutena">
                 <state img="6-angry.png" marker="phony_goddess">NO! You should have stepped in and helped us defend Earthrealm from Shao Khan, but instead you chose to hide in the heavens. You stupid Goddess bitch!</state>
@@ -4889,10 +4886,10 @@
                 <state img="6-calm.png">I don't think you've got an option, ~name~. Or a chance of winning this.</state>
             <case tag="female_removed_accessory">
-                <state img="6-calm.png">And here I am thinking you were brave...</state>
-                <state img="6-shocked.png">Not exactly what I had in mind.</state>
                 <state img="6-angry.png">You're gonna sense my foot in your ass.</state>
                 <state img="6-angry.png">I'll make you pay for every drop of blood I spilled while defending Earthrealm, and your soul if you keep acting like a fucking pussy!</state>
+                <state img="6-calm.png">And here I am thinking you were brave...</state>
+                <state img="6-shocked.png">Not exactly what I had in mind.</state>
             <case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="blackrose" targetStage="4">
                 <state img="6-angry.png">If you so much as try to get away I'll will be playing drums with your ribs.</state>
@@ -4985,14 +4982,14 @@
                 <state img="6-angry.png" marker="man_child">Pull yourself together, man-child!</state>
             <case tag="male_start_masturbating">
-                <state img="6-interested.png">You didn't impress me at all with your poker skill. This is your second chance, ~name~. Don't blow it!</state>
                 <state img="6-happy.png">Remeber: Breath through your nose, ~name~. It'll make you last longer.</state>
                 <state img="6-interested.png">Don't be shy now.</state>
+                <state img="6-interested.png">You didn't impress me at all with your poker skill. This is your second chance, ~name~. Don't blow it!</state>
             <case tag="male_chest_is_visible">
                 <state img="6-interested.png">If you ever want to pursue a career on the Special Forces, let me know. I can put a good word for you.</state>
-                <state img="6-horny.png">Not bad. Not bad at all.</state>
                 <state img="6-horny.png">Not bad to look at.</state>
+                <state img="6-horny.png">Not bad. Not bad at all.</state>
             <case tag="male_chest_is_visible" target="mettaton">
                 <state img="6-concerned.png" marker="mettaton_chest">What the actual fuck are you?</state>
@@ -5002,8 +4999,8 @@
             <case tag="female_large_chest_is_visible">
                 <state img="6-interested.png">Men must love you!</state>
-                <state img="6-shocked.png">Talking 'bout twin peaks.</state>
                 <state img="6-shocked.png">Those are very distracting.</state>
+                <state img="6-shocked.png">Talking 'bout twin peaks.</state>
             <case tag="female_large_chest_is_visible" target="ann">
                 <state img="6-calm.png">Since I can't praise your poker prowess, or your brain, without lying; complimenting your tits will have to do...</state>
@@ -5021,20 +5018,20 @@
                 <state img="6-horny.png">Those are big boobs you have there, blondie. You're cute, I have to admit that.</state>
             <case tag="male_must_strip">
+                <state img="6-excited.png">...Gotcha!</state>
                 <state img="6-stern.png">Not gonna lose anymore, so get use to it!</state>
                 <state img="6-interested.png">I'm counting on seeing you without any clothes on soon.</state>
-                <state img="6-excited.png">...Gotcha!</state>
             <case tag="male_must_strip" target="xander" targetStage="0">
                 <state img="6-interested.png" marker="man_child">I doubt that, man-child.</state>
-            <case tag="male_must_strip" totalMales="2-4" totalNaked="0">
+            <case tag="male_must_strip" totalNaked="0" totalMales="2-4">
                 <state img="6-loss.png">Men? I don't see any around.</state>
                 <state img="6-loss.png">Men? I'll let you know if I see any!</state>
             <case tag="female_must_masturbate">
-                <state img="6-calm.png">This is a good time to leave your inhibitions behind.</state>
                 <state img="6-interested.png">You do know what's next for you, right?</state>
+                <state img="6-calm.png">This is a good time to leave your inhibitions behind.</state>
                 <state img="6-interested.png">I've done that quite a lot, but I never got to watch another girl doing it. I am curious!</state>
             <case filter="athletic" tag="female_must_masturbate">
@@ -5050,22 +5047,22 @@
                 <state img="6-calm.png">Get it out of your system, Moon. And relax, Goddamnit!</state>
             <case tag="male_human_must_strip">
-                <state img="6-stern.png">Not gonna lose anymore, so get use to it!</state>
                 <state img="6-excited.png">...Gotcha!</state>
+                <state img="6-stern.png">Not gonna lose anymore, so get use to it!</state>
                 <state img="6-interested.png">I'm counting on seeing you without any clothes on soon.</state>
                 <state img="6-calm.png">DO NOT make me wait,  ~name~.</state>
                 <state img="6-calm.png">DO NOT make me wait,  ~name~.</state>
                 <state img="6-calm.png">DO NOT make me wait,  ~name~.</state>
                 <state img="6-calm.png">DO NOT make me wait,  ~name~.</state>
-            <case tag="male_human_must_strip" totalMales="2-4" totalNaked="0">
+            <case tag="male_human_must_strip" totalNaked="0" totalMales="2-4">
                 <state img="6-loss.png">Men? I don't see any around.</state>
                 <state img="6-loss.png">Men? I'll let you know if I see any!</state>
             <case tag="male_small_crotch_is_visible">
+                <state img="6-calm.png">I now understand why you behave like a 3 year old...</state>
                 <state img="6-shocked.png">Not sure what to say, really.</state>
                 <state img="6-angry.png">Are you serious?!</state>
-                <state img="6-calm.png">I now understand why you behave like a 3 year old...</state>
             <case tag="male_removing_accessory">
                 <state img="6-interested.png">I know exactly what I want you to take off.</state>
@@ -5079,14 +5076,14 @@
                 <state img="6-calm.png">Gee... I've never had pink boots, and I am, well, A WOMAN!</state>
             <case tag="male_finished_masturbating">
+                <state img="6-calm.png">Leftovers are fine with me...</state>
                 <state img="6-excited.png">My favorite slimy thing.</state>
                 <state img="6-horny.png">Finished already?</state>
-                <state img="6-calm.png">Leftovers are fine with me...</state>
             <case tag="female_small_chest_is_visible">
+                <state img="6-interested.png">Those are beautiful boobs, ~name~.</state>
                 <state img="6-interested.png">I like your breasts, ~name~.</state>
                 <state img="6-interested.png">They are lovely.</state>
-                <state img="6-interested.png">Those are beautiful boobs, ~name~.</state>
             <case tag="female_small_chest_is_visible" target="daisy">
                 <state img="6-horny.png">Yeah. You have cute little tits.</state>
@@ -5101,9 +5098,9 @@
                 <state img="6-happy.png" marker="little_girl">Those are so cute! Now remember, the moment you start acting like a mature women, big girl breasts will grow, okay?</state>
             <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible">
-                <state img="6-interested.png">Oh, wow! ... Nice!</state>
-                <state img="6-interested.png">Trust me, ~name~, your breasts look very good.</state>
                 <state img="6-interested.png">Pretty.</state>
+                <state img="6-interested.png">Trust me, ~name~, your breasts look very good.</state>
+                <state img="6-interested.png">Oh, wow! ... Nice!</state>
             <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="aimee">
                 <state img="6-excited.png" marker="gunslinger">Holy fuck!, Gunslinger!! How the hell did you do that? Nice tits, By the way!</state>
@@ -5174,8 +5171,8 @@
                 <state img="6-calm.png" marker="equestria">Equestria? I've never heard of that realm. I am General Sonya Blade From Earthrealm's Special Forces...</state>
             <case tag="game_over_victory">
-                <state img="6-victory.png">You almost got me naked. I'm kind of impressed.</state>
                 <state img="6-victory.png">Retirement? My ass!</state>
+                <state img="6-victory.png">You almost got me naked. I'm kind of impressed.</state>
             <case alsoPlaying="captain_falcon" tag="game_over_victory">
                 <state img="6-victory.png">Sorry cap, you were bitchslapped by a real champ. Worst of all? I think you enjoyed it.</state>
@@ -5225,9 +5222,9 @@
                 <state img="6-calm.png">Agreed.</state>
             <case tag="male_removing_minor">
-                <state img="6-interested.png">Running low on accessories?</state>
                 <state img="6-calm.png">Make it count, ~name~.</state>
                 <state img="6-confident.png">You're writing cheques your ass can't cash, ~name~.</state>
+                <state img="6-interested.png">Running low on accessories?</state>
             <case tag="male_removing_minor" target="captain_falcon" targetStage="2">
                 <state img="6-stern.png" marker="captain_charming">Listen, I've got serious problems here. I'm in no mood to be hit on by some car racer star. Got that, speed racer?</state>
@@ -5257,11 +5254,11 @@
                 <state img="6-horny.png">Tell me, little girl: Have you ever been pegged by a commander officer of an elite task force?</state>
             <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible">
+                <state img="6-happy.png">You really thought you were gonna win this, didn't you? That was... well, naive.</state>
                 <state img="6-interested.png">Boobs are always nice to look at...</state>
                 <state img="6-calm.png">Lesson one: When a superior officer tells you that you have no chance, listen to her. Now strip, ~name~.</state>
-                <state img="6-happy.png">You really thought you were gonna win this, didn't you? That was... well, naive.</state>
-            <case consecutiveLosses="3-6" tag="female_chest_will_be_visible">
+            <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" consecutiveLosses="3-6">
                 <state img="6-stern.png">I told you my commando mode can't be beaten!</state>
             <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" target="aimee">
@@ -5289,14 +5286,14 @@
                 <state img="6-happy.png" marker="little_girl">Sorry, Daddy's little girl. You can't always get what you want by showing your money. Now let us see those tiny titties of yours.</state>
             <case tag="male_masturbating">
-                <state img="6-interested.png">Is it working, ~name~?</state>
                 <state img="6-concerned.png">Stop before you get hurt.</state>
+                <state img="6-interested.png">Is it working, ~name~?</state>
                 <state img="6-horny.png">You sound... agitated.</state>
             <case tag="female_removed_minor">
-                <state img="6-angry.png">This is about to get violent</state>
-                <state img="6-angry.png">Golf, Oscar, Foxtrot, Uniform, Charlie, Kilo, Yankee, Oscar, Uniform, Romeo, Sierra, Echo, Lima, Foxtrot!</state>
                 <state img="6-calm.png">I may have one, but you're acting like a pussy, ~name~.</state>
+                <state img="6-angry.png">Golf, Oscar, Foxtrot, Uniform, Charlie, Kilo, Yankee, Oscar, Uniform, Romeo, Sierra, Echo, Lima, Foxtrot!</state>
+                <state img="6-angry.png">This is about to get violent</state>
             <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="aimee" targetStage="2">
                 <state img="6-calm.png" marker="gunslinger">...Holy shit, Gunslinger! I've seen some wicked skill among our snipers, but yours... Where didya train?</state>
@@ -5333,8 +5330,8 @@
             <case tag="male_crotch_will_be_visible">
                 <state img="6-calm.png">Give me a reason to be excited, ~name~!</state>
-                <state img="6-excited.png">I've been waiting for this for a long time.</state>
                 <state img="6-happy.png">Drop your pants, ~name~.</state>
+                <state img="6-excited.png">I've been waiting for this for a long time.</state>
             <case tag="good_hand">
                 <state img="6-stern.png" silent=""></state>
@@ -5342,13 +5339,13 @@
             <case alsoPlaying="link" alsoPlayingHand="Two Pair" alsoPlayingStage="6" tag="good_hand">
                 <state img="6-calm.png">No you don't.</state>
-            <case alsoPlaying="ryu" alsoPlayingHand="High Card" alsoPlayingStage="1" notSaidMarker="ryu" tag="good_hand">
+            <case alsoPlaying="ryu" alsoPlayingHand="High Card" alsoPlayingStage="1" tag="good_hand" notSaidMarker="ryu">
                 <state img="6-excited.png" marker="ryu">That can be arranged! Let's settle this Street Fighter vs Mortal Kombat debate once and for all...Don't worry, It'll be over in  a minute.</state>
             <case tag="okay_hand">
                 <state img="6-stern.png" silent=""></state>
-            <case alsoPlaying="ryu" alsoPlayingHand="High Card" alsoPlayingStage="1" notSaidMarker="ryu" tag="okay_hand">
+            <case alsoPlaying="ryu" alsoPlayingHand="High Card" alsoPlayingStage="1" tag="okay_hand" notSaidMarker="ryu">
                 <state img="6-excited.png" marker="ryu">That can be arranged! Let's settle this Street Fighter vs Mortal Kombat debate once and for all...Don't worry, It'll be over in  a minute.</state>
             <case tag="swap_cards">
@@ -5387,9 +5384,9 @@
         <stage id="7">
             <case tag="female_must_strip">
+                <state img="7-excited.png">Reality check, lad. There's no chance in hell you'll beat me!</state>
                 <state img="7-angry.png">I'm making a fucking comeback, got that?</state>
                 <state img="7-calm.png">You almost got me there. Operative word being; almost.</state>
-                <state img="7-excited.png">Reality check, lad. There's no chance in hell you'll beat me!</state>
                 <state img="7-stern.png">You're not getting through my commando mode... Nobody has...</state>
             <case tag="female_must_strip" target="aimee" targetStage="0">
@@ -5414,7 +5411,7 @@
                 <state img="7-stern.png">Good. Rules are there for a reason, you know?</state>
             <case alsoPlaying="marinette" tag="female_must_strip" target="kim" targetStage="1">
-                <state img="7-calm.png" marker="young_heroes"> Both of you are superheroes? Mmm... I could take you under my wing and teach you how to defend yourselves properly.</state>
+                <state img="7-calm.png" marker="young_heroes">Both of you are superheroes? Mmm... I could take you under my wing and teach you how to defend yourselves properly.</state>
             <case tag="female_must_strip" target="misty" targetStage="4">
                 <state img="7-angry.png">You're gonna strip; and I don't give a shit if you like it or not!</state>
@@ -5435,18 +5432,18 @@
                 <state img="7-angry.png">Because of your dreamy eyes... What the hell do <i>you</i> think?!</state>
             <case tag="male_chest_will_be_visible">
-                <state img="7-interested.png">I am actually curious how your chest looks like.</state>
                 <state img="7-stern.png">Remove it, soldier.</state>
-                <state img="7-calm.png">I somehow doubt you are that embarrassed, ~name~</state>
                 <state img="7-interested.png">When you play well, you get rewards like this...</state>
+                <state img="7-interested.png">I am actually curious how your chest looks like.</state>
+                <state img="7-calm.png">I somehow doubt you are that embarrassed, ~name~</state>
             <case tag="male_chest_will_be_visible" target="mettaton">
                 <state img="7-angry.png">Actually, I'm trying not to look at you at all, freak!</state>
             <case tag="female_removing_minor">
                 <state img="7-confident.png">Second guessing your choices, ~name~?</state>
-                <state img="7-interested.png">So, what is it?</state>
                 <state img="7-interested.png">Running low on accessories?</state>
+                <state img="7-interested.png">So, what is it?</state>
             <case alsoPlaying="marinette" alsoPlayingStage="8" tag="female_removing_minor">
                 <state img="7-interested.png">Who's Tikki, anyway? Aren't you a little too old to have imaginary friends, Marinette?</state>
@@ -5461,7 +5458,7 @@
                 <state img="7-angry.png">What do ya think?</state>
             <case alsoPlaying="marinette" tag="female_removing_minor" target="kim" targetStage="1">
-                <state img="7-stern.png"> It won't be easy,and there will be times when you'll hate me, but if you're serious 'bout being heroes you should really consider my offer...</state>
+                <state img="7-stern.png">It won't be easy,and there will be times when you'll hate me, but if you're serious 'bout being heroes you should really consider my offer...</state>
             <case tag="female_removing_minor" target="kyoko" targetStage="5">
                 <state img="7-calm.png">So? Are you going somewhere with this?</state>
@@ -5473,17 +5470,17 @@
                 <state img="7-calm.png">Pointless as this witty observation of yours?</state>
             <case tag="male_medium_crotch_is_visible">
+                <state img="7-interested.png">Not too shabby.</state>
                 <state img="7-shocked.png">Hey! That's a pleasant surprise...</state>
                 <state img="7-shocked.png">I bet you're proud of it.</state>
-                <state img="7-interested.png">Not too shabby.</state>
             <case tag="male_medium_crotch_is_visible" target="xander">
                 <state img="7-interested.png" marker="man_child">Actually, You've earned some of my respect, Xander. You may not be a boy after all. After you drop the man-child attitude, give me a call.</state>
             <case tag="female_removed_major">
+                <state img="7-confident.png">You are delaying the invitable, ~name~.</state>
                 <state img="7-horny.png">Damn!</state>
                 <state img="7-horny.png">That's it. Keep going.</state>
-                <state img="7-confident.png">You are delaying the invitable, ~name~.</state>
             <case tag="female_removed_major" target="aimee" targetStage="1">
                 <state img="7-calm.png" marker="gunslinger">Impressive, Gunslinger!</state>
@@ -5519,17 +5516,17 @@
                 <state img="7-calm.png">You remind me a younger version of myself, but slutier.</state>
             <case tag="male_large_crotch_is_visible">
+                <state img="7-calm.png">Finally, something you can be proud of.</state>
                 <state img="7-excited.png">Now That's why I'm here!</state>
                 <state img="7-horny.png">I can tell you were looking at my girls.</state>
-                <state img="7-calm.png">Finally, something you can be proud of.</state>
             <case tag="male_large_crotch_is_visible" target="mettaton">
                 <state img="7-concerned.png">That thing won't get anywhere near me!</state>
             <case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible">
-                <state img="7-interested.png">I am always in the mood for a pussy!</state>
                 <state img="7-confident.png">It was bound to happen, ~name~.</state>
                 <state img="7-interested.png">Now, this is interesting.</state>
+                <state img="7-interested.png">I am always in the mood for a pussy!</state>
             <case filter="blonde" tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible">
                 <state img="7-interested.png"><i>All</i> of my blond hair is natural. How 'bout yours?</state>
@@ -5550,44 +5547,44 @@
                 <state img="7-excited.png">I excercise nude every morning, actually. It's much more comfortable than doing it clothed!</state>
             <case tag="male_removed_minor">
+                <state img="7-angry.png">Have you ever wondered what God looks like? Well, you're about to find out!</state>
                 <state img="7-angry.png">To hell with ya!</state>
                 <state img="7-angry.png">Stop wasting our time.</state>
-                <state img="7-angry.png">Have you ever wondered what God looks like? Well, you're about to find out!</state>
             <case tag="male_removed_minor" target="xander" targetStage="2">
                 <state img="7-calm.png" marker="man_child">Great...Another charming Cage prodige.</state>
             <case tag="male_removed_accessory">
-                <state img="7-angry.png" marker="fatality">I'll perform my fatality on you!</state>
                 <state img="7-angry.png">If I had known you were such a pussy, ~name~, I would have let Shang Tsung devoured your soul!</state>
-                <state img="7-angry.png">I have no time for little girlie accessories!</state>
                 <state img="7-angry.png">I swear to god I'll kill you.</state>
+                <state img="7-angry.png">I have no time for little girlie accessories!</state>
+                <state img="7-angry.png" marker="fatality">I'll perform my fatality on you!</state>
             <case tag="male_must_masturbate">
+                <state img="7-interested.png">You do know what's next for you, right?</state>
                 <state img="7-interested.png">C'mon! I'm sure you've done this plenty of times...</state>
                 <state img="7-calm.png">You lost. Deal with it.</state>
-                <state img="7-interested.png">You do know what's next for you, right?</state>
             <case tag="male_must_masturbate" target="captain_falcon">
-                <state img="7-interested.png">&#9835; <i>Go speed racer, go speed racer, go speed racer, gooooo!</i> &#9834;</state>
+                <state img="7-interested.png">♫ <i>Go speed racer, go speed racer, go speed racer, gooooo!</i> ♪</state>
             <case tag="male_must_masturbate" target="mettaton">
                 <state img="7-calm.png">Great, I was just wondering if there was any anatomical way to go and fuck yourself!</state>
             <case tag="female_masturbating">
-                <state img="7-concerned.png">Stop before you get hurt.</state>
                 <state img="7-excited.png">Nice rhythm.</state>
                 <state img="7-horny.png">Your face when you're touching yourself is very... interesting...</state>
+                <state img="7-concerned.png">Stop before you get hurt.</state>
             <case tag="female_human_must_strip">
-                <state img="7-angry.png">I'm making a fucking comeback, got that?</state>
                 <state img="7-excited.png">Reality check, lad. There's no chance in hell you'll beat me!</state>
+                <state img="7-angry.png">I'm making a fucking comeback, got that?</state>
                 <state img="7-calm.png">You almost got me there. Operative word being; almost.</state>
                 <state img="7-stern.png">You're not getting through my commando mode... Nobody has...</state>
             <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible">
-                <state img="7-horny.png"><i>~name~</i>!</state>
                 <state img="7-interested.png">You have a cute pussy, kid.</state>
+                <state img="7-horny.png"><i>~name~</i>!</state>
                 <state img="7-horny.png">Hot.</state>
             <case alsoPlaying="palutena" filter="princess" tag="female_crotch_is_visible">
@@ -5635,15 +5632,15 @@
                 <state img="7-angry.png" marker="phony_goddess">NO! You should have stepped in and helped us defend Earthrealm from Shao Khan, but instead you chose to hide in the heavens. You stupid Goddess bitch!</state>
             <case tag="male_removing_major">
-                <state img="7-calm.png">I don't think you've got an option, ~name~. Or a chance of winning this.</state>
                 <state img="7-interested.png">Now put your money where your mouth is, ~name~.</state>
                 <state img="7-calm.png">You're cool with stripping? ... Chip on your shoulder says otherwise...</state>
+                <state img="7-calm.png">I don't think you've got an option, ~name~. Or a chance of winning this.</state>
             <case tag="female_removed_accessory">
+                <state img="7-angry.png">If I had known you were such a pussy, ~name~, I would have let Shang Tsung devoured your soul!</state>
+                <state img="7-angry.png">I swear to god I'll kill you.</state>
                 <state img="7-angry.png">I have no time for little girlie accessories!</state>
                 <state img="7-angry.png" marker="fatality">I'll perform my fatality on you!</state>
-                <state img="7-angry.png">I swear to god I'll kill you.</state>
-                <state img="7-angry.png">If I had known you were such a pussy, ~name~, I would have let Shang Tsung devoured your soul!</state>
             <case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="blackrose" targetStage="4">
                 <state img="7-angry.png">If you so much as try to get away I'll will be playing drums with your ribs.</state>
@@ -5729,21 +5726,21 @@
             <case tag="male_removed_major">
                 <state img="7-horny.png">Damn!</state>
-                <state img="7-horny.png">That's it. Keep going.</state>
                 <state img="7-confident.png">You are delaying the invitable, ~name~.</state>
+                <state img="7-horny.png">That's it. Keep going.</state>
             <case tag="male_removed_major" target="xander" targetStage="6">
                 <state img="7-angry.png" marker="man_child">Pull yourself together, man-child!</state>
             <case tag="male_start_masturbating">
-                <state img="7-confident.png">I ain't losing, so this is the best you got from me to work with...</state>
                 <state img="7-interested.png">So, I guess you have to take actions into your own hands.</state>
                 <state img="7-interested.png">Now that you won't get anymore cards You can use your hands... for another purpose...</state>
+                <state img="7-confident.png">I ain't losing, so this is the best you got from me to work with...</state>
             <case tag="male_chest_is_visible">
-                <state img="7-interested.png">If you're actually intending to win this you have to step up to the plate now, otherwise you'll be jerking off in a matter of minutes.</state>
+                <state img="7-interested.png">When you quit your jabbering and start stripping, you actually look pretty damn good.</state>
                 <state img="7-horny.png">I like it...</state>
-                <state img="7-interested.png"> When you quit your jabbering and start stripping, you actually look pretty damn good.</state>
+                <state img="7-interested.png">If you're actually intending to win this you have to step up to the plate now, otherwise you'll be jerking off in a matter of minutes.</state>
             <case tag="male_chest_is_visible" target="mettaton">
                 <state img="7-concerned.png" marker="mettaton_chest">What the actual fuck are you?</state>
@@ -5753,8 +5750,8 @@
             <case tag="female_large_chest_is_visible">
                 <state img="7-shocked.png">I almost feel sorry for your back...</state>
-                <state img="7-horny.png"> Hmmm... I wanna suck them until they shrink.</state>
                 <state img="7-shocked.png">Holy shit! those are huge!</state>
+                <state img="7-horny.png">Hmmm... I wanna suck them until they shrink.</state>
             <case tag="female_large_chest_is_visible" target="ann">
                 <state img="7-angry.png">Who are you calling a jerk?</state>
@@ -5772,8 +5769,8 @@
                 <state img="7-horny.png">Those are big boobs you have there, blondie. You're cute, I have to admit that.</state>
             <case tag="male_must_strip">
-                <state img="7-calm.png">You almost got me there. Operative word being; almost.</state>
                 <state img="7-excited.png">Reality check, lad. There's no chance in hell you'll beat me!</state>
+                <state img="7-calm.png">You almost got me there. Operative word being; almost.</state>
                 <state img="7-stern.png">You're not getting through my commando mode... Nobody has...</state>
             <case tag="male_must_strip" target="xander" targetStage="0">
@@ -5781,8 +5778,8 @@
             <case tag="female_must_masturbate">
                 <state img="7-interested.png">Interesting...</state>
-                <state img="7-happy.png">happy,Ready to acknowledge defeat?</state>
                 <state img="7-interested.png">I could use this as a diversion.</state>
+                <state img="7-happy.png">happy,Ready to acknowledge defeat?</state>
             <case filter="athletic" tag="female_must_masturbate">
                 <state img="7-excited.png">Think of this as a cardio session.</state>
@@ -5797,20 +5794,20 @@
                 <state img="7-calm.png">Get it out of your system, Moon. And relax, Goddamnit!</state>
             <case tag="male_human_must_strip">
-                <state img="7-angry.png">I'm making a fucking comeback, got that?</state>
                 <state img="7-excited.png">Reality check, lad. There's no chance in hell you'll beat me!</state>
-                <state img="7-calm.png">You almost got me there. Operative word being; almost.</state>
+                <state img="7-angry.png">I'm making a fucking comeback, got that?</state>
                 <state img="7-stern.png">You're not getting through my commando mode... Nobody has...</state>
                 <state img="7-calm.png">You almost got me there. Operative word being; almost.</state>
+                <state img="7-calm.png">You almost got me there. Operative word being; almost.</state>
             <case tag="male_small_crotch_is_visible">
-                <state img="7-interested.png">Well, you can't be that embarrassed. It's not like you're showing much...</state>
-                <state img="7-angry.png">And this is exactly how you turn a woman off.</state>
                 <state img="7-interested.png">Ha, ha, ha... How cute!</state>
+                <state img="7-angry.png">And this is exactly how you turn a woman off.</state>
+                <state img="7-interested.png">Well, you can't be that embarrassed. It's not like you're showing much...</state>
             <case tag="male_removing_accessory">
-                <state img="7-calm.png">Do you really think that's a smart move?</state>
                 <state img="7-calm.png">You do realize I'm winning this regardless of how many stupid accessories you take, right?</state>
+                <state img="7-calm.png">Do you really think that's a smart move?</state>
                 <state img="7-calm.png">I'm giving you a chance to impress me!</state>
             <case tag="male_removing_accessory" target="captain_falcon" targetStage="0">
@@ -5820,14 +5817,14 @@
                 <state img="7-calm.png">Gee... I've never had pink boots, and I am, well, A WOMAN!</state>
             <case tag="male_finished_masturbating">
-                <state img="7-excited.png">My favorite slimy thing.</state>
                 <state img="7-excited.png">Are you ready for round 2?</state>
                 <state img="7-angry.png">Careful, your "gun" is shooting!</state>
+                <state img="7-excited.png">My favorite slimy thing.</state>
             <case tag="female_small_chest_is_visible">
                 <state img="7-excited.png">Not gonna lie. I'm feeling tempted to grab those...</state>
-                <state img="7-calm.png">Those are cute. Not quite like mine, but still, cute.</state>
                 <state img="7-calm.png">Believe it or not, I envy you. Large breasts can be a... burden, sometimes.</state>
+                <state img="7-calm.png">Those are cute. Not quite like mine, but still, cute.</state>
             <case tag="female_small_chest_is_visible" target="daisy">
                 <state img="7-horny.png">Yeah. You have cute little tits.</state>
@@ -5842,9 +5839,9 @@
                 <state img="7-happy.png" marker="little_girl">Those are so cute! Now remember, the moment you start acting like a mature women, big girl breasts will grow, okay?</state>
             <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible">
-                <state img="7-excited.png">Not bad...</state>
-                <state img="7-confident.png">Those aren't as beautiful as mine, but they look pretty good, to be honest.</state>
                 <state img="7-interested.png">Trust me, ~name~, your breasts look very good.</state>
+                <state img="7-confident.png">Those aren't as beautiful as mine, but they look pretty good, to be honest.</state>
+                <state img="7-excited.png">Not bad...</state>
             <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="aimee">
                 <state img="7-excited.png" marker="gunslinger">Holy fuck!, Gunslinger!! How the hell did you do that? Nice tits, By the way!</state>
@@ -5865,8 +5862,8 @@
                 <state img="7-angry.png">Get used to it, bitch!</state>
             <case tag="female_removing_accessory">
-                <state img="7-calm.png">Do you really think that's a smart move?</state>
                 <state img="7-calm.png">You do realize I'm winning this regardless of how many stupid accessories you take, right?</state>
+                <state img="7-calm.png">Do you really think that's a smart move?</state>
                 <state img="7-calm.png">I'm giving you a chance to impress me!</state>
             <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="ann" targetStage="4">
@@ -5915,8 +5912,8 @@
                 <state img="7-calm.png" marker="equestria">Equestria? I've never heard of that realm. I am General Sonya Blade From Earthrealm's Special Forces...</state>
             <case tag="game_over_victory">
-                <state img="7-victory.png">Congratulations are in order. You almost defeated me.</state>
                 <state img="7-victory.png">You scared the shit out of me.</state>
+                <state img="7-victory.png">Congratulations are in order. You almost defeated me.</state>
             <case alsoPlaying="captain_falcon" tag="game_over_victory">
                 <state img="7-victory.png">Sorry cap, you were bitchslapped by a real champ. Worst of all? I think you enjoyed it.</state>
@@ -5967,17 +5964,17 @@
             <case tag="male_removing_minor">
                 <state img="7-confident.png">Second guessing your choices, ~name~?</state>
-                <state img="7-interested.png">So, what is it?</state>
                 <state img="7-interested.png">Running low on accessories?</state>
+                <state img="7-interested.png">So, what is it?</state>
             <case tag="male_removing_minor" target="captain_falcon" targetStage="2">
                 <state img="7-angry.png" marker="captain_charming">I don't need an escort! And I'm sure as hell not your baby!</state>
                 <state img="7-calm.png" marker="captain_charming">You sure like flapping your gums, dontcha?</state>
             <case tag="female_finished_masturbating">
-                <state img="7-stern.png">Clean yourself up and let's start over!</state>
                 <state img="7-excited.png">Are you ready for round 2?</state>
                 <state img="7-stern.png">Stand at attention, soldier.</state>
+                <state img="7-stern.png">Clean yourself up and let's start over!</state>
             <case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="ann">
                 <state img="7-calm.png">At least you're cute. I'll give you that much.</state>
@@ -6002,7 +5999,7 @@
                 <state img="7-interested.png">Out with your tits, ~name~!</state>
                 <state img="7-happy.png">I have always liked to watch other boobs.</state>
-            <case consecutiveLosses="3-6" tag="female_chest_will_be_visible">
+            <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" consecutiveLosses="3-6">
                 <state img="7-stern.png">I told you my commando mode can't be beaten!</state>
             <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" target="aimee">
@@ -6031,13 +6028,13 @@
             <case tag="male_masturbating">
                 <state img="7-happy.png">Shake it good, ~name~.</state>
-                <state img="7-calm.png">So, tell me, ~name~, What color are my eyes?</state>
                 <state img="7-interested.png">Think about someone you find hot, ~name~... Other than me...</state>
+                <state img="7-calm.png">So, tell me, ~name~, What color are my eyes?</state>
             <case tag="female_removed_minor">
+                <state img="7-angry.png">Have you ever wondered what God looks like? Well, you're about to find out!</state>
                 <state img="7-angry.png">To hell with ya!</state>
                 <state img="7-angry.png">Stop wasting our time.</state>
-                <state img="7-angry.png">Have you ever wondered what God looks like? Well, you're about to find out!</state>
             <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="aimee" targetStage="2">
                 <state img="7-calm.png" marker="gunslinger">...Holy shit, Gunslinger! I've seen some wicked skill among our snipers, but yours... Where didya train?</state>
@@ -6083,13 +6080,13 @@
             <case alsoPlaying="link" alsoPlayingHand="Two Pair" alsoPlayingStage="6" tag="good_hand">
                 <state img="7-calm.png">No you don't.</state>
-            <case alsoPlaying="ryu" alsoPlayingHand="High Card" alsoPlayingStage="1" notSaidMarker="ryu" tag="good_hand">
+            <case alsoPlaying="ryu" alsoPlayingHand="High Card" alsoPlayingStage="1" tag="good_hand" notSaidMarker="ryu">
                 <state img="7-excited.png" marker="ryu">That can be arranged! Let's settle this Street Fighter vs Mortal Kombat debate once and for all...Don't worry, It'll be over in  a minute.</state>
             <case tag="okay_hand">
                 <state img="7-stern.png" silent=""></state>
-            <case alsoPlaying="ryu" alsoPlayingHand="High Card" alsoPlayingStage="1" notSaidMarker="ryu" tag="okay_hand">
+            <case alsoPlaying="ryu" alsoPlayingHand="High Card" alsoPlayingStage="1" tag="okay_hand" notSaidMarker="ryu">
                 <state img="7-excited.png" marker="ryu">That can be arranged! Let's settle this Street Fighter vs Mortal Kombat debate once and for all...Don't worry, It'll be over in  a minute.</state>
             <case tag="swap_cards">
@@ -6149,7 +6146,7 @@
                 <state img="8-stern.png">Good. Rules are there for a reason, you know?</state>
             <case alsoPlaying="marinette" tag="female_must_strip" target="kim" targetStage="1">
-                <state img="8-calm.png" marker="young_heroes"> Both of you are superheroes? Mmm... I could take you under my wing and teach you how to defend yourselves properly.</state>
+                <state img="8-calm.png" marker="young_heroes">Both of you are superheroes? Mmm... I could take you under my wing and teach you how to defend yourselves properly.</state>
             <case tag="female_must_strip" target="misty" targetStage="4">
                 <state img="8-angry.png">You're gonna strip; and I don't give a shit if you like it or not!</state>
@@ -6170,17 +6167,17 @@
                 <state img="8-calm.png" marker="little_girl">I am sorry, Daddy isn't here to save your skinny ass!</state>
             <case tag="male_chest_will_be_visible">
+                <state img="8-calm.png">This seems like the beginning of the end for you, ~name~. You put up a good fight.</state>
                 <state img="8-calm.png">I somehow doubt you are that embarrassed, ~name~</state>
                 <state img="8-excited.png">It was about time you showed some skin.</state>
-                <state img="8-calm.png">This seems like the beginning of the end for you, ~name~. You put up a good fight.</state>
             <case tag="male_chest_will_be_visible" target="mettaton">
                 <state img="8-angry.png">Actually, I'm trying not to look at you at all, freak!</state>
             <case tag="female_removing_minor">
                 <state img="8-stern.png">Stand at attention, ~name~.</state>
-                <state img="8-excited.png">Do it quickly.</state>
                 <state img="8-stern.png">Fall back, now.</state>
+                <state img="8-excited.png">Do it quickly.</state>
             <case alsoPlaying="marinette" alsoPlayingStage="8" tag="female_removing_minor">
                 <state img="8-interested.png">Who's Tikki, anyway? Aren't you a little too old to have imaginary friends, Marinette?</state>
@@ -6195,7 +6192,7 @@
                 <state img="8-angry.png">What do ya think?</state>
             <case alsoPlaying="marinette" tag="female_removing_minor" target="kim" targetStage="1">
-                <state img="8-stern.png"> It won't be easy,and there will be times when you'll hate me, but if you're serious 'bout being heroes you should really consider my offer...</state>
+                <state img="8-stern.png">It won't be easy,and there will be times when you'll hate me, but if you're serious 'bout being heroes you should really consider my offer...</state>
             <case tag="female_removing_minor" target="kyoko" targetStage="5">
                 <state img="8-calm.png">So? Are you going somewhere with this?</state>
@@ -6208,8 +6205,8 @@
             <case tag="male_medium_crotch_is_visible">
                 <state img="8-calm.png">Average size and width...</state>
-                <state img="8-calm.png">That's acceptable.</state>
                 <state img="8-interested.png">So, You're a lover not a fighter?</state>
+                <state img="8-calm.png">That's acceptable.</state>
             <case tag="male_medium_crotch_is_visible" target="xander">
                 <state img="8-interested.png" marker="man_child">Actually, You've earned some of my respect, Xander. You may not be a boy after all. After you drop the man-child attitude, give me a call.</state>
@@ -6253,17 +6250,17 @@
                 <state img="8-calm.png">You remind me a younger version of myself, but slutier.</state>
             <case tag="male_large_crotch_is_visible">
-                <state img="8-shocked.png">Is that a... bazooka? I wonder how well does it... fire</state>
                 <state img="8-shocked.png">Size isn't everything, you know?</state>
                 <state img="8-shocked.png">Now you're just showing off, aren't you?</state>
+                <state img="8-shocked.png">Is that a... bazooka? I wonder how well does it... fire</state>
             <case tag="male_large_crotch_is_visible" target="mettaton">
                 <state img="8-concerned.png">That thing won't get anywhere near me!</state>
             <case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible">
-                <state img="8-interested.png">Pussies are beautiful. I want to see!</state>
                 <state img="8-calm.png">Off with your panties, ~name~.</state>
                 <state img="8-stern.png">It's your turn to a full body inspection.</state>
+                <state img="8-interested.png">Pussies are beautiful. I want to see!</state>
             <case filter="blonde" tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible">
                 <state img="8-interested.png"><i>All</i> of my blond hair is natural. How 'bout yours?</state>
@@ -6284,48 +6281,48 @@
                 <state img="8-excited.png">I excercise nude every morning, actually. It's much more comfortable than doing it clothed!</state>
             <case tag="male_removed_minor">
-                <state img="8-angry.png">Gosh! You're such a coward!</state>
-                <state img="8-calm.png">Not the way to get on my good side.</state>
                 <state img="8-angry.png">This is about to get violent</state>
+                <state img="8-calm.png">Not the way to get on my good side.</state>
+                <state img="8-angry.png">Gosh! You're such a coward!</state>
             <case tag="male_removed_minor" target="xander" targetStage="2">
                 <state img="8-calm.png" marker="man_child">Great...Another charming Cage prodige.</state>
             <case tag="male_removed_accessory">
-                <state img="8-angry.png"> I busted my ass defending Earthrealm for you to remove your freakin' ~clothing~?</state>
-                <state img="8-angry.png">Don't get cocky, ~name~, I'm still in the game.</state>
-                <state img="8-calm.png">Always gotta be the hard way.</state>
                 <state img="8-angry.png">I think my footprint would look good on you!</state>
                 <state img="8-angry.png">I think my footprint would look good on you!</state>
+                <state img="8-calm.png">Always gotta be the hard way.</state>
+                <state img="8-angry.png">I busted my ass defending Earthrealm for you to remove your freakin' ~clothing~?</state>
+                <state img="8-angry.png">Don't get cocky, ~name~, I'm still in the game.</state>
             <case tag="male_must_masturbate">
+                <state img="8-confident.png">Must be your lucky day, boy. You get to do what you always do, but now you can look at me, Sonya freakin' Blade, a real woman, for... inspiration!</state>
                 <state img="8-confident.png">That little voice inside your head that kept telling you not to play against me. That's your gut, you should have listened to it, ~name~.</state>
                 <state img="8-happy.png">You put up a good fight. You've earned to look at me while you... keep losing...</state>
-                <state img="8-confident.png">Must be your lucky day, boy. You get to do what you always do, but now you can look at me, Sonya freakin' Blade, a real woman, for... inspiration!</state>
             <case tag="male_must_masturbate" target="captain_falcon">
-                <state img="8-interested.png">&#9835; <i>Go speed racer, go speed racer, go speed racer, gooooo!</i> &#9834;</state>
+                <state img="8-interested.png">♫ <i>Go speed racer, go speed racer, go speed racer, gooooo!</i> ♪</state>
             <case tag="male_must_masturbate" target="mettaton">
                 <state img="8-calm.png">Great, I was just wondering if there was any anatomical way to go and fuck yourself!</state>
             <case tag="female_masturbating">
-                <state img="8-interested.png">Hard not to stare...</state>
                 <state img="8-interested.png">Enjoying yourself?</state>
+                <state img="8-interested.png">Hard not to stare...</state>
                 <state img="8-horny.png">I'll remember this sight for lonely nights...</state>
             <case tag="female_human_must_strip">
-                <state img="8-interested.png">Better late than never, I suppose.</state>
-                <state img="8-happy.png">Can you say...comeback?</state>
-                <state img="8-calm.png">You aren't winning anymore. Period.</state>
                 <state img="8-excited.png">...Gotcha!</state>
                 <state img="8-calm.png">You aren't winning anymore. Period.</state>
+                <state img="8-calm.png">You aren't winning anymore. Period.</state>
+                <state img="8-interested.png">Better late than never, I suppose.</state>
                 <state img="8-interested.png">Better late than never, I suppose.</state>
+                <state img="8-happy.png">Can you say...comeback?</state>
             <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible">
-                <state img="8-horny.png">Have you ever considered having sex with another woman?</state>
-                <state img="8-interested.png">Lovely.</state>
                 <state img="8-shocked.png">I've seen a whole lot of pussies, but yours ranks right at the top.</state>
+                <state img="8-interested.png">Lovely.</state>
+                <state img="8-horny.png">Have you ever considered having sex with another woman?</state>
             <case alsoPlaying="palutena" filter="princess" tag="female_crotch_is_visible">
                 <state img="8-calm.png" marker="phony_goddess">Ha, ha. Kitana would destroy you in three seconds!</state>
@@ -6364,8 +6361,8 @@
                 <state img="8-interested.png" marker="zone_tentacles">You have been talking about having sex with tentacles all night. I don't get it... Are you getting fucked by an octopus? How is that even possible?</state>
             <case tag="female_start_masturbating">
-                <state img="8-calm.png">Guys; let me revaeal a big secret of us, women: We do this as much, or even more than you do! So, I'm pretty sure, ~name~, knows exactly what to do. Despite of her "vicitm if the circumstances" face.</state>
                 <state img="8-happy.png">Start rubbing it, ~name~.</state>
+                <state img="8-calm.png">Guys; let me revaeal a big secret of us, women: We do this as much, or even more than you do! So, I'm pretty sure, ~name~, knows exactly what to do. Despite of her "vicitm if the circumstances" face.</state>
                 <state img="8-interested.png">You know, nimble fingers are very... important.</state>
             <case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="palutena">
@@ -6373,13 +6370,13 @@
             <case tag="male_removing_major">
                 <state img="8-stern.png" marker="special_forces">Special Forces bussiness, strip!</state>
-                <state img="8-happy.png">Yes! I told you I was gonna win.</state>
                 <state img="8-calm.png">Bring it up, stud.</state>
+                <state img="8-happy.png">Yes! I told you I was gonna win.</state>
             <case tag="female_removed_accessory">
-                <state img="8-angry.png"> I busted my ass defending Earthrealm for you to remove your freakin' ~clothing~?</state>
-                <state img="8-angry.png">Don't get cocky, ~name~, I'm still in the game.</state>
                 <state img="8-calm.png">Always gotta be the hard way.</state>
+                <state img="8-angry.png">I busted my ass defending Earthrealm for you to remove your freakin' ~clothing~?</state>
+                <state img="8-angry.png">Don't get cocky, ~name~, I'm still in the game.</state>
             <case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="blackrose" targetStage="4">
                 <state img="8-angry.png">If you so much as try to get away I'll will be playing drums with your ribs.</state>
@@ -6469,13 +6466,13 @@
                 <state img="8-angry.png" marker="man_child">Pull yourself together, man-child!</state>
             <case tag="male_start_masturbating">
-                <state img="8-confident.png">I ain't losing, so this is the best you got from me to work with...</state>
                 <state img="8-calm.png">Time for you to make some lasting memories while I am still here... Like this.</state>
+                <state img="8-confident.png">I ain't losing, so this is the best you got from me to work with...</state>
                 <state img="8-confident.png">This should go fast, given that you have none other than Sonya freakin' Blade standing naked in front of you!</state>
             <case tag="male_chest_is_visible">
-                <state img="8-interested.png">If you ever want to pursue a career on the Special Forces, let me know. I can put a good word for you.</state>
                 <state img="8-happy.png">Nice. But I've seen better.</state>
+                <state img="8-interested.png">If you ever want to pursue a career on the Special Forces, let me know. I can put a good word for you.</state>
                 <state img="8-excited.png">I want to see more now.</state>
             <case tag="male_chest_is_visible" target="mettaton">
@@ -6485,9 +6482,9 @@
                 <state img="8-calm.png" marker="man_child">Loser...</state>
             <case tag="female_large_chest_is_visible">
-                <state img="8-shocked.png" silent=""></state>
                 <state img="8-shocked.png">Wow! You have some big guns!</state>
                 <state img="8-interested.png">Men must love you!</state>
+                <state img="8-shocked.png" silent=""></state>
             <case tag="female_large_chest_is_visible" target="ann">
                 <state img="8-angry.png">Who are you calling a jerk?</state>
@@ -6505,17 +6502,17 @@
                 <state img="8-horny.png">Those are big boobs you have there, blondie. You're cute, I have to admit that.</state>
             <case tag="male_must_strip">
-                <state img="8-interested.png"> Better late than never, I suppose.</state>
-                <state img="8-happy.png"> I'm still on the game baby!</state>
                 <state img="8-calm.png">You aren't winning anymore. Period.</state>
+                <state img="8-interested.png">Better late than never, I suppose.</state>
+                <state img="8-happy.png">I'm still on the game baby!</state>
                 <state img="8-happy.png">Can you say...comeback?</state>
             <case tag="male_must_strip" target="xander" targetStage="0">
                 <state img="8-interested.png" marker="man_child">I doubt that, man-child.</state>
             <case tag="female_must_masturbate">
-                <state img="8-interested.png">It's showtime, ~name~.</state>
                 <state img="8-interested.png">I must admire your bravery... Your intelligence? not so much. Now start jilling, little girl!</state>
+                <state img="8-interested.png">It's showtime, ~name~.</state>
                 <state img="8-interested.png">I've done that quite a lot, but I never got to watch another girl doing it. I am curious!</state>
             <case filter="athletic" tag="female_must_masturbate">
@@ -6531,16 +6528,16 @@
                 <state img="8-calm.png">Get it out of your system, Moon. And relax, Goddamnit!</state>
             <case tag="male_human_must_strip">
+                <state img="8-calm.png">You aren't winning anymore. Period.</state>
                 <state img="8-interested.png">Better late than never, I suppose.</state>
                 <state img="8-happy.png">Can you say...comeback?</state>
-                <state img="8-calm.png">You aren't winning anymore. Period.</state>
-                <state img="8-happy.png"> I'm still on the game baby!</state>
+                <state img="8-happy.png">I'm still on the game baby!</state>
             <case tag="male_small_crotch_is_visible">
-                <state img="8-angry.png">Here I am, standing fully naked in front of you and <i>that</i> is the best you can offer? Have you come out of the closet yet?</state>
                 <state img="8-angry.png">Is that supposed to arouse me? Get real, kid.</state>
-                <state img="8-confident.png">Maybe we should stop playing. Children shouldn't be involved in this kind of game.</state>
                 <state img="8-shocked.png">Where is the rest of it?</state>
+                <state img="8-angry.png">Here I am, standing fully naked in front of you and <i>that</i> is the best you can offer? Have you come out of the closet yet?</state>
+                <state img="8-confident.png">Maybe we should stop playing. Children shouldn't be involved in this kind of game.</state>
             <case tag="male_removing_accessory">
                 <state img="8-angry.png">What?</state>
@@ -6554,14 +6551,14 @@
                 <state img="8-calm.png">Gee... I've never had pink boots, and I am, well, A WOMAN!</state>
             <case tag="male_finished_masturbating">
-                <state img="8-concerned.png">You sure seem untramatized.</state>
-                <state img="8-interested.png">You look awfully happy for a loser.</state>
                 <state img="8-shocked.png">You look like shit.</state>
+                <state img="8-interested.png">You look awfully happy for a loser.</state>
+                <state img="8-concerned.png">You sure seem untramatized.</state>
             <case tag="female_small_chest_is_visible">
                 <state img="8-excited.png">I can't complain, really... They are lovely.</state>
-                <state img="8-horny.png">Have you ever had your breasts licked by a highly decorated General... Just curious.</state>
                 <state img="8-excited.png">Shake them good, ~name~!</state>
+                <state img="8-horny.png">Have you ever had your breasts licked by a highly decorated General... Just curious.</state>
             <case tag="female_small_chest_is_visible" target="daisy">
                 <state img="8-horny.png">Yeah. You have cute little tits.</state>
@@ -6576,9 +6573,9 @@
                 <state img="8-happy.png" marker="little_girl">Those are so cute! Now remember, the moment you start acting like a mature women, big girl breasts will grow, okay?</state>
             <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible">
+                <state img="8-happy.png">That's a respectable pair.</state>
                 <state img="8-interested.png">Very pretty.</state>
                 <state img="8-horny.png">Damn!</state>
-                <state img="8-happy.png">That's a respectable pair.</state>
             <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="aimee">
                 <state img="8-excited.png" marker="gunslinger">Holy fuck!, Gunslinger!! How the hell did you do that? Nice tits, By the way!</state>
@@ -6649,8 +6646,8 @@
                 <state img="8-calm.png" marker="equestria">Equestria? I've never heard of that realm. I am General Sonya Blade From Earthrealm's Special Forces...</state>
             <case tag="game_over_victory">
-                <state img="8-victory.png">You lost, but you got a hell of a consolation prize...</state>
                 <state img="8-victory.png">Retirement? My ass!</state>
+                <state img="8-victory.png">You lost, but you got a hell of a consolation prize...</state>
             <case alsoPlaying="captain_falcon" tag="game_over_victory">
                 <state img="8-victory.png">Sorry cap, you were bitchslapped by a real champ. Worst of all? I think you enjoyed it.</state>
@@ -6663,8 +6660,8 @@
             <case tag="female_removing_major">
                 <state img="8-stern.png" marker="special_forces">Special Forces bussiness, strip!</state>
-                <state img="8-happy.png">Yes!  I told you I was gonna win.</state>
                 <state img="8-calm.png">Bring it up, princess.</state>
+                <state img="8-happy.png">Yes!  I told you I was gonna win.</state>
             <case tag="female_removing_major" target="aimee" targetStage="0">
                 <state img="8-interested.png" marker="gunslinger">Hmmm...</state>
@@ -6701,8 +6698,8 @@
             <case tag="male_removing_minor">
                 <state img="8-stern.png">Stand at attention, ~name~.</state>
-                <state img="8-excited.png">Do it quickly.</state>
                 <state img="8-stern.png">Fall back, now.</state>
+                <state img="8-excited.png">Do it quickly.</state>
             <case tag="male_removing_minor" target="captain_falcon" targetStage="2">
                 <state img="8-angry.png" marker="captain_charming">I don't need an escort! And I'm sure as hell not your baby!</state>
@@ -6732,11 +6729,11 @@
                 <state img="8-horny.png">Tell me, little girl: Have you ever been pegged by a commander officer of an elite task force?</state>
             <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible">
-                <state img="8-excited.png">Do you have to expose your tits? It was 'bout time.</state>
                 <state img="8-interested.png">You knew the risks, ~name~.</state>
                 <state img="8-interested.png">Out with your tits, ~name~!</state>
+                <state img="8-excited.png">Do you have to expose your tits? It was 'bout time.</state>
-            <case consecutiveLosses="3-6" tag="female_chest_will_be_visible">
+            <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" consecutiveLosses="3-6">
                 <state img="8-stern.png">I told you my commando mode can't be beaten!</state>
             <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" target="aimee">
@@ -6769,8 +6766,8 @@
                 <state img="8-horny.png">I can't stop staring.</state>
             <case tag="female_removed_minor">
-                <state img="8-angry.png">This is about to get violent</state>
                 <state img="8-calm.png">Not the way to get on my good side.</state>
+                <state img="8-angry.png">This is about to get violent</state>
             <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="aimee" targetStage="2">
                 <state img="8-calm.png" marker="gunslinger">...Holy shit, Gunslinger! I've seen some wicked skill among our snipers, but yours... Where didya train?</state>
@@ -6800,9 +6797,9 @@
                 <state img="8-calm.png">OH! so you're the sarcastic type. Let me give you a piece of advice: If you want to keep your teeth at the end of the game you'll keep your witty observations to yourself.</state>
             <case tag="male_crotch_will_be_visible">
+                <state img="8-stern.png">Honor your word, ~name~.</state>
                 <state img="8-happy.png">Drop your pants, ~name~.</state>
                 <state img="8-happy.png">About to get even.</state>
-                <state img="8-stern.png">Honor your word, ~name~.</state>
             <case tag="good_hand">
                 <state img="8-angry.png" silent=""></state>
@@ -6863,7 +6860,7 @@
                 <state img="9-excited.png">You came to see a show, right? Give me something to work, then...</state>
                 <state img="9-horny.png">I... could... use the... help, ~name~.</state>
                 <state img="9-excited.png">You came to see a show, right? Give me something to work, then...</state>
-                <state img="9-horny.png"> I... could... use the... help, ~name~.</state>
+                <state img="9-horny.png">I... could... use the... help, ~name~.</state>
                 <state img="9-angry.png">You better take something good, or else!</state>
                 <state img="9-excited.png">I'm counting on you, ~name~. You don't want to dissapoint me...</state>
@@ -6906,21 +6903,21 @@
                 <state img="9-interested.png">is that the best you got?</state>
             <case tag="female_removed_major">
-                <state img="9-excited.png">Nice!</state>
                 <state img="9-horny.png" silent=""></state>
-                <state img="9-excited.png"> Oh, hell yeah!... Keep going.</state>
+                <state img="9-excited.png">Nice!</state>
+                <state img="9-excited.png">Oh, hell yeah!... Keep going.</state>
             <case tag="female_removed_major" target="aimee" targetStage="1">
                 <state img="9-calm.png" marker="gunslinger">Impressive, Gunslinger!</state>
             <case tag="male_large_crotch_is_visible">
+                <state img="9-horny.png">You know what I'm gonna do to you.</state>
                 <state img="9-interested.png">You sure have a way with women.</state>
                 <state img="9-horny.png">That's... crazy hot...</state>
-                <state img="9-horny.png">You know what I'm gonna do to you.</state>
             <case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible">
-                <state img="9-calm.png">I'm not ashamed to say I want to see your pussy.</state>
                 <state img="9-interested.png">I <i>so</i> want to see this!</state>
+                <state img="9-calm.png">I'm not ashamed to say I want to see your pussy.</state>
                 <state img="9-horny.png">Nice!</state>
             <case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="aimee">
@@ -6933,20 +6930,20 @@
                 <state img="9-excited.png">I excercise nude every morning, actually. It's much more comfortable than doing it clothed!</state>
             <case tag="male_removed_minor">
+                <state img="9-angry.png">... Son of a bitch</state>
                 <state img="9-angry.png">Gosh! You're such a coward!</state>
-                <state img="9-angry.png"> ... Son of a bitch</state>
                 <state img="9-angry.png" silent=""></state>
             <case tag="male_removed_accessory">
+                <state img="9-angry.png">How many teeth do you want blown off?</state>
                 <state img="9-angry.png"><i> *sigh* </i></state>
                 <state img="9-interested.png">Don't be selfish, ~name~. You can do better.</state>
-                <state img="9-angry.png"> I am not losing my temper...  I am not losing my temper... I AM NOT LOSING MY FUCKING TEMPER!</state>
-                <state img="9-angry.png">How many teeth do you want blown off?</state>
+                <state img="9-angry.png">I am not losing my temper...  I am not losing my temper... I AM NOT LOSING MY FUCKING TEMPER!</state>
             <case tag="male_must_masturbate">
-                <state img="9-happy.png">The more the merrier, ~name~.</state>
-                <state img="9-happy.png"> You'll watch me and I'll watch you.</state>
                 <state img="9-interested.png">I'm sure this will be fun to watch.</state>
+                <state img="9-happy.png">The more the merrier, ~name~.</state>
+                <state img="9-happy.png">You'll watch me and I'll watch you.</state>
             <case tag="female_masturbating">
                 <state img="9-concerned.png">Stop before you get hurt.</state>
@@ -6958,8 +6955,8 @@
                 <state img="9-angry.png">You better take something good, or else!</state>
             <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible">
-                <state img="9-excited.png">Not as pretty as mine... Oh, <i>me</i></state>
                 <state img="9-horny.png" silent=""></state>
+                <state img="9-excited.png">Not as pretty as mine... Oh, <i>me</i></state>
                 <state img="9-interested.png"><i>~name~</i>!</state>
             <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="aimee">
@@ -6978,8 +6975,8 @@
                 <state img="9-calm.png">Are all Equestrian females this... "relaxed"?</state>
             <case tag="female_start_masturbating">
+                <state img="9-excited.png">Work it, girl.</state>
                 <state img="9-excited.png">this should be fun... and hot...</state>
-                <state img="9-excited.png"> Work it, girl.</state>
                 <state img="9-interested.png">C'mon, ~name~! Let's give them a show!</state>
             <case tag="male_removing_major">
@@ -6988,10 +6985,10 @@
                 <state img="9-happy.png">Now, ~name~, show me some skin.</state>
             <case tag="female_removed_accessory">
+                <state img="9-angry.png">How many teeth do you want blown off?</state>
                 <state img="9-angry.png"><i> *sigh* </i></state>
                 <state img="9-interested.png">Don't be selfish, ~name~. You can do better.</state>
-                <state img="9-angry.png"> I am not losing my temper...  I am not losing my temper... I AM NOT LOSING MY FUCKING TEMPER!</state>
-                <state img="9-angry.png">How many teeth do you want blown off?</state>
+                <state img="9-angry.png">I am not losing my temper...  I am not losing my temper... I AM NOT LOSING MY FUCKING TEMPER!</state>
             <case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="blake" targetStage="6">
                 <state img="9-calm.png">So, you're a pussy? I already knew that, sweetie.</state>
@@ -7013,19 +7010,19 @@
                 <state img="9-angry.png">What the fuck are you implying, Rosalina? I ain't no thief!</state>
             <case tag="male_removed_major">
-                <state img="9-excited.png">Nice!</state>
-                <state img="9-excited.png"> Oh, hell yeah!... Keep going.</state>
                 <state img="9-horny.png" silent=""></state>
+                <state img="9-excited.png">Nice!</state>
+                <state img="9-excited.png">Oh, hell yeah!... Keep going.</state>
             <case tag="male_start_masturbating">
                 <state img="9-happy.png">Remeber: Breath through your nose, ~name~. It'll make you last longer.</state>
-                <state img="9-horny.png"> Don't stop until both of us are finished!</state>
+                <state img="9-horny.png">Don't stop until both of us are finished!</state>
                 <state img="9-excited.png">Cast your eyes this way!</state>
             <case tag="male_chest_is_visible">
+                <state img="9-interested.png">Hmmm...</state>
                 <state img="9-happy.png">I never thought you would look this good.</state>
                 <state img="9-stern.png">This is Sonya Blade! Surrender to my fondling immediately or risk annihilation!</state>
-                <state img="9-interested.png">Hmmm...</state>
             <case tag="male_chest_is_visible" target="mettaton">
                 <state img="9-concerned.png" marker="mettaton_chest">What the actual fuck are you?</state>
@@ -7034,8 +7031,8 @@
                 <state img="9-calm.png" marker="man_child">Loser...</state>
             <case tag="female_large_chest_is_visible">
+                <state img="9-horny.png">Hmmm... I wanna suck them until they shrink.</state>
                 <state img="9-excited.png">Yes! That helps!</state>
-                <state img="9-horny.png"> Hmmm... I wanna suck them until they shrink.</state>
                 <state img="9-shocked.png">Not sure how to react to those... Right now I'm feeling the urge to grab them.</state>
             <case tag="female_large_chest_is_visible" target="mia">
@@ -7054,8 +7051,8 @@
                 <state img="9-excited.png">I'm counting on you, ~name~. You don't want to dissapoint me...</state>
             <case tag="female_must_masturbate">
-                <state img="9-confident.png">I can't really blame you if you peek. I know how attractive I am.</state>
                 <state img="9-happy.png">Not gonna lie. Once the game began I wanted to see you lose.</state>
+                <state img="9-confident.png">I can't really blame you if you peek. I know how attractive I am.</state>
                 <state img="9-happy.png">It's time for you to join me, ~name~.</state>
             <case filter="athletic" tag="female_must_masturbate">
@@ -7074,24 +7071,24 @@
                 <state img="9-excited.png">I'm counting on you, ~name~. You don't want to dissapoint me...</state>
             <case tag="male_small_crotch_is_visible">
+                <state img="9-angry.png">Pathetic.</state>
                 <state img="9-concerned.png">Where is the rest of it?</state>
                 <state img="9-angry.png">You've got to be kidding me!</state>
-                <state img="9-angry.png">Pathetic.</state>
             <case tag="male_removing_accessory">
-                <state img="9-angry.png"> After I'm done here, I will kill you.</state>
-                <state img="9-angry.png"> You're gonna pay for your cowardness...</state>
-                <state img="9-angry.png"> I'll destroy you after I'm done here...</state>
+                <state img="9-angry.png">After I'm done here, I will kill you.</state>
+                <state img="9-angry.png">You're gonna pay for your cowardness...</state>
+                <state img="9-angry.png">I'll destroy you after I'm done here...</state>
             <case tag="male_finished_masturbating">
+                <state img="9-excited.png">My favorite slimy thing.</state>
                 <state img="9-horny.png">I'd let your "gun" shoot my way!</state>
                 <state img="9-horny.png">That was... exhilarating.</state>
-                <state img="9-excited.png">My favorite slimy thing.</state>
             <case tag="female_small_chest_is_visible">
-                <state img="9-horny.png">Not gonna lie. I'm feeling tempted to grab those...</state>
-                <state img="9-happy.png">I like your breasts, ~name~.</state>
                 <state img="9-happy.png">Small titties are always so beautiful to look at.</state>
+                <state img="9-happy.png">I like your breasts, ~name~.</state>
+                <state img="9-horny.png">Not gonna lie. I'm feeling tempted to grab those...</state>
             <case tag="female_small_chest_is_visible" target="daisy">
                 <state img="9-horny.png">Yeah. You have cute little tits.</state>
@@ -7100,8 +7097,8 @@
                 <state img="9-calm.png">Those are really cute, Frenchie...</state>
             <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible">
-                <state img="9-horny.png">Oh, wow! ... Nice!</state>
                 <state img="9-interested.png">Those are very... cute.</state>
+                <state img="9-horny.png">Oh, wow! ... Nice!</state>
                 <state img="9-horny.png">That's so... helpful</state>
             <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="aimee">
@@ -7117,9 +7114,9 @@
                 <state img="9-horny.png">Sure. Do they taste as good as they look?</state>
             <case tag="female_removing_accessory">
-                <state img="9-angry.png"> After I'm done here, I will kill you.</state>
-                <state img="9-angry.png"> You're gonna pay for your cowardness...</state>
-                <state img="9-angry.png"> I'll destroy you after I'm done here...</state>
+                <state img="9-angry.png">After I'm done here, I will kill you.</state>
+                <state img="9-angry.png">You're gonna pay for your cowardness...</state>
+                <state img="9-angry.png">I'll destroy you after I'm done here...</state>
             <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="blake" targetStage="5">
                 <state img="9-interested.png">What is it? Spill it out already!</state>
@@ -7127,9 +7124,6 @@
             <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="elena" targetStage="2">
                 <state img="9-angry.png">I swear to God that if you start singing about your belt I am gonna perform my brutality on you!</state>
-            <case tag="game_over_victory">
-                <state img="9-happy.png">I WON!</state>
-            </case>
             <case tag="female_removing_major">
                 <state img="9-interested.png" silent=""></state>
                 <state img="9-excited.png">This is just what I wanted.</state>
@@ -7139,20 +7133,20 @@
                 <state img="9-interested.png" marker="gunslinger">Hmmm...</state>
             <case tag="male_removing_minor">
+                <state img="9-interested.png">Running low on accessories?</state>
                 <state img="9-interested.png">Running low on accessories?</state>
                 <state img="9-excited.png">Take it off, ~name~!</state>
                 <state img="9-excited.png">Make it count, ~name~.</state>
-                <state img="9-interested.png">Running low on accessories?</state>
             <case tag="female_finished_masturbating">
+                <state img="9-excited.png">Are you ready for round 2?</state>
                 <state img="9-horny.png">You're dirty and I'm... interested.</state>
                 <state img="9-happy.png">...</state>
-                <state img="9-excited.png">Are you ready for round 2?</state>
             <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible">
+                <state img="9-interested.png">Boobs are always nice to look at...</state>
                 <state img="9-happy.png">I have always liked to watch other boobs.</state>
                 <state img="9-excited.png">Don't even think about backing out, now.</state>
-                <state img="9-interested.png">Boobs are always nice to look at...</state>
             <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" target="aimee">
                 <state img="9-shocked.png" marker="gunslinger">...Wait...I think... I think  I see the bullets!</state>
@@ -7161,14 +7155,14 @@
                 <state img="9-interested.png">You know that you blaming AI for your loss is bullshit, right? Now off with those huge tits of yours.</state>
             <case tag="male_masturbating">
+                <state img="9-happy.png">Shake it good, ~name~.</state>
                 <state img="9-excited.png">Looking at you... helps me... a LOT!</state>
                 <state img="9-horny.png">Oh it's working!</state>
-                <state img="9-happy.png">Shake it good, ~name~.</state>
             <case tag="female_removed_minor">
-                <state img="9-angry.png"> ... Son of a bitch!</state>
-                <state img="9-angry.png" silent=""></state>
                 <state img="9-angry.png">Gosh! You're such a coward!</state>
+                <state img="9-angry.png">... Son of a bitch!</state>
+                <state img="9-angry.png" silent=""></state>
             <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="aimee" targetStage="2">
                 <state img="9-calm.png" marker="gunslinger">...Holy shit, Gunslinger! I've seen some wicked skill among our snipers, but yours... Where didya train?</state>
@@ -7177,9 +7171,9 @@
                 <state img="9-calm.png" marker="gunslinger">Special Forces has got to have your mad skills... How much money are you making, Gunslinger? We'll double it!</state>
             <case tag="male_crotch_will_be_visible">
+                <state img="9-excited.png">Will you live up to the expectations?</state>
                 <state img="9-stern.png">I'll assess your... strentgh, Private.</state>
                 <state img="9-horny.png">J-just in time...</state>
-                <state img="9-excited.png">Will you live up to the expectations?</state>
             <case tag="masturbating">
                 <state img="9-excited.png">... Damn...</state>
@@ -7223,7 +7217,7 @@
                 <state img="10-stern.png">Good. Rules are there for a reason, you know?</state>
             <case alsoPlaying="marinette" tag="female_must_strip" target="kim" targetStage="1">
-                <state img="10-calm.png" marker="young_heroes"> Both of you are superheroes? Mmm... I could take you under my wing and teach you how to defend yourselves properly.</state>
+                <state img="10-calm.png" marker="young_heroes">Both of you are superheroes? Mmm... I could take you under my wing and teach you how to defend yourselves properly.</state>
             <case tag="female_must_strip" target="misty" targetStage="4">
                 <state img="10-angry.png">You're gonna strip; and I don't give a shit if you like it or not!</state>
@@ -7244,17 +7238,17 @@
                 <state img="10-calm.png" marker="little_girl">I am sorry, Daddy isn't here to save your skinny ass!</state>
             <case tag="male_chest_will_be_visible">
-                <state img="10-interested.png">I am actually curious how your chest looks like.</state>
-                <state img="10-interested.png">Don't act like you don't want to show it.</state>
                 <state img="10-excited.png">Neat!</state>
+                <state img="10-interested.png">Don't act like you don't want to show it.</state>
+                <state img="10-interested.png">I am actually curious how your chest looks like.</state>
             <case tag="male_chest_will_be_visible" target="mettaton">
                 <state img="10-angry.png">Actually, I'm trying not to look at you at all, freak!</state>
             <case tag="female_removing_minor">
+                <state img="10-confident.png">You won't escape this time.</state>
                 <state img="10-stern.png">I wouldn't do that.</state>
                 <state img="10-happy.png">You know what you have to do now, ~name~.</state>
-                <state img="10-confident.png">You won't escape this time.</state>
             <case alsoPlaying="marinette" alsoPlayingStage="8" tag="female_removing_minor">
                 <state img="10-interested.png">Who's Tikki, anyway? Aren't you a little too old to have imaginary friends, Marinette?</state>
@@ -7269,7 +7263,7 @@
                 <state img="10-angry.png">What do ya think?</state>
             <case alsoPlaying="marinette" tag="female_removing_minor" target="kim" targetStage="1">
-                <state img="10-stern.png"> It won't be easy,and there will be times when you'll hate me, but if you're serious 'bout being heroes you should really consider my offer...</state>
+                <state img="10-stern.png">It won't be easy,and there will be times when you'll hate me, but if you're serious 'bout being heroes you should really consider my offer...</state>
             <case tag="female_removing_minor" target="kyoko" targetStage="5">
                 <state img="10-calm.png">So? Are you going somewhere with this?</state>
@@ -7326,16 +7320,16 @@
                 <state img="10-calm.png">You remind me a younger version of myself, but slutier.</state>
             <case tag="male_large_crotch_is_visible">
+                <state img="10-shocked.png">I'm not sure there's a word to describe that.</state>
                 <state img="10-concerned.png">Is that a... bazooka? I wonder how well does it... fire</state>
                 <state img="10-interested.png">I bet your girlfriend is very... happy.</state>
-                <state img="10-shocked.png">I'm not sure there's a word to describe that.</state>
             <case tag="male_large_crotch_is_visible" target="mettaton">
                 <state img="10-concerned.png">That thing won't get anywhere near me!</state>
             <case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible">
-                <state img="10-interested.png">Pussies are beautiful. I want to see!</state>
                 <state img="10-confident.png">It was bound to happen, ~name~.</state>
+                <state img="10-interested.png">Pussies are beautiful. I want to see!</state>
                 <state img="10-excited.png">I am always in the mood for a pussy!</state>
             <case filter="blonde" tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible">
@@ -7365,10 +7359,10 @@
                 <state img="10-calm.png" marker="man_child">Great...Another charming Cage prodige.</state>
             <case tag="male_removed_accessory">
-                <state img="10-angry.png"><i> *sigh* </i></state>
                 <state img="10-angry.png">I'll make you pay for every drop of blood I spilled while defending Earthrealm, and your soul if you keep acting like a fucking pussy!</state>
-                <state img="10-concerned.png">You sure came prepared to play, ~name~.</state>
                 <state img="10-angry.png">If I had known you were such a pussy, ~name~, I would have let Shao Khan conquered the shit out of ya!</state>
+                <state img="10-angry.png"><i> *sigh* </i></state>
+                <state img="10-concerned.png">You sure came prepared to play, ~name~.</state>
             <case tag="male_must_masturbate">
                 <state img="10-confident.png">I can't really blame you if you peek.</state>
@@ -7376,7 +7370,7 @@
                 <state img="10-excited.png">You're the star now, ~name~.</state>
             <case tag="male_must_masturbate" target="captain_falcon">
-                <state img="10-interested.png">&#9835; <i>Go speed racer, go speed racer, go speed racer, gooooo!</i> &#9834;</state>
+                <state img="10-interested.png">♫ <i>Go speed racer, go speed racer, go speed racer, gooooo!</i> ♪</state>
             <case tag="male_must_masturbate" target="mettaton">
                 <state img="10-calm.png">Great, I was just wondering if there was any anatomical way to go and fuck yourself!</state>
@@ -7387,16 +7381,16 @@
                 <state img="10-interested.png">Interesting</state>
             <case tag="female_human_must_strip">
+                <state img="10-excited.png">Hell yeah!</state>
                 <state img="10-excited.png">Hell yeah!</state>
                 <state img="10-angry.png">You strike me as the kind of girl that would chose Rayden, or Cage over me. Pussy!</state>
                 <state img="10-angry.png">You strike me as the kind of girl that would chose Scorpion or Sub Zero over me. Pussy!</state>
                 <state img="10-happy.png">I'm still gonna enjoy this, you know.</state>
-                <state img="10-excited.png">Hell yeah!</state>
             <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible">
-                <state img="10-horny.png">Not as pretty as mine... pretty, nevertheless.</state>
                 <state img="10-horny.png">Hot.</state>
                 <state img="10-horny.png">Have you ever considered having sex with another woman?</state>
+                <state img="10-horny.png">Not as pretty as mine... pretty, nevertheless.</state>
             <case alsoPlaying="palutena" filter="princess" tag="female_crotch_is_visible">
                 <state img="10-calm.png" marker="phony_goddess">Ha, ha. Kitana would destroy you in three seconds!</state>
@@ -7435,23 +7429,23 @@
                 <state img="10-interested.png" marker="zone_tentacles">You have been talking about having sex with tentacles all night. I don't get it... Are you getting fucked by an octopus? How is that even possible?</state>
             <case tag="female_start_masturbating">
-                <state img="10-shocked.png"><i>Now</i> you're getting embarrassed? ... Really?</state>
                 <state img="10-excited.png">I wanna see passion, ~name~.</state>
+                <state img="10-shocked.png"><i>Now</i> you're getting embarrassed? ... Really?</state>
                 <state img="10-excited.png">Jill like there's no tomorrow, ~name~.</state>
             <case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="palutena">
                 <state img="10-angry.png" marker="phony_goddess">NO! You should have stepped in and helped us defend Earthrealm from Shao Khan, but instead you chose to hide in the heavens. You stupid Goddess bitch!</state>
             <case tag="male_removing_major">
-                <state img="10-interested.png"> I'm intrigued to see whatcha gonna do now, ~name~, giving all your little accessories are on the floor.</state>
+                <state img="10-interested.png">I'm intrigued to see whatcha gonna do now, ~name~, giving all your little accessories are on the floor.</state>
                 <state img="10-calm.png">You're cool with stripping? ... Chip on your shoulder says otherwise...</state>
                 <state img="10-excited.png">Yeah, yeah, I lost. You're gonna lose too...</state>
             <case tag="female_removed_accessory">
-                <state img="10-angry.png"><i> *sigh* </i></state>
-                <state img="10-concerned.png">You sure came prepared to play, ~name~.</state>
                 <state img="10-angry.png">If I had known you were such a pussy, ~name~, I would have let Shao Khan conquered the shit out of ya!</state>
                 <state img="10-angry.png">I'll make you pay for every drop of blood I spilled while defending Earthrealm, and your soul if you keep acting like a fucking pussy!</state>
+                <state img="10-angry.png"><i> *sigh* </i></state>
+                <state img="10-concerned.png">You sure came prepared to play, ~name~.</state>
             <case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="blackrose" targetStage="4">
                 <state img="10-angry.png">If you so much as try to get away I'll will be playing drums with your ribs.</state>
@@ -7550,8 +7544,8 @@
             <case tag="male_chest_is_visible">
                 <state img="10-excited.png">Hmm... You are fit. Good.</state>
-                <state img="10-interested.png">If you're actually intending to win this you have to step up to the plate now, otherwise you risk my fate.</state>
                 <state img="10-horny.png">Not bad to look at.</state>
+                <state img="10-interested.png">If you're actually intending to win this you have to step up to the plate now, otherwise you risk my fate.</state>
             <case tag="male_chest_is_visible" target="mettaton">
                 <state img="10-concerned.png" marker="mettaton_chest">What the actual fuck are you?</state>
@@ -7589,9 +7583,9 @@
                 <state img="10-interested.png" marker="man_child">I doubt that, man-child.</state>
             <case tag="female_must_masturbate">
+                <state img="10-calm.png">This is a good time to leave your inhibitions behind.</state>
                 <state img="10-interested.png">I could use this as a diversion.</state>
                 <state img="10-excited.png">You can look at me if that helps.</state>
-                <state img="10-calm.png">This is a good time to leave your inhibitions behind.</state>
             <case filter="athletic" tag="female_must_masturbate">
                 <state img="10-excited.png">Think of this as a cardio session.</state>
@@ -7618,9 +7612,9 @@
                 <state img="10-concerned.png">I now understand why you behave like a 3 year old...</state>
             <case tag="male_removing_accessory">
-                <state img="10-interested.png">You don't know what you're missing, ~name~.</state>
-                <state img="10-angry.png">Before you take off something small remember that I can grab you with my legs and rip your torso in two!</state>
                 <state img="10-interested.png">What's next, ~name~?</state>
+                <state img="10-angry.png">Before you take off something small remember that I can grab you with my legs and rip your torso in two!</state>
+                <state img="10-interested.png">You don't know what you're missing, ~name~.</state>
             <case tag="male_removing_accessory" target="captain_falcon" targetStage="0">
                 <state img="10-stern.png">You're a Captain? Well, I am a General, that means you're outranked, Falcon.</state>
@@ -7630,8 +7624,8 @@
             <case tag="male_finished_masturbating">
                 <state img="10-stern.png">At ease.</state>
-                <state img="10-happy.png">I'm still gonna call this a "happy ending".</state>
                 <state img="10-calm.png">Leftovers are fine with me...</state>
+                <state img="10-happy.png">I'm still gonna call this a "happy ending".</state>
             <case tag="female_small_chest_is_visible">
                 <state img="10-excited.png">Nice and firm. Lovely to watch and tempting to grab...</state>
@@ -7651,9 +7645,9 @@
                 <state img="10-happy.png" marker="little_girl">Those are so cute! Now remember, the moment you start acting like a mature women, big girl breasts will grow, okay?</state>
             <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible">
-                <state img="10-excited.png">Not bad...</state>
                 <state img="10-interested.png">Pretty.</state>
                 <state img="10-happy.png">That's a respectable pair.</state>
+                <state img="10-excited.png">Not bad...</state>
             <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="aimee">
                 <state img="10-excited.png" marker="gunslinger">Holy fuck!, Gunslinger!! How the hell did you do that? Nice tits, By the way!</state>
@@ -7674,9 +7668,9 @@
                 <state img="10-angry.png">Get used to it, bitch!</state>
             <case tag="female_removing_accessory">
-                <state img="10-interestedf.png">You don't know what you're missing, ~name~.</state>
-                <state img="10-angry.png">Before you take off something small remember that I can grab you with my legs and rip your torso in two!</state>
                 <state img="10-interested.png">What's next, ~name~?</state>
+                <state img="10-angry.png">Before you take off something small remember that I can grab you with my legs and rip your torso in two!</state>
+                <state img="10-interestedf.png">You don't know what you're missing, ~name~.</state>
             <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="ann" targetStage="4">
                 <state img="10-angry.png">Oh gee... I blame this on the educational system...</state>
@@ -7720,11 +7714,8 @@
             <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="twilight" targetStage="3">
                 <state img="10-calm.png" marker="equestria">Equestria? I've never heard of that realm. I am General Sonya Blade From Earthrealm's Special Forces...</state>
-            <case tag="game_over_victory">
-                <state img="10-happy.png">I WON!</state>
-            </case>
             <case tag="female_removing_major">
-                <state img="10-interested.png"> I'm intrigued to see whatcha gonna do now, ~name~, giving all your little accessories are on the floor.</state>
+                <state img="10-interested.png">I'm intrigued to see whatcha gonna do now, ~name~, giving all your little accessories are on the floor.</state>
                 <state img="10-calm.png">You're cool with stripping? ... Chip on your shoulder says otherwise...</state>
                 <state img="10-excited.png">Yeah, yeah, I lost. You're gonna lose too...</state>
@@ -7762,9 +7753,9 @@
                 <state img="10-calm.png">Agreed.</state>
             <case tag="male_removing_minor">
-                <state img="10-happy.png">You know what you have to do now, ~name~.</state>
                 <state img="10-confident.png">You won't escape this time.</state>
                 <state img="10-stern.png">I wouldn't do that.</state>
+                <state img="10-happy.png">You know what you have to do now, ~name~.</state>
             <case tag="male_removing_minor" target="captain_falcon" targetStage="2">
                 <state img="10-angry.png" marker="captain_charming">I don't need an escort! And I'm sure as hell not your baby!</state>
@@ -7788,9 +7779,9 @@
                 <state img="10-calm.png" marker="little_girl">Oh! Did Daddy's little girl wet herself?</state>
             <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible">
-                <state img="10-excited.png">Do you have to expose your tits? Nice...</state>
                 <state img="10-interested.png">This should be fun to watch...</state>
-                <state img="10-happy.png"> I should have brought my camera...</state>
+                <state img="10-excited.png">Do you have to expose your tits? Nice...</state>
+                <state img="10-happy.png">I should have brought my camera...</state>
             <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" target="aimee">
                 <state img="10-shocked.png" marker="gunslinger">...Wait...I think... I think  I see the bullets!</state>
@@ -7854,7 +7845,7 @@
             <case tag="finished_masturbating">
                 <state img="10-horny.png">I'm ready for round 2 right now.</state>
-                <state img="10-excited.png"> <i>FAP-ALITY</i>!</state>
+                <state img="10-excited.png"><i>FAP-ALITY</i>!</state>
                 <state img="10-angry.png">Choose your words <i>carefully<i>, smartass...</state>
                 <state img="10-interested.png">Wanna taste? Come and lick my fingers!</state>
@@ -7890,5 +7881,4 @@
diff --git a/opponents/sonya/meta.xml b/opponents/sonya/meta.xml
index dfa215c865b227d29dd8518399d42604161e449c..10d279e98de90a2b63491982ebdac0dc0e5e6667 100644
--- a/opponents/sonya/meta.xml
+++ b/opponents/sonya/meta.xml
@@ -15,17 +15,17 @@
-	<tag>sonya</tag>
-	<tag>mortal_kombat</tag>
-	<tag>short_hair</tag>
-	<tag>dark_eyes</tag>
-	<tag>fair-skinned</tag>
-	<tag>medium_breasts</tag>
-	<tag>muscled</tag>
-	<tag>weapon</tag>
-	<tag>gun</tag>
-	<tag>police</tag>
-	<tag>fighter</tag>
+        <tag>sonya</tag>
+        <tag>mortal_kombat</tag>
+        <tag>short_hair</tag>
+        <tag>dark_eyes</tag>
+        <tag>fair-skinned</tag>
+        <tag>medium_breasts</tag>
+        <tag>muscled</tag>
+        <tag>weapon</tag>
+        <tag>gun</tag>
+        <tag>police</tag>
+        <tag>fighter</tag>