<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?> <!--This file was machine generated using the Character Editor v5.0 at 1:23:00 AM on July 17, 2019. Please do not edit it directly without preserving your improvements elsewhere or your changes may be lost the next time this file is generated.--> <opponent> <version>v5.0</version> <first>Mae</first> <last>Borowski</last> <label>Mae</label> <gender>female</gender> <size>small</size> <timer>25</timer> <intelligence>average</intelligence> <tags> <tag>black_hair</tag> <tag>exotic_hair</tag> <tag>medium_hair</tag> <tag>messy_hair</tag> <tag>red_eyes</tag> <tag>dark-skinned</tag> <tag>chubby</tag> <tag>short</tag> <tag>big_butt</tag> <tag>hairy</tag> <tag>pubic_hair</tag> <tag>small_breasts</tag> <tag>freckles</tag> <tag from="0" to="4">confident</tag> <tag>mean</tag> <tag from="4" to="8">perverted</tag> <tag>sarcastic</tag> <tag>tomboy</tag> <tag>witty</tag> <tag>boob_envy</tag> <tag from="5" to="8">enf</tag> <tag>bisexual</tag> <tag>single</tag> <tag>american</tag> <tag>mixed_heritage</tag> <tag>video_game</tag> <tag>musician</tag> <tag>bottomless_first</tag> <tag>creepy</tag> </tags> <start /> <wardrobe> <clothing name="bra" generic="bra" position="upper" type="important" /> <clothing name="boxers" generic="boxers" position="lower" type="important" plural="true" /> <clothing name="pants" generic="pants" position="lower" type="major" plural="true" /> <clothing name="shirt" generic="shirt" position="upper" type="major" /> <clothing name="socks" generic="socks" position="feet" type="minor" plural="true" /> <clothing name="boots" generic="boots" position="feet" type="extra" plural="true" /> </wardrobe> <poses> <pose id="leave"> <sprite id="terror" src="mae/8-terror.png" y="160" alpha="100" /> <sprite id="terror1" src="mae/6-terror.png" x="0" y="0" alpha="0" /> <directive type="animation" id="terror" interpolation="none"> <keyframe time="0" alpha="100" /> <keyframe time="0.5" alpha="0" /> </directive> <directive type="animation" id="terror1"> <keyframe time="0" src="mae/6-terror.png" /> <keyframe time="0.5" rotation="0" /> </directive> <directive type="animation" id="terror1" interpolation="linear"> <keyframe time="0" x="0" y="0" /> <keyframe time="0.81" x="0" /> <keyframe time="2" x="-7000" /> </directive> <directive type="animation" id="terror1" interpolation="none"> <keyframe time="0" alpha="0" /> <keyframe time="0.5" alpha="100" /> </directive> </pose> <pose id="nat_leave"> <sprite id="lolbye" src="mae/1-lolbye.png" x="0" y="-20" alpha="100" /> <sprite id="lolbyeeeee" src="mae/1-lolbyeeeee.png" x="0" y="0" alpha="0" /> <directive type="animation" id="lolbye" ease="linear" interpolation="none"> <keyframe time="0" alpha="100" /> <keyframe time="0.75" alpha="0" /> </directive> <directive type="animation" id="lolbyeeeee" ease="linear" interpolation="linear"> <keyframe time="0" x="0" /> <keyframe time="1.25" x="0" /> <keyframe time="2" x="-500" /> <keyframe time="3.25" x="-10000" /> </directive> <directive type="animation" id="lolbyeeeee" ease="linear" interpolation="none"> <keyframe time="0" alpha="0" /> <keyframe time="0.7500001" alpha="100" /> </directive> </pose> <pose id="nat_return"> <sprite id="neutral" src="mae/2-neutral.png" x="-11080" y="0" /> <directive type="animation" id="neutral" interpolation="linear"> <keyframe time="0" x="-11080" y="0" /> <keyframe time="1" x="-1500" /> <keyframe time="1.5" x="0" /> </directive> </pose> </poses> <behaviour> <stage id="0"> <case tag="selected"> <state img="0-stare.png">Huh, so we take off something when we lose a hand. I <i>guess</i> I'll join this weird game?</state> </case> <case tag="game_start"> <state img="0-triumphant.png">I played poker before! You guys are going <i>down</i>!</state> <state img="0-fingergun.png" marker="bubblegum">I'm ready!! To kick ass and chew bubblegum!</state> <state img="0-surprise.png">Why do I feel like this is something you people play in college?</state> <state img="0-smug.png">I played poker with my friends before, so this is no big deal. This time, I <i>will</i> kick everyone's ass!</state> <state img="0-stare.png">That's not how you pronounce "meme".</state> </case> <case tag="game_start" alsoPlaying="futaba" priority="10000"> <state img="0-surprise.png">Huh!?</state> </case> <case tag="game_start" alsoPlaying="haru" priority="560"> <condition count="1" filter="leggy" /> <condition count="1" filter="pinkie_pie" /> <state img="0-thinking.png"><i>(So I'm playing strip poker with two sheep and a horse. This is going to be a weird game.)</i></state> </case> <case tag="game_start"> <condition count="2-4" filter="mae" /> <test expr="~mae.position~" value="left" /> <state img="0-surprise.png">W-What the!?</state> </case> <case tag="game_start"> <condition count="2-4" filter="mae" /> <test expr="~mae.position~" value="right" /> <state img="0-fingergun.png">My own clone! Now neither of us will be virgins!</state> </case> <case tag="game_start" alsoPlaying="emi"> <condition count="1" filter="mavis" /> <condition count="1" filter="hk416" /> <state img="0-woah.png">Stripes!? But I'm not wearing stripes!</state> </case> <case tag="game_start" alsoPlaying="twilight"> <condition count="1" filter="rarity" /> <condition count="1" filter="pinkie_pie" /> <state img="0-woah.png"><i>(What the---how come I'm the only non-horse in this game? Is this some kind of coincidence?)</i></state> </case> <case tag="game_start" priority="14"> <test expr="~background~" value="arcade" /> <state img="0-hype.png">An arcade? A <i>real life</i> arcade!? Holy crap, I only saw these in crappy teen movies!</state> </case> <case tag="game_start" alsoPlaying="ryuji"> <test expr="~background~" value="bedroom" /> <state img="0-fingergun.png">Whose bedroom is thi---Hah, jinx!</state> </case> <case tag="game_start" priority="15"> <test expr="~background~" value="bedroom" /> <state img="0-surprise.png">Whose bedroom is this!?</state> </case> <case tag="game_start" priority="14"> <test expr="~background~" value="green screen" /> <state img="0-thinking.png">So, uhh... What are we even doing here?</state> </case> <case tag="game_start" priority="15"> <test expr="~background~" value="hot spring" /> <state img="0-surprise.png">What is this place? And why are we playing here?</state> </case> <case tag="game_start"> <test expr="~background~" value="locker room" /> <state img="0-smug.png">Heh! First one to lose gets their butt whipped with towels!</state> </case> <case tag="game_start" alsoPlaying="kyu" priority="55"> <test expr="~background~" value="locker room" /> <state img="0-surprise.png">Woah, are we seriously gonna re-enforce that rule?</state> </case> <case tag="game_start" priority="15"> <test expr="~background~" value="mansion" /> <state img="0-stare.png">Ugh, fancy...</state> <state img="0-stare.png">I can already smell the overpriced wine. Ugh, just the thought makes me sick.</state> </case> <case tag="game_start" priority="15"> <test expr="~background~" value="poolside" /> <state img="0-thinking.png">Should I have bought a bathing suit? These clothes aren't made for getting wet, unlike a bathing suit.</state> </case> <case tag="game_start" priority="14"> <test expr="~background~" value="romantic" /> <state img="0-surprise.png">Uhhh... What's with that wallpaper!?</state> </case> <case tag="game_start" priority="16"> <test expr="~background~" value="street" /> <state img="0-woah.png">Who <i>are</i> these people!?</state> </case> <case tag="game_start" alsoPlaying="roxie" totalRounds="0" priority="9999"> <test expr="~roxie.position~" value="left" /> <state img="0-neutral.png">Oh, thanks! I like your aesthetic. Very punk-like.</state> </case> <case tag="game_start" alsoPlaying="roxie" totalRounds="0" priority="9999"> <test expr="~roxie.position~" value="right" /> <state img="0-fingergun.png">Oh, thanks! I like your aesthetic. Very punk-like.</state> </case> <case tag="game_start" totalFemales="1" priority="18"> <state img="0-eh.png">...Why the hell am I the only female here? Should I be concerned? Something tells me I should be concerned.</state> </case> <case tag="game_start" totalMales="0" priority="17"> <state img="0-thinking.png">Huh? Is this a girl's only game? I'd hardly consider myself a girl at all.</state> </case> <case tag="game_start" totalMales="1" priority="19"> <state img="0-stare.png">Playing strip poker with a bunch of women sounds like some rich boy college student's wet dream... unless you're actually queer.</state> </case> <case tag="swap_cards"> <state img="0-thinking.png">Uhhh... ~cards~ cards?</state> <state img="0-thinking.png">I guess I'll take ~cards~ cards</state> <state img="0-eh.png">I dunno. These ~cards~ can go.</state> <state img="0-eh.png">Hmm... ~cards~ cards.</state> </case> <case tag="swap_cards" totalRounds="0"> <state img="0-surprise.png">Wait, exchanging cards!? I mean, I'll exchange ~cards~, I guess?</state> </case> <case tag="good_hand"> <state img="0-fingergun.png">I'm not losing here! Not with this awesome hand!</state> <state img="0-triumphant.png">Yes! This hand won't let me down!</state> <state img="0-smug.png">Guess who's stripping? It's not me!! Because this hand is unbeatable!</state> <state img="0-fingergun.png">Safe!</state> <state img="0-annoyed.png">How come my only reward is not stripping?</state> <state img="0-fingergun.png">Bless this mess.</state> <state img="0-triumphant.png">WOOHOO!</state> <state img="0-fingergun.png">Who's stripping? I'm not stripping!</state> <state img="0-smug.png">Hey, free pass to the next round.</state> <state img="0-smug.png">Heh. I don't think a poker face is required. No point in trying to beat me anyways.</state> </case> <case tag="good_hand" hasHand="Four of a Kind" totalRounds="2-"> <state img="0-hype.png">YES!! I feel like I just won the lottery! Can I actually win something worthwhile this time?</state> </case> <case tag="good_hand" hasHand="Full House"> <state img="0-surprise.png">W-Woah.</state> <state img="0-cocky.png">This hand reminds me of a song.</state> </case> <case tag="good_hand" hasHand="Royal Flush" priority="10000"> <state img="0-hype.png" marker="royalflush">YeeeeEEEEESSSSSSS!!! <i>YES!! YEEESSSSSS!!!</i></state> </case> <case tag="good_hand" hasHand="Straight Flush"> <state img="0-surprise.png">Hooooo-leeeee hell!</state> </case> <case tag="good_hand" totalAlive="2-3" totalRounds="0"> <state img="0-neutral.png">Seems awfully empty...</state> </case> <case tag="good_hand" totalMales="0-1" totalFemales="4-5" notSaidMarker="god_hand_flirt" priority="888"> <state img="0-fingergun.png" marker="god_hand_flirt">Check out THIS hand! Laaaaaaaadies!</state> </case> <case tag="okay_hand"> <state img="0-neutral.png">Are these good? Not that you guys know considering only I can see them.</state> <state img="0-thinking.png">What do these symbols mean anyways? Are they just to look fancy?</state> <state img="0-thinking.png">Hmmm...</state> <state img="0-stare.png">Could be better. At least it's not a high card.</state> <state img="0-thinking.png">What are the chances of me getting a better hand?</state> <state img="0-neutral.png">This kinda sucks.</state> <state img="0-woah.png">I'm actually kinda nervous here. I could still lose with this hand.</state> <state img="0-stare.png" marker="hands_temptingfate=1">...One of you <i>has</i> to have a high card, right? Or at least a pair worse than mine.</state> <state img="0-thinking.png">If only we could bet money. I could use a lot of money right now. Legitimate money.</state> </case> <case tag="bad_hand"> <state img="0-stare.png">This card is garbage. <i>(Kind of like me, a trash mammal. Except it's even more garbage than me.)</i></state> <state img="0-annoyed.png">Really not looking forward to losing here.</state> <state img="0-annoyed.png">This hand is a load of crap.</state> <state img="0-stare.png">This hand is dumb.</state> <state img="0-stare.png">Hey, can I <i>not</i> have garbage like this next time!?</state> <state img="0-eh.png">Ugh, way to get effed over.</state> <state img="0-annoyed.png">Stupid cards.</state> <state img="0-annoyed.png">Trash. Garbage. Useless. <i>(Even a trash mammal like me deserves a better hand.)</i></state> <state img="0-thinking.png">Who invented this game anyways? And how did they figure out the probability of getting each hand?</state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="akko" alsoPlayingSayingMarker="AAAAAA"> <state img="0-surprise.png">AAAAAAAAAH!!</state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="amalia" alsoPlayingStage="5" alsoPlayingTimeInStage="0"> <state img="0-why.png">Are you kidding me!? You.... freaking cheater!</state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="blake" saidMarker="blakereveal" notSaidMarker="blakereveal2"> <state img="0-eh.png" marker="blakereveal2">I mean... <i>(I see her as an animal regardless, just like how I see everyone else... How do I explain this to everyone without them thinking I'm insane?)</i></state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="chihiro" alsoPlayingStage="5" notSaidMarker="chihirogone" priority="9988"> <state img="0-thinking.png" marker="chihirogone">Alright, so... who are you, exactly? Was your... err, <i>creator</i> some sort of computer master?</state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="chun-li" alsoPlayingSayingMarker="butt"> <state img="0-woah.png">Holy... Only 7000 squats at the gym can make an ass <i>that</i> great!</state> <state img="0-woah.png">Holy... <i>(And here I thought Angus had the greatest ass I ever saw!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="emi" alsoPlayingSayingMarker="placeholder"> <state img="0-stare.png">Whatever you say, Ms. Fourth-Wall-Breaker.</state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="florina" alsoPlayingSayingMarker="bee_again"> <state img="0-thinking.png" marker="beemurder">Might wanna get some perfume. If you can kill birds with perfume, you can kill bees with it too.</state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="futaba" alsoPlayingSayingMarker="futabutt"> <state img="0-eh.png">I wish I had my team with me... My team being my three friends. Then again, I don't think any of them would play this game. Except maybe Gregg.</state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="futaba" totalRounds="0" priority="10000"> <state img="0-stare.png">You assumed WRONG!</state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="leggy" alsoPlayingStage="3" alsoPlayingTimeInStage="0"> <state img="0-welp.png">...Oh. <i>(This isn't another hallucination, is it? She's actually a sheep.)</i></state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="leggy" alsoPlayingStage="4" alsoPlayingTimeInStage="0" priority="10000"> <state img="0-stare.png" marker="furry">I guess that also makes me a furry, huh?</state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="lucina" alsoPlayingStage="1" alsoPlayingTimeInStage="0" saidMarker="thisisreal1" notSaidMarker="thisisreal2"> <state img="0-welp.png" marker="thisisreal2">I'm not disassociating... I am NOT disassociating... This is real.</state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="mavis" alsoPlayingStage="3" alsoPlayingTimeInStage="0"> <state img="0-eh.png">Ugh, that must feel really uncomfortable. <i>(And yet, it's weirdly hot...)</i></state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="natsuki" alsoPlayingStage="5" alsoPlayingTimeInStage="0"> <state img="0-smug.png" marker="iseelondoniseefrance">...No, it isn't.</state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="natsuki" alsoPlayingStage="6" alsoPlayingTimeInStage="0" priority="812"> <state img="0-surprise.png" marker="natsuki_seduce">W-Wait, are you <i>trying</i> to seduce me? What happened to thinking I was gross!?</state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="natsuki" totalRounds="1" notSaidMarker="natsuki_coward"> <state img="0-annoyed.png" marker="r1natsuki_coward">Well, I guess this game wasn't meant for cowardly little schoolgirls like you.</state> <state img="0-annoyed.png" marker="r1natsuki_coward">Wow. You must be so fun at parties.</state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="pit" alsoPlayingStage="2" notSaidMarker="pit_greek"> <state img="0-surprise.png" marker="pit_greek">Wait, you're not!? But... your clothing! Didn't the people of ancient Greece wear that kind of clothing?</state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="rinkah" alsoPlayingStage="3" alsoPlayingTimeInStage="0" saidMarker="strip_rinkah_naked" notSaidMarker="fuq"> <state img="0-terror.png" marker="fuq">NO, WAIT, FORGET THE "STRIP YOU NAKED" PART!</state> <state img="0-terror.png" marker="fuq">WAIT, I DIDN'T MEAN TO SAY THAT!!</state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="saki_zls" alsoPlayingStage="6" alsoPlayingTimeInStage="0"> <state img="0-surprise.png" marker="saki_reveal">Wait, what the hell!? What in the infinite hells!?</state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="saki_zls" alsoPlayingStage="6" alsoPlayingTimeInStage="0" saidMarker="sakura_reveal"> <state img="0-stare.png" marker="saki_reveal">Ohhhh, I see. There's a zombie uprising going on, isn't it? <i>(Well, at least I can trust one of 'em. But there's no telling if that other one plans on eating anyone...)</i></state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="sakura" alsoPlayingSayingMarker="die_anywhere_else" priority="10000"> <state img="0-eh.png">Kind of an awkward coincidence... Sorry about that. It's a great song though, even if I had no idea how to play it the first time when my bandmates said they were going to do that song.</state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="sakura" alsoPlayingSayingMarker="donut_wolf" priority="10000"> <state img="0-hype.png">The only way to find out is to RIDE THE CHARIOT TO DONUT HELL!</state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="sakura" alsoPlayingSayingMarker="mae_covers2" priority="10000"> <state img="0-eh.png">Eh? O-Oh, thanks! I got more songs if you want... Too bad I only have one leftover receipt.</state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="sakura" alsoPlayingSayingMarker="mae_ghosts" priority="10000"> <state img="0-thinking.png">Ironically, we have a song spookier than that. It's called "Pumpkin Head Guy". One of Gregg's personal favorites, I think.</state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="sakura" alsoPlayingSayingMarker="weird_autumn" priority="10000"> <state img="0-eh.png">It's the <i>place</i> where autumn's happening that's weird. The events taking place in that autumn are weird. It's... hard to explain, but I really like that song.</state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="sakura" totalMasturbating="0" totalFinished="0" alsoPlayingSayingMarker="mae_covers2" priority="10000"> <state img="0-hype.png">Hearing you sing a song of ours was awesome! Thank you!</state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="sakura" totalMasturbating="1-" totalFinished="0-4" alsoPlayingSayingMarker="mae_covers2" priority="10000"> <state img="0-eh.png">Eh? O-Oh, thanks! I got more songs if you want... Too bad I only have one leftover receipt.</state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="leggy" alsoPlayingStage="3" alsoPlayingTimeInStage="0"> <condition count="1" filter="haru" /> <state img="0-welp.png">...Oh. <i>(This isn't another hallucination, is it? She's actually a sheep. Only that Haru girl is an actual human being...)</i></state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="akko" alsoPlayingSayingMarker="AAAAAA"> <condition count="1" filter="pit" /> <state img="0-surprise.png">AAAAAAAAAH!! <i>(Wait, why are we screaming?)</i></state> </case> <case tag="hand" notSaidMarker="undead_marker"> <condition count="0" filter="sakura" /> <condition count="1-4" filter="undead" /> <state img="0-fingergun.png" marker="undead_marker">HAH, I knew it! The undead <i>is</i> real! I was right all along!</state> </case> <case tag="hand" notSaidMarker="nakedplaying"> <condition count="0" filter="twilight" /> <condition count="1" status="lost_all" /> <state img="0-woah.png" marker="nakedplaying">Wait... they have no items left. Why do they still get cards? What happens if they lose?</state> </case> <case tag="hand" saidMarker="akko_exorcism" notSaidMarker="ignored_a" priority="9998"> <state img="0-annoyed.png" marker="ignored_a">...Or you can all ignore me like the assholes you are. Cool. I'm fine with it. Not like my opinion is worth listening to anyways.</state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="palutena" alsoPlayingStage="6" notSaidMarker="palutiddie"> <test expr="~palutena.position~" value="left" /> <state img="0-sweat.png" marker="palutiddie"><i>(...Wow. She's so tall, my head reaches her boobs...)</i></state> </case> <case tag="hand" totalRounds="5"> <test expr="~weekday~" value="Friday" /> <state img="0-fingergun.png">Alone on a ~weekday~ night, ~player~? Well, so was I. Now we're not alone.</state> </case> <case tag="hand" totalRounds="5" priority="9995"> <test expr="~weekday~" value="Monday" /> <state img="0-stare.png">Ugh, I just realized we're playing on a <i>Monday</i>. I hate Mondays. Only good thing about a Monday is that tomorrow can't be a Monday.</state> </case> <case tag="hand" totalRounds="6"> <test expr="~weekday~" value="Wednesday" /> <state img="0-fingergun.png">It's Wednesday, my dudes!</state> </case> <case tag="hand" totalAlive="2-3" totalRounds="0" priority="9996"> <state img="0-eh.png">...Why is it only us here? I thought there'd be more people....</state> </case> <case tag="hand" totalRounds="0" priority="9999"> <state img="0-eh.png">...Wait, this isn't Texas Hold'em?</state> <state img="0-stare.png">...So we're <i>not</i> playing Texas Hold'em?</state> <state img="0-thinking.png">I never played this kind of poker before, honestly... Or did I?</state> </case> <case tag="hand" totalRounds="1" priority="9999"> <state img="0-neutral.png" marker="possumsprings_q">Hey ~player~, I have a question. Where are you from? You're clearly not from the place I'm from.</state> </case> <case tag="hand" totalRounds="3-" notSaidMarker="embarrassingunderwear."> <state img="0-eyes.png" marker="embarrassingunderwear.">Heehee... What if one of us wears embarrassing underwear. If you are that person, you're in for some embarrassment!</state> </case> <case tag="hand" totalRounds="4" priority="9999"> <state img="0-stare.png" marker="spookyeyes">I'm very aware of how creepy my eyes are, ~player~. Can you believe I'm the only person in my spooky old town with eyes like these?</state> </case> <case tag="must_strip"> <state img="0-neutral.png">Our parents told us to never interact with strangers when we were little, but here we all are now. Hello everyone.</state> <state img="0-neutral.png">Hmph. I hope you aren't expecting anything sexy, because it's literally impossible to take off your boots in a sexy manner.</state> </case> <case tag="must_strip" alsoPlaying="akko" alsoPlayingSayingMarker="akko_merman"> <state img="0-hype.png">Oh, I <i>wish</i>... That'd probably be one of the coolest things ever!!</state> </case> <case tag="must_strip" alsoPlaying="akko" notSaidMarker="possumsprings_magic"> <state img="0-eh.png" marker="possumsprings_magic">Yes. Yes, we can. Anything to liven things up in Possum Springs.</state> </case> <case tag="must_strip" alsoPlaying="futaba"> <state img="0-neutral.png">Both. Both are good. Dunno why you're asking though.</state> </case> <case tag="must_strip" alsoPlaying="meia" alsoPlayingSayingMarker="dropout" priority="205"> <state img="0-why.png">W-Who told you that!? FYI, my reason for dropping out is college is very personal!</state> </case> <case tag="must_strip" alsoPlaying="meia" priority="200"> <state img="0-annoyed.png">Excuse me!? I'm <i>sturdy</i>, not chubby! I may be short and round, but it doesn't stop me from being able to walk on powerlines and smash open mailboxes.</state> </case> <case tag="must_strip" alsoPlaying="miko"> <state img="0-stare.png">...Last time I checked, I didn't come from ancient Japan, nor did I have such a weird name.</state> </case> <case tag="must_strip" alsoPlaying="natsuki" totalRounds="0"> <state img="0-neutral.png">I immediately regret my decision to play this game. And yeah. This is strip poker. Stick with it or go home.</state> </case> <case tag="must_strip" alsoPlaying="pit"> <state img="0-cocky.png">That's me! A rude, crude, rootin'-tootin' kitty cat.</state> </case> <case tag="must_strip" hasHand="One Pair"> <state img="0-annoyed.png" marker="lostwithpair1">Seriously? With a pair? Lady Luck abandoned me this round, it seems.</state> </case> <case tag="must_strip" hasHand="Straight"> <state img="0-why.png">HOW THE HELL DO YOU GUYS HAVE BETTER HANDS THAN I DO!?</state> </case> <case tag="must_strip" hasHand="Three of a Kind"> <state img="0-why.png">I LOST WITH THREE OF A KIND!?</state> <state img="0-why.png">HOW THE HELL DO YOU GUYS HAVE BETTER HANDS THAN I DO!?</state> </case> <case tag="must_strip" hasHand="Two Pair"> <state img="0-woah.png">What the---I lost with <i>two pair!?</i> What are even the chances of <i>getting</i> two pair!?</state> </case> <case tag="must_strip" saidMarker="hands_temptingfate==1" notSaidMarker="hands_temptingfate" priority="130"> <state img="0-surprise.png" marker="hands_temptingfate2=2">No? Well, crud.</state> </case> <case tag="must_strip" totalRounds="0" notSaidMarker="firstround_loss"> <state img="0-stare.png" marker="firstround_loss">I immediately regret my decision to play this game.</state> </case> <case tag="must_strip" totalRounds="1" saidMarker="possumsprings_q" priority="9999"> <state img="0-stare.png" marker="possumsprings_a">Hmm? Where am <i>I</i> from? Yeah, no. You don't want to hear about the rustbucket of disappointment that is Possum Springs.</state> </case> <case tag="must_strip_winning"> <state img="0-stare.png">Hmph. There goes my perfect victory.</state> <state img="0-smug.png">I bet you want me to take off my shirt, huh? Well too bad, losers, because I still have boots!</state> <state img="0-annoyed.png">Aww, I could've gone through this game fully clothed...</state> <state img="0-thinking.png">First loss, huh? I'm still winning, so I'm not <i>too</i> upset.</state> </case> <case tag="must_strip_winning"> <condition count="1" status="decent" /> <state img="0-smug.png" marker="fullyclothed_exposedtable">Wow, and I haven't even taken off a single article of clothing in this game! You guys suck at this game.</state> </case> <case tag="must_strip_normal"> <state img="0-annoyed.png">Ugh. I hate losing. At least it's only my first loss.</state> <state img="0-fingergun.png">You think that'd deter me? I'm just getting started!</state> <state img="0-smug.png">Fine, I'll entertain you. But we'll see who has the last laugh.</state> </case> <case tag="must_strip_losing"> <state img="0-why.png">Come on, you guys have so much clothing on!! How was I supposed to know I should bring a lot too!?</state> </case> <case tag="stripping"> <state img="0-strip.png">These boots were made for walking. Because if they weren't, they'd would be really crappy boots.</state> <state img="0-strip.png" marker="heels">These boots were made for walking, not for being sexy. Heels are supposed to be sexy... for some reason.</state> <state img="0-strip.png">These boots were made for walking. What kind of boots are not made for walking? Shitty boots, that's what.</state> <state img="0-strip.png" marker="sexy_strip">What, you think I'm gonna be sexy when I strip? Hilarious.</state> <state img="0-strip.png">These boots are perfect for kicking down doors... Adios, boots. Looks like I'm not kicking down any doors for a while.</state> <state img="0-strip.png" marker="possumsprings_a2">Hmm? Where am <i>I</i> from? Yeah, no. You don't want to hear about the rustbucket of disappointment that is Possum Springs.</state> </case> <case tag="stripping" alsoPlaying="akko"> <state img="0-strip.png">What you just said is so true, it actually hurts to hear it. I think that town is desperate for some magic.</state> </case> <case tag="stripping" alsoPlaying="futaba" priority="555"> <state img="0-strip.png">Indeed I am, Futaba. Indeed I am.</state> </case> <case tag="stripping" alsoPlaying="leggy" priority="15"> <state img="0-strip.png">Thanks. They're ugly, but they're practical. Never get worn after a day of running around and climbing buildings.</state> </case> <case tag="stripping" alsoPlaying="meia" alsoPlayingSaidMarker="dropout"> <state img="0-strip.png">I didn't ask you for your "advice" either. So zip it!</state> </case> <case tag="stripping" alsoPlaying="miko"> <state img="0-strip.png">...You're kinda right about the 'huge bitch' part though. But everything else? God, you sound like an idiot.</state> <state img="0-strip.png">...Nor do I have horns. Are you even listening?</state> </case> <case tag="stripping" alsoPlaying="natsuki" totalRounds="0"> <state img="0-strip.png">Oh wow, it's almost like you're the only person who didn't know!</state> </case> <case tag="stripping" alsoPlaying="pit"> <state img="0-strip.png">I kicked many people in the shins with these boots. Wanna be another victim of mine?</state> </case> <case tag="stripping" alsoPlaying="rinkah" alsoPlayingStage="4-8"> <state img="0-strip.png">D-Don't threathen me! You w-would've done the same if <i>I</i> was down to my last legs!</state> </case> <case tag="stripping" alsoPlaying="roxie" priority="555"> <state img="0-strip.png">Heck yeah, they do. Me and my trusty kicking boots.</state> </case> <case tag="stripping" notSaidMarker="aggressive_selfstrip"> <condition count="1-5" filter="aggressive" /> <state img="0-strip.png" marker="aggressive_selfstrip">...Please don't kill me. It's probably against the rules. And I have a family.</state> </case> <case tag="stripping" totalExposed="1-" notSaidMarker="stripping_exposedtable"> <state img="0-strip.png" marker="stripping_exposedtable">Oooooh, sorry about this. Maybe you should start playing better...</state> <state img="0-strip.png" marker="stripping_exposedtable">Yeah, yeah, I know. I'm a jackass. Nothing I never heard before.</state> <state img="0-strip.png" marker="stripping_exposedtable">Boo and hiss all you want. I'm used to it.</state> </case> <case tag="male_must_strip"> <state img="0-smug.png">I won! Now humiliate yourself and strip for us!</state> <state img="0-cocky.png">Get stripping, loser.</state> <state img="0-fingergun.png">Your shame is my gain.</state> <state img="0-cocky.png">Tch. Easy.</state> <state img="0-smug.png">My boots thank you.</state> </case> <case tag="male_must_strip" hasHand="Royal Flush"> <state img="0-triumphant.png">ROYAL FLUSH!!</state> <state img="0-triumphant.png">I GOT THE BEST HAND THERE IS! EAT IT!</state> <state img="0-why.png">Are you kidding!? This is a <i>Royal freaking Flush</i> I have! I deserve something for getting this hand! Your loss is not a good enough reward!!</state> </case> <case tag="male_must_strip" target="kamina" targetStage="0"> <state img="0-triumphant.png">MIGHTY MAN! MIGHTY MAN!!</state> </case> <case tag="male_must_strip" target="pit" targetStage="0"> <state img="0-surprise.png"><i>(Woah, an angel? So that's not an ordinary swan I'm seeing---he's a legitimate angel!?)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_must_strip"> <state img="0-triumphant.png">Ayyy, score point for the bandit queen!</state> <state img="0-smug.png">Tch. Easy.</state> <state img="0-eyes.png">Thanks for taking the bullet, ~name~.</state> <state img="0-fingergun.png">My boots thank you.</state> </case> <case tag="female_must_strip" hasHand="Royal Flush"> <state img="0-triumphant.png">ROYAL FLUSH!!</state> <state img="0-triumphant.png">I GOT THE BEST HAND THERE IS! EAT IT!</state> <state img="0-why.png">Are you kidding!? This is a <i>Royal freaking Flush</i> I have! I deserve something for getting this hand! Your loss is not a good enough reward!!</state> </case> <case tag="female_must_strip" target="florina" targetSayingMarker="bee"> <state img="0-terror.png">Not the bees!</state> </case> <case tag="female_must_strip" target="futaba" targetStage="0"> <state img="0-neutral.png" marker="futaba1">Hmm... I have a feeling people would love you. People are into cute, redheaded gamer girls, aren't they?</state> </case> <case tag="female_must_strip" target="kizuna" targetSayingMarker="kizuna_start_naked"> <state img="0-stare.png">That's no excuse. Get stripping, missy.</state> </case> <case tag="female_must_strip" target="rinkah" targetStage="0" priority="10000"> <state img="0-surprise.png"><i>(Holy... crap...)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_must_strip" target="rinkah" targetStage="1" priority="10000"> <state img="0-surprise.png"><i>(It's her turn to strip again!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_must_strip" target="rinkah" targetStage="2" priority="10000"> <state img="0-flustered.png"><i>She's so positive too, so confident and strong yet kind... Damn it, I'm falling in love with this dumb, hot girl! I shouldn't be falling for her, but... Arghhh!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_must_strip" target="rinkah" targetStage="3"> <state img="0-thinking.png"><i>(Okay... What else does she have?)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_must_strip" target="rinkah" targetStage="4"> <state img="0-annoyed.png"><i>(Stupid... dumb... musclehead... hot tribal princess! She's distracting me from the game!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_must_strip" target="rinkah" targetStage="5"> <state img="0-flustered.png">W-What'd I tell you? I knew I'd kick your butt from the start!</state> </case> <case tag="female_must_strip" target="sakura" targetStage="4"> <state img="0-hype.png">Wait! <i>Wait!</i> If you sing for a living, can you sing a cover of one of my band's songs? Please?</state> </case> <case tag="female_must_strip" target="syrenne" targetStage="0"> <state img="0-annoyed.png"><i>(Blegh. Alcoholics like her make me feel queasy...)</i></state> </case> <case tag="tie"> <state img="0-surprise.png">What the---is that even possible?</state> <state img="0-why.png">HOW!?</state> <state img="0-thinking.png">So, uhh... What now?</state> </case> <case tag="male_removing_accessory"> <state img="0-eh.png">I'd call you a coward, but I'd probably do the same.</state> <state img="0-eh.png">This is more boring than whatever goes on in my town. Literally nothing but misery happens there.</state> <state img="0-annoyed.png">Lame.</state> <state img="0-neutral.png">I know several people who could make things more livelier.</state> </case> <case tag="male_removing_accessory" saidMarker="amockery" notSaidMarker="amockery2" priority="10000"> <state img="0-cocky.png" marker="amockery2">I've been mocking you this entire time. What are you gonna do about it? Call the cops on me?</state> </case> <case tag="male_removing_accessory" target="kamina" targetStage="0"> <state img="0-hype.png">Holy crap, you're so cool!!</state> </case> <case tag="male_removing_accessory" target="kamina" targetStage="2"> <state img="0-eh.png">Why does it feel like your pants would just... slide off without that belt?</state> </case> <case tag="male_removing_accessory" target="pit" targetStage="0"> <state img="0-thinking.png"><i>(That explains the greek-themed clothing he's wearing. Jeez, I hate how everyone I see is an animal.)</i></state> </case> <case tag="male_removing_accessory" target="pit" targetStage="1"> <state img="0-stare.png">What's the point of that sash? Is this just for uniform or something? A show of dominance.</state> </case> <case tag="male_removing_accessory" targetStage="1-8" targetStatus="not_decent"> <state img="0-thinking.png">Hang on, couldn't you just off your ~clothing~ first? You didn't have to show that much skin.</state> </case> <case tag="male_removed_accessory"> <state img="0-eh.png">Not to ruin the mood, but we are all gonna die at some point. The least we can do is move on.</state> <state img="0-neutral.png">...Okay, next hand?</state> <state img="0-neutral.png">I have no witty comments to make for now, so just deal the next hand.</state> <state img="0-stare.png"><i>(yawn)</i></state> <state img="0-eh.png">Can we move on?</state> <state img="0-neutral.png">As ~clothing.ifPlural(some ~clothing~ are|a ~clothing~ is)~ being removed, a new person is born. Isn't life weird?</state> <state img="0-annoyed.png">I'm bored. Can I have a new hand?</state> <state img="0-eyes.png">Okay okay okay! Let's keep going!</state> <state img="0-annoyed.png">Can we <i>please</i> move faster?</state> <state img="0-stare.png">I'd rather be doing crimes. Crimes tend to be more fun than watching you take off ~clothing.ifPlural(some stupid ~clothing~|a stupid ~clothing~)~.</state> </case> <case tag="male_removed_accessory" target="kamina" targetStage="1"> <state img="0-smug.png">You should go to Possum Springs. Liven things up a bit. Not everyday you see a shirtless man with a burning cape who constantly yells. Imagine everyone's reactions.</state> </case> <case tag="male_removed_accessory" target="kamina" targetStage="3"> <state img="0-smug.png">That'd honestly be pretty hilarious. Like the slapstick comedy that seems to be my life sometimes.</state> <state img="0-surprise.png" marker="gravitypants">Nope. Still on. Apparently those pants defy gravity or something! Man, that'd be revolutionary!</state> </case> <case tag="male_removed_accessory" target="pit" targetStage="1"> <state img="0-stare.png">Hmm? No, I wasn't staring at you, Pit. You must be seeing things.</state> </case> <case tag="male_removed_accessory" target="pit" targetStage="2"> <state img="0-neutral.png">I know jack about greek culture. Which is weird because I always thought angels were associated with Christianity. Then again, I also thought angels were fictional.</state> </case> <case tag="male_removed_accessory" targetStage="1-8" targetStatus="not_decent"> <state img="0-annoyed.png">...You do you, I guess.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_accessory"> <state img="0-eh.png">I'd call you a coward, but I'd probably do the same.</state> <state img="0-stare.png">The time being wasted here could be spent doing something productive. Or fun. Watching you strip is neither fun nor productive.</state> <state img="0-thinking.png">Meh. I'd do the same in your shoes. Ironically, my own shoes would be the first to go here.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_accessory" filter="aggressive"> <state img="0-neutral.png" marker="aggressive_marker">I feel like one of you can kill anyone in this room. How do you guys get away with murder?</state> <state img="0-neutral.png" marker="aggressive_marker">I bet you know the best place to dump a body in.</state> <state img="0-neutral.png" marker="aggressive_marker">Can I ask you a favor? Can you not hurt anyone when they also take off an accessory.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="blake" targetStage="5"> <state img="0-surprise.png">Wait, what? What's this?</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="florina" targetStage="0" targetSaidMarker="fled"> <state img="0-eyes.png">♫ Sometimes I feel I got to <i>(bomp bomp)</i> run away!~ ♫</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="futaba" targetStage="1" priority="999"> <state img="0-smug.png">I. Want. Those. Boots.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="lucina" targetStage="0"> <state img="0-surprise.png">Eh!?</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="pinkie_pie" targetStage="5"> <state img="0-eh.png"><i>(Aw man, but the stockings-only look was hot...)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="rinkah" targetStage="0" priority="10000"> <state img="0-sweat.png"><i>(This Rinkah girl... She could probably suplex me without any trouble!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="rinkah" targetStage="1" priority="9999"> <state img="0-flustered.png">Those gloves you took off earlier look heavy... I-Is that how you build muscle?</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="rinkah" targetStage="2" priority="10000"> <state img="0-eh.png"><i>(Abs like solid rock. I'd probably hurt my hand trying to punch her the stomach...)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_accessory" targetStage="1-8" targetStatus="not_decent"> <test expr="~name~" cmp="!=" value="Kyu" /> <state img="0-thinking.png">Hang on, can't you just off your ~clothing~ first? You didn't have to show that much skin.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_accessory"> <state img="0-neutral.png">...Okay, next hand?</state> <state img="0-neutral.png">I have no witty comments to make for now, so just deal the next hand.</state> <state img="0-stare.png"><i>(yawn)</i></state> <state img="0-eh.png">Can we move on?</state> <state img="0-annoyed.png">Let's go! Poker waits for no kitten!</state> <state img="0-annoyed.png">I'm bored. Can I have a new hand?</state> <state img="0-eyes.png">Okay okay okay! Let's keep going!</state> <state img="0-annoyed.png">Can we <i>please</i> move faster?</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="blake" targetStage="6"> <state img="0-stare.png" marker="blakereveal">Oh... This whole time, you were... secretly a cat?</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="futaba" targetStage="2" priority="1001"> <state img="0-hype.png">Seriously, they're actually my aesthetic... I don't know how to use that word, but I do want boots like yours!</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="lucina"> <state img="0-eh.png" marker="thisisreal1">...And you chose to disguise yourself <i>why</i>? Are you from some sort of fantasty setting or am I just... Oh god...</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="natsuki" targetStage="1"> <state img="0-eyes.png" marker="natsuki_coward">After taking off <i>one</i> item? I didn't peg you to be the cowardly type.</state> <state img="0-neutral.png" marker="natsuki_coward">You disappoint me. And here I'd thought we'd get along just fine.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="pinkie_pie" targetStage="6"> <state img="0-flustered.png">You're weird, but in this case, I do like weird... Show me more party tricks!</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="rinkah" targetStage="1"> <state img="0-surprise.png">...Please don't hurt me Rinkah...</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="rinkah" targetStage="2"> <state img="0-eh.png">Although I guess it's too late to ask since youve already took off your boots... <i>(Ughh! I am such an idiot!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="rinkah" targetStage="3" priority="10000"> <state img="0-eyes.png" marker="strip_rinkah_naked">B-Bring it! I will strip you naked and emerge from this game victoriou---</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_accessory" targetStage="1-8" targetStatus="not_decent"> <test expr="~name~" cmp="!=" value="Kyu" /> <state img="0-annoyed.png">...You do you, I guess.</state> </case> <case tag="male_removing_minor"> <state img="0-cocky.png">Got any interesting stories while we wait for ~name~ to finish taking off his ~clothing~? I did a lot of cool stuff in Possum Springs.</state> <state img="0-stare.png">Anyone else getting bored?</state> <state img="0-neutral.png">I think a lot of people tend to take off his accessories first. Wouldn't want to show the goods, right?</state> <state img="0-smug.png" marker="bandmember">This is boring. Hey, have I told you guys I play in a band?</state> <state img="0-smug.png" marker="meme_1">We live in a society...</state> <state img="0-stare.png">Small things first. That's how it usually is.</state> </case> <case tag="male_removing_minor" target="kamina" targetStage="1"> <state img="0-neutral.png">Should I wear armwraps too? I tend to hurt my hands a lot.</state> </case> <case tag="male_removing_minor" target="kamina" targetStage="6" priority="855"> <state img="0-thinking.png">Saving the cape for last, I see.</state> </case> <case tag="male_removing_minor" target="pit" targetStage="2"> <state img="0-thinking.png">These are the most impractical sandals I ever saw. How the hell do you even run in the---?</state> </case> <case tag="male_removing_minor" targetStage="1-8" targetStatus="not_decent"> <state img="0-thinking.png">Hang on, can't you just off your ~clothing~ first? You didn't have to show that much skin.</state> </case> <case tag="male_removed_minor"> <state img="0-eh.png">Can we, like, move on?</state> <state img="0-neutral.png">People are dying horribly as we speak. The least we can do is speed this up.</state> <state img="0-neutral.png">As ~clothing.ifPlural(some ~clothing~ are|a ~clothing~ is)~ being removed, a new person is born. Isn't life weird?</state> <state img="0-thinking.png">Somewhere out there, someone is masturbating furiously. Ever thought about that?</state> <state img="0-thinking.png">As ~clothing.ifPlural(some ~clothing~ are|a ~clothing~ is)~ being removed, someone dies. Scary isn't it?</state> <state img="0-neutral.png">I could be eating pizza right now.</state> </case> <case tag="male_removed_minor" target="kamina" targetStage="2"> <state img="0-thinking.png">And not just from knife fights. Only my knuckles seem to be injured there.</state> </case> <case tag="male_removed_minor" target="kamina" targetStage="7"> <state img="0-eh.png">I mean... You could've used that to cover yourself. <i>(That's what I should've done...)</i></state> </case> <case tag="male_removed_minor" target="pit" targetStage="3"> <state img="0-surprise.png">Ohhhhh, right, you have wings. My bad.</state> </case> <case tag="male_removed_minor" target="ryuji" targetSayingMarker="wince" priority="555"> <state img="0-eh.png">Ouch. You okay?</state> </case> <case tag="male_removed_minor" target="ryuji" targetStage="1"> <state img="0-hype.png">Ooooh, I want that shirt!</state> </case> <case tag="male_removed_minor" targetStage="1-8" targetStatus="not_decent"> <state img="0-annoyed.png">...You do you, I guess.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_minor"> <state img="0-cocky.png">Got any interesting stories while we wait for ~name~ to finish taking off her ~clothing~? I did a lot of cool stuff in Possum Springs.</state> <state img="0-stare.png">Anyone else getting bored?</state> <state img="0-neutral.png">I think a lot of people tend to take off their accessories first. Wouldn't want to show the goods, right?</state> <state img="0-smug.png" marker="bandmember">This is boring. Hey, have I told you guys I play in a band?</state> <state img="0-smug.png" marker="meme_1">We live in a society...</state> <state img="0-stare.png">Small things first. That's how it usually is.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_minor" target="catria" targetStage="3"> <state img="0-surprise.png">H-Hey! We can see your ass, y'know!</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_minor" target="futaba" targetStage="0" priority="555"> <state img="0-stare.png">Ooooh, lucky you. Cute people are usually not into girls like me. For good reason. <i>(Not like she needs to know why most of the town calls me "Killer".)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_minor" target="futaba" targetStage="3" priority="10000"> <state img="0-neutral.png">Are those not uncomfortable? Or is it so cold where you're from that you need to keep your legs warm?</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_minor" target="kyoko" targetStage="5" priority="545"> <state img="0-eh.png">...Oh...</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_minor" target="natsuki" targetStage="2"> <state img="0-neutral.png">Just like culinary arts is a fancy way of saying "cooking". Because being fancy and saying complicated words to seem smarter is a thing.</state> <state img="0-thinking.png">I wouldn't know. English is not my strong suit.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_minor" target="sakura" targetStage="1" priority="540"> <state img="0-surprise.png"><i>(What the---grey skin?)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_minor" target="sakura" targetStage="2" priority="545"> <state img="0-surprise.png" marker="sakura_reveal">Seriously!? You're a zombie!</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_minor" target="sakura" targetStage="3" priority="560"> <state img="0-fingergun.png" marker="loseyourhead">Woah, don't lose your head now! Ahahahahahaha!!</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_minor" targetStage="1-8" targetStatus="not_decent"> <test expr="~name~" cmp="!=" value="Kyu" /> <state img="0-thinking.png">Hang on, can't you just off your ~clothing~ first? You didn't have to show that much skin.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_minor"> <state img="0-eh.png">Can we, like, move on?</state> <state img="0-neutral.png">People are dying horribly as we speak. The least we can do is speed this up.</state> <state img="0-neutral.png">As you are taking off your ~clothing~, a new person is born.</state> <state img="0-thinking.png">Someone out there, someone is masturbating furiously. Ever thought about that?</state> <state img="0-neutral.png">I could be eating pizza right now.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="emi" targetStage="7"> <state img="0-surprise.png">Wait... Prosthetics!? I'm sorry, but if you mentioned having prosthetic legs before, I wasn't paying attention.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="futaba"> <state img="0-stare.png">Part of your thigh is exposed though, so it must be some weird fashion statement I never heard of.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="futaba" targetStage="1"> <state img="0-neutral.png">Just looking at you makes me wanna snuggle up against you and play video games on your TV all day.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="kyoko" targetStage="6"> <state img="0-welp.png"><i>(Well that just killed the mood.)</i></state> <state img="0-welp.png">I, uh, don't know what to say. I'm sorry.</state> <state img="0-welp.png">Jeez... I'm sorry.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="sakura" targetStage="2"> <state img="0-annoyed.png">You got a little something on your thighs. If we can have an explanation, that'd be neat.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="sakura" targetStage="3"> <state img="0-flustered.png"><i>(Aren't zombies supposed to be living corpses with rotting flesh? What's concerning is that she's STILL cute despite that!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="sakura" targetStage="3" alsoPlaying="saki_zls" alsoPlayingStage="6"> <state img="0-smug.png">Aha! There's a zombie uprising going on, isn't it? No wonder you know each other so well! Too bad I was prepared from the very beginning!</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="sakura" targetStage="4" alsoPlaying="saki_zls" alsoPlayingStage="7" saidMarker="loseyourhead"> <state img="0-smug.png">Hahaha... hah... Man, you girls are a goldmine for lame puns. I need to work on my comedian routine. Could you help me out?</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="sakura" targetStage="4" saidMarker="loseyourhead"> <state img="0-smug.png">Hahaha... hah... Man, you're a goldmine for lame puns. I need to work on my comedian routine. Could you help me out?</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_minor" targetStage="1-8" targetStatus="not_decent"> <test expr="~name~" cmp="!=" value="Kyu" /> <state img="0-annoyed.png">...You do you, I guess.</state> </case> <case tag="male_removing_major"> <state img="0-eh.png" marker="notflirting">This must be no problem for you. A chance to show off your fantastic body, right? 'Cause, you <i>do</i> look good.</state> <state img="0-stare.png">Ballsy. Or at least it would be if you actually had boobs.</state> <state img="0-neutral.png">Not bad, I guess... I bet some people are fanning themselves.</state> <state img="0-eh.png">I... guess this isn't a big deal.</state> <state img="0-flustered.png">This means I'm winning, right!?</state> </case> <case tag="male_removed_major"> <state img="0-smug.png" marker="lostmajor">Time to win this game!</state> <state img="0-eyes.png" marker="lostmajor">Alright, I'm ready! <i>(I'm ready to see people get naked!)</i></state> <state img="0-smug.png" marker="lostmajor">This game is getting a lot more fun. Ooooh, what's next?</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_major"> <state img="0-flustered.png">W-Woah! I mean, I knew she was gonna take off her ~clothing~!</state> <state img="0-surprise.png">Woah! ~clothing.ifPlural(Some ~clothing~ are|A ~clothing~ is)~ being removed here! That's... That's a huge thing.</state> <state img="0-woah.png">~clothing.ifPlural(~Clothing~!|A ~clothing~!!)~ That's almost a victory in my book!</state> <state img="0-triumphant.png" marker="awwyiss">YES!!</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_major" target="aimee"> <state img="0-terror.png">WHAT THE HELL!?</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_major" target="akko" targetStage="2"> <state img="0-woah.png">W-Why do you keep transforming into these... people? Are they fictional characters or something?</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_major" target="emi" targetStage="7"> <state img="0-surprise.png">Your <i>legs!?</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_major" target="futaba" targetStage="2"> <state img="0-neutral.png">So what do you wear under your shirt? I'm... honestly curious? Not in a perverted way, just in a really curious way.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_major" target="hk416" targetStage="3"> <state img="0-neutral.png">Classy jacket you got there. Looks warm too.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_major" target="pinkie_pie" targetStage="0"> <state img="0-woah.png">Woah, she's already livening things up!</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_major" target="pinkie_pie" targetStage="1"> <state img="0-flustered.png">I like this girl. A lot.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_major" target="rinkah" targetStage="3"> <state img="0-hype.png">Pants! Pants!! <i>Paaaaants!!!</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_major" target="saki_zls" targetStage="5"> <state img="0-annoyed.png">Makeup? You can't strip <i>makeup---!</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_major" target="sakura"> <state img="0-surprise.png">It's the only scrap of paper I ha---wait, you never heard of Donut Wolf? You poor, unfortunate soul!</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_major" target="syrenne" targetStage="0"> <state img="0-woah.png">W-Wait, <i>already!?</i> What about those things on your arms?</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_major" id="0-2"> <state img="0-flustered.png">Okay, okay, okay. That's cool.</state> <state img="0-woah.png">Come on, next hand!</state> <state img="0-flustered.png">T-That means I'm winning, right? Right. I'm gonna kick your ass, guys.</state> <state img="0-flustered.png">Hahahaha... <i>(Holy crap, I'm sweating so much...)</i></state> <state img="0-eh.png">Here we are, a bunch of strangers stripping at this place.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_major" target="aimee" targetStage="1"> <state img="0-why.png">Wh... What? WHAT!? <i>WHY!?</i></state> <state img="0-why.png">Wh... What the hell is WRONG with you!?</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_major" target="emi" targetStage="8"> <state img="0-woah.png">Holy crap, you're determined!</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_major" target="futaba"> <state img="0-smug.png">Ahh, a second shirt. Good call. That way if the first one gets ruined, you have a backup.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_major" target="hk416" targetStage="4" priority="205"> <state img="0-surprise.png">Annnnd you're not wearing anything but a bra underneath it!</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_major" target="natsuki" targetStage="5"> <state img="0-surprise.png"><i>(That "oversized shirt with no pants" look is really hot... Oh god, now I feel gross. Jeez, I really hope this girl is legal...)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_major" target="natsuki" targetStage="5" alsoPlaying="pit"> <state img="0-flustered.png"><i>(Yeah... What he said.)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_major" target="natsuki" targetStage="6" priority="111"> <state img="0-surprise.png">Holy crap... That's adorable!</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_major" target="pinkie_pie" targetStage="1"> <state img="0-hype.png">And she's so nonchalant about it! Hey, we should all be like her!</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_major" target="pinkie_pie" targetStage="2"> <state img="0-flustered.png">I don't attend a lot of parties----you don't get too many at Possum Springs, and they tend to suck. So, uh, can you invite me to one of your parties sometime?</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_major" target="rinkah"> <state img="0-surprise.png">W-Wait, we can see your---!</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_major" target="saki_zls" targetStage="6"> <state img="0-terror.png">Gah! Not the ice bucket!</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_major" target="sakura" targetStage="5" targetSayingMarker="mae_covers"> <state img="0-triumphant.png">Yesssss!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_major" target="syrenne" targetStage="1"> <state img="0-stare.png">There's other things you can strip that are <i>not</i> your headband though.</state> </case> <case tag="male_chest_will_be_visible"> <state img="0-woah.png"><i>Geez...</i></state> <state img="0-surprise.png">Woah! Okay!!</state> <state img="0-sweat.png">This is just like a beach day, right? Yeah, it is. Hot, topless men everywhere...</state> <state img="0-sweat.png">Hahaha... hah... <i>(I think I'm sweating...)</i></state> <state img="0-eh.png">Jeez... You're probably eager to show off, aren't you?</state> </case> <case tag="male_chest_is_visible"> <state img="0-surprise.png">Cool!! Impressive!</state> <state img="0-flustered.png">N-Next hand?</state> <state img="0-flustered.png"><i>(Oh no, he's hot!)</i></state> <state img="0-sweat.png"><i>(Get it together, Borowski! Okay, some guy is shirtless. That's cool. It's fine, you signed up for this!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="male_chest_is_visible" filter="athletic"> <state img="0-sweat.png"><i>(Is it weird that I kinda wanna lick his chest... Yeah, that's weird! Stop being weird!!)</i></state> <state img="0-surprise.png">Wow...</state> <state img="0-woah.png">You <i>definitely</i> work out! You can probably lift me no problem, and that actually means something 'cause I'm pretty heavy.</state> </case> <case tag="male_chest_is_visible" filter="muscular"> <state img="0-woah.png">Woah, can you give me a ride on your back?</state> <state img="0-woah.png">Woah, how much have you been going to the gym!?</state> </case> <case tag="male_chest_is_visible" target="9s"> <state img="0-stare.png">...Can I ask what happened to your nipples?</state> </case> <case tag="male_crotch_will_be_visible"> <state img="0-surprise.png">Oh boy... Oh boy, t-this is it....</state> <state img="0-flustered.png">I'm not sure if I should be terrified or excited!!</state> <state img="0-surprise.png">Holy---!</state> <state img="0-terror.png">Wait!! I-I don't think I'm ready---</state> </case> <case tag="male_small_crotch_is_visible"> <state img="0-neutral.png">...Something tells me I should be laughing. I'm not.</state> <state img="0-stare.png">Soooooo, apparently you're smaller than average? Judging by everyone else's reactions?</state> <state img="0-eh.png">Is... Is it small? I dunno what counts as "average" size for penis just by sight. I'm not a dick professional.</state> <state img="0-thinking.png"><i>(Huh... Either porn is extremely unrealistic or his is not as big as it should be.)</i></state> </case> <case tag="male_medium_crotch_is_visible"> <state img="0-flustered.png">I... I bet you get a lot of girls...</state> <state img="0-sweat.png"><i>(Gah! It's...)</i></state> <state img="0-flustered.png"><i>(Why is everyone so damn attractive! I hate this game!)</i></state> <state img="0-flustered.png">There it is, guys. His... His dick. It's out for us.</state> <state img="0-sweat.png">Okay, okay, that's a nice penis, <i>moving on!!</i></state> </case> <case tag="male_medium_crotch_is_visible" target="ryuji" targetSayingMarker="ass" priority="445"> <state img="0-eyes.png"><i>(Nice.)</i></state> </case> <case tag="male_large_crotch_is_visible"> <state img="0-surprise.png">H-How would that even fit!?</state> <state img="0-terror.png">Err...</state> <state img="0-terror.png"><i>(Gah!! I do <i>not</i> want that near my privates!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="male_large_crotch_is_visible" target="mettaton"> <state img="0-why.png">What the---I know you're not human, but this is just ridiculous!!</state> </case> <case tag="male_crotch_is_visible"> <condition count="3-4" gender="male" status="naked" /> <state img="0-woah.png">How many penises am I gonna see tonight!? Geez!</state> </case> <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible"> <state img="0-flustered.png">Hahaha... This line shouldn't be playing. So, uh, just report it if it plays, I guess?</state> </case> <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" priority="780"> <condition count="1-5" status="chest_visible" /> <state img="0-woah.png">We are going to unlock more boobs!</state> <state img="0-sweat.png">Oh boy...</state> <state img="0-flustered.png">Looks like I'm seeing more boobs today. Hahaha.... hah...</state> <state img="0-flustered.png"><i>(Okay, this is <i>almost</i> worth sticking around!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" priority="785"> <condition count="0" gender="female" status="chest_visible" /> <state img="0-surprise.png">BOOBS!</state> <state img="0-woah.png">We are going to unlock ~name~'s boobs!</state> <state img="0-woah.png">Are you gonna show us your boobs? I've never actually seen boobs in real life! Unless you count my own boobs!!</state> <state img="0-surprise.png">Boobs! Honkers!! Badonkers!!!</state> <state img="0-woah.png">Oh... Oh crap...</state> </case> <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" target="florina" targetSayingMarker="bee3" priority="9998"> <state img="0-surprise.png">Holy <i>crap</i>, these bees show up at the worst moments!</state> </case> <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" target="futaba"> <state img="0-surprise.png">Erm... I guess I'll be seeing your boobs, Oracle! This isn't something new friends shouldn't do though...</state> </case> <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" target="kyu"> <state img="0-surprise.png">...Witchcraft!</state> </case> <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" target="kyu" targetSaying="This totally isn't some deus-ex-machina cop-out to avoid having to put any effort into another stripping sprite, by the way. In case you were wondering."> <state img="0-stare.png">But... wouldn't that stripping pose take just as much effort, if not <i>more?</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" target="moon" priority="10000"> <state img="0-why.png">FOR THE LAST TIME, I DON'T WANT TO SEE YOUR CHEST!</state> </case> <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" target="natsuki"> <state img="0-sweat.png">Y-You know what!? Fine! I'm tired of s-seeing that dumb strawberry-print on your underwear anyways! <i>So</i> childish!</state> </case> <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" target="rinkah" priority="9994"> <state img="0-eh.png">It doesn't hurt to bind your chest---?</state> </case> <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" target="saki_zls"> <state img="0-fingergun.png">Hehehe... Looks like you're getting <i>a-head</i> of yourself now!</state> </case> <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" totalRounds="0-5"> <state img="0-surprise.png">The game JUST started, what the heck!?</state> </case> <case tag="female_small_chest_is_visible"> <state img="0-neutral.png">Oh... I actually feel a little bad for you.</state> <state img="0-neutral.png">...I'm kind of disappointed.</state> <state img="0-eh.png">Well at least you're not sturdy like me!</state> </case> <case tag="female_small_chest_is_visible" target="saki_zls"> <condition count="0" filter="sakura" /> <state img="0-smug.png">I'm a comedian extraordinare!</state> </case> <case tag="female_small_chest_is_visible" target="saki_zls" alsoPlaying="sakura"> <condition count="0" filter="sakura" /> <state img="0-smug.png">Who knew zombies could be so hilarious!</state> </case> <case tag="female_small_chest_is_visible" target="futaba"> <state img="0-eh.png">...</state> </case> <case tag="female_small_chest_is_visible" target="natsuki"> <state img="0-eh.png"><i>(...Maybe now is not a good time to make another nasty comment, Mae. Jeez, I'm just as big of a jerk as she is.)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible"> <state img="0-flustered.png"><i>(Yup! Real boobs! Right in front of me!)</i></state> <state img="0-surprise.png"><i>(Must... not... squeeze...)</i></state> <state img="0-sweat.png">Umm... Nice... boobs? G... Great tits?</state> <state img="0-flustered.png">Hahaha, totally not staring, ~name~!</state> <state img="0-sweat.png"><i>(Oh crud, what do I do, WHAT DO I SAY!?)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="calisto" priority="15"> <state img="0-surprise.png">That <i>has</i> to be uncomfortable! Doesn't it feel like you're having a wedgie!?</state> </case> <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="florina"> <state img="0-annoyed.png">Now the reveal is kinda ruined, even if her tits are kind of cute... One of us should get some pesticide.</state> </case> <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="moon"> <state img="0-stare.png">...You have no idea how much I want to stab you and throw your filthy body into a river.</state> </case> <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="rinkah" priority="9995"> <state img="0-woah.png">Ohhhhh my good lord...</state> <state img="0-woah.png">W-Wow... How is your body so... <i>(perfect!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_large_chest_is_visible"> <state img="0-surprise.png">Those are some serious honkers! A real set of badonkers! You're packing some dobonhonkeros!!</state> <state img="0-surprise.png">Humongous hungolomghononoloughongous!</state> <state img="0-welp.png">You must attract a lot of people, huh?</state> <state img="0-flustered.png">Can I... no, nevermind! Forget I said anything!!</state> <state img="0-woah.png" marker="squeezethemtits">Holy... cow... Can I squeeze them!? Please?</state> </case> <case tag="female_large_chest_is_visible" target="jura" targetSayingMarker="butt"> <state img="0-annoyed.png"><i>(Ugh, AND she has an amazing ass too? This is why I hate hot girls like her sometimes. Nearly everything they do makes you self-concious about yourself.)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_chest_is_visible" filter="aggressive" priority="125"> <state img="0-stare.png">Why don't you just hakuna your ma-tatas, ~name~.</state> </case> <case tag="female_chest_is_visible" filter="no_bra"> <state img="0-eh.png">No bra, huh? Those things are <i>super</i> uncomfortable... unless you're wearing a sports bra. Like I am.</state> </case> <case tag="female_chest_is_visible" filter="pierced_nipples"> <state img="0-woah.png"><i>(She pierces her nipples!? That's... really hot...)</i></state> <state img="0-sweat.png"><i>(Woah... Do I have a thing for pierced nipples?)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible"> <state img="0-flustered.png">This is NOT how I expected my day to go.</state> <state img="0-flustered.png">Oh boy...</state> <state img="0-sweat.png"><i>(Is ~name~ one of those people who shaves? Why should that matter; I'm gonna see her crotch! Her naked crotch!!)</i></state> <state img="0-sweat.png">Nnnn!! We're gonna see---</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" filter="thong" priority="155"> <state img="0-eh.png">If I had to be honest, thongs look like the most uncomfortable things on the planet.</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="leggy"> <state img="0-flustered.png">It feels weird seeing you about to get naked knowing you're not actually human...</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="moon"> <state img="0-terror.png">I don't want to see it! It's probably filthy. And full of gross STDs. And a bunch of other gross things! Can I go home now!?</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="rinkah" priority="9999"> <state img="0-flustered.png">W-Well I've already seen your pubes!</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="sakura"> <state img="0-surprise.png">Oh boy! Zombie... pussy...</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" targetStatus="chest_visible"> <state img="0-flustered.png">I guess you're gonna show us the package deal! Nice!! I mean, who wouldn't want to see a pretty girl completely naked?</state> <state img="0-flustered.png">Heh... Time for you to, uh, get naked. Show us everything. Y'know, since those are the rules of the game and everything.</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible"> <state img="0-eh.png">Oh boy... I... I almost feel sorry for you.</state> <state img="0-surprise.png">Oh...</state> <state img="0-woah.png">I can't look away! I just can't! It's not everyday you see someone's vagina!</state> <state img="0-sweat.png">I... can't think straight...</state> <state img="0-flustered.png"><i>(I just unlocked someone's ass.)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible"> <condition count="1" gender="female" status="crotch_visible" /> <state img="0-surprise.png"><i>(Yup! That is indeed a vagina!)</i></state> <state img="0-surprise.png"><i>(Yup!! That is indeed a vagina! I'm seeing a stranger's crotch!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" filter="hairy"> <state img="0-flustered.png">You don't shave either? Whew, I thought I was the only one!</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" filter="shaved" priority="1"> <state img="0-woah.png">Wait, you shaved it!? How do you not cut yourself?</state> <state img="0-woah.png">How do you even shave? I'm afraid of putting anything sharp near my own lady parts!</state> <state img="0-surprise.png">Why do you people even shave?</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" filter="witch" notSaidMarker="witch_nude"> <state img="0-flustered.png" marker="witch_nude">I think ~name~ just bewitched me! Hahahahaha... hah...</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="aella" targetSaidMarker="AellaButt"> <state img="0-sweat.png"><i>(Is it bad I want her to sit on my face...?)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="blake" targetSaidMarker="Bellabooty"> <state img="0-smug.png">Bellabooty!</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="florina" targetSayingMarker="butt" priority="150"> <state img="0-flustered.png">We can see your butt!! <i>(And it's a really cute butt....)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="haru"> <state img="0-surprise.png"><i>(That ass is bigger than my future!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="ini" targetSaidMarker="butt"> <state img="0-annoyed.png">You suuuure are determined not to show us your pubes.</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="jolyne" targetSaidMarker="Butt"> <state img="0-hype.png"><i>(Yeeessssss!!)</i></state> <state img="0-flustered.png">And suddenly, I find myself enjoying this game more! You turning around r-really helped with that.</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="jura" targetSayingMarker="natsuki_hug"> <state img="0-stare.png">...I think you're suffocating her.</state> <state img="0-stare.png">If she dies being suffocated by your massive chest, I'm getting out of here.</state> <state img="0-thinking.png"><i>(Yeah, I can't envy her.)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="leggy"> <state img="0-thinking.png">Yup, everyone's a furry. I'm a furry, you're a furry, we're all furry in my eyes.</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="mavis"> <state img="0-surprise.png"><i>(She's dummy thicc!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="meia"> <state img="0-flustered.png"><i>(I like this sight!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="moon"> <state img="0-welp.png">...Why did I agree to playing this game?</state> <state img="0-welp.png">I should've left while I could.</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="rinkah"> <state img="0-flustered.png">Umm... You are <i>really</i> confident, huh?</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="sakura"> <state img="0-stare.png">...Is a thing I never thought I'd say in my life.</state> <state img="0-eh.png">Are you seriously a zombie? I'd have expected something more... cut up. And writhing with maggots. But no, you're really hot and I'm not sure how to feel about being attracted to a zombie.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" alsoPlaying="natsuki" notSaidMarker="natsuki_song" alsoPlayingSaying="♪ Let her rip! Let her roar! To the first and the second And the third encore! ♪" priority="15"> <state img="0-hype.png" marker="natsuki_song">Ooooooh, I like those lyrics! Really punchy, <i>badass</i> even!! What's that song?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" consecutiveLosses="3-" notSaidMarker="opp_consecutivelosses"> <state img="0-cocky.png" marker="opp_consecutivelosses">Wow, you are <i>terrible</i> at this game!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="non-human" targetStage="1-10" notSaidMarker="humanhate"> <condition count="0" filter="leggy" /> <state img="0-stare.png">Y'know, unlike most species, us humans actually <i>hate</i> each other. <i>(Which is why we're all a bunch of animals in my eyes)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="blue_hair" notSaidMarker="bluehair_marker"> <state img="0-woah.png" marker="bluehair_marker">Blue hair!? The only other person I know who has blue hair is Bea, and I know hers is dyed!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="criminal" notSaidMarker="criminal_marker" priority="165"> <state img="0-smug.png" marker="criminal_marker">I think I like ~name~ already! So, you think you're done for some crimes after this game is over?</state> <state img="0-fingergun.png" marker="criminal_marker">Finally, a fellow law-breaker!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="deity" notSaidMarker="deity_marker"> <state img="0-stare.png">...What do I even say?</state> <state img="0-thinking.png">This is too weird for me.</state> <state img="0-neutral.png">...</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="fancy" notSaidMarker="fancy_marker"> <state img="0-annoyed.png" marker="fancy_marker">Well, look at you! All fancy and crap. Do you sip expensive wine out of a three-million dollar wine glass as well?</state> <state img="0-eyes.png" marker="fancy_marker">So! You're gonna mock me for being commoner trash? Well jokes on you, I embraced that title!!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="flies" notSaidMarker="flies_marker" priority="54"> <state img="0-welp.png" marker="flies_marker">Maaaaan, I wish I could fly...</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="freckles" notSaidMarker="freckles_marker"> <state img="0-neutral.png" marker="freckles_marker">I bet it's sunny where you live. I wish we had more sunny days in Possum Springs... although rain and fog is nice sometimes.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="gloomy" notSaidMarker="gloomy_marker"> <state img="0-eh.png" marker="gloomy_marker"><i>(~name~ kind of reminds me of Bea. I kinda wish she were here now. Too bad Bea wouldn't be caught dead playing this game.)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="gun" notSaidMarker="gun_marker"> <state img="0-terror.png" marker="gun_marker"><i>(What the---aren't guns illegal!? What the hell is that person thinking? Should I be scared? I don't want to be shot again!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="innocent" notSaidMarker="innocent_marker" priority="6"> <state img="0-neutral.png" marker="innocent_marker">...Should you really be playing this game?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="lonely" notSaidMarker="lonely_marker"> <state img="0-eh.png" marker="lonely_marker"><i>(Jeez, ~name~ kind of reminds me of myself. Makes me glad I actually have some friends, or else my existence would end up being even crappier.)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="musician" targetStatus="decent" notSaidMarker="musician_tag"> <state img="0-neutral.png" marker="musician_tag">So you play an instrument too, huh? Or are you a singer?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="police" notSaidMarker="police_marker"> <state img="0-stare.png" marker="police_marker">I'm playing strip poker with a cop? Wow. I wonder what other crazy stuff life has in store for me.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="red_eyes" targetStage="0" notSaidMarker="redeyes_marker"> <state img="0-cocky.png" marker="redeyes_marker">Alright, ~name~, now that I've found another person with such vivid red eyes, you're officially a member of the "Nightmare Eyes" club. No backsies.</state> <state img="0-cocky.png" marker="redeyes_marker">Nightmare eyes, baby. All day, every day. We're comrades now.</state> <state img="0-triumphant.png" marker="redeyes_marker">Yes! YES! YEEESSS! Someone else with red eyes!!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="thigh_highs" notSaidMarker="thighhigh_markers"> <state img="0-annoyed.png" marker="thighhigh_markers">Ugh. Why would you torture yourself with those long socks? Doesn't it feel itchy?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="undead" targetStage="0" saidMarker="undead_marker" priority="7500"> <state img="0-cocky.png" marker="good_day">And now I have to watch them get naked slowly in front of me! This is a good day for Mae Borowski.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="vampire" notSaidMarker="vampire_marker" priority="155"> <state img="0-hype.png" marker="vampire_marker">Ohmigod... I <i>knew</i> vampires were real! Suck it, nonbelievers!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="virtual" notSaidMarker="virtual_marker"> <state img="0-surprise.png" marker="virtual_marker">Wait, am I playing with a hologram!? Is this another crazy dream?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="witch" notSaidMarker="witchdagga_witchmarker"> <state img="0-thinking.png" marker="witchdagga_witchmarker"><i>(Man, how cool would it be if Witchdagger actually played here? It would make up for all the times I couldn't go to any concerts because they were all too far away and nobody would drive me.)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" hasHand="Full House"> <state img="0-cocky.png">Yessir, that's a full house! How do you like <i>that?</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" hasHand="Full House" notSaidMarker="singing_fullhouse"> <state img="0-thinking.png" marker="singing_fullhouse">♫ Whatever happened to predictability? The milkman, the paperboy, evening TV? ♫</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" hasHand="High Card" notSaidMarker="highcard_win"> <state img="0-triumphant.png" marker="highcard_win">Yessss!! Still managed a win with a crappy high card!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" hasHand="High Card" saidMarker="highcard_win" notSaidMarker="highcard_win1"> <state img="0-smug.png" marker="highcard_win1">And what do you know? I won with a high card <i>again</i>!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" hasHand="High Card" saidMarker="highcard_win1" notSaidMarker="highcard_win2"> <state img="0-neutral.png" marker="highcard_win2">...Jeez, ~name~. Your luck is terrible.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" notSaidMarker="betteryouthanme"> <state img="0-neutral.png" marker="betteryouthanme">Better you than me.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="blake" targetStage="0"> <state img="0-eh.png"><i>(I can't tell what animal this girl is... Why do I even see people as animals in the first place?)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="blake" targetStage="6"> <state img="0-smug.png">A cat is fine too. I mean, look at <i>me!</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="chihiro" targetStage="5" priority="9997"> <state img="0-stare.png">Oh, you're back. Listen, you better not run away again. You chose to play, you stick it out until the end.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="florina" targetStage="4" targetSaidMarker="bee" priority="444"> <state img="0-surprise.png"><i>(Crap, better get ready to run. I don't want to be stung again!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="human" filter="gay" notSaidMarker="player_queer" priority="9998"> <state img="0-surprise.png" marker="player_queer">Wait... ~player~, you're gay?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="jura"> <state img="0-annoyed.png"><i>Of course</i> she's ridiculously vain. Not even sexy and suave girls can save the world from being crappy.</state> <state img="0-stare.png">Well at least your inflated ego makes sense, I'll give you that. But I still don't like you already.</state> <state img="0-stare.png">Ugh, and here I thought I'd like you. But no, you just <i>have</i> to rub your ridiculously good looks in my face.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="kyu" targetStage="0"> <state img="0-neutral.png">A disgustingly pink fairy who's also a huge slut? Now I've seen everything.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="leggy" targetStage="0"> <state img="0-eh.png">Are you <i>sure</i> you want to play this game? <i>(Everyone seems so surprised... Am I missing something?)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="leggy" targetStage="0" totalAlive="3"> <state img="0-eh.png">Are you <i>sure</i> you want to play this game? <i>(~player~ seems so surprised... Am I missing something?)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="leggy" targetStage="2"> <state img="0-cocky.png">Hah! Pretty stupid of you to wear just a woolly, long-sleeved leotard, eh---?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="leggy" targetStage="3"> <state img="0-stare.png">Yup. I get it. You're an actual sheep, and I'm an idiot.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="moon" targetStage="0" priority="10000"> <state img="0-terror.png">...Holy crap!</state> <state img="0-terror.png">Is this girl serious!? <i>(This is just... a whole new level of wrong here.)</i></state> <state img="0-terror.png"><i>(...And I thought I was the crazy one! This girl takes crazy to a whole new level!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="moon" targetStage="1" priority="10000"> <state img="0-surprise.png">Normally I'd be excited, BUT THIS GIRL IS FREAKING ME OUT RI---</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="moon" targetStage="2-5"> <state img="0-annoyed.png">Oh goodie, it's <i>her</i> turn.</state> <state img="0-neutral.png"><i>(This girl actually makes me look good in comparsion.)</i></state> <state img="0-surprise.png"><i>(Is this she actually human? What if she's secretly some horny sex alien whose species greet each other with blowjobs?)</i></state> <state img="0-thinking.png"><i>(How does this little rabbit-girl have the biggest libido?)</i></state> <state img="0-annoyed.png">I'd say prostitution would be a <i>wonderful</i> job for you, but I wouldn't want your poor clients to get every STD on the planet.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="moon" targetStage="6" priority="10000"> <state img="0-terror.png">Oh <i>no</i>...</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="natsuki" totalRounds="0" notSaidMarker="thememo" priority="110"> <state img="0-annoyed.png" marker="thememo">Noooo, this is just your ordinary, family-friendly poker. Did you seriously not get the memo?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="pinkie_pie" targetSayingMarker="pinka_start"> <state img="0-terror.png">WHAT THE HELL!?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="roxie" targetStage="0" priority="555"> <state img="0-smug.png">Roxie, huh? I dunno what it is, but something tells me we'll get along well.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="roxie" targetStage="2" priority="555"> <state img="0-neutral.png">So what's next? Is it gonna be the boots?</state> <state img="0-eh.png">Not a lot of options left...</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="roxie" targetStage="3" priority="555"> <state img="0-thinking.png">So... thong or bra?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="ryuji" targetStage="0"> <state img="0-woah.png"><i>(Woah, those legs! Why does it feel like he can break my neck with a single kick to the head?)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" targetStatus="decent" notSaidMarker="uhura_flashbacks" priority="1"> <state img="0-thinking.png" marker="uhura_flashbacks"><i>(Man, if this were any other kind of poker and we had to bluff in order to win, one of us could fart and nobody would be able to tell who did it.)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="sunglasses" notSaidMarker="sunglasses_marker"> <test expr="~background.location~" value="indoors" /> <state img="0-stare.png" marker="sunglasses_marker">Y'know, when you think about it, playing poker is the only valid excuse for wearing sunglasses indoors. So consider yourself lucky, I guess.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="scantily-clad" notSaidMarker="skimpy_marker"> <test expr="~name~" cmp="!=" value="Leggy" /> <state img="0-stare.png" marker="skimpy_marker">What the... Do you seriously have no shame?</state> <state img="0-stare.png" marker="skimpy_marker">Wearing <i>that</i> little clothing to a strip poker game? I don't think the irony is lost on any of us.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="deity" targetStage="0" notSaidMarker="deity_marker"> <test expr="~target.gender~" value="female" /> <state img="0-woah.png" marker="deity_marker">Wait wait wait wait, you're a <i>goddess!?</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="deity" targetStage="0" notSaidMarker="deity_marker"> <test expr="~target.gender~" value="male" /> <state img="0-woah.png" marker="deity_marker">Wait wait wait wait, you're a <i>god!?</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" totalRounds="1" saidMarker="possumsprings_q" priority="9999"> <state img="0-stare.png" marker="possumsprings_a">Hmm? Where am <i>I</i> from? Yeah, no. You don't want to hear about the rustbucket of disappointment that is Possum Springs.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" alsoPlaying="natsuki"> <state img="0-annoyed.png">Noooo, this is just your ordinary, family-friendly poker. Did you seriously not get the memo?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" totalRounds="7" notSaidMarker="slow_game_n" priority="9999"> <condition count="0" status="not_decent" /> <test expr="~clothing.type~" value="accessory" /> <state img="0-stare.png" marker="slow_game">Ugh, this game is slow.</state> <state img="0-annoyed.png" marker="slow_game">Can you guys hurry up?</state> <state img="0-annoyed.png" marker="slow_game">Yeesh.</state> <state img="0-annoyed.png" marker="slow_game">This is boring.</state> <state img="0-annoyed.png" marker="slow_game">Uggghhhhh.....</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" totalRounds="7" notSaidMarker="slow_game_n" priority="9999"> <condition count="0" status="not_decent" /> <test expr="~clothing.type~" value="minor" /> <state img="0-stare.png" marker="slow_game">Ugh, this game is slow.</state> <state img="0-annoyed.png" marker="slow_game">Can you guys hurry up?</state> <state img="0-annoyed.png" marker="slow_game">Yeesh.</state> <state img="0-annoyed.png" marker="slow_game">This is boring.</state> <state img="0-annoyed.png" marker="slow_game">Uggghhhhh.....</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" filter="clothing_destruction" notSaidMarker="clothingdestruction"> <state img="0-surprise.png" marker="clothingdestruction">Woah, what---!?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" filter="deity" targetStage="0"> <state img="0-eh.png">I... don't have good experience with deities. They tend to be assholes who try to break my mind.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" filter="police" targetStage="1"> <state img="0-thinking.png">Y'know, my aunt is a cop. Aunt Molly. Aunt Mall Cop. After all these years, we <i>still</i> don't get along.</state> <state img="0-stare.png" marker="life_rambling">I've been electrocuted at least twice in my lifetime and spoke to God. And God is an asshole. This is nothing compared to all the weird crap I've been through. But that's just life.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" saidMarker="singing_fullhouse" notSaidMarker="singing_fullhouse1" priority="1"> <state img="0-fingergun.png" marker="singing_fullhouse1">♫ You miss your old familar friends, <i>waiting just around the beeeeend!</i>♫</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" saidMarker="smooth_criminal_1" notSaidMarker="smooth_criminal_3"> <state img="0-cocky.png" marker="smooth_criminal_3">That "smooth criminal" being me. I'm not sure if you know this, but I'm pretty much a bandit queen.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="akko" targetStage="0" priority="775"> <state img="0-woah.png">Wait, for real!? You're a real witch? You're really a real witch? For real?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="akko" targetStage="0" targetSaidMarker="necronomicon" priority="780"> <state img="0-terror.png">GAH!! No, not this! I can't deal with that again!!</state> <state img="0-terror.png"><i>Ohcrapohcrapohcrap!!</i> I don't wanna deal with these things anymore!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="amalia" targetStage="4" priority="555"> <state img="0-woah.png">Huh? How'd they slide off so easily!?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="chihiro" targetStage="4" priority="9995"> <state img="0-woah.png">No, wait! Come back!!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="chihiro" targetStage="5" priority="9993"> <state img="0-surprise.png">Huh!?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="felicia" targetStage="0"> <state img="0-surprise.png">Wait, what?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="felicia" targetStage="1"> <state img="0-eh.png">I'm cringing so hard right now.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="florina" targetStage="4" targetSayingMarker="bee2"> <state img="0-surprise.png">Hey, be careful with---!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="haru" targetStage="3"> <state img="0-thinking.png"><i>(Is that a woollen sweater? Jeez, my hallucinations are scarily accurate sometimes. Too bad I'm not actually cute like actual cats...)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="human" filter="gay" saidMarker="player_queer" notSaidMarker="player_queer2"> <state img="0-thinking.png" marker="player_queer2">Huh, you usually don't find a lot of queer people in my conversative trash dump of a town. I thought me, Gregg, and Angus were the only ones...</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="leggy" targetStage="0"> <state img="0-stare.png">You have some pretty weird get-up. Are you some kind of cosplayer?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="leggy" targetStage="1"> <state img="0-neutral.png">You alright there?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="leggy" targetStage="2"> <state img="0-surprise.png">Wait, <i>what!?</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="leggy" targetStage="3" priority="10000"> <state img="0-eh.png" marker="seeing_animals">I didn't want to say it out loud, but... I kiiiiinda have something wrong with my brain and everyone I see is an animal.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="moon" targetStage="0" priority="10000"> <state img="0-terror.png">She's so desperate about it...</state> <state img="0-why.png">Of course, she's taking off the bra first, <i>of course she does!!</i> Because obviously someone desperate like you wouldn't do with a silly trinket!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="moon" targetStage="1"> <state img="0-eh.png">Phew.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="moon" targetStage="2"> <state img="0-annoyed.png"><i>(Ugh, I don't even want to IMAGINE her naked.)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="moon" targetStage="3"> <state img="0-thinking.png"><i>(I bet that thing is full of sex toys.)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="moon" targetStage="4"> <state img="0-surprise.png"><i>(Oh crap, this is her small last item! Oh no...)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="palutena" targetStage="3"> <state img="0-neutral.png">Hey, Palutena. I have a question; can you fly? Or do those belts get in the way?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="pinkie_pie" targetSaidMarker="pinka_start" targetNotSaidMarker="pinka_end2"> <state img="0-why.png">What the hell do we do!? I am <i>not</i> dying during a strip poker game.</state> <state img="0-stare.png">We should really get out of here. Before this girl attempts to murder us.</state> <state img="0-why.png">I'm not here to get murdered!</state> <state img="0-surprise.png">UHHH...</state> <state img="0-surprise.png">Hahaha... please help me.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="roxie" targetStage="0" priority="555"> <state img="0-surprise.png">The sweater? That's a pretty grand way to start. I actually kind of liked it...</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="roxie" targetStage="1" priority="555"> <state img="0-triumphant.png">Yessss! I knew it!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="roxie" targetStage="2" priority="555"> <state img="0-woah.png">Wait, those are shorts? I thought they were boxers!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="roxie" targetStage="3" priority="555"> <state img="0-eh.png">Guess it's the bra first...</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="roxie" targetStage="3" targetSayingMarker="famous_tits" priority="555"> <state img="0-woah.png">W-Wait, you're famous!?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="twilight" targetStage="0"> <state img="0-surprise.png">Huh!? You know you can take off anything you want, right!?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="twilight" targetStage="1"> <state img="0-stare.png">Annnnd when I mention hating bras, she takes hers off. Go figure, I guess.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="twilight" targetStage="3" priority="325"> <state img="0-flustered.png">Seriously, you have a bunch of other stuff! <i>(Not that I don't mind or anything, but... This girl is really confusing me right now!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="twilight" targetStage="4" priority="329"> <state img="0-annoyed.png">Whatever.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="twilight" targetStage="5" priority="328"> <state img="0-stare.png">Those look comfy. I can almost understand why you chose to save them for... second-to-last?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="twilight" targetStage="6" priority="9993"> <state img="0-eh.png">Last small thing... And second-to-last article of clothing...</state> <state img="0-thinking.png">Well, I understand you somewhat better at least. But can you understand me?</state> <state img="0-neutral.png">Farewell, shirt. You... literally did nothing this entire game.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" filter="musician" targetStage="0" priority="9000"> <test expr="~clothing.type~" cmp="!=" value="major" /> <test expr="~clothing.type~" cmp="!=" value="important" /> <state img="0-neutral.png" marker="mae_musicramble">I play bass guitar. In a band me and my friends formed a few years ago. But I wouldn't call myself a serious musician, y'know? Even though I really love music. And just... the arts in general.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" notSaidMarker="insertwittycommenthere"> <test expr="~clothing.type~" value="accessory" /> <state img="0-stare.png" marker="insertwittycommenthere">Insert witty comment here.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" totalRounds="0-6" notSaidMarker="slow_game_n"> <test expr="~clothing.type~" value="major" /> <state img="0-woah.png" marker="slow_game_n">Woah, this party got started fast! N-Not that I'm complaining.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" priority="5275"> <test expr="~clothing~" value="boots" /> <state img="0-neutral.png">Nice boots. Much better than my cheap knock-off Doc Martens, or whatever the heck they're called.</state> <state img="0-smug.png">Hmmm, your boots may appear more stylish, but mine were made for kicking down doors. With even more style than you'll ever have.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping"> <test expr="~clothing~" value="dress" /> <test expr="~target.gender~" value="female" /> <state img="0-stare.png">Wearing a dress is the same as wearing a very large single pant leg. Sorry to ruin your day, m'am.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping"> <test expr="~clothing~" value="dress" /> <test expr="~target.gender~" value="male" /> <state img="0-stare.png">Wearing a dress is the same as wearing a very large single pant leg. Sorry to ruin your day, sir.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" priority="55"> <test expr="~clothing~" value="gloves" /> <state img="0-eyes.png">So... the gloves come off!</state> <state img="0-thinking.png" marker="gloves">Y'know, people who wear gloves tend to either be murderers or hiding a horrible secret. Unless you're one of the Mario brothers.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" priority="60"> <test expr="~clothing~" value="hat" /> <state img="0-neutral.png">Hat's off for ~name~... <i>Hat is off</i> for ~name~. The way you strip isn't worth a compliment.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" notSaidMarker="skirtsvspants" priority="50"> <test expr="~clothing~" value="skirt" /> <test expr="~name~" cmp="!=" value="Pinkie" /> <state img="0-cocky.png" marker="skirtsvspants">Skirts may be fashionable, but pants are practical. When the zombie apocalyse is finally upon us, I bet the people who wear pants instead of skirts have a better chance of survival.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping"> <test expr="~clothing~" value="socks" /> <state img="0-cocky.png">"Socks" to be you.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped"> <condition count="0" status="not_decent" /> <test expr="~clothing.type~" cmp="!=" value="important" /> <test expr="~clothing.type~" cmp="!=" value="major" /> <state img="0-thinking.png" marker="+showerthought"><i>(How are playptuses real and unicorns aren’t? Unicorns are literally horses with a horn.)</i></state> <state img="0-neutral.png" marker="+showerthought">I could use a soda. Or water. Water tastes great for something that's, like, literally tasteless.</state> <state img="0-stare.png" marker="+showerthought">You know, there's only one type of movie that allows spoilers in the title. It's called porn.</state> <state img="0-eh.png" marker="+showerthought">I sincerely hope nobody is having any sexual thoughts, because I'm uncomfortable enough playing this game.</state> <state img="0-woah.png" marker="+showerthought">Am I dreaming? Is this multiplayer dreaming? This seems like one huge bizzare dream.</state> <state img="0-stare.png" marker="+showerthought">How messed up would it be if the penalty for losing is to remove a body part instead of your clothing?</state> <state img="0-smug.png" marker="+showerthought">Y'know, it'd be more interesting if we got money out of this. That money would become my pizza money.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" filter="clothing_destruction" saidMarker="clothingdestruction" notSaidMarker="clothingdestruction1"> <state img="0-eh.png" marker="clothingdestruction1">Jeez... I mean, I've seen weirder stuff, but... Just take off your clothes like a normal person.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" filter="deity" targetStage="1"> <state img="0-stare.png">I met two of them, and came out mentally scarred for life. Now here I am playing <i>strip poker</i> with another deity. Life sure is something.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" filter="ditzy" targetStage="2" priority="155"> <state img="0-stare.png">No offense, ~name~, but you're kind of stupid.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" filter="musician" saidMarker="mae_musicramble" notSaidMarker="mae_musicc" priority="9000"> <state img="0-eh.png" marker="mae_musicc">I'm rambling, aren't I? I shouldn't be rambling during a strip poker game... Deal the next hand.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" saidMarker="singing_fullhouse1" notSaidMarker="singing_fullhouse2" priority="1"> <state img="0-neutral.png" marker="singing_fullhouse2">...Oh wait, we're playing strip poker.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" saidMarker="slow_game_n" notSaidMarker="unusual_strip"> <state img="0-flustered.png" marker="unusual_strip">I... I like your style, ~name~.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="akko" targetStage="1"> <state img="0-hype.png">I... I thought you were just dressing up! But holy crap this is so cool!!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="akko" targetStage="1" targetSaidMarker="necronomicon"> <state img="0-stare.png" marker="akko_eldritch">Oh no, that was <i>definitely</i> eldritch horror we just saw. I'd be on my guard if I were you.</state> <state img="0-stare.png" marker="akko_exorcism">Oh no, that was <i>definitely</i> demonic possession. We gotta do a exorcism, like, ASAP. I'm seriously sick of dealing with the paranormal trying to kill me and my friends.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="amalia" targetStage="5"> <state img="0-surprise.png">What the---!?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="chihiro" targetStage="5" priority="9995"> <state img="0-annoyed.png">...Coward.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="chihiro" targetStage="6" priority="9992"> <state img="0-woah.png">Wait, why do you even crossdress in the first place!? You said you're a boy, so you're not a trans person... Am I missing something?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="felicia" targetStage="1"> <state img="0-terror.png">Wh... But you <i>need</i> your fur! Does it even grow back!?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="felicia" targetStage="2"> <state img="0-surprise.png">How do you do it so cleanly!? The thought of shaving pubic hair is... terrifying!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="florina" targetStage="5"> <state img="0-stare.png">...Your tunic. Oh well, it didn't seem too special to you anyways.</state> <state img="0-stare.png">Whoops. Well, that poor tunic's gone forever.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="human" saidMarker="possumsprings_a" notSaidMarker="possumsprings_null" priority="1"> <state img="0-smug.png" marker="possumsprings_null">I'll only open up when you start talking about yourself. Got it, ~player~? I don't just give out information about my personal life for free.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="leggy" targetStage="2"> <state img="0-thinking.png">Riiiight, what's with that... leg-collar thingy? I thought only flappers wore those things back in, like, the 1920's.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="leggy" targetStage="3"> <state img="0-woah.png">Hang on, why the hell do you need to shave it off! Can't you just---I dunno---slide it off one shoulder or something? I thought actual sheep---</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="leggy" targetStage="4" priority="10000"> <state img="0-welp.png" marker="catoutofthebag">I never share this because I was afraid people would just see me as even <i>more</i> insane than I already am... But I guess the cat's out of the bag, huh? Which is ironic because I see myself as a cat...</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="moon" targetStage="1"> <state img="0-annoyed.png">...Let's just move on.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="moon" targetStage="2"> <state img="0-stare.png">Anytime you speak, the urge to murder you in your sleep increases for me. Stop talking. Now.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="moon" targetStage="3"> <state img="0-stare.png">Nice shoes. They're the only thing about you worth complementing.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="moon" targetStage="4"> <state img="0-smug.png"><i>(How hilarious would it be if she just, tripped, and they all just spilled out of the bag in public.)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="moon" targetStage="5"> <state img="0-stare.png">I really, <i>really</i> do not want to see your naked body.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="palutena" targetStage="4"> <state img="0-eh.png"><i>(I mean, I know she actually ISN'T an eagle, but... It'd be kinda weird if I see her as a bird goddess and she can't actually fly.)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="palutena" targetStage="4" alsoPlaying="pit"> <state img="0-stare.png"><i>(Why the hell do I see the divine-like people as birds?)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="pinkie_pie" targetSaidMarker="pinka_start" targetNotSaidMarker="pinka_end2"> <state img="0-terror.png">...Even now, I'm still terrified for my life.</state> <state img="0-terror.png">Someone just... call the cops or something!</state> <state img="0-woah.png">Seriously, who ARE you? What happened to Pinkie?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="revy" targetStage="1-7" notSaidMarker="calmdownwildcat"> <state img="0-eh.png" marker="calmdownwildcat"><i>(Calm down, wildcat. Or should I say wild... fox? Wildfox? I dunno, why DO I see her as a fox and not a wildcat)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="roxie" targetStage="0" priority="555"> <state img="0-fingergun.png">That's some pretty cool underwear though. <i>And</i> it looks comfortable! See, now this is some fashion I can appreciate!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="roxie" targetStage="2" alsoPlaying="moon" targetSaidMarker="my_last_loss" priority="555"> <state img="0-annoyed.png">Well, so do I! And I bet everyone else here wants to win too... Except Moon. But she shouldn't even count.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="roxie" targetStage="2" targetSaidMarker="far_from_naked" priority="555"> <state img="0-stare.png">Who's Arceus?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="roxie" targetStage="2" targetSaidMarker="foot_fetish" priority="555"> <state img="0-stare.png">And before you ask---no, I don't have a foot fetish. That sounds so gross. What kind of weirdo finds <i>feet</i> sexy?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="roxie" targetStage="2" targetSaidMarker="live_without_boots" priority="555"> <state img="0-eh.png">I'm sure you'll get them back... right?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="roxie" targetStage="2" targetSaidMarker="my_last_loss" priority="555"> <state img="0-smug.png">Well, so do I! And I bet everyone else here wants to win too, so get ready for some extreme competition!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="roxie" targetStage="2" targetSaidMarker="take_these_off" priority="555"> <state img="0-surprise.png">Custom-made!? Holy jeez, are you loaded or something?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="roxie" targetStage="3" priority="555"> <state img="0-eh.png">I mean... Cool thong, but isn't that extremely comfort? Why not just wear the shorts?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="roxie" targetStage="4" priority="555"> <state img="0-flustered.png">Freckle-boobs... That's weirdly hot.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="twilight" targetSayingMarker="twilight_not_human" priority="301"> <state img="0-surprise.png">You are rea---wait, <i>humans?</i> You're not... You're not human?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="twilight" targetStage="1" priority="333"> <state img="0-thinking.png">Hmm. Well I can understand finding panties uncomfortable. Up until recently, I never wore a bra for the same reason.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="twilight" targetStage="2" priority="332"> <state img="0-thinking.png">You know, there's sports bras. They're pretty comfy. I remember Bea going out to buy me one. She kind of freaked out when I told her I never wear bras. Dunno why; my shirt's all I need.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="twilight" targetStage="3" priority="331"> <state img="0-terror.png">I can understand finding underwear comfortable, but what's wrong with your skirt!?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="twilight" targetStage="4" priority="330"> <state img="0-stare.png">...Oh, <i>now</i> you take off something small?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="twilight" targetStage="6" priority="9995"> <state img="0-flustered.png">Back to big stuff again afte---Oh right! You only have your shirt left! Juuuust a shirt.</state> <state img="0-thinking.png">What is grammar?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="twilight" targetStage="7" priority="310"> <state img="0-smug.png">Alright, Twilight! Time to kick your ass!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" targetStatus="lost_all"> <state img="0-woah.png"><i>(Oh crap, ~name~'s naked now...)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" saidMarker="sparedfromherwrath"> <test expr="~clothing.type~" cmp="!=" value="important" /> <test expr="~clothing.type~" cmp="!=" value="major" /> <state img="0-sweat.png" marker="*">Err... Let's just move on!!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" totalRounds="2-6" notSaidMarker="happybirthday"> <test expr="~clothing.type~" cmp="!=" value="important" /> <test expr="~clothing.type~" cmp="!=" value="major" /> <state img="0-neutral.png" marker="happybirthday">Did you guys know it's probably someone's birthday? Happy birthday, random person whom I never met and probably never will.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" saidMarker="insertwittycommenthere" notSaidMarker="anotherwittycoment"> <test expr="~clothing.type~" value="accessory" /> <state img="0-stare.png" marker="anotherwittycoment">Insert another witty comment here.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped"> <test expr="~clothing~" value="dress" /> <state img="0-eh.png">...Yeah, you definitely look good without the dress.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped"> <test expr="~clothing~" value="glasses" /> <state img="0-stare.png">Hmm... I don't think I ever met a person with glasses who <i>wasn't</i> smart. Are you smart, ~name~? Don't lie to me.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped"> <test expr="~clothing~" value="gloves" /> <state img="0-stare.png">I have my eye on you. Both of them, actually.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped"> <test expr="~clothing~" value="hat" /> <state img="0-triumphant.png">Unless you're a cowboy! YEEEEEEEHAAAAAAAAW!!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" filter="smart" saidMarker="skirtsvspants" notSaidMarker="skirtsvspants2" priority="2"> <test expr="~clothing~" value="skirt" /> <state img="0-smug.png" marker="skirtsvspants2">This isn't me having a thing against people who wear skirts, y'know! I'm being pragmatic here. I bet a smart person like you would know what that word means.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" saidMarker="skirtsvspants" notSaidMarker="skirtsvspants2" priority="1"> <test expr="~clothing~" value="skirt" /> <state img="0-eyes.png" marker="skirtsvspants2">This isn't me having a thing against people who wear skirts, y'know! I'm being pragmatic here. <i>(Hehehe... I bet they don't know what that word means!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="human" filter="gay" saidMarker="player_queer2"> <test expr="~target.gender~" value="female" /> <state img="0-eh.png" marker="player_queer3"><i>(Phew! It sucks when a cute girl you find ends up being straight. At least I'm not picky with gender...)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="human" filter="gay" saidMarker="player_queer2"> <test expr="~target.gender~" value="male" /> <state img="0-neutral.png" marker="player_queer3">Well, good to know.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_start_masturbating" saidMarker="cheater_lose" notSaidMarker="awesome"> <state img="0-cocky.png" marker="awesome">Yeah, I know I'm awesome.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_masturbating" filter="uses_toy" notSaidMarker="toys"> <state img="0-welp.png" marker="toys">Maaaan, I wish I bought a toy. If I knew what this game was all about.... ugh, maybe next time.</state> </case> <case tag="male_must_masturbate"> <state img="0-triumphant.png">I'm still in it!</state> <state img="0-fingergun.png">Get masturbating, loser!</state> <state img="0-smug.png">And I'm still clothed! I rule at this game!</state> <state img="0-stare.png">You're kinda crappy at this game, you know? Either that, or I'm amazing at this game.</state> </case> <case tag="male_must_masturbate" filter="cheater" priority="150"> <state img="0-eyes.png" marker="cheater_lose*">Hah! Kiss my ass, ~name~! Cheaters never prosper... unless they're me. I basically cheated my way through life.</state> </case> <case tag="male_must_masturbate" target="pit"> <state img="0-surprise.png">Oh...</state> </case> <case tag="male_must_masturbate" totalMasturbating="0" totalFinished="0" priority="9999"> <state img="0-surprise.png" marker="first_out">Wait, what!? <i>Masturbation!?</i></state> <state img="0-surprise.png" marker="first_out">They have to WHAT!?</state> </case> <case tag="male_start_masturbating"> <state img="0-eh.png">Goodl luck, I guess.</state> <state img="0-eh.png">Well this is gonna be awkward.</state> <state img="0-eh.png">Can I... watch you?</state> </case> <case tag="male_start_masturbating" totalMasturbating="1-2"> <condition count="3-4" status="alive" /> <state img="0-eh.png">I'd watch, but... We still have a game to play.</state> <state img="0-neutral.png">Good luck, I guess. Me and everyone else are just gonna keep playing.</state> </case> <case tag="male_start_masturbating" saidMarker="first_out" notSaidMarker="first_out2" priority="9998"> <state img="0-why.png" marker="first_out2">What the fresh hell? Why didn't anyone tell me!?</state> <state img="0-woah.png" marker="first_out2">D... Did you know about this, ~name~?</state> </case> <case tag="male_start_masturbating" target="pit"> <state img="0-eh.png">It feels weird, y'know? Watching an angel masturbate...</state> </case> <case tag="male_masturbating"> <state img="0-flustered.png">I feel kind of lucky to be seeing this.</state> <state img="0-neutral.png">People don't usually masturbate in public. Or get naked in front of other people. Unless it's an orgy.</state> <state img="0-woah.png">Woah. I didn't think I'd see a guy masturbating in front of me.</state> <state img="0-sweat.png">Wow...</state> <state img="0-flustered.png">I'm gonnd be honest---this is really hot and I kind of want to be the one touching you. Is that weird?</state> <state img="0-flustered.png"><i>(Don't drool, Mae. Seriously, you're not a dog!)</i></state> <state img="0-flustered.png">I feel like a pervert. And yet... wow. H-How can this not turn anyone on?</state> <state img="0-eyes.png" marker="flirt_maybe">Hey ~name~! How can I help speed up the process! I can flirt with you if you want that!</state> <state img="0-eyes.png">Hehehe... Faaaaantastic!</state> <state img="0-neutral.png">Moan for me, baby... Yeah, I can't do a good seductive voice. Just pretend I never said that.</state> <state img="0-woah.png">I'm really seeing this... This is real.</state> <state img="0-flustered.png"><i>(I'm seriously enjoying this. I'm seriously getting turned on from this. What's wrong with me?)</i></state> <state img="0-thinking.png">I remember me and my friend having a conversation about a bunch of strangers coming here just for porn. This place is just like that, isn't it?</state> <state img="0-woah.png">I kind of want a closer look.</state> <state img="0-surprise.png">Oh... I-It's just like in porn. Good to know.</state> </case> <case tag="male_heavy_masturbating"> <state img="0-flustered.png">Are you close? I can only assume 'cause you're... umm...</state> <state img="0-eh.png">You're almost there! Just... keep doing your thing.</state> <state img="0-flustered.png">Jeez, I think you're going to... Well, let nothing hold you back.</state> <state img="0-smug.png"><i>(I bet he's having such a good time. I bet he's having a ball!)</i></state> <state img="0-eh.png">Umm...</state> </case> <case tag="male_finished_masturbating"> <state img="0-eh.png">...I think I stepped in something wet and gross... At least I still have boots on.</state> </case> <case tag="male_finished_masturbating" target="jin"> <state img="0-terror.png" marker="jinfinishing">HOLY CRAP, MY EYES!</state> </case> <case tag="female_must_masturbate"> <state img="0-triumphant.png">I'm still in it!</state> <state img="0-smug.png">Get masturbating, loser!</state> <state img="0-fingergun.png">And I'm still clothed! I rule at this game!</state> <state img="0-stare.png">You're kinda crappy at this game, you know? Either that, or I'm amazing at this game.</state> </case> <case tag="female_must_masturbate" filter="cheater" priority="150"> <state img="0-eyes.png" marker="cheater_lose*">Hah! Kiss my ass, ~name~! Cheaters never prosper... unless they're me. I basically cheated my way through life.</state> </case> <case tag="female_must_masturbate" target="akko"> <state img="0-hype.png">Masturbating with magic sounds awesome! Show me what you got!!</state> </case> <case tag="female_must_masturbate" target="leggy"> <state img="0-eh.png">You're taking this awfully well...</state> </case> <case tag="female_must_masturbate" target="moon"> <state img="0-welp.png">...Great.</state> </case> <case tag="female_must_masturbate" target="rinkah" priority="9997"> <state img="0-hype.png"><i>(YEEEESSSS!! I BEAT HER!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_must_masturbate" target="shimakaze"> <state img="0-triumphant.png">Yeah, critical hit!</state> </case> <case tag="female_must_masturbate" totalMasturbating="0" notSaidMarker="first_out" priority="9999"> <state img="0-surprise.png" marker="first_out">Wait, what!? <i>Masturbation!?</i></state> <state img="0-surprise.png" marker="first_out">They have to WHAT!?</state> </case> <case tag="female_start_masturbating"> <state img="0-eh.png">...Can I watch?</state> <state img="0-neutral.png">Goodl luck, I guess.</state> <state img="0-eh.png">Well this is gonna be awkward.</state> </case> <case tag="female_start_masturbating" saidMarker="first_out" notSaidMarker="first_out2" priority="9999"> <state img="0-why.png" marker="first_out2">What the fresh hell? Why didn't anyone tell me!?</state> <state img="0-woah.png" marker="first_out2">D... Did you know about this, ~name~?</state> </case> <case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="akko"> <state img="0-smug.png">C'mooooon!!</state> </case> <case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="leggy"> <state img="0-thinking.png">Wasn't there a group of people notorious for having sex with sheep? The Welsh, I think?</state> </case> <case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="miko"> <state img="0-surprise.png">What the---is that the spirit of your dead wife!? Did she rise from the grave just to have sex with you!?</state> </case> <case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="moon"> <state img="0-stare.png">I'm just gonna... pretend you don't exist. Which is definitely easier said than done.</state> </case> <case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="pinkie_pie"> <state img="0-woah.png">Wh---wouldn't it hurt like hell if it popped?</state> </case> <case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="shimakaze"> <state img="0-eh.png">...Okay, but are you alright?</state> </case> <case tag="female_masturbating" id="0-1"> <state img="0-flustered.png">I feel kind of lucky to be seeing this.</state> <state img="0-neutral.png">People don't usually masturbate in public. Or get naked in front of other people. Unless it's an orgy.</state> <state img="0-woah.png">Woah. N-Nice technique.</state> <state img="0-flustered.png">I'm gonnd be honest---this is really hot and I kind of want to be the one touching you. Is that weird?</state> <state img="0-flustered.png"><i>(Don't drool, Mae. Seriously, you're not a dog!)</i></state> <state img="0-flustered.png">I feel like a pervert. And yet... wow. H-How can this not turn anyone on?</state> <state img="0-eyes.png" marker="flirt_maybe">Hey ~name~! How can I help speed up the process! I can flirt with you if you want that!</state> <state img="0-eyes.png">Hehehe... Faaaaantastic!</state> <state img="0-neutral.png">Moan for me, baby... Yeah, I can't do a good seductive voice. Just pretend I never said that.</state> <state img="0-woah.png">I'm really seeing this... This is real.</state> <state img="0-flustered.png"><i>(I'm seriously enjoying this. I'm seriously getting turned on from this. What's wrong with me?)</i></state> <state img="0-thinking.png">I remember me and my friend having a conversation about a bunch of strangers coming here just for porn. This place is just like that, isn't it?</state> <state img="0-woah.png">I kind of want a closer look.</state> <state img="0-sweat.png">Wow...</state> </case> <case tag="female_masturbating" target="akko" targetSayingMarker="akko_first_climax"> <state img="0-eh.png">Huh. That was quick.</state> </case> <case tag="female_masturbating" target="akko" targetSayingMarker="akko_second_climax"> <state img="0-stare.png">This is insane.</state> </case> <case tag="female_masturbating" target="akko" targetSayingMarker="akko_third_climax"> <state img="0-surprise.png">Again!? Jeez, I can't take no more than two at a time!</state> </case> <case tag="female_masturbating" target="akko" targetTimeInStage="4" targetSaidMarker="akko_first_climax"> <state img="0-woah.png">Seriously? Jeez, I wish I had that sort of stamina!</state> <state img="0-woah.png">Seriously? Well, since you took such a short time, I guess it's well-deserved? I think?</state> </case> <case tag="female_masturbating" target="elizabeth" notSaidMarker="elizabeth_masturbation"> <state img="0-woah.png" marker="elizabeth_masturbation">Well then... This takes the phrase "go eff yourself" a bit too literally.</state> </case> <case tag="female_masturbating" target="miko" notSaidMarker="discomfort" priority="9100"> <state img="0-surprise.png" marker="discomfort">(mild discomfort)</state> </case> <case tag="female_masturbating" target="moon" priority="1"> <state img="0-stare.png">...</state> <state img="0-eh.png">(discomfort)</state> <state img="0-annoyed.png">Shut. Up.</state> </case> <case tag="female_masturbating" totalMasturbating="4-" notSaidMarker="masturbationorgy"> <state img="0-surprise.png" marker="masturbationorgy">Has this become a masturbation orgy!?</state> </case> <case tag="female_heavy_masturbating"> <state img="0-flustered.png">Are you close? I can only assume 'cause you're... umm...</state> <state img="0-eh.png">You're almost there! Just... keep doing your thing.</state> <state img="0-flustered.png">Jeez, I think you're going to... Well, let nothing hold you back.</state> <state img="0-smug.png"><i>(I bet she's having such a good time. I bet she's having a ball!)</i></state> <state img="0-eh.png">Umm...</state> </case> <case tag="female_heavy_masturbating" target="moon"> <state img="0-annoyed.png">....</state> </case> <case tag="female_finished_masturbating"> <state img="0-woah.png">Woah, you're soaking... down there, I meant.</state> <state img="0-eh.png">That sounded intense.</state> <state img="0-flustered.png">Seeing you like that... I bet l-losing isn't that bad.</state> <state img="0-woah.png">That was... wow. Just wow.</state> </case> <case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="aimee"> <state img="0-terror.png">Gah! I didn't there'd be so much... D-Didn't we tell you to be careful!?</state> <state img="0-terror.png">HOLY---You just shot yourself in the arm! Why the hell did you even decide to <i>bring a gun here!</i></state> <state img="0-terror.png">Ohgodohgodohgod, okay, not going back to that time! Are you okay!?</state> </case> <case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="akko"> <state img="0-terror.png">HOLY CRAP, MY EYES!</state> </case> <case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="felicia"> <state img="0-stare.png">Okay, even <i>I'm</i> starting to get sick of those cat puns. Not even I make that many!</state> <state img="0-annoyed.png">We get it, you think you're a cat. <i>(Then again, so do I... but you don't see ME being so blatant about it!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="leggy"> <state img="0-eh.png">Umm... Do you do this often, or...?</state> </case> <case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="moon"> <state img="0-eh.png">Eww...</state> </case> <case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="pinkie_pie" targetSayingMarker="pop"> <state img="0-surprise.png">Ouch...</state> </case> <case tag="game_over_victory"> <state img="0-triumphant.png">Perfect victory!!</state> <state img="0-woah.png">Holy crap! I know I'm good, but not <i>that</i> good!</state> </case> <case tag="global" alsoPlaying="leggy" alsoPlayingStage="5" alsoPlayingTimeInStage="1-" notSaidMarker="leggyisgonnafuckingdie"> <state img="0-thinking.png" marker="leggyisgonnafuckingdie">...Is it gonna grow back before the weather turns cold? If not, I think you just doomed yourself, Leggy. You're not gonna last the winter.</state> </case> <case tag="global" alsoPlaying="pit" alsoPlayingSayingMarker="sacredbuns" priority="9999"> <state img="0-hype.png">YES!! Sacred buns!</state> </case> </stage> <stage id="1"> <case tag="swap_cards"> <state img="1-stare.png">~cards~ cards.</state> <state img="1-neutral.png">Can I have ~cards~, dealer?</state> <state img="1-thinking.png">I think I'll just swap ~cards~.</state> <state img="1-thinking.png">Should I swap those ~cards~? Yeah, I'll do that.</state> <state img="1-thinking.png">Uh... These ~cards~ can go.</state> </case> <case tag="swap_cards"> <test expr="~cards~" value="0" /> <state img="1-fingergun.png">No cards for me! That's right; this hand is perfection!</state> <state img="1-triumphant.png">~cards~!! This hand is perfection!</state> <state img="1-smug.png">I need no new cards. These are perfect.</state> </case> <case tag="swap_cards"> <test expr="~cards~" value="4" /> <state img="1-thinking.png">Ugh... I guess I'll keep that card?</state> <state img="1-thinking.png">I heard you should always keep certain cards no matter how bad the hand is, so... ~cards~ cards. I'll keep that one.</state> <state img="1-thinking.png">~cards~. The magic number. Only one of these cards are worthy.</state> </case> <case tag="swap_cards"> <test expr="~cards~" value="5" /> <state img="1-why.png" marker="5newcards">~cards~ new cards! These cards are garbage! ALL OF THEM!</state> <state img="1-why.png" marker="5newcards">How am I supposed to work with these!? I want a new hand!</state> <state img="1-stare.png" marker="5newcards">Ugh. ~cards~ new cards. This entire hand is garbage.</state> </case> <case tag="good_hand"> <state img="1-fingergun.png">I'm not losing here! Not with this awesome hand!</state> <state img="1-triumphant.png">Yes! This hand won't let me down!</state> <state img="1-smug.png">Guess who's stripping? It's not me!! Because this hand is unbeatable!</state> <state img="1-fingergun.png">Safe!</state> <state img="1-annoyed.png">How come my only reward is not stripping?</state> <state img="1-fingergun.png">Bless this mess.</state> <state img="1-triumphant.png">WOOHOO!</state> <state img="1-fingergun.png">Who's stripping? I'm not stripping!</state> <state img="1-smug.png">Hey, free pass to the next round.</state> <state img="1-smug.png">Heh. I don't think a poker face is required. No point in trying to beat me anyways.</state> </case> <case tag="good_hand" saidMarker="5newcards" notSaidMarker="5newcards_good" priority="15"> <state img="1-fingergun.png" marker="5newcards_good=1">Now <i>that's</i> more like it!</state> </case> <case tag="good_hand" totalMales="0-1" totalFemales="4-5" notSaidMarker="god_hand_flirt" priority="888"> <state img="1-fingergun.png" marker="god_hand_flirt">Check out THIS hand! Laaaaaaaadies!</state> </case> <case tag="okay_hand"> <state img="1-neutral.png">Are these good? Not that you guys know considering only I can see them.</state> <state img="1-thinking.png">What do these symbols mean anyways? Are they just to look fancy?</state> <state img="1-thinking.png">Hmmm...</state> <state img="1-stare.png">Could be better. At least it's not a high card.</state> <state img="1-thinking.png">What are the chances of me getting a better hand?</state> <state img="1-neutral.png">This kinda sucks.</state> <state img="1-woah.png">I'm actually kinda nervous here. I could still lose with this hand.</state> <state img="1-stare.png" marker="hands_temptingfate=1">...One of you <i>has</i> to have a high card, right? Or at least a pair worse than mine.</state> <state img="1-thinking.png">If only we could bet money. I could use a lot of money right now. Legitimate money.</state> </case> <case tag="bad_hand"> <state img="1-stare.png">This card is garbage. <i>(Kind of like me, a trash mammal. Except it's even more garbage than me.)</i></state> <state img="1-annoyed.png">Really not looking forward to losing here.</state> <state img="1-annoyed.png">This hand is a load of crap.</state> <state img="1-stare.png">This hand is dumb.</state> <state img="1-stare.png">Hey, can I <i>not</i> have garbage like this next time!?</state> <state img="1-eh.png">Ugh, way to get effed over.</state> <state img="1-annoyed.png">Stupid cards.</state> <state img="1-annoyed.png">Trash. Garbage. Useless. <i>(Even a trash mammal like me deserves a better hand.)</i></state> <state img="1-thinking.png">Who invented this game anyways? And how did they figure out the probability of getting each hand?</state> </case> <case tag="bad_hand" consecutiveLosses="3-7"> <state img="1-why.png">What the <i>hell</i>, dealer!?</state> <state img="1-annoyed.png">Giving me all the bad cards. Veeeeery funny. Well, I hate you too.</state> <state img="1-why.png">Do you want to see me naked <i>that</i> badly? I knew this place was full of creeps! I should've trusted my gut.</state> <state img="1-why.png">What is with my luck!?</state> </case> <case tag="bad_hand" saidMarker="5newcards" notSaidMarker="5newcards_bad"> <state img="1-why.png" marker="5newcards_bad">Are you kidding me!?</state> <state img="1-stare.png" marker="5newcards_bad">Seriously!? Me and my stupid luck...</state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="amalia" alsoPlayingStage="5" alsoPlayingTimeInStage="0"> <state img="1-why.png">Are you kidding me!? You.... freaking cheater!</state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="blake" saidMarker="blakereveal" notSaidMarker="blakereveal2"> <state img="1-eh.png" marker="blakereveal2">I mean... <i>(I see her as an animal regardless, just like how I see everyone else... How do I explain this to everyone without them thinking I'm insane?)</i></state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="chihiro" alsoPlayingStage="5" notSaidMarker="chihirogone" priority="9988"> <state img="1-thinking.png" marker="chihirogone">Alright, so... who are you, exactly? Was your... err, <i>creator</i> some sort of computer master?</state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="chun-li" alsoPlayingSayingMarker="butt"> <state img="1-woah.png">Holy... Only 7000 squats at the gym can make an ass <i>that</i> great!</state> <state img="1-woah.png">Holy... <i>(And here I thought Angus had the greatest ass I ever saw!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="emi" alsoPlayingSayingMarker="placeholder"> <state img="1-stare.png">Whatever you say, Ms. Fourth-Wall-Breaker.</state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="florina" alsoPlayingSayingMarker="bee_again"> <state img="1-thinking.png" marker="beemurder">Might wanna get some perfume. If you can kill birds with perfume, you can kill bees with it too.</state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="futaba" alsoPlayingSayingMarker="futabutt"> <state img="1-eh.png">I wish I had my team with me... My team being my three friends. Then again, I don't think any of them would play this game. Except maybe Gregg.</state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="leggy" alsoPlayingStage="3" alsoPlayingTimeInStage="0"> <state img="1-welp.png">...Oh. <i>(This isn't another hallucination, is it? She's actually a sheep.)</i></state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="leggy" alsoPlayingStage="4" alsoPlayingTimeInStage="0" priority="10000"> <state img="1-stare.png" marker="furry">I guess that also makes me a furry, huh?</state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="lucina" alsoPlayingStage="1" alsoPlayingTimeInStage="0" saidMarker="thisisreal1" notSaidMarker="thisisreal2"> <state img="1-welp.png" marker="thisisreal2">I'm not disassociating... I am NOT disassociating... This is real.</state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="mavis" alsoPlayingStage="3" alsoPlayingTimeInStage="0"> <state img="1-eh.png">Ugh, that must feel really uncomfortable. <i>(And yet, it's weirdly hot...)</i></state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="natsuki" alsoPlayingStage="5" alsoPlayingTimeInStage="0"> <state img="1-smug.png" marker="iseelondoniseefrance">...No, it isn't.</state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="natsuki" alsoPlayingStage="6" alsoPlayingTimeInStage="0" priority="812"> <state img="1-surprise.png" marker="natsuki_seduce">W-Wait, are you <i>trying</i> to seduce me? What happened to thinking I was gross!?</state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="natsuki" totalRounds="1" notSaidMarker="natsuki_coward"> <state img="1-annoyed.png" marker="r1natsuki_coward">Well, I guess this game wasn't meant for cowardly little schoolgirls like you.</state> <state img="1-annoyed.png" marker="r1natsuki_coward">Wow. You must be so fun at parties.</state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="pit" alsoPlayingStage="2" notSaidMarker="pit_greek"> <state img="1-surprise.png" marker="pit_greek">Wait, you're not!? But... your clothing! Didn't the people of ancient Greece wear that kind of clothing?</state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="rinkah" alsoPlayingStage="3" alsoPlayingTimeInStage="0" saidMarker="strip_rinkah_naked" notSaidMarker="fuq"> <state img="1-terror.png" marker="fuq">NO, WAIT, FORGET THE "STRIP YOU NAKED" PART!</state> <state img="1-terror.png" marker="fuq">WAIT, I DIDN'T MEAN TO SAY THAT!!</state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="rinkah" alsoPlayingStage="4-8" timeInStage="0" saidMarker="rinkah_irony"> <state img="1-welp.png"><i>(...Ugh, what was I thinking? Now she'll hate me forever.)</i></state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="saki_zls" alsoPlayingStage="6" alsoPlayingTimeInStage="0"> <state img="1-surprise.png" marker="saki_reveal">Wait, what the hell!? What in the infinite hells!?</state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="saki_zls" alsoPlayingStage="6" alsoPlayingTimeInStage="0" saidMarker="sakura_reveal"> <state img="1-stare.png" marker="saki_reveal">Ohhhh, I see. There's a zombie uprising going on, isn't it? <i>(Well, at least I can trust one of 'em. But there's no telling if that other one plans on eating anyone...)</i></state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="sakura" alsoPlayingSayingMarker="die_anywhere_else" priority="10000"> <state img="1-eh.png">Kind of an awkward coincidence... Sorry about that. It's a great song though, even if I had no idea how to play it the first time when my bandmates said they were going to do that song.</state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="sakura" alsoPlayingSayingMarker="donut_wolf" priority="10000"> <state img="1-hype.png">The only way to find out is to RIDE THE CHARIOT TO DONUT HELL!</state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="sakura" alsoPlayingSayingMarker="mae_covers2" priority="10000"> <state img="1-eh.png">Eh? O-Oh, thanks! I got more songs if you want... Too bad I only have one leftover receipt.</state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="sakura" alsoPlayingSayingMarker="mae_ghosts" priority="10000"> <state img="1-thinking.png">Ironically, we have a song spookier than that. It's called "Pumpkin Head Guy". One of Gregg's personal favorites, I think.</state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="sakura" alsoPlayingSayingMarker="weird_autumn" priority="10000"> <state img="1-eh.png">It's the <i>place</i> where autumn's happening that's weird. The events taking place in that autumn are weird. It's... hard to explain, but I really like that song.</state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="sakura" totalMasturbating="0" totalFinished="0" alsoPlayingSayingMarker="mae_covers2" priority="10000"> <state img="1-hype.png">Hearing you sing a song of ours was awesome! Thank you!</state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="sakura" totalMasturbating="1-" totalFinished="0-4" alsoPlayingSayingMarker="mae_covers2" priority="10000"> <state img="1-eh.png">Eh? O-Oh, thanks! I got more songs if you want... Too bad I only have one leftover receipt.</state> </case> <case tag="hand"> <condition count="2" status="alive" /> <condition count="1" status="not_decent" /> <state img="1-cocky.png" marker="lastalive_decent" set-intelligence="average">Just forfeit already. You're not going to win.</state> <state img="1-cocky.png" marker="lastalive_decent" set-intelligence="average">See me? That's right, I barely lost anything! And you've practically lost everything. Just quit while you still have your dignity.</state> <state img="1-eyes.png" marker="lastalive_decent">Final opponent! You're going down!</state> <state img="1-smug.png" marker="lastalive_decent">You're the last person I need to defeat. Guess whose ass is getting grassed?</state> <state img="1-eyes.png" marker="lastalive_decent">Ha! Just <i>try</i> to beat me!</state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="leggy" alsoPlayingStage="3" alsoPlayingTimeInStage="0"> <condition count="1" filter="haru" /> <state img="1-welp.png">...Oh. <i>(This isn't another hallucination, is it? She's actually a sheep. Only that Haru girl is an actual human being...)</i></state> </case> <case tag="hand" notSaidMarker="undead_marker"> <condition count="0" filter="sakura" /> <condition count="1-4" filter="undead" /> <state img="1-fingergun.png" marker="undead_marker">HAH, I knew it! The undead <i>is</i> real! I was right all along!</state> </case> <case tag="hand" notSaidMarker="nakedplaying"> <condition count="0" filter="twilight" /> <condition count="1" status="lost_all" /> <state img="1-woah.png" marker="nakedplaying">Wait... they have no items left. Why do they still get cards? What happens if they lose?</state> </case> <case tag="hand" saidMarker="akko_exorcism" notSaidMarker="ignored_a" priority="9998"> <state img="1-annoyed.png" marker="ignored_a">...Or you can all ignore me like the assholes you are. Cool. I'm fine with it. Not like my opinion is worth listening to anyways.</state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="palutena" alsoPlayingStage="6" notSaidMarker="palutiddie"> <test expr="~palutena.position~" value="left" /> <state img="1-sweat.png" marker="palutiddie"><i>(...Wow. She's so tall, my head reaches her boobs...)</i></state> </case> <case tag="hand" totalRounds="5"> <test expr="~weekday~" value="Friday" /> <state img="1-fingergun.png">Alone on a ~weekday~ night, ~player~? Well, so was I. Now we're not alone.</state> </case> <case tag="hand" totalRounds="5" priority="9995"> <test expr="~weekday~" value="Monday" /> <state img="1-stare.png">Ugh, I just realized we're playing on a <i>Monday</i>. I hate Mondays. Only good thing about a Monday is that tomorrow can't be a Monday.</state> </case> <case tag="hand" totalRounds="6"> <test expr="~weekday~" value="Wednesday" /> <state img="1-fingergun.png">It's Wednesday, my dudes!</state> </case> <case tag="hand" totalRounds="1" priority="9999"> <state img="1-neutral.png" marker="possumsprings_q">Hey ~player~, I have a question. Where are you from? You're clearly not from the place I'm from.</state> </case> <case tag="hand" totalRounds="3-" notSaidMarker="embarrassingunderwear."> <state img="1-eyes.png" marker="embarrassingunderwear.">Heehee... What if one of us wears embarrassing underwear. If you are that person, you're in for some embarrassment!</state> </case> <case tag="hand" totalRounds="4" priority="9999"> <state img="1-stare.png" marker="spookyeyes">I'm very aware of how creepy my eyes are, ~player~. Can you believe I'm the only person in my spooky old town with eyes like these?</state> </case> <case tag="must_strip" alsoPlaying="akko" alsoPlayingSayingMarker="akko_merman"> <state img="1-hype.png">Oh, I <i>wish</i>... That'd probably be one of the coolest things ever!!</state> </case> <case tag="must_strip" alsoPlaying="leggy"> <state img="1-neutral.png">No.</state> </case> <case tag="must_strip" alsoPlaying="meia" alsoPlayingSayingMarker="dropout" priority="205"> <state img="1-why.png">W-Who told you that!? FYI, my reason for dropping out is college is very personal!</state> </case> <case tag="must_strip" alsoPlaying="meia" priority="200"> <state img="1-annoyed.png">Excuse me!? I'm <i>sturdy</i>, not chubby! I may be short and round, but it doesn't stop me from being able to walk on powerlines and smash open mailboxes.</state> </case> <case tag="must_strip" alsoPlaying="miko"> <state img="1-neutral.png">I have literally never heard of those terms until now. I'm just a normal cat.</state> </case> <case tag="must_strip" alsoPlaying="natsuki" alsoPlayingStage="0-4" priority="9997"> <state img="1-stare.png">Funny. I had no idea ~player~ was into jailbait.</state> </case> <case tag="must_strip" alsoPlaying="natsuki" alsoPlayingStage="5-10" priority="9999"> <state img="1-cocky.png" marker="mocking_backtalk">Aww, is swomeone mad bewause she's wosing so badwy? Maybe I <i>should</i> leave. I have nothing to gain from being here anyways.</state> </case> <case tag="must_strip" alsoPlaying="sakura"> <state img="1-stare.png">Really? Are you sure you're not just advertising yourself?</state> </case> <case tag="must_strip" hasHand="One Pair"> <state img="1-annoyed.png" marker="lostwithpair1">Seriously? With a pair? Lady Luck abandoned me this round, it seems.</state> </case> <case tag="must_strip" hasHand="One Pair" saidMarker="lostwithpair1" notSaidMarker="lostwithpair2" priority="60"> <state img="1-surprise.png" marker="lostwithpair2">I lost with a pair <i>again!?</i></state> </case> <case tag="must_strip" hasHand="Straight"> <state img="1-why.png">HOW THE HELL DO YOU GUYS HAVE BETTER HANDS THAN I DO!?</state> </case> <case tag="must_strip" hasHand="Three of a Kind"> <state img="1-why.png">I LOST WITH THREE OF A KIND!?</state> <state img="1-why.png">HOW THE HELL DO YOU GUYS HAVE BETTER HANDS THAN I DO!?</state> </case> <case tag="must_strip" hasHand="Two Pair"> <state img="1-woah.png">What the---I lost with <i>two pair!?</i> What are even the chances of <i>getting</i> two pair!?</state> </case> <case tag="must_strip" saidMarker="hands_temptingfate==1" notSaidMarker="hands_temptingfate" priority="130"> <state img="1-surprise.png" marker="hands_temptingfate2=2">No? Well, crud.</state> </case> <case tag="must_strip" totalRounds="1" saidMarker="possumsprings_q" priority="9999"> <state img="1-stare.png" marker="possumsprings_a">Hmm? Where am <i>I</i> from? Yeah, no. You don't want to hear about the rustbucket of disappointment that is Possum Springs.</state> </case> <case tag="must_strip_winning"> <state img="1-cocky.png">You think I'm getting naked? How cute. I still have <i>some</i> dignity! I may have embarrassed myself hundreds of times, but only <i>I</i> have seen myself naked, as it should be.</state> <state img="1-smug.png">I bet you want me to take off my shirt, huh? Well too bad, losers, because I still have socks. Socks that will keep you from seeing my naked body!</state> <state img="1-fingergun.png">Sorry to disappoint, but you will see no tits from this player!</state> <state img="1-eyes.png">Before I indulge you all, let me give you a fun fact; you probably won't see me naked. As the queen of Possum Springs, I <i>will</i> destroy you at this game.</state> </case> <case tag="must_strip_winning"> <condition count="1" status="decent" /> <state img="1-smug.png">Wow, and I haven't even taken off my socks yet. You guys suck at this game.</state> </case> <case tag="must_strip_winning" saidMarker="fullyclothed_exposedtable" priority="75"> <condition count="1" status="decent" /> <state img="1-smug.png">Heh, karma's a... you know. Doesn't change the fact I'm still ahead.</state> </case> <case tag="must_strip_normal"> <state img="1-neutral.png">I feel like I should have bought my lucky wristband. Too bad I lost it, or else I'd probably be kicking everyone's ass right now.</state> <state img="1-stare.png">Wouldn't it be messed up if I took out an eye or a leg instead of actually stripping?</state> <state img="1-annoyed.png">Ughhggghhgghh, I don't waaaaannaaaaaa!</state> <state img="1-annoyed.png">Whhhhhyy?</state> <state img="1-stare.png">If this becomes a trend, I'm going to be really angry.</state> <state img="1-neutral.png">I hate this game.</state> </case> <case tag="must_strip_losing"> <state img="1-stare.png">Well this is bull.</state> <state img="1-annoyed.png">Ughhghhhghhhhhhhh, fine!</state> <state img="1-why.png">Seriously!? I probably have <i>less</i> clothing than everyone else!</state> <state img="1-annoyed.png">Eff this.</state> <state img="1-stare.png">I'm going to get vengeance. By stripping you all naked... Not that I'm really interested in that.</state> <state img="1-smug.png">Veeeeery funny. Well, I'll be the one laughing once I claim my victory!</state> </case> <case tag="stripping"> <state img="1-strip.png" marker="possumsprings_a2">Hmm? Where am <i>I</i> from? Yeah, no. You don't want to hear about the rustbucket of disappointment that is Possum Springs.</state> <state img="1-strip.png">Hey look, no hands.</state> <state img="1-strip.png">If you don't know how to take off your socks with only your feet, I feel bad for you.</state> <state img="1-strip.png">Wanna see a neat trick? There you go. If only taking off my boots was that easy.</state> <state img="1-strip.png">"Socks" to be me. <i>(I didn't make that joke before, right?)</i></state> <state img="1-strip.png">This is the only true method of stripping socks. We call it "life hacks".</state> </case> <case tag="stripping" alsoPlaying="futaba"> <state img="1-strip.png">...Did you say what I <i>think</i> you said?</state> </case> <case tag="stripping" alsoPlaying="miko"> <state img="1-strip.png">...This is the most interesting history lesson ever. Mr. Chazokov's stories were really fun too, but none of them mentioned demons or cute girls.</state> </case> <case tag="stripping" alsoPlaying="natsuki" saidMarker="mocking_backtalk" priority="10000"> <state img="custom:nat_leave" marker="byebitch">Byyyyyeeeeeeee!~</state> </case> <case tag="stripping" alsoPlaying="rinkah" alsoPlayingStage="4-8"> <state img="1-strip.png">...</state> </case> <case tag="stripping" alsoPlaying="roxie" priority="554"> <state img="1-strip.png">I really have no idea myself. My mom has really bright, copper-y eyes and my dad has amber eyes, and yet somehow their child has weird red eyes...</state> </case> <case tag="stripping" notSaidMarker="aggressive_selfstrip"> <condition count="1-5" filter="aggressive" /> <state img="1-strip.png" marker="aggressive_selfstrip">...Please don't kill me. It's probably against the rules. And I have a family.</state> </case> <case tag="stripping" saidMarker="nightmarefeet"> <state img="1-strip.png" marker="nightmarefeet2">Hey guys, wanna see my nightmare feet?</state> </case> <case tag="stripping" totalExposed="1-" notSaidMarker="stripping_exposedtable"> <state img="1-strip.png" marker="stripping_exposedtable">Oooooh, sorry about this. Maybe you should start playing better...</state> <state img="1-strip.png" marker="stripping_exposedtable">Yeah, yeah, I know. I'm a jackass. Nothing I never heard before.</state> <state img="1-strip.png" marker="stripping_exposedtable">Boo and hiss all you want. I'm used to it.</state> </case> <case tag="stripped"> <state img="1-neutral.png">Red socks. Redder than my hellish red eyes.</state> <state img="1-neutral.png">We take for granted that a sock can go on either foot, y'know?</state> <state img="1-neutral.png" marker="nightmarefeet">Oh noooo, next time I lose, you might see my feet. My nightmare feet.</state> <state img="1-neutral.png">You want to know the true meaning of discomfort? <i>Wet socks.</i></state> </case> <case tag="stripped" alsoPlaying="akko" priority="175"> <state img="1-eh.png">There's... a lot I could ask from you. But, I think we should wait until the game is over before we talk about that.</state> </case> <case tag="stripped" alsoPlaying="akko" saidMarker="heels" priority="75"> <state img="1-annoyed.png">Yeah, slight problem; <i>I don't know how to do magic.</i></state> </case> <case tag="stripped" alsoPlaying="akko" saidMarker="sexy_strip"> <state img="1-eyes.png">Haha, yeah! You be the sexy one. I'll be the horrifying one.</state> </case> <case tag="stripped" alsoPlaying="futaba"> <state img="1-thinking.png">That's... actually really concerning.</state> </case> <case tag="stripped" alsoPlaying="leggy"> <state img="1-thinking.png"><i>(Actually, they ARE getting a bit worn. Hmm...)</i></state> <state img="1-stare.png">Right. I can never understand people who wear heels.</state> </case> <case tag="stripped" alsoPlaying="miko"> <state img="1-eh.png"><i>(Oh, right... I'm the only one who sees myself as a cat.)</i> Umm... I <i>might</i> be secretly a cat? I dunno.</state> </case> <case tag="stripped" alsoPlaying="natsuki" totalRounds="1-" priority="100"> <state img="1-cocky.png">Well isn't that precious? Only little brats would say that.</state> </case> <case tag="stripped" alsoPlaying="pit"> <state img="1-annoyed.png">I <i>like</i> these socks.</state> </case> <case tag="stripped" alsoPlaying="rinkah" alsoPlayingStage="4-8" priority="8885"> <state img="1-why.png" marker="rinkah_irony">You're a huge hypocrite! I might as well leave!</state> </case> <case tag="stripped" alsoPlaying="roxie" priority="553"> <state img="1-hype.png">Ooooh, where do you shop?</state> </case> <case tag="stripped" alsoPlaying="sakura"> <state img="1-neutral.png">Yeah, I'd say I'm pretty tough. I survived a lot of things that would kill most people.</state> </case> <case tag="stripped" priority="70"> <condition count="1-4" gender="male" status="masturbating" /> <state img="1-stare.png">If I step in someone's cum while wearing this socks, I will be <i>so</i> upset.</state> </case> <case tag="stripped" saidMarker="heels" priority="69"> <state img="1-thinking.png">How the hell do people even walk in heels anyways?</state> <state img="1-why.png">But why would people put themselves through that torture!? Just find some sexy boots to wear instead!</state> </case> <case tag="stripped" saidMarker="sexy_strip" priority="72"> <state img="1-stare.png">You want a sexy striptease? Go somewhere else. You'll only find awkward stripping here.</state> <state img="1-annoyed.png">Seriously, do I <i>look</i> a professional stripper? Being sexy is not my forte, okay?</state> </case> <case tag="male_must_strip"> <state img="1-eyes.png">Tch. Easy!</state> <state img="1-smug.png">My socks thank you.</state> <state img="1-smug.png" marker="amockery">Thanks for keeping my feet from getting dirty and cold! And yes, I am mocking you.</state> </case> <case tag="male_must_strip" hasHand="Royal Flush"> <state img="1-triumphant.png">ROYAL FLUSH!!</state> <state img="1-triumphant.png">I GOT THE BEST HAND THERE IS! EAT IT!</state> <state img="1-why.png">Are you kidding!? This is a <i>Royal freaking Flush</i> I have! I deserve something for getting this hand! Your loss is not a good enough reward!!</state> </case> <case tag="male_must_strip" target="kamina" targetStage="0"> <state img="1-triumphant.png">MIGHTY MAN! MIGHTY MAN!!</state> </case> <case tag="male_must_strip" target="pit" targetStage="0"> <state img="1-surprise.png"><i>(Woah, an angel? So that's not an ordinary swan I'm seeing---he's a legitimate angel!?)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_must_strip"> <state img="1-triumphant.png">Ayyy, score point for the bandit queen!</state> <state img="1-smug.png">Tch. Easy.</state> <state img="1-eyes.png" marker="amockery">Thanks for taking the bullet, ~name~.</state> <state img="1-fingergun.png">My feet thank you. Now they'll stay cleaner for a while longer.</state> </case> <case tag="female_must_strip" target="florina" targetSayingMarker="bee"> <state img="1-terror.png">Not the bees!</state> </case> <case tag="female_must_strip" target="futaba" targetStage="0"> <state img="1-neutral.png" marker="futaba1">Hmm... I have a feeling people would love you. People are into cute, redheaded gamer girls, aren't they?</state> </case> <case tag="female_must_strip" target="kizuna" targetSayingMarker="kizuna_start_naked"> <state img="1-stare.png">That's no excuse. Get stripping, missy.</state> </case> <case tag="female_must_strip" target="rinkah" targetStage="0" priority="10000"> <state img="1-surprise.png"><i>(Holy... crap...)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_must_strip" target="rinkah" targetStage="1" priority="10000"> <state img="1-surprise.png"><i>(It's her turn to strip again!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_must_strip" target="rinkah" targetStage="2" priority="10000"> <state img="1-flustered.png"><i>She's so positive too, so confident and strong yet kind... Damn it, I'm falling in love with this dumb, hot girl! I shouldn't be falling for her, but... Arghhh!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_must_strip" target="rinkah" targetStage="3"> <state img="1-thinking.png"><i>(Okay... What else does she have?)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_must_strip" target="rinkah" targetStage="4"> <state img="1-annoyed.png"><i>(Stupid... dumb... musclehead... hot tribal princess! She's distracting me from the game!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_must_strip" target="rinkah" targetStage="5"> <state img="1-flustered.png">W-What'd I tell you? I knew I'd kick your butt from the start!</state> </case> <case tag="female_must_strip" target="sakura" targetStage="4"> <state img="1-hype.png">Wait! <i>Wait!</i> If you sing for a living, can you sing a cover of one of my band's songs? Please?</state> </case> <case tag="female_must_strip" target="syrenne" targetStage="0"> <state img="1-annoyed.png"><i>(Blegh. Alcoholics like her make me feel queasy...)</i></state> </case> <case tag="tie"> <state img="1-surprise.png">What the---is that even possible?</state> <state img="1-why.png">HOW!?</state> <state img="1-thinking.png">So, uhh... What now?</state> </case> <case tag="male_removing_accessory"> <state img="1-neutral.png" marker="dangerous_at_night">Oh, okay. Just don't stall for <i>too</i> long; I wanna get home before it's dark, since my town can be dangerous at night.</state> <state img="1-stare.png" marker="asking_target_location">Where <i>are</i> you from anyways? You often see the same people all the time in my sleepy mining town.</state> <state img="1-thinking.png">Do these clothes have, like, value or something? What happens to them anyways?</state> <state img="1-cocky.png">Scandalous.</state> <state img="1-annoyed.png">Oh, this must be <i>so</i> embarrassing for you.</state> </case> <case tag="male_removing_accessory" saidMarker="amockery" notSaidMarker="amockery2" priority="10000"> <state img="1-cocky.png" marker="amockery2">I've been mocking you this entire time. What are you gonna do about it? Call the cops on me?</state> </case> <case tag="male_removing_accessory" target="kamina" targetStage="0"> <state img="1-hype.png">Holy crap, you're so cool!!</state> </case> <case tag="male_removing_accessory" target="kamina" targetStage="2"> <state img="1-eh.png">Why does it feel like your pants would just... slide off without that belt?</state> </case> <case tag="male_removing_accessory" target="pit" targetStage="0"> <state img="1-thinking.png"><i>(That explains the greek-themed clothing he's wearing. Jeez, I hate how everyone I see is an animal.)</i></state> </case> <case tag="male_removing_accessory" target="pit" targetStage="1"> <state img="1-stare.png">What's the point of that sash? Is this just for uniform or something? A show of dominance.</state> </case> <case tag="male_removing_accessory" targetStage="1-8" targetStatus="not_decent"> <state img="1-thinking.png">Hang on, couldn't you just off your ~clothing~ first? You didn't have to show that much skin.</state> </case> <case tag="male_removed_accessory"> <state img="1-eh.png">Not to ruin the mood, but we are all gonna die at some point. The least we can do is move on.</state> <state img="1-neutral.png">...Okay, next hand?</state> <state img="1-neutral.png">I have no witty comments to make for now, so just deal the next hand.</state> <state img="1-stare.png"><i>(yawn)</i></state> <state img="1-eh.png">Can we move on?</state> <state img="1-neutral.png">As ~clothing.ifPlural(some ~clothing~ are|a ~clothing~ is)~ being removed, a new person is born. Isn't life weird?</state> <state img="1-annoyed.png">I'm bored. Can I have a new hand?</state> <state img="1-eyes.png">Okay okay okay! Let's keep going!</state> <state img="1-annoyed.png">Can we <i>please</i> move faster?</state> <state img="1-stare.png">I'd rather be doing crimes. Crimes tend to be more fun than watching you take off ~clothing.ifPlural(some stupid ~clothing~|a stupid ~clothing~)~.</state> </case> <case tag="male_removed_accessory" target="kamina" targetStage="3"> <state img="1-smug.png">That'd honestly be pretty hilarious. Like the slapstick comedy that seems to be my life sometimes.</state> <state img="1-surprise.png" marker="gravitypants">Nope. Still on. Apparently those pants defy gravity or something! Man, that'd be revolutionary!</state> </case> <case tag="male_removed_accessory" target="pit" targetStage="1"> <state img="1-stare.png">Hmm? No, I wasn't staring at you, Pit. You must be seeing things.</state> </case> <case tag="male_removed_accessory" target="pit" targetStage="2"> <state img="1-neutral.png">I know jack about greek culture. Which is weird because I always thought angels were associated with Christianity. Then again, I also thought angels were fictional.</state> </case> <case tag="male_removed_accessory" targetStage="1-8" targetStatus="not_decent"> <state img="1-annoyed.png">...You do you, I guess.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_accessory"> <state img="1-neutral.png" marker="dangerous_at_night">Oh, okay. Just don't stall for <i>too</i> long; I wanna get home before it's dark, since my town can be dangerous at night.</state> <state img="1-stare.png" marker="asking_target_location">Where <i>are</i> you from anyways? You often see the same people all the time in my sleepy mining town.</state> <state img="1-thinking.png">Do these clothes have, like, value or something? What happens to them anyways?</state> <state img="1-cocky.png">Scandalous.</state> <state img="1-annoyed.png">Oh, this must be <i>so</i> embarrassing for you.</state> <state img="1-stare.png">I'd call you a coward, but I kinda did the same thing.</state> <state img="1-annoyed.png">This is more boring than whatever goes on in my town. Literally nothing but misery happens there.</state> <state img="1-annoyed.png">Any reason why I should give a crap?</state> <state img="1-stare.png">Figures. Might as well speed it up.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_accessory" filter="aggressive"> <state img="1-neutral.png" marker="aggressive_marker">I feel like one of you can kill anyone in this room. How do you guys get away with murder?</state> <state img="1-neutral.png" marker="aggressive_marker">I bet you know the best place to dump a body in.</state> <state img="1-neutral.png" marker="aggressive_marker">Can I ask you a favor? Can you not hurt anyone when they also take off an accessory.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_accessory" saidMarker="amockery" notSaidMarker="amockery2"> <state img="1-cocky.png" marker="amockery2">What are you gonna do about it? Call the cops on me?</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="blake" targetStage="5"> <state img="1-surprise.png">Wait, what? What's this?</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="florina" targetStage="0" targetSaidMarker="fled"> <state img="1-eyes.png">♫ Sometimes I feel I got to <i>(bomp bomp)</i> run away!~ ♫</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="futaba" targetStage="1" priority="999"> <state img="1-smug.png">I. Want. Those. Boots.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="lucina" targetStage="0"> <state img="1-surprise.png">Eh!?</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="pinkie_pie" targetStage="5"> <state img="1-eh.png"><i>(Aw man, but the stockings-only look was hot...)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="rinkah" targetStage="0" priority="10000"> <state img="1-sweat.png"><i>(This Rinkah girl... She could probably suplex me without any trouble!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="rinkah" targetStage="1" priority="9999"> <state img="1-flustered.png">Those gloves you took off earlier look heavy... I-Is that how you build muscle?</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="rinkah" targetStage="2" priority="10000"> <state img="1-eh.png"><i>(Abs like solid rock. I'd probably hurt my hand trying to punch her the stomach...)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_accessory" targetStage="1-8" targetStatus="not_decent"> <test expr="~name~" cmp="!=" value="Kyu" /> <state img="1-thinking.png">Hang on, can't you just off your ~clothing~ first? You didn't have to show that much skin.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_accessory"> <state img="1-neutral.png">...Okay, next hand?</state> <state img="1-neutral.png">I have no witty comments to make for now, so just deal the next hand.</state> <state img="1-stare.png"><i>(yawn)</i></state> <state img="1-eh.png">Can we move on?</state> <state img="1-annoyed.png">Let's go! Poker waits for no kitten!</state> <state img="1-annoyed.png">I'm bored. Can I have a new hand?</state> <state img="1-eyes.png">Okay okay okay! Let's keep going!</state> <state img="1-annoyed.png">Can we <i>please</i> move faster?</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="blake" targetStage="6"> <state img="1-stare.png" marker="blakereveal">Oh... This whole time, you were... secretly a cat?</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="futaba" targetStage="2" priority="1001"> <state img="1-hype.png">Seriously, they're actually my aesthetic... I don't know how to use that word, but I do want boots like yours!</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="lucina"> <state img="1-eh.png" marker="thisisreal1">...And you chose to disguise yourself <i>why</i>? Are you from some sort of fantasty setting or am I just... Oh god...</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="natsuki" targetStage="1"> <state img="1-eyes.png" marker="natsuki_coward">After taking off <i>one</i> item? I didn't peg you to be the cowardly type.</state> <state img="1-neutral.png" marker="natsuki_coward">You disappoint me. And here I'd thought we'd get along just fine.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="pinkie_pie" targetStage="6"> <state img="1-flustered.png">You're weird, but in this case, I do like weird... Show me more party tricks!</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="rinkah" targetStage="1"> <state img="1-surprise.png">...Please don't hurt me Rinkah...</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="rinkah" targetStage="2"> <state img="1-eh.png">Although I guess it's too late to ask since youve already took off your boots... <i>(Ughh! I am such an idiot!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="rinkah" targetStage="3" priority="10000"> <state img="1-eyes.png" marker="strip_rinkah_naked">B-Bring it! I will strip you naked and emerge from this game victoriou---</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_accessory" targetStage="1-8" targetStatus="not_decent"> <test expr="~name~" cmp="!=" value="Kyu" /> <state img="1-annoyed.png">...You do you, I guess.</state> </case> <case tag="male_removing_minor"> <state img="1-cocky.png">Got any interesting stories while we wait for ~name~ to finish taking off his ~clothing~? I did a lot of cool stuff in Possum Springs.</state> <state img="1-stare.png">Anyone else getting bored?</state> <state img="1-neutral.png">I think a lot of people tend to take off his accessories first. Wouldn't want to show the goods, right?</state> <state img="1-smug.png" marker="bandmember">This is boring. Hey, have I told you guys I play in a band?</state> <state img="1-smug.png" marker="meme_1">We live in a society...</state> <state img="1-stare.png">Small things first. That's how it usually is.</state> </case> <case tag="male_removing_minor" saidMarker="amockery" notSaidMarker="amockery2"> <state img="1-cocky.png" marker="amockery2">What are you gonna do about it? Call the cops on me?</state> </case> <case tag="male_removing_minor" target="kamina" targetStage="1"> <state img="1-neutral.png">Should I wear armwraps too? I tend to hurt my hands a lot.</state> </case> <case tag="male_removing_minor" target="kamina" targetStage="6" priority="855"> <state img="1-thinking.png">Saving the cape for last, I see.</state> </case> <case tag="male_removing_minor" target="pit" targetStage="2"> <state img="1-thinking.png">These are the most impractical sandals I ever saw. How the hell do you even run in the---?</state> </case> <case tag="male_removing_minor" targetStage="1-8" targetStatus="not_decent"> <state img="1-thinking.png">Hang on, can't you just off your ~clothing~ first? You didn't have to show that much skin.</state> </case> <case tag="male_removed_minor"> <state img="1-eh.png">Can we, like, move on?</state> <state img="1-neutral.png">People are dying horribly as we speak. The least we can do is speed this up.</state> <state img="1-neutral.png">As ~clothing.ifPlural(some ~clothing~ are|a ~clothing~ is)~ being removed, a new person is born. Isn't life weird?</state> <state img="1-thinking.png">Somewhere out there, someone is masturbating furiously. Ever thought about that?</state> <state img="1-thinking.png">As ~clothing.ifPlural(some ~clothing~ are|a ~clothing~ is)~ being removed, someone dies. Scary isn't it?</state> <state img="1-neutral.png">I could be eating pizza right now.</state> </case> <case tag="male_removed_minor" target="kamina" targetStage="2"> <state img="1-thinking.png">And not just from knife fights. Only my knuckles seem to be injured there.</state> </case> <case tag="male_removed_minor" target="kamina" targetStage="7"> <state img="1-eh.png">I mean... You could've used that to cover yourself. <i>(That's what I should've done...)</i></state> </case> <case tag="male_removed_minor" target="pit" targetStage="3"> <state img="1-surprise.png">Ohhhhh, right, you have wings. My bad.</state> </case> <case tag="male_removed_minor" target="ryuji" targetSayingMarker="wince" priority="555"> <state img="1-eh.png">Ouch. You okay?</state> </case> <case tag="male_removed_minor" target="ryuji" targetStage="1"> <state img="1-hype.png">Ooooh, I want that shirt!</state> </case> <case tag="male_removed_minor" targetStage="1-8" targetStatus="not_decent"> <state img="1-annoyed.png">...You do you, I guess.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_minor"> <state img="1-cocky.png">Got any interesting stories while we wait for ~name~ to finish taking off her ~clothing~? I did a lot of cool stuff in Possum Springs.</state> <state img="1-stare.png">Anyone else getting bored?</state> <state img="1-neutral.png">I think a lot of people tend to take off their accessories first. Wouldn't want to show the goods, right?</state> <state img="1-smug.png" marker="bandmember">This is boring. Hey, have I told you guys I play in a band?</state> <state img="1-smug.png" marker="meme_1">We live in a society...</state> <state img="1-stare.png">Small things first. That's how it usually is.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_minor" saidMarker="amockery" notSaidMarker="amockery2" priority="540"> <state img="1-cocky.png" marker="amockery2">What are you gonna do about it? Call the cops on me?</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_minor" target="catria" targetStage="3"> <state img="1-surprise.png">H-Hey! We can see your ass, y'know!</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_minor" target="futaba" targetStage="0" priority="555"> <state img="1-stare.png">Ooooh, lucky you. Cute people are usually not into girls like me. For good reason. <i>(Not like she needs to know why most of the town calls me "Killer".)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_minor" target="futaba" targetStage="3" priority="10000"> <state img="1-neutral.png">Are those not uncomfortable? Or is it so cold where you're from that you need to keep your legs warm?</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_minor" target="kyoko" targetStage="5" priority="545"> <state img="1-eh.png">...Oh...</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_minor" target="natsuki" targetStage="2"> <state img="1-thinking.png">I wouldn't know. English is not my strong suit.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_minor" target="sakura" targetStage="1" priority="540"> <state img="1-surprise.png"><i>(What the---grey skin?)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_minor" target="sakura" targetStage="2" priority="545"> <state img="1-surprise.png" marker="sakura_reveal">Seriously!? You're a zombie!</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_minor" target="sakura" targetStage="3" priority="560"> <state img="1-fingergun.png" marker="loseyourhead">Woah, don't lose your head now! Ahahahahahaha!!</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_minor" targetStage="1-8" targetStatus="not_decent"> <test expr="~name~" cmp="!=" value="Kyu" /> <state img="1-thinking.png">Hang on, can't you just off your ~clothing~ first? You didn't have to show that much skin.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_minor"> <state img="1-eh.png">Can we, like, move on?</state> <state img="1-neutral.png">People are dying horribly as we speak. The least we can do is speed this up.</state> <state img="1-neutral.png">As you are taking off your ~clothing~, a new person is born.</state> <state img="1-thinking.png">Someone out there, someone is masturbating furiously. Ever thought about that?</state> <state img="1-neutral.png">I could be eating pizza right now.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="emi" targetStage="7"> <state img="1-surprise.png">Wait... Prosthetics!? I'm sorry, but if you mentioned having prosthetic legs before, I wasn't paying attention.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="futaba"> <state img="1-stare.png">Part of your thigh is exposed though, so it must be some weird fashion statement I never heard of.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="futaba" targetStage="1"> <state img="1-neutral.png">Just looking at you makes me wanna snuggle up against you and play video games on your TV all day.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="kyoko" targetStage="6"> <state img="1-welp.png"><i>(Well that just killed the mood.)</i></state> <state img="1-welp.png">I, uh, don't know what to say. I'm sorry.</state> <state img="1-welp.png">Jeez... I'm sorry.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="sakura" targetStage="2"> <state img="1-annoyed.png">You got a little something on your thighs. If we can have an explanation, that'd be neat.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="sakura" targetStage="3"> <state img="1-flustered.png"><i>(Aren't zombies supposed to be living corpses with rotting flesh? What's concerning is that she's STILL cute despite that!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="sakura" targetStage="3" alsoPlaying="saki_zls" alsoPlayingStage="6"> <state img="1-smug.png">Aha! There's a zombie uprising going on, isn't it? No wonder you know each other so well! Too bad I was prepared from the very beginning!</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="sakura" targetStage="4" alsoPlaying="saki_zls" alsoPlayingStage="7" saidMarker="loseyourhead"> <state img="1-smug.png">Hahaha... hah... Man, you girls are a goldmine for lame puns. I need to work on my comedian routine. Could you help me out?</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="sakura" targetStage="4" saidMarker="loseyourhead"> <state img="1-smug.png">Hahaha... hah... Man, you're a goldmine for lame puns. I need to work on my comedian routine. Could you help me out?</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_minor" targetStage="1-8" targetStatus="not_decent"> <test expr="~name~" cmp="!=" value="Kyu" /> <state img="1-annoyed.png">...You do you, I guess.</state> </case> <case tag="male_removing_major"> <state img="1-eh.png" marker="notflirting">This must be no problem for you. A chance to show off your fantastic body, right? 'Cause, you <i>do</i> look good.</state> <state img="1-stare.png">Ballsy. Or at least it would be if you actually had boobs.</state> <state img="1-neutral.png">Not bad, I guess... I bet some people are fanning themselves.</state> <state img="1-eh.png">I... guess this isn't a big deal.</state> <state img="1-flustered.png">This means I'm winning, right!?</state> </case> <case tag="male_removed_major"> <state img="1-smug.png" marker="lostmajor">Time to win this game!</state> <state img="1-eyes.png" marker="lostmajor">Alright, I'm ready! <i>(I'm ready to see people get naked!)</i></state> <state img="1-smug.png" marker="lostmajor">This game is getting a lot more fun. Ooooh, what's next?</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_major"> <state img="1-flustered.png">W-Woah! I mean, I knew she was gonna take off her ~clothing~!</state> <state img="1-surprise.png">Woah! ~clothing.ifPlural(Some ~clothing~ are|A ~clothing~ is)~ being removed here! That's... That's a huge thing.</state> <state img="1-woah.png">~clothing.ifPlural(~Clothing~!|A ~clothing~!!)~ That's almost a victory in my book!</state> <state img="1-triumphant.png" marker="awwyiss">YES!!</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_major" target="aimee"> <state img="1-terror.png">WHAT THE HELL!?</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_major" target="emi" targetStage="7"> <state img="1-surprise.png">Your <i>legs!?</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_major" target="futaba" targetStage="2"> <state img="1-neutral.png">So what do you wear under your shirt? I'm... honestly curious? Not in a perverted way, just in a really curious way.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_major" target="hk416" targetStage="3"> <state img="1-neutral.png">Classy jacket you got there. Looks warm too.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_major" target="pinkie_pie" targetStage="0"> <state img="1-woah.png">Woah, she's already livening things up!</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_major" target="pinkie_pie" targetStage="1"> <state img="1-flustered.png">I like this girl. A lot.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_major" target="rinkah" targetStage="3"> <state img="1-hype.png">Pants! Pants!! <i>Paaaaants!!!</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_major" target="saki_zls" targetStage="5"> <state img="1-annoyed.png">Makeup? You can't strip <i>makeup---!</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_major" target="sakura"> <state img="1-surprise.png">It's the only scrap of paper I ha---wait, you never heard of Donut Wolf? You poor, unfortunate soul!</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_major" target="syrenne" targetStage="0"> <state img="1-woah.png">W-Wait, <i>already!?</i> What about those things on your arms?</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_major" id="1-2"> <state img="1-flustered.png">Okay, okay, okay. That's cool.</state> <state img="1-woah.png">Come on, next hand!</state> <state img="1-flustered.png">T-That means I'm winning, right? Right. I'm gonna kick your ass, guys.</state> <state img="1-flustered.png">Hahahaha... <i>(Holy crap, I'm sweating so much...)</i></state> <state img="1-eh.png">Here we are, a bunch of strangers stripping at this place.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_major" target="aimee" targetStage="1"> <state img="1-why.png">Wh... What? WHAT!? <i>WHY!?</i></state> <state img="1-why.png">Wh... What the hell is WRONG with you!?</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_major" target="emi" targetStage="8"> <state img="1-woah.png">Holy crap, you're determined!</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_major" target="futaba"> <state img="1-smug.png">Ahh, a second shirt. Good call. That way if the first one gets ruined, you have a backup.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_major" target="hk416" targetStage="4" priority="205"> <state img="1-surprise.png">Annnnd you're not wearing anything but a bra underneath it!</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_major" target="natsuki" targetStage="5"> <state img="1-surprise.png"><i>(That "oversized shirt with no pants" look is really hot... Oh god, now I feel gross. Jeez, I really hope this girl is legal...)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_major" target="natsuki" targetStage="5" alsoPlaying="pit"> <state img="1-flustered.png"><i>(Yeah... What he said.)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_major" target="natsuki" targetStage="6" priority="111"> <state img="1-surprise.png">Holy crap... That's adorable!</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_major" target="pinkie_pie" targetStage="1"> <state img="1-hype.png">And she's so nonchalant about it! Hey, we should all be like her!</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_major" target="pinkie_pie" targetStage="2"> <state img="1-flustered.png">I don't attend a lot of parties----you don't get too many at Possum Springs, and they tend to suck. So, uh, can you invite me to one of your parties sometime?</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_major" target="rinkah"> <state img="1-surprise.png">W-Wait, we can see your---!</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_major" target="saki_zls" targetStage="6"> <state img="1-terror.png">Gah! Not the ice bucket!</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_major" target="sakura" targetStage="5" targetSayingMarker="mae_covers"> <state img="1-triumphant.png">Yesssss!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_major" target="syrenne" targetStage="1"> <state img="1-stare.png">There's other things you can strip that are <i>not</i> your headband though.</state> </case> <case tag="male_chest_will_be_visible"> <state img="1-woah.png"><i>Geez...</i></state> <state img="1-surprise.png">Woah! Okay!!</state> <state img="1-sweat.png">This is just like a beach day, right? Yeah, it is. Hot, topless men everywhere...</state> <state img="1-sweat.png">Hahaha... hah... <i>(I think I'm sweating...)</i></state> <state img="1-eh.png">Jeez... You're probably eager to show off, aren't you?</state> </case> <case tag="male_chest_is_visible"> <state img="1-surprise.png">Cool!! Impressive!</state> <state img="1-flustered.png">N-Next hand?</state> <state img="1-flustered.png"><i>(Oh no, he's hot!)</i></state> <state img="1-sweat.png"><i>(Get it together, Borowski! Okay, some guy is shirtless. That's cool. It's fine, you signed up for this!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="male_chest_is_visible" filter="athletic"> <state img="1-sweat.png"><i>(Is it weird that I kinda wanna lick his chest... Yeah, that's weird! Stop being weird!!)</i></state> <state img="1-surprise.png">Wow...</state> <state img="1-woah.png">You <i>definitely</i> work out! You can probably lift me no problem, and that actually means something 'cause I'm pretty heavy.</state> </case> <case tag="male_chest_is_visible" filter="muscular"> <state img="1-woah.png">Woah, can you give me a ride on your back?</state> <state img="1-woah.png">Woah, how much have you been going to the gym!?</state> </case> <case tag="male_chest_is_visible" target="9s"> <state img="1-stare.png">...Can I ask what happened to your nipples?</state> </case> <case tag="male_crotch_will_be_visible"> <state img="1-surprise.png">Oh boy... Oh boy, t-this is it....</state> <state img="1-flustered.png">I'm not sure if I should be terrified or excited!!</state> <state img="1-surprise.png">Holy---!</state> <state img="1-terror.png">Wait!! I-I don't think I'm ready---</state> </case> <case tag="male_small_crotch_is_visible"> <state img="1-neutral.png">...Something tells me I should be laughing. I'm not.</state> <state img="1-stare.png">Soooooo, apparently you're smaller than average? Judging by everyone else's reactions?</state> <state img="1-eh.png">Is... Is it small? I dunno what counts as "average" size for penis just by sight. I'm not a dick professional.</state> <state img="1-thinking.png"><i>(Huh... Either porn is extremely unrealistic or his is not as big as it should be.)</i></state> </case> <case tag="male_medium_crotch_is_visible"> <state img="1-flustered.png">I... I bet you get a lot of girls...</state> <state img="1-sweat.png"><i>(Gah! It's...)</i></state> <state img="1-flustered.png"><i>(Why is everyone so damn attractive! I hate this game!)</i></state> <state img="1-flustered.png">There it is, guys. His... His dick. It's out for us.</state> <state img="1-sweat.png">Okay, okay, that's a nice penis, <i>moving on!!</i></state> </case> <case tag="male_medium_crotch_is_visible" target="ryuji" targetSayingMarker="ass" priority="445"> <state img="1-eyes.png"><i>(Nice.)</i></state> </case> <case tag="male_large_crotch_is_visible"> <state img="1-surprise.png">H-How would that even fit!?</state> <state img="1-terror.png">Err...</state> <state img="1-terror.png"><i>(Gah!! I do <i>not</i> want that near my privates!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="male_large_crotch_is_visible" target="mettaton"> <state img="1-why.png">What the---I know you're not human, but this is just ridiculous!!</state> </case> <case tag="male_crotch_is_visible"> <condition count="3-4" gender="male" status="naked" /> <state img="1-woah.png">How many penises am I gonna see tonight!? Geez!</state> </case> <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible"> <state img="1-flustered.png">Hahaha... This line shouldn't be playing. So, uh, just report it if it plays, I guess?</state> </case> <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" priority="780"> <condition count="1-5" status="chest_visible" /> <state img="1-woah.png">We are going to unlock more boobs!</state> <state img="1-sweat.png">Oh boy...</state> <state img="1-flustered.png">Looks like I'm seeing more boobs today. Hahaha.... hah...</state> <state img="1-flustered.png"><i>(Okay, this is <i>almost</i> worth sticking around!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" priority="785"> <condition count="0" gender="female" status="chest_visible" /> <state img="1-surprise.png">BOOBS!</state> <state img="1-woah.png">We are going to unlock ~name~'s boobs!</state> <state img="1-woah.png">Are you gonna show us your boobs? I've never actually seen boobs in real life! Unless you count my own boobs!!</state> <state img="1-surprise.png">Boobs! Honkers!! Badonkers!!!</state> <state img="1-woah.png">Oh... Oh crap...</state> </case> <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" target="florina" targetSayingMarker="bee3" priority="9998"> <state img="1-surprise.png">Holy <i>crap</i>, these bees show up at the worst moments!</state> </case> <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" target="futaba"> <state img="1-surprise.png">Erm... I guess I'll be seeing your boobs, Oracle! This isn't something new friends shouldn't do though...</state> </case> <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" target="kyu"> <state img="1-surprise.png">...Witchcraft!</state> </case> <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" target="kyu" targetSaying="This totally isn't some deus-ex-machina cop-out to avoid having to put any effort into another stripping sprite, by the way. In case you were wondering."> <state img="1-stare.png">But... wouldn't that stripping pose take just as much effort, if not <i>more?</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" target="moon" priority="10000"> <state img="1-why.png">FOR THE LAST TIME, I DON'T WANT TO SEE YOUR CHEST!</state> </case> <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" target="natsuki"> <state img="1-sweat.png">Y-You know what!? Fine! I'm tired of s-seeing that dumb strawberry-print on your underwear anyways! <i>So</i> childish!</state> </case> <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" target="rinkah" priority="9994"> <state img="1-eh.png">It doesn't hurt to bind your chest---?</state> </case> <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" target="saki_zls"> <state img="1-fingergun.png">Hehehe... Looks like you're getting <i>a-head</i> of yourself now!</state> </case> <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" totalRounds="0-5"> <state img="1-surprise.png">The game JUST started, what the heck!?</state> </case> <case tag="female_small_chest_is_visible"> <state img="1-neutral.png">Oh... I actually feel a little bad for you.</state> <state img="1-neutral.png">...I'm kind of disappointed.</state> <state img="1-eh.png">Well at least you're not sturdy like me!</state> </case> <case tag="female_small_chest_is_visible" target="futaba"> <state img="1-eh.png">...</state> </case> <case tag="female_small_chest_is_visible" target="natsuki"> <state img="1-eh.png"><i>(...Maybe now is not a good time to make another nasty comment, Mae. Jeez, I'm just as big of a jerk as she is.)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible"> <state img="1-flustered.png"><i>(Yup! Real boobs! Right in front of me!)</i></state> <state img="1-surprise.png"><i>(Must... not... squeeze...)</i></state> <state img="1-sweat.png">Umm... Nice... boobs? G... Great tits?</state> <state img="1-flustered.png">Hahaha, totally not staring, ~name~!</state> <state img="1-sweat.png"><i>(Oh crud, what do I do, WHAT DO I SAY!?)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="calisto" priority="15"> <state img="1-surprise.png">That <i>has</i> to be uncomfortable! Doesn't it feel like you're having a wedgie!?</state> </case> <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="florina"> <state img="1-annoyed.png">Now the reveal is kinda ruined, even if her tits are kind of cute... One of us should get some pesticide.</state> </case> <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="moon"> <state img="1-stare.png">...You have no idea how much I want to stab you and throw your filthy body into a river.</state> </case> <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="rinkah" priority="9995"> <state img="1-woah.png">Ohhhhh my good lord...</state> <state img="1-woah.png">W-Wow... How is your body so... <i>(perfect!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_large_chest_is_visible"> <state img="1-surprise.png">Those are some serious honkers! A real set of badonkers! You're packing some dobonhonkeros!!</state> <state img="1-surprise.png">Humongous hungolomghononoloughongous!</state> <state img="1-welp.png">You must attract a lot of people, huh?</state> <state img="1-flustered.png">Can I... no, nevermind! Forget I said anything!!</state> <state img="1-woah.png" marker="squeezethemtits">Holy... cow... Can I squeeze them!? Please?</state> </case> <case tag="female_large_chest_is_visible" target="jura" targetSayingMarker="butt"> <state img="1-annoyed.png"><i>(Ugh, AND she has an amazing ass too? This is why I hate hot girls like her sometimes. Nearly everything they do makes you self-concious about yourself.)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_chest_is_visible" filter="no_bra"> <state img="1-eh.png">No bra, huh? Those things are <i>super</i> uncomfortable... unless you're wearing a sports bra. Like I am.</state> </case> <case tag="female_chest_is_visible" filter="pierced_nipples"> <state img="1-woah.png"><i>(She pierces her nipples!? That's... really hot...)</i></state> <state img="1-sweat.png"><i>(Woah... Do I have a thing for pierced nipples?)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible"> <state img="1-flustered.png">This is NOT how I expected my day to go.</state> <state img="1-flustered.png">Oh boy...</state> <state img="1-sweat.png"><i>(Is ~name~ one of those people who shaves? Why should that matter; I'm gonna see her crotch! Her naked crotch!!)</i></state> <state img="1-sweat.png">Nnnn!! We're gonna see---</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" filter="thong" priority="155"> <state img="1-eh.png">If I had to be honest, thongs look like the most uncomfortable things on the planet.</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="leggy"> <state img="1-flustered.png">It feels weird seeing you about to get naked knowing you're not actually human...</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="moon"> <state img="1-terror.png">I don't want to see it! It's probably filthy. And full of gross STDs. And a bunch of other gross things! Can I go home now!?</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="rinkah" priority="9999"> <state img="1-flustered.png">W-Well I've already seen your pubes!</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="sakura"> <state img="1-surprise.png">Oh boy! Zombie... pussy...</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" targetStatus="chest_visible"> <state img="1-flustered.png">I guess you're gonna show us the package deal! Nice!! I mean, who wouldn't want to see a pretty girl completely naked?</state> <state img="1-flustered.png">Heh... Time for you to, uh, get naked. Show us everything. Y'know, since those are the rules of the game and everything.</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible"> <state img="1-eh.png">Oh boy... I... I almost feel sorry for you.</state> <state img="1-surprise.png">Oh...</state> <state img="1-woah.png">I can't look away! I just can't! It's not everyday you see someone's vagina!</state> <state img="1-sweat.png">I... can't think straight...</state> <state img="1-flustered.png"><i>(I just unlocked someone's ass.)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible"> <condition count="1" gender="female" status="crotch_visible" /> <state img="1-surprise.png"><i>(Yup! That is indeed a vagina!)</i></state> <state img="1-surprise.png"><i>(Yup!! That is indeed a vagina! I'm seeing a stranger's crotch!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" filter="hairy"> <state img="1-flustered.png">You don't shave either? Whew, I thought I was the only one!</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" filter="shaved" priority="1"> <state img="1-woah.png">Wait, you shaved it!? How do you not cut yourself?</state> <state img="1-woah.png">How do you even shave? I'm afraid of putting anything sharp near my own lady parts!</state> <state img="1-surprise.png">Why do you people even shave?</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" filter="witch" notSaidMarker="witch_nude"> <state img="1-flustered.png" marker="witch_nude">I think ~name~ just bewitched me! Hahahahaha... hah...</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="blake" targetSaidMarker="Bellabooty"> <state img="1-smug.png">Bellabooty!</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="florina" targetSayingMarker="butt" priority="150"> <state img="1-flustered.png">We can see your butt!! <i>(And it's a really cute butt....)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="haru"> <state img="1-surprise.png"><i>(That ass is bigger than my future!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="ini" targetSaidMarker="butt"> <state img="1-annoyed.png">You suuuure are determined not to show us your pubes.</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="jolyne" targetSaidMarker="Butt"> <state img="1-hype.png"><i>(Yeeessssss!!)</i></state> <state img="1-flustered.png">And suddenly, I find myself enjoying this game more! You turning around r-really helped with that.</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="jura" targetSayingMarker="natsuki_hug"> <state img="1-stare.png">...I think you're suffocating her.</state> <state img="1-stare.png">If she dies being suffocated by your massive chest, I'm getting out of here.</state> <state img="1-thinking.png"><i>(Yeah, I can't envy her.)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="leggy"> <state img="1-thinking.png">Yup, everyone's a furry. I'm a furry, you're a furry, we're all furry in my eyes.</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="mavis"> <state img="1-surprise.png"><i>(She's dummy thicc!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="meia"> <state img="1-flustered.png"><i>(I like this sight!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="moon"> <state img="1-welp.png">...Why did I agree to playing this game?</state> <state img="1-welp.png">I should've left while I could.</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="rinkah"> <state img="1-flustered.png">Umm... You are <i>really</i> confident, huh?</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="sakura"> <state img="1-stare.png">...Is a thing I never thought I'd say in my life.</state> <state img="1-eh.png">Are you seriously a zombie? I'd have expected something more... cut up. And writhing with maggots. But no, you're really hot and I'm not sure how to feel about being attracted to a zombie.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" alsoPlaying="natsuki" notSaidMarker="natsuki_song" alsoPlayingSaying="♪ Let her rip! Let her roar! To the first and the second And the third encore! ♪" priority="15"> <state img="1-hype.png" marker="natsuki_song">Ooooooh, I like those lyrics! Really punchy, <i>badass</i> even!! What's that song?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" consecutiveLosses="3-" notSaidMarker="opp_consecutivelosses"> <state img="1-cocky.png" marker="opp_consecutivelosses">Wow, you are <i>terrible</i> at this game!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="non-human" targetStage="1-10" notSaidMarker="humanhate"> <condition count="0" filter="leggy" /> <state img="1-stare.png">Y'know, unlike most species, us humans actually <i>hate</i> each other. <i>(Which is why we're all a bunch of animals in my eyes)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="blue_hair" notSaidMarker="bluehair_marker"> <state img="1-woah.png" marker="bluehair_marker">Blue hair!? The only other person I know who has blue hair is Bea, and I know hers is dyed!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="criminal" notSaidMarker="criminal_marker" priority="165"> <state img="1-smug.png" marker="criminal_marker">I think I like ~name~ already! So, you think you're done for some crimes after this game is over?</state> <state img="1-fingergun.png" marker="criminal_marker">Finally, a fellow law-breaker!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="deity" notSaidMarker="deity_marker"> <state img="1-stare.png">...What do I even say?</state> <state img="1-thinking.png">This is too weird for me.</state> <state img="1-neutral.png">...</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="fancy" notSaidMarker="fancy_marker"> <state img="1-annoyed.png" marker="fancy_marker">Well, look at you! All fancy and crap. Do you sip expensive wine out of a three-million dollar wine glass as well?</state> <state img="1-eyes.png" marker="fancy_marker">So! You're gonna mock me for being commoner trash? Well jokes on you, I embraced that title!!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="flies" notSaidMarker="flies_marker" priority="54"> <state img="1-welp.png" marker="flies_marker">Maaaaan, I wish I could fly...</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="freckles" notSaidMarker="freckles_marker"> <state img="1-neutral.png" marker="freckles_marker">I bet it's sunny where you live. I wish we had more sunny days in Possum Springs... although rain and fog is nice sometimes.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="gloomy" notSaidMarker="gloomy_marker"> <state img="1-eh.png" marker="gloomy_marker"><i>(~name~ kind of reminds me of Bea. I kinda wish she were here now. Too bad Bea wouldn't be caught dead playing this game.)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="gun" notSaidMarker="gun_marker"> <state img="1-terror.png" marker="gun_marker"><i>(What the---aren't guns illegal!? What the hell is that person thinking? Should I be scared? I don't want to be shot again!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="innocent" notSaidMarker="innocent_marker" priority="6"> <state img="1-neutral.png" marker="innocent_marker">...Should you really be playing this game?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="lonely" notSaidMarker="lonely_marker"> <state img="1-eh.png" marker="lonely_marker"><i>(Jeez, ~name~ kind of reminds me of myself. Makes me glad I actually have some friends, or else my existence would end up being even crappier.)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="musician" targetStatus="decent" notSaidMarker="musician_tag"> <state img="1-neutral.png" marker="musician_tag">So you play an instrument too, huh? Or are you a singer?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="police" notSaidMarker="police_marker"> <state img="1-stare.png" marker="police_marker">I'm playing strip poker with a cop? Wow. I wonder what other crazy stuff life has in store for me.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="red_eyes" targetStage="0" notSaidMarker="redeyes_marker"> <state img="1-cocky.png" marker="redeyes_marker">Alright, ~name~, now that I've found another person with such vivid red eyes, you're officially a member of the "Nightmare Eyes" club. No backsies.</state> <state img="1-cocky.png" marker="redeyes_marker">Nightmare eyes, baby. All day, every day. We're comrades now.</state> <state img="1-triumphant.png" marker="redeyes_marker">Yes! YES! YEEESSS! Someone else with red eyes!!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="thigh_highs" notSaidMarker="thighhigh_markers"> <state img="1-annoyed.png" marker="thighhigh_markers">Ugh. Why would you torture yourself with those long socks? Doesn't it feel itchy?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="undead" targetStage="0" saidMarker="undead_marker" priority="7500"> <state img="1-cocky.png" marker="good_day">And now I have to watch them get naked slowly in front of me! This is a good day for Mae Borowski.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="vampire" notSaidMarker="vampire_marker" priority="155"> <state img="1-hype.png" marker="vampire_marker">Ohmigod... I <i>knew</i> vampires were real! Suck it, nonbelievers!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="virtual" notSaidMarker="virtual_marker"> <state img="1-surprise.png" marker="virtual_marker">Wait, am I playing with a hologram!? Is this another crazy dream?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="witch" notSaidMarker="witchdagga_witchmarker"> <state img="1-thinking.png" marker="witchdagga_witchmarker"><i>(Man, how cool would it be if Witchdagger actually played here? It would make up for all the times I couldn't go to any concerts because they were all too far away and nobody would drive me.)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" hasHand="Full House"> <state img="1-cocky.png">Yessir, that's a full house! How do you like <i>that?</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" hasHand="Full House" notSaidMarker="singing_fullhouse"> <state img="1-thinking.png" marker="singing_fullhouse">♫ Whatever happened to predictability? The milkman, the paperboy, evening TV? ♫</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" hasHand="High Card" notSaidMarker="highcard_win"> <state img="1-triumphant.png" marker="highcard_win">Yessss!! Still managed a win with a crappy high card!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" hasHand="High Card" saidMarker="highcard_win" notSaidMarker="highcard_win1"> <state img="1-smug.png" marker="highcard_win1">And what do you know? I won with a high card <i>again</i>!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" hasHand="High Card" saidMarker="highcard_win1" notSaidMarker="highcard_win2"> <state img="1-neutral.png" marker="highcard_win2">...Jeez, ~name~. Your luck is terrible.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" notSaidMarker="betteryouthanme"> <state img="1-neutral.png" marker="betteryouthanme">Better you than me.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="blake" targetStage="0"> <state img="1-eh.png"><i>(I can't tell what animal this girl is... Why do I even see people as animals in the first place?)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="blake" targetStage="6"> <state img="1-smug.png">A cat is fine too. I mean, look at <i>me!</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="chihiro" targetStage="5" priority="9997"> <state img="1-stare.png">Oh, you're back. Listen, you better not run away again. You chose to play, you stick it out until the end.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="florina" targetStage="4" targetSaidMarker="bee" priority="444"> <state img="1-surprise.png"><i>(Crap, better get ready to run. I don't want to be stung again!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="human" filter="gay" notSaidMarker="player_queer" priority="9998"> <state img="1-surprise.png" marker="player_queer">Wait... ~player~, you're gay?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="jura"> <state img="1-annoyed.png"><i>Of course</i> she's ridiculously vain. Not even sexy and suave girls can save the world from being crappy.</state> <state img="1-stare.png">Well at least your inflated ego makes sense, I'll give you that. But I still don't like you already.</state> <state img="1-stare.png">Ugh, and here I thought I'd like you. But no, you just <i>have</i> to rub your ridiculously good looks in my face.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="kyu" targetStage="0"> <state img="1-neutral.png">A disgustingly pink fairy who's also a huge slut? Now I've seen everything.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="leggy" targetStage="0"> <state img="1-eh.png">Are you <i>sure</i> you want to play this game? <i>(Everyone seems so surprised... Am I missing something?)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="leggy" targetStage="0" totalAlive="3"> <state img="1-eh.png">Are you <i>sure</i> you want to play this game? <i>(~player~ seems so surprised... Am I missing something?)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="leggy" targetStage="2"> <state img="1-cocky.png">Hah! Pretty stupid of you to wear just a woolly, long-sleeved leotard, eh---?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="leggy" targetStage="3"> <state img="1-stare.png">Yup. I get it. You're an actual sheep, and I'm an idiot.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="moon" targetStage="0" priority="10000"> <state img="1-terror.png">...Holy crap!</state> <state img="1-terror.png">Is this girl serious!? <i>(This is just... a whole new level of wrong here.)</i></state> <state img="1-terror.png"><i>(...And I thought I was the crazy one! This girl takes crazy to a whole new level!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="moon" targetStage="1" priority="10000"> <state img="1-surprise.png">Normally I'd be excited, BUT THIS GIRL IS FREAKING ME OUT RI---</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="moon" targetStage="2-5"> <state img="1-annoyed.png">Oh goodie, it's <i>her</i> turn.</state> <state img="1-neutral.png"><i>(This girl actually makes me look good in comparsion.)</i></state> <state img="1-surprise.png"><i>(Is this she actually human? What if she's secretly some horny sex alien whose species greet each other with blowjobs?)</i></state> <state img="1-thinking.png"><i>(How does this little rabbit-girl have the biggest libido?)</i></state> <state img="1-annoyed.png">I'd say prostitution would be a <i>wonderful</i> job for you, but I wouldn't want your poor clients to get every STD on the planet.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="moon" targetStage="6" priority="10000"> <state img="1-terror.png">Oh <i>no</i>...</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="pinkie_pie" targetSayingMarker="pinka_start"> <state img="1-terror.png">WHAT THE HELL!?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="roxie" targetStage="0" priority="555"> <state img="1-smug.png">Roxie, huh? I dunno what it is, but something tells me we'll get along well.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="roxie" targetStage="2" priority="555"> <state img="1-neutral.png">So what's next? Is it gonna be the boots?</state> <state img="1-eh.png">Not a lot of options left...</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="roxie" targetStage="3" priority="555"> <state img="1-thinking.png">So... thong or bra?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="ryuji" targetStage="0"> <state img="1-woah.png"><i>(Woah, those legs! Why does it feel like he can break my neck with a single kick to the head?)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" targetStatus="decent" notSaidMarker="uhura_flashbacks" priority="1"> <state img="1-thinking.png" marker="uhura_flashbacks"><i>(Man, if this were any other kind of poker and we had to bluff in order to win, one of us could fart and nobody would be able to tell who did it.)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="sunglasses" notSaidMarker="sunglasses_marker"> <test expr="~background.location~" value="indoors" /> <state img="1-stare.png" marker="sunglasses_marker">Y'know, when you think about it, playing poker is the only valid excuse for wearing sunglasses indoors. So consider yourself lucky, I guess.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="scantily-clad" notSaidMarker="skimpy_marker"> <test expr="~name~" cmp="!=" value="Leggy" /> <state img="1-stare.png" marker="skimpy_marker">What the... Do you seriously have no shame?</state> <state img="1-stare.png" marker="skimpy_marker">Wearing <i>that</i> little clothing to a strip poker game? I don't think the irony is lost on any of us.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="deity" targetStage="0" notSaidMarker="deity_marker"> <test expr="~target.gender~" value="female" /> <state img="1-woah.png" marker="deity_marker">Wait wait wait wait, you're a <i>goddess!?</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="deity" targetStage="0" notSaidMarker="deity_marker"> <test expr="~target.gender~" value="male" /> <state img="1-woah.png" marker="deity_marker">Wait wait wait wait, you're a <i>god!?</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" totalRounds="1" saidMarker="possumsprings_q" priority="9999"> <state img="1-stare.png" marker="possumsprings_a">Hmm? Where am <i>I</i> from? Yeah, no. You don't want to hear about the rustbucket of disappointment that is Possum Springs.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" totalRounds="7" notSaidMarker="slow_game_n" priority="9999"> <condition count="0" status="not_decent" /> <test expr="~clothing.type~" value="accessory" /> <state img="1-stare.png" marker="slow_game">Ugh, this game is slow.</state> <state img="1-annoyed.png" marker="slow_game">Can you guys hurry up?</state> <state img="1-annoyed.png" marker="slow_game">Yeesh.</state> <state img="1-annoyed.png" marker="slow_game">This is boring.</state> <state img="1-annoyed.png" marker="slow_game">Uggghhhhh.....</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" totalRounds="7" notSaidMarker="slow_game_n" priority="9999"> <condition count="0" status="not_decent" /> <test expr="~clothing.type~" value="minor" /> <state img="1-stare.png" marker="slow_game">Ugh, this game is slow.</state> <state img="1-annoyed.png" marker="slow_game">Can you guys hurry up?</state> <state img="1-annoyed.png" marker="slow_game">Yeesh.</state> <state img="1-annoyed.png" marker="slow_game">This is boring.</state> <state img="1-annoyed.png" marker="slow_game">Uggghhhhh.....</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" filter="clothing_destruction" notSaidMarker="clothingdestruction"> <state img="1-surprise.png" marker="clothingdestruction">Woah, what---!?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" filter="deity" targetStage="0"> <state img="1-eh.png">I... don't have good experience with deities. They tend to be assholes who try to break my mind.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" filter="police" targetStage="1"> <state img="1-thinking.png">Y'know, my aunt is a cop. Aunt Molly. Aunt Mall Cop. After all these years, we <i>still</i> don't get along.</state> <state img="1-stare.png" marker="life_rambling">I've been electrocuted at least twice in my lifetime and spoke to God. And God is an asshole. This is nothing compared to all the weird crap I've been through. But that's just life.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" saidMarker="singing_fullhouse" notSaidMarker="singing_fullhouse1" priority="1"> <state img="1-fingergun.png" marker="singing_fullhouse1">♫ You miss your old familar friends, <i>waiting just around the beeeeend!</i>♫</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" saidMarker="smooth_criminal_1" notSaidMarker="smooth_criminal_3"> <state img="1-cocky.png" marker="smooth_criminal_3">That "smooth criminal" being me. I'm not sure if you know this, but I'm pretty much a bandit queen.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="akko" targetStage="0" priority="775"> <state img="1-woah.png">Wait, for real!? You're a real witch? You're really a real witch? For real?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="akko" targetStage="0" targetSaidMarker="necronomicon" priority="780"> <state img="1-terror.png">GAH!! No, not this! I can't deal with that again!!</state> <state img="1-terror.png"><i>Ohcrapohcrapohcrap!!</i> I don't wanna deal with these things anymore!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="amalia" targetStage="4" priority="555"> <state img="1-woah.png">Huh? How'd they slide off so easily!?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="chihiro" targetStage="4" priority="9995"> <state img="1-woah.png">No, wait! Come back!!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="chihiro" targetStage="5" priority="9993"> <state img="1-surprise.png">Huh!?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="felicia" targetStage="0"> <state img="1-surprise.png">Wait, what?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="felicia" targetStage="1"> <state img="1-eh.png">I'm cringing so hard right now.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="florina" targetStage="4" targetSayingMarker="bee2"> <state img="1-surprise.png">Hey, be careful with---!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="human" filter="gay" saidMarker="player_queer" notSaidMarker="player_queer2"> <state img="1-thinking.png" marker="player_queer2">Huh, you usually don't find a lot of queer people in my conversative trash dump of a town. I thought me, Gregg, and Angus were the only ones...</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="leggy" targetStage="0"> <state img="1-stare.png">You have some pretty weird get-up. Are you some kind of cosplayer?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="leggy" targetStage="1"> <state img="1-neutral.png">You alright there?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="leggy" targetStage="2"> <state img="1-surprise.png">Wait, <i>what!?</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="leggy" targetStage="3" priority="10000"> <state img="1-eh.png" marker="seeing_animals">I didn't want to say it out loud, but... I kiiiiinda have something wrong with my brain and everyone I see is an animal.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="moon" targetStage="0" priority="10000"> <state img="1-terror.png">She's so desperate about it...</state> <state img="1-why.png">Of course, she's taking off the bra first, <i>of course she does!!</i> Because obviously someone desperate like you wouldn't do with a silly trinket!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="moon" targetStage="1"> <state img="1-eh.png">Phew.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="moon" targetStage="2"> <state img="1-annoyed.png"><i>(Ugh, I don't even want to IMAGINE her naked.)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="palutena" targetStage="3"> <state img="1-neutral.png">Hey, Palutena. I have a question; can you fly? Or do those belts get in the way?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="pinkie_pie" targetSaidMarker="pinka_start" targetNotSaidMarker="pinka_end2"> <state img="1-why.png">What the hell do we do!? I am <i>not</i> dying during a strip poker game.</state> <state img="1-stare.png">We should really get out of here. Before this girl attempts to murder us.</state> <state img="1-why.png">I'm not here to get murdered!</state> <state img="1-surprise.png">UHHH...</state> <state img="1-surprise.png">Hahaha... please help me.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="roxie" targetStage="0" priority="555"> <state img="1-surprise.png">The sweater? That's a pretty grand way to start. I actually kind of liked it...</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="roxie" targetStage="1" priority="555"> <state img="1-triumphant.png">Yessss! I knew it!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="roxie" targetStage="2" priority="555"> <state img="1-woah.png">Wait, those are shorts? I thought they were boxers!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="roxie" targetStage="3" priority="555"> <state img="1-eh.png">Guess it's the bra first...</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="roxie" targetStage="3" targetSayingMarker="famous_tits" priority="555"> <state img="1-woah.png">W-Wait, you're famous!?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="twilight" targetStage="0"> <state img="1-surprise.png">Huh!? You know you can take off anything you want, right!?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="twilight" targetStage="1"> <state img="1-stare.png">Annnnd when I mention hating bras, she takes hers off. Go figure, I guess.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="twilight" targetStage="3" priority="325"> <state img="1-flustered.png">Seriously, you have a bunch of other stuff! <i>(Not that I don't mind or anything, but... This girl is really confusing me right now!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="twilight" targetStage="4" priority="329"> <state img="1-annoyed.png">Whatever.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="twilight" targetStage="5" priority="328"> <state img="1-stare.png">Those look comfy. I can almost understand why you chose to save them for... second-to-last?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="twilight" targetStage="6" priority="9993"> <state img="1-eh.png">Last small thing... And second-to-last article of clothing...</state> <state img="1-thinking.png">Well, I understand you somewhat better at least. But can you understand me?</state> <state img="1-neutral.png">Farewell, shirt. You... literally did nothing this entire game.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" filter="musician" targetStage="0" priority="9000"> <test expr="~clothing.type~" cmp="!=" value="major" /> <test expr="~clothing.type~" cmp="!=" value="important" /> <state img="1-neutral.png" marker="mae_musicramble">I play bass guitar. In a band me and my friends formed a few years ago. But I wouldn't call myself a serious musician, y'know? Even though I really love music. And just... the arts in general.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" notSaidMarker="insertwittycommenthere"> <test expr="~clothing.type~" value="accessory" /> <state img="1-stare.png" marker="insertwittycommenthere">Insert witty comment here.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" totalRounds="0-6" notSaidMarker="slow_game_n"> <test expr="~clothing.type~" value="major" /> <state img="1-woah.png" marker="slow_game_n">Woah, this party got started fast! N-Not that I'm complaining.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" priority="5275"> <test expr="~clothing~" value="boots" /> <state img="1-neutral.png">Nice boots. Much better than my cheap knock-off Doc Martens, or whatever the heck they're called.</state> <state img="1-smug.png">Hmmm, your boots may appear more stylish, but mine were made for kicking down doors. With even more style than you'll ever have.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping"> <test expr="~clothing~" value="dress" /> <test expr="~target.gender~" value="female" /> <state img="1-stare.png">Wearing a dress is the same as wearing a very large single pant leg. Sorry to ruin your day, m'am.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping"> <test expr="~clothing~" value="dress" /> <test expr="~target.gender~" value="male" /> <state img="1-stare.png">Wearing a dress is the same as wearing a very large single pant leg. Sorry to ruin your day, sir.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" priority="60"> <test expr="~clothing~" value="hat" /> <state img="1-neutral.png">Hat's off for ~name~... <i>Hat is off</i> for ~name~. The way you strip isn't worth a compliment.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" notSaidMarker="skirtsvspants" priority="50"> <test expr="~clothing~" value="skirt" /> <test expr="~name~" cmp="!=" value="Pinkie" /> <state img="1-cocky.png" marker="skirtsvspants">Skirts may be fashionable, but pants are practical. When the zombie apocalyse is finally upon us, I bet the people who wear pants instead of skirts have a better chance of survival.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping"> <test expr="~clothing~" value="socks" /> <state img="1-cocky.png">"Socks" to be you.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped"> <condition count="0" status="not_decent" /> <test expr="~clothing.type~" cmp="!=" value="important" /> <test expr="~clothing.type~" cmp="!=" value="major" /> <state img="1-thinking.png" marker="+showerthought"><i>(How are playptuses real and unicorns aren’t? Unicorns are literally horses with a horn.)</i></state> <state img="1-neutral.png" marker="+showerthought">I could use a soda. Or water. Water tastes great for something that's, like, literally tasteless.</state> <state img="1-stare.png" marker="+showerthought">You know, there's only one type of movie that allows spoilers in the title. It's called porn.</state> <state img="1-eh.png" marker="+showerthought">I sincerely hope nobody is having any sexual thoughts, because I'm uncomfortable enough playing this game.</state> <state img="1-woah.png" marker="+showerthought">Am I dreaming? Is this multiplayer dreaming? This seems like one huge bizzare dream.</state> <state img="1-stare.png" marker="+showerthought">How messed up would it be if the penalty for losing is to remove a body part instead of your clothing?</state> <state img="1-smug.png" marker="+showerthought">Y'know, it'd be more interesting if we got money out of this. That money would become my pizza money.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" filter="clothing_destruction" saidMarker="clothingdestruction" notSaidMarker="clothingdestruction1"> <state img="1-eh.png" marker="clothingdestruction1">Jeez... I mean, I've seen weirder stuff, but... Just take off your clothes like a normal person.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" filter="deity" targetStage="1"> <state img="1-stare.png">I met two of them, and came out mentally scarred for life. Now here I am playing <i>strip poker</i> with another deity. Life sure is something.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" filter="ditzy" targetStage="2" priority="155"> <state img="1-stare.png">No offense, ~name~, but you're kind of stupid.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" filter="musician" saidMarker="mae_musicramble" notSaidMarker="mae_musicc" priority="9000"> <state img="1-eh.png" marker="mae_musicc">I'm rambling, aren't I? I shouldn't be rambling during a strip poker game... Deal the next hand.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" saidMarker="singing_fullhouse1" notSaidMarker="singing_fullhouse2" priority="1"> <state img="1-neutral.png" marker="singing_fullhouse2">...Oh wait, we're playing strip poker.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" saidMarker="slow_game_n" notSaidMarker="unusual_strip"> <state img="1-flustered.png" marker="unusual_strip">I... I like your style, ~name~.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="akko" targetStage="1"> <state img="1-hype.png">I... I thought you were just dressing up! But holy crap this is so cool!!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="akko" targetStage="1" targetSaidMarker="necronomicon"> <state img="1-stare.png" marker="akko_eldritch">Oh no, that was <i>definitely</i> eldritch horror we just saw. I'd be on my guard if I were you.</state> <state img="1-stare.png" marker="akko_exorcism">Oh no, that was <i>definitely</i> demonic possession. We gotta do a exorcism, like, ASAP. I'm seriously sick of dealing with the paranormal trying to kill me and my friends.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="amalia" targetStage="5"> <state img="1-surprise.png">What the---!?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="chihiro" targetStage="5" priority="9995"> <state img="1-annoyed.png">...Coward.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="chihiro" targetStage="6" priority="9992"> <state img="1-woah.png">Wait, why do you even crossdress in the first place!? You said you're a boy, so you're not a trans person... Am I missing something?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="felicia" targetStage="1"> <state img="1-terror.png">Wh... But you <i>need</i> your fur! Does it even grow back!?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="felicia" targetStage="2"> <state img="1-surprise.png">How do you do it so cleanly!? The thought of shaving pubic hair is... terrifying!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="florina" targetStage="5"> <state img="1-stare.png">...Your tunic. Oh well, it didn't seem too special to you anyways.</state> <state img="1-stare.png">Whoops. Well, that poor tunic's gone forever.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="human" saidMarker="possumsprings_a" notSaidMarker="possumsprings_null" priority="1"> <state img="1-smug.png" marker="possumsprings_null">I'll only open up when you start talking about yourself. Got it, ~player~? I don't just give out information about my personal life for free.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="leggy" targetStage="2"> <state img="1-thinking.png">Riiiight, what's with that... leg-collar thingy? I thought only flappers wore those things back in, like, the 1920's.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="leggy" targetStage="3"> <state img="1-woah.png">Hang on, why the hell do you need to shave it off! Can't you just---I dunno---slide it off one shoulder or something? I thought actual sheep---</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="leggy" targetStage="4" priority="10000"> <state img="1-welp.png" marker="catoutofthebag">I never share this because I was afraid people would just see me as even <i>more</i> insane than I already am... But I guess the cat's out of the bag, huh? Which is ironic because I see myself as a cat...</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="moon" targetStage="1"> <state img="1-annoyed.png">...Let's just move on.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="moon" targetStage="2"> <state img="1-stare.png">Anytime you speak, the urge to murder you in your sleep increases for me. Stop talking. Now.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="moon" targetStage="3"> <state img="1-stare.png">Nice shoes. They're the only thing about you worth complementing.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="moon" targetStage="4"> <state img="1-smug.png"><i>(How hilarious would it be if she just, tripped, and they all just spilled out of the bag in public.)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="moon" targetStage="5"> <state img="1-stare.png">I really, <i>really</i> do not want to see your naked body.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="palutena" targetStage="4"> <state img="1-eh.png"><i>(I mean, I know she actually ISN'T an eagle, but... It'd be kinda weird if I see her as a bird goddess and she can't actually fly.)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="palutena" targetStage="4" alsoPlaying="pit"> <state img="1-stare.png"><i>(Why the hell do I see the divine-like people as birds?)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="pinkie_pie" targetSaidMarker="pinka_start" targetNotSaidMarker="pinka_end2"> <state img="1-terror.png">...Even now, I'm still terrified for my life.</state> <state img="1-terror.png">Someone just... call the cops or something!</state> <state img="1-woah.png">Seriously, who ARE you? What happened to Pinkie?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="revy" targetStage="1-7" notSaidMarker="calmdownwildcat"> <state img="1-eh.png" marker="calmdownwildcat"><i>(Calm down, wildcat. Or should I say wild... fox? Wildfox? I dunno, why DO I see her as a fox and not a wildcat)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="roxie" targetStage="0" priority="555"> <state img="1-fingergun.png">That's some pretty cool underwear though. <i>And</i> it looks comfortable! See, now this is some fashion I can appreciate!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="roxie" targetStage="2" alsoPlaying="moon" targetSaidMarker="my_last_loss" priority="555"> <state img="1-annoyed.png">Well, so do I! And I bet everyone else here wants to win too... Except Moon. But she shouldn't even count.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="roxie" targetStage="2" targetSaidMarker="far_from_naked" priority="555"> <state img="1-stare.png">Who's Arceus?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="roxie" targetStage="2" targetSaidMarker="foot_fetish" priority="555"> <state img="1-stare.png">And before you ask---no, I don't have a foot fetish. That sounds so gross. What kind of weirdo finds <i>feet</i> sexy?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="roxie" targetStage="2" targetSaidMarker="live_without_boots" priority="555"> <state img="1-eh.png">I'm sure you'll get them back... right?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="roxie" targetStage="2" targetSaidMarker="my_last_loss" priority="555"> <state img="1-smug.png">Well, so do I! And I bet everyone else here wants to win too, so get ready for some extreme competition!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="roxie" targetStage="2" targetSaidMarker="take_these_off" priority="555"> <state img="1-surprise.png">Custom-made!? Holy jeez, are you loaded or something?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="roxie" targetStage="3" priority="555"> <state img="1-eh.png">I mean... Cool thong, but isn't that extremely comfort? Why not just wear the shorts?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="roxie" targetStage="4" priority="555"> <state img="1-flustered.png">Freckle-boobs... That's weirdly hot.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="twilight" targetSayingMarker="twilight_not_human" priority="301"> <state img="1-surprise.png">You are rea---wait, <i>humans?</i> You're not... You're not human?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="twilight" targetStage="1" priority="333"> <state img="1-thinking.png">Hmm. Well I can understand finding panties uncomfortable. Up until recently, I never wore a bra for the same reason.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="twilight" targetStage="2" priority="332"> <state img="1-thinking.png">You know, there's sports bras. They're pretty comfy. I remember Bea going out to buy me one. She kind of freaked out when I told her I never wear bras. Dunno why; my shirt's all I need.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="twilight" targetStage="3" priority="331"> <state img="1-terror.png">I can understand finding underwear comfortable, but what's wrong with your skirt!?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="twilight" targetStage="4" priority="330"> <state img="1-stare.png">...Oh, <i>now</i> you take off something small?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="twilight" targetStage="6" priority="9995"> <state img="1-flustered.png">Back to big stuff again afte---Oh right! You only have your shirt left! Juuuust a shirt.</state> <state img="1-thinking.png">What is grammar?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="twilight" targetStage="7" priority="310"> <state img="1-smug.png">Alright, Twilight! Time to kick your ass!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" targetStatus="lost_all"> <state img="1-woah.png"><i>(Oh crap, ~name~'s naked now...)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" saidMarker="sparedfromherwrath"> <test expr="~clothing.type~" cmp="!=" value="important" /> <test expr="~clothing.type~" cmp="!=" value="major" /> <state img="1-sweat.png" marker="*">Err... Let's just move on!!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" totalRounds="2-6" notSaidMarker="happybirthday"> <test expr="~clothing.type~" cmp="!=" value="important" /> <test expr="~clothing.type~" cmp="!=" value="major" /> <state img="1-neutral.png" marker="happybirthday">Did you guys know it's probably someone's birthday? Happy birthday, random person whom I never met and probably never will.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" saidMarker="insertwittycommenthere" notSaidMarker="anotherwittycoment"> <test expr="~clothing.type~" value="accessory" /> <state img="1-stare.png" marker="anotherwittycoment">Insert another witty comment here.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped"> <test expr="~clothing~" value="dress" /> <state img="1-eh.png">...Yeah, you definitely look good without the dress.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped"> <test expr="~clothing~" value="glasses" /> <state img="1-stare.png">Hmm... I don't think I ever met a person with glasses who <i>wasn't</i> smart. Are you smart, ~name~? Don't lie to me.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped"> <test expr="~clothing~" value="hat" /> <state img="1-triumphant.png">Unless you're a cowboy! YEEEEEEEHAAAAAAAAW!!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" filter="smart" saidMarker="skirtsvspants" notSaidMarker="skirtsvspants2" priority="2"> <test expr="~clothing~" value="skirt" /> <state img="1-smug.png" marker="skirtsvspants2">This isn't me having a thing against people who wear skirts, y'know! I'm being pragmatic here. I bet a smart person like you would know what that word means.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" saidMarker="skirtsvspants" notSaidMarker="skirtsvspants2" priority="1"> <test expr="~clothing~" value="skirt" /> <state img="1-eyes.png" marker="skirtsvspants2">This isn't me having a thing against people who wear skirts, y'know! I'm being pragmatic here. <i>(Hehehe... I bet they don't know what that word means!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="human" filter="gay" saidMarker="player_queer2"> <test expr="~target.gender~" value="female" /> <state img="1-eh.png" marker="player_queer3"><i>(Phew! It sucks when a cute girl you find ends up being straight. At least I'm not picky with gender...)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="human" filter="gay" saidMarker="player_queer2"> <test expr="~target.gender~" value="male" /> <state img="1-neutral.png" marker="player_queer3">Well, good to know.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_start_masturbating" saidMarker="cheater_lose" notSaidMarker="awesome"> <state img="1-cocky.png" marker="awesome">Yeah, I know I'm awesome.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_masturbating" filter="uses_toy" notSaidMarker="toys"> <state img="1-welp.png" marker="toys">Maaaan, I wish I bought a toy. If I knew what this game was all about.... ugh, maybe next time.</state> </case> <case tag="male_must_masturbate"> <state img="1-triumphant.png">I'm still in it!</state> <state img="1-fingergun.png">Get masturbating, loser!</state> <state img="1-smug.png">And I'm still clothed! I rule at this game!</state> <state img="1-stare.png">You're kinda crappy at this game, you know? Either that, or I'm amazing at this game.</state> </case> <case tag="male_must_masturbate" filter="cheater" priority="150"> <state img="1-eyes.png" marker="cheater_lose*">Hah! Kiss my ass, ~name~! Cheaters never prosper... unless they're me. I basically cheated my way through life.</state> </case> <case tag="male_must_masturbate" target="pit"> <state img="1-surprise.png">Oh...</state> </case> <case tag="male_must_masturbate" totalMasturbating="0" totalFinished="0" priority="9999"> <state img="1-surprise.png" marker="first_out">Wait, what!? <i>Masturbation!?</i></state> <state img="1-surprise.png" marker="first_out">They have to WHAT!?</state> </case> <case tag="male_start_masturbating"> <state img="1-eh.png">Goodl luck, I guess.</state> <state img="1-eh.png">Well this is gonna be awkward.</state> <state img="1-eh.png">Can I... watch you?</state> </case> <case tag="male_start_masturbating" totalMasturbating="1-2"> <condition count="3-4" status="alive" /> <state img="1-eh.png">I'd watch, but... We still have a game to play.</state> <state img="1-neutral.png">Good luck, I guess. Me and everyone else are just gonna keep playing.</state> </case> <case tag="male_start_masturbating" saidMarker="first_out" notSaidMarker="first_out2" priority="9998"> <state img="1-why.png" marker="first_out2">What the fresh hell? Why didn't anyone tell me!?</state> <state img="1-woah.png" marker="first_out2">D... Did you know about this, ~name~?</state> </case> <case tag="male_start_masturbating" target="pit"> <state img="1-eh.png">It feels weird, y'know? Watching an angel masturbate...</state> </case> <case tag="male_masturbating"> <state img="1-flustered.png">I feel kind of lucky to be seeing this.</state> <state img="1-neutral.png">People don't usually masturbate in public. Or get naked in front of other people. Unless it's an orgy.</state> <state img="1-woah.png">Woah. I didn't think I'd see a guy masturbating in front of me.</state> <state img="1-sweat.png">Wow...</state> <state img="1-flustered.png">I'm gonnd be honest---this is really hot and I kind of want to be the one touching you. Is that weird?</state> <state img="1-flustered.png"><i>(Don't drool, Mae. Seriously, you're not a dog!)</i></state> <state img="1-flustered.png">I feel like a pervert. And yet... wow. H-How can this not turn anyone on?</state> <state img="1-eyes.png" marker="flirt_maybe">Hey ~name~! How can I help speed up the process! I can flirt with you if you want that!</state> <state img="1-eyes.png">Hehehe... Faaaaantastic!</state> <state img="1-neutral.png">Moan for me, baby... Yeah, I can't do a good seductive voice. Just pretend I never said that.</state> <state img="1-woah.png">I'm really seeing this... This is real.</state> <state img="1-flustered.png"><i>(I'm seriously enjoying this. I'm seriously getting turned on from this. What's wrong with me?)</i></state> <state img="1-thinking.png">I remember me and my friend having a conversation about a bunch of strangers coming here just for porn. This place is just like that, isn't it?</state> <state img="1-woah.png">I kind of want a closer look.</state> <state img="1-surprise.png">Oh... I-It's just like in porn. Good to know.</state> </case> <case tag="male_heavy_masturbating"> <state img="1-flustered.png">Are you close? I can only assume 'cause you're... umm...</state> <state img="1-eh.png">You're almost there! Just... keep doing your thing.</state> <state img="1-flustered.png">Jeez, I think you're going to... Well, let nothing hold you back.</state> <state img="1-smug.png"><i>(I bet he's having such a good time. I bet he's having a ball!)</i></state> <state img="1-eh.png">Umm...</state> </case> <case tag="male_finished_masturbating"> <state img="1-annoyed.png">...I think I stepped in something wet and gross... Dammit, now my socks are ruined!</state> </case> <case tag="male_finished_masturbating" target="jin"> <state img="1-terror.png" marker="jinfinishing">HOLY CRAP, MY EYES!</state> </case> <case tag="female_must_masturbate"> <state img="1-triumphant.png">I'm still in it!</state> <state img="1-smug.png">Get masturbating, loser!</state> <state img="1-fingergun.png">And I'm still clothed! I rule at this game!</state> <state img="1-stare.png">You're kinda crappy at this game, you know? Either that, or I'm amazing at this game.</state> </case> <case tag="female_must_masturbate" filter="cheater" priority="150"> <state img="1-eyes.png" marker="cheater_lose*">Hah! Kiss my ass, ~name~! Cheaters never prosper... unless they're me. I basically cheated my way through life.</state> </case> <case tag="female_must_masturbate" target="akko"> <state img="1-hype.png">Masturbating with magic sounds awesome! Show me what you got!!</state> </case> <case tag="female_must_masturbate" target="leggy"> <state img="1-eh.png">You're taking this awfully well...</state> </case> <case tag="female_must_masturbate" target="moon"> <state img="1-welp.png">...Great.</state> </case> <case tag="female_must_masturbate" target="rinkah" priority="9997"> <state img="1-hype.png"><i>(YEEEESSSS!! I BEAT HER!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_must_masturbate" target="shimakaze"> <state img="1-triumphant.png">Yeah, critical hit!</state> </case> <case tag="female_must_masturbate" totalMasturbating="0" notSaidMarker="first_out" priority="9999"> <state img="1-surprise.png" marker="first_out">Wait, what!? <i>Masturbation!?</i></state> <state img="1-surprise.png" marker="first_out">They have to WHAT!?</state> </case> <case tag="female_start_masturbating"> <state img="1-eh.png">...Can I watch?</state> <state img="1-neutral.png">Goodl luck, I guess.</state> <state img="1-eh.png">Well this is gonna be awkward.</state> </case> <case tag="female_start_masturbating" saidMarker="first_out" notSaidMarker="first_out2" priority="9999"> <state img="1-why.png" marker="first_out2">What the fresh hell? Why didn't anyone tell me!?</state> <state img="1-woah.png" marker="first_out2">D... Did you know about this, ~name~?</state> </case> <case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="akko"> <state img="1-smug.png">C'mooooon!!</state> </case> <case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="leggy"> <state img="1-thinking.png">Wasn't there a group of people notorious for having sex with sheep? The Welsh, I think?</state> </case> <case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="miko"> <state img="1-surprise.png">What the---is that the spirit of your dead wife!? Did she rise from the grave just to have sex with you!?</state> </case> <case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="moon"> <state img="1-stare.png">I'm just gonna... pretend you don't exist. Which is definitely easier said than done.</state> </case> <case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="pinkie_pie"> <state img="1-woah.png">Wh---wouldn't it hurt like hell if it popped?</state> </case> <case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="shimakaze"> <state img="1-eh.png">...Okay, but are you alright?</state> </case> <case tag="female_masturbating" id="1-1"> <state img="1-flustered.png">I feel kind of lucky to be seeing this.</state> <state img="1-neutral.png">People don't usually masturbate in public. Or get naked in front of other people. Unless it's an orgy.</state> <state img="1-woah.png">Woah. N-Nice technique.</state> <state img="1-flustered.png">I'm gonnd be honest---this is really hot and I kind of want to be the one touching you. Is that weird?</state> <state img="1-flustered.png"><i>(Don't drool, Mae. Seriously, you're not a dog!)</i></state> <state img="1-flustered.png">I feel like a pervert. And yet... wow. H-How can this not turn anyone on?</state> <state img="1-eyes.png" marker="flirt_maybe">Hey ~name~! How can I help speed up the process! I can flirt with you if you want that!</state> <state img="1-eyes.png">Hehehe... Faaaaantastic!</state> <state img="1-neutral.png">Moan for me, baby... Yeah, I can't do a good seductive voice. Just pretend I never said that.</state> <state img="1-woah.png">I'm really seeing this... This is real.</state> <state img="1-flustered.png"><i>(I'm seriously enjoying this. I'm seriously getting turned on from this. What's wrong with me?)</i></state> <state img="1-thinking.png">I remember me and my friend having a conversation about a bunch of strangers coming here just for porn. This place is just like that, isn't it?</state> <state img="1-woah.png">I kind of want a closer look.</state> <state img="1-sweat.png">Wow...</state> </case> <case tag="female_masturbating" target="akko" targetSayingMarker="akko_first_climax"> <state img="1-eh.png">Huh. That was quick.</state> </case> <case tag="female_masturbating" target="akko" targetSayingMarker="akko_second_climax"> <state img="1-stare.png">This is insane.</state> </case> <case tag="female_masturbating" target="akko" targetSayingMarker="akko_third_climax"> <state img="1-surprise.png">Again!? Jeez, I can't take no more than two at a time!</state> </case> <case tag="female_masturbating" target="akko" targetTimeInStage="4" targetSaidMarker="akko_first_climax"> <state img="1-woah.png">Seriously? Jeez, I wish I had that sort of stamina!</state> <state img="1-woah.png">Seriously? Well, since you took such a short time, I guess it's well-deserved? I think?</state> </case> <case tag="female_masturbating" target="elizabeth" notSaidMarker="elizabeth_masturbation"> <state img="1-woah.png" marker="elizabeth_masturbation">Well then... This takes the phrase "go eff yourself" a bit too literally.</state> </case> <case tag="female_masturbating" target="miko" notSaidMarker="discomfort" priority="9100"> <state img="1-surprise.png" marker="discomfort">(mild discomfort)</state> </case> <case tag="female_masturbating" target="moon" priority="1"> <state img="1-stare.png">...</state> <state img="1-eh.png">(discomfort)</state> <state img="1-annoyed.png">Shut. Up.</state> </case> <case tag="female_masturbating" totalMasturbating="4-" notSaidMarker="masturbationorgy"> <state img="1-surprise.png" marker="masturbationorgy">Has this become a masturbation orgy!?</state> </case> <case tag="female_heavy_masturbating"> <state img="1-flustered.png">Are you close? I can only assume 'cause you're... umm...</state> <state img="1-eh.png">You're almost there! Just... keep doing your thing.</state> <state img="1-flustered.png">Jeez, I think you're going to... Well, let nothing hold you back.</state> <state img="1-smug.png"><i>(I bet she's having such a good time. I bet she's having a ball!)</i></state> <state img="1-eh.png">Umm...</state> </case> <case tag="female_heavy_masturbating" target="moon"> <state img="1-annoyed.png">....</state> </case> <case tag="female_finished_masturbating"> <state img="1-woah.png">Woah, you're soaking... down there, I meant.</state> <state img="1-eh.png">That sounded intense.</state> <state img="1-flustered.png">Seeing you like that... I bet l-losing isn't that bad.</state> <state img="1-woah.png">That was... wow. Just wow.</state> </case> <case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="aimee"> <state img="1-terror.png">Gah! I didn't there'd be so much... D-Didn't we tell you to be careful!?</state> <state img="1-terror.png">HOLY---You just shot yourself in the arm! Why the hell did you even decide to <i>bring a gun here!</i></state> <state img="1-terror.png">Ohgodohgodohgod, okay, not going back to that time! Are you okay!?</state> </case> <case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="akko"> <state img="1-terror.png">HOLY CRAP, MY EYES!</state> </case> <case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="felicia"> <state img="1-stare.png">Okay, even <i>I'm</i> starting to get sick of those cat puns. Not even I make that many!</state> <state img="1-annoyed.png">We get it, you think you're a cat. <i>(Then again, so do I... but you don't see ME being so blatant about it!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="leggy"> <state img="1-eh.png">Umm... Do you do this often, or...?</state> </case> <case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="moon"> <state img="1-eh.png">Eww...</state> </case> <case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="pinkie_pie" targetSayingMarker="pop"> <state img="1-surprise.png">Ouch...</state> </case> <case tag="game_over_victory"> <state img="1-smug.png">Square up, thots.</state> <state img="1-fingergun.png">You've been beaten by the queen of Possum Springs! Someone get my crown!</state> <state img="1-smug.png">Wait 'till I tell my friends I got a bunch of people naked.</state> <state img="1-eyes.png">You all got <i>destroyed!</i></state> </case> <case tag="global" alsoPlaying="leggy" alsoPlayingStage="5" alsoPlayingTimeInStage="1-" notSaidMarker="leggyisgonnafuckingdie"> <state img="1-thinking.png" marker="leggyisgonnafuckingdie">...Is it gonna grow back before the weather turns cold? If not, I think you just doomed yourself, Leggy. You're not gonna last the winter.</state> </case> <case tag="global" alsoPlaying="pit" alsoPlayingSayingMarker="sacredbuns" priority="9999"> <state img="1-hype.png">YES!! Sacred buns!</state> </case> </stage> <stage id="2"> <case tag="swap_cards"> <state img="2-stare.png">~cards~ cards.</state> <state img="2-neutral.png">Can I have ~cards~, dealer?</state> <state img="2-thinking.png">I think I'll just swap ~cards~.</state> <state img="2-thinking.png">Should I swap those ~cards~? Yeah, I'll do that.</state> <state img="2-thinking.png">Uh... These ~cards~ can go.</state> </case> <case tag="swap_cards"> <test expr="~cards~" value="0" /> <state img="2-fingergun.png">No cards for me! That's right; this hand is perfection!</state> <state img="2-triumphant.png">~cards~!! This hand is perfection!</state> <state img="2-smug.png">I need no new cards. These are perfect.</state> </case> <case tag="swap_cards"> <test expr="~cards~" value="4" /> <state img="2-thinking.png">Ugh... I guess I'll keep that card?</state> <state img="2-thinking.png">I heard you should always keep certain cards no matter how bad the hand is, so... ~cards~ cards. I'll keep that one.</state> <state img="2-thinking.png">~cards~. The magic number. Only one of these cards are worthy.</state> </case> <case tag="swap_cards"> <test expr="~cards~" value="5" /> <state img="2-why.png" marker="5newcards">~cards~ new cards! These cards are garbage! ALL OF THEM!</state> <state img="2-why.png" marker="5newcards">How am I supposed to work with these!? I want a new hand!</state> <state img="2-stare.png" marker="5newcards">Ugh. ~cards~ new cards. This entire hand is garbage.</state> </case> <case tag="good_hand"> <state img="2-fingergun.png">I'm not losing here! Not with this awesome hand!</state> <state img="2-triumphant.png">Yes! This hand won't let me down!</state> <state img="2-smug.png">Guess who's stripping? It's not me!! Because this hand is unbeatable!</state> <state img="2-fingergun.png">Safe!</state> <state img="2-annoyed.png">How come my only reward is not stripping?</state> <state img="2-fingergun.png">Bless this mess.</state> <state img="2-triumphant.png">WOOHOO!</state> <state img="2-fingergun.png">Who's stripping? I'm not stripping!</state> <state img="2-smug.png">Hey, free pass to the next round.</state> <state img="2-smug.png">Heh. I don't think a poker face is required. No point in trying to beat me anyways.</state> </case> <case tag="good_hand" saidMarker="5newcards" notSaidMarker="5newcards_good" priority="15"> <state img="2-fingergun.png" marker="5newcards_good=1">Now <i>that's</i> more like it!</state> </case> <case tag="good_hand" totalMales="0-1" totalFemales="4-5" notSaidMarker="god_hand_flirt" priority="888"> <state img="2-fingergun.png" marker="god_hand_flirt">Check out THIS hand! Laaaaaaaadies!</state> </case> <case tag="okay_hand"> <state img="2-neutral.png">Are these good? Not that you guys know considering only I can see them.</state> <state img="2-thinking.png">What do these symbols mean anyways? Are they just to look fancy?</state> <state img="2-thinking.png">Hmmm...</state> <state img="2-stare.png">Could be better. At least it's not a high card.</state> <state img="2-thinking.png">What are the chances of me getting a better hand?</state> <state img="2-neutral.png">This kinda sucks.</state> <state img="2-woah.png">I'm actually kinda nervous here. I could still lose with this hand.</state> <state img="2-stare.png" marker="hands_temptingfate=1">...One of you <i>has</i> to have a high card, right? Or at least a pair worse than mine.</state> <state img="2-thinking.png">If only we could bet money. I could use a lot of money right now. Legitimate money.</state> </case> <case tag="bad_hand"> <state img="2-stare.png">This card is garbage. <i>(Kind of like me, a trash mammal. Except it's even more garbage than me.)</i></state> <state img="2-annoyed.png">Really not looking forward to losing here.</state> <state img="2-annoyed.png">This hand is a load of crap.</state> <state img="2-stare.png">This hand is dumb.</state> <state img="2-stare.png">Hey, can I <i>not</i> have garbage like this next time!?</state> <state img="2-eh.png">Ugh, way to get effed over.</state> <state img="2-annoyed.png">Stupid cards.</state> <state img="2-annoyed.png">Trash. Garbage. Useless. <i>(Even a trash mammal like me deserves a better hand.)</i></state> <state img="2-thinking.png">Who invented this game anyways? And how did they figure out the probability of getting each hand?</state> </case> <case tag="bad_hand" consecutiveLosses="3-7"> <state img="2-why.png">What the <i>hell</i>, dealer!?</state> <state img="2-annoyed.png">Giving me all the bad cards. Veeeeery funny. Well, I hate you too.</state> <state img="2-why.png">Do you want to see me naked <i>that</i> badly? I knew this place was full of creeps! I should've trusted my gut.</state> <state img="2-why.png">What is with my luck!?</state> </case> <case tag="bad_hand" saidMarker="5newcards" notSaidMarker="5newcards_bad"> <state img="2-why.png" marker="5newcards_bad">Are you kidding me!?</state> <state img="2-stare.png" marker="5newcards_bad">Seriously!? Me and my stupid luck...</state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="amalia" alsoPlayingStage="5" alsoPlayingTimeInStage="0"> <state img="2-why.png">Are you kidding me!? You.... freaking cheater!</state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="blake" saidMarker="blakereveal" notSaidMarker="blakereveal2"> <state img="2-eh.png" marker="blakereveal2">I mean... <i>(I see her as an animal regardless, just like how I see everyone else... How do I explain this to everyone without them thinking I'm insane?)</i></state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="chihiro" alsoPlayingStage="5" notSaidMarker="chihirogone" priority="9988"> <state img="2-thinking.png" marker="chihirogone">Alright, so... who are you, exactly? Was your... err, <i>creator</i> some sort of computer master?</state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="chun-li" alsoPlayingSayingMarker="butt"> <state img="2-woah.png">Holy... Only 7000 squats at the gym can make an ass <i>that</i> great!</state> <state img="2-woah.png">Holy... <i>(And here I thought Angus had the greatest ass I ever saw!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="emi" alsoPlayingSayingMarker="placeholder"> <state img="2-stare.png">Whatever you say, Ms. Fourth-Wall-Breaker.</state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="florina" alsoPlayingSayingMarker="bee_again"> <state img="2-thinking.png" marker="beemurder">Might wanna get some perfume. If you can kill birds with perfume, you can kill bees with it too.</state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="futaba" alsoPlayingSayingMarker="futabutt"> <state img="2-eh.png">I wish I had my team with me... My team being my three friends. Then again, I don't think any of them would play this game. Except maybe Gregg.</state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="futaba" timeInStage="0"> <state img="2-smug.png">Oooooh, I know what I want my codename to be!</state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="leggy" alsoPlayingStage="3" alsoPlayingTimeInStage="0"> <state img="2-welp.png">...Oh. <i>(This isn't another hallucination, is it? She's actually a sheep.)</i></state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="leggy" alsoPlayingStage="4" alsoPlayingTimeInStage="0" priority="10000"> <state img="2-stare.png" marker="furry">I guess that also makes me a furry, huh?</state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="lucina" alsoPlayingStage="1" alsoPlayingTimeInStage="0" saidMarker="thisisreal1" notSaidMarker="thisisreal2"> <state img="2-welp.png" marker="thisisreal2">I'm not disassociating... I am NOT disassociating... This is real.</state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="mavis" alsoPlayingStage="3" alsoPlayingTimeInStage="0"> <state img="2-eh.png">Ugh, that must feel really uncomfortable. <i>(And yet, it's weirdly hot...)</i></state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="natsuki" alsoPlayingStage="5" alsoPlayingTimeInStage="0"> <state img="2-smug.png" marker="iseelondoniseefrance">...No, it isn't.</state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="natsuki" alsoPlayingStage="6" alsoPlayingTimeInStage="0" priority="812"> <state img="2-surprise.png" marker="natsuki_seduce">W-Wait, are you <i>trying</i> to seduce me? What happened to thinking I was gross!?</state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="pit" alsoPlayingStage="2" notSaidMarker="pit_greek"> <state img="2-surprise.png" marker="pit_greek">Wait, you're not!? But... your clothing! Didn't the people of ancient Greece wear that kind of clothing?</state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="rinkah" alsoPlayingStage="3" alsoPlayingTimeInStage="0" saidMarker="strip_rinkah_naked" notSaidMarker="fuq"> <state img="2-terror.png" marker="fuq">NO, WAIT, FORGET THE "STRIP YOU NAKED" PART!</state> <state img="2-terror.png" marker="fuq">WAIT, I DIDN'T MEAN TO SAY THAT!!</state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="saki_zls" alsoPlayingStage="6" alsoPlayingTimeInStage="0"> <state img="2-surprise.png" marker="saki_reveal">Wait, what the hell!? What in the infinite hells!?</state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="saki_zls" alsoPlayingStage="6" alsoPlayingTimeInStage="0" saidMarker="sakura_reveal"> <state img="2-stare.png" marker="saki_reveal">Ohhhh, I see. There's a zombie uprising going on, isn't it? <i>(Well, at least I can trust one of 'em. But there's no telling if that other one plans on eating anyone...)</i></state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="sakura" alsoPlayingSayingMarker="die_anywhere_else" priority="10000"> <state img="2-eh.png">Kind of an awkward coincidence... Sorry about that. It's a great song though, even if I had no idea how to play it the first time when my bandmates said they were going to do that song.</state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="sakura" alsoPlayingSayingMarker="donut_wolf" priority="10000"> <state img="2-hype.png">The only way to find out is to RIDE THE CHARIOT TO DONUT HELL!</state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="sakura" alsoPlayingSayingMarker="mae_covers2" priority="10000"> <state img="2-eh.png">Eh? O-Oh, thanks! I got more songs if you want... Too bad I only have one leftover receipt.</state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="sakura" alsoPlayingSayingMarker="mae_ghosts" priority="10000"> <state img="2-thinking.png">Ironically, we have a song spookier than that. It's called "Pumpkin Head Guy". One of Gregg's personal favorites, I think.</state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="sakura" alsoPlayingSayingMarker="weird_autumn" priority="10000"> <state img="2-eh.png">It's the <i>place</i> where autumn's happening that's weird. The events taking place in that autumn are weird. It's... hard to explain, but I really like that song.</state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="sakura" totalMasturbating="0" totalFinished="0" alsoPlayingSayingMarker="mae_covers2" priority="10000"> <state img="2-hype.png">Hearing you sing a song of ours was awesome! Thank you!</state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="sakura" totalMasturbating="1-" totalFinished="0-4" alsoPlayingSayingMarker="mae_covers2" priority="10000"> <state img="2-eh.png">Eh? O-Oh, thanks! I got more songs if you want... Too bad I only have one leftover receipt.</state> </case> <case tag="hand"> <condition count="2" status="alive" /> <condition count="1" status="not_decent" /> <state img="2-cocky.png" marker="lastalive_decent" set-intelligence="average">Just forfeit already. You're not going to win.</state> <state img="2-cocky.png" marker="lastalive_decent" set-intelligence="average">See me? That's right, I barely lost anything! And you've practically lost everything. Just quit while you still have your dignity.</state> <state img="2-eyes.png" marker="lastalive_decent">Final opponent! You're going down!</state> <state img="2-smug.png" marker="lastalive_decent">You're the last person I need to defeat. Guess whose ass is getting grassed?</state> <state img="2-eyes.png" marker="lastalive_decent">Ha! Just <i>try</i> to beat me!</state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="leggy" alsoPlayingStage="3" alsoPlayingTimeInStage="0"> <condition count="1" filter="haru" /> <state img="2-welp.png">...Oh. <i>(This isn't another hallucination, is it? She's actually a sheep. Only that Haru girl is an actual human being...)</i></state> </case> <case tag="hand" notSaidMarker="undead_marker"> <condition count="0" filter="sakura" /> <condition count="1-4" filter="undead" /> <state img="2-fingergun.png" marker="undead_marker">HAH, I knew it! The undead <i>is</i> real! I was right all along!</state> </case> <case tag="hand" notSaidMarker="nakedplaying"> <condition count="0" filter="twilight" /> <condition count="1" status="lost_all" /> <state img="2-woah.png" marker="nakedplaying">Wait... they have no items left. Why do they still get cards? What happens if they lose?</state> </case> <case tag="hand" saidMarker="akko_exorcism" notSaidMarker="ignored_a" priority="9998"> <state img="2-annoyed.png" marker="ignored_a">...Or you can all ignore me like the assholes you are. Cool. I'm fine with it. Not like my opinion is worth listening to anyways.</state> </case> <case tag="hand" saidMarker="sentimental_lostsocks" notSaidMarker="sentimental_lostsocks2" priority="1995"> <state img="2-neutral.png" marker="sentimental_lostsocks2"><i>(...Getting sentimental over clothing is never a good sign. Focus, Mae! You can still kick ass without your socks.)</i></state> </case> <case tag="hand" notSaidMarker="lostsocks"> <test expr="~background.location~" value="indoors" /> <state img="2-neutral.png" marker="lostsocks">Y'know, I'm considerably more vulnerable now that I'm barefoot. Makes me glad we're indoors.</state> </case> <case tag="hand" notSaidMarker="lostsocks"> <test expr="~background.location~" value="outdoors" /> <state img="2-stare.png" marker="lostsocks">Y'know, I'm considerably more vulnerable now that I'm barefoot. So let's hope I won't have to flee at some point.</state> </case> <case tag="hand" notSaidMarker="thievery" priority="1990"> <test expr="~background~" value="inventory" /> <state img="2-smug.png" marker="thievery"><i>(Ooooh, I wonder what I can steal here? Everything here looks so fancy...)</i></state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="palutena" alsoPlayingStage="6" notSaidMarker="palutiddie"> <test expr="~palutena.position~" value="left" /> <state img="2-sweat.png" marker="palutiddie"><i>(...Wow. She's so tall, my head reaches her boobs...)</i></state> </case> <case tag="hand" totalRounds="5"> <test expr="~weekday~" value="Friday" /> <state img="2-fingergun.png">Alone on a ~weekday~ night, ~player~? Well, so was I. Now we're not alone.</state> </case> <case tag="hand" totalRounds="5" priority="9995"> <test expr="~weekday~" value="Monday" /> <state img="2-stare.png">Ugh, I just realized we're playing on a <i>Monday</i>. I hate Mondays. Only good thing about a Monday is that tomorrow can't be a Monday.</state> </case> <case tag="hand" totalRounds="6"> <test expr="~weekday~" value="Wednesday" /> <state img="2-fingergun.png">It's Wednesday, my dudes!</state> </case> <case tag="hand" totalRounds="4" priority="9999"> <state img="2-stare.png" marker="spookyeyes">I'm very aware of how creepy my eyes are, ~player~. Can you believe I'm the only person in my spooky old town with eyes like these?</state> </case> <case tag="must_strip"> <state img="2-thinking.png">Shirt or pants? I guess I'll do shirt.</state> <state img="2-eh.png">...It's go big or go home now.</state> </case> <case tag="must_strip" alsoPlaying="futaba"> <state img="2-neutral.png" marker="oracle">Oracle, huh? ...Why that?</state> </case> <case tag="must_strip" alsoPlaying="kamina"> <state img="2-stare.png">Who's Viral?</state> </case> <case tag="must_strip" alsoPlaying="meia" alsoPlayingSayingMarker="dropout" priority="205"> <state img="2-why.png">W-Who told you that!? FYI, my reason for dropping out is college is very personal!</state> </case> <case tag="must_strip" alsoPlaying="meia" priority="200"> <state img="2-annoyed.png">Excuse me!? I'm <i>sturdy</i>, not chubby! I may be short and round, but it doesn't stop me from being able to walk on powerlines and smash open mailboxes.</state> </case> <case tag="must_strip" alsoPlaying="natsuki"> <state img="2-thinking.png">Hmm. Hear that, schoolgirl? It's the sound of me <i>not giving a crap.</i></state> </case> <case tag="must_strip" hasHand="One Pair"> <state img="2-annoyed.png" marker="lostwithpair1">Seriously? With a pair? Lady Luck abandoned me this round, it seems.</state> </case> <case tag="must_strip" hasHand="One Pair" saidMarker="lostwithpair1" notSaidMarker="lostwithpair2" priority="60"> <state img="2-surprise.png" marker="lostwithpair2">I lost with a pair <i>again!?</i></state> </case> <case tag="must_strip" hasHand="One Pair" saidMarker="lostwithpair2" notSaidMarker="lostwithpair3"> <state img="2-why.png" marker="lostwithpair3">Oh COME ON! How many times can this happen over a single game!?</state> </case> <case tag="must_strip" hasHand="Straight"> <state img="2-why.png">HOW THE HELL DO YOU GUYS HAVE BETTER HANDS THAN I DO!?</state> </case> <case tag="must_strip" hasHand="Three of a Kind"> <state img="2-why.png">I LOST WITH THREE OF A KIND!?</state> <state img="2-why.png">HOW THE HELL DO YOU GUYS HAVE BETTER HANDS THAN I DO!?</state> </case> <case tag="must_strip" hasHand="Two Pair"> <state img="2-woah.png">What the---I lost with <i>two pair!?</i> What are even the chances of <i>getting</i> two pair!?</state> </case> <case tag="must_strip" saidMarker="hands_temptingfate==1" notSaidMarker="hands_temptingfate" priority="130"> <state img="2-surprise.png" marker="hands_temptingfate2=2">No? Well, crud.</state> </case> <case tag="must_strip_winning"> <state img="2-neutral.png">Somehow, you got me down to my last small item... I should've bought more clothes, honestly.</state> <state img="2-stare.png">Damn, I can't gloat anymore. Not even me being ahead of you guys changes that!</state> </case> <case tag="must_strip_normal"> <state img="2-flustered.png">Uhh... Gimmie a moment here...</state> <state img="2-surprise.png">I... think I'm out of small stuff.</state> </case> <case tag="must_strip_losing"> <state img="2-stare.png">Well this is bull.</state> <state img="2-annoyed.png">Ughhghhhghhhhhhhh, fine!</state> <state img="2-why.png">Seriously!? I probably have <i>less</i> clothing than everyone else!</state> <state img="2-annoyed.png">Eff this.</state> <state img="2-stare.png">I'm going to get vengeance. By stripping you all naked... Not that I'm really interested in that.</state> <state img="2-smug.png">Veeeeery funny. Well, I'll be the one laughing once I claim my victory!</state> </case> <case tag="stripping"> <state img="2-strip.png">Wow, I didn't expect to have my shirt off this quickly.</state> <state img="2-strip.png">Aw man, I liked this shirt.</state> <state img="2-strip.png" marker="emptyset">What does the slashed zero on my shirt mean? That's the symbol for an empty set.</state> <state img="2-strip.png" marker="bea_bras">...Normally I don't wear bras, but Bea---my friend---told me I should really start wearing them. Guess I should be grateful I heeded <i>someone's</i> advice for once.</state> <state img="2-strip.png">...I like this shirt. I know there are many like it, but this one is mine, and therefore a special shirt.</state> <state img="2-strip.png">Pants come off later... Wait, no they won't! I won't let that happen!</state> </case> <case tag="stripping" alsoPlaying="futaba"> <state img="2-strip.png" set-label="Bandit Queen">Call me... Bandit Queen! Because I'm the queen of Possum Springs.</state> <state img="2-strip.png" set-label="Lady Liberty">Call me Lady Liberty.</state> <state img="2-strip.png" set-label="Lioness">I want to be known as Panther... No, wait! Call me Lioness! I am a fierce and powerful cat!</state> <state img="2-strip.png" set-label="DoritoLord">...Call me Dorito Lord.</state> </case> <case tag="stripping" alsoPlaying="natsuki"> <state img="2-strip.png">I thought that was the point of this entire game.</state> </case> <case tag="stripping" alsoPlaying="rinkah" alsoPlayingStage="4" priority="8884"> <state img="2-strip.png" marker="rinkah_invitation1"><i>(Meep!)</i> A-Are you serious, Rinkah? You're not, like, pulling my leg or anything?</state> </case> <case tag="stripping" alsoPlaying="roxie" priority="555"> <state img="2-strip.png">Oh, you play in a band too?</state> </case> <case tag="stripping" alsoPlaying="sakura"> <state img="2-strip.png">That symbol means empty set... I don't know what an empty set is.</state> </case> <case tag="stripped"> <state img="2-surprise.png">None of you are turned on, right!? I heard there's weirdos who like bare feet.</state> <state img="2-welp.png" marker="sentimental_lostsocks">I miss my socks. You were so warm and comfortable. My feet will miss you dearly.</state> <state img="2-annoyed.png">Hey, nobody warned me about the floor being cold!</state> <state img="2-neutral.png">Y'know, I was always afraid my clothes emphasized how round I am. But now? I don't care. I want to keep my clothes on, roundness be damned.</state> </case> <case tag="stripped" alsoPlaying="futaba" priority="556"> <state img="2-hype.png">Yes! CRIMES!!</state> <state img="2-hype.png">Yes!! A fellow partner-in-crime! Welcome to my circle of fellow crime-committing rascals!</state> </case> <case tag="stripped" alsoPlaying="leggy" alsoPlayingStage="0-2"> <state img="2-annoyed.png">I'll be as sour as I please. No law says I have to be happy 24/7. When you live in Possum Spring, that in itself is a miracle.</state> </case> <case tag="stripped" alsoPlaying="leggy" alsoPlayingStage="3-7"> <state img="2-fingergun.png">Boy, do I have <i>news</i> for you!</state> </case> <case tag="stripped" alsoPlaying="miko"> <state img="2-smug.png">Yeah. That's what I've been saying for the last three minutes. I'd love it if you'd keep calling me 'Lady Borowski' though.</state> </case> <case tag="stripped" alsoPlaying="natsuki"> <state img="2-cocky.png" marker="natsuki_crimes">Mmmm... We're shameless, alright. Our favorite pasttime is beating up tiny girls like you and stealing their lunch money.</state> </case> <case tag="stripped" alsoPlaying="natsuki" saidMarker="byebitch" priority="9999"> <state img="custom:nat_return">...On second thought, I'll stay. ~Player~ looked kind of upset.</state> </case> <case tag="stripped" alsoPlaying="rinkah" alsoPlayingStage="4-8"> <state img="2-welp.png">...I'm sorry.</state> </case> <case tag="stripped" alsoPlaying="roxie" priority="553"> <state img="2-stare.png">Genetics are weird.</state> </case> <case tag="stripped" alsoPlaying="sakura"> <state img="2-annoyed.png">Trust me, it isn't. If you refuse to believe me and plan on visiting, prepare to be disappointed.</state> </case> <case tag="stripped" saidMarker="nightmarefeet2"> <state img="2-neutral.png">Did I say 'nightmare feet'? I meant my plain, ordinary feet.</state> <state img="2-neutral.png">Surprise, they're not nightmare-ish at all.</state> </case> <case tag="stripped"> <test expr="~background.location~" value="outdoors" /> <state img="2-neutral.png">Ugh, I regret my decision. Bare feet and outdoors do not mix.</state> <state img="2-surprise.png">Crap. Going barefoot outside is a bad decision.</state> <state img="2-surprise.png">...Hey, why couldn't we play indoors?</state> </case> <case tag="male_must_strip"> <state img="2-fingergun.png">Score point for the bandit queen!</state> <state img="2-cocky.png">Thanks for taking the bullet, ~name~.</state> </case> <case tag="male_must_strip" hasHand="Royal Flush"> <state img="2-triumphant.png">ROYAL FLUSH!!</state> <state img="2-triumphant.png">I GOT THE BEST HAND THERE IS! EAT IT!</state> <state img="2-why.png">Are you kidding!? This is a <i>Royal freaking Flush</i> I have! I deserve something for getting this hand! Your loss is not a good enough reward!!</state> </case> <case tag="male_must_strip" target="kamina" targetStage="0"> <state img="2-triumphant.png">MIGHTY MAN! MIGHTY MAN!!</state> </case> <case tag="male_must_strip" target="pit" targetStage="0"> <state img="2-surprise.png"><i>(Woah, an angel? So that's not an ordinary swan I'm seeing---he's a legitimate angel!?)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_must_strip"> <state img="2-triumphant.png">I won! Now take it off!</state> <state img="2-smug.png">Get stripping, loser.</state> <state img="2-fingergun.png">Your shame is my gain.</state> </case> <case tag="female_must_strip" target="florina" targetSayingMarker="bee"> <state img="2-terror.png">Not the bees!</state> </case> <case tag="female_must_strip" target="futaba" targetStage="0"> <state img="2-neutral.png" marker="futaba1">Hmm... I have a feeling people would love you. People are into cute, redheaded gamer girls, aren't they?</state> </case> <case tag="female_must_strip" target="kizuna" targetSayingMarker="kizuna_start_naked"> <state img="2-stare.png">That's no excuse. Get stripping, missy.</state> </case> <case tag="female_must_strip" target="rinkah" targetStage="0" priority="10000"> <state img="2-surprise.png"><i>(Holy... crap...)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_must_strip" target="rinkah" targetStage="1" priority="10000"> <state img="2-surprise.png"><i>(It's her turn to strip again!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_must_strip" target="rinkah" targetStage="2" priority="10000"> <state img="2-flustered.png"><i>She's so positive too, so confident and strong yet kind... Damn it, I'm falling in love with this dumb, hot girl! I shouldn't be falling for her, but... Arghhh!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_must_strip" target="rinkah" targetStage="3"> <state img="2-thinking.png"><i>(Okay... What else does she have?)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_must_strip" target="rinkah" targetStage="4"> <state img="2-annoyed.png"><i>(Stupid... dumb... musclehead... hot tribal princess! She's distracting me from the game!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_must_strip" target="rinkah" targetStage="5"> <state img="2-flustered.png">W-What'd I tell you? I knew I'd kick your butt from the start!</state> </case> <case tag="female_must_strip" target="sakura" targetStage="4"> <state img="2-hype.png">Wait! <i>Wait!</i> If you sing for a living, can you sing a cover of one of my band's songs? Please?</state> </case> <case tag="female_must_strip" target="syrenne" targetStage="0"> <state img="2-annoyed.png"><i>(Blegh. Alcoholics like her make me feel queasy...)</i></state> </case> <case tag="tie"> <state img="2-surprise.png">What the---is that even possible?</state> <state img="2-why.png">HOW!?</state> <state img="2-thinking.png">So, uhh... What now?</state> </case> <case tag="male_removing_accessory"> <state img="2-neutral.png" marker="dangerous_at_night">Oh, okay. Just don't stall for <i>too</i> long; I wanna get home before it's dark, since my town can be dangerous at night.</state> <state img="2-stare.png" marker="asking_target_location">Where <i>are</i> you from anyways? You often see the same people all the time in my sleepy mining town.</state> <state img="2-thinking.png">Do these clothes have, like, value or something? What happens to them anyways?</state> <state img="2-cocky.png">Scandalous.</state> <state img="2-annoyed.png">Oh, this must be <i>so</i> embarrassing for you.</state> <state img="2-stare.png">I'd call you a coward, but I kinda did the same thing.</state> <state img="2-thinking.png">Hmph. I could use a donut. Or five.</state> <state img="2-neutral.png">Whatever. ~name~'s just the fashionable type or something.</state> </case> <case tag="male_removing_accessory" target="kamina" targetStage="0"> <state img="2-hype.png">Holy crap, you're so cool!!</state> </case> <case tag="male_removing_accessory" target="kamina" targetStage="2"> <state img="2-eh.png">Why does it feel like your pants would just... slide off without that belt?</state> </case> <case tag="male_removing_accessory" target="pit" targetStage="0"> <state img="2-thinking.png"><i>(That explains the greek-themed clothing he's wearing. Jeez, I hate how everyone I see is an animal.)</i></state> </case> <case tag="male_removing_accessory" target="pit" targetStage="1"> <state img="2-stare.png">What's the point of that sash? Is this just for uniform or something? A show of dominance.</state> </case> <case tag="male_removing_accessory" targetStage="1-8" targetStatus="not_decent"> <state img="2-thinking.png">Hang on, couldn't you just off your ~clothing~ first? You didn't have to show that much skin.</state> </case> <case tag="male_removed_accessory"> <state img="2-eh.png">Not to ruin the mood, but we are all gonna die at some point. The least we can do is move on.</state> <state img="2-neutral.png">...Okay, next hand?</state> <state img="2-neutral.png">I have no witty comments to make for now, so just deal the next hand.</state> <state img="2-stare.png"><i>(yawn)</i></state> <state img="2-eh.png">Can we move on?</state> <state img="2-neutral.png">As ~clothing.ifPlural(some ~clothing~ are|a ~clothing~ is)~ being removed, a new person is born. Isn't life weird?</state> <state img="2-annoyed.png">I'm bored. Can I have a new hand?</state> <state img="2-eyes.png">Okay okay okay! Let's keep going!</state> <state img="2-annoyed.png">Can we <i>please</i> move faster?</state> <state img="2-stare.png">I'd rather be doing crimes. Crimes tend to be more fun than watching you take off ~clothing.ifPlural(some stupid ~clothing~|a stupid ~clothing~)~.</state> </case> <case tag="male_removed_accessory" target="kamina" targetStage="3"> <state img="2-smug.png">That'd honestly be pretty hilarious. Like the slapstick comedy that seems to be my life sometimes.</state> <state img="2-surprise.png" marker="gravitypants">Nope. Still on. Apparently those pants defy gravity or something! Man, that'd be revolutionary!</state> </case> <case tag="male_removed_accessory" target="pit" targetStage="1"> <state img="2-stare.png">Hmm? No, I wasn't staring at you, Pit. You must be seeing things.</state> </case> <case tag="male_removed_accessory" target="pit" targetStage="2"> <state img="2-neutral.png">I know jack about greek culture. Which is weird because I always thought angels were associated with Christianity. Then again, I also thought angels were fictional.</state> </case> <case tag="male_removed_accessory" targetStage="1-8" targetStatus="not_decent"> <state img="2-annoyed.png">...You do you, I guess.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_accessory"> <state img="2-neutral.png" marker="dangerous_at_night">Oh, okay. Just don't stall for <i>too</i> long; I wanna get home before it's dark, since my town can be dangerous at night.</state> <state img="2-stare.png" marker="asking_target_location">Where <i>are</i> you from anyways? You often see the same people all the time in my sleepy mining town.</state> <state img="2-thinking.png">Do these clothes have, like, value or something? What happens to them anyways?</state> <state img="2-cocky.png">Scandalous.</state> <state img="2-annoyed.png">Oh, this must be <i>so</i> embarrassing for you.</state> <state img="2-stare.png">I'd call you a coward, but I kinda did the same thing.</state> <state img="2-annoyed.png">This is more boring than whatever goes on in my town. Literally nothing but misery happens there.</state> <state img="2-annoyed.png">Any reason why I should give a crap?</state> <state img="2-stare.png">Figures. Might as well speed it up.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_accessory" filter="aggressive"> <state img="2-neutral.png" marker="aggressive_marker">I feel like one of you can kill anyone in this room. How do you guys get away with murder?</state> <state img="2-neutral.png" marker="aggressive_marker">I bet you know the best place to dump a body in.</state> <state img="2-neutral.png" marker="aggressive_marker">Can I ask you a favor? Can you not hurt anyone when they also take off an accessory.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="blake" targetStage="5"> <state img="2-surprise.png">Wait, what? What's this?</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="florina" targetStage="0" targetSaidMarker="fled"> <state img="2-eyes.png">♫ Sometimes I feel I got to <i>(bomp bomp)</i> run away!~ ♫</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="futaba" targetStage="1" priority="999"> <state img="2-smug.png">I. Want. Those. Boots.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="lucina" targetStage="0"> <state img="2-surprise.png">Eh!?</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="pinkie_pie" targetStage="5"> <state img="2-eh.png"><i>(Aw man, but the stockings-only look was hot...)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="rinkah" targetStage="0" priority="10000"> <state img="2-sweat.png"><i>(This Rinkah girl... She could probably suplex me without any trouble!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="rinkah" targetStage="1" priority="9999"> <state img="2-flustered.png">Those gloves you took off earlier look heavy... I-Is that how you build muscle?</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="rinkah" targetStage="2" priority="10000"> <state img="2-eh.png"><i>(Abs like solid rock. I'd probably hurt my hand trying to punch her the stomach...)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_accessory" targetStage="1-8" targetStatus="not_decent"> <test expr="~name~" cmp="!=" value="Kyu" /> <state img="2-thinking.png">Hang on, can't you just off your ~clothing~ first? You didn't have to show that much skin.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_accessory"> <state img="2-neutral.png">...Okay, next hand?</state> <state img="2-neutral.png">I have no witty comments to make for now, so just deal the next hand.</state> <state img="2-stare.png"><i>(yawn)</i></state> <state img="2-eh.png">Can we move on?</state> <state img="2-annoyed.png">Let's go! Poker waits for no kitten!</state> <state img="2-annoyed.png">I'm bored. Can I have a new hand?</state> <state img="2-eyes.png">Okay okay okay! Let's keep going!</state> <state img="2-annoyed.png">Can we <i>please</i> move faster?</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="blake" targetStage="6"> <state img="2-stare.png" marker="blakereveal">Oh... This whole time, you were... secretly a cat?</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="futaba" targetStage="2" priority="1001"> <state img="2-hype.png">Seriously, they're actually my aesthetic... I don't know how to use that word, but I do want boots like yours!</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="lucina"> <state img="2-eh.png" marker="thisisreal1">...And you chose to disguise yourself <i>why</i>? Are you from some sort of fantasty setting or am I just... Oh god...</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="natsuki" targetStage="1"> <state img="2-stare.png">Fine. Not like I'd want to play strip poker with an asshole like you anyways.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="pinkie_pie" targetStage="6"> <state img="2-flustered.png">You're weird, but in this case, I do like weird... Show me more party tricks!</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="rinkah" targetStage="1"> <state img="2-surprise.png">...Please don't hurt me Rinkah...</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="rinkah" targetStage="2"> <state img="2-eh.png">Although I guess it's too late to ask since youve already took off your boots... <i>(Ughh! I am such an idiot!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="rinkah" targetStage="3" priority="10000"> <state img="2-eyes.png" marker="strip_rinkah_naked">B-Bring it! I will strip you naked and emerge from this game victoriou---</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_accessory" targetStage="1-8" targetStatus="not_decent"> <test expr="~name~" cmp="!=" value="Kyu" /> <state img="2-annoyed.png">...You do you, I guess.</state> </case> <case tag="male_removing_minor"> <state img="2-cocky.png">Got any interesting stories while we wait for ~name~ to finish taking off his ~clothing~? I did a lot of cool stuff in Possum Springs.</state> <state img="2-stare.png">Anyone else getting bored?</state> <state img="2-neutral.png">I think a lot of people tend to take off his accessories first. Wouldn't want to show the goods, right?</state> <state img="2-smug.png" marker="bandmember">This is boring. Hey, have I told you guys I play in a band?</state> <state img="2-smug.png" marker="meme_1">We live in a society...</state> <state img="2-stare.png">Small things first. That's how it usually is.</state> </case> <case tag="male_removing_minor" target="kamina" targetStage="1"> <state img="2-neutral.png">Should I wear armwraps too? I tend to hurt my hands a lot.</state> </case> <case tag="male_removing_minor" target="kamina" targetStage="6" priority="855"> <state img="2-thinking.png">Saving the cape for last, I see.</state> </case> <case tag="male_removing_minor" target="pit" targetStage="2"> <state img="2-thinking.png">These are the most impractical sandals I ever saw. How the hell do you even run in the---?</state> </case> <case tag="male_removing_minor" targetStage="1-8" targetStatus="not_decent"> <state img="2-thinking.png">Hang on, can't you just off your ~clothing~ first? You didn't have to show that much skin.</state> </case> <case tag="male_removed_minor"> <state img="2-eh.png">Can we, like, move on?</state> <state img="2-neutral.png">People are dying horribly as we speak. The least we can do is speed this up.</state> <state img="2-neutral.png">As ~clothing.ifPlural(some ~clothing~ are|a ~clothing~ is)~ being removed, a new person is born. Isn't life weird?</state> <state img="2-thinking.png">Somewhere out there, someone is masturbating furiously. Ever thought about that?</state> <state img="2-thinking.png">As ~clothing.ifPlural(some ~clothing~ are|a ~clothing~ is)~ being removed, someone dies. Scary isn't it?</state> <state img="2-neutral.png">I could be eating pizza right now.</state> </case> <case tag="male_removed_minor" target="kamina" targetStage="2"> <state img="2-thinking.png">And not just from knife fights. Only my knuckles seem to be injured there.</state> </case> <case tag="male_removed_minor" target="kamina" targetStage="7"> <state img="2-eh.png">I mean... You could've used that to cover yourself. <i>(That's what I should've done...)</i></state> </case> <case tag="male_removed_minor" target="pit" targetStage="3"> <state img="2-surprise.png">Ohhhhh, right, you have wings. My bad.</state> </case> <case tag="male_removed_minor" target="ryuji" targetSayingMarker="wince" priority="555"> <state img="2-eh.png">Ouch. You okay?</state> </case> <case tag="male_removed_minor" target="ryuji" targetStage="1"> <state img="2-hype.png">Ooooh, I want that shirt!</state> </case> <case tag="male_removed_minor" targetStage="1-8" targetStatus="not_decent"> <state img="2-annoyed.png">...You do you, I guess.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_minor"> <state img="2-cocky.png">Got any interesting stories while we wait for ~name~ to finish taking off her ~clothing~? I did a lot of cool stuff in Possum Springs.</state> <state img="2-stare.png">Anyone else getting bored?</state> <state img="2-neutral.png">I think a lot of people tend to take off their accessories first. Wouldn't want to show the goods, right?</state> <state img="2-smug.png" marker="bandmember">This is boring. Hey, have I told you guys I play in a band?</state> <state img="2-smug.png" marker="meme_1">We live in a society...</state> <state img="2-stare.png">Small things first. That's how it usually is.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_minor" target="catria" targetStage="3"> <state img="2-surprise.png">H-Hey! We can see your ass, y'know!</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_minor" target="futaba" targetStage="0" priority="555"> <state img="2-stare.png">Ooooh, lucky you. Cute people are usually not into girls like me. For good reason. <i>(Not like she needs to know why most of the town calls me "Killer".)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_minor" target="futaba" targetStage="3" priority="10000"> <state img="2-neutral.png">Are those not uncomfortable? Or is it so cold where you're from that you need to keep your legs warm?</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_minor" target="kyoko" targetStage="5" priority="545"> <state img="2-eh.png">...Oh...</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_minor" target="natsuki" targetStage="2"> <state img="2-thinking.png">I wouldn't know. English is not my strong suit.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_minor" target="sakura" targetStage="1" priority="540"> <state img="2-surprise.png"><i>(What the---grey skin?)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_minor" target="sakura" targetStage="2" priority="545"> <state img="2-surprise.png" marker="sakura_reveal">Seriously!? You're a zombie!</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_minor" target="sakura" targetStage="3" priority="560"> <state img="2-fingergun.png" marker="loseyourhead">Woah, don't lose your head now! Ahahahahahaha!!</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_minor" targetStage="1-8" targetStatus="not_decent"> <test expr="~name~" cmp="!=" value="Kyu" /> <state img="2-thinking.png">Hang on, can't you just off your ~clothing~ first? You didn't have to show that much skin.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_minor"> <state img="2-eh.png">Can we, like, move on?</state> <state img="2-neutral.png">People are dying horribly as we speak. The least we can do is speed this up.</state> <state img="2-neutral.png">As you are taking off your ~clothing~, a new person is born.</state> <state img="2-thinking.png">Someone out there, someone is masturbating furiously. Ever thought about that?</state> <state img="2-neutral.png">I could be eating pizza right now.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="emi" targetStage="7"> <state img="2-surprise.png">Wait... Prosthetics!? I'm sorry, but if you mentioned having prosthetic legs before, I wasn't paying attention.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="futaba"> <state img="2-stare.png">Part of your thigh is exposed though, so it must be some weird fashion statement I never heard of.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="futaba" targetStage="1"> <state img="2-neutral.png">Just looking at you makes me wanna snuggle up against you and play video games on your TV all day.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="kyoko" targetStage="6"> <state img="2-welp.png"><i>(Well that just killed the mood.)</i></state> <state img="2-welp.png">I, uh, don't know what to say. I'm sorry.</state> <state img="2-welp.png">Jeez... I'm sorry.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="sakura" targetStage="2"> <state img="2-annoyed.png">You got a little something on your thighs. If we can have an explanation, that'd be neat.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="sakura" targetStage="3"> <state img="2-flustered.png"><i>(Aren't zombies supposed to be living corpses with rotting flesh? What's concerning is that she's STILL cute despite that!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="sakura" targetStage="3" alsoPlaying="saki_zls" alsoPlayingStage="6"> <state img="2-smug.png">Aha! There's a zombie uprising going on, isn't it? No wonder you know each other so well! Too bad I was prepared from the very beginning!</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="sakura" targetStage="4" alsoPlaying="saki_zls" alsoPlayingStage="7" saidMarker="loseyourhead"> <state img="2-smug.png">Hahaha... hah... Man, you girls are a goldmine for lame puns. I need to work on my comedian routine. Could you help me out?</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="sakura" targetStage="4" saidMarker="loseyourhead"> <state img="2-smug.png">Hahaha... hah... Man, you're a goldmine for lame puns. I need to work on my comedian routine. Could you help me out?</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_minor" targetStage="1-8" targetStatus="not_decent"> <test expr="~name~" cmp="!=" value="Kyu" /> <state img="2-annoyed.png">...You do you, I guess.</state> </case> <case tag="male_removing_major"> <state img="2-eh.png" marker="notflirting">This must be no problem for you. A chance to show off your fantastic body, right? 'Cause, you <i>do</i> look good.</state> <state img="2-stare.png">Ballsy. Or at least it would be if you actually had boobs.</state> <state img="2-neutral.png">Not bad, I guess... I bet some people are fanning themselves.</state> <state img="2-eh.png">I... guess this isn't a big deal.</state> <state img="2-flustered.png">This means I'm winning, right!?</state> </case> <case tag="male_removed_major"> <state img="2-smug.png" marker="lostmajor">Time to win this game!</state> <state img="2-eyes.png" marker="lostmajor">Alright, I'm ready! <i>(I'm ready to see people get naked!)</i></state> <state img="2-smug.png" marker="lostmajor">This game is getting a lot more fun. Ooooh, what's next?</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_major"> <state img="2-woah.png">Woah!! Woah!!</state> <state img="2-eh.png">I guess you have no choice...</state> <state img="2-flustered.png"><i>(Anyone else feeling hot? ...Damnit, even my thoughts are becoming cliché!)</i></state> <state img="2-woah.png">That's fine! At least you're not completely topless or anything!</state> <state img="2-surprise.png">Woah! ~clothing.ifPlural(Some ~clothing~ are|A ~clothing~ is)~ being removed here!</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_major" target="aimee"> <state img="2-terror.png">WHAT THE HELL!?</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_major" target="emi" targetStage="7"> <state img="2-surprise.png">Your <i>legs!?</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_major" target="futaba" targetStage="2"> <state img="2-neutral.png">So what do you wear under your shirt? I'm... honestly curious? Not in a perverted way, just in a really curious way.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_major" target="hk416" targetStage="3"> <state img="2-neutral.png">Classy jacket you got there. Looks warm too.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_major" target="pinkie_pie" targetStage="0"> <state img="2-woah.png">Woah, she's already livening things up!</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_major" target="pinkie_pie" targetStage="1"> <state img="2-flustered.png">I like this girl. A lot.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_major" target="rinkah" targetStage="3"> <state img="2-hype.png">Pants! Pants!! <i>Paaaaants!!!</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_major" target="saki_zls" targetStage="5"> <state img="2-annoyed.png">Makeup? You can't strip <i>makeup---!</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_major" target="sakura"> <state img="2-surprise.png">It's the only scrap of paper I ha---wait, you never heard of Donut Wolf? You poor, unfortunate soul!</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_major" target="syrenne" targetStage="0"> <state img="2-woah.png">W-Wait, <i>already!?</i> What about those things on your arms?</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_major" id="2-2"> <state img="2-flustered.png">Okay, okay, okay. That's cool.</state> <state img="2-woah.png">Come on, next hand!</state> <state img="2-flustered.png">T-That means I'm winning, right? Right. I'm gonna kick your ass, guys.</state> <state img="2-flustered.png">Hahahaha... <i>(Holy crap, I'm sweating so much...)</i></state> <state img="2-eh.png">Here we are, a bunch of strangers stripping at this place.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_major" target="aimee" targetStage="1"> <state img="2-why.png">Wh... What? WHAT!? <i>WHY!?</i></state> <state img="2-why.png">Wh... What the hell is WRONG with you!?</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_major" target="emi" targetStage="8"> <state img="2-woah.png">Holy crap, you're determined!</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_major" target="futaba"> <state img="2-smug.png">Ahh, a second shirt. Good call. That way if the first one gets ruined, you have a backup.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_major" target="hk416" targetStage="4" priority="205"> <state img="2-surprise.png">Annnnd you're not wearing anything but a bra underneath it!</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_major" target="natsuki" targetStage="5"> <state img="2-surprise.png"><i>(That "oversized shirt with no pants" look is really hot... Oh god, now I feel gross. Jeez, I really hope this girl is legal...)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_major" target="natsuki" targetStage="5" alsoPlaying="pit"> <state img="2-flustered.png"><i>(Yeah... What he said.)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_major" target="natsuki" targetStage="6" priority="111"> <state img="2-surprise.png">Holy crap... That's adorable!</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_major" target="pinkie_pie" targetStage="1"> <state img="2-hype.png">And she's so nonchalant about it! Hey, we should all be like her!</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_major" target="pinkie_pie" targetStage="2"> <state img="2-flustered.png">I don't attend a lot of parties----you don't get too many at Possum Springs, and they tend to suck. So, uh, can you invite me to one of your parties sometime?</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_major" target="rinkah"> <state img="2-surprise.png">W-Wait, we can see your---!</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_major" target="saki_zls" targetStage="6"> <state img="2-terror.png">Gah! Not the ice bucket!</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_major" target="sakura" targetStage="5" targetSayingMarker="mae_covers"> <state img="2-triumphant.png">Yesssss!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_major" target="syrenne" targetStage="1"> <state img="2-stare.png">There's other things you can strip that are <i>not</i> your headband though.</state> </case> <case tag="male_chest_will_be_visible"> <state img="2-woah.png"><i>Geez...</i></state> <state img="2-surprise.png">Woah! Okay!!</state> <state img="2-sweat.png">This is just like a beach day, right? Yeah, it is. Hot, topless men everywhere...</state> <state img="2-sweat.png">Hahaha... hah... <i>(I think I'm sweating...)</i></state> <state img="2-eh.png">Jeez... You're probably eager to show off, aren't you?</state> </case> <case tag="male_chest_is_visible"> <state img="2-surprise.png">Cool!! Impressive!</state> <state img="2-flustered.png">N-Next hand?</state> <state img="2-flustered.png"><i>(Oh no, he's hot!)</i></state> <state img="2-sweat.png"><i>(Get it together, Borowski! Okay, some guy is shirtless. That's cool. It's fine, you signed up for this!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="male_chest_is_visible" filter="athletic"> <state img="2-sweat.png"><i>(Is it weird that I kinda wanna lick his chest... Yeah, that's weird! Stop being weird!!)</i></state> <state img="2-surprise.png">Wow...</state> <state img="2-woah.png">You <i>definitely</i> work out! You can probably lift me no problem, and that actually means something 'cause I'm pretty heavy.</state> </case> <case tag="male_chest_is_visible" filter="muscular"> <state img="2-woah.png">Woah, can you give me a ride on your back?</state> <state img="2-woah.png">Woah, how much have you been going to the gym!?</state> </case> <case tag="male_chest_is_visible" target="9s"> <state img="2-stare.png">...Can I ask what happened to your nipples?</state> </case> <case tag="male_crotch_will_be_visible"> <state img="2-surprise.png">Oh boy... Oh boy, t-this is it....</state> <state img="2-flustered.png">I'm not sure if I should be terrified or excited!!</state> <state img="2-surprise.png">Holy---!</state> <state img="2-terror.png">Wait!! I-I don't think I'm ready---</state> </case> <case tag="male_small_crotch_is_visible"> <state img="2-neutral.png">...Something tells me I should be laughing. I'm not.</state> <state img="2-stare.png">Soooooo, apparently you're smaller than average? Judging by everyone else's reactions?</state> <state img="2-eh.png">Is... Is it small? I dunno what counts as "average" size for penis just by sight. I'm not a dick professional.</state> <state img="2-thinking.png"><i>(Huh... Either porn is extremely unrealistic or his is not as big as it should be.)</i></state> </case> <case tag="male_medium_crotch_is_visible"> <state img="2-flustered.png">I... I bet you get a lot of girls...</state> <state img="2-sweat.png"><i>(Gah! It's...)</i></state> <state img="2-flustered.png"><i>(Why is everyone so damn attractive! I hate this game!)</i></state> <state img="2-flustered.png">There it is, guys. His... His dick. It's out for us.</state> <state img="2-sweat.png">Okay, okay, that's a nice penis, <i>moving on!!</i></state> </case> <case tag="male_medium_crotch_is_visible" target="ryuji" targetSayingMarker="ass" priority="445"> <state img="2-eyes.png"><i>(Nice.)</i></state> </case> <case tag="male_large_crotch_is_visible"> <state img="2-surprise.png">H-How would that even fit!?</state> <state img="2-terror.png">Err...</state> <state img="2-terror.png"><i>(Gah!! I do <i>not</i> want that near my privates!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="male_large_crotch_is_visible" target="mettaton"> <state img="2-why.png">What the---I know you're not human, but this is just ridiculous!!</state> </case> <case tag="male_crotch_is_visible"> <condition count="3-4" gender="male" status="naked" /> <state img="2-woah.png">How many penises am I gonna see tonight!? Geez!</state> </case> <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible"> <state img="2-flustered.png">Hahaha... This line shouldn't be playing. So, uh, just report it if it plays, I guess?</state> </case> <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" priority="780"> <condition count="1-5" status="chest_visible" /> <state img="2-woah.png">We are going to unlock more boobs!</state> <state img="2-sweat.png">Oh boy...</state> <state img="2-flustered.png">Looks like I'm seeing more boobs today. Hahaha.... hah...</state> <state img="2-flustered.png"><i>(Okay, this is <i>almost</i> worth sticking around!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" priority="785"> <condition count="0" gender="female" status="chest_visible" /> <state img="2-surprise.png">BOOBS!</state> <state img="2-woah.png">We are going to unlock ~name~'s boobs!</state> <state img="2-woah.png">Are you gonna show us your boobs? I've never actually seen boobs in real life! Unless you count my own boobs!!</state> <state img="2-surprise.png">Boobs! Honkers!! Badonkers!!!</state> <state img="2-woah.png">Oh... Oh crap...</state> </case> <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" target="florina" targetSayingMarker="bee3" priority="9998"> <state img="2-surprise.png">Holy <i>crap</i>, these bees show up at the worst moments!</state> </case> <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" target="futaba"> <state img="2-surprise.png">Erm... I guess I'll be seeing your boobs, Oracle! This isn't something new friends shouldn't do though...</state> </case> <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" target="kyu"> <state img="2-surprise.png">...Witchcraft!</state> </case> <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" target="kyu" targetSaying="This totally isn't some deus-ex-machina cop-out to avoid having to put any effort into another stripping sprite, by the way. In case you were wondering."> <state img="2-stare.png">But... wouldn't that stripping pose take just as much effort, if not <i>more?</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" target="moon" priority="10000"> <state img="2-why.png">FOR THE LAST TIME, I DON'T WANT TO SEE YOUR CHEST!</state> </case> <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" target="natsuki"> <state img="2-sweat.png">Y-You know what!? Fine! I'm tired of s-seeing that dumb strawberry-print on your underwear anyways! <i>So</i> childish!</state> </case> <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" target="rinkah" priority="9994"> <state img="2-eh.png">It doesn't hurt to bind your chest---?</state> </case> <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" target="saki_zls"> <state img="2-fingergun.png">Hehehe... Looks like you're getting <i>a-head</i> of yourself now!</state> </case> <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" totalRounds="0-5"> <state img="2-surprise.png">The game JUST started, what the heck!?</state> </case> <case tag="female_small_chest_is_visible"> <state img="2-neutral.png">Oh... I actually feel a little bad for you.</state> <state img="2-neutral.png">...I'm kind of disappointed.</state> <state img="2-eh.png">Well at least you're not sturdy like me!</state> </case> <case tag="female_small_chest_is_visible" target="futaba"> <state img="2-eh.png">...</state> </case> <case tag="female_small_chest_is_visible" target="natsuki"> <state img="2-eh.png"><i>(...Maybe now is not a good time to make another nasty comment, Mae. Jeez, I'm just as big of a jerk as she is.)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible"> <state img="2-flustered.png"><i>(Yup! Real boobs! Right in front of me!)</i></state> <state img="2-surprise.png"><i>(Must... not... squeeze...)</i></state> <state img="2-sweat.png">Umm... Nice... boobs? G... Great tits?</state> <state img="2-flustered.png">Hahaha, totally not staring, ~name~!</state> <state img="2-sweat.png"><i>(Oh crud, what do I do, WHAT DO I SAY!?)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="calisto" priority="15"> <state img="2-surprise.png">That <i>has</i> to be uncomfortable! Doesn't it feel like you're having a wedgie!?</state> </case> <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="florina"> <state img="2-annoyed.png">Now the reveal is kinda ruined, even if her tits are kind of cute... One of us should get some pesticide.</state> </case> <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="moon"> <state img="2-stare.png">...You have no idea how much I want to stab you and throw your filthy body into a river.</state> </case> <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="rinkah" priority="9995"> <state img="2-woah.png">Ohhhhh my good lord...</state> <state img="2-woah.png">W-Wow... How is your body so... <i>(perfect!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_large_chest_is_visible"> <state img="2-surprise.png">Those are some serious honkers! A real set of badonkers! You're packing some dobonhonkeros!!</state> <state img="2-surprise.png">Humongous hungolomghononoloughongous!</state> <state img="2-welp.png">You must attract a lot of people, huh?</state> <state img="2-flustered.png">Can I... no, nevermind! Forget I said anything!!</state> <state img="2-woah.png" marker="squeezethemtits">Holy... cow... Can I squeeze them!? Please?</state> </case> <case tag="female_large_chest_is_visible" target="jura" targetSayingMarker="butt"> <state img="2-annoyed.png"><i>(Ugh, AND she has an amazing ass too? This is why I hate hot girls like her sometimes. Nearly everything they do makes you self-concious about yourself.)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_chest_is_visible" filter="no_bra"> <state img="2-eh.png">No bra, huh? Those things are <i>super</i> uncomfortable... unless you're wearing a sports bra. Like I am.</state> </case> <case tag="female_chest_is_visible" filter="pierced_nipples"> <state img="2-woah.png"><i>(She pierces her nipples!? That's... really hot...)</i></state> <state img="2-sweat.png"><i>(Woah... Do I have a thing for pierced nipples?)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible"> <state img="2-flustered.png">This is NOT how I expected my day to go.</state> <state img="2-flustered.png">Oh boy...</state> <state img="2-sweat.png"><i>(Is ~name~ one of those people who shaves? Why should that matter; I'm gonna see her crotch! Her naked crotch!!)</i></state> <state img="2-sweat.png">Nnnn!! We're gonna see---</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" filter="thong" priority="155"> <state img="2-eh.png">If I had to be honest, thongs look like the most uncomfortable things on the planet.</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="leggy"> <state img="2-flustered.png">It feels weird seeing you about to get naked knowing you're not actually human...</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="moon"> <state img="2-terror.png">I don't want to see it! It's probably filthy. And full of gross STDs. And a bunch of other gross things! Can I go home now!?</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="rinkah" priority="9999"> <state img="2-flustered.png">W-Well I've already seen your pubes!</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="sakura"> <state img="2-surprise.png">Oh boy! Zombie... pussy...</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" targetStatus="chest_visible"> <state img="2-flustered.png">I guess you're gonna show us the package deal! Nice!! I mean, who wouldn't want to see a pretty girl completely naked?</state> <state img="2-flustered.png">Heh... Time for you to, uh, get naked. Show us everything. Y'know, since those are the rules of the game and everything.</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible"> <state img="2-eh.png">Oh boy... I... I almost feel sorry for you.</state> <state img="2-surprise.png">Oh...</state> <state img="2-woah.png">I can't look away! I just can't! It's not everyday you see someone's vagina!</state> <state img="2-sweat.png">I... can't think straight...</state> <state img="2-flustered.png"><i>(I just unlocked someone's ass.)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible"> <condition count="1" gender="female" status="crotch_visible" /> <state img="2-surprise.png"><i>(Yup! That is indeed a vagina!)</i></state> <state img="2-surprise.png"><i>(Yup!! That is indeed a vagina! I'm seeing a stranger's crotch!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" filter="hairy"> <state img="2-flustered.png">You don't shave either? Whew, I thought I was the only one!</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" filter="shaved" priority="1"> <state img="2-woah.png">Wait, you shaved it!? How do you not cut yourself?</state> <state img="2-woah.png">How do you even shave? I'm afraid of putting anything sharp near my own lady parts!</state> <state img="2-surprise.png">Why do you people even shave?</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" filter="witch" notSaidMarker="witch_nude"> <state img="2-flustered.png" marker="witch_nude">I think ~name~ just bewitched me! Hahahahaha... hah...</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="blake" targetSaidMarker="Bellabooty"> <state img="2-smug.png">Bellabooty!</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="florina" targetSayingMarker="butt" priority="150"> <state img="2-flustered.png">We can see your butt!! <i>(And it's a really cute butt....)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="haru"> <state img="2-surprise.png"><i>(That ass is bigger than my future!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="ini" targetSaidMarker="butt"> <state img="2-annoyed.png">You suuuure are determined not to show us your pubes.</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="jolyne" targetSaidMarker="Butt"> <state img="2-hype.png"><i>(Yeeessssss!!)</i></state> <state img="2-flustered.png">And suddenly, I find myself enjoying this game more! You turning around r-really helped with that.</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="jura" targetSayingMarker="natsuki_hug"> <state img="2-stare.png">...I think you're suffocating her.</state> <state img="2-stare.png">If she dies being suffocated by your massive chest, I'm getting out of here.</state> <state img="2-thinking.png"><i>(Yeah, I can't envy her.)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="leggy"> <state img="2-thinking.png">Yup, everyone's a furry. I'm a furry, you're a furry, we're all furry in my eyes.</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="mavis"> <state img="2-surprise.png"><i>(She's dummy thicc!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="meia"> <state img="2-flustered.png"><i>(I like this sight!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="moon"> <state img="2-welp.png">...Why did I agree to playing this game?</state> <state img="2-welp.png">I should've left while I could.</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="rinkah"> <state img="2-flustered.png">Umm... You are <i>really</i> confident, huh?</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="sakura"> <state img="2-stare.png">...Is a thing I never thought I'd say in my life.</state> <state img="2-eh.png">Are you seriously a zombie? I'd have expected something more... cut up. And writhing with maggots. But no, you're really hot and I'm not sure how to feel about being attracted to a zombie.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" alsoPlaying="natsuki" notSaidMarker="natsuki_song" alsoPlayingSaying="♪ Let her rip! Let her roar! To the first and the second And the third encore! ♪" priority="15"> <state img="2-hype.png" marker="natsuki_song">Ooooooh, I like those lyrics! Really punchy, <i>badass</i> even!! What's that song?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" consecutiveLosses="3-" notSaidMarker="opp_consecutivelosses"> <state img="2-cocky.png" marker="opp_consecutivelosses">Wow, you are <i>terrible</i> at this game!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="non-human" targetStage="1-10" notSaidMarker="humanhate"> <condition count="0" filter="leggy" /> <state img="2-stare.png">Y'know, unlike most species, us humans actually <i>hate</i> each other. <i>(Which is why we're all a bunch of animals in my eyes)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="blue_hair" notSaidMarker="bluehair_marker"> <state img="2-woah.png" marker="bluehair_marker">Blue hair!? The only other person I know who has blue hair is Bea, and I know hers is dyed!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="criminal" notSaidMarker="criminal_marker" priority="165"> <state img="2-smug.png" marker="criminal_marker">I think I like ~name~ already! So, you think you're done for some crimes after this game is over?</state> <state img="2-fingergun.png" marker="criminal_marker">Finally, a fellow law-breaker!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="deity" notSaidMarker="deity_marker"> <state img="2-stare.png">...What do I even say?</state> <state img="2-thinking.png">This is too weird for me.</state> <state img="2-neutral.png">...</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="fancy" notSaidMarker="fancy_marker"> <state img="2-annoyed.png" marker="fancy_marker">Well, look at you! All fancy and crap. Do you sip expensive wine out of a three-million dollar wine glass as well?</state> <state img="2-eyes.png" marker="fancy_marker">So! You're gonna mock me for being commoner trash? Well jokes on you, I embraced that title!!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="flies" notSaidMarker="flies_marker" priority="54"> <state img="2-welp.png" marker="flies_marker">Maaaaan, I wish I could fly...</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="freckles" notSaidMarker="freckles_marker"> <state img="2-neutral.png" marker="freckles_marker">I bet it's sunny where you live. I wish we had more sunny days in Possum Springs... although rain and fog is nice sometimes.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="gloomy" notSaidMarker="gloomy_marker"> <state img="2-eh.png" marker="gloomy_marker"><i>(~name~ kind of reminds me of Bea. I kinda wish she were here now. Too bad Bea wouldn't be caught dead playing this game.)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="gun" notSaidMarker="gun_marker"> <state img="2-terror.png" marker="gun_marker"><i>(What the---aren't guns illegal!? What the hell is that person thinking? Should I be scared? I don't want to be shot again!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="innocent" notSaidMarker="innocent_marker" priority="6"> <state img="2-neutral.png" marker="innocent_marker">...Should you really be playing this game?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="lonely" notSaidMarker="lonely_marker"> <state img="2-eh.png" marker="lonely_marker"><i>(Jeez, ~name~ kind of reminds me of myself. Makes me glad I actually have some friends, or else my existence would end up being even crappier.)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="musician" targetStatus="decent" notSaidMarker="musician_tag"> <state img="2-neutral.png" marker="musician_tag">So you play an instrument too, huh? Or are you a singer?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="police" notSaidMarker="police_marker"> <state img="2-stare.png" marker="police_marker">I'm playing strip poker with a cop? Wow. I wonder what other crazy stuff life has in store for me.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="red_eyes" targetStage="0" notSaidMarker="redeyes_marker"> <state img="2-cocky.png" marker="redeyes_marker">Alright, ~name~, now that I've found another person with such vivid red eyes, you're officially a member of the "Nightmare Eyes" club. No backsies.</state> <state img="2-cocky.png" marker="redeyes_marker">Nightmare eyes, baby. All day, every day. We're comrades now.</state> <state img="2-triumphant.png" marker="redeyes_marker">Yes! YES! YEEESSS! Someone else with red eyes!!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="thigh_highs" notSaidMarker="thighhigh_markers"> <state img="2-annoyed.png" marker="thighhigh_markers">Ugh. Why would you torture yourself with those long socks? Doesn't it feel itchy?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="undead" targetStage="0" saidMarker="undead_marker" priority="7500"> <state img="2-cocky.png" marker="good_day">And now I have to watch them get naked slowly in front of me! This is a good day for Mae Borowski.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="vampire" notSaidMarker="vampire_marker" priority="155"> <state img="2-hype.png" marker="vampire_marker">Ohmigod... I <i>knew</i> vampires were real! Suck it, nonbelievers!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="virtual" notSaidMarker="virtual_marker"> <state img="2-surprise.png" marker="virtual_marker">Wait, am I playing with a hologram!? Is this another crazy dream?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="witch" notSaidMarker="witchdagga_witchmarker"> <state img="2-thinking.png" marker="witchdagga_witchmarker"><i>(Man, how cool would it be if Witchdagger actually played here? It would make up for all the times I couldn't go to any concerts because they were all too far away and nobody would drive me.)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" hasHand="Full House"> <state img="2-cocky.png">Yessir, that's a full house! How do you like <i>that?</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" hasHand="Full House" notSaidMarker="singing_fullhouse"> <state img="2-thinking.png" marker="singing_fullhouse">♫ Whatever happened to predictability? The milkman, the paperboy, evening TV? ♫</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" hasHand="High Card" notSaidMarker="highcard_win"> <state img="2-triumphant.png" marker="highcard_win">Yessss!! Still managed a win with a crappy high card!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" hasHand="High Card" saidMarker="highcard_win" notSaidMarker="highcard_win1"> <state img="2-smug.png" marker="highcard_win1">And what do you know? I won with a high card <i>again</i>!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" hasHand="High Card" saidMarker="highcard_win1" notSaidMarker="highcard_win2"> <state img="2-neutral.png" marker="highcard_win2">...Jeez, ~name~. Your luck is terrible.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" notSaidMarker="betteryouthanme"> <state img="2-neutral.png" marker="betteryouthanme">Better you than me.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="blake" targetStage="0"> <state img="2-eh.png"><i>(I can't tell what animal this girl is... Why do I even see people as animals in the first place?)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="blake" targetStage="6"> <state img="2-smug.png">A cat is fine too. I mean, look at <i>me!</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="chihiro" targetStage="5" priority="9997"> <state img="2-stare.png">Oh, you're back. Listen, you better not run away again. You chose to play, you stick it out until the end.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="florina" targetStage="4" targetSaidMarker="bee" priority="444"> <state img="2-surprise.png"><i>(Crap, better get ready to run. I don't want to be stung again!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="human" filter="gay" notSaidMarker="player_queer" priority="9998"> <state img="2-surprise.png" marker="player_queer">Wait... ~player~, you're gay?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="jura"> <state img="2-annoyed.png"><i>Of course</i> she's ridiculously vain. Not even sexy and suave girls can save the world from being crappy.</state> <state img="2-stare.png">Well at least your inflated ego makes sense, I'll give you that. But I still don't like you already.</state> <state img="2-stare.png">Ugh, and here I thought I'd like you. But no, you just <i>have</i> to rub your ridiculously good looks in my face.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="kyu" targetStage="0"> <state img="2-neutral.png">A disgustingly pink fairy who's also a huge slut? Now I've seen everything.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="leggy" targetStage="0"> <state img="2-eh.png">Are you <i>sure</i> you want to play this game? <i>(Everyone seems so surprised... Am I missing something?)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="leggy" targetStage="0" totalAlive="3"> <state img="2-eh.png">Are you <i>sure</i> you want to play this game? <i>(~player~ seems so surprised... Am I missing something?)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="leggy" targetStage="2"> <state img="2-cocky.png">Hah! Pretty stupid of you to wear just a woolly, long-sleeved leotard, eh---?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="leggy" targetStage="3"> <state img="2-stare.png">Yup. I get it. You're an actual sheep, and I'm an idiot.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="moon" targetStage="0" priority="10000"> <state img="2-terror.png">...Holy crap!</state> <state img="2-terror.png">Is this girl serious!? <i>(This is just... a whole new level of wrong here.)</i></state> <state img="2-terror.png"><i>(...And I thought I was the crazy one! This girl takes crazy to a whole new level!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="moon" targetStage="1" priority="10000"> <state img="2-surprise.png">Normally I'd be excited, BUT THIS GIRL IS FREAKING ME OUT RI---</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="moon" targetStage="2-5"> <state img="2-annoyed.png">Oh goodie, it's <i>her</i> turn.</state> <state img="2-neutral.png"><i>(This girl actually makes me look good in comparsion.)</i></state> <state img="2-surprise.png"><i>(Is this she actually human? What if she's secretly some horny sex alien whose species greet each other with blowjobs?)</i></state> <state img="2-thinking.png"><i>(How does this little rabbit-girl have the biggest libido?)</i></state> <state img="2-annoyed.png">I'd say prostitution would be a <i>wonderful</i> job for you, but I wouldn't want your poor clients to get every STD on the planet.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="moon" targetStage="6" priority="10000"> <state img="2-terror.png">Oh <i>no</i>...</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="natsuki" targetStage="2-7" priority="2"> <state img="2-eyes.png">Egads! The strawberry munchkin kitten has to strip again!</state> <state img="2-neutral.png">Get into the spirit of strip poker! Like a <i>real</i> woman!</state> <state img="2-eyes.png">Cute. You think you're invincible?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="pinkie_pie" targetSayingMarker="pinka_start"> <state img="2-terror.png">WHAT THE HELL!?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="roxie" targetStage="0" priority="555"> <state img="2-smug.png">Roxie, huh? I dunno what it is, but something tells me we'll get along well.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="roxie" targetStage="2" priority="555"> <state img="2-neutral.png">So what's next? Is it gonna be the boots?</state> <state img="2-eh.png">Not a lot of options left...</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="roxie" targetStage="3" priority="555"> <state img="2-thinking.png">So... thong or bra?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="ryuji" targetStage="0"> <state img="2-woah.png"><i>(Woah, those legs! Why does it feel like he can break my neck with a single kick to the head?)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" targetStatus="decent" notSaidMarker="uhura_flashbacks" priority="1"> <state img="2-thinking.png" marker="uhura_flashbacks"><i>(Man, if this were any other kind of poker and we had to bluff in order to win, one of us could fart and nobody would be able to tell who did it.)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="sunglasses" notSaidMarker="sunglasses_marker"> <test expr="~background.location~" value="indoors" /> <state img="2-stare.png" marker="sunglasses_marker">Y'know, when you think about it, playing poker is the only valid excuse for wearing sunglasses indoors. So consider yourself lucky, I guess.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="scantily-clad" notSaidMarker="skimpy_marker"> <test expr="~name~" cmp="!=" value="Leggy" /> <state img="2-stare.png" marker="skimpy_marker">What the... Do you seriously have no shame?</state> <state img="2-stare.png" marker="skimpy_marker">Wearing <i>that</i> little clothing to a strip poker game? I don't think the irony is lost on any of us.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="deity" targetStage="0" notSaidMarker="deity_marker"> <test expr="~target.gender~" value="female" /> <state img="2-woah.png" marker="deity_marker">Wait wait wait wait, you're a <i>goddess!?</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="deity" targetStage="0" notSaidMarker="deity_marker"> <test expr="~target.gender~" value="male" /> <state img="2-woah.png" marker="deity_marker">Wait wait wait wait, you're a <i>god!?</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" totalRounds="7" notSaidMarker="slow_game_n" priority="9999"> <condition count="0" status="not_decent" /> <test expr="~clothing.type~" value="accessory" /> <state img="2-stare.png" marker="slow_game">Ugh, this game is slow.</state> <state img="2-annoyed.png" marker="slow_game">Can you guys hurry up?</state> <state img="2-annoyed.png" marker="slow_game">Yeesh.</state> <state img="2-annoyed.png" marker="slow_game">This is boring.</state> <state img="2-annoyed.png" marker="slow_game">Uggghhhhh.....</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" totalRounds="7" notSaidMarker="slow_game_n" priority="9999"> <condition count="0" status="not_decent" /> <test expr="~clothing.type~" value="minor" /> <state img="2-stare.png" marker="slow_game">Ugh, this game is slow.</state> <state img="2-annoyed.png" marker="slow_game">Can you guys hurry up?</state> <state img="2-annoyed.png" marker="slow_game">Yeesh.</state> <state img="2-annoyed.png" marker="slow_game">This is boring.</state> <state img="2-annoyed.png" marker="slow_game">Uggghhhhh.....</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" filter="clothing_destruction" notSaidMarker="clothingdestruction"> <state img="2-surprise.png" marker="clothingdestruction">Woah, what---!?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" filter="deity" targetStage="0"> <state img="2-eh.png">I... don't have good experience with deities. They tend to be assholes who try to break my mind.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" filter="police" targetStage="1"> <state img="2-thinking.png">Y'know, my aunt is a cop. Aunt Molly. Aunt Mall Cop. After all these years, we <i>still</i> don't get along.</state> <state img="2-stare.png" marker="life_rambling">I've been electrocuted at least twice in my lifetime and spoke to God. And God is an asshole. This is nothing compared to all the weird crap I've been through. But that's just life.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" saidMarker="singing_fullhouse" notSaidMarker="singing_fullhouse1" priority="1"> <state img="2-fingergun.png" marker="singing_fullhouse1">♫ You miss your old familar friends, <i>waiting just around the beeeeend!</i>♫</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" saidMarker="smooth_criminal_1" notSaidMarker="smooth_criminal_3"> <state img="2-cocky.png" marker="smooth_criminal_3">That "smooth criminal" being me. I'm not sure if you know this, but I'm pretty much a bandit queen.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="akko" targetStage="0" priority="775"> <state img="2-woah.png">Wait, for real!? You're a real witch? You're really a real witch? For real?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="akko" targetStage="0" targetSaidMarker="necronomicon" priority="780"> <state img="2-terror.png">GAH!! No, not this! I can't deal with that again!!</state> <state img="2-terror.png"><i>Ohcrapohcrapohcrap!!</i> I don't wanna deal with these things anymore!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="amalia" targetStage="4" priority="555"> <state img="2-woah.png">Huh? How'd they slide off so easily!?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="chihiro" targetStage="4" priority="9995"> <state img="2-woah.png">No, wait! Come back!!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="chihiro" targetStage="5" priority="9993"> <state img="2-surprise.png">Huh!?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="felicia" targetStage="0"> <state img="2-surprise.png">Wait, what?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="felicia" targetStage="1"> <state img="2-eh.png">I'm cringing so hard right now.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="florina" targetStage="4" targetSayingMarker="bee2"> <state img="2-surprise.png">Hey, be careful with---!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="human" filter="gay" saidMarker="player_queer" notSaidMarker="player_queer2"> <state img="2-thinking.png" marker="player_queer2">Huh, you usually don't find a lot of queer people in my conversative trash dump of a town. I thought me, Gregg, and Angus were the only ones...</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="leggy" targetStage="0"> <state img="2-stare.png">You have some pretty weird get-up. Are you some kind of cosplayer?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="leggy" targetStage="1"> <state img="2-neutral.png">You alright there?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="leggy" targetStage="2"> <state img="2-surprise.png">Wait, <i>what!?</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="leggy" targetStage="3" priority="10000"> <state img="2-eh.png" marker="seeing_animals">I didn't want to say it out loud, but... I kiiiiinda have something wrong with my brain and everyone I see is an animal.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="moon" targetStage="0" priority="10000"> <state img="2-terror.png">She's so desperate about it...</state> <state img="2-why.png">Of course, she's taking off the bra first, <i>of course she does!!</i> Because obviously someone desperate like you wouldn't do with a silly trinket!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="moon" targetStage="1"> <state img="2-eh.png">Phew.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="moon" targetStage="2"> <state img="2-annoyed.png"><i>(Ugh, I don't even want to IMAGINE her naked.)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="palutena" targetStage="3"> <state img="2-neutral.png">Hey, Palutena. I have a question; can you fly? Or do those belts get in the way?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="pinkie_pie" targetSaidMarker="pinka_start" targetNotSaidMarker="pinka_end2"> <state img="2-why.png">What the hell do we do!? I am <i>not</i> dying during a strip poker game.</state> <state img="2-stare.png">We should really get out of here. Before this girl attempts to murder us.</state> <state img="2-why.png">I'm not here to get murdered!</state> <state img="2-surprise.png">UHHH...</state> <state img="2-surprise.png">Hahaha... please help me.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="roxie" targetStage="0" priority="555"> <state img="2-surprise.png">The sweater? That's a pretty grand way to start. I actually kind of liked it...</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="roxie" targetStage="1" priority="555"> <state img="2-triumphant.png">Yessss! I knew it!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="roxie" targetStage="2" priority="555"> <state img="2-woah.png">Wait, those are shorts? I thought they were boxers!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="roxie" targetStage="3" priority="555"> <state img="2-eh.png">Guess it's the bra first...</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="roxie" targetStage="3" targetSayingMarker="famous_tits" priority="555"> <state img="2-woah.png">W-Wait, you're famous!?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="twilight" targetStage="0"> <state img="2-surprise.png">Huh!? You know you can take off anything you want, right!?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="twilight" targetStage="1"> <state img="2-stare.png">Annnnd when I mention hating bras, she takes hers off. Go figure, I guess.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="twilight" targetStage="3" priority="325"> <state img="2-flustered.png">Seriously, you have a bunch of other stuff! <i>(Not that I don't mind or anything, but... This girl is really confusing me right now!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="twilight" targetStage="4" priority="329"> <state img="2-annoyed.png">Whatever.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="twilight" targetStage="5" priority="328"> <state img="2-stare.png">Those look comfy. I can almost understand why you chose to save them for... second-to-last?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="twilight" targetStage="6" priority="9993"> <state img="2-eh.png">Last small thing... And second-to-last article of clothing...</state> <state img="2-thinking.png">Well, I understand you somewhat better at least. But can you understand me?</state> <state img="2-neutral.png">Farewell, shirt. You... literally did nothing this entire game.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" filter="musician" targetStage="0" priority="9000"> <test expr="~clothing.type~" cmp="!=" value="major" /> <test expr="~clothing.type~" cmp="!=" value="important" /> <state img="2-neutral.png" marker="mae_musicramble">I play bass guitar. In a band me and my friends formed a few years ago. But I wouldn't call myself a serious musician, y'know? Even though I really love music. And just... the arts in general.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" notSaidMarker="insertwittycommenthere"> <test expr="~clothing.type~" value="accessory" /> <state img="2-stare.png" marker="insertwittycommenthere">Insert witty comment here.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" totalRounds="0-6" notSaidMarker="slow_game_n"> <test expr="~clothing.type~" value="major" /> <state img="2-woah.png" marker="slow_game_n">Woah, this party got started fast! N-Not that I'm complaining.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" priority="5275"> <test expr="~clothing~" value="boots" /> <state img="2-neutral.png">Nice boots. Much better than my cheap knock-off Doc Martens, or whatever the heck they're called.</state> <state img="2-smug.png">Hmmm, your boots may appear more stylish, but mine were made for kicking down doors. With even more style than you'll ever have.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping"> <test expr="~clothing~" value="dress" /> <test expr="~target.gender~" value="female" /> <state img="2-stare.png">Wearing a dress is the same as wearing a very large single pant leg. Sorry to ruin your day, m'am.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping"> <test expr="~clothing~" value="dress" /> <test expr="~target.gender~" value="male" /> <state img="2-stare.png">Wearing a dress is the same as wearing a very large single pant leg. Sorry to ruin your day, sir.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" priority="60"> <test expr="~clothing~" value="hat" /> <state img="2-neutral.png">Hat's off for ~name~... <i>Hat is off</i> for ~name~. The way you strip isn't worth a compliment.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" notSaidMarker="skirtsvspants" priority="50"> <test expr="~clothing~" value="skirt" /> <test expr="~name~" cmp="!=" value="Pinkie" /> <state img="2-cocky.png" marker="skirtsvspants">Skirts may be fashionable, but pants are practical. When the zombie apocalyse is finally upon us, I bet the people who wear pants instead of skirts have a better chance of survival.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping"> <test expr="~clothing~" value="socks" /> <state img="2-cocky.png">"Socks" to be you.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped"> <condition count="0" status="not_decent" /> <test expr="~clothing.type~" cmp="!=" value="important" /> <test expr="~clothing.type~" cmp="!=" value="major" /> <state img="2-thinking.png" marker="+showerthought"><i>(How are playptuses real and unicorns aren’t? Unicorns are literally horses with a horn.)</i></state> <state img="2-neutral.png" marker="+showerthought">I could use a soda. Or water. Water tastes great for something that's, like, literally tasteless.</state> <state img="2-stare.png" marker="+showerthought">You know, there's only one type of movie that allows spoilers in the title. It's called porn.</state> <state img="2-eh.png" marker="+showerthought">I sincerely hope nobody is having any sexual thoughts, because I'm uncomfortable enough playing this game.</state> <state img="2-woah.png" marker="+showerthought">Am I dreaming? Is this multiplayer dreaming? This seems like one huge bizzare dream.</state> <state img="2-stare.png" marker="+showerthought">How messed up would it be if the penalty for losing is to remove a body part instead of your clothing?</state> <state img="2-smug.png" marker="+showerthought">Y'know, it'd be more interesting if we got money out of this. That money would become my pizza money.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" filter="clothing_destruction" saidMarker="clothingdestruction" notSaidMarker="clothingdestruction1"> <state img="2-eh.png" marker="clothingdestruction1">Jeez... I mean, I've seen weirder stuff, but... Just take off your clothes like a normal person.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" filter="deity" targetStage="1"> <state img="2-stare.png">I met two of them, and came out mentally scarred for life. Now here I am playing <i>strip poker</i> with another deity. Life sure is something.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" filter="ditzy" targetStage="2" priority="155"> <state img="2-stare.png">No offense, ~name~, but you're kind of stupid.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" filter="musician" saidMarker="mae_musicramble" notSaidMarker="mae_musicc" priority="9000"> <state img="2-eh.png" marker="mae_musicc">I'm rambling, aren't I? I shouldn't be rambling during a strip poker game... Deal the next hand.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" saidMarker="singing_fullhouse1" notSaidMarker="singing_fullhouse2" priority="1"> <state img="2-neutral.png" marker="singing_fullhouse2">...Oh wait, we're playing strip poker.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" saidMarker="slow_game_n" notSaidMarker="unusual_strip"> <state img="2-flustered.png" marker="unusual_strip">I... I like your style, ~name~.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="akko" targetStage="1"> <state img="2-hype.png">I... I thought you were just dressing up! But holy crap this is so cool!!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="akko" targetStage="1" targetSaidMarker="necronomicon"> <state img="2-stare.png" marker="akko_eldritch">Oh no, that was <i>definitely</i> eldritch horror we just saw. I'd be on my guard if I were you.</state> <state img="2-stare.png" marker="akko_exorcism">Oh no, that was <i>definitely</i> demonic possession. We gotta do a exorcism, like, ASAP. I'm seriously sick of dealing with the paranormal trying to kill me and my friends.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="amalia" targetStage="5"> <state img="2-surprise.png">What the---!?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="chihiro" targetStage="5" priority="9995"> <state img="2-annoyed.png">...Coward.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="chihiro" targetStage="6" priority="9992"> <state img="2-woah.png">Wait, why do you even crossdress in the first place!? You said you're a boy, so you're not a trans person... Am I missing something?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="felicia" targetStage="1"> <state img="2-terror.png">Wh... But you <i>need</i> your fur! Does it even grow back!?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="felicia" targetStage="2"> <state img="2-surprise.png">How do you do it so cleanly!? The thought of shaving pubic hair is... terrifying!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="florina" targetStage="5"> <state img="2-stare.png">...Your tunic. Oh well, it didn't seem too special to you anyways.</state> <state img="2-stare.png">Whoops. Well, that poor tunic's gone forever.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="human" saidMarker="possumsprings_a" notSaidMarker="possumsprings_null" priority="1"> <state img="2-smug.png" marker="possumsprings_null">I'll only open up when you start talking about yourself. Got it, ~player~? I don't just give out information about my personal life for free.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="leggy" targetStage="2"> <state img="2-thinking.png">Riiiight, what's with that... leg-collar thingy? I thought only flappers wore those things back in, like, the 1920's.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="leggy" targetStage="3"> <state img="2-woah.png">Hang on, why the hell do you need to shave it off! Can't you just---I dunno---slide it off one shoulder or something? I thought actual sheep---</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="leggy" targetStage="4" priority="10000"> <state img="2-welp.png" marker="catoutofthebag">I never share this because I was afraid people would just see me as even <i>more</i> insane than I already am... But I guess the cat's out of the bag, huh? Which is ironic because I see myself as a cat...</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="moon" targetStage="1"> <state img="2-annoyed.png">...Let's just move on.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="moon" targetStage="2"> <state img="2-stare.png">Anytime you speak, the urge to murder you in your sleep increases for me. Stop talking. Now.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="moon" targetStage="3"> <state img="2-stare.png">Nice shoes. They're the only thing about you worth complementing.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="moon" targetStage="4"> <state img="2-smug.png"><i>(How hilarious would it be if she just, tripped, and they all just spilled out of the bag in public.)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="moon" targetStage="5"> <state img="2-stare.png">I really, <i>really</i> do not want to see your naked body.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="palutena" targetStage="4"> <state img="2-eh.png"><i>(I mean, I know she actually ISN'T an eagle, but... It'd be kinda weird if I see her as a bird goddess and she can't actually fly.)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="palutena" targetStage="4" alsoPlaying="pit"> <state img="2-stare.png"><i>(Why the hell do I see the divine-like people as birds?)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="pinkie_pie" targetSaidMarker="pinka_start" targetNotSaidMarker="pinka_end2"> <state img="2-terror.png">...Even now, I'm still terrified for my life.</state> <state img="2-terror.png">Someone just... call the cops or something!</state> <state img="2-woah.png">Seriously, who ARE you? What happened to Pinkie?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="revy" targetStage="1-7" notSaidMarker="calmdownwildcat"> <state img="2-eh.png" marker="calmdownwildcat"><i>(Calm down, wildcat. Or should I say wild... fox? Wildfox? I dunno, why DO I see her as a fox and not a wildcat)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="roxie" targetStage="0" priority="555"> <state img="2-fingergun.png">That's some pretty cool underwear though. <i>And</i> it looks comfortable! See, now this is some fashion I can appreciate!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="roxie" targetStage="2" alsoPlaying="moon" targetSaidMarker="my_last_loss" priority="555"> <state img="2-annoyed.png">Well, so do I! And I bet everyone else here wants to win too... Except Moon. But she shouldn't even count.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="roxie" targetStage="2" targetSaidMarker="far_from_naked" priority="555"> <state img="2-stare.png">Who's Arceus?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="roxie" targetStage="2" targetSaidMarker="foot_fetish" priority="555"> <state img="2-stare.png">And before you ask---no, I don't have a foot fetish. That sounds so gross. What kind of weirdo finds <i>feet</i> sexy?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="roxie" targetStage="2" targetSaidMarker="live_without_boots" priority="555"> <state img="2-eh.png">I'm sure you'll get them back... right?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="roxie" targetStage="2" targetSaidMarker="my_last_loss" priority="555"> <state img="2-smug.png">Well, so do I! And I bet everyone else here wants to win too, so get ready for some extreme competition!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="roxie" targetStage="2" targetSaidMarker="take_these_off" priority="555"> <state img="2-surprise.png">Custom-made!? Holy jeez, are you loaded or something?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="roxie" targetStage="3" priority="555"> <state img="2-eh.png">I mean... Cool thong, but isn't that extremely comfort? Why not just wear the shorts?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="roxie" targetStage="4" priority="555"> <state img="2-flustered.png">Freckle-boobs... That's weirdly hot.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="twilight" targetSayingMarker="twilight_not_human" priority="301"> <state img="2-surprise.png">You are rea---wait, <i>humans?</i> You're not... You're not human?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="twilight" targetStage="1" priority="333"> <state img="2-thinking.png">Hmm. Well I can understand finding panties uncomfortable. Up until recently, I never wore a bra for the same reason.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="twilight" targetStage="2" priority="332"> <state img="2-thinking.png">You know, there's sports bras. They're pretty comfy. I remember Bea going out to buy me one. She kind of freaked out when I told her I never wear bras. Dunno why; my shirt's all I need.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="twilight" targetStage="3" priority="331"> <state img="2-terror.png">I can understand finding underwear comfortable, but what's wrong with your skirt!?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="twilight" targetStage="4" priority="330"> <state img="2-stare.png">...Oh, <i>now</i> you take off something small?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="twilight" targetStage="6" priority="9995"> <state img="2-flustered.png">Back to big stuff again afte---Oh right! You only have your shirt left! Juuuust a shirt.</state> <state img="2-thinking.png">What is grammar?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="twilight" targetStage="7" priority="310"> <state img="2-smug.png">Alright, Twilight! Time to kick your ass!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" targetStatus="lost_all"> <state img="2-woah.png"><i>(Oh crap, ~name~'s naked now...)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" saidMarker="sparedfromherwrath"> <test expr="~clothing.type~" cmp="!=" value="important" /> <test expr="~clothing.type~" cmp="!=" value="major" /> <state img="2-sweat.png" marker="*">Err... Let's just move on!!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" saidMarker="insertwittycommenthere" notSaidMarker="anotherwittycoment"> <test expr="~clothing.type~" value="accessory" /> <state img="2-stare.png" marker="anotherwittycoment">Insert another witty comment here.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped"> <test expr="~clothing~" value="dress" /> <state img="2-eh.png">...Yeah, you definitely look good without the dress.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped"> <test expr="~clothing~" value="glasses" /> <state img="2-stare.png">Hmm... I don't think I ever met a person with glasses who <i>wasn't</i> smart. Are you smart, ~name~? Don't lie to me.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped"> <test expr="~clothing~" value="hat" /> <state img="2-triumphant.png">Unless you're a cowboy! YEEEEEEEHAAAAAAAAW!!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" filter="smart" saidMarker="skirtsvspants" notSaidMarker="skirtsvspants2" priority="2"> <test expr="~clothing~" value="skirt" /> <state img="2-smug.png" marker="skirtsvspants2">This isn't me having a thing against people who wear skirts, y'know! I'm being pragmatic here. I bet a smart person like you would know what that word means.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" saidMarker="skirtsvspants" notSaidMarker="skirtsvspants2" priority="1"> <test expr="~clothing~" value="skirt" /> <state img="2-eyes.png" marker="skirtsvspants2">This isn't me having a thing against people who wear skirts, y'know! I'm being pragmatic here. <i>(Hehehe... I bet they don't know what that word means!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="human" filter="gay" saidMarker="player_queer2"> <test expr="~target.gender~" value="female" /> <state img="2-eh.png" marker="player_queer3"><i>(Phew! It sucks when a cute girl you find ends up being straight. At least I'm not picky with gender...)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="human" filter="gay" saidMarker="player_queer2"> <test expr="~target.gender~" value="male" /> <state img="2-neutral.png" marker="player_queer3">Well, good to know.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_start_masturbating" saidMarker="cheater_lose" notSaidMarker="awesome"> <state img="2-cocky.png" marker="awesome">Yeah, I know I'm awesome.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_masturbating" filter="uses_toy" notSaidMarker="toys"> <state img="2-welp.png" marker="toys">Maaaan, I wish I bought a toy. If I knew what this game was all about.... ugh, maybe next time.</state> </case> <case tag="male_must_masturbate"> <state img="2-woah.png">Woah! Okay then!</state> <state img="2-surprise.png">This... This is just insane! I barely know you, and...</state> <state img="2-eh.png">Oh... Looks like you have to, umm... Yeah, just do it.</state> <state img="2-woah.png">You're seriously going to do it?</state> </case> <case tag="male_must_masturbate" filter="cheater" priority="150"> <state img="2-eyes.png" marker="cheater_lose*">Hah! Kiss my ass, ~name~! Cheaters never prosper... unless they're me. I basically cheated my way through life.</state> </case> <case tag="male_must_masturbate" target="pit"> <state img="2-surprise.png">Oh...</state> </case> <case tag="male_must_masturbate" totalMasturbating="0" totalFinished="0" priority="9999"> <state img="2-surprise.png" marker="first_out">Wait, what!? <i>Masturbation!?</i></state> <state img="2-surprise.png" marker="first_out">They have to WHAT!?</state> </case> <case tag="male_start_masturbating"> <state img="2-eh.png">Goodl luck, I guess.</state> <state img="2-eh.png">Well this is gonna be awkward.</state> <state img="2-eh.png">Can I... watch you?</state> </case> <case tag="male_start_masturbating" totalMasturbating="1-2"> <condition count="3-4" status="alive" /> <state img="2-eh.png">I'd watch, but... We still have a game to play.</state> <state img="2-neutral.png">Good luck, I guess. Me and everyone else are just gonna keep playing.</state> </case> <case tag="male_start_masturbating" saidMarker="first_out" notSaidMarker="first_out2" priority="9998"> <state img="2-why.png" marker="first_out2">What the fresh hell? Why didn't anyone tell me!?</state> <state img="2-woah.png" marker="first_out2">D... Did you know about this, ~name~?</state> </case> <case tag="male_start_masturbating" target="pit"> <state img="2-eh.png">It feels weird, y'know? Watching an angel masturbate...</state> </case> <case tag="male_masturbating"> <state img="2-flustered.png">I feel kind of lucky to be seeing this.</state> <state img="2-neutral.png">People don't usually masturbate in public. Or get naked in front of other people. Unless it's an orgy.</state> <state img="2-woah.png">Woah. I didn't think I'd see a guy masturbating in front of me.</state> <state img="2-sweat.png">Wow...</state> <state img="2-flustered.png">I'm gonnd be honest---this is really hot and I kind of want to be the one touching you. Is that weird?</state> <state img="2-flustered.png"><i>(Don't drool, Mae. Seriously, you're not a dog!)</i></state> <state img="2-flustered.png">I feel like a pervert. And yet... wow. H-How can this not turn anyone on?</state> <state img="2-eyes.png" marker="flirt_maybe">Hey ~name~! How can I help speed up the process! I can flirt with you if you want that!</state> <state img="2-eyes.png">Hehehe... Faaaaantastic!</state> <state img="2-neutral.png">Moan for me, baby... Yeah, I can't do a good seductive voice. Just pretend I never said that.</state> <state img="2-woah.png">I'm really seeing this... This is real.</state> <state img="2-flustered.png"><i>(I'm seriously enjoying this. I'm seriously getting turned on from this. What's wrong with me?)</i></state> <state img="2-thinking.png">I remember me and my friend having a conversation about a bunch of strangers coming here just for porn. This place is just like that, isn't it?</state> <state img="2-woah.png">I kind of want a closer look.</state> <state img="2-surprise.png">Oh... I-It's just like in porn. Good to know.</state> </case> <case tag="male_heavy_masturbating"> <state img="2-flustered.png">Are you close? I can only assume 'cause you're... umm...</state> <state img="2-eh.png">You're almost there! Just... keep doing your thing.</state> <state img="2-flustered.png">Jeez, I think you're going to... Well, let nothing hold you back.</state> <state img="2-smug.png"><i>(I bet he's having such a good time. I bet he's having a ball!)</i></state> <state img="2-eh.png">Umm...</state> </case> <case tag="male_finished_masturbating"> <state img="2-surprise.png">Woah there, let's not get it on me!</state> <state img="2-stare.png">...I think I stepped in something wet and gross. Ughgh.</state> </case> <case tag="male_finished_masturbating" target="jin"> <state img="2-terror.png" marker="jinfinishing">HOLY CRAP, MY EYES!</state> </case> <case tag="female_must_masturbate"> <state img="2-woah.png">Woah! Okay then!</state> <state img="2-surprise.png">This... This is just insane! I barely know you, and...</state> <state img="2-eh.png">Oh... Looks like you have to, umm... Yeah, just do it.</state> <state img="2-woah.png">You're seriously going to do it?</state> </case> <case tag="female_must_masturbate" filter="cheater" priority="150"> <state img="2-eyes.png" marker="cheater_lose*">Hah! Kiss my ass, ~name~! Cheaters never prosper... unless they're me. I basically cheated my way through life.</state> </case> <case tag="female_must_masturbate" target="akko"> <state img="2-hype.png">Masturbating with magic sounds awesome! Show me what you got!!</state> </case> <case tag="female_must_masturbate" target="leggy"> <state img="2-eh.png">You're taking this awfully well...</state> </case> <case tag="female_must_masturbate" target="moon"> <state img="2-welp.png">...Great.</state> </case> <case tag="female_must_masturbate" target="rinkah" priority="9997"> <state img="2-hype.png"><i>(YEEEESSSS!! I BEAT HER!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_must_masturbate" target="shimakaze"> <state img="2-triumphant.png">Yeah, critical hit!</state> </case> <case tag="female_must_masturbate" totalMasturbating="0" notSaidMarker="first_out" priority="9999"> <state img="2-surprise.png" marker="first_out">Wait, what!? <i>Masturbation!?</i></state> <state img="2-surprise.png" marker="first_out">They have to WHAT!?</state> </case> <case tag="female_start_masturbating"> <state img="2-eh.png">...Can I watch?</state> <state img="2-neutral.png">Goodl luck, I guess.</state> <state img="2-eh.png">Well this is gonna be awkward.</state> </case> <case tag="female_start_masturbating" saidMarker="first_out" notSaidMarker="first_out2" priority="9999"> <state img="2-why.png" marker="first_out2">What the fresh hell? Why didn't anyone tell me!?</state> <state img="2-woah.png" marker="first_out2">D... Did you know about this, ~name~?</state> </case> <case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="akko"> <state img="2-smug.png">C'mooooon!!</state> </case> <case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="leggy"> <state img="2-thinking.png">Wasn't there a group of people notorious for having sex with sheep? The Welsh, I think?</state> </case> <case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="miko"> <state img="2-surprise.png">What the---is that the spirit of your dead wife!? Did she rise from the grave just to have sex with you!?</state> </case> <case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="moon"> <state img="2-stare.png">I'm just gonna... pretend you don't exist. Which is definitely easier said than done.</state> </case> <case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="pinkie_pie"> <state img="2-woah.png">Wh---wouldn't it hurt like hell if it popped?</state> </case> <case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="shimakaze"> <state img="2-eh.png">...Okay, but are you alright?</state> </case> <case tag="female_masturbating" id="2-1"> <state img="2-flustered.png">I feel kind of lucky to be seeing this.</state> <state img="2-neutral.png">People don't usually masturbate in public. Or get naked in front of other people. Unless it's an orgy.</state> <state img="2-woah.png">Woah. N-Nice technique.</state> <state img="2-flustered.png">I'm gonnd be honest---this is really hot and I kind of want to be the one touching you. Is that weird?</state> <state img="2-flustered.png"><i>(Don't drool, Mae. Seriously, you're not a dog!)</i></state> <state img="2-flustered.png">I feel like a pervert. And yet... wow. H-How can this not turn anyone on?</state> <state img="2-eyes.png" marker="flirt_maybe">Hey ~name~! How can I help speed up the process! I can flirt with you if you want that!</state> <state img="2-eyes.png">Hehehe... Faaaaantastic!</state> <state img="2-neutral.png">Moan for me, baby... Yeah, I can't do a good seductive voice. Just pretend I never said that.</state> <state img="2-woah.png">I'm really seeing this... This is real.</state> <state img="2-flustered.png"><i>(I'm seriously enjoying this. I'm seriously getting turned on from this. What's wrong with me?)</i></state> <state img="2-thinking.png">I remember me and my friend having a conversation about a bunch of strangers coming here just for porn. This place is just like that, isn't it?</state> <state img="2-woah.png">I kind of want a closer look.</state> <state img="2-sweat.png">Wow...</state> </case> <case tag="female_masturbating" target="akko" targetSayingMarker="akko_first_climax"> <state img="2-eh.png">Huh. That was quick.</state> </case> <case tag="female_masturbating" target="akko" targetSayingMarker="akko_second_climax"> <state img="2-stare.png">This is insane.</state> </case> <case tag="female_masturbating" target="akko" targetSayingMarker="akko_third_climax"> <state img="2-surprise.png">Again!? Jeez, I can't take no more than two at a time!</state> </case> <case tag="female_masturbating" target="akko" targetTimeInStage="4" targetSaidMarker="akko_first_climax"> <state img="2-woah.png">Seriously? Jeez, I wish I had that sort of stamina!</state> <state img="2-woah.png">Seriously? Well, since you took such a short time, I guess it's well-deserved? I think?</state> </case> <case tag="female_masturbating" target="elizabeth" notSaidMarker="elizabeth_masturbation"> <state img="2-woah.png" marker="elizabeth_masturbation">Well then... This takes the phrase "go eff yourself" a bit too literally.</state> </case> <case tag="female_masturbating" target="miko" notSaidMarker="discomfort" priority="9100"> <state img="2-surprise.png" marker="discomfort">(mild discomfort)</state> </case> <case tag="female_masturbating" target="moon" priority="1"> <state img="2-stare.png">...</state> <state img="2-eh.png">(discomfort)</state> <state img="2-annoyed.png">Shut. Up.</state> </case> <case tag="female_masturbating" totalMasturbating="4-" notSaidMarker="masturbationorgy"> <state img="2-surprise.png" marker="masturbationorgy">Has this become a masturbation orgy!?</state> </case> <case tag="female_heavy_masturbating"> <state img="2-flustered.png">Are you close? I can only assume 'cause you're... umm...</state> <state img="2-eh.png">You're almost there! Just... keep doing your thing.</state> <state img="2-flustered.png">Jeez, I think you're going to... Well, let nothing hold you back.</state> <state img="2-smug.png"><i>(I bet she's having such a good time. I bet she's having a ball!)</i></state> <state img="2-eh.png">Umm...</state> </case> <case tag="female_heavy_masturbating" target="moon"> <state img="2-annoyed.png">....</state> </case> <case tag="female_finished_masturbating"> <state img="2-woah.png">Woah, you're soaking... down there, I meant.</state> <state img="2-eh.png">That sounded intense.</state> <state img="2-flustered.png">Seeing you like that... I bet l-losing isn't that bad.</state> <state img="2-woah.png">That was... wow. Just wow.</state> </case> <case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="aimee"> <state img="2-terror.png">Gah! I didn't there'd be so much... D-Didn't we tell you to be careful!?</state> <state img="2-terror.png">HOLY---You just shot yourself in the arm! Why the hell did you even decide to <i>bring a gun here!</i></state> <state img="2-terror.png">Ohgodohgodohgod, okay, not going back to that time! Are you okay!?</state> </case> <case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="akko"> <state img="2-terror.png">HOLY CRAP, MY EYES!</state> </case> <case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="felicia"> <state img="2-stare.png">Okay, even <i>I'm</i> starting to get sick of those cat puns. Not even I make that many!</state> <state img="2-annoyed.png">We get it, you think you're a cat. <i>(Then again, so do I... but you don't see ME being so blatant about it!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="leggy"> <state img="2-eh.png">Umm... Do you do this often, or...?</state> </case> <case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="moon"> <state img="2-eh.png">Eww...</state> </case> <case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="pinkie_pie" targetSayingMarker="pop"> <state img="2-surprise.png">Ouch...</state> </case> <case tag="game_over_victory"> <state img="2-smug.png">Square up, thots.</state> <state img="2-fingergun.png">You've been beaten by the queen of Possum Springs! Someone get my crown!</state> <state img="2-smug.png">Wait 'till I tell my friends I got a bunch of people naked.</state> <state img="2-eyes.png">You all got <i>destroyed!</i></state> </case> <case tag="global" alsoPlaying="leggy" alsoPlayingStage="5" alsoPlayingTimeInStage="1-" notSaidMarker="leggyisgonnafuckingdie"> <state img="2-thinking.png" marker="leggyisgonnafuckingdie">...Is it gonna grow back before the weather turns cold? If not, I think you just doomed yourself, Leggy. You're not gonna last the winter.</state> </case> <case tag="global" alsoPlaying="pit" alsoPlayingSayingMarker="sacredbuns" priority="9999"> <state img="2-hype.png">YES!! Sacred buns!</state> </case> </stage> <stage id="3"> <case tag="swap_cards"> <state img="3-stare.png">~cards~ cards.</state> <state img="3-neutral.png">Can I have ~cards~, dealer?</state> <state img="3-thinking.png">I think I'll just swap ~cards~.</state> <state img="3-thinking.png">Should I swap those ~cards~? Yeah, I'll do that.</state> <state img="3-thinking.png">Uh... These ~cards~ can go.</state> </case> <case tag="swap_cards"> <test expr="~cards~" value="0" /> <state img="3-fingergun.png">No cards for me! That's right; this hand is perfection!</state> <state img="3-triumphant.png">~cards~!! This hand is perfection!</state> <state img="3-smug.png">I need no new cards. These are perfect.</state> </case> <case tag="swap_cards"> <test expr="~cards~" value="4" /> <state img="3-thinking.png">Ugh... I guess I'll keep that card?</state> <state img="3-thinking.png">I heard you should always keep certain cards no matter how bad the hand is, so... ~cards~ cards. I'll keep that one.</state> <state img="3-thinking.png">~cards~. The magic number. Only one of these cards are worthy.</state> </case> <case tag="swap_cards"> <test expr="~cards~" value="5" /> <state img="3-why.png" marker="5newcards">~cards~ new cards! These cards are garbage! ALL OF THEM!</state> <state img="3-why.png" marker="5newcards">How am I supposed to work with these!? I want a new hand!</state> <state img="3-stare.png" marker="5newcards">Ugh. ~cards~ new cards. This entire hand is garbage.</state> </case> <case tag="good_hand"> <state img="3-fingergun.png">I'm not losing here! Not with this awesome hand!</state> <state img="3-triumphant.png">Yes! This hand won't let me down!</state> <state img="3-smug.png">Guess who's stripping? It's not me!! Because this hand is unbeatable!</state> <state img="3-fingergun.png">Safe!</state> <state img="3-annoyed.png">How come my only reward is not stripping?</state> <state img="3-fingergun.png">Bless this mess.</state> <state img="3-triumphant.png">WOOHOO!</state> <state img="3-fingergun.png">Who's stripping? I'm not stripping!</state> <state img="3-smug.png">Hey, free pass to the next round.</state> <state img="3-smug.png">Heh. I don't think a poker face is required. No point in trying to beat me anyways.</state> </case> <case tag="good_hand" saidMarker="5newcards" notSaidMarker="5newcards_good" priority="15"> <state img="3-fingergun.png" marker="5newcards_good=1">Now <i>that's</i> more like it!</state> </case> <case tag="good_hand" totalMales="0-1" totalFemales="4-5" notSaidMarker="god_hand_flirt" priority="888"> <state img="3-fingergun.png" marker="god_hand_flirt">Check out THIS hand! Laaaaaaaadies!</state> </case> <case tag="okay_hand"> <state img="3-neutral.png">Are these good? Not that you guys know considering only I can see them.</state> <state img="3-thinking.png">What do these symbols mean anyways? Are they just to look fancy?</state> <state img="3-thinking.png">Hmmm...</state> <state img="3-stare.png">Could be better. At least it's not a high card.</state> <state img="3-thinking.png">What are the chances of me getting a better hand?</state> <state img="3-neutral.png">This kinda sucks.</state> <state img="3-woah.png">I'm actually kinda nervous here. I could still lose with this hand.</state> <state img="3-stare.png" marker="hands_temptingfate=1">...One of you <i>has</i> to have a high card, right? Or at least a pair worse than mine.</state> <state img="3-thinking.png">If only we could bet money. I could use a lot of money right now. Legitimate money.</state> </case> <case tag="bad_hand"> <state img="3-stare.png">This card is garbage. <i>(Kind of like me, a trash mammal. Except it's even more garbage than me.)</i></state> <state img="3-annoyed.png">Really not looking forward to losing here.</state> <state img="3-annoyed.png">This hand is a load of crap.</state> <state img="3-stare.png">This hand is dumb.</state> <state img="3-stare.png">Hey, can I <i>not</i> have garbage like this next time!?</state> <state img="3-eh.png">Ugh, way to get effed over.</state> <state img="3-annoyed.png">Stupid cards.</state> <state img="3-annoyed.png">Trash. Garbage. Useless. <i>(Even a trash mammal like me deserves a better hand.)</i></state> <state img="3-thinking.png">Who invented this game anyways? And how did they figure out the probability of getting each hand?</state> </case> <case tag="bad_hand" consecutiveLosses="3-7"> <state img="3-why.png">What the <i>hell</i>, dealer!?</state> <state img="3-annoyed.png">Giving me all the bad cards. Veeeeery funny. Well, I hate you too.</state> <state img="3-why.png">Do you want to see me naked <i>that</i> badly? I knew this place was full of creeps! I should've trusted my gut.</state> <state img="3-why.png">What is with my luck!?</state> </case> <case tag="bad_hand" saidMarker="5newcards" notSaidMarker="5newcards_bad"> <state img="3-why.png" marker="5newcards_bad">Are you kidding me!?</state> <state img="3-stare.png" marker="5newcards_bad">Seriously!? Me and my stupid luck...</state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="amalia" alsoPlayingStage="5" alsoPlayingTimeInStage="0"> <state img="3-why.png">Are you kidding me!? You.... freaking cheater!</state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="blake" saidMarker="blakereveal" notSaidMarker="blakereveal2"> <state img="3-eh.png" marker="blakereveal2">I mean... <i>(I see her as an animal regardless, just like how I see everyone else... How do I explain this to everyone without them thinking I'm insane?)</i></state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="chihiro" alsoPlayingStage="5" notSaidMarker="chihirogone" priority="9988"> <state img="3-thinking.png" marker="chihirogone">Alright, so... who are you, exactly? Was your... err, <i>creator</i> some sort of computer master?</state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="chun-li" alsoPlayingSayingMarker="butt"> <state img="3-woah.png">Holy... Only 7000 squats at the gym can make an ass <i>that</i> great!</state> <state img="3-woah.png">Holy... <i>(And here I thought Angus had the greatest ass I ever saw!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="emi" alsoPlayingSayingMarker="placeholder"> <state img="3-stare.png">Whatever you say, Ms. Fourth-Wall-Breaker.</state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="florina" alsoPlayingSayingMarker="bee_again"> <state img="3-thinking.png" marker="beemurder">Might wanna get some perfume. If you can kill birds with perfume, you can kill bees with it too.</state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="futaba" alsoPlayingSayingMarker="futabutt"> <state img="3-eh.png">I wish I had my team with me... My team being my three friends. Then again, I don't think any of them would play this game. Except maybe Gregg.</state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="leggy" alsoPlayingStage="3" alsoPlayingTimeInStage="0"> <state img="3-welp.png">...Oh. <i>(This isn't another hallucination, is it? She's actually a sheep.)</i></state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="leggy" alsoPlayingStage="4" alsoPlayingTimeInStage="0" priority="10000"> <state img="3-stare.png" marker="furry">I guess that also makes me a furry, huh?</state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="lucina" alsoPlayingStage="1" alsoPlayingTimeInStage="0" saidMarker="thisisreal1" notSaidMarker="thisisreal2"> <state img="3-welp.png" marker="thisisreal2">I'm not disassociating... I am NOT disassociating... This is real.</state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="mavis" alsoPlayingStage="3" alsoPlayingTimeInStage="0"> <state img="3-eh.png">Ugh, that must feel really uncomfortable. <i>(And yet, it's weirdly hot...)</i></state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="natsuki" alsoPlayingStage="5" alsoPlayingTimeInStage="0"> <state img="3-smug.png" marker="iseelondoniseefrance">...No, it isn't.</state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="natsuki" alsoPlayingStage="6" alsoPlayingTimeInStage="0" priority="812"> <state img="3-surprise.png" marker="natsuki_seduce">W-Wait, are you <i>trying</i> to seduce me? What happened to thinking I was gross!?</state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="pit" alsoPlayingStage="2" notSaidMarker="pit_greek"> <state img="3-surprise.png" marker="pit_greek">Wait, you're not!? But... your clothing! Didn't the people of ancient Greece wear that kind of clothing?</state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="rinkah" alsoPlayingStage="3" alsoPlayingTimeInStage="0" saidMarker="strip_rinkah_naked" notSaidMarker="fuq"> <state img="3-terror.png" marker="fuq">NO, WAIT, FORGET THE "STRIP YOU NAKED" PART!</state> <state img="3-terror.png" marker="fuq">WAIT, I DIDN'T MEAN TO SAY THAT!!</state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="saki_zls" alsoPlayingStage="6" alsoPlayingTimeInStage="0"> <state img="3-surprise.png" marker="saki_reveal">Wait, what the hell!? What in the infinite hells!?</state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="saki_zls" alsoPlayingStage="6" alsoPlayingTimeInStage="0" saidMarker="sakura_reveal"> <state img="3-stare.png" marker="saki_reveal">Ohhhh, I see. There's a zombie uprising going on, isn't it? <i>(Well, at least I can trust one of 'em. But there's no telling if that other one plans on eating anyone...)</i></state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="sakura" alsoPlayingSayingMarker="die_anywhere_else" priority="10000"> <state img="3-eh.png">Kind of an awkward coincidence... Sorry about that. It's a great song though, even if I had no idea how to play it the first time when my bandmates said they were going to do that song.</state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="sakura" alsoPlayingSayingMarker="donut_wolf" priority="10000"> <state img="3-hype.png">The only way to find out is to RIDE THE CHARIOT TO DONUT HELL!</state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="sakura" alsoPlayingSayingMarker="mae_covers2" priority="10000"> <state img="3-eh.png">Eh? O-Oh, thanks! I got more songs if you want... Too bad I only have one leftover receipt.</state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="sakura" alsoPlayingSayingMarker="mae_ghosts" priority="10000"> <state img="3-thinking.png">Ironically, we have a song spookier than that. It's called "Pumpkin Head Guy". One of Gregg's personal favorites, I think.</state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="sakura" alsoPlayingSayingMarker="weird_autumn" priority="10000"> <state img="3-eh.png">It's the <i>place</i> where autumn's happening that's weird. The events taking place in that autumn are weird. It's... hard to explain, but I really like that song.</state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="sakura" totalMasturbating="0" totalFinished="0" alsoPlayingSayingMarker="mae_covers2" priority="10000"> <state img="3-hype.png">Hearing you sing a song of ours was awesome! Thank you!</state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="sakura" totalMasturbating="1-" totalFinished="0-4" alsoPlayingSayingMarker="mae_covers2" priority="10000"> <state img="3-eh.png">Eh? O-Oh, thanks! I got more songs if you want... Too bad I only have one leftover receipt.</state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="leggy" alsoPlayingStage="3" alsoPlayingTimeInStage="0"> <condition count="1" filter="haru" /> <state img="3-welp.png">...Oh. <i>(This isn't another hallucination, is it? She's actually a sheep. Only that Haru girl is an actual human being...)</i></state> </case> <case tag="hand" notSaidMarker="undead_marker"> <condition count="0" filter="sakura" /> <condition count="1-4" filter="undead" /> <state img="3-fingergun.png" marker="undead_marker">HAH, I knew it! The undead <i>is</i> real! I was right all along!</state> </case> <case tag="hand" notSaidMarker="nakedplaying"> <condition count="0" filter="twilight" /> <condition count="1" status="lost_all" /> <state img="3-woah.png" marker="nakedplaying">Wait... they have no items left. Why do they still get cards? What happens if they lose?</state> </case> <case tag="hand" saidMarker="akko_exorcism" notSaidMarker="ignored_a" priority="9998"> <state img="3-annoyed.png" marker="ignored_a">...Or you can all ignore me like the assholes you are. Cool. I'm fine with it. Not like my opinion is worth listening to anyways.</state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="palutena" alsoPlayingStage="6" notSaidMarker="palutiddie"> <test expr="~palutena.position~" value="left" /> <state img="3-sweat.png" marker="palutiddie"><i>(...Wow. She's so tall, my head reaches her boobs...)</i></state> </case> <case tag="hand" totalRounds="5"> <test expr="~weekday~" value="Friday" /> <state img="3-fingergun.png">Alone on a ~weekday~ night, ~player~? Well, so was I. Now we're not alone.</state> </case> <case tag="hand" totalRounds="5" priority="9995"> <test expr="~weekday~" value="Monday" /> <state img="3-stare.png">Ugh, I just realized we're playing on a <i>Monday</i>. I hate Mondays. Only good thing about a Monday is that tomorrow can't be a Monday.</state> </case> <case tag="hand" totalRounds="6"> <test expr="~weekday~" value="Wednesday" /> <state img="3-fingergun.png">It's Wednesday, my dudes!</state> </case> <case tag="hand" totalRounds="4" priority="9999"> <state img="3-stare.png" marker="spookyeyes">I'm very aware of how creepy my eyes are, ~player~. Can you believe I'm the only person in my spooky old town with eyes like these?</state> </case> <case tag="must_strip" alsoPlaying="futaba"> <state img="3-neutral.png">Good thing I chose to wear boxers. They're basically cheap shorts used for underwear.</state> </case> <case tag="must_strip" alsoPlaying="meia" alsoPlayingSayingMarker="dropout" priority="205"> <state img="3-why.png">W-Who told you that!? FYI, my reason for dropping out is college is very personal!</state> </case> <case tag="must_strip" alsoPlaying="meia" priority="200"> <state img="3-annoyed.png">Excuse me!? I'm <i>sturdy</i>, not chubby! I may be short and round, but it doesn't stop me from being able to walk on powerlines and smash open mailboxes.</state> </case> <case tag="must_strip" alsoPlaying="natsuki" alsoPlayingStage="0-7" priority="555"> <state img="3-annoyed.png" marker="natsuki_charming1">And why the hell should I bother being feminine? Unlike you, I'm not out to impress anyone, unlike you and your cute little schoolgirl crush on ~player~.</state> </case> <case tag="must_strip" alsoPlaying="natsuki" alsoPlayingStage="8-10"> <state img="3-smug.png" marker="natsuki_figure">Oooh, I'm hurt! Or maybe I would be if this wasn't coming from someone with the figure of a child.</state> </case> <case tag="must_strip" consecutiveLosses="3" notSaidMarker="consecutivelosses"> <state img="3-annoyed.png" marker="consecutivelosses">Oh, <i>veeeery</i> funny, dealer! Well, maybe you won't find it funny once I break your damn nose!</state> </case> <case tag="must_strip" alsoPlaying="natsuki" alsoPlayingStage="0-6" priority="560"> <condition count="1" filter="rinkah" /> <state img="3-annoyed.png" marker="natsuki_charming2">And why the hell should I bother being feminine? Unlike you and your... dumb, cutesy shtick, I'm not out to impress anyone!</state> </case> <case tag="must_strip" hasHand="One Pair"> <state img="3-annoyed.png" marker="lostwithpair1">Seriously? With a pair? Lady Luck abandoned me this round, it seems.</state> </case> <case tag="must_strip" hasHand="One Pair" saidMarker="lostwithpair1" notSaidMarker="lostwithpair2" priority="60"> <state img="3-surprise.png" marker="lostwithpair2">I lost with a pair <i>again!?</i></state> </case> <case tag="must_strip" hasHand="One Pair" saidMarker="lostwithpair2" notSaidMarker="lostwithpair3"> <state img="3-why.png" marker="lostwithpair3">Oh COME ON! How many times can this happen over a single game!?</state> </case> <case tag="must_strip" hasHand="Straight"> <state img="3-why.png">HOW THE HELL DO YOU GUYS HAVE BETTER HANDS THAN I DO!?</state> </case> <case tag="must_strip" hasHand="Three of a Kind"> <state img="3-why.png">I LOST WITH THREE OF A KIND!?</state> <state img="3-why.png">HOW THE HELL DO YOU GUYS HAVE BETTER HANDS THAN I DO!?</state> </case> <case tag="must_strip" hasHand="Two Pair"> <state img="3-woah.png">What the---I lost with <i>two pair!?</i> What are even the chances of <i>getting</i> two pair!?</state> </case> <case tag="must_strip" saidMarker="hands_temptingfate==1" notSaidMarker="hands_temptingfate" priority="130"> <state img="3-surprise.png" marker="hands_temptingfate2=2">No? Well, crud.</state> </case> <case tag="must_strip_winning"> <state img="3-neutral.png">I'm gonna be down to my underwear, yet I'm stiiiiill ahead.</state> <state img="3-eh.png">I dunno whether or not to feel smug about being ahead or nervous of what's to come...</state> </case> <case tag="must_strip_normal"> <state img="3-woah.png">Hey, don't give me that look!</state> <state img="3-flustered.png">Yeah, okay. You know what? That's fine! B-Boxers are basically shorts, so...</state> </case> <case tag="must_strip_losing"> <state img="3-annoyed.png">Damn...</state> <state img="3-woah.png">... <i>(After I lose my pants, that means...!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="stripping"> <state img="3-strip.png">Cripes. This is getting serious.</state> <state img="3-strip.png">Okay... This isn't bad. Boxers are just underwear shorts.</state> <state img="3-strip.png">This would be more embarrassing if I wore panties. But I don't. A powermove on my part.</state> </case> <case tag="stripping" alsoPlaying="futaba"> <state img="3-strip.png">Damn... Foiled by society again.</state> </case> <case tag="stripping" alsoPlaying="natsuki"> <state img="3-strip.png">Ooooh, did I strike a nerve? Sorry about your insecurity issues, but some of us don't want to deal with your "feminine" schtick.</state> <state img="3-strip.png">I feel like you're overcompensating for something. It's okay, everyone knows.</state> <state img="3-strip.png">Oh yeah, I bet you're winning everyone over with your "feminine" charms. Well, at least you're <i>someone's</i> type.</state> <state img="3-strip.png">Oh, sweetie...</state> </case> <case tag="stripping" alsoPlaying="rinkah" alsoPlayingStage="4" priority="8884"> <state img="3-strip.png" marker="rinkah_invitation1"><i>(Meep!)</i> A-Are you serious, Rinkah? You're not, like, pulling my leg or anything?</state> </case> <case tag="stripping" alsoPlaying="roxie" priority="554"> <state img="3-strip.png">Because I have no issue with it. They <i>look</i> tight, but trust me, I can move around freely in them.</state> </case> <case tag="stripped"> <state img="3-annoyed.png">Oh no, not my bare shoulders!</state> <state img="3-neutral.png">Shoulders. How scandalous.</state> <state img="3-annoyed.png">...It's just a bra. A sports bra. Not sexy at all.</state> <state img="3-annoyed.png"><i>(Well at least my dang pants are high enough to cover part of my stomach.)</i></state> <state img="3-neutral.png">I heard some people actually dress like this. Crazy, right? Their poor shoulders.</state> </case> <case tag="stripped" alsoPlaying="akko" saidMarker="emptyset"> <state img="3-eh.png">No, it's... nevermind.</state> </case> <case tag="stripped" alsoPlaying="futaba"> <state img="3-smug.png">Joining forces? Seeing as you're a woman of culture, I will gladly join you! Oh, you should meet Gregg! The three of us would truly be a force to reckon with!</state> </case> <case tag="stripped" alsoPlaying="natsuki"> <state img="3-why.png">And what the hell is that supposed to mean!?</state> </case> <case tag="stripped" alsoPlaying="pit"> <state img="3-neutral.png">I wouldn't be wearing it if it wasn't comfy.</state> </case> <case tag="stripped" alsoPlaying="rinkah" saidMarker="rinkah_invitation1" notSaidMarker="rinkah_invitation2" priority="8885"> <state img="3-flustered.png" marker="rinkah_invitation2">I'd... I'd love to hang out. Is there a way I-I can contact you later?</state> </case> <case tag="stripped" alsoPlaying="roxie" priority="552"> <state img="3-hype.png">Yes please! Can we be friends?</state> </case> <case tag="stripped" alsoPlaying="sakura"> <state img="3-stare.png">This is not fun. It's only fun when it's at the expense of people you hate.</state> </case> <case tag="stripped" saidMarker="bea_bras"> <state img="3-smug.png">So naturally, I chose the comfy ones. That also happen to be ugly.</state> </case> <case tag="stripped" saidMarker="emptyset"> <state img="3-neutral.png">That doesn't answer your question? Well, I have news for you; I'm not obliged to answer your questions.</state> </case> <case tag="male_must_strip"> <state img="3-stare.png">Make it good.</state> <state img="3-eyes.png">So, what's next?</state> <state img="3-eyes.png">You're surrounded! Don't keep us waiting!</state> </case> <case tag="male_must_strip" hasHand="Royal Flush"> <state img="3-triumphant.png">ROYAL FLUSH!!</state> <state img="3-triumphant.png">I GOT THE BEST HAND THERE IS! EAT IT!</state> <state img="3-why.png">Are you kidding!? This is a <i>Royal freaking Flush</i> I have! I deserve something for getting this hand! Your loss is not a good enough reward!!</state> </case> <case tag="male_must_strip" target="kamina" targetStage="0"> <state img="3-triumphant.png">MIGHTY MAN! MIGHTY MAN!!</state> </case> <case tag="male_must_strip" target="pit" targetStage="0"> <state img="3-surprise.png"><i>(Woah, an angel? So that's not an ordinary swan I'm seeing---he's a legitimate angel!?)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_must_strip"> <state img="3-neutral.png">Hmm. Too bad, ~name~.</state> <state img="3-thinking.png">So what's next? Should I be excited?</state> <state img="3-neutral.png">Another article of clothing bites the dust. Well, it was nice knowing that item.</state> <state img="3-neutral.png">You know, everything sucks in my town. If you can enlighten me or something, that'd be nice.</state> </case> <case tag="female_must_strip" target="florina" targetSayingMarker="bee"> <state img="3-terror.png">Not the bees!</state> </case> <case tag="female_must_strip" target="futaba" targetStage="0"> <state img="3-neutral.png" marker="futaba1">Hmm... I have a feeling people would love you. People are into cute, redheaded gamer girls, aren't they?</state> </case> <case tag="female_must_strip" target="kizuna" targetSayingMarker="kizuna_start_naked"> <state img="3-stare.png">That's no excuse. Get stripping, missy.</state> </case> <case tag="female_must_strip" target="rinkah" targetStage="0" priority="10000"> <state img="3-surprise.png"><i>(Holy... crap...)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_must_strip" target="rinkah" targetStage="1" priority="10000"> <state img="3-surprise.png"><i>(It's her turn to strip again!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_must_strip" target="rinkah" targetStage="2" priority="10000"> <state img="3-flustered.png"><i>She's so positive too, so confident and strong yet kind... Damn it, I'm falling in love with this dumb, hot girl! I shouldn't be falling for her, but... Arghhh!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_must_strip" target="rinkah" targetStage="3"> <state img="3-thinking.png"><i>(Okay... What else does she have?)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_must_strip" target="rinkah" targetStage="4"> <state img="3-annoyed.png"><i>(Stupid... dumb... musclehead... hot tribal princess! She's distracting me from the game!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_must_strip" target="rinkah" targetStage="5"> <state img="3-flustered.png">W-What'd I tell you? I knew I'd kick your butt from the start!</state> </case> <case tag="female_must_strip" target="sakura" targetStage="4"> <state img="3-hype.png">Wait! <i>Wait!</i> If you sing for a living, can you sing a cover of one of my band's songs? Please?</state> </case> <case tag="female_must_strip" target="syrenne" targetStage="0"> <state img="3-annoyed.png"><i>(Blegh. Alcoholics like her make me feel queasy...)</i></state> </case> <case tag="tie"> <state img="3-surprise.png">What the---is that even possible?</state> <state img="3-why.png">HOW!?</state> <state img="3-thinking.png">So, uhh... What now?</state> </case> <case tag="male_removing_accessory"> <state img="3-stare.png">I'd call you a coward, but I kinda did the same thing.</state> <state img="3-thinking.png">Hmph. I could use a donut. Or five.</state> <state img="3-neutral.png">Whatever. ~name~'s just the fashionable type or something.</state> <state img="3-neutral.png">Of course he takes off his ~clothing~.</state> </case> <case tag="male_removing_accessory" target="kamina" targetStage="0"> <state img="3-hype.png">Holy crap, you're so cool!!</state> </case> <case tag="male_removing_accessory" target="kamina" targetStage="2"> <state img="3-eh.png">Why does it feel like your pants would just... slide off without that belt?</state> </case> <case tag="male_removing_accessory" target="pit" targetStage="0"> <state img="3-thinking.png"><i>(That explains the greek-themed clothing he's wearing. Jeez, I hate how everyone I see is an animal.)</i></state> </case> <case tag="male_removing_accessory" target="pit" targetStage="1"> <state img="3-stare.png">What's the point of that sash? Is this just for uniform or something? A show of dominance.</state> </case> <case tag="male_removing_accessory" targetStage="1-8" targetStatus="not_decent"> <state img="3-thinking.png">Hang on, couldn't you just off your ~clothing~ first? You didn't have to show that much skin.</state> </case> <case tag="male_removed_accessory"> <state img="3-eh.png">Not to ruin the mood, but we are all gonna die at some point. The least we can do is move on.</state> <state img="3-neutral.png">...Okay, next hand?</state> <state img="3-neutral.png">I have no witty comments to make for now, so just deal the next hand.</state> <state img="3-stare.png"><i>(yawn)</i></state> <state img="3-eh.png">Can we move on?</state> <state img="3-neutral.png">As ~clothing.ifPlural(some ~clothing~ are|a ~clothing~ is)~ being removed, a new person is born. Isn't life weird?</state> <state img="3-annoyed.png">I'm bored. Can I have a new hand?</state> <state img="3-eyes.png">Okay okay okay! Let's keep going!</state> <state img="3-annoyed.png">Can we <i>please</i> move faster?</state> <state img="3-stare.png">I'd rather be doing crimes. Crimes tend to be more fun than watching you take off ~clothing.ifPlural(some stupid ~clothing~|a stupid ~clothing~)~.</state> </case> <case tag="male_removed_accessory" target="kamina" targetStage="3"> <state img="3-smug.png">That'd honestly be pretty hilarious. Like the slapstick comedy that seems to be my life sometimes.</state> <state img="3-surprise.png" marker="gravitypants">Nope. Still on. Apparently those pants defy gravity or something! Man, that'd be revolutionary!</state> </case> <case tag="male_removed_accessory" target="pit" targetStage="1"> <state img="3-stare.png">Hmm? No, I wasn't staring at you, Pit. You must be seeing things.</state> </case> <case tag="male_removed_accessory" target="pit" targetStage="2"> <state img="3-neutral.png">I know jack about greek culture. Which is weird because I always thought angels were associated with Christianity. Then again, I also thought angels were fictional.</state> </case> <case tag="male_removed_accessory" targetStage="1-8" targetStatus="not_decent"> <state img="3-annoyed.png">...You do you, I guess.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_accessory"> <state img="3-neutral.png">I should've brought my phone. At least the games would've kept me entertained while I finish waiting for you to strip.</state> <state img="3-neutral.png">♫ I can't, I can't, I can't stand losing~ ♫</state> <state img="3-thinking.png">I should've bought my bass. Pass the time with a little background music. I've been practicing for a while.</state> <state img="3-stare.png">What if <i>every</i> single piece of clothing were in pairs. Two for the price of one, right?</state> <state img="3-smug.png">~clothing.ifPlural(Goodbye, ~clothing~. You won't be missed by anyone else but ~name~.|Another ~clothing~ bites the dust.)~</state> <state img="3-stare.png">I'd rather be doing crimes. Crimes tend to be more fun than watching you take off ~clothing.ifPlural(some stupid ~clothing~|a stupid ~clothing~)~.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_accessory" filter="aggressive"> <state img="3-neutral.png" marker="aggressive_marker">I feel like one of you can kill anyone in this room. How do you guys get away with murder?</state> <state img="3-neutral.png" marker="aggressive_marker">I bet you know the best place to dump a body in.</state> <state img="3-neutral.png" marker="aggressive_marker">Can I ask you a favor? Can you not hurt anyone when they also take off an accessory.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="blake" targetStage="5"> <state img="3-surprise.png">Wait, what? What's this?</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="florina" targetStage="0" targetSaidMarker="fled"> <state img="3-eyes.png">♫ Sometimes I feel I got to <i>(bomp bomp)</i> run away!~ ♫</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="futaba" targetStage="1" priority="999"> <state img="3-smug.png">I. Want. Those. Boots.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="lucina" targetStage="0"> <state img="3-surprise.png">Eh!?</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="pinkie_pie" targetStage="5"> <state img="3-eh.png"><i>(Aw man, but the stockings-only look was hot...)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="rinkah" targetStage="0" priority="10000"> <state img="3-sweat.png"><i>(This Rinkah girl... She could probably suplex me without any trouble!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="rinkah" targetStage="1" priority="9999"> <state img="3-flustered.png">Those gloves you took off earlier look heavy... I-Is that how you build muscle?</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="rinkah" targetStage="2" priority="10000"> <state img="3-eh.png"><i>(Abs like solid rock. I'd probably hurt my hand trying to punch her the stomach...)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_accessory" targetStage="1-8" targetStatus="not_decent"> <test expr="~name~" cmp="!=" value="Kyu" /> <state img="3-thinking.png">Hang on, can't you just off your ~clothing~ first? You didn't have to show that much skin.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_accessory"> <state img="3-neutral.png">...Okay, next hand?</state> <state img="3-neutral.png">I have no witty comments to make for now, so just deal the next hand.</state> <state img="3-stare.png"><i>(yawn)</i></state> <state img="3-eh.png">Can we move on?</state> <state img="3-annoyed.png">Let's go! Poker waits for no kitten!</state> <state img="3-annoyed.png">I'm bored. Can I have a new hand?</state> <state img="3-eyes.png">Okay okay okay! Let's keep going!</state> <state img="3-annoyed.png">Can we <i>please</i> move faster?</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="blake" targetStage="6"> <state img="3-stare.png" marker="blakereveal">Oh... This whole time, you were... secretly a cat?</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="futaba" targetStage="2" priority="1001"> <state img="3-hype.png">Seriously, they're actually my aesthetic... I don't know how to use that word, but I do want boots like yours!</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="lucina"> <state img="3-eh.png" marker="thisisreal1">...And you chose to disguise yourself <i>why</i>? Are you from some sort of fantasty setting or am I just... Oh god...</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="natsuki" targetStage="1"> <state img="3-stare.png">Fine. Not like I'd want to play strip poker with an asshole like you anyways.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="pinkie_pie" targetStage="6"> <state img="3-flustered.png">You're weird, but in this case, I do like weird... Show me more party tricks!</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="rinkah" targetStage="1"> <state img="3-surprise.png">...Please don't hurt me Rinkah...</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="rinkah" targetStage="2"> <state img="3-eh.png">Although I guess it's too late to ask since youve already took off your boots... <i>(Ughh! I am such an idiot!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="rinkah" targetStage="3" priority="10000"> <state img="3-eyes.png" marker="strip_rinkah_naked">B-Bring it! I will strip you naked and emerge from this game victoriou---</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_accessory" targetStage="1-8" targetStatus="not_decent"> <test expr="~name~" cmp="!=" value="Kyu" /> <state img="3-annoyed.png">...You do you, I guess.</state> </case> <case tag="male_removing_minor"> <state img="3-stare.png">Booooring.</state> <state img="3-neutral.png">...Oh, I'm sorry, were you expecting interest in ~clothing.ifPlural(those ~clothing~|that ~clothing~)~?</state> <state img="3-annoyed.png">I can't express my disinterest enough.</state> <state img="3-annoyed.png">Either you carry a lot of small stuff or you're just good. I don't know what annoys me.</state> <state img="3-neutral.png">This feels like stalling.</state> </case> <case tag="male_removing_minor" target="kamina" targetStage="1"> <state img="3-neutral.png">Should I wear armwraps too? I tend to hurt my hands a lot.</state> </case> <case tag="male_removing_minor" target="kamina" targetStage="6" priority="855"> <state img="3-thinking.png">Saving the cape for last, I see.</state> </case> <case tag="male_removing_minor" target="pit" targetStage="2"> <state img="3-thinking.png">These are the most impractical sandals I ever saw. How the hell do you even run in the---?</state> </case> <case tag="male_removing_minor" targetStage="1-8" targetStatus="not_decent"> <state img="3-thinking.png">Hang on, can't you just off your ~clothing~ first? You didn't have to show that much skin.</state> </case> <case tag="male_removed_minor"> <state img="3-neutral.png">And nobody gave a crap. The end.</state> <state img="3-stare.png">Hmph.</state> <state img="3-stare.png">I came to see naughty bits, not people taking off things that shouldn't matter.</state> <state img="3-stare.png">I'm jumping for joy right now.</state> <state img="3-stare.png">Greaaaaat, let's move on.</state> </case> <case tag="male_removed_minor" target="kamina" targetStage="2"> <state img="3-thinking.png">And not just from knife fights. Only my knuckles seem to be injured there.</state> </case> <case tag="male_removed_minor" target="kamina" targetStage="7"> <state img="3-eh.png">I mean... You could've used that to cover yourself. <i>(That's what I should've done...)</i></state> </case> <case tag="male_removed_minor" target="pit" targetStage="3"> <state img="3-surprise.png">Ohhhhh, right, you have wings. My bad.</state> </case> <case tag="male_removed_minor" target="ryuji" targetSayingMarker="wince" priority="555"> <state img="3-eh.png">Ouch. You okay?</state> </case> <case tag="male_removed_minor" target="ryuji" targetStage="1"> <state img="3-hype.png">Ooooh, I want that shirt!</state> </case> <case tag="male_removed_minor" targetStage="1-8" targetStatus="not_decent"> <state img="3-annoyed.png">...You do you, I guess.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_minor"> <state img="3-stare.png">Booooring.</state> <state img="3-neutral.png">...Oh, I'm sorry, were you expecting interest in ~clothing.ifPlural(those ~clothing~|that ~clothing~)~?</state> <state img="3-annoyed.png">I can't express my disinterest enough.</state> <state img="3-annoyed.png">Either you carry a lot of small stuff or you're just good. I don't know what annoys me.</state> <state img="3-neutral.png">This feels like stalling.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_minor" target="catria" targetStage="3"> <state img="3-surprise.png">H-Hey! We can see your ass, y'know!</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_minor" target="futaba" targetStage="0" priority="555"> <state img="3-stare.png">Ooooh, lucky you. Cute people are usually not into girls like me. For good reason. <i>(Not like she needs to know why most of the town calls me "Killer".)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_minor" target="futaba" targetStage="3" priority="10000"> <state img="3-neutral.png">Are those not uncomfortable? Or is it so cold where you're from that you need to keep your legs warm?</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_minor" target="kyoko" targetStage="5" priority="545"> <state img="3-eh.png">...Oh...</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_minor" target="natsuki" targetStage="2"> <state img="3-thinking.png">I wouldn't know. English is not my strong suit.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_minor" target="sakura" targetStage="1" priority="540"> <state img="3-surprise.png"><i>(What the---grey skin?)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_minor" target="sakura" targetStage="2" priority="545"> <state img="3-surprise.png" marker="sakura_reveal">Seriously!? You're a zombie!</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_minor" target="sakura" targetStage="3" priority="560"> <state img="3-fingergun.png" marker="loseyourhead">Woah, don't lose your head now! Ahahahahahaha!!</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_minor" targetStage="1-8" targetStatus="not_decent"> <test expr="~name~" cmp="!=" value="Kyu" /> <state img="3-thinking.png">Hang on, can't you just off your ~clothing~ first? You didn't have to show that much skin.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_minor"> <state img="3-neutral.png">And nobody gave a crap. The end.</state> <state img="3-stare.png">Hmph.</state> <state img="3-stare.png">I came to see naughty bits, not people taking off things that shouldn't matter.</state> <state img="3-stare.png">I'm jumping for joy right now.</state> <state img="3-stare.png">Greaaaaat, let's move on.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="emi" targetStage="7"> <state img="3-surprise.png">Wait... Prosthetics!? I'm sorry, but if you mentioned having prosthetic legs before, I wasn't paying attention.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="futaba"> <state img="3-stare.png">Part of your thigh is exposed though, so it must be some weird fashion statement I never heard of.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="futaba" targetStage="1"> <state img="3-neutral.png">Just looking at you makes me wanna snuggle up against you and play video games on your TV all day.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="kyoko" targetStage="6"> <state img="3-welp.png"><i>(Well that just killed the mood.)</i></state> <state img="3-welp.png">I, uh, don't know what to say. I'm sorry.</state> <state img="3-welp.png">Jeez... I'm sorry.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="sakura" targetStage="2"> <state img="3-annoyed.png">You got a little something on your thighs. If we can have an explanation, that'd be neat.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="sakura" targetStage="3"> <state img="3-flustered.png"><i>(Aren't zombies supposed to be living corpses with rotting flesh? What's concerning is that she's STILL cute despite that!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="sakura" targetStage="3" alsoPlaying="saki_zls" alsoPlayingStage="6"> <state img="3-smug.png">Aha! There's a zombie uprising going on, isn't it? No wonder you know each other so well! Too bad I was prepared from the very beginning!</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="sakura" targetStage="4" alsoPlaying="saki_zls" alsoPlayingStage="7" saidMarker="loseyourhead"> <state img="3-smug.png">Hahaha... hah... Man, you girls are a goldmine for lame puns. I need to work on my comedian routine. Could you help me out?</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="sakura" targetStage="4" saidMarker="loseyourhead"> <state img="3-smug.png">Hahaha... hah... Man, you're a goldmine for lame puns. I need to work on my comedian routine. Could you help me out?</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_minor" targetStage="1-8" targetStatus="not_decent"> <test expr="~name~" cmp="!=" value="Kyu" /> <state img="3-annoyed.png">...You do you, I guess.</state> </case> <case tag="male_removing_major"> <state img="3-eh.png" marker="notflirting">This must be no problem for you. A chance to show off your fantastic body, right? 'Cause, you <i>do</i> look good.</state> <state img="3-stare.png">Ballsy. Or at least it would be if you actually had boobs.</state> <state img="3-neutral.png">Not bad, I guess... I bet some people are fanning themselves.</state> <state img="3-eh.png">I... guess this isn't a big deal.</state> <state img="3-flustered.png">This means I'm winning, right!?</state> </case> <case tag="male_removed_major"> <state img="3-smug.png" marker="lostmajor">Time to win this game!</state> <state img="3-eyes.png" marker="lostmajor">Alright, I'm ready! <i>(I'm ready to see people get naked!)</i></state> <state img="3-smug.png" marker="lostmajor">This game is getting a lot more fun. Ooooh, what's next?</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_major"> <state img="3-woah.png">Woah!! Woah!!</state> <state img="3-eh.png">I guess you have no choice...</state> <state img="3-flustered.png"><i>(Anyone else feeling hot? ...Damnit, even my thoughts are becoming cliché!)</i></state> <state img="3-woah.png">That's fine! At least you're not completely topless or anything!</state> <state img="3-surprise.png">Woah! ~clothing.ifPlural(Some ~clothing~ are|A ~clothing~ is)~ being removed here!</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_major" target="aimee"> <state img="3-terror.png">WHAT THE HELL!?</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_major" target="emi" targetStage="7"> <state img="3-surprise.png">Your <i>legs!?</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_major" target="futaba" targetStage="2"> <state img="3-neutral.png">So what do you wear under your shirt? I'm... honestly curious? Not in a perverted way, just in a really curious way.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_major" target="hk416" targetStage="3"> <state img="3-neutral.png">Classy jacket you got there. Looks warm too.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_major" target="pinkie_pie" targetStage="0"> <state img="3-woah.png">Woah, she's already livening things up!</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_major" target="pinkie_pie" targetStage="1"> <state img="3-flustered.png">I like this girl. A lot.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_major" target="rinkah" targetStage="3"> <state img="3-hype.png">Pants! Pants!! <i>Paaaaants!!!</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_major" target="saki_zls" targetStage="5"> <state img="3-annoyed.png">Makeup? You can't strip <i>makeup---!</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_major" target="sakura"> <state img="3-surprise.png">It's the only scrap of paper I ha---wait, you never heard of Donut Wolf? You poor, unfortunate soul!</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_major" target="syrenne" targetStage="0"> <state img="3-woah.png">W-Wait, <i>already!?</i> What about those things on your arms?</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_major" id="3-2"> <state img="3-flustered.png">Okay, okay, okay. That's cool.</state> <state img="3-woah.png">Come on, next hand!</state> <state img="3-flustered.png">T-That means I'm winning, right? Right. I'm gonna kick your ass, guys.</state> <state img="3-flustered.png">Hahahaha... <i>(Holy crap, I'm sweating so much...)</i></state> <state img="3-eh.png">Here we are, a bunch of strangers stripping at this place.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_major" target="aimee" targetStage="1"> <state img="3-why.png">Wh... What? WHAT!? <i>WHY!?</i></state> <state img="3-why.png">Wh... What the hell is WRONG with you!?</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_major" target="emi" targetStage="8"> <state img="3-woah.png">Holy crap, you're determined!</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_major" target="futaba"> <state img="3-smug.png">Ahh, a second shirt. Good call. That way if the first one gets ruined, you have a backup.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_major" target="hk416" targetStage="4" priority="205"> <state img="3-surprise.png">Annnnd you're not wearing anything but a bra underneath it!</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_major" target="natsuki" targetStage="5"> <state img="3-surprise.png"><i>(That "oversized shirt with no pants" look is really hot... Oh god, now I feel gross. Jeez, I really hope this girl is legal...)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_major" target="natsuki" targetStage="5" alsoPlaying="pit"> <state img="3-flustered.png"><i>(Yeah... What he said.)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_major" target="natsuki" targetStage="6" priority="111"> <state img="3-surprise.png">Holy crap... That's adorable!</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_major" target="pinkie_pie" targetStage="1"> <state img="3-hype.png">And she's so nonchalant about it! Hey, we should all be like her!</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_major" target="pinkie_pie" targetStage="2"> <state img="3-flustered.png">I don't attend a lot of parties----you don't get too many at Possum Springs, and they tend to suck. So, uh, can you invite me to one of your parties sometime?</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_major" target="rinkah"> <state img="3-surprise.png">W-Wait, we can see your---!</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_major" target="saki_zls" targetStage="6"> <state img="3-terror.png">Gah! Not the ice bucket!</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_major" target="sakura" targetStage="5" targetSayingMarker="mae_covers"> <state img="3-triumphant.png">Yesssss!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_major" target="syrenne" targetStage="1"> <state img="3-stare.png">There's other things you can strip that are <i>not</i> your headband though.</state> </case> <case tag="male_chest_will_be_visible"> <state img="3-smug.png">Please, like this is embarrassing for you.</state> <state img="3-woah.png"><i>(Hot shirtless men is usually something you usually find at a college party... At least this isn't college.)</i></state> <state img="3-flustered.png">Do you work out, ~name~? Just asking! In case, y'know.... Ah, screw it, we're gonna know regardless!</state> </case> <case tag="male_chest_is_visible"> <state img="3-surprise.png">Cool!! Impressive!</state> <state img="3-flustered.png">N-Next hand?</state> <state img="3-flustered.png"><i>(Oh no, he's hot!)</i></state> <state img="3-sweat.png"><i>(Get it together, Borowski! Okay, some guy is shirtless. That's cool. It's fine, you signed up for this!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="male_chest_is_visible" filter="athletic"> <state img="3-sweat.png"><i>(Is it weird that I kinda wanna lick his chest... Yeah, that's weird! Stop being weird!!)</i></state> <state img="3-surprise.png">Wow...</state> <state img="3-woah.png">You <i>definitely</i> work out! You can probably lift me no problem, and that actually means something 'cause I'm pretty heavy.</state> </case> <case tag="male_chest_is_visible" filter="muscular"> <state img="3-woah.png">Woah, can you give me a ride on your back?</state> <state img="3-woah.png">Woah, how much have you been going to the gym!?</state> </case> <case tag="male_chest_is_visible" target="9s"> <state img="3-stare.png">...Can I ask what happened to your nipples?</state> </case> <case tag="male_crotch_will_be_visible"> <state img="3-surprise.png">Oh boy... Oh boy, t-this is it....</state> <state img="3-flustered.png">I'm not sure if I should be terrified or excited!!</state> <state img="3-surprise.png">Holy---!</state> <state img="3-terror.png">Wait!! I-I don't think I'm ready---</state> </case> <case tag="male_small_crotch_is_visible"> <state img="3-neutral.png">...Something tells me I should be laughing. I'm not.</state> <state img="3-stare.png">Soooooo, apparently you're smaller than average? Judging by everyone else's reactions?</state> <state img="3-eh.png">Is... Is it small? I dunno what counts as "average" size for penis just by sight. I'm not a dick professional.</state> <state img="3-thinking.png"><i>(Huh... Either porn is extremely unrealistic or his is not as big as it should be.)</i></state> </case> <case tag="male_medium_crotch_is_visible"> <state img="3-flustered.png">I... I bet you get a lot of girls...</state> <state img="3-sweat.png"><i>(Gah! It's...)</i></state> <state img="3-flustered.png"><i>(Why is everyone so damn attractive! I hate this game!)</i></state> <state img="3-flustered.png">There it is, guys. His... His dick. It's out for us.</state> <state img="3-sweat.png">Okay, okay, that's a nice penis, <i>moving on!!</i></state> </case> <case tag="male_medium_crotch_is_visible" target="ryuji" targetSayingMarker="ass" priority="445"> <state img="3-eyes.png"><i>(Nice.)</i></state> </case> <case tag="male_large_crotch_is_visible"> <state img="3-surprise.png">H-How would that even fit!?</state> <state img="3-terror.png">Err...</state> <state img="3-terror.png"><i>(Gah!! I do <i>not</i> want that near my privates!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="male_large_crotch_is_visible" target="mettaton"> <state img="3-why.png">What the---I know you're not human, but this is just ridiculous!!</state> </case> <case tag="male_crotch_is_visible"> <condition count="3-4" gender="male" status="naked" /> <state img="3-woah.png">How many penises am I gonna see tonight!? Geez!</state> </case> <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible"> <state img="3-flustered.png">Hahaha... This line shouldn't be playing. So, uh, just report it if it plays, I guess?</state> </case> <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" priority="780"> <condition count="1-5" status="chest_visible" /> <state img="3-woah.png">We are going to unlock more boobs!</state> <state img="3-sweat.png">Oh boy...</state> <state img="3-flustered.png">Looks like I'm seeing more boobs today. Hahaha.... hah...</state> <state img="3-flustered.png"><i>(Okay, this is <i>almost</i> worth sticking around!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" priority="785"> <condition count="0" gender="female" status="chest_visible" /> <state img="3-surprise.png">BOOBS!</state> <state img="3-woah.png">We are going to unlock ~name~'s boobs!</state> <state img="3-woah.png">Are you gonna show us your boobs? I've never actually seen boobs in real life! Unless you count my own boobs!!</state> <state img="3-surprise.png">Boobs! Honkers!! Badonkers!!!</state> <state img="3-woah.png">Oh... Oh crap...</state> </case> <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" target="florina" targetSayingMarker="bee3" priority="9998"> <state img="3-surprise.png">Holy <i>crap</i>, these bees show up at the worst moments!</state> </case> <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" target="futaba"> <state img="3-surprise.png">Erm... I guess I'll be seeing your boobs, Oracle! This isn't something new friends shouldn't do though...</state> </case> <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" target="kyu"> <state img="3-surprise.png">...Witchcraft!</state> </case> <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" target="kyu" targetSaying="This totally isn't some deus-ex-machina cop-out to avoid having to put any effort into another stripping sprite, by the way. In case you were wondering."> <state img="3-stare.png">But... wouldn't that stripping pose take just as much effort, if not <i>more?</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" target="moon" priority="10000"> <state img="3-why.png">FOR THE LAST TIME, I DON'T WANT TO SEE YOUR CHEST!</state> </case> <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" target="natsuki"> <state img="3-sweat.png">Y-You know what!? Fine! I'm tired of s-seeing that dumb strawberry-print on your underwear anyways! <i>So</i> childish!</state> </case> <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" target="rinkah" priority="9994"> <state img="3-eh.png">It doesn't hurt to bind your chest---?</state> </case> <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" target="saki_zls"> <state img="3-fingergun.png">Hehehe... Looks like you're getting <i>a-head</i> of yourself now!</state> </case> <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" totalRounds="0-5"> <state img="3-surprise.png">The game JUST started, what the heck!?</state> </case> <case tag="female_small_chest_is_visible"> <state img="3-neutral.png">Oh... I actually feel a little bad for you.</state> <state img="3-neutral.png">...I'm kind of disappointed.</state> <state img="3-eh.png">Well at least you're not sturdy like me!</state> </case> <case tag="female_small_chest_is_visible" target="futaba"> <state img="3-eh.png">...</state> </case> <case tag="female_small_chest_is_visible" target="natsuki"> <state img="3-eh.png"><i>(...Maybe now is not a good time to make another nasty comment, Mae. Jeez, I'm just as big of a jerk as she is.)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible"> <state img="3-flustered.png"><i>(Yup! Real boobs! Right in front of me!)</i></state> <state img="3-surprise.png"><i>(Must... not... squeeze...)</i></state> <state img="3-sweat.png">Umm... Nice... boobs? G... Great tits?</state> <state img="3-flustered.png">Hahaha, totally not staring, ~name~!</state> <state img="3-sweat.png"><i>(Oh crud, what do I do, WHAT DO I SAY!?)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="calisto" priority="15"> <state img="3-surprise.png">That <i>has</i> to be uncomfortable! Doesn't it feel like you're having a wedgie!?</state> </case> <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="florina"> <state img="3-annoyed.png">Now the reveal is kinda ruined, even if her tits are kind of cute... One of us should get some pesticide.</state> </case> <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="moon"> <state img="3-stare.png">...You have no idea how much I want to stab you and throw your filthy body into a river.</state> </case> <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="rinkah" priority="9995"> <state img="3-woah.png">Ohhhhh my good lord...</state> <state img="3-woah.png">W-Wow... How is your body so... <i>(perfect!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_large_chest_is_visible"> <state img="3-surprise.png">Those are some serious honkers! A real set of badonkers! You're packing some dobonhonkeros!!</state> <state img="3-surprise.png">Humongous hungolomghononoloughongous!</state> <state img="3-welp.png">You must attract a lot of people, huh?</state> <state img="3-flustered.png">Can I... no, nevermind! Forget I said anything!!</state> <state img="3-woah.png" marker="squeezethemtits">Holy... cow... Can I squeeze them!? Please?</state> </case> <case tag="female_large_chest_is_visible" target="jura" targetSayingMarker="butt"> <state img="3-annoyed.png"><i>(Ugh, AND she has an amazing ass too? This is why I hate hot girls like her sometimes. Nearly everything they do makes you self-concious about yourself.)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_chest_is_visible" filter="no_bra" priority="2"> <state img="3-smug.png">Should've looked for a sports bra, nerd. It'll increase your chances of winning.</state> </case> <case tag="female_chest_is_visible" filter="pierced_nipples"> <state img="3-woah.png"><i>(She pierces her nipples!? That's... really hot...)</i></state> <state img="3-sweat.png"><i>(Woah... Do I have a thing for pierced nipples?)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible"> <state img="3-flustered.png">This is NOT how I expected my day to go.</state> <state img="3-flustered.png">Oh boy...</state> <state img="3-sweat.png"><i>(Is ~name~ one of those people who shaves? Why should that matter; I'm gonna see her crotch! Her naked crotch!!)</i></state> <state img="3-sweat.png">Nnnn!! We're gonna see---</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" filter="thong" priority="155"> <state img="3-eh.png">If I had to be honest, thongs look like the most uncomfortable things on the planet.</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="leggy"> <state img="3-flustered.png">It feels weird seeing you about to get naked knowing you're not actually human...</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="moon"> <state img="3-terror.png">I don't want to see it! It's probably filthy. And full of gross STDs. And a bunch of other gross things! Can I go home now!?</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="rinkah" priority="9999"> <state img="3-flustered.png">W-Well I've already seen your pubes!</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="sakura"> <state img="3-surprise.png">Oh boy! Zombie... pussy...</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" targetStatus="chest_visible"> <state img="3-flustered.png">I guess you're gonna show us the package deal! Nice!! I mean, who wouldn't want to see a pretty girl completely naked?</state> <state img="3-flustered.png">Heh... Time for you to, uh, get naked. Show us everything. Y'know, since those are the rules of the game and everything.</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible"> <state img="3-eh.png">Oh boy... I... I almost feel sorry for you.</state> <state img="3-surprise.png">Oh...</state> <state img="3-woah.png">I can't look away! I just can't! It's not everyday you see someone's vagina!</state> <state img="3-sweat.png">I... can't think straight...</state> <state img="3-flustered.png"><i>(I just unlocked someone's ass.)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible"> <condition count="1" gender="female" status="crotch_visible" /> <state img="3-surprise.png"><i>(Yup! That is indeed a vagina!)</i></state> <state img="3-surprise.png"><i>(Yup!! That is indeed a vagina! I'm seeing a stranger's crotch!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" filter="hairy"> <state img="3-flustered.png">You don't shave either? Whew, I thought I was the only one!</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" filter="shaved" priority="1"> <state img="3-woah.png">Wait, you shaved it!? How do you not cut yourself?</state> <state img="3-woah.png">How do you even shave? I'm afraid of putting anything sharp near my own lady parts!</state> <state img="3-surprise.png">Why do you people even shave?</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" filter="witch" notSaidMarker="witch_nude"> <state img="3-flustered.png" marker="witch_nude">I think ~name~ just bewitched me! Hahahahaha... hah...</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="blake" targetSaidMarker="Bellabooty"> <state img="3-smug.png">Bellabooty!</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="florina" targetSayingMarker="butt" priority="150"> <state img="3-flustered.png">We can see your butt!! <i>(And it's a really cute butt....)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="haru"> <state img="3-surprise.png"><i>(That ass is bigger than my future!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="ini" targetSaidMarker="butt"> <state img="3-annoyed.png">You suuuure are determined not to show us your pubes.</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="jolyne" targetSaidMarker="Butt"> <state img="3-hype.png"><i>(Yeeessssss!!)</i></state> <state img="3-flustered.png">And suddenly, I find myself enjoying this game more! You turning around r-really helped with that.</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="jura" targetSayingMarker="natsuki_hug"> <state img="3-stare.png">...I think you're suffocating her.</state> <state img="3-stare.png">If she dies being suffocated by your massive chest, I'm getting out of here.</state> <state img="3-thinking.png"><i>(Yeah, I can't envy her.)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="leggy"> <state img="3-thinking.png">Yup, everyone's a furry. I'm a furry, you're a furry, we're all furry in my eyes.</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="mavis"> <state img="3-surprise.png"><i>(She's dummy thicc!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="meia"> <state img="3-flustered.png"><i>(I like this sight!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="moon"> <state img="3-welp.png">...Why did I agree to playing this game?</state> <state img="3-welp.png">I should've left while I could.</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="rinkah"> <state img="3-flustered.png">Umm... You are <i>really</i> confident, huh?</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="sakura"> <state img="3-stare.png">...Is a thing I never thought I'd say in my life.</state> <state img="3-eh.png">Are you seriously a zombie? I'd have expected something more... cut up. And writhing with maggots. But no, you're really hot and I'm not sure how to feel about being attracted to a zombie.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" alsoPlaying="natsuki" notSaidMarker="natsuki_song" alsoPlayingSaying="♪ Let her rip! Let her roar! To the first and the second And the third encore! ♪" priority="15"> <state img="3-hype.png" marker="natsuki_song">Ooooooh, I like those lyrics! Really punchy, <i>badass</i> even!! What's that song?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" consecutiveLosses="3-" notSaidMarker="opp_consecutivelosses"> <state img="3-smug.png" marker="opp_consecutivelosses">Wow, you are <i>terrible</i> at this game!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="non-human" targetStage="1-10" notSaidMarker="humanhate"> <condition count="0" filter="leggy" /> <state img="3-stare.png">Y'know, unlike most species, us humans actually <i>hate</i> each other. <i>(Which is why we're all a bunch of animals in my eyes)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="blue_hair" notSaidMarker="bluehair_marker"> <state img="3-woah.png" marker="bluehair_marker">Blue hair!? The only other person I know who has blue hair is Bea, and I know hers is dyed!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="criminal" notSaidMarker="criminal_marker" priority="165"> <state img="3-smug.png" marker="criminal_marker">I think I like ~name~ already! So, you think you're done for some crimes after this game is over?</state> <state img="3-fingergun.png" marker="criminal_marker">Finally, a fellow law-breaker!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="deity" notSaidMarker="deity_marker"> <state img="3-stare.png">...What do I even say?</state> <state img="3-thinking.png">This is too weird for me.</state> <state img="3-neutral.png">...</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="fancy" notSaidMarker="fancy_marker"> <state img="3-annoyed.png" marker="fancy_marker">Well, look at you! All fancy and crap. Do you sip expensive wine out of a three-million dollar wine glass as well?</state> <state img="3-eyes.png" marker="fancy_marker">So! You're gonna mock me for being commoner trash? Well jokes on you, I embraced that title!!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="flies" notSaidMarker="flies_marker" priority="54"> <state img="3-welp.png" marker="flies_marker">Maaaaan, I wish I could fly...</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="freckles" notSaidMarker="freckles_marker"> <state img="3-neutral.png" marker="freckles_marker">I bet it's sunny where you live. I wish we had more sunny days in Possum Springs... although rain and fog is nice sometimes.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="gloomy" notSaidMarker="gloomy_marker"> <state img="3-eh.png" marker="gloomy_marker"><i>(~name~ kind of reminds me of Bea. I kinda wish she were here now. Too bad Bea wouldn't be caught dead playing this game.)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="gun" notSaidMarker="gun_marker"> <state img="3-terror.png" marker="gun_marker"><i>(What the---aren't guns illegal!? What the hell is that person thinking? Should I be scared? I don't want to be shot again!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="innocent" notSaidMarker="innocent_marker" priority="6"> <state img="3-neutral.png" marker="innocent_marker">...Should you really be playing this game?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="lonely" notSaidMarker="lonely_marker"> <state img="3-eh.png" marker="lonely_marker"><i>(Jeez, ~name~ kind of reminds me of myself. Makes me glad I actually have some friends, or else my existence would end up being even crappier.)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="musician" targetStatus="decent" notSaidMarker="musician_tag"> <state img="3-neutral.png" marker="musician_tag">So you play an instrument too, huh? Or are you a singer?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="police" notSaidMarker="police_marker"> <state img="3-stare.png" marker="police_marker">I'm playing strip poker with a cop? Wow. I wonder what other crazy stuff life has in store for me.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="red_eyes" targetStage="0"> <state img="3-smug.png" marker="nightmareyesclub_marker">Alright, ~name~, now that I've found another person with such vivid red eyes, you're officially a member of the "Nightmare Eyes" club. No backsies.</state> <state img="3-smug.png" marker="redeyes_marker">Nightmare eyes, baby. All day, every day. We're comrades now.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="thigh_highs" notSaidMarker="thighhigh_markers"> <state img="3-annoyed.png" marker="thighhigh_markers">Ugh. Why would you torture yourself with those long socks? Doesn't it feel itchy?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="undead" targetStage="0" saidMarker="undead_marker" priority="7500"> <state img="3-smug.png" marker="good_day">And now I have to watch them get naked slowly in front of me! This is a good day for the Possum Spring ghost-hunter.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="vampire" notSaidMarker="vampire_marker" priority="155"> <state img="3-hype.png" marker="vampire_marker">Ohmigod... I <i>knew</i> vampires were real! Suck it, nonbelievers!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="virtual" notSaidMarker="virtual_marker"> <state img="3-surprise.png" marker="virtual_marker">Wait, am I playing with a hologram!? Is this another crazy dream?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="witch" notSaidMarker="witchdagga_witchmarker"> <state img="3-thinking.png" marker="witchdagga_witchmarker"><i>(Man, how cool would it be if Witchdagger actually played here? It would make up for all the times I couldn't go to any concerts because they were all too far away and nobody would drive me.)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" hasHand="Full House"> <state img="3-smug.png">Yessir, that's a full house! How do you like <i>that?</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" hasHand="Full House" notSaidMarker="singing_fullhouse"> <state img="3-thinking.png" marker="singing_fullhouse">♫ Whatever happened to predictability? The milkman, the paperboy, evening TV? ♫</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" hasHand="High Card" notSaidMarker="highcard_win"> <state img="3-triumphant.png" marker="highcard_win">Yessss!! Still managed a win with a crappy high card!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" hasHand="High Card" saidMarker="highcard_win" notSaidMarker="highcard_win1"> <state img="3-smug.png" marker="highcard_win1">And what do you know? I won with a high card <i>again</i>!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" hasHand="High Card" saidMarker="highcard_win1" notSaidMarker="highcard_win2"> <state img="3-neutral.png" marker="highcard_win2">...Jeez, ~name~. Your luck is terrible.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" notSaidMarker="betteryouthanme"> <state img="3-neutral.png" marker="betteryouthanme">Better you than me.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="blake" targetStage="0"> <state img="3-eh.png"><i>(I can't tell what animal this girl is... Why do I even see people as animals in the first place?)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="blake" targetStage="6"> <state img="3-smug.png">A cat is fine too. I mean, look at <i>me!</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="chihiro" targetStage="5" priority="9997"> <state img="3-stare.png">Oh, you're back. Listen, you better not run away again. You chose to play, you stick it out until the end.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="florina" targetStage="4" targetSaidMarker="bee" priority="444"> <state img="3-surprise.png"><i>(Crap, better get ready to run. I don't want to be stung again!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="human" filter="gay" notSaidMarker="player_queer" priority="9998"> <state img="3-surprise.png" marker="player_queer">Wait... ~player~, you're gay?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="jura"> <state img="3-annoyed.png"><i>Of course</i> she's ridiculously vain. Not even sexy and suave girls can save the world from being crappy.</state> <state img="3-stare.png">Well at least your inflated ego makes sense, I'll give you that. But I still don't like you already.</state> <state img="3-stare.png">Ugh, and here I thought I'd like you. But no, you just <i>have</i> to rub your ridiculously good looks in my face.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="kyu" targetStage="0"> <state img="3-neutral.png">A disgustingly pink fairy who's also a huge slut? Now I've seen everything.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="leggy" targetStage="0"> <state img="3-eh.png">Are you <i>sure</i> you want to play this game? <i>(Everyone seems so surprised... Am I missing something?)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="leggy" targetStage="0" totalAlive="3"> <state img="3-eh.png">Are you <i>sure</i> you want to play this game? <i>(~player~ seems so surprised... Am I missing something?)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="leggy" targetStage="2"> <state img="3-smug.png">Hah! Pretty stupid of you to wear just a woolly, long-sleeved leotard, eh---?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="leggy" targetStage="3"> <state img="3-stare.png">Yup. I get it. You're an actual sheep, and I'm an idiot.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="moon" targetStage="0" priority="10000"> <state img="3-terror.png">...Holy crap!</state> <state img="3-terror.png">Is this girl serious!? <i>(This is just... a whole new level of wrong here.)</i></state> <state img="3-terror.png"><i>(...And I thought I was the crazy one! This girl takes crazy to a whole new level!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="moon" targetStage="1" priority="10000"> <state img="3-surprise.png">Normally I'd be excited, BUT THIS GIRL IS FREAKING ME OUT RI---</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="moon" targetStage="2-5"> <state img="3-annoyed.png">Oh goodie, it's <i>her</i> turn.</state> <state img="3-neutral.png"><i>(This girl actually makes me look good in comparsion.)</i></state> <state img="3-surprise.png"><i>(Is this she actually human? What if she's secretly some horny sex alien whose species greet each other with blowjobs?)</i></state> <state img="3-thinking.png"><i>(How does this little rabbit-girl have the biggest libido?)</i></state> <state img="3-annoyed.png">I'd say prostitution would be a <i>wonderful</i> job for you, but I wouldn't want your poor clients to get every STD on the planet.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="moon" targetStage="6" priority="10000"> <state img="3-terror.png">Oh <i>no</i>...</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="natsuki" targetStage="2-7" priority="2"> <state img="3-eyes.png">Egads! The strawberry munchkin kitten has to strip again!</state> <state img="3-neutral.png">Get into the spirit of strip poker! Like a <i>real</i> woman!</state> <state img="3-eyes.png">Cute. You think you're invincible?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="pinkie_pie" targetSayingMarker="pinka_start"> <state img="3-terror.png">WHAT THE HELL!?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="roxie" targetStage="0" priority="555"> <state img="3-smug.png">Roxie, huh? I dunno what it is, but something tells me we'll get along well.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="roxie" targetStage="2" priority="555"> <state img="3-neutral.png">So what's next? Is it gonna be the boots?</state> <state img="3-eh.png">Not a lot of options left...</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="roxie" targetStage="3" priority="555"> <state img="3-thinking.png">So... thong or bra?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="ryuji" targetStage="0"> <state img="3-woah.png"><i>(Woah, those legs! Why does it feel like he can break my neck with a single kick to the head?)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" targetStatus="decent" notSaidMarker="uhura_flashbacks" priority="1"> <state img="3-thinking.png" marker="uhura_flashbacks"><i>(Man, if this were any other kind of poker and we had to bluff in order to win, one of us could fart and nobody would be able to tell who did it.)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="sunglasses" notSaidMarker="sunglasses_marker"> <test expr="~background.location~" value="indoors" /> <state img="3-stare.png" marker="sunglasses_marker">Y'know, when you think about it, playing poker is the only valid excuse for wearing sunglasses indoors. So consider yourself lucky, I guess.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="scantily-clad" notSaidMarker="skimpy_marker"> <test expr="~name~" cmp="!=" value="Leggy" /> <state img="3-stare.png" marker="skimpy_marker">What the... Do you seriously have no shame?</state> <state img="3-stare.png" marker="skimpy_marker">Wearing <i>that</i> little clothing to a strip poker game? I don't think the irony is lost on any of us.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="deity" targetStage="0" notSaidMarker="deity_marker"> <test expr="~target.gender~" value="female" /> <state img="3-woah.png" marker="deity_marker">Wait wait wait wait, you're a <i>goddess!?</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="deity" targetStage="0" notSaidMarker="deity_marker"> <test expr="~target.gender~" value="male" /> <state img="3-woah.png" marker="deity_marker">Wait wait wait wait, you're a <i>god!?</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" filter="clothing_destruction" notSaidMarker="clothingdestruction"> <state img="3-surprise.png" marker="clothingdestruction">Woah, what---!?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" filter="deity" targetStage="0"> <state img="3-eh.png">I... don't have good experience with deities. They tend to be assholes who try to break my mind.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" filter="police" targetStage="1"> <state img="3-thinking.png">Y'know, my aunt is a cop. Aunt Molly. Aunt Mall Cop. After all these years, we <i>still</i> don't get along.</state> <state img="3-stare.png" marker="life_rambling">I've been electrocuted at least twice in my lifetime and spoke to God. And God is an asshole. This is nothing compared to all the weird crap I've been through. But that's just life.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" saidMarker="singing_fullhouse" notSaidMarker="singing_fullhouse1" priority="1"> <state img="3-fingergun.png" marker="singing_fullhouse1">♫ You miss your old familar friends, <i>waiting just around the beeeeend!</i>♫</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="akko" targetStage="0" priority="775"> <state img="3-woah.png">Wait, for real!? You're a real witch? You're really a real witch? For real?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="akko" targetStage="0" targetSaidMarker="necronomicon" priority="780"> <state img="3-terror.png">GAH!! No, not this! I can't deal with that again!!</state> <state img="3-terror.png"><i>Ohcrapohcrapohcrap!!</i> I don't wanna deal with these things anymore!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="amalia" targetStage="4" priority="555"> <state img="3-woah.png">Huh? How'd they slide off so easily!?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="chihiro" targetStage="4" priority="9995"> <state img="3-woah.png">No, wait! Come back!!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="chihiro" targetStage="5" priority="9993"> <state img="3-surprise.png">Huh!?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="felicia" targetStage="0"> <state img="3-surprise.png">Wait, what?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="felicia" targetStage="1"> <state img="3-eh.png">I'm cringing so hard right now.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="florina" targetStage="4" targetSayingMarker="bee2"> <state img="3-surprise.png">Hey, be careful with---!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="human" filter="gay" saidMarker="player_queer" notSaidMarker="player_queer2"> <state img="3-thinking.png" marker="player_queer2">Huh, you usually don't find a lot of queer people in my conversative trash dump of a town. I thought me, Gregg, and Angus were the only ones...</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="leggy" targetStage="0"> <state img="3-stare.png">You have some pretty weird get-up. Are you some kind of cosplayer?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="leggy" targetStage="1"> <state img="3-neutral.png">You alright there?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="leggy" targetStage="2"> <state img="3-surprise.png">Wait, <i>what!?</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="leggy" targetStage="3" priority="10000"> <state img="3-eh.png" marker="seeing_animals">I didn't want to say it out loud, but... I kiiiiinda have something wrong with my brain and everyone I see is an animal.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="moon" targetStage="0" priority="10000"> <state img="3-terror.png">She's so desperate about it...</state> <state img="3-why.png">Of course, she's taking off the bra first, <i>of course she does!!</i> Because obviously someone desperate like you wouldn't do with a silly trinket!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="moon" targetStage="1"> <state img="3-eh.png">Phew.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="moon" targetStage="2"> <state img="3-annoyed.png"><i>(Ugh, I don't even want to IMAGINE her naked.)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="palutena" targetStage="3"> <state img="3-neutral.png">Hey, Palutena. I have a question; can you fly? Or do those belts get in the way?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="pinkie_pie" targetSaidMarker="pinka_start" targetNotSaidMarker="pinka_end2"> <state img="3-why.png">What the hell do we do!? I am <i>not</i> dying during a strip poker game.</state> <state img="3-stare.png">We should really get out of here. Before this girl attempts to murder us.</state> <state img="3-why.png">I'm not here to get murdered!</state> <state img="3-surprise.png">UHHH...</state> <state img="3-surprise.png">Hahaha... please help me.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="roxie" targetStage="0" priority="555"> <state img="3-surprise.png">The sweater? That's a pretty grand way to start. I actually kind of liked it...</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="roxie" targetStage="1" priority="555"> <state img="3-triumphant.png">Yessss! I knew it!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="roxie" targetStage="2" priority="555"> <state img="3-woah.png">Wait, those are shorts? I thought they were boxers!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="roxie" targetStage="3" priority="555"> <state img="3-eh.png">Guess it's the bra first...</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="roxie" targetStage="3" targetSayingMarker="famous_tits" priority="555"> <state img="3-woah.png">W-Wait, you're famous!?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="twilight" targetStage="0"> <state img="3-surprise.png">Huh!? You know you can take off anything you want, right!?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="twilight" targetStage="1"> <state img="3-stare.png">Annnnd when I mention hating bras, she takes hers off. Go figure, I guess.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="twilight" targetStage="3" priority="325"> <state img="3-flustered.png">Seriously, you have a bunch of other stuff! <i>(Not that I don't mind or anything, but... This girl is really confusing me right now!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="twilight" targetStage="4" priority="329"> <state img="3-annoyed.png">Whatever.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="twilight" targetStage="5" priority="328"> <state img="3-stare.png">Those look comfy. I can almost understand why you chose to save them for... second-to-last?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="twilight" targetStage="6" priority="9993"> <state img="3-eh.png">Last small thing... And second-to-last article of clothing...</state> <state img="3-thinking.png">Well, I understand you somewhat better at least. But can you understand me?</state> <state img="3-neutral.png">Farewell, shirt. You... literally did nothing this entire game.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" filter="musician" targetStage="0" priority="9000"> <test expr="~clothing.type~" cmp="!=" value="major" /> <test expr="~clothing.type~" cmp="!=" value="important" /> <state img="3-neutral.png" marker="mae_musicramble">I play bass guitar. In a band me and my friends formed a few years ago. But I wouldn't call myself a serious musician, y'know? Even though I really love music. And just... the arts in general.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" notSaidMarker="insertwittycommenthere"> <test expr="~clothing.type~" value="accessory" /> <state img="3-stare.png" marker="insertwittycommenthere">Insert witty comment here.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" notSaidMarker="lookingfancy"> <test expr="~clothing.type~" value="accessory" /> <test expr="~clothing~" cmp="!=" value="shoes" /> <test expr="~clothing~" cmp="!=" value="socks" /> <state img="3-annoyed.png" marker="lookingfancy">What ~clothing.ifPlural(are those ~clothing~|is that ~clothing~)~ even for? Did you know we were going to play, or is that just to look fancy or something?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" priority="5275"> <test expr="~clothing~" value="boots" /> <state img="3-neutral.png">Nice boots. Much better than my cheap knock-off Doc Martens, or whatever the heck they're called.</state> <state img="3-smug.png">Hmmm, your boots may appear more stylish, but mine were made for kicking down doors. With even more style than you'll ever have.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping"> <test expr="~clothing~" value="dress" /> <test expr="~target.gender~" value="female" /> <state img="3-stare.png">Wearing a dress is the same as wearing a very large single pant leg. Sorry to ruin your day, m'am.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping"> <test expr="~clothing~" value="dress" /> <test expr="~target.gender~" value="male" /> <state img="3-stare.png">Wearing a dress is the same as wearing a very large single pant leg. Sorry to ruin your day, sir.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" priority="60"> <test expr="~clothing~" value="hat" /> <state img="3-neutral.png">Hat's off for ~name~... <i>Hat is off</i> for ~name~. The way you strip isn't worth a compliment.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping"> <test expr="~clothing~" value="skirt" /> <test expr="~name~" cmp="!=" value="Pinkie" /> <state img="3-thinking.png">I think the way someone dresses says a lot about them. Like, skirts are pretty and fashionable. Pants are boring, but practical.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping"> <test expr="~clothing~" value="socks" /> <state img="3-thinking.png">If only I had a sock pun...</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" filter="clothing_destruction" saidMarker="clothingdestruction" notSaidMarker="clothingdestruction1"> <state img="3-eh.png" marker="clothingdestruction1">Jeez... I mean, I've seen weirder stuff, but... Just take off your clothes like a normal person.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" filter="deity" targetStage="1"> <state img="3-stare.png">I met two of them, and came out mentally scarred for life. Now here I am playing <i>strip poker</i> with another deity. Life sure is something.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" filter="ditzy" targetStage="2" priority="155"> <state img="3-stare.png">No offense, ~name~, but you're kind of stupid.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" filter="musician" saidMarker="mae_musicramble" notSaidMarker="mae_musicc" priority="9000"> <state img="3-eh.png" marker="mae_musicc">I'm rambling, aren't I? I shouldn't be rambling during a strip poker game... Deal the next hand.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" saidMarker="singing_fullhouse1" notSaidMarker="singing_fullhouse2" priority="1"> <state img="3-neutral.png" marker="singing_fullhouse2">...Oh wait, we're playing strip poker.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" saidMarker="slow_game_n" notSaidMarker="unusual_strip"> <state img="3-flustered.png" marker="unusual_strip">I... I like your style, ~name~.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="akko" targetStage="1"> <state img="3-hype.png">I... I thought you were just dressing up! But holy crap this is so cool!!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="akko" targetStage="1" targetSaidMarker="necronomicon"> <state img="3-stare.png" marker="akko_eldritch">Oh no, that was <i>definitely</i> eldritch horror we just saw. I'd be on my guard if I were you.</state> <state img="3-stare.png" marker="akko_exorcism">Oh no, that was <i>definitely</i> demonic possession. We gotta do a exorcism, like, ASAP. I'm seriously sick of dealing with the paranormal trying to kill me and my friends.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="amalia" targetStage="5"> <state img="3-surprise.png">What the---!?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="chihiro" targetStage="5" priority="9995"> <state img="3-annoyed.png">...Coward.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="chihiro" targetStage="6" priority="9992"> <state img="3-woah.png">Wait, why do you even crossdress in the first place!? You said you're a boy, so you're not a trans person... Am I missing something?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="felicia" targetStage="1"> <state img="3-terror.png">Wh... But you <i>need</i> your fur! Does it even grow back!?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="felicia" targetStage="2"> <state img="3-surprise.png">How do you do it so cleanly!? The thought of shaving pubic hair is... terrifying!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="florina" targetStage="5"> <state img="3-stare.png">...Your tunic. Oh well, it didn't seem too special to you anyways.</state> <state img="3-stare.png">Whoops. Well, that poor tunic's gone forever.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="leggy" targetStage="2"> <state img="3-thinking.png">Riiiight, what's with that... leg-collar thingy? I thought only flappers wore those things back in, like, the 1920's.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="leggy" targetStage="3"> <state img="3-woah.png">Hang on, why the hell do you need to shave it off! Can't you just---I dunno---slide it off one shoulder or something? I thought actual sheep---</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="leggy" targetStage="4" priority="10000"> <state img="3-welp.png" marker="catoutofthebag">I never share this because I was afraid people would just see me as even <i>more</i> insane than I already am... But I guess the cat's out of the bag, huh? Which is ironic because I see myself as a cat...</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="moon" targetStage="1"> <state img="3-annoyed.png">...Let's just move on.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="moon" targetStage="2"> <state img="3-stare.png">Anytime you speak, the urge to murder you in your sleep increases for me. Stop talking. Now.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="moon" targetStage="3"> <state img="3-stare.png">Nice shoes. They're the only thing about you worth complementing.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="moon" targetStage="4"> <state img="3-smug.png"><i>(How hilarious would it be if she just, tripped, and they all just spilled out of the bag in public.)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="moon" targetStage="5"> <state img="3-stare.png">I really, <i>really</i> do not want to see your naked body.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="palutena" targetStage="4"> <state img="3-eh.png"><i>(I mean, I know she actually ISN'T an eagle, but... It'd be kinda weird if I see her as a bird goddess and she can't actually fly.)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="palutena" targetStage="4" alsoPlaying="pit"> <state img="3-stare.png"><i>(Why the hell do I see the divine-like people as birds?)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="pinkie_pie" targetSaidMarker="pinka_start" targetNotSaidMarker="pinka_end2"> <state img="3-terror.png">...Even now, I'm still terrified for my life.</state> <state img="3-terror.png">Someone just... call the cops or something!</state> <state img="3-woah.png">Seriously, who ARE you? What happened to Pinkie?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="revy" targetStage="1-7" notSaidMarker="calmdownwildcat"> <state img="3-eh.png" marker="calmdownwildcat"><i>(Calm down, wildcat. Or should I say wild... fox? Wildfox? I dunno, why DO I see her as a fox and not a wildcat)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="roxie" targetStage="0" priority="555"> <state img="3-fingergun.png">That's some pretty cool underwear though. <i>And</i> it looks comfortable! See, now this is some fashion I can appreciate!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="roxie" targetStage="2" alsoPlaying="moon" targetSaidMarker="my_last_loss" priority="555"> <state img="3-annoyed.png">Well, so do I! And I bet everyone else here wants to win too... Except Moon. But she shouldn't even count.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="roxie" targetStage="2" targetSaidMarker="far_from_naked" priority="555"> <state img="3-stare.png">Who's Arceus?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="roxie" targetStage="2" targetSaidMarker="foot_fetish" priority="555"> <state img="3-stare.png">And before you ask---no, I don't have a foot fetish. That sounds so gross. What kind of weirdo finds <i>feet</i> sexy?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="roxie" targetStage="2" targetSaidMarker="live_without_boots" priority="555"> <state img="3-eh.png">I'm sure you'll get them back... right?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="roxie" targetStage="2" targetSaidMarker="my_last_loss" priority="555"> <state img="3-smug.png">Well, so do I! And I bet everyone else here wants to win too, so get ready for some extreme competition!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="roxie" targetStage="2" targetSaidMarker="take_these_off" priority="555"> <state img="3-surprise.png">Custom-made!? Holy jeez, are you loaded or something?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="roxie" targetStage="3" priority="555"> <state img="3-eh.png">I mean... Cool thong, but isn't that extremely comfort? Why not just wear the shorts?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="roxie" targetStage="4" priority="555"> <state img="3-flustered.png">Freckle-boobs... That's weirdly hot.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="twilight" targetSayingMarker="twilight_not_human" priority="301"> <state img="3-surprise.png">You are rea---wait, <i>humans?</i> You're not... You're not human?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="twilight" targetStage="1" priority="333"> <state img="3-thinking.png">Hmm. Well I can understand finding panties uncomfortable. Up until recently, I never wore a bra for the same reason.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="twilight" targetStage="2" priority="332"> <state img="3-thinking.png">You know, there's sports bras. They're pretty comfy. I remember Bea going out to buy me one. She kind of freaked out when I told her I never wear bras. Dunno why; my shirt's all I need.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="twilight" targetStage="3" priority="331"> <state img="3-terror.png">I can understand finding underwear comfortable, but what's wrong with your skirt!?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="twilight" targetStage="4" priority="330"> <state img="3-stare.png">...Oh, <i>now</i> you take off something small?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="twilight" targetStage="6" priority="9995"> <state img="3-flustered.png">Back to big stuff again afte---Oh right! You only have your shirt left! Juuuust a shirt.</state> <state img="3-thinking.png">What is grammar?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="twilight" targetStage="7" priority="310"> <state img="3-smug.png">Alright, Twilight! Time to kick your ass!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" targetStatus="lost_all"> <state img="3-woah.png"><i>(Oh crap, ~name~'s naked now...)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" saidMarker="sparedfromherwrath"> <test expr="~clothing.type~" cmp="!=" value="important" /> <test expr="~clothing.type~" cmp="!=" value="major" /> <state img="3-sweat.png" marker="*">Err... Let's just move on!!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped"> <test expr="~clothing~" value="dress" /> <state img="3-eh.png">...Yeah, you definitely look good without the dress.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped"> <test expr="~clothing~" value="glasses" /> <state img="3-stare.png">Hmm... I don't think I ever met a person with glasses who <i>wasn't</i> smart. Are you smart, ~name~? Don't lie to me.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped"> <test expr="~clothing~" value="hat" /> <state img="3-triumphant.png">Unless you're a cowboy! YEEEEEEEHAAAAAAAAW!!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="human" filter="gay" saidMarker="player_queer2"> <test expr="~target.gender~" value="female" /> <state img="3-eh.png" marker="player_queer3"><i>(Phew! It sucks when a cute girl you find ends up being straight. At least I'm not picky with gender...)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="human" filter="gay" saidMarker="player_queer2"> <test expr="~target.gender~" value="male" /> <state img="3-neutral.png" marker="player_queer3">Well, good to know.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_masturbating" filter="uses_toy" notSaidMarker="toys"> <state img="3-welp.png" marker="toys">Maaaan, I wish I bought a toy. If I knew what this game was all about.... ugh, maybe next time.</state> </case> <case tag="male_must_masturbate"> <state img="3-woah.png">Woah! Okay then!</state> <state img="3-surprise.png">This... This is just insane! I barely know you, and...</state> <state img="3-eh.png">Oh... Looks like you have to, umm... Yeah, just do it.</state> <state img="3-woah.png">You're seriously going to do it?</state> </case> <case tag="male_must_masturbate" filter="cheater" priority="150"> <state img="3-eyes.png" marker="cheater_lose*">Hah! Kiss my ass, ~name~! Cheaters never prosper... unless they're me. I basically cheated my way through life.</state> </case> <case tag="male_must_masturbate" target="pit"> <state img="3-surprise.png">Oh...</state> </case> <case tag="male_must_masturbate" totalMasturbating="0" totalFinished="0" priority="9999"> <state img="3-surprise.png" marker="first_out">Wait, what!? <i>Masturbation!?</i></state> <state img="3-surprise.png" marker="first_out">They have to WHAT!?</state> </case> <case tag="male_start_masturbating"> <state img="3-eh.png">Goodl luck, I guess.</state> <state img="3-eh.png">Well this is gonna be awkward.</state> <state img="3-eh.png">Can I... watch you?</state> </case> <case tag="male_start_masturbating" totalMasturbating="1-2"> <condition count="3-4" status="alive" /> <state img="3-eh.png">I'd watch, but... We still have a game to play.</state> <state img="3-neutral.png">Good luck, I guess. Me and everyone else are just gonna keep playing.</state> </case> <case tag="male_start_masturbating" saidMarker="first_out" notSaidMarker="first_out2" priority="9998"> <state img="3-why.png" marker="first_out2">What the fresh hell? Why didn't anyone tell me!?</state> <state img="3-woah.png" marker="first_out2">D... Did you know about this, ~name~?</state> </case> <case tag="male_start_masturbating" target="pit"> <state img="3-eh.png">It feels weird, y'know? Watching an angel masturbate...</state> </case> <case tag="male_masturbating"> <state img="3-flustered.png">I feel kind of lucky to be seeing this.</state> <state img="3-neutral.png">People don't usually masturbate in public. Or get naked in front of other people. Unless it's an orgy.</state> <state img="3-woah.png">Woah. I didn't think I'd see a guy masturbating in front of me.</state> <state img="3-sweat.png">Wow...</state> <state img="3-flustered.png">I'm gonnd be honest---this is really hot and I kind of want to be the one touching you. Is that weird?</state> <state img="3-flustered.png"><i>(Don't drool, Mae. Seriously, you're not a dog!)</i></state> <state img="3-flustered.png">I feel like a pervert. And yet... wow. H-How can this not turn anyone on?</state> <state img="3-eyes.png" marker="flirt_maybe">Hey ~name~! How can I help speed up the process! I can flirt with you if you want that!</state> <state img="3-eyes.png">Hehehe... Faaaaantastic!</state> <state img="3-neutral.png">Moan for me, baby... Yeah, I can't do a good seductive voice. Just pretend I never said that.</state> <state img="3-woah.png">I'm really seeing this... This is real.</state> <state img="3-flustered.png"><i>(I'm seriously enjoying this. I'm seriously getting turned on from this. What's wrong with me?)</i></state> <state img="3-thinking.png">I remember me and my friend having a conversation about a bunch of strangers coming here just for porn. This place is just like that, isn't it?</state> <state img="3-woah.png">I kind of want a closer look.</state> <state img="3-surprise.png">Oh... I-It's just like in porn. Good to know.</state> </case> <case tag="male_heavy_masturbating"> <state img="3-flustered.png">Are you close? I can only assume 'cause you're... umm...</state> <state img="3-eh.png">You're almost there! Just... keep doing your thing.</state> <state img="3-flustered.png">Jeez, I think you're going to... Well, let nothing hold you back.</state> <state img="3-smug.png"><i>(I bet he's having such a good time. I bet he's having a ball!)</i></state> <state img="3-eh.png">Umm...</state> </case> <case tag="male_finished_masturbating"> <state img="3-surprise.png">Woah there, let's not get it on me!</state> <state img="3-stare.png">...I think I stepped in something wet and gross. Ughgh.</state> </case> <case tag="male_finished_masturbating" target="jin"> <state img="3-terror.png" marker="jinfinishing">HOLY CRAP, MY EYES!</state> </case> <case tag="female_must_masturbate"> <state img="3-woah.png">Woah! Okay then!</state> <state img="3-surprise.png">This... This is just insane! I barely know you, and...</state> <state img="3-eh.png">Oh... Looks like you have to, umm... Yeah, just do it.</state> <state img="3-woah.png">You're seriously going to do it?</state> </case> <case tag="female_must_masturbate" filter="cheater" priority="150"> <state img="3-eyes.png" marker="cheater_lose*">Hah! Kiss my ass, ~name~! Cheaters never prosper... unless they're me. I basically cheated my way through life.</state> </case> <case tag="female_must_masturbate" target="akko"> <state img="3-hype.png">Masturbating with magic sounds awesome! Show me what you got!!</state> </case> <case tag="female_must_masturbate" target="leggy"> <state img="3-eh.png">You're taking this awfully well...</state> </case> <case tag="female_must_masturbate" target="moon"> <state img="3-welp.png">...Great.</state> </case> <case tag="female_must_masturbate" target="rinkah" priority="9997"> <state img="3-hype.png"><i>(YEEEESSSS!! I BEAT HER!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_must_masturbate" target="shimakaze"> <state img="3-triumphant.png">Yeah, critical hit!</state> </case> <case tag="female_must_masturbate" totalMasturbating="0" notSaidMarker="first_out" priority="9999"> <state img="3-surprise.png" marker="first_out">Wait, what!? <i>Masturbation!?</i></state> <state img="3-surprise.png" marker="first_out">They have to WHAT!?</state> </case> <case tag="female_start_masturbating"> <state img="3-eh.png">...Can I watch?</state> <state img="3-neutral.png">Goodl luck, I guess.</state> <state img="3-eh.png">Well this is gonna be awkward.</state> </case> <case tag="female_start_masturbating" saidMarker="first_out" notSaidMarker="first_out2" priority="9999"> <state img="3-why.png" marker="first_out2">What the fresh hell? Why didn't anyone tell me!?</state> <state img="3-woah.png" marker="first_out2">D... Did you know about this, ~name~?</state> </case> <case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="akko"> <state img="3-smug.png">C'mooooon!!</state> </case> <case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="leggy"> <state img="3-thinking.png">Wasn't there a group of people notorious for having sex with sheep? The Welsh, I think?</state> </case> <case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="miko"> <state img="3-surprise.png">What the---is that the spirit of your dead wife!? Did she rise from the grave just to have sex with you!?</state> </case> <case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="moon"> <state img="3-stare.png">I'm just gonna... pretend you don't exist. Which is definitely easier said than done.</state> </case> <case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="pinkie_pie"> <state img="3-woah.png">Wh---wouldn't it hurt like hell if it popped?</state> </case> <case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="shimakaze"> <state img="3-eh.png">...Okay, but are you alright?</state> </case> <case tag="female_masturbating" id="3-1"> <state img="3-flustered.png">I feel kind of lucky to be seeing this.</state> <state img="3-neutral.png">People don't usually masturbate in public. Or get naked in front of other people. Unless it's an orgy.</state> <state img="3-woah.png">Woah. N-Nice technique.</state> <state img="3-flustered.png">I'm gonnd be honest---this is really hot and I kind of want to be the one touching you. Is that weird?</state> <state img="3-flustered.png"><i>(Don't drool, Mae. Seriously, you're not a dog!)</i></state> <state img="3-flustered.png">I feel like a pervert. And yet... wow. H-How can this not turn anyone on?</state> <state img="3-eyes.png" marker="flirt_maybe">Hey ~name~! How can I help speed up the process! I can flirt with you if you want that!</state> <state img="3-eyes.png">Hehehe... Faaaaantastic!</state> <state img="3-neutral.png">Moan for me, baby... Yeah, I can't do a good seductive voice. Just pretend I never said that.</state> <state img="3-woah.png">I'm really seeing this... This is real.</state> <state img="3-flustered.png"><i>(I'm seriously enjoying this. I'm seriously getting turned on from this. What's wrong with me?)</i></state> <state img="3-thinking.png">I remember me and my friend having a conversation about a bunch of strangers coming here just for porn. This place is just like that, isn't it?</state> <state img="3-woah.png">I kind of want a closer look.</state> <state img="3-sweat.png">Wow...</state> </case> <case tag="female_masturbating" target="akko" targetSayingMarker="akko_first_climax"> <state img="3-eh.png">Huh. That was quick.</state> </case> <case tag="female_masturbating" target="akko" targetSayingMarker="akko_second_climax"> <state img="3-stare.png">This is insane.</state> </case> <case tag="female_masturbating" target="akko" targetSayingMarker="akko_third_climax"> <state img="3-surprise.png">Again!? Jeez, I can't take no more than two at a time!</state> </case> <case tag="female_masturbating" target="akko" targetTimeInStage="4" targetSaidMarker="akko_first_climax"> <state img="3-woah.png">Seriously? Jeez, I wish I had that sort of stamina!</state> <state img="3-woah.png">Seriously? Well, since you took such a short time, I guess it's well-deserved? I think?</state> </case> <case tag="female_masturbating" target="elizabeth" notSaidMarker="elizabeth_masturbation"> <state img="3-woah.png" marker="elizabeth_masturbation">Well then... This takes the phrase "go eff yourself" a bit too literally.</state> </case> <case tag="female_masturbating" target="miko" notSaidMarker="discomfort" priority="9100"> <state img="3-surprise.png" marker="discomfort">(mild discomfort)</state> </case> <case tag="female_masturbating" target="moon" priority="1"> <state img="3-stare.png">...</state> <state img="3-eh.png">(discomfort)</state> <state img="3-annoyed.png">Shut. Up.</state> </case> <case tag="female_masturbating" totalMasturbating="4-" notSaidMarker="masturbationorgy"> <state img="3-surprise.png" marker="masturbationorgy">Has this become a masturbation orgy!?</state> </case> <case tag="female_heavy_masturbating"> <state img="3-flustered.png">Are you close? I can only assume 'cause you're... umm...</state> <state img="3-eh.png">You're almost there! Just... keep doing your thing.</state> <state img="3-flustered.png">Jeez, I think you're going to... Well, let nothing hold you back.</state> <state img="3-smug.png"><i>(I bet she's having such a good time. I bet she's having a ball!)</i></state> <state img="3-eh.png">Umm...</state> </case> <case tag="female_heavy_masturbating" target="moon"> <state img="3-annoyed.png">....</state> </case> <case tag="female_finished_masturbating"> <state img="3-woah.png">Woah, you're soaking... down there, I meant.</state> <state img="3-eh.png">That sounded intense.</state> <state img="3-flustered.png">Seeing you like that... I bet l-losing isn't that bad.</state> <state img="3-woah.png">That was... wow. Just wow.</state> </case> <case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="aimee"> <state img="3-terror.png">Gah! I didn't there'd be so much... D-Didn't we tell you to be careful!?</state> <state img="3-terror.png">HOLY---You just shot yourself in the arm! Why the hell did you even decide to <i>bring a gun here!</i></state> <state img="3-terror.png">Ohgodohgodohgod, okay, not going back to that time! Are you okay!?</state> </case> <case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="akko"> <state img="3-terror.png">HOLY CRAP, MY EYES!</state> </case> <case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="felicia"> <state img="3-stare.png">Okay, even <i>I'm</i> starting to get sick of those cat puns. Not even I make that many!</state> <state img="3-annoyed.png">We get it, you think you're a cat. <i>(Then again, so do I... but you don't see ME being so blatant about it!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="leggy"> <state img="3-eh.png">Umm... Do you do this often, or...?</state> </case> <case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="moon"> <state img="3-eh.png">Eww...</state> </case> <case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="pinkie_pie" targetSayingMarker="pop"> <state img="3-surprise.png">Ouch...</state> </case> <case tag="game_over_victory"> <state img="3-smug.png">Square up, thots.</state> <state img="3-fingergun.png">You've been beaten by the queen of Possum Springs! Someone get my crown!</state> <state img="3-smug.png">Wait 'till I tell my friends I got a bunch of people naked.</state> <state img="3-eyes.png">You all got <i>destroyed!</i></state> </case> <case tag="global" alsoPlaying="leggy" alsoPlayingStage="5" alsoPlayingTimeInStage="1-" notSaidMarker="leggyisgonnafuckingdie"> <state img="3-thinking.png" marker="leggyisgonnafuckingdie">...Is it gonna grow back before the weather turns cold? If not, I think you just doomed yourself, Leggy. You're not gonna last the winter.</state> </case> <case tag="global" alsoPlaying="pit" alsoPlayingSayingMarker="sacredbuns" priority="9999"> <state img="3-hype.png">YES!! Sacred buns!</state> </case> </stage> <stage id="4"> <case tag="swap_cards"> <state img="4-stare.png">~cards~ cards.</state> <state img="4-neutral.png">Can I have ~cards~, dealer?</state> <state img="4-thinking.png">I think I'll just swap ~cards~.</state> <state img="4-thinking.png">Should I swap those ~cards~? Yeah, I'll do that.</state> <state img="4-thinking.png">Uh... These ~cards~ can go.</state> </case> <case tag="swap_cards"> <test expr="~cards~" value="0" /> <state img="4-fingergun.png">No cards for me! That's right; this hand is perfection!</state> <state img="4-triumphant.png">~cards~!! This hand is perfection!</state> <state img="4-smug.png">I need no new cards. These are perfect.</state> </case> <case tag="swap_cards"> <test expr="~cards~" value="4" /> <state img="4-thinking.png">Ugh... I guess I'll keep that card?</state> <state img="4-thinking.png">I heard you should always keep certain cards no matter how bad the hand is, so... ~cards~ cards. I'll keep that one.</state> <state img="4-thinking.png">~cards~. The magic number. Only one of these cards are worthy.</state> </case> <case tag="swap_cards"> <test expr="~cards~" value="5" /> <state img="4-why.png" marker="5newcards">~cards~ new cards! These cards are garbage! ALL OF THEM!</state> <state img="4-why.png" marker="5newcards">How am I supposed to work with these!? I want a new hand!</state> <state img="4-stare.png" marker="5newcards">Ugh. ~cards~ new cards. This entire hand is garbage.</state> </case> <case tag="good_hand"> <state img="4-fingergun.png">I'm not losing here! Not with this awesome hand!</state> <state img="4-triumphant.png">Yes! This hand won't let me down!</state> <state img="4-smug.png">Guess who's stripping? It's not me!! Because this hand is unbeatable!</state> <state img="4-fingergun.png">Safe!</state> <state img="4-annoyed.png">How come my only reward is not stripping?</state> <state img="4-fingergun.png">Bless this mess.</state> <state img="4-triumphant.png">WOOHOO!</state> <state img="4-fingergun.png">Who's stripping? I'm not stripping!</state> <state img="4-smug.png">Hey, free pass to the next round.</state> <state img="4-smug.png">Heh. I don't think a poker face is required. No point in trying to beat me anyways.</state> </case> <case tag="good_hand" saidMarker="5newcards" notSaidMarker="5newcards_good" priority="15"> <state img="4-fingergun.png" marker="5newcards_good=1">Now <i>that's</i> more like it!</state> </case> <case tag="good_hand" totalMales="0-1" totalFemales="4-5" notSaidMarker="god_hand_flirt" priority="888"> <state img="4-fingergun.png" marker="god_hand_flirt">Check out THIS hand! Laaaaaaaadies!</state> </case> <case tag="okay_hand"> <state img="4-thinking.png">Whatever. At least it's not a crappy high card.</state> <state img="4-neutral.png">I can work with this... I bet this is said <i>a lot</i>.</state> <state img="4-annoyed.png">Maaaaan, this hand could be better. I can still lose with this, y'know?</state> <state img="4-neutral.png">I'm hungry. Does this place have food? I can really go for a cheap pierogi.</state> <state img="4-annoyed.png">Ugh. Well, at least I still have a chance of winning.</state> </case> <case tag="bad_hand"> <state img="4-stare.png">This card is garbage. <i>(Kind of like me, a trash mammal. Except it's even more garbage than me.)</i></state> <state img="4-annoyed.png">Really not looking forward to losing here.</state> <state img="4-annoyed.png">This hand is a load of crap.</state> <state img="4-stare.png">This hand is dumb.</state> <state img="4-stare.png">Hey, can I <i>not</i> have garbage like this next time!?</state> <state img="4-eh.png">Ugh, way to get effed over.</state> <state img="4-annoyed.png">Stupid cards.</state> <state img="4-annoyed.png">Trash. Garbage. Useless. <i>(Even a trash mammal like me deserves a better hand.)</i></state> <state img="4-thinking.png">Who invented this game anyways? And how did they figure out the probability of getting each hand?</state> </case> <case tag="bad_hand" consecutiveLosses="3-7"> <state img="4-why.png">What the <i>hell</i>, dealer!?</state> <state img="4-annoyed.png">Giving me all the bad cards. Veeeeery funny. Well, I hate you too.</state> <state img="4-why.png">Do you want to see me naked <i>that</i> badly? I knew this place was full of creeps! I should've trusted my gut.</state> <state img="4-why.png">What is with my luck!?</state> </case> <case tag="bad_hand" saidMarker="5newcards" notSaidMarker="5newcards_bad"> <state img="4-why.png" marker="5newcards_bad">Are you kidding me!?</state> <state img="4-stare.png" marker="5newcards_bad">Seriously!? Me and my stupid luck...</state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="akko" timeInStage="0" notSaidMarker="maeisnotstupid" priority="355"> <state img="4-annoyed.png" marker="maeisnotstupid">...What do you mean for a "non-witch"? Are you implying we're stupid. I may be dumb, but I'm not stupid!</state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="amalia" alsoPlayingStage="5" alsoPlayingTimeInStage="0"> <state img="4-why.png">Are you kidding me!? You.... freaking cheater!</state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="blake" saidMarker="blakereveal" notSaidMarker="blakereveal2"> <state img="4-eh.png" marker="blakereveal2">I mean... <i>(I see her as an animal regardless, just like how I see everyone else... How do I explain this to everyone without them thinking I'm insane?)</i></state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="chihiro" alsoPlayingStage="5" notSaidMarker="chihirogone" priority="9988"> <state img="4-thinking.png" marker="chihirogone">Alright, so... who are you, exactly? Was your... err, <i>creator</i> some sort of computer master?</state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="chun-li" alsoPlayingSayingMarker="butt"> <state img="4-woah.png">Holy... Only 7000 squats at the gym can make an ass <i>that</i> great!</state> <state img="4-woah.png">Holy... <i>(And here I thought Angus had the greatest ass I ever saw!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="emi" alsoPlayingSayingMarker="placeholder"> <state img="4-stare.png">Whatever you say, Ms. Fourth-Wall-Breaker.</state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="florina" alsoPlayingSayingMarker="bee_again"> <state img="4-thinking.png" marker="beemurder">Might wanna get some perfume. If you can kill birds with perfume, you can kill bees with it too.</state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="futaba" alsoPlayingSayingMarker="futabutt"> <state img="4-eh.png">I wish I had my team with me... My team being my three friends. Then again, I don't think any of them would play this game. Except maybe Gregg.</state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="leggy" alsoPlayingStage="3" alsoPlayingTimeInStage="0"> <state img="4-welp.png">...Oh. <i>(This isn't another hallucination, is it? She's actually a sheep.)</i></state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="leggy" alsoPlayingStage="4" alsoPlayingTimeInStage="0" priority="10000"> <state img="4-stare.png" marker="furry">I guess that also makes me a furry, huh?</state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="lucina" alsoPlayingStage="1" alsoPlayingTimeInStage="0" saidMarker="thisisreal1" notSaidMarker="thisisreal2"> <state img="4-welp.png" marker="thisisreal2">I'm not disassociating... I am NOT disassociating... This is real.</state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="mavis" alsoPlayingStage="3" alsoPlayingTimeInStage="0"> <state img="4-eh.png">Ugh, that must feel really uncomfortable. <i>(And yet, it's weirdly hot...)</i></state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="natsuki" alsoPlayingStage="5" alsoPlayingTimeInStage="0"> <state img="4-smug.png" marker="iseelondoniseefrance">...No, it isn't.</state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="natsuki" alsoPlayingStage="6" alsoPlayingTimeInStage="0" priority="812"> <state img="4-surprise.png" marker="natsuki_seduce">W-Wait, are you <i>trying</i> to seduce me? What happened to thinking I was gross!?</state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="pit" alsoPlayingStage="2" notSaidMarker="pit_greek"> <state img="4-surprise.png" marker="pit_greek">Wait, you're not!? But... your clothing! Didn't the people of ancient Greece wear that kind of clothing?</state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="rinkah" alsoPlayingStage="3" alsoPlayingTimeInStage="0" saidMarker="strip_rinkah_naked" notSaidMarker="fuq"> <state img="4-terror.png" marker="fuq">NO, WAIT, FORGET THE "STRIP YOU NAKED" PART!</state> <state img="4-terror.png" marker="fuq">WAIT, I DIDN'T MEAN TO SAY THAT!!</state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="saki_zls" alsoPlayingStage="6" alsoPlayingTimeInStage="0"> <state img="4-surprise.png" marker="saki_reveal">Wait, what the hell!? What in the infinite hells!?</state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="saki_zls" alsoPlayingStage="6" alsoPlayingTimeInStage="0" saidMarker="sakura_reveal"> <state img="4-stare.png" marker="saki_reveal">Ohhhh, I see. There's a zombie uprising going on, isn't it? <i>(Well, at least I can trust one of 'em. But there's no telling if that other one plans on eating anyone...)</i></state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="sakura" alsoPlayingSayingMarker="die_anywhere_else" priority="10000"> <state img="4-eh.png">Kind of an awkward coincidence... Sorry about that. It's a great song though, even if I had no idea how to play it the first time when my bandmates said they were going to do that song.</state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="sakura" alsoPlayingSayingMarker="donut_wolf" priority="10000"> <state img="4-hype.png">The only way to find out is to RIDE THE CHARIOT TO DONUT HELL!</state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="sakura" alsoPlayingSayingMarker="mae_covers2" priority="10000"> <state img="4-eh.png">Eh? O-Oh, thanks! I got more songs if you want... Too bad I only have one leftover receipt.</state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="sakura" alsoPlayingSayingMarker="mae_ghosts" priority="10000"> <state img="4-thinking.png">Ironically, we have a song spookier than that. It's called "Pumpkin Head Guy". One of Gregg's personal favorites, I think.</state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="sakura" alsoPlayingSayingMarker="weird_autumn" priority="10000"> <state img="4-eh.png">It's the <i>place</i> where autumn's happening that's weird. The events taking place in that autumn are weird. It's... hard to explain, but I really like that song.</state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="sakura" totalMasturbating="0" totalFinished="0" alsoPlayingSayingMarker="mae_covers2" priority="10000"> <state img="4-hype.png">Hearing you sing a song of ours was awesome! Thank you!</state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="sakura" totalMasturbating="1-" totalFinished="0-4" alsoPlayingSayingMarker="mae_covers2" priority="10000"> <state img="4-eh.png">Eh? O-Oh, thanks! I got more songs if you want... Too bad I only have one leftover receipt.</state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="leggy" alsoPlayingStage="3" alsoPlayingTimeInStage="0"> <condition count="1" filter="haru" /> <state img="4-welp.png">...Oh. <i>(This isn't another hallucination, is it? She's actually a sheep. Only that Haru girl is an actual human being...)</i></state> </case> <case tag="hand" notSaidMarker="undead_marker"> <condition count="0" filter="sakura" /> <condition count="1-4" filter="undead" /> <state img="4-fingergun.png" marker="undead_marker">HAH, I knew it! The undead <i>is</i> real! I was right all along!</state> </case> <case tag="hand" notSaidMarker="nakedplaying"> <condition count="0" filter="twilight" /> <condition count="1" status="lost_all" /> <state img="4-woah.png" marker="nakedplaying">Wait... they have no items left. Why do they still get cards? What happens if they lose?</state> </case> <case tag="hand" saidMarker="akko_exorcism" notSaidMarker="ignored_a" priority="9998"> <state img="4-annoyed.png" marker="ignored_a">...Or you can all ignore me like the assholes you are. Cool. I'm fine with it. Not like my opinion is worth listening to anyways.</state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="palutena" alsoPlayingStage="6" notSaidMarker="palutiddie"> <test expr="~palutena.position~" value="left" /> <state img="4-sweat.png" marker="palutiddie"><i>(...Wow. She's so tall, my head reaches her boobs...)</i></state> </case> <case tag="hand" totalRounds="5" priority="9995"> <test expr="~weekday~" value="Monday" /> <state img="4-stare.png">Ugh, I just realized we're playing on a <i>Monday</i>. I hate Mondays. Only good thing about a Monday is that tomorrow can't be a Monday.</state> </case> <case tag="hand" totalRounds="6"> <test expr="~weekday~" value="Wednesday" /> <state img="4-fingergun.png">It's Wednesday, my dudes!</state> </case> <case tag="hand" timeInStage="0" saidMarker="possumsprings_a"> <state img="4-neutral.png" marker="possum_springsqq">If you haven't gotten the memo by now, ~player~... Possum Springs is a pretty conservative town. Most people there wouldn't be caught dead playing this game.</state> </case> <case tag="hand" totalRounds="4" priority="9999"> <state img="4-stare.png" marker="spookyeyes">I'm very aware of how creepy my eyes are, ~player~. Can you believe I'm the only person in my spooky old town with eyes like these?</state> </case> <case tag="must_strip"> <state img="4-terror.png">Oh crap, I have to reveal my <i>privates</i> now!?</state> <state img="4-terror.png">Crap! Nooo, I wasn't ready!!</state> <state img="4-woah.png">W-Wait... What do I take off? Both options are equally bad!!</state> </case> <case tag="must_strip" alsoPlaying="meia" alsoPlayingSayingMarker="dropout" priority="205"> <state img="4-why.png">W-Who told you that!? FYI, my reason for dropping out is college is very personal!</state> </case> <case tag="must_strip" alsoPlaying="meia" priority="200"> <state img="4-annoyed.png">Excuse me!? I'm <i>sturdy</i>, not chubby! I may be short and round, but it doesn't stop me from being able to walk on powerlines and smash open mailboxes.</state> </case> <case tag="must_strip" alsoPlaying="sakura" alsoPlayingNotSaidMarker="mae_covers"> <state img="4-woah.png">Please! Tell me more.</state> </case> <case tag="must_strip" consecutiveLosses="3" notSaidMarker="consecutivelosses"> <state img="4-annoyed.png" marker="consecutivelosses">Oh, <i>veeeery</i> funny, dealer! Well, maybe you won't find it funny once I break your damn nose!</state> </case> <case tag="must_strip" consecutiveLosses="4" saidMarker="consecutivelosses" notSaidMarker="consecutivelosses2"> <state img="4-why.png" marker="consecutivelosses2">COME ON!!</state> </case> <case tag="must_strip" hasHand="One Pair"> <state img="4-annoyed.png" marker="lostwithpair1">Seriously? With a pair? Lady Luck abandoned me this round, it seems.</state> </case> <case tag="must_strip" hasHand="One Pair" saidMarker="lostwithpair1" notSaidMarker="lostwithpair2" priority="60"> <state img="4-surprise.png" marker="lostwithpair2">I lost with a pair <i>again!?</i></state> </case> <case tag="must_strip" hasHand="One Pair" saidMarker="lostwithpair2" notSaidMarker="lostwithpair3"> <state img="4-why.png" marker="lostwithpair3">Oh COME ON! How many times can this happen over a single game!?</state> </case> <case tag="must_strip" hasHand="Straight"> <state img="4-why.png">HOW THE HELL DO YOU GUYS HAVE BETTER HANDS THAN I DO!?</state> </case> <case tag="must_strip" hasHand="Three of a Kind"> <state img="4-why.png">I LOST WITH THREE OF A KIND!?</state> <state img="4-why.png">HOW THE HELL DO YOU GUYS HAVE BETTER HANDS THAN I DO!?</state> </case> <case tag="must_strip_winning"> <state img="4-flustered.png">Hahawowrealfunnyguys!!</state> <state img="4-welp.png">D-Dang it! Too late to quit now, huh?</state> <state img="4-sweat.png">Oh no...</state> </case> <case tag="must_strip_normal"> <state img="4-flustered.png">Hahahahahaha!! ...You're kidding, right?</state> <state img="4-terror.png">I... I don't have any other small stuff left! The next thing I take off....</state> <state img="4-terror.png">You... You're seriously about to get Mae Borowski naked?</state> </case> <case tag="must_strip_losing"> <state img="4-woah.png">Hahahahahaha!! ...You're kidding, right?</state> <state img="4-terror.png">I... I don't have any other small stuff left! The next thing I take off....</state> <state img="4-terror.png">You... You're seriously about to get Mae Borowski naked? How badly am I losing here!?</state> </case> <case tag="stripping"> <state img="4-strip.png">I guess... boxers are a better bet?</state> <state img="4-strip.png">Boobs are different, but vaginas are kinda the same... r-right?</state> <state img="4-strip.png">This... stupid game! Why did I even agree to this!</state> </case> <case tag="stripping" alsoPlaying="akko"> <state img="4-strip.png">No! I just like the color red! What's it to you?</state> </case> <case tag="stripping" alsoPlaying="futaba"> <state img="4-strip.png">Like what? Wearing a clown costume? Walking on powerlines? People already saw me doing the latter!</state> </case> <case tag="stripping" alsoPlaying="pit"> <state img="4-strip.png">Nope! I'd rather show you my bare crotch than be laughed at about how flat I am!</state> </case> <case tag="stripped"> <state img="4-smug.png">Wait... If you’re walking around with just underwear on, it ceases to be underwear. Checkmate, idiots.</state> <state img="4-smug.png">Hah! Isn't it funny how people wear bikinis that reveal 90% of their body, but everyone just looks at the covered parts? So polite!</state> <state img="4-fingergun.png">My summer bikini body isn't ready, but my winter sweater body is on point!</state> <state img="4-neutral.png">It's almost like I'm heading to the gym. Except I never went to a gym.</state> <state img="4-neutral.png">...My underwear doesn't even <i>look</i> like underwear. Just barely-passable clothing.</state> </case> <case tag="stripped" alsoPlaying="futaba"> <state img="4-fingergun.png">Open your ears, people! Those are some wise words we should all heed!</state> </case> <case tag="stripped" alsoPlaying="natsuki" alsoPlayingStage="0-7"> <state img="4-annoyed.png" marker="hs_bulli">I know what bullying's like. Too bad it's hard to feel sympathy for snot-nosed brats like you.</state> <state img="4-neutral.png">...I don't care.</state> </case> <case tag="stripped" alsoPlaying="natsuki" alsoPlayingStage="8-10"> <state img="4-smug.png">Pot calling the kettle black, eh? I'm sure you heard that saying in school.</state> <state img="4-neutral.png">Oh, I get that a lot.</state> <state img="4-annoyed.png">Well look who I have to deal with.</state> </case> <case tag="stripped" alsoPlaying="pit"> <state img="4-stare.png">Hey, Pit. <i>Suffer.</i></state> </case> <case tag="stripped" alsoPlaying="rinkah" saidMarker="rinkah_invitation1" notSaidMarker="rinkah_invitation2" priority="8885"> <state img="4-flustered.png" marker="rinkah_invitation2">I'd... I'd love to hang out. Is there a way I-I can contact you later?</state> </case> <case tag="male_must_strip"> <state img="4-neutral.png">I'm down to my underwear, so, uhh... Make it good, ~name~.</state> <state img="4-stare.png">What next?</state> <state img="4-thinking.png">Why do I feel you have a trick up your sleeve?</state> <state img="4-neutral.png">So what's your next move?</state> <state img="4-triumphant.png">Yes, another win!</state> </case> <case tag="male_must_strip" target="kamina" targetStage="0"> <state img="4-triumphant.png">MIGHTY MAN! MIGHTY MAN!!</state> </case> <case tag="male_must_strip" target="pit" targetStage="0"> <state img="4-surprise.png"><i>(Woah, an angel? So that's not an ordinary swan I'm seeing---he's a legitimate angel!?)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_must_strip"> <state img="4-neutral.png">I'm down to my underwear, so, uhh... Make it good, ~name~.</state> <state img="4-stare.png">What next?</state> <state img="4-thinking.png">Why do I feel you have a trick up your sleeve?</state> <state img="4-neutral.png">So what's your next move?</state> <state img="4-triumphant.png">Yes, another win!</state> </case> <case tag="female_must_strip" target="florina" targetSayingMarker="bee"> <state img="4-terror.png">Not the bees!</state> </case> <case tag="female_must_strip" target="futaba" targetStage="0"> <state img="4-neutral.png" marker="futaba1">Hmm... I have a feeling people would love you. People are into cute, redheaded gamer girls, aren't they?</state> </case> <case tag="female_must_strip" target="kizuna" targetSayingMarker="kizuna_start_naked"> <state img="4-stare.png">That's no excuse. Get stripping, missy.</state> </case> <case tag="female_must_strip" target="rinkah" targetStage="0" priority="10000"> <state img="4-surprise.png"><i>(Holy... crap...)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_must_strip" target="rinkah" targetStage="1" priority="10000"> <state img="4-surprise.png"><i>(It's her turn to strip again!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_must_strip" target="rinkah" targetStage="2" priority="10000"> <state img="4-flustered.png"><i>She's so positive too, so confident and strong yet kind... Damn it, I'm falling in love with this dumb, hot girl! I shouldn't be falling for her, but... Arghhh!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_must_strip" target="rinkah" targetStage="3"> <state img="4-thinking.png"><i>(Okay... What else does she have?)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_must_strip" target="rinkah" targetStage="4"> <state img="4-annoyed.png"><i>(Stupid... dumb... musclehead... hot tribal princess! She's distracting me from the game!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_must_strip" target="rinkah" targetStage="5"> <state img="4-flustered.png">W-What'd I tell you? I knew I'd kick your butt from the start!</state> </case> <case tag="female_must_strip" target="sakura" targetStage="4"> <state img="4-hype.png">Wait! <i>Wait!</i> If you sing for a living, can you sing a cover of one of my band's songs? Please?</state> </case> <case tag="female_must_strip" target="syrenne" targetStage="0"> <state img="4-annoyed.png"><i>(Blegh. Alcoholics like her make me feel queasy...)</i></state> </case> <case tag="tie"> <state img="4-surprise.png">What the---is that even possible?</state> <state img="4-why.png">HOW!?</state> <state img="4-thinking.png">So, uhh... What now?</state> </case> <case tag="male_removing_accessory"> <state img="4-neutral.png">Of course he takes off his ~clothing~.</state> </case> <case tag="male_removing_accessory" target="kamina" targetStage="0"> <state img="4-hype.png">Holy crap, you're so cool!!</state> </case> <case tag="male_removing_accessory" target="kamina" targetStage="2"> <state img="4-eh.png">Why does it feel like your pants would just... slide off without that belt?</state> </case> <case tag="male_removing_accessory" target="pit" targetStage="0"> <state img="4-thinking.png"><i>(That explains the greek-themed clothing he's wearing. Jeez, I hate how everyone I see is an animal.)</i></state> </case> <case tag="male_removing_accessory" target="pit" targetStage="1"> <state img="4-stare.png">What's the point of that sash? Is this just for uniform or something? A show of dominance.</state> </case> <case tag="male_removing_accessory" targetStage="1-8" targetStatus="not_decent"> <state img="4-thinking.png">Hang on, couldn't you just off your ~clothing~ first? You didn't have to show that much skin.</state> </case> <case tag="male_removed_accessory"> <state img="4-eh.png">Not to ruin the mood, but we are all gonna die at some point. The least we can do is move on.</state> <state img="4-neutral.png">...Okay, next hand?</state> <state img="4-neutral.png">I have no witty comments to make for now, so just deal the next hand.</state> <state img="4-stare.png"><i>(yawn)</i></state> <state img="4-eh.png">Can we move on?</state> <state img="4-neutral.png">As ~clothing.ifPlural(some ~clothing~ are|a ~clothing~ is)~ being removed, a new person is born. Isn't life weird?</state> <state img="4-annoyed.png">I'm bored. Can I have a new hand?</state> <state img="4-eyes.png">Okay okay okay! Let's keep going!</state> <state img="4-annoyed.png">Can we <i>please</i> move faster?</state> <state img="4-stare.png">I'd rather be doing crimes. Crimes tend to be more fun than watching you take off ~clothing.ifPlural(some stupid ~clothing~|a stupid ~clothing~)~.</state> </case> <case tag="male_removed_accessory" target="kamina" targetStage="3"> <state img="4-smug.png">That'd honestly be pretty hilarious. Like the slapstick comedy that seems to be my life sometimes.</state> <state img="4-surprise.png" marker="gravitypants">Nope. Still on. Apparently those pants defy gravity or something! Man, that'd be revolutionary!</state> </case> <case tag="male_removed_accessory" target="pit" targetStage="1"> <state img="4-stare.png">Hmm? No, I wasn't staring at you, Pit. You must be seeing things.</state> </case> <case tag="male_removed_accessory" target="pit" targetStage="2"> <state img="4-neutral.png">I know jack about greek culture. Which is weird because I always thought angels were associated with Christianity. Then again, I also thought angels were fictional.</state> </case> <case tag="male_removed_accessory" targetStage="1-8" targetStatus="not_decent"> <state img="4-annoyed.png">...You do you, I guess.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_accessory"> <state img="4-neutral.png">I should've brought my phone. At least the games would've kept me entertained while I finish waiting for you to strip.</state> <state img="4-neutral.png">♫ I can't, I can't, I can't stand losing~ ♫</state> <state img="4-thinking.png">I should've bought my bass. Pass the time with a little background music. I've been practicing for a while.</state> <state img="4-stare.png">What if <i>every</i> single piece of clothing were in pairs. Two for the price of one, right?</state> <state img="4-smug.png">~clothing.ifPlural(Goodbye, ~clothing~. You won't be missed by anyone else but ~name~.|Another ~clothing~ bites the dust.)~</state> <state img="4-stare.png">I'd rather be doing crimes. Crimes tend to be more fun than watching you take off ~clothing.ifPlural(some stupid ~clothing~|a stupid ~clothing~)~.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_accessory" filter="aggressive"> <state img="4-neutral.png" marker="aggressive_marker">I feel like one of you can kill anyone in this room. How do you guys get away with murder?</state> <state img="4-neutral.png" marker="aggressive_marker">I bet you know the best place to dump a body in.</state> <state img="4-neutral.png" marker="aggressive_marker">Can I ask you a favor? Can you not hurt anyone when they also take off an accessory.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="blake" targetStage="5"> <state img="4-surprise.png">Wait, what? What's this?</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="florina" targetStage="0" targetSaidMarker="fled"> <state img="4-eyes.png">♫ Sometimes I feel I got to <i>(bomp bomp)</i> run away!~ ♫</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="futaba" targetStage="1" priority="999"> <state img="4-smug.png">I. Want. Those. Boots.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="lucina" targetStage="0"> <state img="4-surprise.png">Eh!?</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="pinkie_pie" targetStage="5"> <state img="4-eh.png"><i>(Aw man, but the stockings-only look was hot...)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="rinkah" targetStage="0" priority="10000"> <state img="4-sweat.png"><i>(This Rinkah girl... She could probably suplex me without any trouble!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="rinkah" targetStage="1" priority="9999"> <state img="4-flustered.png">Those gloves you took off earlier look heavy... I-Is that how you build muscle?</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="rinkah" targetStage="2" priority="10000"> <state img="4-eh.png"><i>(Abs like solid rock. I'd probably hurt my hand trying to punch her the stomach...)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_accessory" targetStage="1-8" targetStatus="not_decent"> <test expr="~name~" cmp="!=" value="Kyu" /> <state img="4-thinking.png">Hang on, can't you just off your ~clothing~ first? You didn't have to show that much skin.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_accessory"> <state img="4-neutral.png">...Okay, next hand?</state> <state img="4-neutral.png">I have no witty comments to make for now, so just deal the next hand.</state> <state img="4-stare.png"><i>(yawn)</i></state> <state img="4-eh.png">Can we move on?</state> <state img="4-annoyed.png">Let's go! Poker waits for no kitten!</state> <state img="4-annoyed.png">I'm bored. Can I have a new hand?</state> <state img="4-eyes.png">Okay okay okay! Let's keep going!</state> <state img="4-annoyed.png">Can we <i>please</i> move faster?</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="blake" targetStage="6"> <state img="4-stare.png" marker="blakereveal">Oh... This whole time, you were... secretly a cat?</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="futaba" targetStage="2" priority="1001"> <state img="4-hype.png">Seriously, they're actually my aesthetic... I don't know how to use that word, but I do want boots like yours!</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="lucina"> <state img="4-eh.png" marker="thisisreal1">...And you chose to disguise yourself <i>why</i>? Are you from some sort of fantasty setting or am I just... Oh god...</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="natsuki" targetStage="1"> <state img="4-stare.png">Fine. Not like I'd want to play strip poker with an asshole like you anyways.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="pinkie_pie" targetStage="6"> <state img="4-flustered.png">You're weird, but in this case, I do like weird... Show me more party tricks!</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="rinkah" targetStage="1"> <state img="4-surprise.png">...Please don't hurt me Rinkah...</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="rinkah" targetStage="2"> <state img="4-eh.png">Although I guess it's too late to ask since youve already took off your boots... <i>(Ughh! I am such an idiot!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="rinkah" targetStage="3" priority="10000"> <state img="4-eyes.png" marker="strip_rinkah_naked">B-Bring it! I will strip you naked and emerge from this game victoriou---</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_accessory" targetStage="1-8" targetStatus="not_decent"> <test expr="~name~" cmp="!=" value="Kyu" /> <state img="4-annoyed.png">...You do you, I guess.</state> <state img="4-stare.png">Weird strategy, though.</state> </case> <case tag="male_removing_minor"> <state img="4-stare.png">Booooring.</state> <state img="4-neutral.png">...Oh, I'm sorry, were you expecting interest in ~clothing.ifPlural(those ~clothing~|that ~clothing~)~?</state> <state img="4-annoyed.png">I can't express my disinterest enough.</state> <state img="4-annoyed.png">Either you carry a lot of small stuff or you're just good. I don't know what annoys me.</state> <state img="4-neutral.png">This feels like stalling.</state> </case> <case tag="male_removing_minor" target="kamina" targetStage="1"> <state img="4-neutral.png">Should I wear armwraps too? I tend to hurt my hands a lot.</state> </case> <case tag="male_removing_minor" target="kamina" targetStage="6" priority="855"> <state img="4-thinking.png">Saving the cape for last, I see.</state> </case> <case tag="male_removing_minor" target="pit" targetStage="2"> <state img="4-thinking.png">These are the most impractical sandals I ever saw. How the hell do you even run in the---?</state> </case> <case tag="male_removing_minor" targetStage="1-8" targetStatus="not_decent"> <state img="4-thinking.png">Hang on, can't you just off your ~clothing~ first? You didn't have to show that much skin.</state> </case> <case tag="male_removed_minor"> <state img="4-neutral.png">And nobody gave a crap. The end.</state> <state img="4-stare.png">Hmph.</state> <state img="4-stare.png">I came to see naughty bits, not people taking off things that shouldn't matter.</state> <state img="4-stare.png">I'm jumping for joy right now.</state> <state img="4-stare.png">Greaaaaat, let's move on.</state> </case> <case tag="male_removed_minor" target="kamina" targetStage="2"> <state img="4-thinking.png">And not just from knife fights. Only my knuckles seem to be injured there.</state> </case> <case tag="male_removed_minor" target="kamina" targetStage="7"> <state img="4-eh.png">I mean... You could've used that to cover yourself. <i>(That's what I should've done...)</i></state> </case> <case tag="male_removed_minor" target="pit" targetStage="3"> <state img="4-surprise.png">Ohhhhh, right, you have wings. My bad.</state> </case> <case tag="male_removed_minor" target="ryuji" targetSayingMarker="wince" priority="555"> <state img="4-eh.png">Ouch. You okay?</state> </case> <case tag="male_removed_minor" target="ryuji" targetStage="1"> <state img="4-hype.png">Ooooh, I want that shirt!</state> </case> <case tag="male_removed_minor" targetStage="1-8" targetStatus="not_decent"> <state img="4-annoyed.png">...You do you, I guess.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_minor"> <state img="4-stare.png">Booooring.</state> <state img="4-neutral.png">...Oh, I'm sorry, were you expecting interest in ~clothing.ifPlural(those ~clothing~|that ~clothing~)~?</state> <state img="4-annoyed.png">I can't express my disinterest enough.</state> <state img="4-annoyed.png">Either you carry a lot of small stuff or you're just good. I don't know what annoys me.</state> <state img="4-neutral.png">This feels like stalling.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_minor" target="catria" targetStage="3"> <state img="4-surprise.png">H-Hey! We can see your ass, y'know!</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_minor" target="futaba" targetStage="0" priority="555"> <state img="4-stare.png">Ooooh, lucky you. Cute people are usually not into girls like me. For good reason. <i>(Not like she needs to know why most of the town calls me "Killer".)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_minor" target="futaba" targetStage="3" priority="10000"> <state img="4-neutral.png">Are those not uncomfortable? Or is it so cold where you're from that you need to keep your legs warm?</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_minor" target="kyoko" targetStage="5" priority="545"> <state img="4-eh.png">...Oh...</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_minor" target="natsuki" targetStage="2"> <state img="4-thinking.png">I wouldn't know. English is not my strong suit.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_minor" target="sakura" targetStage="1" priority="540"> <state img="4-surprise.png"><i>(What the---grey skin?)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_minor" target="sakura" targetStage="2" priority="545"> <state img="4-surprise.png" marker="sakura_reveal">Seriously!? You're a zombie!</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_minor" target="sakura" targetStage="3" priority="560"> <state img="4-fingergun.png" marker="loseyourhead">Woah, don't lose your head now! Ahahahahahaha!!</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_minor" targetStage="1-8" targetStatus="not_decent"> <test expr="~name~" cmp="!=" value="Kyu" /> <state img="4-thinking.png">Hang on, can't you just off your ~clothing~ first? You didn't have to show that much skin.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_minor"> <state img="4-neutral.png">And nobody gave a crap. The end.</state> <state img="4-stare.png">Hmph.</state> <state img="4-stare.png">I came to see naughty bits, not people taking off things that shouldn't matter.</state> <state img="4-stare.png">I'm jumping for joy right now.</state> <state img="4-stare.png">Greaaaaat, let's move on.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="emi" targetStage="7"> <state img="4-surprise.png">Wait... Prosthetics!? I'm sorry, but if you mentioned having prosthetic legs before, I wasn't paying attention.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="futaba"> <state img="4-stare.png">Part of your thigh is exposed though, so it must be some weird fashion statement I never heard of.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="futaba" targetStage="1"> <state img="4-neutral.png">Just looking at you makes me wanna snuggle up against you and play video games on your TV all day.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="kyoko" targetStage="6"> <state img="4-welp.png"><i>(Well that just killed the mood.)</i></state> <state img="4-welp.png">I, uh, don't know what to say. I'm sorry.</state> <state img="4-welp.png">Jeez... I'm sorry.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="sakura" targetStage="2"> <state img="4-annoyed.png">You got a little something on your thighs. If we can have an explanation, that'd be neat.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="sakura" targetStage="3"> <state img="4-flustered.png"><i>(Aren't zombies supposed to be living corpses with rotting flesh? What's concerning is that she's STILL cute despite that!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="sakura" targetStage="3" alsoPlaying="saki_zls" alsoPlayingStage="6"> <state img="4-smug.png">Aha! There's a zombie uprising going on, isn't it? No wonder you know each other so well! Too bad I was prepared from the very beginning!</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="sakura" targetStage="4" alsoPlaying="saki_zls" alsoPlayingStage="7" saidMarker="loseyourhead"> <state img="4-smug.png">Hahaha... hah... Man, you girls are a goldmine for lame puns. I need to work on my comedian routine. Could you help me out?</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="sakura" targetStage="4" saidMarker="loseyourhead"> <state img="4-smug.png">Hahaha... hah... Man, you're a goldmine for lame puns. I need to work on my comedian routine. Could you help me out?</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_minor" targetStage="1-8" targetStatus="not_decent"> <test expr="~name~" cmp="!=" value="Kyu" /> <state img="4-annoyed.png">...You do you, I guess.</state> </case> <case tag="male_removing_major"> <state img="4-eh.png" marker="notflirting">This must be no problem for you. A chance to show off your fantastic body, right? 'Cause, you <i>do</i> look good.</state> <state img="4-stare.png">Ballsy. Or at least it would be if you actually had boobs.</state> <state img="4-neutral.png">Not bad, I guess... I bet some people are fanning themselves.</state> <state img="4-eh.png">I... guess this isn't a big deal.</state> <state img="4-flustered.png">This means I'm winning, right!?</state> </case> <case tag="male_removed_major"> <state img="4-smug.png" marker="lostmajor">Time to win this game!</state> <state img="4-eyes.png" marker="lostmajor">Alright, I'm ready! <i>(I'm ready to see people get naked!)</i></state> <state img="4-smug.png" marker="lostmajor">This game is getting a lot more fun. Ooooh, what's next?</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_major"> <state img="4-smug.png">Yesssss!!</state> <state img="4-fingergun.png">If I hated you before, I hate you a little less now.</state> <state img="4-triumphant.png">Yesss, this is what we all came for!</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_major" target="aimee"> <state img="4-terror.png">WHAT THE HELL!?</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_major" target="emi" targetStage="7"> <state img="4-surprise.png">Your <i>legs!?</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_major" target="futaba" targetStage="2"> <state img="4-thinking.png">Now you have me wondering---do <i>you</i> wear underwear?</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_major" target="hk416" targetStage="3"> <state img="4-neutral.png">Classy jacket you got there. Looks warm too.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_major" target="pinkie_pie" targetStage="0"> <state img="4-woah.png">Woah, she's already livening things up!</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_major" target="pinkie_pie" targetStage="1"> <state img="4-flustered.png">I like this girl. A lot.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_major" target="rinkah" targetStage="3"> <state img="4-hype.png">Pants! Pants!! <i>Paaaaants!!!</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_major" target="saki_zls" targetStage="5"> <state img="4-annoyed.png">Makeup? You can't strip <i>makeup---!</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_major" target="sakura"> <state img="4-surprise.png">It's the only scrap of paper I ha---wait, you never heard of Donut Wolf? You poor, unfortunate soul!</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_major" target="syrenne" targetStage="0"> <state img="4-woah.png">W-Wait, <i>already!?</i> What about those things on your arms?</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_major"> <state img="4-eh.png" marker="*">I guess we're more even? Question mark??</state> <state img="4-sweat.png" marker="*">Uhh...</state> <state img="4-flustered.png" marker="*">Looking good, ~name~! Seriously, I'm being geniune. You look...</state> <state img="4-hype.png" marker="*">This game is getting a lot more fun. Ooooh, what's next?</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_major" target="aimee" targetStage="1"> <state img="4-why.png">Wh... What? WHAT!? <i>WHY!?</i></state> <state img="4-why.png">Wh... What the hell is WRONG with you!?</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_major" target="emi" targetStage="8"> <state img="4-woah.png">Holy crap, you're determined!</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_major" target="futaba"> <state img="4-stare.png">So technically the shirt <i>was</i> your underwear. But now it's not, since you're wearing nothing over it. Clever.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_major" target="hk416" targetStage="4" priority="205"> <state img="4-surprise.png">Annnnd you're not wearing anything but a bra underneath it!</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_major" target="natsuki" targetStage="5"> <state img="4-surprise.png"><i>(That "oversized shirt with no pants" look is really hot... Oh god, now I feel gross. Jeez, I really hope this girl is legal...)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_major" target="natsuki" targetStage="5" alsoPlaying="pit"> <state img="4-flustered.png"><i>(Yeah... What he said.)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_major" target="natsuki" targetStage="6" priority="111"> <state img="4-surprise.png">Holy crap... That's adorable!</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_major" target="pinkie_pie" targetStage="1"> <state img="4-hype.png">And she's so nonchalant about it! Hey, we should all be like her!</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_major" target="pinkie_pie" targetStage="2"> <state img="4-flustered.png">I don't attend a lot of parties----you don't get too many at Possum Springs, and they tend to suck. So, uh, can you invite me to one of your parties sometime?</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_major" target="rinkah"> <state img="4-surprise.png">W-Wait, we can see your---!</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_major" target="saki_zls" targetStage="6"> <state img="4-terror.png">Gah! Not the ice bucket!</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_major" target="sakura" targetStage="5" targetSayingMarker="mae_covers"> <state img="4-triumphant.png">Yesssss!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_major" target="syrenne" targetStage="1"> <state img="4-stare.png">There's other things you can strip that are <i>not</i> your headband though.</state> </case> <case tag="male_chest_will_be_visible"> <state img="4-smug.png">Please, like this is embarrassing for you.</state> <state img="4-woah.png"><i>(Hot shirtless men is usually something you usually find at a college party... At least this isn't college.)</i></state> <state img="4-flustered.png">Do you work out, ~name~? Just asking! In case, y'know.... Ah, screw it, we're gonna know regardless!</state> </case> <case tag="male_chest_is_visible"> <state img="4-surprise.png">Cool!! Impressive!</state> <state img="4-flustered.png">N-Next hand?</state> <state img="4-flustered.png"><i>(Oh no, he's hot!)</i></state> <state img="4-sweat.png"><i>(Get it together, Borowski! Okay, some guy is shirtless. That's cool. It's fine, you signed up for this!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="male_chest_is_visible" filter="athletic"> <state img="4-sweat.png"><i>(Is it weird that I kinda wanna lick his chest... Yeah, that's weird! Stop being weird!!)</i></state> <state img="4-surprise.png">Wow...</state> <state img="4-woah.png">You <i>definitely</i> work out! You can probably lift me no problem, and that actually means something 'cause I'm pretty heavy.</state> </case> <case tag="male_chest_is_visible" filter="muscular"> <state img="4-woah.png">Woah, can you give me a ride on your back?</state> <state img="4-woah.png">Woah, how much have you been going to the gym!?</state> </case> <case tag="male_chest_is_visible" target="9s"> <state img="4-stare.png">...Can I ask what happened to your nipples?</state> </case> <case tag="male_crotch_will_be_visible"> <state img="4-surprise.png">Oh boy... Oh boy, t-this is it....</state> <state img="4-flustered.png">I'm not sure if I should be terrified or excited!!</state> <state img="4-surprise.png">Holy---!</state> <state img="4-terror.png">Wait!! I-I don't think I'm ready---</state> </case> <case tag="male_small_crotch_is_visible"> <state img="4-neutral.png">...Something tells me I should be laughing. I'm not.</state> <state img="4-stare.png">Soooooo, apparently you're smaller than average? Judging by everyone else's reactions?</state> <state img="4-eh.png">Is... Is it small? I dunno what counts as "average" size for penis just by sight. I'm not a dick professional.</state> <state img="4-thinking.png"><i>(Huh... Either porn is extremely unrealistic or his is not as big as it should be.)</i></state> </case> <case tag="male_medium_crotch_is_visible"> <state img="4-flustered.png">I... I bet you get a lot of girls...</state> <state img="4-sweat.png"><i>(Gah! It's...)</i></state> <state img="4-flustered.png"><i>(Why is everyone so damn attractive! I hate this game!)</i></state> <state img="4-flustered.png">There it is, guys. His... His dick. It's out for us.</state> <state img="4-sweat.png">Okay, okay, that's a nice penis, <i>moving on!!</i></state> </case> <case tag="male_medium_crotch_is_visible" target="ryuji" targetSayingMarker="ass" priority="445"> <state img="4-eyes.png"><i>(Nice.)</i></state> </case> <case tag="male_large_crotch_is_visible"> <state img="4-surprise.png">H-How would that even fit!?</state> <state img="4-terror.png">Err...</state> <state img="4-terror.png"><i>(Gah!! I do <i>not</i> want that near my privates!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="male_large_crotch_is_visible" target="mettaton"> <state img="4-why.png">What the---I know you're not human, but this is just ridiculous!!</state> </case> <case tag="male_crotch_is_visible"> <condition count="3-4" gender="male" status="naked" /> <state img="4-woah.png">How many penises am I gonna see tonight!? Geez!</state> </case> <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible"> <state img="4-flustered.png">Hahaha... This line shouldn't be playing. So, uh, just report it if it plays, I guess?</state> </case> <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" priority="780"> <condition count="1-5" status="chest_visible" /> <state img="4-woah.png">We are going to unlock more boobs!</state> <state img="4-sweat.png">Oh boy...</state> <state img="4-flustered.png">Looks like I'm seeing more boobs today. Hahaha.... hah...</state> <state img="4-flustered.png"><i>(Okay, this is <i>almost</i> worth sticking around!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" priority="785"> <condition count="0" gender="female" status="chest_visible" /> <state img="4-surprise.png">BOOBS!</state> <state img="4-woah.png">We are going to unlock ~name~'s boobs!</state> <state img="4-woah.png">Are you gonna show us your boobs? I've never actually seen boobs in real life! Unless you count my own boobs!!</state> <state img="4-surprise.png">Boobs! Honkers!! Badonkers!!!</state> <state img="4-woah.png">Oh... Oh crap...</state> </case> <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" target="florina" targetSayingMarker="bee3" priority="9998"> <state img="4-surprise.png">Holy <i>crap</i>, these bees show up at the worst moments!</state> </case> <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" target="futaba"> <state img="4-surprise.png">Erm... I guess I'll be seeing your boobs, Oracle! This isn't something new friends shouldn't do though...</state> </case> <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" target="kyu"> <state img="4-surprise.png">...Witchcraft!</state> </case> <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" target="kyu" targetSaying="This totally isn't some deus-ex-machina cop-out to avoid having to put any effort into another stripping sprite, by the way. In case you were wondering."> <state img="4-stare.png">But... wouldn't that stripping pose take just as much effort, if not <i>more?</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" target="moon" priority="10000"> <state img="4-why.png">FOR THE LAST TIME, I DON'T WANT TO SEE YOUR CHEST!</state> </case> <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" target="natsuki"> <state img="4-sweat.png">Y-You know what!? Fine! I'm tired of s-seeing that dumb strawberry-print on your underwear anyways! <i>So</i> childish!</state> </case> <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" target="rinkah" priority="9994"> <state img="4-eh.png">It doesn't hurt to bind your chest---?</state> </case> <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" target="saki_zls"> <state img="4-fingergun.png">Hehehe... Looks like you're getting <i>a-head</i> of yourself now!</state> </case> <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" totalRounds="0-5"> <state img="4-surprise.png">The game JUST started, what the heck!?</state> </case> <case tag="female_small_chest_is_visible"> <state img="4-neutral.png">Oh... I actually feel a little bad for you.</state> <state img="4-neutral.png">...I'm kind of disappointed.</state> <state img="4-eh.png">Well at least you're not sturdy like me!</state> </case> <case tag="female_small_chest_is_visible" target="futaba"> <state img="4-eh.png">...</state> </case> <case tag="female_small_chest_is_visible" target="natsuki"> <state img="4-eh.png"><i>(...Maybe now is not a good time to make another nasty comment, Mae. Jeez, I'm just as big of a jerk as she is.)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible"> <state img="4-flustered.png"><i>(Yup! Real boobs! Right in front of me!)</i></state> <state img="4-surprise.png"><i>(Must... not... squeeze...)</i></state> <state img="4-sweat.png">Umm... Nice... boobs? G... Great tits?</state> <state img="4-flustered.png">Hahaha, totally not staring, ~name~!</state> <state img="4-sweat.png"><i>(Oh crud, what do I do, WHAT DO I SAY!?)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="calisto" priority="15"> <state img="4-surprise.png">That <i>has</i> to be uncomfortable! Doesn't it feel like you're having a wedgie!?</state> </case> <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="florina"> <state img="4-annoyed.png">Now the reveal is kinda ruined, even if her tits are kind of cute... One of us should get some pesticide.</state> </case> <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="moon"> <state img="4-stare.png">...You have no idea how much I want to stab you and throw your filthy body into a river.</state> </case> <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="rinkah" priority="9995"> <state img="4-woah.png">Ohhhhh my good lord...</state> <state img="4-woah.png">W-Wow... How is your body so... <i>(perfect!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_large_chest_is_visible"> <state img="4-surprise.png">Those are some serious honkers! A real set of badonkers! You're packing some dobonhonkeros!!</state> <state img="4-surprise.png">Humongous hungolomghononoloughongous!</state> <state img="4-welp.png">You must attract a lot of people, huh?</state> <state img="4-flustered.png">Can I... no, nevermind! Forget I said anything!!</state> <state img="4-woah.png" marker="squeezethemtits">Holy... cow... Can I squeeze them!? Please?</state> </case> <case tag="female_large_chest_is_visible" target="jura" targetSayingMarker="butt"> <state img="4-annoyed.png"><i>(Ugh, AND she has an amazing ass too? This is why I hate hot girls like her sometimes. Nearly everything they do makes you self-concious about yourself.)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_chest_is_visible" filter="no_bra" priority="2"> <state img="4-smug.png">Should've looked for a sports bra, nerd. It'll increase your chances of winning.</state> </case> <case tag="female_chest_is_visible" filter="pierced_nipples"> <state img="4-woah.png"><i>(She pierces her nipples!? That's... really hot...)</i></state> <state img="4-sweat.png"><i>(Woah... Do I have a thing for pierced nipples?)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible"> <state img="4-flustered.png">This is NOT how I expected my day to go.</state> <state img="4-flustered.png">Oh boy...</state> <state img="4-sweat.png"><i>(Is ~name~ one of those people who shaves? Why should that matter; I'm gonna see her crotch! Her naked crotch!!)</i></state> <state img="4-sweat.png">Nnnn!! We're gonna see---</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" filter="thong" priority="155"> <state img="4-eh.png">If I had to be honest, thongs look like the most uncomfortable things on the planet.</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="leggy"> <state img="4-flustered.png">It feels weird seeing you about to get naked knowing you're not actually human...</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="moon"> <state img="4-terror.png">I don't want to see it! It's probably filthy. And full of gross STDs. And a bunch of other gross things! Can I go home now!?</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="rinkah" priority="9999"> <state img="4-flustered.png">W-Well I've already seen your pubes!</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="sakura"> <state img="4-surprise.png">Oh boy! Zombie... pussy...</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" targetStatus="chest_visible"> <state img="4-flustered.png">I guess you're gonna show us the package deal! Nice!! I mean, who wouldn't want to see a pretty girl completely naked?</state> <state img="4-flustered.png">Heh... Time for you to, uh, get naked. Show us everything. Y'know, since those are the rules of the game and everything.</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible"> <state img="4-eh.png">Oh boy... I... I almost feel sorry for you.</state> <state img="4-surprise.png">Oh...</state> <state img="4-woah.png">I can't look away! I just can't! It's not everyday you see someone's vagina!</state> <state img="4-sweat.png">I... can't think straight...</state> <state img="4-flustered.png"><i>(I just unlocked someone's ass.)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible"> <condition count="1" gender="female" status="crotch_visible" /> <state img="4-surprise.png"><i>(Yup! That is indeed a vagina!)</i></state> <state img="4-surprise.png"><i>(Yup!! That is indeed a vagina! I'm seeing a stranger's crotch!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" filter="hairy"> <state img="4-flustered.png">You don't shave either? Whew, I thought I was the only one!</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" filter="shaved" priority="1"> <state img="4-woah.png">Wait, you shaved it!? How do you not cut yourself?</state> <state img="4-woah.png">How do you even shave? I'm afraid of putting anything sharp near my own lady parts!</state> <state img="4-surprise.png">Why do you people even shave?</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" filter="witch" notSaidMarker="witch_nude"> <state img="4-flustered.png" marker="witch_nude">I think ~name~ just bewitched me! Hahahahaha... hah...</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="blake" targetSaidMarker="Bellabooty"> <state img="4-smug.png">Bellabooty!</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="florina" targetSayingMarker="butt" priority="150"> <state img="4-flustered.png">We can see your butt!! <i>(And it's a really cute butt....)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="haru"> <state img="4-surprise.png"><i>(That ass is bigger than my future!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="ini" targetSaidMarker="butt"> <state img="4-annoyed.png">You suuuure are determined not to show us your pubes.</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="jolyne" targetSaidMarker="Butt"> <state img="4-hype.png"><i>(Yeeessssss!!)</i></state> <state img="4-flustered.png">And suddenly, I find myself enjoying this game more! You turning around r-really helped with that.</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="jura" targetSayingMarker="natsuki_hug"> <state img="4-stare.png">...I think you're suffocating her.</state> <state img="4-stare.png">If she dies being suffocated by your massive chest, I'm getting out of here.</state> <state img="4-thinking.png"><i>(Yeah, I can't envy her.)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="leggy"> <state img="4-thinking.png">Yup, everyone's a furry. I'm a furry, you're a furry, we're all furry in my eyes.</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="mavis"> <state img="4-surprise.png"><i>(She's dummy thicc!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="meia"> <state img="4-flustered.png"><i>(I like this sight!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="moon"> <state img="4-welp.png">...Why did I agree to playing this game?</state> <state img="4-welp.png">I should've left while I could.</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="rinkah"> <state img="4-flustered.png">Umm... You are <i>really</i> confident, huh?</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="sakura"> <state img="4-stare.png">...Is a thing I never thought I'd say in my life.</state> <state img="4-eh.png">Are you seriously a zombie? I'd have expected something more... cut up. And writhing with maggots. But no, you're really hot and I'm not sure how to feel about being attracted to a zombie.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" alsoPlaying="natsuki" notSaidMarker="natsuki_song" alsoPlayingSaying="♪ Let her rip! Let her roar! To the first and the second And the third encore! ♪" priority="15"> <state img="4-hype.png" marker="natsuki_song">Ooooooh, I like those lyrics! Really punchy, <i>badass</i> even!! What's that song?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" consecutiveLosses="3-" notSaidMarker="opp_consecutivelosses"> <state img="4-smug.png" marker="opp_consecutivelosses">Wow, you are <i>terrible</i> at this game!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="non-human" targetStage="1-10" notSaidMarker="humanhate"> <condition count="0" filter="leggy" /> <state img="4-stare.png">Y'know, unlike most species, us humans actually <i>hate</i> each other. <i>(Which is why we're all a bunch of animals in my eyes)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="blue_hair" notSaidMarker="bluehair_marker"> <state img="4-woah.png" marker="bluehair_marker">Blue hair!? The only other person I know who has blue hair is Bea, and I know hers is dyed!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="criminal" notSaidMarker="criminal_marker" priority="165"> <state img="4-smug.png" marker="criminal_marker">I think I like ~name~ already! So, you think you're done for some crimes after this game is over?</state> <state img="4-fingergun.png" marker="criminal_marker">Finally, a fellow law-breaker!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="deity" notSaidMarker="deity_marker"> <state img="4-stare.png">...What do I even say?</state> <state img="4-thinking.png">This is too weird for me.</state> <state img="4-neutral.png">...</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="fancy" notSaidMarker="fancy_marker"> <state img="4-annoyed.png" marker="fancy_marker">Well, look at you! All fancy and crap. Do you sip expensive wine out of a three-million dollar wine glass as well?</state> <state img="4-eyes.png" marker="fancy_marker">So! You're gonna mock me for being commoner trash? Well jokes on you, I embraced that title!!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="flies" notSaidMarker="flies_marker" priority="54"> <state img="4-welp.png" marker="flies_marker">Maaaaan, I wish I could fly...</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="freckles" notSaidMarker="freckles_marker"> <state img="4-neutral.png" marker="freckles_marker">I bet it's sunny where you live. I wish we had more sunny days in Possum Springs... although rain and fog is nice sometimes.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="gloomy" notSaidMarker="gloomy_marker"> <state img="4-eh.png" marker="gloomy_marker"><i>(~name~ kind of reminds me of Bea. I kinda wish she were here now. Too bad Bea wouldn't be caught dead playing this game.)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="gun" notSaidMarker="gun_marker"> <state img="4-terror.png" marker="gun_marker"><i>(What the---aren't guns illegal!? What the hell is that person thinking? Should I be scared? I don't want to be shot again!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="innocent" notSaidMarker="innocent_marker" priority="6"> <state img="4-neutral.png" marker="innocent_marker">...Should you really be playing this game?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="lonely" notSaidMarker="lonely_marker"> <state img="4-eh.png" marker="lonely_marker"><i>(Jeez, ~name~ kind of reminds me of myself. Makes me glad I actually have some friends, or else my existence would end up being even crappier.)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="musician" targetStatus="decent" notSaidMarker="musician_tag"> <state img="4-neutral.png" marker="musician_tag">So you play an instrument too, huh? Or are you a singer?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="police" notSaidMarker="police_marker"> <state img="4-stare.png" marker="police_marker">I'm playing strip poker with a cop? Wow. I wonder what other crazy stuff life has in store for me.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="red_eyes" targetStage="0"> <state img="4-smug.png" marker="nightmareyesclub_marker">Alright, ~name~, now that I've found another person with such vivid red eyes, you're officially a member of the "Nightmare Eyes" club. No backsies.</state> <state img="4-smug.png" marker="redeyes_marker">Nightmare eyes, baby. All day, every day. We're comrades now.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="thigh_highs" notSaidMarker="thighhigh_markers"> <state img="4-annoyed.png" marker="thighhigh_markers">Ugh. Why would you torture yourself with those long socks? Doesn't it feel itchy?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="undead" targetStage="0" saidMarker="undead_marker" priority="7500"> <state img="4-smug.png" marker="good_day">And now I have to watch them get naked slowly in front of me! This is a good day for the Possum Spring ghost-hunter.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="vampire" notSaidMarker="vampire_marker" priority="155"> <state img="4-hype.png" marker="vampire_marker">Ohmigod... I <i>knew</i> vampires were real! Suck it, nonbelievers!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="virtual" notSaidMarker="virtual_marker"> <state img="4-surprise.png" marker="virtual_marker">Wait, am I playing with a hologram!? Is this another crazy dream?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="witch" notSaidMarker="witchdagga_witchmarker"> <state img="4-thinking.png" marker="witchdagga_witchmarker"><i>(Man, how cool would it be if Witchdagger actually played here? It would make up for all the times I couldn't go to any concerts because they were all too far away and nobody would drive me.)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" hasHand="Full House"> <state img="4-smug.png">Yessir, that's a full house! How do you like <i>that?</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" hasHand="Full House" notSaidMarker="singing_fullhouse"> <state img="4-thinking.png" marker="singing_fullhouse">♫ Whatever happened to predictability? The milkman, the paperboy, evening TV? ♫</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" hasHand="High Card" notSaidMarker="highcard_win"> <state img="4-triumphant.png" marker="highcard_win">Yessss!! Still managed a win with a crappy high card!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" hasHand="High Card" saidMarker="highcard_win" notSaidMarker="highcard_win1"> <state img="4-smug.png" marker="highcard_win1">And what do you know? I won with a high card <i>again</i>!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" hasHand="High Card" saidMarker="highcard_win1" notSaidMarker="highcard_win2"> <state img="4-neutral.png" marker="highcard_win2">...Jeez, ~name~. Your luck is terrible.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" notSaidMarker="betteryouthanme"> <state img="4-neutral.png" marker="betteryouthanme">Better you than me.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" saidMarker="possum_springsqq" notSaidMarker="possum_springsaa"> <state img="4-eh.png" marker="possum_springsaa">If you haven't noticed, I am not "most people". I am the definition of... weird. Y'know? Sometimes it's a good thing, and sometimes knowing this just makes me miserable.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="blake" targetStage="0"> <state img="4-eh.png"><i>(I can't tell what animal this girl is... Why do I even see people as animals in the first place?)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="blake" targetStage="6"> <state img="4-smug.png">A cat is fine too. I mean, look at <i>me!</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="chihiro" targetStage="5" priority="9997"> <state img="4-stare.png">Oh, you're back. Listen, you better not run away again. You chose to play, you stick it out until the end.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="florina" targetStage="4" targetSaidMarker="bee" priority="444"> <state img="4-surprise.png"><i>(Crap, better get ready to run. I don't want to be stung again!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="human" filter="gay" notSaidMarker="player_queer" priority="9998"> <state img="4-surprise.png" marker="player_queer">Wait... ~player~, you're gay?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="jura"> <state img="4-annoyed.png"><i>Of course</i> she's ridiculously vain. Not even sexy and suave girls can save the world from being crappy.</state> <state img="4-stare.png">Well at least your inflated ego makes sense, I'll give you that. But I still don't like you already.</state> <state img="4-stare.png">Ugh, and here I thought I'd like you. But no, you just <i>have</i> to rub your ridiculously good looks in my face.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="kyu" targetStage="0"> <state img="4-neutral.png">A disgustingly pink fairy who's also a huge slut? Now I've seen everything.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="leggy" targetStage="0"> <state img="4-eh.png">Are you <i>sure</i> you want to play this game? <i>(Everyone seems so surprised... Am I missing something?)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="leggy" targetStage="0" totalAlive="3"> <state img="4-eh.png">Are you <i>sure</i> you want to play this game? <i>(~player~ seems so surprised... Am I missing something?)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="leggy" targetStage="2"> <state img="4-smug.png">Hah! Pretty stupid of you to wear just a woolly, long-sleeved leotard, eh---?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="leggy" targetStage="3"> <state img="4-stare.png">Yup. I get it. You're an actual sheep, and I'm an idiot.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="moon" targetStage="0" priority="10000"> <state img="4-terror.png">...Holy crap!</state> <state img="4-terror.png">Is this girl serious!? <i>(This is just... a whole new level of wrong here.)</i></state> <state img="4-terror.png"><i>(...And I thought I was the crazy one! This girl takes crazy to a whole new level!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="moon" targetStage="1" priority="10000"> <state img="4-surprise.png">Normally I'd be excited, BUT THIS GIRL IS FREAKING ME OUT RI---</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="moon" targetStage="2-5"> <state img="4-annoyed.png">Oh goodie, it's <i>her</i> turn.</state> <state img="4-neutral.png"><i>(This girl actually makes me look good in comparsion.)</i></state> <state img="4-surprise.png"><i>(Is this she actually human? What if she's secretly some horny sex alien whose species greet each other with blowjobs?)</i></state> <state img="4-thinking.png"><i>(How does this little rabbit-girl have the biggest libido?)</i></state> <state img="4-annoyed.png">I'd say prostitution would be a <i>wonderful</i> job for you, but I wouldn't want your poor clients to get every STD on the planet.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="moon" targetStage="6" priority="10000"> <state img="4-terror.png">Oh <i>no</i>...</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="natsuki" targetStage="2-7" priority="2"> <state img="4-eyes.png">Egads! The strawberry munchkin kitten has to strip again!</state> <state img="4-neutral.png">Get into the spirit of strip poker! Like a <i>real</i> woman!</state> <state img="4-eyes.png">Cute. You think you're invincible?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="pinkie_pie" targetSayingMarker="pinka_start"> <state img="4-terror.png">WHAT THE HELL!?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="roxie" targetStage="0" priority="555"> <state img="4-smug.png">Roxie, huh? I dunno what it is, but something tells me we'll get along well.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="roxie" targetStage="2" priority="555"> <state img="4-neutral.png">So what's next? Is it gonna be the boots?</state> <state img="4-eh.png">Not a lot of options left...</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="roxie" targetStage="3" priority="555"> <state img="4-thinking.png">So... thong or bra?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="ryuji" targetStage="0"> <state img="4-woah.png"><i>(Woah, those legs! Why does it feel like he can break my neck with a single kick to the head?)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" targetStatus="decent" notSaidMarker="uhura_flashbacks" priority="1"> <state img="4-thinking.png" marker="uhura_flashbacks"><i>(Man, if this were any other kind of poker and we had to bluff in order to win, one of us could fart and nobody would be able to tell who did it.)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="sunglasses" notSaidMarker="sunglasses_marker"> <test expr="~background.location~" value="indoors" /> <state img="4-stare.png" marker="sunglasses_marker">Y'know, when you think about it, playing poker is the only valid excuse for wearing sunglasses indoors. So consider yourself lucky, I guess.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="scantily-clad" notSaidMarker="skimpy_marker"> <test expr="~name~" cmp="!=" value="Leggy" /> <state img="4-stare.png" marker="skimpy_marker">What the... Do you seriously have no shame?</state> <state img="4-stare.png" marker="skimpy_marker">Wearing <i>that</i> little clothing to a strip poker game? I don't think the irony is lost on any of us.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="deity" targetStage="0" notSaidMarker="deity_marker"> <test expr="~target.gender~" value="female" /> <state img="4-woah.png" marker="deity_marker">Wait wait wait wait, you're a <i>goddess!?</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="deity" targetStage="0" notSaidMarker="deity_marker"> <test expr="~target.gender~" value="male" /> <state img="4-woah.png" marker="deity_marker">Wait wait wait wait, you're a <i>god!?</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" filter="clothing_destruction" notSaidMarker="clothingdestruction"> <state img="4-surprise.png" marker="clothingdestruction">Woah, what---!?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" filter="deity" targetStage="0"> <state img="4-eh.png">I... don't have good experience with deities. They tend to be assholes who try to break my mind.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" filter="police" targetStage="1"> <state img="4-thinking.png">Y'know, my aunt is a cop. Aunt Molly. Aunt Mall Cop. After all these years, we <i>still</i> don't get along.</state> <state img="4-stare.png" marker="life_rambling">I've been electrocuted at least twice in my lifetime and spoke to God. And God is an asshole. This is nothing compared to all the weird crap I've been through. But that's just life.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" saidMarker="singing_fullhouse" notSaidMarker="singing_fullhouse1" priority="1"> <state img="4-fingergun.png" marker="singing_fullhouse1">♫ You miss your old familar friends, <i>waiting just around the beeeeend!</i>♫</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="akko" targetStage="0" priority="775"> <state img="4-woah.png">Wait, for real!? You're a real witch? You're really a real witch? For real?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="akko" targetStage="0" targetSaidMarker="necronomicon" priority="780"> <state img="4-terror.png">GAH!! No, not this! I can't deal with that again!!</state> <state img="4-terror.png"><i>Ohcrapohcrapohcrap!!</i> I don't wanna deal with these things anymore!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="amalia" targetStage="4" priority="555"> <state img="4-woah.png">Huh? How'd they slide off so easily!?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="chihiro" targetStage="4" priority="9995"> <state img="4-woah.png">No, wait! Come back!!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="chihiro" targetStage="5" priority="9993"> <state img="4-surprise.png">Huh!?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="felicia" targetStage="0"> <state img="4-surprise.png">Wait, what?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="felicia" targetStage="1"> <state img="4-eh.png">I'm cringing so hard right now.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="florina" targetStage="4" targetSayingMarker="bee2"> <state img="4-surprise.png">Hey, be careful with---!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="human" filter="gay" saidMarker="player_queer" notSaidMarker="player_queer2"> <state img="4-thinking.png" marker="player_queer2">Huh, you usually don't find a lot of queer people in my conversative trash dump of a town. I thought me, Gregg, and Angus were the only ones...</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="leggy" targetStage="0"> <state img="4-stare.png">You have some pretty weird get-up. Are you some kind of cosplayer?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="leggy" targetStage="1"> <state img="4-neutral.png">You alright there?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="leggy" targetStage="2"> <state img="4-surprise.png">Wait, <i>what!?</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="leggy" targetStage="3" priority="10000"> <state img="4-eh.png" marker="seeing_animals">I didn't want to say it out loud, but... I kiiiiinda have something wrong with my brain and everyone I see is an animal.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="moon" targetStage="0" priority="10000"> <state img="4-terror.png">She's so desperate about it...</state> <state img="4-why.png">Of course, she's taking off the bra first, <i>of course she does!!</i> Because obviously someone desperate like you wouldn't do with a silly trinket!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="moon" targetStage="1"> <state img="4-eh.png">Phew.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="moon" targetStage="2"> <state img="4-annoyed.png"><i>(Ugh, I don't even want to IMAGINE her naked.)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="palutena" targetStage="3"> <state img="4-neutral.png">Hey, Palutena. I have a question; can you fly? Or do those belts get in the way?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="pinkie_pie" targetSaidMarker="pinka_start" targetNotSaidMarker="pinka_end2"> <state img="4-why.png">What the hell do we do!? I am <i>not</i> dying during a strip poker game.</state> <state img="4-stare.png">We should really get out of here. Before this girl attempts to murder us.</state> <state img="4-why.png">I'm not here to get murdered!</state> <state img="4-surprise.png">UHHH...</state> <state img="4-surprise.png">Hahaha... please help me.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="roxie" targetStage="0" priority="555"> <state img="4-surprise.png">The sweater? That's a pretty grand way to start. I actually kind of liked it...</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="roxie" targetStage="1" priority="555"> <state img="4-triumphant.png">Yessss! I knew it!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="roxie" targetStage="2" priority="555"> <state img="4-woah.png">Wait, those are shorts? I thought they were boxers!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="roxie" targetStage="3" priority="555"> <state img="4-eh.png">Guess it's the bra first...</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="roxie" targetStage="3" targetSayingMarker="famous_tits" priority="555"> <state img="4-woah.png">W-Wait, you're famous!?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="twilight" targetStage="0"> <state img="4-surprise.png">Huh!? You know you can take off anything you want, right!?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="twilight" targetStage="1"> <state img="4-stare.png">Annnnd when I mention hating bras, she takes hers off. Go figure, I guess.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="twilight" targetStage="3" priority="325"> <state img="4-flustered.png">Seriously, you have a bunch of other stuff! <i>(Not that I don't mind or anything, but... This girl is really confusing me right now!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="twilight" targetStage="4" priority="329"> <state img="4-annoyed.png">Whatever.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="twilight" targetStage="5" priority="328"> <state img="4-stare.png">Those look comfy. I can almost understand why you chose to save them for... second-to-last?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="twilight" targetStage="6" priority="9993"> <state img="4-eh.png">Last small thing... And second-to-last article of clothing...</state> <state img="4-thinking.png">Well, I understand you somewhat better at least. But can you understand me?</state> <state img="4-neutral.png">Farewell, shirt. You... literally did nothing this entire game.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" filter="musician" targetStage="0" priority="9000"> <test expr="~clothing.type~" cmp="!=" value="major" /> <test expr="~clothing.type~" cmp="!=" value="important" /> <state img="4-neutral.png" marker="mae_musicramble">I play bass guitar. In a band me and my friends formed a few years ago. But I wouldn't call myself a serious musician, y'know? Even though I really love music. And just... the arts in general.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" notSaidMarker="insertwittycommenthere"> <test expr="~clothing.type~" value="accessory" /> <state img="4-stare.png" marker="insertwittycommenthere">Insert witty comment here.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" notSaidMarker="lookingfancy"> <test expr="~clothing.type~" value="accessory" /> <test expr="~clothing~" cmp="!=" value="shoes" /> <test expr="~clothing~" cmp="!=" value="socks" /> <state img="4-annoyed.png" marker="lookingfancy">What ~clothing.ifPlural(are those ~clothing~|is that ~clothing~)~ even for? Did you know we were going to play, or is that just to look fancy or something?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" priority="5275"> <test expr="~clothing~" value="boots" /> <state img="4-neutral.png">Nice boots. Much better than my cheap knock-off Doc Martens, or whatever the heck they're called.</state> <state img="4-smug.png">Hmmm, your boots may appear more stylish, but mine were made for kicking down doors. With even more style than you'll ever have.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping"> <test expr="~clothing~" value="dress" /> <test expr="~target.gender~" value="female" /> <state img="4-stare.png">Wearing a dress is the same as wearing a very large single pant leg. Sorry to ruin your day, m'am.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping"> <test expr="~clothing~" value="dress" /> <test expr="~target.gender~" value="male" /> <state img="4-stare.png">Wearing a dress is the same as wearing a very large single pant leg. Sorry to ruin your day, sir.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" priority="60"> <test expr="~clothing~" value="hat" /> <state img="4-neutral.png">Hat's off for ~name~... <i>Hat is off</i> for ~name~. The way you strip isn't worth a compliment.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping"> <test expr="~clothing~" value="skirt" /> <test expr="~name~" cmp="!=" value="Pinkie" /> <state img="4-thinking.png">I think the way someone dresses says a lot about them. Like, skirts are pretty and fashionable. Pants are boring, but practical.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping"> <test expr="~clothing~" value="socks" /> <state img="4-thinking.png">If only I had a sock pun...</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" notSaidMarker="decency"> <condition count="1-2" status="decent" /> <state img="4-eh.png" marker="decency">I wonder how many more people are gonna show off their bods. Wait, only one of us will remain decent, right?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" filter="clothing_destruction" saidMarker="clothingdestruction" notSaidMarker="clothingdestruction1"> <state img="4-eh.png" marker="clothingdestruction1">Jeez... I mean, I've seen weirder stuff, but... Just take off your clothes like a normal person.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" filter="deity" targetStage="1"> <state img="4-stare.png">I met two of them, and came out mentally scarred for life. Now here I am playing <i>strip poker</i> with another deity. Life sure is something.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" filter="ditzy" targetStage="2" priority="155"> <state img="4-stare.png">No offense, ~name~, but you're kind of stupid.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" filter="musician" saidMarker="mae_musicramble" notSaidMarker="mae_musicc" priority="9000"> <state img="4-eh.png" marker="mae_musicc">I'm rambling, aren't I? I shouldn't be rambling during a strip poker game... Deal the next hand.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" saidMarker="singing_fullhouse1" notSaidMarker="singing_fullhouse2" priority="1"> <state img="4-neutral.png" marker="singing_fullhouse2">...Oh wait, we're playing strip poker.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" saidMarker="slow_game_n" notSaidMarker="unusual_strip"> <state img="4-flustered.png" marker="unusual_strip">I... I like your style, ~name~.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="akko" targetStage="1"> <state img="4-hype.png">I... I thought you were just dressing up! But holy crap this is so cool!!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="akko" targetStage="1" targetSaidMarker="necronomicon"> <state img="4-stare.png" marker="akko_eldritch">Oh no, that was <i>definitely</i> eldritch horror we just saw. I'd be on my guard if I were you.</state> <state img="4-stare.png" marker="akko_exorcism">Oh no, that was <i>definitely</i> demonic possession. We gotta do a exorcism, like, ASAP. I'm seriously sick of dealing with the paranormal trying to kill me and my friends.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="amalia" targetStage="5"> <state img="4-surprise.png">What the---!?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="chihiro" targetStage="5" priority="9995"> <state img="4-annoyed.png">...Coward.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="chihiro" targetStage="6" priority="9992"> <state img="4-woah.png">Wait, why do you even crossdress in the first place!? You said you're a boy, so you're not a trans person... Am I missing something?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="felicia" targetStage="1"> <state img="4-terror.png">Wh... But you <i>need</i> your fur! Does it even grow back!?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="felicia" targetStage="2"> <state img="4-surprise.png">How do you do it so cleanly!? The thought of shaving pubic hair is... terrifying!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="florina" targetStage="5"> <state img="4-stare.png">...Your tunic. Oh well, it didn't seem too special to you anyways.</state> <state img="4-stare.png">Whoops. Well, that poor tunic's gone forever.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="leggy" targetStage="2"> <state img="4-thinking.png">Riiiight, what's with that... leg-collar thingy? I thought only flappers wore those things back in, like, the 1920's.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="leggy" targetStage="3"> <state img="4-woah.png">Hang on, why the hell do you need to shave it off! Can't you just---I dunno---slide it off one shoulder or something? I thought actual sheep---</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="leggy" targetStage="4" priority="10000"> <state img="4-welp.png" marker="catoutofthebag">I never share this because I was afraid people would just see me as even <i>more</i> insane than I already am... But I guess the cat's out of the bag, huh? Which is ironic because I see myself as a cat...</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="moon" targetStage="1"> <state img="4-annoyed.png">...Let's just move on.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="moon" targetStage="2"> <state img="4-stare.png">Anytime you speak, the urge to murder you in your sleep increases for me. Stop talking. Now.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="moon" targetStage="3"> <state img="4-stare.png">Nice shoes. They're the only thing about you worth complementing.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="moon" targetStage="4"> <state img="4-smug.png"><i>(How hilarious would it be if she just, tripped, and they all just spilled out of the bag in public.)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="moon" targetStage="5"> <state img="4-stare.png">I really, <i>really</i> do not want to see your naked body.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="palutena" targetStage="4"> <state img="4-eh.png"><i>(I mean, I know she actually ISN'T an eagle, but... It'd be kinda weird if I see her as a bird goddess and she can't actually fly.)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="palutena" targetStage="4" alsoPlaying="pit"> <state img="4-stare.png"><i>(Why the hell do I see the divine-like people as birds?)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="pinkie_pie" targetSaidMarker="pinka_start" targetNotSaidMarker="pinka_end2"> <state img="4-terror.png">...Even now, I'm still terrified for my life.</state> <state img="4-terror.png">Someone just... call the cops or something!</state> <state img="4-woah.png">Seriously, who ARE you? What happened to Pinkie?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="revy" targetStage="1-7" notSaidMarker="calmdownwildcat"> <state img="4-eh.png" marker="calmdownwildcat"><i>(Calm down, wildcat. Or should I say wild... fox? Wildfox? I dunno, why DO I see her as a fox and not a wildcat)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="roxie" targetStage="0" priority="555"> <state img="4-fingergun.png">That's some pretty cool underwear though. <i>And</i> it looks comfortable! See, now this is some fashion I can appreciate!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="roxie" targetStage="2" alsoPlaying="moon" targetSaidMarker="my_last_loss" priority="555"> <state img="4-annoyed.png">Well, so do I! And I bet everyone else here wants to win too... Except Moon. But she shouldn't even count.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="roxie" targetStage="2" targetSaidMarker="far_from_naked" priority="555"> <state img="4-stare.png">Who's Arceus?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="roxie" targetStage="2" targetSaidMarker="foot_fetish" priority="555"> <state img="4-stare.png">And before you ask---no, I don't have a foot fetish. That sounds so gross. What kind of weirdo finds <i>feet</i> sexy?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="roxie" targetStage="2" targetSaidMarker="live_without_boots" priority="555"> <state img="4-eh.png">I'm sure you'll get them back... right?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="roxie" targetStage="2" targetSaidMarker="my_last_loss" priority="555"> <state img="4-smug.png">Well, so do I! And I bet everyone else here wants to win too, so get ready for some extreme competition!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="roxie" targetStage="2" targetSaidMarker="take_these_off" priority="555"> <state img="4-surprise.png">Custom-made!? Holy jeez, are you loaded or something?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="roxie" targetStage="3" priority="555"> <state img="4-eh.png">I mean... Cool thong, but isn't that extremely comfort? Why not just wear the shorts?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="roxie" targetStage="4" priority="555"> <state img="4-flustered.png">Freckle-boobs... That's weirdly hot.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="twilight" targetSayingMarker="twilight_not_human" priority="301"> <state img="4-surprise.png">You are rea---wait, <i>humans?</i> You're not... You're not human?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="twilight" targetStage="1" priority="333"> <state img="4-thinking.png">Hmm. Well I can understand finding panties uncomfortable. Up until recently, I never wore a bra for the same reason.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="twilight" targetStage="2" priority="332"> <state img="4-thinking.png">You know, there's sports bras. They're pretty comfy. I remember Bea going out to buy me one. She kind of freaked out when I told her I never wear bras. Dunno why; my shirt's all I need.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="twilight" targetStage="3" priority="331"> <state img="4-terror.png">I can understand finding underwear comfortable, but what's wrong with your skirt!?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="twilight" targetStage="4" priority="330"> <state img="4-stare.png">...Oh, <i>now</i> you take off something small?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="twilight" targetStage="6" priority="9995"> <state img="4-flustered.png">Back to big stuff again afte---Oh right! You only have your shirt left! Juuuust a shirt.</state> <state img="4-thinking.png">What is grammar?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="twilight" targetStage="7" priority="310"> <state img="4-smug.png">Alright, Twilight! Time to kick your ass!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" targetStatus="lost_all"> <state img="4-woah.png"><i>(Oh crap, ~name~'s naked now...)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" saidMarker="sparedfromherwrath"> <test expr="~clothing.type~" cmp="!=" value="important" /> <test expr="~clothing.type~" cmp="!=" value="major" /> <state img="4-sweat.png" marker="*">Err... Let's just move on!!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped"> <test expr="~clothing~" value="dress" /> <state img="4-eh.png">...Yeah, you definitely look good without the dress.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped"> <test expr="~clothing~" value="glasses" /> <state img="4-stare.png">Hmm... I don't think I ever met a person with glasses who <i>wasn't</i> smart. Are you smart, ~name~? Don't lie to me.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped"> <test expr="~clothing~" value="hat" /> <state img="4-triumphant.png">Unless you're a cowboy! YEEEEEEEHAAAAAAAAW!!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="human" filter="gay" saidMarker="player_queer2"> <test expr="~target.gender~" value="female" /> <state img="4-eh.png" marker="player_queer3"><i>(Phew! It sucks when a cute girl you find ends up being straight. At least I'm not picky with gender...)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="human" filter="gay" saidMarker="player_queer2"> <test expr="~target.gender~" value="male" /> <state img="4-neutral.png" marker="player_queer3">Well, good to know.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_masturbating" filter="uses_toy" notSaidMarker="toys"> <state img="4-welp.png" marker="toys">Maaaan, I wish I bought a toy. If I knew what this game was all about.... ugh, maybe next time.</state> </case> <case tag="male_must_masturbate"> <state img="4-woah.png">Woah! Okay then!</state> <state img="4-surprise.png">This... This is just insane! I barely know you, and...</state> <state img="4-eh.png">Oh... Looks like you have to, umm... Yeah, just do it.</state> <state img="4-woah.png">You're seriously going to do it?</state> </case> <case tag="male_must_masturbate" filter="cheater" priority="150"> <state img="4-eyes.png" marker="cheater_lose*">Hah! Kiss my ass, ~name~! Cheaters never prosper... unless they're me. I basically cheated my way through life.</state> </case> <case tag="male_must_masturbate" target="pit"> <state img="4-surprise.png">Oh...</state> </case> <case tag="male_must_masturbate" totalMasturbating="0" totalFinished="0" priority="9999"> <state img="4-surprise.png" marker="first_out">Wait, what!? <i>Masturbation!?</i></state> <state img="4-surprise.png" marker="first_out">They have to WHAT!?</state> </case> <case tag="male_start_masturbating"> <state img="4-eh.png">Goodl luck, I guess.</state> <state img="4-eh.png">Well this is gonna be awkward.</state> <state img="4-eh.png">Can I... watch you?</state> </case> <case tag="male_start_masturbating" totalMasturbating="1-2"> <condition count="3-4" status="alive" /> <state img="4-eh.png">I'd watch, but... We still have a game to play.</state> <state img="4-neutral.png">Good luck, I guess. Me and everyone else are just gonna keep playing.</state> </case> <case tag="male_start_masturbating" saidMarker="first_out" notSaidMarker="first_out2" priority="9998"> <state img="4-why.png" marker="first_out2">What the fresh hell? Why didn't anyone tell me!?</state> <state img="4-woah.png" marker="first_out2">D... Did you know about this, ~name~?</state> </case> <case tag="male_start_masturbating" target="pit"> <state img="4-eh.png">It feels weird, y'know? Watching an angel masturbate...</state> </case> <case tag="male_masturbating"> <state img="4-flustered.png">I feel kind of lucky to be seeing this.</state> <state img="4-neutral.png">People don't usually masturbate in public. Or get naked in front of other people. Unless it's an orgy.</state> <state img="4-woah.png">Woah. I didn't think I'd see a guy masturbating in front of me.</state> <state img="4-sweat.png">Wow...</state> <state img="4-flustered.png">I'm gonnd be honest---this is really hot and I kind of want to be the one touching you. Is that weird?</state> <state img="4-flustered.png"><i>(Don't drool, Mae. Seriously, you're not a dog!)</i></state> <state img="4-flustered.png">I feel like a pervert. And yet... wow. H-How can this not turn anyone on?</state> <state img="4-eyes.png" marker="flirt_maybe">Hey ~name~! How can I help speed up the process! I can flirt with you if you want that!</state> <state img="4-eyes.png">Hehehe... Faaaaantastic!</state> <state img="4-neutral.png">Moan for me, baby... Yeah, I can't do a good seductive voice. Just pretend I never said that.</state> <state img="4-woah.png">I'm really seeing this... This is real.</state> <state img="4-flustered.png"><i>(I'm seriously enjoying this. I'm seriously getting turned on from this. What's wrong with me?)</i></state> <state img="4-thinking.png">I remember me and my friend having a conversation about a bunch of strangers coming here just for porn. This place is just like that, isn't it?</state> <state img="4-woah.png">I kind of want a closer look.</state> <state img="4-surprise.png">Oh... I-It's just like in porn. Good to know.</state> </case> <case tag="male_heavy_masturbating"> <state img="4-flustered.png">Are you close? I can only assume 'cause you're... umm...</state> <state img="4-eh.png">You're almost there! Just... keep doing your thing.</state> <state img="4-flustered.png">Jeez, I think you're going to... Well, let nothing hold you back.</state> <state img="4-smug.png"><i>(I bet he's having such a good time. I bet he's having a ball!)</i></state> <state img="4-eh.png">Umm...</state> </case> <case tag="male_finished_masturbating"> <state img="4-surprise.png">Woah there, let's not get it on me!</state> <state img="4-stare.png">...I think I stepped in something wet and gross. Ughgh.</state> </case> <case tag="male_finished_masturbating" target="jin"> <state img="4-terror.png" marker="jinfinishing">HOLY CRAP, MY EYES!</state> </case> <case tag="female_must_masturbate"> <state img="4-woah.png">Woah! Okay then!</state> <state img="4-surprise.png">This... This is just insane! I barely know you, and...</state> <state img="4-eh.png">Oh... Looks like you have to, umm... Yeah, just do it.</state> <state img="4-woah.png">You're seriously going to do it?</state> </case> <case tag="female_must_masturbate" filter="cheater" priority="150"> <state img="4-eyes.png" marker="cheater_lose*">Hah! Kiss my ass, ~name~! Cheaters never prosper... unless they're me. I basically cheated my way through life.</state> </case> <case tag="female_must_masturbate" target="akko"> <state img="4-hype.png">Masturbating with magic sounds awesome! Show me what you got!!</state> </case> <case tag="female_must_masturbate" target="leggy"> <state img="4-eh.png">You're taking this awfully well...</state> </case> <case tag="female_must_masturbate" target="moon"> <state img="4-welp.png">...Great.</state> </case> <case tag="female_must_masturbate" target="rinkah" priority="9997"> <state img="4-hype.png"><i>(YEEEESSSS!! I BEAT HER!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_must_masturbate" target="shimakaze"> <state img="4-triumphant.png">Yeah, critical hit!</state> </case> <case tag="female_must_masturbate" totalMasturbating="0" notSaidMarker="first_out" priority="9999"> <state img="4-surprise.png" marker="first_out">Wait, what!? <i>Masturbation!?</i></state> <state img="4-surprise.png" marker="first_out">They have to WHAT!?</state> </case> <case tag="female_start_masturbating"> <state img="4-eh.png">...Can I watch?</state> <state img="4-neutral.png">Goodl luck, I guess.</state> <state img="4-eh.png">Well this is gonna be awkward.</state> </case> <case tag="female_start_masturbating" saidMarker="first_out" notSaidMarker="first_out2" priority="9999"> <state img="4-why.png" marker="first_out2">What the fresh hell? Why didn't anyone tell me!?</state> <state img="4-woah.png" marker="first_out2">D... Did you know about this, ~name~?</state> </case> <case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="akko"> <state img="4-smug.png">C'mooooon!!</state> </case> <case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="leggy"> <state img="4-thinking.png">Wasn't there a group of people notorious for having sex with sheep? The Welsh, I think?</state> </case> <case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="miko"> <state img="4-surprise.png">What the---is that the spirit of your dead wife!? Did she rise from the grave just to have sex with you!?</state> </case> <case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="moon"> <state img="4-stare.png">I'm just gonna... pretend you don't exist. Which is definitely easier said than done.</state> </case> <case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="pinkie_pie"> <state img="4-woah.png">Wh---wouldn't it hurt like hell if it popped?</state> </case> <case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="shimakaze"> <state img="4-eh.png">...Okay, but are you alright?</state> </case> <case tag="female_masturbating" id="4-1"> <state img="4-flustered.png">I feel kind of lucky to be seeing this.</state> <state img="4-neutral.png">People don't usually masturbate in public. Or get naked in front of other people. Unless it's an orgy.</state> <state img="4-woah.png">Woah. N-Nice technique.</state> <state img="4-flustered.png">I'm gonnd be honest---this is really hot and I kind of want to be the one touching you. Is that weird?</state> <state img="4-flustered.png"><i>(Don't drool, Mae. Seriously, you're not a dog!)</i></state> <state img="4-flustered.png">I feel like a pervert. And yet... wow. H-How can this not turn anyone on?</state> <state img="4-eyes.png" marker="flirt_maybe">Hey ~name~! How can I help speed up the process! I can flirt with you if you want that!</state> <state img="4-eyes.png">Hehehe... Faaaaantastic!</state> <state img="4-neutral.png">Moan for me, baby... Yeah, I can't do a good seductive voice. Just pretend I never said that.</state> <state img="4-woah.png">I'm really seeing this... This is real.</state> <state img="4-flustered.png"><i>(I'm seriously enjoying this. I'm seriously getting turned on from this. What's wrong with me?)</i></state> <state img="4-thinking.png">I remember me and my friend having a conversation about a bunch of strangers coming here just for porn. This place is just like that, isn't it?</state> <state img="4-woah.png">I kind of want a closer look.</state> <state img="4-sweat.png">Wow...</state> </case> <case tag="female_masturbating" target="akko" targetSayingMarker="akko_first_climax"> <state img="4-eh.png">Huh. That was quick.</state> </case> <case tag="female_masturbating" target="akko" targetSayingMarker="akko_second_climax"> <state img="4-stare.png">This is insane.</state> </case> <case tag="female_masturbating" target="akko" targetSayingMarker="akko_third_climax"> <state img="4-surprise.png">Again!? Jeez, I can't take no more than two at a time!</state> </case> <case tag="female_masturbating" target="akko" targetTimeInStage="4" targetSaidMarker="akko_first_climax"> <state img="4-woah.png">Seriously? Jeez, I wish I had that sort of stamina!</state> <state img="4-woah.png">Seriously? Well, since you took such a short time, I guess it's well-deserved? I think?</state> </case> <case tag="female_masturbating" target="elizabeth" notSaidMarker="elizabeth_masturbation"> <state img="4-woah.png" marker="elizabeth_masturbation">Well then... This takes the phrase "go eff yourself" a bit too literally.</state> </case> <case tag="female_masturbating" target="miko" notSaidMarker="discomfort" priority="9100"> <state img="4-surprise.png" marker="discomfort">(mild discomfort)</state> </case> <case tag="female_masturbating" target="moon" priority="1"> <state img="4-stare.png">...</state> <state img="4-eh.png">(discomfort)</state> <state img="4-annoyed.png">Shut. Up.</state> </case> <case tag="female_masturbating" totalMasturbating="4-" notSaidMarker="masturbationorgy"> <state img="4-surprise.png" marker="masturbationorgy">Has this become a masturbation orgy!?</state> </case> <case tag="female_heavy_masturbating"> <state img="4-flustered.png">Are you close? I can only assume 'cause you're... umm...</state> <state img="4-eh.png">You're almost there! Just... keep doing your thing.</state> <state img="4-flustered.png">Jeez, I think you're going to... Well, let nothing hold you back.</state> <state img="4-smug.png"><i>(I bet she's having such a good time. I bet she's having a ball!)</i></state> <state img="4-eh.png">Umm...</state> </case> <case tag="female_heavy_masturbating" target="moon"> <state img="4-annoyed.png">....</state> </case> <case tag="female_finished_masturbating"> <state img="4-woah.png">Woah, you're soaking... down there, I meant.</state> <state img="4-eh.png">That sounded intense.</state> <state img="4-flustered.png">Seeing you like that... I bet l-losing isn't that bad.</state> <state img="4-woah.png">That was... wow. Just wow.</state> </case> <case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="aimee"> <state img="4-terror.png">Gah! I didn't there'd be so much... D-Didn't we tell you to be careful!?</state> <state img="4-terror.png">HOLY---You just shot yourself in the arm! Why the hell did you even decide to <i>bring a gun here!</i></state> <state img="4-terror.png">Ohgodohgodohgod, okay, not going back to that time! Are you okay!?</state> </case> <case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="akko"> <state img="4-terror.png">HOLY CRAP, MY EYES!</state> </case> <case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="felicia"> <state img="4-stare.png">Okay, even <i>I'm</i> starting to get sick of those cat puns. Not even I make that many!</state> <state img="4-annoyed.png">We get it, you think you're a cat. <i>(Then again, so do I... but you don't see ME being so blatant about it!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="leggy"> <state img="4-eh.png">Umm... Do you do this often, or...?</state> </case> <case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="moon"> <state img="4-eh.png">Eww...</state> </case> <case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="pinkie_pie" targetSayingMarker="pop"> <state img="4-surprise.png">Ouch...</state> </case> <case tag="game_over_victory"> <state img="4-smug.png">Square up, thots.</state> <state img="4-fingergun.png">You've been beaten by the queen of Possum Springs! Someone get my crown!</state> <state img="4-smug.png">Wait 'till I tell my friends I got a bunch of people naked.</state> <state img="4-eyes.png">You all got <i>destroyed!</i></state> </case> <case tag="global" alsoPlaying="leggy" alsoPlayingStage="5" alsoPlayingTimeInStage="1-" notSaidMarker="leggyisgonnafuckingdie"> <state img="4-thinking.png" marker="leggyisgonnafuckingdie">...Is it gonna grow back before the weather turns cold? If not, I think you just doomed yourself, Leggy. You're not gonna last the winter.</state> </case> <case tag="global" alsoPlaying="pit" alsoPlayingSayingMarker="sacredbuns" priority="9999"> <state img="4-hype.png">YES!! Sacred buns!</state> </case> </stage> <stage id="5"> <case tag="swap_cards"> <state img="5-stare.png">~cards~ cards.</state> <state img="5-neutral.png">Can I have ~cards~, dealer?</state> <state img="5-thinking.png">I think I'll just swap ~cards~.</state> <state img="5-thinking.png">Should I swap those ~cards~? Yeah, I'll do that.</state> <state img="5-thinking.png">Uh... These ~cards~ can go.</state> </case> <case tag="swap_cards"> <test expr="~cards~" value="0" /> <state img="5-fingergun.png">No cards for me! That's right; this hand is perfection!</state> <state img="5-triumphant.png">~cards~!! This hand is perfection!</state> <state img="5-smug.png">I need no new cards. These are perfect.</state> </case> <case tag="swap_cards"> <test expr="~cards~" value="4" /> <state img="5-thinking.png">Ugh... I guess I'll keep that card?</state> <state img="5-thinking.png">I heard you should always keep certain cards no matter how bad the hand is, so... ~cards~ cards. I'll keep that one.</state> <state img="5-thinking.png">~cards~. The magic number. Only one of these cards are worthy.</state> </case> <case tag="swap_cards"> <test expr="~cards~" value="5" /> <state img="5-why.png" marker="5newcards">~cards~ new cards! These cards are garbage! ALL OF THEM!</state> <state img="5-why.png" marker="5newcards">How am I supposed to work with these!? I want a new hand!</state> <state img="5-stare.png" marker="5newcards">Ugh. ~cards~ new cards. This entire hand is garbage.</state> </case> <case tag="good_hand"> <state img="5-woah.png">Phew!!</state> <state img="5-triumphant.png">Finally! I'm safe!!</state> <state img="5-why.png">Why couldn't I get this hand earlier, huh!? I could've saved my dignity!!</state> <state img="5-annoyed.png">Oh, <i>now</i> I get good hands. Stupid dealer...</state> </case> <case tag="good_hand" saidMarker="5newcards" notSaidMarker="5newcards_good" priority="15"> <state img="5-fingergun.png" marker="5newcards_good=1">Now <i>that's</i> more like it!</state> </case> <case tag="good_hand" totalMales="0-1" totalFemales="4-5" notSaidMarker="god_hand_flirt" priority="888"> <state img="5-fingergun.png" marker="god_hand_flirt">Check out THIS hand! Laaaaaaaadies!</state> </case> <case tag="okay_hand"> <state img="5-embarrassed.png">Can I sit down? Please?</state> <state img="5-neutral.png">My legs are getting tired.</state> <state img="5-annoyed.png">I should just leave. You people came to see <i>sexy</i> girls strip, not my ugly mug.</state> <state img="5-embarrassed.png">Okay... this is bad. But I still have my handy-dandy bra. And a chance of not taking that off.</state> <state img="5-welp.png">This sucks.</state> </case> <case tag="bad_hand"> <state img="5-embarrassed.png">Noooo! Not my only garment!</state> <state img="5-embarrassed.png"><i>(I'm down for the count! Please let this be enough!!)</i></state> <state img="5-embarrassed.png">Damn it!! No!!</state> </case> <case tag="bad_hand" consecutiveLosses="3-7"> <state img="5-why.png">What the <i>hell</i>, dealer!?</state> <state img="5-annoyed.png">Giving me all the bad cards. Veeeeery funny. Well, I hate you too.</state> <state img="5-why.png">Do you want to see me naked <i>that</i> badly? I knew this place was full of creeps! I should've trusted my gut.</state> <state img="5-why.png">What is with my luck!?</state> </case> <case tag="bad_hand" saidMarker="5newcards" notSaidMarker="5newcards_bad"> <state img="5-why.png" marker="5newcards_bad">Are you kidding me!?</state> <state img="5-stare.png" marker="5newcards_bad">Seriously!? Me and my stupid luck...</state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="amalia" alsoPlayingStage="5" alsoPlayingTimeInStage="0"> <state img="5-annoyed.png">Seriously? At least <i>I</i> had the courage to show everyone my naked crotch!</state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="blake" saidMarker="blakereveal" notSaidMarker="blakereveal2"> <state img="5-eh.png" marker="blakereveal2">I mean... <i>(I see her as an animal regardless, just like how I see everyone else... How do I explain this to everyone without them thinking I'm insane?)</i></state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="chihiro" alsoPlayingStage="5" notSaidMarker="chihirogone" priority="9988"> <state img="5-thinking.png" marker="chihirogone">Alright, so... who are you, exactly? Was your... err, <i>creator</i> some sort of computer master?</state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="chun-li" alsoPlayingSayingMarker="butt"> <state img="5-woah.png">Holy... Only 7000 squats at the gym can make an ass <i>that</i> great!</state> <state img="5-woah.png">Holy... <i>(And here I thought Angus had the greatest ass I ever saw!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="emi" alsoPlayingSayingMarker="placeholder"> <state img="5-stare.png">Whatever you say, Ms. Fourth-Wall-Breaker.</state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="florina" alsoPlayingSayingMarker="bee_again"> <state img="5-thinking.png" marker="beemurder">Might wanna get some perfume. If you can kill birds with perfume, you can kill bees with it too.</state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="futaba" alsoPlayingSayingMarker="futabutt"> <state img="5-eh.png">I wish I had my team with me... My team being my three friends. Then again, I don't think any of them would play this game. Except maybe Gregg.</state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="futaba" timeInStage="0"> <state img="5-neutral.png" marker="platonicdating">Because honestly? We're perfect together and I would 100% date you platonically.</state> <state img="5-fingergun.png">Yes. Yes, we are.</state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="leggy" alsoPlayingStage="3" alsoPlayingTimeInStage="0"> <state img="5-welp.png">...Oh. <i>(This isn't another hallucination, is it? She's actually a sheep.)</i></state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="leggy" alsoPlayingStage="4" alsoPlayingTimeInStage="0" priority="10000"> <state img="5-stare.png" marker="furry">I guess that also makes me a furry, huh?</state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="lucina" alsoPlayingStage="1" alsoPlayingTimeInStage="0" saidMarker="thisisreal1" notSaidMarker="thisisreal2"> <state img="5-welp.png" marker="thisisreal2">I'm not disassociating... I am NOT disassociating... This is real.</state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="mavis" alsoPlayingStage="3" alsoPlayingTimeInStage="0"> <state img="5-eh.png">Ugh, that must feel really uncomfortable. <i>(And yet, it's weirdly hot...)</i></state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="natsuki" alsoPlayingStage="5" alsoPlayingTimeInStage="0"> <state img="5-smug.png" marker="iseelondoniseefrance">...No, it isn't.</state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="natsuki" alsoPlayingStage="6" alsoPlayingTimeInStage="0" priority="812"> <state img="5-surprise.png" marker="natsuki_seduce">W-Wait, are you <i>trying</i> to seduce me? What happened to thinking I was gross!?</state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="pit" alsoPlayingStage="2" notSaidMarker="pit_greek"> <state img="5-surprise.png" marker="pit_greek">Wait, you're not!? But... your clothing! Didn't the people of ancient Greece wear that kind of clothing?</state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="rinkah" alsoPlayingStage="3" alsoPlayingTimeInStage="0" saidMarker="strip_rinkah_naked" notSaidMarker="fuq"> <state img="5-terror.png" marker="fuq">NO, WAIT, FORGET THE "STRIP YOU NAKED" PART!</state> <state img="5-terror.png" marker="fuq">WAIT, I DIDN'T MEAN TO SAY THAT!!</state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="saki_zls" alsoPlayingStage="6" alsoPlayingTimeInStage="0"> <state img="5-surprise.png" marker="saki_reveal">Wait, what the hell!? What in the infinite hells!?</state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="saki_zls" alsoPlayingStage="6" alsoPlayingTimeInStage="0" saidMarker="sakura_reveal"> <state img="5-stare.png" marker="saki_reveal">Ohhhh, I see. There's a zombie uprising going on, isn't it? <i>(Well, at least I can trust one of 'em. But there's no telling if that other one plans on eating anyone...)</i></state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="sakura" alsoPlayingSayingMarker="die_anywhere_else" priority="10000"> <state img="5-eh.png">Kind of an awkward coincidence... Sorry about that. It's a great song though, even if I had no idea how to play it the first time when my bandmates said they were going to do that song.</state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="sakura" alsoPlayingSayingMarker="donut_wolf" priority="10000"> <state img="5-hype.png">The only way to find out is to RIDE THE CHARIOT TO DONUT HELL!</state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="sakura" alsoPlayingSayingMarker="mae_ghosts" priority="10000"> <state img="5-thinking.png">Ironically, we have a song spookier than that. It's called "Pumpkin Head Guy". One of Gregg's personal favorites, I think.</state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="sakura" alsoPlayingSayingMarker="weird_autumn" priority="10000"> <state img="5-eh.png">It's the <i>place</i> where autumn's happening that's weird. The events taking place in that autumn are weird. It's... hard to explain, but I really like that song.</state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="leggy" alsoPlayingStage="3" alsoPlayingTimeInStage="0"> <condition count="1" filter="haru" /> <state img="5-welp.png">...Oh. <i>(This isn't another hallucination, is it? She's actually a sheep. Only that Haru girl is an actual human being...)</i></state> </case> <case tag="hand" notSaidMarker="nakedplaying"> <condition count="0" filter="twilight" /> <condition count="1" status="lost_all" /> <state img="5-woah.png" marker="nakedplaying">Wait... they have no items left. Why do they still get cards? What happens if they lose?</state> </case> <case tag="hand" saidMarker="akko_exorcism" notSaidMarker="ignored_a" priority="9998"> <state img="5-annoyed.png" marker="ignored_a">...Or you can all ignore me like the assholes you are. Cool. I'm fine with it. Not like my opinion is worth listening to anyways.</state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="palutena" alsoPlayingStage="6" notSaidMarker="palutiddie"> <test expr="~palutena.position~" value="left" /> <state img="5-sweat.png" marker="palutiddie"><i>(...Wow. She's so tall, my head reaches her boobs...)</i></state> </case> <case tag="must_strip" alsoPlaying="futaba"> <state img="5-surprise.png">Woah, you're right!</state> </case> <case tag="must_strip" alsoPlaying="meia" alsoPlayingSayingMarker="dropout" priority="205"> <state img="5-why.png">W-Who told you that!? FYI, my reason for dropping out is college is very personal!</state> </case> <case tag="must_strip" alsoPlaying="meia" priority="200"> <state img="5-annoyed.png">Excuse me!? I'm <i>sturdy</i>, not chubby! I may be short and round, but it doesn't stop me from being able to walk on powerlines and smash open mailboxes.</state> </case> <case tag="must_strip" consecutiveLosses="3" notSaidMarker="consecutivelosses"> <state img="5-annoyed.png" marker="consecutivelosses">Oh, <i>veeeery</i> funny, dealer! Well, maybe you won't find it funny once I break your damn nose!</state> </case> <case tag="must_strip" consecutiveLosses="4" saidMarker="consecutivelosses" notSaidMarker="consecutivelosses2"> <state img="5-why.png" marker="consecutivelosses2">COME ON!!</state> </case> <case tag="must_strip" consecutiveLosses="5" saidMarker="consecutivelosses2" notSaidMarker="consecutivelosses3"> <state img="5-why.png" marker="consecutivelosses3">These cards are rigged!!</state> </case> <case tag="must_strip" hasHand="One Pair" priority="8888"> <state img="5-terror.png" marker="lostwithpair_finalitem">Damnit! <i>No!!</i> Why did I still lose!?</state> </case> <case tag="must_strip" hasHand="One Pair" saidMarker="lostwithpair1"> <state img="5-why.png" marker="lostwithpair_finalitem">Damn it! A pair failed me <i>again!</i> And at such a crucial moment!</state> </case> <case tag="must_strip" hasHand="Straight"> <state img="5-why.png">HOW THE HELL DO YOU GUYS HAVE BETTER HANDS THAN I DO!?</state> </case> <case tag="must_strip" hasHand="Three of a Kind"> <state img="5-why.png">I LOST WITH THREE OF A KIND!?</state> <state img="5-why.png">HOW THE HELL DO YOU GUYS HAVE BETTER HANDS THAN I DO!?</state> </case> <case tag="must_strip" hasHand="Two Pair"> <state img="5-why.png">What the---HOW!? Do you know rare getting a hand like this is!?</state> </case> <case tag="must_strip_winning"> <state img="5-surprise.png">Oh no...</state> <state img="5-embarrassed.png">How the hell am I still ahead of you guys!?</state> </case> <case tag="must_strip_normal"> <state img="5-welp.png">Nooooo! Not even this bra is safe!</state> <state img="5-woah.png">Oh crap. Ohhhh crap. This is it. This is the end for me.</state> <state img="5-embarrassed.png">I... I guess I have no choice. Fine. I'll do it. I'm no coward...</state> </case> <case tag="must_strip_losing"> <state img="5-surprise.png">Seriously, my bra? I'm getting my ass kicked!</state> <state img="5-woah.png">Oh crap. Ohhhh crap. This is it. This is the end for me.</state> <state img="5-welp.png">I... I guess I have no choice. Fine. I'll do it. I'm no coward...</state> </case> <case tag="stripping"> <state img="5-strip.png">I can't believe this...</state> <state img="5-strip.png">Please don't laugh. This is shameful enough.</state> <state img="5-strip.png">Ugh, someone kill me.</state> <state img="5-strip.png" marker="bulliable">As if I wasn't bullied enough... Not for my body. Different reasons. But still.</state> </case> <case tag="stripping" alsoPlaying="futaba"> <state img="5-strip.png">O-Oh, I lost the hand... Damn it! Damn it, this shouldn't be happening...</state> </case> <case tag="stripping" alsoPlaying="kyu" priority="155"> <state img="5-strip.png">You wanna know my favorite sex position, Kyu?</state> </case> <case tag="stripping" alsoPlaying="revy"> <state img="5-strip.png">Ugh, someone kill m---actually, wait. Don't... Don't actually kill me, Revy.</state> </case> <case tag="stripping" hasHand="One Pair" saidMarker="lostwithpair_finalitem"> <state img="5-strip.png">Stupid pair failed me...</state> </case> <case tag="stripped"> <state img="5-annoyed.png">Yes, that's a lot of hair. I refuse to shave. Who in their right mind would put something sharp near their lady parts anyways?!</state> <state img="5-embarrassed.png">Now you can see it. I'm not putting a razor anywhere near that place by the way. It's a disaster waiting to happen.</state> <state img="5-embarrassed.png">Don't comment on my pubes! It's weird! <i>You're</i> weird!!</state> <state img="5-embarrassed.png">N-No thank you! Au naturale are the best pubes, in my opinion!</state> </case> <case tag="stripped" alsoPlaying="akko"> <state img="5-why.png">I. Don't. Use. Magic!</state> </case> <case tag="stripped" alsoPlaying="futaba"> <state img="5-stare.png">...Is this a love confession? Is this the part where we ditch this game and ride off into the sunset on a horse?</state> </case> <case tag="stripped" alsoPlaying="mavis"> <state img="5-embarrassed.png">No, I'm not a werewolf at all! If I was, someone would've killed me by now!</state> <state img="5-embarrassed.png">No! No, I'm a cat! I'm no wolf!</state> </case> <case tag="stripped" alsoPlaying="moon"> <state img="5-embarrassed.png">Oh god, just <i>shut up!!</i> It's bad enough being naked in front of complete strangers!</state> </case> <case tag="stripped" alsoPlaying="rinkah"> <state img="5-embarrassed.png">Uhh... T-Thanks?</state> </case> <case tag="male_must_strip"> <state img="5-eh.png">...Please make it good.</state> <state img="5-embarrassed.png">Alright, just... hurry it up! I want to continue!</state> <state img="5-eh.png">How much do you h---whatever! Just hurry up and strip!</state> <state img="5-embarrassed.png">Okay okay okay okay, go go go go go!</state> </case> <case tag="male_must_strip" target="kamina" targetStage="0"> <state img="5-triumphant.png">MIGHTY MAN! MIGHTY MAN!!</state> </case> <case tag="male_must_strip" target="pit" targetStage="0"> <state img="5-surprise.png"><i>(Woah, an angel? So that's not an ordinary swan I'm seeing---he's a legitimate angel!?)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_must_strip"> <state img="5-eh.png">...Please make it good.</state> <state img="5-embarrassed.png">Alright, just... hurry it up! I want to continue!</state> <state img="5-eh.png">How much do you h---whatever! Just hurry up and strip!</state> <state img="5-embarrassed.png">Okay okay okay okay, go go go go go!</state> </case> <case tag="female_must_strip" target="florina" targetSayingMarker="bee"> <state img="5-terror.png">Not the bees!</state> </case> <case tag="female_must_strip" target="kizuna" targetSayingMarker="kizuna_start_naked"> <state img="5-stare.png">That's no excuse. Get stripping, missy.</state> </case> <case tag="female_must_strip" target="rinkah" targetStage="0" priority="10000"> <state img="5-surprise.png"><i>(Holy... crap...)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_must_strip" target="rinkah" targetStage="1" priority="10000"> <state img="5-surprise.png"><i>(It's her turn to strip again!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_must_strip" target="rinkah" targetStage="2" priority="10000"> <state img="5-flustered.png"><i>She's so positive too, so confident and strong yet kind... Damn it, I'm falling in love with this dumb, hot girl! I shouldn't be falling for her, but... Arghhh!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_must_strip" target="rinkah" targetStage="3"> <state img="5-thinking.png"><i>(Okay... What else does she have?)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_must_strip" target="rinkah" targetStage="4"> <state img="5-annoyed.png"><i>(Stupid... dumb... musclehead... hot tribal princess! She's distracting me from the game!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_must_strip" target="rinkah" targetStage="5"> <state img="5-flustered.png">W-What'd I tell you? I knew I'd kick your butt from the start!</state> </case> <case tag="female_must_strip" target="sakura" targetStage="4"> <state img="5-hype.png">Wait! <i>Wait!</i> If you sing for a living, can you sing a cover of one of my band's songs? Please?</state> </case> <case tag="female_must_strip" target="syrenne" targetStage="0"> <state img="5-annoyed.png"><i>(Blegh. Alcoholics like her make me feel queasy...)</i></state> </case> <case tag="tie"> <state img="5-surprise.png">What the---is that even possible?</state> <state img="5-why.png">HOW!?</state> <state img="5-thinking.png">So, uhh... What now?</state> </case> <case tag="male_removing_accessory"> <state img="5-annoyed.png">My day is ruined and my disappointment is inmeasurable.</state> <state img="5-embarrassed.png">Bull. Shit. Seriously, at least make things more exciting!</state> <state img="5-annoyed.png">I'm tempted to just leave this damn place.</state> <state img="5-why.png">I'm showing you my privates! And that's all you take off!?</state> </case> <case tag="male_removing_accessory" target="kamina" targetStage="2"> <state img="5-eh.png">Why does it feel like your pants would just... slide off without that belt?</state> <state img="5-annoyed.png">Maaaan... And here I thought you were cool.</state> </case> <case tag="male_removing_accessory" target="pit" targetStage="0"> <state img="5-thinking.png"><i>(That explains the greek-themed clothing he's wearing. Jeez, I hate how everyone I see is an animal.)</i></state> </case> <case tag="male_removing_accessory" target="pit" targetStage="1"> <state img="5-stare.png">What's the point of that sash? Is this just for uniform or something? A show of dominance.</state> </case> <case tag="male_removing_accessory" targetStage="1-8" targetStatus="not_decent" priority="999"> <state img="5-eh.png" marker="sparedfromherwrath*">You know what? Since you took off something big first, I guess I can forgive that...</state> </case> <case tag="male_removed_accessory"> <state img="5-why.png">Oh, screw you!</state> <state img="5-woah.png"><i>(He still had that!? Oh jeez, I am SO screwed.)</i></state> <state img="5-eyes.png">Will you go faster if I threaten to kill you in your sleep?</state> <state img="5-why.png">Choke on my ass!!</state> </case> <case tag="male_removed_accessory" target="kamina" targetStage="3"> <state img="5-smug.png">That'd honestly be pretty hilarious. Like the slapstick comedy that seems to be my life sometimes.</state> <state img="5-surprise.png" marker="gravitypants">Nope. Still on. Apparently those pants defy gravity or something! Man, that'd be revolutionary!</state> <state img="5-stare.png" marker="kamina_maedisappoint">I guess not even the mighty Kamina can live up to this cat's ridiculous expectations, huh?</state> </case> <case tag="male_removed_accessory" target="pit" targetStage="1"> <state img="5-stare.png">Hmm? No, I wasn't staring at you, Pit. You must be seeing things.</state> </case> <case tag="male_removed_accessory" target="pit" targetStage="2"> <state img="5-neutral.png">I know jack about greek culture. Which is weird because I always thought angels were associated with Christianity. Then again, I also thought angels were fictional.</state> </case> <case tag="male_removed_accessory" targetStage="1-8" targetStatus="not_decent" priority="3"> <state img="5-thinking.png">Weird strategy, though.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_accessory"> <state img="5-annoyed.png">My day is ruined and my disappointment is inmeasurable.</state> <state img="5-stare.png">Bull. Shit. Seriously, you're pissing me right now. And you don't like Mae Borowski when she's pissed off.</state> <state img="5-annoyed.png">I'm tempted to just leave this damn place.</state> <state img="5-why.png">I'm showing you my privates! And that's all you take off!?</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_accessory" filter="aggressive"> <state img="5-neutral.png" marker="aggressive_marker">I feel like one of you can kill anyone in this room. How do you guys get away with murder?</state> <state img="5-neutral.png" marker="aggressive_marker">I bet you know the best place to dump a body in.</state> <state img="5-neutral.png" marker="aggressive_marker">Can I ask you a favor? Can you not hurt anyone when they also take off an accessory.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="blake" targetStage="5"> <state img="5-surprise.png">Wait, what? What's this?</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="florina" targetStage="0" targetSaidMarker="fled"> <state img="5-eyes.png">♫ Sometimes I feel I got to <i>(bomp bomp)</i> run away!~ ♫</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="futaba" targetStage="1" priority="999"> <state img="5-smug.png">I. Want. Those. Boots.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="lucina" targetStage="0"> <state img="5-surprise.png">Eh!?</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="pinkie_pie" targetStage="5"> <state img="5-eh.png"><i>(Aw man, but the stockings-only look was hot...)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="rinkah" targetStage="0" priority="10000"> <state img="5-sweat.png"><i>(This Rinkah girl... She could probably suplex me without any trouble!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="rinkah" targetStage="1" priority="9999"> <state img="5-flustered.png">Those gloves you took off earlier look heavy... I-Is that how you build muscle?</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="rinkah" targetStage="2" priority="10000"> <state img="5-eh.png"><i>(Abs like solid rock. I'd probably hurt my hand trying to punch her the stomach...)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_accessory" targetStage="1-8" targetStatus="not_decent"> <test expr="~name~" cmp="!=" value="Kyu" /> <state img="5-eh.png" marker="sparedfromherwrath*">You know what? Since you took off something big first, I guess I can forgive that...</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_accessory"> <state img="5-why.png">Oh, screw you!</state> <state img="5-woah.png"><i>(She still had that!? Oh jeez, I am SO screwed.)</i></state> <state img="5-eyes.png">Will you go faster if I threaten to kill you in your sleep?</state> <state img="5-why.png">Choke on my ass!!</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="blake" targetStage="6"> <state img="5-stare.png" marker="blakereveal">Oh... This whole time, you were... secretly a cat?</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="futaba" targetStage="2" priority="1001"> <state img="5-hype.png">Seriously, they're actually my aesthetic... I don't know how to use that word, but I do want boots like yours!</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="lucina"> <state img="5-eh.png" marker="thisisreal1">...And you chose to disguise yourself <i>why</i>? Are you from some sort of fantasty setting or am I just... Oh god...</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="natsuki" targetStage="1"> <state img="5-stare.png">Fine. Not like I'd want to play strip poker with an asshole like you anyways.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="pinkie_pie" targetStage="6"> <state img="5-flustered.png">You're weird, but in this case, I do like weird... Show me more party tricks!</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="rinkah" targetStage="1"> <state img="5-surprise.png">...Please don't hurt me Rinkah...</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="rinkah" targetStage="2"> <state img="5-eh.png">Although I guess it's too late to ask since youve already took off your boots... <i>(Ughh! I am such an idiot!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="rinkah" targetStage="3" priority="10000"> <state img="5-eyes.png" marker="strip_rinkah_naked">B-Bring it! I will strip you naked and emerge from this game victoriou---</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_accessory" targetStage="1-8" targetStatus="not_decent"> <test expr="~name~" cmp="!=" value="Kyu" /> <state img="5-stare.png">Weird strategy, though.</state> </case> <case tag="male_removing_minor"> <state img="5-annoyed.png">Fine. At least it's <i>something</i>.</state> <state img="5-annoyed.png">Okay, I'm a little peeved... I'm <i>very</i> peeved.</state> <state img="5-annoyed.png">Weak.</state> </case> <case tag="male_removing_minor" target="kamina" targetStage="1"> <state img="5-neutral.png">Should I wear armwraps too? I tend to hurt my hands a lot.</state> </case> <case tag="male_removing_minor" target="kamina" targetStage="6" priority="855"> <state img="5-thinking.png">Saving the cape for last, I see.</state> </case> <case tag="male_removing_minor" target="pit" targetStage="2"> <state img="5-thinking.png">These are the most impractical sandals I ever saw. How the hell do you even run in the---?</state> </case> <case tag="male_removing_minor" targetStage="1-8" targetStatus="not_decent"> <state img="5-eh.png" marker="sparedfromherwrath*">You know what? Since you took off something big first, I guess I can forgive that...</state> </case> <case tag="male_removed_minor"> <state img="5-annoyed.png">Fine. At least it's <i>something</i>.</state> <state img="5-annoyed.png">Okay, I'm a little peeved... I'm <i>very</i> peeved.</state> <state img="5-annoyed.png">Weak.</state> </case> <case tag="male_removed_minor" target="kamina" targetStage="2"> <state img="5-thinking.png">And not just from knife fights. Only my knuckles seem to be injured there.</state> </case> <case tag="male_removed_minor" target="kamina" targetStage="7"> <state img="5-eh.png">I mean... You could've used that to cover yourself. <i>(That's what I should've done...)</i></state> </case> <case tag="male_removed_minor" target="pit" targetStage="3"> <state img="5-surprise.png">Ohhhhh, right, you have wings. My bad.</state> </case> <case tag="male_removed_minor" target="ryuji" targetSayingMarker="wince" priority="555"> <state img="5-eh.png">Ouch. You okay?</state> </case> <case tag="male_removed_minor" target="ryuji" targetStage="1"> <state img="5-hype.png">Ooooh, I want that shirt!</state> </case> <case tag="male_removed_minor" targetStage="1-8" targetStatus="not_decent"> <state img="5-thinking.png">Weird strategy, though.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_minor"> <state img="5-annoyed.png">Fine. At least it's <i>something</i>.</state> <state img="5-annoyed.png">Okay, I'm a little peeved... I'm <i>very</i> peeved.</state> <state img="5-annoyed.png">Weak.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_minor" target="catria" targetStage="3"> <state img="5-surprise.png">H-Hey! We can see your ass, y'know!</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_minor" target="futaba" targetStage="0" priority="555"> <state img="5-stare.png">Ooooh, lucky you. Cute people are usually not into girls like me. For good reason. <i>(Not like she needs to know why most of the town calls me "Killer".)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_minor" target="futaba" targetStage="3" priority="10000"> <state img="5-neutral.png">Are those not uncomfortable? Or is it so cold where you're from that you need to keep your legs warm?</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_minor" target="kyoko" targetStage="5" priority="545"> <state img="5-eh.png">...Oh...</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_minor" target="natsuki" targetStage="2"> <state img="5-thinking.png">I wouldn't know. English is not my strong suit.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_minor" target="sakura" targetStage="1" priority="540"> <state img="5-surprise.png"><i>(What the---grey skin?)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_minor" target="sakura" targetStage="2" priority="545"> <state img="5-surprise.png" marker="sakura_reveal">Seriously!? You're a zombie!</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_minor" target="sakura" targetStage="3" priority="560"> <state img="5-fingergun.png" marker="loseyourhead">Woah, don't lose your head now! Ahahahahahaha!!</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_minor" targetStage="1-8" targetStatus="not_decent"> <test expr="~name~" cmp="!=" value="Kyu" /> <state img="5-eh.png" marker="sparedfromherwrath*">You know what? Since you took off something big first, I guess I can forgive that...</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_minor"> <state img="5-why.png">That's a dick move! You're a dick.</state> <state img="5-annoyed.png">I'm tempted to punch you in the face.</state> <state img="5-why.png">You. Absolute. Coward.</state> <state img="5-why.png">Uggghhhh, screw you!</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="emi" targetStage="7"> <state img="5-surprise.png">Wait... Prosthetics!? I'm sorry, but if you mentioned having prosthetic legs before, I wasn't paying attention.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="futaba"> <state img="5-stare.png">Part of your thigh is exposed though, so it must be some weird fashion statement I never heard of.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="futaba" targetStage="1"> <state img="5-neutral.png">Just looking at you makes me wanna snuggle up against you and play video games on your TV all day.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="kyoko" targetStage="6"> <state img="5-welp.png"><i>(Well that just killed the mood.)</i></state> <state img="5-welp.png">I, uh, don't know what to say. I'm sorry.</state> <state img="5-welp.png">Jeez... I'm sorry.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="sakura" targetStage="2"> <state img="5-annoyed.png">You got a little something on your thighs. If we can have an explanation, that'd be neat.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="sakura" targetStage="3"> <state img="5-flustered.png"><i>(Aren't zombies supposed to be living corpses with rotting flesh? What's concerning is that she's STILL cute despite that!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="sakura" targetStage="3" alsoPlaying="saki_zls" alsoPlayingStage="6"> <state img="5-smug.png">Aha! There's a zombie uprising going on, isn't it? No wonder you know each other so well! Too bad I was prepared from the very beginning!</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="sakura" targetStage="4" alsoPlaying="saki_zls" alsoPlayingStage="7" saidMarker="loseyourhead"> <state img="5-smug.png">Hahaha... hah... Man, you girls are a goldmine for lame puns. I need to work on my comedian routine. Could you help me out?</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="sakura" targetStage="4" saidMarker="loseyourhead"> <state img="5-smug.png">Hahaha... hah... Man, you're a goldmine for lame puns. I need to work on my comedian routine. Could you help me out?</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_minor" targetStage="1-8" targetStatus="not_decent"> <test expr="~name~" cmp="!=" value="Kyu" /> <state img="5-thinking.png">Weird strategy, though.</state> </case> <case tag="male_removing_major"> <state img="5-woah.png">If I become half-naked, so do you! It's common decency!</state> <state img="5-smug.png">That's right, get on my level!!</state> <state img="5-embarrassed.png">This would be more satisfying if you were embarrassed about this. W-Whatever. Good enough for me.</state> <state img="5-smug.png">This pleases the Borowski.</state> </case> <case tag="male_removing_major" target="kamina" targetStage="3" saidMarker="kamina_maedisappoint"> <state img="5-smug.png" marker="null_disappoint">Heh-hey, there we go!</state> </case> <case tag="male_removed_major"> <state img="5-neutral.png" marker="lostmajor">Thanks, ~name~.</state> <state img="5-eyes.png" marker="lostmajor">Let's go, I wanna see what happens next!</state> <state img="5-smug.png" marker="lostmajor">Nice ~clothing~, but I preferred ~clothing.ifPlural(those|that)~ off your body.</state> </case> <case tag="male_removed_major" target="kamina" targetStage="4" saidMarker="null_disappoint"> <state img="5-neutral.png">Okay, now you're cool again. In these horrifying red eyes, at least.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_major"> <state img="5-woah.png">If I become half-naked, so do you! It's common decency!</state> <state img="5-smug.png">That's right, get on my level!!</state> <state img="5-embarrassed.png">This is payback for kicking my butt! Now we kick yours!</state> <state img="5-smug.png">This pleases the Borowski.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_major" target="aimee"> <state img="5-terror.png">WHAT THE HELL!?</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_major" target="emi" targetStage="7"> <state img="5-surprise.png">Your <i>legs!?</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_major" target="futaba" targetStage="2"> <state img="5-thinking.png">Now you have me wondering---do <i>you</i> wear underwear?</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_major" target="hk416" targetStage="3"> <state img="5-neutral.png">Classy jacket you got there. Looks warm too.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_major" target="pinkie_pie" targetStage="0"> <state img="5-woah.png">Woah, she's already livening things up!</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_major" target="pinkie_pie" targetStage="1"> <state img="5-flustered.png">I like this girl. A lot.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_major" target="rinkah" targetStage="3"> <state img="5-hype.png">Pants! Pants!! <i>Paaaaants!!!</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_major" target="saki_zls" targetStage="5"> <state img="5-why.png">Makeup doesn't count, asshole! You can't---!</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_major" target="sakura"> <state img="5-surprise.png">It's the only scrap of paper I ha---wait, you never heard of Donut Wolf? You poor, unfortunate soul!</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_major" target="syrenne" targetStage="0"> <state img="5-woah.png">W-Wait, <i>already!?</i> What about those things on your arms?</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_major"> <state img="5-eh.png" marker="*">I guess we're more even? Question mark??</state> <state img="5-sweat.png" marker="*">Uhh...</state> <state img="5-flustered.png" marker="*">Looking good, ~name~! Seriously, I'm being geniune. You look...</state> <state img="5-hype.png" marker="*">This game is getting a lot more fun. Ooooh, what's next?</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_major" target="aimee" targetStage="1"> <state img="5-why.png">Wh... What? WHAT!? <i>WHY!?</i></state> <state img="5-why.png">Wh... What the hell is WRONG with you!?</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_major" target="emi" targetStage="8"> <state img="5-woah.png">Holy crap, you're determined!</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_major" target="futaba"> <state img="5-stare.png">So technically the shirt <i>was</i> your underwear. But now it's not, since you're wearing nothing over it. Clever.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_major" target="hk416" targetStage="4" priority="205"> <state img="5-surprise.png">Annnnd you're not wearing anything but a bra underneath it!</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_major" target="natsuki" targetStage="5"> <state img="5-surprise.png"><i>(That "oversized shirt with no pants" look is really hot... Oh god, now I feel gross. Jeez, I really hope this girl is legal...)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_major" target="natsuki" targetStage="5" alsoPlaying="pit"> <state img="5-flustered.png"><i>(Yeah... What he said.)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_major" target="natsuki" targetStage="6" priority="111"> <state img="5-surprise.png">Holy crap... That's adorable!</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_major" target="pinkie_pie" targetStage="1"> <state img="5-hype.png">And she's so nonchalant about it! Hey, we should all be like her!</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_major" target="pinkie_pie" targetStage="2"> <state img="5-flustered.png">I don't attend a lot of parties----you don't get too many at Possum Springs, and they tend to suck. So, uh, can you invite me to one of your parties sometime?</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_major" target="rinkah"> <state img="5-surprise.png">W-Wait, we can see your---!</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_major" target="saki_zls" targetStage="6"> <state img="5-terror.png">Gah! Not the ice bucket!</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_major" target="sakura" targetStage="5" targetSayingMarker="mae_covers"> <state img="5-triumphant.png">Yesssss!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_major" target="syrenne" targetStage="1"> <state img="5-stare.png">There's other things you can strip that are <i>not</i> your headband though.</state> </case> <case tag="male_chest_will_be_visible"> <state img="5-smug.png">Please, like this is embarrassing for you.</state> <state img="5-woah.png"><i>(Hot shirtless men is usually something you usually find at a college party... At least this isn't college.)</i></state> <state img="5-flustered.png">Do you work out, ~name~? Just asking! In case, y'know.... Ah, screw it, we're gonna know regardless!</state> </case> <case tag="male_chest_is_visible"> <state img="5-surprise.png">Cool!! Impressive!</state> <state img="5-flustered.png">N-Next hand?</state> <state img="5-flustered.png"><i>(Oh no, he's hot!)</i></state> <state img="5-sweat.png"><i>(Get it together, Borowski! Okay, some guy is shirtless. That's cool. It's fine, you signed up for this!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="male_chest_is_visible" filter="athletic"> <state img="5-sweat.png"><i>(Is it weird that I kinda wanna lick his chest... Yeah, that's weird! Stop being weird!!)</i></state> <state img="5-surprise.png">Wow...</state> <state img="5-woah.png">You <i>definitely</i> work out! You can probably lift me no problem, and that actually means something 'cause I'm pretty heavy.</state> </case> <case tag="male_chest_is_visible" filter="muscular"> <state img="5-woah.png">Woah, can you give me a ride on your back?</state> <state img="5-woah.png">Woah, how much have you been going to the gym!?</state> </case> <case tag="male_chest_is_visible" target="9s"> <state img="5-stare.png">...Can I ask what happened to your nipples?</state> </case> <case tag="male_crotch_will_be_visible"> <state img="5-surprise.png">Oh boy... Oh boy, t-this is it....</state> <state img="5-flustered.png">I'm not sure if I should be terrified or excited!!</state> <state img="5-surprise.png">Holy---!</state> <state img="5-terror.png">Wait!! I-I don't think I'm ready---</state> </case> <case tag="male_small_crotch_is_visible"> <state img="5-neutral.png">...Something tells me I should be laughing. I'm not.</state> <state img="5-stare.png">Soooooo, apparently you're smaller than average? Judging by everyone else's reactions?</state> <state img="5-eh.png">Is... Is it small? I dunno what counts as "average" size for penis just by sight. I'm not a dick professional.</state> <state img="5-thinking.png"><i>(Huh... Either porn is extremely unrealistic or his is not as big as it should be.)</i></state> </case> <case tag="male_medium_crotch_is_visible"> <state img="5-flustered.png">I... I bet you get a lot of girls...</state> <state img="5-sweat.png"><i>(Gah! It's...)</i></state> <state img="5-flustered.png"><i>(Why is everyone so damn attractive! I hate this game!)</i></state> <state img="5-flustered.png">There it is, guys. His... His dick. It's out for us.</state> <state img="5-sweat.png">Okay, okay, that's a nice penis, <i>moving on!!</i></state> </case> <case tag="male_medium_crotch_is_visible" target="ryuji" targetSayingMarker="ass" priority="445"> <state img="5-eyes.png"><i>(Nice.)</i></state> </case> <case tag="male_large_crotch_is_visible"> <state img="5-surprise.png">H-How would that even fit!?</state> <state img="5-terror.png">Err...</state> <state img="5-terror.png"><i>(Gah!! I do <i>not</i> want that near my privates!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="male_large_crotch_is_visible" target="mettaton"> <state img="5-why.png">What the---I know you're not human, but this is just ridiculous!!</state> </case> <case tag="male_crotch_is_visible"> <condition count="3-4" gender="male" status="naked" /> <state img="5-woah.png">How many penises am I gonna see tonight!? Geez!</state> </case> <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible"> <state img="5-flustered.png">Hahaha... This line shouldn't be playing. So, uh, just report it if it plays, I guess?</state> </case> <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" priority="780"> <condition count="1-5" status="chest_visible" /> <state img="5-woah.png">We are going to unlock more boobs!</state> <state img="5-sweat.png">Oh boy...</state> <state img="5-flustered.png">Looks like I'm seeing more boobs today. Hahaha.... hah...</state> <state img="5-flustered.png"><i>(Okay, this is <i>almost</i> worth sticking around!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" priority="785"> <condition count="0" gender="female" status="chest_visible" /> <state img="5-surprise.png">BOOBS!</state> <state img="5-woah.png">We are going to unlock ~name~'s boobs!</state> <state img="5-woah.png">Are you gonna show us your boobs? I've never actually seen boobs in real life! Unless you count my own boobs!!</state> <state img="5-surprise.png">Boobs! Honkers!! Badonkers!!!</state> <state img="5-woah.png">Oh... Oh crap...</state> </case> <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" target="florina" targetSayingMarker="bee3" priority="9998"> <state img="5-surprise.png">Holy <i>crap</i>, these bees show up at the worst moments!</state> </case> <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" target="futaba"> <state img="5-surprise.png">Erm... I guess I'll be seeing your boobs, Oracle! This isn't something new friends shouldn't do though...</state> </case> <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" target="kyu"> <state img="5-surprise.png">...Witchcraft!</state> </case> <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" target="kyu" targetSaying="This totally isn't some deus-ex-machina cop-out to avoid having to put any effort into another stripping sprite, by the way. In case you were wondering."> <state img="5-stare.png">But... wouldn't that stripping pose take just as much effort, if not <i>more?</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" target="moon" priority="10000"> <state img="5-why.png">FOR THE LAST TIME, I DON'T WANT TO SEE YOUR CHEST!</state> </case> <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" target="natsuki"> <state img="5-sweat.png">Y-You know what!? Fine! I'm tired of s-seeing that dumb strawberry-print on your underwear anyways! <i>So</i> childish!</state> </case> <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" target="rinkah" priority="9994"> <state img="5-eh.png">It doesn't hurt to bind your chest---?</state> </case> <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" target="saki_zls"> <state img="5-fingergun.png">Hehehe... Looks like you're getting <i>a-head</i> of yourself now!</state> </case> <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" totalRounds="0-5"> <state img="5-surprise.png">The game JUST started, what the heck!?</state> </case> <case tag="female_small_chest_is_visible"> <state img="5-neutral.png">Oh... I actually feel a little bad for you.</state> <state img="5-neutral.png">...I'm kind of disappointed.</state> <state img="5-eh.png">Well at least you're not sturdy like me!</state> </case> <case tag="female_small_chest_is_visible" target="futaba"> <state img="5-eh.png">...</state> </case> <case tag="female_small_chest_is_visible" target="natsuki"> <state img="5-eh.png"><i>(...Maybe now is not a good time to make another nasty comment, Mae. Jeez, I'm just as big of a jerk as she is.)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible"> <state img="5-flustered.png"><i>(Yup! Real boobs! Right in front of me!)</i></state> <state img="5-surprise.png"><i>(Must... not... squeeze...)</i></state> <state img="5-sweat.png">Umm... Nice... boobs? G... Great tits?</state> <state img="5-flustered.png">Hahaha, totally not staring, ~name~!</state> <state img="5-sweat.png"><i>(Oh crud, what do I do, WHAT DO I SAY!?)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="calisto" priority="15"> <state img="5-surprise.png">That <i>has</i> to be uncomfortable! Doesn't it feel like you're having a wedgie!?</state> </case> <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="florina"> <state img="5-annoyed.png">Now the reveal is kinda ruined, even if her tits are kind of cute... One of us should get some pesticide.</state> </case> <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="moon"> <state img="5-stare.png">...You have no idea how much I want to stab you and throw your filthy body into a river.</state> </case> <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="rinkah" priority="9995"> <state img="5-woah.png">Ohhhhh my good lord...</state> <state img="5-woah.png">W-Wow... How is your body so... <i>(perfect!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_large_chest_is_visible"> <state img="5-surprise.png">Those are some serious honkers! A real set of badonkers! You're packing some dobonhonkeros!!</state> <state img="5-surprise.png">Humongous hungolomghononoloughongous!</state> <state img="5-welp.png">You must attract a lot of people, huh?</state> <state img="5-flustered.png">Can I... no, nevermind! Forget I said anything!!</state> <state img="5-woah.png" marker="squeezethemtits">Holy... cow... Can I squeeze them!? Please?</state> </case> <case tag="female_large_chest_is_visible" target="jura" targetSayingMarker="butt"> <state img="5-annoyed.png"><i>(Ugh, AND she has an amazing ass too? This is why I hate hot girls like her sometimes. Nearly everything they do makes you self-concious about yourself.)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_chest_is_visible" filter="confident" targetStatus="not_crotch_visible"> <state img="5-smug.png">Might as well take off everything, with how much you don't care. Makes things go faster.</state> </case> <case tag="female_chest_is_visible" filter="no_bra" priority="2"> <state img="5-smug.png">Should've looked for a sports bra, nerd. It'll increase your chances of winning.</state> </case> <case tag="female_chest_is_visible" filter="pierced_nipples"> <state img="5-woah.png"><i>(She pierces her nipples!? That's... really hot...)</i></state> <state img="5-sweat.png"><i>(Woah... Do I have a thing for pierced nipples?)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_chest_is_visible" filter="witch" notSaidMarker="witch_nude"> <state img="5-flustered.png" marker="witch_nude">I think ~name~ just bewitched me! Hahahahaha... hah...</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible"> <state img="5-flustered.png">This is NOT how I expected my day to go. Showing my vagina and seeing another girl's!</state> <state img="5-flustered.png">Oh boy... Umm... You guys might as well shift your attention to ~name~, y'know?</state> <state img="5-embarrassed.png">Well I already showed you mine, so...!! Now it's your turn! Show us the goods!</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" filter="thong" priority="155"> <state img="5-eh.png">If I had to be honest, thongs look like the most uncomfortable things on the planet.</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="leggy"> <state img="5-flustered.png">It feels weird seeing you about to get naked knowing you're not actually human...</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="moon"> <state img="5-terror.png">I don't want to see it! It's probably filthy. And full of gross STDs. And a bunch of other gross things! Can I go home now!?</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="rinkah" priority="9999"> <state img="5-flustered.png">W-Well I've already seen your pubes!</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="sakura"> <state img="5-surprise.png">Oh boy! Zombie... pussy...</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" targetStatus="chest_visible"> <state img="5-flustered.png">I guess you're gonna show us the package deal! Nice!! I mean, who wouldn't want to see a pretty girl completely naked?</state> <state img="5-flustered.png">Heh... Time for you to, uh, get naked. Show us everything. Y'know, since those are the rules of the game and everything.</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible"> <state img="5-embarrassed.png">I'd feel bad for you if I wasn't exposed as well! No mercy!</state> <state img="5-embarrassed.png">Now we're even, ~name~!</state> <state img="5-eyes.png">Heh... Isn't this hot, ~name~? I'd be really turned on if I wasn't so embarrassed!</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible"> <condition count="1" gender="female" status="crotch_visible" /> <state img="5-surprise.png"><i>(Yup! That is indeed a vagina!)</i></state> <state img="5-surprise.png"><i>(Yup!! That is indeed a vagina! I'm seeing a stranger's crotch!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" filter="confident" targetStatus="not_chest_visible"> <state img="5-smug.png">Might as well take off everything, with how much you don't care. Makes things go faster.</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" filter="confident" targetStatus="not_chest_visible" saidMarker="regret"> <state img="5-smug.png">Ah, screw it. Might as well take off everything, with how much you don't care. Makes things go faster.</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" filter="hairy"> <state img="5-flustered.png">You don't shave either? Whew, I thought I was the only one!</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" filter="shaved" priority="1"> <state img="5-woah.png">Wait, you shaved it!? How do you not cut yourself?</state> <state img="5-woah.png">How do you even shave? I'm afraid of putting anything sharp near my own lady parts!</state> <state img="5-surprise.png">Why do you people even shave?</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" filter="witch" notSaidMarker="witch_nude"> <state img="5-flustered.png" marker="witch_nude">I think ~name~ just bewitched me! Hahahahaha... hah...</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="blake" targetSaidMarker="Bellabooty"> <state img="5-smug.png">Bellabooty!</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="florina" targetSayingMarker="butt" priority="150"> <state img="5-flustered.png">We can see your butt!! <i>(And it's a really cute butt....)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="haru"> <state img="5-surprise.png"><i>(That ass is bigger than my future!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="ini" targetSaidMarker="butt"> <state img="5-annoyed.png">You suuuure are determined not to show us your pubes.</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="jolyne" targetSaidMarker="Butt"> <state img="5-hype.png"><i>(Yeeessssss!!)</i></state> <state img="5-flustered.png">And suddenly, I find myself enjoying this game more! You turning around r-really helped with that.</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="jura" targetSayingMarker="natsuki_hug"> <state img="5-stare.png">...I think you're suffocating her.</state> <state img="5-stare.png">If she dies being suffocated by your massive chest, I'm getting out of here.</state> <state img="5-thinking.png"><i>(Yeah, I can't envy her.)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="leggy"> <state img="5-thinking.png">Yup, everyone's a furry. I'm a furry, you're a furry, we're all furry in my eyes.</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="mavis"> <state img="5-surprise.png"><i>(She's dummy thicc!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="meia"> <state img="5-flustered.png"><i>(I like this sight!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="moon"> <state img="5-welp.png">...Why did I agree to playing this game?</state> <state img="5-welp.png">I should've left while I could.</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="rinkah"> <state img="5-flustered.png">Umm... You are <i>really</i> confident, huh?</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="sakura"> <state img="5-stare.png">...Is a thing I never thought I'd say in my life.</state> <state img="5-eh.png">Are you seriously a zombie? I'd have expected something more... cut up. And writhing with maggots. But no, you're really hot and I'm not sure how to feel about being attracted to a zombie.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="criminal" notSaidMarker="criminal_marker" priority="165"> <state img="5-smug.png" marker="criminal_marker">I think I like ~name~ already! So, you think you're done for some crimes after this game is over?</state> <state img="5-fingergun.png" marker="criminal_marker">Finally, a fellow law-breaker!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="deity" notSaidMarker="deity_marker"> <state img="5-stare.png">...What do I even say?</state> <state img="5-thinking.png">This is too weird for me.</state> <state img="5-neutral.png">...</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="flies" notSaidMarker="flies_marker" priority="54"> <state img="5-welp.png" marker="flies_marker">Maaaaan, I wish I could fly...</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="gloomy" notSaidMarker="gloomy_marker"> <state img="5-eh.png" marker="gloomy_marker"><i>(~name~ kind of reminds me of Bea. I kinda wish she were here now. Too bad Bea wouldn't be caught dead playing this game.)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="gun" notSaidMarker="gun_marker"> <state img="5-terror.png" marker="gun_marker"><i>(What the---aren't guns illegal!? What the hell is that person thinking? Should I be scared? I don't want to be shot again!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="innocent" notSaidMarker="innocent_marker" priority="6"> <state img="5-neutral.png" marker="innocent_marker">...Should you really be playing this game?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="lonely" notSaidMarker="lonely_marker"> <state img="5-eh.png" marker="lonely_marker"><i>(Jeez, ~name~ kind of reminds me of myself. Makes me glad I actually have some friends, or else my existence would end up being even crappier.)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="musician" targetStatus="decent" notSaidMarker="musician_tag"> <state img="5-neutral.png" marker="musician_tag">So you play an instrument too, huh? Or are you a singer?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="police" notSaidMarker="police_marker"> <state img="5-stare.png" marker="police_marker">I'm playing strip poker with a cop? Wow. I wonder what other crazy stuff life has in store for me.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="red_eyes" targetStage="0"> <state img="5-smug.png" marker="nightmareyesclub_marker">Alright, ~name~, now that I've found another person with such vivid red eyes, you're officially a member of the "Nightmare Eyes" club. No backsies.</state> <state img="5-smug.png" marker="redeyes_marker">Nightmare eyes, baby. All day, every day. We're comrades now.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="thigh_highs" notSaidMarker="thighhigh_markers"> <state img="5-annoyed.png" marker="thighhigh_markers">Ugh. Why would you torture yourself with those long socks? Doesn't it feel itchy?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="vampire" notSaidMarker="vampire_marker" priority="155"> <state img="5-hype.png" marker="vampire_marker">Ohmigod... I <i>knew</i> vampires were real! Suck it, nonbelievers!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="virtual" notSaidMarker="virtual_marker"> <state img="5-surprise.png" marker="virtual_marker">Wait, am I playing with a hologram!? Is this another crazy dream?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="witch" notSaidMarker="witchdagga_witchmarker"> <state img="5-thinking.png" marker="witchdagga_witchmarker"><i>(Man, how cool would it be if Witchdagger actually played here? It would make up for all the times I couldn't go to any concerts because they were all too far away and nobody would drive me.)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" hasHand="Full House"> <state img="5-smug.png">Yessir, that's a full house! How do you like <i>that?</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" hasHand="Full House" notSaidMarker="singing_fullhouse"> <state img="5-thinking.png" marker="singing_fullhouse">♫ Whatever happened to predictability? The milkman, the paperboy, evening TV? ♫</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" hasHand="High Card" notSaidMarker="highcard_win"> <state img="5-triumphant.png" marker="highcard_win">Yessss!! Still managed a win with a crappy high card!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" hasHand="High Card" saidMarker="highcard_win" notSaidMarker="highcard_win1"> <state img="5-smug.png" marker="highcard_win1">And what do you know? I won with a high card <i>again</i>!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" hasHand="High Card" saidMarker="highcard_win1" notSaidMarker="highcard_win2"> <state img="5-neutral.png" marker="highcard_win2">...Jeez, ~name~. Your luck is terrible.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" notSaidMarker="lastlegs"> <state img="5-embarrassed.png" marker="lastlegs">Better you than me! Seriously, I'm down to my last legs!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="blake" targetStage="0"> <state img="5-eh.png"><i>(I can't tell what animal this girl is... Why do I even see people as animals in the first place?)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="chihiro" targetStage="5" priority="9997"> <state img="5-stare.png">Oh, you're back. Listen, you better not run away again. You chose to play, you stick it out until the end.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="florina" targetStage="4" targetSaidMarker="bee" priority="444"> <state img="5-surprise.png"><i>(Crap, better get ready to run. I don't want to be stung again!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="human" filter="gay" notSaidMarker="player_queer" priority="9998"> <state img="5-surprise.png" marker="player_queer">Wait... ~player~, you're gay?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="jura"> <state img="5-annoyed.png"><i>Of course</i> she's ridiculously vain. Not even sexy and suave girls can save the world from being crappy.</state> <state img="5-stare.png">Well at least your inflated ego makes sense, I'll give you that. But I still don't like you already.</state> <state img="5-stare.png">Ugh, and here I thought I'd like you. But no, you just <i>have</i> to rub your ridiculously good looks in my face.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="kyu" targetStage="0"> <state img="5-neutral.png">A disgustingly pink fairy who's also a huge slut? Now I've seen everything.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="leggy" targetStage="0"> <state img="5-eh.png">Are you <i>sure</i> you want to play this game? <i>(Everyone seems so surprised... Am I missing something?)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="leggy" targetStage="0" totalAlive="3"> <state img="5-eh.png">Are you <i>sure</i> you want to play this game? <i>(~player~ seems so surprised... Am I missing something?)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="leggy" targetStage="2"> <state img="5-smug.png">Hah! Pretty stupid of you to wear just a woolly, long-sleeved leotard, eh---?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="leggy" targetStage="3"> <state img="5-stare.png">Yup. I get it. You're an actual sheep, and I'm an idiot.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="moon" targetStage="0" priority="10000"> <state img="5-terror.png">...Holy crap!</state> <state img="5-terror.png">Is this girl serious!? <i>(This is just... a whole new level of wrong here.)</i></state> <state img="5-terror.png"><i>(...And I thought I was the crazy one! This girl takes crazy to a whole new level!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="moon" targetStage="1" priority="10000"> <state img="5-surprise.png">Normally I'd be excited, BUT THIS GIRL IS FREAKING ME OUT RI---</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="moon" targetStage="2-5"> <state img="5-annoyed.png">Oh goodie, it's <i>her</i> turn.</state> <state img="5-neutral.png"><i>(This girl actually makes me look good in comparsion.)</i></state> <state img="5-surprise.png"><i>(Is this she actually human? What if she's secretly some horny sex alien whose species greet each other with blowjobs?)</i></state> <state img="5-thinking.png"><i>(How does this little rabbit-girl have the biggest libido?)</i></state> <state img="5-annoyed.png">I'd say prostitution would be a <i>wonderful</i> job for you, but I wouldn't want your poor clients to get every STD on the planet.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="moon" targetStage="6" priority="10000"> <state img="5-terror.png">Oh <i>no</i>...</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="natsuki" targetStage="2-7" priority="2"> <state img="5-eyes.png">Egads! The strawberry munchkin kitten has to strip again!</state> <state img="5-neutral.png">Get into the spirit of strip poker! Like a <i>real</i> woman!</state> <state img="5-eyes.png">Cute. You think you're invincible?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="pinkie_pie" targetSayingMarker="pinka_start"> <state img="5-terror.png">WHAT THE HELL!?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="roxie" targetStage="0" priority="555"> <state img="5-smug.png">Roxie, huh? I dunno what it is, but something tells me we'll get along well.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="roxie" targetStage="2" priority="555"> <state img="5-neutral.png">So what's next? Is it gonna be the boots?</state> <state img="5-eh.png">Not a lot of options left...</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="roxie" targetStage="3" priority="555"> <state img="5-thinking.png">So... thong or bra?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="ryuji" targetStage="0"> <state img="5-woah.png"><i>(Woah, those legs! Why does it feel like he can break my neck with a single kick to the head?)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" targetStatus="decent" notSaidMarker="uhura_flashbacks" priority="1"> <state img="5-thinking.png" marker="uhura_flashbacks"><i>(Man, if this were any other kind of poker and we had to bluff in order to win, one of us could fart and nobody would be able to tell who did it.)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="sunglasses" notSaidMarker="sunglasses_marker"> <test expr="~background.location~" value="indoors" /> <state img="5-stare.png" marker="sunglasses_marker">Y'know, when you think about it, playing poker is the only valid excuse for wearing sunglasses indoors. So consider yourself lucky, I guess.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="scantily-clad" notSaidMarker="skimpy_marker"> <test expr="~name~" cmp="!=" value="Leggy" /> <state img="5-stare.png" marker="skimpy_marker">What the... Do you seriously have no shame?</state> <state img="5-stare.png" marker="skimpy_marker">Wearing <i>that</i> little clothing to a strip poker game? I don't think the irony is lost on any of us.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" filter="clothing_destruction" notSaidMarker="clothingdestruction"> <state img="5-surprise.png" marker="clothingdestruction">Woah, what---!?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" filter="deity" targetStage="0"> <state img="5-eh.png">I... don't have good experience with deities. They tend to be assholes who try to break my mind.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" filter="police" targetStage="1"> <state img="5-thinking.png">Y'know, my aunt is a cop. Aunt Molly. Aunt Mall Cop. After all these years, we <i>still</i> don't get along.</state> <state img="5-stare.png" marker="life_rambling">I've been electrocuted at least twice in my lifetime and spoke to God. And God is an asshole. This is nothing compared to all the weird crap I've been through. But that's just life.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" saidMarker="singing_fullhouse" notSaidMarker="singing_fullhouse1" priority="1"> <state img="5-fingergun.png" marker="singing_fullhouse1">♫ You miss your old familar friends, <i>waiting just around the beeeeend!</i>♫</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="akko" targetStage="0" priority="775"> <state img="5-woah.png">Wait, for real!? You're a real witch? You're really a real witch? For real?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="akko" targetStage="0" targetSaidMarker="necronomicon" priority="780"> <state img="5-terror.png">GAH!! No, not this! I can't deal with that again!!</state> <state img="5-terror.png"><i>Ohcrapohcrapohcrap!!</i> I don't wanna deal with these things anymore!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="amalia" targetStage="4" priority="555"> <state img="5-woah.png">Huh? How'd they slide off so easily!?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="chihiro" targetStage="4" priority="9995"> <state img="5-woah.png">No, wait! Come back!!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="chihiro" targetStage="5" priority="9993"> <state img="5-surprise.png">Huh!?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="felicia" targetStage="0"> <state img="5-surprise.png">Wait, what?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="felicia" targetStage="1"> <state img="5-eh.png">I'm cringing so hard right now.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="florina" targetStage="4" targetSayingMarker="bee2"> <state img="5-surprise.png">Hey, be careful with---!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="human" filter="gay" saidMarker="player_queer" notSaidMarker="player_queer2"> <state img="5-thinking.png" marker="player_queer2">Huh, you usually don't find a lot of queer people in my conversative trash dump of a town. I thought me, Gregg, and Angus were the only ones...</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="leggy" targetStage="0"> <state img="5-stare.png">You have some pretty weird get-up. Are you some kind of cosplayer?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="leggy" targetStage="1"> <state img="5-neutral.png">You alright there?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="leggy" targetStage="2"> <state img="5-surprise.png">Wait, <i>what!?</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="leggy" targetStage="3" priority="10000"> <state img="5-eh.png" marker="seeing_animals">I didn't want to say it out loud, but... I kiiiiinda have something wrong with my brain and everyone I see is an animal.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="moon" targetStage="0" priority="10000"> <state img="5-terror.png">She's so desperate about it...</state> <state img="5-why.png">Of course, she's taking off the bra first, <i>of course she does!!</i> Because obviously someone desperate like you wouldn't do with a silly trinket!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="moon" targetStage="1"> <state img="5-eh.png">Phew.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="moon" targetStage="2"> <state img="5-annoyed.png"><i>(Ugh, I don't even want to IMAGINE her naked.)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="palutena" targetStage="3"> <state img="5-neutral.png">Hey, Palutena. I have a question; can you fly? Or do those belts get in the way?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="pinkie_pie" targetSaidMarker="pinka_start" targetNotSaidMarker="pinka_end2"> <state img="5-why.png">What the hell do we do!? I am <i>not</i> dying during a strip poker game.</state> <state img="5-stare.png">We should really get out of here. Before this girl attempts to murder us.</state> <state img="5-why.png">I'm not here to get murdered!</state> <state img="5-surprise.png">UHHH...</state> <state img="5-surprise.png">Hahaha... please help me.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="roxie" targetStage="0" priority="555"> <state img="5-smug.png">The sweater already? Aww, you shouldn't have.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="roxie" targetStage="1" priority="555"> <state img="5-triumphant.png">Yessss! I knew it!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="roxie" targetStage="2" priority="555"> <state img="5-woah.png">Wait, those are shorts? I thought they were boxers!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="roxie" targetStage="3" priority="555"> <state img="5-eh.png">Guess it's the bra first...</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="roxie" targetStage="3" targetSayingMarker="famous_tits" priority="555"> <state img="5-woah.png">W-Wait, you're famous!?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="twilight" targetStage="0"> <state img="5-surprise.png">Huh!? You know you can take off anything you want, right!?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="twilight" targetStage="1"> <state img="5-stare.png">Annnnd when I mention hating bras, she takes hers off. Go figure, I guess.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="twilight" targetStage="3" priority="325"> <state img="5-flustered.png">Seriously, you have a bunch of other stuff! <i>(Not that I don't mind or anything, but... This girl is really confusing me right now!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="twilight" targetStage="4" priority="329"> <state img="5-annoyed.png">Whatever.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="twilight" targetStage="5" priority="328"> <state img="5-stare.png">Those look comfy. I can almost understand why you chose to save them for... second-to-last?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="twilight" targetStage="6" priority="9993"> <state img="5-eh.png">Last small thing... And second-to-last article of clothing...</state> <state img="5-thinking.png">Well, I understand you somewhat better at least. But can you understand me?</state> <state img="5-neutral.png">Farewell, shirt. You... literally did nothing this entire game.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" filter="deity"> <test expr="~clothing.type~" cmp="!=" value="major" /> <test expr="~clothing.type~" cmp="!=" value="important" /> <state img="5-annoyed.png">Feeling high and mighty now?</state> <state img="5-annoyed.png">Ugghhh. The fact you're a deity makes this worse.</state> <state img="5-stare.png">Congratulations, you're besting a mortal at strip poker. You want a medal or something?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" filter="musician" targetStage="0" priority="9000"> <test expr="~clothing.type~" cmp="!=" value="major" /> <test expr="~clothing.type~" cmp="!=" value="important" /> <state img="5-neutral.png" marker="mae_musicramble">I play bass guitar. In a band me and my friends formed a few years ago. But I wouldn't call myself a serious musician, y'know? Even though I really love music. And just... the arts in general.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" notSaidMarker="insertwittycommenthere"> <test expr="~clothing.type~" value="accessory" /> <state img="5-stare.png" marker="insertwittycommenthere">Insert witty comment here.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" notSaidMarker="lookingfancy"> <test expr="~clothing.type~" value="accessory" /> <test expr="~clothing~" cmp="!=" value="shoes" /> <test expr="~clothing~" cmp="!=" value="socks" /> <state img="5-annoyed.png" marker="lookingfancy">What ~clothing.ifPlural(are those ~clothing~|is that ~clothing~)~ even for? Did you know we were going to play, or is that just to look fancy or something?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping"> <test expr="~clothing~" value="dress" /> <test expr="~target.gender~" value="female" /> <state img="5-stare.png">Wearing a dress is the same as wearing a very large single pant leg. Sorry to ruin your day, m'am.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping"> <test expr="~clothing~" value="dress" /> <test expr="~target.gender~" value="male" /> <state img="5-stare.png">Wearing a dress is the same as wearing a very large single pant leg. Sorry to ruin your day, sir.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" priority="60"> <test expr="~clothing~" value="hat" /> <state img="5-neutral.png">Hat's off for ~name~... <i>Hat is off</i> for ~name~. The way you strip isn't worth a compliment.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping"> <test expr="~clothing~" value="skirt" /> <test expr="~name~" cmp="!=" value="Pinkie" /> <state img="5-thinking.png">I think the way someone dresses says a lot about them. Like, skirts are pretty and fashionable. Pants are boring, but practical.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping"> <test expr="~clothing~" value="socks" /> <state img="5-thinking.png">If only I had a sock pun...</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" notSaidMarker="decency"> <condition count="1-2" status="decent" /> <state img="5-eh.png" marker="decency">I wonder how many more people are gonna show off their bods. Wait, only one of us will remain decent, right?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" filter="clothing_destruction" saidMarker="clothingdestruction" notSaidMarker="clothingdestruction1"> <state img="5-eh.png" marker="clothingdestruction1">Jeez... I mean, I've seen weirder stuff, but... Just take off your clothes like a normal person.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" filter="deity" targetStage="1"> <state img="5-stare.png">I met two of them, and came out mentally scarred for life. Now here I am playing <i>strip poker</i> with another deity. Life sure is something.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" filter="musician" saidMarker="mae_musicramble" notSaidMarker="mae_musicc" priority="9000"> <state img="5-eh.png" marker="mae_musicc">I'm rambling, aren't I? I shouldn't be rambling during a strip poker game... Deal the next hand.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="akko" targetStage="1"> <state img="5-hype.png">I... I thought you were just dressing up! But holy crap this is so cool!!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="akko" targetStage="1" targetSaidMarker="necronomicon"> <state img="5-stare.png" marker="akko_eldritch">Oh no, that was <i>definitely</i> eldritch horror we just saw. I'd be on my guard if I were you.</state> <state img="5-stare.png" marker="akko_exorcism">Oh no, that was <i>definitely</i> demonic possession. We gotta do a exorcism, like, ASAP. I'm seriously sick of dealing with the paranormal trying to kill me and my friends.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="amalia" targetStage="5"> <state img="5-surprise.png">What the---!?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="chihiro" targetStage="5" priority="9995"> <state img="5-annoyed.png">...Coward.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="chihiro" targetStage="6" priority="9992"> <state img="5-woah.png">Wait, why do you even crossdress in the first place!? You said you're a boy, so you're not a trans person... Am I missing something?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="felicia" targetStage="1"> <state img="5-terror.png">Wh... But you <i>need</i> your fur! Does it even grow back!?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="felicia" targetStage="2"> <state img="5-surprise.png">How do you do it so cleanly!? The thought of shaving pubic hair is... terrifying!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="florina" targetStage="5"> <state img="5-stare.png">...Your tunic. Oh well, it didn't seem too special to you anyways.</state> <state img="5-stare.png">Whoops. Well, that poor tunic's gone forever.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="leggy" targetStage="2"> <state img="5-thinking.png">Riiiight, what's with that... leg-collar thingy? I thought only flappers wore those things back in, like, the 1920's.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="leggy" targetStage="3"> <state img="5-woah.png">Hang on, why the hell do you need to shave it off! Can't you just---I dunno---slide it off one shoulder or something? I thought actual sheep---</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="leggy" targetStage="4" priority="10000"> <state img="5-welp.png" marker="catoutofthebag">I never share this because I was afraid people would just see me as even <i>more</i> insane than I already am... But I guess the cat's out of the bag, huh? Which is ironic because I see myself as a cat...</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="moon" targetStage="1"> <state img="5-annoyed.png">...Let's just move on.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="moon" targetStage="2"> <state img="5-stare.png">Anytime you speak, the urge to murder you in your sleep increases for me. Stop talking. Now.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="moon" targetStage="3"> <state img="5-stare.png">Nice shoes. They're the only thing about you worth complementing.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="moon" targetStage="4"> <state img="5-smug.png"><i>(How hilarious would it be if she just, tripped, and they all just spilled out of the bag in public.)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="moon" targetStage="5"> <state img="5-stare.png">I really, <i>really</i> do not want to see your naked body.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="palutena" targetStage="4"> <state img="5-eh.png"><i>(I mean, I know she actually ISN'T an eagle, but... It'd be kinda weird if I see her as a bird goddess and she can't actually fly.)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="palutena" targetStage="4" alsoPlaying="pit"> <state img="5-stare.png"><i>(Why the hell do I see the divine-like people as birds?)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="pinkie_pie" targetSaidMarker="pinka_start" targetNotSaidMarker="pinka_end2"> <state img="5-terror.png">...Even now, I'm still terrified for my life.</state> <state img="5-terror.png">Someone just... call the cops or something!</state> <state img="5-woah.png">Seriously, who ARE you? What happened to Pinkie?</state> <state img="5-terror.png">Get away from me!</state> <state img="5-stare.png">Try hurting me and I'll take that knife and jam it down your throat!</state> <state img="5-stare.png">Don't you even try anything.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="revy" targetStage="1-7" notSaidMarker="calmdownwildcat"> <state img="5-eh.png" marker="calmdownwildcat"><i>(Calm down, wildcat. Or should I say wild... fox? Wildfox? I dunno, why DO I see her as a fox and not a wildcat)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="roxie" targetStage="1" priority="555"> <state img="5-eh.png">...To be honest, I actually kind of liked it. It looked so comfortable yet so badass.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="roxie" targetStage="2" alsoPlaying="moon" targetSaidMarker="my_last_loss" priority="555"> <state img="5-annoyed.png">Well, so do I! And I bet everyone else here wants to win too... Except Moon. But she shouldn't even count.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="roxie" targetStage="2" targetSaidMarker="far_from_naked" priority="555"> <state img="5-stare.png">Who's Arceus?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="roxie" targetStage="2" targetSaidMarker="foot_fetish" priority="555"> <state img="5-stare.png">And before you ask---no, I don't have a foot fetish. That sounds so gross. What kind of weirdo finds <i>feet</i> sexy?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="roxie" targetStage="2" targetSaidMarker="live_without_boots" priority="555"> <state img="5-eh.png">I'm sure you'll get them back... right?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="roxie" targetStage="2" targetSaidMarker="my_last_loss" priority="555"> <state img="5-smug.png">Well, so do I! And I bet everyone else here wants to win too, so get ready for some extreme competition!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="roxie" targetStage="2" targetSaidMarker="take_these_off" priority="555"> <state img="5-surprise.png">Custom-made!? Holy jeez, are you loaded or something?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="roxie" targetStage="3" priority="555"> <state img="5-eh.png">I mean... Cool thong, but isn't that extremely comfort? Why not just wear the shorts?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="roxie" targetStage="4" priority="555"> <state img="5-flustered.png">Freckle-boobs... That's weirdly hot.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="twilight" targetSayingMarker="twilight_not_human" priority="301"> <state img="5-surprise.png">You are rea---wait, <i>humans?</i> You're not... You're not human?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="twilight" targetStage="1" priority="333"> <state img="5-thinking.png">Hmm. Well I can understand finding panties uncomfortable. Up until recently, I never wore a bra for the same reason.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="twilight" targetStage="2" priority="332"> <state img="5-thinking.png">You know, there's sports bras. They're pretty comfy. I remember Bea going out to buy me one. She kind of freaked out when I told her I never wear bras. Dunno why; my shirt's all I need.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="twilight" targetStage="3" priority="331"> <state img="5-terror.png">I can understand finding underwear comfortable, but what's wrong with your skirt!?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="twilight" targetStage="4" priority="330"> <state img="5-stare.png">...Oh, <i>now</i> you take off something small?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="twilight" targetStage="6" priority="9995"> <state img="5-flustered.png">Back to big stuff again afte---Oh right! You only have your shirt left! Juuuust a shirt.</state> <state img="5-thinking.png">What is grammar?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="twilight" targetStage="7" priority="310"> <state img="5-smug.png">Alright, Twilight! Time to kick your ass!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" targetStatus="lost_all"> <state img="5-woah.png"><i>(Oh crap, ~name~'s naked now...)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" filter="deity"> <test expr="~clothing.type~" cmp="!=" value="important" /> <test expr="~clothing.type~" cmp="!=" value="major" /> <state img="5-annoyed.png">Why do I even bother talking?</state> <state img="5-annoyed.png">...</state> <state img="5-neutral.png">...</state> <state img="5-stare.png">...</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" saidMarker="sparedfromherwrath"> <test expr="~clothing.type~" cmp="!=" value="important" /> <test expr="~clothing.type~" cmp="!=" value="major" /> <state img="5-sweat.png" marker="*">Err... Let's just move on!!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" targetStatus="not_decent" saidMarker="sparedfromherwrath"> <test expr="~clothing.type~" cmp="!=" value="important" /> <test expr="~clothing.type~" cmp="!=" value="major" /> <state img="5-thinking.png">Blegh. I don't see you didn't just take your ~clothing~ off first.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped"> <test expr="~clothing~" value="dress" /> <state img="5-eh.png">...Yeah, you definitely look good without the dress.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped"> <test expr="~clothing~" value="glasses" /> <state img="5-stare.png">Hmm... I don't think I ever met a person with glasses who <i>wasn't</i> smart. Are you smart, ~name~? Don't lie to me.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped"> <test expr="~clothing~" value="hat" /> <state img="5-triumphant.png">Unless you're a cowboy! YEEEEEEEHAAAAAAAAW!!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="human" filter="gay" saidMarker="player_queer2"> <test expr="~target.gender~" value="female" /> <state img="5-eh.png" marker="player_queer3"><i>(Phew! It sucks when a cute girl you find ends up being straight. At least I'm not picky with gender...)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="human" filter="gay" saidMarker="player_queer2"> <test expr="~target.gender~" value="male" /> <state img="5-neutral.png" marker="player_queer3">Well, good to know.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_masturbating" filter="uses_toy" notSaidMarker="toys"> <state img="5-welp.png" marker="toys">Maaaan, I wish I bought a toy. If I knew what this game was all about.... ugh, maybe next time.</state> </case> <case tag="male_must_masturbate"> <state img="5-woah.png">Woah! Okay then!</state> <state img="5-surprise.png">This... This is just insane! I barely know you, and...</state> <state img="5-eh.png">Oh... Looks like you have to, umm... Yeah, just do it.</state> <state img="5-woah.png">You're seriously going to do it?</state> </case> <case tag="male_must_masturbate" filter="cheater" priority="150"> <state img="5-eyes.png" marker="cheater_lose*">Hah! Kiss my ass, ~name~! Cheaters never prosper... unless they're me. I basically cheated my way through life.</state> </case> <case tag="male_must_masturbate" target="pit"> <state img="5-surprise.png">Oh...</state> </case> <case tag="male_must_masturbate" totalMasturbating="0" totalFinished="0" priority="9999"> <state img="5-surprise.png" marker="first_out">Wait, what!? <i>Masturbation!?</i></state> <state img="5-surprise.png" marker="first_out">They have to WHAT!?</state> </case> <case tag="male_start_masturbating"> <state img="5-eh.png">Goodl luck, I guess.</state> <state img="5-eh.png">Well this is gonna be awkward.</state> <state img="5-eh.png">Can I... watch you?</state> </case> <case tag="male_start_masturbating" totalMasturbating="1-2"> <condition count="3-4" status="alive" /> <state img="5-eh.png">I'd watch, but... We still have a game to play.</state> <state img="5-neutral.png">Good luck, I guess. Me and everyone else are just gonna keep playing.</state> </case> <case tag="male_start_masturbating" saidMarker="first_out" notSaidMarker="first_out2" priority="9998"> <state img="5-why.png" marker="first_out2">What the fresh hell? Why didn't anyone tell me!?</state> <state img="5-woah.png" marker="first_out2">D... Did you know about this, ~name~?</state> </case> <case tag="male_start_masturbating" target="pit"> <state img="5-eh.png">It feels weird, y'know? Watching an angel masturbate...</state> </case> <case tag="male_masturbating"> <state img="5-flustered.png">I feel kind of lucky to be seeing this.</state> <state img="5-neutral.png">People don't usually masturbate in public. Or get naked in front of other people. Unless it's an orgy.</state> <state img="5-woah.png">Woah. I didn't think I'd see a guy masturbating in front of me.</state> <state img="5-sweat.png">Wow...</state> <state img="5-flustered.png">I'm gonnd be honest---this is really hot and I kind of want to be the one touching you. Is that weird?</state> <state img="5-flustered.png"><i>(Don't drool, Mae. Seriously, you're not a dog!)</i></state> <state img="5-flustered.png">I feel like a pervert. And yet... wow. H-How can this not turn anyone on?</state> <state img="5-eyes.png" marker="flirt_maybe">Hey ~name~! How can I help speed up the process! I can flirt with you if you want that!</state> <state img="5-eyes.png">Hehehe... Faaaaantastic!</state> <state img="5-neutral.png">Moan for me, baby... Yeah, I can't do a good seductive voice. Just pretend I never said that.</state> <state img="5-woah.png">I'm really seeing this... This is real.</state> <state img="5-flustered.png"><i>(I'm seriously enjoying this. I'm seriously getting turned on from this. What's wrong with me?)</i></state> <state img="5-thinking.png">I remember me and my friend having a conversation about a bunch of strangers coming here just for porn. This place is just like that, isn't it?</state> <state img="5-woah.png">I kind of want a closer look.</state> <state img="5-surprise.png">Oh... I-It's just like in porn. Good to know.</state> </case> <case tag="male_heavy_masturbating"> <state img="5-flustered.png">Are you close? I can only assume 'cause you're... umm...</state> <state img="5-eh.png">You're almost there! Just... keep doing your thing.</state> <state img="5-flustered.png">Jeez, I think you're going to... Well, let nothing hold you back.</state> <state img="5-smug.png"><i>(I bet he's having such a good time. I bet he's having a ball!)</i></state> <state img="5-eh.png">Umm...</state> </case> <case tag="male_finished_masturbating"> <state img="5-surprise.png">Woah there, let's not get it on me!</state> <state img="5-stare.png">...I think I stepped in something wet and gross. Ughgh.</state> </case> <case tag="male_finished_masturbating" target="jin"> <state img="5-terror.png" marker="jinfinishing">HOLY CRAP, MY EYES!</state> </case> <case tag="female_must_masturbate"> <state img="5-woah.png">Woah! Okay then!</state> <state img="5-surprise.png">This... This is just insane! I barely know you, and...</state> <state img="5-eh.png">Oh... Looks like you have to, umm... Yeah, just do it.</state> <state img="5-woah.png">You're seriously going to do it?</state> </case> <case tag="female_must_masturbate" filter="cheater" priority="150"> <state img="5-eyes.png" marker="cheater_lose*">Hah! Kiss my ass, ~name~! Cheaters never prosper... unless they're me. I basically cheated my way through life.</state> </case> <case tag="female_must_masturbate" target="akko"> <state img="5-hype.png">Masturbating with magic sounds awesome! Show me what you got!!</state> </case> <case tag="female_must_masturbate" target="leggy"> <state img="5-eh.png">You're taking this awfully well...</state> </case> <case tag="female_must_masturbate" target="moon"> <state img="5-welp.png">...Great.</state> </case> <case tag="female_must_masturbate" target="rinkah"> <state img="5-flustered.png">Oooooh, too bad. L-Looks like I beat you by the skin of my teeth! Which makes no sense because there's no skin on your teeth!</state> </case> <case tag="female_must_masturbate" target="shimakaze"> <state img="5-triumphant.png">Yeah, critical hit!</state> </case> <case tag="female_must_masturbate" totalMasturbating="0" notSaidMarker="first_out" priority="9999"> <state img="5-surprise.png" marker="first_out">Wait, what!? <i>Masturbation!?</i></state> <state img="5-surprise.png" marker="first_out">They have to WHAT!?</state> </case> <case tag="female_start_masturbating"> <state img="5-flustered.png">Hey... Can I watch?</state> <state img="5-flustered.png"><i>(I'd probably masturbate to this if I were alone.)</i></state> <state img="5-flustered.png">This is really happening... And I may or may not be getting wet from it.</state> </case> <case tag="female_start_masturbating" saidMarker="first_out" notSaidMarker="first_out2" priority="9999"> <state img="5-why.png" marker="first_out2">What the fresh hell? Why didn't anyone tell me!?</state> <state img="5-woah.png" marker="first_out2">D... Did you know about this, ~name~?</state> </case> <case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="akko"> <state img="5-smug.png">C'mooooon!!</state> </case> <case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="leggy"> <state img="5-thinking.png">Wasn't there a group of people notorious for having sex with sheep? The Welsh, I think?</state> </case> <case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="miko"> <state img="5-surprise.png">What the---is that the spirit of your dead wife!? Did she rise from the grave just to have sex with you!?</state> </case> <case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="moon"> <state img="5-stare.png">I'm just gonna... pretend you don't exist. Which is definitely easier said than done.</state> </case> <case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="pinkie_pie"> <state img="5-woah.png">Wh---wouldn't it hurt like hell if it popped?</state> </case> <case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="shimakaze"> <state img="5-eh.png">...Okay, but are you alright?</state> </case> <case tag="female_masturbating" id="5-1"> <state img="5-flustered.png">I feel kind of lucky to be seeing this.</state> <state img="5-neutral.png">People don't usually masturbate in public. Or get naked in front of other people. Unless it's an orgy.</state> <state img="5-woah.png">Woah. N-Nice technique.</state> <state img="5-flustered.png">I'm gonnd be honest---this is really hot and I kind of want to be the one touching you. Is that weird?</state> <state img="5-flustered.png"><i>(Don't drool, Mae. Seriously, you're not a dog!)</i></state> <state img="5-flustered.png">I feel like a pervert. And yet... wow. H-How can this not turn anyone on?</state> <state img="5-eyes.png" marker="flirt_maybe">Hey ~name~! How can I help speed up the process! I can flirt with you if you want that!</state> <state img="5-eyes.png">Hehehe... Faaaaantastic!</state> <state img="5-neutral.png">Moan for me, baby... Yeah, I can't do a good seductive voice. Just pretend I never said that.</state> <state img="5-woah.png">I'm really seeing this... This is real.</state> <state img="5-flustered.png"><i>(I'm seriously enjoying this. I'm seriously getting turned on from this. What's wrong with me?)</i></state> <state img="5-thinking.png">I remember me and my friend having a conversation about a bunch of strangers coming here just for porn. This place is just like that, isn't it?</state> <state img="5-woah.png">I kind of want a closer look.</state> <state img="5-sweat.png">Wow...</state> </case> <case tag="female_masturbating" target="akko" targetSayingMarker="akko_first_climax"> <state img="5-eh.png">Huh. That was quick.</state> </case> <case tag="female_masturbating" target="akko" targetSayingMarker="akko_second_climax"> <state img="5-eyes.png">Encore!!</state> </case> <case tag="female_masturbating" target="akko" targetSayingMarker="akko_third_climax"> <state img="5-surprise.png">Again!? Jeez, I can't take no more than two at a time!</state> </case> <case tag="female_masturbating" target="akko" targetTimeInStage="4" targetSaidMarker="akko_first_climax"> <state img="5-woah.png">Seriously? Jeez, I wish I had that sort of stamina!</state> <state img="5-woah.png">Seriously? Well, since you took such a short time, I guess it's well-deserved? I think?</state> </case> <case tag="female_masturbating" target="elizabeth" notSaidMarker="elizabeth_masturbation"> <state img="5-woah.png" marker="elizabeth_masturbation">Well then... This takes the phrase "go eff yourself" a bit too literally.</state> </case> <case tag="female_masturbating" target="miko" notSaidMarker="discomfort" priority="9100"> <state img="5-surprise.png" marker="discomfort">(mild discomfort)</state> </case> <case tag="female_masturbating" target="moon" priority="1"> <state img="5-stare.png">...</state> <state img="5-eh.png">(discomfort)</state> <state img="5-annoyed.png">Shut. Up.</state> </case> <case tag="female_masturbating" totalMasturbating="4-" notSaidMarker="masturbationorgy"> <state img="5-surprise.png" marker="masturbationorgy">Has this become a masturbation orgy!?</state> </case> <case tag="female_heavy_masturbating"> <state img="5-flustered.png">Are you close? I can only assume 'cause you're... umm...</state> <state img="5-eh.png">You're almost there! Just... keep doing your thing.</state> <state img="5-flustered.png">Jeez, I think you're going to... Well, let nothing hold you back.</state> <state img="5-smug.png"><i>(I bet she's having such a good time. I bet she's having a ball!)</i></state> <state img="5-eh.png">Umm...</state> </case> <case tag="female_heavy_masturbating" target="moon"> <state img="5-annoyed.png">....</state> </case> <case tag="female_finished_masturbating"> <state img="5-woah.png">Woah, you're soaking... down there, I meant.</state> <state img="5-eh.png">That sounded intense.</state> <state img="5-flustered.png">Seeing you like that... I bet l-losing isn't that bad.</state> <state img="5-woah.png">That was... wow. Just wow.</state> </case> <case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="aimee"> <state img="5-terror.png">Gah! I didn't there'd be so much... D-Didn't we tell you to be careful!?</state> <state img="5-terror.png">HOLY---You just shot yourself in the arm! Why the hell did you even decide to <i>bring a gun here!</i></state> <state img="5-terror.png">Ohgodohgodohgod, okay, not going back to that time! Are you okay!?</state> </case> <case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="akko"> <state img="5-terror.png">HOLY CRAP, MY EYES!</state> </case> <case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="felicia"> <state img="5-stare.png">Okay, even <i>I'm</i> starting to get sick of those cat puns. Not even I make that many!</state> <state img="5-annoyed.png">We get it, you think you're a cat. <i>(Then again, so do I... but you don't see ME being so blatant about it!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="leggy"> <state img="5-eh.png">Umm... Do you do this often, or...?</state> </case> <case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="moon"> <state img="5-eh.png">Eww...</state> </case> <case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="pinkie_pie" targetSayingMarker="pop"> <state img="5-surprise.png">Ouch...</state> </case> <case tag="game_over_victory"> <state img="5-eh.png">Weeeeeell, at least I'm not <i>totally</i> naked!</state> <state img="5-embarrassed.png">Is this what you call a pyrrhic victory? I mean, I'm glad I didn't have to masturbate, but I didn't want to show anyone my crotch either!</state> </case> <case tag="global" alsoPlaying="leggy" alsoPlayingStage="5" alsoPlayingTimeInStage="1-" notSaidMarker="leggyisgonnafuckingdie"> <state img="5-thinking.png" marker="leggyisgonnafuckingdie">...Is it gonna grow back before the weather turns cold? If not, I think you just doomed yourself, Leggy. You're not gonna last the winter.</state> </case> <case tag="global" alsoPlaying="pit" alsoPlayingSayingMarker="sacredbuns" priority="9999"> <state img="5-hype.png">YES!! Sacred buns!</state> </case> </stage> <stage id="6"> <case tag="swap_cards"> <state img="6-flustered.png">~cards~!! ~cards~ cards!</state> <state img="6-embarrassed.png">~cards~ cards! <i>(I really hope this is good enough!)</i></state> <state img="6-eh.png">~cards~...</state> </case> <case tag="good_hand"> <state img="6-woah.png">Phew!!</state> <state img="6-triumphant.png">Finally! I'm safe!!</state> <state img="6-why.png">Why couldn't I get this hand earlier, huh!? I could've saved my dignity!!</state> <state img="6-annoyed.png">Oh, <i>now</i> I get good hands. Stupid dealer...</state> </case> <case tag="good_hand"> <condition count="2" status="alive" /> <condition count="0" status="not_lost_all" /> <state img="6-neutral.png" marker="last_round_bluff">Ah jeez, this is the last hand, isn't it? It all comes down to this.</state> <state img="6-neutral.png" marker="last_round_bluff">No doubt, this round determines the winner. I am <i>so</i> nervous right now.</state> <state img="6-neutral.png" marker="last_round_bluff">I'm actually kind of scared now. Either you lose or I lose.</state> </case> <case tag="good_hand" saidMarker="5newcards" notSaidMarker="5newcards_good" priority="15"> <state img="6-fingergun.png" marker="5newcards_good=1">Now <i>that's</i> more like it!</state> </case> <case tag="okay_hand"> <state img="6-embarrassed.png">Hurry up! I can only cover up so many naughty bits!!</state> <state img="6-embarrassed.png">Hurry up! I need to know if I'm still in this!</state> <state img="6-eyes.png">I'm not giving up! I'm going to fight to the end!</state> <state img="6-embarrassed.png">C'moooon, this has to be enough!!</state> <state img="6-eh.png">I'm actually really terrified right now. I don't want to...</state> <state img="6-embarrassed.png">Hurry up! I can barely cover up my genitals here!</state> </case> <case tag="okay_hand"> <condition count="2" status="alive" /> <condition count="0" status="not_lost_all" /> <state img="6-neutral.png" marker="last_round">Ah jeez, this is the last hand, isn't it? It all comes down to this.</state> <state img="6-neutral.png" marker="last_round">No doubt, this round determines the winner... I am <i>so</i> nervous right now.</state> <state img="6-neutral.png" marker="last_round">I'm actually kind of scared now. Either you lose or I lose.</state> </case> <case tag="bad_hand"> <state img="6-embarrassed.png" marker="badhand_nude">Noooo...</state> <state img="6-welp.png" marker="badhand_nude"><i>(I'm so effed.)</i></state> <state img="6-why.png" marker="badhand_nude">Why!?</state> <state img="6-woah.png" marker="badhand_nude">Oh no...</state> <state img="6-embarrassed.png" marker="badhand_nude">I-I can still win, right? You just need a worse high card than mine!</state> <state img="6-eh.png" marker="badhand_nude"><i>(What if I distracted them somehow... Nah, it wouldn't work. Guess it's time to face the music...)</i></state> </case> <case tag="bad_hand" saidMarker="5newcards" notSaidMarker="5newcards_bad"> <state img="6-why.png" marker="5newcards_bad">Are you kidding me!?</state> <state img="6-stare.png" marker="5newcards_bad">Seriously!? Me and my stupid luck...</state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="amalia" alsoPlayingStage="5"> <state img="6-why.png">Are you kidding me!? I got <i>naked</i> for everyone, and you couldn't even do the same!</state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="blake" saidMarker="blakereveal" notSaidMarker="blakereveal2"> <state img="6-eh.png" marker="blakereveal2">I mean... <i>(I see her as an animal regardless, just like how I see everyone else... How do I explain this to everyone without them thinking I'm insane?)</i></state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="chihiro" alsoPlayingStage="5" notSaidMarker="chihirogone" priority="9988"> <state img="6-thinking.png" marker="chihirogone">Alright, so... who are you, exactly? Was your... err, <i>creator</i> some sort of computer master?</state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="chun-li" alsoPlayingSayingMarker="butt"> <state img="6-woah.png">Holy... Only 7000 squats at the gym can make an ass <i>that</i> great!</state> <state img="6-woah.png">Holy... <i>(And here I thought Angus had the greatest ass I ever saw!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="emi" alsoPlayingSayingMarker="placeholder"> <state img="6-stare.png">Whatever you say, Ms. Fourth-Wall-Breaker.</state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="florina" alsoPlayingSayingMarker="bee_again"> <state img="6-thinking.png" marker="beemurder">Might wanna get some perfume. If you can kill birds with perfume, you can kill bees with it too.</state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="futaba" alsoPlayingSayingMarker="futabutt"> <state img="6-eh.png">I wish I had my team with me... My team being my three friends. Then again, I don't think any of them would play this game. Except maybe Gregg.</state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="futaba" totalRounds="0"> <state img="6-turnt.png">Maybe if I turn aro---wait, crap... I completely forgot I had a butt.</state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="leggy" alsoPlayingStage="3" alsoPlayingTimeInStage="0"> <state img="6-welp.png">...Oh. <i>(This isn't another hallucination, is it? She's actually a sheep.)</i></state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="leggy" alsoPlayingStage="4" alsoPlayingTimeInStage="0" priority="10000"> <state img="6-stare.png" marker="furry">I guess that also makes me a furry, huh?</state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="lucina" alsoPlayingStage="1" alsoPlayingTimeInStage="0" saidMarker="thisisreal1" notSaidMarker="thisisreal2"> <state img="6-welp.png" marker="thisisreal2">I'm not disassociating... I am NOT disassociating... This is real.</state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="mavis" alsoPlayingStage="3" alsoPlayingTimeInStage="0"> <state img="6-thinking.png">Unless there's a one size fits all kind of deal with these stockings, there's no way in hell I could pull off the "thigh-highs" look. But why would I?</state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="natsuki" alsoPlayingStage="5" alsoPlayingTimeInStage="0"> <state img="6-smug.png" marker="iseelondoniseefrance">...No, it isn't.</state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="natsuki" alsoPlayingStage="6" alsoPlayingTimeInStage="0" priority="812"> <state img="6-surprise.png" marker="natsuki_seduce">W-Wait, are you <i>trying</i> to seduce me? What happened to thinking I was gross!?</state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="pit" alsoPlayingStage="2" notSaidMarker="pit_greek"> <state img="6-surprise.png" marker="pit_greek">Wait, you're not!? But... your clothing! Didn't the people of ancient Greece wear that kind of clothing?</state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="rinkah" alsoPlayingStage="3" alsoPlayingTimeInStage="0" saidMarker="strip_rinkah_naked" notSaidMarker="fuq"> <state img="6-terror.png" marker="fuq">NO, WAIT, FORGET THE "STRIP YOU NAKED" PART!</state> <state img="6-terror.png" marker="fuq">WAIT, I DIDN'T MEAN TO SAY THAT!!</state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="rinkah" alsoPlayingStage="5" timeInStage="0" priority="15"> <state img="6-welp.png"><i>(My poor heart. She does not mince words, this girl.)</i></state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="saki_zls" alsoPlayingStage="6" alsoPlayingTimeInStage="0"> <state img="6-surprise.png" marker="saki_reveal">Wait, what the hell!? What in the infinite hells!?</state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="saki_zls" alsoPlayingStage="6" alsoPlayingTimeInStage="0" saidMarker="sakura_reveal"> <state img="6-stare.png" marker="saki_reveal">Ohhhh, I see. There's a zombie uprising going on, isn't it? <i>(Well, at least I can trust one of 'em. But there's no telling if that other one plans on eating anyone...)</i></state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="sakura" alsoPlayingSayingMarker="die_anywhere_else" priority="10000"> <state img="6-eh.png">Kind of an awkward coincidence... Sorry about that. It's a great song though, even if I had no idea how to play it the first time when my bandmates said they were going to do that song.</state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="sakura" alsoPlayingSayingMarker="donut_wolf" priority="10000"> <state img="6-hype.png">The only way to find out is to RIDE THE CHARIOT TO DONUT HELL!</state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="sakura" alsoPlayingSayingMarker="mae_ghosts" priority="10000"> <state img="6-thinking.png">Ironically, we have a song spookier than that. It's called "Pumpkin Head Guy". One of Gregg's personal favorites, I think.</state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="sakura" alsoPlayingSayingMarker="weird_autumn" priority="10000"> <state img="6-eh.png">It's the <i>place</i> where autumn's happening that's weird. The events taking place in that autumn are weird. It's... hard to explain, but I really like that song.</state> </case> <case tag="hand" saidMarker="lastalive_decent"> <condition count="2" status="alive" /> <state img="6-why.png" marker="lastalive_decentnolonger">Seriously!? How? Just a few rounds ago, I had most of my clothes on!</state> <state img="6-welp.png" marker="lastalive_decentnolonger">Jeez, you're good...</state> <state img="6-welp.png" marker="lastalive_decentnolonger">I was so certain I had this in the bag...</state> </case> <case tag="hand" totalAlive="2" totalRounds="3" notSaidMarker="buryingbodies" priority="9999"> <condition count="0" filter="deity" /> <condition count="0" filter="spirit" /> <condition count="0" filter="undead" /> <state img="6-stare.png" marker="buryingbodies">Hey, mention this to anyone and I will murder you in your sleep.</state> </case> <case tag="hand" totalAlive="3" totalRounds="3" notSaidMarker="buryingbodies" priority="9999"> <condition count="0" filter="deity" /> <condition count="0" filter="spirit" /> <condition count="0" filter="undead" /> <state img="6-thinking.png" marker="buryingbodies"><i>(How do I get away with killing two people? Murder's the only way I can get out of here with my dignity intact.)</i></state> </case> <case tag="hand" totalAlive="4" totalRounds="3" notSaidMarker="buryingbodies" priority="9999"> <condition count="0" filter="deity" /> <condition count="0" filter="spirit" /> <condition count="0" filter="undead" /> <state img="6-thinking.png" marker="buryingbodies"><i>(How do I get away with killing three people? Murder's the only way I can get out of here with my dignity intact.)</i></state> </case> <case tag="hand" totalAlive="5" notSaidMarker="buryingbodies" priority="9999"> <condition count="0" filter="deity" /> <condition count="0" filter="undead" /> <condition count="0" filter="spirit" /> <state img="6-thinking.png" marker="buryingbodies"><i>(How do I get away with killing four people? Murder's the only way I can get out of here with my dignity intact.)</i></state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="leggy" alsoPlayingStage="3" alsoPlayingTimeInStage="0"> <condition count="1" filter="haru" /> <state img="6-welp.png">...Oh. <i>(This isn't another hallucination, is it? She's actually a sheep. Only that Haru girl is an actual human being...)</i></state> </case> <case tag="hand" saidMarker="akko_exorcism" notSaidMarker="ignored_a" priority="9998"> <state img="6-annoyed.png" marker="ignored_a">...Or you can all ignore me like the assholes you are. Cool. I'm fine with it. Not like my opinion is worth listening to anyways.</state> </case> <case tag="hand" timeInStage="1" priority="15"> <test expr="~background.location~" value="indoors" /> <state img="6-neutral.png">It's suddenly really cold... Can someone turn the heat up?</state> </case> <case tag="hand" totalRounds="0" notSaidMarker="selfnaked_playing"> <test expr="~background.location~" value="indoors" /> <state img="6-annoyed.png">You guys know public nudity is a crime, right? A crime I'm <i>not</i> into committing.</state> <state img="6-annoyed.png">Hmph. I wish I could go back in time and warn my past self not to play this stupid game.</state> </case> <case tag="hand" timeInStage="1" priority="15"> <test expr="~background.location~" value="outdoors" /> <test expr="~background~" cmp="!=" value="hot spring" /> <test expr="~background~" cmp="!=" value="beach" /> <state img="6-annoyed.png">It's suddenly really cold... Can we just play indoors like normal people? I mean, I know I'm far from normal, but this is a bad time to be weird.</state> </case> <case tag="hand" totalRounds="0" notSaidMarker="selfnaked_playing"> <test expr="~background.location~" value="outdoors" /> <state img="6-annoyed.png">This is <i>not</i> the kind of crimes I'm into. If I get arrested again, I'm dragging the rest of you with me to jail.</state> </case> <case tag="hand" timeInStage="1"> <test expr="~background~" value="beach" /> <state img="6-sweat_b.png">Ughhh, it's <i>hooot</i>! Why are the hell are we even playing at the beach?</state> </case> <case tag="hand" timeInStage="1"> <test expr="~background~" value="hot spring" /> <state img="6-sweat_b.png">Ughhh, it's <i>hooot</i>! Why can't we just play in a different room?</state> </case> <case tag="hand" alsoPlaying="palutena" alsoPlayingStage="6" notSaidMarker="palutiddie"> <test expr="~palutena.position~" value="left" /> <state img="6-sweat.png" marker="palutiddie"><i>(...Wow. She's so tall, my head reaches her boobs...)</i></state> </case> <case tag="hand" totalNaked="1" totalRounds="0" notSaidMarker="selfnaked_playing"> <state img="6-eh.png" marker="selfnaked_playing">...Why am I still getting cards? I'm already naked!</state> </case> <case tag="stripped"> <state img="6-turnt.png" marker="butt">Don't comment on my weight. I may be round, but I can still kick your ass, even without the boots I lost a while back.</state> <state img="6-annoyed.png">Don't call me fat. I'm not fat. I'm sturdy. There's a difference!</state> <state img="6-turnt.png" marker="butt">I'm not safe anymore. No matter what I do, you're always gonna see my naughty bits.</state> <state img="6-turnt.png" marker="butt">Nobody will see my nakedness if I turn around, right? ...Oh crap, now you can see my butt.</state> </case> <case tag="stripped" alsoPlaying="akko" saidMarker="bulliable" priority="155"> <state img="6-woah.png">W-Wait, you think <i>I'm</i> cute!?</state> </case> <case tag="stripped" alsoPlaying="futaba"> <state img="6-neutral.png">Few are worthy to cuddle me, Oracle. They'd have to buy me food and talk about how great I am in order to earn that privilege.</state> </case> <case tag="stripped" alsoPlaying="kyu" priority="155"> <state img="6-annoyed.png">It's when my partner cares about my mental health.</state> </case> <case tag="stripped" alsoPlaying="moon"> <state img="6-turnt.png">....Looking away doesn't help matters. Duly noted.</state> </case> <case tag="stripped" alsoPlaying="pit"> <state img="6-welp.png">I'm not trying to guilt anyone. I don't care for your sympathy. I just... I'm really bitter and I wanna go home.</state> </case> <case tag="stripped" alsoPlaying="rinkah" alsoPlayingStage="5"> <state img="6-turnt.png">Gee, thanks for the confidence boost.</state> </case> <case tag="stripped" alsoPlaying="roxie" priority="554"> <state img="6-flustered.png">W-Well, I definetly don't mind the compliments, but... I'm not used to b-being called sexy...</state> </case> <case tag="stripped"> <condition count="1-5" filter="very_long_hair" /> <state img="6-turnt.png">Crap, I shouldn't have kept my hair so short. Maybe if it was as long as that girl's, I could just turn around the whole game without showing any naughty bits.</state> </case> <case tag="stripped" saidMarker="bulliable"> <state img="6-welp.png">...Am I just that bulliable?</state> <state img="6-welp.png">...I'm pathetic.</state> </case> <case tag="stripped" saidMarker="good_day"> <state img="6-embarrassed.png" marker="notagoodday">This is not a good day!!</state> </case> <case tag="male_must_strip"> <state img="6-eh.png">...Please make it good.</state> <state img="6-embarrassed.png">Alright, just... hurry it up! I want to continue!</state> <state img="6-eh.png">How much do you h---whatever! Just hurry up and strip!</state> <state img="6-embarrassed.png">Okay okay okay okay, go go go go go!</state> </case> <case tag="male_must_strip" target="kamina" targetStage="0"> <state img="6-triumphant.png">MIGHTY MAN! MIGHTY MAN!!</state> </case> <case tag="male_must_strip" target="pit" targetStage="0"> <state img="6-surprise.png"><i>(Woah, an angel? So that's not an ordinary swan I'm seeing---he's a legitimate angel!?)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_must_strip"> <state img="6-eh.png">...Please make it good.</state> <state img="6-embarrassed.png">Alright, just... hurry it up! I want to continue!</state> <state img="6-eh.png">How much do you h---whatever! Just hurry up and strip!</state> <state img="6-embarrassed.png">Okay okay okay okay, go go go go go!</state> </case> <case tag="female_must_strip" target="florina" targetSayingMarker="bee"> <state img="6-terror.png">Not the bees!</state> </case> <case tag="female_must_strip" target="kizuna" targetSayingMarker="kizuna_start_naked"> <state img="6-stare.png">That's no excuse. Get stripping, missy.</state> </case> <case tag="female_must_strip" target="rinkah" targetStage="0" priority="10000"> <state img="6-surprise.png"><i>(Holy... crap...)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_must_strip" target="rinkah" targetStage="1" priority="10000"> <state img="6-surprise.png"><i>(It's her turn to strip again!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_must_strip" target="rinkah" targetStage="2" priority="10000"> <state img="6-flustered.png"><i>She's so positive too, so confident and strong yet kind... Damn it, I'm falling in love with this dumb, hot girl! I shouldn't be falling for her, but... Arghhh!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_must_strip" target="rinkah" targetStage="3"> <state img="6-thinking.png"><i>(Okay... What else does she have?)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_must_strip" target="rinkah" targetStage="4"> <state img="6-annoyed.png"><i>(Stupid... dumb... musclehead... hot tribal princess! She's distracting me from the game!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_must_strip" target="rinkah" targetStage="5"> <state img="6-eh.png">J-Join the nudity club already. You already made it clear you don't give a crap. And...</state> </case> <case tag="female_must_strip" target="sakura" targetStage="4"> <state img="6-hype.png">Wait! <i>Wait!</i> If you sing for a living, can you sing a cover of one of my band's songs? Please?</state> </case> <case tag="female_must_strip" target="syrenne" targetStage="0"> <state img="6-annoyed.png"><i>(Blegh. Alcoholics like her make me feel queasy...)</i></state> </case> <case tag="tie"> <state img="6-surprise.png">What the---is that even possible?</state> <state img="6-why.png">HOW!?</state> <state img="6-thinking.png">So, uhh... What now?</state> </case> <case tag="male_removing_accessory"> <state img="6-annoyed.png">My day is ruined and my disappointment is inmeasurable.</state> <state img="6-embarrassed.png">Bull. Shit. Seriously, at least make things more exciting!</state> <state img="6-annoyed.png">I'm tempted to just leave this damn place.</state> <state img="6-why.png">I'm showing you my naked body! And that's all you take off!?</state> </case> <case tag="male_removing_accessory" filter="red_eyes" saidMarker="nightmareyesclub_marker" notSaidMarker="kickedoutoftheclub"> <state img="6-annoyed.png" marker="kickedoutoftheclub">...Your membership from the "Nightmare Eyes" club has been hereby revoked.</state> </case> <case tag="male_removing_accessory" target="kamina" targetStage="2"> <state img="6-eh.png">Why does it feel like your pants would just... slide off without that belt?</state> <state img="6-annoyed.png">Maaaan... And here I thought you were cool.</state> </case> <case tag="male_removing_accessory" target="pit" targetStage="0"> <state img="6-thinking.png"><i>(That explains the greek-themed clothing he's wearing. Jeez, I hate how everyone I see is an animal.)</i></state> </case> <case tag="male_removing_accessory" target="pit" targetStage="1"> <state img="6-stare.png">What's the point of that sash? Is this just for uniform or something? A show of dominance.</state> </case> <case tag="male_removing_accessory" targetStage="1-8" targetStatus="not_decent" priority="999"> <state img="6-eh.png" marker="sparedfromherwrath*">You know what? Since you took off something big first, I guess I can forgive that...</state> </case> <case tag="male_removed_accessory"> <state img="6-why.png">Oh, screw you!</state> <state img="6-woah.png"><i>(He still had that!? Oh jeez, I am SO screwed.)</i></state> <state img="6-eyes.png">Will you go faster if I threaten to kill you in your sleep?</state> <state img="6-why.png">Choke on my ass!!</state> </case> <case tag="male_removed_accessory" target="kamina" targetStage="3"> <state img="6-smug.png">That'd honestly be pretty hilarious. Like the slapstick comedy that seems to be my life sometimes.</state> <state img="6-surprise.png" marker="gravitypants">Nope. Still on. Apparently those pants defy gravity or something! Man, that'd be revolutionary!</state> <state img="6-stare.png" marker="kamina_maedisappoint">I guess not even the mighty Kamina can live up to this cat's ridiculous expectations, huh?</state> </case> <case tag="male_removed_accessory" target="pit" targetStage="1"> <state img="6-stare.png">Hmm? No, I wasn't staring at you, Pit. You must be seeing things.</state> </case> <case tag="male_removed_accessory" target="pit" targetStage="2"> <state img="6-neutral.png">I know jack about greek culture. Which is weird because I always thought angels were associated with Christianity. Then again, I also thought angels were fictional.</state> </case> <case tag="male_removed_accessory" targetStage="1-8" targetStatus="not_decent" priority="3"> <state img="6-thinking.png">Weird strategy, though.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_accessory"> <state img="6-annoyed.png">My day is ruined and my disappointment is inmeasurable.</state> <state img="6-stare.png">Bull. Shit. Seriously, you're pissing me right now. And you don't like Mae Borowski when she's pissed off.</state> <state img="6-annoyed.png">I'm tempted to just leave this damn place.</state> <state img="6-why.png">I'm showing you my naked body! And that's all you take off!?</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_accessory" filter="aggressive"> <state img="6-neutral.png" marker="aggressive_marker">I feel like one of you can kill anyone in this room. How do you guys get away with murder?</state> <state img="6-neutral.png" marker="aggressive_marker">I bet you know the best place to dump a body in.</state> <state img="6-neutral.png" marker="aggressive_marker">Can I ask you a favor? Can you not hurt anyone when they also take off an accessory.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_accessory" filter="red_eyes" saidMarker="nightmareyesclub_marker" notSaidMarker="kickedoutoftheclub"> <state img="6-annoyed.png" marker="kickedoutoftheclub">...Your membership from the "Nightmare Eyes" club has been hereby revoked.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="blake" targetStage="5"> <state img="6-surprise.png">Wait, what? What's this?</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="florina" targetStage="0" targetSaidMarker="fled"> <state img="6-why.png">Are you kidding me!?</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="futaba" targetStage="1" priority="999"> <state img="6-smug.png">I. Want. Those. Boots.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="lucina" targetStage="0"> <state img="6-surprise.png">Eh!?</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="pinkie_pie" targetStage="5"> <state img="6-eh.png"><i>(Aw man, but the stockings-only look was hot...)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="rinkah" targetStage="0" priority="10000"> <state img="6-sweat.png"><i>(This Rinkah girl... She could probably suplex me without any trouble!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="rinkah" targetStage="1" priority="9999"> <state img="6-flustered.png">Those gloves you took off earlier look heavy... I-Is that how you build muscle?</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="rinkah" targetStage="2" priority="10000"> <state img="6-eh.png"><i>(Abs like solid rock. I'd probably hurt my hand trying to punch her the stomach...)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_accessory" targetStage="1-8" targetStatus="not_decent"> <test expr="~name~" cmp="!=" value="Kyu" /> <state img="6-eh.png" marker="sparedfromherwrath*">You know what? Since you took off something big first, I guess I can forgive that...</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_accessory"> <state img="6-why.png">Oh, screw you!</state> <state img="6-woah.png"><i>(She still had that!? Oh jeez, I am SO screwed.)</i></state> <state img="6-eyes.png">Will you go faster if I threaten to kill you in your sleep?</state> <state img="6-why.png">Choke on my ass!!</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="blake" targetStage="6"> <state img="6-stare.png" marker="blakereveal">Oh... This whole time, you were... secretly a cat?</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="futaba" targetStage="2" priority="1001"> <state img="6-hype.png">Seriously, they're actually my aesthetic... I don't know how to use that word, but I do want boots like yours!</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="lucina"> <state img="6-eh.png" marker="thisisreal1">...And you chose to disguise yourself <i>why</i>? Are you from some sort of fantasty setting or am I just... Oh god...</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="natsuki" targetStage="1"> <state img="6-stare.png">Fine. Not like I'd want to play strip poker with an asshole like you anyways.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="pinkie_pie" targetStage="6"> <state img="6-flustered.png">You're weird, but in this case, I do like weird... Show me more party tricks!</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="rinkah" targetStage="1"> <state img="6-surprise.png">...Please don't hurt me Rinkah...</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="rinkah" targetStage="2"> <state img="6-eh.png">Although I guess it's too late to ask since youve already took off your boots... <i>(Ughh! I am such an idiot!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="rinkah" targetStage="3" priority="10000"> <state img="6-eyes.png" marker="strip_rinkah_naked">B-Bring it! I will strip you naked and emerge from this game victoriou---</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_accessory" targetStage="1-8" targetStatus="not_decent"> <test expr="~name~" cmp="!=" value="Kyu" /> <state img="6-stare.png">Weird strategy, though.</state> </case> <case tag="male_removing_minor"> <state img="6-annoyed.png">Fine. At least it's <i>something</i>.</state> <state img="6-annoyed.png">Okay, I'm a little peeved... I'm <i>very</i> peeved.</state> <state img="6-annoyed.png">Weak.</state> </case> <case tag="male_removing_minor" target="kamina" targetStage="1"> <state img="6-neutral.png">Should I wear armwraps too? I tend to hurt my hands a lot.</state> </case> <case tag="male_removing_minor" target="kamina" targetStage="6" priority="855"> <state img="6-thinking.png">Saving the cape for last, I see.</state> </case> <case tag="male_removing_minor" target="pit" targetStage="2"> <state img="6-thinking.png">These are the most impractical sandals I ever saw. How the hell do you even run in the---?</state> </case> <case tag="male_removing_minor" targetStage="1-8" targetStatus="not_decent"> <state img="6-eh.png" marker="sparedfromherwrath*">You know what? Since you took off something big first, I guess I can forgive that...</state> </case> <case tag="male_removed_minor"> <state img="6-annoyed.png">Fine. At least it's <i>something</i>.</state> <state img="6-annoyed.png">Okay, I'm a little peeved... I'm <i>very</i> peeved.</state> <state img="6-annoyed.png">Weak.</state> </case> <case tag="male_removed_minor" target="kamina" targetStage="2"> <state img="6-thinking.png">And not just from knife fights. Only my knuckles seem to be injured there.</state> </case> <case tag="male_removed_minor" target="kamina" targetStage="7"> <state img="6-eh.png">I mean... You could've used that to cover yourself. <i>(That's what I should've done...)</i></state> </case> <case tag="male_removed_minor" target="pit" targetStage="3"> <state img="6-surprise.png">Ohhhhh, right, you have wings. My bad.</state> </case> <case tag="male_removed_minor" target="ryuji" targetSayingMarker="wince" priority="555"> <state img="6-eh.png">Ouch. You okay?</state> </case> <case tag="male_removed_minor" targetStage="1-8" targetStatus="not_decent"> <state img="6-thinking.png">Weird strategy, though.</state> </case> <case tag="male_removed_minor" target="ryuji" targetStage="1"> <test expr="~background~" cmp="!=" value="hot spring" /> <test expr="~background~" cmp="!=" value="beach" /> <test expr="~background~" cmp="!=" value="poolside" /> <state img="6-eh.png">I want that shirt... and not just because I'm freezing my ass off here.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_minor"> <state img="6-annoyed.png">Fine. At least it's <i>something</i>.</state> <state img="6-annoyed.png">Okay, I'm a little peeved... I'm <i>very</i> peeved.</state> <state img="6-annoyed.png">Weak.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_minor" target="catria" targetStage="3"> <state img="6-surprise.png">H-Hey! We can see your ass, y'know!</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_minor" target="futaba" targetStage="0" priority="555"> <state img="6-stare.png">Ooooh, lucky you. Cute people are usually not into girls like me. For good reason. <i>(Not like she needs to know why most of the town calls me "Killer".)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_minor" target="futaba" targetStage="3" priority="10000"> <state img="6-neutral.png">Are those not uncomfortable? Or is it so cold where you're from that you need to keep your legs warm?</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_minor" target="kyoko" targetStage="5" priority="545"> <state img="6-eh.png">...Oh...</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_minor" target="natsuki" targetStage="2"> <state img="6-thinking.png">I wouldn't know. English is not my strong suit.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_minor" target="sakura" targetStage="1" priority="540"> <state img="6-surprise.png"><i>(What the---grey skin?)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_minor" target="sakura" targetStage="2" priority="545"> <state img="6-surprise.png" marker="sakura_reveal">Seriously!? You're a zombie!</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_minor" target="sakura" targetStage="3" targetSayingMarker="headless"> <state img="6-laugh.png">Woah, don't lose your head now! Ahahahahahaha!!</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_minor" targetStage="1-8" targetStatus="not_decent"> <test expr="~name~" cmp="!=" value="Kyu" /> <state img="6-eh.png" marker="sparedfromherwrath*">You know what? Since you took off something big first, I guess I can forgive that...</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_minor"> <state img="6-why.png">That's a dick move! You're a dick.</state> <state img="6-annoyed.png">I'm tempted to punch you in the face.</state> <state img="6-why.png">You. Absolute. Coward.</state> <state img="6-why.png">Uggghhhh, screw you!</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="emi" targetStage="7"> <state img="6-surprise.png">Wait... Prosthetics!? I'm sorry, but if you mentioned having prosthetic legs before, I wasn't paying attention.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="futaba"> <state img="6-stare.png">Part of your thigh is exposed though, so it must be some weird fashion statement I never heard of.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="futaba" targetStage="1"> <state img="6-neutral.png">Just looking at you makes me wanna snuggle up against you and play video games on your TV all day.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="kyoko" targetStage="6"> <state img="6-welp.png"><i>(Well that just killed the mood.)</i></state> <state img="6-welp.png">I, uh, don't know what to say. I'm sorry.</state> <state img="6-welp.png">Jeez... I'm sorry.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="sakura" targetStage="2"> <state img="6-annoyed.png">You got a little something on your thighs. If we can have an explanation, that'd be neat.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="sakura" targetStage="3"> <state img="6-flustered.png"><i>(Aren't zombies supposed to be living corpses with rotting flesh? What's concerning is that she's STILL cute despite that!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="sakura" targetStage="3" alsoPlaying="saki_zls" alsoPlayingStage="6"> <state img="6-smug.png">Aha! There's a zombie uprising going on, isn't it? No wonder you know each other so well! Too bad I was prepared from the very beginning!</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="sakura" targetStage="4" alsoPlaying="saki_zls" alsoPlayingStage="7" saidMarker="loseyourhead"> <state img="6-smug.png">Hahaha... hah... Man, you girls are a goldmine for lame puns. I need to work on my comedian routine. Could you help me out?</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="sakura" targetStage="4" saidMarker="loseyourhead"> <state img="6-smug.png">Hahaha... hah... Man, you're a goldmine for lame puns. I need to work on my comedian routine. Could you help me out?</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_minor" targetStage="1-8" targetStatus="not_decent"> <test expr="~name~" cmp="!=" value="Kyu" /> <state img="6-thinking.png">Weird strategy, though.</state> </case> <case tag="male_removing_major"> <state img="6-woah.png">If I become half-naked, so do you! It's common decency!</state> <state img="6-smug.png">That's right, get on my level!!</state> <state img="6-embarrassed.png">This would be more satisfying if you were embarrassed about this. W-Whatever. Good enough for me.</state> <state img="6-smug.png">This pleases the Borowski.</state> </case> <case tag="male_removing_major" target="kamina" targetStage="3" saidMarker="kamina_maedisappoint"> <state img="6-smug.png" marker="null_disappoint">Heh-hey, there we go!</state> </case> <case tag="male_removed_major"> <state img="6-neutral.png" marker="lostmajor">Thanks, ~name~.</state> <state img="6-eyes.png" marker="lostmajor">Let's go, I wanna see what happens next!</state> <state img="6-smug.png" marker="lostmajor">Nice ~clothing~, but I preferred ~clothing.ifPlural(those|that)~ off your body.</state> </case> <case tag="male_removed_major" target="kamina" targetStage="4" saidMarker="null_disappoint"> <state img="6-neutral.png">Okay, now you're cool again. In these horrifying red eyes, at least.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_major"> <state img="6-woah.png">If I become half-naked, so do you! It's common decency!</state> <state img="6-smug.png">That's right, get on my level!!</state> <state img="6-embarrassed.png">This is payback for kicking my butt! Now we kick yours!</state> <state img="6-smug.png">This pleases the Borowski.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_major" target="aimee"> <state img="6-terror.png">WHAT THE HELL!?</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_major" target="emi" targetStage="7"> <state img="6-surprise.png">Your <i>legs!?</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_major" target="futaba" targetStage="2"> <state img="6-thinking.png">Now you have me wondering---do <i>you</i> wear underwear?</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_major" target="hk416" targetStage="3"> <state img="6-neutral.png">Classy jacket you got there. Looks warm too.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_major" target="pinkie_pie" targetStage="0"> <state img="6-woah.png">Woah, she's already livening things up!</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_major" target="pinkie_pie" targetStage="1"> <state img="6-flustered.png">I like this girl. A lot.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_major" target="rinkah" targetStage="3"> <state img="6-hype.png">Pants! Pants!! <i>Paaaaants!!!</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_major" target="saki_zls" targetStage="5"> <state img="6-why.png">Makeup doesn't count, asshole! You can't---!</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_major" target="sakura"> <state img="6-surprise.png">It's the only scrap of paper I ha---wait, you never heard of Donut Wolf? You poor, unfortunate soul!</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_major" target="syrenne" targetStage="0"> <state img="6-woah.png">W-Wait, <i>already!?</i> What about those things on your arms?</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_major"> <state img="6-eh.png">I guess being nude isn't so bad when people are also getting naked.</state> <state img="6-eyes.png">Can I stare? ...Ah, what the hell, why ask when we're <i>meant</i> to stare.</state> <state img="6-flustered.png">I'm getting excited! ...And not in that way! I'm getting hyped! Very hyped!</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_major" target="aimee" targetStage="1"> <state img="6-why.png">Wh... What? WHAT!? <i>WHY!?</i></state> <state img="6-why.png">Wh... What the hell is WRONG with you!?</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_major" target="emi" targetStage="8"> <state img="6-woah.png">Holy crap, you're determined!</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_major" target="futaba"> <state img="6-stare.png">So technically the shirt <i>was</i> your underwear. But now it's not, since you're wearing nothing over it. Clever.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_major" target="hk416" targetStage="4" priority="205"> <state img="6-surprise.png">Annnnd you're not wearing anything but a bra underneath it!</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_major" target="natsuki" targetStage="5"> <state img="6-surprise.png"><i>(That "oversized shirt with no pants" look is really hot... Oh god, now I feel gross. Jeez, I really hope this girl is legal...)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_major" target="natsuki" targetStage="5" alsoPlaying="pit"> <state img="6-flustered.png"><i>(Yeah... What he said.)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_major" target="natsuki" targetStage="6" priority="111"> <state img="6-surprise.png">Holy crap... That's adorable!</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_major" target="natsuki" targetStage="6" saidMarker="embarrassingunderwear."> <state img="6-laugh.png">Kekehehehehahaha!! I knew it! It <i>had</i> to be the bratty schoolgirl who wears the overly-cutesy underwear!</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_major" target="pinkie_pie" targetStage="1"> <state img="6-hype.png">And she's so nonchalant about it! Hey, we should all be like her!</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_major" target="pinkie_pie" targetStage="2"> <state img="6-flustered.png">I don't attend a lot of parties----you don't get too many at Possum Springs, and they tend to suck. So, uh, can you invite me to one of your parties sometime?</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_major" target="rinkah"> <state img="6-surprise.png">W-Wait, we can see your---!</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_major" target="saki_zls" targetStage="6"> <state img="6-terror.png">Gah! Not the ice bucket!</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_major" target="sakura" targetStage="5" targetSayingMarker="mae_covers"> <state img="6-triumphant.png">Yesssss!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_major" target="syrenne" targetStage="1"> <state img="6-stare.png">There's other things you can strip that are <i>not</i> your headband though.</state> </case> <case tag="male_chest_will_be_visible"> <state img="6-annoyed.png">I can't help but be a little annoyed. Like, this isn't as big of a deal for ~name~ because he doesn't have boobs.</state> <state img="6-eh.png">If his chest is bigger than mine, I'm not sure what I'd think.</state> <state img="6-eh.png">I guess we'll both be topless? Except it's different for you. Since you... don't have boobs.</state> </case> <case tag="male_chest_is_visible"> <state img="6-annoyed.png">...This is no problem for you. Guys go shirtless <i>all</i> the time.</state> <state img="6-annoyed.png">Oh suuuure, when men like ~name~ go shirtless, it's perfectly fine, but when us <i>ladies</i> do it, suddenly everyone's calling the damn cops! I appreciate the shirtlessness, but this is just unfair...</state> <state img="6-welp.png">Ugh. I bet ~name~ has a better chest than I do.</state> <state img="6-woah.png">Quick, ~name~, distract them from my nudity!</state> </case> <case tag="male_chest_is_visible" filter="athletic"> <state img="6-sweat.png"><i>(Is it weird that I kinda wanna lick his chest... Yeah, that's weird! Stop being weird!!)</i></state> <state img="6-surprise.png">Wow...</state> <state img="6-woah.png">You <i>definitely</i> work out! You can probably lift me no problem, and that actually means something 'cause I'm pretty heavy.</state> </case> <case tag="male_chest_is_visible" filter="muscular"> <state img="6-woah.png">Woah, can you give me a ride on your back?</state> <state img="6-woah.png">Woah, how much have you been going to the gym!?</state> </case> <case tag="male_chest_is_visible" target="9s"> <state img="6-stare.png">...Can I ask what happened to your nipples?</state> </case> <case tag="male_crotch_will_be_visible"> <state img="6-surprise.png">Oh boy... Oh boy, t-this is it....</state> <state img="6-flustered.png">I'm not sure if I should be terrified or excited!!</state> <state img="6-surprise.png">Holy---!</state> <state img="6-terror.png">Wait!! I-I don't think I'm ready---</state> </case> <case tag="male_small_crotch_is_visible"> <state img="6-neutral.png">...Something tells me I should be laughing. I'm not.</state> <state img="6-stare.png">Soooooo, apparently you're smaller than average? Judging by everyone else's reactions?</state> <state img="6-eh.png">Is... Is it small? I dunno what counts as "average" size for penis just by sight. I'm not a dick professional.</state> <state img="6-thinking.png"><i>(Huh... Either porn is extremely unrealistic or his is not as big as it should be.)</i></state> </case> <case tag="male_medium_crotch_is_visible"> <state img="6-flustered.png">I... I bet you get a lot of girls...</state> <state img="6-sweat.png"><i>(Gah! It's...)</i></state> <state img="6-flustered.png"><i>(Why is everyone so damn attractive! I hate this game!)</i></state> <state img="6-flustered.png">There it is, guys. His... His dick. It's out for us.</state> <state img="6-sweat.png">Okay, okay, that's a nice penis, <i>moving on!!</i></state> </case> <case tag="male_medium_crotch_is_visible" target="ryuji" targetSayingMarker="ass" priority="445"> <state img="6-eyes.png"><i>(Nice.)</i></state> </case> <case tag="male_large_crotch_is_visible"> <state img="6-surprise.png">H-How would that even fit!?</state> <state img="6-terror.png">Err...</state> <state img="6-terror.png"><i>(Gah!! I do <i>not</i> want that near my privates!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="male_large_crotch_is_visible" target="mettaton"> <state img="6-why.png">What the---I know you're not human, but this is just ridiculous!!</state> </case> <case tag="male_crotch_is_visible"> <condition count="3-4" gender="male" status="naked" /> <state img="6-woah.png">How many penises am I gonna see tonight!? Geez!</state> </case> <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible"> <state img="6-flustered.png">Hahaha... This line shouldn't be playing. So, uh, just report it if it plays, I guess?</state> <state img="6-surprise.png">Yeah, look at ~name~'s tits instead! Mine are nothing special!</state> <state img="6-woah.png"><i>(How do I feel about this? Happy? Terrified? Happified? I need a dictionary!)</i></state> <state img="6-flustered.png">Heh... Probably better than mine.</state> </case> <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" priority="780"> <condition count="1-5" status="chest_visible" /> <state img="6-woah.png">We are going to unlock more boobs!</state> <state img="6-sweat.png">Oh boy...</state> <state img="6-flustered.png">Looks like I'm seeing more boobs today. Hahaha.... hah...</state> <state img="6-flustered.png"><i>(Okay, this is <i>almost</i> worth sticking around!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" priority="780"> <condition count="2-5" status="chest_visible" /> <state img="6-woah.png">We are going to unlock more boobs!</state> <state img="6-sweat.png">Oh boy...</state> <state img="6-flustered.png">Looks like I'm seeing more boobs today. Hahaha.... hah...</state> <state img="6-sweat.png">Boobs! Honkers!! Badonkers!!! <i>(I'm in heaven...)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" target="florina" targetSayingMarker="bee3" priority="9998"> <state img="6-surprise.png">Holy <i>crap</i>, these bees show up at the worst moments!</state> </case> <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" target="futaba"> <state img="6-surprise.png">Erm... I guess I'll be seeing your boobs, Oracle! This isn't something new friends shouldn't do though...</state> </case> <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" target="kyu"> <state img="6-surprise.png">...Witchcraft!</state> </case> <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" target="kyu" targetSaying="This totally isn't some deus-ex-machina cop-out to avoid having to put any effort into another stripping sprite, by the way. In case you were wondering."> <state img="6-stare.png">But... wouldn't that stripping pose take just as much effort, if not <i>more?</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" target="moon" priority="10000"> <state img="6-why.png">FOR THE LAST TIME, I DON'T WANT TO SEE YOUR CHEST!</state> </case> <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" target="natsuki"> <state img="6-stare.png">Guess I'm not the only one embarrassing myself tonight.</state> </case> <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" target="rinkah" priority="9994"> <state img="6-eh.png">It doesn't hurt to bind your chest---?</state> </case> <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" target="saki_zls"> <state img="6-fingergun.png">Hehehe... Looks like you're getting <i>a-head</i> of yourself now!</state> </case> <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" totalRounds="0-5"> <state img="6-surprise.png">The game JUST started, what the heck!?</state> </case> <case tag="female_small_chest_is_visible"> <state img="6-smug.png">Oh!! Finally, someone who's more flat than I am! Even if it's not by much.</state> <state img="6-thinking.png">I... think we're about the same? How does one measure boobs again? Bea bought me that bra so I wouldn't know.</state> </case> <case tag="female_small_chest_is_visible" target="futaba"> <state img="6-flustered.png">Honestly? I-I'm kinda happy you're also pretty flat. I mean, at least we're in this together!</state> </case> <case tag="female_small_chest_is_visible" target="natsuki"> <state img="6-smug.png">Itty-bitty titty committee? How many members did you manage to find?</state> </case> <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible"> <state img="6-surprise.png"><i>(Oh crud, what do I do, WHAT DO I SAY!?)</i></state> <state img="6-flustered.png"><i>(Yup! Real boobs! Someone else's boobs! Right in front of me!)</i></state> <state img="6-surprise.png"><i>(Must... not... squeeze... Do I squeeze my own? What do I do?)</i></state> <state img="6-flustered.png">Umm... Nice... boobs? G... Great tits? Sure as hell bigger than mine.</state> <state img="6-flustered.png">~Name~ has better boobs! Look at her boobs instead!</state> </case> <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="calisto" priority="15"> <state img="6-surprise.png">That <i>has</i> to be uncomfortable! Doesn't it feel like you're having a wedgie!?</state> </case> <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="florina"> <state img="6-annoyed.png">Now the reveal is kinda ruined, even if her tits are kind of cute... One of us should get some pesticide.</state> </case> <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="moon"> <state img="6-stare.png">...You have no idea how much I want to stab you and throw your filthy body into a river.</state> </case> <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="rinkah" priority="9996"> <state img="6-embarrassed.png">Damn you... Flaunting your awesome body while I'm sitting here wallowing in my insecurity!</state> </case> <case tag="female_large_chest_is_visible"> <state img="6-annoyed.png"><i>(Nope. Totally not jealous.)</i></state> <state img="6-annoyed.png"><i>(Hmmph. I bet ~name~ has a lot of back pain. Yeah, I lucked out by having small boobs! Stupid ~name~ and her dumb, massive boobs...)</i></state> <state img="6-annoyed.png"><i>(Good, now ~name~ has all the attention... Not like I'm jealous or anything. Nope, could care less about the differences.)</i></state> <state img="6-eh.png"><i>(Yeesh, they're so big... And mine are so.... Gah, why should that matter!?)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_large_chest_is_visible" filter="pierced_nipples" priority="155"> <state img="6-flustered.png"><i>(Holy shit, AND they're pierced!? Holy...)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_large_chest_is_visible" target="jura" targetSayingMarker="butt"> <state img="6-annoyed.png"><i>(Ugh, AND she has an amazing ass too? This is why I hate hot girls like her sometimes. Nearly everything they do makes you self-concious about yourself.)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_chest_is_visible" filter="confident" targetStatus="not_crotch_visible"> <state img="6-smug.png">Might as well take off everything, with how much you don't care. Makes things go faster.</state> </case> <case tag="female_chest_is_visible" filter="no_bra"> <state img="6-eh.png">Of course when I start wearing bras, I have to show the goods before someone who forgoes bras. Irony is so cruel...</state> </case> <case tag="female_chest_is_visible" filter="pierced_nipples"> <state img="6-woah.png"><i>(She pierces her nipples!? That's... really hot...)</i></state> <state img="6-sweat.png"><i>(Woah... Do I have a thing for pierced nipples?)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible"> <state img="6-flustered.png">Eye for an eye and a... okay, I think I'll leave it at that.</state> <state img="6-eh.png" marker="regret">I feel like I'll regret whatever I say here. Like, what do I even say here? "Oh boy, we're gonna see someone's vagina!"</state> <state img="6-flustered.png">Umm... I showed you <i>everything</i> so... this is the least you could do... I think?</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" filter="thong" priority="155"> <state img="6-eh.png">If I had to be honest, thongs look like the most uncomfortable things on the planet.</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="leggy"> <state img="6-flustered.png">It feels weird seeing you about to get naked knowing you're not actually human...</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="moon"> <state img="6-terror.png">I don't want to see it! It's probably filthy. And full of gross STDs. And a bunch of other gross things! Can I go home now!?</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="rinkah" priority="9999"> <state img="6-flustered.png">W-Well I've already seen your pubes!</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="sakura"> <state img="6-surprise.png">Oh boy! Zombie... pussy...</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" targetStatus="chest_visible"> <state img="6-flustered.png">I guess you're gonna show us the package deal! I mean, I already showed you <i>all of me</i>, so...</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible"> <state img="6-embarrassed.png">I'd feel bad for you if I wasn't exposed as well! No mercy!</state> <state img="6-embarrassed.png">Now we're even, ~name~!</state> <state img="6-eyes.png">Heh... Isn't this hot, ~name~? I'd be really turned on if I wasn't so embarrassed!</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" filter="confident" targetStatus="not_chest_visible"> <state img="6-smug.png">Might as well take off everything, with how much you don't care. Makes things go faster.</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" filter="confident" targetStatus="not_chest_visible" saidMarker="regret"> <state img="6-smug.png">Ah, screw it. Might as well take off everything, with how much you don't care. Makes things go faster.</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" filter="shaved" priority="1"> <state img="6-woah.png">Wait, you shaved it!? How do you not cut yourself?</state> <state img="6-woah.png">How do you even shave? I'm afraid of putting anything sharp near my own lady parts!</state> <state img="6-surprise.png">Why do you people even shave?</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" filter="witch" notSaidMarker="witch_nude"> <state img="6-flustered.png" marker="witch_nude">I think ~name~ just bewitched me! Hahahahaha... hah...</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="blake" targetSaidMarker="Bellabooty"> <state img="6-smug.png">Bellabooty!</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="florina" saidMarker="butt" targetSayingMarker="butt"> <state img="6-thinking.png">Hmm... I'd like to think my butt is better.</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="haru"> <state img="6-surprise.png"><i>(That ass is bigger than my future!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="ini" targetSaidMarker="butt"> <state img="6-annoyed.png">You suuuure are determined not to show us your pubes.</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="jolyne" targetSaidMarker="Butt"> <state img="6-hype.png"><i>(Yeeessssss!!)</i></state> <state img="6-flustered.png">And suddenly, I find myself enjoying this game more! You turning around r-really helped with that.</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="jura" targetSayingMarker="natsuki_hug"> <state img="6-stare.png">...I think you're suffocating her.</state> <state img="6-stare.png">If she dies being suffocated by your massive chest, I'm getting out of here.</state> <state img="6-thinking.png"><i>(Yeah, I can't envy her.)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="leggy"> <state img="6-thinking.png">Yup, everyone's a furry. I'm a furry, you're a furry, we're all furry in my eyes.</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="mavis"> <state img="6-surprise.png"><i>(She's dummy thicc!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="meia"> <state img="6-flustered.png"><i>(I like this sight!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="moon"> <state img="6-welp.png">...Why did I agree to playing this game?</state> <state img="6-welp.png">I should've left while I could.</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="rinkah"> <state img="6-flustered.png">Umm... You are <i>really</i> confident, huh?</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="sakura"> <state img="6-stare.png">...Is a thing I never thought I'd say in my life.</state> <state img="6-eh.png">Are you seriously a zombie? I'd have expected something more... cut up. And writhing with maggots. But no, you're really hot and I'm not sure how to feel about being attracted to a zombie.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" consecutiveLosses="4" priority="5"> <state img="6-laugh.png" marker="opp_mock">Hehe.... Ahahahahahahahaha!!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="criminal" notSaidMarker="criminal_marker" priority="165"> <state img="6-smug.png" marker="criminal_marker">I think I like ~name~ already! So, you think you're done for some crimes after this game is over?</state> <state img="6-fingergun.png" marker="criminal_marker">Finally, a fellow law-breaker!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="deity" notSaidMarker="deity_marker"> <state img="6-stare.png">...What do I even say?</state> <state img="6-thinking.png">This is too weird for me.</state> <state img="6-neutral.png">...</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="flies" notSaidMarker="flies_marker" priority="54"> <state img="6-welp.png" marker="flies_marker">Maaaaan, I wish I could fly...</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="gloomy" notSaidMarker="gloomy_marker"> <state img="6-eh.png" marker="gloomy_marker"><i>(~name~ kind of reminds me of Bea. I kinda wish she were here now. Too bad Bea wouldn't be caught dead playing this game.)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="gun" notSaidMarker="gun_marker"> <state img="6-terror.png" marker="gun_marker"><i>(What the---aren't guns illegal!? What the hell is that person thinking? Should I be scared? I don't want to be shot again!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="innocent" notSaidMarker="innocent_marker" priority="6"> <state img="6-neutral.png" marker="innocent_marker">...Should you really be playing this game?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="lonely" notSaidMarker="lonely_marker"> <state img="6-eh.png" marker="lonely_marker"><i>(Jeez, ~name~ kind of reminds me of myself. Makes me glad I actually have some friends, or else my existence would end up being even crappier.)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="musician" targetStatus="decent" notSaidMarker="musician_tag"> <state img="6-neutral.png" marker="musician_tag">So you play an instrument too, huh? Or are you a singer?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="police" notSaidMarker="police_marker"> <state img="6-stare.png" marker="police_marker">I'm playing strip poker with a cop? Wow. I wonder what other crazy stuff life has in store for me.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="red_eyes" targetStage="0"> <state img="6-smug.png" marker="nightmareyesclub_marker">Alright, ~name~, now that I've found another person with such vivid red eyes, you're officially a member of the "Nightmare Eyes" club. No backsies.</state> <state img="6-smug.png" marker="redeyes_marker">Nightmare eyes, baby. All day, every day. We're comrades now.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="thigh_highs" notSaidMarker="thighhigh_markers"> <state img="6-annoyed.png" marker="thighhigh_markers">Ugh. Why would you torture yourself with those long socks? Doesn't it feel itchy?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="vampire" notSaidMarker="vampire_marker" priority="155"> <state img="6-hype.png" marker="vampire_marker">Ohmigod... I <i>knew</i> vampires were real! Suck it, nonbelievers!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="virtual" notSaidMarker="virtual_marker"> <state img="6-surprise.png" marker="virtual_marker">Wait, am I playing with a hologram!? Is this another crazy dream?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="witch" notSaidMarker="witchdagga_witchmarker"> <state img="6-thinking.png" marker="witchdagga_witchmarker"><i>(Man, how cool would it be if Witchdagger actually played here? It would make up for all the times I couldn't go to any concerts because they were all too far away and nobody would drive me.)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" hasHand="Full House"> <state img="6-smug.png">Yessir, that's a full house! How do you like <i>that?</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" hasHand="Full House" notSaidMarker="singing_fullhouse"> <state img="6-thinking.png" marker="singing_fullhouse">♫ Whatever happened to predictability? The milkman, the paperboy, evening TV? ♫</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" hasHand="High Card" notSaidMarker="highcard_win"> <state img="6-triumphant.png" marker="highcard_win">Yessss!! Still managed a win with a crappy high card!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" hasHand="High Card" saidMarker="highcard_win" notSaidMarker="highcard_win1"> <state img="6-smug.png" marker="highcard_win1">And what do you know? I won with a high card <i>again</i>!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" hasHand="High Card" saidMarker="highcard_win1" notSaidMarker="highcard_win2"> <state img="6-neutral.png" marker="highcard_win2">...Jeez, ~name~. Your luck is terrible.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" notSaidMarker="lastlegs"> <state img="6-embarrassed.png" marker="lastlegs">Better you than me! Seriously, I'm down to my last legs!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" saidMarker="badhand_nude"> <state img="6-woah.png">Holy crap, I'm still in it!</state> <state img="6-hype.png">Yesssss! Maybe I can actually pull off a win. I just need a lot of luck.</state> <state img="6-surprise.png">I... I won!? I seriously won this round with a high card!? Holy jeez, talk about luck!</state> <state img="6-embarrassed.png">Holy crap, that was so close!!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="blake" targetStage="0"> <state img="6-eh.png"><i>(I can't tell what animal this girl is... Why do I even see people as animals in the first place?)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="chihiro" targetStage="5" priority="9997"> <state img="6-stare.png">Oh, you're back. Listen, you better not run away again. You chose to play, you stick it out until the end.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="florina" targetStage="4" targetSaidMarker="bee" priority="444"> <state img="6-surprise.png"><i>(Crap, better get ready to run. I don't want to be stung again!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="human" filter="gay" notSaidMarker="player_queer" priority="9998"> <state img="6-surprise.png" marker="player_queer">Wait... ~player~, you're gay?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="jura"> <state img="6-annoyed.png"><i>Of course</i> she's ridiculously vain. Not even sexy and suave girls can save the world from being crappy.</state> <state img="6-stare.png">Well at least your inflated ego makes sense, I'll give you that. But I still don't like you already.</state> <state img="6-stare.png">Ugh, and here I thought I'd like you. But no, you just <i>have</i> to rub your ridiculously good looks in my face.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="kyu" targetStage="0"> <state img="6-neutral.png">A disgustingly pink fairy who's also a huge slut? Now I've seen everything.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="leggy" targetStage="0"> <state img="6-eh.png">Are you <i>sure</i> you want to play this game? <i>(Everyone seems so surprised... Am I missing something?)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="leggy" targetStage="0" totalAlive="3"> <state img="6-eh.png">Are you <i>sure</i> you want to play this game? <i>(~player~ seems so surprised... Am I missing something?)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="leggy" targetStage="2"> <state img="6-smug.png">Hah! Pretty stupid of you to wear just a woolly, long-sleeved leotard, eh---?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="leggy" targetStage="3"> <state img="6-stare.png">Yup. I get it. You're an actual sheep, and I'm an idiot.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="moon" targetStage="0" priority="10000"> <state img="6-terror.png">...Holy crap!</state> <state img="6-terror.png">Is this girl serious!? <i>(This is just... a whole new level of wrong here.)</i></state> <state img="6-terror.png"><i>(...And I thought I was the crazy one! This girl takes crazy to a whole new level!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="moon" targetStage="1" priority="10000"> <state img="6-surprise.png">Normally I'd be excited, BUT THIS GIRL IS FREAKING ME OUT RI---</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="moon" targetStage="2-5"> <state img="6-annoyed.png">Oh goodie, it's <i>her</i> turn.</state> <state img="6-neutral.png"><i>(This girl actually makes me look good in comparsion.)</i></state> <state img="6-surprise.png"><i>(Is this she actually human? What if she's secretly some horny sex alien whose species greet each other with blowjobs?)</i></state> <state img="6-thinking.png"><i>(How does this little rabbit-girl have the biggest libido?)</i></state> <state img="6-annoyed.png">I'd say prostitution would be a <i>wonderful</i> job for you, but I wouldn't want your poor clients to get every STD on the planet.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="moon" targetStage="6" priority="10000"> <state img="6-terror.png">Oh <i>no</i>...</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="natsuki" targetStage="2-7" priority="2"> <state img="6-eyes.png">Egads! The strawberry munchkin kitten has to strip again!</state> <state img="6-neutral.png">Get into the spirit of strip poker! Like a <i>real</i> woman!</state> <state img="6-eyes.png">Cute. You think you're invincible?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="pinkie_pie" targetSayingMarker="pinka_start"> <state img="6-terror.png">WHAT THE HELL!?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="roxie" targetStage="0" priority="555"> <state img="6-smug.png">Roxie, huh? I dunno what it is, but something tells me we'll get along well.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="roxie" targetStage="2" priority="555"> <state img="6-neutral.png">So what's next? Is it gonna be the boots?</state> <state img="6-eh.png">Not a lot of options left...</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="roxie" targetStage="3" priority="555"> <state img="6-thinking.png">So... thong or bra?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="ryuji" targetStage="0"> <state img="6-woah.png"><i>(Woah, those legs! Why does it feel like he can break my neck with a single kick to the head?)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" targetStage="0" totalExposed="3-"> <state img="6-surprise.png">Oh <i>what the hell!!</i> Is this seriously your first loss? How good <i>are</i> you!?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" targetStatus="decent" notSaidMarker="uhura_flashbacks" priority="1"> <state img="6-thinking.png" marker="uhura_flashbacks"><i>(Man, if this were any other kind of poker and we had to bluff in order to win, one of us could fart and nobody would be able to tell who did it.)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="sunglasses" notSaidMarker="sunglasses_marker"> <test expr="~background.location~" value="indoors" /> <state img="6-stare.png" marker="sunglasses_marker">Y'know, when you think about it, playing poker is the only valid excuse for wearing sunglasses indoors. So consider yourself lucky, I guess.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="scantily-clad" notSaidMarker="skimpy_marker"> <test expr="~name~" cmp="!=" value="Leggy" /> <state img="6-stare.png" marker="skimpy_marker">What the... Do you seriously have no shame?</state> <state img="6-stare.png" marker="skimpy_marker">Wearing <i>that</i> little clothing to a strip poker game? I don't think the irony is lost on any of us.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" consecutiveLosses="4" saidMarker="opp_consecutivelosses" notSaidMarker="opp_consecutivelosses2" priority="5"> <state img="6-smug.png" marker="opp_consecutivelosses2">I'm sorry, but this is just <i>hilarious</i> to laugh!!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" filter="clothing_destruction" notSaidMarker="clothingdestruction"> <state img="6-surprise.png" marker="clothingdestruction">Woah, what---!?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" filter="deity" targetStage="0"> <state img="6-eh.png">I... don't have good experience with deities. They tend to be assholes who try to break my mind.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" filter="police" targetStage="1"> <state img="6-thinking.png">Y'know, my aunt is a cop. Aunt Molly. Aunt Mall Cop. After all these years, we <i>still</i> don't get along.</state> <state img="6-stare.png" marker="life_rambling">I've been electrocuted at least twice in my lifetime and spoke to God. And God is an asshole. This is nothing compared to all the weird crap I've been through. But that's just life.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" saidMarker="singing_fullhouse" notSaidMarker="singing_fullhouse1" priority="1"> <state img="6-fingergun.png" marker="singing_fullhouse1">♫ You miss your old familar friends, <i>waiting just around the beeeeend!</i>♫</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="akko" targetStage="0" priority="775"> <state img="6-woah.png">Wait, for real!? You're a real witch? You're really a real witch? For real?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="akko" targetStage="0" targetSaidMarker="necronomicon" priority="780"> <state img="6-terror.png">GAH!! No, not this! I can't deal with that again!!</state> <state img="6-terror.png"><i>Ohcrapohcrapohcrap!!</i> I don't wanna deal with these things anymore!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="amalia" targetStage="4" priority="555"> <state img="6-woah.png">Huh? How'd they slide off so easily!?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="chihiro" targetStage="4" priority="9995"> <state img="6-woah.png">No, wait! Come back!!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="chihiro" targetStage="5" priority="9993"> <state img="6-surprise.png">Huh!?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="felicia" targetStage="0"> <state img="6-surprise.png">Wait, what?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="felicia" targetStage="1"> <state img="6-eh.png">I'm cringing so hard right now.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="florina" targetStage="4" targetSayingMarker="bee2"> <state img="6-surprise.png">Hey, be careful with---!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="human" filter="gay" saidMarker="player_queer" notSaidMarker="player_queer2"> <state img="6-thinking.png" marker="player_queer2">Huh, you usually don't find a lot of queer people in my conversative trash dump of a town. I thought me, Gregg, and Angus were the only ones...</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="leggy" targetStage="0"> <state img="6-stare.png">You have some pretty weird get-up. Are you some kind of cosplayer?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="leggy" targetStage="1"> <state img="6-neutral.png">You alright there?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="leggy" targetStage="2"> <state img="6-surprise.png">Wait, <i>what!?</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="leggy" targetStage="3" priority="10000"> <state img="6-eh.png" marker="seeing_animals">I didn't want to say it out loud, but... I kiiiiinda have something wrong with my brain and everyone I see is an animal.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="moon" targetStage="0" priority="10000"> <state img="6-terror.png">She's so desperate about it...</state> <state img="6-why.png">Of course, she's taking off the bra first, <i>of course she does!!</i> Because obviously someone desperate like you wouldn't do with a silly trinket!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="moon" targetStage="1"> <state img="6-eh.png">Phew.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="moon" targetStage="2"> <state img="6-annoyed.png"><i>(Ugh, I don't even want to IMAGINE her naked.)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="palutena" targetStage="3"> <state img="6-neutral.png">Hey, Palutena. I have a question; can you fly? Or do those belts get in the way?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="pinkie_pie" targetSaidMarker="pinka_start" targetNotSaidMarker="pinka_end2"> <state img="6-why.png">What the hell do we do!? I am <i>not</i> dying during a strip poker game.</state> <state img="6-stare.png">We should really get out of here. Before this girl attempts to murder us.</state> <state img="6-why.png">I'm not here to get murdered!</state> <state img="6-surprise.png">UHHH...</state> <state img="6-surprise.png">Hahaha... please help me.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="roxie" targetStage="0" priority="555"> <state img="6-smug.png">The sweater already? Aww, you shouldn't have.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="roxie" targetStage="1" priority="555"> <state img="6-triumphant.png">Yessss! I knew it!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="roxie" targetStage="2" priority="555"> <state img="6-woah.png">Wait, those are shorts? I thought they were boxers!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="roxie" targetStage="3" priority="555"> <state img="6-eh.png">Guess it's the bra first...</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="roxie" targetStage="3" targetSayingMarker="famous_tits" priority="555"> <state img="6-woah.png">W-Wait, you're famous!?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="twilight" targetStage="0"> <state img="6-surprise.png">Huh!? You know you can take off anything you want, right!?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="twilight" targetStage="1"> <state img="6-stare.png">Annnnd when I mention hating bras, she takes hers off. Go figure, I guess.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="twilight" targetStage="3" priority="325"> <state img="6-flustered.png">Seriously, you have a bunch of other stuff! <i>(Not that I don't mind or anything, but... This girl is really confusing me right now!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="twilight" targetStage="4" priority="329"> <state img="6-annoyed.png">Whatever.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="twilight" targetStage="5" priority="328"> <state img="6-stare.png">Those look comfy. I can almost understand why you chose to save them for... second-to-last?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="twilight" targetStage="6" priority="9993"> <state img="6-eh.png">Last small thing... And second-to-last article of clothing...</state> <state img="6-thinking.png">Well, I understand you somewhat better at least. But can you understand me?</state> <state img="6-neutral.png">Farewell, shirt. You... literally did nothing this entire game.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" filter="deity"> <test expr="~clothing.type~" cmp="!=" value="major" /> <test expr="~clothing.type~" cmp="!=" value="important" /> <state img="6-annoyed.png">Feeling high and mighty now?</state> <state img="6-annoyed.png">Ugghhh. The fact you're a deity makes this worse.</state> <state img="6-stare.png">Congratulations, you're besting a mortal at strip poker. You want a medal or something?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" filter="musician" targetStage="0" priority="9000"> <test expr="~clothing.type~" cmp="!=" value="major" /> <test expr="~clothing.type~" cmp="!=" value="important" /> <state img="6-neutral.png" marker="mae_musicramble">I play bass guitar. In a band me and my friends formed a few years ago. But I wouldn't call myself a serious musician, y'know? Even though I really love music. And just... the arts in general.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" notSaidMarker="insertwittycommenthere"> <test expr="~clothing.type~" value="accessory" /> <state img="6-stare.png" marker="insertwittycommenthere">Insert witty comment here.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" notSaidMarker="lookingfancy"> <test expr="~clothing.type~" value="accessory" /> <test expr="~clothing~" cmp="!=" value="shoes" /> <test expr="~clothing~" cmp="!=" value="socks" /> <state img="6-annoyed.png" marker="lookingfancy">What ~clothing.ifPlural(are those ~clothing~|is that ~clothing~)~ even for? Did you know we were going to play, or is that just to look fancy or something?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping"> <test expr="~clothing~" value="dress" /> <test expr="~target.gender~" value="female" /> <state img="6-stare.png">Wearing a dress is the same as wearing a very large single pant leg. Sorry to ruin your day, m'am.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping"> <test expr="~clothing~" value="dress" /> <test expr="~target.gender~" value="male" /> <state img="6-stare.png">Wearing a dress is the same as wearing a very large single pant leg. Sorry to ruin your day, sir.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" priority="60"> <test expr="~clothing~" value="hat" /> <state img="6-neutral.png">Hat's off for ~name~... <i>Hat is off</i> for ~name~. The way you strip isn't worth a compliment.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping"> <test expr="~clothing~" value="skirt" /> <test expr="~name~" cmp="!=" value="Pinkie" /> <state img="6-thinking.png">I think the way someone dresses says a lot about them. Like, skirts are pretty and fashionable. Pants are boring, but practical.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping"> <test expr="~clothing~" value="socks" /> <state img="6-thinking.png">If only I had a sock pun...</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" notSaidMarker="decency"> <condition count="1-2" status="decent" /> <state img="6-eh.png" marker="decency">I wonder how many more people are gonna show off their bods. Wait, only one of us will remain decent, right?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" filter="clothing_destruction" saidMarker="clothingdestruction" notSaidMarker="clothingdestruction1"> <state img="6-eh.png" marker="clothingdestruction1">Jeez... I mean, I've seen weirder stuff, but... Just take off your clothes like a normal person.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" filter="deity" targetStage="1"> <state img="6-stare.png">I met two of them, and came out mentally scarred for life. Now here I am playing <i>strip poker</i> with another deity. Life sure is something.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" filter="musician" saidMarker="mae_musicramble" notSaidMarker="mae_musicc" priority="9000"> <state img="6-eh.png" marker="mae_musicc">I'm rambling, aren't I? I shouldn't be rambling during a strip poker game... Deal the next hand.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="akko" targetStage="1"> <state img="6-hype.png">I... I thought you were just dressing up! But holy crap this is so cool!!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="akko" targetStage="1" targetSaidMarker="necronomicon"> <state img="6-stare.png" marker="akko_eldritch">Oh no, that was <i>definitely</i> eldritch horror we just saw. I'd be on my guard if I were you.</state> <state img="6-stare.png" marker="akko_exorcism">Oh no, that was <i>definitely</i> demonic possession. We gotta do a exorcism, like, ASAP. I'm seriously sick of dealing with the paranormal trying to kill me and my friends.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="amalia" targetStage="5"> <state img="6-surprise.png">What the---!?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="chihiro" targetStage="5" priority="9995"> <state img="6-annoyed.png">...Coward.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="chihiro" targetStage="6" priority="9992"> <state img="6-woah.png">Wait, why do you even crossdress in the first place!? You said you're a boy, so you're not a trans person... Am I missing something?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="felicia" targetStage="1"> <state img="6-terror.png">Wh... But you <i>need</i> your fur! Does it even grow back!?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="felicia" targetStage="2"> <state img="6-surprise.png">How do you do it so cleanly!? The thought of shaving pubic hair is... terrifying!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="florina" targetStage="5"> <state img="6-stare.png">...Your tunic. Oh well, it didn't seem too special to you anyways.</state> <state img="6-stare.png">Whoops. Well, that poor tunic's gone forever.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="leggy" targetStage="2"> <state img="6-thinking.png">Riiiight, what's with that... leg-collar thingy? I thought only flappers wore those things back in, like, the 1920's.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="leggy" targetStage="3"> <state img="6-woah.png">Hang on, why the hell do you need to shave it off! Can't you just---I dunno---slide it off one shoulder or something? I thought actual sheep---</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="leggy" targetStage="4" priority="10000"> <state img="6-welp.png" marker="catoutofthebag">I never share this because I was afraid people would just see me as even <i>more</i> insane than I already am... But I guess the cat's out of the bag, huh? Which is ironic because I see myself as a cat...</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="moon" targetStage="1"> <state img="6-annoyed.png">...Let's just move on.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="moon" targetStage="2"> <state img="6-stare.png">Anytime you speak, the urge to murder you in your sleep increases for me. Stop talking. Now.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="moon" targetStage="3"> <state img="6-stare.png">Nice shoes. They're the only thing about you worth complementing.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="moon" targetStage="4"> <state img="6-smug.png"><i>(How hilarious would it be if she just, tripped, and they all just spilled out of the bag in public.)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="moon" targetStage="5"> <state img="6-stare.png">I really, <i>really</i> do not want to see your naked body.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="palutena" targetStage="4"> <state img="6-eh.png"><i>(I mean, I know she actually ISN'T an eagle, but... It'd be kinda weird if I see her as a bird goddess and she can't actually fly.)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="palutena" targetStage="4" alsoPlaying="pit"> <state img="6-stare.png"><i>(Why the hell do I see the divine-like people as birds?)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="pinkie_pie" targetSaidMarker="pinka_start" targetNotSaidMarker="pinka_end2"> <state img="6-terror.png">Get away from me!</state> <state img="6-stare.png">Try hurting me and I'll take that knife and jam it down your throat!</state> <state img="6-stare.png">Don't you even try anything.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="revy" targetStage="1-7" notSaidMarker="calmdownwildcat"> <state img="6-eh.png" marker="calmdownwildcat"><i>(Calm down, wildcat. Or should I say wild... fox? Wildfox? I dunno, why DO I see her as a fox and not a wildcat)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="roxie" targetStage="1" priority="555"> <state img="6-eh.png">...To be honest, I actually kind of liked it. It looked so comfortable yet so badass.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="roxie" targetStage="2" alsoPlaying="moon" targetSaidMarker="my_last_loss" priority="555"> <state img="6-annoyed.png">Well, so do I! And I bet everyone else here wants to win too... Except Moon. But she shouldn't even count.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="roxie" targetStage="2" targetSaidMarker="far_from_naked" priority="555"> <state img="6-stare.png">Who's Arceus?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="roxie" targetStage="2" targetSaidMarker="foot_fetish" priority="555"> <state img="6-stare.png">And before you ask---no, I don't have a foot fetish. That sounds so gross. What kind of weirdo finds <i>feet</i> sexy?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="roxie" targetStage="2" targetSaidMarker="live_without_boots" priority="555"> <state img="6-eh.png">I'm sure you'll get them back... right?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="roxie" targetStage="2" targetSaidMarker="my_last_loss" priority="555"> <state img="6-smug.png">Well, so do I! And I bet everyone else here wants to win too, so get ready for some extreme competition!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="roxie" targetStage="2" targetSaidMarker="take_these_off" priority="555"> <state img="6-surprise.png">Custom-made!? Holy jeez, are you loaded or something?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="roxie" targetStage="3" priority="555"> <state img="6-eh.png">I mean... Cool thong, but isn't that extremely comfort? Why not just wear the shorts?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="roxie" targetStage="4" priority="555"> <state img="6-flustered.png">Freckle-boobs... That's weirdly hot.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="twilight" targetSayingMarker="twilight_not_human" priority="301"> <state img="6-surprise.png">You are rea---wait, <i>humans?</i> You're not... You're not human?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="twilight" targetStage="1" priority="333"> <state img="6-thinking.png">Hmm. Well I can understand finding panties uncomfortable. Up until recently, I never wore a bra for the same reason.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="twilight" targetStage="2" priority="332"> <state img="6-thinking.png">You know, there's sports bras. They're pretty comfy. I remember Bea going out to buy me one. She kind of freaked out when I told her I never wear bras. Dunno why; my shirt's all I need.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="twilight" targetStage="3" priority="331"> <state img="6-terror.png">I can understand finding underwear comfortable, but what's wrong with your skirt!?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="twilight" targetStage="4" priority="330"> <state img="6-stare.png">...Oh, <i>now</i> you take off something small?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="twilight" targetStage="6" priority="9995"> <state img="6-flustered.png">Back to big stuff again afte---Oh right! You only have your shirt left! Juuuust a shirt.</state> <state img="6-thinking.png">What is grammar?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="twilight" targetStage="7" priority="310"> <state img="6-smug.png">Alright, Twilight! Time to kick your ass!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" targetStatus="lost_all"> <state img="6-stare.png">Looks like we're both naked.</state> <state img="6-eyes.png">Ha! I knew I'd get you to this point as well!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" filter="deity"> <test expr="~clothing.type~" cmp="!=" value="important" /> <test expr="~clothing.type~" cmp="!=" value="major" /> <state img="6-annoyed.png">Why do I even bother talking?</state> <state img="6-annoyed.png">...</state> <state img="6-neutral.png">...</state> <state img="6-stare.png">...</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" saidMarker="sparedfromherwrath"> <test expr="~clothing.type~" cmp="!=" value="important" /> <test expr="~clothing.type~" cmp="!=" value="major" /> <state img="6-sweat.png" marker="*">Err... Let's just move on!!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" targetStatus="not_decent" saidMarker="sparedfromherwrath"> <test expr="~clothing.type~" cmp="!=" value="important" /> <test expr="~clothing.type~" cmp="!=" value="major" /> <state img="6-thinking.png">Blegh. I don't see you didn't just take your ~clothing~ off first.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped"> <test expr="~clothing~" value="dress" /> <state img="6-eh.png">...Yeah, you definitely look good without the dress.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped"> <test expr="~clothing~" value="glasses" /> <state img="6-stare.png">Hmm... I don't think I ever met a person with glasses who <i>wasn't</i> smart. Are you smart, ~name~? Don't lie to me.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped"> <test expr="~clothing~" value="hat" /> <state img="6-triumphant.png">Unless you're a cowboy! YEEEEEEEHAAAAAAAAW!!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="human" filter="gay" saidMarker="player_queer2"> <test expr="~target.gender~" value="female" /> <state img="6-eh.png" marker="player_queer3"><i>(Phew! It sucks when a cute girl you find ends up being straight. At least I'm not picky with gender...)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="human" filter="gay" saidMarker="player_queer2"> <test expr="~target.gender~" value="male" /> <state img="6-neutral.png" marker="player_queer3">Well, good to know.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_masturbating" filter="uses_toy" notSaidMarker="toys"> <state img="6-welp.png" marker="toys">Maaaan, I wish I bought a toy. If I knew what this game was all about.... ugh, maybe next time.</state> </case> <case tag="male_must_masturbate"> <state img="6-woah.png">Woah! Okay then!</state> <state img="6-surprise.png">This... This is just insane! I barely know you, and...</state> <state img="6-eh.png">Oh... Looks like you have to, umm... Yeah, just do it.</state> <state img="6-woah.png">You're seriously going to do it?</state> </case> <case tag="male_must_masturbate" filter="cheater" priority="150"> <state img="6-eyes.png" marker="cheater_lose*">Hah! Kiss my ass, ~name~! Cheaters never prosper... unless they're me. I basically cheated my way through life.</state> </case> <case tag="male_must_masturbate" saidMarker="last_round"> <state img="6-triumphant.png" marker="lastround_winner">Yessss!! Yes, I won!</state> </case> <case tag="male_must_masturbate" saidMarker="last_round_bluff"> <state img="6-eyes.png" marker="lastround_winner_bluff">SIKE! I knew I was gonna win.</state> </case> <case tag="male_must_masturbate" target="human"> <state img="6-surprise.png" marker="facesitting">Wait... You don't have a fetish for... being sat on, do you?</state> </case> <case tag="male_must_masturbate" target="pit"> <state img="6-surprise.png">Oh...</state> </case> <case tag="male_must_masturbate" totalMasturbating="0" totalFinished="0" priority="9999"> <state img="6-surprise.png" marker="first_out">Wait, what!? <i>Masturbation!?</i></state> <state img="6-surprise.png" marker="first_out">They have to WHAT!?</state> </case> <case tag="male_start_masturbating"> <state img="6-eh.png">Goodl luck, I guess.</state> <state img="6-eh.png">Well this is gonna be awkward.</state> <state img="6-eh.png">Can I... watch you?</state> </case> <case tag="male_start_masturbating" totalMasturbating="1-2"> <condition count="3-4" status="alive" /> <state img="6-eh.png">I'd watch, but... We still have a game to play.</state> <state img="6-neutral.png">Good luck, I guess. Me and everyone else are just gonna keep playing.</state> </case> <case tag="male_start_masturbating" saidMarker="first_out" notSaidMarker="first_out2" priority="9998"> <state img="6-why.png" marker="first_out2">What the fresh hell? Why didn't anyone tell me!?</state> <state img="6-woah.png" marker="first_out2">D... Did you know about this, ~name~?</state> </case> <case tag="male_start_masturbating" target="human" saidMarker="facesitting"> <state img="6-turnt.png">I don't understand people with that fetish. I really don't. Then again, I don't understand the appeal of a lot of fetishes. Maybe I just like the less extreme kind of sexytimes?</state> </case> <case tag="male_start_masturbating" target="pit"> <state img="6-eh.png">It feels weird, y'know? Watching an angel masturbate...</state> </case> <case tag="male_masturbating"> <state img="6-flustered.png">I feel kind of lucky to be seeing this.</state> <state img="6-neutral.png">People don't usually masturbate in public. Or get naked in front of other people. Unless it's an orgy.</state> <state img="6-woah.png">Woah. I didn't think I'd see a guy masturbating in front of me.</state> <state img="6-sweat.png">Wow...</state> <state img="6-flustered.png">I'm gonnd be honest---this is really hot and I kind of want to be the one touching you. Is that weird?</state> <state img="6-flustered.png"><i>(Don't drool, Mae. Seriously, you're not a dog!)</i></state> <state img="6-flustered.png">I feel like a pervert. And yet... wow. H-How can this not turn anyone on?</state> <state img="6-eyes.png" marker="flirt_maybe">Hey ~name~! How can I help speed up the process! I can flirt with you if you want that!</state> <state img="6-eyes.png">Hehehe... Faaaaantastic!</state> <state img="6-neutral.png">Moan for me, baby... Yeah, I can't do a good seductive voice. Just pretend I never said that.</state> <state img="6-woah.png">I'm really seeing this... This is real.</state> <state img="6-flustered.png"><i>(I'm seriously enjoying this. I'm seriously getting turned on from this. What's wrong with me?)</i></state> <state img="6-thinking.png">I remember me and my friend having a conversation about a bunch of strangers coming here just for porn. This place is just like that, isn't it?</state> <state img="6-woah.png">I kind of want a closer look.</state> <state img="6-surprise.png">Oh... I-It's just like in porn. Good to know.</state> </case> <case tag="male_heavy_masturbating"> <state img="6-flustered.png">Are you close? I can only assume 'cause you're... umm...</state> <state img="6-eh.png">You're almost there! Just... keep doing your thing.</state> <state img="6-flustered.png">Jeez, I think you're going to... Well, let nothing hold you back.</state> <state img="6-smug.png"><i>(I bet he's having such a good time. I bet he's having a ball!)</i></state> <state img="6-eh.png">Umm...</state> </case> <case tag="male_finished_masturbating"> <state img="6-surprise.png">Woah there, let's not get it on me!</state> <state img="6-stare.png">...I think I stepped in something wet and gross. Ughgh.</state> </case> <case tag="male_finished_masturbating" target="jin"> <state img="6-terror.png" marker="jinfinishing">HOLY CRAP, MY EYES!</state> </case> <case tag="female_must_masturbate"> <state img="6-woah.png">Woah! Okay then!</state> <state img="6-surprise.png">This... This is just insane! I barely know you, and...</state> <state img="6-eh.png">Oh... Looks like you have to, umm... Yeah, just do it.</state> <state img="6-woah.png">You're seriously going to do it?</state> </case> <case tag="female_must_masturbate" filter="cheater" priority="150"> <state img="6-eyes.png" marker="cheater_lose*">Hah! Kiss my ass, ~name~! Cheaters never prosper... unless they're me. I basically cheated my way through life.</state> </case> <case tag="female_must_masturbate" saidMarker="last_round"> <state img="6-triumphant.png" marker="lastround_winner">Yessss!! Yes, I won!</state> </case> <case tag="female_must_masturbate" saidMarker="last_round_bluff"> <state img="6-eyes.png" marker="lastround_winner_bluff">SIKE! I knew I was gonna win.</state> </case> <case tag="female_must_masturbate" target="akko"> <state img="6-hype.png">Masturbating with magic sounds awesome! Show me what you got!!</state> </case> <case tag="female_must_masturbate" target="leggy"> <state img="6-eh.png">You're taking this awfully well...</state> </case> <case tag="female_must_masturbate" target="moon"> <state img="6-welp.png">...Great.</state> </case> <case tag="female_must_masturbate" target="rinkah"> <state img="6-flustered.png">Oooooh, too bad. L-Looks like I beat you by the skin of my teeth! Which makes no sense because there's no skin on your teeth!</state> </case> <case tag="female_must_masturbate" target="shimakaze"> <state img="6-triumphant.png">Yeah, critical hit!</state> </case> <case tag="female_must_masturbate" totalMasturbating="0" notSaidMarker="first_out" priority="9999"> <state img="6-surprise.png" marker="first_out">Wait, what!? <i>Masturbation!?</i></state> <state img="6-surprise.png" marker="first_out">They have to WHAT!?</state> </case> <case tag="female_start_masturbating"> <state img="6-flustered.png">Hey... Can I watch?</state> <state img="6-flustered.png"><i>(I'd probably masturbate to this if I were alone.)</i></state> <state img="6-flustered.png">This is really happening... And I may or may not be getting wet from it.</state> <state img="6-neutral.png" marker="lastround_winner_bluff2">AHAHAHAHAHA!! Hahaha... hah... haaaa.... Okay, sorry for being a dick. I'm just going to watch you masturbate.</state> </case> <case tag="female_start_masturbating" saidMarker="first_out" notSaidMarker="first_out2" priority="9999"> <state img="6-why.png" marker="first_out2">What the fresh hell? Why didn't anyone tell me!?</state> <state img="6-woah.png" marker="first_out2">D... Did you know about this, ~name~?</state> </case> <case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="akko"> <state img="6-smug.png">C'mooooon!!</state> </case> <case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="leggy"> <state img="6-thinking.png">Wasn't there a group of people notorious for having sex with sheep? The Welsh, I think?</state> </case> <case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="miko"> <state img="6-surprise.png">What the---is that the spirit of your dead wife!? Did she rise from the grave just to have sex with you!?</state> </case> <case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="moon"> <state img="6-stare.png">I'm just gonna... pretend you don't exist. Which is definitely easier said than done.</state> </case> <case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="pinkie_pie"> <state img="6-woah.png">Wh---wouldn't it hurt like hell if it popped?</state> </case> <case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="shimakaze"> <state img="6-eh.png">...Okay, but are you alright?</state> </case> <case tag="female_masturbating" id="6-1"> <state img="6-flustered.png">I feel kind of lucky to be seeing this.</state> <state img="6-neutral.png">People don't usually masturbate in public. Or get naked in front of other people. Unless it's an orgy.</state> <state img="6-woah.png">Woah. N-Nice technique.</state> <state img="6-flustered.png">I'm gonnd be honest---this is really hot and I kind of want to be the one touching you. Is that weird?</state> <state img="6-flustered.png"><i>(Don't drool, Mae. Seriously, you're not a dog!)</i></state> <state img="6-flustered.png">I feel like a pervert. And yet... wow. H-How can this not turn anyone on?</state> <state img="6-eyes.png" marker="flirt_maybe">Hey ~name~! How can I help speed up the process! I can flirt with you if you want that!</state> <state img="6-eyes.png">Hehehe... Faaaaantastic!</state> <state img="6-neutral.png">Moan for me, baby... Yeah, I can't do a good seductive voice. Just pretend I never said that.</state> <state img="6-woah.png">I'm really seeing this... This is real.</state> <state img="6-flustered.png"><i>(I'm seriously enjoying this. I'm seriously getting turned on from this. What's wrong with me?)</i></state> <state img="6-thinking.png">I remember me and my friend having a conversation about a bunch of strangers coming here just for porn. This place is just like that, isn't it?</state> <state img="6-woah.png">I kind of want a closer look.</state> <state img="6-sweat.png">Wow...</state> </case> <case tag="female_masturbating" target="akko" targetSayingMarker="akko_first_climax"> <state img="6-eh.png">Huh. That was quick.</state> </case> <case tag="female_masturbating" target="akko" targetSayingMarker="akko_second_climax"> <state img="6-eyes.png">Encore!!</state> </case> <case tag="female_masturbating" target="akko" targetSayingMarker="akko_third_climax"> <state img="6-surprise.png">Again!? Jeez, I can't take no more than two at a time!</state> </case> <case tag="female_masturbating" target="akko" targetTimeInStage="4" targetSaidMarker="akko_first_climax"> <state img="6-woah.png">Seriously? Jeez, I wish I had that sort of stamina!</state> <state img="6-woah.png">Seriously? Well, since you took such a short time, I guess it's well-deserved? I think?</state> </case> <case tag="female_masturbating" target="elizabeth" notSaidMarker="elizabeth_masturbation2"> <state img="6-smug.png" marker="elizabeth_masturbation2">Would you guys have sex with your clone? I know I would. Hell, if I could, I'd clone myself a bunch of times and have sex with them all, because that's how pro-clone sex I am.</state> <state img="6-thinking.png" marker="elizabeth_masturbation2">Would you guys have sex with your clone? I know I would... unless my clone was evil.</state> <state img="6-smug.png" marker="elizabeth_masturbation2">Would you guys have sex with your clone? I know I would. I mean, who knows how to pleasure <i>me</i> better than <i>me?</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_masturbating" target="miko" notSaidMarker="discomfort" priority="9100"> <state img="6-surprise.png" marker="discomfort">(mild discomfort)</state> </case> <case tag="female_masturbating" target="moon" priority="1"> <state img="6-stare.png">...</state> <state img="6-eh.png">(discomfort)</state> <state img="6-annoyed.png">Shut. Up.</state> </case> <case tag="female_masturbating" totalMasturbating="4-" notSaidMarker="masturbationorgy"> <state img="6-surprise.png" marker="masturbationorgy">Has this become a masturbation orgy!?</state> </case> <case tag="female_heavy_masturbating"> <state img="6-flustered.png">Are you close? I can only assume 'cause you're... umm...</state> <state img="6-eh.png">You're almost there! Just... keep doing your thing.</state> <state img="6-flustered.png">Jeez, I think you're going to... Well, let nothing hold you back.</state> <state img="6-smug.png"><i>(I bet she's having such a good time. I bet she's having a ball!)</i></state> <state img="6-eh.png">Umm...</state> </case> <case tag="female_heavy_masturbating" target="moon"> <state img="6-annoyed.png">....</state> </case> <case tag="female_finished_masturbating"> <state img="6-woah.png">Woah, you're soaking... down there, I meant.</state> <state img="6-eh.png">That sounded intense.</state> <state img="6-flustered.png">Seeing you like that... I bet l-losing isn't that bad.</state> <state img="6-woah.png">That was... wow. Just wow.</state> </case> <case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="aimee"> <state img="6-terror.png">Gah! I didn't there'd be so much... D-Didn't we tell you to be careful!?</state> <state img="6-terror.png">HOLY---You just shot yourself in the arm! Why the hell did you even decide to <i>bring a gun here!</i></state> <state img="6-terror.png">Ohgodohgodohgod, okay, not going back to that time! Are you okay!?</state> </case> <case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="akko"> <state img="6-terror.png">HOLY CRAP, MY EYES!</state> </case> <case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="felicia"> <state img="6-stare.png">Okay, even <i>I'm</i> starting to get sick of those cat puns. Not even I make that many!</state> <state img="6-annoyed.png">We get it, you think you're a cat. <i>(Then again, so do I... but you don't see ME being so blatant about it!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="leggy"> <state img="6-eh.png">Umm... Do you do this often, or...?</state> </case> <case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="moon"> <state img="6-eh.png">Eww...</state> </case> <case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="pinkie_pie" targetSayingMarker="pop"> <state img="6-surprise.png">Ouch...</state> </case> <case tag="must_masturbate_first"> <state img="6-terror.png" marker="firstout">Wait, WHAT!?</state> <state img="6-terror.png" marker="firstout">I'm sorry---WHAT!?</state> </case> <case tag="must_masturbate_first" alsoPlaying="moon" alsoPlayingStage="0" priority="11"> <state img="6-laugh.png">Pfffft.... Hahahahahaha! Holy <i>crap</i>, her face!</state> </case> <case tag="must_masturbate_first" alsoPlaying="moon" alsoPlayingStage="1-7" priority="10"> <state img="6-laugh.png">Pfffft... hahaha... Holy crap, how desperate <i>are</i> you?</state> </case> <case tag="must_masturbate"> <state img="6-terror.png">Noooooooooo!</state> <state img="6-terror.png" marker="freakout">N-No! I won't do it! I won't--</state> </case> <case tag="must_masturbate" alsoPlaying="moon" alsoPlayingStage="0" priority="9991"> <state img="6-laugh.png">Pfffft.... Hahahahahaha! Holy <i>crap</i>, her face!</state> </case> <case tag="must_masturbate" alsoPlaying="moon" alsoPlayingStage="1-7" priority="9989"> <state img="6-laugh.png">Pfffft... hahaha... Holy crap, how desperate <i>are</i> you?</state> </case> <case tag="must_masturbate" alsoPlaying="moon" alsoPlayingStage="8"> <state img="6-terror.png">Oh no... I have to masturbate <i>with her!?</i> I feel like just being around her is gonna give me a gross STD!</state> </case> <case tag="must_masturbate" alsoPlaying="sakura" alsoPlayingSaidMarker="die_anywhere_else" alsoPlayingNotSaidMarker="mae_covers2"> <state img="6-neutral.png">...No. I don't wanna hear a song I do at band practice while I'm jilling it.</state> </case> <case tag="must_masturbate" alsoPlaying="sakura" alsoPlayingSaidMarker="mae_ghosts" alsoPlayingNotSaidMarker="mae_covers2"> <state img="6-neutral.png">...No. I don't wanna hear a song I do at band practice while I'm jilling it.</state> </case> <case tag="must_masturbate" alsoPlaying="sakura" alsoPlayingSaidMarker="weird_autumn" alsoPlayingNotSaidMarker="mae_covers2"> <state img="6-neutral.png">...No. I don't wanna hear a song I do at band practice while I'm jilling it.</state> </case> <case tag="must_masturbate" saidMarker="last_round"> <state img="6-welp.png">Nooooo....</state> <state img="6-annoyed.png">Damnit... I guess you won.</state> </case> <case tag="must_masturbate" saidMarker="last_round_bluff"> <state img="6-welp.png" marker="lastround_loss">...Oh. You see I was <i>pretending</i> to be nervous because I thought I would win. But now I just feel stupid.</state> </case> <case tag="must_masturbate" totalFinished="1-" priority="15"> <state img="6-embarrassed.png">I-I-It's fine! Someone else has done it.</state> </case> <case tag="must_masturbate" totalMasturbating="1" totalFinished="0"> <state img="6-annoyed.png">I-I-It's fine! Someone else is doing it. You can all look at that person instead, because it won't be <i>nearly</i> as hot if I were doing that.</state> <state img="6-embarrassed.png">Ughhhh. I guess I gotta join you.</state> </case> <case tag="start_masturbating"> <state img="6-start_annoyed.png">Fine. Whatever. I'm only doing this because I'm no coward.</state> <state img="6-start_annoyed.png">Fine. I'm better at masturbating than being naked in public anyways.</state> <state img="6-start_annoyed.png">Ugh. You're lucky I'm good at fingering myself.</state> </case> <case tag="start_masturbating" alsoPlaying="akko" alsoPlayingStage="0"> <state img="6-start_annoyed.png">Akko... don't tell me you were rigging the game with your magic somehow! Being a witch shouldn't have anything to do with how well you play this stupid card game.</state> </case> <case tag="start_masturbating" alsoPlaying="moon" alsoPlayingStage="0-6"> <state img="6-smug.png">And here I thought <i>I</i> was pathetic. Somehow, you took it to an all-new low. Normally, this would be really tragic and I wouldn't find this funny, but... Wow. Just wow.</state> </case> <case tag="start_masturbating" alsoPlaying="moon" alsoPlayingStage="8"> <state img="6-start_annoyed.png">I feel gross just being several feet near her. Ewww...</state> </case> <case tag="start_masturbating" alsoPlaying="roxie"> <state img="6-start_annoyed.png">I... That actually kinda helps.</state> </case> <case tag="start_masturbating" saidMarker="firstout"> <condition count="0" status="not_finished" role="opp" /> <state img="6-start_annoyed.png">What the hell!? Nobody told me I had to do this!! That's bullshit!</state> </case> <case tag="start_masturbating"> <condition count="1" filter="spirit" /> <condition count="0" filter="pit" /> <state img="6-start_annoyed.png">Y'know, I heard of a story about this girl who got fingered by a ghost.. and I'd rather not be that girl. So if the ghost can stay away from me, that'd be great.</state> </case> <case tag="start_masturbating"> <condition count="2-4" filter="spirit" /> <state img="6-start_annoyed.png">Y'know, I heard of a story about this girl who got fingered by a ghost.. and I'd rather not be that girl. So if these ghosts can stay away from me, that'd be great.</state> </case> <case tag="start_masturbating" saidMarker="freakout"> <state img="6-start_angry.png">Grrr... Fine!</state> </case> <case tag="game_over_victory"> <state img="6-woah.png">Holy crap, that was close!!</state> <state img="6-woah.png">That was way too close!</state> <state img="6-woah.png">Woah, I won! By, like, the skin of my teeth!</state> </case> <case tag="global" alsoPlaying="leggy" alsoPlayingStage="5" alsoPlayingTimeInStage="1-" notSaidMarker="leggyisgonnafuckingdie"> <state img="6-thinking.png" marker="leggyisgonnafuckingdie">...Is it gonna grow back before the weather turns cold? If not, I think you just doomed yourself, Leggy. You're not gonna last the winter.</state> </case> <case tag="global" alsoPlaying="pit" alsoPlayingSayingMarker="sacredbuns" priority="9999"> <state img="6-hype.png">YES!! Sacred buns!</state> </case> </stage> <stage id="7"> <case tag="male_must_strip"> <state img="7-neutral.png">Err... If me masturbating makes you uncomfortable, take off something big. I'll probably finish faster that way.</state> <state img="7-welp.png">Is this the part where you mock me by taking off something small?</state> <state img="7-welp.png">Whoppee, the game is still going on.</state> <state img="7-stare.png">What now?</state> <state img="7-eh.png">~Name~ now? Well, at least ~name~ is attractive.</state> </case> <case tag="male_must_strip" target="pit" targetStage="0"> <state img="7-surprise.png"><i>(Woah, an angel? So that's not an ordinary swan I'm seeing---he's a legitimate angel!?)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_must_strip"> <state img="7-neutral.png">Err... If me masturbating makes you uncomfortable, take off something big. I'll probably finish faster that way.</state> <state img="7-welp.png">Is this the part where you mock me by taking off something small?</state> <state img="7-welp.png">Whoppee, the game is still going on.</state> <state img="7-stare.png">What now?</state> <state img="7-eh.png">~Name~ now? Well, at least ~name~ is attractive.</state> </case> <case tag="female_must_strip" target="florina" targetSayingMarker="bee"> <state img="7-terror.png">Not the bees!</state> </case> <case tag="female_must_strip" target="kizuna" targetSayingMarker="kizuna_start_naked"> <state img="7-stare.png">That's no excuse. Get stripping, missy.</state> </case> <case tag="female_must_strip" target="rinkah" targetStage="0" priority="10000"> <state img="7-surprise.png"><i>(Holy... crap...)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_must_strip" target="rinkah" targetStage="1" priority="10000"> <state img="7-surprise.png"><i>(It's her turn to strip again!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_must_strip" target="rinkah" targetStage="2" priority="10000"> <state img="7-flustered.png"><i>She's so positive too, so confident and strong yet kind... Damn it, I'm falling in love with this dumb, hot girl! I shouldn't be falling for her, but... Arghhh!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_must_strip" target="rinkah" targetStage="3"> <state img="7-thinking.png"><i>(Okay... What else does she have?)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_must_strip" target="rinkah" targetStage="4"> <state img="7-eyes.png">Princess...</state> </case> <case tag="female_must_strip" target="rinkah" targetStage="5"> <state img="7-eh.png">J-Join the nudity club already. You already made it clear you don't give a crap. And...</state> </case> <case tag="female_must_strip" target="syrenne" targetStage="0"> <state img="7-annoyed.png"><i>(Blegh. Alcoholics like her make me feel queasy...)</i></state> </case> <case tag="tie"> <state img="7-surprise.png">What the---is that even possible?</state> <state img="7-why.png">HOW!?</state> <state img="7-thinking.png">So, uhh... What now?</state> </case> <case tag="male_removing_accessory"> <state img="7-welp.png">Ugh.</state> <state img="7-welp.png">Why are you so good at this game?</state> <state img="7-angry.png">Yeah, laugh it up, asshole. I'll beat you at something else.</state> <state img="7-why.png">I am SO angry at you right now!</state> <state img="7-why.png">Why?</state> <state img="7-angry.png">Can't you just make this less embarrassing for me?</state> <state img="7-why.png">I have to touch myself in front of these people!</state> </case> <case tag="male_removing_accessory" filter="red_eyes" saidMarker="nightmareyesclub_marker" notSaidMarker="kickedoutoftheclub"> <state img="7-annoyed.png" marker="kickedoutoftheclub">...Your membership from the "Nightmare Eyes" club has been hereby revoked.</state> </case> <case tag="male_removing_accessory" target="kamina" targetStage="2"> <state img="7-eh.png">Why does it feel like your pants would just... slide off without that belt?</state> <state img="7-annoyed.png">Maaaan... And here I thought you were cool.</state> </case> <case tag="male_removing_accessory" target="pit" targetStage="0"> <state img="7-thinking.png"><i>(That explains the greek-themed clothing he's wearing. Jeez, I hate how everyone I see is an animal.)</i></state> </case> <case tag="male_removing_accessory" target="pit" targetStage="1"> <state img="7-stare.png">What's the point of that sash? Is this just for uniform or something? A show of dominance.</state> </case> <case tag="male_removing_accessory" targetStage="1-8" targetStatus="not_decent" priority="999"> <state img="7-eh.png" marker="sparedfromherwrath*">You know what? Since you took off something big first, I guess I can forgive that...</state> </case> <case tag="male_removed_accessory"> <state img="7-welp.png">Ugh.</state> <state img="7-eh.png">Why are you so good at this game?</state> <state img="7-why.png">Yeah, laugh it up, asshole. I'll beat you at something else.</state> <state img="7-welp.png"><i>Please let this be it.</i></state> <state img="7-why.png">Just get on with your stupid game already!</state> <state img="7-angry.png">Can't you just make this less embarrassing for me?</state> <state img="7-neutral.png">Seriously? You have no mercy, do you?</state> <state img="7-stare.png">Hate. Let me tell you how much I've come to hate you since I began playing this game. There are million of cells inside of me. If the word hate was engraved on each cell of mine, it would not equal one one-billionth of the hate I feel at this micro-instant for you. Hate. Hate.</state> </case> <case tag="male_removed_accessory" target="kamina" targetStage="3"> <state img="7-smug.png">That'd honestly be pretty hilarious. Like the slapstick comedy that seems to be my life sometimes.</state> <state img="7-surprise.png" marker="gravitypants">Nope. Still on. Apparently those pants defy gravity or something! Man, that'd be revolutionary!</state> <state img="7-stare.png" marker="kamina_maedisappoint">I guess not even the mighty Kamina can live up to this cat's ridiculous expectations, huh?</state> </case> <case tag="male_removed_accessory" target="pit" targetStage="1"> <state img="7-stare.png">Hmm? No, I wasn't staring at you, Pit. You must be seeing things.</state> </case> <case tag="male_removed_accessory" target="pit" targetStage="2"> <state img="7-neutral.png">I know jack about greek culture. Which is weird because I always thought angels were associated with Christianity. Then again, I also thought angels were fictional.</state> </case> <case tag="male_removed_accessory" targetStage="1-8" targetStatus="not_decent" priority="3"> <state img="7-thinking.png">Weird strategy, though.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_accessory"> <state img="7-angry.png">Your ~clothing~? Seriously, ~name~!?</state> <state img="7-angry.png">~Clothing~. Small, insignificant ~clothing~.</state> <state img="7-why.png">I am SO angry at you right now!</state> <state img="7-why.png">Give me a break! At least take off something minor!</state> <state img="7-why.png">Are you kidding!? I have to touch myself in front of everyone!</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_accessory" filter="red_eyes" saidMarker="nightmareyesclub_marker" notSaidMarker="kickedoutoftheclub"> <state img="7-annoyed.png" marker="kickedoutoftheclub">...Your membership from the "Nightmare Eyes" club has been hereby revoked.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="blake" targetStage="5"> <state img="7-surprise.png">Wait, what? What's this?</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="futaba" targetStage="1" priority="999"> <state img="7-smug.png">I. Want. Those. Boots.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="lucina" targetStage="0"> <state img="7-surprise.png">Eh!?</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="pinkie_pie" targetStage="5"> <state img="7-eh.png"><i>(Aw man, but the stockings-only look was hot...)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="rinkah" targetStage="0" priority="10000"> <state img="7-eh.png"><i>(This Rinkah girl... She could probably suplex me without any trouble!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="rinkah" targetStage="1" priority="9999"> <state img="7-flustered.png">Those gloves you took off earlier look heavy... I-Is that how you build muscle?</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="rinkah" targetStage="2" priority="10000"> <state img="7-eh.png"><i>(Abs like solid rock. I'd probably hurt my hand trying to punch her the stomach...)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_accessory" targetStage="1-8" targetStatus="not_decent"> <test expr="~name~" cmp="!=" value="Kyu" /> <state img="7-eh.png" marker="sparedfromherwrath*">You know what? Since you took off something big first, I guess I can forgive that...</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_accessory"> <state img="7-welp.png">Ugh.</state> <state img="7-eh.png">Why are you so good at this game?</state> <state img="7-why.png">Yeah, laugh it up, asshole. I'll beat you at something else.</state> <state img="7-welp.png"><i>Please let this be it.</i></state> <state img="7-why.png">Just get on with your stupid game already!</state> <state img="7-angry.png">Can't you just make this less embarrassing for me?</state> <state img="7-neutral.png">Seriously? You have no mercy, do you?</state> <state img="7-stare.png">Hate. Let me tell you how much I've come to hate you since I began playing this game. There are million of cells inside of me. If the word hate was engraved on each cell of mine, it would not equal one one-billionth of the hate I feel at this micro-instant for you. Hate. Hate.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="blake" targetStage="6"> <state img="7-stare.png" marker="blakereveal">Oh... This whole time, you were... secretly a cat?</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="futaba" targetStage="2" priority="1001"> <state img="7-eh.png">Seriously, they're actually my aesthetic... I don't know how to use that word, but I do want boots like yours!</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="lucina"> <state img="7-eh.png" marker="thisisreal1">...And you chose to disguise yourself <i>why</i>? Are you from some sort of fantasty setting or am I just... Oh god...</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="natsuki" targetStage="1"> <state img="7-stare.png">Fine. Not like I'd want to play strip poker with an asshole like you anyways.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="pinkie_pie" targetStage="6"> <state img="7-flustered.png">You're weird, but in this case, I do like weird... Show me more party tricks!</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="rinkah" targetStage="1"> <state img="7-surprise.png">...Please don't hurt me Rinkah...</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="rinkah" targetStage="2"> <state img="7-eh.png">Although I guess it's too late to ask since youve already took off your boots... <i>(Ughh! I am such an idiot!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="rinkah" targetStage="3"> <state img="7-welp.png">....</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_accessory" targetStage="1-8" targetStatus="not_decent"> <test expr="~name~" cmp="!=" value="Kyu" /> <state img="7-stare.png">Weird strategy, though.</state> </case> <case tag="male_removing_minor"> <state img="7-angry.png">Screw you.</state> <state img="7-annoyed.png">That's barely anything! I mean, it's better than an accessory, but you're just dragging the game on.</state> <state img="7-annoyed.png">Just your ~clothing~? You're kidding me. Uggghhhh, you're pissing me off!</state> </case> <case tag="male_removing_minor" target="kamina" targetStage="1"> <state img="7-neutral.png">Should I wear armwraps too? I tend to hurt my hands a lot.</state> </case> <case tag="male_removing_minor" target="kamina" targetStage="6" priority="855"> <state img="7-thinking.png">Saving the cape for last, I see.</state> </case> <case tag="male_removing_minor" target="pit" targetStage="2"> <state img="7-thinking.png">These are the most impractical sandals I ever saw. How the hell do you even run in the---?</state> </case> <case tag="male_removing_minor" targetStage="1-8" targetStatus="not_decent"> <state img="7-eh.png" marker="sparedfromherwrath*">You know what? Since you took off something big first, I guess I can forgive that...</state> </case> <case tag="male_removed_minor"> <state img="7-annoyed.png">Well at least it's <i>something</i>?</state> <state img="7-angry.png">What the hell am I supposed to say here!? Oh, I know: you're a dick.</state> <state img="7-welp.png">Whatever. Nice ~clothing~. Now let's get moving.</state> </case> <case tag="male_removed_minor" target="kamina" targetStage="2"> <state img="7-thinking.png">And not just from knife fights. Only my knuckles seem to be injured there.</state> </case> <case tag="male_removed_minor" target="kamina" targetStage="7"> <state img="7-eh.png">I mean... You could've used that to cover yourself. <i>(That's what I should've done...)</i></state> </case> <case tag="male_removed_minor" target="pit" targetStage="3"> <state img="7-surprise.png">Ohhhhh, right, you have wings. My bad.</state> </case> <case tag="male_removed_minor" target="ryuji" targetSayingMarker="wince" priority="555"> <state img="7-eh.png">Ouch. You okay?</state> </case> <case tag="male_removed_minor" targetStage="1-8" targetStatus="not_decent"> <state img="7-thinking.png">Weird strategy, though.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_minor"> <state img="7-angry.png">Screw you.</state> <state img="7-annoyed.png">That's barely anything! I mean, it's better than an accessory, but you're just dragging the game on.</state> <state img="7-annoyed.png">Just your ~clothing~? You're kidding me. Uggghhhh, you're pissing me off!</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_minor" target="catria" targetStage="3"> <state img="7-surprise.png">H-Hey! We can see your ass, y'know!</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_minor" target="futaba" targetStage="0" priority="555"> <state img="7-stare.png">Ooooh, lucky you. Cute people are usually not into girls like me. For good reason. <i>(Not like she needs to know why most of the town calls me "Killer".)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_minor" target="futaba" targetStage="3" priority="10000"> <state img="7-neutral.png">Are those not uncomfortable? Or is it so cold where you're from that you need to keep your legs warm?</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_minor" target="kyoko" targetStage="5" priority="545"> <state img="7-eh.png">...Oh...</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_minor" target="natsuki" targetStage="2"> <state img="7-thinking.png">I wouldn't know. English is not my strong suit.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_minor" target="sakura" targetStage="1" priority="540"> <state img="7-surprise.png"><i>(What the---grey skin?)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_minor" target="sakura" targetStage="2" priority="545"> <state img="7-surprise.png" marker="sakura_reveal">Seriously!? You're a zombie!</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_minor" target="sakura" targetStage="3" targetSayingMarker="headless"> <state img="7-heavy_b.png">Woah, don't lose your head now! Ahahahahahaha!!</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_minor" targetStage="1-8" targetStatus="not_decent"> <test expr="~name~" cmp="!=" value="Kyu" /> <state img="7-eh.png" marker="sparedfromherwrath*">You know what? Since you took off something big first, I guess I can forgive that...</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_minor"> <state img="7-annoyed.png">Well at least it's <i>something</i>?</state> <state img="7-annoyed.png">What the hell am I supposed to say here!? Oh, I know: you're a dick.</state> <state img="7-welp.png">Whatever. Nice ~clothing~. Now let's get moving.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="emi" targetStage="7"> <state img="7-surprise.png">Wait... Prosthetics!? I'm sorry, but if you mentioned having prosthetic legs before, I wasn't paying attention.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="futaba"> <state img="7-stare.png">Part of your thigh is exposed though, so it must be some weird fashion statement I never heard of.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="futaba" targetStage="1"> <state img="7-neutral.png">Just looking at you makes me wanna snuggle up against you and play video games on your TV all day.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="kyoko" targetStage="6"> <state img="7-welp.png"><i>(Well that just killed the mood.)</i></state> <state img="7-welp.png">I, uh, don't know what to say. I'm sorry.</state> <state img="7-welp.png">Jeez... I'm sorry.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="sakura" targetStage="2"> <state img="7-annoyed.png">You got a little something on your thighs. If we can have an explanation, that'd be neat.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="sakura" targetStage="3"> <state img="7-flustered.png"><i>(Aren't zombies supposed to be living corpses with rotting flesh? What's concerning is that she's STILL cute despite that!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="sakura" targetStage="3" alsoPlaying="saki_zls" alsoPlayingStage="6"> <state img="7-smug.png">Aha! There's a zombie uprising going on, isn't it? No wonder you know each other so well! Too bad I was prepared from the very beginning!</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="sakura" targetStage="4" alsoPlaying="saki_zls" alsoPlayingStage="7" saidMarker="loseyourhead"> <state img="7-smug.png">Hahaha... hah... Man, you girls are a goldmine for lame puns. I need to work on my comedian routine. Could you help me out?</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="sakura" targetStage="4" saidMarker="loseyourhead"> <state img="7-smug.png">Hahaha... hah... Man, you're a goldmine for lame puns. I need to work on my comedian routine. Could you help me out?</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_minor" targetStage="1-8" targetStatus="not_decent"> <test expr="~name~" cmp="!=" value="Kyu" /> <state img="7-thinking.png">Weird strategy, though.</state> </case> <case tag="male_removing_major"> <state img="7-smug.png">Now that's what I'm talking about!</state> <state img="7-heavy_b.png">Heh... This game isn't so bad.</state> <state img="7-heavy_b.png">Nice. Fantastic. Excellent. I'm geniunely excited for this.</state> <state img="7-flirt.png">You're doing me a huge favor here.</state> </case> <case tag="male_removing_major" target="kamina" targetStage="3" saidMarker="kamina_maedisappoint"> <state img="7-smug.png" marker="null_disappoint">Heh-hey, there we go!</state> </case> <case tag="male_removed_major"> <state img="7-smug.png" marker="lostmajor">Just keep it going.</state> <state img="7-smug.png" marker="lostmajor">Nice. Very nice. I'm pleased.</state> <state img="7-flustered.png" marker="lostmajor"><i>(~name~ is cute... Damn, me and my bisexual ass...)</i></state> <state img="7-eh.png" marker="lostmajor">So many attractive people, so little time...</state> </case> <case tag="male_removed_major" target="kamina" targetStage="4" saidMarker="null_disappoint"> <state img="7-neutral.png">Okay, now you're cool again. In these horrifying red eyes, at least.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_major"> <state img="7-smug.png">Now that's what I'm talking about!</state> <state img="7-heavy_b.png">Heh... This game isn't so bad.</state> <state img="7-heavy_b.png">Nice. Fantastic. Excellent. I'm geniunely excited for this.</state> <state img="7-flirt.png">You're doing me a huge favor here.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_major" target="aimee"> <state img="7-terror.png">WHAT THE HELL!?</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_major" target="emi" targetStage="7"> <state img="7-surprise.png">Your <i>legs!?</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_major" target="futaba" targetStage="2"> <state img="7-thinking.png">Now you have me wondering---do <i>you</i> wear underwear?</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_major" target="hk416" targetStage="3"> <state img="7-neutral.png">Classy jacket you got there. Looks warm too.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_major" target="pinkie_pie" targetStage="0"> <state img="7-surprise.png">Woah, she's already livening things up!</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_major" target="pinkie_pie" targetStage="1"> <state img="7-flustered.png">I like this girl. A lot.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_major" target="saki_zls" targetStage="5"> <state img="7-why.png">Makeup doesn't count, asshole! You can't---!</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_major"> <state img="7-smug.png">Just keep it going.</state> <state img="7-smug.png">Nice. Very nice. I'm pleased.</state> <state img="7-flustered.png"><i>(~name~ is cute... Damn, me and my bisexual ass...)</i></state> <state img="7-eh.png">So many attractive people, so little time...</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_major" target="aimee" targetStage="1"> <state img="7-why.png">Wh... What? WHAT!? <i>WHY!?</i></state> <state img="7-why.png">Wh... What the hell is WRONG with you!?</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_major" target="emi" targetStage="8"> <state img="7-eh.png">Holy crap, you're determined!</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_major" target="futaba"> <state img="7-stare.png">So technically the shirt <i>was</i> your underwear. But now it's not, since you're wearing nothing over it. Clever.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_major" target="hk416" targetStage="4" priority="205"> <state img="7-surprise.png">Annnnd you're not wearing anything but a bra underneath it!</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_major" target="natsuki" targetStage="5"> <state img="7-surprise.png"><i>(That "oversized shirt with no pants" look is really hot... Oh god, now I feel gross. Jeez, I really hope this girl is legal...)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_major" target="natsuki" targetStage="5" alsoPlaying="pit"> <state img="7-flustered.png"><i>(Yeah... What he said.)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_major" target="natsuki" targetStage="6" priority="111"> <state img="7-surprise.png">Holy crap... That's adorable!</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_major" target="rinkah"> <state img="7-surprise.png">W-Wait, we can see your---!</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_major" target="saki_zls" targetStage="6"> <state img="7-terror.png">Gah! Not the ice bucket!</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_major" target="syrenne" targetStage="1"> <state img="7-stare.png">There's other things you can strip that are <i>not</i> your headband though.</state> </case> <case tag="male_chest_will_be_visible"> <state img="7-eh.png">I guess this could help.</state> <state img="7-flustered.png"><i>(Oooh, this could help speed things up!)</i></state> <state img="7-heavy_b.png">Heh, your shirtlessness would be greatly appreciated. Seriously, I need all the masturbation material I could get.</state> </case> <case tag="male_chest_is_visible"> <state img="7-flirt.png" marker="flirting_i_guess=1">Maybe if I flirt with you, you'll take off your pants too?</state> <state img="7-smug.png">Haha... Next time, just get naked. You'll be doing me a favor.</state> <state img="7-eyes.png">There we go. No more of your dumb ~clothing~. Everyone's happier this way.</state> </case> <case tag="male_chest_is_visible" target="9s"> <state img="7-stare.png">...Can I ask what happened to your nipples?</state> </case> <case tag="male_crotch_will_be_visible"> <state img="7-smug.png">Heh. This is it, ladies and gentlemen.</state> <state img="7-stare.png">You saw my naked body. Fair's fair, ~name~.</state> <state img="7-annoyed.png">Should I be excited... I mean, it's a penis, but... It's more or less the butt that's more attractive to me.</state> <state img="7-smug.png" marker="DICKS">Time to see his member. His schlong. His johnson. His manhood. His willy...</state> </case> <case tag="male_small_crotch_is_visible"> <state img="7-neutral.png">...Something tells me I should be laughing. I'm not.</state> <state img="7-stare.png">Soooooo, apparently you're smaller than average? Judging by everyone else's reactions?</state> <state img="7-eh.png">Is... Is it small? I dunno what counts as "average" size for penis just by sight. I'm not a dick professional.</state> <state img="7-thinking.png"><i>(Huh... Either porn is extremely unrealistic or his is not as big as it should be.)</i></state> </case> <case tag="male_medium_crotch_is_visible"> <state img="7-neutral.png">It feels weird having an actual penis right next to you when you're masturbating.</state> <state img="7-thinking.png"><i>(I wonder how that'd feel inside of... yeah, let's not continue. Back to jilling and trying not to drool over these people.)</i></state> <state img="7-stare.png" marker="malebutts">Could you just... turn around, ~name~? I prefer seeing a butt over a penis. Does that sound weird? It sounds weird saying it out loud.</state> </case> <case tag="male_medium_crotch_is_visible" target="ryuji" targetSayingMarker="ass" priority="445"> <state img="7-smug.png"><i>(Nice.)</i></state> </case> <case tag="male_large_crotch_is_visible"> <state img="7-surprise.png">H-How would that even fit!?</state> <state img="7-terror.png">Err...</state> <state img="7-terror.png"><i>(Gah!! I do <i>not</i> want that near my privates!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="male_large_crotch_is_visible" target="mettaton"> <state img="7-why.png">What the---I know you're not human, but this is just ridiculous!!</state> </case> <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible"> <state img="7-eyes.png">Yeeesssss...</state> <state img="7-heavy_a.png">Oh god... yes... yes please!</state> <state img="7-masturbate_b.png">Show... Show me the boobs!</state> </case> <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" target="florina" targetSayingMarker="bee3" priority="9998"> <state img="7-surprise.png">Holy <i>crap</i>, these bees show up at the worst moments!</state> </case> <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" target="futaba"> <state img="7-surprise.png">Erm... I guess I'll be seeing your boobs, Oracle! This isn't something new friends shouldn't do though...</state> </case> <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" target="kyu"> <state img="7-surprise.png">...Witchcraft!</state> </case> <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" target="kyu" targetSaying="This totally isn't some deus-ex-machina cop-out to avoid having to put any effort into another stripping sprite, by the way. In case you were wondering."> <state img="7-stare.png">But... wouldn't that stripping pose take just as much effort, if not <i>more?</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" target="moon" priority="10000"> <state img="7-why.png">FOR THE LAST TIME, I DON'T WANT TO SEE YOUR CHEST!</state> </case> <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" target="natsuki"> <state img="7-stare.png">Guess I'm not the only one embarrassing myself tonight.</state> </case> <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" target="rinkah" priority="9994"> <state img="7-eh.png">It doesn't hurt to bind your chest---?</state> </case> <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" target="saki_zls"> <state img="7-heavy_b.png">Hehehe... Looks like you're getting <i>a-head</i> of yourself now!</state> </case> <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" totalRounds="0-5"> <state img="7-surprise.png">The game JUST started, what the heck!?</state> </case> <case tag="female_small_chest_is_visible"> <state img="7-smug.png">Oh!! Finally, someone who's more flat than I am! Even if it's not by much.</state> <state img="7-thinking.png">I... think we're about the same? How does one measure boobs again? Bea bought me that bra so I wouldn't know.</state> </case> <case tag="female_small_chest_is_visible" target="futaba"> <state img="7-flustered.png">Honestly? I-I'm kinda happy you're also pretty flat. I mean, at least we're in this together!</state> </case> <case tag="female_small_chest_is_visible" target="natsuki"> <state img="7-smug.png">Itty-bitty titty committee? How many members did you manage to find?</state> </case> <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible"> <state img="7-surprise.png"><i>(Oh crud, what do I do, WHAT DO I SAY!?)</i></state> <state img="7-flustered.png"><i>(Yup! Real boobs! Someone else's boobs! Right in front of me!)</i></state> <state img="7-surprise.png"><i>(Must... not... squeeze... Do I squeeze my own? What do I do?)</i></state> <state img="7-flustered.png">Umm... Nice... boobs? G... Great tits? Sure as hell bigger than mine.</state> <state img="7-flustered.png">~Name~ has better boobs! Look at her boobs instead!</state> </case> <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="calisto" priority="15"> <state img="7-surprise.png">That <i>has</i> to be uncomfortable! Doesn't it feel like you're having a wedgie!?</state> </case> <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="florina"> <state img="7-annoyed.png">Now the reveal is kinda ruined, even if her tits are kind of cute... One of us should get some pesticide.</state> </case> <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="moon"> <state img="7-stare.png">...You have no idea how much I want to stab you and throw your filthy body into a river.</state> </case> <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="rinkah" priority="9997"> <state img="7-surprise.png">Ohhhhh my good lord...</state> <state img="7-surprise.png">W-Wow... How is your body so... <i>(perfect!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_large_chest_is_visible"> <state img="7-annoyed.png"><i>(Nope. Totally not jealous.)</i></state> <state img="7-annoyed.png"><i>(Hmmph. I bet ~name~ has a lot of back pain. Yeah, I lucked out by having small boobs! Stupid ~name~ and her dumb, massive boobs...)</i></state> <state img="7-annoyed.png"><i>(Good, now ~name~ has all the attention... Not like I'm jealous or anything. Nope, could care less about the differences.)</i></state> <state img="7-eh.png"><i>(Yeesh, they're so big... And mine are so.... Gah, why should that matter!?)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_large_chest_is_visible" filter="pierced_nipples" priority="155"> <state img="7-flustered.png"><i>(Holy shit, AND they're pierced!? Holy...)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_large_chest_is_visible" target="jura" targetSayingMarker="butt"> <state img="7-annoyed.png"><i>(Ugh, AND she has an amazing ass too? This is why I hate hot girls like her sometimes. Nearly everything they do makes you self-concious about yourself.)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_chest_is_visible" filter="confident" targetStatus="not_crotch_visible"> <state img="7-smug.png">Might as well take off everything, with how much you don't care. Makes things go faster.</state> </case> <case tag="female_chest_is_visible" filter="no_bra"> <state img="7-eh.png">Of course when I start wearing bras, I have to show the goods before someone who forgoes bras. Irony is so cruel...</state> </case> <case tag="female_chest_is_visible" filter="pierced_nipples"> <state img="7-eyes.png">Oh... That's <i>hot</i>...</state> <state img="7-heavy_b.png">Oh, this... this is beautiful. This is seriously going to help...</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible"> <state img="7-flustered.png">Eye for an eye and a... okay, I think I'll leave it at that.</state> <state img="7-eh.png" marker="regret">I feel like I'll regret whatever I say here. Like, what do I even say here? "Oh boy, we're gonna see someone's vagina!"</state> <state img="7-flustered.png">Umm... I showed you <i>everything</i> so... this is the least you could do... I think?</state> <state img="7-flustered.png">Umm... I showed you <i>everything</i>. And I'm masturbating, so...</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" filter="thong" priority="155"> <state img="7-eh.png">If I had to be honest, thongs look like the most uncomfortable things on the planet.</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="leggy"> <state img="7-flustered.png">It feels weird seeing you about to get naked knowing you're not actually human...</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="moon"> <state img="7-terror.png">I don't want to see it! It's probably filthy. And full of gross STDs. And a bunch of other gross things! Can I go home now!?</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="rinkah" priority="9998"> <state img="7-eh.png">W-Well I've already seen your pubes!</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="sakura"> <state img="7-surprise.png">Oh boy! Zombie... pussy...</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" targetStatus="chest_visible"> <state img="7-flustered.png">I guess you're gonna show us the package deal! I mean, I already showed you <i>all of me</i>, so...</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible"> <state img="7-neutral.png">Oh boy...</state> <state img="7-stare.png">Okay, I have to ask; how do you masturbate, ~name~? Do you just... jackhammer your clit with your fingers? Do you use feather-light touches or something? Do you use toys? You'll probably have to do it anyways so might as well tell us.</state> <state img="7-eh.png" marker="dreams">This feels like a sexy dream. But it's honestly better than the dreams I usually have. Those dreams are the <i>opposite</i> of sexy.</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" filter="confident" targetStatus="not_chest_visible"> <state img="7-smug.png">Might as well take off everything, with how much you don't care. Makes things go faster.</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" filter="confident" targetStatus="not_chest_visible" saidMarker="regret"> <state img="7-smug.png">Ah, screw it. Might as well take off everything, with how much you don't care. Makes things go faster.</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" filter="shaved"> <state img="7-surprise.png">Wait, you shaved it!? How do you not cut yourself?</state> <state img="7-welp.png">How do you even shave? I'm afraid of putting anything sharp near my own lady parts!</state> <state img="7-welp.png">Why do you people even shave?</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" filter="witch" notSaidMarker="witch_nude"> <state img="7-flustered.png" marker="witch_nude">I think ~name~ just bewitched me! Hahahahaha... hah...</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="blake" targetSaidMarker="Bellabooty"> <state img="7-smug.png">Bellabooty!</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="florina" targetSayingMarker="butt" priority="150"> <state img="7-flustered.png">We can see your butt!! <i>(And it's a really cute butt....)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="haru"> <state img="7-surprise.png"><i>(That ass is bigger than my future!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="ini" targetSaidMarker="butt"> <state img="7-annoyed.png">You suuuure are determined not to show us your pubes.</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="jolyne" targetSaidMarker="Butt"> <state img="7-smug.png">Ooooh, I'm starting to hate this game a lot less now!</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="jura" targetSayingMarker="natsuki_hug"> <state img="7-smug.png">That's hot. And terrifying. Please stay far away from me, Jura.</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="leggy"> <state img="7-thinking.png">Yup, everyone's a furry. I'm a furry, you're a furry, we're all furry in my eyes.</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="mavis"> <state img="7-surprise.png"><i>(She's dummy thicc!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="meia"> <state img="7-smug.png"><i>(I like this sight.)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="moon"> <state img="7-welp.png">...Why did I agree to playing this game?</state> <state img="7-welp.png">I should've left while I could.</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="rinkah"> <state img="7-flustered.png">Umm... You are <i>really</i> confident, huh?</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="sakura"> <state img="7-stare.png">...Is a thing I never thought I'd say in my life.</state> <state img="7-eh.png">Are you seriously a zombie? I'd have expected something more... cut up. And writhing with maggots. But no, you're really hot and I'm not sure how to feel about being attracted to a zombie.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="deity" notSaidMarker="deity_marker"> <state img="7-stare.png">...What do I even say?</state> <state img="7-thinking.png">This is too weird for me.</state> <state img="7-neutral.png">...</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="gloomy" notSaidMarker="gloomy_marker"> <state img="7-eh.png" marker="gloomy_marker"><i>(~name~ kind of reminds me of Bea. I kinda wish she were here now. Too bad Bea wouldn't be caught dead playing this game.)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="gun" notSaidMarker="gun_marker"> <state img="7-terror.png" marker="gun_marker"><i>(What the---aren't guns illegal!? What the hell is that person thinking? Should I be scared? I don't want to be shot again!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="innocent" notSaidMarker="innocent_marker" priority="6"> <state img="7-neutral.png" marker="innocent_marker">...Should you really be playing this game?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="lonely" notSaidMarker="lonely_marker"> <state img="7-eh.png" marker="lonely_marker"><i>(Jeez, ~name~ kind of reminds me of myself. Makes me glad I actually have some friends, or else my existence would end up being even crappier.)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="musician" targetStatus="decent" notSaidMarker="musician_tag"> <state img="7-neutral.png" marker="musician_tag">So you play an instrument too, huh? Or are you a singer?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="police" notSaidMarker="police_marker"> <state img="7-stare.png" marker="police_marker">I'm playing strip poker with a cop? Wow. I wonder what other crazy stuff life has in store for me.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="thigh_highs" notSaidMarker="thighhigh_markers"> <state img="7-annoyed.png" marker="thighhigh_markers">Ugh. Why would you torture yourself with those long socks? Doesn't it feel itchy?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="virtual" notSaidMarker="virtual_marker"> <state img="7-surprise.png" marker="virtual_marker">Wait, am I playing with a hologram!? Is this another crazy dream?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="witch" notSaidMarker="witchdagga_witchmarker"> <state img="7-thinking.png" marker="witchdagga_witchmarker"><i>(Man, how cool would it be if Witchdagger actually played here? It would make up for all the times I couldn't go to any concerts because they were all too far away and nobody would drive me.)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="blake" targetStage="0"> <state img="7-eh.png"><i>(I can't tell what animal this girl is... Why do I even see people as animals in the first place?)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="chihiro" targetStage="5" priority="9997"> <state img="7-stare.png">Oh, you're back. Listen, you better not run away again. You chose to play, you stick it out until the end.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="florina" targetStage="4" targetSaidMarker="bee" priority="444"> <state img="7-surprise.png"><i>(Crap, better get ready to run. I don't want to be stung again!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="human" filter="gay" notSaidMarker="player_queer" priority="9998"> <state img="7-surprise.png" marker="player_queer">Wait... ~player~, you're gay?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="jura"> <state img="7-annoyed.png"><i>Of course</i> she's ridiculously vain. Not even sexy and suave girls can save the world from being crappy.</state> <state img="7-stare.png">Well at least your inflated ego makes sense, I'll give you that. But I still don't like you already.</state> <state img="7-stare.png">Ugh, and here I thought I'd like you. But no, you just <i>have</i> to rub your ridiculously good looks in my face.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="kyu" targetStage="0"> <state img="7-neutral.png">A disgustingly pink fairy who's also a huge slut? Now I've seen everything.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="leggy" targetStage="0"> <state img="7-eh.png">Are you <i>sure</i> you want to play this game? <i>(Everyone seems so surprised... Am I missing something?)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="leggy" targetStage="0" totalAlive="3"> <state img="7-eh.png">Are you <i>sure</i> you want to play this game? <i>(~player~ seems so surprised... Am I missing something?)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="leggy" targetStage="2"> <state img="7-smug.png">Hah! Pretty stupid of you to wear just a woolly, long-sleeved leotard, eh---?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="leggy" targetStage="3"> <state img="7-stare.png">Yup. I get it. You're an actual sheep, and I'm an idiot.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="moon" targetStage="0" priority="10000"> <state img="7-terror.png">...Holy crap!</state> <state img="7-terror.png">Is this girl serious!? <i>(This is just... a whole new level of wrong here.)</i></state> <state img="7-terror.png"><i>(...And I thought I was the crazy one! This girl takes crazy to a whole new level!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="moon" targetStage="1" priority="10000"> <state img="7-surprise.png">Normally I'd be excited, BUT THIS GIRL IS FREAKING ME OUT RI---</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="moon" targetStage="2-5"> <state img="7-annoyed.png">Oh goodie, it's <i>her</i> turn.</state> <state img="7-neutral.png"><i>(This girl actually makes me look good in comparsion.)</i></state> <state img="7-surprise.png"><i>(Is this she actually human? What if she's secretly some horny sex alien whose species greet each other with blowjobs?)</i></state> <state img="7-thinking.png"><i>(How does this little rabbit-girl have the biggest libido?)</i></state> <state img="7-annoyed.png">I'd say prostitution would be a <i>wonderful</i> job for you, but I wouldn't want your poor clients to get every STD on the planet.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="moon" targetStage="6" priority="10000"> <state img="7-terror.png">Oh <i>no</i>...</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="roxie" targetStage="0" priority="555"> <state img="7-smug.png">Roxie, huh? I dunno what it is, but something tells me we'll get along well.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="roxie" targetStage="2" priority="555"> <state img="7-neutral.png">So what's next? Is it gonna be the boots?</state> <state img="7-eh.png">Not a lot of options left...</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="roxie" targetStage="3" priority="555"> <state img="7-thinking.png">So... thong or bra?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" targetStage="0" totalExposed="3-"> <state img="7-surprise.png">Oh <i>what the hell!!</i> Is this seriously your first loss? How good <i>are</i> you!?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" targetStatus="decent" notSaidMarker="uhura_flashbacks" priority="1"> <state img="7-thinking.png" marker="uhura_flashbacks"><i>(Man, if this were any other kind of poker and we had to bluff in order to win, one of us could fart and nobody would be able to tell who did it.)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="sunglasses" notSaidMarker="sunglasses_marker"> <test expr="~background.location~" value="indoors" /> <state img="7-stare.png" marker="sunglasses_marker">Y'know, when you think about it, playing poker is the only valid excuse for wearing sunglasses indoors. So consider yourself lucky, I guess.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="scantily-clad" notSaidMarker="skimpy_marker"> <test expr="~name~" cmp="!=" value="Leggy" /> <state img="7-stare.png" marker="skimpy_marker">What the... Do you seriously have no shame?</state> <state img="7-stare.png" marker="skimpy_marker">Wearing <i>that</i> little clothing to a strip poker game? I don't think the irony is lost on any of us.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" filter="clothing_destruction" notSaidMarker="clothingdestruction"> <state img="7-surprise.png" marker="clothingdestruction">Woah, what---!?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" filter="deity" targetStage="0"> <state img="7-eh.png">I... don't have good experience with deities. They tend to be assholes who try to break my mind.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" filter="police" targetStage="1"> <state img="7-thinking.png">Y'know, my aunt is a cop. Aunt Molly. Aunt Mall Cop. After all these years, we <i>still</i> don't get along.</state> <state img="7-stare.png" marker="life_rambling">I've been electrocuted at least twice in my lifetime and spoke to God. And God is an asshole. This is nothing compared to all the weird crap I've been through. But that's just life.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="akko" targetStage="0" priority="775"> <state img="7-surprise.png">Wait, for real!? You're a real witch? You're really a real witch? For real?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="akko" targetStage="0" targetSaidMarker="necronomicon" priority="780"> <state img="7-terror.png">GAH!! No, not this! I can't deal with that again!!</state> <state img="7-terror.png"><i>Ohcrapohcrapohcrap!!</i> I don't wanna deal with these things anymore!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="amalia" targetStage="4" priority="555"> <state img="7-surprise.png">Huh? How'd they slide off so easily!?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="chihiro" targetStage="4" priority="9995"> <state img="7-surprise.png">No, wait! Come back!!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="chihiro" targetStage="5" priority="9993"> <state img="7-surprise.png">Huh!?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="felicia" targetStage="0"> <state img="7-surprise.png">Wait, what?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="felicia" targetStage="1"> <state img="7-eh.png">I'm cringing so hard right now.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="florina" targetStage="4" targetSayingMarker="bee2"> <state img="7-surprise.png">Hey, be careful with---!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="human" filter="gay" saidMarker="player_queer" notSaidMarker="player_queer2"> <state img="7-thinking.png" marker="player_queer2">Huh, you usually don't find a lot of queer people in my conversative trash dump of a town. I thought me, Gregg, and Angus were the only ones...</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="leggy" targetStage="0"> <state img="7-stare.png">You have some pretty weird get-up. Are you some kind of cosplayer?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="leggy" targetStage="1"> <state img="7-neutral.png">You alright there?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="leggy" targetStage="2"> <state img="7-surprise.png">Wait, <i>what!?</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="leggy" targetStage="3" priority="10000"> <state img="7-eh.png" marker="seeing_animals">I didn't want to say it out loud, but... I kiiiiinda have something wrong with my brain and everyone I see is an animal.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="moon" targetStage="0" priority="10000"> <state img="7-terror.png">She's so desperate about it...</state> <state img="7-why.png">Of course, she's taking off the bra first, <i>of course she does!!</i> Because obviously someone desperate like you wouldn't do with a silly trinket!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="moon" targetStage="1"> <state img="7-eh.png">Phew.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="moon" targetStage="2"> <state img="7-annoyed.png"><i>(Ugh, I don't even want to IMAGINE her naked.)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="palutena" targetStage="3"> <state img="7-neutral.png">Hey, Palutena. I have a question; can you fly? Or do those belts get in the way?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="pinkie_pie" targetSaidMarker="pinka_start" targetNotSaidMarker="pinka_end2"> <state img="7-why.png">What the hell do we do!? I am <i>not</i> dying during a strip poker game.</state> <state img="7-stare.png">We should really get out of here. Before this girl attempts to murder us.</state> <state img="7-why.png">I'm not here to get murdered!</state> <state img="7-surprise.png">UHHH...</state> <state img="7-surprise.png">Hahaha... please help me.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="roxie" targetStage="0" priority="555"> <state img="7-smug.png">The sweater already? Aww, you shouldn't have.</state> <state img="7-stare.png">I knew it.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="roxie" targetStage="3" priority="555"> <state img="7-eh.png">Guess it's the bra first...</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="roxie" targetStage="3" targetSayingMarker="famous_tits" priority="555"> <state img="7-surprise.png">W-Wait, you're famous!?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="twilight" targetStage="0"> <state img="7-surprise.png">Huh!? You know you can take off anything you want, right!?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="twilight" targetStage="1"> <state img="7-stare.png">Annnnd when I mention hating bras, she takes hers off. Go figure, I guess.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="twilight" targetStage="3" priority="325"> <state img="7-flustered.png">Seriously, you have a bunch of other stuff! <i>(Not that I don't mind or anything, but... This girl is really confusing me right now!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="twilight" targetStage="4" priority="329"> <state img="7-annoyed.png">Whatever.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="twilight" targetStage="5" priority="328"> <state img="7-stare.png">Those look comfy. I can almost understand why you chose to save them for... second-to-last?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="twilight" targetStage="6" priority="9993"> <state img="7-eh.png">Last small thing... And second-to-last article of clothing...</state> <state img="7-thinking.png">Well, I understand you somewhat better at least. But can you understand me?</state> <state img="7-neutral.png">Farewell, shirt. You... literally did nothing this entire game.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" filter="musician" targetStage="0" priority="9000"> <test expr="~clothing.type~" cmp="!=" value="major" /> <test expr="~clothing.type~" cmp="!=" value="important" /> <state img="7-neutral.png" marker="mae_musicramble">I play bass guitar. In a band me and my friends formed a few years ago. But I wouldn't call myself a serious musician, y'know? Even though I really love music. And just... the arts in general.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" notSaidMarker="insertwittycommenthere"> <test expr="~clothing.type~" value="accessory" /> <state img="7-stare.png" marker="insertwittycommenthere">Insert witty comment here.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" notSaidMarker="lookingfancy"> <test expr="~clothing.type~" value="accessory" /> <test expr="~clothing~" cmp="!=" value="shoes" /> <test expr="~clothing~" cmp="!=" value="socks" /> <state img="7-annoyed.png" marker="lookingfancy">What ~clothing.ifPlural(are those ~clothing~|is that ~clothing~)~ even for? Did you know we were going to play, or is that just to look fancy or something?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping"> <test expr="~clothing~" value="dress" /> <test expr="~target.gender~" value="female" /> <state img="7-stare.png">Wearing a dress is the same as wearing a very large single pant leg. Sorry to ruin your day, m'am.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping"> <test expr="~clothing~" value="dress" /> <test expr="~target.gender~" value="male" /> <state img="7-stare.png">Wearing a dress is the same as wearing a very large single pant leg. Sorry to ruin your day, sir.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" priority="60"> <test expr="~clothing~" value="hat" /> <state img="7-neutral.png">Hat's off for ~name~... <i>Hat is off</i> for ~name~. The way you strip isn't worth a compliment.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping"> <test expr="~clothing~" value="skirt" /> <test expr="~name~" cmp="!=" value="Pinkie" /> <state img="7-thinking.png">I think the way someone dresses says a lot about them. Like, skirts are pretty and fashionable. Pants are boring, but practical.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping"> <test expr="~clothing~" value="socks" /> <state img="7-thinking.png">If only I had a sock pun...</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" notSaidMarker="decency"> <condition count="1-2" status="decent" /> <state img="7-eh.png" marker="decency">I wonder how many more people are gonna show off their bods. Wait, only one of us will remain decent, right?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" filter="clothing_destruction" saidMarker="clothingdestruction" notSaidMarker="clothingdestruction1"> <state img="7-eh.png" marker="clothingdestruction1">Jeez... I mean, I've seen weirder stuff, but... Just take off your clothes like a normal person.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" filter="deity" targetStage="1"> <state img="7-stare.png">I met two of them, and came out mentally scarred for life. Now here I am playing <i>strip poker</i> with another deity. Life sure is something.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" filter="musician" saidMarker="mae_musicramble" notSaidMarker="mae_musicc" priority="9000"> <state img="7-eh.png" marker="mae_musicc">I'm rambling, aren't I? I shouldn't be rambling during a strip poker game... Deal the next hand.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="akko" targetStage="1" targetSaidMarker="necronomicon"> <state img="7-stare.png" marker="akko_eldritch">Oh no, that was <i>definitely</i> eldritch horror we just saw. I'd be on my guard if I were you.</state> <state img="7-stare.png" marker="akko_exorcism">Oh no, that was <i>definitely</i> demonic possession. We gotta do a exorcism, like, ASAP. I'm seriously sick of dealing with the paranormal trying to kill me and my friends.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="amalia" targetStage="5"> <state img="7-surprise.png">What the---!?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="chihiro" targetStage="5" priority="9995"> <state img="7-annoyed.png">...Coward.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="chihiro" targetStage="6" priority="9989"> <state img="7-thinking.png">Wait, why do you even crossdress in the first place!? You said you're a boy, so you're not a trans person... Am I missing something?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="felicia" targetStage="1"> <state img="7-terror.png">Wh... But you <i>need</i> your fur! Does it even grow back!?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="felicia" targetStage="2"> <state img="7-surprise.png">How do you do it so cleanly!? The thought of shaving pubic hair is... terrifying!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="florina" targetStage="5"> <state img="7-stare.png">...Your tunic. Oh well, it didn't seem too special to you anyways.</state> <state img="7-stare.png">Whoops. Well, that poor tunic's gone forever.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="leggy" targetStage="2"> <state img="7-thinking.png">Riiiight, what's with that... leg-collar thingy? I thought only flappers wore those things back in, like, the 1920's.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="leggy" targetStage="3"> <state img="7-surprise.png">Hang on, why the hell do you need to shave it off! Can't you just---I dunno---slide it off one shoulder or something?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="leggy" targetStage="4" priority="10000"> <state img="7-welp.png" marker="catoutofthebag">I never share this because I was afraid people would just see me as even <i>more</i> insane than I already am... But I guess the cat's out of the bag, huh? Which is ironic because I see myself as a cat...</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="moon" targetStage="1"> <state img="7-annoyed.png">...Let's just move on.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="moon" targetStage="2"> <state img="7-stare.png">Anytime you speak, the urge to murder you in your sleep increases for me. Stop talking. Now.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="moon" targetStage="3"> <state img="7-stare.png">Nice shoes. They're the only thing about you worth complementing.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="moon" targetStage="4"> <state img="7-smug.png"><i>(How hilarious would it be if she just, tripped, and they all just spilled out of the bag in public.)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="moon" targetStage="5"> <state img="7-stare.png">I really, <i>really</i> do not want to see your naked body.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="palutena" targetStage="4"> <state img="7-eh.png"><i>(I mean, I know she actually ISN'T an eagle, but... It'd be kinda weird if I see her as a bird goddess and she can't actually fly.)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="palutena" targetStage="4" alsoPlaying="pit"> <state img="7-stare.png"><i>(Why the hell do I see the divine-like people as birds?)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="revy" targetStage="1-7" notSaidMarker="calmdownwildcat"> <state img="7-eh.png" marker="calmdownwildcat"><i>(Calm down, wildcat. Or should I say wild... fox? Wildfox? I dunno, why DO I see her as a fox and not a wildcat)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="roxie" targetStage="1" priority="555"> <state img="7-eh.png">...To be honest, I actually kind of liked it. It looked so comfortable yet so badass.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="roxie" targetStage="2" alsoPlaying="moon" targetSaidMarker="my_last_loss" priority="555"> <state img="7-annoyed.png">Well, so do I! And I bet everyone else here wants to win too... Except Moon. But she shouldn't even count.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="roxie" targetStage="2" targetSaidMarker="far_from_naked" priority="555"> <state img="7-stare.png">Who's Arceus?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="roxie" targetStage="2" targetSaidMarker="foot_fetish" priority="555"> <state img="7-stare.png">And before you ask---no, I don't have a foot fetish. That sounds so gross. What kind of weirdo finds <i>feet</i> sexy?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="roxie" targetStage="2" targetSaidMarker="live_without_boots" priority="555"> <state img="7-eh.png">I'm sure you'll get them back... right?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="roxie" targetStage="2" targetSaidMarker="my_last_loss" priority="555"> <state img="7-smug.png">Well, so do I! And I bet everyone else here wants to win too, so get ready for some extreme competition!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="roxie" targetStage="2" targetSaidMarker="take_these_off" priority="555"> <state img="7-surprise.png">Custom-made!? Holy jeez, are you loaded or something?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="roxie" targetStage="3" priority="555"> <state img="7-eh.png">I mean... Cool thong, but isn't that extremely comfort? Why not just wear the shorts?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="roxie" targetStage="4" priority="556"> <state img="7-eyes.png">Freckle-boobs... That's weirdly hot.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="twilight" notSaidMarker="twilight_losing"> <state img="7-stare.png" marker="twilight_losing">You may still be in the game, unlike me, but something tells me you'd be joining me very soon.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="twilight" targetSayingMarker="twilight_not_human" priority="301"> <state img="7-surprise.png">You are rea---wait, <i>humans?</i> You're not... You're not human?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="twilight" targetStage="1" priority="333"> <state img="7-thinking.png">Hmm. Well I can understand finding panties uncomfortable. Up until recently, I never wore a bra for the same reason.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="twilight" targetStage="2" priority="332"> <state img="7-thinking.png">You know, there's sports bras. They're pretty comfy. I remember Bea going out to buy me one. She kind of freaked out when I told her I never wear bras. Dunno why; my shirt's all I need.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="twilight" targetStage="3" priority="331"> <state img="7-terror.png">I can understand finding underwear comfortable, but what's wrong with your skirt!?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="twilight" targetStage="4" priority="330"> <state img="7-stare.png">...Oh, <i>now</i> you take off something small?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="twilight" targetStage="6" priority="9995"> <state img="7-flustered.png">Back to big stuff again afte---Oh right! You only have your shirt left! Juuuust a shirt.</state> <state img="7-thinking.png">What is grammar?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" targetStatus="not_decent" saidMarker="sparedfromherwrath"> <test expr="~clothing.type~" cmp="!=" value="important" /> <test expr="~clothing.type~" cmp="!=" value="major" /> <state img="7-thinking.png">Blegh. I don't see you didn't just take your ~clothing~ off first.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped"> <test expr="~clothing~" value="dress" /> <state img="7-eh.png">...Yeah, you definitely look good without the dress.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped"> <test expr="~clothing~" value="glasses" /> <state img="7-stare.png">Hmm... I don't think I ever met a person with glasses who <i>wasn't</i> smart. Are you smart, ~name~? Don't lie to me.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="human" filter="gay" saidMarker="player_queer2"> <test expr="~target.gender~" value="female" /> <state img="7-eh.png" marker="player_queer3"><i>(Phew! It sucks when a cute girl you find ends up being straight. At least I'm not picky with gender...)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="human" filter="gay" saidMarker="player_queer2"> <test expr="~target.gender~" value="male" /> <state img="7-neutral.png" marker="player_queer3">Well, good to know.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_masturbating" filter="tandem" priority="15"> <state img="7-eh.png">This is juuust like masturbating to porn.</state> <state img="7-thinking.png">...Is this sex? I feel like you guys are having sex.</state> <state img="7-welp.png">Oh, sure, let your friend do all the work for you. I only have my fingers, and they're gonna be sticky once I'm done.</state> <state img="7-neutral.png">...Juuust gonna keep going.</state> <state img="7-masturbate_a.png">Insert another witty comment here.</state> <state img="7-neutral.png">Is this even allowed?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_masturbating" filter="uses_toy" notSaidMarker="toys"> <state img="7-welp.png" marker="toys">Maaaan, I wish I bought a toy. If I knew what this game was all about.... ugh, maybe next time.</state> </case> <case tag="male_must_masturbate"> <state img="7-eh.png">Time to join me.</state> <state img="7-eh.png">Oh... Your turn now.</state> <state img="7-eh.png">Oh... This would be a bit less awkward if you had a vagina. Since, uh, we masturbate differently...</state> </case> <case tag="male_must_masturbate" target="pit"> <state img="7-surprise.png">Oh...</state> </case> <case tag="male_start_masturbating"> <state img="7-neutral.png">O-Okay then. We're doing this together.</state> <state img="7-eyes.png">Would it help if I... just spread my legs a bit. I mean we <i>are</i> masturbating together. Who's to say I don't want to help my fellow players? You've already seen this.</state> <state img="7-eh.png">Alright then... L-Let's do this, ~name~.</state> </case> <case tag="male_start_masturbating" target="pit"> <state img="7-eh.png">It feels weird, y'know? Watching an angel masturbate...</state> </case> <case tag="male_masturbating"> <state img="7-eyes.png">This is... hot... I'm getting...</state> <state img="7-eh.png">Oh... I-It's just like in porn... I'm even masturbating to this.</state> <state img="7-masturbate_c.png">P-Please keep making those noises!</state> <state img="7-neutral.png">The motion is... kind of hypnotizing to look at. Maybe if I just follow along...</state> <state img="7-eh.png">I'll let you watch me if you let me watch you. Deal?</state> <state img="7-masturbate_a.png">Don't let me distract you. I need to get off too, y'know?</state> <state img="7-masturbate_c.png">Mmmfff...</state> <state img="7-masturbate_b.png">Haaah... You're probably not used to this.</state> <state img="7-eh.png">Do you, uh, need my help?</state> <state img="7-surprise.png">Wow... just wow.</state> <state img="7-neutral.png">Am I creeping you out, ~name~?</state> </case> <case tag="male_heavy_masturbating"> <state img="7-eyes.png">How close are you?</state> <state img="7-eh.png">If you want, we can finish togethe---nevermind, not sure if that's possible.</state> <state img="7-eh.png">You're almost there! Just... keep doing your thing. I'll keep doing mine.</state> <state img="7-masturbate_c.png">Just... Just come already, ~name~!</state> </case> <case tag="male_finished_masturbating"> <state img="7-eh.png">I'll probably be joining you soon... I dunno how fast is <i>soon</i>, but soon is still soon.</state> <state img="7-eyes.png">Yup. That was pretty hot.</state> </case> <case tag="male_finished_masturbating" target="jin"> <state img="7-terror.png" marker="jinfinishing">HOLY CRAP, MY EYES!</state> </case> <case tag="female_must_masturbate"> <state img="7-neutral.png">O-Okay then. We're doing this together.</state> <state img="7-eyes.png">Would it help if I... just spread my legs a bit. I mean we <i>are</i> masturbating together. Who's to say I don't want to help my fellow players? You've already seen this.</state> <state img="7-eh.png">Alright then... L-Let's do this, ~name~.</state> <state img="7-masturbate_a.png">We can exchange techniques... Y'know, since we both have to do this.</state> </case> <case tag="female_must_masturbate" target="akko"> <state img="7-eh.png">Just don't accidentally hex me.</state> </case> <case tag="female_must_masturbate" target="leggy"> <state img="7-eh.png">You're taking this awfully well... I guess if you don't mind me masturbating along with you.</state> </case> <case tag="female_must_masturbate" target="moon"> <state img="7-welp.png" marker="youdrovehertothispoint">Oh <i>fuck off.</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_must_masturbate" target="rinkah"> <state img="7-eyes.png">Aww, i-it's okay! I'll teach you a thing or two! I'm a professional! <i>(Plus, you can really help me.)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_must_masturbate" target="shimakaze"> <state img="7-surprise.png">Woah, critical hit!</state> </case> <case tag="female_must_masturbate" target="twilight" saidMarker="twilight_losing"> <state img="7-smug.png">Knew it!</state> </case> <case tag="female_start_masturbating"> <state img="7-smug.png">And away you go!</state> <state img="7-eh.png" marker="unattractive">You know, you can always watch me if you're having trouble... Unless you don't find me attractive. I don't find myself very attractive, so I wouldn't be surprised if others feel the same.</state> <state img="7-flustered.png">C'mon, we'll do this together. Just a pair of strangers touching themselves...</state> <state img="7-eh.png">Ah... Okay then.</state> </case> <case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="akko"> <state img="7-smug.png">C'mooooon!!</state> </case> <case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="leggy"> <state img="7-thinking.png">Wasn't there a group of people notorious for having sex with sheep? The Welsh, I think?</state> </case> <case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="miko"> <state img="7-surprise.png">What the---is that the spirit of your dead wife!? Did she rise from the grave just to have sex with you!?</state> </case> <case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="moon"> <state img="7-neutral.png">Damn... I usually never say the f-word... You drove me to that point, Moon. This is your fault.</state> </case> <case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="pinkie_pie"> <state img="7-surprise.png">Wh---wouldn't it hurt like hell if it popped?</state> </case> <case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="shimakaze"> <state img="7-eh.png">...Okay, but are you alright?</state> </case> <case tag="female_masturbating"> <state img="7-masturbate_b.png">See what I'm doi---actually, nevermind. You got it.</state> <state img="7-masturbate_a.png">Nnn... That's right, I'm going to use you as material. Because otherwise I'll never get off.</state> <state img="7-flirt.png">Lemme watch you... Wow, that's...</state> <state img="7-masturbate_a.png">Don't let me distract you. I need to get off too, y'know?</state> <state img="7-masturbate_b.png">Yeaaaah, I think I... can get used to this.</state> <state img="7-eh.png">~Name~? You doing alright?</state> <state img="7-masturbate_b.png">P-Please keep moaning! This is really---<i>ohhhgodthat'snice...</i></state> <state img="7-masturbate_b.png">Ooooh, lemme try that!</state> </case> <case tag="female_masturbating" target="akko" targetSayingMarker="akko_first_climax"> <state img="7-eh.png">Huh. That was quick.</state> </case> <case tag="female_masturbating" target="akko" targetSayingMarker="akko_second_climax"> <state img="7-eyes.png">Encore!!</state> </case> <case tag="female_masturbating" target="akko" targetSayingMarker="akko_third_climax"> <state img="7-surprise.png">Again!? Jeez, I can't take no more than two at a time!</state> </case> <case tag="female_masturbating" target="akko" targetTimeInStage="4" targetSaidMarker="akko_first_climax"> <state img="7-surprise.png">Seriously? Jeez, I wish I had that sort of stamina!</state> <state img="7-thinking.png">Seriously? Well, since you took such a short time, I guess it's well-deserved? I think?</state> </case> <case tag="female_masturbating" target="elizabeth" notSaidMarker="elizabeth_masturbation2"> <state img="7-smug.png" marker="elizabeth_masturbation2">Would you guys have sex with your clone? I know I would. Hell, if I could, I'd clone myself a bunch of times and have sex with them all, because that's how pro-clone sex I am.</state> <state img="7-thinking.png" marker="elizabeth_masturbation2">Would you guys have sex with your clone? I know I would... unless my clone was evil.</state> <state img="7-smug.png" marker="elizabeth_masturbation2">Would you guys have sex with your clone? I know I would. I mean, who knows how to pleasure <i>me</i> better than <i>me?</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_masturbating" target="miko" notSaidMarker="discomfort" priority="9100"> <state img="7-surprise.png" marker="discomfort">(mild discomfort)</state> </case> <case tag="female_masturbating" target="moon" priority="1"> <state img="7-stare.png">...</state> <state img="7-eh.png">(discomfort)</state> <state img="7-annoyed.png">Shut. Up.</state> </case> <case tag="female_masturbating" totalMasturbating="4-" notSaidMarker="masturbationorgy"> <state img="7-surprise.png" marker="masturbationorgy">Has this become a masturbation orgy!?</state> </case> <case tag="female_heavy_masturbating"> <state img="7-eyes.png">How close are you?</state> <state img="7-eh.png">If you want, we can finish togethe---nevermind, not sure if that's possible.</state> <state img="7-eh.png">You're almost there! Just... keep doing your thing. I'll keep doing mine.</state> <state img="7-masturbate_c.png">Just... Just come already, ~name~!</state> </case> <case tag="female_heavy_masturbating" target="moon"> <state img="7-annoyed.png">....</state> </case> <case tag="female_finished_masturbating"> <state img="7-eh.png">I'll probably be joining you soon... I dunno how fast is <i>soon</i>, but soon is still soon.</state> <state img="7-eyes.png">Yup. That was pretty hot.</state> </case> <case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="aimee"> <state img="7-terror.png">Gah! I didn't there'd be so much... D-Didn't we tell you to be careful!?</state> <state img="7-terror.png">HOLY---You just shot yourself in the arm! Why the hell did you even decide to <i>bring a gun here!</i></state> <state img="7-terror.png">Ohgodohgodohgod, okay, not going back to that time! Are you okay!?</state> </case> <case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="akko"> <state img="7-terror.png">HOLY CRAP, MY EYES!</state> </case> <case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="felicia"> <state img="7-stare.png">Okay, even <i>I'm</i> starting to get sick of those cat puns. Not even I make that many!</state> <state img="7-annoyed.png">We get it, you think you're a cat. <i>(Then again, so do I... but you don't see ME being so blatant about it!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="leggy"> <state img="7-flustered.png">Umm... Do you do this often, or...?</state> </case> <case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="moon"> <state img="7-eh.png">Eww...</state> </case> <case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="pinkie_pie" targetSayingMarker="pop"> <state img="7-surprise.png">Ouch...</state> </case> <case tag="masturbating"> <state img="7-thinking.png">If I knew what I was getting into, I would've brought a toy with me... if I had any!</state> <state img="7-masturbate_c.png">Ahhhhholycrapthat's---!</state> <state img="7-masturbate_a.png">I think a double en-ten-dre is in order here... I-Is that how you pronounce it.</state> <state img="7-masturbate_a.png">People are---mmm---getting excited.</state> <state img="7-eh.png">Does this turn you on or something?</state> <state img="7-eyes.png">I guess... I'm doing okay? Judging by your reactions.</state> <state img="7-masturbate_b.png">This isn't... too bad.</state> <state img="7-surprise.png">This is too weird, even for me!</state> <state img="7-heavy_b.png">Y'know... This would be more fun if someone did this for me.</state> <state img="7-masturbate_a.png">...</state> <state img="7-eh.png">This is beyond awkward. I had awkward situations, but none of them even come <i>close</i> to this one.</state> <state img="7-eyes.png">It's hard to hate you when you have me hot and bothered like this...</state> <state img="7-masturbate_a.png">Q-Quit (<i>gasp</i>) watching!</state> <state img="7-masturbate_c.png">I'm a professional, I promise! I just... never done this in public.</state> <state img="7-smug.png">Hmm... I bet somewhere out there, an alien is masturbating too. We'll never know.</state> <state img="7-annoyed.png">Can this place at <i>least</i> provide chairs? I hate sitting on something that's meant to be stood on.</state> <state img="7-neutral.png">Man, what wouldn't I give to have a vibrator with me?</state> <state img="7-heavy_b.png">Ooooh, I'm a professional at this!</state> </case> <case tag="masturbating" alsoPlaying="roxie" notSaidMarker="roxie_ease"> <state img="7-eyes.png" marker="roxie_ease">Something about you makes me just a bit more at ease masturbating in public...</state> </case> <case tag="masturbating" timeInStage="4" notSaidMarker="masturbationstage_2"> <condition count="1-4" filter="gamer" /> <state img="7-eh.png" marker="masturbation_gamer">This is just like playing a multiplayer game on single player.</state> </case> <case tag="masturbating" saidMarker="flirting_i_guess" notSaidMarker="flirt_cringe" priority="15"> <state img="7-welp.png" marker="flirt_cringe">...Eugh, I just cringed at my own words.</state> <state img="7-welp.png" marker="flirt_cringe">Normally, I don't give a damn what I say, but that... Yeah, I'm never saying something like that again.</state> </case> <case tag="masturbating" timeInStage="1-5" priority="0"> <state img="7-welp.png">Oh look, the creepy killer girl is masturbating. Does this turn you on? It better not.</state> <state img="7-neutral.png">Someone out there is being turned on by this and I dunno how to feel!!</state> <state img="7-angry.png">I'm going to die of embarrassment! And all of you will be arrested for murder!</state> <state img="7-thinking.png">Is it considered murder on your end if I die of embarrassment?</state> <state img="7-stare.png">It's hard enough to get off as it is without people watching. I have to watch really good porn for that.</state> <state img="7-surprise.png">I'm not a porn star, okay!? Fapping in front of people is not my thing!</state> <state img="7-stare.png">Perverts. Knaves. All of you.</state> <state img="7-surprise.png">I know we're masturbating, but I just thought of something very important! What's the world record for most time spent masturbating?</state> </case> <case tag="masturbating" timeInStage="7" notSaidMarker="masturbationstage_2" priority="9999"> <state img="7-eh.png" marker="masturbationstage_2">Okay... I think I might be getting it...</state> </case> <case tag="masturbating" totalMasturbating="2-" notSaidMarker="nonutnovember"> <state img="7-stare.png" marker="nonutnovember">Reminds me of this online challenge where you have to go a month without masturbating. Except guess what we're doing now.</state> </case> <case tag="masturbating" totalMasturbating="3-" priority="25"> <state img="7-smug.png">It gets easier when the porn itself is happening right in front of you. I spend like 75% of my masturbation sessions just searching for the porn I'm gonna masturbate to, so I'd say this is pretty convenient for me.</state> <state img="7-neutral.png">Is this the only place where this happens. Several people masturbating a few feet away from each other?</state> <state img="7-stare.png">Alright, ~player~, confess to me---you knew what this game was all about, didn't you? And you didn't tell me, like the traitor you are.</state> <state img="7-eh.png">Y'know, normally I'd expect strippers here. Like, <i>actual</i> strippers, the ones that dance on metal poles and never survive in horror movies.</state> <state img="7-welp.png">We should demand chairs for all the players.</state> <state img="7-thinking.png">Is it possible to masturbate while poledancing? I can't imagine the cold metal would feel good against your privates...</state> <state img="7-smug.png">I have a fun game to past the game while we do this; everyone list the sexiest way to die!</state> <state img="7-neutral.png">♫ If I die and go to hell real soon, it will appear to me as this room! ♫</state> <state img="7-flustered.png">Don't mind me, just trying to keep things interesting and less awkward with chatter... Not that it's doing us any good.</state> <state img="7-eyes.png">Nnn...</state> </case> <case tag="heavy_masturbating"> <state img="7-masturbate_b.png">Am I d-doing great?</state> <state img="7-heavy_a.png">I'm so---ufhh---you're all...!</state> <state img="7-heavy_c.png">Ohhhhhh...</state> <state img="7-heavy_c.png">Oh god, this feels---<i>ohh god...</i></state> <state img="7-heavy_a.png">F-Feels like I'm gonna...!</state> <state img="7-heavy_b.png">Holy... I'm so <i>soaked</i> down there.</state> <state img="7-heavy_c.png">Oh god, I can't... stop!</state> <state img="7-eyes.png">~Player~... Look at me... You made me...</state> <state img="7-heavy_c.png">I think I'm...</state> </case> <case tag="finishing_masturbating"> <state img="7-finishing.png"><i>Ohhhhhgod!!</i></state> <state img="7-finishing.png">Yesyesyesoh<i>god!!</i></state> <state img="7-finishing.png">Oh god, I... I... Fini... <i>I'mmffh!</i></state> </case> <case tag="global" alsoPlaying="leggy" alsoPlayingStage="5" alsoPlayingTimeInStage="1-" notSaidMarker="leggyisgonnafuckingdie"> <state img="7-thinking.png" marker="leggyisgonnafuckingdie">...Is it gonna grow back before the weather turns cold? If not, I think you just doomed yourself, Leggy. You're not gonna last the winter.</state> </case> <case tag="global" alsoPlaying="pit" alsoPlayingSayingMarker="sacredbuns" priority="9999"> <state img="7-heavy_a.png">MmmHMmmmm...</state> <state img="7-masturbate_b.png">Yeah... If you could stay like that, that'd be---ahh---awesome.</state> </case> </stage> <stage id="8"> <case tag="male_must_strip"> <state img="8-stare.png">That's right! You better strip! Because I just gave you a show!</state> <state img="8-angry.png">Hmph. I'm still angry. And I'm no longer horny because I just pleasured myself, so now that anger means something.</state> <state img="8-neutral.png">What's it gonna be, ~name~?</state> <state img="8-stare.png">I swear, if it's something boring...</state> </case> <case tag="male_must_strip" target="pit" targetStage="0"> <state img="8-surprise.png"><i>(Woah, an angel? So that's not an ordinary swan I'm seeing---he's a legitimate angel!?)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_must_strip"> <state img="8-stare.png">That's right! You better strip! Because I just gave you a show!</state> <state img="8-angry.png">Hmph. I'm still angry. And I'm no longer horny because I just pleasured myself, so now that anger means something.</state> <state img="8-neutral.png">What's it gonna be, ~name~?</state> <state img="8-stare.png">I swear, if it's something boring...</state> </case> <case tag="female_must_strip" target="florina" targetSayingMarker="bee"> <state img="8-terror.png">Not the bees!</state> </case> <case tag="female_must_strip" target="kizuna" targetSayingMarker="kizuna_start_naked"> <state img="8-stare.png">That's no excuse. Get stripping, missy.</state> </case> <case tag="female_must_strip" target="rinkah" targetStage="0" priority="10000"> <state img="8-surprise.png"><i>(Holy... crap...)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_must_strip" target="rinkah" targetStage="1" priority="10000"> <state img="8-surprise.png"><i>(It's her turn to strip again!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_must_strip" target="rinkah" targetStage="2" priority="10000"> <state img="8-flustered.png"><i>She's so positive too, so confident and strong yet kind... Damn it, I'm falling in love with this dumb, hot girl! I shouldn't be falling for her, but... Arghhh!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_must_strip" target="rinkah" targetStage="3"> <state img="8-thinking.png"><i>(Okay... What else does she have?)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_must_strip" target="rinkah" targetStage="4"> <state img="8-annoyed.png"><i>(Stupid... dumb... musclehead... hot tribal princess! Making me have the hots for her!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_must_strip" target="rinkah" targetStage="5"> <state img="8-eh.png">J-Join the nudity club already. You already made it clear you don't give a crap. And...</state> </case> <case tag="female_must_strip" target="syrenne" targetStage="0"> <state img="8-annoyed.png"><i>(Blegh. Alcoholics like her make me feel queasy...)</i></state> </case> <case tag="tie"> <state img="8-surprise.png">What the---is that even possible?</state> <state img="8-why.png">HOW!?</state> <state img="8-thinking.png">So, uhh... What now?</state> </case> <case tag="male_removing_accessory"> <state img="8-welp.png">Ugh.</state> <state img="8-welp.png">Why are you so good at this game?</state> <state img="8-angry.png">Yeah, laugh it up, asshole. I'll beat you at something else.</state> <state img="8-why.png">I am SO angry at you right now!</state> <state img="8-why.png">Why?</state> <state img="8-angry.png">Can't you just make this less embarrassing for me?</state> <state img="8-why.png">I had to touch myself in front of these people!</state> </case> <case tag="male_removing_accessory" filter="red_eyes" saidMarker="nightmareyesclub_marker" notSaidMarker="kickedoutoftheclub"> <state img="8-annoyed.png" marker="kickedoutoftheclub">...Your membership from the "Nightmare Eyes" club has been hereby revoked.</state> </case> <case tag="male_removing_accessory" target="kamina" targetStage="2"> <state img="8-eh.png">Why does it feel like your pants would just... slide off without that belt?</state> <state img="8-annoyed.png">Maaaan... And here I thought you were cool.</state> </case> <case tag="male_removing_accessory" target="pit" targetStage="0"> <state img="8-thinking.png"><i>(That explains the greek-themed clothing he's wearing. Jeez, I hate how everyone I see is an animal.)</i></state> </case> <case tag="male_removing_accessory" target="pit" targetStage="1"> <state img="8-stare.png">What's the point of that sash? Is this just for uniform or something? A show of dominance.</state> </case> <case tag="male_removing_accessory" targetStage="1-8" targetStatus="not_decent" priority="999"> <state img="8-eh.png" marker="sparedfromherwrath*">You know what? Since you took off something big first, I guess I can forgive that...</state> </case> <case tag="male_removed_accessory"> <state img="8-welp.png">Ugh.</state> <state img="8-eh.png">Why are you so good at this game?</state> <state img="8-why.png">Yeah, laugh it up, asshole. I'll beat you at something else.</state> <state img="8-welp.png"><i>Please let this be it.</i></state> <state img="8-why.png">Just get on with your stupid game already!</state> <state img="8-angry.png">Can't you just make this less embarrassing for me?</state> <state img="8-neutral.png">Seriously? You have no mercy, do you?</state> <state img="8-stare.png">Hate. Let me tell you how much I've come to hate you since I began playing this game. There are million of cells inside of me. If the word hate was engraved on each cell of mine, it would not equal one one-billionth of the hate I feel at this micro-instant for you. Hate. Hate.</state> </case> <case tag="male_removed_accessory" target="kamina" targetStage="3"> <state img="8-smug.png">That'd honestly be pretty hilarious. Like the slapstick comedy that seems to be my life sometimes.</state> <state img="8-surprise.png" marker="gravitypants">Nope. Still on. Apparently those pants defy gravity or something! Man, that'd be revolutionary!</state> <state img="8-stare.png" marker="kamina_maedisappoint">I guess not even the mighty Kamina can live up to this cat's ridiculous expectations, huh?</state> </case> <case tag="male_removed_accessory" target="pit" targetStage="1"> <state img="8-stare.png">Hmm? No, I wasn't staring at you, Pit. You must be seeing things.</state> </case> <case tag="male_removed_accessory" target="pit" targetStage="2"> <state img="8-neutral.png">I know jack about greek culture. Which is weird because I always thought angels were associated with Christianity. Then again, I also thought angels were fictional.</state> </case> <case tag="male_removed_accessory" targetStage="1-8" targetStatus="not_decent" priority="3"> <state img="8-thinking.png">Weird strategy, though.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_accessory"> <state img="8-angry.png">Your ~clothing~? Seriously, ~name~!?</state> <state img="8-angry.png">~Clothing~. Small, insignificant ~clothing~.</state> <state img="8-why.png">I am SO angry at you right now!</state> <state img="8-why.png">Give me a break! At least take off something minor!</state> <state img="8-why.png">Are you kidding!? I had to touch myself in front of everyone!</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_accessory" filter="red_eyes" saidMarker="nightmareyesclub_marker" notSaidMarker="kickedoutoftheclub"> <state img="8-annoyed.png" marker="kickedoutoftheclub">...Your membership from the "Nightmare Eyes" club has been hereby revoked.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="blake" targetStage="5"> <state img="8-surprise.png">Wait, what? What's this?</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="florina" targetStage="0" targetSaidMarker="fled"> <state img="8-why.png">Are you kidding me!?</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="futaba" targetStage="1" priority="999"> <state img="8-smug.png">I. Want. Those. Boots.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="lucina" targetStage="0"> <state img="8-surprise.png">Eh!?</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="pinkie_pie" targetStage="5"> <state img="8-eh.png"><i>(Aw man, but the stockings-only look was hot...)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="rinkah" targetStage="0" priority="10000"> <state img="8-eh.png"><i>(This Rinkah girl... She could probably suplex me without any trouble!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="rinkah" targetStage="1" priority="9999"> <state img="8-neutral.png">Those gloves you took off earlier look heavy... I-Is that how you build muscle?</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_accessory" target="rinkah" targetStage="2" priority="10000"> <state img="8-eh.png"><i>(Abs like solid rock. I'd probably hurt my hand trying to punch her the stomach...)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_accessory" targetStage="1-8" targetStatus="not_decent"> <test expr="~name~" cmp="!=" value="Kyu" /> <state img="8-eh.png" marker="sparedfromherwrath*">You know what? Since you took off something big first, I guess I can forgive that...</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_accessory"> <state img="8-welp.png">Ugh.</state> <state img="8-eh.png">Why are you so good at this game?</state> <state img="8-why.png">Yeah, laugh it up, asshole. I'll beat you at something else.</state> <state img="8-welp.png"><i>Please let this be it.</i></state> <state img="8-why.png">Just get on with your stupid game already!</state> <state img="8-angry.png">Can't you just make this less embarrassing for me?</state> <state img="8-neutral.png">Seriously? You have no mercy, do you?</state> <state img="8-stare.png">Hate. Let me tell you how much I've come to hate you since I began playing this game. There are million of cells inside of me. If the word hate was engraved on each cell of mine, it would not equal one one-billionth of the hate I feel at this micro-instant for you. Hate. Hate.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="blake" targetStage="6"> <state img="8-stare.png" marker="blakereveal">Oh... This whole time, you were... secretly a cat?</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="futaba" targetStage="2" priority="1001"> <state img="8-hype.png">Seriously, they're actually my aesthetic... I don't know how to use that word, but I do want boots like yours!</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="lucina"> <state img="8-eh.png" marker="thisisreal1">...And you chose to disguise yourself <i>why</i>? Are you from some sort of fantasty setting or am I just... Oh god...</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="natsuki" targetStage="1"> <state img="8-stare.png">Fine. Not like I'd want to play strip poker with an asshole like you anyways.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="pinkie_pie" targetStage="6"> <state img="8-flustered.png">You're weird, but in this case, I do like weird... Show me more party tricks!</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="rinkah" targetStage="1"> <state img="8-surprise.png">...Please don't hurt me Rinkah...</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="rinkah" targetStage="2"> <state img="8-eh.png">Although I guess it's too late to ask since youve already took off your boots... <i>(Ughh! I am such an idiot!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_accessory" target="rinkah" targetStage="3"> <state img="8-welp.png">....</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_accessory" targetStage="1-8" targetStatus="not_decent"> <test expr="~name~" cmp="!=" value="Kyu" /> <state img="8-stare.png">Weird strategy, though.</state> </case> <case tag="male_removing_minor"> <state img="8-angry.png">Screw you.</state> <state img="8-annoyed.png">That's barely anything! I mean, it's better than an accessory, but you're just dragging the game on.</state> <state img="8-annoyed.png">Just your ~clothing~? You're kidding me. Uggghhhh, you're pissing me off!</state> </case> <case tag="male_removing_minor" target="kamina" targetStage="1"> <state img="8-neutral.png">Should I wear armwraps too? I tend to hurt my hands a lot.</state> </case> <case tag="male_removing_minor" target="kamina" targetStage="6" priority="855"> <state img="8-thinking.png">Saving the cape for last, I see.</state> </case> <case tag="male_removing_minor" target="pit" targetStage="2"> <state img="8-thinking.png">These are the most impractical sandals I ever saw. How the hell do you even run in the---?</state> </case> <case tag="male_removing_minor" targetStage="1-8" targetStatus="not_decent"> <state img="8-eh.png" marker="sparedfromherwrath*">You know what? Since you took off something big first, I guess I can forgive that...</state> </case> <case tag="male_removed_minor"> <state img="8-annoyed.png">Well at least it's <i>something</i>?</state> <state img="8-angry.png">What the hell am I supposed to say here!? Oh, I know: you're a dick.</state> <state img="8-welp.png">Whatever. Nice ~clothing~. Now let's get moving.</state> </case> <case tag="male_removed_minor" target="kamina" targetStage="2"> <state img="8-thinking.png">And not just from knife fights. Only my knuckles seem to be injured there.</state> </case> <case tag="male_removed_minor" target="kamina" targetStage="7"> <state img="8-eh.png">I mean... You could've used that to cover yourself. <i>(That's what I should've done...)</i></state> </case> <case tag="male_removed_minor" target="pit" targetStage="3"> <state img="8-surprise.png">Ohhhhh, right, you have wings. My bad.</state> </case> <case tag="male_removed_minor" target="ryuji" targetSayingMarker="wince" priority="555"> <state img="8-eh.png">Ouch. You okay?</state> </case> <case tag="male_removed_minor" targetStage="1-8" targetStatus="not_decent"> <state img="8-thinking.png">Weird strategy, though.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_minor"> <state img="8-angry.png">Screw you.</state> <state img="8-annoyed.png">That's barely anything! I mean, it's better than an accessory, but you're just dragging the game on.</state> <state img="8-annoyed.png">Just your ~clothing~? You're kidding me. Uggghhhh, you're pissing me off!</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_minor" target="catria" targetStage="3"> <state img="8-surprise.png">H-Hey! We can see your ass, y'know!</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_minor" target="futaba" targetStage="0" priority="555"> <state img="8-stare.png">Ooooh, lucky you. Cute people are usually not into girls like me. For good reason. <i>(Not like she needs to know why most of the town calls me "Killer".)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_minor" target="futaba" targetStage="3" priority="10000"> <state img="8-neutral.png">Are those not uncomfortable? Or is it so cold where you're from that you need to keep your legs warm?</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_minor" target="kyoko" targetStage="5" priority="545"> <state img="8-eh.png">...Oh...</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_minor" target="natsuki" targetStage="2"> <state img="8-thinking.png">I wouldn't know. English is not my strong suit.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_minor" target="sakura" targetStage="1" priority="540"> <state img="8-surprise.png"><i>(What the---grey skin?)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_minor" target="sakura" targetStage="2" priority="545"> <state img="8-surprise.png" marker="sakura_reveal">Seriously!? You're a zombie!</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_minor" target="sakura" targetStage="3" priority="560"> <state img="8-fingergun.png" marker="loseyourhead">Woah, don't lose your head now! Ahahahahahaha!!</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_minor" targetStage="1-8" targetStatus="not_decent"> <test expr="~name~" cmp="!=" value="Kyu" /> <state img="8-eh.png" marker="sparedfromherwrath*">You know what? Since you took off something big first, I guess I can forgive that...</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_minor"> <state img="8-annoyed.png">Well at least it's <i>something</i>?</state> <state img="8-annoyed.png">What the hell am I supposed to say here!? Oh, I know: you're a dick.</state> <state img="8-welp.png">Whatever. Nice ~clothing~. Now let's get moving.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="emi" targetStage="7"> <state img="8-surprise.png">Wait... Prosthetics!? I'm sorry, but if you mentioned having prosthetic legs before, I wasn't paying attention.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="futaba"> <state img="8-stare.png">Part of your thigh is exposed though, so it must be some weird fashion statement I never heard of.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="futaba" targetStage="1"> <state img="8-neutral.png">Just looking at you makes me wanna snuggle up against you and play video games on your TV all day.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="kyoko" targetStage="6"> <state img="8-welp.png"><i>(Well that just killed the mood.)</i></state> <state img="8-welp.png">I, uh, don't know what to say. I'm sorry.</state> <state img="8-welp.png">Jeez... I'm sorry.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="sakura" targetStage="2"> <state img="8-annoyed.png">You got a little something on your thighs. If we can have an explanation, that'd be neat.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="sakura" targetStage="3"> <state img="8-flustered.png"><i>(Aren't zombies supposed to be living corpses with rotting flesh? What's concerning is that she's STILL cute despite that!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="sakura" targetStage="3" alsoPlaying="saki_zls" alsoPlayingStage="6"> <state img="8-smug.png">Aha! There's a zombie uprising going on, isn't it? No wonder you know each other so well! Too bad I was prepared from the very beginning!</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="sakura" targetStage="4" alsoPlaying="saki_zls" alsoPlayingStage="7" saidMarker="loseyourhead"> <state img="8-smug.png">Hahaha... hah... Man, you girls are a goldmine for lame puns. I need to work on my comedian routine. Could you help me out?</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_minor" target="sakura" targetStage="4" saidMarker="loseyourhead"> <state img="8-smug.png">Hahaha... hah... Man, you're a goldmine for lame puns. I need to work on my comedian routine. Could you help me out?</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_minor" targetStage="1-8" targetStatus="not_decent"> <test expr="~name~" cmp="!=" value="Kyu" /> <state img="8-thinking.png">Weird strategy, though.</state> </case> <case tag="male_removing_major"> <state img="8-smug.png">This pleases the Borowski.</state> <state img="8-smug.png">Heck yeah.</state> <state img="8-neutral.png">You'll be losing soon. I think.</state> <state img="8-fingergun.png">There we go! Show a bit of skin!</state> </case> <case tag="male_removing_major" target="kamina" targetStage="3" saidMarker="kamina_maedisappoint"> <state img="8-smug.png" marker="null_disappoint">Heh-hey, there we go!</state> </case> <case tag="male_removed_major"> <state img="8-smug.png" marker="lostmajor">Just keep it going.</state> <state img="8-smug.png" marker="lostmajor">Nice. Very nice. I'm pleased.</state> <state img="8-flustered.png" marker="lostmajor"><i>(~name~ is cute... Damn, me and my bisexual ass...)</i></state> <state img="8-eh.png" marker="lostmajor">So many attractive people, so little time...</state> </case> <case tag="male_removed_major" target="kamina" targetStage="4" saidMarker="null_disappoint"> <state img="8-neutral.png">Okay, now you're cool again. In these horrifying red eyes, at least.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_major"> <state img="8-smug.png">This pleases the Borowski.</state> <state img="8-smug.png">Heck yeah.</state> <state img="8-neutral.png">You'll be losing soon. I think.</state> <state img="8-fingergun.png">There we go! Show a bit of skin!</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_major" target="aimee"> <state img="8-terror.png">WHAT THE HELL!?</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_major" target="emi" targetStage="7"> <state img="8-surprise.png">Your <i>legs!?</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_major" target="futaba" targetStage="2"> <state img="8-thinking.png">Now you have me wondering---do <i>you</i> wear underwear?</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_major" target="hk416" targetStage="3"> <state img="8-neutral.png">Classy jacket you got there. Looks warm too.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_major" target="pinkie_pie" targetStage="0"> <state img="8-woah.png">Woah, she's already livening things up!</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_major" target="pinkie_pie" targetStage="1"> <state img="8-flustered.png">I like this girl. A lot.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_major" target="rinkah" targetStage="3"> <state img="8-hype.png">Pants! Pants!! <i>Paaaaants!!!</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_major" target="saki_zls" targetStage="5"> <state img="8-why.png">Makeup doesn't count, asshole! You can't---!</state> </case> <case tag="female_removing_major" target="syrenne" targetStage="0"> <state img="8-woah.png">W-Wait, <i>already!?</i> What about those things on your arms?</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_major"> <state img="8-smug.png">Just keep it going.</state> <state img="8-smug.png">Nice. Very nice. I'm pleased.</state> <state img="8-flustered.png"><i>(~name~ is cute... Damn, me and my bisexual ass...)</i></state> <state img="8-eh.png">So many attractive people, so little time...</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_major" target="aimee" targetStage="1"> <state img="8-why.png">Wh... What? WHAT!? <i>WHY!?</i></state> <state img="8-why.png">Wh... What the hell is WRONG with you!?</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_major" target="emi" targetStage="8"> <state img="8-woah.png">Holy crap, you're determined!</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_major" target="futaba"> <state img="8-stare.png">So technically the shirt <i>was</i> your underwear. But now it's not, since you're wearing nothing over it. Clever.</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_major" target="hk416" targetStage="4" priority="205"> <state img="8-surprise.png">Annnnd you're not wearing anything but a bra underneath it!</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_major" target="natsuki" targetStage="5"> <state img="8-surprise.png"><i>(That "oversized shirt with no pants" look is really hot... Oh god, now I feel gross. Jeez, I really hope this girl is legal...)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_major" target="natsuki" targetStage="5" alsoPlaying="pit"> <state img="8-flustered.png"><i>(Yeah... What he said.)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_major" target="natsuki" targetStage="6" priority="111"> <state img="8-surprise.png">Holy crap... That's adorable!</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_major" target="rinkah"> <state img="8-surprise.png">W-Wait, we can see your---!</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_major" target="saki_zls" targetStage="6"> <state img="8-terror.png">Gah! Not the ice bucket!</state> </case> <case tag="female_removed_major" target="syrenne" targetStage="1"> <state img="8-stare.png">There's other things you can strip that are <i>not</i> your headband though.</state> </case> <case tag="male_chest_will_be_visible"> <state img="8-smug.png">Please, like this is embarrassing for you.</state> <state img="8-woah.png"><i>(Hot shirtless men is usually something you usually find at a college party... At least this isn't college.)</i></state> <state img="8-flustered.png">Do you work out, ~name~? Just asking! In case, y'know.... Ah, screw it, we're gonna know regardless!</state> </case> <case tag="male_chest_is_visible"> <state img="8-annoyed.png">...This is no problem for you. Guys go shirtless <i>all</i> the time.</state> <state img="8-annoyed.png">Oh suuuure, when men like ~name~ go shirtless, it's perfectly fine, but when us <i>ladies</i> do it, suddenly everyone's calling the damn cops! I appreciate the shirtlessness, but this is just unfair...</state> <state img="8-welp.png">Ugh. I bet ~name~ has a better chest than I do.</state> <state img="8-woah.png">Quick, ~name~, distract them from my nudity!</state> </case> <case tag="male_chest_is_visible" filter="muscular"> <state img="8-woah.png">Woah, can you give me a ride on your back?</state> <state img="8-woah.png">Woah, how much have you been going to the gym!?</state> </case> <case tag="male_chest_is_visible" target="9s"> <state img="8-stare.png">...Can I ask what happened to your nipples?</state> </case> <case tag="male_crotch_will_be_visible"> <state img="8-smug.png">Heh. This is it, ladies and gentlemen.</state> <state img="8-stare.png">You saw my naked body. Fair's fair, ~name~.</state> <state img="8-annoyed.png">Should I be excited... I mean, it's a penis, but... It's more or less the butt that's more attractive to me.</state> <state img="8-smug.png" marker="DICKS">Time to see his member. His schlong. His johnson. His manhood. His willy...</state> </case> <case tag="male_small_crotch_is_visible"> <state img="8-neutral.png">...Something tells me I should be laughing. I'm not.</state> <state img="8-stare.png">Soooooo, apparently you're smaller than average? Judging by everyone else's reactions?</state> <state img="8-eh.png">Is... Is it small? I dunno what counts as "average" size for penis just by sight. I'm not a dick professional.</state> <state img="8-thinking.png"><i>(Huh... Either porn is extremely unrealistic or his is not as big as it should be.)</i></state> </case> <case tag="male_medium_crotch_is_visible"> <state img="8-eh.png">I bet you get a lot of girls...</state> <state img="8-fingergun.png">Well, at least you got to see a girl naked?</state> <state img="8-surprise.png">...Do I say something?</state> </case> <case tag="male_medium_crotch_is_visible" target="ryuji" targetSayingMarker="ass" priority="445"> <state img="8-smug.png"><i>(Nice.)</i></state> </case> <case tag="male_large_crotch_is_visible"> <state img="8-surprise.png">H-How would that even fit!?</state> <state img="8-terror.png">Err...</state> <state img="8-terror.png"><i>(Gah!! I do <i>not</i> want that near my privates!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="male_large_crotch_is_visible" target="mettaton"> <state img="8-why.png">What the---I know you're not human, but this is just ridiculous!!</state> </case> <case tag="male_crotch_is_visible"> <condition count="3-4" gender="male" status="naked" /> <state img="8-woah.png">How many penises am I gonna see tonight!? Geez!</state> </case> <case tag="male_crotch_is_visible" filter="muscular"> <state img="8-neutral.png">...I gotta say, today's society sexualized the word 'daddy' <i>way</i> too much! What are the future kids gonna call their father now?</state> </case> <case tag="male_crotch_is_visible" saidMarker="DICKS" notSaidMarker="dicks_set" priority="130"> <state img="8-thinking.png" marker="dicks_set">There's only so many synonyms for "penis" I could come up with on the spot.</state> </case> <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible"> <state img="8-surprise.png">Yeah, look at ~name~'s tits instead! Mine are nothing special!</state> <state img="8-woah.png"><i>(How do I feel about this? Happy? Terrified? Happified? I need a dictionary!)</i></state> <state img="8-flustered.png">Heh... Probably better than mine.</state> </case> <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" target="florina" targetSayingMarker="bee3" priority="9998"> <state img="8-surprise.png">Holy <i>crap</i>, these bees show up at the worst moments!</state> </case> <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" target="futaba"> <state img="8-surprise.png">Erm... I guess I'll be seeing your boobs, Oracle! This isn't something new friends shouldn't do though...</state> </case> <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" target="kyu"> <state img="8-surprise.png">...Witchcraft!</state> </case> <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" target="kyu" targetSaying="This totally isn't some deus-ex-machina cop-out to avoid having to put any effort into another stripping sprite, by the way. In case you were wondering."> <state img="8-stare.png">But... wouldn't that stripping pose take just as much effort, if not <i>more?</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" target="moon" priority="10000"> <state img="8-why.png">FOR THE LAST TIME, I DON'T WANT TO SEE YOUR CHEST!</state> </case> <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" target="natsuki"> <state img="8-stare.png">Guess I'm not the only one embarrassing myself tonight.</state> </case> <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" target="rinkah" priority="9994"> <state img="8-eh.png">It doesn't hurt to bind your chest---?</state> </case> <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" target="saki_zls"> <state img="8-fingergun.png">Hehehe... Looks like you're getting <i>a-head</i> of yourself now!</state> </case> <case tag="female_chest_will_be_visible" totalRounds="0-5"> <state img="8-surprise.png">The game JUST started, what the heck!?</state> </case> <case tag="female_small_chest_is_visible"> <state img="8-smug.png">Oh!! Finally, someone who's more flat than I am! Even if it's not by much.</state> <state img="8-thinking.png">I... think we're about the same? How does one measure boobs again? Bea bought me that bra so I wouldn't know.</state> </case> <case tag="female_small_chest_is_visible" target="futaba"> <state img="8-flustered.png">Honestly? I-I'm kinda happy you're also pretty flat. I mean, at least we're in this together!</state> </case> <case tag="female_small_chest_is_visible" target="natsuki"> <state img="8-smug.png">Itty-bitty titty committee? How many members did you manage to find?</state> </case> <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible"> <state img="8-surprise.png"><i>(Oh crud, what do I do, WHAT DO I SAY!?)</i></state> <state img="8-flustered.png"><i>(Yup! Real boobs! Someone else's boobs! Right in front of me!)</i></state> <state img="8-surprise.png"><i>(Must... not... squeeze... Do I squeeze my own? What do I do?)</i></state> <state img="8-flustered.png">Umm... Nice... boobs? G... Great tits? Sure as hell bigger than mine.</state> <state img="8-flustered.png">~Name~ has better boobs! Look at her boobs instead!</state> </case> <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="calisto" priority="15"> <state img="8-surprise.png">That <i>has</i> to be uncomfortable! Doesn't it feel like you're having a wedgie!?</state> </case> <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="florina"> <state img="8-annoyed.png">Now the reveal is kinda ruined, even if her tits are kind of cute... One of us should get some pesticide.</state> </case> <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="moon"> <state img="8-stare.png">...You have no idea how much I want to stab you and throw your filthy body into a river.</state> </case> <case tag="female_medium_chest_is_visible" target="rinkah" priority="9995"> <state img="8-woah.png">Ohhhhh my good lord...</state> <state img="8-woah.png">W-Wow... How is your body so... <i>(perfect!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_large_chest_is_visible"> <state img="8-annoyed.png"><i>(Nope. Totally not jealous.)</i></state> <state img="8-annoyed.png"><i>(Hmmph. I bet ~name~ has a lot of back pain. Yeah, I lucked out by having small boobs! Stupid ~name~ and her dumb, massive boobs...)</i></state> <state img="8-annoyed.png"><i>(Good, now ~name~ has all the attention... Not like I'm jealous or anything. Nope, could care less about the differences.)</i></state> <state img="8-eh.png"><i>(Yeesh, they're so big... And mine are so.... Gah, why should that matter!?)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_large_chest_is_visible" filter="pierced_nipples" priority="155"> <state img="8-flustered.png"><i>(Holy shit, AND they're pierced!? Holy...)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_large_chest_is_visible" target="jura" targetSayingMarker="butt"> <state img="8-annoyed.png"><i>(Ugh, AND she has an amazing ass too? This is why I hate hot girls like her sometimes. Nearly everything they do makes you self-concious about yourself.)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_chest_is_visible" filter="confident" targetStatus="not_crotch_visible"> <state img="8-smug.png">Might as well take off everything, with how much you don't care. Makes things go faster.</state> </case> <case tag="female_chest_is_visible" filter="no_bra"> <state img="8-eh.png">Of course when I start wearing bras, I have to show the goods before someone who forgoes bras. Irony is so cruel...</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible"> <state img="8-flustered.png">Eye for an eye and a... okay, I think I'll leave it at that.</state> <state img="8-eh.png" marker="regret">I feel like I'll regret whatever I say here. Like, what do I even say here? "Oh boy, we're gonna see someone's vagina!"</state> <state img="8-flustered.png">Umm... I showed you <i>everything</i> so... this is the least you could do... I think?</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" filter="thong" priority="155"> <state img="8-eh.png">If I had to be honest, thongs look like the most uncomfortable things on the planet.</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="leggy"> <state img="8-flustered.png">It feels weird seeing you about to get naked knowing you're not actually human...</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="moon"> <state img="8-terror.png">I don't want to see it! It's probably filthy. And full of gross STDs. And a bunch of other gross things! Can I go home now!?</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="rinkah" priority="9998"> <state img="8-eh.png">W-Well I've already seen your pubes!</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_will_be_visible" target="sakura"> <state img="8-surprise.png">Oh boy! Zombie... pussy...</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible"> <state img="8-hype.png">Screw it; this is awesome!</state> <state img="8-thinking.png">This is kind of a win-lose situation. I mean, I never thought I'd see the day where I'd see naked women.</state> <state img="8-eh.png">Can I get a closer look? Please? I mean, I just gave everyone a show.</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" filter="confident" targetStatus="not_chest_visible"> <state img="8-smug.png">Might as well take off everything, with how much you don't care. Makes things go faster.</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" filter="confident" targetStatus="not_chest_visible" saidMarker="regret"> <state img="8-smug.png">Ah, screw it. Might as well take off everything, with how much you don't care. Makes things go faster.</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" filter="witch" notSaidMarker="witch_nude"> <state img="8-flustered.png" marker="witch_nude">I think ~name~ just bewitched me! Hahahahaha... hah...</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="blake" targetSaidMarker="Bellabooty"> <state img="8-smug.png">Bellabooty!</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="florina" targetSayingMarker="butt"> <state img="8-hype.png">Hehehe! We can see your butt! <i>(And it's a really cute butt!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="haru"> <state img="8-surprise.png"><i>(That ass is bigger than my future!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="ini" targetSaidMarker="butt"> <state img="8-annoyed.png">You suuuure are determined not to show us your pubes.</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="jolyne" targetSaidMarker="Butt"> <state img="8-smug.png">Ooooh, I'm starting to hate this game a lot less now!</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="jura" targetSayingMarker="natsuki_hug"> <state img="8-stare.png">...I think you're suffocating her.</state> <state img="8-stare.png">If she dies being suffocated by your massive chest, I'm getting out of here.</state> <state img="8-thinking.png"><i>(Yeah, I can't envy her.)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="leggy"> <state img="8-thinking.png">Yup, everyone's a furry. I'm a furry, you're a furry, we're all furry in my eyes.</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="mavis"> <state img="8-surprise.png"><i>(She's dummy thicc!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="meia"> <state img="8-smug.png"><i>(I like this sight.)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="moon"> <state img="8-welp.png">...Why did I agree to playing this game?</state> <state img="8-welp.png">I should've left while I could.</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="rinkah"> <state img="8-flustered.png">Umm... You are <i>really</i> confident, huh?</state> </case> <case tag="female_crotch_is_visible" target="sakura"> <state img="8-stare.png">...Is a thing I never thought I'd say in my life.</state> <state img="8-eh.png">Are you seriously a zombie? I'd have expected something more... cut up. And writhing with maggots. But no, you're really hot and I'm not sure how to feel about being attracted to a zombie.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="deity" notSaidMarker="deity_marker"> <state img="8-stare.png">...What do I even say?</state> <state img="8-thinking.png">This is too weird for me.</state> <state img="8-neutral.png">...</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="flies" notSaidMarker="flies_marker" priority="54"> <state img="8-welp.png" marker="flies_marker">Maaaaan, I wish I could fly...</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="gloomy" notSaidMarker="gloomy_marker"> <state img="8-eh.png" marker="gloomy_marker"><i>(~name~ kind of reminds me of Bea. I kinda wish she were here now. Too bad Bea wouldn't be caught dead playing this game.)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="gun" notSaidMarker="gun_marker"> <state img="8-terror.png" marker="gun_marker"><i>(What the---aren't guns illegal!? What the hell is that person thinking? Should I be scared? I don't want to be shot again!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="innocent" notSaidMarker="innocent_marker" priority="6"> <state img="8-neutral.png" marker="innocent_marker">...Should you really be playing this game?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="lonely" notSaidMarker="lonely_marker"> <state img="8-eh.png" marker="lonely_marker"><i>(Jeez, ~name~ kind of reminds me of myself. Makes me glad I actually have some friends, or else my existence would end up being even crappier.)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="musician" targetStatus="decent" notSaidMarker="musician_tag"> <state img="8-neutral.png" marker="musician_tag">So you play an instrument too, huh? Or are you a singer?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="police" notSaidMarker="police_marker"> <state img="8-stare.png" marker="police_marker">I'm playing strip poker with a cop? Wow. I wonder what other crazy stuff life has in store for me.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="thigh_highs" notSaidMarker="thighhigh_markers"> <state img="8-annoyed.png" marker="thighhigh_markers">Ugh. Why would you torture yourself with those long socks? Doesn't it feel itchy?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="vampire" notSaidMarker="vampire_marker" priority="155"> <state img="8-hype.png" marker="vampire_marker">Ohmigod... I <i>knew</i> vampires were real! Suck it, nonbelievers!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="virtual" notSaidMarker="virtual_marker"> <state img="8-surprise.png" marker="virtual_marker">Wait, am I playing with a hologram!? Is this another crazy dream?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="witch" notSaidMarker="witchdagga_witchmarker"> <state img="8-thinking.png" marker="witchdagga_witchmarker"><i>(Man, how cool would it be if Witchdagger actually played here? It would make up for all the times I couldn't go to any concerts because they were all too far away and nobody would drive me.)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="blake" targetStage="0"> <state img="8-eh.png"><i>(I can't tell what animal this girl is... Why do I even see people as animals in the first place?)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="chihiro" targetStage="5" priority="9997"> <state img="8-stare.png">Oh, you're back. Listen, you better not run away again. You chose to play, you stick it out until the end.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="florina" targetStage="4" targetSaidMarker="bee" priority="444"> <state img="8-surprise.png"><i>(Crap, better get ready to run. I don't want to be stung again!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="human" filter="gay" notSaidMarker="player_queer" priority="9998"> <state img="8-surprise.png" marker="player_queer">Wait... ~player~, you're gay?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="jura"> <state img="8-annoyed.png"><i>Of course</i> she's ridiculously vain. Not even sexy and suave girls can save the world from being crappy.</state> <state img="8-stare.png">Well at least your inflated ego makes sense, I'll give you that. But I still don't like you already.</state> <state img="8-stare.png">Ugh, and here I thought I'd like you. But no, you just <i>have</i> to rub your ridiculously good looks in my face.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="kyu" targetStage="0"> <state img="8-neutral.png">A disgustingly pink fairy who's also a huge slut? Now I've seen everything.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="leggy" targetStage="0"> <state img="8-eh.png">Are you <i>sure</i> you want to play this game? <i>(Everyone seems so surprised... Am I missing something?)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="leggy" targetStage="0" totalAlive="3"> <state img="8-eh.png">Are you <i>sure</i> you want to play this game? <i>(~player~ seems so surprised... Am I missing something?)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="leggy" targetStage="2"> <state img="8-smug.png">Hah! Pretty stupid of you to wear just a woolly, long-sleeved leotard, eh---?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="leggy" targetStage="3"> <state img="8-stare.png">Yup. I get it. You're an actual sheep, and I'm an idiot.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="moon" targetStage="0" priority="10000"> <state img="8-terror.png">...Holy crap!</state> <state img="8-terror.png">Is this girl serious!? <i>(This is just... a whole new level of wrong here.)</i></state> <state img="8-terror.png"><i>(...And I thought I was the crazy one! This girl takes crazy to a whole new level!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="moon" targetStage="1" priority="10000"> <state img="8-surprise.png">Normally I'd be excited, BUT THIS GIRL IS FREAKING ME OUT RI---</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="moon" targetStage="2-5"> <state img="8-annoyed.png">Oh goodie, it's <i>her</i> turn.</state> <state img="8-neutral.png"><i>(This girl actually makes me look good in comparsion.)</i></state> <state img="8-surprise.png"><i>(Is this she actually human? What if she's secretly some horny sex alien whose species greet each other with blowjobs?)</i></state> <state img="8-thinking.png"><i>(How does this little rabbit-girl have the biggest libido?)</i></state> <state img="8-annoyed.png">I'd say prostitution would be a <i>wonderful</i> job for you, but I wouldn't want your poor clients to get every STD on the planet.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="moon" targetStage="6" priority="10000"> <state img="8-terror.png">Oh <i>no</i>...</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="pinkie_pie" targetSayingMarker="pinka_start"> <state img="8-terror.png">WHAT THE HELL!?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="roxie" targetStage="0" priority="555"> <state img="8-smug.png">Roxie, huh? I dunno what it is, but something tells me we'll get along well.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="roxie" targetStage="2" priority="555"> <state img="8-neutral.png">So what's next? Is it gonna be the boots?</state> <state img="8-eh.png">Not a lot of options left...</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" target="roxie" targetStage="3" priority="555"> <state img="8-thinking.png">So... thong or bra?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" targetStage="0" totalExposed="3-"> <state img="8-surprise.png">Oh <i>what the hell!!</i> Is this seriously your first loss? How good <i>are</i> you!?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" targetStatus="decent" notSaidMarker="uhura_flashbacks" priority="1"> <state img="8-thinking.png" marker="uhura_flashbacks"><i>(Man, if this were any other kind of poker and we had to bluff in order to win, one of us could fart and nobody would be able to tell who did it.)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="sunglasses" notSaidMarker="sunglasses_marker"> <test expr="~background.location~" value="indoors" /> <state img="8-stare.png" marker="sunglasses_marker">Y'know, when you think about it, playing poker is the only valid excuse for wearing sunglasses indoors. So consider yourself lucky, I guess.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_lost" filter="scantily-clad" notSaidMarker="skimpy_marker"> <test expr="~name~" cmp="!=" value="Leggy" /> <state img="8-stare.png" marker="skimpy_marker">What the... Do you seriously have no shame?</state> <state img="8-stare.png" marker="skimpy_marker">Wearing <i>that</i> little clothing to a strip poker game? I don't think the irony is lost on any of us.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" filter="clothing_destruction" notSaidMarker="clothingdestruction"> <state img="8-surprise.png" marker="clothingdestruction">Woah, what---!?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" filter="deity" targetStage="0"> <state img="8-eh.png">I... don't have good experience with deities. They tend to be assholes who try to break my mind.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" filter="police" targetStage="1"> <state img="8-thinking.png">Y'know, my aunt is a cop. Aunt Molly. Aunt Mall Cop. After all these years, we <i>still</i> don't get along.</state> <state img="8-stare.png" marker="life_rambling">I've been electrocuted at least twice in my lifetime and spoke to God. And God is an asshole. This is nothing compared to all the weird crap I've been through. But that's just life.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="akko" targetStage="0" priority="775"> <state img="8-woah.png">Wait, for real!? You're a real witch? You're really a real witch? For real?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="akko" targetStage="0" targetSaidMarker="necronomicon" priority="780"> <state img="8-terror.png">GAH!! No, not this! I can't deal with that again!!</state> <state img="8-terror.png"><i>Ohcrapohcrapohcrap!!</i> I don't wanna deal with these things anymore!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="amalia" targetStage="4" priority="555"> <state img="8-woah.png">Huh? How'd they slide off so easily!?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="chihiro" targetStage="4" priority="9995"> <state img="8-woah.png">No, wait! Come back!!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="chihiro" targetStage="5" priority="9993"> <state img="8-surprise.png">Huh!?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="felicia" targetStage="0"> <state img="8-surprise.png">Wait, what?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="felicia" targetStage="1"> <state img="8-eh.png">I'm cringing so hard right now.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="florina" targetStage="4" targetSayingMarker="bee2"> <state img="8-surprise.png">Hey, be careful with---!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="human" filter="gay" saidMarker="player_queer" notSaidMarker="player_queer2"> <state img="8-thinking.png" marker="player_queer2">Huh, you usually don't find a lot of queer people in my conversative trash dump of a town. I thought me, Gregg, and Angus were the only ones...</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="leggy" targetStage="0"> <state img="8-stare.png">You have some pretty weird get-up. Are you some kind of cosplayer?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="leggy" targetStage="1"> <state img="8-neutral.png">You alright there?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="leggy" targetStage="2"> <state img="8-surprise.png">Wait, <i>what!?</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="leggy" targetStage="3" priority="10000"> <state img="8-eh.png" marker="seeing_animals">I didn't want to say it out loud, but... I kiiiiinda have something wrong with my brain and everyone I see is an animal.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="moon" targetStage="0" priority="10000"> <state img="8-terror.png">She's so desperate about it...</state> <state img="8-why.png">Of course, she's taking off the bra first, <i>of course she does!!</i> Because obviously someone desperate like you wouldn't do with a silly trinket!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="moon" targetStage="1"> <state img="8-eh.png">Phew.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="moon" targetStage="2"> <state img="8-annoyed.png"><i>(Ugh, I don't even want to IMAGINE her naked.)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="palutena" targetStage="3"> <state img="8-neutral.png">Hey, Palutena. I have a question; can you fly? Or do those belts get in the way?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="pinkie_pie" targetSaidMarker="pinka_start" targetNotSaidMarker="pinka_end2"> <state img="8-why.png">What the hell do we do!? I am <i>not</i> dying during a strip poker game.</state> <state img="8-stare.png">We should really get out of here. Before this girl attempts to murder us.</state> <state img="8-why.png">I'm not here to get murdered!</state> <state img="8-surprise.png">UHHH...</state> <state img="8-surprise.png">Hahaha... please help me.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="roxie" targetStage="0" priority="555"> <state img="8-smug.png">The sweater already? Aww, you shouldn't have.</state> <state img="8-stare.png">I knew it.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="roxie" targetStage="2" priority="555"> <state img="8-woah.png">Wait, those are shorts? I thought they were boxers!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="roxie" targetStage="3" priority="555"> <state img="8-eh.png">Guess it's the bra first...</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="roxie" targetStage="3" targetSayingMarker="famous_tits" priority="555"> <state img="8-woah.png">W-Wait, you're famous!?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="twilight" targetStage="0"> <state img="8-surprise.png">Huh!? You know you can take off anything you want, right!?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="twilight" targetStage="1"> <state img="8-stare.png">Annnnd when I mention hating bras, she takes hers off. Go figure, I guess.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="twilight" targetStage="3" priority="325"> <state img="8-flustered.png">Seriously, you have a bunch of other stuff! <i>(Not that I don't mind or anything, but... This girl is really confusing me right now!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="twilight" targetStage="4" priority="329"> <state img="8-annoyed.png">Whatever.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="twilight" targetStage="5" priority="328"> <state img="8-stare.png">Those look comfy. I can almost understand why you chose to save them for... second-to-last?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" target="twilight" targetStage="6" priority="9993"> <state img="8-eh.png">Last small thing... And second-to-last article of clothing...</state> <state img="8-thinking.png">Well, I understand you somewhat better at least. But can you understand me?</state> <state img="8-neutral.png">Farewell, shirt. You... literally did nothing this entire game.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" filter="musician" targetStage="0" priority="9000"> <test expr="~clothing.type~" cmp="!=" value="major" /> <test expr="~clothing.type~" cmp="!=" value="important" /> <state img="8-neutral.png" marker="mae_musicramble">I play bass guitar. In a band me and my friends formed a few years ago. But I wouldn't call myself a serious musician, y'know? Even though I really love music. And just... the arts in general.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" notSaidMarker="insertwittycommenthere"> <test expr="~clothing.type~" value="accessory" /> <state img="8-stare.png" marker="insertwittycommenthere">Insert witty comment here.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" notSaidMarker="lookingfancy"> <test expr="~clothing.type~" value="accessory" /> <test expr="~clothing~" cmp="!=" value="shoes" /> <test expr="~clothing~" cmp="!=" value="socks" /> <state img="8-annoyed.png" marker="lookingfancy">What ~clothing.ifPlural(are those ~clothing~|is that ~clothing~)~ even for? Did you know we were going to play, or is that just to look fancy or something?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping"> <test expr="~clothing~" value="dress" /> <test expr="~target.gender~" value="female" /> <state img="8-stare.png">Wearing a dress is the same as wearing a very large single pant leg. Sorry to ruin your day, m'am.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping"> <test expr="~clothing~" value="dress" /> <test expr="~target.gender~" value="male" /> <state img="8-stare.png">Wearing a dress is the same as wearing a very large single pant leg. Sorry to ruin your day, sir.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping" priority="60"> <test expr="~clothing~" value="hat" /> <state img="8-neutral.png">Hat's off for ~name~... <i>Hat is off</i> for ~name~. The way you strip isn't worth a compliment.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping"> <test expr="~clothing~" value="skirt" /> <test expr="~name~" cmp="!=" value="Pinkie" /> <state img="8-thinking.png">I think the way someone dresses says a lot about them. Like, skirts are pretty and fashionable. Pants are boring, but practical.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripping"> <test expr="~clothing~" value="socks" /> <state img="8-thinking.png">If only I had a sock pun...</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" notSaidMarker="decency"> <condition count="1-2" status="decent" /> <state img="8-eh.png" marker="decency">I wonder how many more people are gonna show off their bods. Wait, only one of us will remain decent, right?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" filter="clothing_destruction" saidMarker="clothingdestruction" notSaidMarker="clothingdestruction1"> <state img="8-eh.png" marker="clothingdestruction1">Jeez... I mean, I've seen weirder stuff, but... Just take off your clothes like a normal person.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" filter="deity" targetStage="1"> <state img="8-stare.png">I met two of them, and came out mentally scarred for life. Now here I am playing <i>strip poker</i> with another deity. Life sure is something.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" filter="musician" saidMarker="mae_musicramble" notSaidMarker="mae_musicc" priority="9000"> <state img="8-eh.png" marker="mae_musicc">I'm rambling, aren't I? I shouldn't be rambling during a strip poker game... Deal the next hand.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="akko" targetStage="1"> <state img="8-hype.png">I... I thought you were just dressing up! But holy crap this is so cool!!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="akko" targetStage="1" targetSaidMarker="necronomicon"> <state img="8-stare.png" marker="akko_eldritch">Oh no, that was <i>definitely</i> eldritch horror we just saw. I'd be on my guard if I were you.</state> <state img="8-stare.png" marker="akko_exorcism">Oh no, that was <i>definitely</i> demonic possession. We gotta do a exorcism, like, ASAP. I'm seriously sick of dealing with the paranormal trying to kill me and my friends.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="amalia" targetStage="5"> <state img="8-surprise.png">What the---!?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="chihiro" targetStage="5" priority="9995"> <state img="8-annoyed.png">...Coward.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="chihiro" targetStage="6" priority="9992"> <state img="8-woah.png">Wait, why do you even crossdress in the first place!? You said you're a boy, so you're not a trans person... Am I missing something?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="felicia" targetStage="1"> <state img="8-terror.png">Wh... But you <i>need</i> your fur! Does it even grow back!?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="felicia" targetStage="2"> <state img="8-surprise.png">How do you do it so cleanly!? The thought of shaving pubic hair is... terrifying!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="florina" targetStage="5"> <state img="8-stare.png">...Your tunic. Oh well, it didn't seem too special to you anyways.</state> <state img="8-stare.png">Whoops. Well, that poor tunic's gone forever.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="leggy" targetStage="2"> <state img="8-thinking.png">Riiiight, what's with that... leg-collar thingy? I thought only flappers wore those things back in, like, the 1920's.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="leggy" targetStage="3"> <state img="8-surprise.png">Hang on, why the hell do you need to shave it off! Can't you just---I dunno---slide it off one shoulder or something?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="leggy" targetStage="4" priority="10000"> <state img="8-welp.png" marker="catoutofthebag">I never share this because I was afraid people would just see me as even <i>more</i> insane than I already am... But I guess the cat's out of the bag, huh? Which is ironic because I see myself as a cat...</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="moon" targetStage="1"> <state img="8-annoyed.png">...Let's just move on.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="moon" targetStage="2"> <state img="8-stare.png">Anytime you speak, the urge to murder you in your sleep increases for me. Stop talking. Now.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="moon" targetStage="3"> <state img="8-stare.png">Nice shoes. They're the only thing about you worth complementing.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="moon" targetStage="4"> <state img="8-smug.png"><i>(How hilarious would it be if she just, tripped, and they all just spilled out of the bag in public.)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="moon" targetStage="5"> <state img="8-stare.png">I really, <i>really</i> do not want to see your naked body.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="palutena" targetStage="4"> <state img="8-eh.png"><i>(I mean, I know she actually ISN'T an eagle, but... It'd be kinda weird if I see her as a bird goddess and she can't actually fly.)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="palutena" targetStage="4" alsoPlaying="pit"> <state img="8-stare.png"><i>(Why the hell do I see the divine-like people as birds?)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="pinkie_pie" targetSaidMarker="pinka_start" targetNotSaidMarker="pinka_end2"> <state img="8-terror.png">Get away from me!</state> <state img="8-stare.png">Try hurting me and I'll take that knife and jam it down your throat!</state> <state img="8-stare.png">Don't you even try anything.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="revy" targetStage="1-7" notSaidMarker="calmdownwildcat"> <state img="8-eh.png" marker="calmdownwildcat"><i>(Calm down, wildcat. Or should I say wild... fox? Wildfox? I dunno, why DO I see her as a fox and not a wildcat)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="roxie" targetStage="1" priority="555"> <state img="8-eh.png">...To be honest, I actually kind of liked it. It looked so comfortable yet so badass.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="roxie" targetStage="2" alsoPlaying="moon" targetSaidMarker="my_last_loss" priority="555"> <state img="8-annoyed.png">Well, so do I! And I bet everyone else here wants to win too... Except Moon. But she shouldn't even count.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="roxie" targetStage="2" targetSaidMarker="far_from_naked" priority="555"> <state img="8-stare.png">Who's Arceus?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="roxie" targetStage="2" targetSaidMarker="foot_fetish" priority="555"> <state img="8-stare.png">And before you ask---no, I don't have a foot fetish. That sounds so gross. What kind of weirdo finds <i>feet</i> sexy?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="roxie" targetStage="2" targetSaidMarker="live_without_boots" priority="555"> <state img="8-eh.png">I'm sure you'll get them back... right?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="roxie" targetStage="2" targetSaidMarker="my_last_loss" priority="555"> <state img="8-smug.png">Well, so do I! And I bet everyone else here wants to win too, so get ready for some extreme competition!</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="roxie" targetStage="2" targetSaidMarker="take_these_off" priority="555"> <state img="8-surprise.png">Custom-made!? Holy jeez, are you loaded or something?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="roxie" targetStage="3" priority="555"> <state img="8-eh.png">I mean... Cool thong, but isn't that extremely comfort? Why not just wear the shorts?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="roxie" targetStage="4" priority="555"> <state img="8-smug.png">Freckle-boobs... That's weirdly hot.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="twilight" notSaidMarker="twilight_losing"> <state img="8-stare.png" marker="twilight_losing">You may still be in the game, unlike me, but something tells me you'd be joining me very soon.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="twilight" targetSayingMarker="twilight_not_human" priority="301"> <state img="8-surprise.png">You are rea---wait, <i>humans?</i> You're not... You're not human?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="twilight" targetStage="1" priority="333"> <state img="8-thinking.png">Hmm. Well I can understand finding panties uncomfortable. Up until recently, I never wore a bra for the same reason.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="twilight" targetStage="2" priority="332"> <state img="8-thinking.png">You know, there's sports bras. They're pretty comfy. I remember Bea going out to buy me one. She kind of freaked out when I told her I never wear bras. Dunno why; my shirt's all I need.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="twilight" targetStage="3" priority="331"> <state img="8-terror.png">I can understand finding underwear comfortable, but what's wrong with your skirt!?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="twilight" targetStage="4" priority="330"> <state img="8-stare.png">...Oh, <i>now</i> you take off something small?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="twilight" targetStage="6" priority="9995"> <state img="8-flustered.png">Back to big stuff again afte---Oh right! You only have your shirt left! Juuuust a shirt.</state> <state img="8-thinking.png">What is grammar?</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" targetStatus="not_decent" saidMarker="sparedfromherwrath"> <test expr="~clothing.type~" cmp="!=" value="important" /> <test expr="~clothing.type~" cmp="!=" value="major" /> <state img="8-thinking.png">Blegh. I don't see you didn't just take your ~clothing~ off first.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped"> <test expr="~clothing~" value="dress" /> <state img="8-eh.png">...Yeah, you definitely look good without the dress.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped"> <test expr="~clothing~" value="glasses" /> <state img="8-stare.png">Hmm... I don't think I ever met a person with glasses who <i>wasn't</i> smart. Are you smart, ~name~? Don't lie to me.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="human" filter="gay" saidMarker="player_queer2"> <test expr="~target.gender~" value="female" /> <state img="8-eh.png" marker="player_queer3"><i>(Phew! It sucks when a cute girl you find ends up being straight. At least I'm not picky with gender...)</i></state> </case> <case tag="opponent_stripped" target="human" filter="gay" saidMarker="player_queer2"> <test expr="~target.gender~" value="male" /> <state img="8-neutral.png" marker="player_queer3">Well, good to know.</state> </case> <case tag="opponent_masturbating" filter="uses_toy" notSaidMarker="toys"> <state img="8-welp.png" marker="toys">Maaaan, I wish I bought a toy. If I knew what this game was all about.... ugh, maybe next time.</state> </case> <case tag="male_must_masturbate"> <state img="8-neutral.png">Your turn.</state> <state img="8-smug.png">Well, at least I'm not the only one who lost their dignity tonight.</state> </case> <case tag="male_must_masturbate" target="pit"> <state img="8-surprise.png">Oh...</state> </case> <case tag="male_start_masturbating"> <state img="8-thinking.png">Time to see how you do it. Too bad I can't give pointers.</state> <state img="8-neutral.png">After hardcore masturbating, this is honestly a little less exciting. But still, I'd like to watch.</state> </case> <case tag="male_start_masturbating" target="pit"> <state img="8-eh.png">It feels weird, y'know? Watching an angel masturbate...</state> </case> <case tag="male_masturbating"> <state img="8-eh.png">Oh... I-It's just like in porn. Good to know.</state> <state img="8-woah.png">Wow... just wow.</state> <state img="8-eh.png">Am I creeping you out, ~name~?</state> <state img="8-eh.png">This is still kind of hot.</state> <state img="8-flustered.png">~Name~!! You're gonna get me more wet if you keep... moaning like that!</state> <state img="8-neutral.png">The motion is... kind of hypnotizing to look at.</state> <state img="8-eh.png">I never really saw a guy masturbate right in front of me that's not on a computer screen, so... yeah. I'm just gonna watch.</state> <state img="8-welp.png"><i>(Ugghhhhh, I just came too!)</i></state> <state img="8-neutral.png">I can say this is the most awkward experience I've ever had. Not the worst, but definitely the most awkward. <i>(At least it was better than that prom night...)</i></state> <state img="8-neutral.png">Am I making you uncomfortable?</state> </case> <case tag="male_heavy_masturbating"> <state img="8-flustered.png">Are you close? I can only assume 'cause you're... umm...</state> <state img="8-eh.png">You're almost there! Just... keep doing your thing.</state> <state img="8-flustered.png">Jeez, I think you're going to... Well, let nothing hold you back.</state> <state img="8-smug.png"><i>(I bet he's having such a good time. I bet he's having a ball!)</i></state> <state img="8-eh.png">Umm...</state> </case> <case tag="male_finished_masturbating"> <state img="8-stare.png">Welcome to the loser's side.</state> <state img="8-thinking.png">Look on the bright side, ~name~. At least you sounded like you had fun.</state> <state img="8-fingergun.png">Who you gonna call? <i>Nut-busters!</i></state> </case> <case tag="male_finished_masturbating" target="jin"> <state img="8-flustered.png" marker="jinfinishing">HOLY CRAP, MY EYES!</state> </case> <case tag="female_must_masturbate"> <state img="8-neutral.png">Your turn.</state> </case> <case tag="female_must_masturbate" target="akko"> <state img="8-hype.png">Masturbating with magic sounds awesome! Show me what you got!!</state> </case> <case tag="female_must_masturbate" target="leggy"> <state img="8-eh.png">You're taking this awfully well...</state> </case> <case tag="female_must_masturbate" target="moon"> <state img="8-welp.png">...Great.</state> </case> <case tag="female_must_masturbate" target="rinkah"> <state img="8-eh.png">Umm... Too bad.</state> </case> <case tag="female_must_masturbate" target="shimakaze"> <state img="8-surprise.png">Woah, critical hit!</state> </case> <case tag="female_must_masturbate" target="twilight" saidMarker="twilight_losing"> <state img="8-smug.png">Knew it!</state> </case> <case tag="female_start_masturbating"> <state img="8-smug.png">Show me how you do it, then.</state> <state img="8-neutral.png">After hardcore masturbating, this is honestly a little less exciting. But still, I'd like to watch.</state> <state img="8-smug.png">Alright, let's go!</state> </case> <case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="akko"> <state img="8-smug.png">C'mooooon!!</state> </case> <case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="leggy"> <state img="8-thinking.png">Wasn't there a group of people notorious for having sex with sheep? The Welsh, I think?</state> </case> <case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="miko"> <state img="8-surprise.png">What the---is that the spirit of your dead wife!? Did she rise from the grave just to have sex with you!?</state> </case> <case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="moon"> <state img="8-stare.png">I'm just gonna... pretend you don't exist. Which is definitely easier said than done.</state> </case> <case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="pinkie_pie"> <state img="8-woah.png">Wh---wouldn't it hurt like hell if it popped?</state> </case> <case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="shimakaze"> <state img="8-eh.png">...Okay, but are you alright?</state> </case> <case tag="female_masturbating"> <state img="8-eh.png">This is still kind of hot.</state> <state img="8-woah.png">Maybe you can spread your legs a bit more. N-Not cause I want a better look, but it kind of helps make it easier to rub your clit!</state> <state img="8-neutral.png">Try... Try playing with your nipples.</state> <state img="8-eh.png">I never really saw another girl masturbate in front of me, so... yeah. I'm just gonna watch.</state> <state img="8-eh.png">Do you, uh, need my help?</state> <state img="8-stare.png">Am I creeping you out, ~name~?</state> <state img="8-flustered.png">Was I making those noises when I did it?</state> <state img="8-eh.png">...</state> <state img="8-eh.png"><i>(I kinda wanna go again, now that ~name~'s going at it...)</i></state> <state img="8-neutral.png">Don't mind ol' nightmare eyes. We're allowed to watch, aren't we?</state> <state img="8-neutral.png">I'm a pretty big hypocrite, huh? Sometimes this game brings out the worst in us... like my boobs.</state> <state img="8-stare.png">I feel like this is the only place where you're <i>required</i> to masturbate in front of strangers.</state> </case> <case tag="female_masturbating" id="8-1"> <state img="8-woah.png">Wow...</state> </case> <case tag="female_masturbating" target="akko" targetSayingMarker="akko_first_climax"> <state img="8-eh.png">Huh. That was quick.</state> </case> <case tag="female_masturbating" target="akko" targetSayingMarker="akko_second_climax"> <state img="8-stare.png">This is insane.</state> </case> <case tag="female_masturbating" target="akko" targetSayingMarker="akko_third_climax"> <state img="8-stare.png">Again!? Jeez, I can't take no more than two at a time. You are so insanely lucky.</state> </case> <case tag="female_masturbating" target="akko" targetTimeInStage="4" targetSaidMarker="akko_first_climax"> <state img="8-woah.png">Seriously? Jeez, I wish I had that sort of stamina!</state> <state img="8-woah.png">Seriously? Well, since you took such a short time, I guess it's well-deserved? I think?</state> </case> <case tag="female_masturbating" target="elizabeth" notSaidMarker="elizabeth_masturbation2"> <state img="8-smug.png" marker="elizabeth_masturbation2">Would you guys have sex with your clone? I know I would. Hell, if I could, I'd clone myself a bunch of times and have sex with them all, because that's how pro-clone sex I am.</state> <state img="8-thinking.png" marker="elizabeth_masturbation2">Would you guys have sex with your clone? I know I would... unless my clone was evil.</state> <state img="8-smug.png" marker="elizabeth_masturbation2">Would you guys have sex with your clone? I know I would. I mean, who knows how to pleasure <i>me</i> better than <i>me?</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_masturbating" target="miko" notSaidMarker="discomfort" priority="9100"> <state img="8-surprise.png" marker="discomfort">(mild discomfort)</state> </case> <case tag="female_masturbating" target="moon" priority="1"> <state img="8-stare.png">...</state> <state img="8-eh.png">(discomfort)</state> <state img="8-annoyed.png">Shut. Up.</state> </case> <case tag="female_heavy_masturbating"> <state img="8-flustered.png">Are you close? I can only assume 'cause you're... umm...</state> <state img="8-eh.png">You're almost there! Just... keep doing your thing.</state> <state img="8-flustered.png">Jeez, I think you're going to... Well, let nothing hold you back.</state> <state img="8-smug.png"><i>(I bet she's having such a good time. I bet she's having a ball!)</i></state> <state img="8-eh.png">Umm...</state> </case> <case tag="female_heavy_masturbating" target="moon"> <state img="8-annoyed.png">....</state> </case> <case tag="female_finished_masturbating"> <state img="8-eh.png">Was I that loud?</state> <state img="8-woah.png">Whew...</state> <state img="8-fingergun.png">Uhh... Glad you can join me.</state> <state img="8-neutral.png">Welcome to the loser's side.</state> <state img="8-stare.png">Look on the bright side, ~name~. At least you sounded like you had fun.</state> </case> <case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="aimee"> <state img="8-terror.png">Gah! I didn't there'd be so much... D-Didn't we tell you to be careful!?</state> <state img="8-terror.png">HOLY---You just shot yourself in the arm! Why the hell did you even decide to <i>bring a gun here!</i></state> <state img="8-terror.png">Ohgodohgodohgod, okay, not going back to that time! Are you okay!?</state> </case> <case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="akko"> <state img="8-flustered.png">HOLY CRAP, MY EYES!</state> </case> <case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="felicia"> <state img="8-stare.png">Okay, even <i>I'm</i> starting to get sick of those cat puns. Not even I make that many!</state> <state img="8-annoyed.png">We get it, you think you're a cat. <i>(Then again, so do I... but you don't see ME being so blatant about it!)</i></state> </case> <case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="leggy"> <state img="8-flustered.png">Umm... Do you do this often, or...?</state> </case> <case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="moon"> <state img="8-eh.png">Eww...</state> </case> <case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="pinkie_pie" targetSayingMarker="pop"> <state img="8-surprise.png">Ouch...</state> </case> <case tag="finished_masturbating"> <state img="8-surprise.png">...So what now?</state> <state img="8-thinking.png">How many people came on this floor?</state> <state img="8-annoyed.png">Okay, cool, just came in front of a bunch of strangers. Very loudly.</state> <state img="8-angry.png">Mention this to anyone in Possum Springs and I'll kill you in your sleep. That's a promise.</state> <state img="8-neutral.png">...I'm just going to sit here and think about what the hell I just did.</state> <state img="8-neutral.png">That's enough naughty bits for you, ~player~.</state> <state img="8-eh.png">~Player~... Are you... did you... nevermind.</state> <state img="8-eh.png">I'm tired.</state> <state img="8-stare.png">...Can I go home? No? Fine.</state> <state img="8-neutral.png">I knew it. This game was made by a bunch of porn addicts who wanted to see random people masturbate for them.</state> </case> <case tag="finished_masturbating" alsoPlaying="aimee" alsoPlayingStage="7" timeInStage="1-" notSaidMarker="yeehaw" priority="2"> <state img="8-neutral.png" marker="yeehaw">So... Who's the "yee" to your "haw", you crazy bastard?</state> </case> <case tag="finished_masturbating" alsoPlaying="roxie"> <state img="8-eh.png" marker="roxie_help">Right, umm... Can you help me with that?</state> </case> <case tag="finished_masturbating" notSaidMarker="finished" priority="9998"> <state img="8-surprise.png" marker="finished">Holy.... I was really loud, wasn't I? I'm surprised I don't disturb anyone when I... N-Nevermind.</state> <state img="8-eh.png" marker="finished">Did I... Was I screaming when I...?</state> <state img="8-eh.png" marker="finished">...It's just like eating cotton candy, isn't it? It's great until you’re finished, and then you're left with sticky hands and regret.</state> </case> <case tag="game_over_defeat"> <state img="8-eh.png">Cool, can I have my clothes back? I don't want to be arrested... again.</state> <state img="8-angry.png">Your memories don’t exist until you think about them, which is why everyone should pretend this never happened? Caphiche?</state> <state img="8-stare.png">Congratulations. You have a naked, wet Borowski sitting on a cold floor with nothing but her shame. Do you want a medal or something?</state> </case> <case tag="game_over_defeat" alsoPlaying="florina" alsoPlayingSaidMarker="bee4" priority="9999"> <state img="custom:leave" marker="florinaflee">Nope! Not dealing with this!!</state> </case> <case tag="game_over_defeat" alsoPlaying="moon" alsoPlayingStage="9" priority="9999"> <state img="custom:leave" marker="moonflee">Ugghhh! Nope! I'm out of here!</state> </case> <case tag="game_over_defeat" alsoPlaying="roxie"> <state img="8-hype.png">Hey! Hey, Roxie! Let's hang out! Take me to places I haven't seen before! I want to get to know you better!</state> </case> <case tag="game_over_defeat" target="human" priority="8888"> <state img="8-welp.png" marker="epilogueunlocked">Damn it... Can't believe you beat me, ~Player~.</state> <state img="8-sad.png">Good grief...</state> </case> <case tag="game_over_defeat" target="moon" targetStage="0-7" priority="425"> <state img="8-smug.png">Haha.</state> </case> <case tag="game_over_defeat" target="moon" targetStage="1-6"> <state img="8-stare.png">Hahaha... You're going to die in your sleep tonight.</state> </case> <case tag="game_over_defeat" target="twilight" targetStage="7" saidMarker="twilight_losing" priority="160"> <state img="8-neutral.png">Huh... Guess I was wrong. Congratulations, I guess.</state> </case> <case tag="game_over_defeat" filter="ditzy" priority="2"> <test expr="~target.gender~" value="female" /> <state img="8-woah.png">What the---how!? How did she win!?</state> </case> <case tag="game_over_defeat" filter="ditzy" priority="2"> <test expr="~target.gender~" value="male" /> <state img="8-woah.png">What the---how!? How did he win!?</state> </case> <case tag="global" alsoPlaying="leggy" alsoPlayingStage="5" alsoPlayingTimeInStage="1-" notSaidMarker="leggyisgonnafuckingdie"> <state img="8-thinking.png" marker="leggyisgonnafuckingdie">...Is it gonna grow back before the weather turns cold? If not, I think you just doomed yourself, Leggy. You're not gonna last the winter.</state> </case> <case tag="global" alsoPlaying="pit" alsoPlayingSayingMarker="sacredbuns" priority="9999"> <state img="8-hype.png">YES!! Sacred buns!</state> </case> <case tag="global" saidMarker="stripping_exposedtable" notSaidMarker="hypocrite"> <state img="8-thinking.png" marker="hypocrite"><i>(Man, I'm kind of a hypocrite...)</i></state> </case> </stage> </behaviour> <nicknames /> <epilogue hint="Win a game with Mae as one of your opponents." gender="female" img="background1.png"> <title>Deep Hollow Revelry</title> <scene name="beginning" width="100" height="100"> <directive type="text" id="Opening" width="92%" x="4%" y="20%">A few months later, after your game...</directive> </scene> <scene name="party1" background="background1.png" y="-25" width="2750" height="1300" zoom="1.5"> <directive type="sprite" id="sprite1" src="partypeople1.png" x="-383" y="-14" scalex="0.55" scaley="0.55" skewx="1" pivotx="50%" pivoty="50%" alpha="98" /> <directive type="move" id="sprite1" loop="true"> <keyframe time="0" scalex="0.55" scaley="0.55" /> <keyframe time="1" scalex="0.55" scaley="0.6" /> <keyframe time="2" y="-18" scalex="0.55" scaley="0.55" /> </directive> <directive type="sprite" id="sprite2" src="partypeople2.png" x="-24" y="-34" scalex="0.7" scaley="0.6985714" skewx="0.4910946" pivotx="50%" pivoty="50%" /> <directive type="move" id="sprite2" loop="true"> <keyframe time="0" scalex="0.6" scaley="0.6" rotation="0" /> <keyframe time="1" scalex="0.6" scaley="0.65" rotation="1" /> <keyframe time="1.5" scalex="0.6" scaley="0.6" rotation="-1" /> <keyframe time="2" scalex="0.65" scaley="0.65" rotation="0" /> <keyframe time="2.5" scalex="0.6" scaley="0.65" rotation="1" /> <keyframe time="3" scalex="0.6" scaley="0.6" rotation="0" /> </directive> <directive type="sprite" id="sprite3" src="partypeople1.png" x="-210" y="-2" scalex="0.6" scaley="0.6" pivotx="50%" pivoty="50%" alpha="97" /> <directive type="move" id="sprite3" loop="true"> <keyframe time="0" scalex="0.7" scaley="0.7" skewx="0" skewy="0" /> <keyframe time="1" x="14" scalex="0.7" scaley="0.7" skewx="8" /> <keyframe time="2" scalex="0.75" scaley="0.7" skewx="-3" /> <keyframe time="2.5" scalex="0.7" scaley="0.7" skewx="0" skewy="0" /> </directive> <directive type="camera"> <keyframe time="0" x="-465" y="-200" zoom="2" /> <keyframe time="7.5" x="650" y="-200" zoom="2" /> </directive> <directive type="sprite" id="mae1" src="party_mae1.png" x="1886" y="-66" scalex="0.9" scaley="0.9" pivotx="50%" pivoty="50%" /> <directive type="sprite" id="bea1" src="party_bea1.png" x="2149" y="-65" scalex="0.9" scaley="0.9" pivotx="50%" pivoty="50%" /> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="stop" id="sprite2" /> <directive type="stop" id="sprite3" /> <directive type="move" id="sprite3"> <keyframe time="0" x="-24" /> <keyframe time="5" x="-600" /> </directive> <directive type="move" id="sprite2"> <keyframe time="0" x="-210" /> <keyframe time="5" x="-700" /> </directive> <directive type="text" id="beatext1" width="16%" arrow="left" x="80%" y="6%">Remember the ground rules we established, Mae.</directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="remove" id="sprite3" /> <directive type="remove" id="sprite2" /> <directive type="remove" id="mae1" /> <directive type="sprite" id="mae2" src="party_mae2.png" scalex="0.9" scaley="0.9" pivotx="50%" pivoty="50%" /> <directive type="move" id="mae2" ease="smooth"> <keyframe time="0" x="1895" y="-65" /> <keyframe time="0.5" x="1895" y="-65" /> <keyframe time="1" y="-50" /> </directive> <directive type="text" id="maetext1" width="16%" arrow="right" x="27%" y="41%">Right. One, no alcohol.</directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="clear" id="beatext1" /> <directive type="text" id="beatext2" width="12%" arrow="left" x="82%" y="14%">Correct.</directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="remove" id="mae2" /> <directive type="sprite" id="mae3" src="party_mae1.png" x="1886" y="-66" scalex="0.9" scaley="0.9" pivotx="50%" pivoty="50%" /> <directive type="move" id="mae3"> <keyframe time="0" y="-66" /> <keyframe time="0.25" y="-75" /> <keyframe time="0.5" y="-66" /> </directive> <directive type="clear" id="maetext1" /> <directive type="text" id="maetext2" arrow="right" x="23%" y="38%">Two, don't accept anything a stranger offers you.</directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="text" id="beatext3" width="12%" arrow="left" x="82%" y="25%">Yes.</directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="clear" id="maetext2" /> <directive type="text" id="maetext3" arrow="right" x="23%" y="31%">Three, if I happen to get a soda or something, don't leave my cup out in the open.</directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="text" id="beatext4" width="12%" arrow="left" x="82%" y="36%">Right.</directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="clear" id="maetext3" /> <directive type="remove" id="mae3" /> <directive type="sprite" id="mae4" src="party_mae3.png" x="1800" y="-40" scalex="0.835" scaley="0.835" pivotx="50%" pivoty="45%" /> <directive type="move" id="mae4"> <keyframe time="0" rotation="0" /> <keyframe time="1" rotation="0" /> <keyframe time="1.25" y="-8" rotation="1" /> </directive> <directive type="text" id="maetext4" arrow="right" x="20%" y="29%">Four, don't mention ANYTHING about your life back in Possum Springs while you happen to be chatting with some fancy rich college boys.</directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="remove" id="bea1" /> <directive type="remove" id="mae4" /> <directive type="clear-all" /> <directive type="sprite" id="mae5" src="party_mae4.png" x="1875" y="-63" scalex="0.9" scaley="0.9" pivotx="50%" pivoty="50%" /> <directive type="sprite" id="bea2" src="party_bea2.png" x="2160" y="-65" scalex="0.9" scaley="0.9" pivotx="50%" pivoty="50%" /> <directive type="text" id="text32" width="11%" arrow="down" alignmentx="left" alignmenty="top" x="45%" y="11%">...</directive> <directive type="text" id="text33" width="11%" arrow="left" alignmentx="left" alignmenty="top" x="81%" y="16%">...</directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="clear-all" /> <directive type="text" id="maetext5" arrow="right" alignmentx="left" alignmenty="top" x="20%" y="37%">...It won't happen again. I'm still really sorry about that.</directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="clear-all" /> <directive type="remove" id="mae5" /> <directive type="sprite" id="mae6" src="party_mae5.png" x="1815" y="-70" scalex="0.9" scaley="0.9" pivotx="40%" pivoty="50%" /> <directive type="text" id="maetext6" arrow="right" alignmentx="left" alignmenty="top" x="18%" y="29%">And this is your night, remember!? And I won't ruin it like last time, big mouth be damned! I swear I'll be on my best behavior tonight, Bea. Pinkie-promise.</directive> <directive type="move" id="mae6" delay="0.75" loop="true"> <keyframe time="0" y="-70" /> <keyframe time="0.25" y="-77" /> <keyframe time="0.5" y="-70" /> </directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="text" id="beatext5" width="17%" arrow="left" alignmentx="left" alignmenty="top" x="81%" y="13%">I'll take your word for it...</directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="clear-all" /> <directive type="remove" id="bea2" /> <directive type="sprite" id="bea3" src="party_bea3.png" x="2150" y="-65" scalex="0.9" scaley="0.9" pivotx="50%" pivoty="50%" /> <directive type="text" id="beatext6" width="14%" arrow="left" x="85%" y="11%">I trust you, Mae. I wouldn't have brought you here otherwise. I know you've been wanting to see that girl...</directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="text" id="maetext7" width="11%" arrow="right" x="26%" y="44%">Yeah, Bombshell!</directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="clear-all" /> <directive type="remove" id="bea3" /> <directive type="sprite" id="bea4" src="party_bea1.png" x="2149" y="-65" scalex="0.9" scaley="0.9" pivotx="50%" pivoty="50%" /> <directive type="text" id="beatext7" width="17%" arrow="left" x="81%" y="12%">Alright, I'll be off talking with Jackie. If you break your promise</directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="remove" id="mae6" /> <directive type="sprite" id="mae7" src="party_mae6.png" x="1800" y="-65" scalex="0.9" scaley="0.9" pivotx="50%" pivoty="50%" /> <directive type="move" id="mae7"> <keyframe time="0" y="-65" /> <keyframe time="0.25" y="-77" /> <keyframe time="0.5" y="-65" /> </directive> <directive type="remove" id="bea4" /> <directive type="sprite" id="bea5" src="party_bea4.png" x="2150" y="-65" scalex="0.9" scaley="0.9" pivotx="50%" pivoty="50%" /> <directive type="move" id="bea5"> <keyframe time="0" rotation="0" /> <keyframe time="0.5" rotation="-2" /> </directive> <directive type="text" id="beatext8" width="20%" arrow="left" x="80%" y="35%"><i>So help me...</i></directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="clear-all" /> <directive type="remove" id="bea5" /> <directive type="sprite" id="bea6" src="party_bea2.png" x="2160" y="-65" scalex="0.9" scaley="0.9" pivotx="50%" pivoty="50%" /> <directive type="text" id="beatext9" width="18%" arrow="left" x="79%" y="7%">Just... give me a call. If worse comes to worst, I'll take you home, okay?</directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="text" id="bea10" width="15%" arrow="left" x="80%" y="28%">You're almost twenty-one. I shouldn't have to babysit you.</directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="remove" id="mae7" /> <directive type="sprite" id="mae8" src="party_mae1.png" x="1810" y="-66" scalex="0.9" scaley="0.9" pivotx="50%" pivoty="50%" /> <directive type="text" id="maetext8" width="11%" arrow="right" x="28%" y="37%">I know... I'll behave, I swear.</directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="clear-all" /> <directive type="remove" id="bea6" /> <directive type="sprite" id="bea7" src="party_bea5.png" x="2160" y="-67" scalex="0.9" scaley="0.9" pivotx="50%" pivoty="50%" /> <directive type="sprite" id="sprite50" x="0" y="0" pivotx="50%" pivoty="50%" /> <directive type="text" id="beatextend" width="18%" arrow="left" alignmentx="left" alignmenty="top" x="81%" y="12%">Alright. Have a nice time, Mae.</directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="clear-all" /> <directive type="move" id="bea7"> <keyframe time="0" x="2160" alpha="100" /> <keyframe time="2" x="1400" alpha="100" /> <keyframe time="4" x="700" alpha="0" /> </directive> <directive type="move" id="mae8" interpolation="none"> <keyframe time="0" scaley="0.9" /> <keyframe time="1.5" scalex="0.9" /> <keyframe time="1.500001" scalex="-0.9" /> <keyframe time="2.99999" scalex="-0.9" /> <keyframe time="3" scalex="0.9" /> </directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="camera"> <keyframe time="0" zoom="2" /> <keyframe time="0.5" zoom="2.2" /> </directive> <directive type="text" id="maelone1" width="38%" arrow="down" x="29%" y="10%">...Guess it's just me....</directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="clear" id="maelone1" /> <directive type="remove" id="mae8" /> <directive type="sprite" id="sprite69" src="party_mae7.png" x="1800" y="-45" scalex="0.86" scaley="0.86" pivotx="45%" pivoty="45%" /> <directive type="text" id="text69" width="67%" arrow="down" x="15%" y="6%">(...This was a terrible idea. Would Bombshell even be here? Am I just deluding myself?)</directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="text" id="maelone2" width="20%" arrow="left" x="60%" y="27%">(Oh god, I'm not sure if I can do this... Okay, maybe just one beer. For courage.)</directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="clear-all" /> <directive type="remove" id="sprite69" /> <directive type="sprite" id="mae69" src="party_mae8.png" x="1800" y="-66" scalex="0.86" scaley="0.86" pivotx="50%" pivoty="50%" /> <directive type="move" id="mae69"> <keyframe time="0" y="-66" /> <keyframe time="0.25" y="-77" /> <keyframe time="0.5" y="-66" /> <keyframe time="1" y="-66" /> <keyframe time="1.5" y="-55" /> </directive> <directive type="text" id="text78" width="30%" arrow="left" x="56%" y="30%">(Wait, NO! I promised Bea I wouldn't drink! And I always ruin everyone's night every time I drink!)</directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="clear-all" /> <directive type="remove" id="mae69" /> <directive type="sprite" id="mae9" src="party_maee6.png" x="1800" y="-65" scalex="0.9" scaley="0.9" pivotx="50%" pivoty="50%" /> <directive type="text" id="text64" width="20%" arrow="right" x="16%" y="39%">Oh crap...</directive> <directive type="text" id="text65" width="20%" arrow="left" delay="0.25" x="59%" y="32%">Oh crap!</directive> <directive type="text" id="text66" width="34%" arrow="down" alignmentx="center" alignmenty="center" delay="0.5" x="48%" y="11%">(This was a terrible idea! Everything is so bright and there's so much of everything and I don't know any of these people!!)</directive> <directive type="text" id="text82" width="20%" arrow="right" alignmentx="center" alignmenty="center" delay="1.1" x="26%" y="58%">(I'm freaking out!)</directive> <directive type="text" id="text85" width="21%" arrow="left" alignmentx="center" alignmenty="center" delay="2" x="64%" y="52%">(I cant do this! I can't---)</directive> <directive type="camera" time="4" zoom="3" /> <directive type="move" id="mae9"> <keyframe time="0" y="-65" /> <keyframe time="0.5" y="-65" /> <keyframe time="0.75" y="-77" /> <keyframe time="1" y="-65" /> </directive> <directive type="move" id="mae9" delay="0.75" interpolation="none" time="2.5"> <keyframe time="0" x="1807" y="-63" scalex="0.9" /> <keyframe time="0.1" scalex="-0.9" /> <keyframe time="0.5" scalex="0.9" /> </directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="clear-all" /> <directive type="camera" time="0.1" zoom="1.8" /> <directive type="remove" id="mae9" /> <directive type="sprite" id="mae10" src="party_mae9.png" x="1800" y="-66" scalex="0.9" scaley="0.9" pivotx="50%" pivoty="50%" /> <directive type="move" id="mae10"> <keyframe time="0" y="-66" /> <keyframe time="0.1" y="-77" /> <keyframe time="0.25" y="-66" /> </directive> <directive type="text" id="maelone3" width="20%" arrow="up" x="38%" y="56%">GAH!!</directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="clear" id="maelone3" /> <directive type="text" id="maelone4" arrow="right" x="20%" y="24%">~player~!? Jesus, you scared the crap out of me!</directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="text" id="maelone5" arrow="left" x="57%" y="38%">What are <i>you</i> doing here?</directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="clear-all" /> <directive type="remove" id="mae10" /> <directive type="sprite" id="mae11" src="party_mae10.png" x="1800" y="-75" scalex="0.95" scaley="0.95" pivotx="50%" pivoty="50%" /> <directive type="text" id="maemeet" arrow="right" x="21%" y="31%">Really? This is <i>your</i> house?</directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="move" id="mae11" interpolation="linear"> <keyframe time="0" rotation="0" /> <keyframe time="1" rotation="2" /> </directive> <directive type="text" id="text108" width="31%" arrow="left" x="58%" y="35%">Sooooo, you know Jackie?</directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="text" id="text111" width="31%" arrow="left" x="58%" y="46%">And you let her host a party at your house?</directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="clear-all" /> <directive type="remove" id="mae11" /> <directive type="sprite" id="mae12" src="party_mae3.png" x="1800" y="-45" scalex="0.9" scaley="0.9" pivotx="50%" pivoty="45%" /> <directive type="text" id="maelone6" width="49%" arrow="down" x="25%" y="9%">That's... That's weird. Do people usually let other people host parties at their house?</directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="clear" id="maelone6" /> <directive type="text" id="maelone7" width="27%" arrow="left" x="59%" y="29%">I wouldn't know. I never hosted a college party. In fact, I don't... like college parties. Social awkwardness, bad experiences, blah blah blah. </directive> <directive type="text" id="maelone8" width="20%" arrow="right" delay="2.5" x="21%" y="34%">I only came because I was hoping to see someone...</directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="remove" id="mae12" /> <directive type="sprite" id="sprite123" src="party_mae11.png" x="1845" y="-76" scalex="0.95" scaley="0.95" pivotx="50%" pivoty="50%" /> <directive type="clear-all" /> <directive type="text" id="text125" width="20%" arrow="right" alignmentx="center" alignmenty="center" x="36%" y="45%">Hm? A tour? </directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="text" id="text126" width="20%" arrow="left" alignmentx="left" alignmenty="top" x="61%" y="29%">Err, I guess. Since you're offering, and this is still your house.</directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="clear-all" /> <directive type="text" id="text130" width="62%" arrow="down" alignmentx="left" alignmenty="top" x="22%" y="14%">Alright, I'll follow you. Just don't introduce me to any of your friends, alright?</directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="clear-all" /> </scene> <scene transition="true" color="#000000" effect="fade" ease="smooth" time="2" /> <scene name="transitition" color="#000000" width="100" height="100" zoom="0.5"> <directive type="text" id="text133" width="78%" x="9%" y="6%">And so, you gave Mae a tour around your place. </directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="text" id="text135" width="89%" x="4%" y="13%">The entire time, Mae seemed fidgety and on-edge, talking much less than she normally does and flinching when strangers danced too close to her. You can't help but notice she kept glancing at two people---her blue-haired goth friend and a bespectled blonde woman with many piercings, laughing and chatting with a large group of college students---whenever they came into view.</directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="text" id="text137" width="89%" x="4%" y="39%">It seems whoever she was hoping to see wasn't here.</directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="text" id="text139" width="80%" x="8%" y="50%">You tried to ask her, make sure she's okay. She remains guarded, constantly dodging your questions or insisting she's fine. You knew from the poker game how snippy she could be, so after a while, you decide not to press further.</directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="text" id="text141" width="54%" x="22%" y="71%">Poor girl; she's too stubborn for her own good.</directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="clear-all" /> <directive type="text" id="text144" width="72%" x="14%" y="8%">You knew she was kind of into you, though. As much as she tries to deny it...</directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="text" id="text146" width="41%" x="29%" y="19%">And she was really cute. </directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="text" id="text148" width="66%" x="17%" y="27%"><i>So maybe</i>, you thought, you can make this night better for her...</directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="clear-all" /> <directive type="text" id="text151" width="52%" x="centered" y="41%">"Hey, where are we going now?"</directive> <directive type="pause" /> </scene> <scene transition="true" color="#000000" effect="fade" time="2.5" /> <scene name="bedroom" background="bedroom.png" x="-2" y="-1" width="3250" height="2000"> <directive type="camera" x="-362" y="87" zoom="1.75" /> <directive type="sprite" id="bedroom1" src="pastparty_mae2.png" x="1009" y="530" pivotx="50%" pivoty="50%" /> <directive type="text" id="sit1" arrow="down" delay="0.5" x="41%" y="10%">Sooooo, this is your bedroom?</directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="clear" id="sit1" /> <directive type="remove" id="bedroom1" /> <directive type="sprite" id="bedroom2" src="pastparty_mae1.png" x="1009" y="530" pivotx="-1000%" pivoty="1000%" /> <directive type="text" id="sit2" arrow="down" delay="0" x="41%" y="10%">And you took me here <i>why</i>?</directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="clear" id="sit2" /> <directive type="text" id="sit3" width="52%" arrow="down" delay="0" x="25%" y="8%">What do you mean it should be obvious? Give me a break here, ~player~, I don't know about your social cues. For all I know, you could've bought me here to kill me.</directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="camera" interpolation="linear" time="0.5" y="-5" zoom="2.05" /> <directive type="clear-all" /> <directive type="remove" id="bedroom2" /> <directive type="sprite" id="bedroom3" src="pastparty_mae3.png" x="1009" y="530" pivotx="50%" pivoty="50%" /> <directive type="text" id="sit4" width="37%" arrow="down" delay="0.5" x="33%" y="15%">W-Wh... <i>Sex?</i> You want to have <i>sex</i> with <i>me!?</i></directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="remove" id="bedroom3" /> <directive type="clear" id="sit4" /> <directive type="sprite" id="bedroom4" src="pastparty_mae4.png" x="1009" y="530" /> <directive type="text" id="sit5" width="28%" arrow="down" x="37%" y="18%">Well, I... uh...</directive> <directive type="clear" id="sit5" /> <directive type="text" id="sit6" width="49%" arrow="down" x="27%" y="17%">You... You really want this?</directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="text" id="sit7" width="34%" arrow="left" x="62%" y="34%">I-I didn't think you bested me in strip poker just to get me naked. Did you even know about the masturbation rule?</directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="clear-all" /> <directive type="remove" id="bedroom4" /> <directive type="sprite" id="bedroom5" layer="2" src="pastparty_mae5.png" x="1015" y="530" pivotx="50%" pivoty="50%" /> <directive type="move" id="bedroom5" loop="true" interpolation="linear"> <keyframe time="0" rotation="0" /> <keyframe time="0.5" rotation="1" /> <keyframe time="1" rotation="0" /> </directive> <directive type="text" id="thoughts" width="20%" x="42%" y="14%">....</directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="wait" /> <directive type="stop" id="bedroom5" /> <directive type="text" id="sit8" width="47%" arrow="down" x="27%" y="14%">...Right. Okay. J-Just to let you know, I've never done this before.</directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="text" id="sit9" width="20%" arrow="left" x="60%" y="44%">...Ever.</directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="clear-all" /> <directive type="remove" id="bedroom5" /> <directive type="sprite" id="bedroom6" src="pastparty_mae4.png" x="1009" y="530" /> <directive type="text" id="text197" width="35%" arrow="left" x="61%" y="43%">A-And I never even expected to get laid in the first place.</directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="text" id="text199" width="20%" arrow="right" x="19%" y="38%">I didn't think you'd be i-into me, ~player~...</directive> <directive type="pause" /> </scene> <scene transition="true" effect="fade" time="1" /> <scene name="presexytimes" background="bedroom.png" width="3250" height="2000"> <directive type="camera" x="-362" y="87" zoom="1.75" /> <directive type="sprite" id="presex1" src="privateparty_mae1.png" x="969" y="533" pivotx="50%" pivoty="50%" /> <directive type="text" id="start" width="20%" arrow="down" x="38%" y="13%">...</directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="clear" id="start" /> <directive type="text" id="bootfetish1" width="33%" arrow="down" x="32%" y="9%">I-Is there a reason why you asked me to wear just my boots?</directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="text" id="bootfetish2" width="26%" arrow="left" x="57%" y="34%">Do you have a boot fetish or something?</directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="clear-all" /> <directive type="remove" id="presex1" /> <directive type="sprite" id="presex2" src="privateparty_mae2.png" x="925" y="533" pivotx="50%" pivoty="50%" /> <directive type="text" id="ready" width="26%" arrow="down" x="34%" y="8%">Oh, uhh... That's...</directive> <directive type="move" id="presex2"> <keyframe time="0" y="533" /> <keyframe time="0.15" y="515" /> <keyframe time="0.4" y="533" rotation="-2" /> </directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="remove" id="presex2" /> <directive type="clear" id="ready" /> <directive type="sprite" id="presex3" src="privateparty_mae4.png" x="925" y="533" pivotx="50%" pivoty="50%" rotation="-2" /> <directive type="text" id="ready2" width="25%" arrow="down" x="36%" y="6%">Hey, I thought I was the one dodging all the questions here!</directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="clear" id="ready2" /> <directive type="remove" id="presex3" /> <directive type="sprite" id="presex4" src="privateparty_mae2.png" x="925" y="533" pivotx="50%" pivoty="50%" /> <directive type="text" id="ready3" width="25%" arrow="down" x="35%" y="12%">S-Spread my legs?</directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="text" id="ready4" width="29%" arrow="left" x="58%" y="32%">Jeez... Straight to the point.</directive> <directive type="pause" /> </scene> <scene transition="true" color="#000000" effect="fade" time="1" /> <scene name="sexytimes" background="bedroom.png" width="3250" height="2000"> <directive type="camera" x="-326" y="108" zoom="2" /> <directive type="sprite" id="fingermae" src="privateparty_fingering1.png" x="969" y="533" /> <directive type="sprite" id="hand" layer="2" src="yessirree we get to finger some pussy tonight.png" x="886" y="1030" scalex="0.6" scaley="0.6" pivotx="50%" pivoty="50%" alpha="75" rotation="0" /> <directive type="move" id="hand" loop="true" ease="smooth" interpolation="spline"> <keyframe time="0" x="891" y="1025" rotation="-6" /> <keyframe time="0.5" x="902" y="1022" rotation="-17" /> <keyframe time="1.5" x="914" y="1035" rotation="-26" /> <keyframe time="2" x="892" y="1029" rotation="-6" /> <keyframe time="2.1" x="889" y="1020" rotation="-6" /> </directive> <directive type="move" id="fingermae" loop="true"> <keyframe time="0" y="533" /> <keyframe time="1" y="522" /> <keyframe time="1.5" y="533" /> </directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="text" id="moan1" width="20%" x="17%" y="8%">Ah!</directive> <directive type="text" id="moan2" width="20%" delay="0.5" x="17%" y="32%">Ah...</directive> <directive type="text" id="moan3" width="20%" delay="1" x="58%" y="16%"><i>Ahh...</i></directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="clear-all" /> <directive type="remove" id="fingermae" /> <directive type="sprite" id="fingermae1" src="privateparty_fingering2.png" x="969" y="533" pivotx="50%" pivoty="50%" /> <directive type="stop" id="hand" /> <directive type="move" id="hand" loop="true" ease="smooth" interpolation="linear"> <keyframe time="0" x="930" y="1040" scaley="0.568" skewx="6" skewy="-6" rotation="-27.95545" /> <keyframe time="0.2" x="930" y="1025" scaley="0.57" skewx="6" skewy="-6" rotation="-27" /> <keyframe time="0.5" x="930" y="1040" scaley="0.568" skewx="6" skewy="-6" rotation="-27.95545" /> </directive> <directive type="move" id="fingermae1" loop="true"> <keyframe time="0" y="533" rotation="0" /> <keyframe time="0.5" y="527" rotation="1" /> <keyframe time="1" y="533" rotation="0" /> <keyframe time="1.5" y="527" rotation="-1" /> <keyframe time="2" y="533" rotation="0" /> </directive> <directive type="text" id="moan4" width="20%" delay="0.5" x="19%" y="22%">Mmm...</directive> <directive type="text" id="moan5" width="20%" delay="1.5" x="58%" y="34%"><i>Hahh...</i></directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="text" id="moaaan" width="31%" arrow="down" x="34%" y="4%">H-How the hell are you so good with your fingers!?</directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="clear" id="moaaan" /> <directive type="text" id="moan6" width="31%" arrow="down" x="34%" y="4%">It d-didn't even <i>feel</i> that good when I fingered myself!</directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="clear-all" /> <directive type="stop" id="hand" /> <directive type="move" id="hand"> <keyframe time="0" y="1030" /> <keyframe time="1" y="1630" /> </directive> <directive type="wait" /> <directive type="stop" id="fingermae1" /> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="remove" id="hand" /> <directive type="remove" id="fingermae1" /> <directive type="sprite" id="interlude" src="privateparty_mae4.png" x="984" y="525" pivotx="50%" pivoty="50%" rotation="-2" /> <directive type="text" id="stop" arrow="down" x="39%" y="7%">Mmm---hey, why'd you stop!?</directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="clear" id="stop" /> <directive type="remove" id="interlude" /> <directive type="sprite" id="interlude1" src="privateparty_mae2.png" x="984" y="525" pivotx="50%" pivoty="50%" rotation="-2" /> <directive type="move" id="interlude1"> <keyframe time="0" y="525" /> <keyframe time="0.25" y="515" /> <keyframe time="0.5" y="525" /> </directive> <directive type="text" id="stop1" width="25%" arrow="right" x="14%" y="20%">Wh... I-Is that a strap-on!?</directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="text" id="stop2" width="28%" arrow="left" x="58%" y="30%">~Player~, that's... C-Can that even fit in me!?</directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="text" id="text47" width="25%" arrow="down" x="36%" y="5%"> Where'd you even get it!?</directive> <directive type="pause" /> </scene> <scene transition="true" color="#000000" effect="fade" time="1" /> <scene name="penetration" background="bedroom.png" width="3250" height="2000"> <directive type="sprite" id="maetop" layer="4" src="privateparty_mount.png" x="996" y="345" /> <directive type="sprite" id="dick" layer="3" src="strap_on.png" x="1221" y="1119" scalex="0.5" scaley="0.6" pivotx="0" pivoty="0" alpha="75" /> <directive type="sprite" id="spreadlegs" src="spreadlegs_f.png" x="872" y="959" pivotx="1" pivoty="1" alpha="21" /> <directive type="sprite" id="maebottom" layer="2" src="yes mount that dick.png" x="994" y="345" scalex="0.98" scaley="1" pivotx="50%" pivoty="50%" /> <directive type="camera" x="-375" y="-200" zoom="2" /> <directive type="move" id="dick" loop="true"> <keyframe time="0" y="1100" /> <keyframe time="1" y="1088" /> <keyframe time="2" y="1100" /> </directive> <directive type="move" id="spreadlegs" loop="true"> <keyframe time="0" y="965" /> <keyframe time="1" y="955" /> <keyframe time="2" y="965" /> </directive> <directive type="move" id="maetop" loop="true"> <keyframe time="0" y="345" /> <keyframe time="1" y="330" /> <keyframe time="2" y="345" /> </directive> <directive type="move" id="maebottom" loop="true"> <keyframe time="0" y="345" /> <keyframe time="1" y="330" /> <keyframe time="2" y="345" /> </directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="text" id="moan7" width="47%" arrow="down" x="28%" y="10%">I... I---<i>ahh</i>---didn't think it'd feel <i>this</i> good...</directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="text" id="moan8" width="20%" arrow="left" x="59%" y="31%">Oh ~player~...</directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="remove" id="maetop" /> <directive type="sprite" id="maetop1" layer="3" src="privateparty_mount2.png" x="996" y="345" /> <directive type="stop" id="maebottom" /> <directive type="stop" id="dick" /> <directive type="stop" id="spreadlegs" /> <directive type="move" id="maetop1" loop="true"> <keyframe time="0" y="345" /> <keyframe time="1" y="330" /> <keyframe time="2" y="345" /> </directive> <directive type="move" id="spreadlegs" loop="true"> <keyframe time="0" y="965" /> <keyframe time="1" y="955" /> <keyframe time="2" y="965" /> </directive> <directive type="move" id="maebottom" loop="true"> <keyframe time="0" y="345" /> <keyframe time="1" y="330" /> <keyframe time="2" y="345" /> </directive> <directive type="move" id="dick" loop="true"> <keyframe time="0" y="1100" /> <keyframe time="1" y="1088" /> <keyframe time="2" y="1100" /> </directive> <directive type="clear-all" /> <directive type="text" id="faster" width="28%" arrow="down" x="37%" y="10%">C-C'mon, faster!</directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="clear-all" /> <directive type="text" id="faster1" arrow="right" x="20%" y="27%">Faster!</directive> <directive type="text" id="faster2" width="35%" arrow="left" delay="0.5" x="60%" y="29%"><i>Faaaster!!</i> I-I can take it</directive> <directive type="stop" id="dick" /> <directive type="stop" id="maebottom" /> <directive type="stop" id="spreadlegs" /> <directive type="remove" id="maetop1" /> <directive type="sprite" id="maetop2" layer="4" src="privateparty_mount3.png" x="995" y="345" pivotx="0" pivoty="0" /> <directive type="move" id="maetop2" loop="true"> <keyframe time="0" y="345" /> <keyframe time="0.5" y="330" /> <keyframe time="1" y="345" /> </directive> <directive type="move" id="spreadlegs" loop="true"> <keyframe time="0" y="965" /> <keyframe time="0.5" y="955" /> <keyframe time="1" y="965" /> </directive> <directive type="move" id="maebottom" loop="true"> <keyframe time="0" y="345" /> <keyframe time="0.5" y="330" /> <keyframe time="1" y="345" /> </directive> <directive type="move" id="dick" loop="true"> <keyframe time="0" y="1100" /> <keyframe time="0.5" y="1088" /> <keyframe time="1" y="1100" /> </directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="clear-all" /> <directive type="text" id="faster3" width="50%" arrow="down" x="26%" y="9%">Yessss!! Oh <i>god</i>, ~player~, keep going, just like that!</directive> <directive type="stop" id="dick" /> <directive type="stop" id="maebottom" /> <directive type="stop" id="maetop2" /> <directive type="stop" id="spreadlegs" /> <directive type="move" id="maetop2" loop="true"> <keyframe time="0" y="345" /> <keyframe time="0.1" y="330" /> <keyframe time="0.3" y="345" /> </directive> <directive type="move" id="maebottom" loop="true"> <keyframe time="0" y="345" /> <keyframe time="0.1" y="330" /> <keyframe time="0.3" y="345" /> </directive> <directive type="move" id="spreadlegs" loop="true"> <keyframe time="0" y="964" /> <keyframe time="0.11" y="955" /> <keyframe time="0.31" y="964" /> </directive> <directive type="move" id="dick" loop="true"> <keyframe time="0" y="1100" /> <keyframe time="0.11" y="1084" /> <keyframe time="0.31" y="1100" /> </directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="clear-all" /> <directive type="text" id="text91" width="26%" arrow="left" x="63%" y="24%">~player~! ~player~, I'm...</directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="clear-all" /> <directive type="text" id="icantwriteorgasms" width="30%" x="36%" y="12%"><i>Ohhhgod!!</i></directive> </scene> <scene transition="true" color="#DDDDDD" effect="fade" time="3" /> <scene name="end" background="bedroom.png" width="3250" height="2000"> <directive type="camera" x="-350" zoom="2" /> <directive type="sprite" id="afterglowing" src="privateparty_zafterglow.png" x="969" y="500" pivotx="50%" pivoty="50%" /> <directive type="move" id="afterglowing" loop="true"> <keyframe y="505" scaley="1" /> <keyframe time="1" y="500" scaley="0.99" /> <keyframe time="2" y="505" scaley="1" /> </directive> <directive type="text" id="afterglow" width="24%" x="39%" y="17%"><i>(hfff... hfff...)</i></directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="text" id="afterglow1" width="20%" arrow="left" x="62%" y="43%">...Wow...</directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="clear-all" /> <directive type="text" id="afterglow2" width="56%" arrow="down" x="22%" y="17%">Okayokayokay... <i>(hfff...)</i> I need a moment... from that...</directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="text" id="afterglow3" width="28%" arrow="left" x="59%" y="42%">Holy hell, what a night...</directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="clear-all" /> <directive type="text" id="afterglow4" width="28%" arrow="down" x="36%" y="20%">That was...</directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="remove" id="afterglowing" /> <directive type="sprite" id="afterglowing2" src="privateparty_zafterglow2.png" x="969" y="500" pivotx="50%" pivoty="50%" /> <directive type="text" id="text113" width="31%" arrow="left" x="60%" y="36%">...well, "fun" would be a huge understatement...</directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="text" id="text115" width="38%" arrow="right" x="2%" y="34%">It <i>was</i> really sexy though, no doubt... Because it's sex...</directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="clear-all" /> <directive type="remove" id="afterglowing2" /> <directive type="sprite" id="afterglowingg" src="privateparty_zafterglow3.png" x="969" y="488" pivotx="50%" pivoty="50%" /> <directive type="move" id="afterglowingg"> <keyframe time="0" x="969" rotation="0" /> <keyframe time="0.5" x="967" rotation="-2" /> </directive> <directive type="text" id="afterglow5" width="39%" arrow="down" x="30%" y="15%">I sound like a complete idiot, don't I?</directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="text" id="afterglow6" width="40%" arrow="left" x="61%" y="39%">I'm sorry. I never thought this would be happening...</directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="clear-all" /> <directive type="remove" id="afterglowingg" /> <directive type="sprite" id="afterglowing3" src="privateparty_zafterglow2.png" x="969" y="500" pivotx="50%" pivoty="50%" /> <directive type="text" id="afterglow7" width="52%" arrow="down" x="24%" y="16%">But... Thanks, ~Player~... I really enjoyed that.</directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="text" id="afterglow8" width="37%" arrow="left" x="61%" y="39%">I don't know what happens after that... But I <i>do</i> know I want to keep in touch, so...</directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="clear-all" /> <directive type="text" id="askend" width="43%" arrow="down" x="28%" y="23%">Can I have your phone number?</directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="clear-all" /> <directive type="sprite" id="afterglowing4" src="privateparty_zafterglow4.png" x="969" y="500" pivotx="50%" pivoty="50%" /> <directive type="remove" id="afterglowing3" /> <directive type="text" id="callmebeepme" width="23%" arrow="right" x="16%" y="37%">I promise I'll call you!</directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="text" id="ifyouwannareachme" width="27%" arrow="left" x="62%" y="32%">And we'll have a proper hangout! And I actually give you the tour of my town!</directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="clear-all" /> <directive type="remove" id="afterglowing4" /> <directive type="sprite" id="final" src="privateparty_zafterglow5.png" x="969" y="500" pivotx="50%" pivoty="50%" /> <directive type="camera" time="0.5" zoom="2.3" /> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="text" id="text152" width="45%" arrow="down" x="29%" y="12%">Would you like that, ~Player~?</directive> </scene> </epilogue> <epilogue hint="Win a game with Mae as one of your opponents." gender="male" img="background1.png"> <title>Deep Hollow Revelry</title> <scene name="beginning" width="100" height="100"> <directive type="text" id="Opening" width="92%" x="4%" y="20%">A few months later, after your game...</directive> </scene> <scene name="party1" background="background1.png" y="-25" width="2750" height="1300" zoom="1.5"> <directive type="sprite" id="sprite1" src="partypeople1.png" x="-383" y="-14" scalex="0.55" scaley="0.55" skewx="1" pivotx="50%" pivoty="50%" alpha="98" /> <directive type="move" id="sprite1" loop="true"> <keyframe time="0" scalex="0.55" scaley="0.55" /> <keyframe time="1" scalex="0.55" scaley="0.6" /> <keyframe time="2" y="-18" scalex="0.55" scaley="0.55" /> </directive> <directive type="sprite" id="sprite2" src="partypeople2.png" x="-24" y="-34" scalex="0.7" scaley="0.6985714" skewx="0.4910946" pivotx="50%" pivoty="50%" /> <directive type="move" id="sprite2" loop="true"> <keyframe time="0" scalex="0.6" scaley="0.6" rotation="0" /> <keyframe time="1" scalex="0.6" scaley="0.65" rotation="1" /> <keyframe time="1.5" scalex="0.6" scaley="0.6" rotation="-1" /> <keyframe time="2" scalex="0.65" scaley="0.65" rotation="0" /> <keyframe time="2.5" scalex="0.6" scaley="0.65" rotation="1" /> <keyframe time="3" scalex="0.6" scaley="0.6" rotation="0" /> </directive> <directive type="sprite" id="sprite3" src="partypeople1.png" x="-210" y="-2" scalex="0.6" scaley="0.6" pivotx="50%" pivoty="50%" alpha="97" /> <directive type="move" id="sprite3" loop="true"> <keyframe time="0" scalex="0.7" scaley="0.7" skewx="0" skewy="0" /> <keyframe time="1" x="14" scalex="0.7" scaley="0.7" skewx="8" /> <keyframe time="2" scalex="0.75" scaley="0.7" skewx="-3" /> <keyframe time="2.5" scalex="0.7" scaley="0.7" skewx="0" skewy="0" /> </directive> <directive type="camera"> <keyframe time="0" x="-465" y="-200" zoom="2" /> <keyframe time="7.5" x="650" y="-200" zoom="2" /> </directive> <directive type="sprite" id="mae1" src="party_mae1.png" x="1886" y="-66" scalex="0.9" scaley="0.9" pivotx="50%" pivoty="50%" /> <directive type="sprite" id="bea1" src="party_bea1.png" x="2149" y="-65" scalex="0.9" scaley="0.9" pivotx="50%" pivoty="50%" /> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="stop" id="sprite2" /> <directive type="stop" id="sprite3" /> <directive type="move" id="sprite3"> <keyframe time="0" x="-24" /> <keyframe time="5" x="-600" /> </directive> <directive type="move" id="sprite2"> <keyframe time="0" x="-210" /> <keyframe time="5" x="-700" /> </directive> <directive type="text" id="beatext1" width="16%" arrow="left" x="80%" y="6%">Remember the ground rules we established, Mae.</directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="remove" id="sprite3" /> <directive type="remove" id="sprite2" /> <directive type="remove" id="mae1" /> <directive type="sprite" id="mae2" src="party_mae2.png" scalex="0.9" scaley="0.9" pivotx="50%" pivoty="50%" /> <directive type="move" id="mae2" ease="smooth"> <keyframe time="0" x="1895" y="-65" /> <keyframe time="0.5" x="1895" y="-65" /> <keyframe time="1" y="-50" /> </directive> <directive type="text" id="maetext1" width="16%" arrow="right" x="27%" y="41%">Right. One, no alcohol.</directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="clear" id="beatext1" /> <directive type="text" id="beatext2" width="12%" arrow="left" x="82%" y="14%">Correct.</directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="remove" id="mae2" /> <directive type="sprite" id="mae3" src="party_mae1.png" x="1886" y="-66" scalex="0.9" scaley="0.9" pivotx="50%" pivoty="50%" /> <directive type="move" id="mae3"> <keyframe time="0" y="-66" /> <keyframe time="0.25" y="-75" /> <keyframe time="0.5" y="-66" /> </directive> <directive type="clear" id="maetext1" /> <directive type="text" id="maetext2" arrow="right" x="23%" y="38%">Two, don't accept anything a stranger offers you.</directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="text" id="beatext3" width="12%" arrow="left" x="82%" y="25%">Yes.</directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="clear" id="maetext2" /> <directive type="text" id="maetext3" arrow="right" x="23%" y="31%">Three, if I happen to get a soda or something, don't leave my cup out in the open.</directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="text" id="beatext4" width="12%" arrow="left" x="82%" y="36%">Right.</directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="clear" id="maetext3" /> <directive type="remove" id="mae3" /> <directive type="sprite" id="mae4" src="party_mae3.png" x="1800" y="-40" scalex="0.835" scaley="0.835" pivotx="50%" pivoty="45%" /> <directive type="move" id="mae4"> <keyframe time="0" rotation="0" /> <keyframe time="1" rotation="0" /> <keyframe time="1.25" y="-8" rotation="1" /> </directive> <directive type="text" id="maetext4" arrow="right" x="20%" y="29%">Four, don't mention ANYTHING about your life back in Possum Springs while you happen to be chatting with some fancy rich college boys.</directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="remove" id="bea1" /> <directive type="remove" id="mae4" /> <directive type="clear-all" /> <directive type="sprite" id="mae5" src="party_mae4.png" x="1875" y="-63" scalex="0.9" scaley="0.9" pivotx="50%" pivoty="50%" /> <directive type="sprite" id="bea2" src="party_bea2.png" x="2160" y="-65" scalex="0.9" scaley="0.9" pivotx="50%" pivoty="50%" /> <directive type="text" id="text32" width="11%" arrow="down" alignmentx="left" alignmenty="top" x="45%" y="11%">...</directive> <directive type="text" id="text33" width="11%" arrow="left" alignmentx="left" alignmenty="top" x="81%" y="16%">...</directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="clear-all" /> <directive type="text" id="maetext5" arrow="right" alignmentx="left" alignmenty="top" x="20%" y="37%">...It won't happen again. I'm still really sorry about that.</directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="clear-all" /> <directive type="remove" id="mae5" /> <directive type="sprite" id="mae6" src="party_mae5.png" x="1815" y="-70" scalex="0.9" scaley="0.9" pivotx="40%" pivoty="50%" /> <directive type="text" id="maetext6" arrow="right" alignmentx="left" alignmenty="top" x="18%" y="29%">And this is your night, remember!? And I won't ruin it like last time, big mouth be damned! I swear I'll be on my best behavior tonight, Bea. Pinkie-promise.</directive> <directive type="move" id="mae6" delay="0.75" loop="true"> <keyframe time="0" y="-70" /> <keyframe time="0.25" y="-77" /> <keyframe time="0.5" y="-70" /> </directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="text" id="beatext5" width="17%" arrow="left" alignmentx="left" alignmenty="top" x="81%" y="13%">I'll take your word for it...</directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="clear-all" /> <directive type="remove" id="bea2" /> <directive type="sprite" id="bea3" src="party_bea3.png" x="2150" y="-65" scalex="0.9" scaley="0.9" pivotx="50%" pivoty="50%" /> <directive type="text" id="beatext6" width="14%" arrow="left" x="85%" y="11%">I trust you, Mae. I wouldn't have brought you here otherwise. I know you've been wanting to see that girl...</directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="text" id="maetext7" width="11%" arrow="right" x="26%" y="44%">Yeah, Bombshell!</directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="clear-all" /> <directive type="remove" id="bea3" /> <directive type="sprite" id="bea4" src="party_bea1.png" x="2149" y="-65" scalex="0.9" scaley="0.9" pivotx="50%" pivoty="50%" /> <directive type="text" id="beatext7" width="17%" arrow="left" x="81%" y="12%">Alright, I'll be off talking with Jackie. If you break your promise</directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="remove" id="mae6" /> <directive type="sprite" id="mae7" src="party_mae6.png" x="1800" y="-65" scalex="0.9" scaley="0.9" pivotx="50%" pivoty="50%" /> <directive type="move" id="mae7"> <keyframe time="0" y="-65" /> <keyframe time="0.25" y="-77" /> <keyframe time="0.5" y="-65" /> </directive> <directive type="remove" id="bea4" /> <directive type="sprite" id="bea5" src="party_bea4.png" x="2150" y="-65" scalex="0.9" scaley="0.9" pivotx="50%" pivoty="50%" /> <directive type="move" id="bea5"> <keyframe time="0" rotation="0" /> <keyframe time="0.5" rotation="-2" /> </directive> <directive type="text" id="beatext8" width="20%" arrow="left" x="80%" y="35%"><i>So help me...</i></directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="clear-all" /> <directive type="remove" id="bea5" /> <directive type="sprite" id="bea6" src="party_bea2.png" x="2160" y="-65" scalex="0.9" scaley="0.9" pivotx="50%" pivoty="50%" /> <directive type="text" id="beatext9" width="18%" arrow="left" x="79%" y="7%">Just... give me a call. If worse comes to worst, I'll take you home, okay?</directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="text" id="bea10" width="15%" arrow="left" x="80%" y="28%">You're almost twenty-one. I shouldn't have to babysit you.</directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="remove" id="mae7" /> <directive type="sprite" id="mae8" src="party_mae1.png" x="1810" y="-66" scalex="0.9" scaley="0.9" pivotx="50%" pivoty="50%" /> <directive type="text" id="maetext8" width="11%" arrow="right" x="28%" y="37%">I know... I'll behave, I swear.</directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="clear-all" /> <directive type="remove" id="bea6" /> <directive type="sprite" id="bea7" src="party_bea5.png" x="2160" y="-67" scalex="0.9" scaley="0.9" pivotx="50%" pivoty="50%" /> <directive type="sprite" id="sprite50" x="0" y="0" pivotx="50%" pivoty="50%" /> <directive type="text" id="beatextend" width="18%" arrow="left" alignmentx="left" alignmenty="top" x="81%" y="12%">Alright. Have a nice time, Mae.</directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="clear-all" /> <directive type="move" id="bea7"> <keyframe time="0" x="2160" alpha="100" /> <keyframe time="2" x="1400" alpha="100" /> <keyframe time="4" x="700" alpha="0" /> </directive> <directive type="move" id="mae8" interpolation="none"> <keyframe time="0" scaley="0.9" /> <keyframe time="1.5" scalex="0.9" /> <keyframe time="1.500001" scalex="-0.9" /> <keyframe time="2.99999" scalex="-0.9" /> <keyframe time="3" scalex="0.9" /> </directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="camera"> <keyframe time="0" zoom="2" /> <keyframe time="0.5" zoom="2.2" /> </directive> <directive type="text" id="maelone1" width="38%" arrow="down" x="29%" y="10%">...Guess it's just me....</directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="clear" id="maelone1" /> <directive type="remove" id="mae8" /> <directive type="sprite" id="sprite69" src="party_mae7.png" x="1800" y="-45" scalex="0.86" scaley="0.86" pivotx="45%" pivoty="45%" /> <directive type="text" id="text69" width="67%" arrow="down" x="15%" y="6%">(...This was a terrible idea. Would Bombshell even be here? Am I just deluding myself?)</directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="text" id="maelone2" width="20%" arrow="left" x="60%" y="27%">(Oh god, I'm not sure if I can do this... Okay, maybe just one beer. For courage.)</directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="clear-all" /> <directive type="remove" id="sprite69" /> <directive type="sprite" id="mae69" src="party_mae8.png" x="1800" y="-66" scalex="0.86" scaley="0.86" pivotx="50%" pivoty="50%" /> <directive type="move" id="mae69"> <keyframe time="0" y="-66" /> <keyframe time="0.25" y="-77" /> <keyframe time="0.5" y="-66" /> <keyframe time="1" y="-66" /> <keyframe time="1.5" y="-55" /> </directive> <directive type="text" id="text78" width="30%" arrow="left" x="56%" y="30%">(Wait, NO! I promised Bea I wouldn't drink! And I always ruin everyone's night every time I drink!)</directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="clear-all" /> <directive type="remove" id="mae69" /> <directive type="sprite" id="mae9" src="party_maee6.png" x="1800" y="-65" scalex="0.9" scaley="0.9" pivotx="50%" pivoty="50%" /> <directive type="text" id="text64" width="20%" arrow="right" x="16%" y="39%">Oh crap...</directive> <directive type="text" id="text65" width="20%" arrow="left" delay="0.25" x="59%" y="32%">Oh crap!</directive> <directive type="text" id="text66" width="34%" arrow="down" alignmentx="center" alignmenty="center" delay="0.5" x="48%" y="11%">(This was a terrible idea! Everything is so bright and there's so much of everything and I don't know any of these people!!)</directive> <directive type="text" id="text82" width="20%" arrow="right" alignmentx="center" alignmenty="center" delay="1.1" x="26%" y="58%">(I'm freaking out!)</directive> <directive type="text" id="text85" width="21%" arrow="left" alignmentx="center" alignmenty="center" delay="2" x="64%" y="52%">(I cant do this! I can't---)</directive> <directive type="camera" time="4" zoom="3" /> <directive type="move" id="mae9"> <keyframe time="0" y="-65" /> <keyframe time="0.5" y="-65" /> <keyframe time="0.75" y="-77" /> <keyframe time="1" y="-65" /> </directive> <directive type="move" id="mae9" delay="0.75" interpolation="none" time="2.5"> <keyframe time="0" x="1807" y="-63" scalex="0.9" /> <keyframe time="0.1" scalex="-0.9" /> <keyframe time="0.5" scalex="0.9" /> </directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="clear-all" /> <directive type="camera" time="0.1" zoom="1.8" /> <directive type="remove" id="mae9" /> <directive type="sprite" id="mae10" src="party_mae9.png" x="1800" y="-66" scalex="0.9" scaley="0.9" pivotx="50%" pivoty="50%" /> <directive type="move" id="mae10"> <keyframe time="0" y="-66" /> <keyframe time="0.1" y="-77" /> <keyframe time="0.25" y="-66" /> </directive> <directive type="text" id="maelone3" width="20%" arrow="up" x="38%" y="56%">GAH!!</directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="clear" id="maelone3" /> <directive type="text" id="maelone4" arrow="right" x="20%" y="24%">~player~!? Jesus, you scared the crap out of me!</directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="text" id="maelone5" arrow="left" x="57%" y="38%">What are <i>you</i> doing here?</directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="clear-all" /> <directive type="remove" id="mae10" /> <directive type="sprite" id="mae11" src="party_mae10.png" x="1800" y="-75" scalex="0.95" scaley="0.95" pivotx="50%" pivoty="50%" /> <directive type="text" id="maemeet" arrow="right" x="21%" y="31%">Really? This is <i>your</i> house?</directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="move" id="mae11" interpolation="linear"> <keyframe time="0" rotation="0" /> <keyframe time="1" rotation="2" /> </directive> <directive type="text" id="text108" width="31%" arrow="left" x="58%" y="35%">Sooooo, you know Jackie?</directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="text" id="text111" width="31%" arrow="left" x="58%" y="46%">And you let her host a party at your house?</directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="clear-all" /> <directive type="remove" id="mae11" /> <directive type="sprite" id="mae12" src="party_mae3.png" x="1800" y="-45" scalex="0.9" scaley="0.9" pivotx="50%" pivoty="45%" /> <directive type="text" id="maelone6" width="49%" arrow="down" x="25%" y="9%">That's... That's weird. Do people usually let other people host parties at their house?</directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="clear" id="maelone6" /> <directive type="text" id="maelone7" width="27%" arrow="left" x="59%" y="29%">I wouldn't know. I never hosted a college party. In fact, I don't... like college parties. Social awkwardness, bad experiences, blah blah blah. </directive> <directive type="text" id="maelone8" width="20%" arrow="right" delay="2.5" x="21%" y="34%">I only came because I was hoping to see someone...</directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="remove" id="mae12" /> <directive type="sprite" id="sprite123" src="party_mae11.png" x="1845" y="-76" scalex="0.95" scaley="0.95" pivotx="50%" pivoty="50%" /> <directive type="clear-all" /> <directive type="text" id="text125" width="20%" arrow="right" alignmentx="center" alignmenty="center" x="36%" y="45%">Hm? A tour? </directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="text" id="text126" width="20%" arrow="left" alignmentx="left" alignmenty="top" x="61%" y="29%">Err, I guess. Since you're offering, and this is still your house.</directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="clear-all" /> <directive type="text" id="text130" width="62%" arrow="down" alignmentx="left" alignmenty="top" x="22%" y="14%">Alright, I'll follow you. Just don't introduce me to any of your friends, alright?</directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="clear-all" /> </scene> <scene transition="true" color="#000000" effect="fade" ease="smooth" time="2" /> <scene name="transitition" color="#000000" width="100" height="100" zoom="0.5"> <directive type="text" id="text133" width="78%" x="9%" y="6%">And so, you gave Mae a tour around your place. </directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="text" id="text135" width="89%" x="4%" y="13%">The entire time, Mae seemed fidgety and on-edge, talking much less than she normally does and flinching when strangers danced too close to her. You can't help but notice she kept glancing at two people---her blue-haired goth friend and a bespectled blonde woman with many piercings, laughing and chatting with a large group of college students---whenever they came into view.</directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="text" id="text137" width="89%" x="4%" y="39%">It seems whoever she was hoping to see wasn't here.</directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="text" id="text139" width="80%" x="8%" y="50%">You tried to ask her, make sure she's okay. She remains guarded, constantly dodging your questions or insisting she's fine. You knew from the poker game how snippy she could be, so after a while, you decide not to press further.</directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="text" id="text141" width="54%" x="22%" y="71%">Poor girl; she's too stubborn for her own good.</directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="clear-all" /> <directive type="text" id="text144" width="72%" x="14%" y="8%">You knew she was kind of into you, though. As much as she tries to deny it...</directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="text" id="text146" width="41%" x="29%" y="19%">And she was really cute. </directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="text" id="text148" width="66%" x="17%" y="27%"><i>So maybe</i>, you thought, you can make this night better for her...</directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="clear-all" /> <directive type="text" id="text151" width="52%" x="centered" y="41%">"Hey, where are we going now?"</directive> <directive type="pause" /> </scene> <scene transition="true" color="#000000" effect="fade" time="2.5" /> <scene name="bedroom" background="bedroom.png" x="-2" y="-1" width="3250" height="2000"> <directive type="camera" x="-362" y="87" zoom="1.75" /> <directive type="sprite" id="bedroom1" src="pastparty_mae2.png" x="1009" y="530" pivotx="50%" pivoty="50%" /> <directive type="text" id="sit1" arrow="down" delay="0.5" x="41%" y="10%">Sooooo, this is your bedroom?</directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="clear" id="sit1" /> <directive type="remove" id="bedroom1" /> <directive type="sprite" id="bedroom2" src="pastparty_mae1.png" x="1009" y="530" pivotx="-1000%" pivoty="1000%" /> <directive type="text" id="sit2" arrow="down" delay="0" x="41%" y="10%">And you took me here <i>why</i>?</directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="clear" id="sit2" /> <directive type="text" id="sit3" width="52%" arrow="down" delay="0" x="25%" y="8%">What do you mean it should be obvious? Give me a break here, ~player~, I don't know about your social cues. For all I know, you could've bought me here to kill me.</directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="camera" interpolation="linear" time="0.5" y="-5" zoom="2.05" /> <directive type="clear-all" /> <directive type="remove" id="bedroom2" /> <directive type="sprite" id="bedroom3" src="pastparty_mae3.png" x="1009" y="530" pivotx="50%" pivoty="50%" /> <directive type="text" id="sit4" width="37%" arrow="down" delay="0.5" x="33%" y="15%">W-Wh... <i>Sex?</i> You want to have <i>sex</i> with <i>me!?</i></directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="remove" id="bedroom3" /> <directive type="clear" id="sit4" /> <directive type="sprite" id="bedroom4" src="pastparty_mae4.png" x="1009" y="530" /> <directive type="text" id="sit5" width="28%" arrow="down" x="37%" y="18%">Well, I... uh...</directive> <directive type="clear" id="sit5" /> <directive type="text" id="sit6" width="49%" arrow="down" x="27%" y="17%">You... You really want this?</directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="text" id="sit7" width="34%" arrow="left" x="62%" y="34%">I-I didn't think you bested me in strip poker just to get me naked. Did you even know about the masturbation rule?</directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="clear-all" /> <directive type="remove" id="bedroom4" /> <directive type="sprite" id="bedroom5" layer="2" src="pastparty_mae5.png" x="1015" y="530" pivotx="50%" pivoty="50%" /> <directive type="move" id="bedroom5" loop="true" interpolation="linear"> <keyframe time="0" rotation="0" /> <keyframe time="0.5" rotation="1" /> <keyframe time="1" rotation="0" /> </directive> <directive type="text" id="thoughts" width="20%" x="42%" y="14%">....</directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="wait" /> <directive type="stop" id="bedroom5" /> <directive type="text" id="sit8" width="47%" arrow="down" x="27%" y="14%">...Right. Okay. J-Just to let you know, I've never done this before.</directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="text" id="sit9" width="20%" arrow="left" x="60%" y="44%">...Ever.</directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="clear-all" /> <directive type="remove" id="bedroom5" /> <directive type="sprite" id="bedroom6" src="pastparty_mae4.png" x="1009" y="530" /> <directive type="text" id="text197" width="35%" arrow="left" x="61%" y="43%">A-And I never even expected to get laid in the first place.</directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="text" id="text199" width="20%" arrow="right" x="19%" y="38%">I didn't think you'd be i-into me, ~player~...</directive> <directive type="pause" /> </scene> <scene transition="true" effect="fade" time="1" /> <scene name="presexytimes" background="bedroom.png" width="3250" height="2000"> <directive type="camera" x="-362" y="87" zoom="1.75" /> <directive type="sprite" id="presex1" src="privateparty_mae1.png" x="969" y="533" pivotx="50%" pivoty="50%" /> <directive type="text" id="start" width="20%" arrow="down" x="38%" y="13%">...</directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="clear" id="start" /> <directive type="text" id="bootfetish1" width="33%" arrow="down" x="32%" y="9%">I-Is there a reason why you asked me to wear just my boots?</directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="text" id="bootfetish2" width="26%" arrow="left" x="57%" y="34%">Do you have a boot fetish or something?</directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="clear-all" /> <directive type="remove" id="presex1" /> <directive type="sprite" id="presex2" src="privateparty_mae2.png" x="925" y="533" pivotx="50%" pivoty="50%" /> <directive type="text" id="ready" width="26%" arrow="down" x="34%" y="8%">Oh, uhh... That's...</directive> <directive type="move" id="presex2"> <keyframe time="0" y="533" /> <keyframe time="0.15" y="515" /> <keyframe time="0.4" y="533" rotation="-2" /> </directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="remove" id="presex2" /> <directive type="clear" id="ready" /> <directive type="sprite" id="presex3" src="privateparty_mae4.png" x="925" y="533" pivotx="50%" pivoty="50%" rotation="-2" /> <directive type="text" id="ready2" width="25%" arrow="down" x="36%" y="6%">Hey, I thought I was the one dodging all the questions here!</directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="clear" id="ready2" /> <directive type="remove" id="presex3" /> <directive type="sprite" id="presex4" src="privateparty_mae2.png" x="925" y="533" pivotx="50%" pivoty="50%" /> <directive type="text" id="ready3" width="25%" arrow="down" x="35%" y="12%">S-Spread my legs?</directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="text" id="ready4" width="29%" arrow="left" x="58%" y="32%">Jeez... Straight to the point.</directive> <directive type="pause" /> </scene> <scene transition="true" color="#000000" effect="fade" time="1" /> <scene name="sexytimes" background="bedroom.png" width="3250" height="2000"> <directive type="camera" x="-326" y="108" zoom="2" /> <directive type="sprite" id="fingermae" src="privateparty_fingering1.png" x="969" y="533" /> <directive type="sprite" id="hand" layer="2" src="yessirree we get to finger some pussy tonight.png" x="886" y="1030" scalex="0.6" scaley="0.6" pivotx="50%" pivoty="50%" alpha="75" rotation="0" /> <directive type="move" id="hand" loop="true" ease="smooth" interpolation="spline"> <keyframe time="0" x="891" y="1025" rotation="-6" /> <keyframe time="0.5" x="902" y="1022" rotation="-17" /> <keyframe time="1.5" x="914" y="1035" rotation="-26" /> <keyframe time="2" x="892" y="1029" rotation="-6" /> <keyframe time="2.1" x="889" y="1020" rotation="-6" /> </directive> <directive type="move" id="fingermae" loop="true"> <keyframe time="0" y="533" /> <keyframe time="1" y="522" /> <keyframe time="1.5" y="533" /> </directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="text" id="moan1" width="20%" x="17%" y="8%">Ah!</directive> <directive type="text" id="moan2" width="20%" delay="0.5" x="17%" y="32%">Ah...</directive> <directive type="text" id="moan3" width="20%" delay="1" x="58%" y="16%"><i>Ahh...</i></directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="clear-all" /> <directive type="remove" id="fingermae" /> <directive type="sprite" id="fingermae1" src="privateparty_fingering2.png" x="969" y="533" pivotx="50%" pivoty="50%" /> <directive type="stop" id="hand" /> <directive type="move" id="hand" loop="true" ease="smooth" interpolation="linear"> <keyframe time="0" x="930" y="1040" scaley="0.568" skewx="6" skewy="-6" rotation="-27.95545" /> <keyframe time="0.2" x="930" y="1025" scaley="0.57" skewx="6" skewy="-6" rotation="-27" /> <keyframe time="0.5" x="930" y="1040" scaley="0.568" skewx="6" skewy="-6" rotation="-27.95545" /> </directive> <directive type="move" id="fingermae1" loop="true"> <keyframe time="0" y="533" rotation="0" /> <keyframe time="0.5" y="527" rotation="1" /> <keyframe time="1" y="533" rotation="0" /> <keyframe time="1.5" y="527" rotation="-1" /> <keyframe time="2" y="533" rotation="0" /> </directive> <directive type="text" id="moan4" width="20%" delay="0.5" x="19%" y="22%">Mmm...</directive> <directive type="text" id="moan5" width="20%" delay="1.5" x="58%" y="34%"><i>Hahh...</i></directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="text" id="moaaan" width="31%" arrow="down" x="34%" y="4%">H-How the hell are you so good with your fingers!?</directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="clear" id="moaaan" /> <directive type="text" id="moan6" width="31%" arrow="down" x="34%" y="4%">It d-didn't even <i>feel</i> that good when I fingered myself!</directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="clear-all" /> <directive type="stop" id="hand" /> <directive type="move" id="hand"> <keyframe time="0" y="1030" /> <keyframe time="1" y="1630" /> </directive> <directive type="wait" /> <directive type="stop" id="fingermae1" /> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="remove" id="hand" /> <directive type="remove" id="fingermae1" /> <directive type="sprite" id="interlude" src="privateparty_mae4.png" x="984" y="525" pivotx="50%" pivoty="50%" rotation="-2" /> <directive type="text" id="stop" arrow="down" x="39%" y="7%">Mmm---hey, why'd you stop!?</directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="clear" id="stop" /> <directive type="remove" id="interlude" /> <directive type="sprite" id="interlude1" src="privateparty_mae2.png" x="984" y="525" pivotx="50%" pivoty="50%" rotation="-2" /> <directive type="move" id="interlude1"> <keyframe time="0" y="525" /> <keyframe time="0.25" y="515" /> <keyframe time="0.5" y="525" /> </directive> <directive type="text" id="stop1" width="25%" arrow="right" x="14%" y="20%">Wh... </directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="text" id="stop2" width="28%" arrow="left" x="58%" y="30%"><i>Oh...</i> I-I see...</directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="text" id="text47" width="25%" arrow="down" x="36%" y="5%">Just... be gentle, will you?</directive> <directive type="pause" /> </scene> <scene transition="true" color="#000000" effect="fade" time="1" /> <scene name="penetration" background="bedroom.png" width="3250" height="2000"> <directive type="sprite" id="maetop" layer="6" src="privateparty_mount.png" x="996" y="338" pivotx="0" pivoty="0" /> <directive type="sprite" id="dick" layer="2" src="sschlong.png" x="1228" y="1102" scalex="0.45" scaley="0.55" pivotx="0" pivoty="0" alpha="35" rotation="0" /> <directive type="sprite" id="spreadlegs" src="spreadlegs_m.png" x="877" y="945" pivotx="0" pivoty="0" alpha="37" rotation="0" /> <directive type="sprite" id="maebottom" layer="1" src="yes mount that dick.png" x="991" y="330" scalex="0.99" scaley="1" skewx="0" skewy="0" pivotx="0" pivoty="1" alpha="100" rotation="0" /> <directive type="camera" x="-375" y="-200" zoom="2" /> <directive type="move" id="dick" loop="true"> <keyframe time="0" y="1099" /> <keyframe time="1" y="1088" /> <keyframe time="2" y="1099" /> </directive> <directive type="move" id="spreadlegs" loop="true"> <keyframe time="0" y="948" /> <keyframe time="1" y="940" /> <keyframe time="2" y="948" /> </directive> <directive type="move" id="maetop" loop="true"> <keyframe time="0" y="345" /> <keyframe time="1" y="330" /> <keyframe time="2" y="345" /> </directive> <directive type="move" id="maebottom" loop="true"> <keyframe time="0" y="345" /> <keyframe time="1" y="330" /> <keyframe time="2" y="345" /> </directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="text" id="moan7" width="47%" arrow="down" x="28%" y="10%">I... I---<i>ahh</i>---didn't think it'd feel <i>this</i> good...</directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="text" id="moan8" width="20%" arrow="left" x="59%" y="31%">Oh ~player~...</directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="remove" id="maetop" /> <directive type="sprite" id="maetop1" layer="3" src="privateparty_mount2.png" x="996" y="345" /> <directive type="stop" id="maebottom" /> <directive type="stop" id="dick" /> <directive type="stop" id="spreadlegs" /> <directive type="move" id="maetop1" loop="true"> <keyframe time="0" y="345" /> <keyframe time="1" y="330" /> <keyframe time="2" y="345" /> </directive> <directive type="move" id="spreadlegs" loop="true"> <keyframe time="0" y="948" /> <keyframe time="1" y="940" /> <keyframe time="2" y="948" /> </directive> <directive type="move" id="maebottom" loop="true"> <keyframe time="0" y="345" /> <keyframe time="1" y="330" /> <keyframe time="2" y="345" /> </directive> <directive type="move" id="dick" loop="true"> <keyframe time="0" y="1099" /> <keyframe time="1" y="1088" /> <keyframe time="2" y="1099" /> </directive> <directive type="clear-all" /> <directive type="text" id="faster" width="28%" arrow="down" x="37%" y="10%">C-C'mon, faster!</directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="clear-all" /> <directive type="text" id="faster1" arrow="right" x="20%" y="27%">Faster!</directive> <directive type="text" id="faster2" width="35%" arrow="left" delay="0.5" x="60%" y="29%"><i>Faaaster!!</i> I-I can take it</directive> <directive type="stop" id="dick" /> <directive type="stop" id="maebottom" /> <directive type="stop" id="spreadlegs" /> <directive type="remove" id="maetop1" /> <directive type="sprite" id="maetop2" layer="4" src="privateparty_mount3.png" x="996" y="345" /> <directive type="move" id="maetop2" loop="true"> <keyframe time="0" y="345" /> <keyframe time="0.5" y="330" /> <keyframe time="1" y="345" /> </directive> <directive type="move" id="spreadlegs" loop="true"> <keyframe time="0" y="948" /> <keyframe time="0.5" y="940" /> <keyframe time="1" y="948" /> </directive> <directive type="move" id="maebottom" loop="true"> <keyframe time="0" y="345" /> <keyframe time="0.5" y="330" /> <keyframe time="1" y="345" /> </directive> <directive type="move" id="dick" loop="true"> <keyframe time="0" y="1099" /> <keyframe time="0.5" y="1088" /> <keyframe time="1" y="1099" /> </directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="clear-all" /> <directive type="text" id="faster3" width="50%" arrow="down" x="26%" y="9%">Yessss!! Oh <i>god</i>, ~player~, keep going, just like that!</directive> <directive type="stop" id="dick" /> <directive type="stop" id="maebottom" /> <directive type="stop" id="maetop2" /> <directive type="stop" id="spreadlegs" /> <directive type="move" id="maetop2" loop="true"> <keyframe time="0" y="345" /> <keyframe time="0.1" y="330" /> <keyframe time="0.3" y="345" /> </directive> <directive type="move" id="maebottom" loop="true"> <keyframe time="0" y="345" /> <keyframe time="0.1" y="330" /> <keyframe time="0.3" y="345" /> </directive> <directive type="move" id="spreadlegs" loop="true"> <keyframe time="0" y="948" /> <keyframe time="0.11" y="940" /> <keyframe time="0.31" y="948" /> </directive> <directive type="move" id="dick" loop="true"> <keyframe time="0" y="1099" /> <keyframe time="0.11" y="1085" /> <keyframe time="0.31" y="1099" /> </directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="clear-all" /> <directive type="text" id="text91" width="26%" arrow="left" x="63%" y="24%">~player~! ~player~, I'm...</directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="clear-all" /> <directive type="text" id="icantwriteorgasms" width="30%" x="36%" y="12%"><i>Ohhhgod!!</i></directive> </scene> <scene transition="true" color="#DDDDDD" effect="fade" time="3" /> <scene name="end" background="bedroom.png" width="3250" height="2000"> <directive type="camera" x="-350" zoom="2" /> <directive type="sprite" id="afterglowing" src="privateparty_zafterglow.png" x="969" y="500" pivotx="50%" pivoty="50%" /> <directive type="move" id="afterglowing" loop="true"> <keyframe y="505" scaley="1" /> <keyframe time="1" y="500" scaley="0.99" /> <keyframe time="2" y="505" scaley="1" /> </directive> <directive type="text" id="afterglow" width="24%" x="39%" y="17%"><i>(hfff... hfff...)</i></directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="text" id="afterglow1" width="20%" arrow="left" x="62%" y="43%">...Wow...</directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="clear-all" /> <directive type="text" id="afterglow2" width="56%" arrow="down" x="22%" y="17%">Okayokayokay... <i>(hfff...)</i> I need a moment... from that...</directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="text" id="afterglow3" width="28%" arrow="left" x="59%" y="42%">Holy hell, what a night...</directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="clear-all" /> <directive type="text" id="afterglow4" width="28%" arrow="down" x="36%" y="20%">That was...</directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="remove" id="afterglowing" /> <directive type="sprite" id="afterglowing2" src="privateparty_zafterglow2.png" x="969" y="500" pivotx="50%" pivoty="50%" /> <directive type="text" id="text113" width="31%" arrow="left" x="60%" y="36%">...well, "fun" would be a huge understatement...</directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="text" id="text115" width="38%" arrow="right" x="2%" y="34%">It <i>was</i> really sexy though, no doubt... Because it's sex...</directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="clear-all" /> <directive type="remove" id="afterglowing2" /> <directive type="sprite" id="afterglowing3" src="privateparty_zafterglow3.png" x="969" y="488" pivotx="50%" pivoty="50%" /> <directive type="move" id="afterglowing3"> <keyframe time="0" x="969" rotation="0" /> <keyframe time="0.5" x="967" rotation="-2" /> </directive> <directive type="text" id="afterglow5" width="39%" arrow="down" x="30%" y="15%">I sound like a complete idiot, don't I?</directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="text" id="afterglow6" width="40%" arrow="left" x="61%" y="39%">I'm sorry. I never thought this would be happening...</directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="clear-all" /> <directive type="remove" id="afterglowing3" /> <directive type="sprite" id="afterglowing4" src="privateparty_zafterglow2.png" x="969" y="500" pivotx="50%" pivoty="50%" /> <directive type="text" id="afterglow7" width="52%" arrow="down" x="24%" y="16%">But... Thanks, ~Player~... I really enjoyed that.</directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="text" id="afterglow8" width="37%" arrow="left" x="61%" y="39%">I don't know what happens after that... But I <i>do</i> know I want to keep in touch, so...</directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="clear-all" /> <directive type="text" id="askend" width="43%" arrow="down" x="28%" y="23%">Can I have your phone number?</directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="clear-all" /> <directive type="sprite" id="afterglowing5" src="privateparty_zafterglow4.png" x="969" y="500" pivotx="50%" pivoty="50%" /> <directive type="remove" id="afterglowing4" /> <directive type="text" id="callmebeepme" width="23%" arrow="right" x="16%" y="37%">I promise I'll call you!</directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="text" id="ifyouwannareachme" width="27%" arrow="left" x="62%" y="32%">And we'll have a proper hangout! And I actually give you the tour of my town!</directive> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="clear-all" /> <directive type="remove" id="afterglowing5" /> <directive type="sprite" id="final" src="privateparty_zafterglow5.png" x="969" y="500" pivotx="50%" pivoty="50%" /> <directive type="camera" time="0.5" zoom="2.3" /> <directive type="pause" /> <directive type="text" id="text152" width="45%" arrow="down" x="29%" y="12%">Would you like that, ~Player~?</directive> </scene> </epilogue> </opponent>