Forked from
Frostberg / Degrees of Lewdity Plus
4525 commits behind the upstream repository.
.eslintrc.cjs 5.30 KiB
module.exports = {
root: true,
// Keep variables sorted within groups (separated by "// ..." comment lines)
globals: {
// SugarCube APIs
Browser: "readonly",
Config: "readonly",
DebugView: "readonly",
Dialog: "readonly",
Engine: "readonly",
Fullscreen: "readonly",
L10n: "readonly",
l10nStrings: "readonly",
LoadScreen: "readonly",
Macro: "readonly",
Save: "readonly",
Scripting: "readonly",
Setting: "readonly",
setup: "readonly",
State: "readonly",
Story: "readonly",
SugarCube: "readonly",
Template: "readonly",
UI: "readonly",
UIBar: "readonly",
// SugarCube functions
clone: "readonly",
either: "readonly",
forget: "readonly",
hasVisited: "readonly",
importScripts: "readonly",
importStyles: "readonly",
lastVisited: "readonly",
memorize: "readonly",
passage: "readonly",
previous: "readonly",
random: "readonly",
randomFloat: "readonly",
recall: "readonly",
setPageElement: "readonly",
tags: "readonly",
temporary: "readonly",
time: "readonly",
turns: "readonly",
variables: "readonly",
visited: "readonly",
visitedTags: "readonly",
throwError: "writeable",
// Dol shortcuts
C: "readonly",
DeserializeGame: "readonly",
globals: "readonly",
T: "readonly",
V: "readonly",
// DoL main namespaces
DOL: "readonly",
defineGlobalNamespaces: "readonly",
Errors: "readonly",
Versions: "readonly",
Perflog: "readonly",
Stack: "readonly",
Wikifier: "readonly",
// DoL other namespaces/objects
Constants: "readonly",
ConstantsLoader: "readonly",
currentlyLoadingMap: "readonly",
DoLHouse: "readonly",
DolSettingsExport: "readonly",
Dynamic: "readonly",
IronMan: "readonly",
Links: "readonly",
playerDoll: "readonly",
Renderer: "readonly",
SexTypes: "readonly",
StartConfig: "readonly",
Utils: "readonly",
ZIndices: "readonly",
Time: "readonly",
EventSystem: "readonly",
// DoL functions
assignDefaults: "readonly",
between: "readonly",
clothesDataTrimmer: "readonly",
clothesIndex: "readonly",
clothingData: "readonly",
combatListColor: "readonly",
DefineMacro: "readonly",
DefineMacroS: "readonly",
DoLSave: "readonly",
eCheckbox: "readonly",
eInput: "readonly",
elechild: "readonly",
elechildren: "readonly",
element: "readonly",
ensure: "readonly",
ensureIsArray: "readonly",
eSelect: "readonly",
generateBabyName: "readonly",
getCustomClothesColourCanvasFilter: "readonly",
getCustomColourRGB: "readonly",
getCustomColourStyle: "readonly",
getRandomIntInclusive: "readonly",
getRobinLocation: "readonly",
getSexesFromRandomGroup: "readonly",
getTrueWarmth: "readonly",
inDOM: "readonly",
ironmanAutoSave: "readonly",
loadCustomColourPreset: "readonly",
npcEquipSet: "readonly",
npcMakeNaked: "readonly",
overlayShowHide: "readonly",
parseCSSFilter: "readonly",
pickRandomItemInArray: "readonly",
playerHasStrapon: "readonly",
registerGeneratedPattern: "readonly",
registerImagePattern: "readonly",
rgbToHsv: "readonly",
selfOr: "readonly",
settingsConvert: "readonly",
settingsObjects: "readonly",
shopClothCustomColorWheel: "readonly",
sliderPerc: "readonly",
stringFrom: "readonly",
updateCustomColour: "readonly",
updateExportDay: "readonly",
updateMannequin: "readonly",
updateSavesCount: "readonly",
validateValue: "readonly",
tanned: "readonly",
// DoL classes
ObservableValue: "readonly",
CanvasModel: "readonly",
DollHouse: "readonly",
FDoll: "readonly",
// Third-party
define: "readonly",
iro: "readonly",
LZString: "readonly",
md5: "readonly",
tinycolor: "readonly",
Mousetrap: "readonly",
// Unknown (Can't find declaration either in SugarCube docs nor in codebase)
config: "readonly",
saveAs: "readonly",
schemaVersion: "readonly",
session: "readonly",
Util: "readonly",
version: "readonly",
getClothingCost: "readonly",
isLoveInterest: "readonly",
skinColor: "readonly",
ignorePatterns: [
// Format config file
parserOptions: {
// Support back to ES2020 to cover old mobile devices with outdated WebView versions that fail on 2020 and up functions
// ecmaVersion: "2020", (taken care of by env es2020)
sourceType: "module",
env: {
browser: true,
es2020: true,
jquery: true,
plugins: ["es-x"],
extends: ["eslint:recommended", "plugin:jsdoc/recommended", "prettier-standard/prettier-file", "plugin:es-x/restrict-to-es2020"],
settings: {
jsdoc: {
mode: "jsdoc",
// Keep rules grouped by plugin and sorted alphabetically
rules: {
"object-shorthand": ["error", "always"],
// SugarCube extends native objects and we follow it
"no-extend-native": "off",
/* eslint-plugin-jsdoc */
// Descriptions should be sentence-like not comment-like
"jsdoc/require-description-complete-sentence": "off",
"jsdoc/require-hyphen-before-param-description": ["error", "never", { tags: { property: "never" } }],
// Adding JSDoc is preferable but not required
"jsdoc/require-jsdoc": "off",
"jsdoc/require-param-description": "off",
"jsdoc/require-property-description": "off",
"jsdoc/require-returns-description": "off",
"jsdoc/require-returns": "off",
/* eslint-plugin-prettier */
"prettier/prettier": "warn",