@@ -58,7 +58,8 @@ You are on Domus Street. The orphanage is here. The street is dominated by small
<<set $danger to random(1, 10000)>><<set $dangerevent to 0>>
<<if $NPCName[$NPCNameList.indexOf("Whitney")].state isnot "dungeon" and $NPCName[$NPCNameList.indexOf("Whitney")].init is 1 and $halloween is 1 and $monthday is 31 and $hour gte 19 and $halloween_whitney_proposed isnot 1 and !$possessed>><<set $halloween_whitney_proposed to 1>>
<<if $halloween is 1 and $monthday is 31 and $hour gte 19 and C.npc.Whitney.state isnot "dungeon" and C.npc.Whitney.init is 1 and $halloween_whitney_proposed isnot 1 and !$possessed>>
<<set $halloween_whitney_proposed to 1>>
<<elseif $averyDismissalScene and $averyDismissalSceneWait isnot 1 and $weekday is 7 and $hour is 20>>