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# Degrees of Lewdity

Jimmy's avatar
Jimmy committed
## Lexicon of Lewdity

Looking to contribute to Degrees of Lewdity? Read the [Lexicon of Lewdity](

_Failure to do so can lead to your work being denied._

## How to build
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shikiyoku committed

### Changing the build version and type
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shikiyoku committed

1. Open `01-config\sugarcubeConfig.js`.
2. Edit the `window.StartConfig` object to the relevant config type.
    - Normal Build - `enableImages` needs to be `true` and `enableLinkNumberify` needs to be `true`.
    - Text Only Build - `enableImages` needs to be `false` and `enableLinkNumberify` needs to be `true`.
    - Android Build - `enableImages` needs to be `true` and `enableLinkNumberify` needs to be `false`.
3. `version` is optional between release versions but will be displayed on screen in several places and stored in the saves made.
4. `debug` is optional and will only effect new games.
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shikiyoku committed

shikiyoku's avatar
shikiyoku committed

1. On Windows: Run `compile.bat` or `compile-watch.bat`.
2. On Linux: Run ``
3. Open `Degrees of Lewdity VERSION.html`.
shikiyoku's avatar
shikiyoku committed

### Build Android version (.apk)

See [](docs\

## Development

### Prerequisites

-   Read [Coder's-Guide]('s-Guide)
-   [Node.js 16 or later](

### Optional Prerequisites

1. Install [Tweego]( and remember the path where it was installed.
2. Add path to `tweego.exe` (e.g. `C:\Program Files\Twine\tweego-2.1.0-windows-x64`) to Windows `Path` environment variable.

### Initial setup

1. Install project dependencies:

    npm i

2. If you use Visual Studio Code:

    1. Install [Twee 3 Language Tools extension](
    2. Install [ESLint extension](
    3. Install [Stylelint extension](
    4. Install and configure [Code Spell Checker extension](
        1. Use "English - United Kingdom" and "English - United States" dictionaries
        2. Enable spellchecking for`twee3-sugarcube-2`, `markdown`, `javascript` and other programming languages
    5. Optionally enable fixing js/css on save. In `settings.json` set:
        // This disables built-in formatting
        "[javascript]": {
          "editor.formatOnSave": false
        "[css]": {
          "editor.formatOnSave": false
        // This enables running ESLint, Prettier, Stylelint formatting on file save
        "editor.codeActionsOnSave": {
          "source.fixAll.eslint": true,
          "source.fixAll.stylelint": true

### Linting

#### JavaScript

JavaScript code linting is handled by [`ESLint`](

ESLint is [configured](./.eslintrc.cjs) to follow some of best practices ([ESLint Recommended Rules](, [JavaScript Standard Style]( with formatting handled by Prettier (`eslint --fix` formats code with Prettier). You don't need to use `Prettier` VS Code extension to format `.js` files.

To run ESLint for single file:

npx eslint "game/03-JavaScript/02-Helpers/Utils.js"

or for all files inside `game` directory:

npx eslint "game/**"

##### Resolving issues

Some issues are fixable and can be auto-fixed when you save a file (provided ESLint extension is configured to run fix on save) or by running `eslint --fix file_relative_path`

If you find a rule that doesn't make sense for the project you can disable it inside `rules` section inside `.eslintrc.cjs`:

rules: {
  // SugarCube extends native objects and we follow it
  "no-extend-native": "off",

Please discuss the reasons with the team before disabling the rule. Add a comment explaining why the rule was disabled

If ESLint reports a lot of issues for particular file and you cannot fix them all at once feel free to [disable particular rule]( for the file (there is quick actions menu when code with error is hovered):

/* eslint-disable camelcase -- TODO: Fix variables' names */
let demo_rainbow_colors = [

Add a TODO comment explaining that this will be fixed someday

##### Global variables

ESLint may report a issue like `'myVariable' is not defined`. It means ESLint cannot figure out where the variable is defined. If you really meant to make variable global add the new variable to `.eslintrc.cjs` `globals` section inside corresponding group:
myVariable: "readonly"
If the variable is suppose to be writable set `myVariable: "writable"` instead.

### CSS

CSS linting is handled by [`Stylelint`](
Stylelint is [configured](./stylelint.config.cjs) to follow [common conventions]( along with [rules for properties order]( and formatting handled by Prettier (`stylelint --fix` formats code with Prettier). You don't need to use `Prettier` VS Code extension to format `.css` files.

To run Stylelint for the file:

npx stylelint "game/02-CSS/pillsInventory.css"

or for all CSS file inside `game` directory:

npx stylelint "game/**/*.css"

#### Resolving issues
Some issues are fixable and can be auto-fixed when you save a file (provided Stylelint extension is configured to run fix on save) or by running `stylelint --fix file_relative_path`.
Sometimes all issues cannot be fixed within single "fix" run (e.g. properties order). Simply run fix command several time until all auto-fixable issues are resolved.
If you find a rule that doesn't make sense for the project you can disable it inside `rules` section inside `stylelint.config.cjs`:
rules: {
  // Class and ID patterns disabled for now due to the large amounts of classes and IDs that break this rule
  "selector-class-pattern": null,
  "selector-id-pattern": null,
Please discuss the reasons with the team before disabling the rule. Add a comment explaining why the rule was disabled

### Formatting

Formatting CSS and other non-JavaScript file is handled by `Prettier`. Formatting rules are set in `.prettierrc.json`
On pre-commit [`lint-staged`]( using [`husky`]( lints/formats `.js`, `.css` with ESLint, Stylelint and formats other supported files with Prettier.

Pre-commit hook is the last quality gate to avoid "bad" code getting into the repository. It's better to make sure you aren't committing files with issues beforehand - you can run command `npm run lint-staged` when you've staged the files to check if there are issues.

If for some reason you really want to commit the code that fails linting add `--no-verify` parameter to `commit` call

commit --no-verify