Changes to em dashes and a puberty fix
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- Mothman authored
@@ -1043,7 +1043,7 @@
outputText("\"<i>That's because she underwent a very radical change when she finally hit puberty. Most children get a little rebellious, but not my Loppe, oh no. If anything she became obedient, almost to a fault. In fact... for a while I thought she was actually sick or worried about something. But she assured me she was just tired of sitting through my scoldings, and didn't see a reason to challenge me anymore. It was kind of cute too, she started asking me all kinds of questions, especially why she had both genders.</i>\"\n\n");
outputText("You note that it must have been a troubling time in her life; you remember going through puberty, and you can't imagine how hard it must have been to go through the hassles of things like the first period <i>and</i> uncontrollable erections simultaneously. Though being the mother to a herm in puberty can't have been a picnic either...\n\n");
outputText("You note that it must have been a troubling time in her life; " + (player.isChild() ? "you haven't yet gone through puberty, so" : "you remember going through puberty, and") + " you can't imagine how hard it must have been to go through the hassles of things like the first period <i>and</i> uncontrollable erections simultaneously. Though being the mother to a herm in puberty can't have been a picnic either...\n\n");
outputText("\"<i>It wasn't, but I enjoyed it either way. Loppe and I grew a lot closer then. I guess she just finally got tired of trying to be a boy and decided to embrace her femininity. She had me teach her how to act as a girl, and for the most part she does fine, but I wouldn't be surprised if she slips up every once in awhile.</i>\"\n\n");
outputText("\"<i>Sometimes she'll let loose the foulest belches in public, or... </i>readjust<i> herself in public</i>\" replies Uma, her hand cupping an imaginary bulge at her crotch. \"<i>She does things that a lady wouldn't let herself get caught dead doing when she forgets about her desire to appear lady-like.</i>\"\n\n"); // Changed this line pretty significantly, might wanna compare it etc