# How to contribute to the Carnalitas Framework
## You want to add a new feature or bugfix
In order to keep the development branch stable, you should not commit directly to it. Here is the workflow you should follow:
### Create a new branch
If you are an official contributor to this project, **create a new branch** from the "developing" branch (you can do it from github or directly from your local git repository)
> If you are not an official contributor, you can fork this project and work on your feature there
- It is recommended to name your branch "**feature/concise-name-of-the-feature**" for a new feature or "**fix/concise-name-of-the-bugfix**" for a bugfix.
### Work on your branch
You can now start working on your feature by pushing your modification to your feature branch.
- Only add changes that are related to that feature
### Create a pull request
Once your feature is done, or at least stable and fuctionning (doesn't cause crashes or break existing stuff), you can **create a pull request** from your feature branch to the developement branch
- Follow the template instructions
- Add a reviewer to the pull request (cherisong and potentially another contributor who already worked on the code you are modifying)
- Add the label "enhancement" and any other relevant label, like "visual" if you made some graphical modification
- If your feature or bugfix is supposed to close or fix an existing issue, please link it in the pull request (the option is also in the right-hand column)