Remove many of the Hide properties
- Nov 15, 2022
zorgjeanbe authored
This attempts to make the items hidden by the petsuit better match what they were before.
A follow-up to !3679 (merged), this attempts to make the items hidden by the petsuit better match what they were before.
I think there's a bug in CharacterAppearanceVisible
, as it first looks at an asset's main Hide and then consults a typed asset's Hide property afterward, leading to being unable to have a type de-hide something that the asset hid. This means that the behavior that I expected (stuff in Item.Property overrides stuff in Item.Asset, which overrides stuff in Group in some cases).
A fix for that isn't that hard, but I definitely don't want to touch that function in the end of the beta. Also, if Nina or Ellie have an opinion on that, it'd be nice to hear it.
This attempts to make the items hidden by the petsuit better match what they were before.