If there is anything you don't understand feel free to ask. The advanced tooling is not required for
fixing small typos or simple bugs.
To effectively work on the project the following tools are required:
* [Node.js]( or another npm client
* [VSCode]( is a popular option
While these tools make working on FC easier, they are not actually required.
1. Clone the project from ([Detailed Git setup and work cycle](devNotes/
* Windows: Run `Windows Powershell` or `Command Prompt` and execute `cd C:\path\to\project\fc-pregmod`
* Mac/Linux: Open a terminal and execute `cd /path/to/project/fc-pregmod/`
3. Run `setup.bat` (Windows) or `` (Mac/Linux) in your terminal
4. Follow the install steps until you get to the `Welcome to FC development!...` menu and then select `Exit`
5. Open the directory in your preferred editor/IDE
**Make sure you have an extension for ESLint installed in your preferred editor/IDE to catch formatting errors**
<details><summary>Recommended editor/IDE plugins/extensions</summary>
The list below is for VSCode. If you are not using VSCode but want some of these extensions functionality, then do some research. Many of these extensions exist or have alternatives in most common editors/IDEs.
* [ESLint](
* Catches formatting problems and lets you know when your code doesn't conform to our standards
* [Code Spell Checker](
* Catches most spelling issues
* [Error Lens](
* Highlights lines that ESLint and Code Spell Checker have marked as having problems
* [Git Extension Pack](
* Adds a few of tools that make working with git easier
* [IntelliCode](
* Will make your day easier by suggesting functions and properties for autocompletion
* Will also show you documentation for those suggested functions and properties
* [TODO Highlight](
* Makes TODO comments stand out better
* [Todo Tree](
* Adds a tab to the left sidebar that lists all TODO comments in the current project
Use either the simple or advanced compiler. See the `Compile the game yourself` section in the [readme]( for more information.
The coding style is based on our `.eslintrc.json`. If your editor/IDE has ESLint support it will let you know when your code doesn't conform to our standards.
* Most editors/IDEs don't have native ESLint support and will need you to install an ESLint plugin/extension.
It's a good idea to provide meaningful documentation for new functions and classes where possible. We follow
Typescript's [JSDoc]( type dialect for the most part (and we provide a Typescript configuration and
auxiliary type definition files if you'd like to use it yourself – it's pretty nifty). Don't worry too much about
specific type syntax if you can't make TS work or don't understand it, someone else will probably fix it for you as long
as you've made the intent clear in some form of JSDoc.
### Naming conventions
* JavaScript variable and function names should be `camelCase`.
// bad
let foobar;
let Foobar;
let FooBar;
* JavaScript classes and namespaces should be `PascalCase`.
class Foo {};
// bad
class foo {}
class FOO {};
* Enum members should be `ALLCAPS`.
// good
enum Foo {
BAR = 'bar',
BAZ = 'baz',
// bad
enum Foo {
bar = 'bar',
Baz = 'baz',
This also applies to JavaScript objects that are used as enums.
// worse
/** @enum {string} */
const foo = {
bar: 'bar',
Baz: 'baz',
* CSS classes are `kebob-case`.
/* bad */
.fooBar {}
New code should generally get organized into the `App` namespace. See [fc-js-init.js](js/002-config/fc-js-init.js) for a rough outline.
Use modern JavaScript features when possible. We are currently targeting ECMAScript 2022, and aren't trying to support Internet Explorer or anything stupid like that (it isn't 2010 anymore). For example, use `let`/`const` rather than `var`, prefer [`Arrow function expressions`]( to inline long-form functions, use [`nullish coalescing`]( and [`optional chaining`](, etc.
Contributions should generally not add any new sanity check errors. You can check for errors by running `sanityCheck.bat` (Windows) or `` (Mac/Linux).
* With the default settings this will (mostly) show you just the errors that were caused by your changes.
* If you are not using the advanced tooling then use `legacySanityCheck.bat` or `` instead.
## Project Structure
### Source files
* `src/` is the main directory for source code. It also contains the embedded art files. Since it is inside an `eval()` statement debugging and minification is more complicated than for `js/`.
* `js/` is loaded before SugarCube and therefore outside SugarCube's eval which `src/` is contained in. This means accessing SugarCube features (like `SugarCube.Engine`) is more complicated however it other than `src/` it can be minified and is easier to debug. Currently, contains mainly static data, however new code not relying on SC2 should be sorted in here too.
* `css/` contains all CSS files. The internal structure is explained [here](css/
* `themes/` contains [custom themes](themes/ which are built separately.
* `devNotes/` contains various wiki files and other potentially interesting files.
* `devTools/` contains various scripts and executables needed for working with the project or compiling.
* TypeScript typing files are stored here as well in the `types/` subdirectory.
* `submodules/` contains Git submodules
* currently only a custom version of SugarCube 2
* `artTools/`contains files for creating and updating [vector art](artTools/
* `resources/` contains various [art related files](resources/
* `docker/` contains Docker files from which the docker containers for GitLabs CI are created
* `FCHost/` contains the sources for [FCHost](FCHost/
* `saveTools/` contains tools for [editing save files](saveTools/
* [Twine<sup>1</sup>](devNotes/
* [Sanity check<sup>2</sup>](devNotes/
* [Slave List](devNotes/
* [Pronouns](devNotes/
* [Eyes](devNotes/
* [Limbs](devNotes/
* [Some potentially useful JS functions](devNotes/
* [Content embedding chart](devNotes/contentEmbeddingChart.png) (for more details refer to [this issue](
<sup>1. Twine is being phased out of the project and should not be used in new code, but the basic concepts found here still apply.</sup>
<sup>2. Only applies to the legacy sanity checks.</sup>
* [Setting up VS Code](
* [Classes in Game State](
* [Self executing functions](
* [Sort a map](
* [How to create a Merge Request (MR)](