Major additions and changes only. Refer to commit history for full changelog.
## v4.1.8
- Removed custom hair for cowgirl poses:
purple hair has been added to vanilla game v2.9.20
## v4.1.7
- Fixed condoms edicts and skills initialization
- Supported layers changes in cowgirl_lizardman pose
- Fixed condoms position

## v4.1.6
- Supported layers changes in cowgirl_karryn pose
- Fixed condoms position
- Removed custom purple hair
- Extracted belly to separate layer

## v4.1.5
- Supported layers changes in bj pose
- Removed custom CCMod hair layer from `down_org` pose
since it's become redundant after changes in the game v2.9.10
- Removed belly from `down_org` pose (it's hidden behind the body)
- Added condoms to `down_org` pose
- Fixed edges of hair layer in toilet pose
- Adjust layers order: by default condoms are over belly layer
- Removed CCMod purple hair for down_falldown pose
- Extracted belly from boobs for down_falldown pose
- Adjusted condoms position in down_falldown pose

## v4.1.2
- Fixed belly according to changes in the game v2.8.27 for poses:

- in-battle masturbation:

- Fixed pregnant belly in kick pose (moved to separate layer)
- Fixed condoms position for poses:
- defend
- map
- evade
- kick
- standby
- unarmed
- Fixed misaligned hair on poses (for the game v2.8.27)
- Fixed overwritten data path for macOS
- Added ability to disable storing overwritten data files to settings
## v4.1.0-pre2
- Improved Vortex integration: specified dependencies and other metadata
## v4.1.0-pre1
- Supported attack pose changes in game v2.7.17:
- Separated pregnant belly from boobs in attack pose
- Changed belly to be consistent with redrawn attack pose
- Updated purple hair position
- Updated condoms

## v4.0.8-pre3
- Supported waitress changes in game v2.7.17
- Fixed error when naked with H cups in waitress serving
pose (`Failed to load: img/karryn/map/boobs_hcup_waitress_5.png`)
- Added ability to change global passives requirement modifier without restarting the game
- Migrated `CC_SideJobs.js`, `CC_SideJobs_Waitress.js` files to typescript
- Allowed to be stripped during waitress sex
- Fixed displaying liquids (crotch cum and juices)
- Fixed floating condoms (without leg band) before and after sleep
## v4.0.7
- Added FastCutIns version validation
## v4.0.6
- Fixed error about missing `bundle.js`
- Bump mod version to ensure the latest build and code changes
(no new features since 4.0.4)
- Deprecated `install_this!` folder in favor of releases page (details in readme)
- Removed redundant apng cut-ins
- Included unencrypted sprite sheet animations (to work with Fast Cut-Ins 2.0)
- Improved desire requirement modifiers settings structure (credits to @eterna1_0blivion)
- Fixed but when Karryn don't use condoms during vaginal sex (#56)
- Hidden condoms during masturbation on couch
- Restored hair layer images to fix settings that changes hair color.
Not sure why I thought it has been added to the vanilla game. I guess, bad case of wishful
- Support game v2.6.19: added hips layer for waitress serving pose
- Displayed pregnancy during waitress sex
- Fixed bug when bar guest accepting drink even when he has one (leading to drink disappearance)
- Fixed displaying pussy fluids when completely naked during waitress sex
- Moved belly to separate layer in waitress sex pose
- Migrated to typescript:
- Pregnancy (removed `CC_PregMod.js` file)
- OnlyFans
- Mod versioning
- Separated skills to groups for better maintenance
- Included sourcemaps to mod package
- Moved settings to separate folder
- Ignored errors during OnlyFans camera operations
to avoid fixing android errors for optional feature (if animation hasn't been registered properly)
- Hide condoms edicts if condoms are disabled in settings (requires restart) (#36)
- Settings:
- Added:
- Migrations (for compatibility with previous mod versions)
- Setting to be able to disable birth control (requires restart) (#36)
- Corrected:
- Add descriptions for some settings
- Correct allowed values for some settings
- Fixed disabling belly
- Improved (by @eterna1_0blivion):
- Made settings more structured
- Sorted settings
- Normalized some settings values
- Added tooltip descriptions to settings
- Removed `CC_BitmapCache.js`, `CC_SideJobs_GloryHole.js`, `CC_SideJobs_Receptionist.js` files as
- Displayed big boobs during pregnancy and lactation
- Added missing H-cup images for waitress side-job (topless, naked)
- Updated waitress images
- Fixed condoms error on new game (`Failed to load: img/karryn/map/fullCondom_NaN.png`)
- Restored lactation cut-in (shows only human animation even for different race) (#7)
- Fixed condoms' initialization (condoms being given from the start) (#51)
- Moved belly to separate layer for bj pose
## v3.0.8
- Fixed error at the end of a battle (`firstCock.every is not a function`)
## v3.0.7
- Fixed error on new game (`firstSexPartners.reduce is not a function`)
## v3.0.6
- Fixed error `this.hasPassive is not a function` (related to perfect fit passives)
## v3.0.5
- Fixed game version validation
- Removed kinky tattoo from CCMod in favor of KPMod
- Added desire requirement modifiers to settings (credits to @ljxfstorm)
- Ignored OnlyFans recording animation errors for JoiPlay (on animation registration)
- Fixed initialization of first sex passives (prefect fit family)
- Empty release (by mistake)
- Updated Chinese translation of `No condoms` edict after the latest changes (credits to @kaede1772)
- Fixed incompatibility with Selective Rendering which cause inability to add pose start skills
- Filtered out disabled wanted enemies when calling to discipline
- Migrated OnlyFans recording animation to sprite sheets
- Fixed JoiPlay error `Apng loader is not initialized`
- Changed max fixable clothes stage from 3 to 5
- Dropped support for `CC_ConfigOverride` in favor of ModsSettings (use Import/Export to move
- Added settings to configure max number of children during pregnancy
- Fall back to default config when ModsSettings mod is missing
- Fixed displaying fetus info only during pregnancy (thanks to @leftbehind_)
- Clarify `No condoms` edict description
## v2.1.1
- Fixed error about missing `CC_ConfigOverride`
## v2.1.0
- Actualized `Configuration` section of `readme`
- Fixed clipping hair in defeated by guards pose (#26)
- Fixed pubic hair overlapping with pregnant belly (#11)
- Fixed pubic hair in stripper poses
- Removed redundant overriding of pubic hair in a few poses
## v2.0.1
- Fixed some setting that hasn't been using values from `ModsSettings` mod
- Migrated condoms feature to typescript module to decouple it from CCMod (to move it to separate
mod later)
- Removed unused variable `CC_Mod_condomMpExtraRecoverRate` from config
- Disabled (temporarily) condoms on dicks (in guard gangbang pose)
- Added settings in mod settings menu (require `ModsSettings` mod to work)
- Fixed chance to get condom when subduing enemy (previously was 100% regardless of settings)
- Fixed gifts text not being translated in menu
- Improved simplified Chinese translation (by @Nickel#5749)
- Added traditional Chinese translation (by @Nickel#5749)
- Fixed untranslated text
- Fixed pregnancy status not displayed when Karryn has no gifts
- Fixed fetus not displayed when Karryn is in states `fertilized` or `due date`
## v1.7.0
- Added pregnant cross-section view for third trimester
to see new fetus image every day during pregnancy
- Chose size of fetus according to race (goblin - small, yeti - big)
- Cropped status menu images to reduce memory consumption
- Fixed bug when cross-section view is not displayed
- Optimised rendering in menu by using pixi.js instead of canvas API
## v1.6.9
- Fixed calculations of status lines (fixes #40)
- Added clothes durability to menu status
- Added information about baby(or babies) that Karryn is pregnant with

## v1.6.8
- Fixed condition to sabotage condoms delivery
- Fixed displaying condoms number in daily report
- Allowed to configure more than 6 condoms, however only first 6 can be displayed (#37)
## v1.6.7
- Store mod packages on Mega to increase upload/download speed
## v1.6.6
- Included back localization json files in mod package (had been ignored in pipeline)
## v1.6.5
- Removed duplicates in config
- Added automatic releases to GitGud
## v1.6.3
- Fixed generating OnlyFans reports
## v1.6.2
- Fixed changing race for receptionist visitors when cock color replacement is enabled (#18+)
- Add support for DLSite game version (i.e. for censored game)
## v1.6.0
- Added possibility to add kick counter skill enemies
- Added kick counter skill by default to:
- Noinim
- Yasu
- Tonkin
- Aron
- Hobos
- Rogues
- Nerds
- Prisoners
- Added possibility to add extra skills to slimes and Gobriel
- Removed kick counter from adding as a pose start skill
- Fixed error with goblins working receptionist with option `CCMod_enemyColor_Pale = 1` (#18)
- Fixed pale/dark enemy battler ids show respective cock color when enabled
option `CCMod_enemyColor_Pale` or `CCMod_enemyColor_Black`
- Fixed OnlyFans camera stops playing animation after few times
- Removed CCMod disclaimer from error message
- Fixed bug when it's possible to surpass max number of filled condoms
- Fixed bug when empty condoms always can't be used
- Fixed condom layers position on kick counter pose
- Allow to drink condoms only if mouth and hard is free
## v1.5.4
- Added condom images for poses:
- yeti carry
## v1.5.3
- Added condom images for poses:
- tit job to yeti
## v1.5.2
- Added condom images for poses:
- masturbation in battle
- karryn cowgirl
## v1.5.1
- Added condom images for poses:
- kick counter
- Allowed to use empty condoms regardless of used condoms number
- Fix condom layers order
- Remove error when buying items from store
## v1.4.1
- Fixed filled condoms overlap with unused for map and unarmed poses
- Added condom images for handjob pose
- Added condoms support for attack, cowgirl on lizardmen and lvl 3 defeated poses
## 2023-05-20 - v1.3.0
- Added integration with DetailedDiagnostics
- Extracted condoms and condom box to separate layers
- Added missing hip accessory on naked body for yeti tit job pose
- Removed CCMod disclaimer when error message occurs (there are many mods, so now it's misleading)
## 2023-05-13 - v205
- Resolved conflict between branches
## 2023-05-10 - v204
- Global code reformat _(many things fixed, modified or improved)_
- Updated
## 2023-04-28 - v202
- Added chance of slipping when escaping.
## 2023-03-02 - v200
- Add full support of game v1.2
- Drop support for game version before v1.2
- Add minimal game version check
- Installing OnlyFans camera only when masturbating on couch
- Fix compatibility with JoiPlay
- Add toggle to disable OnlyFans camera overlay
## 2023-03-01 - v161
- Added support for game v1.2
- Set cost for bed clean-up
- Dropped support for game v1.0.6
- Animated (OnlyFans) camera recording overlay
## 2023-02-05 - v160
- Added Japanese localization
## 2023-01-23 - v159
- Fix displaying pregnant image in boobs stripper pose
- Fix boobs and arms clipping with belly during tit fuck when defeated by guards
- Fix right arm and boob clipping in masturbation pose while being pregnant (#10+)
- Fix in-battle masturbation outfit when pregnant (#13+)
## 2023-01-22 - v158
- Prevent overwriting ConfigOverride file
- Revert masturbation pregnant body to original one
- Make more natural pregnant bellies in some poses
- Move birth status to separate status window
- Restore profile bio
- Fix typos in russian translation
- Fix paddings in status window for russian language
## 2023-01-16 - v156
- Add camera recording overlay on masturbation when "sell masturbation videos" is enacted
- Create `CC_ConfigOverride` on the first launch (removed from mod package)
- Removed restoration of enemy MP (energy) when it reaches zero. That will fix sexual immortality of
- Set 30% chance to increase ejaculation stock for an enemy (max times it can cum) as default.
- Added extra max MP proportionally to increase of ejaculation stock.
- Fix compatibility with 1.0.6 version of the game
- Fix error in defeated guard pose when pregnant (#14)
- Disable by default feature that allows to save on any difficulty
- Fix text overlapping in status window
- Fix error on condom sex (#15)
- Complete separating game text from code (for translators)
- Complete russian translation
- Add chinese translation
- Clarify patching error message
- Fix location to store patched files
- Replace modified data game files to patches (to reduce change of breaking mod after game update) (
- Fix empty dialogues if set up non english/japanese game language (#3)
- Remove goth image assets and scripts in favor of Goth Image Pack - goth version of CCMod migrated
to ImageReplacer
- Remove gray bang and gray pubic hair when masturbating in the office (non-goth version)
- Fix cowgirl belly
There was duplicated unnatural belly due to belly in legs part of body overlaps with belly on
boobs part
- Fix OnlyFans error after game loading
Collection of OnlyFans videos stored in actor losing its prototype due to deserialization after
loading game. Create
- Fix displaying choices for stripping and wearing toys
- Fix condom skill visibility
- Fix stack overflow error after defeat scene in the office
Try to locate CC_ConfigOverride in root mod folder to restore backward compatibility with previous
- Fix infinite loop with `CCMod_defeat_OpenPleasureSkillsAlwaysEnabled` flag turned on
## 2022-11-15
- Support game v1.1.0b
- Partial fix of translation problem in CCMod
- Mod versions that are less than 1.0.6 will be fully reinitialized in favor of easier support
- Rewrite game title without modifying `System.json`
- Remove scripts and data files unused by mod
- Add data files diffs: changes compared to original game data files, which can be reapplied to
future game versions if
- Updated for v9B series
- Due to the nature of the job strip club reputation is not included in decay prevention
- Exhibitionist option for clothing durability to not be fully restored anywhere but office
- Add virginity loss passives, retroactive on any NG/NG+ made in v9A+
- Add womb tattoo art to standby/unarmed poses
- Add lazy gold cost to Clean Up action at bed, default 0
- Bugfixes
- Updated for v9A series
- Exhibitionist feature redone, read relevant section for details
- Add FPSLimit plugin, disabled by default. Try it out, may improve performance.
- Add visible hymen on a few poses where it makes sense, art by d90art
- Using strip at the bed while naked will now remove gloves and hat
- Add 2 more clothing stages to waitress, topless and naked
- Add config override file, see Updating section
- Made the resolution sex solution edicts add more ejaculations (Thug Problem => Thug Stress Relief,
- Add new feature: discipline
- Kick Counter now checks and respects desires when used in PoseStart
- Add reinforcement call mechanic
- Add additional PoseStart additions and ability to add per enemy type not just global
- Gave Nerd enemies Cargill's horny syringe attack
- Add PoseStart additions - can add global sex initiation to all enemies
- Add ejaculation stock/volume. This still seems unreliable but it does work sometimes.
- Add desire carry over between battles and properly set desire if toy is equipped at battle start
- Add desire multipliers, both global and conditional (zero stamina, defeat scenes)
- Lactation art on nipple petting cut-in while pregnant
- Karryn gets an OnlyFans! Re-introduced selling masturbation video edict.
- Chance for an invasion battle to start while sleeping. Disabled by default.
- Add most glory hole hair parts, sitting mouth bj will be miscolored but that's 42 separate images
to fix so maybe
- Add some tweaks for glory hole (guest spawning, sex skills, etc.)
- Add womb tattoo while pregnant
- Fixed passive categories
- Bugfix?: Removed paramBase/paramRate changes, fertility charm moved to inBattleCharm
- Minor to do but significant impact on the game: passive record requirement multiplier
- Update to 0.7 series
- Restructured and reorganized the mod a bit, all configuration options are now in one file
- General balance tweaks are now disabled by default, which includes the mod no longer disabling
auto save
- All desire tweaks are disabled (and likely abandoned for now) due to overhaul in v7
- Waitress side job feature added
- Can equip toys at bed after having a nerd use it once, toys give pleasure while walking around
- Bukakke is now slowly removed over time, gives fatigue/pleasure based on passives while walking
- Finally figured out edicts and added pregnancy-related edicts
- Some more general tweaks added, including option to disable auto save