disabled breastjobs with breasts less than average
added autofelatio(huge size) check, in case there ever will be descriptions for masturbation
added workgiver for soliciting, (disabled since its mostlikely fail anyway)
moved hololock to FabricationBench
changed condoms to not be used during rape, unless CP has them
job_driver remaster
disabled settings Rjw_sexuality.RimJobWorld
changed options to reset to vanilla instead of rjw
added option to disable freewill for designated for comfort/mating pawns
changed rape target finders to select random pawn with above average fuckability from valid targets instead of best one
set rjw sex workgivers visible, so ppl can toggle them if game for some reason didnt start with them on
pregnancy code cleaning
cleaned pawngenerators
fixed mech pregnancy
removed hediff clearing for humanlike babies(which should probably make them spawn with weird alien parts?)
fixed missing parts with egg birthing humanlikes
added hint to Condom description
changed mentalstate rape, to work for non colonists and last like other mentalstates or until satisfied
set GaramRaceAddon as incompatible as im sick of all the people complaining about asexuality error after GaramRaceAddon breaking pawn generator/saves and all C# mods that loaded after it
fixed check that failed adding rjw parts if there is already some hediff in bodypart
added RaceProps.baseBodySize modifier to fluid production roll, so big races probably produce more stuff