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Commit 934ce04a authored by Arkerthan's avatar Arkerthan
Browse files

java compilefiles

parent 46edc3c8
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@echo off
:: Free Cities Basic Compiler - Windows
:: Set working directory
pushd %~dp0
:: See if we can find a git installation
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
for %%k in (HKCU HKLM) do (
for %%w in (\ \Wow6432Node\) do (
for /f "skip=2 delims=: tokens=1*" %%a in ('reg query "%%k\SOFTWARE%%wMicrosoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Git_is1" /v InstallLocation 2^> nul') do (
for /f "tokens=3" %%z in ("%%a") do (
set GIT=%%z:%%b
set GITFOUND=yes
goto FOUND
if %GITFOUND% == yes (
set "PATH=%GIT%bin;%PATH%"
bash --login -c ./
:: Compile the game
call "%~dp0compile.bat"
if %GITFOUND% == yes (
:: Make the output prettier, replacing \t with a tab and \n with a newline
bash -c "sed -i -e '/^.*<div id=\"store-area\".*$/s/\\\t/\t/g' -e '/^.*<div id=\"store-area\".*$/s/\\\n/\n/g' bin/FC_pregmod.html"
:: Revert ./src/init/ for next compilation
git checkout -- ./src/init/
# Run sanity check.
HASH="$(git rev-list -n 1 --abbrev-commit HEAD)"
export TWEEGO_PATH=devTools/tweeGo/storyFormats
if hash $TWEEGO_EXE 2>/dev/null; then
echo "system tweego binary"
case "$(uname -m)" in
echo "x64 arch"
if [ "$(uname -s)" = "Darwin" ]; then
echo "x86 arch"
if [ "$(uname -s)" = "Darwin" ]; then
echo "No system tweego binary found, and no precompiled binary for your platform available"
echo "Please compile tweego and put the executable in PATH"
exit 2
$TWEEGO_EXE -o "bin/FC_pregmod_${HASH}_tmp.html" src/
#Make the output prettier, replacing \t with a tab and \n with a newline
sed -i -e '/^<div id="store-area".*$/s/\\t/\t/g' -e '/^<div id="store-area".*$/s/\\n/\n/g' "bin/FC_pregmod_${HASH}_tmp.html" \
&& mv "bin/FC_pregmod_${HASH}_tmp.html" "bin/FC_pregmod_${HASH}.html"
echo "FC_pregmod_$HASH.html compilation finished."
if [ ! -d ".git" ]; then
#not running in git repo, so can't use git commands :-)
echo "No .git repo found - skipping sanity checks"
exit 0
myprint() {
while read data; do
echo -n -e "[$1]$WARNING"
echo "$data"
GREP="git grep -n --color"
# Check for missing right angle bracket: <</if>
#$GREP "<</[^>]*>[^>]" -- 'src/*' | myprint "MissingClosingAngleBracket"
#$GREP "<<[^>()]*>[^()<>"$'\r]*\r'"\?$" -- 'src/*' | myprint "MissingClosingAngleBracket"
# Check for missing left angle bracket: </if>>
#$GREP "\([^<]\|^\)</\?\(if\|else\|case\|set\|print\|elseif\)" -- 'src/*' | myprint "MissingOpeningAngleBracket2"
# Check for accidental assignment. e.g.: <<if $foo = "hello">>
$GREP "<<[ ]*if[^>=]*[^><\!=]=[^=][^>]*>>" -- 'src/*' | myprint "AccidentalAssignmentInIf"
# Check for accidental assignment. e.g.: <<elseif $foo = "hello">>
$GREP "<<[ ]*elseif[^>=]*[^><\!=]=[^=][^>]*>>" -- 'src/*' | myprint "AccidentalAssignmentInElseIf"
# Check for missing ". e.g.: <<if $foo == "hello>>
$GREP "<<[^\"<>]*\"[^\"<>]*>>" -- 'src/*' | myprint "MissingSpeechMark"
# Check for missing ". e.g.: <<if $foo = "hello)
$GREP -e "<<[^\"<>]*\([^\"<>]*\"[^><\"]*\"\| [<>] \)*\"\([^\"<>]*\"[^><\"]*\"\| [<>] \)*\([^\"<>]\| [<>] \)*>>" --and --not -e "*[^']*" -- 'src/*' | myprint "MissingSpeechMark2"
# Check for colors like: @@color:red - should be
$GREP -e "@@color:" --and --not -e "@@color:rgb([0-9 ]\+,[0-9 ]\+,[0-9 ]\+)" -- "src/*" | myprint "UseCssColors"
# Check for missing $ in activeSlave or PC
$GREP "<<[ ]*[^\$><_\[]*\(activeSlave\|PC\)[.]" -- "src/*" | myprint "MissingDollar"
# Check for closing bracket without opening bracket. e.g.: <<if foo)>> (but <<case "foo")>> is valid, so ignore those
$GREP -e "<<[ a-zA-Z]\+\([^()<>]\|[^()<>][<>][^()<>]\)*)" --and --not -e "<< *case" -- "src/*" | myprint "MissingOpeningBracket"
# Check for opening bracket without closing bracket. e.g.: <<if (foo>>
$GREP -e "<<[ a-zA-Z]\([^<>]\|[^<>][<>][^<>]\)\+(\([^()<>]\|[^<>()][<>][^<>()]\|([^<>()]*])\)*>>" -- "src/*" | myprint "MissingClosingBracket"
# Check for two closing brackets but one opening bracket. e.g.: <<if (foo))>>
$GREP -e "<<[ a-zA-Z]\+[^()<>]*([^()]*)[^()]*)[^()<>]*>>" -- "src/*" | myprint "MissingOpeningBracket2"
# Check for one closing bracket but two opening brackets. e.g.: <<if ((foo)>>
$GREP -e "<<[ a-zA-Z]\+[^()<>]*([^()]*([^()]*)[^()<>]*>>" -- "src/*" | myprint "MissingClosingBracket2"
$GREP -e "<<.*[(][^<>)]*[(][^<>)]*)\?[^<>)]*>>" -- "src/*" | myprint "MissingClosingBracket3"
# Check for missing >>. e.g.: <<if $foo
#$GREP "<<[^<>]*[^,\"\[{"$'\r]\r'"\?$" -- 'src/*' | myprint "MissingClosingAngleBrackets"
# Check for too many >>>. e.g.: <</if>>>
$GREP "<<[^<>]*[<>]\?[^<>]*>>>" -- "src/*.tw" | myprint "TooManyAngleBrackets"
# Check for too many <<<. e.g.: <<</if>>
#$GREP "<<<[^<>]*[<>]\?[^<>]*>>" -- "src/*.tw" | myprint "TooManyAngleBrackets"
# Check for wrong capitalization on 'activeslave' and other common typos
$GREP -e "\$act" --and --not -e "\$\(activeSlave\|activeChild\|activeArcology\|activeStandard\|activeOrgan\|activeLimbs\|activeUnits\|activeCanine\|activeHooved\|activeFeline\)" -- "src/*" | myprint "WrongCapitilization"
$GREP "\(csae\|[a-z] She \|attepmts\|youreslf\|advnaces\|canAcheive\|setBellySize\|SetbellySize\|setbellySize\|bellypreg\|pregBelly\|bellyimplant\|bellyfluid\|pronounCaps\|carress\|hormonebalance\|fetishknown\)" -- 'src/*' | myprint "SpellCheck"
$GREP "\(recieve\|recieves\)" -- 'src/*' | myprint "PregmodderCannotSpellReceive"
$GREP "\$slave\[" -- 'src/*' | myprint "ShouldBeSlaves"
# Check for strange spaces e.g. $slaves[$i]. lips
$GREP "\$slaves\[\$i\]\. " -- 'src/*' | myprint "MissingPropertyAfterSlaves"
# Check using refreshmentType instead of refreshment
$GREP "\$PC.refreshmentType[^ =]" -- 'src/*' | myprint "ShouldBeRefreshment"
# Check, e.g., <<//if>>
$GREP "<</[a-zA-Z]*[^a-zA-Z<>]\+[a-zA-Z]*>>" -- 'src/*' | myprint "DoubleSlash"
# Check, e.g. <<else $foo==4
#$GREP "<<else >\?[^>]" -- 'src/*' | myprint "ShouldBeElseIf"
# Check, e.g., =to
$GREP "=to" -- 'src/*' | myprint "EqualAndTo"
# Check doing $ instead of $slaves[i].foo
$GREP -e "[$]slaves[.]" --and --not -e '[$]slaves[.]\(length\|random\|map\|filter\|deleteAt\|push\|find\|includes\|delete\|forEach\)' -- 'src/*' | myprint "MissingSlavesIndex"
# Try to check for accidentally mixing slaves[] and activeSlave. This can have a lot of false matches, but has caught a lot of bugs so it's worth the pain
$GREP -e "activeSlave[.]" --and -e "slaves\[..\?\][.]" --and --not -e '[.]ID' --and --not -e 'slaves\[..\?\][.]\(slaveName\|slaveSurname\|actualAge\|relation\|assignment\|age\|devotion\|trust\|vagina\|mother\|father\|training\)' -- 'src/*' | myprint "MaybeAccidentalMixingOfSlavesAndActiveSlave"
# Check, e.g. <<set foo == 4>>
$GREP "<<set[^{>=]*==" -- 'src/*' | myprint "DoubleEqualsInSet"
# Check for, e.g <<if slaves[foo]>>
$GREP "<<\([^>]\|[^>]>[^>]\)*[^$]slaves\[" -- 'src/*' | myprint "MissingDollar"
# Check for missing $ or _ in variable name:
$GREP -e "<<[a-zA-Z]\([^>\"]\|[^>]>[^>]\|\"[^\"]*\"\)* [a-zA-Z]\+ * =" -- src/*.tw | myprint "MissingDollar2"
# Check for missing command, e.g. <<foo =
$GREP -e "<<[a-zA-Z]* = *" -- src/*.tw | myprint "BadCommand"
# Check for duplicate words, e.g. with with
$GREP -e " \(\b[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z]\+\) \1\b " --and --not -e " her her " --and --not -e " you you " --and --not -e " New New " --and --not -e "Slave Slave " --and --not -e " that that " --and --not -e " in in " --and --not -e " is is " -- 'src/*' | myprint "Duplicate words"
# Check for obsolete SugarCube macros
$GREP -E "<<display |<<click|<<.*\.contains" -- src/*.tw | myprint "ObsoleteMacro"
# Check for double articles
$GREP -E "\Wa an\W" -- src/*.tw | myprint "DoubleArticle"
# Check for incorrect articles
$GREP -i -E "\Wa (a|e|i|o|u)." -- src/*.tw | grep -a -i -vE "\Wa (un|eu|us|ut|on|ur|in)." | grep -a -i -vE "(&|<<s>>|UM)." | myprint "IncorrectArticle"
$GREP -i -E "\Wan (b|c|d|f|g|j|k|l|m|n|p|q|r|s|t|v|w|x|y|z)\w." -- src/*.tw | grep -a -i -vE "[A-Z]{3}" | myprint "IncorrectArticle"
# Check for $ sign mid-word
$GREP -i "\w$\w" -- src/*.tw | myprint "VarSignMidWord"
# check for $ sign at beginning of macro
$GREP '<<\s*\$' -- 'src/*' | myprint "VarSignAtMacroStart"
# check for missing ; before statement
$GREP 'if $ ' -- 'src/*' | myprint "missing ; before statement"
$GREP 'elseif $ ' -- 'src/*' | myprint "missing ; before statement"
# Check for a . inside a <<>>
$GREP "<<[a-zA-Z]\([^\"'>]\|[^\"'>]>[^\"'>]\)*[a-zA-Z][.][^a-zA-Z]" | myprint "StrangeCharacterAfterDot"
# Check for @@. instead of .@@
$GREP -E "@@(\.|,|;|:)\s" -- src/*.tw | myprint "WrongSelectorPunctuation"
# Check that we do not have any variables that we use only once. e.g. $onlyUsedOnce
# Ignore *Nationalities
cd src/
cat $(find . -name "*.tw" ) | tr -c '$a-zA-Z' '\n' | sed -n '/^[$]/p' | grep -v "Nationalities" | sort | uniq -u | sed 's/^[$]/-e[$]/' | sed 's/$/\\\\W/' | xargs -r git grep -n --color | myprint "OnlyUsedOnce"
cat $(find . -name "*.tw" ) | tr -c '.$a-zA-Z[]_' '\n' | sed 's/SugarCube\.State\.variables\./$/g' | sed -n -e 's/^[$]\(PC\|activeSlave\|\(slaves\|tanks\)\[[^]]*\]*\)[.]\([a-zA-Z]\+\).*$/[.]\3/p' | sort | uniq -u |sed 's/^\(.*\)$/-e\1\\\\\b/' | xargs -r git grep -n --color | myprint "SlaveAttributeUsedOnce"
$GREP "\$\(PC\|activeSlave\|slaves\|tanks\)[.][^a-zA-Z]" | myprint "UnexpectedCharAfterDot"
#run the java sanity check
java -jar SanityCheck.jar
java -jar SanityCheck.jar
java -jar SanityCheck.jar
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