- Jan 25, 2021
Tristimdorion authored
Tristimdorion authored
Tristimdorion authored
Added: failsafe to add_actor method, enhaced updated actor to create actor if doesn't exits and use equality comparer.
Tristimdorion authored
Tristimdorion authored
Updated: dialogs use the_person and direct reference to other character 'stephanie', improves readability of dialog.
Tristimdorion authored
Changed: round off timing values before adding them to the log. Added: timing values for random crisis events log.
Tristimdorion authored
Tristimdorion authored
Tristimdorion authored
Optimized crisis event requirement functions to use list comprehension where possible and reduced number of if..then..else branches, quickest logic first in check.
Tristimdorion authored
Tristimdorion authored
- Jan 24, 2021
Tristimdorion authored
Tristimdorion authored
Tristimdorion authored
Tristimdorion authored
Tristimdorion authored
Tristimdorion authored
Fixed: removed ""favorite_drink" dictionary value, it served no purpose. Just use fixed text 'appletini'. #148
- Jan 23, 2021
Tristimdorion authored
Tristimdorion authored
Tristimdorion authored
Tristimdorion authored
Tristimdorion authored
Added: debug info window (console command "show_debug_log()") that is rendered on screen for live feedback during debuggin. Changed: to custom debug_log_enabled variable and add_to_log function.
Tristimdorion authored
Tristimdorion authored
Fixed: allow for expiration 0 where there is no time based clearing of cache and only old items get pushed out when max_size is reached.
Tristimdorion authored
Missing from previous commit, changes in preference screen (remove option for memory settings, changed layout a little, reduced text size).
Tristimdorion authored
Tristimdorion authored
Removed: choice options for memory mode (pc =1, mobile = 0), remove option for user to change it, always clear on day change (girls will be wearing new outfits anyway).
Tristimdorion authored
- Jan 22, 2021
Tristimdorion authored
Tristimdorion authored
Optimization: run_move now only handles the move, the outfit is determined by the wrapper of the called move_person function (in effect we were setting the outfit twice). Fixed: clothing fading during stripping requires a flattened overlay that is faded out, also make sure we draw them at the correct zorder.
Tristimdorion authored
Tristimdorion authored
Tristimdorion authored
Tristimdorion authored
Fixed: set correct schedule for Sarah's friend and renamed her to Naomi (also don't delete global ref and add her to the unique character list). She's now ready to use in another part of a story-line, only need to change her schedule when she reappears.
Tristimdorion authored
Tristimdorion authored