Remove Kagerou's push down blocker for incompetent mode
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Contentious topic, it seems. Kagerou is explicitly set by the author to not push you down until you have consent. My problem here is that if you're in incompetent mode, you can't push people down. Now, you can still technically get consent by going to a love hotel and leaving, but I only found out that this isn't blocked by scouring the code for every way to obtain consent, and there's little reason to go to a love hotel in incompetent mode since you still can't push them down and you'll never be pushed down yourself. I think this is enough of an oversight to make a special condition. (Going to a love hotel in incompetent mode is probably itself an oversight.)
There are bigger ways we could modify the overall system, for example ignoring it for [Slut]s and in LUSTMODE or, obviously, just making a toggle for the whole thing. I don't have a stake in that argument, though. This particular situation just seems egregious enough to me that it's definitely worth fixing, if there's a consensus for further changes I can do them here as well.