This system was made as part of Nitori's dialogue, but it grew into an entirely separate entity. The core of it is complete and tested, but there are only a few commissions available so far. (One for Tewi, two for Minoriko, and three for Nitori and Takane.)
Commissions are like jobs that the player can give to specific characters, which take time to complete. Each one has unique item or money requirements, and can contain various events that affect its progress. Only specific characters can take specific commissions, and only one character can take a given commission at a time, but each can have their own unique costs, time taken, and associated events and outcomes for the same commission.
The system is modular and extensively commented, and new commissions or the ability to hire specific characters can be added within dialogue files, even from the translation branch, so it should be simple for dialogue writers to add their own if they want to.
The main purpose of this is to function as a money and item sink and a way to invest in Gensokyo itself, so it was originally meant to accomodate things like building construction and other map changes with high material costs, but it can handle a variety of tasks, as long as they take time to complete.
Ideas for more commissions are welcome, especially when it comes to the rewards, as creating worthwhile rewards that don't further unbalance the game is the biggest challenge when it comes to this.