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changelog.txt 142 KiB
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Ed86's avatar
Ed86 committed
fixed? slave children faction inheritance
marked MedievalTalents incompatible due to pregnancy breaking 
marked Real Faction Guest incompatible due to pregnancy/ pawngenerator hijack and messing up children

Ed86's avatar
Ed86 committed
changed pregnancy check to be optional/ pregnancy should be visible for abortion 
moved paternity check behind pregnancy check/ visible pregnancy 
done paternity check now shows father in hediff tip
added pregnancy abortion for mech implants*
changed "Reroll sexuality" button to "Reroll"
fixed Disable_bestiality_pregnancy_relations cheat option not being saved 
added cheat option to Disable_MeditationFocusDrain for frustrated pawns 
added cheat option to Disable_RecreationDrain for bad sex
fix "female" invite to bed bestiality rmb not saving interaction
support for 1.3 Mech_Termite

Ed86's avatar
Ed86 committed
fix masturbation counters and semen overlay

Ed86's avatar
Ed86 committed
reverted SexUtility.LogSextype(); position, so dirtytalk/speakup should work again?

Ed86's avatar
Ed86 committed
fix? pawns in warcaskets cant pass loving check, no sex for horny!
fix some apparel (warkaskets) breaking rjw nude drawer, so it wont crash but youll get weird shit

Ed86's avatar
Ed86 committed
fixed pregnancy error
disabled would_fuck spam

Ed86's avatar
Ed86 committed
fix rmb interaction randomization
fix masturbation errors
added masturbation social logs, rulepacks

Caufendra Sunclaws
age scaling improvement for non-human age scaling (shorter lifespans and also longer but below 500years) 
advanced age scaling uses the "reproductive" lifestage to determine adulthood since Rimworld don't have the notion of adult baked in its lifestages 
added setting to toggle advanced age scaling (enabled by default) (right under hero mode) 
Ed86's avatar
Ed86 committed

Ed86's avatar
Ed86 committed
Ed86's avatar
Ed86 committed
Caufendra Sunclaws
- Breastjob fixes ? probably
- Gender detection fixes ?
- Part preference calculations fix for tongue/beak/mouth variants

Ed86's avatar
Ed86 committed
fix anal, oral egg implanting/pregnancy	Ed86
added deepthroating / oral rape interaction for fe/male ovi oral egg implanting/fertilizing

Ed86's avatar
Ed86 committed
put SexualizeGenderlessPawn log spam under rjwdev mode
replaced legacy part adder racename.Contains("droid") to AndroidsCompatibility.IsAndroid(pawn)
exclude prf drones from sexualization 
genitalless drones and considered asexual
fix pregnancy miscarry warning
Ed86's avatar
Ed86 committed
added isReceiver to sexprops
fixed pregnancy detection for futa on futa action
Ed86's avatar
Ed86 committed

Caufendra Sunclaws:
- fixing fovi 
- fixing cocoon 
- LogModule update 
- Reverse interaction detection fix for fovi 
- Csproj /w detection of RIMWORLD env variable 
- Sex Appraiser age scale rebalanced for immortal  races 
- Reverse detector fix for futa 
- Harmony update to 2.2

whore bed room update performance improvement by analyzing room only once

Prevent Null Reference when RJW-EX not active. Added simple RJW-EX discovery

Ed86's avatar
Ed86 committed
fix errors in trait inheritance which could break pregnancy
changed udders to also apply to body(animals) bodypart, which should stop spam message in log when pawn created
added ai sex thinknode checks when ai tries to exit map/form caravan/enter transporter
added error message to rmb when no interaction found, rather than red error
moved necro to separate interactions

chinese translation

fixed footjobs
fix some parts being blocked for necro

Add double penetration interation to snakes and such
Animals should now have indirect relations such as grandparent or cousin.

Ed86's avatar
Ed86 committed
reverted fix for f ovis to be recognized as penetrative orgasn

Ed86's avatar
Ed86 committed
fix rmb necro
added Dead pawnstate to vaginal, anal, dbl p interactions, so they can be used by necrophiles

fix for f ovis to be recognized as penetrative orgasn

Ed86's avatar
Ed86 committed
added "hands", "arm" defname check for interactions Hands parts
changed interaction requirement to check CustomHandler AND sub/dom requirements
fix interaction error with necro

Ed86's avatar
Ed86 committed
merged rmb strings for rape enemy, rape cp, in just rape 
"fixed" rmb strings for animal rape, so you wont get options for bread anymore
disabled birthing with no ideo until tynan fixes error spam

Ed86's avatar
Ed86 committed
fix non rape giving negative joy
fix rmb error, force end previous job, sometimes some why previous job was not interrupted(sleep etc)

Ed86's avatar
Ed86 committed
maybe fixed rare sex job driver error
maybe fixed rare gizmo error
fixed egg pregnancy
fixed ovi genital tickers, and simplebaby ticker
fix colonists orgasm impregnating mechanoids
changed SatisfyPersonal, split satisfaction into sex satisfaction, joy satisfaction. 
changed get_satisfaction_circumstance_multiplier to get multipliers for both violent and (new)non violent sex 
joy gains from orgasm can now be negative(normal pawn getting raped, masochist not getting raped, rapist not raping, etc), maybe someday zoo?
removed ahegao from sex_need thought, now its separate thought and last half day, reduced ahegao mood bonus 12->8, requires sex be at 95+% and joy 95+% or 3 stage broken pawn
psychopaths get heart mote when getting raped, will still hate rapist tho
added psychopaths for "bloodlust_stole_some_lovin" thought
replaced old wimp checks with TraitDef.Named("Wimp")
reduced whoring prices for wimps
added toggle to cheats menu to Disable relations(mother/father/siblings) from bestiality pregnancy.
reenabled rmb animal rape/breeding
disabled ai leading ropable animals to bed
changed animal rape to use breeding interactions
disabled rmb breeding for Rope'able animals
changed bestiality service to only work on penetratable organs
changed bestiality hj to only work on penetrating organs
fix boobitis std
fixed cum/nutrition/thirst transfer

a flock of birds:
Whoring thoughts are applied in their own method called by think_about_sex instead of a delegate in a constructor in the JobDriver's iterator method
Added a DefOf class for whoring thoughts
Cleaned up existing code
Fixed the project refusing to build if the user doesn't have an unused NuGet targets file buried in some specific dot-ridden subdirectory of 0trash

Korean translation update for 4.9.3

Ed86's avatar
Ed86 committed
fixed pregnancy hediffs 
removed miscarry randomizations and mp sync/lag 
enabled abortion for unchecked pregnancies 
safe mechanoid implant option only available for checked pregnancies
fix missing pregnancy settings localizations strings
fix interaction tail error

Ed86's avatar
Ed86 committed
fixed ovi's not producing eggs
disabled spammy interaction logger

Ed86's avatar
Ed86 committed
fix knotting not working for reverse interractions
fix RaceSupportDef error on save
added toggle for limp nymph raids - uses raid points, since someone wanted them, pretty disappointing experience, Ed86 would personally rate them 2/10:
-1 for being nymphs
-2 for being naked(only applies with rimnude)

Ed86's avatar
Ed86 committed
not save compatible, start new game or else! your pawns logs will be broken, you will be presented with errors, you pc will burn, your vtuber waifu will ntr you, and who knows what else

interactions overhaul:
interactions are now not hardcoded in rjw and can be dynamically added, so you can have as many interactions in your game as your pc can handle
for modders - interactions now has various tags and filters, so you can now get an some idea what is happening in animation, like what parts are used etc, rather than just roll dice and try to make a guess like it was before
pregnancy patch to work with new interactions so you cant finally know who impregnates who - reciever/bottom/sub male/futa can impergnate initiator/dom female/futa (reverse mating press, futa x futa, etc)

rmb overhaul:
rmb are now brokedown into 3 patches(masturbation,sex,rape) and not hardcoded, so you can order pawn to use any interaction in your game as long as they meet conditions for interaction like have correct parts, big enough size etc, except MechImplant and None
sex and rape brokedown in 2 groups ()[staight] and (reverse), where initiator gets serviced/services receiver ... well usually, so you can roleplay being submissive and breedable femboy and after adding few dozens interactions, rmb menu wold still fit in your screen
masturbation now have interactions/options on what parts to use to satisfy self, so you can give yourself/pawn selftitjob, autofelatio or go vanilla
disabled rmb animal rape, maybe implement it later

added interaction template xml with XMLSchema for interaction creating/xhanging, Use Visual Studio Code + XML Extension(redhat.vscode-xml) for validation
edited and broke down all interactions in to sep xmls

fixed nymph raids, so they are back at "normal" strength after rewrite significantly weakened them
removed testing incidents
made StringListDef's public
disabled bondage for tribals as ideo desirable
fix? parts length description with weird bodysize modifier(40 size horse penises yay!)
removed sexprops give/reciever
fix typo in crosbreed description
time dilation on parts hediffs, it should work ok... probably 
changed pregnancy/egg tick to better handle time dilation, so unless you have like x100 time dilation it should work ok... probably 
childrens now generated without ideo, so you'll need to convert them, and without (vanilla)backstory, uses moded anyway so w/e?
added knotting after sex
added option for alternative need_sex calculation/thresholds, technically its correct one but, reduces rjw triggers by 1 notch, so world is boring and less rapey

enable players to control the number of parental traits can be inherited by babies

rewrite interactions system(confused, yet satisfied, Ed86 noises)
rewrite nymphs events(confused Ed86 noises, was it worth it?)
rewrite quirks(??? its rummored to be better, but Ed86 doesnt know or care, You go figure it out)

Ed86's avatar
Ed86 committed
update mp api to 0.3
update harmony to 2.1.1
removed pawnJobDriverGet, partnerJobDriverGet from SexProps since they dont work
added AnimalGenetics to incompatible mods
changed bondage arms layer to draw on top of legs layer
fixed bodypart incorrectly scale after transplantation
changed rjw parts props Knoted -> Knotted

Ed86's avatar
Ed86 committed
fix slave/prisoner breeding pregnancy error when baby is animal

Ed86's avatar
Ed86 committed
fixed condoms not being applied after used 
removed variables from JobDriver_Sex:
(applied after start())usedCondom, 
(applied in JobDriver_SexBaseInitiator start()) isRape, isWhoring
fixed cum/semen being applied with condoms on initiator
fixed cum/semen not being applied after core sex
fixed implantable egg fertilization
fixed std not being applied aftersex

Ed86's avatar
Ed86 committed
added bondage apparel layers
added rmb floatmenu option, where partner refuses sex with initiator, so people can stop asking why "have sex" option isnt working
added option for same animaltype matin crossbreed
added human->animal egglayer fertilizing
added slider for animal sex cd
readded legacy age sliders 
changed RulePackDef defName beakjobRP -> BeakjobRP


Ed86's avatar
Ed86 committed
changed SatisfyPersonal() to SatisfyPersonal(SexProps props, float satisfaction = 0.4f)
changed Sex_Beatings() to Sex_Beatings(SexProps props)
changed get_satisfaction_circumstance_multiplier() to get_satisfaction_circumstance_multiplier(SexProps props)
changed CountSatisfiedQuirks() to CountSatisfiedQuirks(SexProps props)
changed Roll_to_hit(pawn, Partner) to Roll_to_hit();
removed SexProps.violent
added SexProps.isRapist
added SexProps.pawnJobDriverGet()
added SexProps.partnerJobDriverGet()
replaced some checks isRape with isRapist
added varibles set/inheritance to partners SexProps when initializing rjw sex
-sexType = Sexprops.sexType,
-isRape = isRape,

Ed86's avatar
Ed86 committed
fixed reversed Sexprops/sexoutcome

Ed86's avatar
Ed86 committed
fix? starting bodyparts(things) error with SOS2 or other start with no colonists
fix masturbation errors
fix semenhelper error
fix gizmo error
descriptions for SexProps

Ed86's avatar
Ed86 committed
fix worldgen error

Ed86's avatar
Ed86 committed
4.8.0 (and yes this will break rjw addons)
moved bed related checks from xxx to Bed_Utility
moved whoring related methods to whoring helper
moved bed related methods to bed helper
moved aftersexthoughts to separate helper, split many methods into smaller methods
moved path related checks to pather utility
split succubus related functions into separate methods
since i figured how to save constructs, changed most functions to call Sexprops rather than (pawn,partner,...., etc)
changed orgasm() to function properly and impregnate, do cum stuff, transfer nutrition when triggered rather than after sex
changed breedingforfemale to call mating job, so rather than reverse fuckery now animal is initiator
changed parts detection to use filtered lists bound to pawns that are updated on 1st rquest/gameload/part add/loss, rather than going through all hediffs everytime
added fuctions to pawn extension for easier calls  pawn.GetGenitalsList() etc
added sexutility.SexInterractions with all valid rjw interractions
added rjwSextype rjwSextypeCollection list with all sextypes
added check for torso(whole body)BPR
moved wild mode, hippie mode and debug toggles under dev mode toggle
breakdown of CheckTraitGain
breakdown of records handling methods
changed SaveStorage.DataStore.GetPawnData(pawn) to pawn.GetRJWPawnData()
remove satisfy()
removed sexutility.sexActs
changed rmb extending from AddHumanlikeOrders to ChoicesAtFor, so hopefully some mods that patch AddHumanlikeOrders wont shit them selves
disabled breeding selection for animal invite, now you can only invite it and it will do w/e it wants
disabled guilt for player initiated rape/ beatings
inetegrated Aftersex with AftersexMasturbation
changed age checks to pawn growth and reproduction lifestage
removed option to disable pregnancy trait filter
removed parts stacking
removed disable kidnapping patch, use my workshop mod

added chest,genitals,anus bodypartgroups
fix implant eggs not saving their label/size on save/load
added tongue check for cuni,rim,69
fixed birthing with double udders/featureless chests

Ed86's avatar
Ed86 committed
fix egglayers pregnancies

Ed86's avatar
Ed86 committed
fix egg progress not being saved

Ed86's avatar
Ed86 committed
removed statOffsets for archo parts

Ed86's avatar
Ed86 committed
disabled test random interactions selection instead of scored one

Ed86's avatar
Ed86 committed
fix eggs gestation

Ed86's avatar
Ed86 committed
fix mechimplanting
added Name="RJW_EggUnfertilized_Default" to ThingDef's of rjw eggs
multiplied cum on body amount by 10
fix for pregnancies with races without gestationPeriodDays (mechanoids etc)
fixed eggnancies for races with no gestationPeriodDays 
fix error pregnancy, while looking at hediff debug, while birthing more that 1 pawn
changed HumpShroom to fungus


Ed86's avatar
Ed86 committed
fix patch error for newborn pawn missing pawn.styles - droids etc

Ed86's avatar
Ed86 committed
added gender check when missing genitals to CheckPreference, so next time Mesa looses genitals - can still be considered for sex
added patch to fix for vanilla pawn generator making newborns with beards and tattoos
added - rape marking pawn guilty for 1 day if partner not maso/slave/prisoner/CP
fix? error when pawn get downed from cuminflation or wounds after sex and cant interract/tame animal after sex
childrens born from colony prisoner/slave will inherit mother factions and prisoner/slave status
added resizable props to demon,slime,bio,archo parts
added buttons to resize parts in rjw bio menu
removed gay trait from child trait inheritance

Fix empty line in inspect string, hide whoring overlays/buttons on non-player beds

Ed86's avatar
Ed86 committed
1.3 support:
added countsAsClothingForNudity for bondage
added 1.3 IsSlave tag for slavery detection 
disabled rmb for prisoners and slaves 
disabled ability to set prisoners and slaves as hero
added SlaveSuppression for bondage
moved would_fuck debug menu to bio rjw icon, since oldone is removed in 1.3(removed SocialCardUtilityPatch transpiler)
added button to export would_fuck scores to csv
fix semen overlay
fix settings menu
fix pawn creation ui widget
fix sex pawn drawing
fix aftersex  pawn drawing

added PartnerPawn to JobDriver_Sex to reduce checks in Partner.get{}
fix? added null check for JobGiver_RapeEnemy when debug enabled and no rapeEnemyJobDef found
fixed Hediff_SimpleBaby

Merge branch 'Tory-Dev-patch-82770'
Include unofficial 1.3 version of Prepare Carefully to incompatibleWith

Merge branch 'a-flock-of-birds-Dev-patch-31845'
Fixed humanlikes requiring animals to be over sex_free_for_all_age regardless of lifestage

Ed86's avatar
Ed86 committed
passive whoring for prisoners
added RJW_NoBuy tag to bondage and natural parts, natural parts no longer spawn in vanilla traders
patch to filter tradable stuff by tag RJW_NoBuy, so you cant sell rjw stuff to any(vanilla) trader just because its 15+ silver worth
increased condom price to 2 
switched usedcondoms sellable->buyable
set Demon parts to be untradable
set SlimeGlob to be untradable
set pegdick to be untradable
changed SexPartAdder & LegacySexPartAdder classes to public

Ed86's avatar
Ed86 committed
fix meditation error
more description to GoToModSettings
anime tree support(meditation)
descriptions to Hediff_RapeEnemyCD functionality, if anyone want to edit it
changed label of MeditationFocusDef Sex to start with capital

fix thread error on loading icon

Ed86's avatar
Ed86 committed
fix updatepartposition() error
fix for modContentPack is null on one of the surgeries from PolarisBloc

korean for 1.1, 1.2

Ed86's avatar
Ed86 committed
changed nymphs <PawnKindDef> to <PawnKindDef Name="RJW_NymphStandard">
moved parts eggs production ticks to separate function so they dont have to sync whole part tick in mp, but only rng
disabled rmb colonist_CP_rape when option is disabled in setting
allow nymphs to meditate at things with SEX meditation focus (ex: porn magazines)
moved udders from "chest" bodypart to "torso"/"wholebody"/null 
legacy sexualizer - cowgirls now spawn with normal breasts and 50% udders 
added HasUdder toggle to race support - adds 1 udder to female pawn 
added code to add(operation recipe) single part/hediff(if it doesnt exist)
added recipes to add 1 udder or remove from torso(does not create udder part, doesnt work for animals, fix someday, maybe)
added titanic breast preset to char editor
chinese	lang update

Replace the random number generator with the Box-Muller translation. Box-Muller allows for randomly generating numbers that adhere to standard distribution.
Part sizes will now fit standard distribution meaing that 'average' part size is now truely average. Extreme ends of the part size severity curve will now be increasingly less likely to be generated, while increasing the normal aka 'average'.

typo fixes

Restore vanilla's pregnancy indicators in animal tab and caravan/transport dialogs which were disappeared.

Ed86's avatar
Ed86 committed
fix gizmo error if pawn has no Need_Rest
moved satisfaction bonuses for nerco and zoo to SatisfyPersonal, so its now triggered on orgasm

Ed86's avatar
Ed86 committed
fix masturbation errors

Ed86's avatar
Ed86 committed
fix sex loop if vanilla overrides disabled
fix partAdders error

Ed86's avatar
Ed86 committed
fix part addder error from race support patches
set orgasm modifier for animals x4->x1

Ed86's avatar
Ed86 committed
added sexgizmo, separate enjoyment tickers, orgasms, toggle for neverending sex(or until pawn collapses from exhaustion), button to trigger beating during rape
moved satisfaction to orgasm method
added partAdders to race support - overwrites normal rjwparts adding/generation, so now you can create cute 9 dick-tailed foxes with hydraulic penis arms, levitating with the power of their anuses(probably). Youll need to create custom parts that wont be moved during saveload self fix
added filter to not move/fix rjw parts on certain bodyparts
replaced HediffDef.Named("Hediff_Submitting") checks with xxx.submitting
added toggles to disable fapping in chastity belts and/or with bound hands
more sextypes for transfer nutrition and succubus mana
moved beatings into separate method
removed "sex ability" from all calculations
changed whoring prices to be affected by whoring experience rather than sex ability
fixed condom removing error for medieval mods

Hippie Mode
whoring bed code/reservation improvements

Ed86's avatar
Ed86 committed
fixed jobs ending before they actually should (and not getting aftersex toil)
debug info for whoring pricing
reduce pregnancy detection recipes exp gains
fixed min age check that prevented animals breeding
set base impregnation chance for same species egg layers to 100%
added rmb deeptalk social "cheat" option
added sapper nymphs
fix? for colonist prisoner pregnancy, maybe?
disabled age_factor log message

Ed86's avatar
Ed86 committed
fix polyamory/polygamy checks returning always false

Ed86's avatar
Ed86 committed
fix [HarmonyPostfix],[HarmonyPrefix] tags

Ed86's avatar
Ed86 committed
moved some sex checks from SexTick loop to single check at sex start
added missing SexTick for whoring
removed health check for nonhumans to initiate sex
fixed error when birthing eggs from dead pawn
added Animal on animal volume modifier

chinese translation

stuff you probably dont care:
renamed bunch of harmony patches methods to more descriptive than "this_is_postfix"
pawn request generator update
wip interactions: ↲ interactions generator ↲ abstract interactions ↲ rmb label

allow other polyamory/polygamy mods

Ed86's avatar
Ed86 committed
removed patreon link (if you have it on your site or post, replace it with SubscribeStar
fix rmb violate corpse
vaginal eggnancy now removes "normal" pregnancies
DeterminePaternity now requires 1 medicine

whore bed fps performance tweaks
display whore bed price factor only in infocards of humanoid beds

Ed86's avatar
Ed86 committed
fixed oral egg pregnancy breakin all pregnacies 
fixed whoring thoughts error spam for whores without bed
added anal egg pregnancy toggle

Ed86's avatar
Ed86 committed
fixed desync for rmb sex options

Ed86's avatar
Ed86 committed
added sync for rmb socialize and masturbation, disabled options for sex until i figure out how to sync them, maybe this year
fix rmb lag in multiplayer
fix settings egg strings

egg implantation changes
Add toggle to beds to (dis)allow whoring
Fix alien ages, not by changing ScaleToHumanAge but by letting old humans have some lovin
Ed86's avatar
Ed86 committed

Ed86's avatar
Ed86 committed
fix error during SelectSextype detection for non predefined interactions
public class RaceGroupDef

Ed86's avatar
Ed86 committed
changed IUD to reduce chance of pregnancy by 99% instead of setting fertility to 0, changed iud descriptions 
switched eggs generation from father+implanter to implanter, any pawn with fertile pp/male ovi now can fertilize eggs, outcome will be implanter kind or what is in predefined egg (in case of animal implanter)
changed postfix_TrySpawnHatchedOrBornPawn to affect only vanilla pregnancy, eggs hatcher, and rjw pregnancies
changed mech implant description(not sure its used anywhere but w/e)
disabled stun after rape if rape beating disabled
removed egg requirement for male insects to rape pawns

Interaction overhaul:
removed consensual interactions from rape and bestiality 
breakdown Oral sexacts into rimming,fellatio,cunnilingus,sixtynine
klorpa's avatar
klorpa committed
split consensual interactions into male/female, give/receive, top/bottom... your get the idea...probably? :RJWVodka:
Ed86's avatar
Ed86 committed
added female rape interactions(someone should rewrite descriptions, actually most descriptions should probably be rewritten, but Ed is a Trashboat and doesnt speak english[This is machine translation to your primitive monkey language by your supervising AI overlord])
added ability to add custom interactionDefs for sex
added ability to set rulepacksDefs for each interactionDef
*should someday rewrite rmb code to filter interactions by sex type instead of being hardcoded

Add options hint to black designations square.
Add newer jobs to list of jobs interruptable for quickie

Ed86's avatar
Ed86 committed
disabled sex rulepacks (2nd part of message in pawn log)
changed interaction defs rulestrings, so they more descriptive about sex
changed rmb options to use rjw's interactionDef label strings (someone should probably fix grammar someday)
added rape interaction defs, so you can now dominantly give blowjobs and stuff
removed cocoon requirement for anal egging
added few more patches to disable nymph meditation
disabled rape cp for animals
remove double debug message for rapin
added RJW_ prefix for brothel tab defs, so they dont conflict with other mods

Hide command gizmos for other players and non-heroes in HC mode

Ed86's avatar
Ed86 committed
1.2 enabled patch for wordoflove to use rjw orientation checks
backported below changes to 1.1, hopefully last patch for 1.1
changed distance (cells) check to be ...erm... more human understandable(at least now i know how it works!)
increased default maxDistanceCellsRape => 100, maxDistancePathCost => 1000, you should probably go to settings and change/increase it manually to default(at least CellsRape)
added more logs for tracing rape and why pawns are excluded from target list
reversed PawnBeauty social bonus for purpose of rape, so PawnBeauty effects are nulified for kind pawns, and work as penalty for everyone else(more likely to rape)
changed mating override patch so animals will mate even with animal_on_animal disabled
fix ovi's having no fluid amount set and therefore no cum on pawn, newly generated ovi's now use penis x2 fluid modifier

widget optimisations
Ed86's avatar
Ed86 committed

Ed86's avatar
Ed86 committed
changed mod structure to move away from 1.0-1.1(this is probably last version/update for rw1.1)
changed RandomRape descriptions
hi-res egg textures
fixed semen warning spam
fixed mating reservation error spam
reduced min pregnancy time modifier 10->5%
typos fixes by Casiy Rose

Ed86's avatar
Ed86 committed
changed insect eggs to new glowing ones by SlicedBread 
added new HediffDef_MechImplants so mods can define what mechanoid pregnancies birth instead of always Mech_Scyther
prop fixes

Ed86's avatar
Ed86 committed
set PrepareCarefully as incompatible
fix rape error
fix consensual nonbed sex check
added Tapered prop to DogPenis
added more props
missing props source

Added capitalization of pregnancy letters.

Ed86's avatar
Ed86 committed
changed UsedCondom to AnimalProductRaw
removed NymphosCanPickAnyone option, will probably remove other options too with time
added parts props(: knots, etc), maybe will have some usage in future
increased size penalties for breasts size 1.4+ 
added titanic breasts size(to reflect hyper lact max max effect)
changed targetfinders to filter distance to target in 2 paths, distance in cells(fast), distance in path(slow)
split sex distance check in 3 options for casual and rape sex, path check
added distance check options and descriptions
added los check to whoring cheated thought 
changed 'something' with poly partners(likely need total overhaul)
moved casualsex target selectors to casualsexhelper

Ed86's avatar
Ed86 committed
allow birthing to be done if pawn dies due to pain during contractions stage
added natural parts resize (for kids growing) based on bodysize, probably broken af if you try transplant it until pawn fully grown... or not... who knows
changed masturbation in bed on happen in owned bedroom/prison cell, (prison)barracks now need frustrated for exhibitionist quirk
merged masturbation spot finder with quickies
changed quick sex target finder scores:
-added per door bonus/penalty for sexspot searching? so corridors or rooms with lots of doors would be less desirable, unless exhibitionist 
-necrophiles now gain bonus from nearby corpses +20 
-removed prisoner cell bonus 
-added +5 bonus to cells that has beds 
-added -100 score penalty to doorways, unless exhibitionist 
-added -10 penalty to Barracks, Laboratory, RecRoom, DiningRoom, Hospital, PrisonBarracks, PrisonCell cells unless pawn is exhibitionist, then +10
hide already added quirks from quirk add menu
fix got_anal_bred not being removed when pawn become zoo
Merge branch 'AddTips' into 'Dev'

Ed86's avatar
Ed86 committed
fixed pregnancy error
fix egg pregnancy with unidentified eggs
made quirk public
set slime breast FluidType to none

Ed86's avatar
Ed86 committed
fix aftersex thoughts

Ed86's avatar
Ed86 committed
fixed error caused by downing or killing pawn before sex over
added horny_or_frustrated requirement for random_rape MentalState
fixed errors in debug pregnancy/add pregnancy hediff/birth 
fixed father relations overwrite mother, so self-fertilized female is always mother 
moved postbirth humanlike baby patches/fixes from PawnGenerator patch to TrySpawnHatchedOrBornPawn PawnUtility postfix patch, which should cover rjw pregnancies and hatching/ovi

Ed86's avatar
Ed86 committed
fixed/changed mechanoid detection for implanting to "Mech_", (yay pikeman you can no use your pike on colonists too) 
added override for mech implanting sextype, so it shouldnt error with no valid types 
added is_mechanoid() check for mech implanting sextype, so you probably better keep your pawns off tamed mechanoids and droids, unless...
fixed mech impregnation removing previous mech pregnancy
fixed error when searching for targets to do quickies with pawns that have no relations like droids and stuff
removed RJW_EggOrassanFertilized, since its now sep mod
maybe? fixed mp desync when pawn broken with PC


Ed86's avatar
Ed86 committed
added Ovi egg pregnancy support to races
changed implanted eggs to actually birth eggs that hatch(for non humanlikes)
moved some post birth baby code to PawnGenerator(so humanlikes can be birthed through eggs)
fixed egg birthing during sex(disabled, so it wont interrupt sex with error)
removed nihal race patch
reduced pregnancy hunger to 30%
added ability to make other races kinddefs into rjw "Nymphs"
better pregnancy nymph filter, so kids cant by nymphs
fix labels for big/large implants/penises
fix size changer typo
fixed? part size to use race bodysize instead of owner bodysize(which is probably was broken for childrens)

Ed86's avatar
Ed86 committed
added option to show extended(sizes) RjwParts info
reduced TalkTopicSex from 80% to 8%
Merge branch 'Dev' into 'Dev'
added phantasy pregnancy toggle(faster child growth) 
added sliders to change pregnancy duration
removed hardcoded archo fertility bonus
changed immortal pregnancy to silently miscarry
changed Archotech fertility enhancer from 25% to 100%
added vomitmtb to mid pregnancy stage 
changed vomitmtb to 2/4/6 per pregnancy stage 
added double hunger rate during pregnancy 
increased pain during contractions to 50%
fix anal rape thoughts
re-added debuffs for avg/large parts
readded Manipulation penalties to breasts 
increased penalties for "hydraulic breasts" 
reduced penalties for bionics and archotech
fixed rape flag not being set in rmb sex scores
disabled log spam of Sex satisfaction multiplier

Ed86's avatar
Ed86 committed
fix? bestiality/mating checks
typo fix in override_matin setting
unforbid insect jelly in home area
moved Raccoon to sep race group
added rmb for hero to socialize
fix? error for transfer nutrition for pawns without props

brazillian portuguese

Allow rape to trigger during raids

Added Sex Satisfaction Stat
Added stat modifiers for Royalty implants.
Fixed Missing Surgeries
Remove old, broken EPOE integration (Was injecting recipes with Harmony instead of using defs)
Updated prosthetic recipe defs to include abstract master defs for convenience
Crafting benches for prosthesis are now defined in the defs
Fixed Consciousness being applied to SexAbility in the inverse direction.
Move circumstantial satisfaction bonuses (rape/masochism/broken...) to their own function.
Fixed bonus satisfaction for broken pawns being applied all the time instead of only during violent sex.
Changed sex satisfaction handling for broken pawns and violence to match old behavior while using new the stat
Moved satisfaction effects from humpshroom withdraw from C# to XML

Ed86's avatar
Ed86 committed
changed humpshroom and nympho trait descriptions to show their effect on psyfocus
reduced mood buffs from sex by ~2
changed mating/loving patch so, should it fail, it should stop before rjw override kick in
reverted baby bio age set to 0 on birth, so you can have your 14yo babies
changed rape stripping to only work when colonist involved
russian, chinese translations

add (flat) breasts to males (racesupport?)
add udders to Donkeys, Horses and Yaks

Ed86's avatar
Ed86 committed
changed min whore price modifier to 0.1% at 12% age
Merge branch 'setup-streamlining' into 'Dev'
added apparel in thingCategories Containsining ("vibrator", "piercing", "strapon") to be drawn during sex
chinese simpl

Ed86's avatar
Ed86 committed
added hybrid/predefined pregnancies
changed other mods detection so it doesnt rely on mod names
added 1.2 tag

Ed86's avatar
Ed86 committed
changed pregnancy check variables names
set default rape stripping and complex pregnancies to false
fix pregnancy? on birth: 
-remove implant hediffs and restore part 
-remove immortal hediff 
-set babies biological age to 0
fix hemipenis detection
german translation
typo fixes

Ed86's avatar
Ed86 committed
added so you can send me all your money there
added forced can_rape check for rmb, which ignores pawn sexneed, so now all you degenerate rapist can rape pawns non stop
added race sexdrive modifier to race support(*looks at hentai space cats*)
added option to strip rape victims 
changed Vigorous Quirk to reduce sex rest drop by half instead of by 1 
changed Vigorous Quirk description
changed SexulaizeGenderlessPawn to SexualizeGenderlessPawn
fixed? teleport fucking
fixed mod menu rectangles heights, sidescroll
fix has_genitals checking wrong bodypartrecord
4.4.0 translations: chinese, korean

Ed86's avatar
Ed86 committed
changed rmb faction detection to not error on rw1.2
support for yet another simple slavery 1.1
added sounds volume settings
fixed default mod settings for when ppl upgrade
added rmb to change masturbation "pose"
fixed error when trying to rmb sex with drafted pawn
wip tags for interactions?
removed bondage
merged Masturbate_Bed and Masturbate_Quick into Masturbate job driver
merged quickie receiver into loved job driver
rename jobdef RJWMate -> RJW_Mate
set miscarry, abort, kill, to discard babies before removing pregnancy hediff
doubled cocoon healing, added 50 heat/cold insulation
fixed immortal? pawns/eggers loosing genitals after being resurrected 
fix for possible royalty pregnancy bug with titles spam
fix for pregnancy losing father, when father discarded
fixed xml eggsize setting not working 
added eggsize slider to pregnancy settings 
disabled fertilization of broken eggs 
disabled prostrating for pawns with ovis when they are about to lay eggs
fixed? droid? aftersex cleanup so it shouldnt error because lack of need?

Ed86's avatar
Ed86 committed
disable rmb for guests
fixed targeted masturbation
fixed bestiality firing casual sex and vice versa
fixed got_anal_raped, got_anal_raped_byfemale not being removed from pawn when becoming masochist

Ed86's avatar
Ed86 committed
changed rjw widget to not show designators when rape/bestiality options disabled
disabled rmb when pawn is having sex
added rmb menu for rape and breeding, since 80% interactions are consensual, rape/breeing menu is pretty empty until someone writes more interactions, or redesign whole system?
split DetermineSextype into few functions
added Sexprops to sex drivers
moved available parts for sex detection to sep method 
better description for changesex royalty worldgen error
fix? for pawn trying trying to solicit while having sex/going to bed with client
changed debug prefix naming 
korean translation
Update sizes for Implants
Update CE size_setter

Normal/anal rape Thoughts distinction

Ed86's avatar
Ed86 committed
rmb - fix hero mode check
rmb - fix CP rape check
rmb - added conditions for normal rape - target must be rapable/vulnerable enough, rapist vulnerability must be less than or equal to victim

Ed86's avatar
Ed86 committed
removed workgivers
doubled whoring tab room Column size
support for Nightmare Incarnation Succubuses
rmb menu
backstories for civil/tribal childrens
Korean Translation file for RJW-2.4.6
translation fixes

Add granular cup size, length, girth, and weight to parts.
Scale part size measurements by body size.

rape-debugging toggle
price-range-room-bonus tip

Ed86's avatar
Ed86 committed
changed trait beauty check to PawnBeauty stat
added mating jobdriver, so it doesnt spam rape messages when animals mate
fixed cocoon and restraints removal recipes
changed nymph join "colony" to "settlement"
fix for drawing pawn on diff map during sex
post whoring fixes:
reduced base whoring prices by 2 
changed 20% whoring price gender bonus from female to futa 
reduced whore prices past 1st half-life
typo fix for whoring tab

whoring fixes
interruptable-jobs for quickies

Ed86's avatar
Ed86 committed
raised hard nymph raid to 1k
fix for pregnancy
maybe another for transfer nutrition
disabled bobitis updater and breast growth/shirnk recipes

Ed86's avatar
Ed86 committed
chinese translation
set Rjw sexuality to force reset to Vanilla on game launch unless individuality or psychology installed
anal egg pregnancy for cocooned pawns
fix? for nutrition transfer error when pawn has needs but no food need
fix for insect birthing error

Ed86's avatar
Ed86 committed
fix error in ChangePsyfocus with ROMA and animals

Ed86's avatar
Ed86 committed
changed ChangePsyfocus to first check for royalty dlc b4 doing anything
fix for error when sex is interrupted
changed sexneed to reduce psyfocus only at frustrated level by -0.01
typo fix
german translation
korean translation

Ed86's avatar
Ed86 committed
fix for sexneed checks preventing some sex when frustraited
fixed whoring tab toggles
fix sick whore not giving failed solicitation thoughts
fixed whores prisoners/slaves getting payed by colonists
removed whore beds
added Morbid meditation focus to necrophiliacs
added Sex meditation focus 
-nyphomaniacs can use Sex meditation focus
-humpshrooms can be used as Sex meditation focus, 100% eff 
-humpshrooms restore 100% focus on consumption
added 1% psyfocus regen per sextick (~8-15% total) in non solo sex for:
-necrophiles for violating corpse 
-zoophiles for sex with animal if they have natural meditation focus 
-succubuses x2
horny pawns loose 1% psyfocus per 10 needtick (~25s) 
frustrated/ahegao pawns loose 5% psyfocus per 10 needtick (~25s)
changed cocooning to hostile targets, it maybe even work
disabled whoring widget
disabled milking widget checks
merged widget permission checks into 1 function
updated nymph backstories to make some sense
added CompEggLayer check for 
-human pregnancies so it should fertilize eggs instead of causing normal/rjw pregnancy 
-bestiality - no pregnancy or fertilization
set birthing "nymph" parent kinddef to default to colonist, so they wont be birthed adult
set droids without genitals always be asexual, animal with individuality and psychology now also apperantly asexual
hidden animals sexuality in social wouldfuck check since its always asexual
set asexual pawns to return 50% sex need
ChineseSimplified for version 4.2.0.
more korean?
fixes for archotech parts descriptions typos

some tips and description changes by DianaWinters

quickie job filters
support for Simple Slavery[1.1] Renewed
merged whoring tab toggles

Ed86's avatar
Ed86 committed
fix error for semen applying
fix quickes errors with forbidden zones
changed oversized size name to: 
-breasts - massive 
-penis - towering 
-vag/anus - gigantic 
reduced moving penalties of oversized anus/vag
overhaul of genital_helper: 
-functions now return all parts instead of 1st they can find, 
-functions now accept premade parts list, which should speed things up a bit
-removed old genitals enum checks since parts can be added by any mod now and that would fail
-replaced inside code of get_penis/vag functions with get_penis/vag_all later removed
-(PS. mods that uses genital_helper are broken and need to be at least recompiled)
changed some rjw logs requirement for RW dev to RJW dev
changed eggs to cap speed penalty at 10% per egg for pawns with ovis
decreased starting egg severity to 0.01
changed immortals to always miscarry pregnancies rather than being infertile 
too lazy to make immortals toggle, disable support code
patch to remove DeathAcidifier from babies
removed obsolete english,chinese,korean translations
added korean translation?

Ed86's avatar
Ed86 committed
fix immortals error

Ed86's avatar
Ed86 committed
changed bukkake to apply real ejaculation amount shown in part hediff instead of bodysize based
add job filters for quickie target selection, so forced or probably important jobs wont be interrupted
set max nymph spawn limit for raids to 100
disabled birthing while being carried
disabled individuality/psychology sexuality warning spam for animals, because they likely have none
fix for psychology sexuality resetting
added recheck for psychology sexuality change midgame
disabled breeding rape alerts for animal vs animal
changed breeding to still consider pregnant humanlikes
set pregnancy Miscarry only trigger with 40+% Malnutrition
immortals set to infertile

Sex on spot fixes

Ed86's avatar
Ed86 committed
new tips, yay!
moved setup beating ticks to setup_ticks
raised rest effectiveness 
raised surgery chance
sleeping spots: 
-reduced comfort from sleeping in dirt to 0.1 
-increased rest effectiveness to minimum of 0.8 
-removed imunity nerf
-removed surgery nerf
increasesd RJW_DoubleBed stats
increased ejaculation amounts for big creatures(work only on new pawns)
fixed necro error
changed brothel button to icon
pawn with aphrodisiac effect now counts as nymph for would_fuck calculation
set default FapEverywhere to false
added workgiver to masturbate in chair/other sittable furniture
replaced direct control with cheat option, disabled cheat overrides in mp
separated all nymph events into separate toggles
fix oversized breast implants using setmax instead offset manipulation
added bondage_gear_def exclusion for drawing pawn during sex, so bondage should be drawed
added bondage apparel category
added pregnancy filter to breeding, so animal stop breeding pregnant receivers
adjusted sexuality reroll and quirks to need instead of
fix for better infestartion raping enemy duty
merged Chinese translatio0n
merged sex on spot by geope

Ed86's avatar
Ed86 committed
fix bestialityFF and whoring pathing to SleepSpot

Ed86's avatar
Ed86 committed
fix royalty bed patch

Ed86's avatar
Ed86 committed
update apis and 1.1 multiplayer
changed jobrivers