Forked from
Ed86 / rjw
2223 commits behind the upstream repository.
todo.txt 3.90 KiB
fix naked pawn drawing when job driver is interrupted for any reason and pawn doesnt get redressed/changes back to dressed art
split processsex(again) in 2 functions:
1st - at beginning of jobgiver to determine sex type
2nd - after sex, determine outcome
change whore beds to normal furniture?
change broken body to broken mind, or add new one, make it variable based on traits?
add/change passive whoring colonist search(like cp) -> colonist know who is whore, and try to use them? may get refused by whore?
add nymph lord ai, so nymphs can behave as visitors
add sex addiction to demonic parts?
add cuminflation system and dripping cum
add insects dragging pawns to hives
gene inheritance for insect ovis
add succubus/(incubus?) (rimworld of magic):
-drains other pawn needs(food, sleep?) and refills own(cant eat normal food?
-replenish mana through sex?
-give huge op mood boost(bliss) to victims(1 day?), and then dubuff?
-succubi never reach ahegao satisfaction, thus always can have more?
workgivers(aka manual control):
-workgiver for sex with humpshrooms, increasing their growth by 1 day, causing addiction, temp? humpshroom-penis futa?
-workgiver for normal sex
-workgiver(auto, cleaning) to collect cum
add recipe to make food from cum?
add female cum?
add some sort of right clicking sub menu:
-change parts stats(w/o operation): tentacles, slime, bionic parts
-make sex type selectable
-designate breeding pair(through relations?)
rework genital system, so it only have vag,penis,breast,anus (with comp?) storing name, severity(size?) of part
probably also rework surgeries to support those
add variable parts growth (until teen? adult?), degradation/stretching
rework sex satisfaction system(based on parts size/difference? traits/quirks etc)
integrate milkable colonists with sizes support and operations? to change milk type(w gitterworld med?)
-make ropes and other generic gear, that is "locked" but not with hololock unique keys - normal keys made of steel, etc
-synchronising for designators, so it doesnt disconnect, pawn interraction log, who knows what else
-bind hero to player id
-fixing all unknown bugs?(lol)
add support for other pregnancy mods
custom races support, with overrides(fertility, age, etc) in xml
more sex related incidents?
backstoies: cowgirl, etc
-make interactive COC like sex/stories
older stuff
Add new body part groups for the bondage gear (specifically a genitals group for the CB and a jaw or mouth group for the gag, the mouth group that's already in the game won't work I'm pretty sure)
Once that (^^^) is done make it so that the groups are automatically blocked by the gear, like a more robust version of the blocks_genitals flag
Add more thoughts after sex about e.g. partner's dick size and sex skill
Look into how beds are reserved during fappin and especially nymph join-in-bed. I think right now the bed just isn't reserved.
Nymph visitors
- Don't join, just stay on the map a while to fuck your colonists, eat your food, and do your drugs
- Should be able to deconstruct walls or mine through mountains to get at drugs, just to troll players
Add chance for sex/fap with a peg dick to produce splinters
Improve detection of genital harvest vs amputation
- (Maybe) Make it so that downgrading a pawn is considered harvesting
Add some random dialogues for rapes, lovins, etc.
Strap prisoners to their beds
Sex addiction
- Reduces satisfaction from sex
- Should only affect nymphomaniacs?
Low Self Esteem (just another pessimist trait)
Mindbroken (raped so much that they are at a permanent max happiness, but are worth nothing more than just hauling and cleaning)
Branded, this pawn is branded a cow/animal fucker/prostitute/rapist, whatever his/her extra curricular is comes with a negative opinions so they are pretty much never liked?