Degrees_of_Lewdity.html is the original game html, while Degrees_of_Lewdity_mod.html is the modded compiled one.
Use Degrees_of_Lewdity_mod.html to play the modded version.
# Usage
**\_watch.bat** will automatically recompile the game if tweego detects any change withing src folder. Useful for on-going development.
**compile.bat** will compile the game into the root folder, **debug** version of it will wait for any input before closing the window, sanity check supposed to check for abnormalities in the game code.
**decompile.bat** will decompile the html game into "output" folder under the "" name. By default it will look for "Degrees_of_Lewdity.html" file.
**tw files** can be opened by any text editor since they're plain text. I recommend using vs code because it comes with a sugarcube language markdown format.
# todo
Sanity check is not entirely correct;
Game was updated to the latest sugarcube, but macros are not updated. Find a way to replace outdated "click" macro with "link" automatically;
Tweak and setup auto compile&upload thingy from devTools folder;
Figure out automatic file splitting during decompilation?;
# Contact
Post in the thread on 8ch's /hgg/ if you want to join the project or contribute or whatever.