/*todo - complete stranger whose name you don't even know flag, change depending whether you actually get to know their name in the future autism-fulled npc interaction rework*/
<<set $loss_output = "You " + jsSplitr("had your first with:gave your virginity to:offered your virginity to:surrendered your virginity to:had your cherry popped by")>>
@@ -105,7 +123,8 @@
<<set $loss_output = jsSplitr("Your virginity has been taken by:Your first partner was:You lost your virginity to:You've been deflorated by:Your cherry has been popped by")>>
<<set $loss_output += " " + (jsSplitcheck($loss_add, "creature") ? jsArticle($loss_partner) : $loss_partner) + " at age " + $loss_day.split(",")[7] + " who tore your hymen with " + _tempPronounPos + " " + $loss_circum>>
/*todo - complete stranger whose name you don't even know flag, change depending whether you actually get to know their name in the future autism-fulled npc interaction rework*/
<<set $loss_output += " " + (jsSplitcheck($loss_add, "creature") || jsSplitcheck($loss_add, "generic") ? jsArticle($loss_partner) : $loss_partner) + (jsSplitcheck($loss_add, "generic") && jsRandom(2) ? " whose name you don't even know" : "") + " at age " + $loss_day.split(",")[7] + " who tore your hymen with " + _tempPronounPos + " " + $loss_circum>>
<<set $loss_output += "You were glad to welcome your partner in yourself, <<fsyn 'insert:f:ing'>> " + _tempPronounPos + " " + $loss_circum + " on your own.">>
<<set $loss_output += "You were glad to welcome your partner in yourself, <<fsyn 'insert:f:ing'>> " + _tempPronounPos + " " + $loss_circum + " in on your own.">>
<<set $loss_output += "You were so impatient it was actually you who <<fsyn 'insert:f:ed'>> it in.">>
@@ -220,8 +239,8 @@
<<set $loss_output += jsCapitalize(_tempPronoun) + " had also ejaculated into your pussy during your first time, making it the very first cumshot that has marked your womb.">>
<<set $loss_output = "You " + jsSplitr("had your first penile penetration with:got laid with:had your cherry popped by")>>
@@ -374,7 +412,7 @@ $loss_output
<<set $loss_output = jsSplitr("Your virginity has been taken by:Your first partner was:You lost your virginity to:Your cherry has been popped by")>>
<<set $loss_output += " " + (jsSplitcheck($loss_add, "creature") ? jsArticle($loss_partner) : $loss_partner) + " at age " + $loss_day.split(",")[7] + " who turned you into a man with " + _tempPronounPos + " ">>
<<set $loss_output += " " + (jsSplitcheck($loss_add, "creature") || jsSplitcheck($loss_add, "generic") ? jsArticle($loss_partner) : $loss_partner) + (jsSplitcheck($loss_add, "generic") && jsRandom(2) ? " whose name you don't even know" : "") + " at age " + $loss_day.split(",")[7] + " who turned you into a man with " + _tempPronounPos + " ">>
<<set $loss_output += "Being taught the joys of sex by an older woman you actually " + jsSplitRand("love/find attractive/date", jsStrcount($loss_feel, "love"), "befriended/didn't mind spending time with", jsStrcount($loss_feel, "friend"), "wanted to relieve you of your virginity", jsStrcount($loss_feel, "curious") + jsStrcount($loss_feel, "slut") + jsStrcount($loss_feel, "arousal") ) + " felt amazing indeed.">>
<<set $loss_output += "Being taught the joys of sex by an older woman you actually " + jsSplitRand("love/find attractive/date", jsStrcount($loss_feel, "love"), "befriended/didn't mind spending time with", jsStrcount($loss_feel, "friend"), "wanted to relieve you of your virginity", jsStrcount($loss_feel, "curious") + jsStrcount($loss_feel, "slut") + jsStrcount($loss_feel, "arousal"), "were okay with having her way with you", jsStrcount($loss_feel, "okay") ) + " felt amazing indeed.">>
<<set $loss_output += "You felt completely powerless after being " + jsSplitr("taken advantage of:preyed upon:dominated") + " just like that by an older woman.">>
@@ -503,7 +539,7 @@ $loss_output
<<elseif jsSplitcheck($loss_add, "male")>>
<<set $loss_output += "Losing your penile virginity to a man felt... weird, ">>
<<set $loss_output += jsSplitRand("but at least it was with someone you love.", jsStrcount($loss_feel, "love"), "but at least it was with someone you trust.", jsStrcount($loss_feel, "friend"), "but hey, at least you're not a virgin anymore, right?", jsStrcount($loss_feel, "curious") + jsStrcount($loss_feel, "slut") + jsStrcount($loss_feel, "arousal") )>>
<<set $loss_output += jsSplitRand("but at least it was with someone you love.", jsStrcount($loss_feel, "love"), "but at least it was with someone you trust.", jsStrcount($loss_feel, "friend"), "but hey, at least you're not a virgin anymore, right?", jsStrcount($loss_feel, "curious") + jsStrcount($loss_feel, "slut") + jsStrcount($loss_feel, "arousal") , "but at least it was someone you knew", jsStrcount($loss_feel, "okay") )>>
<<set $loss_output += "and it certainly not something you're too proud of.">>
<<set $loss_output += "You were glad to welcome your partner in yourself, <<fsyn 'insert:ing'>> " + _tempPronounPos + " " + $loss_circum + " on your own.">>
<<set $loss_output += "You were glad to explore your partner's body yourself, <<fsyn 'insert:ing'>> " + _tempPronounPos + " " + $loss_circum + " in on your own.">>
<<set $loss_output = "You " + jsSplitr("had your first anal sex with:gave your anal virginity to:offered your anal virginity to")>>
@@ -679,7 +734,7 @@ $loss_output
<<set $loss_output = jsSplitr("Your anal virginity has been taken by:Your first anal partner was:You lost your anal virginity to:You've been anally deflorated by")>>
<<set $loss_output += " " + (jsSplitcheck($loss_add, "creature") ? jsArticle($loss_partner) : $loss_partner) + " at age " + $loss_day.split(",")[7] + " who invaded your <<fsyn 'anus'>> for the first time with " + _tempPronounPos + " " + $loss_circum>>
<<set $loss_output += " " + (jsSplitcheck($loss_add, "creature") || jsSplitcheck($loss_add, "generic") ? jsArticle($loss_partner) : $loss_partner) + (jsSplitcheck($loss_add, "generic") && jsRandom(2) ? " whose name you don't even know" : "") + " at age " + $loss_day.split(",")[7] + " who invaded your <<fsyn 'anus'>> for the first time with " + _tempPronounPos + " " + $loss_circum>>
<<set $loss_output += "You were glad to welcome your partner in yourself, <<fsyn 'insert:f:ing'>> " + _tempPronounPos + " " + $loss_circum + " on your own.">>
<<set $loss_output += "You were glad to welcome your partner in yourself, <<fsyn 'insert:f:ing'>> " + _tempPronounPos + " " + $loss_circum + " in on your own.">>
<<set $loss_output += "You were so impatient it was actually you who <<fsyn 'insert:f:ed'>> it in.">>
@@ -817,8 +872,8 @@ $loss_output
<<set $loss_output += jsCapitalize(_tempPronoun) + " had also ejaculated into your anus during your first time, making it the very first cumshot that has marked your bowels.">>
<<set $loss_output = "You " + jsSplitr("had your first oral sex with:gave your first blowjob to")>>
@@ -957,7 +1031,7 @@ $loss_output
<<set $loss_output = jsSplitr("Your oral virginity has been taken by:Your first oral partner was")>>
<<set $loss_output += " " + (jsSplitcheck($loss_add, "creature") ? jsArticle($loss_partner) : $loss_partner) + " at age " + $loss_day.split(",")[7] + " who invaded your mouth for the first time with " + _tempPronounPos + " " + $loss_circum>>
<<set $loss_output += " " + (jsSplitcheck($loss_add, "creature") || jsSplitcheck($loss_add, "generic") ? jsArticle($loss_partner) : $loss_partner) + (jsSplitcheck($loss_add, "generic") && jsRandom(2) ? " whose name you don't even know" : "") + " at age " + $loss_day.split(",")[7] + " who invaded your mouth for the first time with " + _tempPronounPos + " " + $loss_circum>>
<<set $loss_output += "You were glad to welcome your partner in yourself, <<fsyn 'insert:f:ing'>> " + _tempPronounPos + " " + $loss_circum + " on your own.">>
<<set $loss_output += "You were glad to welcome your partner in yourself, <<fsyn 'insert:f:ing'>> " + _tempPronounPos + " " + $loss_circum + " in on your own.">>
<<set $loss_output += "You were so impatient it was actually you who <<fsyn 'insert:f:ed'>> it in.">>
@@ -1060,8 +1134,8 @@ $loss_output
<<set $loss_output += jsCapitalize(_tempPronoun) + " had also ejaculated into your mouth during your first blowjob, making it the very first cumshot that has marked your throat.">>