Added request 93, a food-based request for pregnant characters
Will generate a random dish, check to see if the characters likes it well enough, and tasks the player to make it
Can be recipes from other characters, but only those the player actually knows
Will fall back to onigiri if the character doesn't like any of the foods, but this shouldn't happen at any skill level
To facilitate this, I expanded the request generation system to enable setting the specifics through normal functions if CASE "依頼内容_USE_CUSTOM" is set in the request, instead of being forced to use #FUNCTIONS, which wasn't possible with working with dishes
The recipe list in the cooking interface will show desired foods in a green color, making them easy to find
Fixed issue with Shame Play not triggering @EQUIP_COM186 correctly, which is intended to increase Exposure gain every turn
Fixed issue with catching a rotor during fishing, which showed the description for the large mirror, because for fishing, rotor uses id 21 instead of its actual id (0), probably because that was already used as the "no catch" number
Fixed some issues with the received gifts overview, which still had some issues with gifts beyond the hundredth. It should now work correctly in all scenarios
Fixed issue with the skill acquisition overview not using the correct condition for Skilled Tongue
Fixed issue where player would gain random character-related music scores, including those with a Love/Lust requirement when performing with nobody around
Enable Pray command at the Hakurei Shrine and Myouren Temple when visiting from another map, similarly to the Moriya Shrine
Adjusted Marisa's unique request-finding command
Now ignores requests that the player cannot currently accept, such as cooking requests and training requests for characters not currently present on the player's home map
Now ignores requests for characters not currently accessible, such as those asleep in their room outside the player's home map
Request 4 and 5 had slight adjustments to how their acceptance conditions are handled to make this work correctly
As a result, all possible responses from Marisa's command should now be requests the player can immediately handle
Minor tweak to Zashiki-Warashi mouseover text in Talents menu
Fixes to missing big breast horny Kaguya and nude moon/earth Hecatia resources