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  • v13.10.0
    The auto advance feature available when you're out of the game or the game is over can now be controlled with buttons on the screen instead of changing options. When using the Dialogue Log to review a previous game state, the whole game state is now updated on screen, including the cards, not just the dialogue and the poses. The Hide Table button now cycles through three states, where the new third state hides every UI element except itself. Because of this the player finishing effect has been changed.
  • v13.9.0
    Adds Karin and Yuzuki to the Testing roster! Adds Halloween outfits for Jenna, Kyouko, and Monika. Art rework for Joey. Art updates for Yuno and Chiaki, and butt poses for Jean, Velvet, Chica, Maria, Sheena, and Roll. Update to Kyouko's tomato costume in anticipation of the Sleepover event. Dialogue updates for Meia, Jura, Darkness, Lysithea, Mitama, Dunban, Kyoko, Yumeko, Yusei Fudo, Zoe, Kokichi, Schezo, Asuna, Leon, Hu Tao, Cheryl, Kaz, Leviathan, Maria, Nephenee, Y'shtola, Sheena, Sofia, Yae, Natsuki and Adora (with a special interaction between Kaz, Leviathan, and any other Fence characters present).
  • v13.8.0
    Adds Rose, Natasha, and Darkness to the Main Roster! Adds Priscilla and Wiz to the Testing Roster! Adds an epilogue for Rose. Dialogue updates for Adora, Zeke & Pandoria, Sanako, Tifa, Darkness, Maria, Roll Caskett, Sofia, Yunyun, Rin Tezuka, Meia, Jura, Natasha, Kazuma, Megumin, Asuna, Sanny & Tess, Aqua (KonoSuba), Schezo, Leviathan, Sheena, Yae, Y'shtola, Mari Setogaya, Nephenee, Arueshalae, Yusei, Momo, Juno, Constance, Kyoko Kirigiri, Jean, and Vanessa.
  • v13.7.0
    Added Tifa, Momo, Juno, Vanessa, and Constance to the Testing Roster! Adds costumes for Rin and Kyouko Toshinou. Adds a Game Length setting (One Loser) for offline testing. Dialogue updates for Meia, Jura, Schezo, Chiaki, Nadeshiko, Heisenberg, Nagisa, Aoi, Zeke & Pandoria, Yusei, Darkness, Sanako, Wikipe-tan, Bobobo, Leviathan, Nephenee, Roll Caskett, Kyoko Kirigiri, Noire, Jean, Dark Magician Girl, Rose, Leon, Ringo, Yuno, Gloria, Hu Tao, Adrien, Kokichi, Glamrock Chica, Natasha, Mitama, Sheena, Yae, Arueshalae, Sucrose, Marinette, Velvet, Kyouko Toshinou, Asuna, Samus, Megumin, Kaz, Jim Raynor, Critical Darling, Fischl, Aqua (KonoSuba), Reimu, Adora, Miko, Futaba, Mikan, Shamiko, Mei, and Rin. Art updates for Futaba and Rin.
  • v13.6.0
    Adds Sanako to the Main Roster! Adds Yusei, Heisenberg, and Jean to the Testing Roster! Returns Chiaki to the Testing Roster! Dialogue updates for Zeke & Pandoria, Leon, Schezo, Sanako, Aoi, Darkness, Megumin, Sakura, Natasha, Meia, Jura, Monika, Glamrock Chica, Velvet, Kyouko Toshinou, Rose, Leviathan, Nephenee, Roll Caskett, Sheena, Yae, Y'shtola, Téa, Aella, Joey, Arueshalae, Kyoko Kirigiri, Lucina, and Chiaki. Art updates for Aella and Chiaki.
  • v13.5.0
    Adds Schezo and Glamrock Chica to the Testing Roster! Adds Summer costumes for Sanny & Tess, Stocking, Aoi, and Toph. Adds an epilogue for Mari Setogaya. Dialogue updates for Yae Miko, Yuri, Sanako, Meia, Jura, Sanny & Tess, Zeke & Pandoria, Arueshalae, Arle, Rose, Kokichi, Velvet, Reimu, Natasha, Aoi, Petra, Toph, Mari Setogaya, Mitama, Darkness, Nadeshiko, and Nagisa.
  • v13.4.0
    Adds Moskii, Kyouko Toshinou, and Kyoko Kirigiri to the Main Roster! Adds Velvet to the Testing Roster! Moves Sanny & Tess to the Testing Roster! Adds epilogues to Dunban and Aqua/Aqua. Adds Summer costumes for Rose, Kyouko Toshinou, Meia, Jura, Monika, and Zeke & Pandoria. Adds evergreen costumes for Nonon, Kyouko Toshinou, Joey, and Barnette. Dialogue updates for Orendi, Kokichi, Asuna, Nagisa, Meia, Jura, Revy, Mitama, Aqua (Kingdom Hearts), Natsuki, Aoi, Roll Caskett, Maria, Sheena, Sanny & Tess, Nonon, Yae, Y'shtola, Zeke & Pandoria, Mia (Golden Sun), Petra, Rosa, Sanako, Dunban, Yae Miko, Monika, Cheryl, Mythra, Dark Magician Girl, Moon, Kyoko Kirigiri, Kyouko Toshinou, Aqua Grunt, Moskii, Tae, Nadeshiko, Ringo, Queenie, Rose, Lysithea, Joey, Jim Raynor, Yumeko, Arueshalae, Natasha, Leviathan, Nephenee, Sofia, Yuri, Rainbow Dash, Nugi-chan, May, Leon, Hu Tao, Wikipe-tan, Aaravi, Hilda, Mercy, Fischl, Yuno, Saki Yoshida, Panty, Mikan, Rouge the Bat, Laevatein, and Shamiko. Art updates for Orendi and Rainbow Dash.
  • v13.3.0
    Adds Lysithea, Yae Miko, and Zeke & Pandoria to the Main Roster! Moves Natasha to the Testing Roster. Adds an epilogue for Gloria. Dialogue updates for Sanny & Tess, Lysithea, Kokichi, Zeke & Pandoria, Sakura, Meia, Jura, Gloria, Yae Miko, Dunban, Nonon, and Aqua (Kingdom Hearts).
  • v13.2.0
    Adds Yae, Sofia, and Jenna to the Main Roster! Adds Aoi Asahina, Leviathan, and Nephenee to the Testing Roster! Adds CATS, Helper-chan, Hot Spring Woman, and Tae to the April Fool's event! Adds epilogues for Ringo and Yumeko. Adds Easter costumes for Gloria and Senko. Adds April Fool's costumes for Mari Setogaya and Rosa. Adds an evergreen costume for Rouge the Bat. Dialogue updates for Nonon, Dark Magician Girl, Meia, Jura, Revy, Hilda, Gloria, Senko, Rose, Zeke & Pandoria, Sanako, Bella Goth, Adrien, Sheena, Sofia, Roll Caskett, Mari (Omori), Yae, Moskii, Mitama, Rouge the Bat, Fluttershy, Magma Grunt, Kyoko Kirigiri, Leon, Ringo, Aqua (KonoSuba), Suction Cup Man, Yae Miko, Rosa, Kyouko Toshinou, Mari Setogaya, Reimu, Nagisa, Eichi, Dreamcatcher, Natasha, Lysithea, Jenna, Aqua (Kingdom Hearts), Giygas, Saki Nikaidou, Kokichi, Critical Darling, Kumatora, and Miko. Art updates for Dreamcatcher and Natasha.
  • v13.1.0
    Adds the Unlockable Costumes feature! Returns Ribbon Girl to the Main Roster! Dialogue updates for Panty, Jim Raynor, Jura, Meia, Jenna, Moskii, Nonon, Nagatoro, Sanako, Zeke & Pandoria, Mitama, Aqua (Kingdom Hearts), Rose, Kyoko Kirigiri, Lyn, Lysithea, Aaravi, Kyouko Toshinou, Leon, and Nagisa. Art update for Spooky.
  • v12.160.0
    Adds Arle, Shamiko, Sweetheart, and Nonon to the Main Roster! Adds Rose to the Testing Roster! Adds new event costumes for Maria, Mari Setogaya, Roll Caskett, Sheena, and Yuno. Extensive epilogue update for Nami. Dialogue updates for Moskii, Jura, Meia, Kyoko Kirigiri, Sweetheart, Nonon, Arueshalae, Neptune, Kyouko Toshinou, Sanako, Revy, Yae Miko, Jenna, Zeke & Pandoria, Adrien, Leon, Hu Tao, Marinette, Arle, Yumeko, Mitama, Miko, Shamiko, Queenie, Aqua (KonoSuba), Gloria, Heris, Kamina, Leonie, Lux, Jim Raynor, Mari Setogaya, Asuna, Rouge the Bat, Komi-san, Bobobo, Fernando, Kaz, Maria, Roll Caskett, Sheena, Sofia, Yae, Y'shtola, Dunban, Yuri, Téa, Pyrrha, Mia (Golden Sun), Monika, Dust, Reimu, Ribbon Girl, Critical Darling, Cagliostro, Nami, Lysithea, Yuno, Aaravi, Hilda, Mercy, Elizabeth, Ryuko, Laevatein, Mikan, Lyn, Sanny & Tess, Yunyun, Kora, and Magma Grunt.
  • v12.159.0
    Adds the Queen of Hatred to the Main Roster! Returns Sheena to the Main Roster! Adds Moskii to the Testing Roster! Dialogue updates for Sanako, Jura, Mitama, Pinkie Pie, Miko, Meia, Asuna, Nonon, Beatrix, Rouge the Bat, Jenna, Reimu, Yuno, Sofia, and Yae. Art update for Pinkie Pie.
  • v12.158.0
    Adds Solar Flare and Nadeshiko to the Main Roster! Adds Zeke & Pandoria and Yae Miko to the Testing Roster! Adds new Christmas event costumes for Spooky, Joey, Aqua (KonoSuba), Aqua (Kingdom Hearts), Jura, Mari Setogaya, and Toph. Dialogue updates for Nadeshiko, Nagatoro, Nonon, Arle, Leon, Lysithea, Meia, Jura, Queenie, Solar Flare, Bobobo, Kaz, Maria, Roll Caskett, Y'shtola, Sheena, Nagisa, Aqua (KonoSuba), Yumeko, Dunban, Kyouko Toshinou, Sucrose, Shamiko, Jenna, Reimu, Adrien, Marinette, Mitama, Hu Tao, Sakura, Rouge the Bat, Yuno, Cheryl, Natsuki, Miko, Kyoko Kirigiri, Gloria, Petra, Arueshalae, Samus, Spooky, Téa, Joey, Beatrix, Asuna, Toph, Zoe, Aqua (Kingdom Hearts), Bowsette, Revy, Critical Darling, Sweetheart, Stocking, Mari Setogaya, Noire, Caitlin, Myriam, and Sanako. Art updates for Monika, Sheena, and Sanako.
  • v12.157.0
    Adds Bowsette and Caitlin to the Main Roster! Returns Lotte to the Main Roster! Adds Jenna and Nonon to the Testing Roster! Adds new Halloween event cotumes for Critical Darling, Kumatora, Mia (Golden Sun), Mitama, and Sweetheart. Also adds evergreen costumes for Bowsette and Yumeko. Dialogue updates for Asuna, Jura, Meia, Lysithea, Bowsette, Stocking, Mitama, Revy, Critical Darling, Yumeko, Nadeshiko, Arle, Nagisa, Ringo, Petra, Shamiko, Wikipe-tan, Kyoko Kirigiri, Solar Flare, Aqua (KonaSuba), Jim Raynor, Arueshalae, Samus, Noire, Téa, Fluttershy, Mari Setogaya, Supernova, Zoe, Neptune, Caitlin, Leonie, Dunban, Mia (Golden Sun), Hilbert, Reimu, Kumatora, Adrien, Marinette, Leon, Yuno, Yunyun, Miko, Hu Tao, Beatrix, Toph, Sucrose, Cheryl, Natsuki, and Sweetheart. Art updates for Beatrix and Raven.
  • v12.156.0
    Adds Mia (Golden Sun) to the Main Roster!
  • v12.155.0
    Adds Toph, Téa, Aqua (KonoSuba), and Yumeko to the Main Roster! Returns Jura and Meia to the Main Roster! Adds Shamiko, Nadeshiko, and Lysithea to the Testing Roster! Adds epilogues for Gloria and Petra. Adds new costumes for Maria, Roll Caskett, Téa, and Hilda. Dialogue updates for Monika, Meia, Jura, Revy, Erufuda, Sharla, Téa, Arle, Maria, Roll Caskett, Polly, Mari Setogaya, Yunyun, Aella, Reimu, Aqua (Kingdom Hearts), Mia (Golden Sun), Kora, Aqua (KonoSuba), Joey, Caitlin, Nami, Nico Robin, Perona, Yumeko, Samus, Arueshalae, Jim Raynor, Dawn, Noire, Miku, Asuna, Mitama, Hilda, Nagisa, Petra, Nagatoro, Hilbert, Bobobo, Sofia, Yae, Lucy, Toph, Gloria, Kyoko Kirigiri, Okino, Sanny & Tess, Dunban, Queenie, Miko, Yuno, Fluttershy, 9S, Sweetheart, Cagliostro, Rosa, Barbara, Takatoshi, Sakura, Komi-san, Trifle, Marinette, Dust, Wikipe-tan, Bowsette, Kaz, Y'shtola, Rouge the Bat, Senko, Estelle, and Rita. Art updates for Takatoshi, Lotte, Yumeko, and Aqua (KonoSuba).
  • v12.154.0
    Adds Elphaba, Maria, Roll Caskett, and Mitama to the Main Roster! Adds Yumeko, Mia (Golden Sun), Sofia, and Yae to the Testing Roster! Adds an epilogue for Nagatoro. Adds new Summer event costumes for Aella, Aqua (Kingdom Hearts), Aqua (KonoSuba), Fluttershy, Mari Setogaya, Mitama, Nagatoro, Petra, Polly, Sweetheart, and Yunyun. Adds a new evergreen costume to Noire (Clear Dress). Dialogue updates for Nagisa, May, Meia, Jura, Revy, Nagatoro, Sweetheart, Noire, Asuna, Elphaba, Erufuda, Téa, Ribbon Girl, Jim Raynor, Arueshalae, Sakura, Samus, Wikipe-tan, Toph, Petra, Bobobo, Aqua (Kingdom Hearts), Hilda, Leon, Maria, Monika, Joey, Mitama, Yuno, Kyoko Kirigiri, Yunyun, Aqua (KonoSuba), Queenie, Mari Setogaya, Fluttershy, Okino, Lucy, Dwight, Gloria, Dunban, Suction Cup Map, Stocking, Miko, Arle, Polly, Aella, Zoe, Reimu, Caitlin, and 9S. Art updates for Jura, Lotte, Meia, and Toph.
  • v12.153.0
    Adds Felix to the Main Roster! Adds Kekko Kamen, Giygas, and Toru Hagakure to the April Fools event! Adds Arle, Suzuya, Elphaba, Aqua (KonoSuba), and Sweetheart to the Testing Roster! Adds costumes for Arle, Critical Darling, Hilda, Joey, Rosa, Sanny & Tess, Rosa, and Wasp. Dialogue updates for Suction Cup Man, Ringo, Cagliostro, Sanny & Tess, Wasp, Miku, Meia, Jura, Revy, Nagisa, Critical Darling, Joey, Wario, Kyoko Kirigiri, Nagatoro, Kaz, Maria, Roll, Y'shtola, Samus, Yunyun, Bobobo, Magical Sempai, Mari Setogaya, Yuno, Senko, Hu Tao, Cheryl, May, Moon, Téa, Panty, Nugi-chan, Aqua (Kingdom Hearts), Noire, Mitama, Monika, Erufuda, Ribbon Girl, Felix, Dunban, Leon, Kumatora, Lucy, Queenie, Petra, Asuna, Nagamimi, Yuna (Spirits), Steve, Dark Magician Girl, Hilda, Rosa, Marinette, Eichi, and Rouge the Bat. Art updates for 9S, Cagliostro, Hilda, and Ribbon Girl.
  • v12.152.0
    Adds Kora to the Main Roster! Adds Téa to the Testing Roster! Adds an epilogue for Wasp. Adds new event costumes for Mari Setogaya and Bobobo. Dialogue updates for Meia, Jura, Revy, Kumatora, Ringo, Hatsune Miku, Kora, Wikipe-tan, Nugi-chan, Asuna, Hu Tao, Moon, Mitama, Miko, Aqua, Noire, D.Va, Mei, Monika, Kyoko Kirigiri, Zoe, Stocking, Solar Flare, Yuno, Natsuki, Nagisa, Senko, Amy, Reimu, Kyouko Toshinou, Queenie, Kaz, Roll Caskett, May, Y'shtola, Nagatoro, Aqua Grunt, Maria, Trixie, Leon, Dwight, Magical Sempai, Polly, Cheryl, Magma Grunt, Bobobo, Caulifla, Panty, Erufuda, Aaravi, Mari Setogaya, Derpette, Derpina, Trifle, Steve, and Bella Goth.
  • v12.151.0
    Adds Windranger (Lyralei), Bobobo, Aaravi, Kaz, Dunban, Nico Robin, Cheryl, Dwight, Neptune, Aloy, and Aqua (Kingdom Hearts) to the Main Roster! Adds Roll Caskett, Maria, Felix, Magical Sempai, and Solar Flare to the Testing Roster! Adds the Scoops Ahoy costume to Steve. Dialogue updates for Mari Setogaya, Asuna, Binah, Caitlin, Dunban, Reimu, Kyouko Toshinou, Jura, Meia, Revy, Chie, Cheryl, Nagisa, Nagatoro, Senko, Neptune, Kora, Sanny & Tess, Rouge the Bat, Leon, Gloria, Dorothy, Hu Tao, Kyoko Kirigiri, Hilbert, Marinette, Adrien, Sucrose, Adora, Amy, Ringo, Mari (Omori), Bobobo, Kaz, Dwight, Yuno, Mitama, Y'shtola, Trixie, Aaravi, Aoba, Arueshalae, Windranger (Lyralei), Perona, Nami, Nico Robin, May, Wikipe-tan, Petra, Samus, Sakura, Jim Raynor, Rosa, Caulifla, Yunyun, Lux, Aloy, Lucy, Fischl, Miku, Miko, Noire, Anatoly, Erufuda, Queenie, Kumatora, Cagliostro, D.Va, Mei, Moon, Nugi-chan, Kamina, Sanako, Yuna (Spirits), Panty, Monika, Stocking, Zoe, Leonie, Steve, and Bella Goth. Art update for Ignatz.