I've noticed a startling number of passages where the internal logic checks $rng against a set of values, but never sets it to start. This means that a previously set $rng from another passage (even one as simple as 1-3) can soft-lock code inside the malformed passage. As a result, I've started an effort to convert all instances of $rng to _rng and pre-init _rng on each instance, hopefully with help.
However, in the interest of making the game more playable at this time and improve RNG, I submitted the following patch:
Patching :: PassageHeader to set $rng to random 1-100 on every passage This will not fix ALL the RNG issues with those passages but will prevent $rng bleed-over.
This is a very controversial change, I know, as Jimmy has already advised he is against it, but I feel that it's important enough to submit so as to improve the game now, until the fix of correcting all the _rng instances can be completed.