You accidentally walk through a pile of leaves. A nearby <<person>> raking leaves looks over and yells at you. You hurry on. <<stress 3>><<gstress>>
<<addinlineevent "autumn_park_4">>
A leaf on the wind <<if !$worn.face.type.includes("naked")>> lands on your cheek. <<else>> gets stuck in your $<</if>> You pluck it off.<<if currentSkillValue('science') gte 500>> It's a maple leaf. The stem is also connected to one of the distinctive <<print either("samaras", "maple keys", "helicopters", "whirlybirds", "polynoses")>> containing the seeds.<<else>>You're not sure what it was, but it was huge and almost covered your whole face.<</if>>
<<case "forest">>
<<addinlineevent "autumn_forest_1">>
@@ -613,6 +616,10 @@
<<addinlineevent "summer_anywhere_3" 0.5>>
A brutal wave of heat washes over you. You take a moment to wipe the sweat from your head. <<stress 1>><<gstress>>
<<addinlineevent "summer_anywhere_4">>
You overhear a <<person>> talking on <<his>> cell phone about <<his>> upcoming holiday trip. <<if $trauma lte ($traumamax / 5) * 3>> Hearing <<his>> obvious enthusiasm for the trip makes you smile. <<stress -1>><<lstress>><<else>>You resent hearing about a trip you'll never be able to take, stuck in this town like you are. <<stress 1>><<gstress>><</if>>
<<if ["town", "park"].includes($location) and Time.hour gte 7 and Time.hour lt 21 and playerIsPregnant() and playerAwareTheyArePregnant()>>
<<addinlineevent "summer_pregnant_watch">>
You see a group of kids playing. Most are running and squealing as they spray each other with water guns, but a few are lazing on the grass. Occasionally, their friends cool them off with a blast of water, causing them to giggle.