Mobile Zoom Temporary Fix
requested to merge Frostberg/degrees-of-lewdity-plus:Mobile-Zoom-Combat-Animations-Temp-Fix into dev
As we all know, Combat Animations on mobile devices (or rather anything with a small screen) are completely broken as it phases the entire screen in and out of existence.
While this is not a proper fix, it'd help reduce the amount of players who are plagued by this issue by automatically setting their zoom level to 75% (The maximum zoom level without the Combat Animations glitching out).
To minimize disruption of existing saves, it also detects if the zoom level has already been changed from the default value (100%) and if so, does not apply the automatic patch so it'll preserve the player's existing setting.
In addition to the automatic patch, it'll also warn the player about their zoom level if they are on a mobile device.