Minor fixes
- Zephyr will no longer forget they've met you.
- You can no longer trick the police into removing your collar by tampering with the leash.
- Getting hosed down by Leighton now washes off lewd fluids as well as cream.
- Rags cut off you in museum demonstrations will no longer be re-bought.
- The journal now always shows the time of escort appointments.
- Checking/unchecking options during Sydney's mall date no longer counts as a haircut.
- Minor text/formatting fixes:
- Fixed subject-verb agreement in clothing re-buy messages.
- Tweaked line break that was pushing
| + Stat
text onto its own line. - Fixed misspelled variable that prevented "Show"/"Hide" link text from toggling.
- Players who've met the Ivory Wraith will now respect its pronouns at the farm.
- More typos.
Edited by variegations