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Avery scene

LupusXLass1404 requested to merge LupusXLass1404/degrees-of-lewdity:Avery into dev
  • Added the scene Avery School Drop Off. Written by meowmaid and Bette, coded by LupusXLass1404.
  • Add a new variable $averySeen. Currently, "meetPark", "meetStreet", "meetCafe" are recorded. Players who have already init Avery may not be able to get these value, there doesn't seem to be a variable that can confirm where the player first interacted with Avery.
    • Note: The variable $averyseen already exists in the game, it's just a matter of the case difference.
  • Add a new variable $averyRejected. Used to track the events and number of times the player rejects Avery.
Edited by LupusXLass1404

Merge request reports
