Masc lustful set, new demon wings, demon-cow chimera tail.
- Added a masculine equivalent to the "bimbo" clothes set, the "pimp" clothes set, which the player can get from a shady fan in the alleys or at the adult shop. This allows the player to get the lustful trait while masculinising their body type, increasing dick size, and decreasing breast size. Sidebar sprites by KG, combat sprite for the pimp hat by Paragon.
- Added new icons for tanning and working as a masseur at the spa, dancing at the beach party, and stealing the police's access card. Thanks to orenchiiro.
- Added new default demon wings, thanks to TankusWankus. The original demon sprites can still be selected from the mirror as "imp" wings.
- Added a chimera cow-demon tail. Idle sprite by Koko; flaunt, cover, and combat sprites by Kirsty.
- Finding an antique will now delete the corresponding museum hint from the journal and update the icon appropriately.
- Incubus (Female) and Succubus (Male) will now display as simply Incubus/Succubus at the leftmost gender setting.
- Fixed whatever the hell happened to the succubus flaunt tail (file size was 530x265 instead of 256x128 and very blurry and transparent)
- Fixed an issue where some players would be given the option to tell Robin about their role in the balloon stand questline, without getting any of the context leading up to it.