- Oct 13, 2023
stranger authored
- Jul 27, 2022
FadedLines authored
- Jul 21, 2022
- Jul 05, 2022
- May 10, 2022
- Dec 21, 2021
- Nov 02, 2021
GayRaccoon authored
Merged in and also split the Being Trans feat apart into two separate feats: Being a Trans Boy and Being a Trans Girl. Enjoy!
- Sep 10, 2021
GayRaccoon authored
- Sep 08, 2021
GayRaccoon authored
There was a bug where sometimes when viewing masculine bodywriting on a male-appearing PC, an NPC would say "As if anyone would mistake you for a boy." Also tweaked some text relating to the locker room stuff. (Why is it always the locker room stuff.)
- Sep 02, 2021
GayRaccoon authored
- Sep 01, 2021
GayRaccoon authored
- Aug 31, 2021
GayRaccoon authored
GayRaccoon authored
What it says on the tin. Backend shit and some tweaks to dialogue, really only the stuff I had to deal with in the process of resolving conflicts between and Transmod. Also a couple minor bugsquishes related to Kylar seeing the PC's genitals for the first time and also a comment escaping containment in the hospital ER.
GayRaccoon authored
Some weirdness related to merging the new content. I decided to be safe rather than sorry.
GayRaccoon authored
This is a public backup of Transmod as it exists as of August 30, 2021.
- Aug 25, 2021
GayRaccoon authored
More bug squishes for changing room events, some changing room improvements, a couple other typo/bug fixes Wren found a couple of bugs for trans boys wandering back into the girls' changing room. I squished them, as well as a like bug on the other side of the hall for trans girls. Fixed some local typos. Also added some candy for trans boys with higher Physique wandering into the girls' changing room, and added some dialogue for if Mason knows a trans PC's gender and rescues them from an encounter in the locker room. I also fixed a typo and did a text touchup in the scene for telling Leighton you can't wear the clothes they give you if you ask them for school clothes, and fixed a misgender-of-NPCs bug in the Asylum.
- Aug 24, 2021
GayRaccoon authored
- Aug 23, 2021
GayRaccoon authored
What it says on the tin. Updated documentation to reflect inclusion and some other clarifications and changes.
- Aug 21, 2021
GayRaccoon authored
Just updating documentation to reflect that I've merged the mainline release.
- Aug 20, 2021
GayRaccoon authored
Got rid of school trans rep's independent variables and instead switched back to the more primitive system I'd once considered of an override on output for crossdress rep. The reasoning for this is to maximize compatibility with incoming content from mainline that checks crossdress rep, but doesn't have trans rep to check. Be forewarned that trans PCs have *not* gained the ability that crossdressers can use to keep drinks in the fridge. Also some really minor text touch-ups, very little tho.
GayRaccoon authored
* Modernized getting emergency school clothes from Leighton to rely on $player.gender_appearance instead of $player.gender, while also increasing options for the player to protest. Unexpected protest could draw scrutiny from Leighton, and being made to wear the wrong uniform as a trans PC might be unpleasant... * Modernized emergency clothes from the hospital emergency room and begging on Domus Street to use $player.gender_appearance instead of $player.gender. If the person who answers the door knows you from school, though, word about your gender might get around... * Squished a bug relating to PC dialogue in certain trans-related locker room events. * Squished a bug where encounter dialogue for an NPC with a vagina may refer to the PC's penis even if the NPC should know that the PC doesn't have one. * Fixed a misgender in a certain slimy encounter in the sewers. * Fixed a misgender in an angel TF message. * Updated some text for a couple instances of Whitney's bullying.
- Aug 14, 2021
GayRaccoon authored
Updated it in general (like I've been doing *repeatedly* over the past day), including how to drop me a line and a link to Koharu's APK for Android users.
- Aug 13, 2021
GayRaccoon authored
GayRaccoon authored
GayRaccoon authored
GayRaccoon authored
GayRaccoon authored
GayRaccoon authored
GayRaccoon authored
GayRaccoon authored
GayRaccoon authored
GayRaccoon authored
GayRaccoon authored
- Jun 17, 2020
klorpa authored
- Apr 28, 2020
- Added all Tweego compilers to the devtools and moved the `StoryFormats` folder to the same location - Moved the Tweego licence to the same folder - Re-written `compile.bat`, compile-watch.bat` and `compile.sh` so they can make use of the new compilers with help from the freecities pregmod git - Updated `README.md` to reflect the above changes
- Mar 23, 2020
klorpa authored
- Feb 25, 2020