added patch for nymphs to ignore "CheatedOnMe"(disabled by default)
fixed necro patch ObservedRottingCorpse -> ObservedLayingRottingCorpse, which probably was not updated from B18?
change to some bondage descriptions
added hooking settings for:
-visitors vs visitors
-prisoner vs prisoner
-reverse nymph homewreck(nymphs say no to sex, even if it bites them later)
fixed bug that allowed setting multiple heroes
re-enabled cum overlays, disabled add semen button in mp
fixed overlays memory fill, overlays no longer has dif sizes, i think i've probably reduced cum amount
disabled slimes cumming on themselves
archo FertilityEnhancer, increases egg pregnancy gestation rate by 50%
archo FertilityEnhancer, increases pregnancy gestation rate by 25%
when archo FertilityEnhancer on, pawn age is ignored and fertility set to 100
reduced fertility bonus from increased fertility 50->25
reduced fertility bonus from archo fertility enchancer 60->25
added mp sync for bio - resexualization
added mp sync for bio - archotech mode switch
added "normal"(not ench and not blocked fertility) mode for archotech parts
added sexuality change button for hero
disabled slime parts change in mp
fixed comfort and breeding designators stuck in "on" after releasing prisoner
fixed? using xml race_filter, was applying breasts to males
made installing flat chests to males not change them to traps
patch for pregnancy, less debug log spam
futa / install part, exposed core operations cleaning
fixed gizmo crash with hero HC
reverted artifical parts from addedparts back to implants
added hideBodyPartNames to remove part recipes
added side scroll for basic and pregnancy settings
Add mod settings to control hookups
Fix a crash in JoinInBed with offmap/dead lovers on nymphos. Add a mod option, disabled by default, to turn on spammy logging to help track down these issues.
fix for mating
added option for bestiality to birth only humans or animals
added HaveSex workgiver to start sex with pawns in same bed
fix for pregnancy checked/hacked state
hardcore hero mode - disable controls for non hero pawns
disable controls for non owned heros
fix for implants to be counted toward transhumanist thoughts
Pawns who don't have partners might hook up with other pawns who don't have partners. At least partners who are around right now...
Nymphos no longer cheat on partners or homewreck.
Pawns will consider AllPawns, not just FreeColonists, so that they can bang guests too. Haven't tested with prisoners but come on it's only like 98% likely to have a bug.
Significantly increased the distance pawns will travel to find a hookup
Added vanilla Got Some Lovin' thought to partners after casual sex
Bug fix for xxx.HasNonPolyPartner() when neither RomanceDiversified or Psychology are active; it should have returned true when the pawn had any partner instead of false.
vulnerability change to 3.5% per melee level instead of 5%.
Don't add Got Some Lovin to whores while whoring.
Add some limited casual sex mechanics and better hookups with partners!
Give humpshroom addicts going through withdrawl a tiny amount of satisfaction so they aren't completely disabled.
Make humpshroom grow in a reasonable amount of time, reduced price
disabled part removing patch, figure out someday how to add support to weird races, enjoy bleeding/frostbite mechanoids meanwhile
changed rand unity to verse
slapped SyncMethod over everything rand
added predictable seed, maybe figure out how it works someday
rewrote widgets code(FML)
desynced hero controls
disabled hero controls for non owned hero
disabled all workgivers for non owned hero
disabled submit for non owned hero
disabled all widgets when hero is imprisoned/enslaved
disabled whoring in multiplayer, maybe fix it someday or not
disabled mod settings in multiplayer
disabled fix for stuck designators when prisoner join colony, refix someday later, maybe, clicking red designator should be enough to fix it
disabled auto self cleaning(semen) for hero
fix for insect pregnancy generating jelly at current map instead of mother's
fix for recipe patcher, patch now works only for humanlikes and animals
fix for gave virginity thought
fix for error caused by factionless nymphs
fix for miscarrying mechanoid pregnancies, no easy wayout
added TookVirginity thought, maybe implement it some day, this year, maybe
added parts remover for non humanlikes or animals, no more mechanoids frostbite?
added patch for animal mating, remove vanilla pregnancy and apply rjw, maybe
moved GetRapedAsComfortPrisoner record increase from any rape to rape cp only
changed widget ForComfort description, added hero descriptions
changed description of GetRapedAsComfortPrisoner record
fix for error when other mods remove Transhumanist trait
fix for cum on body not being applied for futas
disabled jobgivers for drafted pawns, so pawns should not try sexing while drafted
renamed CumGenerator to CumFilthGenerator
added girl cum/filth, maybe someday will have some use
changed cum filth to spawn for penis wielders and girlcum for vagina, double mess for futas, yay!?
slimes no longer generate cum filth
cum on body no longer applied on receiving slimes, goes into their food need
support for modsync version checking, probably broken, remove later?
support for modmanager version checking
added ability to change slime parts at will(50% food need) for slime colonists/prisoners
fixes for CnP/BnC
changing gender of hero will result positive mood rather than random
reduced FeelingBroken mood buff 40->20
fix for error when removing parts
reduced SlimeGlob market value 500->1
multiplayer api, probably does nothing
reorganized sources structure, moved overlays, pregnancy, bondage etc to mudules/
disabled semen overlays
added operations support for all races, probably needs exclusion filters for mechanoids and stuff
hidded restraints/cocoon operation if those hediffs not present
removed needless/double operations from animals and humans
fixed parts operation recipes
changed sterilization -> sterilize
rjw bodyparts can no longer be amputated
added toggle to select sexuality distribution:
-RimJobWorld(default, configurable),
made slime organs not operable
fix for egg pregnancies error
changed egg birth faction inheritance:
-hivers = no changes
-human implanter+human fertilizer = implanter faction
-human implanter+x = null(tamable) faction
-animal implanter+ player fertilizer = null(tamable) faction
-animal implanter+ non player fertilizer = implanter faction
fixes for sex settings descriptions
disabled nymph think tree for non player colonists
simplified? egg fertilization code
changed pregnancy so if father is slime, baby will be slime
disabled asexual orientation for nymphs(Rational romance can still roll asexual and stuff)
renamed trait nymphomaniac => hypersexuality so it covers both genders
fix error for pawns not getting comps (MAI, RPP bots)
fix for error when pawn tries to love downed animal
fixed? non reversed interaction from passive bestiality
fix error by egg considered fertilized when it isnt
added kijin to cowgirl type pawn breast generation(excluding udders)
changed animal pather so animal doesnt wait for pawn to reach bed
changed nutrition increase from sex now requires oral sex and penis
RimWorld of Magic:
-succubus/warlock gain 10% mana from oral/vag/anal/dbl sex
-succubus/warlock gain 25% rest, partner looses 25% rest
-succubus immune to broken body debuff
support for dubsbadhygiene
-semen can be removed by washing - 1 at a time
-all semen can be removing by using shower, bath, hottub
-with dubsbadhygiene clean self workgiver disabled
-oral sex increases DBH thirst need
Zweifel merge (with my edits)
-added slider to adjust semen on body amount (doesn't affect filth on ground)
-increased base amount of semen per act, slowed down drying speed ~ 3 days
-increased minimum size of overlays, so also smaller amounts should be visible now
-fixed semen not being shown when pawn is sleeping
-private parts semen is now also shown when pawn is positioned sideways
fixed abortion
fix for cum error when having sex at age 0
changed pregnancy so slimes can only birth slimes
changed(untested) egg pregnancy to birth implanter/queen faction for humanlikes, insect hive for insect hivers, non faction for other animals(spiders?)
changed custom race genital support from pawn.kindDef.defName to pawn.kindDef.race.defName
added filter/support for egging races(can implant eggs and fert them without ovis)
support for nihal as egging test race
added selffertilized property to eggs, implanted eggs will be fertilized by implanter
disabled non designated targets for breeders
disabled rape beating for non human(animal) rapists
changed male->futa operations jobstrings from Attaching to Adding
added filters for featureless breast, no penis/vag/breast/anus
excluded mechanoids for getting quirks
some bondage compatibility stuff
changed egging impregnation, so if insect can implant at least one egg it'll do so
moved some settings from basic settings menu to debug, should not tear mod settings anymore... for now
changed pregnancy detection, pregnancies now need check to determine what kind of pregnancy it is
changed abortions so they cant be done until player do pregnancy check
added operation to hack mechanoid, so it wont try to kill everyone once birthed
changes to menu descriptions and new pregnancy description
added checks for infertile penis(aka tentacles and pegdick), so maybe slimes will rape and breed and stuff... or everything will be broken and rip the mod
renamed cum options and descriptions, added option for cum overlays
added item commonality of 0 to hololocks and keys, so maybe zombies wont drop them
changed chains modifiers from -75% to 35% max
removed relations: dom/sub/breeder
changed insect restraints to cocoon, cocoon will tend and feed pawn
mech pregnancy birth now destroys everything inside torso, failed to add blood ... oh well, we are family friendly game after all
changed birthed ai from assault colony to defend ship, so it wont leave until everything is dead
reduced births needed for incubator quirk to 100
bearlyAliveLL support for lost forest
Zweifel bukkake addon
Changes to bondage gear
-allows hediff targeted to body parts
-allows restriction of selected body part groups from melee actions, in combination with 0 manipulation restricts from using weapons too
-changed harmony patch for on_remove function to allow bondage gear without hololock
-changes to existing bondage items, their hediffs will be shown on relevant body parts
-added one new gear for prisoners
-PostLoadInit function to check and fix all bondage related hediffs to make everything save compatible (may be thrown out if too ugly, but all existing bondage gear will be needing re equipment)
after rape, victim that is in bed and cant move, should be put back to bed
added parts override, so existing parts can be added to any race without messing with mod sources (will see how this ends)
changed incubator/breeder descriptions
replaced that mess of code for bestial dna inheritance with same as humanlikes (hopefully nothing broken)
kids should always get father surname(if exist)
changed litter size calculations, added parents fertility and breeder modifiers(this means that pawns now can actually birth twins and triplets when correctly "trained")
breeder quirk now increases pregnancy speed by 125% (was 200%)
gaining breeder quirk now also gives impregnation fetish
gaining incubator quirk now also gives impregnation fetish
hero can now mark them selves for cp, breeding, whoring
fixed/changed requirement for zoophile trait gain to also account loving with animals(was only raping)
increased glitter meds requirement for mech pregnancy abortion
fix self-impregnating mechanoids xD
added recipe to "determine" mechanoid pregnancy
added recipe to abort mechanoid pregnancy(uses glitter meds, i was told its sufficiently rare... idk maybe remove it later?)
added new mechanoid pregnancy instead of old microprocessor ones
added insect birth on pawn death
added mechanoid birth on pawn death
maybe? added hive ai to born hostile insects
added ai to birthed mechanoids, which will try to kill everyone... i mean give hugs... yes...
added initialize() for pregnancy if started through "add hediff" options
added days to birth info for pregnancy debug
fix for loving
added designator icons, when pawn refuses to breed/comfort/service
wip mechanoid pregnancy
increased aphordisiac price 11->500
lotr compatibility?
-set hololock techlevel to space
-set whore beds techlevel to Medieval
-set nymph techlevel to Tribal
-set aphrodisiac techlevel to Medieval
change to lovin patch which should allow other pregnancy mods(vanilla, cnp) to start pregnancy if rjw pregnancy disabled
added lots of debug info for pregnancy_helper
fixed pregnancy checks
fix? vanilla pregnancy should now disappear if pawn lost vagina(used to be genitals)
fixed error in designated breeder searching
moved bestiality target searching to BreederHelper
moved finding prisoners from xxx to CPRape jobgiver
moved most whoring related stuff from xxx to whore_helper
cosmetic changes to target finders, for readability
disabled age modifiers for sex ability and sex drive, so your custom races dont need to wait few hundred years to get sex
added "always show tag" for UID, Sterilization, peg arm operations
made get_sex_drive() function to catch errors if pawn has no sex drive stat
fixed? pawns having double vaginas or penises
reduced parts sexability by around 2, so now it actually matters and sex wont always end with ahegao
added missing? armbinder textures for male body
reverted age lock
changed bond modifier for bestiality from flat +0.25 to +25%
increase rape temp danger to Some, so rapes should happen even in uncomfortable temps
reorder whore client filter, which should be a bit faster, probably
fixed ability to set multiple hero, if other hero offmap
fix error during sexuality reroll
added translation strings for pregnancy and sex options/setting
added options to turn on futa/trap
fix males now cant be generated as futa and will be traps, was causing errors
-added pink glow
-added +2 beauty modifier
-increased price x2
-increased nutrition x2
fix/workaround for WTH mechanoids
simplified surgeries, now only need to add modded races to SurgeryFlesh def
added photoshop sources for designators
updated glow effect on breeding icon, to be like other icons
removed fertility for pawns with ovis
fixed aftersex satisfy error for fapping
fixed error of calculation current insect eggs in belly
fixed error when whores try to solicit non humans
fixed error checking orientationless pawns(cleaning bots, etc)
fixed Hediff_Submitting applying to torso instead of whole body during egg birth
fixed mech pregnancy not impregnanting
added chance to teleport in eggs during mech pregnancy
overhauled insect eggs:
changed egg pregnancy duration to bornTick=450,000*adult insect basesize*(1+1/3), in human language that means pregnancies will be shorter, mostly
added abortTick = time to fertilize egg, if abortTick > bornTick - can always fertilize
added eggsize 1 = 100%, if 0 eggsize - pawn can hold unlimited eggs
eggs were reweighted according to hatchling size, in human language that means less eggs than random number it used to be, bigger movement debuffs and big eggs wont even fit in pawns without propper training and/or some operations
detailed familiy planning calculations can be seen at rjw\Defs\HediffDefs\eggs.xlsx
added wip feeding-healing cocoon to replace restrains for insects, somehow its broken, fix it someday later, maybe
fixed necro errors
disabled nutrition transfer for necro
moved "broken body" stuff from CP to all rape
nerfed Archotech parts sexability to slightly above average
support for insects from Alpha Animals
[FIX] reversed conditions for breed designators
[FIX] sex initiated by female vs insect, werent egging female
[CORE] split ovi's form penis infertile category, now has own
[FEATURE] added ovi install operation
[FEATURE] non insects with ovi's will implant Megascarab eggs, cant fertilize eggs
[FEATURE] eggs implanted by colonist has additional 25 * PsychicSensitivity chance to spawn neutral insect
[FEATURE] neutral eggs implanted by colonist has 50 * PsychicSensitivity chance to spawn tamed insect
[FEATURE] added "hero" mode, player can directly command pawn
[FIX] designators should refresh/fix them selves if pawn cant be designated(loss of genitals, prisoner join colony, etc)
[FIX] mechanoid "pregnancy" parent defs
[COMPATIBILITY] suggested support for egg pregnancy for Docile Hive, havent tested that one
[FIX] fixed missing interaction icon for bestiality
[FEATURE] removed workgiver rape comfort prisoners
[CORE] removed designators: ComfortPrisoner, RJW_ForBreeding
[CORE] moved many bestiality checks to xxx.would_fuck_animal
[CORE] moved FindFapLocation from job quick fap driver to giver
[CORE] merged postbirth effects from human/beast pregnancies in base pregnancy
[FIX] bugs in postbirth()
[FIX] reversed dna inheritance
[FIX] possible error with debug/vanilla birthing from bonded animal
[FIX] rape enemy job checks, mechanoids can rape again
[FIX] mechanoid sex rulepack error
[FIX] typo fix "resentful" as "recentful"
[FIX] comfortprisonerrape, should now call breeding job if comfort target is animal
[FIX] drafting pawn should interrupt w/e sex they are doing
[FIX] errors with bestiality birthing train
[FIX] errors with bestiality/human thoughts
[FIX] for other mods(psychology etc) fail to initialize pawns and crash game
[FIX] forced reroll sexuality, hopefully fixes kinsley scale with psychology
[BALANCE] Renamed free sex to age of consent.
[FEATURE] moved animal breeder designator in place of whoring
[FEATURE] made animal breeding icon/ designator
[FEATURE] added direct control mode for most sex actions(pawn may refuse to do things), non violent pawns cant rape
[CORE] Renamed NymphJoininBed to JoininBed.
[FIX] Fixed futa settings.
[FEATURE] Expanded JoininBed job so that normal pawns can join their lover/spouse/fiancee in bed (but joining a random bed is still limited to nymphs).
fixed pawns fapping during fight or being drafted
fixed noheart icon error in logs
[FIX] Corrected the trait checking for Vigorous quirk.
[FIX] Compatibility fix for androids when using an old save (unable to test this in practice, leave feedback if it still doesn't work).
[FIX] Fixed a major compatibility bug when using Psychology with RJW.
[FIX] Sapiosexual quirk fix for players who aren't using Consolidated Traits mod.
[COMPATIBILITY] Pawn sexuality is synced with other mods during character generation if the player is using Psychology or Individuality. (Instead of the old method of syncing it when the game starts.)
Settings and fixes
[FEATURE] Archotech parts (penis, vagina, breasts, anus).
[COMPATIBILITY] Compatibility with "Babies and Children" mod, hopefully with "CnP" as well. Fixes CnP bug with arrested kids
[CORE] Moved Datastore to PawnData, since that's the only place it is used.
[CORE] New method in PregnancyHelper for checking whether impregnation is possible.
[CORE] Replaced Mod_Settings with RJWSettings.
[FIX] Fixed Breed job.
[FIX] Whores no longer offer services to prisoners from other factions.
[FIX] Added a check to whoring to make sure that the client can reach the bed. (Thanks for DegenerateMuffalo for pointing out these problems.)
[FIX] Added same check for bestiality-in-bed, which should fix the error if the animal is zone-restricted.
[FIX] ChancePerHour_RapeCP incorrectly counted animal rape twice. (Credit to DegenerateMuffalo again.)
[FIX] Polyamory fix for JobGiver_NymphJoininBed. Also added some randomness, so that the nymph doesn't repeatedly target the same lover (in case of multiple lovers).
[FIX] Fixed NymphJoininBed not triggering if the nymph is already in the same bed with the target (which is often the case with spouses).
[FEATURE] New less cluttered settings windows, with sliders where applicable.
[FEATURE] Pawn sexuality. Imported from Rational Romance, Psychology, or Individuality if those are in use. Otherwise rolled randomly by RJW. Can be viewed from the RJW infocard (Bio-tab).
[FEATURE] New settings for enabling STDs, rape, cum, and RJW-specific sounds. Also included settings for clothing preferences during sex, rape alert sounds, fertility age, and sexuality spread (if not using RR/Psychology/Individuality).
[FEATURE] Added a re-roller for pawn sexuality, accessible from the info card. If the sexuality is inherited from another mod, this only re-rolls the quirks. Only available during pawn generation, unless you're playing in developer mode.
[FEATURE] Added new optional setting to enable complex calculation of interspecies impregnation. Species of similar body type and size have high chance of impregnation, while vastly different species are close to zero.
[FEATURE] Added fertility toggle for archotech penis/vagina, accessible from the infocard (through bio-tab).
[FEATURE] New random quirk: Vigorous. Lowers tiredness from sex and reduces minimum time between lovin', not available to pawns with Sickly trait. Animals can also have this quirk.
added armbinders and chastity belts wearable textures, moved textures to apropriate folders
*no idea how to add gags and not conflict with hairs hats and stuff, and i have little interest in wasting half day on that, so they stay invisible
added quality to bdsm gear
changed crafting recipes and prices(~/2) of bdsm gear, can now use steel, sliver, gold, plasteel for metal parts and hightech textiles/human/plain leather for crafting
bdsm gear now has colors based on what its made of
increase armbinder flamability 0.3->0.5
[bug?] game generates gear ignoring recipe, so bdsm gear most likely need own custom stuff category filters and harmony patching, not sure if its worth effort
Designators changes:
-masochists can be designated for comforting
-zoophiles can be designated for breeding
-or wildmode
fixed ignoring age and other conditions for sex under certain settings
fixed submitting pawn, "submitting" hediff ends and pawn can run away breaking sex, so when pawn is "submitting", hediff will be reaplied each time new pawns rapes it
added missing Archotech vagina for male->futa operation
fixed above commits checks, that disabled mechanoid sex
fixed that mess of pregnancy above
fix for broken settings and auto disable animal rape cp if bestiality disabled
[CORE] Renamed the bestiality setting for clarity.
[FIX] Re-enabled animal-on-animal.
[FIX] Animals can now actually rape comfort prisoners, if that setting is enabled. The range is limited to what that they can see, animals don't seek out targets like the humanlikes do. (My bad, I did all of the job testing with the console, and forgot to add it to the think trees.)
[COMPATIBILITY] Fixed the Enslaved check for Simple Slavery.
[CORE] Renamed the bestiality setting for clarity.
fixed broken jobdriver
[CORE] Added manifest for Mod Manager.
[CORE] Added more support for the sexuality tracker.
[CORE] Moved some things to new SexUtility class, xxx was getting too cluttered.
[CORE] Added a new method for scaling alien age to human age. This makes it easier to fix races that have broken lifespans in their racedefs.
[FIX] Pawn sexuality icon was overlapping the icon from Individuality mod during pawn generation. Moved it a bit. Please leave feedback if it still overlaps with mod-added stuff.
[FIX] Enabled whore price checking during pawn generation.
[FIX] Female masturbation wasn't generating fluids.
[FIX] Clarified some of the setting tooltip texts.
[FIX] Added text fixes to fellatio, for species that have a beak..
[BALANCE] Permanent disfiguring injuries (such as scars) lower the whore price.
[BALANCE] Rapist trait gain now occurs slightly slower on average.
[FEATURE] Pawns now have a chance of cleaning up after themselves when they've done masturbating. Affected by traits: higher probability for Industrious/Hard Worker, lower for Lazy/Slothful/Depressive. Pawns who are incapable of Cleaning never do it. Also added the same cleaning check for whoring (some whores will clean after the customer, some expect others to do it.)
[FEATURE] Added a few pawn-specific quirks such as foot fetish, increased fertility, teratophilia (attraction to monsters/disfigured), and endytophilia (clothed sex). Quirks have minor effects, and cover fetishes and paraphilias that don't have large enough impact on the gameplay to be implemented as actual traits. You can check if your pawns have any quirks by using the new icon in the Bio-tab, the effects are listed in the tooltip. Some quirks are also available to animals.
[FEATURE] Added glow to the icon, which shows up if the pawn has quirks. For convenience, so you can tell at a glance when rerolling and checking enemies. (Current icons are placeholders, but work well enough for now.)
[FEATURE] Added a new job that allows pawns to find a secluded spot for a quick fap if frustrated. (...or not so secluded if they have the Exhibitionist quirk). The job is available to everyone, including visitors and even idle enemies. This should allow most pawns to keep frustration in check while away from home, etc.
[COMPATIBILITY] Rimworld of Magic - shapeshifted/polymorphed pawns should now be able to have sex soon after transformation.
[COMPATIBILITY] Added conditionals to the trait patches, they should now work with mods that alter traits.
[COMPATIBILITY] Lord of the Rims: The Third Age - genitalia are working now, but the mod removes other defs that RJW needs and may not be fully compatible.
Note: Requires new save. Sorry about that. The good news is that the groundwork is largely done, so this shouldn't happen again anytime soon.
disabled ability to set designators for comfortprisoner raping and bestiality for colonists and animals
comfort raping and bestiality designators can be turned on for prisoners and slaves from simple slavery
nymphs will consider sexing with their partner(if they have one) before going on everyone else
added options to spawn futa nymphs, natives, spacers
added option to spawn genderless pawns as futas
changed descriptions to dna inheritance
changed all that pos code from patch pregnancy, to use either rjw pregnancies or vanilla shit code
added animal-animal pregnancies(handled through rjw bestiality)
added filter, so you shouldnt get notifications about non player faction pregnancies
added Restraints(no one has suppiled decent name) hediff, insects will restrain non same faction pawn after egging them, easily removed with any medicine
changed incubator to quirk, incubator naw affect only egg pregnancy
added breeder quirk - same as incubator but for non eggs, needs only 10 births for humans or 20 for animals
fix for hemipenis and croc operations
[CORE] More sprite positioning work. sexTick can be called with enablerotation: false to disable the default 'face each other' position.
[CORE] Figured out a simple way to hide pawn clothing during sex, without any chance of it being lost. Added parameters to the sexTick method to determine if the pawn/partner should be drawn nude, though at the moment everything defaults to nude. If a job breaks, may result in the pawn getting stuck nude for a short while, until the game refreshes clothing.
[BALANCE] Added age modifier for whore prices.
[FEATURE] Added a new info card for RJW-related stats. Accessible from the new icon in the Bio tab. Very bare-bones at the moment, the only thing it shows for now is the price range for whoring. Will be expanded in later updates.
fix for pregnancy error
mod menu rearangement
fix? for hololock crafting with CE
"ComplexFurniture" research requirement for for whore beds
Fix for mechanoid 'rape' and implanting.
[FIX] Corpse violation was overloading to the wrong method in some cases, causing errors. Fixed.
[FIX] Nymphomaniac trait was factored multiple times for sex need. Removed the duplicate, adjusted sex drive increase from the trait itself to compensate.
[FIX] Other modifications to the sex need calculations. Age was factored in twice.
[CORE] Added basic positioning code to JobDriver_GettinRaped. Pawns should now usually have sex face-to-face or from behind, instead of in completely random position.
[BALANCE] Made necrophilia much rarer for pawns without the trait.
[BALANCE] Made zoophilia rarer for pawns without the trait, and made non-zoos pickier about the targets (unless frustrated).
[BALANCE] Adjusted the whore prices. Males were getting paid far less, made it more even. Added more trait adjustments. As before, Greedy/Beautiful pawns still get the best prices, and the bedroom quality (and privacy) affects the price a lot.
[BALANCE] Soliciting for customers now slightly increases Social XP.
[BALANCE] Higher Social skill slightly improves the chance of successful solicitation.
[BALANCE] Sexually frustrated customers are more likely to accept.
[FEATURE] Converted the old whore beds into regular furniture (since whores can use any bed nowadays), for more furniture variety. The old luxury whore bed is now a slightly less expensive version of a royal bed, and the whore sleeping spot is now an improved version that's between a sleeping spot and the normal low-tier bed in effectiveness: quick and cheap to build. Better than sleeping on floor and useful in early game, but you probably want to upgrade to regular bed as soon as possible. Descriptions and names may need further work.
[FEATURE] Added 69 as a new sex type. Cannot result in pregnancy, obviously. Frequency modifiable in settings, as usual.
insect eggs kill off other pregnancies
pawns cant get pregnancies while having eggs
fix for non futa female rapin vulrability check
added 1h cooldown heddif to enemy rapist, so job wont dump errors and freeze pawn/game
added a bunch of animal and insect checks, so rape enemy shouldnt trigger if those options disabled
made/separated enemyrapeByhumanlikes, like other classes
[FIX] Extended the list of jobs that can be interrupted by whores, this should make whores considerably more active.
[FIX] Animals with non-standard life-stages were not considered valid targets for various jobs. Fixed by adding a check for lifestage reproductiveness.
[FIX] Engaging in lovin' with partners that have minimal sex ability (such as corpses) could result in the pawn getting no satisfaction at all, causing them to be permanently stuck at frustrated. Fixed by adding a minimum. (Humpshroom addiction can still result in zero satisfaction.)
[BALANCE] Made pawns less likely to engage in necrophilia when sated.
[BALANCE] Added vulnerability modifiers to a few core traits (Wimp, Tough, Masochist,..)
[FEATURE] Added crocodilian penis for some animal species. (Alligator, crocodile, quinkana, sarcosuchus, etc)
[CORE] Consolidated common sex checks into a single thinknode (ThinkNode_ConditionalSexChecks), which makes it easier to include/update important checks for various jobs.
[CORE] Removed dummy privates, wrote a new comp for automatically adding genitalia when the pawn is spawned. Far faster than the old method of doing it. Should be compatible with old saves, though some weirdness may occur.
[CORE] Added a basic but functional sexuality tracker (similar to Kinsey scale) to the above comp. Currently hidden from players and not actually used in calculations, just included as a proof of concept.
[FIX] Added some null checks.
[FIX] Removed a bad check from CP rape, should now work at intended frequency.
[FIX] Some thinktree fixes for pawns that don't need to eat.
[BALANCE] Made pawns less likely to engage in zoophilia if they have a partner. Unless the partner is an animal (there's mods for that).
[BALANCE] Made pawns slightly less likely to engage in necrophilia if they have a partner.
raping broken prisoner reduces its resistance to recruit attempts
fixed fertility wrong end age curve
fixed pregnancies for new parts comp
added futa and parents support for vanila/debug preg
[FIX] Rewrote the code for sexual talk topics.
[FIX] Whorin' wasn't triggering properly.
[FIX] Other miscellaneous fixes to the whorin' checks. They should now properly give freebies to colonists that they like.
[FIX] Fixed forced handjob text.
[FIX] Removed unnecessary can_be_fucked check from whores. With the new sex system, there's always something that a whore can do, such as handjobs or oral.
[FIX] Restored RandomRape job. Only used by pawns with Rapist trait. Trigger frequency might need tuning.
[FIX] Alien races were using human lifespan when determining sex frequency. Scaled it to their actual lifespan.
[FIX] Enabled determine pregnancy for futas and aliens with non-standard life stages.
[FIX] Patched in animal recipes. Sterlization and such should now work for most mod-added animals.
[FIX] Animal-on-animal should no longer target animals outside of allowed zones.
[CORE] Cleaned up some of the old unused configs and old redundant code. Still much left to do.
[BALANCE] Adjusted bestiality chances. Pawns with no prior experience in bestiality are less likely to engage in it for the first time. And pawns who lack the Zoophile trait will attempt to find other outlets first.
[BALANCE] Same for necrophilia: pawns are far less likely to engage in necrophilia for the first time.
[BALANCE] Males are less likely to rim or fist during straight sex.
[BALANCE] Adjusted trait effects on CP rape. Bloodlust trait now only affects frequency if rape beating is enabled. Removed the gender factor which made females rape less, now it depends on traits.
[BALANCE] Pawns are more likely to fap if they're alone.
[FEATURE] Added new settings that allow visitors and animals to rape comfort prisoners if enabled.
[FEATURE] Added a sex drive stat (in Social category), which affects how quickly the sex need decays. Among other things, this means that old pawns no longer get as easily frustrated by lack of sex. Some traits affect sex drive: Nymphomaniac raises it, Ascetic and Prude (from Psychology) lower it.
[FEATURE] If a pawn is trying to rape a relative, it's now mentioned in the alert.
fixes for nymph generation
added ability to set chance to spawn male nymphs
moved fertility and pregnancy filter to xml, like with sexneeds
clean up "whore" backstories
set Incubator commonality to 0.001 so it wont throw errors
add vagina operations for males -> futa
fixes for rape CP, breeder helper
Fixed a bug in baby generation which allowed animals to get a hediff meant for human babies. Also clarified the hediff name, since 'child not working' could be mistaken as an error.
Improved logging for forced handjobs.
Fixed necrophilia error from trying to violate corpses that don't rot (mechanoids, weird mod-added creatures such as summons, etc).
Disallowed female zoos from taking wild animals to bed, because letting them inside the base can be problematic (and most can't get past doors anyway).
Fixed incorrect colonist-on-animal thoughts.
Whores now try to refrain from random fappin' (so they can spend more time servicing visitors/colonists), unless they're sexually frustrated.
Added a pregnancy filter for races that cannot get pregnant (undead, etc). '
Colonists with Kind trait are less likely to rape.
Added trait inheritance for [SYR] Individuality and Westerado traits.
Added fail reasons to targeted Comfort Prisoner rape (on right-click); it has so many checks that it was often unclear why it wouldn't work.Added udders for animals (where appropriate, such as cows and muffalos), and a 'featureless chest' type for non-mammalian humanoids.
Removed breasts from various non-mammalian animals, mostly reptiles and avians. Checked most of the common mods, but probably missed some animals. If you spot any species that have mammaries when they shouldn't, report them in the thread so they can be fixed.
Rewrote the processSex functionality, which fixes several old bugs (no more oral-only) and allows for much wider variety of sex. Merged animals into the same function. Some of the messages might have the initiator and receiver mixed up, please leave feedback if you notice any oddness.
Centralized the ticks-to-next-lovin' increase and satisfy into afterSex, to ensure that those aren't skipped.
Changed Comfort Prisoner Rape from Wardening to BasicWorker. Because it being in Wardening meant that pawns incapable of Social could never do it.
Added support for Alien Humanoid Framework 2.0 traits. Xenophobes are less attracted to alien species, and xenophiles less attracted to their own species.
Made zoophiles less attracted to humanlikes, and reluctant to pay for humanoid whores.
Added basic age scaling for non-human races with long lifespans, when determining attraction.
Enabled cum splatter from solo acts. Lowered cleaning time for cum to balance the increased output.
Added new thoughts for BestialityForFemale job, for the rare cases where the female lacks the zoophile trait. Non-zoos almost never do that job, but it can happen if they have no other outlets. Previously this counted as 'raped by animal' and massive mood loss, even though initiated by the colonist.
Set the min-ticks-to-next-lovin' counter lower for insects on generation.
Whores lacked a tick check and could instantly jump from one job to another. Forced them to recover a bit between jobs, but not as long as regular pawns. Also changed the sex type balance for whoring: handjobs and fellatio are more common in whoring than in other job types.
Lesbian sex lacked variety. Added fingering and scissoring to the available sex types.
Added mutual masturbation and fisting.
Added settings for sex type frequency, so you can lower the frequency of ones you don't want to see. Lowering the vanilla sex (vaginal and anal) is not recommended, makes things go weird.
Added interspecies animal-on-animal breeding. Setting disabled by default.
Added setting for necrophilia, disabled by default.
Disabled the 'observed corpse' debuff for necros.
Text fixes for logging.
Added text variation to make some types clearer.
removed get_sex_ability from animals check, since they dont have it(always 100%)
fixed error when trying to sexualize dead pawn
changed demonic and slime parts description, so they tell that they are useless for humans, for now
added missing craft hydraulic penis recipe to machining bench
crafting hydraulics now requires Prosthetics research, Bionics - Bionics
moved bionic crafting to fabrication bench
fixed game spawning male nymphs
broken nymphs, spawn with broken body
reduced nymph spawn age 20->18
reduced festive nymph shooting
increased festive nymph melee
added chance to spawn festive nymph with rapist trait
Patched in nearly hundred sexual conversation topics. Currently set as rare, so pawns don't talk about sex all the day.
Small fix that should stop babies from inheriting conflicting trait combos.
Disabled the 'allowed me to get raped' thoughts for animal-on-female if the target is a zoophile. Didn't seem right that they'd hate the bystanders, despite getting a mood bonus from it.
Fixed a stupid mistake in the trait inheritance checking. Didn't break anything, but it certainly didn't work either.
Fixed the whoring target selection and spam.
switched Genital_Helper to public class
crawls under christmas tree with bottle of vodka and salad, waiting for presents
Reset the ticks at sexualization, so generated pawns (esp. animals) don't always start lovin' as their first action.
Couple of fixes to memories/thoughts, those could generate rare errors on female-on-animal. Also required for any animal-on-animal that might get added later.
Added a simpler way of checking if an another mod is loaded. Works regardless of load order.
Renamed abstract bases to avoid overwriting vanilla ones, to fix some mod conflicts if RJW is not loaded last. (Loading it last is still advisable, but not everyone pays attention to that..)
preg fix
Fixed the motes for bestiality. Which also fixes the 'wild animals don't always consent'-functionality.
Added functions for checking prude and lecher traits (from other mods).
Added patches for some conflicting traits (no more prude or asexual nymphos, etc).
Added couple of low-impact thoughts for whoring attempts.
Used the thoughts to make sure that a whore doesn't constantly bother same visitors or colonists.
Enabled hook up attempts for prisoners, since they already have thoughttree for that. Most likely to try to target other prisoners or warden, whoever is around.
Refactored JobGiver_Bestiality: removed redundant code and improved speed. Also improved target picking further, and made it so that drunk or high colonists may make unwise choices when picking targets.
Added hemipenis (for snakes and various reptiles). Might add multi-penetration support for those at some later date.
fix traps considered females after surgery
fix error preventing animal rape pawns
fix error when trying to sexualize dead pawns
added support for generic rim insects, mechanoids, androids
added Masturbation, DoublePenetration, Boobjob, Handjob, Footjob types of sex
added thoughts for incubator (empty/full/eggs), should implement them someday
moved process_breeding to xxx
merged necro aftersex with aftersex
merged aftersex with process sex/bestiality, so now outcome of sex is what you see on log/social tab
impregnation happens after vaginal/doublepenetration sex
renamed JobDriver_Bestiality to JobDriver_BestialityForMale
added check for futa animals when breeding
breeding by animal increases broken body value
breeding and bestiality for female with bounded animal is counted as non rape
zoophile trait gain check now includes rapes of/by animals and insects
countffsexwith... now includes rapes
description changes for records
Egg pregnancy:
added contractions for eggs birthing(dirty hack using submit hediff)
eggs now stay inside for full duration, if not fertilized -> dead eggs born
abortion period now functions as fertilization period
i think ive changed message when eggs born, should be less annoying
some code cleaning
not sure if any of below works
nymphos and psychopaths(maybe other pawns in future) can now(probably) violate fresh corpses
psychopaths should gain positive thought for violating corpse
think nodes:
enabled frustrated condition, used by nymphs
added descriptions for think nodes
think trees:
exchanged priorities for prisoner whoring/rapecp
moved breed from zoophile tree to animal
when nymph is frustrated, it may violate corpse or random rape
fix for pregnancy if cnp not installed
re-enabled patch for vanila preg, just in case
added pregnancy detection based on body type/gestation time -> thin - 25%, female - 35%, others 50%
some WIP stuff
added sex/rape records with humanlikes
fix for sex records, so all sex should be accounted(fapping not included), and correctly distribute traits
fix for error when trying to sexualize hon humans
fixed error for birthing when father no longer exist
fixed existing insect egg check always returning 0
disabled cnp option and pregnancy support
added cleanup for vanilla pregnancy
borrowed some code from cnp: should give cnp birth thoughts if cnp installed, drop babies next to mother bed, drown room in birth fluids
added reduce pawn Rest need during sex: double speed for passive pawns, triple for active pawn
disable increase loving ticks on job fail
added need sex check for jobs, so pawns should seek satisfaction when in need
some pathing checks for jobs
try to normalize human fertility, 100% at 18(was 23), not sure about mod races, but fuck them with their stupid ages, maybe add toggle in next version?
asexual check for sex_need so it doesn't decrease for pawns not interested in sex
Removed the tick increase from failed job, since that stops nymphs from seeking other activities.
Changed the age scaling, to account for modded races with non-human lifespans.
Rewrote fertility to work for modded races/animals of any lifespan.
No fapping while in cryosleep.
Adjusted distance checks.
Added motes.
Colonists were unable to open doors, fixed.
Animals were unable to pass doors, fixed.
Extra check to make sure that everyone is sexualized.
Added traits from Consolidated Traits mod
Added alert for failed attempt at bestiality.
Wild animals may flee or attack when bothered
Fix to enable some pawns to have sex again.
Wild animals may flee from zoo + bug fix for zone restrictions
Merged tame and bonded animals into one check, added distance and size checks to partner selection
Added check to ensure that nymph can move to target
Added check to make breeding fail if target is unreachable
Minor balancing, drunk colonists now less picky when trying to get laid
rjw pregnancies:
children are now sexualized at birth
there is 25% per futa parent to birth futa child
there is a 10% chance child will inherit mother genitals
there is a 10% chance child will inherit father genitals
anuses are now always added, even if pawn is genderless, everyone has to poop right?
disabled "mechanoid" genitals, so those roombas shouldnt spawn with hydraulic dicks n stuff
added humanoid check for hydraulic and bionic parts
fixed aphrodisiac effect from smokeleaf to humpshroom
added egg removal recipes for ROMA_Spiders
changed whore serving colonist chance 75%->50% and added check for colonist sex need, should reduce them harrasing 1 colonist and tend to those in need
breaking pawns removes negative "raped" effects/relations
pawn becoming zoophile removes negative zoo effects
added LOS check for "allowed me to get raped", so no more seeing through walls
disabled stripping during rape, probably needs fixing for weather and some races
renamed fappin' to masturbatin'
added racoon penis
added some Psychology support
some fixes
fixed reversed records of insect/animal sex
added records for birthing humans/animals/insects
added incubator trait - doubles preg speed, awarded after 1000 egg births
set limit impantable to eggs - 100/200 for incubator
birthing insect spawns insect 1-3 jelly, in incubator *2
added OrganicAgeless for race/genital patch
added queen/implanter property to eggs, if its player faction +25% chance to birth tamed insects
filter for Psychology traits
fixed breeding detection for some(all?) animals
log/social interaction for core loving
fix for syphilis kidney
fix for loving
fix for humpshroom addiction error
fix for menu translation error
added menu options for rjw pregnancies
renamed sexhelper->genderhelper
moved pregnancy related stuff to separate folder
moved pregnancy related stuff to PregnancyHelper
moved fertility options to mod menu
separated pregnancy in 2 classes human/bestial
added father debug string to rjw pregnancies
some other fixes for pregnancies
added single name handler, so now all naming handled through single function, which should prevent this mess scripts from crashing with red errors
support for Rim of Madness - Arachnophobia
made insect pregnancy more configurable, you can edit egg count and hatch time in Hediffs_EnemyImplants def, or add your own stuff for other custom insects
increased eggs implants to 10-30 depending on insect, increased eggs moving penalty based on insect size up to -3% per egg
added messages for insect birthing
changed chance of generating tamable insect:
-if father is in insect faction -5%
-if not insect faction 10%
-if player faction 25%
removed outdated korean
removed trait limit for birthed pawns
renamed bodypart chest -> breasts
renamed "normal" parts to average
bondage sprites by Bucky(to be impemented later)
added Aphrodisiac made from humpshrooms(seems to cause error when ends)
fixed for animals with bionic parts
fixed for sex need calculation
fixes for zoophiliacs initiating sex
fixed std error caused by generating broken pawns during world generation
CombatExtended patch - no longer undress rape victim and crash with red error
rprobable fix for scenarios randomly adding bondage hediffs at game start without actual bondage gear
fix for CP animal raping
fixed badly broken function so now it works
broken pawns now gain masochist trait and loose rapist if they had one
enamed parts cat->feline, dogs->canine, horses->equine
removed debuffs for broken body, other than Consciousness
Pregnancy stuff:
overhaul of impregnate function to handle all pregnancies
bestial pregnancy birth adds Tameness
fixes for insect egg pregnancy
added ability to set female insects as breeders so they can implant eggs
insects sexualized at birth
insects has 10% to have null faction instead of fathers "Insect", so now you can grow own hive and not get eaten, probably
added 1% penalty to Moving per egg
increased eggs implanted 1-2 -> 5-10
Aftersex pawn now gains:
- rapist trait if it had 10+ sex and 10% is rape and its not a masochist
- zoophile trait if it had 10+ sex and 50+% with animals
- necrophile trait if it had 10+ sex and 50+% with dead
HumpShroom overhaul:
- HumpShroom now behave like shrooms, grow in dark for 40 days, can be grown in Hydroponics (not sure it game spawns them in caves)
- fertility sensetivity reduced 100%->25%
- Yield reduced 3->2
- addictiveness raised 1%->5%
- fixed addiction giving ambrosia effect
- addiction adds nympho trait
- addiction no longer raises sexneed by 50
- addiction reduces sexneed tick by 50%
- Induced libido increases sexneed tick by 300%
- addiction w/o Induced libido adds no satisfaction or joy
fertility fix for custom races with weir life stages(its now not 0)
fixed translation warnings for vb project
fixed? generic genitals applied to droids
changed faction of babies born by prisoners to null, seems previous fix was for normal pregnancy birthing and this one for rjw?
Designations retex by SlicedBread
added operation to determine pregnancy by Ziehn
fixed some obsolete translation warnings for 1.0, many more to fix
fixed error when trying to remove bondage gear
pawns can now equip bondage on downed/prostrating pawns instead of prisoners only
pawns can now unequip bondage from other pawns(if there is a key)
fixed? getting pregnant when chance is set to 0(maybe it wasnt broken but testing with 1/100 chance is...)
added Torso tag for genitals/breasts/anuses, so they should be protected by armor now, probably
reduced chance to hit genitals 2%->.5%
reduced chance to hit anus 1%->.1%
reduced parts frostbite vulrability 1%->.1%
rework ChjDroid - Androids parts assigment:
-droids have no parts
-androids have parts based on backstories
--social droids get hydraulics
--sex and idol droids get bionics
--substitute droids get normal parts like other humanlikes
--other get nothing
added filters to block fertility and sex need if pawn has no genitals
added sex needs filter xml, to filter out races that should have no sex needs (ChjDroidColonist,ChjBattleDroidColonist,TM_Undead), you can add your own races there
changed fertility, sex need calculation based on life stages:
-humanlikes(5 life stages) - start rising at Teen stage
-animals(3 life stages) - start rising at Juvenile stage
-modded stuff(1 life stage) - start at 0
-modded stuff(x life stages) - start rising at 13 yo
*ideally modded stuff should be implemented through xml filter with set teen and adult ages, but i have no idea how or want to go through dozens modded races adding support
possible fix for possible error with pawn posture?
fixed social interactions broken with "many fixed bugs" of rimworld 1.0
fixed? babies born belong to mother faction or none if mother is a prisoner, no more kids/mother killing, unless you really want to
removed all(broken) translations, so far 1.0 only support english and korean
added peg arms, now all your subjects can be quad pegged... for science!
added options to change fertility drops to _config.xml, should be moved to mod menu once unstable version menu is fixed
fixed prisoner surgeries
fixed animal/combat rape
fixed necro rape
fixed missing surgery recipes for stuff added in prev version
limited "allowed_me_to_get_raped" social debuff range to 15 instead whole map, its also doesnt apply if "bystander" is downed and cannot help
added cat/dog/horse/dragon -> tight/loose/gape/gape vaginas
added "generic" body parts for unsupported pawns/animals?/ rather than using normal human ones
added micro vaginas,anuses
added flat breasts
added gaping vaginas,anuses
added slime globs for, maybe, in future, changing slime pawns genitals
fixed bionic futa creation
other fixes to bionic penis
changed/fixed vulrability calculation -> downed/lying down/sleeping/resting or pawns with armbinder no longer contribute melee stat to vulrability reduction, this allows pawns with high stats to be raped, so close your doors at night
fixed? failed futa operations, instead of adding penis and loosing vagina, pawn keeps vagina
rearanged pawn parts/recipes in mod structure
fixed bug related to hitting "Chest"/ "chest" operations
added support/mechgenitals for Lancer mechanoid[B19]
removed def "InsectGenitals" since it is not used
added HediffDefs for yokes, hand/leg bondage, open/ring gags, might actually add those items later, if someone finds sprites
reduced eating with gag to 0
change to part removing recipies
hide surgeries with missing body parts
reworked fertility, should slightly increase max female fertility age ↲ fertility now decreases in adult life stage instead of pawn life, this should help with races like Asari(though they are still broken and wont be fertile until they are teens, which is 300 yo)
probably fixed few possible errors
reversed oral logic
add Korean translation fixes from exoxe
updated genital assignment patterns
animals no longer hurt zoophiles while breeding them
remove vestigial sex SkillDefs
raped by animal changed to breeding
differentiated a masochist getting bred from a zoophile getting bred, one doesn't mind it, the other likes it
added oral sex (rimming, cunnilingus, fellatio)
reworked breeding system
female animals will prefer to approach males for breeding
fixed breeding designation stuck when pawn no longer prisoner
fixed social tab
added social descriptions for vaginal
added social descriptions for sex/rape
various fixes for B19/ port to B19
fixes for items/genitals descriptions
fixes for nymph stories
fix for genital distribution
fixed sex need stat for pawns with long lives
removed Prosthophile traits from nymps, probably removed in b19?
updated korean translation?
moved/removed/disabled english translation
various fixes for B19/ port to B19
fixes for items/genitals descriptions
fixes for nymph stories
fix for genital distribution
fixed sex need stat for pawns with long lives
removed Prosthophile traits from nymps, probably removed in b19?
updated korean translation?
moved/removed/disabled english translation
fixes for genital parts assignment
changed descriptions of few items, ex: breast now use cup size rather than small-huge
added debuffs to Moving and Manipulation for breasts
added debuffs to Moving for penises
monstergirls stuff:
added slime parts, provide best experience, not implantable, all slimes are futas, slime tentacles(penis) are infertile
added demon parts, slightly worse than bionics, not implantable, demons/impmother has 25% to get tentacle penis for female or 2nd penis for male. baphomet has 50% to have horse penis instead of demon
reversed cowgirls breast size generation -> huge(40%)-> big(40%)-> normal(10%)-> small(10%)