- Aug 20, 2018
- Aug 13, 2018
Ed86 authored
Ed86 authored
pawns will look for animals in this priority: -bond animal, -colony animal, -wild animals renamed p -> pawn
Ed86 authored
zoophiliacs will look for animals to rape normal pawns will try to rape prisoners 1st, then colonists renamed p -> rapist removed comment
Ed86 authored
renamed p -> rapist removed comment
Ed86 authored
disabled fapping in medical beds
Ed86 authored
Ed86 authored
Ed86 authored
Ed86 authored
Ed86 authored
Ed86 authored
- Aug 03, 2018
- Jul 29, 2018
Ed86 authored
Ed86 authored
Ed86 authored
Ed86 authored
added ovipositors added techlevel check for adding genitals limited mechanoids to hydraulic and bionic genitals removed peg dick from mechanoids replaced pegdick with hydraulic penis increased mechanoid hydraulic vs bionic chances 30-->70, should probably remove bionics from mechanoids
Ed86 authored
Ed86 authored
Ed86 authored
try to add masocist trait for broken body, seem it doesnt work less spaces, more tabs! added zoophilia condition to thought when raped by animals added has_penis_infertile condition to allow rapping with pegdicks and alike changed insectoid detetion changed mechanoid detetion
Ed86 authored
spaces go away!
Ed86 authored
Ed86 authored
added hydraulic dick changed hydraulic items descriptions, hydraulic is not a low tech... imo added ovipositors
Ed86 authored
vaginal sex success/fail sex success
Ed86 authored
increased skill requirements for crafting
Ed86 authored
added operation to install hydraulic penis
Ed86 authored
Ed86 authored
added hydaulic penis added insect oviporsors
Ed86 authored
spaces begone! tab overlords we welcome you!