# Karryn's Prison CCMod
Adds pregnancy, condoms, exhibitionism, OnlyFans video recording, and more.
## Overview
Almost everything is configurable or can be disabled easily. You can tweak it in in-game menu.
### Pregnancy
Basic pregnancy with fertility cycle.
Cycle state will influence in-battle charm and fatigue gain.
Gain passives based on births, passive effects are birth-related.
There's a birth control edict with a daily expense to maintain.
It will be removed on bankruptcy or randomly sabotaged on days when a riot starts.
There are some fertility edicts, these will block the birth control edict.
An internal view is added to the status/pause menu.
Buy Condoms through an edict and have the prisoners use them.
Prevents creampies and thus pregnancies.
**Be careful!**
Riots can sabotage the condoms deliveries and other stuff can go wrong!
With v9A, night mode was added to the game as an official exhibitionist mode wherein clothing and
cum are
semi-persistent after battle, depending on passives.
The way it works is that clothing now loses some maximum durability each time it's damaged or
stripped off.
When enough clothing is lost or bukakke accumulates, Karryn is naked and night mode is triggered,
which closes off some
rooms and side jobs until next day.
The mod aims to make the clothing state much more active even from the first battle in day 1.
No passives are required for maximum durability to be lowered, though the rate without any passives
is very low.
However, clothing state after battle is no longer affected by clothing durability, only the state
Karryn was in at the
end of the battle.
Walking around will slowly restore clothing states up to the current maximum durability.
Night mode will be triggered frequently, but it will also change back as Karryn gets dressed again.
If Karryn walk around naked, she gains exhibitionist points.
Karryn starts out getting fatigued from doing so but will eventually gain pleasure from walking
around naked.
These changes are granted via passives.
If the second exhibitionist passive is obtained, Karryn will no longer restore clothing stages while
walking around.
Toys will give pleasure over time while walking around and can be equipped at any bed after having
it used once on
Karryn in battle.
Bukakke handling is done entirely by the mod and skips over the changes made in v9A.
Bukakke slowly decreases over time while walking around.
Being covered in cum will give fatigue or pleasure based on passives.
Clean up and sleeping will significantly reduce but may not fully remove bukakke.
Starting a side job has the same effect as clean up.
Set feature flag to disable decrease over time and go back to having sleep remove everything.
At a bed, Karryn can clean up and get dressed, for a small fatigue cost.
The option to strip is added once the first exhibitionist passive is obtained.
Using strip while already naked will remove gloves and hat.
Cleaning up will put on a new uniform and restore maximum durability.
<img alt="OnlyFans" src="./pics/onlyfans.png" height="400">
The edict to `sell mastrubation videos` has been added back in, and it requires the first
exhibitionist passive.
Gain daily income bonus per video, but invasion chance is increased.
Income per video and invasion chance decrease over time.
The main idea behind this edict is a high risk/high reward option since income is higher the more "
pure" Karryn is (low
slut level, virgin),
and a pure Karryn benefits much more from gold to buy combat edicts. But it comes with a much higher
invasion risk,
and since masturbation increases all desires which carry over into the invasion battle and possible
### Gyaru - Hair, Eye, Skin recolor `(DISABLED)`
These will be disabled until art is fixed. This includes the map pose for tan skin options.
There are no edicts for gyaru at this point nor the foreseeable future.
The Wanted system in the game is really underused.
It keeps track of so many stats,
but you never see them and all they really end up being are enemies with the same name that show up
now and then.
The edict desk in the office has been expanded to show all Wanted inmates and display their highest
sex stats.
Karryn can also call in any of them for some special one-on-one time with a temporary level buff so
they aren't a
Subduing them physically or being defeated will increase their level, sexually satisfying them will
lower it instead.
Bosses can be called as well after defeating them. They seem to work without issue.
Up to 3 enemies can be called at once. This is probably as close to a 'gallery' mode as the game
will ever get.
In the bar mini-game there are now consequences for serving the wrong drink.
There are two passives granted if Karryn continues to be a
ditz and can't remember orders.
This can serve as a fun addition to get rid of extra drinks and earn more tips,
or just a way to get Karryn shitfaced in 60 seconds.
A large number of balance changes which can turn into cheats when taken to the extreme.
**Note that most of them are disabled by default**. See section [`Configuring`](#configuring) for
The ability for enemies to call for reinforcements during normal battles is enabled by default.
## Requirements
- [Mods Settings](
- [Fast Cut-Ins](
Use [this installation guide](
## Compatibility
Compatible with almost every mod of to date (yes, including `KP Mod`).
Incompatible with mods and pack that doesn't include pregnant belly support (e.g. Sushikun's Pack).
Though pregnancy can be disabled in settings.
> Cannot read property 'slice' of undefined
You didn't install mod properly. Go back to [`Installation`](#installation) section and read it more
> Any other error on game load
You are using the wrong mod version for the target game version or screwed up the installation
If you installed mod manually, start over with a fresh copy of the game, verify the game and mod
versions, and try again.
Read `Update` section of chosen mod installation method (Vortex, MO2, manual)
in [the installation guide](
After update make sure to transition to a new map before doing any other actions.
Map info is baked into the save and if you are in a map that has been changed those changes won't
work until the next time you enter that room. This also applies to official game updates.
To configure the mod you will need to install Mods Settings mod (see [Requirements](#Requirements)).
Mod can be configured in game (go to `Settings` > `Mods` > `CC Mod`).
> NaN value in battle followed by a crash: Failed to execute 'createLinearGradiant' on '
> CanvasRenderingContext2D'
Some users report this as a rare/uncommon occurrence, but all attempts on my end to reproduce it
have failed and I have never encountered it in my time playing the game.
It is most likely some specific combination of stats and actions, but I don't know what that
sequence is.
So if you report this, please also include as much detail about what you were doing leading up to
encountering the bug.
Reporting this without detailed reproduction steps is not going to help anyone.
If you encounter a NaN value in Karryn's stats or anywhere, do not save. Close the game and restart.
I recommend saving at least semi-frequently in a new save slot to mitigate any damage.
I have attempted to fix this with the v7B update and removing usage of paramRate and paramBase.
I haven't seen any mention of this since the update, so hopefully it got fixed,
though I never did find out the exact cause of the error.
> Visual bug when starting glory hole battle with toys already equipped
Just do any Toilet action, and it'll update properly. Probably not going to fix this.
Doesn't have to be 17, it could be 16, or something else.
The trace-log should include getPoseTierFromPoseName.
This is likely caused by an incorrect usage of adding to PoseStart in the config options.
This is provided as-is. It may or may not ever be updated again. Things marked TODO are placeholder
for future ideas that may or may not ever happen.
You are free to copy/paste my stuff just give attribution if you do. I am interested in seeing what
mods other people make too or changes they make to my mod,
so feel free to share.
If any artist wants to contribute assets (piercings, tattoo, etc.) contact me.
## Made by the Community
Many people have already invested in this mod, here I will note a few of the main ones.
the [history of the repository](
* **chainchariot** - Founder. He started the development of this mod.
* **wyldspace** - Created [this fork]( At the moment it
is the only _live_ fork for the mod.
* **madtisa** - Picked up the baton and did a bunch of different things.
* Tessai, Таня - Tan skin, hair cutouts
* Saleek - Idea and resources for extra waitress clothing stages
To build mod from sources run script `build.ps1`. Output would be in `build` folder.
* `master` - Mod for the current game version with the hotfix/patch cycle finished and known mod
bugs - that are
fixable - fixed.
* `dev` - May include more frequent updates during the hotfix/patch cycle for a new game version
release. May include
wip mod features. This branch is always updated before master.
* `rem-merge` - data/js from current game version for visualizing changes easier. _(only for master
Other branches may be for larger features that I want feedback/testing on before merging into the
main branch.
I recommend making a copy of your game directory before using a test branch.
[latest]: "The latest version"