- Jun 23, 2020
SPNATI Utilities Bot authored
Command executed by: FarawayVision#8032
FarawayVision authored
Boanerger (1): Caulifla: bug fixes Nutty31#3449 (1): Neptune: targets to Megumin and markers given to targeted lines ReformCopyright (1): Include *.jpeg in online deployment (and use regexp to filter filenames). SentimentalRotom (1): Rin: Bug and Grammar Fixes.
ReformCopyright authored
Saki_ZLS Bugfixes and Sponsorship Reqs Part 2 See merge request spnati/spnati!2041
ReformCopyright authored
Tomoko: Few Lines b4 Responses See merge request spnati/spnati!2040
ReformCopyright authored
**Total Linecount: ** 3461 -> 3465 (+4) **Generic Linecount: ** 2055 -> 2059 (+4) Command executed by: Boanerger#9344
**Total Linecount: ** 788 -> 792 (+4) **Targeted Linecount: ** 66 -> 70 (+4) Targeting Updates: - `megumin`: 1 -> 5 (+4) Command executed by: Nutty31#3449
MisterSolitaire authored
- Fixes some bugs. - AdjustNugi-Chan targets. - Fulfillfs the following sponsorship requirements: **ManiacWithTheHex** - Fixes epilogue weiner. **napsu** - Future Proofs Saki's Franchouchou targets. - Targets Chara **cavendish89** - Addiitonal opponent stripping generics. - Additional hand quality lines. **MystiKnight** - Added After Stripping lines. **Zrac314** (Io) - Adds additional shadows to Saki's `6-Stripping` pose (suggestion) That's everything (for now)!
**Total Linecount: ** 2866 -> 2870 (+4) **Targeted Linecount: ** 1519 -> 1523 (+4) **Total Targeted Characters: ** 76 -> 77 (+1) Targeting Updates: - `cynthia`: 17 -> 18 (+1) - `pit`: 0 -> 3 (+3) Command executed by: Stuart#8985
Command executed by: SentimentalRotom#4264
SPNATI Utilities Bot authored
Command executed by: FarawayVision#8032
FarawayVision authored
Niels (1): Weiss Schnee: I don't give a damn 'bout my reputation WibblyWarble (1): Megumin: Lots of new targets!
- Jun 22, 2020
**Total Linecount: ** 3047 -> 3090 (+43) **Targeted Linecount: ** 1709 -> 1752 (+43) **Filtered Linecount: ** 159 -> 161 (+2) **Referenced Poses: ** 168 -> 169 (+1) **Total Targeted Characters: ** 106 -> 110 (+4) Targeting Updates: - `pa-15`: 25 -> 42 (+17) - `neptune`: 0 -> 1 (+1) - `chara_dreemurr`: 1 -> 2 (+1) - `komi-san`: 0 -> 2 (+2) - `bernadetta`: 0 -> 7 (+7) - `kazuma`: 89 -> 90 (+1) - `pyrrha`: 0 -> 15 (+15) Filter Updates: - `darkness`: 17 -> 19 (+2) Command executed by: zergling50#7439
**Total Linecount: ** 2465 -> 2470 (+5) **Generic Linecount: ** 1470 -> 1471 (+1) **Targeted Linecount: ** 817 -> 821 (+4) **Total Targeted Characters: ** 67 -> 70 (+3) Targeting Updates: - `shantae`: 0 -> 1 (+1) - `jessie`: 7 -> 8 (+1) - `futaba`: 0 -> 1 (+1) - `anna`: 0 -> 1 (+1) Command executed by: Niels#5781
ReformCopyright authored
Neptune: targets to Saki (ZLS) See merge request spnati/spnati!2036
**Total Linecount: ** 782 -> 788 (+6) **Targeted Linecount: ** 60 -> 66 (+6) **Total Targeted Characters: ** 16 -> 17 (+1) Targeting Updates: - `saki_zls`: 0 -> 6 (+6) Command executed by: Nutty31#3449
SPNATI Utilities Bot authored
Command executed by: ReformCopyright#4632
ReformCopyright authored
Nugi-chan: Nugi-chan daily update 10 See merge request spnati/spnati!2035
ReformCopyright authored
Chara Dreemurr: Generics Completely Upgraded See merge request spnati/spnati!2034
ReformCopyright authored
Myriam: added new lines, fixed lines, and fixed strip3 sprite See merge request spnati/spnati!2033
ReformCopyright authored
Saki_ZLS Bugfixes and Sponsorship Reqs Part 1 See merge request spnati/spnati!2032
- Fixes the epilogue and collectable unlocks. - Fixes some bugs. - Adds markers to Nugi-Chan lines, and makes conditional based on her Bikini costume. - Paritally fulfillfs the following sponsorship requirements: **ManiacWithTheHex** - Fixes dialogue with Natsuki when Sakura is at the table. **Dirac_dydx** - Makes Misty targets conditional on not wearing her Nostalgia costume. **napsu** - Targets every profession tag. - Targets Nep. **Zrac314** (Io) - Adjusted pose on line mentioned. - Adjusted her Stage 06 Stripped line to only fire when it would make sense to do so. More to come!
ReformCopyright authored
Neptune: fixed typos, added targets to Yuelia, more filtered lines and responses to Estelle gamer and deity filtered lines See merge request spnati/spnati!2030
**Total Linecount: ** 1187 -> 1199 (+12) **Generic Linecount: ** 471 -> 480 (+9) **Special-Conditions Linecount: ** 286 -> 288 (+2) **Targeted Linecount: ** 569 -> 571 (+2) **Total Targeted Characters: ** 125 -> 126 (+1) Targeting Updates: - `neptune`: 0 -> 1 (+1) - `rin`: 1 -> 2 (+1) Command executed by: Arndress#7172
**Total Linecount: ** 776 -> 782 (+6) **Special-Conditions Linecount: ** 26 -> 28 (+2) **Targeted Linecount: ** 54 -> 60 (+6) **Total Targeted Characters: ** 11 -> 16 (+5) Targeting Updates: - `maki`: 1 -> 2 (+1) - `ae86`: 0 -> 1 (+1) - `yuelia`: 4 -> 5 (+1) - `nami`: 0 -> 1 (+1) - `arash`: 0 -> 1 (+1) - `jura`: 0 -> 1 (+1) - `megumin`: 0 -> 1 (+1) Command executed by: Nutty31#3449
**Total Linecount: ** 2619 -> 2710 (+91) **Generic Linecount: ** 1318 -> 1349 (+31) **Special-Conditions Linecount: ** 313 -> 326 (+13) **Targeted Linecount: ** 945 -> 973 (+28) **Referenced Poses: ** 211 -> 218 (+7) **Total Targeted Characters: ** 61 -> 62 (+1) Targeting Updates: - `human`: 579 -> 596 (+17) - `9s`: 0 -> 10 (+10) - `yuelia`: 13 -> 15 (+2) Command executed by: Io#9538
**Generic Linecount: ** 623 -> 622 (-1) Command executed by: Nutty31#3449
**Total Linecount: ** 808 -> 848 (+40) **Generic Linecount: ** 592 -> 610 (+18) **Targeted Linecount: ** 192 -> 213 (+21) **Filtered Linecount: ** 25 -> 26 (+1) **Total Targeted Characters: ** 53 -> 54 (+1) Targeting Updates: - `haru`: 2 -> 5 (+3) - `kokichi`: 0 -> 4 (+4) - `mahiru`: 4 -> 8 (+4) - `sakura`: 2 -> 7 (+5) - `moon`: 5 -> 8 (+3) - `revy`: 4 -> 6 (+2) Filter Updates: - `ditzy`: 4 -> 5 (+1) Command executed by: yottakon#7970
- Jun 21, 2020
Neptune: fixed typos, added targets to Yuelia, more filtered lines and responses to Estelle gamer and deity filtered lines **Total Linecount: ** 754 -> 776 (+22) **Generic Linecount: ** 622 -> 623 (+1) **Special-Conditions Linecount: ** 23 -> 26 (+3) **Targeted Linecount: ** 47 -> 54 (+7) **Filtered Linecount: ** 46 -> 54 (+8) **Total Targeted Characters: ** 9 -> 11 (+2) **Total Targeted Tags: ** 21 -> 23 (+2) Targeting Updates: - `yuelia`: 0 -> 4 (+4) - `estelle`: 0 -> 3 (+3) Filter Updates: - `adventurer`: 0 -> 2 (+2) - `deity`: 0 -> 6 (+6) Command executed by: Nutty31#3449
ReformCopyright authored
Nugi-chan: Nugi-chan daily update 9 See merge request spnati/spnati!2028
ReformCopyright authored
Pass individual argument to .loadAlternateCostume() See merge request spnati/spnati!2029
SPNATI Utilities Bot authored
Command executed by: Arndress#7172
**Total Linecount: ** 1175 -> 1187 (+12) **Generic Linecount: ** 462 -> 471 (+9) **Special-Conditions Linecount: ** 283 -> 286 (+3) **Targeted Linecount: ** 568 -> 569 (+1) **Filtered Linecount: ** 38 -> 37 (-1) Targeting Updates: - `weiss_schnee`: 1 -> 2 (+1) Filter Updates: - `virtual`: 2 -> 1 (-1) Command executed by: Arndress#7172
ReformCopyright authored
Otherwise opponent_selected won't be triggered with alternate costumes.
ReformCopyright authored
Return Knight of the Beach to the summer set See merge request spnati/spnati!2027
ReformCopyright authored
Arndress authored
Arndress authored
Complete model rework and 93 more lines of dialogue! Credit: coolcat001100 and his amazing girlfriend
Arndress authored
Weiss now has the appropriate hair volume in three poses.
SPNATI Utilities Bot authored
Command executed by: FarawayVision#8032