In the face of recent changes in Firefox, some anons were asking for a /g/'s perfect web browser, we have collected here the most wanted features:
- Granular control over incomming traffic like Policeman (more control than uMatrix in this particular subject).
@@ -7,6 +11,8 @@ In the face of recent changes in Firefox, some anons were asking for a /g/'s per
- Custom stylesheets like Stylish.
- Userscript support like Greasemonkey.
- Cookie management like Cookie Monster.
- Work in the javascript engine implementation.
- Bookmark management.
- HTTPS with HTTP fallback and ports management like Smart HTTPS and HTTPS by default.
- Proxy management like FoxyProxy.
- "Open with" feature to use an external application, like for using a video player with youtube-dl and MPV, or for text input with a text editor, and for other protocols like ftp and gopher, and even as a file picker.
@@ -31,5 +37,3 @@ In the face of recent changes in Firefox, some anons were asking for a /g/'s per