"You get a call from [the_person.possessive_title] early in the morning. You answer it."
the_person.char "Hey [the_person.mc_title], good news! Two days ago I had a beautiful, healthy baby girl! I'll be coming back to work today." #Obviously they're all girls for extra fun in 18 years.
mc.name "That's amazing, but are you sure you don't need more rest?"
the_person.char "I'll be fine, I'll be leaving her with my [so_title], so I can come back to work sooner."
if the_person in [aunt, mom]:
the_person.char "Hey [the_person.mc_title], good news! Two days ago I had a beautiful, healthy baby girl!"
mc.name "That's amazing, where is she now?"
the_person.char "I'll be leaving her with my mother, your grand-mother for now."
elif the_person in [lily, cousin]:
the_person.char "Hey [the_person.mc_title], good news! Two days ago I had a beautiful, healthy baby girl!"
mc.name "That's amazing, where is she now?"
the_person.char "I'll be leaving her with our grandma for now, so I can get back to a normal life."
elif employee_role in the_person.special_role:
the_person.char "Hey [the_person.mc_title], good news! Two days ago I had a beautiful, healthy baby girl! I'll be coming back to work today." #Obviously they're all girls for extra fun in 18 years.
mc.name "That's amazing, but are you sure you don't need more rest?"