- Fix for adults being sent away to mother when childhood education option chosen, Normally this happens when the child reachs 3 years old, but choosing the option force updates all children, which caused the issue. Now an is_adult check is performed so only children are sent away, regardless of it occuring when they reach 3 years or the option is chosen/updated.
- Thanks to Randah!
- I ended up heavily rewriting the childhood education options, less redundent checks and much simplier overall. Also, added a interface message that lets you know when one of your kids has moved over to their mothers court.
- Corrupt Holy Order Decision - Basically rewrote the entire decision to be more robust, now allows you to select the holy order barony to corrupt, still work to be done to make sure its 100% working. As it is though it works perfectly 80-90% of the time. The last few edge cases look to be vanilla CK3 bugging out a bit.
## Changes
- Slight changes to Regula Submission cultural tradition, slight increase to stress loss (and decrease to stress gain). Remove redundant marriage parameter and have negative multiplier to cultural acceptance gain.
- Add extension events when charming a ward. Note, does NOT happen if Ward charming events are turned off.
- Thanks to Randah!
- I did make some edits to the event, also it only happens when the Guardian for the ward was the Magister, which I think makes the most sense for the event (its essentially a "bonus" for having your own personal ward).
- Holy orders (when created from the special event) now start with female order members, and use the "Inititate" templates, so are better overall
- Thanks to yancralowe!
- Also reworked the Holy Order creation process, Regula now has a special holy order creation process that gives the female order members, while the AI (non-Regula relgion characters) can use the Vanilla decision.
- Removed control penalty for mulsae usurping titles from their husbands. (I think so anyway)
- Removed control penalty for mulsae usurping titles from their husbands. Checked and this works correctly, "usurping" titles has no control penalty.
- Thanks to yancralowe!
- AI can now enact Regula traditions, once the Magister has enacted them in his primary culture
- AI Culture Heads can now enact Regula traditions (Famuli Warriors and Regula Submission), once the Magister has enacted them in his primary culture
- Thanks to yancralowe!
- Servitude War - You can now stop a Servitude war when it starts, when the AI tells you its about to start a war
- Thanks to yancralowe!
- First Tenet choice - You get to have a choice when choosing your first tenet, instead of just getting Sacred Childbirth
I plan to make this have a greater selection of choices in the future
- Thanks to yancralowe!
## Features
@@ -47,11 +59,16 @@ Thanks to the following:
- Docere Cultura interaction
- Changes the culture of a charmed female vassal to the Magisters culture. Also changes their domain and court members culture.
- Cost is based of number of court characters and counties that will change culture. The event will take into account vassals under the person you change culture
- Retire Paelex interaction
- A more graceful and dignifying way to remove a paelex from your harem for their heir. Turns them into an advisor with a special court position for their heir and makes them abdicate their domain
- A more graceful and dignifying way to remove a paelex from your harem for their heir. Turns them into an advisor with a special court position for their heir and makes them abdicate their domain.
- Requires the Paelex/Domina to have a female heir and to be older then 45
- Much nicer then divorcing them and turning them into an orba which causes them to die ;_;
- Thanks to yancralowe!
- Added "Domina offers Paelax to Magister" Event. Is now part of possible yearly events.
- Thanks to Randah!
- Made some edits to the event including making them friends. Also a bonus choice if you are lustful/deviant/high level Magister
- Icons! - Just some nice icon switches for certain interactions, hopefully every interaction has its own icon one day.
- For example a Contubernalis should have full pink eyes (contubernalis_portrait) but vanilla code eg the animation AI_zealous_decal (Crusader Kings III\game\gfx\portraits\portrait_modifiers\01_animation_expressions.txt) overwrites the "eye_accessory", so sometimes they will apear with regular eyes again. I've noticed this happen when you use a Contubernalis as a Champion/Knight, as they adopt the "zealous" animation.
- Number of Wives Cultural Tenent Clash
- The Polygamy/Monogamy/Concubine Cultural Tenets override the mod's cap on spouses.
\ No newline at end of file
- The Polygamy/Monogamy/Concubine Cultural Tenets override the mod's cap on spouses.
- Corrupt Holy Order
- Sometimes this doesnt work quite right, as holders of the baronies the Holy order should take dont allow their land to be leased
Might actually be a vanilla bug when I looked into it, doesnt always happen.
- Adultery events - Famuli characters (Paelax and Domina especially) should use the special Regula Adultery events (basically makes them never cheat). Should be fixed but need to test
- Orba/Paelex/Domina maintenace events - Should make sure these are correctly done.