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  • lowercasedonkey's avatar
    lowercasedonkey committed
    // A whitelist for ingame variables.  Used to init the game or fill in gaps.  Also used as a whitelist.  Anything not on this list will be removed on BC.
    lowercasedonkey's avatar
    lowercasedonkey committed
    App.Data.defaultGameStateVariables = {
    lowercasedonkey's avatar
    lowercasedonkey committed
    	// Page
    lowercasedonkey's avatar
    lowercasedonkey committed
    	returnTo: "init",
    	nextButton: "Continue",
    	nextLink: "Alpha disclaimer",
    lowercasedonkey's avatar
    lowercasedonkey committed
    	storedLink: "",
    lowercasedonkey's avatar
    lowercasedonkey committed
    	// Version
    	ver: 0,
    	pmodVer: 0,
    	releaseID: 0,
    lowercasedonkey's avatar
    lowercasedonkey committed
    	// Slaves
    	slaveIndices: 0,
    	genePool: [],
    lowercasedonkey's avatar
    lowercasedonkey committed
    	geneMods: {NCS: 0, rapidCellGrowth: 0},
    lowercasedonkey's avatar
    lowercasedonkey committed
    	missingTable: {},
    	slaves: [],
    lowercasedonkey's avatar
    lowercasedonkey committed
    	// PC
    	PC: {},
    lowercasedonkey's avatar
    lowercasedonkey committed
    	freshPC: 0,
    lowercasedonkey's avatar
    lowercasedonkey committed
    	IsInPrimePC: 3,
    	IsPastPrimePC: 5000,
    	PCTitle: "",
    	// Save
    	saveImported: 0,
    	// Other
    lowercasedonkey's avatar
    lowercasedonkey committed
    	cheater: 0,
    	cash: 0,
    	cashLastWeek: 0,
    lowercasedonkey's avatar
    lowercasedonkey committed
    	// UI content
    lowercasedonkey's avatar
    lowercasedonkey committed
    	FSNamePref: 0,
    	HGFormality: 1,
    	HGSeverity: 0,
    	abbreviateClothes: 2,
    	abbreviateDevotion: 2,
    	abbreviateDiet: 2,
    	abbreviateDrugs: 2,
    	abbreviateGenitalia: 2,
    	abbreviateHealth: 2,
    	abbreviateMental: 2,
    	abbreviateNationality: 2,
    	abbreviateOrigins: 2,
    	abbreviatePhysicals: 2,
    	abbreviateRace: 2,
    	abbreviateRules: 2,
    	abbreviateRulesets: 2,
    	abbreviateSidebar: 2,
    	abbreviateSkills: 2,
    	adamPrinciple: 0,
    	allowFamilyTitles: 0,
    	allowMaleSlaveNames: false,
    	autosave: 1,
    	baseDifficulty: 3,
    	dangerousPregnancy: 0,
    	debugMode: 0,
    	debugModeCustomFunction: 0,
    	difficultySwitch: 0,
    	disableLisping: 0,
    	displayAssignments: 1,
    	economy: 100,
    	expansionRequestsAllowed: 1,
    	extremeUnderage: 0,
    	familyTesting: 0,
    	formatNumbers: 1,
    	fucktoyInteractionsPosition: 1,
    	headGirlSoftensFlaws: 1,
    	headGirlTrainsFlaws: 1,
    	headGirlTrainsHealth: 1,
    	headGirlTrainsObedience: 1,
    	headGirlTrainsParaphilias: 1,
    	headGirlTrainsSkills: 1,
    	imageChoice: 1,
    	inbreeding: 1,
    	killChoice: -1,
    	lineSeparations: 1,
    	makeDicks: 0,
    	modRequestsAllowed: 1,
    	neighboringArcologies: 3,
    	newDescriptions: 0,
    lowercasedonkey's avatar
    lowercasedonkey committed
    	newModelUI: 1,
    	nicknamesAllowed: 1,
    	positionMainLinks: -1,
    	profiler: 0,
    	realRoyalties: 0,
    	retainCareer: 1,
    	rulesAssistantAuto: 0,
    	rulesAssistantMain: 1,
    	seeAge: 1,
    lowercasedonkey's avatar
    lowercasedonkey committed
    	seeArcology: 1,
    	seeAvatar: 1,
    lowercasedonkey's avatar
    lowercasedonkey committed
    	seeBestiality: 0,
    	seeCircumcision: 1,
    	seeDesk: 1,
    	seeDetails: 1,
    lowercasedonkey's avatar
    lowercasedonkey committed
    	seeDicks: 25,
    	seeDicksAffectsPregnancy: 1,
    	seeExtreme: 0,
    	seeFCNN: 1,
    lowercasedonkey's avatar
    lowercasedonkey committed
    	seeFaces: 1,
    	seeHeight: 0,
    	seeHyperPreg: 0,
    	seeIllness: 1,
    	seeImages: 0,
    	seeIncest: 1,
    lowercasedonkey's avatar
    lowercasedonkey committed
    	seeMainFetishes: 0,
    	seeNationality: 1,
    	seePee: 1,
    	seePreg: 1,
    	seeRace: 1,
    lowercasedonkey's avatar
    lowercasedonkey committed
    	seeReportImages: 1,
    	seeSummaryImages: 1,
    	seeVectorArtHighlights: 1,
    lowercasedonkey's avatar
    lowercasedonkey committed
    	showAgeDetail: 1,
    	showAppraisal: 1,
    	showAssignToScenes: 1,
    	showBodyMods: 1,
    lowercasedonkey's avatar
    lowercasedonkey committed
    	showBoobCCs: 1,
    	showClothing: 1,
    lowercasedonkey's avatar
    lowercasedonkey committed
    	showDickCMs: 1,
    	showDistantRelatives: 0,
    	showEWD: 1,
    	showEWM: 1,
    	showEconomicDetails: 0,
    	showHeightCMs: 1,
    	showImplantEffects: 1,
    lowercasedonkey's avatar
    lowercasedonkey committed
    	showInches: 1,
    	showMissingSlaves: false,
    	showMissingSlavesSD: false,
    	showNeighborDetails: 1,
    lowercasedonkey's avatar
    lowercasedonkey committed
    	showNumbers: 2,
    	showNumbersMax: 20,
    	showScores: 1,
    	showSexualHistory: 1,
    lowercasedonkey's avatar
    lowercasedonkey committed
    	showTipsFromEncy: 1,
    	showVignettes: 1,
    	slavePanelStyle: 1,
    lowercasedonkey's avatar
    lowercasedonkey committed
    	sortSlavesBy: "devotion",
    	sortSlavesMain: 1,
    	sortSlavesOrder: "descending",
    	summaryStats: 0,
    	surnameOrder: 0,
    	tabChoice: {Main: "all"},
    	universalRulesAssignsSelfFacility: 0,
    	universalRulesBirthing: 0,
    	universalRulesCSec: 0,
    	universalRulesChildrenBecomeBreeders: 0,
    lowercasedonkey's avatar
    lowercasedonkey committed
    	universalRulesConsent: 0,
    	universalRulesFacilityWork: 1,
    	universalRulesImmobileSlavesMaintainMuscles: 0,
    lowercasedonkey's avatar
    lowercasedonkey committed
    	universalRulesImpregnation: "none",
    	universalRulesNewSlavesRA: 1,
    	universalRulesRest: 0,
    	useAccordion: 0,
    	useFSNames: 1,
    	useSlaveListInPageJSNavigation: 0,
    	useSlaveSummaryOverviewTab: 0,
    	useSlaveSummaryTabs: 0,
    	useTabs: 0,
    	verboseDescriptions: 0,
    	verticalizeArcologyLinks: 0,
    	weightAffectsAssets: 1,
    	curativeSideEffects: 1,
    lowercasedonkey's avatar
    lowercasedonkey committed
    	disableTiredness: 1,
    	disableLongDamage: 1,
    lowercasedonkey's avatar
    lowercasedonkey committed
    	// eslint-disable-next-line camelcase
    	pedo_mode: 0,
    	minimumSlaveAge: 16,
    lowercasedonkey's avatar
    lowercasedonkey committed
    	fertilityAge: 13,
    	potencyAge: 13,
    	AgePenalty: 1,
    	precociousPuberty: 0,
    	loliGrow: 0,
    	retirementAge: 45,
    	customRetirementAge: 45,
    	customMenialRetirementAge: 65,
    lowercasedonkey's avatar
    lowercasedonkey committed
    	AgeEffectOnTrainerPricingPC: 1,
    	AgeEffectOnTrainerEffectivenessPC: 1,
    	AgeTrainingUpperBoundPC: 14,
    	AgeTrainingLowerBoundPC: 12,
    lowercasedonkey's avatar
    lowercasedonkey committed
    	childSex: 0,
    	showClothingErection: true,
    	masturbationAllowed: 0,
    lowercasedonkey's avatar
    lowercasedonkey committed
    lowercasedonkey's avatar
    lowercasedonkey committed
    	// Default location
    	continent: "North America",
    	terrain: "rural",
    	language: "English",
    lowercasedonkey's avatar
    lowercasedonkey committed
    	AProsperityCapModified: 0,
    lowercasedonkey's avatar
    lowercasedonkey committed
    	secExpEnabled: 0,
    // The other half of the above whitelist.  However, entries in this array will be forced to the values set here upon starting NG+.
    App.Data.resetOnNGPlus = {
    	targetArcology: {type: "New"},
    	readySlaves: 0,
    	slaveDead: 0,
    	plot: 1,
    	assignmentRecords: {},
    	marrying: [], // array of slave being married this week
    	organs: [],
    	ArcadeiIDs: [],
    	BrothiIDs: [],
    	CellBiIDs: [],
    	CliniciIDs: [],
    	ClubiIDs: [],
    	DairyiIDs: [],
    	FarmyardiIDs: [],
    	HGSuiteiIDs: [],
    	MastSiIDs: [],
    	SchlRiIDs: [],
    	ServQiIDs: [],
    	SpaiIDs: [],
    	NurseryiIDs: [],
    	corp: {},
    	dividendTimer: 0,
    	personalShares: 0,
    	publicShares: 0,
    	SF: {},
    	shelterGirlsIDs: [], // Only needed in endweek loop
    lowercasedonkey's avatar
    lowercasedonkey committed
    	recuriterOffice: 0,
    	campaign: 0,
    	miniTruth: 0,
    	secretService: 0,
    	fakeNews: 0,
    	controlLeaks: 0,
    	marketInfiltration: 0,
    	blackOps: 0,
    	focus: "social engineering",
    lowercasedonkey's avatar
    lowercasedonkey committed
    	thisWeeksFSWares: 0,
    	thisWeeksIllegalWares: 0,
    	Sweatshops: 0,
    lowercasedonkey's avatar
    lowercasedonkey committed
    lowercasedonkey's avatar
    lowercasedonkey committed
    	milkTap: 0,
    lowercasedonkey's avatar
    lowercasedonkey committed
    	militiaRecruitmen: 0,
    	rivalID: 0,
    	eventDescription: 0,
    	eliteAuctioned: 0,
    	slavesSacrificedThisWeek: 0,
    	subSlaves: 0,
    	PopCap: 0,
    	HGtraining: "",
    	mercenariesTitle: "",
    	milk: 0,
    	cum: 0,
    	hormones: 0,
    	milkSale: 0,
    	FSReminder: 0,
    	facility: {},
    	boomerangStats: {},
    	FSNonconformist: "",
    	econAdvantage: 0,
    	attackType: "none",
    	attackThisWeek: 0,
    	lastAttackWeeks: 0,
    	lastRebellionWeeks: 0,
    	hasFoughtOnce: 0,
    	hasFoughtMajorBattleOnce: 0,
    	hasRebelledOnce: 0,
    	majorBattle: 0,
    	PCvictoryStreak: 0,
    	PClossStreak: 0,
    	foughtThisWeek: 0,
    	/* edicts */
    	alternativeRents: 0,
    	enslavementRights: 0,
    	securityExemption: 0,
    	sellData: 0,
    	propCampaignBoost: 0,
    	slaveWatch: 0,
    	subsidyChurch: 0,
    	limitImmigration: 0,
    	openBorders: 0,
    	slavesOfficers: 0,
    	martialSchool: 0,
    	discountMercenaries: 0,
    	militiaFounded: 0,
    	recruitVolunteers: 0,
    	conscription: 0,
    	militaryService: 0,
    	militarizedSociety: 0,
    	militaryExemption: 0,
    	lowerRquirements: 0,
    	noSubhumansInArmy: 0,
    	pregExemption: 0,
    	eliteOfficers: 0,
    	liveTargets: 0,
    	legionTradition: 0,
    	eagleWarriors: 0,
    	ronin: 0,
    	sunTzu: 0,
    	mamluks: 0,
    	pharaonTradition: 0,
    	weaponsLaw: 3,
    	soldierWages: 1,
    	militiaSoldierPrivilege: 0,
    	slaveSoldierPrivilege: 0,
    	mercSoldierPrivilege: 0,
    	tradeLegalAid: 0,
    	taxTrade: 0,
    	/* buildings */
    	secHQ: 0,
    	secMenials: 0,
    	secUpgrades: {},
    	crimeUpgrades: {},
    	intelUpgrades: {},
    	readinessUpgrades: {},
    	riotCenter: 0,
    	riotUpgrades: {},
    	fort: {},
    	sentUnitCooldown: 0,
    	advancedRiotEquip: 0,
    	brainImplant: -1,
    	brainImplantProject: 0,
    	weapMenials: 0,
    	weapManu: 0,
    	weapProductivity: 1,
    	weapLab: 1,
    	baseUpgradeTime: 10,
    	weapUpgrades: [],
    	currentUpgrade: {},
    	droneUpgrades: {},
    	humanUpgrade: {},
    	sellTo: {},
    	completedUpgrades: [],
    	transportHub: 0,
    	airport: 1,
    	railway: 1,
    	docks: 1,
    	hubSecurity: 1,
    	/* events */
    	smilingManProgress: 0,
    	investedFunds: 0,
    	relationshipLM: 0,
    	captureRoute: 0,
    	collaborationRoute: 0,
    	smilingManWeek: 0,
    	globalCrisisWeeks: 0,
    	smilingManFate: 4,
    	/* rebellions */
    	tension: 0,
    	slaveProgress: 0,
    	citizenProgress: 0,
    	slaveRebellionEventFires: 0,
    	citizenRebellionEventFires: 0,
    	slaveRebellion: 0,
    	citizenRebellion: 0,
    	rebellingUnits: [],
    	engageRule: 0,
    	irregulars: 0,
    	rebellingMilitia: 0,
    	rebellingSlaves: 0,
    	rebellingMercs: 0,
    	repairTime: 3,
    	arcRepairTime: 0,
    	garrison: {},
    	rebellionsCount: 0,
    	PCrebWon: 0,
    	PCrebLoss: 0,
    	/* armed forces stats */
    	targetUnit: 0,
    	targetIndex: 0,
    	secBotsCost: 500,
    	secBotsUpgradeCost: 250,
    	equipUpgradeCost: 250,
    	maxTroops: 30,
    	militiaTotalManpower: 0,
    	militiaFreeManpower: 0,
    	militiaEmployedManpower: 0,
    	militiaTotalCasualties: 0,
    	slavesEmployedManpower: 0,
    	slavesTotalCasualties: 0,
    	slavesMaxTroops: 30,
    	mercTotalManpower: 0,
    	mercFreeManpower: 0,
    	mercEmployedManpower: 0,
    	mercTotalCasualties: 0,
    	militiaLoyalty: 0,
    	slaveArmyLoyalty: 0,
    	mercLoyalty: 0,
    	createdSlavesUnits: 0,
    	createdMilitiaUnits: 0,
    	createdMercUnits: 0,
    	/* battle relevant vars */
    	slaveVictories: [],
    	slaveIncreasedPrestige: 0,
    	totalKills: 0,
    	battlesCount: 0,
    	majorBattlesCount: 0,
    	chosenTactic: "none",
    	leadingTroops: "none",
    	attackTroops: 0,
    	attackEquip: 0,
    	battleTerrain: "none",
    	maxTurns: 10,
    	battleResult: 4,
    	/* sets battleResult value outside accepted range (-3,3) to avoid evaluation problems */
    	losses: 0,
    	enemyLosses: 0,
    	battleTurns: 0,
    	tacticsSuccessful: 0,
    	leaderWounded: 0,
    	/* 0=no wound, 1=mute, 2=blind, 3=amputee, 4=health */
    	gainedCombat: 0,
    	gainedWarfare: 0,
    	expectedEquip: 0,
    	estimatedMen: 0,
    	SFIntervention: 0,
    	carriableSoldiers: 0,
    	SFatk: 0,
    	SFdef: 0,
    	SFhp: 0,
    	rebellingID: [],
    	saveValid: 0,
    	lastSelection: [],
    	/* statistics */
    	equipMod: 0.15,
    	secBotsBaseAttack: 7,
    	secBotsBaseDefense: 3,
    	secBotsMorale: 200,
    	secBotsBaseHp: 3,
    	militiaBaseAttack: 0,
    	militiaBaseDefense: 0,
    	militiaBaseMorale: 0,
    	militiaBaseHp: 0,
    	slaveBaseAttack: 0,
    	slaveBaseDefense: 0,
    	slaveBaseMorale: 0,
    	slaveBaseHp: 0,
    	mercBaseAttack: 0,
    	mercBaseDefense: 0,
    	mercBaseMorale: 0,
    	mercBaseHp: 0,
    	SFBaseAttack: 0,
    	SFBaseDefense: 0,
    	SFBaseMorale: 0,
    	SFBaseHp: 0,
    	raBaseAttack: 7,
    	raBaseDefense: 2,
    	raBaseMorale: 100,
    	raBaseHp: 2,
    	fcBaseAttack: 6,
    	fcBaseDefense: 4,
    	fcBaseMorale: 130,
    	fcBaseHp: 3,
    	owBaseAttack: 8,
    	owBaseDefense: 4,
    	owBaseMorale: 110,
    	owBaseHp: 2,
    	ffBaseAttack: 9,
    	ffBaseDefense: 2,
    	ffBaseMorale: 160,
    	ffBaseHp: 2,
    	/* units */
    	secBots: {},
    	militiaUnits: [],
    	slaveUnits: [],
    	mercUnits: [],
    	/* SFanon additions */
    	SFSupportLevel: 0,
    	SFGear: 0,
    	SavedLeader: 0,
    	SavedSFI: 0,
    lowercasedonkey's avatar
    lowercasedonkey committed
    	sectionInFirebase: 0,
    lowercasedonkey's avatar
    lowercasedonkey committed
    	/* base vars */
    	secExp: {},
    	PCvictories: 0,
    	PClosses: 0,
    	/* buildings */
    	woundType: 0,
    	/* 0:no wound, 1:mute, 2:blind, 3:amputee, 4<:health */
    	showOne: 0,
    	showTwo: 0,
    	showThree: 0,
    	showFour: 0,
    	showFive: 0,
    	showSix: 0,
    	showSeven: 0,
    	showEight: 0,
    	showNine: 0,
    	showTen: 0,
    	showEleven: 0,
    	showTwelve: 0,
    	showThirteen: 0,
    	showFourteen: 0,
    	showFifteen: 0,
    	showSixteen: 0,
    	reminderEntry: "",
    	reminderWeek: "",
    	lastWeeksCashIncome: {},
    	lastWeeksCashExpenses: {},
    	lastWeeksCashProfits: {},
    	lastWeeksRepIncome: {},
    	lastWeeksRepExpenses: {},
    	lastWeeksRepProfits: {},
    	currentRule: {},
    	costs: 0,
    	seeBuilding: 0,
    	slaveOneTimeMinAge: 0,
    	slaveOneTimeMaxAge: 0,
    	purchasedSagBGone: 0,
    	eliteFail: 0,
    	eliteFailTimer: 0,
    	nurseryGrowthStimsSetting: 0,
    	MadamIgnoresFlaws: 0,
    	farmyardBreeding: 0,
    	farmyardShows: 0,
    	DJignoresFlaws: 0,
    	slaveFightingBG: 0,
    	SecExp: {},
    	HGSlaveSuccess: 0,
    	unMadam: 0,
    	madamCashBonus: 0,
    	whorePriceAdjustment: {},
    	unDJ: 0,
    	DJRepBonus: 0,
    	fuckSlaves: 0,
    	freeSexualEnergy: 0,
    	publicServants: 0,
    	averageDick: 0,
    	slavesWithWorkingDicks: 0,
    	slaveJobValues: {},
    	FSSlaveProfLawTrigger: 0,
    	fluid: 0,
    	cumSale: 0,
    	revivalistLanguage: 0,
    	assistant: {},
    	localEcon: 0,
    	econRate: 0,
    	drugsCost: 0,
    	rulesCost: 0,
    	modCost: 0,
    	surgeryCost: 0,
    	arcologies: [],
    	leaders: [],
    	HackingSkillMultiplier: 0,
    	upgradeMultiplierArcology: 0,
    	upgradeMultiplierMedicine: 0,
    	upgradeMultiplierTrade: 0,
    	nationalities: {},
    	JobIDArray: {},
    	averageTrust: 0,
    	averageDevotion: 0,
    	enduringTrust: 0,
    	enduringDevotion: 0,
    	defaultRules: [],
    	REFeminizationCheckinIDs: [],
    	REMILFCheckinIDs: [],
    	REOrientationCheckinIDs: [],
    	REUglyCheckinIDs: [],
    	REButtholeCheckinIDs: [],
    	REFutaSisterCheckinIDs: [],
    	REReductionCheckinIDs: [],
    	activeSlave: 0,
    	activeChild: 0,
    	reminders: [],
    	boomerangSlave: 0,
    	boomerangWeeks: 0,
    	boomerangBuyer: 0,
    	bioreactorPerfectedID: 0,
    	independenceDay: 0,
    	invasionVictory: 0,
    	daughtersVictory: 0,
    	startingGirlCopied: 0,
    	startingGirlRelation: 0,
    	archetyped: 0,
    	createRelatedSlave: 0,
    	slavesVisible: 0,
    	dormitory: 20,
    	dormitoryPopulation: 0,
    	rooms: 5,
    	roomsPopulation: 0,
    	brothelDecoration: "standard",
    	brothelUpgradeDrugs: 0,
    	brothelAdsSpending: 0,
    	brothelAdsOld: 0,
    	brothelAdsModded: 0,
    	brothelAdsImplanted: 0,
    	brothelAdsStacked: 0,
    	brothelAdsPreg: 0,
    	brothelAdsXX: 0,
    	brothelName: "the Brothel",
    	brothelNameCaps: "The Brothel",
    	brothel: 0,
    	dairyDecoration: "standard",
    	dairyPrepUpgrade: 0,
    	dairyStimulatorsUpgrade: 0,
    	dairyStimulatorsSetting: 0,
    	dairyStimulatorsSettingChanged: 0,
    	dairyFeedersUpgrade: 0,
    	dairyFeedersSetting: 0,
    	dairyFeedersSettingChanged: 0,
    	dairyPregUpgrade: 0,
    	dairyPregSetting: 0,
    	dairyPregSettingChanged: 0,
    	dairyRestraintsUpgrade: 0,
    	dairyRestraintsSetting: 0,
    	dairySlimMaintainUpgrade: 0,
    	dairySlimMaintain: 0,
    	dairyHyperPregRemodel: 0,
    	dairyWeightSetting: 0,
    	dairyImplantsSetting: 1,
    	dairyUpgradeMenials: 0,
    	createBioreactors: 0,
    	bioreactorsAnnounced: 0,
    	bioreactorsHerm: 0,
    	bioreactorsXX: 0,
    	bioreactorsXY: 0,
    	bioreactorsBarren: 0,
    	dairyName: "the Dairy",
    	dairyNameCaps: "The Dairy",
    	dairy: 0,
    	cumSlaves: 0,
    	clubDecoration: "standard",
    	clubUpgradePDAs: 0,
    	clubAdsSpending: 0,
    	clubAdsOld: 0,
    	clubAdsModded: 0,
    	clubAdsImplanted: 0,
    	clubAdsStacked: 0,
    	clubAdsPreg: 0,
    	clubAdsXX: 0,
    	clubName: "the Club",
    	clubNameCaps: "The Club",
    	club: 0,
    	servantsQuartersDecoration: "standard",
    	servantsQuartersUpgradeMonitoring: 0,
    	servantsQuarters: 0,
    	servantsQuartersName: "the Servants' Quarters",
    	servantsQuartersNameCaps: "The Servants' Quarters",
    	schoolroomDecoration: "standard",
    	schoolroomUpgradeSkills: 0,
    	schoolroomUpgradeLanguage: 0,
    	schoolroomUpgradeRemedial: 0,
    	schoolroomRemodelBimbo: 0,
    	schoolroom: 0,
    	schoolroomName: "the Schoolroom",
    	schoolroomNameCaps: "The Schoolroom",
    	spaDecoration: "standard",
    	spa: 0,
    	spaSpots: 0,
    	spaUpgrade: 0,
    	spaFix: 0,
    	spaName: "the Spa",
    	spaNameCaps: "The Spa",
    	// Incubator Subsection
    	incubator: 0,
    	incubatorSlaves: 0,
    	incubatorBulkRelease: 0,
    	incubatorOrgans: [],
    	incubatorOldID: 0,
    	incubatorUpgradeSpeed: 5,
    	incubatorUpgradeWeight: 0,
    	incubatorUpgradeMuscles: 0,
    	incubatorUpgradeGrowthStims: 0,
    	incubatorUpgradeReproduction: 0,
    	incubatorUpgradeOrgans: 0,
    	incubatorImprintSetting: 0,
    	incubatorWeightSetting: 0,
    	incubatorMusclesSetting: 0,
    	incubatorGrowthStimsSetting: 0,
    	incubatorReproductionSetting: 0,
    	incubatorName: "the Incubator",
    	incubatorNameCaps: "The Incubator",
    	reservedChildren: 0,
    	tanks: [],
    	clinicDecoration: "standard",
    	clinic: 0,
    	clinicUpgradeFilters: 0,
    	clinicUpgradeScanner: 0,
    	clinicUpgradePurge: 0,
    	clinicObservePregnancy: 1,
    	clinicInflateBelly: 0,
    	clinicSpeedGestation: 0,
    lowercasedonkey's avatar
    lowercasedonkey committed
    	clinicName: "the Clinic",
    	clinicNameCaps: "The Clinic",
    	arcadeDecoration: "standard",
    	arcadeUpgradeInjectors: 0,
    	arcadeUpgradeFuckdolls: 0,
    	arcadeUpgradeCollectors: 0,
    	arcadeUpgradeHealth: -1,
    	arcadeName: "the Arcade",
    	arcadeNameCaps: "The Arcade",
    	arcade: 0,
    	fuckdollsSold: 0,
    	cellblockDecoration: "standard",
    	cellblockUpgrade: 0,
    	cellblock: 0,
    	cellblockName: "the Cellblock",
    	cellblockNameCaps: "The Cellblock",
    	cellblockWardenCumsInside: 1,
    	masterSuiteDecoration: "standard",
    	masterSuiteUpgradeLuxury: 0,
    	masterSuiteUpgradePregnancy: 0,				/* Is the upgrade active? */
    	masterSuitePregnancyFertilityDrugs: 0,			/* Are slaves being put on fertility drugs? */
    	masterSuitePregnancyFertilitySupplements: 0,	/* Are those drugs being supplemented (health benefits and (even) more multiple pregnancies) */
    	masterSuitePregnancySlaveLuxuries: 0,			/* Are the slaves being given some nicer things to reduce stress during preg? (health/devotion/trust benefits) */
    	universalHGImpregnateMasterSuiteToggle: 0,		/* Will the HG impregnate fertile slaves in the MS? */
    	masterSuiteHyperPregnancy: 0,
    	masterSuite: 0,
    	masterSuiteName: "the Master Suite",
    	masterSuiteNameCaps: "The Master Suite",
    	// Nursery Subsection
    	nursery: 0,						/* counts the number of children the nursery can support */
    	nurseryNannies: 0,					/* counts the number of nannies the nursery can support */
    	nurseryBabies: 0,					/* counts the number of children currently in the nursery */
    	MatronInfluence: 0,				/* check for whether the children are influenced by the Matron */
    	nannyInfluence: 0,					/* check for whether the children are influenced by the nannies */
    	nurseryDecoration: "standard",
    	nurseryWeight: 0,
    	nurseryMuscles: 0,
    	nurseryHormones: 0,
    	nurseryOrgans: 0,					/* not currently in use */
    	nurseryImprintSetting: 0,
    	nurseryWeightSetting: 0,
    	nurseryMusclesSetting: 0,
    	nurseryHormonesSetting: 0,
    	nurseryName: "the Nursery",
    	nurseryNameCaps: "The Nursery",
    	reservedChildrenNursery: 0,
    	cribs: [],							/* array of children in the nursery */
    	cribsFreed: [],					/* array of children that have been freed */
    lowercasedonkey's avatar
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    	sortNurseryList: "Unsorted",
    	targetAgeNursery: 18,
    lowercasedonkey's avatar
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    	// Farmyard Subsection %/
    	farmyard: 0,
    	farmyardShowgirls: [],			/* array of farmhands putting on shows */
    	farmyardFarmers: [],			/* array of farmhands farming */
    	farmMenials: 0,
    	farmMenialsSpace: 0,
    	farmyardDecoration: "standard",
    	farmyardUpgrade: {
    		pump: 0, fertilizer: 0, hydroponics: 0, machinery: 0, seeds: 0, lab: 0
    lowercasedonkey's avatar
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    	farmyardCrops: 0,
    	farmyardStable: 0,
    	farmyardKennels: 0,
    	farmyardCages: 0,
    	activeCanine: 0,
    	activeHooved: 0,
    	activeFeline: 0,
    	farmyardLab: 0,
    	farmyardLabUpgrades: {animalOvaries: 0, animalTesticles: 0, animalMpreg: 0},
    	animalsBought: {
    		canines: 0, hooved: 0, felines: 0, labradorRetrievers: 0, germanShepherds: 0, goldenRetrievers: 0, frenchBulldogs: 0, bulldogs: 0, beagles: 0, poodles: 0, rottweilers: 0, yorkshireTerriers: 0, siberianHuskies: 0, horses: 0, bulls: 0, pigs: 0, siameses: 0, persians: 0, maineCoons: 0, ragdolls: 0, bengals: 0, abbysinians: 0, birmans: 0, orientalShorthairs: 0, sphynxes: 0, russianBlues: 0, wolves: 0, foxes: 0, jackals: 0, dingos: 0, zebras: 0, cougars: 0, jaguars: 0, pumas: 0, lynx: 0, leopards: 0, lions: 0, tigers: 0
    lowercasedonkey's avatar
    lowercasedonkey committed
    	canines: [],
    	hooved: [],
    	felines: [],
    	farmyardName: "the Farmyard",
    	farmyardNameCaps: "The Farmyard",
    lowercasedonkey's avatar
    lowercasedonkey committed
    	HGSuite: 0,
    	HGSuiteSurgery: 1,
    	HGSuiteDrugs: 1,
    	HGSuiteHormones: 1,
    	HGSuiteEquality: 0,
    	HGSuiteName: "the Head Girl Suite",
    	HGSuiteNameCaps: "The Head Girl Suite",
    	fighterIDs: [],
    	pitBG: 0,
    	pitAnimal: 0,
    	pitAnimalType: 0,
    	pitAudience: "none",
    	pitLethal: 0,
    	pitVirginities: 0,
    	pitFought: 0,
    	pit: 0,
    	pitName: "the Pit",
    	pitNameCaps: "The Pit",
    	dojo: 0,
    	feeder: 0,
    	cockFeeder: 0,
    	suppository: 0,
    	weatherCladding: 0,
    	weatherAwareness: 0,
    	boobAccessibility: 0,
    	servantMilkers: 0,
    	servantMilkersMultiplier: 1,
    lowercasedonkey's avatar
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    	studio: 0,
    	studioFeed: 0,
    	PCSlutContacts: 1,
    lowercasedonkey's avatar
    lowercasedonkey committed
    	/* Porn star counts (prestige 1) and ID's (prestige 3) */
    	pornStars: {},
    lowercasedonkey's avatar
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    	pregInventor: 0,
    	pregInventorID: 0,
    	pregInventions: 0,
    lowercasedonkey's avatar
    lowercasedonkey committed
    	legendaryWhoreID: 0,
    	legendaryEntertainerID: 0,
    	legendaryCowID: 0,
    	legendaryBallsID: 0,
    	legendaryWombID: 0,
    	legendaryAbolitionistID: 0,
    	FSAnnounced: 0,
    	FSCredits: 0,
    	FSGotRepCredits: 0,
    	FSCreditCount: 5,
    lowercasedonkey's avatar
    lowercasedonkey committed
    	FSSingleSlaveRep: 10,
    	FSSpending: 0,
    	FSLockinLevel: 100,
    	applyLaw: 0,
    	FSPromenade: {
    		Subjugationist: 0, Supremacist: 0, GenderRadicalist: 0, GenderFundamentalist: 0, Paternalist: 0, Degradationist: 0, BodyPurist: 0, TransformationFetishist: 0, YouthPreferentialist: 0, MaturityPreferentialist: 0, SlimnessEnthusiast: 0, AssetExpansionist: 0, Pastoralist: 0, PhysicalIdealist: 0, ChattelReligionist: 0, RomanRevivalist: 0, AztecRevivalist: 0, EgyptianRevivalist: 0, EdoRevivalist: 0, ArabianRevivalist: 0, ChineseRevivalist: 0, Repopulationist: 0, Eugenics: 0, Hedonism: 0, IntellectualDependency: 0, SlaveProfessionalism: 0, PetiteAdmiration: 0, StatuesqueGlorification: 0
    	// new corporation variables
    	newCorp: 1,
    	vanillaShareSplit: 1,
    lowercasedonkey's avatar
    lowercasedonkey committed
    	/* Slave sexual services and goods variables */
    	publicFuckdolls: 0,
    	classSatisfied: {
    		lowerClass: 0, middleClass: 0, upperClass: 0, topClass: 0
    	whoreBudget: {
    		lowerClass: 7, middleClass: 40, upperClass: 200, topClass: 1500
    	arcadePrice: 2,
    	clubSlaveSexAmount: 0,
    lowercasedonkey's avatar
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    lowercasedonkey's avatar
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    	shelterSlave: 0,
    	shelterSlaveBought: 0,
    	shelterAbuse: 0,
    	shelterSlaveGeneratedWeek: 0,
    lowercasedonkey's avatar
    lowercasedonkey committed
    lowercasedonkey's avatar
    lowercasedonkey committed
    	// alternate clothing access variables
    	clothesBoughtBunny: 0,
    	clothesBoughtConservative: 0,
    	clothesBoughtChains: 0,
    	clothesBoughtWestern: 0,
    	clothesBoughtOil: 0,
    	clothesBoughtHabit: 0,
    	clothesBoughtToga: 0,
    	clothesBoughtHuipil: 0,
    	clothesBoughtKimono: 0,
    	clothesBoughtHarem: 0,
    	clothesBoughtQipao: 0,
    	clothesBoughtEgypt: 0,
    	clothesBoughtBelly: 0,
    	clothesBoughtMaternityDress: 0,
    	clothesBoughtMaternityLingerie: 0,
    	clothesBoughtLazyClothes: 0,
    	clothesBoughtBimbo: 0,
    	clothesBoughtCourtesan: 0,
    	shoesBoughtHeels: 0,
    	clothesBoughtPetite: 0,
    	// non-fs
    	clothesBoughtMilitary: 0,
    	clothesBoughtCultural: 0,
    	clothesBoughtMiddleEastern: 0,
    	clothesBoughtPol: 0,
    	clothesBoughtCostume: 0,
    	clothesBoughtPantsu: 0,
    	clothesBoughtCareer: 0,
    	clothesBoughtDresses: 0,
    	clothesBoughtBodysuits: 0,
    	clothesBoughtCasual: 0,
    	clothesBoughtUnderwear: 0,
    	clothesBoughtSports: 0,
    	clothesBoughtPony: 0,
    	clothesBoughtSwimwear: 0,
    	toysBoughtDildos: 0,
    	toysBoughtGags: 0,
    	toysBoughtVaginalAttachments: 0,
    	toysBoughtButtPlugs: 0,
    	toysBoughtButtPlugTails: 0,
    	toysBoughtSmartVibes: 0,
    	buckets: 0,
    lowercasedonkey's avatar
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    lowercasedonkey's avatar
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    	specialSlavesPriceOverride: 0,
    	pregAccessibility: 0,
    	dickAccessibility: 0,
    	ballsAccessibility: 0,
    	buttAccessibility: 0,
    	ageMode: 0,
    	enema: 0,
    	medicalEnema: 0,
    	dairyPiping: 0,
    	inflatedSlavesMilk: 0,
    	inflatedSlavesCum: 0,
    	milkPipeline: 0,
    	cumPipeline: 0,
    	wcPiping: 0,
    	burstee: 0,
    	slaveDeath: 0,
    	playerBred: 0,
    	propOutcome: 0,
    	EliteSires: ["crazy", "futa", "moves", "preggo", "quick", "virgin"],
    	startingPoint: -1,
    	PhysicalRetirementAgePolicy: 0,
    	raped: -1,
    	children: [],
    	missingParentID: -10000,
    	startingSlaveRelative: 0,
    	mom: 0,
    	/* animalParts: 0,*/
    	originOveride: 0,
    	playerAging: 2,
    	pregSpeedControl: 0,
    	playerSurgery: 0,
    	playerGetsMilked: 0,
    	bodyswapAnnounced: 0,
    	surnamesForbidden: 0,
    	menstruation: 0,
    	FCTVcount: 0,
    	FCTVrate: 4,
    	FCTVreceiver: 0,
    	receiverAvailable: 0,
    	FCTVshow: 0,
    	FCTVremote: 0,
    	lastShow: 0,
    	randShow: 0,
    	FCNNstation: 0,
    	MercenariesMessageSent: 0,
    	SpecialForcesMessageSent: 0,
    	BodyguardHasSucessfullyRecivedSignal: 0,
    	finalChoice: "none",
    	eliteTotal: 12,
    	eliteDead: 0,
    	eliteVegetable: 0,
    	eliteFate: 0,
    	swanSong: 0,
    lowercasedonkey's avatar
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    	swanSongWeek: 99999,
    lowercasedonkey's avatar
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    	failedElite: 0,
    	eugenicsFullControl: 0,
    	badC: 0,
    	badB: 0,
    	schoolSuggestion: 0,
    	TSS: {
    		schoolUpgrade: 0, schoolPresent: 0, schoolProsperity: 0, subsidize: 0, schoolAnnexed: 0, studentsBought: 0, schoolSale: 0
    	GRI: {
    		schoolUpgrade: 0, schoolPresent: 0, schoolProsperity: 0, subsidize: 0, schoolAnnexed: 0, studentsBought: 0, schoolSale: 0
    	SCP: {
    		schoolUpgrade: 0, schoolPresent: 0, schoolProsperity: 0, subsidize: 0, schoolAnnexed: 0, studentsBought: 0, schoolSale: 0
    	LDE: {
    		schoolUpgrade: 0, schoolPresent: 0, schoolProsperity: 0, subsidize: 0, schoolAnnexed: 0, studentsBought: 0, schoolSale: 0
    	TGA: {
    		schoolUpgrade: 0, schoolPresent: 0, schoolProsperity: 0, subsidize: 0, schoolAnnexed: 0, studentsBought: 0, schoolSale: 0
    	TCR: {
    		schoolUpgrade: 0, schoolPresent: 0, schoolProsperity: 0, subsidize: 0, schoolAnnexed: 0, studentsBought: 0, schoolSale: 0
    	TFS: {
    		farmUpgrade: 0, schoolUpgrade: 0, schoolPresent: 0, schoolProsperity: 0, subsidize: 0, schoolAnnexed: 0, studentsBought: 0, schoolSale: 0, compromiseWeek: 0
    	futaAddiction: 0,
    	HA: {
    		schoolUpgrade: 0, schoolPresent: 0, schoolProsperity: 0, subsidize: 0, schoolAnnexed: 0, studentsBought: 0, schoolSale: 0
    	NUL: {
    		schoolUpgrade: 0, schoolPresent: 0, schoolProsperity: 0, subsidize: 0, schoolAnnexed: 0, studentsBought: 0, schoolSale: 0
    lowercasedonkey's avatar
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    lowercasedonkey's avatar
    lowercasedonkey committed
    	IDNumber: 1,
    lowercasedonkey's avatar
    lowercasedonkey committed