QuickList is built from the interaction of six parts.
1] The Quick List option enable/disable control.
2] The list context, basically if there are more than one, and the
3] The Slave Summary Passage contains the Quick List toggle button,
4] The Slave Summary Passage contains the actual quick list table, which
if shown has a button for each slave name in the list, in columns up
to 5 wide.
generated with an html attribute id set to "slave-##" where ## is the
slave's ID.
6] The JS code to tie a scroll animation from the visible name buttons
The slave summary passage is called in many strange contexts, and for
this reason, there is some serious complexity in getting consistent
results. As it stands now, the passage sometimes calls itself
recursively (for facilities), but it doesn't do that for the Main
list context to get the slave names in the list, all without disturbing
the principal list context for the slave data.
We use special attributes on the built button to name the invisible