Her innumerable brood are awakened by her exertions and begin to move, testing the thin walls of the womb constraining them and causing her belly to throb ominously. You count the number of infants distinctly outlined against your poor hyperbroodmother's straining body.
<<elseif ($activeSlave.broodmother == 1) && ($activeSlave.preg >= 30)>>
With a groan of effort, the broodmother manages to pull her belly slightly further out through the doorway, but, in the effort, only really manages to wedge it more firmly. It bulges ominously fromthe added pressure.
The massively pregnant slave's belly clutches in a false contraction and she pulls several inches further out through the doorframe before it expands again, leaving her even more hopelessly stuck
She moans and rubs up and down what little she can reach of her belly while looking back at you with more urgency. It's clear she is in severe distress.
"<<Master>>," she says through clenched teeth. "Plea<<s>>e."
You judge that you've seen enough and move forward.
<<if $activeSlave.butt > 10>>
Grabbing a handful of one generous ass cheek,
Slapping a pert ass cheek,
<<if canDoVaginal($activeSlave)>>
you hilt yourself in her pregnant pussy and begin pounding.
<<= VaginalVCheck()>>
<<elseif canDoAnal($activeSlave)>>
you hilt yourself in her butthole and begin pounding.
<<= AnalVCheck()>>
you push them together around your cock and begin pounding.
Her stomach distorts back and forth under your vigorous ministrations before, with a "pop," belly, slave, and owner come tumbling through the threshold. She yelps in;shock@@ and;pain@@ as her belly impacts the ground as the sound of her voice, coupled with the feeling of jolting up and down on top of your slave's abused gut, sends you over the edge. You ejaculate
<<if canDoVaginal($activeSlave)>>
into her fertile, wanting hole
<<elseif canDoAnal($activeSlave)>>
into her needy hole
across her back
and then slide off of her to instruct your servants to fix the doorframe before they carry her to her duties for the day.
<<set $ -= 20, $ -= 20>>
<</link>><<if canDoVaginal($activeSlave) && ($activeSlave.vagina == 0)>>//This option will take virginity//<<elseif !canDoVaginal($activeSlave) && canDoAnal($activeSlave) && ($activeSlave.anus == 0)>> //This option will take anal virginity//<</if>>
You can't help but be aroused by the sight of your swollen, helpless slave, and you take off your pants, revealing your erection. The slave's <<if canSee($activeSlave)>>backward glance falls on your dick<<else>>ears perk up<</if>> and she
<<if $activeSlave.amp == 1>>
wiggling the stumps of her legs and swiveling her hips to give you a clear angle at her hungry <<if canDoVaginal($activeSlave)>>pussy<<else>>ass<</if>>.
spreading her legs and revealing more of her massive underbelly while angling her wanting <<if canDoVaginal($activeSlave)>>pussy<<else>>ass<</if>> at the perfect angle for fucking.
blushes, swiveling her hips to give you easy access to her <<if canDoVaginal($activeSlave)>>pussy<<else>>ass<</if>>.
<<elseif $activeSlave.devotion > 20>>
blushes and leans into her belly, knowing what to expect.
<<elseif ($ < -20) && ($activeSlave.devotion > -10)>>
moans nervously.
<<elseif ($ < -50)>>
yelps, turning away from you and clenching her eyes shut as her
<<if $activeSlave.amp == 1>>
stumps push toward each other, clearly trying (and failing) to conceal her <<if canDoVaginal($activeSlave)>>pussy<<else>>ass<</if>>.
legs instinctively clench together to hide her <<if canDoVaginal($activeSlave)>>pussy<<else>>ass<</if>>.
You step forward and run an appreciative hand over the surface of her belly. Her womb is packed so full that the outline of her squirming children is obvious under her stretched-thin flesh. She groans at your touch, clearly in some distress, and you promise her that you'll free her once you've finished up.
The slave is clearly too aroused by your fondling to <<if canHear($activeSlave)>>hear what you're saying<<else>>interpret your body language<</if>> and leans back into you, stretching against $his tortured belly to nibble at your ear.
The slave says nothing, but wiggles her ass against your hips, making it clear she's ready.
You can see tears streaming down the slave's face from the discomfort she's experiencing, but she nods that she's ready.
<<elseif ($ < -20) && ($activeSlave.devotion > -10)>>
The slave cries and begs you to finish quickly and help her before she bursts.
<<elseif ($ < -50)>>
The shock of contact with your body causes the terrified slave's skin to contract, as if she's trying to pull away despite her current reality, and her only response to your promise is sobbing.
<<if !canTalk($activeSlave)>>
motions for you to
responds by telling you to
just fuck her already and let her move on with her day.
You let your hand wander downward
<<if canDoVaginal($activeSlave)>>
and then push down on the base of her clit with finger and thumb, making her whimper, before removing your hand and burying your cock inside her.
<<= VaginalVCheck()>>
<<elseif canDoAnal($activeSlave)>>
and circle her anus with a finger, making her whimper, before removing your hand and burying your cock inside her.
<<= AnalVCheck()>>
and trace the edge of her chastity with a finger, making her whimper, before removing your hand and sqeezing her rear around your cock.
As you fuck her, her poor, tortured belly wobbles against the constraining door frame and the frame itself groans in protest. She grinds in rhythm to your pistoning until the back and forth movement of her sloshing tummy overpowers her efforts and sends her careening back and forth between its oceanic movements and your less than tender ministrations. The sensation of fucking a woman who is literally a slave to the motion of her own womb drives you over the edge and you pull out, ejaculating all over her
<<if $activeSlave.butt > 10>>
fat, waiting ass cheeks.
pert ass.
You step back, taking one last appreciatively look at your trapped slave, then call a team of menials to remove the door from its foundation to free her. Though your slave is extracated uninjured, your decision to use her before saving her leaves the girl;trusting you less@@. You could pay to have the door widened, but then you wouldn't get this opportunity again, would you?
<<set $ -= 10, $ -= 10>>
<</link>><<if canDoVaginal($activeSlave) && ($activeSlave.vagina == 0)>>//This option will take virginity//<<elseif !canDoVaginal($activeSlave) && canDoAnal($activeSlave) && ($activeSlave.anus == 0)>> //This option will take anal virginity//<</if>>
<br><<link "Try the 'Butter Strategy'">>
You ponder her predicament for a moment before settling on a solution. You procure an industrial sized jar of curative laced moisturizing butter--specially formulated to ease the strain of hypermassive pregnancy--and explain to your slave that, to free her, you're going to need to completely cover her in it so that she can squeeze through.
<<if $activeSlave.devotion > 95>>
She grins at you and then huffs, pretending to be put off by the idea.
<<elseif $activeSlave.devotion > 50>>
She quirks an eyebrow, then smiles, clearly intrigued.
<<elseif $activeSlave.devotion > 20>>
She nods, happy to hear you've considered a way to free her without causing her undue harm.
<<elseif ($ < -20) && ($activeSlave.devotion > -10)>>
She had seemed uneasy when you first described your idea, but seems to resign herself to it once you finish your description.
<<elseif ($ < -50)>>
The wide eyed slave nods as you describe your idea, clearly hoping you'll free her as quickly as possible so that she can get away from you.
She laughs derisively at you after you describe your idea, then motions for you to get on with it.
You move toward her and slather a generous helping of the stuff over her back and
<<if $activeSlave.butt > 10>>
fat ass cheeks,
petite ass,
for the sake of "being thorough." You then move forward, covering the parts of her belly you can reach from behind and taking special care to
massage the soft butter into every inch of her colossal tits, noting with satisfaction as her distant nipples, stuck on the other side of the doorway with the bulk of her room filling breasts, harden with arousal.
<<elseif ($activeSlave.boobs >= 12000)>>
massage the soft butter into her massive tits as they push up between the arch of the doorway and her bulging belly. You note with satisfaction as her nipples harden with arousal.
<<elseif ($activeSlave.boobs >= 7000)>>
massage the soft butter into her monstrous tits, enjoying the struggle it takes to heft each butterslick, glistening melon with both hands. You note with satisfaction as her nipples harden with arousal.
massage the soft butter into each of her huge tits. Your slave cranes her head back a bit to avoid being smothered by her own breasts as you work the butter into them, but you can tell she's aroused by what you're doing--her nipples have turned hard as rocks.
<<elseif Math.floor($activeSlave.boobsImplant/$activeSlave.boobs) >= .60>>
massage the soft butter into her fat, fake titties, noting with satisfaction as her nipples harden with arousal.
<<elseif ($activeSlave.boobs >= 650)>>
massage the soft butter into her big tits, noting with satisfaction as her nipples harden with arousal.
<<elseif ($activeSlave.boobs >= 300)>>
massage the soft butter into her small, girlish chest, noting with satisfaction as her nipples harden with arousal.
Satisfied with your covering of your slave's back half, you then resolve to work on her front. Getting down on your hands and knees, you crawl through the narrow triangle of space between the base of your slave's massive belly, the floor, and the doorway. It's a tight squeeze, and you take longer than you need to in order to enjoy the sound of your slave groaning as you rub up against her sweaty, buttered up belly, but you eventually make it through. Taking generous handfuls of butter, you slick up the front half of your slave's stomach, starting at the flattened nub of her pressure obliterated belly button and slowly working your way up to the round oval of baby packed flesh being constricted by the doorway.
With your slave's body dripping with the thick moisturizer, you call out to her to start pulling her belly through the doorway, pushing your body up against her stomach to help push. You didn't bother to strip your clothes while buttering her gravid figure and, as you crush up against her and heave, again and again, against the sheer mass of her abdomen, you can't help but get aroused by the way your greasy clothes rub between your body and hers with each motion. At first, her belly is so firmly lodged that it doesn't move, but momentum eventually builds up and, with an audible "pop," the poor baby laden breeder finally breaks free from her containment, falling onto her back and pulling you with her into an absurd, buttery mass of flailing limbs and giggles. You take some time to flip her into a position where she won't be crushed by the weight of her own womb, and then take some more time to enjoy the fruits of your labors.
Once finished, you allow your servants to carry your @@.hotpink;thoroughly satisfied slave@@ to the baths for a needed cleaning. You could pay to have the door widened, but then you wouldn't have such a perfect excuse to lather $him in cream, would you?
<<set $activeSlave.devotion += 5>>
<<EventNameDelink $activeSlave>>
<<replace "#result">>
You leave $him to get $himself out of this situation and return to your daily affairs, though not without focusing a camera on the distraught breeder first. For several hours enjoy the sight of $his backside struggling to squeeze through the doorway before $he finally manages to figure it out. $He @@.mediumorchid;blames you@@ for this indignity and;worries@@ about what else you have waiting to torment $him.
<<set $activeSlave.devotion -= 2, $ -= 2>>
<br>ERROR: bad RESS event $RESSevent
<<if $cheatMode == 1>>
<br><br>DEBUG: [[Go back to Nonrandom Event|Nonrandom Event][$activeSlave = 0, $eventSlave = 0]]