<<set _actualBreastSize = $slaves[$i].boobs-$slaves[$i].boobsImplant-$slaves[$i].boobsMilk>>
<<set _fetishChangeChance = fetishChangeChance($slaves[$i])>>
<<set _bellyAccessory = $slaves[$i].bellyAccessory>>
<<if _bellyAccessory == "a support band">>
<<set _bellyBand = 2>>
<<set _bellyBand = 1>>
<<if $slaves[$i].aphrodisiacs === -1>><<set _oldEnergy = $slaves[$i].energy, _maxEnergyGain = Math.round((75 - _oldEnergy)/9.3)>><</if>>
<<set _rearQuirk = $slaves[$i].geneticQuirks.rearLipedema == 2 ? 2 : 0>>
<<set _gigantomastiaMod = $slaves[$i].geneticQuirks.gigantomastia == 2 ? ($slaves[$i].geneticQuirks.macromastia == 2 ? 3 : 2) : 1>>
<<set _uterineHypersensitivityMod = $slaves[$i].geneticQuirks.uterineHypersensitivity == 2 ? 2 : 1>>
<<set _Stud = slaveStateById($StudID)>> /% may be null %/
<<if $slaves[$i].fuckdoll > 0>>
<<if $slaves[$i].fuckdoll >= 100>>
<<if $slaves[$i].fuckdoll <= 5>>
This is $his first week as a living sex toy. $He is @@.mediumorchid;utterly terrified@@ by the prospect of spending the rest of $his life like this. $He is;forced to adapt@@ to life as a Fuckdoll. $He must remain still, and do $his best to cooperate with anyone who guides $him by touch. When $he obeys commands relayed by $his suit, $he is rewarded with orgasms; when $he does not, $he is punished with pain.
<<set $slaves[$i].trust -= 10>>
<<if $slaves[$i].skill.entertainment > 50>>
$He;begins to forget $his entertainment skills@@ under the terrible stress of total confinement.
<<set $slaves[$i].skill.entertainment = 50>>
<<elseif $slaves[$i].fuckdoll <= 15>>
This is $his second week as a living sex toy. $His suit continues $his training as a living sex toy,;forcing $him to accept any treatment@@ $he is subjected to. Though the suit is capable of resisting unacceptable movement to a degree, and it includes integral shackles to secure the toy in any position desired, the Fuckdoll is now severely punished if $he attempts any resistance at all.
<<if $slaves[$i].skill.whoring > 50>>
$He;loses $his refined courtesanship,@@ since all $he has to remember now is how to be used.
<<set $slaves[$i].skill.whoring = 50>>
<<elseif $slaves[$i].fuckdoll <= 25>>
This week $he;learns the most basic commands@@ $his suit can pass, those for simple postures. <<if isAmputee($slaves[$i])>>These are very simple, since $he lacks limbs.<<else>>One command directs $him to remain standing, but cock $his hips to offer $his rear hole. Another requires $him to get instantly down <<if hasAllLimbs($slaves[$i])>>on all fours<<else>>to the floor<</if>> and arch $his back, offering both $his face hole and <<if $slaves[$i].vagina > -1>>lower holes<<else>>rear hole<</if>>.<</if>>
<<if $slaves[$i].behavioralQuirk != "none">>
With no stimulation other than use, $he;quickly forgets what used to make $his behavior special.@@
<<set $slaves[$i].behavioralQuirk = "none">>
<<if $slaves[$i].career != "a Fuckdoll">>
$His procedural memory has largely been overwritten by tonal commands; @@.yellow;$his only meaningful career experience is now the profession of a living sex toy.@@
<<set $slaves[$i].career = "a Fuckdoll">>
<<elseif $slaves[$i].fuckdoll <= 35>>
This week $he;learns more advanced posture commands.@@ <<if !hasAnyLegs($slaves[$i])>>These remain quite simple, since $he lacks <<if isAmputee($slaves[$i])>>limbs<<else>>legs<</if>>.<<else>>$He practices balance in the heels integral to the suit, and learns to stand and bend at the waist, all the way down, while keeping $his legs straight, putting $his face hole and $his <<if $slaves[$i].vagina > -1>>lower holes<<else>>rear hole<</if>> at convenient waist height.<</if>>
<<if $slaves[$i].sexualQuirk != "none">>
$His sex life now consists of things that enter $his holes. $He learns to desire any use at all, since nothing else interrupts the infinite boredom. $He;quickly forgets what used to make $his sexual tendencies distinctive.@@
<<set $slaves[$i].sexualQuirk = "none">>
<<elseif $slaves[$i].fuckdoll <= 45>>
This week $he;learns basic sexual commands@@ from $his suit. Usually, if something is inserted into $his <<if $slaves[$i].vagina > -1>>holes<<else>>lower hole<</if>>, $he is to relax. If a specific command is given, $he is taught to rhythmically tighten <<if $slaves[$i].vagina > -1>>$his holes<<else>>the hole<</if>>, massaging whatever's inside.
<<if $slaves[$i].skill.vaginal > 25>>
Being trained in this uncomplicated act;quickly teaches $him to ignore $his vaginal talents.@@
<<set $slaves[$i].skill.vaginal = 25>>
<<if $slaves[$i].skill.anal > 25>>
$He's forced to use $his sphincter as hard as $he can, and $he;quickly forgets all anal refinement.@@
<<set $slaves[$i].skill.anal = 25>>
<<elseif $slaves[$i].fuckdoll <= 55>>
This week $he;learns more basic sexual commands@@ from $his suit. Usually, if something is inserted into $his throat, $he is to relax and accept a facefucking. If a specific command is given, $he is taught to suck as powerfully as $he can, on pain of punishment.
<<if $slaves[$i].skill.oral > 25>>
Being trained to suck so hard;quickly erases $his finer oral habits.@@
<<set $slaves[$i].skill.oral = 25>>
<<if $slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw != "none">>
$He has now been obeying $his suit out of a desire to avoid punishment for so long that;$he loses any propensity to misbehave in distinctive ways.@@
<<set $slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw = "none">>
<<elseif $slaves[$i].fuckdoll <= 65>>
This week $he;receives training for finer arousal control@@ from $his suit. $He can now be warmed up before use, to make $him as desperate as possible; or $he can be warmed up and left to suffer.
<<if $slaves[$i].fetishStrength > 50>>
$He's now so desperate for any stimulation that $he @@.coral;begins to forget what once aroused $him.@@ $He now wants whatever $he can get.
<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 50>>
<<if $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw != "none">>
$He's trained to perform thorough mechanical obedience,;utterly destroying $his sexual deficiencies.@@
<<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "none">>
<<elseif $slaves[$i].fuckdoll <= 75>>
This week $he;begins to learn more advanced commands@@ from $his suit. $He is taught a command that instructs $him to take a more active role in penetrative sex. When that command is given, $he must fuck $himself against any <<if $PC.dick != 0>>cocks<<else>>phalli<</if>> that are currently inside $him, as hard as $he possibly can.
<<if $slaves[$i].fetish != "none" && $slaves[$i].fetish != "mindbroken">>
$He @@.coral;no longer retains any sexual preferences@@ at all. $He just wants to be penetrated.
<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "none", $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 0>>
<<if $slaves[$i].intelligence+$slaves[$i].intelligenceImplant > 50>>
$He was once highly intelligent, but total concentration of all $his mental abilities on simple tonal commands;dulls $his intelligence.@@
<<set $slaves[$i].intelligence -= 30>>
<<elseif $slaves[$i].fuckdoll <= 85>>
This week $he;learns some more advanced commands@@ from $his suit. <<if isAmputee($slaves[$i])>>If $his limbless torso is placed atop a dick and a command is given, $he is to do $his best to bounce on it.<<else>>$He learns a special command, on which $he is to slowly squat down, impaling $himself on any phallus beneath $him. Once $his hole is filled, $he is to bounce up and down, using $his hole to milk the phallus.<</if>>
<<if $slaves[$i].skill.entertainment > 15>>
There is;no entertainment and no elegance@@ for $him anymore. $He cannot even hear the lewd noises $his holes make.
<<set $slaves[$i].skill.entertainment = 15>>
<<if $slaves[$i].skill.whoring > 15>>
$He;cannot remember prostitution@@ at all. $He can barely remember anything but being fucked.
<<set $slaves[$i].skill.whoring = 15>>
<<if $slaves[$i].intelligence+$slaves[$i].intelligenceImplant > 15>>
$His;mind steadily degrades@@ under the stress of this treatment.
<<set $slaves[$i].intelligence -= 40>>
An education holds no bearing for $his new skillset, so it;wastes away.@@
<<set $slaves[$i].intelligenceImplant = 0>>
<<elseif $slaves[$i].fuckdoll <= 95>>
This week $he;begins $his final adaptation@@ into a perfect living sex toy. $His suit starts to actively punish any detectable mental activity when $him is not obeying commands or being used.
<<if $slaves[$i].intelligence > -50>>
$He was once reasonably intelligent, but the incredible stress of this treatment;suppresses $his ability to think coherently.@@
<<set $slaves[$i].intelligence = -50>>
<<set $slaves[$i].fuckdoll = Math.clamp($slaves[$i].fuckdoll+10,0,100)>>
<<if assignmentVisible($slaves[$i]) && ($slaves[$i].assignment !== "live with your Head Girl" || $HGSuiteSurgery === 0)>> /* OPENS AUTOSURGERY, CLOTHES, AND ACCESSORIES */
<<if hasSurgeryRule($slaves[$i], $defaultRules) && $slaves[$i].useRulesAssistant == 1 && $slaves[$i].indentureRestrictions < 2 && $cash > 0>>
<<= rulesAutosurgery($slaves[$i])>>
<<= App.SlaveAssignment.longTermMentalEffects($slaves[$i])>>
<<if ($slaves[$i].vaginaPiercing > 1)>>
<<if ($slaves[$i].vagina > -1) && ($slaves[$i].labia < 2) && (random(1,100) > 90)>>
The weight of $his labial piercings @@.lime;stretches out $his pussylips a bit.@@
<<set $slaves[$i].labia += 1>>
<<if ($slaves[$i].nipplesPiercing == 1)>>
<<if ($slaves[$i].nipples == "tiny")>>
<<if (random(1,100) > 95)>>
$His piercings keep $his nipples half-hard all the time, and @@.lime;$his nipples have stretched out a bit.@@
<<set $slaves[$i].nipples = "cute">>
<<elseif ($slaves[$i].nipples == "partially inverted")>>
<<if (random(1,100) > 70)>>
$His piercings keep $his nipples half-hard all the time, which @@.lime;permanently protrudes them.@@
<<if (random(1,2) == 1)>>
It turns out they're pretty cute.
<<set $slaves[$i].nipples = "cute">>
<<set $slaves[$i].nipples = "puffy">>
<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish == "masochist") && ($slaves[$i].fetishKnown == 1)>>
This is @@.hotpink;a long and uncomfortable experience, which $he gets off on.@@
<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
This is @@.mediumorchid;a long and uncomfortable experience.@@
<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 1>>
Having $his nipples held protruded by $his piercings is uncomfortable, which $he
<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish == "masochist") && ($slaves[$i].fetishKnown == 1)>>
<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 1>>
<<elseif ($slaves[$i].nipples == "inverted")>>
<<if (random(1,100) > 90)>>
$His piercings keep $his nipples half-hard all the time, which eventually @@.lime;permanently protrudes them.@@
<<if (random(1,2) == 1)>>
It turns out they're absolutely massive.
<<set $slaves[$i].nipples = "huge">>
<<set $slaves[$i].nipples = "puffy">>
<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish == "masochist") && ($slaves[$i].fetishKnown == 1)>>
This is @@.hotpink;a long and very uncomfortable experience, which $he gets off on.@@
<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 3>>
This is @@.mediumorchid;a long and very uncomfortable experience.@@
<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 3>>
Having $his nipples held protruded by $his piercings is very uncomfortable, which $he
<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish == "masochist") && ($slaves[$i].fetishKnown == 1)>>
<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 1>>
<<elseif ($slaves[$i].nipplesPiercing == 2)>>
<<if ($slaves[$i].nipples == "tiny")>>
<<if (random(1,100) > 80)>>
$He's got so much metal in $his nipples that the weight @@.lime;stretches and lengthens them.@@
<<set $slaves[$i].nipples = "cute">>
<<elseif ($slaves[$i].nipples == "partially inverted")>>
<<if (random(1,100) > 50)>>
$He's got so much metal in $his nipples that the weight @@.lime;permanently protrudes them.@@
<<if (random(1,2) == 1)>>
It turns out they're pretty cute.
<<set $slaves[$i].nipples = "cute">>
<<set $slaves[$i].nipples = "puffy">>
<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish == "masochist") && ($slaves[$i].fetishKnown == 1)>>
This is @@.hotpink;a long and uncomfortable experience, which $he gets off on.@@
<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 2>>
This is @@.mediumorchid;a long and uncomfortable experience.@@
<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 2>>
Having $his nipples held protruded by $his piercings is uncomfortable, which $his
<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish == "masochist") && ($slaves[$i].fetishKnown == 1)>>
<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 1>>
<<elseif ($slaves[$i].nipples == "inverted")>>
<<if (random(1,100) > 70)>>
$He's got so much metal in $his nipples that the weight @@.lime;permanently protrudes them.@@
<<if (random(1,2) == 1)>>
It turns out they're absolutely massive.
<<set $slaves[$i].nipples = "huge">>
<<set $slaves[$i].nipples = "puffy">>
<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish == "masochist") && ($slaves[$i].fetishKnown == 1)>>
This is @@.hotpink;a long and extremely uncomfortable experience, which $he gets off on.@@
<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 4>>
This is @@.mediumorchid;a long and extremely uncomfortable experience.@@
<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 4>>
Having $his nipples held protruded by $his piercings is extremely uncomfortable, which $he
<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish == "masochist") && ($slaves[$i].fetishKnown == 1)>>
<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 2>>
<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 2>>
<<if ($slaves[$i].nipples != "huge") && ($slaves[$i].nipples != "fuckable")>>
<<if ($slaves[$i].lactation >= 2)>>
<<if ($slaves[$i].nipples == "tiny")>>
<<if (random(1,100) > 70)>>
Having $his heavy milk production forced through $his tiny nipples @@.lime;stretches and engorges them.@@
<<set $slaves[$i].nipples = "cute">>
<<elseif ($slaves[$i].nipples == "cute") || ($slaves[$i].nipples == "inverted")>>
<<if (random(1,100) > 80)>>
$He's lactating so heavily that $his permanently swollen nipples gradually become accustomed to the constant flow of milk. They @@.lime;become puffy@@ and engorged.
<<set $slaves[$i].nipples = "puffy">>
<<elseif ($slaves[$i].nipples == "partially inverted") || ($slaves[$i].nipples == "inverted")>>
<<if (random(1,100) > 80)>>
$He's lactating so heavily that $his swollen nipples almost never retreat into their inverted state. Lactation has @@.lime;permanently protruded them,@@ leaving them engorged and puffy.
<<set $slaves[$i].nipples = "puffy">>
<<if (random(1,100) > 90)>>
Lactation has @@.lime;swollen $his nipples@@ to an absurd size, making $his status as a cow obvious even when $his chest faucets aren't gushing cream.
<<set $slaves[$i].nipples = "huge">>
<<if ($slaves[$i].boobsImplantType == "string")>>
$His string implants absorb fluid @@.lime;slowly swelling $his breasts.@@
<<set $slaves[$i].boobsImplant += 50, $slaves[$i].boobs += 50>>
<<if ($slaves[$i].boobs > 50000)>>
Since they are as large as $his body can handle, some serum is drained from them.
<<set $slaves[$i].boobs -= 100, $slaves[$i].boobsImplant -= 100>>
<<elseif ($slaves[$i].boobsImplant > 25000) && (_effect >= 2)>>
As they grow they;greatly irritate@@ the tissue of $his breasts.
<<elseif ($slaves[$i].boobsImplant > 15000) && (_effect >= 3)>>
<<elseif ($slaves[$i].boobsImplant > 10000) && (_effect >= 4)>>
<<elseif ($slaves[$i].boobsImplant > 8000) && (_effect >= 5)>>
<<elseif ($slaves[$i].boobsImplant > 6000) && (_effect >= 6)>>
<<elseif ($slaves[$i].boobsImplant > 4500) && (_effect >= 7)>>
<<elseif ($slaves[$i].boobsImplant > 3000) && (_effect >= 8)>>
<<elseif ($slaves[$i].boobsImplant > 2000) && (_effect >= 9)>>
<<elseif ($slaves[$i].boobsImplant > 1000) && (_effect > 9)>>
<<if ($slaves[$i].boobsImplant >= $slaves[$i].boobs+$slaves[$i].boobsMilk) && ($slaves[$i].boobsImplant > 0)>>
/* catch in case breast implants get larger than boobs */
$His breast tissue has naturally @@.lime;stretched and grown@@ to accommodate $his implants better.
<<set $slaves[$i].boobs = $slaves[$i].boobsImplant+$slaves[$i].boobsMilk+10>>
<<elseif ($slaves[$i].boobsImplant > 1000)>>
<<if ($slaves[$i].boobs-$slaves[$i].boobsImplant < 1000)>>
<<if (random(1,100) > 60)>>
$His breast tissue has naturally @@.lime;stretched and grown@@ to accommodate $his massive implants a bit better.
<<set $slaves[$i].boobs += 50>>
<<elseif ($slaves[$i].boobsImplant > 600)>>
<<if ($slaves[$i].boobs-$slaves[$i].boobsImplant < 500)>>
<<if (random(1,100) > 60)>>
$His breast tissue has naturally @@.lime;stretched and grown@@ to accommodate $his large implants a bit better.
<<set $slaves[$i].boobs += 50>>
<<elseif ($slaves[$i].boobsImplant > 0)>>
<<if ($slaves[$i].boobs-$slaves[$i].boobsImplant < 300)>>
<<if (random(1,100) > 60)>>
$His breast tissue has naturally @@.lime;stretched and grown@@ to accommodate $his implants a bit better.
<<set $slaves[$i].boobs += 50>>
<<set $slaves[$i].buttImplant += .25, $slaves[$i].butt += .25>>
<<if ($slaves[$i].butt+$slaves[$i].buttImplant > 10 && $slaves[$i].buttImplant > 1)>>
Since it as large as $his body can handle, some serum is drained from them.
<<set $slaves[$i].butt -= 1, $slaves[$i].buttImplant -= 1>>
<<if ($slaves[$i].buttImplant > 7) && (_effect >= 2)>>
As they grow they;greatly irritate@@ the tissue of $his cheeks.
<<elseif ($slaves[$i].buttImplant > 6) && (_effect >= 2)>>
As they grow they;greatly irritate@@ the tissue of $his cheeks.
<<elseif ($slaves[$i].buttImplant > 5) && (_effect >= 3)>>
<<elseif ($slaves[$i].buttImplant > 4) && (_effect >= 4)>>
<<elseif ($slaves[$i].buttImplant > 3) && (_effect >= 5)>>
<<elseif ($slaves[$i].buttImplant > 2) && (_effect >= 6)>>
<<elseif ($slaves[$i].buttImplant > 1) && (_effect >= 7)>>
<<elseif ($slaves[$i].buttImplant > 0) && (_effect > 7)>>
<<if $slaves[$i].diet == "muscle building">>
<<if ($slaves[$i].muscles > 30)>>
<<if ($slaves[$i].face-$slaves[$i].faceImplant > 10) && (random(1,100) > 90) && $slaves[$i].drugs == "steroids">>
All the hormones in $his system from $his heavy, steroid enhanced workouts;harden $his face a little.@@
<<set $slaves[$i].face -= 5>>
<<if (($slaves[$i].boobs - $slaves[$i].boobsImplant) > 250)>>
<<if (random(1,100) > 95)>>
All the hormones in $his system from $his heavy workouts;shrink $his breasts slightly.@@
<<set $slaves[$i].boobs -= 50>>
<<if $slaves[$i].aphrodisiacs > random(0,2)>>
<<if $aphrodisiacUpgradeRefine != 1>>
<<if ($slaves[$i].dick > 1)>>
<<if ($slaves[$i].balls > 1)>>
<<if ($slaves[$i].clit > 0)>>
<<if ($slaves[$i].voice < 3) && ($slaves[$i].voice > 0)>>
<<if ($slaves[$i].vagina > -1) && ($slaves[$i].ovaries != 0) && ($slaves[$i].vaginaLube < 2)>>
<<set _rearQuirkDivider = _rearQuirk == 0 ? 1 : _rearQuirk>>
<<if (($slaves[$i].butt-$slaves[$i].buttImplant) < 2+_rearQuirk) && (($slaves[$i].geneMods.NCS == 0) || (random(1,100) > 75/_rearQuirkDivider))>>
<<if (($slaves[$i].boobs-$slaves[$i].boobsImplant) < 500*_gigantomastiaMod) && (($slaves[$i].geneMods.NCS == 0) || (random(1,100) > 75/_gigantomastiaMod))>>
<<if $slaves[$i].face-$slaves[$i].faceImplant <= 10>>
<<if ($slaves[$i].faceShape == "masculine")>>
<<elseif ($slaves[$i].faceShape == "androgynous" && $slaves[$i].geneticQuirks.androgyny != 2)>>
<<if ($slaves[$i].devotion <= 20)>>
<<if ($slaves[$i].trust <= 20)>>
<<if ($slaves[$i].attrXY < 95)>>
<<if ($slaves[$i].attrXY < 95)>>
<<set _Effects.push("FemaleAttracted")>>
<<if (_Effects.length > 0)>>
<<set _Effects = _Effects.random()>>
<<switch _Effects>>
<<case "DickShrink">>
<<if (($slaves[$i].geneMods.NCS == 1) && ($slaves[$i].dick > 2) && (random(1,100) > 25))>>
Dependence on the hormone-based aphrodisiacs combined with $his;NCS@@ makes;$his dick shrink down to be more childlike.@@
<<set $slaves[$i].dick -= 1>>
Dependence on the hormone-based aphrodisiacs makes;$his dick atrophy.@@
<<set $slaves[$i].dick -= 1>>
<<if (($slaves[$i].geneMods.NCS == 1) && ($slaves[$i].balls > 2) && (random(1,100) > 25))>>
Dependence on the hormone-based aphrodisiacs combined with $his;NCS@@ makes;$his balls shrink down to be more childlike.@@
<<set $slaves[$i].balls -= 1>>
Dependence on the hormone-based aphrodisiacs makes;$his testicles atrophy.@@
<<set $slaves[$i].balls -= 1>>
Dependence on the hormone-based aphrodisiacs makes @@.lime;$his voice higher and more feminine.@@
<<set $slaves[$i].voice += 1>>
Dependence on the hormone-based aphrodisiacs makes @@.lime;$his vagina produce more copious natural lubricant.@@
<<set $slaves[$i].vaginaLube += 1>>
Dependence on the hormone-based aphrodisiacs makes @@.lime;the natural size of $his butt increase.@@
<<set $slaves[$i].butt += 1>>
Dependence on the hormone-based aphrodisiacs makes @@.lime;the natural size of $his tits increase.@@
<<set $slaves[$i].boobs += 100>>
Dependence on the hormone-based aphrodisiacs makes @@.lime;$his facial structure soften and become sexier.@@
<<= faceIncrease($slaves[$i], 10)>>
Dependence on the hormone-based aphrodisiacs makes @@.lime;$his face soften into androgyny.@@
<<set $slaves[$i].faceShape = "androgynous">>
Dependence on the hormone-based aphrodisiacs makes @@.lime;$his face soften into femininity.@@
<<set $slaves[$i].faceShape = "normal">>
<<if (($slaves[$i].geneMods.NCS == 1) && ($slaves[$i].clit > 1) && (random(1,100) > 50))>>
Dependence on the hormone-based aphrodisiacs combined with $his;NCS@@ makes;$his clit shrink down to be more childlike.@@
<<set $slaves[$i].clit -= 1>>
Dependence on the hormone-based aphrodisiacs makes;$his clit shrink significantly.@@
<<set $slaves[$i].clit -= 1>>
<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
<<set $slaves[$i].trust += 1>>
Dependence on the hormone-based aphrodisiacs makes $him become;more attracted to men.@@
<<set $slaves[$i].attrXY += 3>>
Dependence on the hormone-based aphrodisiacs makes $him become;more attracted to women.@@
<<set $slaves[$i].attrXX += 3>>
ERROR: bad aphro addict effect: _Effects
<<if $slaves[$i].diet == "XX">>
<<set $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance += 4>>
<<elseif $slaves[$i].diet == "XXY">>
<<if $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance > 0>>
<<set $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance -= 8>>
<<elseif $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance < 0>>
<<set $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance += 8>>
<<elseif $slaves[$i].diet == "XY">>
<<set $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance -= 4>>
<<if ($slaves[$i].drugs == "fertility drugs")>>
<<set $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance += 4>>
<<elseif ($slaves[$i].drugs == "female hormone injections")>>
<<set $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance += 20>>
<<elseif ($slaves[$i].drugs == "male hormone injections")>>
<<set $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance -= 20>>
<<elseif ($slaves[$i].drugs == "testicle enhancement")>>
<<set $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance -= 4>>
<<elseif ($slaves[$i].drugs == "steroids")>>
<<set $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance -= 4>>
<<elseif ($slaves[$i].drugs == "super fertility drugs")>>
<<set $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance += 8>>
<<elseif ($slaves[$i].drugs == "hyper testicle enhancement")>>
<<set $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance -= 12>>
<<if ($slaves[$i].hormones == 1)>>
<<set $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance += 4>>
<<elseif ($slaves[$i].hormones == 2)>>
<<set $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance += 12>>
<<elseif ($slaves[$i].hormones == -1)>>
<<set $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance -= 4>>
<<elseif ($slaves[$i].hormones == -2)>>
<<set $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance -= 12>>
<<if ($slaves[$i].hormones == 1)>>
<<set $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance += 2>>
<<elseif ($slaves[$i].hormones == 2)>>
<<set $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance += 6>>
<<elseif ($slaves[$i].hormones == -1)>>
<<set $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance -= 2>>
<<elseif ($slaves[$i].hormones == -2)>>
<<set $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance -= 6>>
<<if $slaves[$i].drugs == "hormone enhancers">>
<<if ($slaves[$i].hormones == 1)>>
<<set $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance += 4>>
<<elseif ($slaves[$i].hormones == 2)>>
<<set $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance += 12>>
<<elseif ($slaves[$i].hormones == -1)>>
<<set $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance -= 4>>
<<elseif ($slaves[$i].hormones == -2)>>
<<set $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance -= 12>>
<<if $hormoneUpgradePower == 1>>
<<if ($slaves[$i].hormones == 1)>>
<<set $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance += 1>>
<<elseif ($slaves[$i].hormones == 2)>>
<<set $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance += 3>>
<<elseif ($slaves[$i].hormones == -1)>>
<<set $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance -= 1>>
<<elseif ($slaves[$i].hormones == -2)>>
<<set $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance -= 3>>
<<if $slaves[$i].geneMods.NCS == 0>>
<<set $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance = Math.clamp($slaves[$i].hormoneBalance, -400, 400)>>
<<set $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance = Math.clamp($slaves[$i].hormoneBalance * 1.5, -400, 400)>>
/* androgyny really wants to sit around 0 and will fight changes to do so */
<<if $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance > 6>>
<<set $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance -= 10>>
<<elseif $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance < -6>>
<<set $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance += 10>>
<<if $slaves[$i].drugs != "hormone blockers">>
<<= App.SlaveAssignment.hormonesEffects($slaves[$i])>>
<<elseif $slaves[$i].drugs == "hormone blockers">>
The hormone blockers $he is on suppress $his hormones, natural or not.
<<if $slaves[$i].energy > 20>>
<<set _supp = 1, $slaves[$i].energy-->>
<<if ($slaves[$i].attrXX != 50 || $slaves[$i].attrXY != 50) && $slaves[$i].fuckdoll == 0 && $slaves[$i].fetish != "mindbroken">>;suppressed,@@ alongside what $he;finds sexually attractive.@@ Though that may not be a bad thing, should $he find a sex repulsive.
<<elseif ($slaves[$i].attrXX != 50 || $slaves[$i].attrXY != 50) && $slaves[$i].fuckdoll == 0 && $slaves[$i].fetish != "mindbroken">>
$His;sexual tastes are also suppressed by the drugs,@@ though that may not be a bad thing should $he find a sex repulsive.
<<if $slaves[$i].attrXX > 50>>
<<set $slaves[$i].attrXX-->>
<<elseif $slaves[$i].attrXX < 50>>
<<set $slaves[$i].attrXX++>>
<<if $slaves[$i].attrXY > 50>>
<<set $slaves[$i].attrXY-->>
<<elseif $slaves[$i].attrXY < 50>>
<<set $slaves[$i].attrXY++>>
<<if $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance > 0>>
<<set $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance -= 5>>
<<elseif $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance < 0>>
<<set $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance += 5>>
<<if $slaves[$i].genes == "XX">>
<<if ($slaves[$i].ovaries == 1 || $slaves[$i].mpreg == 1) && $slaves[$i].pubertyXX > 0>>
<<if ($slaves[$i].balls > 0 && $slaves[$i].ballType != "sterile") && $slaves[$i].pubertyXY > 0>>
<<if $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance > 20>>
<<set $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance -= Math.ceil(($slaves[$i].hormoneBalance - 20)/25)>>
<<elseif $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance < 20>>
<<set $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance += Math.ceil((20 - $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance)/25)>>
<<if $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance > 60>>
<<set $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance -= Math.ceil(($slaves[$i].hormoneBalance - 60)/25)>>
<<elseif $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance < 60>>
<<set $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance += Math.ceil((60 - $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance)/25)>>
<<if ($slaves[$i].balls > 0 && $slaves[$i].ballType != "sterile") && $slaves[$i].pubertyXY > 0>>
<<if $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance > -20>>
<<set $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance -= Math.ceil(($slaves[$i].hormoneBalance + 20)/25)>>
<<elseif $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance < -20>>
<<set $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance += Math.ceil((-20 - $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance)/25)>>
<<if $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance > 20>>
<<set $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance -= Math.ceil(($slaves[$i].hormoneBalance - 20)/25)>>
<<elseif $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance < 20>>
<<set $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance += Math.ceil((20 - $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance)/25)>>
<<elseif $slaves[$i].genes == "XY">>
<<if ($slaves[$i].ovaries == 1 || $slaves[$i].mpreg == 1) && $slaves[$i].pubertyXX > 0>>
<<if ($slaves[$i].balls > 0 && $slaves[$i].ballType != "sterile") && $slaves[$i].pubertyXY > 0>>
<<if $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance > 20>>
<<set $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance -= Math.ceil(($slaves[$i].hormoneBalance - 20)/25)>>
<<elseif $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance < 20>>
<<set $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance += Math.ceil((20 - $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance)/25)>>
<<if $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance > 40>>
<<set $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance -= Math.ceil(($slaves[$i].hormoneBalance - 40)/25)>>
<<elseif $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance < 40>>
<<set $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance += Math.ceil((40 - $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance)/25)>>
<<if ($slaves[$i].balls > 0 && $slaves[$i].ballType != "sterile") && $slaves[$i].pubertyXY > 0>>
<<if $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance > -40>>
<<set $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance -= Math.ceil(($slaves[$i].hormoneBalance + 40)/25)>>
<<elseif $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance < -40>>
<<set $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance += Math.ceil((-40 - $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance)/25)>>
<<if $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance > 20>>
<<set $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance -= Math.ceil(($slaves[$i].hormoneBalance - 20)/25)>>
<<elseif $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance < 20>>
<<set $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance += Math.ceil((20 - $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance)/25)>>
<<if $precociousPuberty == 1>>
<<if ($slaves[$i].physicalAge < $slaves[$i].pubertyAgeXX) && ($slaves[$i].ovaries == 1 || $slaves[$i].mpreg == 1) && $slaves[$i].pubertyXX == 0>> /* Female type */
<<set _precocious = 0>>
/* Just having NCS speeds precocious Puberty, but also hormonal puberty affects are
* increased while secondary growth is suppressed
<<if ($slaves[$i].geneMods.NCS == 1)>>
<<if ($slaves[$i].diet == "XX" || $slaves[$i].diet == "XXY")>>
<<elseif $slaves[$i].diet == "fertility">>
<<if ($slaves[$i].drugs == "fertility drugs")>>
<<elseif ($slaves[$i].drugs == "female hormone injections")>>
<<elseif ($slaves[$i].drugs == "male hormone injections")>>
<<elseif ($slaves[$i].drugs == "testicle enhancement")>>
<<elseif ($slaves[$i].drugs == "steroids")>>
<<if ($slaves[$i].boobs > 100) && (random(1,100) < 30/_gigantomastiaMod) && _gigantomastiaMod != 3>>
<<if (($slaves[$i].geneMods.NCS == 1) && ($slaves[$i].boobs > 300) && (random(1,100) > 25*_gigantomastiaMod))>>
Hormonal effects work with $his;NCS@@ and cause;$his tits to shrink down.@@
<<set $slaves[$i].energy += 1>>
$He feels an;unusual calmness@@ in $his belly and breasts.
<<if ($slaves[$i].geneMods.NCS == 0)>>
<<if ($slaves[$i].clit < 2) && (random(1,100) < 10)>>
<<set $slaves[$i].clit += 1>>
<<elseif ($slaves[$i].drugs == "super fertility drugs")>>
<<if ($slaves[$i].geneMods.NCS == 0)>>
<<if ($slaves[$i].boobs < 400*_gigantomastiaMod) && (random(1,100) < 30)>>
<<set $slaves[$i].boobs += 50>>
<<if random(1,100) < 10 && ($slaves[$i].breastMesh != 1)>>
<<set $slaves[$i].boobShape = "perky">>
<<if ($slaves[$i].hips < 2) && (random(1,100) < 10 * _uterineHypersensitivityMod)>>
<<set $slaves[$i].hips += 1>>
<<if ($slaves[$i].butt < 4) && (random(1,100) < 10+(5*_rearQuirk))>>
<<set $slaves[$i].butt += 1>>
<<if ($slaves[$i].labia < 2) && (random(1,100) < 10)>>
<<set $slaves[$i].labia += 1>>
<<elseif ($slaves[$i].drugs == "hyper testicle enhancement")>>
<<if ($slaves[$i].hormones == 1)>>
<<elseif ($slaves[$i].hormones == 2)>>
<<elseif ($slaves[$i].hormones == -1)>>
<<elseif ($slaves[$i].hormones == -2)>>
<<if $slaves[$i].drugs == "hormone enhancers">>
<<if ($slaves[$i].hormones == 1)>>
<<elseif ($slaves[$i].hormones == 2)>>
<<elseif ($slaves[$i].hormones == -1)>>
<<elseif ($slaves[$i].hormones == -2)>>
<<elseif $slaves[$i].drugs == "hormone blockers">>
<<if ($slaves[$i].geneMods.NCS == 1)>>
<<set $slaves[$i].pubertyAgeXX += _precocious>>
<<if ($slaves[$i].physicalAge < $slaves[$i].pubertyAgeXX) && ($slaves[$i].physicalAge > $slaves[$i].pubertyAgeXX-3) && ($slaves[$i].pubertyAgeXX < $fertilityAge)>>
<<if $slaves[$i].geneMods.NCS == 0>>
A routine scan confirms that $his body is advancing towards @@.lime;early puberty,@@ despite not really showing signs of secondary sexual characteristics.
<<if ($slaves[$i].physicalAge < $slaves[$i].pubertyAgeXY) && $slaves[$i].balls >= 1 && $slaves[$i].pubertyXY == 0>> /* Male type */
<<set _precocious = 0>>
/* Just having NCS speeds precocious Puberty, but also hormonal puberty affects are increased while secondary growth is suppressed */
<<if ($slaves[$i].geneMods.NCS == 1)>>
<<if ($slaves[$i].diet == "XY" || $slaves[$i].diet == "XXY")>>
<<if ($slaves[$i].drugs == "fertility drugs")>>
<<elseif ($slaves[$i].drugs == "female hormone injections")>>
<<elseif ($slaves[$i].drugs == "male hormone injections")>>
<<elseif ($slaves[$i].drugs == "testicle enhancement")>>
<<elseif ($slaves[$i].drugs == "steroids")>>
<<elseif ($slaves[$i].drugs == "hyper testicle enhancement")>>
<<if ($slaves[$i].geneMods.NCS == 0)>>
<<if ($slaves[$i].dick < 4) && (random(1,100) < 30)>>
$His penis feels @@.lime;heavy, hot and oversensitive.@@
<<set $slaves[$i].dick += 1>>
<<if ($slaves[$i].balls < 4) && (random(1,100) < 30)>>
$His balls feel @@.lime;heavy, full and oversensitive.@@
<<set $slaves[$i].balls += 1>>
<<elseif ($slaves[$i].drugs == "super fertility drugs")>>
<<if ($slaves[$i].geneMods.NCS == 0)>>
<<if ($slaves[$i].boobs < 400*_gigantomastiaMod) && (random(1,100) < 30) && _gigantomastiaMod != 3>>
<<set $slaves[$i].boobs += 50>>
<<if random(1,100) < 10 && ($slaves[$i].breastMesh != 1)>>
<<set $slaves[$i].boobShape = "perky">>
<<if ($slaves[$i].hips < 2) && (random(1,100) < 10) * _uterineHypersensitivityMod>>
<<set $slaves[$i].hips += 1>>
<<if ($slaves[$i].butt < 4) && (random(1,100) < 10+(5*_rearQuirk))>>
<<set $slaves[$i].butt += 1>>
<<if ($slaves[$i].dick > 1) && (random(1,100) < 30)>>
<<if (($slaves[$i].geneMods.NCS == 1) && ($slaves[$i].dick > 2) && (random(1,100) > 25))>>
Hormonal effects work with $his;NCS@@ and cause;$his dick to shrink.@@
<<set $slaves[$i].dick -= 1>>
$He feels an;unusual lightness@@ in $his penis.
<<set $slaves[$i].dick -= 1>>
<<if ($slaves[$i].balls > 1) && (random(1,100) < 30)>>
<<if (($slaves[$i].geneMods.NCS == 1) && ($slaves[$i].balls > 2) && (random(1,100) > 25))>>
Hormonal effects work with $his;NCS@@ and cause;$his balls to shrink.@@
<<set $slaves[$i].balls -= 1>>
$He feels an;unusual emptiness@@ to $his scrotum.
<<set $slaves[$i].balls -= 1>>
<<if ($slaves[$i].hormones == 1)>>
<<elseif ($slaves[$i].hormones == 2)>>
<<elseif ($slaves[$i].hormones == -1)>>
<<elseif ($slaves[$i].hormones == -2)>>
<<if $slaves[$i].drugs == "hormone enhancers">>
<<if ($slaves[$i].hormones == 1)>>
<<elseif ($slaves[$i].hormones == 2)>>
<<elseif ($slaves[$i].hormones == -1)>>
<<elseif ($slaves[$i].hormones == -2)>>
<<elseif $slaves[$i].drugs == "hormone blockers">>
<<if ($slaves[$i].geneMods.NCS == 1)>>
<<set $slaves[$i].pubertyAgeXY += _precocious>>
<<if ($slaves[$i].physicalAge < $slaves[$i].pubertyAgeXY) && ($slaves[$i].physicalAge > $slaves[$i].pubertyAgeXY-3) && ($slaves[$i].pubertyAgeXY < $potencyAge) && _earlyPubertyFlag != 1>>
<<if $slaves[$i].geneMods.NCS == 0>>
A routine scan confirms that $his body is advancing towards @@.lime;early puberty,@@ despite not really showing signs of secondary sexual characteristics.
/* puberty - not announced for allowing surprise pregnancy */
<<if $slaves[$i].ovaries == 1 || $slaves[$i].mpreg == 1>>
<<if $slaves[$i].pubertyXX == 0>>
<<if $slaves[$i].physicalAge >= $slaves[$i].pubertyAgeXX>>
<<set $slaves[$i].pubertyXX = 1>>
<<if $slaves[$i].geneticQuirks.gigantomastia == 3 && random(1,100) < $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance>>
<<set $slaves[$i].geneticQuirks.gigantomastia = 2>>
<<if $slaves[$i].geneticQuirks.macromastia == 3 && random(1,100) < $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance>>
<<set $slaves[$i].geneticQuirks.macromastia = 2>>
<<if $slaves[$i].balls > 0 && $slaves[$i].ballType != "sterile">>
<<if $slaves[$i].pubertyXY == 0>>
<<if $slaves[$i].physicalAge >= $slaves[$i].pubertyAgeXY>>
<<set $slaves[$i].pubertyXY = 1>>
<<if $slaves[$i].bellyFluid >= 1500>> /* PREGMOD: NOT PREGNANT, YES INFLATION */
<<= App.SlaveAssignment.inflation($slaves[$i])>>
<<if setup.fakeBellies.includes(_bellyAccessory)>>
<<switch $slaves[$i].inflationType>>
<<case "cum" "food" "milk" "urine" "water">>
<<print $slaves[$i].inflationType>>s
with the weight of the fake belly resting on $his swollen stomach, forcing it to be removed.
<<set $slaves[$i].bellyAccessory = "none">>
<<if $slaves[$i].fetish != "mindbroken" && $slaves[$i].fuckdoll == 0>>
<<if $slaves[$i].bellyFluid >= 10000>>
<<if $slaves[$i].fetish != "masochist" && $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw != "hates self">>
Being so distended with fluids is @@.mediumorchid;very uncomfortable@@ to $him.
<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 3>>
<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish == "none") && (_fetishChangeChance > random(0,100))>>
Having such a round, heavy belly leads $him to @@.lightcoral;begin fantasizing about being pregnant.@@
<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "pregnancy", $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 10, $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1>>
<<elseif $slaves[$i].bellyFluid >= 1500>>
<<if $slaves[$i].fetish == "humiliation">>
<<switch $slaves[$i].inflationType>>
<<case "cum" "food" "milk" "urine" "water">>
<<print $slaves[$i].inflationType>>s
<<if $slaves[$i].fetishKnown == 0>>
$he revels in the attention. @@.lightcoral;$He's a humiliation fetishist!@@
<<set $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1>>
<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 2>>
<<if $slaves[$i].fetishStrength < 100>>
Every eye on $his swollen stomach @@.lightcoral;strengthens $his fetish@@ further.
<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength++>>
Having to walk around with a belly full of
<<switch $slaves[$i].inflationType>>
<<case "cum" "food" "milk" "urine" "water">>
<<print $slaves[$i].inflationType>>s
is @@.mediumorchid;completely humiliating.@@