* added premature birth and miscarriage (optional)
* fixes
* more work from deepmurk
* fixes
* fixes
* tweaks to lispReplace()
* fixes
* adjustments to how intelligence and education affects slave price
* new aid event
* fixes
* fixed secExp drones total annihilation oversight
* major fix to VaginalVCheck
* anon's hpreg inventor event chain enabled
* fixes
* backend work on concurrent pregnancies
* fixes
* more clothing vectors from deepmurk
* fixes
* fixes
* several new sets of clothing from deepmurk
* fixes
* tweaks to intelligence distribution in slavegen
* overhauled intelligence and education
* buffed intelligence based FS beauty calcs
* more vector work from Deepmurk
* fixes
* removed redundant and questionably functional PCTitle() function
* renamed the working properTitle() function to PCTitle()
* fixes
* fixes
* fixes
* moved a number of clothes to special orders from the wardrobe
* fixes
* devotion/trust check corrections
* Security Force Mod overhaul
* fixes
* pronoun work
* fixes
* fixes
* nursery facility added (beta)
* fixes
* added more options to the RA
* added nipple fuck interaction
* fixes
* more deepmurk tinkerings
* fixes
* more deepmurk tinkerings
* klan robes
* fixes
* more deepmurk tinkerings
* pantsu
* fixes
* more face tweaks from deepmurk
* various other new vectors from deepmurk
* fixes
* more face tweaks from deepmurk
* fixes
* non max inflation no longer blocks conception
* fixes
* more vector work from Deepmurk
* tweaks to special slave prices and how the catalog works
* fixed filter by race
* young slaves now generate with baby teeth and lose them as they age
* fixes
* fixed issues with RA enemas (maybe?)
* fixed issues with NG+ slaves and null pointer relatives/relations/pregSources
* other fixes
* enema control added to the RA
* Deepmurk's faces and fatties vector art
* fixes
* fixes
* added solid slave food and hole preference options to the RA
* fixes
* fixes
* expanded canImpreg() to be able to handle the player
* fixes
* anon's farmyard tweaks
* fixes
* fixes
* code entry added to cheat edit menus to allow for advanced control
* fixes
* added a new aid event possibility
* fixes
* fixes
* fixes
* more widget to Js conversion
* fixes
* increased costs for hyper pregnant slaves
* more vignettes for more assignments
* fixes
* fixes
* tweaked underage pregnancy immobility thresholds
* reworked preg malus block
* pregAdaptation activated
* fixes
* fixed player pregnancy not properly transferring across NG+
* added chemical castration
* newly grown testicles and ovaries may now replace existing ones (currently only used to replace sterilized balls)
* fixes
* fixes to nationality related issues
* split fillable implants into three tiers each with its own cap
* lowered the price of the implant manufacturer
* implant manufacturer now gives access to advanced fillable implants
* raised the price of implant related research to compensate
* fixes
* fixes
* more pronoun implementation
* fixes
* eyebrows of various shapes, sizes and colors added
* AddSlave widget deprecated in favor of newSlave()
* fixes
* nursing handjob interaction added
* fixes
* fixes
* fixes and code cleanup
* fixes
* fixes
* option to allow male slaves to gen with male names
* tweaked body purism's views on bush
* fixes
* fixes
* fixes
* applied MB checks to surgery degradation
* fixes
* race system overhaul
* fixes
* lactation adaption and hormone levels added to cheat edit slave
* fixes
* added scene to kill a slave
* slightly adjusted pregnancy breast growth rates
* larynx implant for cybermod voice control
* expanded vocal surgery to allow deepening
* porn feed control added to the RA
* fixes
* SugarCube updated to 2.27.0
* various fixes
* tweaks to disability slavegen
* added pupil shape and sclera color
* fixes
* removed deaf chance from standard slavegen
* restricted blindness to grateful careers in slavegen
* fixes
* areolae shape split from size
* player b-cups
* fixes
* new supremacist and subjugationist PA FS appearances
* hearing and deafness added
* fixes
* SFanon's security force overhaul (reverted)
* fixes
* added fox tail buttplug attachment (no desc yet)
* new justice event
* fixes
* more outcomes for saChoosesOwnClothes
* fixes
* fixes
* new malefactor
* added kitty lingerie
* added body hair controls to startingGirls more customization options
* fixed issues with the new slave markets
* slaves should no longer experience rivalry whiplash
* slaves that would have gained flaws from stress, but are receiving your careful attention, now gain minor devotion instead.
* Ex-escorts getting back into the game now have less sexual energy to spend on slaves
* bulk ordering from the prison sales now works
* fixed, hopefully, an issue where executed traitors were not properly being removed from the unit pool (secEx)
* critical fix to missing parents in childgen (now only done once instead for each child)
* skin color tweaking
* fixes
* typo and grammar corrections
* quartet of prison markets added on rotation
* fixes
* vector art color tweaking
* retirement clamps expanded
* cum milking retirement goal
* fixed RA ear/nose piercing issue
* Spelling and grammar fixes
* Pronoun conversions
* Formatting
* more little fixes
* added height comparison to the RA
* fixed an unlikely occurrence where labor could be preempted causing oddities with birth
* fixes
* fixes
* fixes
* fixes and corrections
* new buyers for slaves with porn prestige
* ex-escort PCs can use old connections for a discounted porn fame spending at the price of their body
* expansions to nationality and race selection in custom slaves
* fixes
* added "a niqab and abaya", "a hijab and blouse", "a burqa", and "a burkini" outfits
* anon's hpreg clothing descriptions
* fixes and typo corrections
* tweaked cyber-economic warfare to hinge more on the target's prosperity
* fixes
* JS tinkering
* tweaks to porn fame face gains
* SugarCube updated to 2.26.0
* fixed DJ/Madam vignette issues
* fixed bugs and typos
* more widget to JS conversions
* gingering now works as intended
* converted saStayConfined to JS (make sure you do not have a lingering version in src/uncategorized)
* fixes
* vignettes now JS'd
* fixing mindbreak now brings back original intelligence-1
* more arcology names
* more nicknames
* cheat mode starting slaves now respect $seeDicks
* fixes
* more widget to JS conversion
* fixes
* more widget to JS conversion
* lots more implementation of pronouns
* anon's hpreg event
* fixes
* broken societal elite now bitch less about your actions
* fixes
* marked breeders are now only special in Eugenics societies that have embraced them
* tweaked beauty prestige multipliers
* more porn balance tweaks
* fixes and edits
* tweaked gain rates for pornPrestige 0 and 1
* lowered requirement for pornFocus
* pornFocus is no longer disabled once .pornPrestige is earned (allows undermining)
* fixed bugs
* porn system overhaul
* added ability to track true virgins
* fixes
* slaveSummary JS conversion
* startingGirls slaves can now be relatives in NG+, bu only with each other
* more widget to JS conversion
* imperial measurement is now an option
* RA haircuts controls
* fixes
* more widget to JS conversion
* fixed milk/cum pastoralist decoration cascade
* fixes
* more widget to JS conversion
* various little fixes and tweaks
* incubator slaves take longer to learn languages now
* added anon's TFS path
* added a new choice to the TFS organ farm request event
* fixes
* fixes, grammar and typo corrections
* added anon's FCNN blurbs
* fixes
* more widget to JS conversions
* nipple vectors
* fixes and typo corrections
* Deepmurk's Battlearmor, Biyelgee Costume, Dirndl, Lederhosen, Long Qipao/Qipao (Nice), and Mounty Outfit
* fixes and typos
* applied lisping to new slave intro, among other technical things
* fixes
* cleaned up brother/sister text
* prestigious slave overhaul
* fixes and updates to the RA
* The rival is more likely to take a hostage now
* fixed bugs and typos
* made slave rivals a little less rapey if slaves aren't allowed to rape each other
* fixes
* rivals are now more rapey and lovers more sexual
* fixed forceFeeding
* SFanon's facility naming UI support
* you can now change your refreshment choice at the black market
* fixed pronoun problems in clothing selection
* fixes
* physical idealist SMR now better suits your muscle preference
* more fixes to the RA
* other fixes and typos
* several widgets replaced with JS
* anon's Mediterranean market slave preset
* widgeted slave interact drug setting to better handle the intensify option
* more fixes to reported RA bugs
* minor text corrections
* a whole bunch of fixes, mostly major RA fixes
* fixed a bunch of minor things
* placed stronger safeguards on rival gen to prevent null races
* tweaked spacing in club/brothel ads
* fixes (not RA related)
* various fixes to the RA
* various additions to the RA
* other fixes
* vas's total RA overhaul
* various little fixes and tweaks
* fixed saServant's object literal issues
* more little fixes
* old RA should be a little more accepting of ""
* few little fixes
* typos fixed
* careless enactment of certain Subjugationist laws may now have consequences
* added Elite breeder auction
* unfucked set race slavegen
* fixes
* fixes
* tweaked Repop's likes block to allow preg biometrics more pull, especially in fat slaves
* slave summary smart piercing will now describe itself as "monitoring" if it has satisfied its previous task
* fixes
* test round of JS'd end week passages (report oddities with servants, please)
* expanded eugenics bad end to cover all player states
* fixed pRaidResult lingering $i
* secEx's $mercLoyalty now functions
* added a couple new recruit events
* fixes
* yet more various fixes and corrections
* more various fixes and corrections
* several bugs fixed
* bunch of typos and grammar quirks sorted out
* SFanon's whoring, entertainment and serving career skills
* added anon's wetware cpu market
* fixes
* fixes to NCS, mostly respect to implants and not removing balls
* fixes to hero slave pregnancies (Not backwards compatible)
* fixes
* more little fixes
* various little fixes
* fixes to cheat edit player pregnancy
* fixes to various cheat edit datatype cleanups
* event fixes
* overhauled JFC to allow for more freedom in slave role purchases
* overhauled "injections please" to be more random and expanded potential drug picks
* aphrodisiacs now override sexual need energy loss with devotion/trust loss
* added more catches to hostage gen to prevent strange slave generation
* backwards compatibility now accepts that 0 is a number and will not be helpful and set $seedicks to 25 when you want none.
* arcade sadist now requires an actual slave to be in the arcade instead of just the arcade
* other minor fixes
* removed duplicate text in nonLethalPit
* fixed problems and formatting in generic plot events
* tweaks to .weekAcquired
* fixes
* adjusted did x every y hours text to not be so analcentric
* added artificial insemination
* various SF related fixes from SFanon
* possible fixes to cheat edit slave pregnancy issues
* fixes to braces to age interaction
* the flesh heap no longer uses old face values
* various minor text corrections
* catches to advertisements not getting cleared upon facility decommission
* corp fixed race setting should now apply to XY genned slaves
* fixes
* fixes to crazy devotion gains from bodyswapping, hopefully
* colored slave summary to make it more obvious if something is on a slave
* remove all slaves facility option
* BC now properly applies pronouns to hero slaves
* fixes
* fixes
* prosthetic limb rework (mutually exclusive with cybermod - backwards compatibility will allow switching between them)
* various fixes
* fixes and text corrections
* attempted to fix fMarry pronoun issue
* minor fixes (wardeness not buyable from JFC, backwards compat error)
* induced NCS fixes (you can now actually buy it)
* fixes to surname stripping having trouble lowercasing a number and losing its shit
* added anon's induced NCS
* tweaks to arm/leg tattoos and how they are managed when slaves lack arms and legs
* minor fixes and tweaks
* bodyswapping moved out of cheatmode
* prettied up former Elites
* tweaked breeding standard for fit focused physical idealist societies
* various minor text fixes
* fixes
* various fixes to issues created with v4
* more tweaks to bodyswapping
* fPat cleaning
* tweaks to face shapes and beauty
* fixes
* slave slave bodyswapping added (WIP)
* fixes
* many text corrections
* couple new nationalities
* ability to manually retire more than one slave per week
* fixes
* more names
* various text corrections
* added bodyswapping
* beginning of pronoun rework
* fixes
* couple of bug fixes (broodmother slave summary now properly appears and an extra closing if was removed from generateChild)
* number of text corrections
* bug and text fixes
* fixes and text corrections
* strengthened ID setting in identical twins to hopefully not result in duplicate IDs
* FS clothing price hike
* you can now obtain FS clothing from sufficiently developed neighbors
* slaves may now birth identical twins
* anon's quick find slave index ui now works on tabbed penthouse and supports sort boxes
* fixes
* fixes to vector art and potential custom image issues in RESS
* fixes
* more tweaks to anon's quick find slave index ui
* anon's quick find slave index ui
* fixes and code optimizations
* some extra fuckable nipples content in RESS
* anon's continued corporation tweaks
* fuckable nipples support for RESS
* couple little fixes
* anon's corp tweaks
* added fuckable nipples
* added a catch to prevent possible failed rival gen under unknown circumstances
* overhauled saPleaseYou
* fixed .pregWeek quirks with cheat edit pregnancy (hopefully)
* removed PC's ability to impregnate fucktoys in reFullBed regardless of if they can become pregnant and whether or not you actually have a dick
* fixes
* fixed FResult undefined bug
* fixed BGs still trying their hardest to kill themselves in the pit
* fixed reservations not being freed after birth
* fix for broken FS progress
* better handling for getSlave() returning undefined
* fix for some obscure BS that led to slave duplication
* fixed player cheat edit pregnancy weirdness
* fixed various little issues
* work towards fuckable nipples
* more fixes
* various fixes
* work towards fuckable nipples
* you can now drop Hedonistic Decadence's slave food research if you don't have the FS
* Deepmurks vector art pack update
* Deepmurks slutty schutzstaffel outfit and porcelain mask accessory
* various fixes
* fixed some text issues
* fixed all cheat edit pregnancies
* multiple fixed bugs
* tweak to oversized breast decrease rate (it's no longer instant)
* better feedback for oversized butts and facility devotion caps
* groundwork for pronoun rework
* various minor corrections
* vector name standardization
* fixed an obnoxious bug that worked its way back into walkPast
* added clothing-fetish interactions for monokini and naked apron
* bodyguard once again told to stop fighting herself in the pit
* spire apartments now work
* fixes