["Pubic mound", "pubic mound"],
["Back", "back"],
["Lower Back", "lower back"]
class BrandDesignList extends List {
constructor() {
const items = [
["Your initials", "your initials"],
["Pussy symbol", "a pussy symbol"],
["Anus symbol", "an anus symbol"],
["Penis symbol", "a penis symbol"],
["Lady", "a lady silhouette"],
["Princess", "a princess silhouette"],
["Queen", "a queen silhouette"],
["Angel", "an angel silhouette"],
["Devil", "a devil silhouette"]
if (V.arcologies[0].FSSupremacist !== "unset" || V.arcologies[0].FSSubjugationist !== "unset")
if (V.arcologies[0].FSSupremacist !== "unset" && V.arcologies[0].FSSupremacistRace === "white")
if (V.arcologies[0].FSSubjugationist !== "unset" && V.arcologies[0].FSSubjugationistRace === "semitic")
if (V.arcologies[0].FSGenderRadicalist !== "unset" || V.arcologies.FSGenderFundamentalist !== "unset")
items.push(["(FS) Most Desired Implants", "a shortlist of desired implants"]);
items.push(["(FS) Breast Ceiling", "her absolute maximum breast size"]);
items.push(["(FS) Breast Floor", "her absolute minimum breast size"]);
if (V.arcologies[0].FSHedonisticDecadence && V.PC.refreshmentType === 2)
items.push(["(FS) Favorite Food", `a big helping of ${V.PC.refreshment}`]);
items.push(["(FS) Birth Count", "the number of children she has birthed"]);
items.push(["(FS) Republican Crest", "a small crest of your Republic"]);
items.push(["(FS) Seven Serpents", "a small symbol of the Aztec gods"]);
items.push(["(FS) Caliphate Symbol", "a small symbol of the Caliphate"]);
items.push(["(FS) Imperial Seal", "a small image of your Imperial Seal"]);
class FaceTattooList extends List {
constructor() {
const items = [
["no default setting"],
["tribal patterns"],
["rude words"],
["bovine patterns"],
["Asian art"],
["permanent makeup"],
this.onchange = (value) => current_rule.set.lipsTat = value;
class ShoulderTattooList extends List {
constructor() {
const items = [
["no default setting"],
["tribal patterns"],
["rude words"],
["bovine patterns"],
["Asian art"],
this.onchange = (value) => current_rule.set.shouldersTat = value;
class ChestTattooList extends List {
constructor() {
const items = [
["no default setting"],
["tribal patterns"],
["rude words"],
["bovine patterns"],
["Asian art"],
this.onchange = (value) => current_rule.set.boobsTat = value;
class ArmTattooList extends List {
constructor() {
const items = [
["no default setting"],
["tribal patterns"],
["rude words"],
["bovine patterns"],
["Asian art"],
this.onchange = (value) => current_rule.set.armsTat = value;
class UpperBackTattooList extends List {
constructor() {
const items = [
["no default setting"],
["tribal patterns"],
["rude words"],
["bovine patterns"],
["Asian art"],
this.onchange = (value) => current_rule.set.backTat = value;
class LowerBackTattooList extends List {
constructor() {
const items = [
["no default setting"],
["tribal patterns"],
["rude words"],
["bovine patterns"],
["Asian art"],
this.onchange = (value) => current_rule.set.stampTat = value;
class AbdomenTattooList extends List {
constructor() {
const items = [
["no default setting"],
["tribal patterns"],
["rude words"],
["bovine patterns"],
["Asian art"],
this.onchange = (value) => current_rule.set.vaginaTat = value;
class DickTattooList extends List {
constructor() {
const items = [
["no default setting"],
["tribal patterns"],
["rude words"],
["bovine patterns"],
["Asian art"],
this.onchange = (value) => current_rule.set.dickTat = value;
class ButtockTattooList extends List {
constructor() {
const items = [
["no default setting"],
["tribal patterns"],
["rude words"],
["bovine patterns"],
["Asian art"],
this.onchange = (value) => current_rule.set.buttTat = value;
class AnalTattooList extends List {
constructor() {
const items = [
["no default setting"],
["tribal patterns"],
["rude words"],
["bovine patterns"],
this.onchange = (value) => current_rule.set.anusTat = value;
class LegTattooList extends List {
constructor() {
const items = [
["no default setting"],
["tribal patterns"],
["rude words"],
["bovine patterns"],
["Asian art"],
this.onchange = (value) => current_rule.set.legsTat = value;
class VisionSurgeryList extends List {
constructor() {
const items = [
["no default setting"],
["fixed", 1],
this.onchange = (value) => current_rule.set.surgery_eyes = value;
class HearingSurgeryList extends List {
constructor() {
const items = [
["no default setting"],
["fixed", 0],
["muffled", -1],
super("Hearing correction", items);
this.onchange = (value) => current_rule.set.surgery_hears = value;
class SmellSurgeryList extends List {
constructor() {
const items = [
["no default setting"],
["fixed", 0],
["disabled", -1],
super("Olfactory correction", items);
this.onchange = (value) => current_rule.set.surgery_smells = value;
class TasteSurgeryList extends List {
constructor() {
const items = [
["no default setting"],
["fixed", 0],
["disabled", -1],
super("Gustatory correction", items);
this.onchange = (value) => current_rule.set.surgery_tastes = value;
class LactationSurgeryList extends List {
constructor() {
const items = [
["no default setting"],
["implanted", 1],
this.onchange = (value) => current_rule.set.surgery_lactation = value;
class SemenSurgeryList extends List {
constructor() {
const items = [
["no default setting"],
["implanted", 1],
this.onchange = (value) => current_rule.set.surgery_prostate = value;
class VasectomyList extends List {
constructor() {
const items = [
["no default setting"],
["apply vasectomy", true],
["undo vasectomy", false],
super("Apply or undo vasectomy for slaves with testicles", items);
this.onchange = (value) => current_rule.set.surgery_vasectomy = value;
class CosmeticSurgeryList extends List {
constructor() {
const items = [
this.onchange = (value) => current_rule.set.surgery_cosmetic = value;
constructor() {
const items = [
["no default setting"],
["removed", 0],
["plush", 20],
["big", 40],
["huge", 70],
this.onchange = (value) => current_rule.set.surgery_lips = value;
this.onchange = (value) => current_rule.set.surgery_butt = value;
["slim", 400],
["stacked", 1000],
["huge", 2000],
["barely functional", 9000],
this.onchange = (value) => current_rule.set.surgery_boobs = value;
class TighteningSurgeryList extends List {
constructor() {
const items = [
["no default setting"],
this.onchange = (value) => current_rule.set.surgery_holes = value;
class TummyTuckSurgeryList extends List {
constructor() {
const items = [
["no default setting"],
["tuck", 1],
super("Tummy Tuck", items);
this.onchange = (value) => current_rule.set.surgery_tummy = value;
class BodyHairSurgeryList extends List {
constructor() {
const items = [
["no default setting"],
this.onchange = (value) => current_rule.set.surgery_bodyhair = value;
class HairSurgeryList extends List {
constructor() {
const items = [
["no default setting"],
this.onchange = (value) => current_rule.set.surgery_hair = value;
class AutomaticAssignmentList extends List {
constructor() {
const items = [
["Rest", "rest"],
["Fucktoy", "please you"],
["Subordinate Slave", "be a subordinate slave"],
["House Servant", "be a servant"],
["Confined", "stay confined"],
["Whore", "whore"],
["Classes", "take classes"],
["Milked", "get milked"],
["Gloryhole", "work a glory hole"],
["Choose Her Own", "choose her own job"]
if (V.HGSuite > 0) items.push(["Head Girl Suite", "live with your Head Girl"]);
if (V.brothel > 0) items.push(["Brothel", "work in the brothel"]);
if ( > 0) items.push(["Club", "serve in the club"]);
if (V.arcade > 0) items.push(["Arcade", "be confined in the arcade"]);
if (V.dairy > 0) items.push(["Dairy", "work in the dairy"]);
if (V.farmyard > 0) items.push(["Farmyard", "work as a farmhand"]);
if (V.servantsQuarters > 0) items.push(["Servant Quarters", "work as a servant"]);
if (V.masterSuite > 0) items.push(["Master Suite", "serve in the master suite"]);
if (V.schoolroom > 0) items.push(["Schoolroom", "learn in the schoolroom"]);
if ( > 0) items.push(["Spa", "rest in the spa"]);
if ( > 0) items.push(["Clinic", "get treatment in the clinic"]);
if (V.cellblock > 0) items.push(["Cellblock", "be confined in the cellblock"]);
super("Automatically set assignment", items);
this.onchange = (value) => current_rule.set.setAssignment = value;
class BellyImplantList extends List {
constructor() {
const items = [
["no default setting"],
["install", "install"],
["remove", "remove"],
super("Belly implant", items);
this.onchange = (value) => current_rule.set.surgery_bellyImplant = value;
class LabelList extends List {
constructor() {
const items = [
["no default setting"],
super("Custom label", items, true);
this.onchange = (value) => current_rule.set.label = value;
class LabelRemoveList extends List {
constructor() {
const items = [
["no default setting"],
super("Remove custom label", items, true);
this.onchange = (value) => current_rule.set.removeLabel = value;
constructor() {
const items = [
["no default setting"],
["pure white"],
["extremely pale"],
["very pale"],
["extremely fair"],
["very fair"],
["light olive"],
["dark olive"],
["light beige"],
["dark beige"],
["light brown"],
["dark brown"],
["pure black"],
["dyed red"],
["dyed green"],
["dyed blue"],
super("Dye or tan skin", items);
this.onchange = (x) => current_rule.set.skinColor = x;