The Imperial marketplace is a loud and lively place, no matter the day or hour, permeated by the constant noise of face-to-face trade even in the dead of night. As you walk down the marketplace today a dozen different curiosities catch your eye, nose, and ear alike, distracted by the smell of roasting meat and the glimmer of a shiny new old-world fashion on display in some packed-in corner store. But one particularly unusual merchant and his wares catch your attention immediately, standing out from the trifles and trivialities always for sale - a fat, smiling man holding a colorful open-air stand, and holding in one hand a leash attached to a tight steel collar, holding an obviously cybrernetically-enhanced $girl on all fours to his side.
The Imperial marketplace is a loud and lively place, no matter the day or hour, permeated by the constant noise of face-to-face trade even in the dead of night. As you walk down the marketplace today a dozen different curiosities catch your eye, nose, and ear alike, distracted by the smell of roasting meat and the glimmer of a shiny new old-world fashion on display in some packed-in corner store. But one particularly unusual merchant and his wares catch your attention immediately, standing out from the trifles and trivialities always for sale - a fat, smiling man holding a colorful open-air stand, and holding in one hand a leash attached to a tight steel collar, keeping an obviously cybrernetically-enhanced $girl on all fours at his side.
As you approach, the fat merchant bows deeply, still holding the leash. "Ah, your Highness!" The trader says in a high-pitched, silky voice, his pudgy face coming up to look you in the eyes. "I had not expected such a royal calibre of visitor to my humble stall, but you shall nevertheless profit much from my wares." You gesture to the $girl on the leash, who, upon closer inspection, seems to be some kind of cybernetic dog-$girl, and ask what $he is.
As you approach, the fat merchant bows deeply, still holding the leash. "Ah, your Highness!" The trader says in a high-pitched, silky voice, his pudgy face coming up to look you in the eyes. "I had not expected such a royal calibre of visitor to my humble stall, but you shall nevertheless profit much from my wares." You gesture to the $girl on the leash, who, upon closer inspection, seems to be some kind of cybernetic dog-$girl, and ask what $he is.